
白鲸melville读书报告英文"The white鲸: An adventure in鲸油王国" by Melville, a novel by Stephen Crane, is a book that has captivated readers for generations. In this book, Melville explores the world of 鲸油, a product that has become a $50 billion industry in recent years, and the people who work in it.The novel follows the story of Jack London, a young man who works in the鲸油 industry. He is introduced to the harsh reality of the job and the钩钓 industry, where the鲸油 is obtained. Jack London becomes interested in the subject of鲸油 and its effects on the ocean, and he begins to question the ethics of the industry.Melville uses a vivid language and descriptive writing to bring the reader into the world of the鲸油 industry. He describes the various tools and methods used to catch and extract the鲸油 from the ocean, and he explores the effects of the industry on the ocean and the animals that work in it. One of the most interesting aspects of the novel is its exploration of the鲸油 industry and the钩钓 industry. Melville uses a combination of descriptive language and character development to show the close relationship between the two industries. He also shows the negative effects that theindustry has on the environment and the animals that work in it.The book is a thought-provoking and engaging read, and it is a must-read for anyone who is interested in the world of 鲸油 and the钩钓 industry. Melville"s exploration of the ethics of the industry and the impact of the industry on the environment is a valuable contribution to our understanding of this complex topic.In addition to its informative and thought-provoking content, "The white鲸" is also a beautiful and powerful work of literature. It is a testament to the power of words and the ability of literature to bring people together and explore complex topics.Overall, "The white鲸" is a must-read for anyone who is interested in the world of鲸油 and the钩钓 industry, and it is a valuable contribution to our understanding of these complex topics.。
Melville 麦尔维尔

Masters influencing him
• He was deeply impressed by Hawthorne’s book. Hawthorne’s understanding of evil impacted Melville’s original design of Moby Dick. • They were philosophically closely related, and they represented a position of tragic humanism in their time.
Moby Dick《白鲸》
• Moby-Dick, Herman Melville's 1851 novel, tells the story of obsessed Captain Ahab’s quest for revenge on the White Whale as observed by a common seaman who identifies himself only as Ishmael.
A whaling ship is my Yale College and my Harvard. ------Herman Melville
◆ 1847, married Elizabeth Shaw, the daughter of Lemuel Shaw, Chief Justice of Massachusetts. ◆ 1850-1863, bought a farm near Pittsfield, Mass., and became friends with his neighbor Nathaniel Hawthorne. ◆ 1851, Moby-Dick was published, but received little attention. ◆ died in 1891 in poverty and obscurity
床头灯英语3000词 白鲸

《白鲸》是赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(Herman Melville)所写的一部经典小说,讲述了一艘捕鲸船与一头白鲸的生死搏斗。
"The white whale. Aye, Moby Dick. Call him what you will, he is deeper than all the sea. He is as old as the great Leviathan himself. Of what strange unknown origin is the White Whale? Whence came he, and what is he? Of what is he made, and what does he do? Did he come into the world before the world itself, or was he created with the world? For all we know, all whales, small and great, and the great Leviathan himself, may have been created in imitation of him; so that the white whale is the original model to all whales; the Arch-type as it were of all things whale-like. ...He is the grand central Whale of all whales, the white whale of all whales."

4.2.2 the symbolic meaning of the hunting
4.2.3 the symbolic meaning of pequod
4.2.4 the symbolic meaning of the sea
班 级:0322级本(2)班
指导教师:刘国栋 职称:讲师
1 引言
2 文献综述
3.1 复仇主题的象征意义
3.2 人与自然主题的象征意义
4.1.1 埃哈伯的象征意义
4.1.2 莫比.迪克的象征意义
[7] liu, j. XX. on symbol of death in moby dick. journal of jia musi university social
science. mar. 23:2. (刘杰的《论〈白鲸〉中的象征意义》,佳木斯大学社会科学学报,XX年3月,第23卷第2期。)
ⅱ literature review
ⅲ the symbolic meaning of the themes
3.1 the symbolic meaning of revenge
3.2 the symbolic meaning of human and nature
ⅳ the symbolic meaning of two main clues
[4] lawrence, d. h. 1984. “from herman melville’s moby dick” [a]. the united state: bantam

