



场地周边情况分析 -- 社区 / SITE CONTEXT -- COMMUNITY
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Bamboo Clad Office Building France 竹板办公建筑 / 法国
Paris-based architect monica donati has completed the first block of a three-phase office complex that occupies the liminal area between city, garden and countryside. built perpendicular to the line d’eau, a tranquil canal in the lush lieusaint region, ‘immeuble bambou’ is remarkable in its use of repetitive building systems to seamlessly weave the architecture into the landscape. formally, the building exploits concepts of interstitial space by boldly bifurcating angled masses and then linking them with generous glazing, alternately translucent or clear. black mullions delineate constructivist patterns across horizontal bands of windows; however, the bamboo skin is the primary method by which the architecturefractures light and form, and additionally multiplies views of the waterscape and expansive greenery. 巴黎建筑师Monica Donati完成了一个包含三期建筑群项目的第一个街区。这个建筑 群项目座落于城市、花园和乡村之间的场地上。一条水渠穿越树木葱郁的略圣区。“ 建筑竹板”是在重复的建筑系统中运用得不同寻常-将建筑天衣无缝地融入景观之 中。从形式上建筑通过明显的分叉有斜角的竹条形成间隙空间的概念,然后运用大片 的玻璃板将他们联系起来,在半透明和透明之间转换。黑色的窗框描绘了构成主义图 案穿越水平的窗台。然而,竹板表皮是建筑建造光线和形式主要的表现手法,此外, 建筑布局形成了多个观赏水面和茂盛植物的视线。

