Generalized and Particularized____ Implicatures

格赖斯(Herbert Paul Grice1913—1988)
• 美国语言哲学家。曾任教于牛津大学和加利福尼 亚大学伯克利分校。 • 以其在语言哲学方面的研究著称,尤其是对说话 者意义的分析、会话暗示的概念和基于目的语义 学的研究比较突出。
• 主要著作有《意义》(1957)、《逻辑与对话》 (1967、1975)、《预设和会话隐涵》(1981)等。
(5)不确定性(indeterminacy): • 具有单一意义的词语在不同的场合可以产生不同的含 义。 例:John's a machine. “机器”这个词语的会话含义可以是:约翰是冷漠的,或 能干的,或不停地工作,或不会动脑筋,或这些含义都 有,只有依据具体的语境,才能确定话语究竟是哪一种 含义。会话含义具有不确定性,它与各种语义理论通 常假设的稳定不变的意义不相容。
• 会话含义理论(the theory of conversational implicature),由美国哲学家格赖斯(Grice)提出。 • 上世纪50年代初期,格赖斯就有了该理论的初步设想 • 1967年,格赖斯于哈佛大学的William James讲座作 了三次演讲。 • 第二讲《逻辑与会话》(Logic and Conversation)中 提出了“合作原则(cooperative principle)”和“会 话含义”理论。
• (4)故意违反或利用某一准则来传递会话含义。说话人 故意不遵守某一条准则,即说话人知道自己违反了某一 条准则,同时还使听话人知道说话人违反了该条准则, 但目的不是中断交谈,而是为了向听话人传递一种新信 息——会话含义。 • 注:格赖斯讨论的违反第一质量准则的例子都是传统 的修辞格,如反语(irony)、隐喻(metaphor)、 缓叙(meiosis)、夸张(hyperbole)。

• Eg. A:Would you like to come to our party tonight?
• B:I'm afraid that I am not feeling so well tonight.
PrinciHale Waihona Puke le of conversation
• Cooperative principle (CP)--- According to Paul Grice, in making conversation, there is a general principle which all participants are expected to observe. It goes as follows:
• conventional implicature规约含义:based on the conventional meaning of certain words in the language
• eg. He is rich but he is not greedy. • He is rich and he is not greedy. • connectives:so, therefore, yet • eg.He is an Englishman; he is, therefore, brave. • He is an Englishman and he is brave.
“I’m Robert Sampson from Leeds, 28, unmarried…”
8. Implicature (II)

Definite vs. indefinite knowledge
• Articles, possessives, demonstratives, etc. may indicate levels of certainty or definiteness of inference. • Most people may infer the following without more contextual information or effort. E.g.: 1)Carmen: Did you get the milk and the eggs? Dave: I got the milk. Did Dave buy the eggs? (Like in TOEFL listening test!)
essentials in pragmatics, fall 2011
11/9/2011 essentials in pragmatics, fall 2011 9
Cancelling presuppositions or implicatures
• Cancelling an existential presupposition: Mike: What happened? Annie: Steve’s dog wrecked the garden – and in fact, Steve doesn’t have a dog. • Cancelling a lexical presupposition: Mike: What’s up? Annie: I’ve stopped smoking – although I’ve never smoked.

