



TSM24S/Q 硬件手册
1.2 功能框图
Block Diagram
Power Conn
12 - 70 VDC
External Power Supply
2.3.1 选择电源电压 .........................................................................................8 2.3.2 再生放电钳 .............................................................................................8 2.3.3 选择电源电流..........................................................................................9
5.1 力矩曲线 ..........................................................................................22 5.2 机械尺寸 ..........................................................................................22 5.3 技术规格 ..........................................................................................23 5.4 SCL指令参考 ...................................................................................24

三菱Q系列 PLC概要

三菱Q系列 PLC概要

可编程控制器•安全注意事项• 使用设备前请阅读本说明使用本产品前请仔细阅读本手册及本手册提到的相关资料注意正确操作产品时的安全本手册中给出的说明均是关于本产品的关于PLC系统的安全说明请阅读CPU模块的用户手册在本手册中安全守则的等级分为危险和小心注意根据情况不同!小心这一级也能引发严重后果因此一定要遵守以上两级对人员安全非常重要的注意事项请把本手册放在一个安全的地方以便需要时就能够取阅一定要把它发送给最终使用者 [设计注意事项]!危险另外也不要把禁用信号当作输出• 不要把数据写入智能功能模块缓冲存储器的系统区信号从PLC CPU发送给智能功能模块把数据写入系统区或输出禁用信号可能导致PLC系统故障小心• 不要将控制线或通讯电缆捆扎到主回路或电源线上安装时也不要使它们靠得太近安装时它们应彼此间隔100mm3.9 in.或更远不这样做可能会产生噪声引起错误运行A - 1 A - 1[安装注意事项]小心• 在符合所用CPU模块的用户手册中规定的一般操作环境规格下使用PLC 如果在不符合本手册中规定的一般操作环境规格下使用PLC可能会引起电击火灾故障并会损坏模块或使模块性能变差• 安装模块时按住模块下部的安装杆将模块的锁紧扣插进基本单元安装孔中扣牢如果模块安装得不正确可能导致故障失效或使模块松动跌落下来尤其用在可能一直振动的环境中时要用螺钉紧固模块• 一定要在规定扭矩范围内紧固螺钉如果没有拧紧可能导致模块跌落短路或故障如果拧得过紧可能由于损坏螺钉或模块而导致跌落短路或故障• 当安装或卸下模块时一定要切断外部电源的所有相不这样做可能导致损坏模块使用QnPHCPU的系统能够让你在线更换模块注意可以在线更换的模块是有限制的并且每个模块都有预先确定的更换步骤关于详情请参考本手册中在线模块更换一章• 不要直接触摸模块的导电区或电器部件这样做可能导致模块故障或失效[接线注意事项]小心• 必须把PLC的FG端子接地有电击或故障的危险• 在接线后接通电源操作模块之前必须将端子盒盖安装在产品上如果不盖上端子盖就有电击的危险• 一定在规定的扭矩范围内紧固端子螺钉如果螺钉松动可能导致模块短路或故障如果螺钉拧得过紧可能损坏螺钉或模块导致短路或故障• 小心不要让异物如锯末或接线头进入模块异物进入模块可能导致火灾失效或故障• 为了防止接线时异物如线头进入模块内部在模块上部粘有一层防护膜接线过程中不要取下该防护膜但是一定要在操作系统之前取下防护膜以利操作期间产生的热量散发A - 2 A - 2[起动和维护注意事项] • 不要拆开或改造模块这样做可能导致失效故障人身伤害或火灾• 当安装或卸下模块时一定要切断外部电源的所有相不这样做可能导致模块失效或故障使用QnPHCPU的系统能够让你在线更换模块注意可以在线更换的模块是有限制的并且每个模块都有预先确定的更换步骤关于详情请参考本手册中在线模块更换一章• 通电时不要触摸连接器这样做可能导致故障• 在清洁或重新紧固端子螺钉和模块安装螺钉之前必须先切断外部电源的所有相不这样做可能导致模块失效或故障如果螺钉松动可能导致模块跌落短路或故障如果螺钉拧得过紧可能损坏螺钉和/或模块并导致模块跌落故障或故障小心 [报废处理注意事项]• 报废时将本产品当作工业废料处理小心A - 3 A - 3修订版手册编号在封底的左下角印刷日期2002年7月手册编号 SH NA 080325C-A 修订版第一次印刷本手册未被授予工业知识产权或其他任何种类的权利亦未被授予任何专利许可证使用本手册中的内容造成的工业知识产权问题不承担责任1999三菱电机株式会社三菱电机株式会社对A - 4 A - 4导言感谢您购买MELSEC-Q系列PLC 使用设备前请认真阅读本手册以对您购买的Q 系列PLC的功能和性能有清晰的认识从而确保正确地使用请把本手册的拷贝件发给最终使用者目录安全注意事项......................................................................................................................................... .........A- 1 修订 ........................................................................................................................................ ......................A- 4 符合EMC指令和低电压指令.........................................................................................................................A- 8 关于通用术语和缩写......................................................................................................................................A - 8 产品结构......................................................................................................................................... ................A- 9 1 概述 1- 1至1- 21.1 特性......................................................................................................................................... .................1- 11.2 功能版本B和更新版本中新增的功能.....................................................................................................1- 2 2 系统配置 2- 1至2- 42.1 适用系统......................................................................................................................................... .........2- 12.2 如何检查功能版本和软件版本................................................................................................................2- 3 3 规格 3- 1至3-263.1 性能规格......................................................................................................................................... .........3- 13.1.1 性能规格列表....................................................................................................................................3- 13.1.2 I/O转换特点.....................................................................................................................................3- 23.1.3 精度......................................................................................................................................... .............3- 93.2 功能列表......................................................................................................................................... .........3-103.2.1 模/数转换方法...................................................................................................................................3-103.2.2 最大值和最小值保持功能.................................................................................................................3-123.3 PLC CPU的I/O信号..............................................................................................................................3-12 3.3.1 I/O信号的列表..................................................................................................................................3-12 3.3.2 I/O信号的详情..................................................................................................................................3-13 3.4 缓冲存储器......................................................................................................................................... .....3-173.4.1 缓冲存储器分配Q64AD...........................................................................................................3-173.4.2 缓冲存储器分配Q68ADV.........................................................................................................3-183.4.3 缓冲存储器分配Q68ADI..........................................................................................................3-193.4.4 模/数转换允许/禁止设置缓冲存储器地址0Un\G0..............................................................3-20 3.4.5 CH平均时间/平均次数缓冲存储器地址1至8Un\G1至Un\G8...............................................................................3-203.4.6 平均处理设置缓冲存储器地址9Un\G9................................................................................3-21 3.4.7 模/数转换完成标志缓冲存储器地址10Un\G10....................................................................3-223.4.8 数字输出值缓冲存储器地址11至18Un\G11至Un\G18...................................................3-223.4.9 写数据出错代码缓冲存储器地址19Un\G19.........................................................................3-233.4.10 设置范围缓冲存储器地址20和 21Un\G20 和Un\G21.....................................................3-23 3.4.11 偏置/增益设置模式缓冲存储器地址22和23Un\G22和Un\G23......................................3-24A - 5 A - 53.4.12 最大值和最小值存储区缓冲存储器地址30至45Un\G30至Un\G45.....................................................................3-243.4.13 模式切换设置缓冲存储器地址158159Un\G158Un\G159.........................................3-253.4.14 保存的数据类型设置缓冲存储器地址200Un\G200 仅Q64AD................................3-253.4.15 工厂设置和用户范围设置偏置/增益值缓冲存储器地址202至233Un\G202至Un\G233............................................................3-26 4操作之前的设置和步骤 4- 1至4-134.1 操作注意事项......................................................................................................................................... ..4- 14.2 操作之前的设置和步骤............................................................................................................................4- 2 4.3 部分标识命名......................................................................................................................................... ..4- 34.4 接线......................................................................................................................................... .................4- 54.4.1 接线注意事项....................................................................................................................................4- 54.4.2 外部接线......................................................................................................................................... ..4- 64.5 智能功能模块的开关设置........................................................................................................................4- 84.6 偏置/增益设置......................................................................................................................................... .4-10 5 实用程序包GX Configurator-AD 5- 1至5-185.1 实用程序包功能 (5)- 15.2 安装和卸载实用程序包............................................................................................................................5- 2 5.2.1 用户注意事项....................................................................................................................................5- 25.2.2 操作环境......................................................................................................................................... ..5- 45.3 实用程序包操作的解释............................................................................................................................5- 5 5.3.1 如何进行公用实用程序包操作.........................................................................................................5- 55.3.2 