[SWA]Brays bayou Greenway Framework web

[SWA]Brays bayou Greenway Framework web

2345FRAMEWORK ENHANCEMENTS$450M$22.5M$111M 6• 279 acres of parkland • 340 acres of parkland8ARTWORKSpecial projects integrated within overall systemBRIDGESVEHICULARLengthened and aesthetically enhanced structures PEDESTRIANLong span structures across the bayouShort span structures across outfalls and where necessaryHABITATCreationRestorationPreservationINTERPRETIVE & EDUCATIONCultural and historicNatural resource amenitiesPADDLECRAFT ACCESS AREASPARKINGProposed trailhead designationsProposed lots and improvements to existing parking access sRAILROAD SAFETY FEATURESUndercrossing shields and signageSHELTERSMajor structures with restroom facilitiesPicnic shelters and tablesTrail sheltersTRAILSMulti-use primary and secondary circulation routes TRAIL ACCESS RAMPSTRAIL LIGHTINGTREE PLANTING FRAMEWORK ELEMENTS91011As a community-based effort toleverage the work being done byProject Brays along the channel,Greenway Partnership enhancementswill be adopted and implemented bymany communities or institutionalorganizations.The Greenway Partnerships will contribute at all of thrfollowing three levels:CONNECTIVITYProvides links between neighborhoods and smallersegments along Brays, while also providing a connection for the entire length of the Bayou.CULTURE AND IDENTITYAcknowledges the sense of place for the immediateBayou and the Brays Bayou Watershed, while alsodefi ning the Greenway’s place within Houston and itssurrounding region.COMMUNITYOffers interactive programs and improvementsassociated with Bayou features and spaces that educateand celebrate the places that Brays ties together.12HERMANN PARK CONSERVANCYHermann Park TrailsCITY OF HOUSTON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING Cambridge Street BridgeTEXAS MEDICAL CENTERCambridge Street BridgeHOUSTON PARKS BOARDMason Park to the Houston Ship ChannelCITY OF HOUSTON PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENTMason Park to the Houston Ship ChannelHermann Park and MacGregor ParkWILLOW WATERHOLE GREENWAY CONSERVANCYWillow Waterhole Detention Basin13SEGMENT 8: WHEELER - I-4501$1,132,88302$1,370,58303$786,27304$3,289,739SEGMENT 7:1-45 - FOREST HILL BRIDGE01$304,67102$283,02903$185,05404$772,754O L DS P AN I S HT R AI LW A Y S I D ET EL EP HO NEW HE E L E RI -45I -454241403938373635343332313029282723252624222120191817161514121113109876543218SEGMENT 8: WHEELER - I-4501$1,132,88302$1,370,58303$786,27304$3,289,739O L DS P AN I S HT R AI LW A Y S I D ET EL E P H O NESEGMENT 42:BARKER CLODINE - WESTHEIMER PLACEB A R K E RC L OD I N EWE ST HE IM ER PL AC E01$2,028,42402$305,17003$1,505,06404$3,838,658WE ST H EI ME RV I N E Y A R DA D D I C K S CL O D I N E W E S T H E I M E R P L A C ESEGMENT 41:WESTHEIMER PLACE - ADDICKS CLODINE01$619,39902$846,63603$504,24704$1,970,282SEGMENT 40:ADDICKS CLODINE - USH 601$828,46502$1,421,92503$569,51804$2,819,908WE S T P A R KBRA YS010203U S H 6SEGMENT 39: USH 6 - ELDRIDGE 01$1,378,43902$4,668,62303$3,370,44004$9,417,502E L D R I D G ESEGMENT 38:ELDRIDGE - DAIRY ASHFORD01$1,103,32002$1,559,55803$740,86504$3,403,743S Y N O T TSEGMENT 37:DAIRY ASHFORD - OLD WESTHEIMER01$589,35902$1,293,80403$952,01804$2,835,181D A I R Y A S H F O R DOL D W ES TH EIM ERW ES T P AR K T O LL RO A DSEGMENT 36:OLD WESTHEIMER - WESTPARK01$440,87802$623,72303$361,14004$1,425,741SEGMENT 35: WESTPARK - BOONE 01$886,71202$1,718,07503$1,078,75404$3,683,541O L D W ES T HE I ME RBRA YS SEGMENT 34: BOONE - BELLAIRE 01$562,21502$1,038,28403$312,71804$1,913,217SEGMENT 33: BELLAIRE - BELTWA Y 801$709,93402$2,922,16103$4,892,47204$8,524,567B O O N EB E L LA I R EW I L C R E S TSEGMENT 32:BELTWA Y 8 - BEECHNUT01$438,22502$607,82003$292,22604$1,338,271B EL T W A Y8B EE CH NU TSEGMENT 31: BEECHNUT - USH 59 01$1,085,06902$1,711,49103$752,856 04$3,549,416SEGMENT 30:USH 59 - GESSNER01$734,52102$1,182,88003$716,97804$2,634,379USH59B I SS ON NE TBRA YSB I S S O N NE TBRAESBAYOU GESSNERSEGMENT 29:GESSNER - FONDREN01$736.76302$1,710,83303$675,79404$3,123,390SEGMENT 28:FONDREN - BOB WHITE01$220,40902$1,002,79203$366,93104$1,590.132SEGMENT 27:BOB WHITE - HILLCROFT 01$193,69902$1,217,38603$425,90904$1,836,994B R AE S W O O DF O N D R E NB O BW H I T EH I L L C R O F TBRA SEGMENT 26: HILLCROFT - ATWELL01$200,34602$847,16603$335,65004$1,383,162SEGMENT 25:ATWELL - CHIMNEY ROCK01$962,25602$351,38003$218,51004$1,532,146H I L L C R O F TC H I M N E Y R O C KA T W E L LBRA YS SEGMENT 24: CHIMNEY ROCK - 61001$650,41502$1,197,53003$609,83504$2,457,780SEGMENT 23: 610 - MEYER TRACT 01$108,09202$999,33003$617,76804$1,725,190R I C E610M E Y E RT R AC T WILLOW WATERHOLE BA YOU SEE PLATE 24SEGMENT 22: MEYER TRACT - BRAESWOOD 01$365,27402$395,11703$204,84704$965,238SEGMENT 21:BRAESWOOD - STELLA LINK 01$108,89802$1,137,20903$449,77404$1,695,881SEGMENT 20:STELLA LINK - BUFFALO SPEEDWA Y 01$195,01902$604,94503$910,21004$1,710,174B R A E S WO ODSTELLALINKSEGMENT 19:BUFFALO SPEEDWA Y - KIRBY01$148,91002$365,19503$446,12604$960,231B R A E S W O O DB U FF A L OS P EE D W A YK I RB YM A I NSEGMENT 18: KIRBY - MAIN01$193,28802$1,027,10803$356,98904$1,577,385SEGMENT 17: MAIN - FANNIN 01$1,158,40402$1,019,62303$1,217,288 04$3,395,315SEGMENT 16: FANNIN - HOLCOMBE 01$441,206 02$815,954 03$386,318 04$1,643,478B RA ES WO OD FANNINH O L CO M BEM A INGREENBRIARB RA ES WO ODSEGMENT 15:HOLCOMBE - ALMEDA01$297,97802$2,403,34303$2,031,057SEGMENT 14: ALMEDA - COLUMBIA TAP 01$312,23602$688,70503$930,64904$1,931,590A L M E D AS H 288S H 288C A M B R I D G ESEGMENT 13: COLUMBIA TAP - TIERWESTER 01$655,90502$780,46403$644,20004$2,080,569SEGMENT 12:TIERWESTER - SCOTT01$396,96602$782,72203$226,91804$1,406,606SEGMENT 11: SCOTT - CULLEN 01$367,73102$488,47203$394,63604$1,250,839T I E R W E S T E R S C O T TC O L U M B I A T A PA R D M O R EBRA YS SEGMENT 10: CULLEN - MARTIN LUTHER KING01$768,09102$1,129,89903$692,28304$2,590,273SEGMENT 9:MARTIN LUTHER KING - WHEELER01$714,68402$1,440,88903$1,699,15604$3,854,729C A L H O U N55C U L L E N MAR T INLUTHERKINGSEGMENT 8:WHEELER - I-4501$1,132,88302$1,370,58303$786,27304$3,289,739SEGMENT 7:1-45 - FOREST HILL BRIDGE01$304,67102$283,02903$185,05404$772,754O L D S P A N I S H T R A I L W A Y S I D E T E L E P H O N EW HE E L E R I -45I -45SEGMENT 6:FOREST HILL BRIDGE - LAWNDALE01$495,56002$653,94003$532,72904$1,682,229SEGMENT 5: LAWNDALE - FOREST HILL 01$150,54402$700,64303$547,46204$1,398,649F O R E S T H I L L B R I DG EL A W N D A L E F O R E S T H I L LSEGMENT 4:FOREST HILL - 75TH ST .01$263,45502$341,78003$147,23304$752,468SEGMENT 1: UPRR - SHIP CHANNEL 01$1,270,23802$118,94103$1,036,79804$2,425,977SEGMENT 3: 75TH ST . - MASON PARK 01$17,25002$1,203,14503$494,05704$1,714,452SEGMENT 2: MASON PARK - UPRR01$287,43002$593,44503$536,10604$1,416,981H A R R S I B U RG 75T H S T .M A S O N P A R K U P P RBRA YS P O S T O A K SEGMENT 44: WILLOW WATERHOLE 01$002$3,630,47403$2,062,55304$5,693,027I -45BRA WI L L O W B E ND P OS T O A KB E L L F O R T SEGMENT 43:POST OAK - 61001$002$1,155,81703$431,01404$1,586,831。