概要:一、会话含义的由来二、合作原则的几项原则:质的原则量的原则关系原则礼貌原则三、会话含义的产生方法:违反质的原则:故意提供不足的信息,提供没有必要的信息违反量的原则:说一些不符合事实的话;说一些荒唐的话违反关系原则利用礼貌原则:使用有歧义的词语:使用不必要的词语;打乱叙述顺序四、会话含义的种类:一般会话含义和特殊会话含义五、会话含义的特点:可取消性、不可分离性、可推导性、非规约性和不确定性关键词:会话含义合作原则违反谈话C onversational Implicature and Cooperative PrincipleAmerican linguistics H.P.Grice once gave in 1967.In the speech, Grice said, the two sides of the conversation must obey some basic rules, especially the “cooperative principle”, to ensure that the conversation can go on propitiously. When one side of the principle doesn’t want to lie, conversational implicature comes out. Conversational implicature is a kind of meaning, which is beyond the sentence itself. Generally speaking, people can violate the maxim of quality, quantity, and relation and use the maxim of the manner to produce conversational implicature, which send the unsaid meaning of the words. Generally speaking, conversational implicature can be divided into two kinds: generalized implicature and particularized implicature. Generalized implcature refers to an implicature, which obeys the cooperative principle and also has the meaning. Particularized implicature refers to the implicature that violates some of the cooperative principle and makes the meaning in some specially context. The features of the conversational implicature: cancelability, no detachability, calculability, non-conventionality and indeterminacy:Key words:Conversational implicature cooperative principle violate conversationC onversational Implicature and Cooperative PrincipleAmerican linguistics H.P.Grice once gave speeches in 1967.In the speech. Grice said, the two sides of the conversation must obey some basic rules, especially the “cooperative principle”,to ensure that the conversation can go on propitiously. He believed the two sides of the conversation should have a same wish: the two sides can understand each other. So both of them obey some cooperative principles to achieve the aim. However, Grice said, not all the people in the conversation obey the rules. Once one side finds the other side not obey the cooperative principle, he will make himself try his best to understand the unsaid meaning in the conversation. So the conversational implicature comes out.As the conversational implicature has a close relationship with the co operational principle, we will introduce the cooperative principle first. In a conversation, the participants must first of all be willing to cooperate;Otherwise, it would not be possible for them to carry on the talk. This general principle is called the cooperative principle.There are four main maxims in the cooperative principle:●The maxim of quality: make your contribution as informative as required(for thecurrent purpose of the exchange);Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.●The maxim of quality: do not say what you believe to be false; do not say that forwhich you back adequate evidence.●The maxim of relation: the words have a relationship with other factors.The maxim of manner: avoid obscurity of expression; avoid ambiguity; be brief (avoid unnecessary prolixity); be orderly.The conversational implicature is a meaning out of the sentence itself; it is the speaker’s meaning under the literal. In the real life, people often violate some principles to sent some dark meaning.The meaning related with the cooperative principle may become by the following ways:First, to violate the maxim of quality1.Offer the deficient information on purpose.E.g.:One farmer meets Sam and says:“Hey, Sam, my horse’s got distemper. What did you give yours hen he had it?”“Turpentine,” grunted Sam.A week later they meet again and the first farmer shouts:“Sam, I gave my horse turpentine like you said and it killed him.”“S o did mine.” nodded Sam.第一位农妇的真正目的不仅是向Sam了解马病用了什么药,而且想了解治疗的结果,但通过对话它实际上只达到了一半的目标。
形式语用学与显义学说 (1)

形式语用学与显义学说——兼谈显谓与汉语配价研究的关系蒋严对隶属语用层面的现象、过程、原则和语境因素作形式化刻画,进而发展出自成体系的形式语用学(formal pragmatics)乃至计算语用学(computational pragmatics)理论框架,这方面的研究是较为新颖的课题,产自语言学界的成果在数量上远不如逻辑和人工智能领域中的类似研究成果。
当前可以观察到的一些研究方向是:对推理语用学(inferential pragmatics)各派理论的形式化研究;对语境的形式化刻画;话语表达理论(DRT)的研究对象从语义现象朝语用现象的扩展和延伸;优选论(optimality theory)对语用问题的研究;以博弈论(game theory)为基础创建的形式语用理论;从关联逻辑(relevance logic,另译相干逻辑)、决策理论(decision theory)、溯因推理(abductive inference)等逻辑角度提出的理论;应智能交际人(embodied conversational agent)的仿真对话需要而做出的形式语用研究,等等○1。
我们要讨论的题目相对较狭窄具体,试图通过对源于关联理论(relevance theory)的显义(explicature)这个较为新颖的概念作一番形式上的探讨,得出更为精确的定义,揭示显义及其相关语用过程显谓(explicating)的形式特性,进而考察这些特性对语用学、语言哲学和汉语语法研究所带来的理论后果,为建立全面的形式语用学体系打下基础。

Grice提到,合作原则(Cooperative Principle)是指要顺利实现有意义的交流,交际双方的谈话必须互相合作并遵循一些基本原则。
(何自然,1992)Brown, Levinson和Leech等在后来提出了礼貌原则,认为人们在会话中之所以违反合作原则是出于礼貌的原因。

