ST8024LCTR 智能卡接口芯片
TCRS081C 数据手册文件编号:保密等级:版本编号:青岛鼎信通讯有限公司2011-11-XX发布目录1.芯片概述 (3)2.芯片特点与参数 (3)3.芯片框图 (3)4.路由中芯片外围模块典型电路: (4)5.引脚定义 (5)5.1.芯片引脚图 (5)5.2.引脚定义 (6)6.芯片电气参数 (8)6.1.绝对最大值 (8)6.2.直流特性 (8)6.3.交流特性 (8)TCRS081C数据手册1.芯片概述青岛鼎信通讯有限公司根据目前国内载波抄表市场需求,结合了以前TCS081C与TCR300芯片,研发了新型TCRS081C芯片。
2.芯片特点与参数上行串口(与集中器通信串口)通信速率:9600bps(默认);可设置为115200bps(程序升级时使用);上行串口通信规约:Q/GDW 376.2-2009《电力用户用电信息采集系统通信协议:集中器本地通信模块接口协议》;上行报文长度不大于250字节;下行载波通信规约:鼎信TCS081C载波通信协议;采用三相工作方式,提供准确的节点相位信息及信道特征信息;每相载波通信速率:50bps、100bps、600bps、1200bps;最大中继级别:15级。
温度适用范围(工业级标准) -40℃~+85℃。
3.芯片框图芯片框图4.路由中芯片外围模块典型电路:路由中芯片外围模块由以下六个部分构成:A.上行接口电路:包括集中器串口信号、复位信号的ESD保护及电平匹配;B.电源电路:由12V、5V、3.3V电源系统构成;C.路由芯片电路:包括路由芯片的复位、供电电路;D.Flash存储器电路:由MX25L6406E及外围电路构成;E.载波通信电路:载波通信接收发送电路;图1 路由模块电路框图 5.引脚定义5.1.芯片引脚图图2 芯片引脚图37. NC 悬空管脚,禁止上拉(4)38. VDD 3.3V 电源(2)39. OSC1 晶体振荡输入(9)40. OSC2 晶体振荡输出(9)41. VSS 电源地42. NC 悬空管脚,禁止上拉(4)43. CGLJC 第3相过零检测(10)44. BGLJC 第2相过零检测(10)45. AGLJC 第1相过零检测(10)46. NC 悬空管脚,禁止上拉(4)47. NC 悬空管脚,禁止上拉(4)48. NC 悬空管脚,禁止上拉(4)49. ASSCOUT 载波调制信号第1相输出(11)50. BSSCOUT 载波调制信号第2相输出(11)51. CSSCOUT 载波调制信号第3相输出(11)52. LED-RXD 接收指示灯输出,高电平有效(12)53. LED-TXD 发送指示灯输出,高电平有效(12)54. NC 悬空管脚,禁止上拉(4)55. NC 悬空管脚,禁止上拉(4)56. VCAP CPU 逻辑滤波电容连接,需要在引脚上使用低ESR (< 5∧)电容,以稳定稳压器的输出电压。
二、PN8024R的主要特点1. 高效率:PN8024R采用了高效的降压转换器技术,能够实现高达95%以上的转换效率。
2. 低功耗:PN8024R在待机模式下能够降低功耗至微安级别,大大延长了电池寿命。
3. 多种保护功能:PN8024R具备过流保护、过温保护等多种保护功能,保障设备安全运行。
三、PN8024R的工作原理1. 输入电压稳压当输入电压变化时,PN8024R会自动调节输出电压以保持稳定。
2. 输出过流保护当输出负载过大时,PN8024R会自动切断输出以保护芯片和负载。
3. 过温保护当PN8024R温度过高时,芯片内部控制器会立即采取措施降低温度。
其主要应用场景包括:1. 手机、平板电脑等移动设备中的电源管理;2. 智能家居中各种传感器和执行机构的电源管理。
3GPP R9或以上协议版本,至少Category1,推荐Category4及以上
3GPP R9或以上协议版本,至少Category1,推荐Category4及以上
©2007 MXCHIP Corporation. All rights reserved. 021-52655026/025
ISO 7816 – 4 – 智能卡命令 ........................................................................................................... 16
T0 协议 ............................................................................................................................... 16
协议........................................................................................................................................ 6
智能卡时钟发生器................................................................................................................ 7
怎样发送APDU命令给智能卡 ........................................................................................... 35
安 全 技 术 的 实 现成 本 。在 银 行 卡 换 代 地 区 , 如 中 国 内地 ,
的 系 统 的 理 想 解 决 方 案 。这 些 系 统 的 硬 盘 过 去 可 能 需 要
以物理方式 破坏, 才能 防止数据落 人不 正当人之 手。
I c卡成 本是银 行卡发行商 的重要考虑 因素 , 因此 , 低 成本
硬 盘 瞄 准 安 全 商 业 应 用
美高森美公 司推 出 S E C U R R E— S t o r 高 安 全 性 加 密
2 . 5英 寸 S ATA 固 态 硬 盘 ( s S D) , 该 产 品设 计可 为 商业 、
S T 3 1系 列 芯 片 依 仗 以 E MVC o和 C o mmo n C r i t e r i a E A I 5 +/ E AI 6 +安 全 证 书 为 目标 的 高 安 全 性 架 构 , 支 持
有 助 于 加 快 此 类 地 区 的银 行 卡 换 代 速 度 。 此 外 , S T3 1微 控 制 器 还 包 括 一 款 纯 接 触 式 单 接 口产 品 。
S E C UR R E — S t o r 已经 获 得 美 国联 邦 信 息 处 理 标 准 ( F I P S )
AES 2 5 6加 密 认 证 , 并 提供 6 4 GB和 1 2 8 GB存 储 密度 。
8 V至 8 5 V 电压 范 围 内 , 应用 功率能 够在高达 3 0 0 W 的
新型 1 5 k W和3 0 k W P L A D设 计 降 低 了电 压 浪 涌 保 护 器 件 的成 本 , 防止 由 于 电感 性 负 载 开关 或 雷 电 间 接 效 应 造成的数 字 信 号处 理 的破 坏 、 元 器 件损 坏 和 功能 中断 。 P L A D 封 装 结 合 了大 芯 片 尺 寸 和 一 个 用 于 散 热 的 大 型 裸
User Manual Ver0.1 TPC-WX08U28寸人脸支付平板ARM Cortex™_A17架构RK32881.8GHz CPU8”LCD触控式电容屏2G内存,8G EMMC电子盘1x RJ45GbE LAN,1x RS232COM1x MICRO USB,2x USB2.0Port1x Mini SD卡座,1x SIM卡座支持3G/4G通讯、内置蓝牙+WIFI模块支持DC-12V电源输入版权声明随附本产品发行的文件为深圳市英康仕电子有限公司2019年版权所有,并保留相关权利。
认可声明Rock chip为瑞芯微的商标。
3.如果您的产品被诊断发生故障,请从您的供货商那里获得RMA(Return MaterialAuthorization)序列号。
O I/O (上拉) I/O (上拉) I/O (上拉) S I/O O S
18 19
2 / 22
©Titan Micro Electronics
IC 卡接口芯片
效) 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RSTIN VDD GND 主机复位控制信号 电源 地 NMOS 中断输出信号(低电平有效),通过 20kΩ 电阻上拉到 VDD 晶振连接端 1 或外加时钟输入端 晶振连接端 2(如果使用外加 时钟时开路) 主机数据线,通过集成的 11kΩ 电阻上拉到 VDD 与主机连接到辅助数据线 1, 通过集成的 11kΩ 电阻 AUX1UC AUX2UC A 上拉到 VDD 与主机连接到辅助数据线 2, 通过集成的 11kΩ 电阻 上拉到 VDD B C I S S O
5 / 22
IC 卡接口芯片
Vth(ext)(rise)= 1+ Vth(ext)(fall)= 1+
Vbridge=1.25V 延时脉冲tw延长一倍到16ms。
R1 Vhys(ext) Vbridge + R2 2 R1 Vhys(ext) Vbridge R2 2
100K 2.365
R1 3.135 < -1 0.98 1.365 R2 1.31
假设 R1+R2=100 kΩ 那么 R2=
V2× (1+1.02× 1.365)=2.847V 的任何情况下,待机状态都可以实现。 如果微控制器继续下降到2.8V, VDD的翻转速率必须小于2V/ms 从而可以确保时钟信号CLK在t12 时刻以 前可以正确的传达到IC卡。(见图 6) 微控制器需要 3.3V± 10%的电源供电