商业和娱乐功能项 目的综合开发地块 ,提供了展演空间
娱乐广场是项目的主要入口,它也为大型活动和庆典提供了场所。 景观师和艺术家一起合作,促成了树状雕塑的实现 ——它在体量上和周围的建筑相得益彰。

来,其中一个湖是天然的,另 一个是人造湖。该人造湖建造 于天然湖与深圳湾之间的填海 区域,使两地水域贯通于一体 ,把线性海滨公园与项目场地 沿着海岸线连接起来。因此, 欢乐海岸总体规划的主导概念 是“重新连接水体”。
景观师与客户和建筑师合作完 成了该项目的总体规划。除了为所
2.城市生活中心 围绕中心湖区设置的城市生活中心,集文化、商业与娱乐等多元业态为一体 ,设有表演场馆、公共广场、公园空间与度假设施。水元素是设计的主导思想, 并通过湖畔长廊、广场与公园得以体现。设计将水文要素融入公共区域,贯穿项 目主题。城市生活中心由7个分区组成,每个分区设置不同的主题,共同构成了 一个整体。 7个分区分别为: SOHO服务中心 文化广场 OCT设计博物馆 曲水街 娱乐广场(水上影院) 旅游中心 公共椰树海滩



工程咨询企业宣传册Enlgish Answer:Engineering Consulting Firm Brochure.Introduction.In today's rapidly evolving industry, engineering consulting firms play a critical role in the success of infrastructure development projects. With their expertise and experience, these firms provide a wide range of services to support clients throughout the project lifecycle, from planning and design to construction and operation.Services Offered.Our engineering consulting firm offers a comprehensive suite of services to meet the diverse needs of our clients. These services include:Feasibility Studies and Project Planning: We conduct thorough feasibility studies to assess the viability of proposed projects, considering technical, environmental, and financial factors.Design and Engineering: Our team of experienced engineers provides design and engineering services for a wide variety of projects, including infrastructure, buildings, and industrial facilities.Construction Management: We provide comprehensive construction management services to ensure that projects are completed on time, within budget, and to the highest quality standards.Operations and Maintenance: We offer ongoing operations and maintenance services to support clients in optimizing the performance and lifespan of their infrastructure assets.Environmental Consulting: We provide specializedenvironmental consulting services to help clients complywith regulations, mitigate risks, and protect the environment.Our Value Proposition.Our engineering consulting firm is committed toproviding exceptional value to our clients. Wedifferentiate ourselves through the following key strengths:Expertise and Experience: Our team of engineers and consultants possesses a wealth of industry knowledge and experience, enabling us to deliver innovative and practical solutions.Client-Centric Approach: We prioritize client satisfaction and tailor our services to meet their specific needs and objectives.Quality Assurance: We implement rigorous qualitycontrol processes to ensure that our deliverables meet the highest standards of excellence.Cost-Effective Solutions: We strive to provide cost-effective solutions that balance project requirements with budgetary constraints.Why Choose Us.By choosing our engineering consulting firm, you gain access to a team of experts who will guide you through every phase of your project. We are committed to:Understanding Your Needs: We take the time to understand your project goals, challenges, and constraints.Developing Innovative Solutions: We leverage our expertise to develop innovative solutions that meet your unique requirements.Ensuring Project Success: We work closely with you to manage the project effectively, ensuring timely completion and optimal outcomes.Contact Us.To learn more about our engineering consulting services or to schedule a consultation, please contact us at [email protected] or visit our website at [website address]. We look forward to partnering with you on your next project.中文回答:工程咨询企业宣传册。





、 曝
人 绿

土 壤
的 正

本地和外来植被根据各自对阳光和水的需求进行分组 混合种植,覆盖了总部大楼。
房顶折叠式的几何外观和朝 向以及屋脊、屋顶底部、烈日照 射和树荫不同的环境条件,使绿 化屋顶产生了独特的微气候。经 过一年的植物混植测试,设计师 根据植物的原产地、耐阳、受荫、 抗旱和蓄水的能力及季节性开花 周期,选定了11种植物(其中7 种是中国本土植物)。同时考虑 到了不同植物物种的生长速度差 距,从而防止植物间的竞争。经 过一个季度的植物生长,屋顶已 经变成了蝴蝶们的天堂,尤其颇 受小卷心菜白蝴蝶(菜粉蝶)的 青睐。
The Development History
SWA集团曾经的母公司是由佐佐木·英 夫和彼得·沃克于1957年在马萨诸塞州 沃特顿成立的佐佐木沃克事务所 (SWA)。 佐佐木是哈佛大学设计研究院景观建筑 设计学院的院长,沃克是他的学生之一。 沃克后来成为同一学院的院长。
整个公园的景观还一直延伸到Emaar大道。大道将所有主要的景点和活动区域结 合起来,成为世界级的大道景观。公园,街景等建筑景观相互融合,互相映衬,共同 形成了这片神奇美丽,现代化又充满伊斯兰传统色彩的迷人景观。