操作概述......................................................................................................................................... ..5- 85.3.3 起动智能功能模块实用程序.............................................................................................................5-105.4 初始化设置......................................................................................................................................... .....5-125.5 自动刷新设置......................................................................................................................................... ..5-135.6 监视/测试......................................................................................................................................... ........5-155.6.1 监视/测试屏幕...................................................................................................................................5-155.6.2 偏置/增益设置操作...........................................................................................................................5-18 6 编程 6- 1至6- 56.1 使用实用程序包的编程例子....................................................................................................................6- 26.1.1 操作实用程序包................................................................................................................................6- 2 6.1.2 编程例子......................................................................................................................................... ..6- 36.2 不使用实用程序包的编程例子................................................................................................................6- 4 7 在线模块更换 7- 1至7-307.1 在线模块更换条件..................................................................................................................................7 - 1 7.2 在线模块更换操作..................................................................................................................................7 - 2 7.3 在线模块更换步骤..................................................................................................................................7 - 3 7.3.1 当使用工厂设置并用GX Configurator-AD进行初始化设置时......................................................7 - 37.3.2 使用工厂设置并用顺控程序进行初始化设置..................................................................................7 - 8A - 6 A - 67.3.3 当使用用户范围设置并用GX Configurator-AD进行初始化设置时可用其它系统.................7 -127.3.4 当使用用户范围设置并用GX Configurator-AD 进行初始化设置时不可用其它系统.............7 -167.3.5 当使用用户范围设置并用顺控程序进行初始化设置时可用其它系统.....................................7 -217.3.6 当使用用户范围设置并用顺控程序进行初始化设置时不可用其它系统.................................7 -257.4 范围参考表......................................................................................................................................... ....7 -297.5 在线模块更换的注意事项.......................................................................................................................7 -30 8 故障排除 8- 1至8- 58.1 出错代码列表......................................................................................................................................... ..8- 18.2 故障排除......................................................................................................................................... .........8- 28.2.1 当RUNLED闪烁或熄灭时........................................................................................................8- 28.2.2 当ERRORLED亮或闪烁时.......................................................................................................8- 28.2.3 当不能读数字输出值时.....................................................................................................................8- 38.2.4 使用GX Developer系统监视器检查模/数转换模块状态................................................................8- 4 附录附录- 1至附录-16 附录 1 模/数转换模块的功能升级............................................................................................................附录- 1 附录 1.1 模/数转换模块的功能比较.....................................................................................................附录- 1 附录 1.2 模/数转换模块功能和GX Configurator-AD软件版本的组合................................................附录- 2 附录 1.3 用功能版本B或更新版本的其中一个更换功能版本A模块的注意事项..............................附录- 2 附录 2 专用指令列表.................................................................................................................................附录- 3 附录 2.1 OFFGAN............................................................................................................................. ....附录- 4 附录 2.2 OGLOAD............................................................................................................................ .....附录- 6 附录 2.3 OGSTOR............................................................................................................................. ....附录-10 附录 3 外形尺寸图....................................................................................................................................附录-15 索引索引- 1至索引- 2A - 7 A - 7符合EMC指令和低电压指令关于把三菱产品PLC安装在你的产品中时使PLC符合EMC指令和低电压指令的详情请参见要使用的PLC CPU 用户手册硬件篇的第3章EMC指令和低电压指令凡是符合EMC指令和低电压指令的PLC在其主体的额定值铭牌上均印刷有CE 标识如果该产品符合EMC指令和电压指令就不再需要单独进行这些步骤了关于通用术语和缩写除非另外规定缩写/通用术语模/数转换模块 Q68ADI否则本手册使用下列通用术语和缩写缩写/通用术语的说明 Q68ADV的通用术语个人计算机PC/AT® 或带DOS/V的兼容机产品型号SWnD5C-GPPW-E SWnD5C-GPPW-EA SWnD5C-GPPW-EV和SWnD5C-GPPW-EVA的通用产品名称 GX Developer型号名称中的n是大于等于4的数字模/数转换模块设置和监视工具GX Configurator-AD SW0D5C-QADU-E的通用术GX Configurator-AD 语Q00JCPUQ00CPUQ01CPUQ02CPUQ02HCPUQ06HCPUQ12HCPUQCPU Q模式Q25HCPU的通用术语Q12PHCPU和Q25PHCPU的通用术语 QnPHCPU个人计算机个人计算机的通用术语模拟输入范围0至10V0至5V1至5V-10至10V0至20mA和4至20mA的工厂设置总称A - 8 A - 8产品结构下表中给出了本产品的产品结构型号代码Q64ADQ68ADVQ68ADISW0D5C-QADU-ESW0D5C-QADU-EA型号Q64AD模/数转换模块型号Q68ADV模/数转换模块型号Q68ADI模/数转换模块 GX Configurator-AD版本1 GX Configurator-AD版本1 1次许可产品多次许可产品 CD-ROM CD-ROM 产品名称数量 1 1 1 1 1A - 9 A - 91 概述1 概述1.1 特性1 - 1 1 - 1 MELSEC-Q 本用户手册描述了与MELSEC-Q系列CPU组合使用的Q64AD模/数转换模块以下称为Q64ADQ68ADV模/数转换模块以下称为Q68ADV和Q68ADI模/数转换模块以下称为Q68ADI的规格操作和编程方法在该手册中Q64ADQ68ADV和Q68ADI统称为模/数转换模块 1按照应用选择模块的型号• Q64AD ........... 4个通道每个通道都可以选择电压输入或电流输入•Q68ADV ........ 8个通道全部是电压输入• Q68ADI .......... 8个通道全部是电流输入2高速转换在80 µ s/通道的高速下进行转换另外可以使用全部通道的转换时间+ 160 s的处理时间执行温度漂移补偿功能 3高精度转换过程的精度是± 0.1%当环境温度是25 ± 5 °C时 4切换分辨率模式分辨率模式可以按照应用来更改并且可以选择数字值分辨率设置1/40001/12000或1/16000 5更改输入范围通过GX Developer可以很容易地设置输入范围 1 1输入范围参考偏置/增益设置的类型最常用的范围设置成默认值但是用户也可以设置偏置/增益 6便于使用实用程序包设置单独出售实用程序包GX Configurator-AD 实用程序包不是必需项目然而它可以用在屏幕上设置初始化设置和自动刷新设置缩短顺控程序并检查设置和运行状态 1 1 概述MELSEC-Q1.2 功能版本B和更新版本中新增的功能1功能版本B中新增的功能项目多PLC系统兼容性分辨率模式高分辨率模式状态标志X8最大值 /最小值复位完成标志XD1参考章节第2.1节第3.2节下面列出了功能版本B模/数转换模块中新增的功能功能概述与多PLC系统兼容分辨率模式可以按照应用来切换并且可以选择数字值分辨率设置1/40001/12000或1/16000当处于高分辨率模式时该标志变为ON当缓冲存储器地址30至45中存储的最大值和最小值由最大值/最小值复位请求YD复位时该标志变为ON第3.3节第3.3节2功能版本C中新增的功能项目在线模块更换下面列出了功能版本C模/数转换模块中新增的功能功能概述你可以在不停止系统情况下更改模块使用模式切换设置缓冲存储器地址158159Un\G158Un\G159和运行条件设置请求Y9不用复位PLC CPU就可以在不需要复位PLC CPU的模正常模式和偏置/增益设置模式之间切换模块式切换使用专用指令G.OFFGAN不用复位PLC CPU就可以在正常模式和偏置/增益设置模式之间切换模块参考章节第7章第3.4.13节附录2.1要点1关于功能版本的功能比较参见附录1.1 2关于检查功能版本的方法参见第2.2节1 - 2 1 - 22 系统配置MELSEC-Q2 系统配置2.1 适用系统本节描述模/数转换模块的系统配置21适用模块和可以安装的模块数目以下是可以安装模/数转换模块的CPU 模块和网络模块用于远程I/O站以及可以安装的模块数目适用模块Q00JCPU Q00CPU Q01CPU Q02CPU Q02HCPU Q06HCPU Q12HCPU Q25HCPU Q12PHCPU Q25PHCPU QJ72LP25-25 QJ72BR15 QJ72LP25G QJ71LP25GE最大 641网络模块可以安装的模块数目最大 16备注1最大 24CPU 模块最大 64只可以安装在Q模式中1最大 64MELSECNET/H远程I/O站21 参见所使用的CPU模块的用户手册功能解释编程基础篇2 参见Q系列MELSECNET/H 网络系统参考手册远程I/O网络2可以安装转换模块的基板单元3模/数转换模块可以安装在基板单元的任意I/O插槽中然而根据与安装的其它模块的组合以及使用的模块数等情况可能发生电功率不足现象因此安装模块时一定要考虑电源功率3 对CPU 模块和网络模块用于远程I/O站中的I/O点数范围有限制3与多PLC系统的兼容性如果要在多PLC 系统中使用模/数转换模块则首先要阅读QCPUQ模式用户手册功能解释编程基础篇a兼容模/数转换模块如果在多PLC 系统中使用模块则使用功能版本B或更高版本的模/数转换模块 b 智能功能模块参数只能对模/数转换模块的控制PLC进行智能功能模块参数的PLC写2 - 1 2 - 12 系统配置MELSEC-Q4与在线模块更换的兼容性为了进行在线模块更换应使用功能版本C或更新版本的模块要点功能版本C的产品包括功能版本A和B的功能5支持的软件包2使用模/数转换模块和软件包的系统之间的对应关系如下所示当使用模/数转换模块时需要GX Developer2 - 2 2 - 22 系统配置MELSEC-Q2.2 如何检查功能版本和软件版本2 -3 2 - 3 本节说明如何检查模/数转换模块的功能版本和GX Configurator-AD软件版本 1 如何检查模/数转换模块的版本 a使用模块侧面上额定值铭牌的系列栏检查版本b使用GX Developer检查版本参见本手册的第8.2.4节 2如何检查GX Configurator-AD软件版本在GX Developer的产品信息屏幕上可以检查GX Configurator-AD软件版本 [起动步骤] GX Developer 帮助软件版本在GX Developer 版本7 情况下2 系统配置MELSEC-Q备注下面所示的是已经从SW0D5C-QADU-E 50F升级产品变为GX Configurator-AD 的版本指示先前的产品升级和更新的版本SW0D5C-QADU-E 50F GX Configurator-AD 版本1.10L2 - 4 2 - 43 规格MELSEC-Q3 规格3.1 性能规格 3.1.1 性能规格列表表3.1表示模/数转换模块的性能规格表3.1 性能规格33 - 1 3 - 13 规格MELSEC-Q3备注参见用于模/数转换模块通用规格的CPU模块的用户手册3.1.2 I/O转换特点I/O转换特点表示当从PLC外部发来的模拟信号电压或电流输入转换成数字值时把偏置值和增益值连成直线所形成的角度偏置值偏置值表示使数字输出值变为0的模拟输入值电压或电流增益值增益值表示使数字输出值变为以下数值的模拟输入值电压或电流4000 正常分辨率模式中12000 当在高分辨率模式中选择0至5 V1至5 V4至20 mA0至20 mA 或用户范围设置时16000 当在高分辨率模式中选择 -10至10 V或0至10 V时3 - 2 3 - 23 规格MELSEC-Q1电压输入特性a正常分辨率模式中的电压输入特性图3.1是表示正常分辨率模式中电压输入特性的图图3.1 正常分辨率模式中的电压输入特性3 - 3 3 - 33 规格MELSEC-Qb高分辨率模式中的电压输入特性图3.2是表示高分辨率模式中电压输入特性图图3.2 高分辨率模式中的电压输入特性3 -4 3 - 43 规格MELSEC-Q要点1把各个输入范围设置在模拟输入范围和数字输出范围之内如果超过这些范围则最大分辨率和精度不会在性能规格之内不要使用图3.1和3.2中所示的虚线区2不要输入大于± 15 V的模拟输入电压否则输入元件可能会损坏 3把用户设置范围的偏置/增益值1设置在满足下列条件的范围内 { 增益值–偏置值 } > A <A的值>正常分辨率模式1.5 V高分辨率模式4.0 V4当输入超过数字输出值2范围的模拟值时数字输出值将固定在最大值或最小值模拟输入范围设置1至5 V 0至5 V –10至10 V 0至10 V 用户范围设置正常分辨率模式最小值最大值高分辨率模式最小值最大值4095 16383–4096 3 - 5 3 - 53 规格MELSEC-Q2电流输入特点a在正常分辨率模式中的电流输入特性图3.3是表示在正常分辨率模式中的电流输入特性图图3.3正常分辨率模式中的电流输入特性3 - 6 3 - 63 规格MELSEC-Qb高分辨率模式中的电流输入特性图3.4是表示高分辨率模式中的电流输入特性图图3.4高分辨率模式中的电流输入特性3 - 7 3 - 7。