白鲸Moby Dick作品分析1.白鲸Moby Dick是19世纪美国作家赫尔曼·梅尔维尔的代表作之一,被誉为一部文学经典。
2. 内容概述白鲸Moby Dick讲述了船长阿哈伊博带领船员追逐那只曾经伤害过他的大白鲸的故事。
3. 主题分析3.1 复仇复仇是整个小说的核心主题。
3.2 人性的黑暗面白鲸Moby Dick通过描写人物的行为和内心独白,展示了人性的黑暗面。
4. 文学风格4.1 叙事方式白鲸Moby Dick采用了多种叙事方式,既有第一人称叙事,也有第三人称叙事。
4.2 形象描写梅尔维尔善于运用形象描写,他通过详细的描绘和丰富的细节,让读者能够感受到故事中的场景和人物。
5.白鲸Moby Dick是一部充满哲理和思考的文学作品。

To make himself more financially stable for his impending迫切的 marriage, Melville sought a position with the U.S. Treasury 财政部 and took on extra work writing book reviews. Moby Dick published in November 1851, received poor reviews and did not sell.
In 1840, Melville set sail aboard the Acushnet, a whaling ship headed for the South Pacific. The rough conditions of the sea toughened 坚韧the romantic New Englander and he took such a liking to sea life that he sailed around the globe four years aboard various ships.
Writing Thought 写作思想 Moby Dick penetrate a main line from beginning to end : Once exposure to nature, the only choice is to act as a conqueror, the relationship between the conqueror and the conquered object is inevitable the opposite. The two are incompatible with each other. Melville especially highlight it on the shape of the captain Ahab, make it the soul of this book. 《白鲸》从始到终贯穿一条主线:人一旦置身于大自然中,唯一 的选择只有充当征服者,他与被征服对象的关系必然是对立的, 两者是彼此仇视的、互不相容的。麦尔维尔对亚哈船长的塑造尤 其突出了这一点,使其成为《白鲸》这部书的灵魂 . “Conquest and possession” is indeed a big theme of the era before and after 1851, Melville clinged to it, and took possession of it in the writing of “Moby Dick” . “征服和占有”确实是1851前后那个时代的大主题,麦尔维尔 紧紧地抓住了它,又在《白鲸》写作中占有了它。
Moby Dick大白鲸英文简介

Pequod –the ship is named for an extinct Indian tribe in Connecticut康涅 狄格州,American;thus the name suggests that the boat is doomed to destruction.
• William Faulkner< The Bear> • Hemingway<the old and the sea> • Melville <Moby Dick>
Moby Dick
I.Search for truth:the story deals with the human pursuit of truth and the meaning of exitence. Ahab:How can the prisoner reach outside, except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall.
Ishmael: from the Bible,the name has come to symbolize orphans, exiles, and social outcasts.
Ahab– from the Old Testament,who was a wicked king, the evil idolworshiping ruler.
Conflict between Man and Nature.
man and man

美国浪漫主义小说家赫尔曼·麦尔维尔(1819-1891) 的代表作《白鲸》(Moby Dick) 就曾一度被十九世纪美国文学的大潮所淹没,经过半个多世纪的沉寂后,当新时代的人们以新的视角重新审视它时,这部史诗般的文学巨著就像深埋于古墓中的珠宝重见天日,放射出前所未有的璀璨光芒。

