


– 送客止步 Passengers Only – 边道封闭 Footpath Closed
在公示语功能特色和语言风格的基础上, 刘法公(2008)以纽马克的文本分类作为理 论依据,试提出公示语汉英翻译三原则:统 一(consistency)、简洁(conciseness)和 易懂(comprehensibility)。这三个翻译标 准基本上能反映公示语独特的社会功能和语 言特征,能满足公示语汉英翻译标准问题的 特殊需要。
Out-Patient Department Stamp Vending Machine Take Away Service Available Baby Chang失物品 店方概不负责 Management nor responsible for articles lost or stolen;
高教园区:Higher Education Zone
杭州高新技术开发区 原译:High and New Technology Development Region “杭州高新技术开发区”的原译有两个问题:第一,把“高 新技术”对号入座地译成了“High and New Technology”是不 查辞典想当然的结果。第二,将“开发区”译为 “Development Region”,也不正确。美国的Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language (Second College Edition)给region和zone两个词的解释是:region,“an administrative division of a country (某一国家的行政区)”,如 “香港特别行政区”的英语就是“Hongkong Special Administrative Region”,简称Hongkong SAR;“澳门特别行 政区”的英语也是“Macao Special Administrative Region”, 简称Macao SAR;zone,“any area or region considered as separate or distinct from others because of its particular use…”。 显然,zone是指“有特殊用途并与其它区域分开或不同的区 域”,如:Cotton zone (种棉区),non-military zone (非军事 区) 等。所以,“开发区”应译为“Development Zone”。















翻译:Protect life, prioritize fire safety.环境保护标语:原文:绿色环保,人人有责。

翻译:Green protection, everyone's responsibility.交通安全告示:原文:文明出行,平交通安全告示:原文:文明出行,平安回家。

翻译:Travel civilized, return home safely.社区公共设施标志:原文:公共设施,请爱护使用。






如:新鲜果蔬Fresh Produce、票务处理Ticket Problems、网吧Internet Caf、吸烟席Smoking Seat、会议中心CONFERENCE CENTER、餐饮部FOOD & BEVERAGE、商务中心BUSINESS CENTER、经理DIRECTOR、正在施工ROADWORK、海关THE CUSTOMS、注册登记REGISTRATION等。



如:向右转弯Turn Right;严禁拍照No Photographing;谢绝小费No Tipping;仅限紧急情况下使用Emergency Use Only等。


2.使用常见词汇(common words)英语公示用语的词汇选择应考虑到广大公众和旅游者的文化水平,尽量避免生僻词语、古语、俚语和术语。

如:请勿乱扔废弃物No Littering;有人Occupied(厕所);绕行Detour;小心易碎Fragile;专用车位Private Parking等。








作者深入的分析了exit 与way out的用法,但笔者想若是用对等法来分析这问题的话,一切就简单了。

因为我们可以查看到外国建筑物的出口一般都用exit而很少有way out的表达方法。

更有甚者泉州汽车站竟“创造性”的用way in来表示“进口”。



同样若用对等性翻译法,“小心碰头”就不会望文生义的翻译成“take care of you head”因为根据英语国家的惯例“小心碰头”的正确表达应该是“mind your head”。

再如店里的商品打8折,翻译成80%discount似乎很正确,然而根据对等性原则,英语国家却不用80%di scount而是20%off。



例如:department of Chinese language and literature中文系、common roo m教师公用室、office of the dean of student教务处、office of the dean of college院长室。


然而泉州汽车站却将吸烟室翻译成“smoke room”。


众所周知吸烟室的英文对等翻译应该是“smoking room”。


例如:slow慢行、stop for check停车检查、give way减速让行Stop停车让行。



城市公示语英译1. 引言城市公示语是城市中常见的一种文字表达形式,通过悬挂在城市街头、广场、公园等地方的标语牌或广告牌上,向市民和游客传达相关信息。



2. 常见翻译策略2.1 直译法直译法是最基本的翻译策略之一,即将源语言(中文)直接翻译成目标语言(英文),尽量保持原汁原味。


例如:•中文:欢迎光临我们美丽的城市!英文:Welcome to our beautiful city!2.2 意译法意译法是指根据源语言文本所要表达的意思,在目标语言中找到合适的表达方式。


例如:•中文:绿色出行,共享未来!英文:Green travel, share the future!2.3 增译法增译法是指在翻译过程中,根据目标语言的表达习惯和需要,对源语言文本进行适当的增补或补充。


