基于智能语音交互技术的智慧 语音助理系统实现

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第一章 绪论 .......................................................................................................................................... 6 1.1 课题研究背景及意义................................................................................................................. 6 1.2 课题国内外研究现状................................................................................................................. 7 1.3 本论文主要研究内容................................................................................................................. 7 1.4 本论文的组织结构 .................................................................................................................... 8 1.5 本章小结 .................................................................................................................................. 8
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论文题目:基于智能语音交互技术的智慧 语音助理系统实现

类申请 型 专申业请(领域) 论文提交日期
1311090104 顾亚平 张学军 工程硕士 在职
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块随时监听音频任务的变化,当有新的用户音频数据进入时,调度模块根据业务设计逻辑决 定是否结束当前任务流程,开始新的任务流程。通过模块之间有序的任务协调及管理,避免 了多次语音交互时相互之间的干扰。
经过大规模数据验证,语音交互系统在智能 Android 手机上运行稳定。系统在办公室等 相对安静环境下的识别率达到 90%,在驾车关窗低车载噪音环境中识别率达 85%,单次语音 交互时间小于 3S,很好的验证了语音交互系统的可用性。
phone makes people entertainment and surf the internet convenient, but with the mobile phone function enhancement, the interaction complexity of people and the intelligent mobile phone is increasing. In recent years, the speech recognition technology has been applied to intelligent mobile phone, people can use voice call or send text messages ; people also can listen the incoming call and new information, the user does not need to transfer the eyes can be completed answering and
交互的便捷性。同时,本课题将基于安徽科大讯飞信息科技股份提供的语音技术开放平台研 制的语音交互系统应用到 Android 智能手机上,开发了智慧语音手机助理软件,软件结构主 要由语音识别、语音合成、音频任务调度、语音交互服务管理等子模块构成,语音交互管理 模块负责整体的任务调度,首先调用语音识别服务识别用于语音,并将识别结果发送给相应 的业务流程,然后根据业务需要调用语音合成模块对业务结果进行播报;而音频任务调度模
研究生签名:____________ 导师签名:____________ 日期:_____________
随着移动互联网的到来,各种移动终端设备正在越来越多被应用到人们的日常生活中, 尤其是智能手机的应用,它让人们可以随时随地娱乐、上网等,但随着手机功能增强,人们
recognition of speech interaction.
System test pass on the Android platform, stable running, convenient voice interaction. Under
研究生签名:_____________ 日期:____________
本人授权南京邮电大学可以保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子文 档;允许论文被查阅和借阅;可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索; 可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、汇编本学位论文。本文电子文档的内容和纸质 论文的内容相一致。论文的公布(包括刊登)授权南京邮电大学研究生院办理。
互无法体现语音技术的便捷性,并且增加了人机交互的复杂度。课题针对安卓智能手机应用 场景提出一种语音交互方案,用户通过说出多命令词控制智能手机完成基本通讯、日常使用 信息查询等复杂的任务,如“打电话/发短信给 XXX”、“我想听 XXX 的歌”等,智能手机终 端也自动将任务执行结果播报给用户,整个语音交互过程摒弃了繁琐的多步对话确认,解放 了用户的眼睛和手,相比于传统点击、触控交互方式,该语音交互方案很大程度提升了人机
the combination of voice technology and intelligent terminal efficiency.
Key words:voice conver源自文库ation、intelligent voice assistant、command control
checking message. The phone voice applications generally USES multiple conversational voice confirmation,
which does not reduce the operation time in actually, and multiple of interaction makes the recognition rate lower. Cumbersome voice interaction not only failed to reflect voice operation efficiency, but also affect the operability of mobile terminal voice interaction system. Of the mobile
terminal environment this particular scenario, this paper puts forward a voice interaction scheme, the user through a simple voice command and control of smart phones, such as phone calls, text messaging, listening to music, check the weather, such as mobile terminal also according to the need of the content of the feedback given in the form of the voice prompt. Voice interaction in the process of users do not need to transfer the eyes Chad look at the screen, can manipulation of the mobile phone with a voice command, abandoned the tedious multi-step dialogue, through the speech listening to query information. Compared with the traditional interface interaction and conversational voice interaction for many times, greatly improve the intelligent terminal can be convenience. At the same time, based on the hkust xunfei sound technology on the Android platform to realize the intelligent voice phone assistant software, the system is mainly composed of speech interactive service module, voice recognition module, speech synthesis module, audio mission control module, voice interaction services is responsible for calling speech, speech synthesis module calls a voice command from the speech recognition module to the user, which can identify and call the voice prompt to broadcast speech synthesis module, at the same time, the result will be sent to the corresponding treatment processes; Audio mission control module audio surveillance task at any time, and get the current audio task change, when a new task for audio, according to audio task priority decision whether to perform application in response to user action, between the speech application can orderly coordination work, to avoid interferences with the
the environment of clean speech system recognition rate reached 90%, at low vehicle noise to drive
close, recognition rate is above 85%, a voice interaction time control within 5 seconds, implements
关键词: 语音对话、智慧语音助理、命令词控制
With the arrival of mobile Internet, mobile terminal equipment are increasingly being applied to people's daily life, especially the application of intelligent mobile phone. The intelligent mobile
和智能手机的交互复杂度也越来越大。近年来对语音交互技术已逐步被应用到智能手机中, 人们可以使用语音实现语音拨打电话、发送短信等功能;也可以收听手机新来电话、信息等, 使用者不用转移双眼就可以完成电话接听、信息查看。
目前的手机语音应用一般采用多次语音交互完成特定任务,这从根本上来讲并没有提升 人机交互的效率,反而由于多次语音交互降低了语音识别率,增加交互的次数。多次语音交