、规划师的工作衔接寻求一个共同基础。在这次会议上,会议主持人、系主任塞特强调 ,解决城市设计问题需要大量专业人才,建筑师、景观建筑师、规划师之间的合作与交 流,能为城市活力的重新焕发带来机遇,并促进城市设计的发展。佐佐木利用这次机会
SWA History
SWA Founder
SWA Sample Reels
SWA Dedicated
SWA集团的母公司是Sasaki, Walker and Associates (SWA),由佐佐木英夫和彼得沃克于1957年两人 在马萨诸塞州水城(Watertown)成立。佐佐木英夫当时是美国哈佛大学景观系研究院的系主任, 彼 得沃克是他的学生(后来也成为美国哈佛大学景观系研究院的系主任)。1959年彼得沃克在旧金山成 立了SWA的美国西海岸分公司。随着时间的推移,佐佐 木英夫和彼得沃克分别离开了SWA。1975年 SWA改名为SWA集团,采取了员工股票所有权制(ESOP)(即全体员工拥有公司的制度)。SWA从 二十 世纪六、七十年代的一家美国西海岸公司,在八、九十年代扩展为一家国际化设计公司。SWA的 业务遍及全美乃至全世界,在美国设立了多个办公室(并在2000年登陆中国)。公司的运营以及设计 哲理也由最初的2位首席设计师演变到了由业界最知名的多 个首席设计师和项目经理共同管理运营的 模式。迄今为止,SWA赢得了800多个奖项,值得一提的是2005年美国景观建筑师协会授予SWA最 佳景观公司 奖。
































我们的工作方法包括以下几个关键步骤:1. 前期调研:我们将与客户合作,了解他们的需求和目标。


2. 概念设计:基于调研结果,我们将制定创新的概念设计方案。


3. 技术规划:一旦概念设计被确定,我们将制定详细的技术规划。


4. 施工管理:我们与承包商和建筑师紧密合作,确保设计方案能够按时、按预算顺利完成。



以下是我们的一些代表作:1. 市中心公园:我们与城市合作,将一个废弃的工业区改造成了一个现代化公园。


2. 校园设计:我们为多所大学设计了独特的校园景观。




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1、了解土地,地质、斜坡、土壤、排水道、植被以及隐含的动物生态情况; 2、框架规划,对场地进行组织,体现重大创意,规划包括五个元素:公共空 间、发展、交通、基础设施与个性特征; 3、挖掘场地文化和城市特征,形成历史、文化背景以及物理特性相结合的自 然结果。个性特征的表达方式包括基本社区布局、建筑关联、景观特色、建 筑特色以及公共元素的外观。这就创造了所谓的“地点感”。 4、通过规划和景观设计引导城市的发展和社区的构建,注重景观的功能性和 交通网络。 5、全过程中与土木工程师、交通工程师、生态专家及其他基础设施专家紧密 合作
• • • • • 项目名称:深圳罗湖口岸火车站 项目类型:多模式运输中心 竣工时间:2004年 业主:深圳市政规划局 所获奖项:2006年亚太城市土地利用卓越奖

罗湖口岸火车站属边境控制区,是深圳最繁忙的地区,每天来往客流量达60万人次,因此政府决定 在此修建一座地铁站。在深圳市政规划局的赞助下,由8位来自不同国家的专家组成的团队共同对 37.5万㎡的项目进行了设计及修复,工作首先从研究交通路况开始。 设计小组花费了整整三年时间才把这片由三个街区组成的人流熙攘的公共空间转变成一个井然有序、 时尚的国际性城市设计典范。新的空间可以容纳巨大的客流量,旅客也可以在此换乘各种交通工具。 由于天气炎热潮湿,设计师把所有的通行道路都设计在了地下,旅客在那里也可以看到天空以及附 近的花园。

保利国际广场位于中国广州市经济贸易区内,是一个富于创新性的办公与展览中心开 发项目。该项目坐落于珠江江畔,毗邻历史悠久的琶洲塔公园,成为展示场地与背景 融合的先例。项目成功地融入了自然元素,并高效、典雅地展示了现代艺术的美感。 项目地段以前是农业用地,有水渠直接与珠江相连。珠江的背景环境、地块自身的农 业历史、该地区的热带气候条件、客户对中国古典园林美学的欣赏,以及涵盖创新、 可持续发展和现代风格的总体思路彼此交融,共同影响着景观设计意向。