版本号:202308501010105LDICK-01IC卡智能控制器使用说明书微信公众号目录第一章产品概述 (4)1.1概述 (4)1.2产品特点 (4)第二章产品功能 (5)第三章技术参数 (6)3.1产品外观 (6)3.2技术参数 (6)第四章参数设置 (7)4.1端子定义 (7)4.2安装方式 (8)4.3参数初始化 (9)4.4功能参数 (10)4.5控制器及相关软件使用 (19)第五章常见问题解决办法 (23)附录 (24)版权声明:本使用说明书包含的所有内容均受版权法的保护,未经唐山蓝迪通信科技有限公司的书面授权,任何组织和个人不得以任何形式或手段对整个说明书和部分内容进行复制和转载,并不得以任何形式传播。
关于Honeywell CTR21、CTR22、CTR23和CTR24家型大钟及模块的安装说明书
![关于Honeywell CTR21、CTR22、CTR23和CTR24家型大钟及模块的安装说明书](
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS50040121-001CTR21, CTR22, CTR23, and CTR24 Wall ModulesFEATURESThe CTR21, CTR22, CTR23, and CTR24 family of wall modules include:•Models with setpoint adjustment.•Models with humidity output.•Models with occupied/unoccupied override (bypass) with LED.•Models with 3-position (auto/0/1) or 5-position (auto/0/1/2/3 speed) fan switch.•L ON W ORKS ® bus jack on all models except the CTR21 and CTR21-A models.•Locking cover on all models.•Operating range 45° to 99° F (7° to 37° C).• Models (CTR22 and CTR23) with user-selectabletemperature setpoint dials in Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Relative (- to +).PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONThe CTR21, CTR22, CTR23, and CTR24 are a family of direct -wired wall modules for use with:—Honeywell Excel 800, 600, 500, 100, and 80 (all fullyprogrammable) controllers—Excel 10 W7750, W7751a , W7752, and W7753controllers—W7761 Controller—Spyder Unitary Controllers: PUL, PVL—ComfortPoint LON Controllers: CP-UL, CP-VL All models have a space temperature sensor. Some models have a temperature dial, setpoint adjustment, L ON W ORKS bus jack, override (bypass) with LED, and fan switch.NOTE: Refer to the C TR21, CTR22, CTR23, and CTR24 Wall Modules – Specification Data , form 50040122-003, for specific model features and additional information.SPECIFICATIONSModels: For specific model information, see C TR21, CTR22,CTR23, and CTR24 Wall Modules – Specification Data , form 50040122-003.Environmental Ratings:•Operating Temperature: 45° to 99° F (7° to 37° C).•Shipping Temperature: -40° to 150° F (-40° to 65.5° C).Accessories: 50007298-001 (pack of 12) medium, coverplate; 6-7/8X5 in (175X127 mm). Approvals: CE; UL94 plastic enclosure; FCC Part 15, Class BTemperature SensorCTR21, CTR22, CTR23, and CTR24 20K Ohm Nonlinearized Sensor:All models are furnished with a 20K Ohm nonlinear NTC temperature sensor that follows a specific temperatureresistance curve. See Fig. 1 on page 2.a The CTR21, CTR22, CTR23, and CTR24 wall modules arenot compatible with W7751A,C,E,G Controllers.NOTE: The CTR21-A wall module model has two (2) 20KOhm nonlinear NTC temperature sensors in parallel, which provide 10K NTC temperature sensing necessary for averaging.(Optional part, extra order needed)CTR21, CTR22, CTR23, AND CTR24 WALL MODULES50040121-001 2Fig. 1. Temperature vs. Resistance for Nonlinear municationsAll wall modules (except the CTR21 and CTR21-A models) have a L ON M ARK ® bus communications port. If needed, the jack plug must be removed in the field, and terminals 3 and 4 wired according to the installation instructions.The recommended wire size for the L ON M ARK bus is Level IV, 22 AWG (0.34 plenum or non-plenum rated, non-shielded, twisted pair, solid conductor wire.Fig. 2. Wall Module Features (CTR23-F Shown).Failure to follow proper wiring practices canintroduce disruptive electrical interference (noise).Keep wiring at least one foot away from large inductive loads such as motors line starters, lighting ballasts, and large power distribution panels.Shielded cable is required in installations where these guidelines cannot be met.Ground shield only to grounded controller case.IMPORTANTAll wiring must comply with local electrical codes and ordinances or as specified on installation wiring diagrams.—Wall module wiring can be sized from 16 to 22 AWG (1.31 to 0.33 sq. mm) depending on the application.—The maximum length of wire from a device to a wall module is 1000 ft. (305 m).