Context 1 A:What time is it? B:Some of the guests are already
leaving. GCl:Not all of the guests are already
leaving. PCI: It mus。
1一般会话含意(generalized conversational implicature):相对自由,它可与语境脱离。
许多比喻性的语言产生一般会话含意。比 如,大 部分比喻和习语脱离了语境也能 理解,人们通常把“He spilled the beans”理解为“他泄露了秘密”。 2 特 殊 会 话 含 意 (particularized conversational implicature):依赖于语境。
但在具体交际中,人们会因为某种原因面 违反其准则,这样就产生了会话含意。
• 1.量的准则(Quantity Maxim):a.交谈所需 信息。b.交谈不要超出所需信息。
• 2.质的准则(Quality Maxim):a.不故意说假 话。b.不说缺乏足够证据的话。
• 3.关系准则(Relevant Maxim):说话要有关联。 • 4.方式准则(Manner Maxim):讲话要清楚明
• 一: • 二:
会话含义的产生 会话含义的分类
Grice(1975)认为,言语交际的成功是谈话 双方共同努力的结果。
言语交际的成功在于人们遵循了某些规则, 达成了某种契合。这些规则和默契Grice称 为“合作原则”(cooperative principle)

本文首先叙述了会话含义理论,对会话含义中的“归约性”和“非规约性”的概念进行了区分,探讨了合作原则和会话含义之间的关系,其次借助lakoff和leech 的礼貌原则对礼貌这一交际中的语用现象进行了对比,最后探讨了礼貌原则的使用和合作原则违反对会话含义的产生带来的影响。
关键词:礼貌原则合作原则会话含义1.引言会话含义是指说话人话语意思的暗含(implying)及听话人对其所(隐)含意思(what is implied)的理解。
格赖斯(grice)的合作原则(cooperative principle)是会话含义理论的基础。
2.会话含义会话含义(conversational implicature)最初是美国语言哲学家格赖斯于1967年提出来的。

•研究类似规律的语用学理论包括:•(1)言语行为的适宜条件(felicity conditions.J.Austin1962,J.Searle1969),•(2)会话公设(conversational postulates.D.Gordan&koff1975),•(3)善行原则(principle of charity.D.Davidson1972, 1980),•(4)合作原则和会话准则(cooperative principle and conversational maxims.P.Grice1975),•(5)理性原则(principle of rationality.A.Kasher1976),•(6)悲观互动策略(strategy of interactional pessimism.W.Labov&D.Fanshel1977,S.Levinson1983),•(7)透明原则(principle of transparency.M.Dascal1983),•(8)礼貌原则(politeness principle.G.Leech1983,P.Brown &S.Levinson1987),•(9)关联原则(principle of relevance.D.Sperber&D.Wilson1986)等。

(b) Tom: Where's the salad dressing? Gabriela: We've run out of olive oil. (There isn't any salad dressing')
From a semantic point of view, because all logically entails some. Sieve's response in (a) is technically true. The same kind of logic applies to (b)-(d) as well. However, from a pragmatic point of view. Steve's utterances have certainly misled Jane because of the implicatures that people normally draw in these circumstances. Steve's trickery involved what we call scalar implicatures Scale Scale Scale Scale of of of of quantity: some most all frequency: sometimes often always coldness: cool cold freezing likelihood: possibly probably certainly

考研英语词汇复习(35):conclude、judge、generalize、summarize考研英语词汇复习(35)conclude、 judge、generalize、summarize佳中concludejudgegeneralizesummarizeconclude “得出结论”、“断定”,语气肯定。
1) After waiting for an hour we concluded that she wasn’t come.(等了一小时后,我们断定她不会来了。
)2) We have come to the conclusion that it is unwise to take further actions against the incident.(我们得出结论,对这一事件采取进一步行动是不明智的。
)judge “判断”,指经过仔细审核、考察之后做出的判断。
1) We cannot judge the whole situation till we examine all the obtained information carefully.(在我们审度所有得到的信息之前,我们无法判断整个局势。
2) If a man is easily taken in by emotional traps, he will certainly not be able to make sensible judgment.(如果一个人很容易被情感陷阱欺骗,他肯定不能做出明智的判断。
)generalize “判断”、“概括”,“归纳”,指对……进行概括,从……笼统地概括出一般的或的规律。
1) You cannot generalize about the effect of the drug from one or two cases.(你不能从一两个病例来断药物的效果。

%Conversational implicature has been one of the hot topics since it was first proposed. According to Grice, people will try to say things which are true, relevant, as well as informative enough, and in a clear manner, which is called cooperative principle (CP). Gricean theory of conversational implicature and CP starts the inference from the perspective of pragmatics. The important point made by Grice regard- ing the theory of implicature is the distinction between what is said and what is implicated. If there are ob- vious signs that one, or more, of the maxims is not observed, that is violation of the maxims, conversa- tional implicature is generated. How to use Gricean theory to interprete the speaker's communicative in- tention, deduce the conversational implicature, and thus make the communication go on more smoothly is the core study in the field of pragmatics.【期刊名称】《西南科技大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》【年(卷),期】2011(028)006【总页数】5页(P31-35)【关键词】会话含意;合作原则;语用推理【作者】黄鸣【作者单位】成都大学外国语学院,四川成都610106【正文语种】中文【中图分类】H030美国哲学家格赖斯(H.P.Grice)在1957年发表的《意义》一文中把意义分为两类:“自然意义”(natural meaning)和“非自然意义”(non-natural meaning)。