例如:•中文:请保持环境整洁英文:Please keep the environment clean and tidy3. 翻译技巧3.1 注意上下文在进行城市公示语的英译时,要注意上下文信息。



例如:•中文:爱护花草树木英文:Take good care of flowers, plants, and trees3.2 简洁明了城市公示语通常以简洁明了的方式表达信息,因此在翻译时要尽量遵循这一原则。



Translating Public Signs
1. 了解公示语的含义及背景知识 2. 了解公示语的语言特点 3. 掌握公示语的翻译技巧 4. 掌握商务翻译中的词类转换技巧

公示语是为公众提供各种告示、提示、指示、 显示、警示灯信息的图形、文字、标识的综合 体。 公示语又称标志语、标识语等 A board giving information, warning, etc.

The use of nouns: Caution: pedestrians Short & concise: Passengers only (送客止步) Footpath closed(边道封闭)


Shopping Signs
Iron and Steel Factory Haier Kitchen Unit
海尔整体 厨房
e.g. 9
Misspelled English Words

患心脏病、高血压、酗酒者忌座”. Anyone who with heart disease, high blood, please don’t get on. No recommendation for people suffering from heart diseases, high blood pressure or the effects of over drinking. 肇庆市公安局报警中心 Zhaoqing City Center of Reporting to the Police Police Report Center (of Zhaoqing City)


a t o i l e t i n a p l a c e s u c h a s a r e s t a u r a n t o r c i n e m a[=
t o i l e t i n B r i t i s h E n s h ” , 所 以, “ T e a c h e r s ’L o u n g e ”
Vo 1 . 1 4 No. 2
2 0 1 4年 3月
Ma r 。 2 01 4
文章编号 : 2 0 9 5 - 2 7 0 8 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 0 2 - 0 1 1 0 03 -
公 示语 的翻 译 技 巧
李晓红 , 高 思
( 河北联合大学 外 国语学 院, 河北 唐山 0 6 3 0 0 9 )

S c h o o l ” , 将“ 男士休 闲服” 误译 为“ M a n ’ S ( M e n ’ S ) We a r ” 等 。 以上 这 些 语 法 错 误 或 者 是 译 者 粗 心 所
致, 也 可能是 想 当然而为 之 , 其 实在 翻译 中如若 稍加 注意是 可 以避免 的 。
C h u a n g y i t u w e n G o n g S i ” , 应译 为 “ H e n M e i P h o t o
“ 教师休息 室” 译为 “ T e a c h e r s ’R e s t r o o m” , 在 剑桥
高级学习者的字典里 r e s t r o o m的意思是“ a r o o m w i t h
Wo r k s h o p ” ; 有的直接字对字地翻译成英文, 比如将
、典型Leabharlann 误 ( 三) 理解错误 当我们翻译不熟悉 的公共标志的时候 , 应该充