—Twisted pair wire is recommended for wire runs longer than 100 ft. (30.5 m).INSTALLATIONMount the wall module on an inside wall approximately 54 in. (1372 mm) from the floor (or in the specified location) to allow exposure to the average zone temperature. Do not mount the wall module on an outside wall, on a wall containing water pipes, or near air ducts. Avoid locations that are exposed to discharge air from registers or radiation from lights,appliances, or the sun. See “Cover Disassembly” on page 3.The wall module can be mounted on a wall, on a standard utility conduit box using No. 6 (3.5 mm) screws or on a 60mm wall outlet box (see Fig.3). When mounting directly on a wall, use the type of screws appropriate for the wall material.Fig. 3. Mounting on Standard Utility Conduit Box or60 mm Wall Outlet Box (CTR23 Shown).®T able 1. Wall Module Setpoint ConfigurationModel Setpoint Resistance (Ohm s)F Absolute Relative+9o F offset from 70o F 1426 C Absolute12o C 9945TR CTR22 and CTR23 Setpoint AdjustmentFor models C 22 and CTR23 with a setpoint adjustment, the controller must be programmed for the values in T able 1.55 F 957485 F 1426o o -9o F offset from 70o F 957430 C 1150oCTR21, CTR22, CTR23, AND CTR24 WALL MODULES3 50040121-001Fig. 4. Wall Module Subbase Dimensions in Inches (mm) and Temperature Limit Set Screw Locations (CTR23Shown).Cover DisassemblyA snap-fit locking mechanism is used to attach the cover of the wall module to its subbase. To disassemble the cover from the subbase:1.Insert a thin, flat blade screwdriver into each of the twoslots at the bottom of the module to release the two locking tabs. See Fig.2 on page 2.2.Tilt the cover out and away from the subbase to releasethe top two locking tabs.3.To change the dial (e.g. from Fahrenheit to Celsius)release the two tabs on the inside of the front cover and remove the old dial.WiringAttach the wires from the device sensor terminals to the appropriate wall module terminals. See Table 2 on page4.Screw type terminal blocks are designed to accept no more than one 16 AWG (1.31 sq. mm) conductor.Connect multiple wires that are 16-18 AWG(1.31-0.82 sq. mm) with a wire nut. Include a pigtail with this wire group and attach the pigtail to the individual terminal block.Wiring Wall ModulesWire the terminal block as follows:1.For single wires, strip 3/16 in. (5 mm); for multiple wiresgoing into one terminal, strip 1/2 in. (13 mm) insulation from the conductor.2.If two or more wires (20 to 22 AWG only) are beinginserted into one terminal, twist the wires together before inserting.See Fig. 5.3.Insert the wire in the required terminal location and tighten the screw to complete the termination.4.Review and verify the terminal connection wiring and DIP switch settings illustrated in Table 2 on page 4.NOTE:Wire the Lon connection (terminals 3 and 4) usingLevel IV 22 AWG (0.34 mm 2) plenum or non-plenum rated, unshielded, twisted pair, solid conductor wire.Fig. 5. Attaching Two Wires (20 to 22 AWG) to Wall ModuleTerminals.Wiring ExamplesTable 2 on page 4 illustrates DIP switch settings and terminal connections for the wall modules. Refer to the C TR21, CTR22, CTR23, and CTR24 Wall Modules – Specification Data , form 50040122-003, for additional DIP Switch information.IMPORTANTSW 2 on DIP Switch S2 is used for factory calibration of the temperature setpoint potentiometer.Depending on calibration, this switch may be set in either the On or Off position.DO NOT change the position of this switch.NOTE S :The CTR21 and CTR22 models do not use DIP Switch S1 and S3. 1.DIP Switch S1 is used only on the humidity models, CTR21-H and CTR23-H. Model CTR21 and CTR21-A uses terminals 1 and 2 only. Model CTR21-J use terminals 1, 2, 3, and 4 only.Attaching the CoverWhen all wiring is complete, attach the cover of the Wall Module as follows:1.Optional : For models with a temperature dial, insert thetwo setpoint screws into the inside of the cover to set the desired temperature range limit. See Fig.4.2. Press the cover straight down onto the subbase until itsnaps into place.3.For models with a temperature dial, insert the desireddial through the opening in the cover. Align the keyed shaft on the knob with the keyed slot into the fitting on the subbase, then press down until it snaps into place.2.3.CTR21, CTR22, CTR23, AND CTR24 WALL MODULESAutomation and Control SolutionsHoneywell International Inc. Honeywell(Tianjin) Limited 1985 Douglas Drive North 158,NanHai Road,TEDA Golden Valley, MN 55422 Tianjin,300457,PRC® U.S. Registered Trademark© 2008 Honeywell International Inc. 50040121-001L ON W ORKS® is a registered trademark of Echelon® Corporation.L ON M ARK® and the LonMark Logo are trademarks of the LonMark Association.。