What is Grice aiming at?
An outline of a systematic theory of language use which tries to bridge the gap between the truth-conditional interpretation of expressions (along the lines of a formal logic) and the wider meaning (what is said + what is implicated) which they take on in everyday conversation Through the conversational maxims and principle and the mechanisms with which can trigger conversational implicatures.
Lecture 6
Cooperative Principle and Conversational Implicature
人们在交际时是否遵循一定的原则?语 言学家是如何定义这些原则的? 人们在谈话中通常是如何表达自己的意 图的?
Conversational Implicature (CI)
Implicature and inference
By implicature, we mean what is implied. And by conversational implicature, we mean a meaning or message that is implicated in a conversation.
[英语学习]06Chapter 6_pragmatics
![[英语学习]06Chapter 6_pragmatics](
Morphology Syntax
1.1 Origin of Pragmatics
Pragmatics is a relatively new branch of linguistics.
Pragmatics was put forward as early as
1938 in the book Foundation of the Theory of Signs by Charles Morris
It’s cold here.
Contextual Meaning: meaning in context
The meaning of the sentence depends on who the speaker is , who the hearer is, when and where it is used.
3. Speech Act Theory
John Austin
How to Do Things with Words (1962)
3.1. Constatives vs. performatives Constatives: utterances which roughly serves
E.g. 1. You called at 9:00 last night? I was out then. 2. ---The party starts at 6:00 Friday evening. ---Okay, I’ll see you then.
2.4 Discourse Deixis
utterance meaning, & contextual meaning.
Speaker’s meaning (A father is trying to get his 3-year-old daughter to stop lifting up her dress to display her new underwear to the assemble.)
Chapter 3 Conversational__ Implicature

Types of implicature
meaning-nn what is said what is implicated
Huang1994, 2009:57 Davis 1998
Those spot meant measles. Those spot meant measles, but he hadn‟t got measles. (Semantically anomalous) 格赖斯指出自然意义和非自然意义的区别可用逻辑 方法把握。 当x means p表达的是自然意义时, x means p为真, p就为真,它们之间有一种逻辑蕴含关系。
Levinson(1983:128-129)认为 “however, moreover, besides, anyway”等起连接作用的词, “sir, madam, mate, your honour”等称呼语 都有常规意义。
Characteristics/properties of conventional implicature: 与会话含义相同的特点: 不是真值条件意义,不是明说的一部分。 与会话含义完全不同的特点: 1. 常规含义不具备可取消性(non-cancelability); 2. 常规含义是可分离的(detachability); 3. 常规含义是确定性的(determinacy); 4. 常规含义不需要推导(non-caculability); 5. 常规含义是规约性的(conventionality)。
The essence of meaningnn is that it is communication which is intended to be recognized as having been intended. Meaningnn is a matter of expressing and recognizing intention.
Conversational Implicature 会话含义

Because language is basically culture-specific, conventional implicature of the same expression may vary under different cultural background.
For example, ‘white’ gives the implicature of purity and
B’s implicature:
Sorry, I don’t know the exact time of the present moment, but I can provide some information from which you may be able to deduce the appropriate time, namely ‘the milkman has come’.
Semantic and literal meaning: his answer unrelated to the question.
Intended meaning: the football match will be canceled as the ground is wet and slippery after the rain.
U →由语言符号构成的话语
Z →粗略地代表在听话人那儿产生的信仰或意志力, 或作出的反应。 Grice 的“非自然意义理论”实际上是一种交际理论 ( a theory of communication)。
2.2 Conversational Implicature Unlike conventional implicatures, conversational implicatures are produced by relating to the conversational context. To know what people mean, we have to interpret what they say. But interpretation is a tricky affair, and misunderstandings are always possible. As Leech remarks, ‘interpreting an utterance is ultimately a matter of guesswork’. e.g. A: When is Tom’s birthday? B: It’s sometime in October. B’s implicature: the only thing he remembered about Tom’s birthday was the month in which it occurs, and that he honestly didn’t know whether it was at the beginning, the middle or the end of that month.