例如,“No parking”(禁止停车),“No smoking”(禁止吸烟)等。





例如,“Fasten seatbelt”(系好安全带),“Keep off the grass”(请勿践踏草地)等。




例如,“No entry”(禁止入内),“Keep clean”(保持干净)等。




例如,“Do not touch”(请勿触摸),“Keep silence”(保持安静)等。









IntroductionInternational communication is becoming popular now. China, with the rapid development of economy and society, has maintained increasingly close ties with other countries around the world. In recent years, more and more people come to Chengde City to have a visit or study. Chengde is famous for the Summer Mountain Resorts. There are all kinds of public signs in the Summer Mountain Resorts. It brings convenience to the visitors and improves the culture taste of the city. However, there are also many errors of public signs, including: lexical errors, spelling errors, grammar errors, unclear description, cultural confusion and Chinglish. In this situation, the paper will try to give a theoretical and practical analysis of C-E translation of public signs from the perspective of functionalist translation. The paper offers some suggestions for the public signs translation by utilizing the three principles of skopos theory and analyzing many examples. “The end justified the means”means that the translation strategies and methods are determined by acceptability and effectiveness of translation.Public signs translation has great significance to both our country and the foreigners. English translations of Chinese public signs belong to publicity materials. Proper translations not only bring precise information to foreigners but also help build a good communication and good understanding. So the research on the translation of public signs is very important.Chapter One A Brief Introduction of Public signsBefore an exploration of translation public signs, some information about public signs needs to be provided. This chapter will introduce the definition, function, classification of public signs and the language style of public signs.1.1 The definition of public signsAs we known the public signs is a logo shown to some groups of people in particular place in order to have the function of communication. Public signs have become an academic term since 2000. “Si gn are anything from the simplest way finding or information maker to the technically sophisticated communication of a message”(Wang & Lv, 2007: 4). “Signing affects everybody---travelers, shoppers, visitors, and drivers etc. whether in the course of business or pleasure”(Cheng,2000:104).Basic literal information that are publicly shown to the public, tourists, oversea guest, foreigners in China and the Chinese in other countries to satisfy their behavior and needs in food, dwelling, travel and entertainment, are all within the category of signs (Lv, 2005:22).Some websites also pay close attention to public signs translation, such as, “”, “”and “”. “”provides the following definition: “literal information for public in public places”.According to the definition above, public signs have the following features: First they convey warning, instructional, restrictive, prohibitive or advocating information. Second, they are expressed in literal. Third they are not aimed at individuals but groups of people.1.2 The function of public signsPublic signs are widely used in daily life, such as airport, ticket office, high way, gas station, subway, taxi, museums, docks, emergency, school, tourist site, park, restaurant, street, cinema, etc.They are greatly informative. They can give us great help and facility. All the signs have four principal functions in application: directing, prompting, restricting, compelling effects.Directing signs convey the information to the public, without any restricting or compelling indication. It does not require the public to take actions, but give them an instruction or direction. For example: At the sight of “Information”(问询中心)people will know they can ask some questions and get answers. From “P et Hotel”(宠物旅馆)people will know their pets can be taken care in this place.Prompting signs are widely used although they do not have any special meaning. They just have prompting functions. For example, “S old Out”(售完)“P reserved”(预留席位)“B eware of Dog”(当心犬只)“F ull Booked”(客满)“M aximum Height”(限高), etc.Restricting signs order the audience to restrict the behavior. The language used is straightforward but not rude. For example, “E mergency Passage Way, Please Not Hand Luggage on the Floor” (紧急通道,请勿将手提物品搁置地上),“Give Way”(让路),“Ticket Only”(凭票进场),etc.Compelling signs ask the public to take some actions or not, otherwise they would be punished. For example, “Police Line Do Not Pass”(警戒线,勿超越)“Don‟t Walk”(禁止通行), “No Smoking”(禁止吸烟),“No Overnight Parking”(严禁过夜停车).From the discussion above, we know the function of public signs. This is one of the ways of dividing the functions of public signs. We can also divide the functions into directing, reminding and ordering.1.3 The classification of public signsGenerally speaking, we have different ways to classify public signsaccording to different criteria.1.3.1 Informative and evocativePublic signs can be divided into “informative” (content focused) and “evocative” (appeal focused). Informative public signs provide information or describe a situation. The readers do not need to take some actions. They are widely used in scenic spots, such as, facilities, the name of the park, introduction, etc.Evocative public signs are designed to present information with a particular perspective. According to Nord, “…evocative‟is called …appellative‟”:the use of language to make the receivers do something corresponding (Nord, 2006:40). e.g. “No Fishing Here, 禁止垂钓”“Wet Floor, 小心地滑”and “Free for Children under 12, 十二岁以下儿童免费”.1.3.2 Slogans and advertisementsPublic signs include “slogans” and “advertisements” according to the purpose of usage.Slogans are used for publicity. For example, create a new situation, modernize in all fields (全面开创社会主义现代化建设新局面). The later is shown in written form outside. For example, “we care to provide service above and beyond the call of duty”(殷勤有加,风雨不改,UPS联合快递公司).1.3.3 Public signs in scenic spots and other placesAccording to the place where the public signs appear we can classify the public signs as the following:Public signs in scenic spots: signs in the scenic spots are designed to give the travelers some help or instruction. e.g.: Please Protect Facilities(保护公共设施, State Protect Historic Site(国家级文物保护单位).There are also some traffic signs and road signs, for example, Xin Hua Road(新华路), No Parking(禁止停车).All above are the classifications of public signs.1.4 The language style of public signsAll the public signs have special features because they are mainly used in public places and their functions are communicative. Understanding the language style of public signs is very important. The main language features of public signs are conciseness and directness.1.4.1 ConcisenessPublic signs must be short and they must express the meaning clearly with right structures because the functions of public signs are to arouse readers‟ attention, and then, they can give readers warning or notice. Besides, they are usually written on the billboards or posters, which have limited writing space. Wordy public signs can‟t convey the effective information to the readers but make the readers confused. For example, “H and Off, 请勿触摸”, which means “please don‟t touch the exhibits”, “C losed during Repairs,停业整顿” which means “the store is being repaired, suspensions of business”1.4.2 DirectnessTo be direct means the public signs should be expressed directly. Public signs should be written in the simple words so that everybody can understand it. Obscure terms should be avoided in signs. For example, Staff Only, which means if you are not the staff, please doesn‟t enter.Chapter Two Problems of C-E Public Signs Translations inSummer Mountain ResortsNow we know the important function and situation of public signs for people but the translation errors still exist in public signs, even in the Summer Mountain Resorts. It is unfortunate that there are a lot of problems such as lexical errors, spelling errors, grammar errors, literal translation, and cultural differences, against convention and so on. All of that have harmful effect on the society.2.1 Lexical errorsErrors coming from lexical mistranslation account for the biggest percentage of the total linguistic errors according to the relevant statistic material. This phenomenon exists because the translators only know the vocabulary of formal equivalence, and ignore vocabulary dynamic equivalence. A word is the smallest unit of language. Translators should use the proper words in translation on the basis of accurate comprehension of the original. So the translators should make sure to understand the correct comprehension of each word in is source text, and express the correct expression in target language. How to choose a proper word is the key step.Example (1): there is a big public signs in the gate of the Summer Mountain Resorts: “W ay Out”, which refers to the place from which you can go out of a building in British English and in the scenic spots we should use “E xit” instead.Example (2): “请在此排队Join the Main Line”. It should write “Please Queue”.Example (3): “请注意安全Please Pay Attention to Safety”. It should write “Caution: Risk of Danger”.2.2 Spelling errorsSpelling errors are apparent and easy to be avoided. In the Summer Mountain Resorts we find out lots of spelling errors. For example, “芳园居fragrant Garden”. I t should be capitalized. “观莲所Lotus view PA VILION”, the word on the board are confused. They should be written in uniform format. Spelling errors also include the misuse of Chinese pinyin. Pinyin is often mixed with English in nonstandard ways. Like “西岭晨霞Xilingchenxia Chamber”. The foreigners can‟t understand its meaning. “云帆月航a tower in the shape of boat , the …seneryis‟ a boat-shaped chamber with two floors.” “S ceneryis” should be written as“scenery is”.2.3 Grammar errorsChinese and English have two different grammar rules and grammar errors are likely to happen because of the differences. Grammar errors refer to the system of inflection, syntax and word formation of a language. For example:“It was built in 1703, was over the palace area before 1771, after the formal palace had been completed, the island becomes a major scenic attraction in the landscape area.”“如意洲建于1703年,1771年之前竣工,在正宫完成之后,如意洲成为景区的主要景点。



