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locomotor system 运动系统 digestive system 消化系统 respiratory system 呼吸系统 urinary system 泌尿系统 reproductive system 生殖系统 circulatory system (angelology) 脉管系统 sensory organs 感觉器 nervous system 神经系统 endocrine system 内分泌系统
1. The Definition of Human Anatomy 人体解剖学的定义
MiHcruomscaonpiacnAantoamtoymiys the science Cytology Histology
of the normal structures of the hGurmosasnAbnoadtoym. y
3. History 历史
解剖学是一门历史悠久的科学,古希腊(公元前500-300年) 著名的哲学家希波克拉底 (Hippocrates) 和亚里斯多德 (Aristotle) 都进行过 动物实地解剖,第一部解剖学著作当推盖伦 (Galen,公元130-201年)的 《医经》; 文艺复兴时代,维扎里 (A. Vesalius, 1514-1564)完成了《人体 构造》的巨著,成为现代人体解剖学的奠基人。19世纪意大利学者高尔 基 (Camello Golgi,1843-1926) 和西班牙人卡哈 (Rom’on Y cajal,1852-1934) 建立了镀银浸染神经原纤维法,从而成为神经解剖学公认的两位创始人。 我国公元前300~200《黄帝内经》已有对人体解剖的记载。神医华陀深 通解剖,他甚至能够完成脑外科手术。
⑶ Clinical anatomy 临床解剖学
It incorporates the regional and systematic approaches and stresses clinical applications (e.g., surgical anatomy, X-ray anatomy, and sectional anatomy).
人体解剖学的基础理论以及实践操作技能在医学科学的发展进 程中起着重要作用。随着科技的进步,近二十年来,人体解剖 学在断层解剖、组织工程学、神经科学等研究领域取得很大进 展,使这个古老的学科焕发出青春的光彩。 1994年美国科学家创造了 利用数字方法构造人体立体结构的数字解剖学或者称为虚拟解剖学,中 国解剖学会名誉理事长钟世镇院士亦主持863攻关项目 “数字化可视人 体”的研究。
5. General structures of human body 人体构成
Innumerable cells 细胞
Tissues 组织 (epithelial, connective,muscular ,nervous)
Organs 器官
Systems 系统
The human body Formed by 9 systems: 九大系统
⑴ Systematic anatomy 系统解剖学
Systematic anatomy is to study the morphology according to the various functional systems of the body (e.g. , the cardiovascular system, digestive systems and so on).
considers features relatively visible without a microscope.
2. Subdivisions of Human Anatomy 人体解剖学的分科
Human anatomy is classified into systematic anatomy 系统解剖学, Topographic anatomy 局部解剖学 and Clinical anatomy 临床解剖学 according to different methods and purpose of research.
Biblioteka Baidu
10 regions 局部:
The human body can be divided into 10 regions:
head头部, neck颈部, back背部, thorax胸部, abdomen腹部, pelvis and perineum盆会阴部, left and right upper limbs左 右上肢, and left and right lower limbs左右下肢.
⑵ Topographic (regional) anatomy 局部解剖学
It is the study of the body (e.g., thorax and abdomen) dealing with structural relationships of the parts of the body in the region.
4. Importance of Learning Human Anatomy
In addition to the fundamental knowledge of the human body structures, human anatomy introduces the students to the language of medicine. It has been estimated that more than one-third of the medical terms are derived from anatomy. Therefore, human anatomy should be regarded as one of the basic subjects of the medical sciences. It would be very difficult for a student to master the medical language, if he or she didn’t learn human anatomy.