The Scarlet Letter (1850), a story of rebellion within an emotionally constricted Puritan society, is an undisputed masterpiece written by Hawthorn. The Scarlet Letter reveals both Hawthorne…s superb craftsmanship and the powerful psychological insight wit h which he probed guilt and anxiety in the human soul. Hawthorne…s remarkable sense of the Puritan past, his understanding of the colonial history in England, his apparent preoccupation with the moral issue of sin and guilt, and his keen psychological analysis of people are brought to full display in this novel. So his dream is Thought, full of mental activities. Thought propels action and grows organically out of the interaction of the characters. With modern psychological insight, Hawthorne probe the secret motivation in human behavior and the guilt and anxiety that he believed resulted from all sins against humanity, especially those of pride. Hawthorne is a master of symbolism. The structure and the form of the novel are carefully worked out to cater for the thematic concern. By using Pearl as a thematic symbol, Hawthorne emphasizes the consequence the sin of adultery has brought to the community and people living in that community. As a key to the whole novel, the letter A takes on different layers of symbolic meanings as the plot develops. The ambiguity is one of the salient features of the work.Published in 1851, Moby Dick is considered a master piece by Herman Melville. Holding the thesis that ―all visible objects are but as pasteboard mask,‖ Melvil le strikes through the surface of his adventurous narrative to formulate concepts of good and evil imbedded as allegory in its events. Under Melville…s pen, Moby-Dick urns out to be a symbolic voyage of the mind in quest of the truth and knowledge of the u niverse, a spiritual exploration into man…s deep reality and psychology. Melville uses symbols as representations of different ideas, and through facts and incidents to acquire universal meanings: the Pequod is the microcosm of human society and the voyage becomes a search for truths. The white whale, Moby Dick, symbolizes nature, for it is complex, unfathomable, malignant, and beautiful as well. For the character Ahab, however, the whale represents only evil; for the author, as well as for the reader and Ishmael, the narrator, Moby Dick is an ultimate mystery of the universe, and the voyage of the mind will forever remain a search of the truth.《白鲸》(Moby Dick)是19世纪美国最重要的小说家之一赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(Herman Melville 1819—1891)于1851年发表的一篇海洋题材的小说,小说描写了亚哈船长为了追逐并杀死白鲸莫比·迪克,最终与白鲸同归于尽的故事。
英美文学 白鲸 Moby dick

英语081 2008141060Moby dickHe is a giant, albino sperm whale and the main antagonist of the novel. He had bitten off Ahab's leg, and Ahab swore revenge. The cetacean also attacked the Rachel and killed the captain's son. Although the novel is named for him, he only appears at the end of it and kills the entire crew with the exception of Ishmael. Unlike the other characters, the reader does not have access to Moby Dick's thoughts and motivations, but the whale is still an integral part of the novel. Moby Dick is sometimes considered to be a symbol of a number of things, among them God, nature, fate, the ocean, and the very universe itself.Herman Melville uses symbols instead of putting the battle between Ahab and the big whale into simple statements. Referring to symbols, the symbolic meaning of Moby Dick is more typical, because Moby Dick possesses various symbolic meaning for various individuals, as shown by the symbol of evil, the symbol of human being to the Pequod’s crew including Ahab, and the symbol o f omnipotent God to some whale men except for Pequod’s crew and Ahab.ⅠTo the Pequod’s crewTo the Pequod’s crew, the legendary white whale is a concept onto which they can displace their anxieties about their dangerous and often very frightening jobs. Because they have no delusions about Moby Dicks .They believe deeply that the legendary white whale act malevolently towards men, so Moby Dick is the incarnation of evil.Ⅱ To Ahab:To Ahab, “all evil are visibly personified, and make practically assailable in Moby Dick” . In chase of Moby Dick, he loses one of his legs, so he hates Moby Dick very much. He wants to take revenge. He dedicates his ship and crew to destroying Moby Dick, because they see Moby Dick as the living embodiment of all that is evil and malignant in the universe. By ignoring the physical dangerous that this quest entails, setting himself against other men, and presuming to understand and fight evil on a cosmic scale, Ahab arrogantly defies the limitations imposed upon human being. Also, just the evil of Moby Dick makes the crew including Ahab get close to death.ⅢT o the reader:1)a symbol of the physical limits that life imposes upon man.2)a symbol of nature, or an instrument of God’s vengeance upon evil man.To readers, in terms of the suffering of the crew including Ahab, Moby Dick is the incarnation of evil to some extent. Although Ahab becomes almost crazy, he is the representation of the people who are determined to fight against evil. In an ultimate demonstration of defiance, A hab uses his “last breath” to curse the whale and fate. Although the strength of Ahab and his crew is negligible and in some ways their action is a little blind, their spirit of fighting against the evil and perseverance is worthy of learning today. Nowadays, life is becoming more and more comfortable, and the will-power of people becomes weaker and weaker. In some ways, ignoring Ahab’s craziness and blindness, his braveness and perseverance really set a good example for today’s people.Ⅳ.T o Ishmael:the whale has multiple implications. It is an astonishing force, an immense power, which defies rational explanation due to a sense of mystery it has.It also represents the tremendous organic vitality of the universe.1. 白鲸是庞大的资本主义生产方式的象征小说中最具有象征意义的是白鲸莫比·迪克。