Q-Flow 用户手册说明书

Q-Flow 用户手册说明书

北京龙讯旷腾科技有限公司2023 年 1 月 9 日目录1. Q-Flow 简介2. 登录系统3. 创建项目、工作流、导入晶体结构4. 组件4.1. 结构优化组件4.2. 自洽计算组件4.3. 非自洽计算组件4.4. 原子轨道投影、振子强度计算组件4.5. 分子动力学组件4.6. 声子模式计算组件4.7. 弹性常数计算组件4.8. 过渡态计算组件4.9. 含时密度泛函计算组件5. 模板5.1. 能带结构5.2. 态密度5.3. 高频介电函数5.4. 离子钳位极化5.5. 有效质量5.6. 声子谱6. 计算示例6.1. 结构优化6.2. 计算能带结构6.3. 计算态密度6.4. 体材料及光学性质计算6.4.1. 高频介电函数计算-普通插值6.4.2. 高频介电函数计算-二阶插值6.5. NEB 计算过渡态6.6. 隐式溶剂效应下 OER 计算6.7. 固定电势法计算 OER1. Q-Flow 简介 Q-Flow 是一款用于原子尺度材料性质模拟的云计算平台。


服务器端部署的材料计算软件为 PWmat,为龙讯旷腾自主知识产权软件,是一款运行在图形处理器(GPU)上的密度泛函理论(DFT)模拟计算软件,它使用平面波-赝势方法,支持电子结构、结构弛豫、从头算分子动力学、过渡态搜索、实时-含时密度泛函、非绝热分子动力学等多种基础计算功能。

PWmat 软件使用者以往在使用软件时需要通过 SSH 工具连接到服务器,并在命令行编辑提交作业,这对于初学者并不友好。

为了解决这一问题,Q-Flow 将全部需要与服务器交互的流程部署在浏览器端,通过图形化界面大大降低了使用难度。

Q-Flow 支持包括 cif、pwmat、vasp 格式的晶体结构文件上传下载,支持从浏览器端查看、编辑结构、支持断点续算,过程中编辑计算模块参数、材料性质后处理、实时查看计算状态。



A great deal of detail work is demanded if you want to dimension your 24 V power supply to optimum effect: For all the automation components supplied, you must not only determine the rated current, for example, but also take the inrush current into account. This means, for example, time-consuming searches by hand through catalogs or data sheets. To meet precisely this demand, it has now been made possible to design a power supply unit in the Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) selection tool. This means that, in just a few steps and clicks, you quickly find your way to the suitable power supply for your needs.The profit is in the detailThe increasing level of industrial automation demands not only efficiency, but also a reliable 24 V supply to automation components during operation and in the event of a fault. The solution is the use of a reliable power supply. Meanwhile, there is also the painstaking manual task of collecting and logically processing figures. Here too, the level of complexity soon pushes users to their limits. This is because an optimally dimensioned power supply on the one hand offers you the security that itreliably delivers sufficient current under all operating conditions and, on the other hand, is not over-dimensioned, which would have a negative impact in terms of price and space requirements in the control cabinet. The TIA Selection Tool is designed to help you get things right when selecting a power supply, even at the planning stage. The TIA Selection Tool not only enables suitableThe right choice for a sustainable supplyPower Supplypage 1/4devices to be selected for Totally Integrated Automation, but also configures them so that they are ready to be ordered easily through the Siemens Industry Mall.In comparison with conventional tools, this tool not only manages to combine the configuration of different automation products, but can achieve far more benefits for the user.Convenient selection via the device family viewSelection of the "device family" in the TIA Selection Tool provides a choice of different automation components such as controllers, I/O systems, HMI devices, industrial PCs, drive systems, switchgear, software, communication components, power supply units, and industrial identification systems. In addition, a Profibus and Profinet network can be selected on the basis of associated cables and connectors. (Fig. 1). Under the "power supply" heading, all 24 V power supply units of the Sitop compact, LOGO!Power, Sitop lite, Sitop smart and Sitop modular product lines are listed. The UPS1600 uninterruptible power supply can also be selected by means of the TIA Selection Tool. When selecting this, additional parameters such as load current, buffer time or ambient temperature can be defined. The user has the further option of selecting the Siplus versions and the PSU8600 power supply system (Fig. 2). In addition, a matching power supply in the Simatic design can be implemented in the respective product catalog of the controller.Fig. 1: Simple selection of a power supply using thedevice family viewFig. 2: Possible configuration of the intelligent PSU8600 power supply systemAfter choosing the appropriate automation components, you are automatically guided to the selection wizard. It is also possible for a product to be selected on the basis of technical features via a hardware catalog. In addition, this view offers a comparison component, so that with a simple click several power supply product lines can be compared directly with one another. For expansion of the selected power supply, it is also possible to select a matching redundancy and/or selectivity module (Fig. 3). These can be added by simply clicking on the accessory for the selected power supply. From this product selection in the catalog, the TIA Selection Tool defines a complete list of orders. The list of orders can then be transferred directly to the shopping cart in the Siemens Industry Mall and the product list can be exported in various formats, for example Excel. In addition, you can also request relevant CAX data via the CAX Download Manager.page 2/4page 3/4Fig. 3: Selection of accessories such as a selectivity module for a power supply is possible at any timeNew intelligent 24 V load view in the TIA Selection ToolAlthough you can determine power supply units for automation applications with comparatively few parameters, users have sometimes asked: "What is the current demand during operation?" or "What is the inrush current?". Until now, it was only possible to determine a demand-compliant power supply for automation components with considerable effort. Users who wanted to determine this demand first required a variety of technical data of the individual components, which usually involved a great deal of effort. This should, however, actually be easier to select and determine; ideally, with a suggestion for an appropriate power supply for the specified or selected 24 V load. The TIA Selection Tool also promises assistance in this area.The easy way to find the right power supplyWith the 24 V load view, the appropriate Sitop power supply unit can already be determined for selected automation products. The power requirement of the 24 V loads is calculated automatically and is taken into consideration as soon as the power supply unit is selected. The overview page of the 24 V load view of the TIA Selection Tool displays the automation components previouslyselected by the user. With one click, any power supply unit that has not yet been specified can quickly be added (Figs. 4 and 5). To this end, an additional screen provides instructions on adding a power supply unit. By simply dragging and dropping, the loads can then be connected with one or more power supply units. In doing so, the tool automatically determines the total of the rated and peak currents. The user, however, is free to decide which loads are to be includedin this circuit.Fig.4: Configuration of automation components with a power supply in the 24 V load viewFig. 5: Configuration of two power supplies that supply different loadsUsing the "Edit" function, the selection wizard for the appropriate power supply unit can be started. Only power supply units that deliver the total power required by the loads to be supplied are available for selection. Further parameters can also be defined. Apart from the input voltage (phase selection) and a specific preferred series of products, it is alsopossible to specify a spare capacity forfurther loads or future expansions as apercentage. Furthermore, thespecification of a rated coincidencefactor takes into consideration the factthat the devices in a plant are never allactivated simultaneously at full power(Fig. 6).Fig. 6: Intuitive selection of technical data such aspower reserve, coincidence factor, input voltage,product line, etc.Lastly, there is the possibility of settingup the power supply on a redundantbasis. On confirmation of thisfunction, the appropriate redundancymodule is offered.Flexibility is an essential componentof planningFurthermore, the tool offers twoversions of the configuration atpresent. On the one hand, the TIASelection Tool can be downloaded andinstalled on Windows computers. Inaddition, there is the option of usingthe Cloud version of the tool. This canbe started directly in the browser ofmobile devices. The use of webbrowsers such as Safari, Chrome andFirefox is recommended for thispurpose. The advantage of projectsstored in the Cloud is that you canwork on them using a tablet when youare traveling or from your PC at home.In order to be able to exploit the fullfunctionality, it is recommended inboth cases that an account be set up inthe Siemens Industry Mall. In this way,after creating a bill of materials orordering list, the user can immediatelyorder the products through theSiemens Industry Mall.。

QSAN XN8016R 硬件使用手册说明书

QSAN XN8016R 硬件使用手册说明书

XN8016R版本 1.2 ( December 2018 )本版本适用于QSAN XCubeNAS XN8016R NAS储存设备。



商标QSAN、QSAN 标志、XCubeNAS、 均为 QSAN Technology, Inc. 的注册商标。

Intel、 Xeon、Pentium、Core、Celeron、Intel Inside 等标志均为 Intel 公司在美国和其他国家/地区的注册商标。















法规声明CE StatementThis device has been shown to be in compliance with and was tested in accordance with the measurement procedures specified in the Standards and Specifications listed below.Technical Standard: EMC DIRECTIVE 2014/30/EU Class A(EN55032 / EN55024)FCC StatementThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. The Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interference.2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that maycause undesired operation.Contents iiiThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class Adigital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed toprovide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment isoperated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and canradiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and uses in accordance with theinstruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interferencein which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.Notice: The changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsiblefor compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equivalent.BSMI Statement警告:这是甲类的信息产品。



MiCO Documentation Working Group (MDWG)Jenny Liu Track Number: RM1001CN MXCHIP Co., Ltd Version: 1.32017.1.24. Category: Reference Manual OpenMiCOKit硬件手册摘要(Abstract)本文档主要描述MiCOKit系列开发套件的硬件组成及各功能模块电路原理图,旨在为MiCO-IoT物联网开发者提供与硬件相关的技术参考。

适用对象(Suitable Readers)本文适用于初级MiCOKit开发套件的开发者,并适合所有MiCO-物联网(IoT)设备开发者参考。

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版权声明(Copyright Notice)Copyright (c) 2015 MDWG Trust and the persons identified as the document authors. All rights reserved.版本更新说明日期修改人版本更新内容2015-7-29Jenny Liu V1.0 1. 初始版本2015-8-18Jenny Liu V1.11. 增加MCU,Wi-Fi,SPI Flash部分相关内容2. 更适用于MiCOKit各种型号,MiCOKit-Nucleo除外2015-9-8Jenny Liu V1.2 1. 修订格式,及统一公司描述为:上海庆科2017-1-24Jenny Liu V1.3 1.修改部分参考网页链接地址目录MiCOKit硬件手册 (1)版本更新说明 (1)1.MiCOKit系列开发套件概述 (5)1.1.硬件 (5)1.2.软件 (6)1.3.开发者支持 (7)2.MiCOKit Wi-Fi主板详解 (8)2.1.电源 (9)B转UART (9)2.3.MCU (10)2.4.W I-F I模块型号 (11)2.4.1 MiCOKit-3165之Wi-Fi模块 (11)2.4.2 MiCOKi-F411之Wi-Fi模块 (11)2.4.3 MiCOKi-SAMG55之Wi-Fi模块 (12)2.4.4 MiCOKi-LPC54102之Wi-Fi模块 (12)2.4.5 MiCOKi-MK22之Wi-Fi模块 (12)2.5.SPI F LASH (12)2.6.LED指示灯 (13)2.7.运行状态选择 (13)2.8.按键 (14)2.9.JTAG调试接口 (14)2.10.A RDUINO接口 (15)3.MiCOKit扩展板详解 (16)3.1.OLED显示屏 (17)3.2.RGB三色LED (17)3.3.环境传感器(选配) (18)3.4.九轴运动传感器(选配) (19)3.5.苹果认证芯片(选配) (19)3.6.距离、光照传感器 (20)3.7.温湿度传感器 (21)3.8.红外反射开关 (21)3.9.光照传感器 (22)3.10.微型直流电动机 (22)3.11.标准A RDUINO接口 (23)3.12.A RDUINO传感器接口 (23)3.13.UART接口 (24)图目录图1.2 MiCOKit套件硬件框图 (6)图1.3 MiCOKit套件软件框图 (6)图2.1 主板功能模块示意图 (8)图2.2 电源电路原理图 (9)图 2.3 USB转UART部分电路原理图 (10)图 2.4 USB转出来的串口 (10)图 2.5 MiCOKit的两种MCU位置示意图 (10)图 2.6 EMW3165模块 (11)图 2.7 EMW1088/1062模块 (12)图 2.8 EMW1000 (12)图 2.9 SPI Flash部分原理图 (13)图 2.10 LED指示灯原理图 (13)图 2.11 工作模式选择部分原理图 (14)图 2.12 按键部分原理图 (14)图 2.13 JTAG接口部分原理图 (15)图 2.14 Arduino接口部分原理图 (15)图 3.1 MiCOKit扩展板功能图 (16)图 3.2 OLED显示屏电路原理图 (17)图 3.3 RGB驱动电路原理图 (18)图 3.4 P8913驱动时序图 (18)图 3.5 环境传感器电路原理图 (19)图 3.6 九轴运动传感器电路原理图 (19)图 3.7 苹果CP芯片电路原理图 (19)图 3.8 距离、光照检测电路原理图 (20)图 3.9 温湿度电路原理图 (21)图 3.10 DHT11时序图 (21)图 3.11 红外反射电路原理图 (22)图 3.12 光照传感器电路原理图 (22)图 3.13 直流电机电路原理图 (23)图 3.14 扩展板Arduino电路原理图 (23)图 3.15. Arduino传感器接口电路原理图 (23)表目录表2.1 各型号MiCOKit开发板MCU型号 (11)表2.2 工作模式选择 (14)1.MiCOKit系列开发套件概述MiCOKit是上海庆科(MXCHIP)推出的基于物联网操作系统(MiCO)系列开发套件,可用于物联网、智能硬件的原型机开发和Demo演示。