Glossary of Fluvial Geomorphologic & Other Relevant Terms by SWA Group Economic and Market Overview for Client Meeting No. 4, August 10, 2000 by Economics Research Associates Recommended Plant List for Restoration of Riparian Corridors on the San Antonio River, July 28, 2000 by PBS&J Plant List for Use on the San Antonio River, January 2001, prepared by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Harris County Flood Control District, and the U. S. Corps of Engineers A Brief Study of Archaeologically Sensitive Areas within the San Antonio River Improvements Concept Design, September 2000 by Waynne Cox HEC-RAS Model: Proposed vs. Existing Water Surface and Energy Grade Elevation, and Hydraulics Summary Report, January 2001 by PBS&J Hike and Bike Pathways, January 2001 by SWA Group Fluvial Geomorphology Design Criteria, January 2001 by Biohabitats, Inc. Master Cost Analysis Global Summary, Summary by Reach, and Summary of Costs, December 2000 by SWA Group Naming and Dedication Rights, January 2001 by SWA Group Summary of the Community Participation Activities and Responses Related to the Overall Design of the River Improvements, February December 2000, by Linda Ximenes & Associates Brooklyn Avenue Dam, by SWA Group Operations and Maintenance Requirements, by SWA Group



223Master Planning, Urban Design and Landscape COWI's Master Planning Unique OfferAt COWI Gulf A/S, we offer our clients a unique 'point of difference' that we believe adds value to our approach and ability to consistently deliver innovative thinking and design solutions. Our in-houseservices in Master Planning are supported by Traffic and Transport, Water and Environment, Infrastructure, Marine and Architecture consultancy services. We believe our business model offers a powerful collaboration of skills and is at the forefront of offering our clients the opportunity for trulyintegrated, sustainable and cost effective development services.COWI GULF A/SMaster Planning, Urban Design and LandscapeInfrastructureand MEPRoads and HighwaysEnvironment and WaterStructural EngineeringArchitectureMarineOur Master Planning Team has extensive experience working as a Lead Consultant, (supported by and co-ordinatingother relevant COWI disciplines) as well as operating in a supporting role with external design consultants or joint venture partners.4Our Master Planning, Urban Design andLandscape Expertise• Public Realm Design• Waterfront Development• Open Space Planning• Visioneering and Development Guidance• Regional and Strategic Planning• Landscape Architecture - concept design to site administration• Urban Design and Landscape Guidelines• Tourism Development• Large Scale Master Planning• Sustainable Communities• Master Plan Review / Peer Review• Stakeholder Consultation5Who we areWe are landscape architects, urban designers, urban planners, architects, transport and infrastructure engineers as well as environmental and economic experts. We have been servicing clients in the Middle East since the 1970’s with offices in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar and the UAE. Our body of work has gained us a solid reputation of reliability and excellence; testimony to our achievements is the large number of repeat clients.Our organisation has grown into a two layered structure: a global and international network that keeps abreast of 'best practice' in many key disciplines from around the world and through regional offices that have an intimate knowledge of the local context and environment. Our long standing presence at both levels ensures that every project is placed in its cultural, historical, geographical, environmental, social and economical context while integrating the latest in methodology and technological thinking.Master Planning, Urban Design and LandscapeWho we serviceWe service private developers wanting to create communities or destinations with a discerning 'point of difference'. We advise national and local governments seeking to manage their resources. We design for public agencies entrusted to create amenities like parks or to regenerate communities, cities and regions. We devise frameworks for Public Private Partnership where different parties contribute fragments to deliver a comprehensive and functioning whole. We avail them of our global and multidisciplinary capabilities and form bespoke teams of experts in response to specific needs. Our well established relations with all levels of government authorities in the gulf region can unlock the planning process and provide clients with informed and expert knowledge on a range of issues including, planning and design regulations, sustainability initiatives, transport regulations, infrastructure and environmental considerations.COWI Gulf A/S has over 600 employees who provide consulting services for public and private customers in all areas of Master Planning, Urban Design and Landscape Architecture with the support of multidisciplinary engineering services.How we workWe believe that a successful project emerges from a constructive and collaborative effort between our selected design team and client stakeholders. We encourage stakeholders to take part in the design process through inclusive project team lead workshops. Our approach seeks to draw on client knowledge and broad stakeholder 'buy in'.We engage our clients, as multidisciplinary experts, with the ability to deliver integrated services of the highest quality. Our proactive project methodology, seeks an inclusive, transparent process. We strive to create and nurture a project team spirit that will endure well beyond the life of the project.We believe our workshop based approach and client focused methodology enables optimum investigation of 'best practice' examples and ensures a broad, collective and informed professional response to problem solving.6A w a r d e dB e s t M a s t e rP l a n n e d Co m m u n i t yA f f o r d a b le H o u s in gD e v e lo p me n t S u m mit 2010Salman BayProject scopeConcept Master plan for 42 km2 of mixeduse, residential, resort, educational,commercial and tourist orienteddevelopment.COWI’s servicesCOWI was the lead consultant on;• Master Planning• Landscape Architecture• Urban Design• Transport Planning• Sustainable Infrastructure and Utilities,• Architecture, and• Marine ServicesClientJeddah Development and UrbanRegeneration Company (JDURC).Project period2009 - OngoingMaster Planning and Urban Design - Salman Bay, KSA7COWI Gulf A/S was appointed in 2009 to design a Concept Master Plan for an iconic tourist and residential hub at Salman Bay. The Salman Bay project is a key project being delivered by the Jeddah Urban and Regional Development Company (JDURC).The project site covers over 42 km2 with a developable area of over 14 km2.The mixed use, tourist oriented development will include a number of iconic tourist attractions including water park and bio-sphere, botanic gardens and wellness centre, a number of 5 star hotels and a range of residential accommodation to house approximately 90,000 people.The vision for Salman Bay was to create a vibrant tourism oriented development based on communities with an appropriate and self sustaining mix of residential, commercial, retail and community facilities that are supported by transit oriented design principles.The primary challenge of Salman Bay was not only to consider and retainthe majestic expanse of the bay and to consolidate fragmented land parcels separated by vacant sites, but to also ensure that all energy, waste, potable water and irrigation needs were generated on site without supply connection tothe municipality grid.KeyMasterPlanningandUrbanDesignProject8Master Planning - Lusail Development, QatarLusail DevelopmentProject scopeConceptual and detail design servicesfor the Lusail Development located onDoha coast. The 20 km2 site is a high-end mixed use centre with a populationtarget of 150,000 people.COWI’s servicesCOWI was the lead consultant on;• Concept Master Planning andLandscape Design• Environmental Impact Assessment• Contract & Tender Documentation• Bathymetric and TopographicalStudies• Marine ModellingClientBechtel Overseas CorporationProject Period2004 - 20059COWI Gulf A/S has completed planning and design activities of the Lusail Development for Qatari Diar Real Estate Investment Company. This new large land development is located along the shoreline north of Doha and will cover an area of about 20 km2. The project will transform the present shoreline through dredging and reclamation, creating new islands, access channels and beaches.The fully developed new neighbourhood will include low