【小注】为什么捕鲸? 十九世纪的市场对鲸骨、龙涎香和鲸油脂的 需求不断增长,美国成了捕鲸业后来居上的 霸主,它拥有三倍于欧洲的捕鲸船,数目达 七百艘,从事捕鲸的人达两万人,每年为国 家增加七百万美元收入,说它是一股对当时 世界经济拥有举足轻重的力量,在美国资本 主义发展过程中起了重大作用,是一点也不 为过的。
捕鲸的,不是来为我的上司报仇的。”亚 哈的外表像是刚从火刑柱上解下来的人, 相貌冷酷,身材高大,一派凛然不可侵犯 的尊严。后来,水手们把他同他要追捕的 那条白鲸等同起来,把他视若魔王。直到 三天恶斗前夕,斯达巴克还最后鼓起勇气, 劝他以家庭、孩子和船东利益为重,把船 掉头转向。可他一意孤行,一步步走向命 运为他安排好了的结局。他完成了夙愿, 最后和白鲸同归于尽,而“那个大寿衣也 似的海洋,又像它五百年前一样继续滔滔 滚去。”
《白鲸》赏析评论 一、多重象征意蕴的复合 二、多重主题的变奏 三、多维艺术形式的融合
莫比-迪克是一只凶猛狡诈的白鲸,在大海 上一再使许多捕鲸者失肢断臂,船破人亡, 成为捕鲸者心目中的一个妖魔。 “裴廓德号”船长亚哈,在上一次猎击中, 给莫比-迪克咬掉一条腿,因此,他满怀复 仇之念,一心想追捕这条白鲸,竟至失去 理性,变成一个独断专行的偏执狂。他将 白鲸看做人类万恶之源,发誓要到天涯海 角去追击它。他搜罗一批社会渣滓,不顾 船东利益,使用威胁利诱手段,胁迫大家 跟他去做环球旅行,经过海上长期颠簸, 历尽千难万险,终于遇到白鲸。在连续三 天
第八讲(上): 麦尔维尔和《白鲸》
The grave of Herman Melville and his wife