公示语汉英翻译研究Research on Chinese-English Translation of Publicity Slogans随着全球化的发展,汉英翻译的需求越来越大。

































在日常的工作和生活中,我们发现公示语的翻译存在很多问题,下面就举例说明:2.1一地多译如北京的关于“北京孔庙”的翻译,地铁站的英文标识为:THE CONFUCIUS TEMPLE IN BEIJING,而原首都博物馆的英文标识为:BEIJING CONFUCIUS TEMPLE,地铁站和北京孔庙不过百米,这样一处两译的处理方式就会给国外游客造成不必要的困惑和不便,因此对同一地名采用相同的译法是非常必要的。


公示语通常具有特定的语境和含义, 如果对语境理解不当,可能会影响翻 译的准确性。
目前公示语翻译缺乏统一的规范和标准,不同译者可能有不同的理解和翻译方 式,导致翻译质量参差不齐。
对于公示语翻译的监管不够严格,一些错误或不规范的翻译可能会被忽略或得 不到及时纠正。
学习英语词汇,确保正确 理解和使用公示语词汇。
加强英语语法训练,避免 因语法错误导致翻译不准 确。
多读、多听、多说,培养 英语语感,提高翻译准确 性。
研究英语和汉语的文化背景,了解文化差异对翻 译的影响。
街道公示语中常出现翻译错误,如错译、漏译等。此外,有些公示语存在语言冗余、表达不准确的问 题,导致信息传达不准确。
商业街公示语中常出现语言风格不符的问题,如口语化表达 、过于繁琐等。同时,缺乏对语境的理解可能导致表达不准 确。此外,拼写错误也是常见问题。
中西方文化背景差异较大,对于 某些概念、习俗、传统等理解不 够深入,可能导致翻译错误。
在某些公示语中,可能包含具有 特定文化意象的词汇或表达方式 ,如果不了解西方文化,可能会 误解或误译这些内容。
在翻译过程中,如果不了解英语和汉 语之间的语言差异和特点,可能会采 用直译的方式,导致翻译不流畅或不 符合英语表达习惯。