and high rise residential housing for about 150,000 inhabitants. Further, the development will include business, corporate and mixed use areas, as well as quality beaches with top class hotels, two golf courses, and an entertainment district.Numerical modelling of flow and wave conditions as well as beach stability and sediment spill from dredging operations were undertaken using sophisticated modelling systems such as MIKE 21 and LITPACK. Our expertise with such modelling systems and software was instrumental towards informing planning and design activities. A special point of interest in this regard, was the flushing of the canals to ensure suitable water quality for the 19 beaches which were surrounded by exclusive residential villas and 5 star hotels.COWI Gulf A/S was also commission to design the iconic Lusail Ring Bridges for this prestigious project. K e y M a s t e r P l a n n i n g a n d U r b a n D e s i g n P r o j e c t10Master Planning and Urban Design - Varna, BulgariaVarna Mixed Use MasterPlanProject scopeMixed use master plan for 1km2 ofland overlooking the Black Sea coastin Varna. The master plan included,residential villas and town houses, retailand commercial centre, marina andboat services and generous communalopenspace areas.COWI’s servicesCOWI was the lead consultant on;• Master Planning• Landscape Architecture• Urban Design• Transport Planning, and• Marine• ArchitectureClientEurolink Investment GroupProject period2009 - 201011COWI Gulf A/S in Bahrain was commissioned to design a mixed use master plan that included exclusive hill top villas, a sea front retail/commercial centre, urban and rural residential accommodation, a 100 birth marina and a high-end lake side recreational park. The project is located on the Black Sea coast in Varna, Bulgaria.The aim of this project was to create a landmark development with a clear and marketable ‘point of difference’ not currently available in Varna or the rest of the nearby Black Sea coast.This development is intended to be the flagship phase of a much larger overall master plan. An essential task for this first phase was to firmly establish the project character and ambience to guide all future phases towards meeting a discerning residential and tourist market need.The greater vision of this project is to deliver a vibrant community-based development that offers a variety of living, shopping and leisure choices, while retaining a strong connection to an idyllic rural way of life, nestled between wooded hills, generous open space and a lively commercial/retail hub andmarina on the bay.K e y M a s t e r P l a n n i n g a n d U r b a n D e s i g n P r o j e c t12Landscape Architecture - Sitra Bridge Rest Island, BahrainSitra Bridge Rest IslandProject scopeDesign, documentation and sitesupervision of the landscape areas forthe Sitra Bridge Rest Islands.COWI’s servicesCOWI was the lead consultant on;• Wet and dry utilities• Landscape design• Urban design services• Project management and• Site SupervisionClientBahrain MunicipalityProject period2009 - under construction13COWI Gulf A/S was appointed by the Bahrain Municipality to design the landscape areas for Sitra Bridge in Bahrain.The concept is to create a high quality, public recreational space that maximises the Sitra Bridge experience. The space consists of a main plaza area with a multitude of sculptural public art elements, children’s play area, external auditorium, lawn areas, xerophytic gardens and shaded viewing areas that overlook the sea. This project represents a landmark shift in the treatment of public spaces associated with infrastructure in Bahrain. COWI is proud to have been appointedthe lead consultant in the design and delivery of this project The Rest Island isdue for completion in 2011.KeyLandscapeProject14Landscape Architecture - Qatar Bahrain CausewayQatar BahrainCausewayProject scopeDesigning two rest islands dividing the40 km road and rail link between thewest coast of Qatar and the east coastof Bahrain into three equal sections.COWI’s servicesCOWI provided client consultancy andengineering services including;• wet and dry utilities• urban design services, and• landscape design documentation.ClientQBC ConsortiumProject period200915COWI Gulf A/S was appointed to design the landscape areas for the Rest Islands on Qatar Bahrain Friendship Causeway.The Qatar-Bahrain Friendship Causeway, a 40km long marine causeway featuring a 22km bridge and 18km embankments connecting the west coast of Qatar to the east coast of Bahrain, is scheduled to begin construction in 2010.The concept was to create an iconic yet operational land area that provided necessary support services for the causeway that included;• security related facilities• services related facilities including workshops, maintenance, transformers, etc.• railway siding etc.Also to provide a quality area where travellers can rest and also a low-scale recreational destination in its own right suitable for visitors and tourists from both sides of the causeway. The space consists of a main plaza area with a multitude of sculptural public art elements, children’s play area, external auditorium, lawn areas, beach and viewing areas that overlook the sea.When completed, the causeway will be the longest in the world and will also boast a 13 metre wide railroad bridge. Travel time from Qatar to Bahrain by car is expected to be reduced from four-and-a-half hours to around 30 minutes.The expected estimate of the volume of traffic on the causeway is likely to bearound 10,000 to 12,000 vehicles a day.K e y L a n d s c a p e P r o j e c t16Landscape Architecture - Al Aqeeq Development, KSAAl Aqeeq DevelopmentProject scopeCOWI is the lead consultant on theprestigious Al Aqeeq Leed Silverclassified development in SaudiArabia.COWI’s servicesCOWI has acted as client leadconsultant on;• Urban Design• Architecture• Landscape Architecture• Structural Engineering,• MEP Utilities• Transport PlanningClientAl Aqeeq Development CompanyProject Period2009 - Current17COWI Gulf A/S won an international competition to design an exclusive Leed classified mixed use development in Al Khobar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.The development comprises a 21 storey 5 star hotel tower, 13 storey Office tower and podium landscape with total built up area of approximately 36,000 m 2 signature hotel.The hard and soft landscape scope for this prestigious sustainable building included, entry and ground floor thresholds, external podium level pool and recreational areas, and internal podium level cafe and vibrant publicly accessiblelandscaped spaces with iconic central water feature.The landscape theme also included a strong sustainable ethos proposing endemic plant species irrigated by recycled water, use of sustainable building materials in hard and soft areas and iconic living green walls throughout the internal podium spaces.COWI’s landscaping team input was instrumental in ensuring that this project met the stringent design and performance criteria to attract LEED compliance for this prestigious project.K e y L a n d s c a p e P r o j e c tBahrainCOWI Gulf A/S P .O.Box 5486 Manama, Bahrain Tel: +973 17 216177 Fax: +973 17 215811 cowibahrain@Saudi ArabiaCOWI Gulf A/S P .O.Box 128123Jeddah 21362, Saudi Arabia Tel: +966 2 6990340Fax: +966 2 6226965macy@QatarCOWI A/SP .O. Box 23800Doha, QatarTel: +974 4498 23 38 Fax: +974 4498 23 36 cowiqatar@COWI is a leading international consulting group. We work worldwide within the fields of engine-ering, en v ironmental science and economics with due consideration for the environment and society.Since COWI was founded in 1930, we have been involved in more than 50,000 projects, operating globally in 175 different countries in all parts of the world.We employ more than 6,000 people, inclu-ding engineers, biologists, geologists, econo-mists, surveyors, anthropologists, sociologists, communication consultants and architects. When we undertake consultancy and planning projects, we do so on the basis of extensive local knowledge, knowing that we can draw on the international experience of our entire organi-sation.The COWI GroupKuwaitCOWI A/SFahad Al Salem Street Safat Tower, 5th floor Dasman, 15482Tel: + 965 2 241 2554cowigulf@OmanCOWI & Partners LLC P .O. Box 2115, PC 112 Ruwi, OmanTel: +968 24604200 Fax: +968 24604788 cowioman@United Arab EmiratesCOWI Gulf A/S- Dubai P .O. Box 52978Dubai, UAETel: +971 (0)4 33 97 076 Fax: +971 (0)4 33 97 334 cowiuae@United Arab EmiratesCOWI Gulf A/S - Abu Dhabi P .O. Box 130078, Abu Dhabi, UAETel: +971 (0)2 679 7625 Fax: +971 (0)2 679 7626 cowiuae@。



