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Name: ________________

Class: _________________

Date: September / 22 / 2013 Title of the book: Blackbones Saves the school (7-6)

●Match the words and phrases with the meanings

_____ 1. term A. 解雇_____ 2. sword B. 船长_____ 3. mates C. 地理_____ 4. captain D. 起航_____ 5. geography E. 口哨_____ 6. set sail F. 学期_____ 7. right away G. 修理_____ 8. sack H. 剑

_____ 9.whistle I. 伙计们_____ 10. mend J. 立刻_____ 11. miracle A. 高兴的_____ 12. grab B. 绑架

_____ 13. explain C. 生气地_____ 14. pleased D. 埋葬_____ 15. kidnap E. 关于_____ 16. bury F. 抓

_____ 17. ruin G. 奇迹_____ 18. crossly H. 出发______19. as for I. 毁了______20. head out J. 解释

●Questions and answers:

1. What does the new teacher Captain Blackbones look like? (Chapter 1)

____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Why did Miss Lupin see Blackbones in her office? What did Blackbones have to do then? (Chapter 2 )

____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Who started Abbey Park School? When was it founded? And what was it like now? ( Chaper 2)

____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________

4. What were people doing in every corner of the school campus? ( Chapter 3)


5. What did Miss Punter the games teacher find at the school fair? What were hidden in it? ( Chapter 3)

____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Who do you think saved Abbey Park School? ( Chapter 3)


7. What was the pirate teacher’s new job at this school? And when will he and his students come back?( Chapter 3)

____________________________________________________________________________________________ ●Suppose you were the Head, Miss Lupin, would you hire Captain Blackbones? Why? ( You had better write

down at least 2 reasons.)

If I were the Head, I would _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________

●Supppose you were Blackbones, what would you do after being sacked(被解雇)by Miss Lupin?