三 、公 示 语 翻 译 原 则
公 示语 在翻译时应遵 守五条翻 译原则及相关翻译方法 , 以使
译 文 流 畅 、 地道 。 1 、公示语 的翻译 原则
基于 公示语 语言风格 、 功 能特 点及不 同的误译类 型,国内专 家学者 结合 多视角的翻译理论提 出了一些重要的翻译原则 。 在各 学者 的理论基础 上, 我们基于公示语语言特 点和文本分类总结 出 以下五条 公示语翻译原则 : ( 1 )信息对等 . 确 保原文 需要传达 的信 息和功 能性在翻 译后 不 出现偏 差或 错误是译者应遵 循的最基本 的原则 。 ( 2 )语言简洁 ,用词 精确 在翻译 实践中,译者应尽量将 译文精简化 ,突出重点强调部 分 ,以达到公示语提示警 示或 限制等功 能。如公 路标 志牌 “ 减速 慢行 ”就不 需要逐字 翻译为 S l o w D o w n Y o u r S p e e d ,既然此标志
公 示语 的翻译原 则及翻译 方 法
谢 永珍
( 华北 电力 大学 北京 1 0 2 2 0 6 )
摘 要: 公 示语在 日常生活及 国际交流 中起着重要作 用。本文对公 示语 的语 言特 点、类型进行 分析 , 总结 出了英语公示语翻译五 大原则 :信 息对等 、语 言简洁、重视 文化差异 、语 气得 当、规 范性,提 出公 示语翻译方法:借用 、模 仿 、意译 、增译 、减译 。
关键 词:公 示语 ;特点 ;翻译原 则;翻 译方法
前 言
的 目的就是让驾驶者慢行 ,重 点是需突 出慢行 ,直 接译 为 S l o w



例如我们外出常见到的“小草微微笑,请你走便 道”、“请勿践踏”等标识语就可以遵从英语习惯 直接翻译成“Keep Off the Grass”即可,而不要生 硬地翻译为“Little grass is smiling slightly; please walk on pavement.”。再比如,“前方修路, 请慢驾驶”、“该段路为单行道”可以习惯地译为 “Road Work Ahead”,“One Way”。
企业标识(Company Signs)
Close the Door Behind You 请随手关门 Electrically Operated Gate 电动门 Floor Cleaning in Progress 正在清扫地板 Interview in Progress 正在面试 Lift Out of Order 电梯发生故障 Meeting in progress, quiet please 正在开会,请保持安静 No Food Is to Be Consumed In This Area 此处不准吃食物 No Littering 勿乱扔废弃物 No Smoking in This Area 此处禁止吸烟 Please Wait Here For Enquiries 请在此等候咨询
一、去繁从简 二、遵从习惯 三、程式化套译 四、反面着笔 ◆ 分类介绍
“青岛是我家,清洁靠大家” “ Qingdao is my home, its cleanness depends on all of us.” “注意安全,请勿攀爬单边墙” “Pay attention to your safety. Don’t climb the single wall.” “Keep Our City Clean” “No Climbing!”



4 . 强制性公示语 是 口气最为强硬的一种 , 要求
公众“ 必须 ” 取相 应 行 动 , “ 采 如 警戒 线勿超 越 ”“ 、禁 止通行 ” 等 。 等
二、 英语 公 示语 翻 译存 在 的 问题
等 场所 。不 同 的场合 、 同的地 点要求 公示 语简 洁 不 明 了 , 俗易 懂 。 : 通 如 我们 在 一些 大型商 场或公 司的 门 口经常 会看 到 这样 的警示 语一 “ 勿 将 自行 车 请
文化 素养 指 的是 用 优 势文 化 中 的习语 、 隐喻 和

1 7一 n
非 正式 内容流 利交 谈 的能力 。从熟 悉 的街 道路标 ,
到历 史 出 处 的知 识 , 到理 解最 近 的俚语 , 化素 再 文 养需 要 理解 文化 的 相互影 响并作 出反应 。 如一所 例
晰直接 、 俗易 懂 、 范 自然 , 目标 语在 阅读 和交 通 规 使
第 3卷 第 6期
21 0 1年 6月
赤 峰 学 院 学报 ( 学教 育 版 ) 科
Jun l f hfn nv ri sin e& e u ain) o ra C i gU iest ce c o e y( d ct o
Vo. 13 N0. 6
J n 2 1 u. 0 1
际上更为通畅。 翻译“ 静态” 意义的公示语时多使用
名词 , 多使 用 动词 或 动名 词 , “ 如 注意左侧 ”“ 、严禁
高校 学 生 公 寓 区 内的励 志 标语 :时 间是一 只永 远 “
在飞翔 的鸟 。” 段读 不通 的英 文公示 语在校 园出 一
拍照” ; 等 传达语言信息较 丰富时 , 应多使用短语、