Herman Melville was an American novelist, writer, , and poet. He was born in August 1, 1819 in the United States of New York. He is best known for his novel . British author Maugham argues that Melville's "Moby-Dick" is the ten largest in the world literature classics. Melville is also known as the "Shakespeare of the United States ".Early lifeHis path through life was hard. He was born into an American merchant family. His grandfather had taken part in the American War of Independence and had a certain effect in the community. But His father's bankruptcy led him a bad life. When he was 12 years old, his father was died. Three years later he had to drop out of school. Because a family circumstance was worse he had to seek a job to support himself and his family. He worked as a farmer, staff, teachers, seaman, Navy. He had tasted the sweets and bitters of life.Travels in the Pacific (1841-1845)In 1841, he became a seaman on the whaling ship. In the next 4 years, he went to many places in the world with the whaling ship, greatly widened horizon. Not only that, he and the other partners on the whaling ship, with the captain’s autocratic behavior to do a struggle. Because worked for riot and other reasons he was imprisoned. He had wandered to Tahiti Island and Mark Island in Texas, at a man-eating custom tribe lived for a period of time. Later, he joined the American warship "American", until 1844 when he landed in Boston, ending his own life at sea. These experiences provide a rich source material for his writing.Retiring from the armyIn 1845, he left the army and returned to American, started his writing life. The first novel Typee is based on his South Pacific's life. As his professional fortunes waned, he had difficulties at home. He died at his home in New York City early on the morning of September 28, 1891, at age 72. The doctor listed "cardiac dilation" on the death certificate.His first three books gained much contemporary attention but after a fast-blooming literary success in the late 1840s, his popularity declined precipitously in the mid-1850s and never recovered during his lifetime.When he died in 1891, he was almost completely forgotten. It was not until the "Melville Revival" in the early 20th century that his work won recognition, especially Moby-Dick, which was hailed as one of the literary masterpieces of both American and world literature. In 1919 the unfinished manuscript for his novella was discovered by his first biographer. He published a version in 1924 which was quickly acclaimed by notable British critics as another masterpiece of Melville's. He was the first writer to have his works collected and published by the .Moby-Dick (The Whale)SummaryIt is considered to be one of the and a treasure of world . The story tells the adventures of wandering sailor Ishmael and his voyage on the , commanded by Ahab. Ishmael soon learns that Ahab has one purpose on this voyage: to seek out Moby Dick, a ferocious, enigmatic white . In a previous encounter, the whaledestroyed Ahab's boat and bit off his leg, which now drives Ahab to take revenge. The whale eventually destroys the whaleboats and crew, and sinks the Pequod.The genesis for Moby-DickTwo actual events served as the genesis for Moby-Dick. One was the sinking of the ship in 1820, after it was rammed by a large 2,000 miles from the western coast of South America.The other event was the alleged killing in the late 1830s of the sperm whale , in the waters off the island of . Mocha Dick was rumored to have twenty or so harpoons in his back from other whalers, and appeared to attack ships with premeditated ferocity. CharacterIshmaelIshmael is a seaman of the Pequod. He is the narrator of the story, and the hunting is narrated by him. He is the only person who was survived at last. Ishmael tells the reader that he has turned to the sea out of a feeling of from human society. In the last line of the book, Ishmael also refers to himself symbolically as an orphan, which maintains the Biblical connection and emphasizes the representation of outcasts. Ishmael has a rich literary background, which he brings to bear on his shipmates and events that occur while at sea. His assurance that "only I alone escaped to tell you" is the messenger's admonishment in Job.AhabAhab is the tyrannical captain of the Pequod who is driven by a (偏执的) desire to kill Moby Dick, the whale that had maimed him off the coast of during a previous whaling voyage. Although he is a , he seeks revenge in defiance of his religion's well-known . He is the central character of the story.Moby DickHe is a giant, largely white, bull and arguably the main of the novel. Melville describes him as having prominent white areas around his wrinkled forehead and dorsal fin, the rest of his body being of stripes and patchwork between white and gray. He bit off Ahab's leg, leaving Ahab to swear revenge. The also attacked the Rachel and killed the captain's son. At the end of the story he kills the entire crew of the Pequod, with the exception of Ishmael.Symbolic MeaningMoby DickThe white whale Moby Dick is obviously the most important symbol in the novel. Everyone is searching for the symbolic meaning of the White Whale. Moby Dick and everyone are trying to explain their own understanding of it in different ways. Characters like Stub and Flask measure it by monetary value. In Ahab’s eyes, Moby Dick is an incarnation of evil which he feels a compulsion to destroy. However, the Whale holds different meanings for Ishmael. For Ishmael, the Whale is complicated and mysterious. It represents many conflicting meanings: purity, beauty, and innocence on the one hand; evil, terror and death on the other hand. Therefore, themeaning of the Whale varies if we see it in different circumstances and from different perspectives.AhabThe symbolic meaning contained in the image Ahab is abstruse and various. A contradiction of multi-sided temperament, he is named after King Ahab, a heinous king of Israel in the Bible. He takes his own course, disregards the safety of the crew and finally makes almost all the crew drowned in the sea. From this angle, he is the symbol of an authentic tyrant and the symbol of an evil, and also the symbol of evil and dark in human consciousness. From another angel, Ahab is willing to abandon the easy life and goes to the sea for adventure. His purpose is to chase the whale for vengeance on surface, but actually is the reconstruction of himself and the pursuit of the ease and freedom of soul.Pequod And The SeaPequod is a name of an Indian tribe that was destroyed by Whites. So in the beginning the ship was doomed to be destroyed. Melville uses the sea as a metaphor for the world and mankind. There are many creatures that depend on the water and others who depend on the creatures. In order for everything to be balanced, people must learn to coexist peacefully when they try to meet all of the different needs that they may have. The multiple ships that the Pequod meets at the travel represent different cultures of people.Ahab Hunt Moby-DickAhab represents human beings and Moby-Dick represents the nature. The contradiction between Ahab and Moby-Dick represents the contradiction between human beings and the nature, good and evil. The contradiction makes people go forward.CommentThere is no doubt that Herman Melville’s (1819-1891) longest novel Moby Dick is one of the great masterpieces of fiction in the nineteenth-century American literature history, for it is “not only a very big book; it is also a peculiarly full and rich one, and from the very opening it conveys a sense of abundance, of high creative power, that exhilarates and enlarges the imagination.”(Richard Chase, 1962:39)The novel is generally regarded as an encyclopedia of many things: history, religion, philosophy and so on, in addition to a detailed account of human beings’ encroachment on nature. My thoughtsIn the book lives a deep impression on me is the captain Ahab. He is a brave man and his courage, belief is admirable. But I think it is individualism. Ahab wants to kill Moby-Dick. His heart is full of hatred for Moby-Dick. Anyone would hate the animal that bites off his leg. However, Ahab does not realize that he wants to kill Moby-Dick; he will push himself and other seamen into death. Because of the hate Ahab wants tokill Moby-Dick, and in spite of the lives of others. The story of Ahab might be regards as a story that a brave man against a strong enemy. In my opinion Ahab’s behavior that in spite of the lives of seamen is not admirable.Works《泰比》(Typee,1846)《奥姆》(Omoo,1847)《玛迪》(Mardi,1849)《白鲸》又译《莫比.迪克》(Moby-Dick,1851)《伊斯雷尔·波特》(Israel Potter,1855)《南北战争诗集》又译《战事集》(Battle Pieces: Civil War poems,1866)《克拉瑞尔》(Clarel,1876) ——长诗《约翰·玛尔和其他水手》(John Marr and Other Sailors,1888) ——诗集《梯摩里昂》(Timoleon,1891) ——诗集《水手比利·巴德》(Billy Budd,1924) [于作者去世后出版]。