再议规约含义与会话含义的差异与共性王晓俊【摘要】含义是话语中传达出不同于命题意义的内容,从语境及语言形式出发,可分为规约含义和会话含义.规约含义附着于特定的语言形式,并以“所言者介入”为实现条件,显示出附着性和规约性的特征.会话栖息于交际双方的语境,不同或临时性的会话含义产生于不断变化的语境中,具有语境依赖性、语境共识性、语义动态性等本质属性.【期刊名称】《河南工程学院学报(社会科学版)》【年(卷),期】2014(029)001【总页数】7页(P65-71)【关键词】规约含义;会话含义;差异;共性【作者】王晓俊【作者单位】河南工程学院外语学院,河南郑州451191【正文语种】中文【中图分类】H030一、引言Grice将语言意义解读为一组立体集合,其中包括所言(What is said)和含义(What is implicated),其形式化的表达式为“说话人说X时表达了P”(X表示句子,P表示说话人表达的意义)。
[1-2]后来,Gazdar为了能够更好地解释Grice的“含义”本质,运用了一个更简洁的公式表示:What is meant- What is said = What is implicated。
[3]Grice的含义框架可分为规约含义(conventional implicature)和会话含义(conversational implicature)的一对对应组合。
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In certain contexts, if one expression has given rise to the conversational implicature, then no matter what other synonymous forms are used, the implicature will be shared by all these synonymous forms.
Special Features of Implicatures
can be cancelled by adding one more clause to them. It may be contextually cancelled, if the form of utterance that usually carries it is used in a context that makes it clear that the speaker is opting out.
With “the literal meaning or the sense of the utterance on the one hand, and the Cooperative Principle and the maxims on the other, it follows that an addressee would make the inference in question to preserve the assumption of cooperation.”
literal meaning remains the same in all contexts, but conversational implicatures will vary or be lost as the context changes.
refers to the fact that an expression with a single meaning can produce different implicatures as the contexts and participants vary.
Conventional implicatures
Generalized and Particularized Implicatures
Generally, conversational implicatures can be divided into two kinds: Generalized and Particularized.
Exercise1 For each dialogue, answer the accompanying question based on the implicature that you can draw from the second speaker's response. Think about why you drew those implicatures.
The context. This may include time, place, people, attitude and evaluation of the world. 4. The mutual understanding of the participants, what has been said and what is expected to follow. 5. All these things must be accessible to the participants in the conversation.
Scalar implicatures
Jane: Who used all the printer paper? Steve: I used some of it. Jane: I hear you're always late with the rent. Steve: Well, sometimes I am
means that for every conversational implicature, it is possible to make an argument like that given by Grice in the earlier discussion on the process of generating implicature.
The following is a set of factors which have to be analyzed if we want to work out the implicature:
The conventional meaning of the utterance, i.e., the propositional content. This is the first step, for , if we don’t know what these meanings are, the utterance is only a series of sounds not much different from the sounds in nature. 2. The Cooperative Principle and submaxims.
Scale of quantity: some most all Scale of frequency: sometimes often always Scale of coldness: cool cold freezing Scale of likelihood: possibly probably certainly
Particularized Implicatures
implicatures are generated in a conversation by overtly and deliberately violating some submaxims for communicative purposes. They are inferences dependent on particular time, place, and people. The speaker in this situation follows the general Cooperative Principle, but he violates some submaxims.
Conversational implicatures are generated from the semantic content by assuming the Cooperative Principle. So they are attached to the content rather than to the form, or in other words, it is not possible to get rid of the implicatures by substituting words with synonyms.
The speaker has said something P, by considering the present situation the hearer cannot find any reason to treat the speaker as being uncooperative or not following the general principle; the speaker cannot be thought of as being so unless he actually means something Q. The speaker knows that the hearer is aware that the supposition that the speaker actually means Q is required; the speaker intends the hearer to think Q as well, or at least the speaker is willing to allow the hearer to think Q. So the speaker, by producing the utterance
1. Carmen: Did you get the milk and the eggs? Dave: I got the milk. Did Dave buy the eggs'? 2. Faye: I hear you've invited Mat and Chris. Ed: I didn't invite Mat. Did Ed invite Chris?
Generalized Implicatures
implicature is obtained by assuming that the speaker is observing the conversational maxims and his uttering of the prior sentence will generally carry some implicatures.
We normally assume (following the co-operative principle) that, where speakers have a scale of values at their disposal, they will choose the one that is truthful (maxim of quality) and optimally informative (maxim of quantity). So, we normally draw the implicature 'not any of the higher values on the scale'.