公示语翻译知识点公示语分类:1. 指示性公示语(Directive Public Signs)指示性公示语体现了公共场所对公众的信息服务水平,对公众没有限制、警示和强制意义,主要起到为公众指示方位、地点、服务等作用,比如:急救(First Aid)、旅游服务(Travel Service)、售票处(Ticket Office)等。

2. 提示性公示语(Informatory Public Signs)提示性公示语为公众提供有关告知性信息,比如:油漆未干(Wet Paint)、此货暂缺(Out of Stock)、正在维修(Under Repair)、保留车位(Reserved)等。

3. 警示性公示语(Cautionary Public Signs)警示性公示语起警示作用,提醒公众需要注意的问题,如:小心轻放(Handle With Care)、小心地滑(Caution! Wet Floor!)、前方有学校(School Ahead)、当心滚石(Falling Rocks)等。

4. 限制性公示语(Restrictive Public Signs)限制性公示语限制、约束公众的有关行为,特别强调公众应当注意的事项,起告知和提醒的双重作用,比如:残疾人设施(Disabled Only)、限高3米(Restricted Height 3M)、限速60—80公里(Speed Limit 80 Minimum 60 kilometers)等。

5. 强制性公示语(Mandatory Public Signs)强制性公示语要求公众必须采取或者不能采取某种行为,语言应用直白、强硬,毫无商量余地,多用祈使句,起警示、强制作用;违反者往往受到一定的处罚或者制裁,这类公示语旨在约束公众行为、维护社会正常秩序与公众安全方面起作用。

比如禁止摆卖(Vendors Prohibited)、严禁超车(Overtaking Prohibited)、禁扔废弃物(No Littering)等。



XU E S HU TA N TA O学术探讨公示语英译原则及实例解析郑州电力职业技术学院公共教学部宋彦杯摘要:全球经济一体化的进程使我国对外合作和交流步伐逐渐加快,在公共场合出现越来越多英文公示语。











例1:禁止停车!这是经常见到的公示语,有人译为“Parking is Forbid⁃den here”。


根据简洁原则,应改译为“No Parking!”从而让公众一目了然地明白:此处不准停车。

例2:为了您和他人的健康,请勿吸烟!这是在车站、银行等公共场合经常见到的公示语,有人直译为“For the Sake of Your Health and Others,don’t Smoke,Please!”翻译的口气从警告变成提醒,失去了原文中的限制作用。

可译为“No Smoking”,既保留原文的信息,又简洁易懂。





以下是几种常见的英译策略:一、直译策略(Literal Translation Strategy):直译策略是指将源语言的文本按字面意思进行翻译,保持原文的结构和形式。

这种策略适用于公示语中有明确表述或特定格式的情况,例如:- 注意事项 (Note)- 请勿吸烟 (No Smoking)- 停车位 (Parking Space)二、意译策略(Free Translation Strategy):意译策略是指根据上下文和目标语言的文化背景,对源语言的文本进行灵活翻译,以传达相似的意义和效果。

这种策略适用于公示语中有较为抽象的表述或需要根据目标文化进行调整的情况,例如:- 安全第一 (Safety First)- 保护环境 (Protect the Environment)- 禁止携带宠物 (No Pets Allowed)三、加注策略(Addition Strategy):加注策略是指在直译或意译的基础上,添加或修改一些词语或短语,以增加信息的准确性和可读性。

这种策略适用于公示语中需要附加解释或补充信息的情况,例如:- 请保持安静 (Please Keep Quiet)- 未经许可,禁止拍摄照片 (No Photography Without Permission) - 紧张时,请勿使用电梯 (Please Do Not Use Elevator When Tense)四、调整策略(Adjustment Strategy):调整策略是指在直译或意译的基础上,根据受众的文化背景和语言习惯进行修改。

这种策略适用于公示语中需要进行文化适应和语言规范化的情况,例如:- 自助餐(Buffet) → All You Can Eat- 此处通行(Access Here) → Entrance- 禁止触摸展品(Do Not Touch the Exhibits) → Hands Off五、模糊策略(Ambiguity Strategy):模糊策略是指在直译或意译的基础上,通过使用具有模糊性的词语或短语,以适应不同的受众和情境。


