


Metal Alternative Metal Industrial Metal Punk Deathcore Psychedelic Rock
(独立摇滚) (重金属) (另类金属) (工业金属) (朋克) (死核) (迷幻摇滚)
1950s,primarily from a combination of African American blues,
country, jazz, and gospel music. Rock and roll did not acquire its
name until the 1950s.The first rock song is
Why do people always act in accordance with the rules? Why don't people do what they say? Why are human always right?
Why nobody fight?
THANK YOU thank you
Rock is a kind of music form, but also a cultural phenomenon, a kind of spirit! It can be a life attitude, and it also can be a kind of rebel(叛 逆) attitude .Many people think that rock and roll is not a “good music” by first impression , because they don’t understand the inner meaning of rock. Rock is not just a sand throat!!!

rOCK MUSIC 摇滚 ppt

rOCK MUSIC 摇滚 ppt
Hale Waihona Puke Characteristics
electric guitar
other instrumentalist.
bass guitarist
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Led Zeppelin
The sorts of rock music
The Father of Rock
Bill Haley
The Hillbilly Cat
the king of rock music
• Typically, rock is song-based music usually with a 4/4 time signature utilizing a verse-chorus form
Funk 流行朋克/Punk-Pop 后硬核/Post Hardcore 金属/Metal 流行金属/Pop Metal 车库/Garage 艺术摇滚/Art Rock 前卫金属/Progressive Metal 工业金属/Industrial Metal 新浪潮/New Wave 垃圾乐/Grunge 交响金属/Symphonic Metal 民谣摇滚/Folk Rock 乡村摇滚/Country Rock 悲核/Sadcore 歌特金属/Gothic Metal EMO 说唱金属/Rap Metal Blues Rock 软摇滚/Soft Rock 黑金属/Black Metal
硬后独新实后后英迷哥流另死新朋重硬摇 核垃立古验朋摇伦幻特行类亡金克金摇滚 圾摇典音克 摇 摇摇金属 属滚 滚金乐 滚 滚滚属 属



The point of this song
• The purpose of this song was to show how beautiful innocence was when the world around you is completely corrupted.
• In almost every song from this band they have similar messages in ALL their songs
• With the promotion of feminist ideas many women went into the music industry in America - singing from women's perspectives.
• With blacks singing more universal accepted songs – deaths and imprisonments of the most famous rock singers.
There ARE so many songs rock songs
• Nickelback, red hot chilli peppers, Jimi Hendrix, the verve, the clash, the killers, fallout boy, deep purple, bowling for soup Queen, AC/DC, Aerosmith, Nirvana, the rolling stones, van Halen, meatloaf, P.O.D, led zeppelin, the scorpions
enjoy every fleeting moment



1960-2011 major rock bands
In The 60 s, The Beatles In The 70 s, Queen, AC/DC, Aerosmith, Black Sabbath, The Eagles(老鹰), Deep Purple, KISS, and Journey, Punk music, late up The main representative have Sex Pistols, The C l a s h, Ramones In the 80 s, Metallica, U2, R.E.M., Def Leppard, Motley Crue, Guns N ‘Roses(枪炮与玫瑰) In the 90 s, Nirvana (Kurt Cobain), Oasis, the Red Hot Chili Peppers In the 21 st century, Green Day (American Idiot, Coldplay, Linkin Park
In the late 60s and early 70s, it evolved into several types. Rock music that mixed with the folk music (local music in the U.S.) became folk rock, the music that mixed with blues became blues-rock and the one that mixed with jazz became a jazzrock fusion.
Taiwan boy band Mayday make music with a happy-go-lucky attitude. You may find their music a bit noisy and childish but they do raise your spirits.



In the early 1960s, their enormous popularity first emerged as "Beatlemania", but as their songwriting grew in sophistication they came to be perceived as an embodiment of the ideals shared by the era's sociocultural revolutions.
➢One of the first relevant (有关的) successful covers was Wynonie Harris's transformation of Roy Brown's .
➢The most notable trend was
white pop covers of black R&B .
*First appeared place: The United States
*The earlist time qppear: In middle 1950s
*The main source of rock music: The rhythm and blues & country music
➢Covers were customary in the music industry in the 1950s.
Elvis Aaron Presley was one of the most popular American singers of the 20th century. He is referred to as the "King of Rock and Roll”.