智龙 V2.0 使用手册说明书
![智龙 V2.0 使用手册说明书](
支持8-bit SLC NAND和MLC NAND FLASH,提供高容量的存储扩展接口。
1C为开发者提供了丰富的外设接口及片上模块,包括Camera控制器,USB OTG2.0及USB HOST 2.0接口,AC97/I2S控制器,LCD控制器,高速SPI接口,全功能UART接口等,提供足够的计算能力和多应用的连接能力。
智龙创客主板上集成了龙芯1C SOC、网口、USB口、电源,SD卡插槽和RTC 时钟等主要部件,并提供排针接口,可通过扩展板实现更多的功能。
IS1678SBluetooth ® 4.0 Dual mode ICFeatures:•Bluetooth Classic (BR/EDR) and Low Energy (LE)•Complete , Fully Certified, Embedded 2.4 GHz Bluetooth® Version 4.0 IC • Bluetooth SIG Certified•Transparent UART mode for seamless serial data over UART interface•Easy to configure with Windows GUI or direct by MCU• Firmware can be field upgradable via UART • IC Size: 6 x 6 mm 2•Castellated surface mount pads for easy and reliable host PCB mounting•Perfect for Portable Battery Operated Devices• Internal Battery Regulator Circuitry • Worldwide regulatory certifications •1 LED and it has 16 steps Brightness.Operational:• Single operating voltage: 3.2V to 4.3V •Temperature range: ‐20℃ to 70℃ Industrial• Simple, UART interface•Integrated crystal, internal voltage regulator, and matching circuitry•Multiple I/O pins for control and statusRF/Analog:• Frequency: 2.402 to 2.480 GHz•Receive Sensitivity: ‐90 dBm (BR/EDR); ‐92 dBm (LE)•Power Output: +2 dBm (typ.)Data Throughput:•11k bps (BR/EDR)@ UART baud Rate is 115200 bps•8 Kbps (LE) UART baud Rate is 115200 bpsMAC/Baseband/Higher Layer: • Secure AES128 encryption• BTv3.0: GAP, SPP, SDP, RFCOMM and L2CAP •BTv4.0: GAP, GATT, ATT, SMP and L2CAP .General Description:The IS1678S is a fully‐certified Bluetooth® Version 4.0 (BR/EDR/LE) IC for designers who want to easily add dual mode Bluetooth® wireless capability to their products.Delivering local connectivity for the Internet of Things (IoT), the IC bridges your product to Smart Phones and Tablets for convenient data transfer, control and access to cloud applications.It supports GAP, SDP, SPP , and GATT profiles. Data is transferred over the Bluetooth link by sending/receiving data via transparent UART mode, making it easy to integrate with any processor or Microcontroller with a UART interface. Configuration is made easy using a Windows® based GUI or directly via UART by a MCUApplications: • Mobile Point of Sales (mPOS) • LED lighting (16 step) • Wearables • Digital Sports • Fitness Devices • Health Care/ Medical • Automotive Accessories • Home Automation • Remote Control Toys1.0 DEVICE OVERVIEW2.0 PIN DESCRIPTION AND UART INTERFACE3.0 STATA MACHINE4.0 Software Button (SW_BTN)5.0 WAKE UP6.0 EXTERNAL RESET7.0 REFERENCE CLOCK8.0 LED DRIVER9.0 MEMORY10.0 Throughput11.0 ANTENNA PLACEMENT RULE12.0 Electrical Characteristics13.0 Radio Characteristics:14.0 System Current Consumption15.0 REFERENCE CIRCUIT16.0 Package Information17.0 REFLOW PROFILE AND STORAGE CINDITION1.0 DEVICE OVERVIEWThe IS1678S is a complete, fully certified, embedded 2.4 GHz Bluetooth® version 4.0 (BR/EDR/LE) wireless IC. It incorporates an on‐board Bluetooth stack, cryptographic accelerator, power management subsystem, 2.4 GHz transceiver, and RF power amplifier (see Figure 1-1). With the IS1678S, designers can embed Bluetooth functionality rapidly into virtually any device.The IS1678S provides cost and time‐to‐market savings as a self‐contained Bluetooth solution. The IC has been designed to provide integrators with a simpleBluetooth solution that features:•Ease of integration and programming •Vastly reduced development time •Minimum system cost •Interoperability with Bluetooth hosts •Maximum value in a range of applicationsThe IS1678S can independently maintain a low‐power wireless connection.Low‐power usage and flexible powermanagement maximize the IC’s lifetime inbattery‐operated devices. A wide operating temperature range allows use in indoor and outdoor environments (industrialtemperature range).FIGURE 1-1:Block DiagramPIN DESCRIPTION AND UART INTERFACE1.1 Pin AssignmentTABLE 2-1: IS1678S PIN DESCRIPTIONNote 1: Pin type abbreviation: A = Analog, D = Digital, I = Input, O = OutputUI setting:FIGURE 1‐2 : P0_4 UART_TX_IND UI setting1.2 Power TreeFigures 1-3 : Power Tree1.3 UART InterfaceFigures 1-4 : Power and MCU interface examples.Figure 1-4 shows an example power scheme using a 3.3 volt to MCU VDD. Battery power is applied to BAT_IN pin. From the LDO33_O pin, voltage can be routed the VDD_IO pin and external circuitry including the MCU. This power scheme ensures that IS1678S and MCU I/O voltages are compatible.CAUTION: The internal 3.3volt LDO current source: 50mA maximum!!2.0Bluetooth behavior auto/manual pattern configurationFigures 2-1 : Auto/Manual pattern configuration2.1 auto pattern2.2 Manual pattern2.3 UI settingFIGURE 2‐2 : P0_4 UART_TX_IND UI settingNOTE: Please reference “Application Note_IS1678S_Draft.docx”and “IS1678S Command Set v097 20140924.docx.”3.0Control and Indication I/O PinsI/O pins P0_0, P0_5, P1_7, P3_1, P3_2, P3_3, P3_4 and P3_7 are configurable control and indication I/O. Control signals are input to the IS1678S. Indication signals are output from theIS1678S. Table 3-1 shows configurable I/O pin assignment to control and indication signals. Note: that RTS can only be assigned to P0_0 and CTS is assigned to P1_7.Configuring the IS1678S can reference the “Application Note_IS1678S_Draft.docx” and “IS1678S Command Set v0 97 20140924.docx.”3.1 UI setting4.0Status Indication I/O PinsI/O pins P1_5 and P0_4 are Status Indicator 1 and 2 signals respectively. Together they provide status indication to the MCU as shown in Table 4-1.4.1 System ConfigurationI/O pins P2_0, P2_4, and EAN place the IS1678S into operation modes as shown in Table 4-2. P2_0 , P2_4and EAN each have internal pull‐ups.5.0 Software Button (SW_BTN)The Software Button (SW_BTN) input pin powers the IS1678S on (high) or off (low) in to S4 mode.Figures 5-1 : SW_BTN Time (high) @APP modeNote:A.P0_4/P1_5 state: Refer to table5‐1B.Reset is floating.Figures 5-2 : SW_BTN Time (low) at access states.Note:A.SW_BTN pull low can’t active on Shutdown State.B.Reset is floating.Figures 5-3 : SW_BTN Time (low) at link states.Note:C.*1: this time by iPhone LE mode disconnect time.D.SW_BTN pull low can’t active on Shutdown State.E.Reset is floating.6.0 WAKE UPThe Wake Up input pin wakes the IS1678S from shutdown mode (active low).Figures 6-1 : WAKE_UP Time at Shutdown State.7.0 EXTERNAL RESETA watchdog timer capable of reset the chip. It has an integrated Power-On Reset (POR) circuit that resets all circuits to a known power-on state. This action can also be driven by an external reset signal that can be used to externally control the device, forcing it into a power-on reset state. The RST signal input is active low and no connection is required in most applications.Figures 7-1 : Reset Time at Shutdown State.Note:a.Auto pattern can use external reset.b.Manual pattern can use external reset and reset command.8.0 REFERENCE CLOCKIS1678S is composed of an integrated crystal oscillation function. It used a 16MHz external crystal and two specified load capacitors that a high quality system reference timer source is obtained. This feature is typically used to remove the initial tolerance frequency errors associated with the crystal and its equivalent load capacitance in mass production. Frequency trim is achieved by adjusting the crystal load capacitance through on‐chip trim capacitors C trim integrated in chip.The value of trimming capacitance is around 200fF (200x10‐15 F)per LSB at 5 bits word, therefore the overall adjustable clock frequency is around 40 KHz.C trim =200fF * (1~31), cap inside chip, could be trimmed in MP process.C int 3pF, C int is a sub‐total cap value on the path, derived from layout trace and chip padCL=[(C L1*C L2)/(C L1+C L2)]+(C trim/2)+C int(e.g. Set trim value as 16, then C trim= 3.2pF.For a 16MHz crystal which C L=9pF, we can get C L1 = C L2 = 9.1 pF in this case.)For C L selection, please refer to the datasheet of crystal vendor9.0LED DRIVERThere are one dedicate LED drivers to control the LEDs. The LED can be connected directly with IS1678S. The LED max current is 4 mA and it has 16 steps to trim Brightness.The status LED (LED1) indicates:•Standby•Link Back•Low Battery•Inquiry•Link•PageEach indication