论《白鲸》中的象征主义摘要:麦尔维尔(Herman Melville)是19世纪美国著名作家,《白鲸》Moby Di ck是他的代表作,也是美国乃至世界文学中的经典之作。
关键词:《白鲸》;象征主义;圣经;莫比·迪克(Moby Dick)《白鲸》Moby Dick叙述了一位名叫亚哈 (Ahab)的捕鲸船船长率全体船员与捕鲸水手,追捕一条叫做莫比·迪克(Moby Dick)的白鲸的故事。
亚哈 (Ahab)的一条腿就是被它吞噬掉的。
发狂的白鲸撞翻了渔船,船长亚哈 (Ahab)被鱼叉标枪上的绳索缠住,一起卷入海中,最后两败俱伤,船沉人亡,只有伊什梅尔(Ishmael)生还,向我们讲述这个悲壮的故事。
一、白鲸莫比·迪克(Moby Dick)的象征意义莫比·迪克(MobyDick)是一条带有传奇色彩的白色巨鲸。

主要内容简介:Moby Dick,由于它是一头白鲸的名字,所以中

AbstractMob-dick is regarded as the masterpiece of Herman Melville.It contains plenty of symbolism.Understanding the symbolic meaning of the characters and subjects in the novel is important.This paper analyses the symbolic meanings of different individuals in order to make a better understanding of the novel.Moby Dick represents God owing to his godlike characters and his awfully severe beauty.Ahab symbolizes the league human with evil.In the whaling trip,we can see his bravery and patience,as well as his madness and stubbornness.The third symbolic element is the idea of the “counterpane”that is woven throughout the story as a symbol of the world`s multiculturalism.Melville develops the symbol proving that the world is indeed a counterpane of diverse cultures ,races.and environment ,in which we are always connected by our humanity.Key words:symbolism;Moby Dick;Arab;counterpane摘要《白鲸》被看作是赫尔曼·麦尔维尔的杰作。
moby dick译文

moby dick译文
《白鲸》(Moby Dick)是19世纪美国小说家赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(Herman Melville 1819—1891)于1851年发表的一篇海洋题材的长篇小说,小说描写了亚哈船长为了追逐并杀死白鲸(实为白色抹香鲸)莫比·迪克,最终与白鲸同归于尽的故事。