The first rock song is << Rock around the clock>> which was recorded by American musician Bill Haley. So, he is known as “The father of Rock and Roll” .
The spirit of Rock and roll
Rock is a kind of music form, but also a cultural phenomenon, a kind of spirit! It can be a life attitude, also can be a kind of rebel attitude .Many people think that rock and roll is not a “good music” by first impression , because they don’t understand the inner meaning of rock. Rock is not a sand throat!!! Its meaning is to criticize the social problems bravely and let out to the discontent of reality.
A forever rock star!
• 尽管他的歌曲太简单肤浅,缺少力度和 社会责任感,但这些久远传唱的曲目却 真实地反映了第一代受摇滚思想影响的 青少年的群体形象。 • 他不仅拥有漂亮的容貌、标志性的扭胯 动作和出色的舞台表演,更成为这个时 代,这一代人的鲜明的标志。蕴含了巨 大潜力的整个年轻一代在他身上找到了 反抗精神的共同性。

人教版高中英语 必修二 Unit5《Music ---Reading》(共38张PPT)

人教版高中英语 必修二 Unit5《Music  ---Reading》(共38张PPT)

6. The band broke up about 1970, but happily they reunited in the mid-1980s.
break up 分开,分散,拆散
break down:试解释该短语在下列句子的意思。
The car broke down halfway. (机器等)出故障,失效
His plan broke down when it was put into practice(实践).
break into突然闯入,强行进入
His house was broken into by strangers last week.
break out(战争,灾难)突然爆发
men-doctors women-servants
5. play jokes on sb. 戏弄;开玩笑
➢He is a serious man, don’t play jokes on him. 他是一个严肃的人,不要跟他开玩笑。
play tricks on 捉弄某人
➢We should never play tricks on the others. 我们绝对不应该捉弄其他人。
break in 闯入,打断,插嘴
Exercises (1)I dreamed of ______ home . A. to go B. going C. gone D. had gone
(2)I was telling them about my exciting travels
when he
with a story of his own.
Language points
1. dream of sth./doing sth.梦想…… dream of a better future dream of becoming famous



• This year is their 20th anniversary on March 29th, I will complete it as a gift for them. • I’m honored to introduce my favorite band ,joining them will never be too late.
Why do you like the band ?
• I like the group of mayday’s st year I took part in a crowdfunding party,I met a lot of people like me who liked the band,they are older than we are,but we all get along like a family.I like the atmosphere very much.At that time I understood what the Internet was saying “maybe it’s because people who like mayday are generally older,so they have a good quality.233”来自Second Round
• This is the eighth album of Mayday,the creation in 2011.Ashin says that while the entire album’s background is the end of the world,the core message is that if the end doesn’t come,you will have the opportunity to choose your second life. • Album songs:<仓颉><诺 亚方舟><第二人生>· · ·



霸道橫行的80 年代( 續): 霸道橫行的80 年代( Foreigner ( 外國人合唱團) 外國人合唱團) BryanAdams ( 布萊恩亞當斯) Bryan 布萊恩亞當斯) U2(U2 合唱團) 合唱團) 混沌不清的90 年代: 混沌不清的90 年代: Nirvana ( 超脫合唱團) 超脫合唱團) Oasis ( 綠洲合唱團) 綠洲合唱團) Blur ( 布勒合唱團) 布勒合唱團) Radiohead ( 電台司令合唱團) 電台司令合唱團) Suede ( 麂皮合唱團) 麂皮合唱團)
Alan Freed
搖滾樂的萌芽與影響. 搖滾樂的萌芽與影響.
搖滾樂(Rock ‘n’ Roll) 的興起是音樂史上的 搖滾樂(
一大變革,因為它改變了整個流行音樂生態, 一大變革,因為它改變了整個流行音樂生態, 並且黑人俚語中早已存在Rock、Roll二字。 並且黑人俚語中早已存在Rock、Roll二字。 Rock 二字 搖滾的影響是使年輕人不用擁有絕佳的歌 搖滾的影響是使年輕人不用擁有絕佳的歌 喉或演奏技巧也有機會成名; 吉他的地位逐 喉或演奏技巧也有機會成名; 吉他的地位逐 漸取代鋼琴成為最重要的伴奏; 還有它打破 漸取代鋼琴成為最重要的伴奏; 鋼琴成為最重要的伴奏 了黑人與白人的音樂界線,使流行音樂平民 了黑人與白人的音樂界線, 化。
60 ~70 的美國搖滾樂風格: 的美國搖滾樂風格:
1960 至1970 年代的美國搖滾樂風格有: 年代的美國搖滾樂風格有: 1.民歌謠滾( Folk Rock) 1.民歌謠滾( 民歌謠滾 起源於民間,大多是藍調曲風且旋律優美, 起源於民間,大多是藍調曲風且旋律優美, 保留了民謠的簡潔,歌詞多環繞在[政治抗 保留了民謠的簡潔,歌詞多環繞在[