is a configurable flashing sequence. LED brightness can also be configured.10.0MEMORYA synchronous single port RAM interface is used. There are sufficient ROM and RAM to fulfill the requirement of processor. A register bank, a dedicated single port memory and a flash memory are connected to the processor bus. The processor coordinates all the link control procedures and data movement using a set of pointers registers.11.0ThroughputThe IS1678S UART pins TXD and RXD connect to the UART pins of the host MCU. It is highly recommended to use hardware flow control pins RTS and CTS. The IS1678S hardware flow control is disabled by default and must be configured to enable. The UART Baud is configurable. The available signal rates are listed in Table 12-1.TABLE 11-2: APP mode Throughput report12.0TRANSCEIVERThe IS1678S is designed and optimized for Bluetooth 2.4 GHz system. It contains a complete radio frequency transmitter/receiver section. An internal synthesizer generates a stable clock for synchronize with another device.12.1 TRANSMITTERThe internal PA has a maximum output power of +4dBm. This is applied into Class2/3 radios without external RF PA.The transmitter directly performs IQ conversion to minimize the frequency drift, and it can excess 12dB power range with temperature compensation mechanism.12.2 RECEVIERThe LNA operates with TR‐combined mode for single port application. It can save a pin on package and without an external TX/RX switch.The ADC is utilized to sample the input analog wave and convert into digital signal for de‐modulator analysis. A channel filter has been integrated into receiver channel before the ADC, which to reduce the external component count and increase the anti‐interference capability.The image rejection filter is used to reject image frequency for low‐IF architecture. This filter for low‐IF architecture is intent to reduce external BPF component for super heterodyne architecture. RSSI signal is feedback to the processor to control the RF output power to make a good tradeoff for effective distance and current consumption.12.3 SYNTHESIZERA synthesizer generates a clock for radio transceiver operation. There is a VCO inside with tunable internal LC tank. It can reduce variation for components. A crystal oscillation with internal digital trimming circuit provides a stable clock for synthesizer.12.4 MODEMFor Bluetooth v1.2 specification and below, 1 Mbps was the standard data rate based on Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying (GFSK) modulation scheme. This basic rate modem meets BDR requirements of Bluetooth v2.0 with EDR specification.For Bluetooth v2.0 with EDR specification, Enhanced Data Rate (EDR) has been introduced to provide 2 and 3 Mbps data rates as well as 1 Mbps. This enhanced data rate modem meets EDR requirements of Bluetooth v2.0 with EDR specification. For the viewpoint of baseband, both BDR and EDR utilize the same 1MHz symbol rate and 1.6 KHz slot rate. For BDR, 1 symbol represents 1 bit. However each symbol in the payload part of EDR packets represents 2 or 3 bits. This is achieved by using two different modulations, π/4 DQPSK and 8DPSK.12.5 AFH (Adaptive Frequency Hopping)IS1678S have AFH function to avoid RF interference. It has an algorithm to check the interference nearby and choice clear channel to transceiver Bluetooth signal.ANTENNA PLACEMENT RULEFor Bluetooth product, antenna placement will affect whole system performance. Antenna need free space to transmit RF signal, it can’t be surround by GND plane.Here are some examples of good and poor placement on a Main Application board with GND plane.FIGURE 13-1: ANTENNA PLACEMENT EXAMPLESFIGURE 13-2: KEEP OUT AREA SUGGESTION FOR ANTENNAFor more detail free space of antenna placement design, you can reference the design rule of antenna produce vendor.13.0 Electrical CharacteristicsRecommended Operating Conditions1)HTOL life test condition : +125ºC , BAT_IN=4.2V, LDO33_O= 3.3V, LDO18_O=1.9V1)With 1uF capacitors at LDO18_O as the condition of IP verification.2)Output voltage can calibration by MP tool3)When V in>2.4V, the LDO could supply 100mA loading, when V in<2.4V, the output voltagedrop out depends on the loading.3.3V LDO1)With 