中间为ARDUINO-NANO编程控制板,PRO-MINI 为编程控制主板(专门负责处理数据编程)使用,最右边为的串口调试板(可给舵机板调试也可给ARDUINO-NANO下载程序)。

此舵机板,他上面可直接插PS2手柄的接收器,其解码是通过ARDUINO-NANO 来完成的。


此舵机板带有电压检测功能,当VSS主板电压低于6.8V (默认为7.4V锂电池供电),或者舵机(+-)电压低于5.5V(默认为7.4V锂电池接入1.3V降压二极管),此时L3灭掉,并伴随喇叭报警。























其次,支持通过Arduino IDE进行编程,用户可以选择适合自己的开发环境和编程语言。







TC24 用户手册说明书

TC24 用户手册说明书

User manualTable of ContentsGenerally (3)FCC notes (3)Section 15.19 (3)Section 15.21 Statement (3)Section 15.105 (a) Statement (3)IC notes (3)RSS-GEN – User Manual Statements (English/French) (3)RF exposure statement (3)2 / 3GenerallyThe module is not sold separately and is exclusively used for systems of HBC-radiomatic. The module is only used in professional industrial radio applications.For integration in host device integration instructions define requirements for installation, safety instructions written in host manual and labeling requirements.Changes or modifications made to this module not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance may void the authorization to operate this equipment.FCC notesSection 15.19This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Section 15.21 StatementChanges or modifications to the unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.Section 15.105 (a) StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.IC notesRSS-GEN – User Manual Statements (English/French)Licence exemptThis device complies with Industry Canada’s licence-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause interference; and2. This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesiredoperation of the device.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes:1. l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage;2. l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepte r tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillageest susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.RF exposure statementThis RF module will be integrated with internal and external antennas in different host devices. For each final host device the RF exposure conditions to comply with FCC / ISED requirements will be individually defined and the user instructions of the host device will have appropriate installation or usage instructions. In general, the final host device will be used in such a manner that the potential for human contact including by-standers during normal operation is minimized.3 / 3。

Q900 用户手册说明书

Q900 用户手册说明书

HF/VHF/UHF全模式SDR电台Q900用户手册V4.0重庆国赫电子科技有限公司Chongqing Guohe Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd.************重庆市渝北区宝圣大道902号目录概述 (3)关键名词解释 .............................................................................................................................. - 4 -面板控制和操作 .......................................................................................................................... - 4 -前面板 .................................................................................................................................. - 4 -按键功能 .............................................................................................................................. - 4 -指示灯 .................................................................................................................................. - 5 -SDR主界面........................................................................................................................... - 5 -频段选择操作 ...................................................................................................................... - 6 -异频操作 .............................................................................................................................. - 6 -AF音频设置 ......................................................................................................................... - 6 -RF设置 ................................................................................................................................. - 7 -USB声卡数据输出格式设置............................................................................................... - 7 -收发频偏设置 ...................................................................................................................... - 7 -收发模式设置 ...................................................................................................................... - 8 -天调操作 .............................................................................................................................. - 8 -A/B频操作 ........................................................................................................................... - 8 -NR/NB噪声抑制设置 .......................................................................................................... - 8 -频谱与瀑布图显示设置 ...................................................................................................... - 9 -频谱参数显示设置 .............................................................................................................. - 9 -数字滤波器操作 .................................................................................................................. - 9 -应用程序菜单操作 .............................................................................................................. - 9 -后面板接口 ................................................................................................................................ - 12 -接口定义 .................................................................................................................................... - 13 -接收高级操作 ............................................................................................................................ - 14 -发射操作(出厂为锁定) ........................................................................................................ - 14 -FT8通信 ..................................................................................................................................... - 16 -SSB通信 ..................................................................................................................................... - 16 -CW通信 ..................................................................................................................................... - 16 -FM通信...................................................................................................................................... - 17 -中继操作 .................................................................................................................................... - 17 -AM通信 ..................................................................................................................................... - 17 -数据通信RTTY ........................................................................................................................... - 17 -自定义数字模式 ........................................................................................................................ - 18 -信道贮存 .................................................................................................................................... - 18 -信道编程 .................................................................................................................................... - 18 -CAT控制..................................................................................................................................... - 19 -固件升级说明 ............................................................................................................................ - 20 -CMIIT ID显示 ............................................................................................................................. - 22 -售后............................................................................................................................................ - 23 -附录1:输入法 ......................................................................................................................... - 24 -附录2:Q900控制协议 ........................................................................................................... - 25 -概述Q900 是我们推出的一款超便携全频全模式 SDR 电台,接收频率100kHz~2GHz,业余发射波段覆盖160m~70cm段。

信捷电气 XG 系列中型可编程控制器 用户手册[基本指令篇]说明书

信捷电气 XG 系列中型可编程控制器 用户手册[基本指令篇]说明书

无锡信捷电气股份有限公司信捷电气XG系列中型可编程控制器用户手册[基本指令篇]第一版前言—————————————————编程方式概述—————————————————软元件的作用和功能—————————————————基本顺控指令说明—————————————————应用指令说明—————————————————高速计数—————————————————通讯功能—————————————————PID控制功能—————————————————C语言功能块—————————————————顺序功能块BLOCK —————————————————特殊功能指令—————————————————常见问题及处理方法—————————————————附录—————————————————1234567891011基本说明♦感谢您购买了信捷XG系列中型可编程序控制器。















WEPOWER2PD632大功率IGBT智能驱动模块使用手册WEPOWER 系列大功率IGBT智能驱动模块是特别为大功率IGBT设计的更为可靠,安全的智能驱动模块。




1.主要特点、技术指标和运用1)主要特点:* 适用于大功率IGBT模块驱动* 带短路、过流以及欠压保护* 软关断保护技术* 特别可靠和耐用* 高电气隔离* 开关频率从0~150KHZ* 占空比:0~100%* 抗干扰强,dv/dt>100,000V/us* 内部集成DC/DC电源2)技术指标驱动通道数:2通道;适用母线电压:≤1700V;额定输入电压:15V(±0.5V);最大驱动电流:±32A;内置DC/DC功率:2*6W;PWM输入电平:0-16V(兼容TTL和COMS);额定驱动电压:+15V/-10V;操作温度范围:2PD632I:-40℃~+85℃2PD632J: -40℃~+105℃2PD632M:-55℃~+125℃最大指标符号 定 义 参数 单位 VDD 原边供电电压 16 V VDC 原边供电电压 15.6 V V输入信号电压(高) VS+0.3 V iHV输入信号电压(低) GND-0.3 V iLIout输出峰值电流 16 A PEAK输出平均电流 250 mA IoutAVmax最大开关频率 100 kHz fmax最高C、 E极监测电压 1700 V VCEdv/dt 电压上升率 50 kV/usVisoIIO输入输出隔离电压(AC,RMS,2S) 4000 VVisoIPD 局部放电截止电压,RMS,QPD≤10PC 2000 VVisoI12通道1和通道2隔离电压(AC,RMS,2S)2000 VRGonmin最小开通电阻 0.5 ΩRGoffmin最小关断电阻 0.5 ΩQout/pulse单个脉冲最大输出电能 23 uCTop 使用温度2PD632I -40℃~+85℃℃2PD632J -40℃~+105℃2PD632M -55℃~+125℃Tstg 存储温度2PD632I -55℃~+105℃℃2PD632J -55℃~+125℃2PD632M -60℃~+130℃特性指标符号 定 义参数单位 最小 典型 最大VDD 原边供电电压 14 15 16 V VDC DC/DC供电电压 14.5 15 15.6ISO 原边空载电流 80 mA 原边最大电流 1000 mAVi输入信号电压 15/0 VViT+逻辑高输入门限电压3.5 - - VViT-逻辑低输入门限电压- - 1.5 VVG(on)门极开通电压 +15 VVG(off)门极关断电压 -10 Vtd(on)开通延迟时间 0.2 ustd(off)关断延迟时间 0.22 ustd(err)故障输出延迟时间 0.5 ustTD 通道1和通道2内部默认死区时间1.8 usCPS原副边耦合电容 17 pF VCEsat VEC过流保护门限 9 V W 重量 35 gMTBF 平均无故障时间(Ta=40℃,最大负载)1.6 106h3)应用z逆变器z电机驱动z机车牵引z大功率变换器z大型开关电源2、2PD632外形尺寸及引脚排列引脚功能引脚功能1 VDD +15V 输入端电源2 VDD +15V输入端电源3 SO1 通道A故障输出4 /RST 复位输入5 CA 通道A死区电容6 inB B通道输入7 CB 通道B死区电容8 NC9 SO2 通道B故障输出10 inA A通道输入11 GND 输入端电源地12 GND 输入端电源地13 VDC 内部DC/DC +15V 输入14 VDC 内部DC/DC +15V 输入15 VDC 内部DC/DC +15V 输入16 VDC 内部DC/DC +15V 输入17 VDC 内部DC/DC +15V 输入18 GND(dc) 内部DC/DC电源地19 GND(dc) 内部DC/DC电源地20 GND(dc) 内部DC/DC电源地21 GND(dc) 内部DC/DC电源地22 GND(dc) 内部DC/DC电源地44 G1 通道1门极输出43 G1 通道1门极输出42 COM1 通道1公共端41 COM1 通道1公共端40 NC39 E1 通道1E极38 E1 通道1E极37 NC36 C1 通道1C极检测端35 NC34 NC33 NC32 G2 通道2门极输出31 G2 通道2门极输出30 COM2 通道2公共端29 COM2 通道2公共端28 NC27 E2 通道2E极26 E2 通道2E极25 NC24 C2 通道2C极检测端23 NC3.应用举例下图是2PD632的运用参考电路。



