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C.contributes toD.to contribute to
句意:地球大气层中越来越多的二氧化碳和其他气体导致了全球变暖。分析可知An increased concentration为句子的主语,谓语动词应用单数第三人称形式。故选C。
15.With globalization sweeping the world, learning foreign languages will become increasingly necessary if a country _________ economically.
13.Usually Beijing Roast Duck _____ together with special pancakes, green onions and sweet sauce.
A.was served B.will serve
C.is served D.served
【解析】考查时态和被动语态。句意:通常北京烤鸭配上特制的薄煎饼、青葱和甜酱。句子说的是一般情况,要用一般现在时态;句子主语Beijing Roast Duck是单数第三人称,和谓语动词serve之间是被动关系,所以推知句子要用一般现在时态的被动语态,故答案为C。
A.had taken up B.would have taken up C.have taken up D.takes up
【解析】考查时态语态。句意:我得说他读得很好,如果有一天他以演戏为生的话,我也不会感到惊讶。根据时间状语one day可知是表示将来的意思,if从句用一般现在时表示将来的意思,故选D。
2.I would rather you did some reading while you are free, but you ______.
would rather sb did something “宁愿某人(现在)做某事”所以此空针对现在情况叙述用助动词don’t。选A。
A.will see; travels B.saw; was travelling
C.will be seeing; will be travelling D.sees; travel
考点:考查Hale Waihona Puke Baidu词短语
5.The Dragon Boat Festival ________ the beginning of the hottest season of the year.
A.is markingB.marksC.will markD.marked
12.The Spring Festival is the time of year that _____ the largest annual mass migration on the planet when one sixth of the world’s population _____ home.
4.Paul could be a very attractive boy but he ______ to his behaviour.
A.will competeB.is to compete
C.were to competeD.competes
考查非谓语动词。句意:随着全球化的浪潮席卷世界,如果要想在经济上竞争,那么学习外语将变得越发必要。If引导条件状语从句,主句是一般将来时态,从句用一般现在时态,此处从句中be to do sth.表将来代替一般现在时态,故选B。
A.paid no attentionB.were paying no attention
C.pays no attentionD.had paid no attention
试题分析:考查动词短语。句意:鲍勃是个很有创造力的孩子但他不会注意自己的行为,pay no attention不注意,故选C项。
6.The doctor suggested that I keep away from oily food, because it ________ easily.
A.isn’t digestB.doesn’t digest
C.isn’t to digestD.won’t be digested
这题考查倒装句的用法:In our hometown, about 1,500 meters east of my house,是地点状语,位于句首时,句子用完全倒装,即将谓语置于主语前,主语是单数,用stands。第二空是date back to做定语修饰an old temple,因为date back to不能用被动,所以是现在分词做定语。选A。
【解析】考查时态。句意为:我们不知道如果我们不采取措施阻止雾霾天气的话,我们未来将呼吸什么样的空气。根据主句的时态和时间状语“in the future”可知,if条件句要用一般现在时表将来。根据句意可知选D。
11.I must say he reads very well, and I shouldn’t be surprised if he ______ acting for a living one day.
A.finding; reflectingB.found; reflected
C.found; to reflectD.found; reflect
3.Temperatures________ quite dramatically at night in mountains, so put on some warm clothes before going out.
A.are droppedB.drop
C.are being droppedD.have dropped
9.---The CDs by the star ______ well.
---That’s true. More than ten million copies have been sold out so far.
A.are soldB.sell
C.sellsD.is sold
—Would you like a piece of this kind of cloth?
—It sells well.它好卖。
7.Many gasesin the atmosphere actuallyheat energy that escapes from the Earth’s surface back to the earth.
14.An increased concentration of carbon dioxide and certain other gases in the Earth’s atmosphere ______ global warming.
A.contributing toB.contribute to
10.We have no idea what air we will be breathing in the future if weanything to stop hazy weather.
A.hadn’t done B.didn’t do
C.haven’t done D.don’t do
1.The house, which _____ last night, ____ my aunt but she doesn’t live there any more.
A.was broken into; is belonged to B.broke into; is belonged to
A.should, a favor forB.should, a lack of
C.does, a way ofD.does, a substitute for
试题分析:考查固定搭配。句意:理论上来说,一个好的螺丝钉能用它的试用期那么久,但是很少会用这么久,通常它都是被用作代替其它的工具。根据对句意的理解和分析可知此处第一个空中的it rarely does指的是很少会这样,而在第二个空substitute for是固定搭配,意指代替…,故选D。
C.broke into; belonging to D.was broken into; belongs to
考查被动语态和主动语态。句意:这所房子昨晚被拆了,它属于我的姑妈,但她已经不在那里住了。第一空,根据last night及句意可知句子用一般过去时态的被动语态,break into“破门而入”,答案为was broken into;第二空,belong to“属于”,无进行和被动语态,结合句意可知句子用一般现在时态,答案为belongs to。故选D。
16.Theoretically, a good screwdriver should last a lifetime, but it rarely___________, usuallybecause it is used at one time or another as ___________ some other tool.
8.In our hometown, about 1,500 meters east of my house,_______ an old temple_______ back to the 17thcentury.
A.stands; datingB.is standing; dated
C.standing; datedD.stand; dating
英语中有些动词在形式上是主动的,含义上却是被动的,但是这些动词这样用时又不是不及物动词。常见的这类动词有:sell, wash, cook, wear, rite, look, open, shut, translate, read, last, cut等。