经由60年代的铺陈,遂使70年代的摇滚曲风 丰富至极,由David Bowie引领而起的华丽摇 滚就是在70初崛起的,此外为了不囿于既有 的摇滚类型,前卫摇滚、古典摇滚和艺术摇 滚也随即而起并成为当时乐界的新像,既而 爵士摇滚亦逐渐扬名,此外横跨整个70~80 年代最受欢迎且最长寿的重摇滚(重金属) 产生了,或许在现在而言Led Zeppelin、 Deep Purple、Black Sabbath的分贝solo, 然而在当时可说是震耳欲聋的摇滚类型了, 此后经由不断的演进heavy metal一直受摇滚 迷的青睐,此外在70年代还有跟HM曲风迥 异的乡村摇滚、加州摇滚和南方摇滚亦深受 欢迎。假若我们说60年代的盛事是英伦入侵, 那70年代的盛事非瞬间窜起于70年代末的庞 克摇滚莫属,但就如60年代末的迷幻摇滚般, 庞克亦不长命。
外,以居尔特或爱尔兰等曲风鲜明的英国歌手亦不乏其中, 但在60年代末美国乐团又再次主领大局,那就是以3J(Jim morrison、Jimi Hendrix及Janis Joplin)引领而起的迷幻摇 滚成为当时最受欢迎的摇滚乐,不过除了Grateful Dead外
大部分的迷幻团都相当早夭,在迷幻摇滚势微后,随即迈 入风光的摇滚年代。
接着90年代初期引领摇滚潮流的 即是西雅图之声油渍摇滚,但随 即被充满电子音乐的英伦摇滚所 淹没,而因这些来自英国各地的 乐团很快的带有庞克风或充满 电音的的一些另类摇滚也虏获相 当多的歌迷。或许摇滚风潮不在, 承如麦克阿瑟所言老兵不死只是 凋零,但摇滚新血不断产生,电 音、工业、嘻哈…,或许摇滚曲 风已不若以往,但至少是另一种 摇滚型态的延续。
引起了极大的轰动,前后出售了1500多万张,成为世界上最畅销 的唱片之一,摇滚音乐的名称便由此而来。



Let it be
Hey jude
私奔、有随心所欲、快乐机 器、夜晚是我最后的家园
Love life!
Love rock!
Now please listen to the song
beat it
Thank you!
vote me! vote me!
Early rock and roll
Rockabilly (乡村摇滚乐 ) Doo wop (街头布鲁斯)
Cover versions (改编版)
Funk The sorts 流行朋克/Punk-Pop 后硬核/Post Hardcore 金属/Metal… 流行金属/Pop Metal 艺术摇滚/Art Rock 前卫金属/Progressive Metal 新浪潮/New Wave 垃圾乐/Grunge 交响金属/Symphonic Metal 乡村摇滚/Country Rock… 说唱金属/Rap Metal Blues Rock 软摇滚/Soft Rock… 黑金属/Black Metal
The origin of the rock
First appeared place : The United States The earliest time appear : In mid 1950s The main source of rock music : The rhythm and blues and country music
Linkin Park is a group of the California rock band. It is the most unique mix of music king at the present age. They are good at new-metal pop-metal hiphop post-grunge rap-metal and so on. They bring us not only the mix music, but also a free vast spiritual world.