WM_ Wireless CPU Q24SeriesCustomer Design GuidelineRevision: 002Date: September 2006Wireless CPU Q24 SeriesCustomer Design GuidelineReference: WM_PRJ_Q24NG_CDG_002Revision: 002Date: September 2006Powered by the Open AT® Software Suiteconfidential ©Page: 1 / 90 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.Wireless CPU Q24 Seriesconfidential © Page: 2 / 90This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. CautionsThis platform contains a modular transmitter. This device is used for wireless applications. Note that all electronics parts and elements are ESD sensitive.Information provided herein by WAVECOM is accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for its use and any of such WAVECOM information is herein provided "as is" without any warranty of any kind, whether express or implied.Trademarks®, WAVECOM ®, WISMO ®, Open AT ® and certain other trademarks and logos appearing on this document, are filed or registered trademarks of Wavecom S.A. in France or in other countries. All other company and/or product names mentioned may be filed or registered trademarks of their respective owners.CopyrightThis manual is copyrighted by WAVECOM with all rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of WAVECOM. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of their respective owners.Wireless CPU Q24 Seriesconfidential © Page: 3 / 90This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Web Site SupportGeneral information about Wavecom and its range of products: Specific support is available for the Q24 Classic, Plus, Extended and Auto Wireless CPU: /Q24Classic, /Q24Plus, /Q24Extended, /Q24AutoCarrier/Operator approvals: /approvals Open AT® Introduction: /OpenATDeveloper support for software and hardware: /forumWireless CPU Q24 Seriesconfidential © Page: 4 / 90This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. OverviewThis document gives recommendations and general guidelines to help design a product using the Wireless CPU Q24 Series. The recommendations include:• Design rules and typical implementation examples, • Mechanical constraints, • PCB layout recommendations,•Test and download recommendations.The Wireless CPU Q24 Series is available in four different GSM/GPRS Class 10 quad-band versions:• Q24 Classic : EGSM 900/1800/850/1900 MHz version with 32 Mb of Flash memory and 16 Mb of PSRAM (32/16), T° range [-20°C / +55°C].• Q24 Plus : EGSM/GPRS 900/1800/850/1900 MHz version with 32 Mb of Flash memory and 16 Mb of PSRAM (32/16), T° range [-20°C / +55°C].• Q24 Extended : EGSM/GPRS 900/1800/850/1900 MHz version with 32 Mb of Flash memory and 4 Mb of SRAM (32/4), extended T° range.• Q24 Automotive : EGSM/GPRS 900/1800/850/1900 MHz version with 32 Mb of Flash memory and 4 Mb of PSRAM (32/4), extended T° range. This version is dedicated to automotive applications.For further information about the Wireless CPU Q24 Series, refer to the Product Technical Specification [3].For detailed software programming guides, refer to the documents shown in the "Reference documents" section.Open AT® Software Suites allow developers to natively execute ANSI C software programs directly on the Wireless CPU.Wireless CPU Q24 Seriesconfidential © Page: 5 / 90This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Document HistoryRevision DateList of revisions001 May 2006 Creation (Preliminary version)002September -2006First updateWireless CPU Q24 Seriesconfidential ©Page: 6 / 90This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. ContentsCautions...............................................................................................2 Trademarks..........................................................................................2 Copyright.............................................................................................2 Web Site Support.................................................................................3 Overview..............................................................................................4 Document History................................................................................5 Contents..............................................................................................6 Table of Figures .................................................................................10 1References (12)1.1 Reference Documents...........................................................................12 1.1.1 Wavecom Reference Documents...................................................12 1.1.2 General Reference Documents......................................................12 1.2 Abbreviations .......................................................................................13 2General Description (17)2.1 General Information..............................................................................17 2.1.1 Overall Dimensions.......................................................................17 2.1.2 GSM/GPRS Features.....................................................................17 2.1.3 Interfaces......................................................................................17 2.1.4 External RF Connection Interfaces.................................................18 2.1.5 SIM CARD Holder .........................................................................18 2.1.6 Green Policy..................................................................................18 2.2 Functional Architecture.........................................................................19 3 Power Supply Recommendations...............................................203.1Ground Connections Recommendations (20)Wireless CPU Q24 Seriesconfidential © Page: 7 / 90This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. 3.2 Power Supply Generalities....................................................................21 3.3 Voltage Versus Distance.......................................................................21 3.4Voltage Versus Time (23)3.5 Design Recommendation......................................................................24 3.5.1 Power Supply Selection ................................................................24 3.5.2 Design of the Supply Track...........................................................25 3.5.3 Decoupling capacitors...................................................................27 4 Power Consumption..................................................................28 5 Interfaces..................................................................................31 5.1Digital I/O and Peripheral Implementation (31)5.2 Serial Interface......................................................................................31 5.2.1 SPI Bus.........................................................................................31 5.2.2 I 2C Bus..........................................................................................32 5.2.3 SPI and I 2C Bus Implementation ...................................................32 5.3Keyboard Interface................................................................................34 5.4 Main Serial Link (UART1)......................................................................35 5.4.1 General Description.......................................................................35 5.4.2 Design Recommendation..............................................................35 5.5 Auxiliary Serial Link (UART2)................................................................38 5.5.1 General Description.......................................................................38 5.5.2 Design Recommendation..............................................................39 5.6 SIM Interface........................................................................................39 5.6.1 General Description.......................................................................39 5.6.2 Design Recommendation..............................................................39 5.6.3 Wireless CPU SIM CARD Holder ...................................................44 5.7Analog to Digital Converter (ADC).........................................................46 5.8 Audio Interface.....................................................................................47 5.8.1 Recommended Microphone Characteristics ..................................47 5.8.2 Recommended Speaker Characteristics.........................................48 5.8.3 Recommended Filtering Components............................................48 5.8.4 Audio track and PCB Layout Recommendation .............................50 5.8.5 Microphone Inputs........................................................................50 5.9 Buzzer Output ......................................................................................56 5.9.1 General Description.......................................................................56 5.9.2 Design Recommendation..............................................................57 5.10 Battery Charging Interface....................................................................57 5.10.1 General Description.......................................................................57 5.10.2 Design Recommendation..............................................................58 5.11 ON / ~OFF .. (60)Wireless CPU Q24 Seriesconfidential ©Page: 8 / 90This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. 5.11.1 General Description.......................................................................60 5.11.2 Operating Sequences....................................................................61 5.11.3Power OFF (61)5.12 BOOT (optional)....................................................................................62 5.12.1 General Description.......................................................................62 5.12.2 Design Recommendation..............................................................63 5.13 Reset Signal (~RST)..............................................................................63 5.13.1 General Description.......................................................................63 5.13.2 Design Recommendation..............................................................64 5.14 External Interrupt (~INTR).....................................................................65 5.14.1 General Description.......................................................................65 5.14.2 Design Recommendation..............................................................65 5.15 VCC Output ..........................................................................................65 5.15.1 General Description.......................................................................65 5.16 Real Time Clock Supply (VCC_RTC).......................................................66 5.16.1 General Description.......................................................................66 5.16.2 Design Recommendation..............................................................66 6 Radio Design .............................................................................68 6.1Antenna Characteristics Recommendation (68)6.2 Antenna Implementation ......................................................................68 6.2.1 Recommendations........................................................................68 6.2.2 RF connection...............................................................................69 7 ESD Immunity............................................................................717.1 ESD Consideration................................................................................71 7.2 PCB Layout against ESD.......................................................................72 7.3 Stretch Cabinet Wall.............................................................................73 8 EMC Recommendations ............................................................74 9 Technical Specifications ...........................................................75 9.1 General Purpose Connector Pin-out Description ...................................75 9.2 I/O Circuit Diagram ...............................................................................79 10 PCB Layout in General...............................................................80 11 Debug and Testability................................................................81 12Firmware Upgrade (82)Wireless CPU Q24 Seriesconfidential © Page: 9 / 90This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. 12.1 Recommendations................................................................................82 12.1.1 Nominal Upgrade Procedure .........................................................82 12.1.2 Backup Procedure.........................................................................82 13Product Manufacturing Design Rules (84)13.1 Recommendation for Lead Free Soldering.............................................84 14Mechanical Specifications (85)14.1 Pad Design...........................................................................................87 14.2 Part References and Suppliers..............................................................88 14.3 General Purpose Connector ..................................................................88 14.4 SIM Card Reader ..................................................................................88 14.5 Microphone..........................................................................................88 14.6 Speaker ................................................................................................89 14.7 Antenna Connections ...........................................................................89 14.7.1 Antenna Pad.................................................................................89 14.7.2 IMP Connector (RF board to board)...............................................89 14.7.3 UFL Connector..............................................................................89 14.7.4 MMS Connector ...........................................................................90 14.8 GSM Antenna (90)Wireless CPU Q24 SeriesTable of FiguresFigure 1: Functional architecture (19)Figure 2: Q24 Series and ground connections (20)Figure 3: Shielding legs connections (20)Figure 4: Voltage drop versus distance (21)Figure 5: Typical Li-Ion battery connection (22)Figure 6: Voltage drop versus time (23)Figure 7: VBATT supply track and PCB layout (27)Figure 8: VBATT and decoupling capacitors (27)Figure 9: Example of Keyboard implementation (34)Figure 10: UART1 Serial Link signals (35)Figure 11: Typical UART1 and host connection (36)Figure 12: Example of RS232 level shifter implementation (38)Figure 13: UART2 Serial Link signals (39)Figure 14: Example of SIM Socket implementation (40)Figure 15: Example of SIM Socket and PCB layout (41)Figure 16: SIM signals and layout (42)Figure 17: SIM CARD holder constraints (44)Figure 18: Example of ADC input implementation (47)Figure 19: Microphone (48)Figure 20: Audio track design (50)Figure 21: MIC1 inputs and single-ended connection (51)Figure 22: MIC1 inputs and differential connection (52)Figure 23: MIC2 inputs and differential connection (54)Figure 24: Example of single-ended mode speaker implementation (55)Figure 25: Buzzer connection (57)Figure 26: Charger recommendation (59)Figure 27: Example of battery implementation (59)Figure 28: Power-ON sequence diagram (61)Figure 29: Power-OFF sequence diagram (62)Figure 30: BOOT pin connection (63)confidential ©Page: 10 / 90 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.Wireless CPU Q24 SeriesFigure 31: RST pin connection (64)Figure 32: Reset sequence diagram (65)Figure 33: INTR pin connection (65)Figure 34: RTC Supplied by a capacitor or super capacitor (66)Figure 35: RTC Supplied by a battery cell (67)Figure 36: RTC supplied by a non-rechargeable battery (67)Figure 37: Antenna connection (69)Figure 38: Antenna cable preparation (70)Figure 39: Shorter track to ESD Diode (72)Figure 40: Configured way to avoid (72)Figure 41: Top and Bottom Layers with ground plane (73)Figure 42: Stretch the height of the inner wall (73)Figure 43: Stretch the height of the inner wall (73)Figure 44: Wireless CPU pin position (bottom view) (75)Figure 45: Maximum area occupied on the application board (85)Figure 46: Pad design (87)confidential ©Page: 11 / 90 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.Wireless CPU Q24 SeriesReferencesconfidential © Page: 12 / 90This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. 1 References1.1 Reference DocumentsFor more details, several reference documents may be consulted. The Wavecom reference documents are provided in the Wavecom documents package contrary to the general reference documents, which are not Wavecom owned. 1.1.1 Wavecom Reference Documents [1] Automotive Environmental Control Plan for Wireless CPU Q24 Series WM_PRJ_Q24NG_DCP_001[2] Environmental Control Plan for Wireless CPU Q24 Series WM_PRJ_Q24NG_DCP_002[3] Wireless CPU Q24 Series Product Technical Specification WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_002[4] Wireless CPU Q24 Series Process Customer Guidelines WM_PRJ_Q24NG_PTS_003[5] AT Commands Interface Guide for OS 6.57 WM_ASW_OAT_UGD_0044[6] AT Commands Interface Guide (Bluetooth) WM_ASW_BLU_UGD_001[7]ADL User Guide for Open ATA® V.3.12 WM_ASW_OAT_UGD_0061.1.2 General Reference Documents [8] "I²C Bus Specification", Version2.0, Philips Semiconductor 1998 [9]ISO 7816-3 StandardWireless CPU Q24 SeriesReferences1.2AbbreviationsAbbreviation DefinitionAC A lternating C urrentADC A nalog to D igital C onverterA/D A nalog to D igital conversionAF A udio-F requencyAT AT tention (prefix for modem commands)AUX AUX iliaryCAN C ontroller A rea N etworkCB C ell B roadcastCEP C ircular E rror P robableCLK CL oc KCMOS C omplementary M etal O xide S emiconductorCS C oding S chemeCTS C lear T o S endDAC D igital to A nalog C onverterdB D eci b elDC D irect C urrentDCD D ata C arrier D etectDCE D ata C ommunication E quipmentDCS D igital C ellular S ystemDR D ynamic R angeDSR D ata Set R eadyDTE D ata T erminal E quipmentDTR D ata T erminal R eadyEFR E nhanced F ull R ateE-GSM E xtended GSMEMC E lectro M agnetic C ompatibilityEMI E lectro M agnetic I nterferenceEMS E nhanced M essage S erviceconfidential ©Page: 13 / 90 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.Wireless CPU Q24 SeriesReferences Abbreviation DefinitionEN EN ableESD E lectro S tatic D ischargesFIFO F irst I n First O utFR F ull R ateFTA F ull T ype A pprovalGND G rou NDGPI G eneral P urpose I nputGPC G eneral P urpose C onnectorGPIO G eneral P urpose I nput O utputGPO G eneral P urpose O utputGPRS G eneral P acket R adio S erviceGPS G lobal P ositioning S ystemGSM G lobal S ystem for M obile communicationsHR H alf R ateI/O I nput / O utputLED L ight E mitting D iodeLNA L ow N oise A mplifierMAX MAX imumMIC MIC rophoneMIN MIN imumMMS M ultimedia M essage S erviceMO M obile O riginatedMT M obile T erminatedna N ot A pplicableNF N oise F actorNMEA N ational M arine E lectronics A ssociationNOM NOM inalNTC Négative T emperature C oefficientPA P ower A mplifierPa Pa scal (for speaker sound pressure measurements)PBCCH P acket B roadcast C ontrol CH annelconfidential ©Page: 14 / 90 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.Wireless CPU Q24 SeriesReferences Abbreviation DefinitionPC P ersonal C omputerPCB P rinted C ircuit B oardPDA P ersonal D igital A ssistantPFM P ower F requency M odulationPSM P hase S hift M odulationPWM P ulse W idth M odulationRAM R andom A ccess M emoryRF R adio F requencyRFI R adio F requency I nterferenceRHCP R ight H and C ircular P olarizationRI R ing I ndicatorRST R e S e TRTC R eal Time C lockRTCM R adio T echnical C ommission for M aritime servicesRTS R equest T o S endRX R eceiveSCL S erial CL ockSDA S erial DA taSIM S ubscriber I dentification Wireless CPUSMS S hort M essage S erviceSPI S erial P eripheral I nterfaceSPL S ound P ressure L evelSPK SP ea K erSRAM S tatic RAMTBC T o B e C onfirmedTDMA T ime D ivision M ultiple A ccessTP T est P ointTVS T ransient V oltage S uppressorTX T ransmitTYP TYP icalUART U niversal A synchronous R eceiver-T ransmitterconfidential ©Page: 15 / 90 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.Wireless CPU Q24 SeriesReferences Abbreviation DefinitionUSB U niversal S erial B usUSSD U nstructured S upplementary S ervices D ataVSWR V oltage S tanding W ave R atioconfidential ©Page: 16 / 90 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.Wireless CPU Q24 SeriesGeneral Descriptionconfidential © Page: 17 / 90This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. 2 General Description2.1 General InformationThe Wireless CPU Q24 Series are self-contained EGSM/GPRS 900/1800 and 850/1900 quad-band Wireless CPUs with the following characteristics. Note:Only the Q24 classic is limited to GSM (GPRS not supported). 2.1.1 Overall Dimensions Completely shielded: • Length: 58.4 mm • Width: 32.2 mm • Thickness: 3.9 mm - Excluding shielding legs- 6.2 mm for Q24 Automotive which offers a MMS or UFL connector on the top side• Weight:<11 g (12g for Q24 Automotive) 2.1.2 GSM/GPRS Features• 2-Watt EGSM 900/GSM 850 radio section running under 3.6 volts • 1-Watt GSM1800/1900 radio section running under 3.6 Volts• Hardware GSM/GPRS class 10 capable (except the Wireless CPU Q24 Classic) 2.1.3 Interfaces• Complete interfacing is through a 60-pin connector: o SPI and I 2C bus interfaces o Keyboard interfaceso Two serial links interfaces (UART1 and UART2) o 3V/1.8V SIM interface o GPIOso Activity status indication interface o Analog to digital converter o Analog audio o Buzzer interfaceo Battery charging interface o External interruptoPower supply interfaceWireless CPU Q24 SeriesGeneral Descriptionconfidential © Page: 18 / 90This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. o Back-up battery interface • Optional SIM Card holder2.1.4 External RF Connection InterfacesThe Wireless CPU Q24 Series are available with different external RF connection configurations: Product reference UFLUFL or MMSAntenna padIMPPosition bottom side top side top side bottom sideQ24 Classic X X X Q24 Plus X X X Q24 ExtendedX X XQ24AutomotiveX X X2.1.5 SIM CARD HolderThe Wireless CPU Q24 Series are available with a SIM CARD holder on the TOP:SIM interface locationProduct reference 60-pin connectorOptional SIM holderQ24 Classic X XQ24 Plus X XQ24 Extended XQ24Automotive XCaution: • The Wireless CPU Q24 Series does not allow two SIM Cards to be connected at the same time.•If a Wireless CPU Q24 Plus or Extended is used with a SIM CARD holder at the top, It is mandatory to avoid the SIM interface through the 60-pin General Purpose Connector (GPC).2.1.6 Green PolicyThe Wireless CPU Q24 Series are compliant with RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment). Directive 2002/95/EC, which sets limits for the use of certain restricted hazardous substances.This directive states that "from 1st July 2006, new electrical and electronic equipment put on the market does not contain lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls (PBB), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE)".Wireless CPU Q24 SeriesGeneral Description 2.2Functional ArchitectureThe global architecture of the Wireless CPU Q24 Series is shown below:Figure 1: Functional architectureconfidential ©Page: 19 / 90 This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.Wireless CPU Q24 SeriesPower Supply Recommendationsconfidential ©Page: 20 / 90This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. 3 Power Supply Recommendations3.1 Ground Connections RecommendationsThe ground connections of the Wireless CPU Q24 Series are made through the four legs of the shielding .Figure 2: Q24 Series and ground connections• A complete ground plane must connect the four legs of the Wireless CPU. • Connections between other ground planes must be made either with vias or μvias.•The ground pins must be soldered on both sides of the PCB. This helps speed up the heat dissipation process. Caution:To avoid coupling effect with radiated noise, it is recommended to avoid layout at the top layer of the application located under the Wireless CPU.Figure 3: Shielding legs connectionsPCBsideWireless CPU Q24 SeriesPower Supply Recommendationsconfidential © Page: 21 / 90This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.3.2 Power Supply GeneralitiesThe power supply is one of the key factors in the design of a GSM terminal. The VBATT voltage limits must be at any time: 3.2V <VBATT< 4.5VThe worst condition is during the burst period transmission, when current consumption is at its highest. During this period, the VBATT voltage is minimum:• The output voltage of the power supply drops.•Voltage drop is present between the power supply output and the Wireless CPU supply pins (VBATT).3.3 Voltage Versus DistanceDepending on the distance between the power supply and the Wireless CPU, behavior is as follows:Figure 4: Voltage drop versus distanceFor further information about the power supply of the Wireless CPU Q24 Series, refer to the Product Technical Specification [3].the outputimpedance of the power supplyto connector impedance。