10uF capacitor at LDO33_O as the condition of IP verification2)Output voltage can calibration by MP tool1)With 1uF capacitor at PMULDO_O as the condition of IP verification.2)Output voltage can calibration by MP toolSAR-ADC and Battery Voltage Detector1)SAR_BAT is shorted to BAT_IN internally for battery voltage detection. Intensity controllable LED driver14.0 Radio Characteristics:NOTE:1)The RF Transmit power calibrated during production using MP Tool software and MT8852 BluetoothTest equipment.2) Test condition: VCC_RF= 1.80V, temperature=25 ºC.Receiver Performance (25℃)NOTE:1) Test condition: VCC_RF= 1.80V, temperature=25 ºC.15.0 System Current Consumption(1)2. The DATA from IS1678S-151(1)2. The DATA from IS1678S-1513. Only LEIS1678S16.0 REFERENCE CIRCUITIS1678S Reference CircuitL D O 18_M A I N C I R C U I T1.0I S 1678S R E F E R A N C E C I R C U I TC u s t o m24W e d n e s d a y , M a y 20, 201502225F , N o .5, I n d u s t r y E . R d . V I I , H s i n c h u S c i e n c e P a r k ,H s i n c h u C i t y 30078, T a i w a n T E L . 886-3-5778385T P 2T P -2T P 6T P -2T P 10T P -2T P 3T P -2T P 7T P -2T P 11T P -2T P 5T P -2T P 13T P -2T P 9T P -2S W _B T NR S T _N_OM C UP 3_4P 3_7P 3_6P 0_5P 3_1P 3_3P 3_2S W _B T N W A K E U PU A R T _T X DU A R T _R X D P 0_4P 1_5U A R T T X D / R X DS t a t u s _I N DR e s e t f o r I 2C I CF u n c t i o n a lG P I OR S T _NU A R T C T S / R T SS W _B T NR S T _NW A K E U PP 1_7P 0_0B A T _I NU A R T _R X DE A NP 2_0P 2_4U A R T _T X DT e s t P I NT P 4T P -2T P 8T P -2P M U L D O _T P 12T P -2P M U L D O _OL D O 18_OL D O 33_O17.0 Package Information18.1 PACKAGE MARKING INFORMATION40 Lead QFN (6x6x0.9 mm) ExampleLegend:XXX: Chip serial number and versionYY: Year code (last 2 digits of calendar year)WW: Week code (week of January 1 is week “1”)NNN: Alphanumeric traceability code18.2 PACKAGE DETAIL18.3 Footprint dimensions18.0 REFLOW PROFILE AND STORAGE CONDITION19.1 STENCIL OF SMT ASSEMBLY SUGGESTION19.1.1 STENCIL TYPE & THICKNESS●Laser cutting●Stainless steel●Thicknedd0.5 mm Pitch : thickness < 0.15 mm19.1.2 APERTURE SIZE AND SHAPE FOR TERMINAL PAD●Aspect ratio ( width/thickness ) > 1.5●Aperture shapeThe stencil aperture is typically designed to match the pad size on the PCB.Oval-shaped opening should be used to get the optimum paste release.Rounded corners to minimize clogging.Positive taper walls (5o tapering ) with bottom opening larger than the top.19.1.3 APERTURE DESIGN FOR THERMAL PAD●The small multiple openings should be used in steady of one big opening.●60~80% solder paste coverage●Rounded corners to minimize clogging●Positive taper walls (5° tapering ) with bottom opening larger than the topDon’t recommend Recommend RecommendCoverage 91% Coverage 77% Coverage 65%19.2 REFLOW CONDITIONStandard : IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020Condition :Preheat:150~200℃、60~120 secondsAverage ramp-up rate (217℃ to peak): 3℃/sec max. Temperature maintained above 217℃ : 60~150 seconds Time within 5℃ of peak temperature: 30 ~ 40 seconds. Peak temperature:260 +5/-0 ℃Ramp-down rate (peak to 217℃) : 6℃/sec. max.Time 25℃ to peak temperature : 8 minutes max.Cycle interval:5 minutes19.3 STORAGE CONDITION1.Calculated shelf life in sealed bag: 24 months at < 40 ℃ and <90% relative humidity (RH)2.After bag is opened, devices that will be subjected to reflow solder or other high temperatureprocess must beMounted within 168 hours of factory conditions <30℃/60% RHFIGURE 19-2: LABEL OF CHIP BAG(Please notice the baking requirement)19.0 Packing Information1. Tape Orientation2. Dimensions (only reference)Minimum Order Quantity is 5000 Tape & Reel。
SmartFusion Customizable System-on-Chip (cSoC)
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晶焱科技凭借长期在ESD保护领域所累积的研发经验,推出了具有抗雷击保护能力(达IEC61000-4-5 (8/20μs) ±30A)和系统级静电放电(ESD)防护能力(达IEC 61000-4-2接触放电±30kV)的RS485收发器AZRS3082。
DL/T645通信规约要求RS485收发器通信接口A、B端所承受的人体模型(Human Body Model,HBM)静电放电需满足15kV标准,而在实际应用上这样的防护却是不够的。