白鲸英文版第二章生词和读后感The White Whale: Reflections on Chapter TwoThe second chapter of the classic novel "Moby Dick" by Herman Melville introduces the reader to a captivating array of new vocabulary and concepts that delve deeper into the intricate world of whaling and the pursuit of the legendary white whale. As we embark on this literary journey, let us explore the significance of these newfound words and the insights they provide into the central themes of the story.One of the first terms that captures our attention is "cetology," the scientific study of whales. This discipline, which Ishmael, the narrator, professes to be an expert in, highlights the importance of understanding the natural history and behavior of these magnificent creatures. The chapter delves into the various classifications of whales, from the "right whale" to the "sperm whale," each with its own unique characteristics and significance within the whaling industry.The concept of the "sperm whale" is particularly intriguing, as Ishmael describes its physical attributes and the valuable resources itprovides, such as the highly prized spermaceti oil. This oil, extracted from the whale's head, was widely used in the production of candles, lubricants, and even as a medicinal treatment. The reverence and fascination with the sperm whale's unique anatomy and the wealth it represents underscores the economic and cultural importance of whaling in the 19th century.Another captivating term introduced in this chapter is the "Leviathan," a biblical reference to a monstrous sea creature that has come to be associated with the whale. Ishmael's description of the whale as a "Leviathan" imbues the creature with an almost mythical, awe-inspiring quality, hinting at the deep-seated human fascination with the power and mystery of the natural world.The chapter also delves into the various whaling techniques and equipment, such as the "harpoon" and the "try-works," the on-board furnaces used to render the whale's blubber into oil. These intricate details not only provide a vivid depiction of the whaling industry but also highlight the dangerous and physically demanding nature of this profession, where the pursuit of the "mighty and mysterious monster" requires immense skill, courage, and perseverance.Furthermore, the chapter introduces the concept of the "Sperm Whale's head," a subject that Ishmael explores in great depth, discussing its unique anatomy and the various compartments withinit, each with its own purpose and significance. This level of scientific inquiry and attention to detail serves to enhance the reader's understanding of the whaling industry and the reverence with which these creatures were regarded.Underlying these rich descriptions and technical insights, the chapter also touches upon the broader themes that permeate the novel, such as the human quest for knowledge, the struggle against the forces of nature, and the complex relationship between man and the natural world. Ishmael's musings on the "ungraspable phantom of life" and the "inscrutable thing" that is the whale itself hint at the deeper philosophical and existential questions that Melville grapples with throughout the narrative.In conclusion, the second chapter of "Moby Dick" is a testament to Melville's masterful storytelling and his ability to weave together a tapestry of vivid descriptions, technical expertise, and profound contemplation. The introduction of these new vocabulary words and concepts not only enriches the reader's understanding of the whaling industry but also serves as a gateway to the larger themes and philosophical underpinnings that make this novel a timeless classic. As we continue our journey through the pages of "Moby Dick," we are constantly reminded of the depth and complexity of Melville's exploration of the human condition and our place within the natural world.。

Melville’s Contradictory Thoughts: Fishing and Multiple Masculinities in Moby Dick 作者: 和耀荣[1]
作者机构: [1]云南师范大学外国语学院,云南昆明650500
出版物刊名: 内蒙古师范大学学报:哲学社会科学版
页码: 88-91页
年卷期: 2019年 第3期
赫尔曼·梅尔维尔与《白鲸》 Herman Melville and Moby Dick