37请勿乱弃Please don’t litter
For your security, please pay attention behind you while putting your secret number!
29夏季新款半价销售HALF PRICE Summer Styles Reduced
31美容化妆品Beauty Products, Fashion Accessories,露营装备Camping Equipment,旅游纪念品souvenirs,
32进门赢大奖COME IN AND WIN厂家特价直销
23请勿践踏草坪Please Keep Off the Grass
24施工现场禁止入内Construction SiteKeep Out
26出售Sample Sale
27开业纪念特卖Anniversary Sale
28最后机会Last Chance to buy
Management not responsible for articles lost or stolen.7
Complete Transaction Before Leaving the Counter.
We care! We want your comments!
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IntroductionInternational communication is becoming popular now. China, with the rapid development of economy and society, has maintained increasingly close ties with other countries around the world. In recent years, more and more people come to Chengde City to have a visit or study. Chengde is famous for the Summer Mountain Resorts. There are all kinds of public signs in the Summer Mountain Resorts. It brings convenience to the visitors and improves the culture taste of the city. However, there are also many errors of public signs, including: lexical errors, spelling errors, grammar errors, unclear description, cultural confusion and Chinglish. In this situation, the paper will try to give a theoretical and practical analysis of C-E translation of public signs from the perspective of functionalist translation. The paper offers some suggestions for the public signs translation by utilizing the three principles of skopos theory and analyzing many examples. “The end justified the means”means that the translation strategies and methods are determined by acceptability and effectiveness of translation.Public signs translation has great significance to both our country and the foreigners. English translations of Chinese public signs belong to publicity materials. Proper translations not only bring precise information to foreigners but also help build a good communication and good understanding. So the research on the translation of public signs is very important.Chapter One A Brief Introduction of Public signsBefore an exploration of translation public signs, some information about public signs needs to be provided. This chapter will introduce the definition, function, classification of public signs and the language style of public signs.1.1 The definition of public signsAs we known the public signs is a logo shown to some groups of people in particular place in order to have the function of communication. Public signs have become an academic term since 2000. “Si gn are anything from the simplest way finding or information maker to the technically sophisticated communication of a message”(Wang & Lv, 2007: 4). “Signing affects everybody---travelers, shoppers, visitors, and drivers etc. whether in the course of business or pleasure”(Cheng,2000:104).Basic literal information that are publicly shown to the public, tourists, oversea guest, foreigners in China and the Chinese in other countries to satisfy their behavior and needs in food, dwelling, travel and entertainment, are all within the category of signs (Lv, 2005:22).Some websites also pay close attention to public signs translation, such as, “”, “”and “”. “”provides the following definition: “literal information for public in public places”.According to the definition above, public signs have the following features: First they convey warning, instructional, restrictive, prohibitive or advocating information. Second, they are expressed in literal. Third they are not aimed at individuals but groups of people.1.2 The function of public signsPublic signs are widely used in daily life, such as airport, ticket office, high way, gas station, subway, taxi, museums, docks, emergency, school, tourist site, park, restaurant, street, cinema, etc.They are greatly informative. They can give us great help and facility. All the signs have four principal functions in application: directing, prompting, restricting, compelling effects.Directing signs convey the information to the public, without any restricting or compelling indication. It does not require the public to take actions, but give them an instruction or direction. For example: At the sight of “Information”(问询中心)people will know they can ask some questions and get answers. From “P et Hotel”(宠物旅馆)people will know their pets can be taken care in this place.Prompting signs are widely used although they do not have any special meaning. They just have prompting functions. For example, “S old Out”(售完)“P reserved”(预留席位)“B eware of Dog”(当心犬只)“F ull Booked”(客满)“M aximum Height”(限高), etc.Restricting signs order the audience to restrict the behavior. The language used is straightforward but not rude. For example, “E mergency Passage Way, Please Not Hand Luggage on the Floor” (紧急通道,请勿将手提物品搁置地上),“Give Way”(让路),“Ticket Only”(凭票进场),etc.Compelling signs ask the public to take some actions or not, otherwise they would be punished. For example, “Police Line Do Not Pass”(警戒线,勿超越)“Don‟t Walk”(禁止通行), “No Smoking”(禁止吸烟),“No Overnight Parking”(严禁过夜停车).From the discussion above, we know the function of public signs. This is one of the ways of dividing the functions of public signs. We can also divide the functions into directing, reminding and ordering.1.3 The classification of public signsGenerally speaking, we have different ways to classify public signsaccording to