%This paper introduces the working principle of smart card and the functions of interface chip TDAS024 in digital television system. Then a replacement circuit of interface chip named TDA8024 is designed. At last the test results are given. The circuit can be a good alternative to TDAS024, implementing the communications of smart card and set-top box. The circuit is in accordance with the ISO 7816 standard, and reduces cost effectively. It has been applied to the digital set-top box products.【总页数】3页(P24-26)【作者】吴坤【作者单位】上海交通大学电子工程系,上海200240【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN409【相关文献】1.基于P-SSHI接口电路的高效压电能量收集芯片设计 [J], 杨帆;唐祯安;徐爱宝;蔡泓2.一种基于可编程器件的模数转换接口电路的设计 [J], 李显辉3.基于可编程逻辑器件(FPGA)为核心的PS/2接口键盘的输入输出电路的设计[J], 彭若晨;闫妍4.基于大规模PLD器件的接口电路设计 [J], 叶传奇;阎保定;孙立功5.基于PLD的UART接口芯片电路设计 [J], 李雪伟;宗荣芳;刘浩;罗燕洋因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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SO-28 (tape and reel) 1000 parts per reel TSSOP-28 (tape and reel) 2500 parts per reel
1.8 V
–25 to 85 °C
SO-28 (tape and reel) 1000 parts per reel
■ Thermal and short-circuit protection on all card contacts
■ Automatic activation and deactivation sequences; initiated by software or by hardware in the event of a short-circuit, card take-off, overheating, VDD or VDDP drop-out
5.2.2 With an external divider on pin PORADJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5.2.3 Application examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
■ 3 V or 5 V supply for the IC (VDD and GND) ■ Three specifically protected half-duplex bi-
directional buffered I/O lines to card contacts C4, C7 and C8
5.9 VCC generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
5.10 Fault detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
■ ISO 7816, GSM11.11 and EMV 4.0 (payment systems) compatibility
■ Supply supervisor for spike-killing during power-on and power-off and power-on reset (threshold fixed internally or externally by a resistor bridge)
Maximum ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Electrical characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
■ Enhanced ESD-protection on card side (>6 kV)
■ 26 MHz integrated crystal oscillator
■ Built-in debounce on card presence contacts
■ One multiplexed status signal OFF
Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Pin configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
5.7 Active mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
5.8 Deactivation sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Smartcard interface
■ Designed to be compatible with the NDS conditional access system (ST8024LCDR and ST8024LCTR only)
■ IC card interface
Doc ID 17709 Rev 3
List of tables
List of tables
Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Table 4. Table 5. Table 6. Table 7. Table 8. Table 9. Table 10. Table 11.
Table 12.
Table 13. Table 14. Table 15. Table 16. Table 17. Table 18. Table 19. Table 20. Table 21. Table 22. Table 23. Table 24. Table 25. Table 26. Table 27. Table 28. Table 29. Table 30.
■ Smartcard readers for set-top box ■ IC card readers for banking ■ Identification, pay TV
The ST8024L is a complete low-cost analog interface for asynchronous Class A, B and C smartcards. It can be placed between the card and the microcontroller with few external components to perform all supply protection and control functions. ST8024LCDR and ST8024LCTR are compatible with ST8024 (with the exception of Vth(ext)rise/fall).
■ Non-inverted control of RST via pin RSTIN
■ Clock generation for cards up to 20 MHz (divided by 1, 2, 4 or 8 through CLKDIV1 and CLKDIV2 signals) with synchronous frequency changes
Table 1. Device summary
Order code PORADJ/1.8V function Temperature range
ST8024LCDR(1) ST8024LCTR(1)
–25 to 85 °C –25 to 85 °C
■ Step-up converter for VCC generation separately powered from a 5 V ± 20% supply (VDDP and PGND)
■ 1.8 V ±6.5%, 3 V or 5 V ±5% regulated card supply voltage (VCC) with appropriate decoupling has the following capabilities: – ICC < 80 mA at VDDP = 4.75 to 6.5 V – Handles current spikes of 40 nA up to 20 MHz – Controls rise and fall times – Filtered overload detection at ~120 mA
1.8 V
–25 to 85 °C
TSSOP-20 (tape and reel) 2500 parts per reel
1. Cerfified by NDS
Functional description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
5.1 Power supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
5.11 VCC selection settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24