This is Mozart’s Moon Sonata.
He was born in….in…
At the age of four,he….. He …… , when he was five At six, he…….. By the time he was 14,he…….. While he was still a teenager, Evaluation: possibly the greatest musical genius of all time.
1.When and where was Beethoven born?
2.Who taught Beethoven how to play the piano ? 3.Where did he live for the rest of his life?
4.Did he stop composing when he became deaf?
1.What is Haydn known as?
2.Where was Haydn born?
3.Where did Haydn work after studying music in Vienna?How long did he work there?
4.What happened after Haydn moved to Lond.Beethoven met Haydn in 1791 and was impressed by him.( F ) 2.Haydn encouraged Beethoven to move to London.( F ) 3. Mozart said Haydn would give sth. wonderful to the world.( T ) 4. Beethoven didn’t think Haydn was a good composer.( F ) 5.Beethoven showed musical talent when he was very young ,and learned to play piano from a teacher.( F )


The history of rock music
Rock music has its roots in 1950s-era rock and roll and rockabilly. In the late 1960s, rock music was blended with folk music to create folk rock, blues to create blues rock and with jazz, to create jazzrock fusion, and without a time signature to create psychedelic rock.
The development of rock music
•Cliff Richard had the first British rock 'n' roll hit with "Move It", effectively ushering in the sound of British rock. At the start of the 1960s, his backing group The Shadows was one of a number of groups having success with surf music instrumentals. And while rock 'n' roll was fading into lightweight pop and schmaltzy ballads, at clubs and local dances British rock groups, heavily influenced by blues-rock pioneers like Alexis Korner, were starting to play with an intensity and drive seldom found in white American acts.



蓝调摇滚着重于两种明确的特征---传统的三和弦蓝调 歌曲和乐器的即Байду номын сангаас创作。结合了小型爵士乐队和摇滚 不断扩大的喧闹特点
在70年代早期,蓝调摇滚和硬核的界限越来越不清晰了,像以爵士乐 为基础的ZZ Top就吸取了专辑摇滚作品的表演手法用以模糊他们的蓝调 根源。不论如何,蓝调摇滚逐渐远离了硬核,并且有一部分的乐队仍继 续演奏,重写和创作歌曲按照蓝调的标准。 代表乐队 Led Zeppelin(齐柏林飞船乐队) 组队国籍:英国 组建时间:1968 风格类型:布鲁斯摇滚、金属摇滚、艺术摇滚 Aerosmith(空中铁匠乐队) 组队国籍:美国 组建时间:1970 风格类型:布鲁斯摇滚、硬摇滚
历史上第一首被打上摇滚烙印的作品是美国的白人音乐家Bill Haley在20世纪50年代中期录制的《整日摇滚》(Rock Around the Clock)。 那个时候的Bill Haley穿着笔挺的西装,而且还打着领带,头发梳得油光发亮 ,如果这样的一个人走在大街上,或者站在我们生活时代的舞台上演唱这首 歌,一定没有人会认为他是在唱摇滚,可偏偏历史把它定义成第一首摇滚作 品。这也没什么奇怪,原来人们还觉得天是圆的地是方的,原来人们还觉得 地球是宇宙的中心呢!我们可以把它当做是时代和我们开的一个玩笑。
朋克摇滚[2]是最原始的摇滚乐——由一个简单悦耳的主旋律和三个和弦组成。 在英国,朋克摇滚则成为大众的宠儿。sex pistols被看作是对政府和君主制 的严重颠覆。更重要的是,有越来越多的乐队加入了朋克摇滚。一些乐队几 乎照搬了pistols的原始风格,另一些则创出了属于自己的新的元素 朋克分裂为后朋克(比原先更具艺术性和试验性),新浪潮(更具东方 流行意味),和硬核摇滚(一种形式上更激烈更快速更具侵略性的朋克 音乐)