1. 概述 ................................................................................................................. 1 2. 性能规格 .......................................................................................................... 2 3. 操作 ................................................................................................................. 3 3.1 操作注意事项 ............................................................................................. 3 4. 部件标识命名 ................................................................................................... 4 5. 接线 ................................................................................................................. 6 5.1 接线注意事项 ............................................................................................. 6 5.2 外部接口 .................................................................................................... 8 5.3 差动驱动器公用端子的接线 ...................................................................... 10 6. 外形尺寸 ........................................................................................................ 11


1 = 启动定时器 0 = 停止定时器
未实现:读为 0
TSIDL: 空闲模式停止位
1 = 当器件进入空闲模式时,定时器停止工作 0 = 在空闲模式下定时器继续工作
未实现:读为 0
TGATE:Timerx 门控时间累加使能位
当 TCS = 1 时: 该位为无关位。
当 TCS = 0 时: 1 = 使能门控时间累加 0 = 禁止门控时间累加
C 类型定时器框图
TON 1x
预分频器 1, 8, 64, 256
TxIF 事件标志
1 0
ADC 事件触发信号 *
* ADC 事件触发信号仅在 Timer4/5 上可用。
TCS:Timerx 时钟源选择位
1 = 来自 TxCK 引脚的外部时钟 0 = 内部时钟 (FOSC/2)
未实现:读为 0
U-0 —
bit 8
U-0 —
bit 0
DS39704A_CN 第 14-6 页
© 2007 Microchip Technology Inc.
图 14-2:
14.2.2 B 类型定时器
在大多数 PIC24F 器件上,如果存在 Timer2 和 Timer4,它们是 B 类型定时器。与其他类型的定 时器相比, B 类型定时器有下列独特的功能: • B类型定时器可以和C类型定时器相连形成32位定时器。B类型定时器的TxCON寄存器具有
T32 控制位,用来使能 32 位定时器功能。 • B 类型定时器的时钟同步在预分频逻辑后执行。关于将时钟同步放在预分频逻辑后执行的益

siprotec, 7sj689, 过电压及远方跳闸保护装置, 用户手册说明书

siprotec, 7sj689, 过电压及远方跳闸保护装置, 用户手册说明书

SIPROTEC过电压及远方跳闸保护装置7SJ689V4.60用户手册C53000-G115D-C346-1前言目录介绍1功能2安装和调试3技术数据4附录A 文献术语索引注意为了安全考虑,请注意前言中的介绍和警告部分.免责声明虽然本用户手册中关于硬件和软件的介绍已经过了严格校对,但错误仍在所难免。