different criteria.1.3.1 Informative and evocativePublic signs can be divided into “informative” (content focused) and “evocative” (appeal focused). Informative public signs provide information or describe a situation. The readers do not need to take some actions. They are widely used in scenic spots, such as, facilities, the name of the park, introduction, etc.Evocative public signs are designed to present information with a particular perspective. According to Nord, “…evocative‟is called …appellative‟”:the use of language to make the receivers do something corresponding (Nord, 2006:40). e.g. “No Fishing Here, 禁止垂钓”“Wet Floor, 小心地滑”and “Free for Children under 12, 十二岁以下儿童免费”.1.3.2 Slogans and advertisementsPublic signs include “slogans” and “advertisements” according to the purpose of usage.Slogans are used for publicity. For example, create a new situation, modernize in all fields (全面开创社会主义现代化建设新局面). The later is shown in written form outside. For example, “we care to provide service above and beyond the call of duty”(殷勤有加,风雨不改,UPS联合快递公司).1.3.3 Public signs in scenic spots and other placesAccording to the place where the public signs appear we can classify the public signs as the following:Public signs in scenic spots: signs in the scenic spots are designed to give the travelers some help or instruction. e.g.: Please Protect Facilities(保护公共设施, State Protect Historic Site(国家级文物保护单位).There are also some traffic signs and road signs, for example, Xin Hua Road(新华路), No Parking(禁止停车).All above are the classifications of public signs.1.4 The language style of public signsAll the public signs have special features because they are mainly used in public places and their functions are communicative. Understanding the language style of public signs is very important. The main language features of public signs are conciseness and directness.1.4.1 ConcisenessPublic signs must be short and they must express the meaning clearly with right structures because the functions of public signs are to arouse readers‟ attention, and then, they can give readers warning or notice. Besides, they are usually written on the billboards or posters, which have limited writing space. Wordy public signs can‟t convey the effective information to the readers but make the readers confused. For example, “H and Off, 请勿触摸”, which means “please don‟t touch the exhibits”, “C losed during Repairs,停业整顿” which means “the store is being repaired, suspensions of business”1.4.2 DirectnessTo be direct means the public signs should be expressed directly. Public signs should be written in the simple words so that everybody can understand it. Obscure terms should be avoided in signs. For example, Staff Only, which means if you are not the staff, please doesn‟t enter.Chapter Two Problems of C-E Public Signs Translations inSummer Mountain ResortsNow we know the important function and situation of public signs for people but the translation errors still exist in public signs, even in the Summer Mountain Resorts. It is unfortunate that there are a lot of problems such as lexical errors, spelling errors, grammar errors, literal translation, and cultural differences, against convention and so on. All of that have harmful effect on the society.2.1 Lexical errorsErrors coming from lexical mistranslation account for the biggest percentage of the total linguistic errors according to the relevant statistic material. This phenomenon exists because the translators only know the vocabulary of formal equivalence, and ignore vocabulary dynamic equivalence. A word is the smallest unit of language. Translators should use the proper words in translation on the basis of accurate comprehension of the original. So the translators should make sure to understand the correct comprehension of each word in is source text, and express the correct expression in target language. How to choose a proper word is the key step.Example (1): there is a big public signs in the gate of the Summer Mountain Resorts: “W ay Out”, which refers to the place from which you can go out of a building in British English and in the scenic spots we should use “E xit” instead.Example (2): “请在此排队Join the Main Line”. It should write “Please Queue”.Example (3): “请注意安全Please Pay Attention to Safety”. It should write “Caution: Risk of Danger”.2.2 Spelling errorsSpelling errors are apparent and easy to be avoided. In the Summer Mountain Resorts we find out lots of spelling errors. For example, “芳园居fragrant Garden”. I t should be capitalized. “观莲所Lotus view PA VILION”, the word on the board are confused. They should be written in uniform format. Spelling errors also include the misuse of Chinese pinyin. Pinyin is often mixed with English in nonstandard ways. Like “西岭晨霞Xilingchenxia Chamber”. The foreigners can‟t understand its meaning. “云帆月航a tower in the shape of boat , the …seneryis‟ a boat-shaped chamber with two floors.” “S ceneryis” should be written as“scenery is”.2.3 Grammar errorsChinese and English have two different grammar rules and grammar errors are likely to happen because of the differences. Grammar errors refer to the system of inflection, syntax and word formation of a language. For example:“It was built in 1703, was over the palace area before 1771, after the formal palace had been completed, the island becomes a major scenic attraction in the landscape area.”“如意洲建于1703年,1771年之前竣工,在正宫完成之后,如意洲成为景区的主要景点。