Bill Haley
Bill Haley was called the father of rock, founder of the rock. Bill Haley 被称之为摇滚乐 之父, 之父,也是摇滚 乐的创始人。 乐的创始人。
Heavy Metal
重金属 主唱者
Coryphaeus Guitar 吉他
R&B Rhythm and Blues is full of translation "R&B," (R&B), today, R&B music has become the pronoun of black popular, although it is more of a kind of difference in Rap (Rap), Soul (there), Urban song (music by the situation) types of special audience and record circles mentioned. R&B的全名是 的全名是Rhythm & Blues,一般译作 “节 的全名是 , 奏布鲁斯” 奏布鲁斯”(R&B),时至今日,R&B已经成了黑人 ,时至今日, 已经成了黑人 流行音乐的代名词, 流行音乐的代名词,尽管它更多的是作为一种区别 于说唱乐(Rap)、灵魂乐 于说唱乐 、灵魂乐(Soul)、都市歌 、都市歌(Urban)的 的 音乐种类被特殊的听众和唱片界人士提及。 音乐种类被特殊的听众和唱片界人士提及。
Drum-set Keyboard Bass
架子鼓 键盘 贝斯
Crazy 疯狂
Passi a kind of contemporary pop music, originated in the southern United States and Appalachia mountains. Country music is rooted in the 1920s, the traditional folk music, integration Gospel music and music, Celtic in music. Country music melody, generally very smooth phrasing structure, beautiful, also is simple. 乡村音乐是一种当代的流行音乐,起源于美国南 乡村音乐是一种当代的流行音乐, 部与阿帕拉契山区。 部与阿帕拉契山区。乡村音乐的根源可追溯至 1920年代,融合了传统民谣音乐、凯尔特音乐、 年代, 年代 融合了传统民谣音乐、凯尔特音乐、 福音音乐及古时音乐。乡村音乐的曲调, 福音音乐及古时音乐。乡村音乐的曲调,一般都 很流畅、动听,曲式结构也比较简单。 很流畅、动听,曲式结构也比较简单。