文件版本V04.00.01发布时间 11.2010版权声明版权 © Siemens AG 2010。




注册商标SIPROTEC, SInAUT, SICAM 和 DIGSI 都是西门子公司的注册商标。


Siemens Power Automation Ltd.订货号: C53000-G115D-C346-1SIPROTEC, 7SJ689, 用户手册C53000-G115D-C346-1, 发布日期 11.20103前言手册内容本手册主要介绍 7SJ689保护装置的功能、操作、安装和调试:•装置配置信息、装置功能描述和选项设置→ 第二章; •安装调试操作说明 → 第三章; •技术数据列表 →第四章;•附录A 中是面向有经验用户的产品主要信息 → 附录A.有关SIPROTEC 4 装置设计,组态和操作的信息请参考《SIPROTEC4 系统说明》 /1/.目标用户继电保护工程师,调试工程师,其他参与保护、自动化或控制装置的选型、整定和检修的人员,以及电力公司和相关从业人员。

适用范围本手册适用于: SIPROTEC 4 保护装置 7SJ689;版本号 V4.6。

Ether I O 24测试应用程序手册说明书

Ether I O 24测试应用程序手册说明书

Ether I/O 24 Test and Programming UtilityThe following manual gives a brief outline of the Ether I/O 24 Test and Programming Utility. Shown in diagram 1 below is a screen shot of the Ether I/O 24 Test Utility.Diagram 1The Ether I/O 24 Test utility can be divided into two sections as shown in diagram 2.12Diagram 2These sections are:1. Drop down menus and Toolbar2. Selection Tabs and ControlsEach of the sections will be briefly discussed below and the individual controls within each section will be discussed further on in the manual.1. Drop Down Menus and ToolbarThe commands provided in the drop down menus are linked directly to the short cut icons found on the toolbar. The corresponding drop down menu command and icon perform identical functions so either one can be pressed to perform the command. Most users will find it much easier to use the shortcut icons in the toolbar instead of using the dropdown menus.Drop Down MenuToolbarThere are three Drop down menus located on the Ether I/O Test and Programming Utility. These include•File•Module•HelpEach Drop down menu will be outlined in the following pages. Shortcut icons have been added to the toolbar for ease of use.FileThe File drop down menu contains three options as shown in diagram 3:Diagram 31.Open Config File – this function opens a previously saved configuration file. Thisfunction is also represented on the toolbar as the following icon.2.Save Config File – this function saves the current settings of the Ether I/O moduleto a configuration file. This function is also represented on the toolbar as thefollowing icon.3.Exit – Exits and closes the Ether I/O Test Application Represented byModuleThe Module drop down menu contains four options as shown in diagram 4Diagram 41.Scan for Modules – this function searches the network for all Ether I/O’s. Thisfunction is also represented on the toolbar as the following icon.The Ether I/O’s which respond to the Test Utility will be displayed in the dropdown menu box next to the toolbar search button. . The information in this dropdown box contains the IP address of the unit followed by the MAC address of the unit followed by the firmware version number. An example drop down box isshown below.2.Write Settings to Module – This function writes any setting changes to theEEPROM memory of the unit providing the EEPROM protect jumper (J2) isOFF. This function is also represented on the toolbar as the following icon.Note: When changing settings on the Ether I/O 24, a reboot of the module may be required before the settings become active.3.Read Settings from Module – This function will read the settings in the EEPROMmemory. This function is also represented on the toolbar as the following icon.4.Reboot Module – This function is used to reboot the module and cause it to loadand activate any new settings.2. Selection Tabs & ControlsThere are a number of Selection Tabs and controls as shown below in diagram 5Diagram 5These selection tabs and controls allow the user to set up the Ether I/O 24 to perform various functions. Each of these tabs/controls will be outlined in the following pages. Test ControlsThe test controls are shown below in diagram 6.Each of the selection tabs located under the test control tab will be outlined in the following paragraphs.Diagram 6ValueThe port value is written to or read from the entire port with each of the value bits affecting the corresponding I/O line. The Auto read values check box when checked will constantly read Port A,B,C (poll) on the device to see if the pin has changed.DirectionThe Direction value of the port can be set as either input or output. When set as output, the I/O line will be driven to the last value written to the port. This value can be pre set by writing to the port before writing to the direction register.Pull UpThe Pull Up configuration applies to those lines that are set as inputs, writing a 0 to the corresponding bit applies a pull up resistor to the line so that if it is not driven low it will be pulled to a known high state, this is very useful if sensing contact closures or open collector outputsThresholdThe threshold function sets the threshold at which a line reads as high or low. When the corresponding bit is set as 1 then the threshold is set at 1.4V and any voltage above this reads as a high level. When the corresponding threshold bit is set to 0 the threshold is set at 2.5V and any voltage above this reads as a high level.SchmittSchmitt trigger inputs means that the input line is compared to 2 voltages, 0.75V and 4.25V. When the line’s voltage drops below 0.75V it will read as a low until the line’s voltage rises above 4.25V at which time the line will read as a high. When the line’s voltage is in between 0.75V and 4.25V, the value will remain stable at its previous level. To enable the Schmitt trigger on any input a 0 must be written to the corresponding bit Programming OptionsThe Programming Options are shown below in diagram 7.Diagram 7Each of the selection tabs located under the Programming Options tab will be outlined in the following paragraphs.Fixed IPFixed IP addressing allows each module to be given a specific address that remains constant throughout the life of the machine thereby simplifying machine software design and allowing easy diagnosis of machine wiring faults.Note: When the Fixed IP address is enabled. Write the settings to the EEPROM and then reboot the unit. Perform a search and the Ether I/O 24 will appear with the new IP address.Programmable Power-Up State.The module can be programmed to power up with all its ports to a programmed state, thus if a machine needs to have certain devices enabled at power up or if the machine designer desires all lamps to light in a lamp test, it is possible for the module to accomplish this before the main control system is active. Listed below are the various settings that can be programmed for power up. Descriptions for these settings have been outlined in previous paragraphs of the manual.•Power Up Value•Power Up Direction•Power Up Pull Up•Power Up Threshold•Power Up SchmittAutoScan SetupThe AutoScan Setup is shown below in diagram 8Diagram 8The AutoScan mode will allow the module to originate communication with a remote device or another Ether I/O 24 module. This mode is very useful as it allows your software the freedom not to have to poll the module to check the state of the inputsBit Test EnablesMask bits are used to allow some of the input pins of the module to toggle without generating messages from the module. Any input whose corresponding mask bit is low, is ignored by the AutoScan function.Scan Rate and FilteringThe Scan Rate is a 16-bit value which is used to divide the scan rate of the AutoScan mode from it’s base rate of 1,000 scans per second down to a user programmed rate from 500 scans per second to one scan per 65.5 seconds. When set at 1 the scan rate is 1,000 scans per second, it is 500 scans per second when the value is 2 and so on. You simply divide the 1,000 per second rate by your desired scan rate to find the value for address 18. The filter value which is in the MSB of Address 17 is used to count the number of identical reads that are required before a port value is considered valid and sent to the target device. When set at 0 the filter is turned off, when set at 1 the port must read the same for two scans to be considered valid and sent to the target. Higher numbers simply increase the number of identical reads required before the value is considered valid.Care should be taken when using high filter values with slow scan rates, as the reporting time for a change under these conditions can be over 4 hours.Target IP Address and Port NumberA Target IP Address and Port Number are provided to tell the Ether I/O what destination address the Autoscan data has to be sent too.To allow the module to communicate through a router without having to set up Gateway addresses and Subnet masks, the module stores the Ethernet address of the target device as well as the IP address and Port number. If your target device is outside your local network then this address will be that of the gateway or router whereas if your target device is on your local area network then this address will be that of the device itself. Combined with the IP address of the target device and the port number there are 12 bytes of the EEPROM that relate to the target device’s address and these occupy the addresses from 19 to 24 in the EEPROM. Words 16, 17 and 18 are used to store the Mask bits, Filter Count and Scan rate settings for AutoScan mode.EEPROM ValuesThe EEPROM values are shown below in diagram 9Diagram 9Read EEPROMThe module will read the EEPROM memory and display the contents of the EEPROM in the EEPROM values display.Write EEPROMThe module will write any setting changes to the EEPROM memory.Running the Ether I/O 24 Test utility.When the program is first run it will automatically search for any Ether I/O 24s that are located on the network. If no modules are found then make sure that you have the correct network settings and check the jumpers on the Ether I/O 24 as detailed in the User Manual.Technical Support and Further InformationFor any questions relating to the Ether I/O 24 please contact us by Email.Email: ******************Document Revision HistoryEther I/O 24 Test Application Manual V1.0– Initial document created 6th April 2005。

三菱QCPU(Q系列) QnACPU编程手册(PID控制指令篇)

三菱QCPU(Q系列) QnACPU编程手册(PID控制指令篇)
4.3 其它功能 ..........................................................................4 - 7 4.3.1 无冲击切换功能 ................................................................4 - 8 4.3.2 MV 上限/下限控制功能...........................................................4 - 8 4.3.3 用 AD57(S1)监视 PID 控制(仅用于 QnACPU) .........................................4 - 9 4.3.4 将手动模式下的 PV 转移到 SV 存储软元件的功能 ....................................4 - 10 4.3.5 变更 PID 控制数据或 I/O 设定范围(仅用于 QCPU) ....................................4 - 11
© 1999 三菱电机
非常感谢您选购了三菱通用可编程控制器的 MELSEC-Q/QnA 系列。 请在使用之前熟读本书,在充分理解-Q 系列可编程控制器的功能、性能的基础上正确地加以使用。 应确保将本手册交给最终用户。
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第1篇第一章:概述1.1 产品简介F030是一款高性能、多功能的智能设备,适用于各种场景,如家庭、办公、教育等。


