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Eternal brightness, My sunshine, Super teenagers, Succeed forever League of legends,
Every time
The following photos were taken by Jo in PNG. Look at the photos and answer the questions.
3. Where will most of the students go after Year 8?
They will be going back to their villages.
58 54 50 46 42 38 34 30 26 22 18 14 10 7 2
What did Jo share with her students?
Everyone seemed to be a ________of relative Tombe’s . (large extended family) ___________ Hot stones are placed in an vegetables are placed oil drum then _________ ________, in the drum, covered with banana leaves and steamed ____________ ________. Kiak usually slept in her_______. own hut platform for A newly made ________
What do you know about Papua New Guinea?
Pre-reading Do you know where PNG is?
Independent State of Papua New Guinea 巴布亚新几内亚独立国
Located to the north of
Look at the photos from Jo and answer the
My Class
1. What was Jo’s job in PNG? Jo was a teacher in PNG. 2. What kind of students were in her class? Boys, girls, or both? Boys.
29 26 20
A visit to a local village
The end of the letter
The beginning of the letter The introduction of the school and Jo’s work as a teacher
18 14 10 5 0
Unit 4 Sharing
Sharing is helping.
Sharing is enjoying. Sharing is understanding. Sharing is perfecting.
planting trees and protecting our environment
Choose the best answer.
1. The purpose that the author wrote the letter is that ___. A. she wanted to tell Rosemary her teaching life in the high school. B. she wanted to tell Rosemary her learning life in the high school. C. she wanted to tell Rosemary that she couldn’t get any money by teaching the poor students D. she wanted to tell Rosemary how happy she was in the small village.
2. Which of the descriptions is NOT right about Tombe’s house? A. It was a low bamboo hut with grass out of the roof. B. It was dark and there was a fireplace in the centre of it. C. It was round-shaped, with small windows and a narrow doorway. D. There were only a few possessions in it.
Pair work
1. The classrooms are made from bricks and the roofs from grass. F 2. It always takes the boys only a few minutes to get to the school. F 3. Science is the most challenging subject for Jo. T 4. When Jo and Jean arrived at the village, they shook hands with all the villagers. T 5. Tombe threw out the tin can because it’s very dirty. F
Sharing is perfecting
Group work: Share Tombe’s story with the world. Tell what his life is like.
Tombe is a boy living in PNG….
Do you want to know more about Jo’s experiences? Now, THREE MINUTES for you to read the letter from Jo to her friend,Rosemary. When reading, please pay attention to the meaning of each paragragh and get ready to answer the questions.
Read part 2 (para.2-3) and answer the questions. 1. Every morning, who says “good morning” to Jo? The boys 2. What happened in the science lesson?
The Boys jumped out of the windows.
42 42 42 38 38 38 34 34 34 30 30 30 26 26 26 22 22 22 18 18 18 14 14 14 10 10 10 7 7 7 2 2 2
1. Match each part with its main idea(30s)
Part 1 (Para 1) Part2 (Para2,3) Part 3 (Para4-8) Part 4 (Para 9)
classroom electricity water science lab textbooks experiment equipment
Sharing is enjoying
Teaching is quite ________________. challenging
imaginative Jo should be quite _______________.
Types of houses
low bamboo hut Men’s hut is a _____________ sticking out of the roof No with grass ________________________. windows doorway Floor was _______, small ________. fresh grass covered with ___________.
58 58 58 54 54 54 50 50 50 46 46 46
A. What Jo’s school is like B. Jo’s first visit to a village C. How the villagers cooked their meals D. Jo said goodbye to the villagers E. The way to deal with leftover food F.What the hut was like outside and inside G. Poor school conditions H.The ending of the letter I.The purpose of the letter
Students putting new grass on classroom roof
Building a new science lab
3. What were the classrooms like? Is the classroom well equipped? The classrooms are very poorly equipped, made of bamboo and grass.
helping the disabled
teaching in poor areas
There are many volunteers working in different mountainous areas or developing countries, among which Papua New Guinea (PNG) is one.
A Letter Home
--By Jo
Jo, a young Australian woman , has worked in Papua New Guinea for two years.
Leabharlann Baidu
The back of the king Don’t wait, Dream team ,
Reading tasks:
Match each para. with its main idea ___Para 1 I ___Para 2 A ___Para 3 G ___Para 4 B ___Para 5 F ___Para 6 C ___Para 7 E ___Para 8 D ___Para 9 H
Family relationships Cooking methods Sleeping arrangements
Jenny and me to sleep on.
sweet potato corns _____________, _____ greens and ________. I could only see a few tin plates and ______ cups and a ________ pots couple of ______. Tools are very basic. There machinery is no __________. The villagers believe that any spirits in leftovers ________attract evil __________ the night so the food is dried up _________in the can and the can thrown outof the hut. is then _________
Listen to Part 3 (para.4-8)
1.what’s the relationship between these people? Another teacher Tombe A volunteer teacher Mucap Kiak One of the boys Jenny Tombe’s father Jo Tombe’s mother