10817 SHERMAN WAY SUN VALLEY, CALIFORNIA 91352 T 818.769.6200
2010年 《纽约客》 在一次专访中称Mark先生为 “世界上的喷泉天才” 《室 。 内设计》 《建筑实录》 《洛杉矶时报》 《洛杉矶时报杂志》 《斯坦福杂志》 以及 《CBS周日早报》 等栏目都对WET做过专题报道。 洛杉矶市长Antonio Villaraigosa参观了WET公司并为洛杉矶总部的创意体验 中心奠基。 该创意体验中心拥有世界上最先进的设施, 成为WET人员研究创新, 激发新的创意灵感的港湾。 WET鼓励员工间的互相协作, 自由地交流前沿技术 的想法, 通过不断的试验测试, 最后将其变为现实。 创意体验中心使得WET更 有能力致力于新型创意设计水景的开发, 这些设备亮相在洛杉矶的第一个可 渗透水的停车场。 利用现代技术收集和循环测试水景的水流, 这也再次证实了 WET对环境保护一贯负责的态度。 WET因设计San Pedro Gateway的Fanfare水景而荣获洛杉矶建筑奖, 并且被 《快速增长公司》 (Fast Company) 选为 “年度最具创新力公司” 。 Mark荣获主题娱乐协会 (TEA) 的终身成就奖并被 《快速增长公司》 (Fast Company) 誉为 “商界最具创新人物” 。 WET在世界各地建成了众多知名水景, 其中包括迪拜哈里发塔 (Burj Khalifa Tower Park) 的5处水景, 补充和完善了 人们对迪拜大喷泉SERVED.
究生论文课题中研究轴心对称弧形水流, 该论文于1976年获得出版。 在迪斯尼 公司供职期间, 他把论文中的理论运用到实践中, 他和他的团队创造性地建成了 佛罗里达州的迪斯尼世界的EPCOT中心 “跳动的青蛙” 水景项目。 1983年Fuller先生对水景的发明创新给他带来了更多的水景项目机会。 1983 年, 他创立了WET, 并担任首席执行官。