1.2 产品特点1. 高性能:采用先进的处理器,运行速度快,响应灵敏。

2. 多功能:支持多种应用场景,如智能家居、办公自动化、教育辅助等。

3. 丰富的接口:具备多种接口,如USB、HDMI、网口等,方便用户扩展设备。

4. 便捷的操作:支持多种操作方式,如触摸、语音、遥控等,满足不同用户的需求。

5. 高度集成:将多种功能集成在一款设备上,简化用户的使用流程。

第二章:硬件规格2.1 处理器F030采用高性能的ARM架构处理器,主频可达2.0GHz,拥有强大的计算能力。

2.2 内存F030配备2GB/4GB/8GB高速内存,满足用户对数据处理和存储的需求。

2.3 存储F030内置16GB/32GB/64GB高速闪存,支持TF卡扩展,最大支持128GB。

2.4 显示F030支持多种分辨率屏幕,如1920x1080、1280x720等,满足不同用户的需求。

2.5 接口1. USB接口:支持USB2.0/3.0,方便用户连接外部设备。

2. HDMI接口:支持HDMI 1.4,可实现高清视频输出。

3. 网口:支持10/100Mbps以太网,方便用户连接网络。

4. 音频接口:支持3.5mm耳机接口,方便用户连接耳机。

第三章:软件功能3.1 操作系统F030搭载Android系统,兼容性强,支持多种应用和游戏。

3.2 基础功能1. 智能家居:支持智能家居设备控制,如智能灯光、智能插座等。

2. 办公自动化:支持文档编辑、演示、表格等办公软件,提高办公效率。

3. 教育辅助:支持在线教育、学习软件,方便用户学习。

3.3 娱乐功能1. 视频播放:支持多种视频格式,如MP4、AVI、MKV等,满足用户观影需求。

2. 音乐播放:支持多种音频格式,如MP3、WMA、AAC等,满足用户听歌需求。



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目录1. 引言 (1)1.1编写目的 (1)1.2项目背景 (1)1.3定义 (1)1.4参考资料 (1)2. 软件概述 (1)2.1目标 (1)2.2功能 (1)2.3性能 (1)3. 运行环境 (2)3.1硬件 (2)3.2支持软件 (2)4. 使用说明 (2)4.1安装和初始化 (2)4.2输入 (2)4.3数据背景 (2)4.3.1数据格式 (2)4.3.2输入举例 (2)4.4输出 (2)4.4.1数据背景 (3)4.4.2数据格式 (3)4.4.3举例 (3)4.5出错和恢复 (3)4.6求助查询 (3)5. 运行说明 (3)5.1运行表 (3)5.2运行步骤 (3)5.2.1运行控制 (3)5.2.2操作信息 (3)5.2.3输入/输出文件 (3)6. 启动或恢复过程 (4)7. 非常规过程 (4)8. 操作命令一览表 (4)9. 程序文件(或命令文件)和数据文件一览表 (4)10. 用户操作举例 (4)1. 引言1.1编写目的阐明编写手册的目的,并指出读者对象。


1.4参考资料列出有关资料的作者、标题、编号、发表日期和出版单位或资料来源,可包括:a)项目的计划任务书、合同、批文b)项目开发计划c)需求规格说明书d)概要设计说明书e)详细设计说明书f)测试计划书(初稿)g)用户操作手册(初稿)h)手册中所引用的其他资料、采用的软件开发标准或软件工程规范2. 软件概述2.1目标2.2功能2.3性能a)数据精确度:括输入、输出及处理数据的精度b)时间特性:如响应时间、处理时间、数据传输时间等c)灵活性:在操作方式、运行环境需做某些变更时软件的适应能力3. 运行环境3.1硬件列出软件系统运行所需的硬件最小配置:a)计算机型号、主存容量b)外存储器、媒体、记录格式、设备型号及数据c)输入、输出设备d)数据传输设备及数据转换设备的型号及数量3.2支持软件a)操作系统名称及版本号b)语言编译系统或汇编系统的名称及版本号c)数据库管理系统的名称及版本号d)其他必要的支持软件4. 使用说明4.1安装和初始化给出程序的存储形式、操作命令、反馈信息及其含意、表明安装完成的测试实例以及安装所需的软件工具等。

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Q24模块用户硬件设计参考手册 (适用于Q24PLUS、Q24ClASS、S2336A、S2336C)版本:V 1.0文档信息文件编号版本号日期作者文档内容备注2008年3月18日V1.01概述建议在使用本文之前,登陆网站或联系销售人员,确认您手头是最新的版本。



表 1-1 模块规格表模块型号 技术体制 工作频段(MHZ)Band:Q24PLUS GSM/GPRSQuadGSM 850/EGSM 900/DCS 1800/PCS 1900 Q24CLASS GSMBand:QuadGSM 850/EGSM 900/DCS 1800/PCS 1900Band:S2336A GSMQuadGSM 850/EGSM 900/DCS 1800/PCS 1900Band:QuadS2336C GSM/GPRSGSM 850/EGSM 900/DCS 1800/PCS 19001.1 目的和阅读对象本文详细讲述了Q24模块的硬件接口和结构特性,并给出相关的硬件、结构参考设计。


1.2 文档结构第一章“概述”,本章介绍了本文的目的和阅读对象、文档结构、相关文档和缩略语,帮助您阅读文档。







1.3 相关文档《GPRS模块AT指令手册》《Q24模块开发板用户使用手册》《GPRS模块FAQ》1.4 缩略语表 1-2 缩略语缩略语 英语全称 中文全称 ADC Analog-Digital Converter 模数转换AFC Automatic Frequency Control 自动频率控制Control 自动增益控制AGC AutomaticGainARFCN Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number 绝对射频信道号ARP Antenna Reference Point 天线参考点ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit 专用集成电路BER Bit Error Rate 比特误码率TransceiverStation 基站收发信台BTS BaseCDMA Code Division Multiple Access码分多址CDG CDMA Development Group CDMA发展组织Scheme 译码图案CS CodingCSD Circuit Switched Data 电路交换数据CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理单元Audio interface 数字音频接口DAI DigitalDAC Digital-to-AnalogConverter 数模转换DCE Data Communication Equipment 数据通讯设备DSP Digital Signal Processor 数字信号处理Equipment 数据终端设备TerminalDTE DataDTMF Dual Tone Multi-Frequency双音多频DTR DataReady 数据终端准备好TerminalEFR Enhanced Full Rate 增强型全速率GSM 增强型GSM EGSM EnhancedCompatibility 电磁兼容EMC ElectromagneticEMI Electro Magnetic Interference电磁干扰ESD Electronic Static Discharge静电放电Telecommunication Standard 欧洲通信标准ETS EuropeanFDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access 频分多址Rate 全速率FR FullGPRS General Packet Radio Service 通用分组无线业务GSM Global Standard for Mobile Communications 全球移动通讯系统Rate 半速率HR HalfCircuit 集成电路IC IntegratedIMEI International Mobile Equipment Identity 国际移动设备标识ISO International Standards Organization 国际标准化组织Union 国际电信联盟 ITU InternationalTelecommunicationsLCD Liquid Crystal Display液晶显示器Diode 发光二极管EmittingLED LightMCU Machine Control Unit 机器控制单元MMI Man Machine Interface 人机交互接口/人机界面MS Mobile Station移动台Board 印刷电路板PCB PrintedCircuitLevel 功率控制等级PCL PowerControlPCS Personal Communication System 个人通讯系统PDU Protocol Data Unit 协议数据单元Loop 锁相环PLL PhaseLockedprotocol 点到点协议PPP Point-to-pointMemory 随机访问存储器AccessRAM RandomFrequency 无线频率RF RadioMemory 只读存储器ROM Read-onlyRMS Root Mean Square 均方根Clock 实时时钟TimeRTC RealSIM Subscriber Identification Module 用户识别卡SMS Short Message Service 短消息服务SRAM Static Random Access Memory 静态随机访问存储器adapter 终端适配器TA TerminalAccess 时分多址MultipleTDMA TimeDivisionTE Terminal Equipment also referred it as DTE 终端设备,也指DTEreceiver-transmitter 通用异步接收/发送器 asynchronousUART UniversalUIM User Identifier Management用户身份管理USB Universal Serial Bus通用串行总线VSWR V oltage Standing Wave Ratio 电压驻波比2 主要功能和特点表 2-1 主要功能和特点描述 分类细部分类GSM语音 支持FR/EFR/AMR 多种语音编码方式,VDA2C 高品质语音 短信支持TEXT 和PDU 数据9 支持内嵌TCP/IP 9支持虚拟在线GSM 上行速率42.8 kbps ,下行速率85.6 kbps基本 功能传真支持PC 传真 UART 接口 软件下载升级数据通讯串口可提供最高115.2k bps 数据传输率Audio 接口 双路音频输入输出通道 用户身份 识别卡接口SIM 机卡分离天线接口 50 Ohm 输入阻抗控制 模块 接口RTC 提供Real time clock 接口 工作温度 -20°C ~ +70°C 输入电压 3.2V-4.5V 最大电流 2A 待机电流 10mA 通话电流 150mA 睡眠电流 2.5mA 接收灵敏度 102dBm发射功率GSM850,EGSM900:Class4(2W) GSM1800, PCS1900:Class1(1W)GSM850发送:824~849 MHz 接收:869~894MHz EGSM900发送:880~915 MHz 接收:925~960MHzDCS1800发送:1710~1785MHz 接收1805~1880MHz 技术 参数频率范围PCS1900发送:1850~1910MHz 接收:1930~1990MHz3Q24产品简介Q24是WAVECOM推出的GSM/DCS 四频模块,带GPRS 功能,主要为语音传输、短消息和数据业务提供无线接口。

Q24模块成了完整的射频电路和GSM 的基带处理电路,及充电电路(不包括过充、过放电路),适合于开发一些GSM/GPRS无线应用产品,如移动电话、PDA、PCMCIA 无线MODEM 卡、USB 无线MODEM、无线POS 机、无线抄表、无线数据传输业务,无线公用电话、无线商务电话、监控、调度、 车载、遥控、远程测量、定位和导航等系统和产品,应用范围十分广泛。



3.1原理框图图 3-1 Q24原理框图3.2符合的标准和认证国家无线电发射设备型号核准CE认证FCC认证HCF PTCRB认证欧盟RoHS 认证4管脚定义Q24/S2336模块的主连接器一个60管脚连接器,管脚间距为1.27mm。

管脚图如下:图 4-1 管脚图管脚定义如下:表 4-1 60管脚连接器管脚定义 功能 管脚号 信号名 称 输入/输出 基本功能 备注42MIC_1P输入 第一路音频 输入正极44MIC_1N输入 第一路音频 输入负极41SPK_1P输出 第一路音频 输出正极43SPK_1N输出 第一路音频 输出负极46MIC_2P输入 第二路音频 输入正极48MIC_2N 输入 第二路音频 输入负极45SPK_2P 输出 第二路音频 输出正极音频47SPK_2N 输出 第二路音频输出负极上电默认音频输入输出为第一路。



37CTS1 输出 模块允许用户发送数据低电平有效30 RTS1 输入 用户请求模块允许发送数据 低电平有效串口139 TXD1 输入 用户发送数据给模块 TTL电平(2V8逻辑)32RXD1输出用户从模块接收数据TTL电平(2V8逻辑)15 RI1输出 振铃指示信号TTL电平。