赫尔曼·梅尔维尔与《白鲸》 Herman Melville and Moby Dick作者:***来源:《中学生英语·九年级》2020年第08期Herman Melville (1819—1891) was an American writer, essayist1 and poet. He is best known for his novel Moby Dick. His first three books gained much contemporary2 attention (the first book, Typee, becoming a bestseller), but his popularity declined3 precipitously4 in the mid-1850s and never recovered during his lifetime.When he died in 1891, he was almost completely forgotten. It was not until the early 20th century that his work won recognition, especially Moby Dick, which is considered to be one of the great American Novels and a treasure of world literature.Moby Dick was first published in 1851. The story tells the adventures of sailor Ishmael, and his Captain Ahab. Ishmael soon learns that Ahab has one purpose on this voyage: to find Moby Dick. Last time,the whale destroyed Ahab’s boat and bit off his leg, which now drives Ahab to take revenge5.赫爾曼·梅尔维尔(1819—1891)是一位美国作家、散文家和诗人。
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After losing his leg he is determined to pursue Moby Dick and kill it. He hangs a doubloon on the mast as a reward for anyone who sights the white whale first.
Moby-Dick is a symbolic work, but also includes chapters on natural work. Major themes include obsession,religion, idealism versus pragmatism, revenge,racism,sanity, hierarchical relationships and politics.Man in this universe lives a meaningless and futile life, meaningless because futile. Man cannot overcome nature. Once he attempts to seek power over it he is doomed.
In his early once Melville is more enthusiastic about setting out on a quest for the meaning of the universe, hence they are more metaphysical and the main characters are ardent and self-dramatizing "I", defying God, as best reflected in Moby Dick. In the later works, Melville becomes more reconciled with the world of man in which one must live by the rules.
When the third day comes, Ahab and his crew manage to harpoon the whale, but it carries the Pequod along with it to its doom. All on board get drowned expect Ishmael, who is rescued by another whaler and survives to tell the story.
Eventually the white whale appears, and the Pequod begins its doomed fight against it. On the first day the whale smashes a whaleboat. The second day, another boat is swamped, the captain’s ivory leg is snapped off.
Life Experience Major Works Writing styles
Appreciation of Moby Dick
1819 born in New York 1830 family bankrupt 1844 Typee泰皮 1832-3 family falls apart; H.M. drops out of school 1847 Marries Elizabeth Shaw Omo But wants to change writing, 1839 1st voyage at sea wants meaning; wants to 1841-1848 experiences at sea rebel, write banned books (37 books about it) 1849 Mardi玛地 and Redburn雷德
1866-1886 Job in Custom 1852-1867 Pierre皮埃尔, House; sons die Israel Potter伊斯雷尔· 波特 , 1891 H.M. dies trip to Europe, edits Hawthorne’s 1920 H.M. rediscovered as works, The Confidence Man an author 骗子的化妆表演 1867 abandons fiction Magazine writing to make $ Publishes short stories in Europe (including “Bartleby”) Emotionally wrung out from failures, careful of issues of offensiveness, still trying out technique of writing for two audiences at once.
1850 White Jacket白外衣; develops relationship with Nathaniel Hawthorne 1851 Moby Dick Returns to “popular fiction” Topic: 800 pages about guy trying to find whale and get but hates it . back at it . Melville to Hawthorne (while Not as much of failure as Mardi, working on Moby Dick): “Dollars not successful; received but little notice. damn me. What I feel most moved to write, that is banned— it will not pay. Yet altogether, write the other way I cannot. So the product is a final hash, all my books are botches.”
His works are symbolic and metaphorical. voyage- "search and discovery,the search for the ultimate truth of experience." the Pequod -the ship of the American soul Moby Dick ---a symbol of both evil and goodness its whiteness--- paradoxical color(death and corruption and purity, innocence, and youth)
Moby Dick
The novel is the realistic account of a whaling voyage within which is set a symbolic account of the conflict between man and his fate.
Ishmael, the narrator, having little money and finding life on shore grim, decides to go to sea. He signs aboard the whaling ship named Pequod. It’s captain, Ahab, is a tall, broad man seemingly made of bronze. He has a white leg, made from the jaw of a sperm whale, because his own leg is torn away by Moby Dick— a huge white whale.
1.Typee泰皮 (1846) 2.Omoo欧穆 (1847) 3.Mardi玛蒂 (1849) 4.Redburn雷德本 (1849) 5.White-Jacket白外衣 (1850) 6.Moby-Dick (1851) 7.Pierre皮埃尔 (1852)
8.Israel Potter伊斯雷尔· 波特 (1855) 9.Piazza Tales广场故事 (1856) 10.The Confidence-Man骗子的化妆表演 11.Battle Pieces战事集 (1866) 12.Clarel克拉莱尔 (1876) 13.John Marr and Other Sailors (1888) 14.Timoleon梯摩里昂 (1891) 15.Billy Budd比利。巴德 (posthumous 16.Uncollected Prose (1839-1856)