SWA:暴⾬来了都不怕?教你做滨⽔防洪景观· 胶囊每天为你更新优质学习资源 ·· 软件 | 素材 | 考研考证 | 教程 ·第【910】期©SWA滨⽔景观设计,每个⼩伙伴绕不过的课题!但总是没什么新意,做到崩溃都是那⼏种“⽼套路”……到武汉“看海”“开船”回家等城市内涝屡见不鲜,质疑斥巨资的海绵城市不见效果?城市内涝不能只依靠景观设计处理,但设计师们对滨⽔设计的探究从未停⽌。





2016 ASLA 通⽤设计类荣誉奖-宁波⽣态⾛廊宁波⽣态⾛廊将棕地进⾏可持续规划,将场地植被地形等层层分级,创造了⼀个”活体过滤器“,既改善了⽼城的发展问题也为经济和⽣态寻求到了平衡点。


2016 ASLA 通⽤设计类荣誉奖-宁波⽣态⾛廊宁波⽣态⾛廊将挖出的多余⼟⽅和废弃建筑材料⼆次利⽤,重新回填形成⼭丘河⾕;硬质河道被缓缓下降的⾃然坡道代替,或起或伏的树⽊等形成物种栖息的群落,⽩鹭、⿊⽔鸡等动物随处可见。




















版本名称:雅典娜 英文名称: CLASSIC ELEGANCE 产 地:美国 材 质:纯纸 规 格:0.53×10.05m 0.686×8.2m
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2013-7-31 20:02:39
版本名称:香特莉尔 英文名称:CHANTECLAIR 产 地:美国 材 质:纯纸 规 格:0.686*8.2m 0.53*10.05m
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2013-7-31 20:02:32
版本名称:弗斯科 英文名称:AFFRESCO 产 地:美国 材 质:纯纸 规 格:0.53*10m
版本名称:伊莱苏 英文名称:Elysium 产 地:美国 材 质:纯纸 规 格:0.525*10m 0.686*8.2m
版本名称:马拉盛都 英文名称:MARRAKESH 产 地:美国 材 质:无纺 手工草编 规 格:0.686*8.2m 0.91*7.3m
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2013-7-31 20:02:50
Seabrook 店面展示
孟菲斯市中心最初的 Seabrook 商店和仓库,店面于 1910 年开业,照片拍摄于 1930 年。
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2013-7-31 20:02:55
2013-7-31 20:02:46
版本名称:凡尔赛 英文名称:TAPESTRY 产 地:美国 材 质:纯纸 规 格: 0.53*10.05m 0.686*8.2m
版本名称:雷蒙德 英文名称: RICHMOND HEIGHTS 产 地:美国 材 质:纯纸 规 格:0.53*10.05m 0.68*8.2m
版本名称:多尔西诺 英文名称:Dorsino 产 地:美国 材 质:纯纸 规 格:0.525*10m 0.686*8.2m



美国SWA公司SWA 集团是一个在建筑景观、城市设计和规划领域处于领先地位的设计公司。




SWA 在加州旧金山湾区、南加州、休士顿、达拉斯设有全方位服务的分公司,为全美和世界各地的客户提供服务。


自1973年以来,SWA 集团即成为一个通过股份制使全体员工集体拥有的现代体制企业。


SWA 的各个分公司在各自的主任设计师指导下,可提供全面的规划和建筑景观设计,并利用各类专家和援助系统,共享全公司的丰富经验和资源。

SWA 是一个机会均等的企业。

建筑景观设计SWA 提供全方位的建筑景观设计,从场地规划到施工图和施工监理。





规划SWA 拥有当地和区域层次总体规划和用地规划专业知识,提供从场地规划、用地布局、成功的项目内容,全套专家意见。

SWA 协助政府和私人客户,提供大小范围不等的总体规划、用地布局规划,以及用地规划项目的设计。




城市设计SWA 通过过去成功的城市设计项目在全美城市规划和设计方面赢得口碑。

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