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International Tender and Bid Technical Terms

招标: Invitation to Tender (Call for Tender)

招标人(招标方): Purchaser


招标邀请函: Invitation for Bid (IFB)

招标书(招标文件): Bidding Documents

投标书(投标文件):Bidding Proposal (Bidding Documents)

正本: Original

副本: Copy

招标保证金(投标保函): Bid Bond (Bid Security)

银行保函: Letter of Guaranty (L/G)

履约保证金: Performance Bond (Performance Security)

质保金:Warranty Bond (Warranty Security)

制造商授权书: Manufacturer’s Authorization

招标公告:Announcement of Tender

截标期限: Deadline of Bid Submission

投标指引: Instructions of Bidders (ITB)

开标时间: Bid Opening Time

投标有效期:Bid Validity

递标:Submission of Bid

开标纪要:Bid Opening Record

开标结果:Bid Opening Result

评标: Bid Evaluation

资格预审: Pre-qualification

评标委员会: Bid Evaluation Board (Bid Evaluation Committee, Bid Evaluation Group)

中标通知(公告):Notification of Award (Awarding Announcement)

供货范围: Scope of Supply

技术保证残素质(数据表):Guaranteed Technical Particulars (Data Sheet)

投标函:Bid Form

授权书(法人): Power of Attorney

价格表: Price Schedule

折扣函:Letter of Discount

交货表: Delivery Schedule

一般合同条款: General Contract Conditions (GCC)

特别合同条款: Special Contract Conditions (SCC)

营业执照(商业注册):Business Registration

财务报告(审计报告):Financial Statement (Audit Report)

会计师事务所: Audit Agent (Agency)

这侧会计师: Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

型式(试验)报告:Type Test Report

偏差表:Deviation Form

澄清函: Letter of Clarification

澄清请求: Request of Clarification

公司目录: General Catalogue

产品目录: Product Catalogue

商务文件:Commercial Proposal

技术文件: Technical Proposal

投标样品: Bidding Sample

技术规格: Technical Specifications

用户证明: User Certificate

补充文件: Supplemental Document

拒标: Rejection to Bid

撤标: Withdraw of Bid

废标: Cancellation of Bid

重新招标: Recalling of Bid

修改投标: Modification of Bid

付款条件: Term of Payment

信用证(即期): L/C (at sight)