成员介绍——约翰· 列侬
• 约翰· 温斯顿· 列侬 (John Winston Lennon),英国著 名摇滚乐队“披头 士”(The Beatles, 也译做“甲壳虫”) 成员,摇滚史上最 伟大的音乐家之一 , 披头士乐队的灵魂 人物,主唱兼节奏 吉他手,诗人,社 会活动家,反战者。
经由60年代的铺陈,遂使70年代的摇滚曲风丰富至极, 由David Bowie引领而起的华丽摇滚就是在70初蹶起的, 此外为了不栯于既有的摇滚类型,前卫摇滚、古典摇滚和 艺术摇滚也随即而起并成为当时乐界的新像,既而爵士摇 滚亦逐渐扬名,此外横跨整个70~80年代最受欢迎且最长 寿的重摇滚(重金属)产生了。重金属音乐(HEAVY METAL),简单来说,就是用稍微超常的力度来演奏摇滚 乐。吉他,作为这种音乐的主要元素,在演奏时比通常响 一点,更具复仇感。贝司的位量也前移了。这种音乐形式 可能起源于英格兰的“黑色安息日”(BLACK SABBATH), 其名字就够邪恶,它立刻显示了音乐可能成为的形象:黑 暗、神秘、粗俗、反叛。由于缺乏对未知的恐惧,这种音 乐的娱乐性得到了认可。该乐队同名专辑于1970年出版, 充分表现了上述形象,被很多人称为暴虐的乐队。
枪炮与玫瑰乐队是一支1985年成立于好莱 坞的硬摇滚乐队,。他们至今仍保持全美音乐 史上处子专辑最高的销售记录(3300W张以 上),在美国本土和世界上以分别拥有4600W 和1.1亿的专辑总销量以及两张专辑同时成为 Billboard,200排行榜,冠亚军的神话。
枪花在八十年代中期以及九十年代早期这 一巅峰时期有评论认为:“他们带来了一个极 端享乐主义的叛逆并复兴了硬摇滚界的朋克态 度,让人想起了早起的“滚石”。
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Taiwan boy band Mayday make music with a happy-go-lucky attitude. You may find their music a bit noisy and childish but they do raise your spirits.
崔健-- the
music. In 1989, Cui Jian released his first album, "Rock on the New Long March", which is Chinese the first real rock album.
“father” of Chinese rock
Bon Jovi is a hard rock band from Sayreville, New Jersey. Fronted by lead singer and namesake Jon Bon Jovi, the group originally achieved large-scale success in the 1980s
1960-2011 major rock bands
In The 60 s, The Beatles In The 70 s, Queen, AC/DC, Aerosmith, Black Sabbath, The Eagles(老鹰), Deep Purple, KISS, and Journey, Punk music, late up The main representative have Sex Pistols, The C l a s h, Ramones In the 80 s, Metallica, U2, R.E.M., Def Leppard, Motley Crue, Guns N ‘Roses(枪炮与玫瑰) In the 90 s, Nirvana (Kurt Cobain), Oasis, the Red Hot Chili Peppers In the 21 st century, Green Day (American Idiot, Coldplay, Linkin Park
Thank you !
We each have a piece of favorite music in our heart, and we each know without Rock&Roll, silent night will turn into a dead night, lonely soul will turn into a despairing stone. It is Rock&Roll that improves our spirit .It is Rock&Roll that is short but meaningful…
He is a rock musician who pursuits of ideal and freedom. As a rocker, he may be poor, and have nothing, but never compromises
Beyond is a legendary band from Hong Kong. Their representative songs are “Glory Days”, “really love you”, “sea sky” and so on.
The Development of
•In 1954 Bill· Haley cover songs from the blacks song Rock Around The Clock swept the America. This song is the first white rock and roll hit song. Then Elvis Presley opened a new era of rock and roll. Bill Haley Elvis Presley •1960s later, the continuous development of rock and roll has evolved a lot of schools, Including Classic Rock, Folk Rock, Raga Rock, Jazz Rock, Electronic Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Glamour Rock and Hard Rock and so on.
霜 冻 前 夜
The Spirit of Rock
Байду номын сангаас
When we speak of the spirit of rock, what word will first come into your mind?
Spirit of Rock'n'roll The memories still hold us together No matter if we're young or old As long as there's music we'll all live forever In the spirit of rock and roll Once it's in your blood You won't be the same no more Reaching every land From L.A. (Los Angles) to Tokyo It's in the heart of every boy and girl Everywhere all around the world
This year was known as the appearance of "magic rock heroes" ,which They are almost simultaneously include Dou published Chu Wei, Zhang “Black Dream”, “lonely people is shameful," "garbage dump" and He Yong. these three albums.
In the 70s, rock combined the influence of soul, funk, and Latin music. Also in 70s, rock evolved into various sub-genres (subcategories), such as soft rock, glam rock, heavy metal, hard rock, progressive rock, and punk rock.
Rock You
摇滚 •人 生 the rhythm From
and cry of life !
The Origin of Rock
First appeared place : The United States The earliest time appeared : In mid 1950s The earliest popular crowd : The black audience The main source of rock music : The "rhythm and blues"
Rock Classification
New Wave 新浪潮 Blues-Rock 蓝调摇滚 Britpop 英伦 Metal 金属
Indie Rock 独立摇滚 Punk 朋克 Grunge 车库
•In the 1940s black of rural America came to the cities. They can only do some menial work to sustain life. •The black blues fused dissatisfaction with life developed into rhythm and blues (R&B). This kind of music is loved by great many black. •In the 1950s, rhythm and blues is very popular. A lot of white young people also fell in love with this music.
In the late 60s and early 70s, it evolved into several types. Rock music that mixed with the folk music (local music in the U.S.) became folk rock, the music that mixed with blues became blues-rock and the one that mixed with jazz became a jazzrock fusion.
You know chuck, buddy, and Elvis paved the road The roots are deep inside us It's the rhythm in our soul Now it's the heart that's behind the beat The only sound that is complete
The Beatles
The Beatles are one of the most commercially successful and critically acclaimed bands in the history of popular music The Beatles' innovative music and cultural impact helped define the 1960s, and their influence on pop culture is still evident today.