15、移舟水溅差差绿, _______________。
18、_______________, 卷舒开合任天真。
2.观沧海 (东汉)曹操(1),以观沧海。
九年级语文上册必背古诗词默写专题第一部分:课外十首古诗词一、《观刈麦》1 诗中表明繁重的赋税带给人们不尽苦难,用侧面烘托手法,表现来了唐朝时繁重的赋税使人民倾家荡产的诗句是家田输税尽,拾此充饥肠。
2 表现诗人为自己过着不劳而获生活深感愧疚的诗句是念此私自愧,尽日不能忘。
3 诗中与“可怜身上衣正单,心忧炭贱愿天寒”同样表现隐含的矛盾心理的诗句是力尽不知热,但惜夏日长。
4 诗中以自责方式表达自己对不劳而获的统治者讽刺和鞭挞的诗句是吏禄三百石,岁晏有余粮。
5 “田家四月闲人少,采了蚕桑又插田”。
二、《月夜》1 诗中充满诗情画意,从视觉角度,通过明暗对比来衬托夜的静谧和天空的寂静的诗句是更深月色半人家,北斗阑干南斗斜。
2 诗中一反前人写春的角度,从听觉角度和感受角度表现春之来临,与苏轼的“春江水暖鸭先知”有相同理趣,且具有独创性的诗句是今夜偏知春气暖,虫声新透绿窗纱。
三、《商山早行》1 诗中点明“早行”的典型情景,引起旅行者感情共鸣的诗句是晨起动征铎,客行悲故乡。
2 诗中把早行情景写得历历在目,称得上“意象俱足”的佳句是鸡声茅店月,人迹板桥霜。
3 诗中描绘诗人刚上路所见的景物的诗句是槲叶落山路,枳花照驿墙。
4 诗中“早行”之景与“早行”之情都得到完美体现的诗句是因思杜陵梦,凫雁满回塘。
四、《卜算子•咏梅》1 词中描绘梅花生长的严酷环境的词句是驿外断桥边,寂寞开无主。
2 词中写出梅花悲惨遭遇的词句是已是黄昏独自愁,更著风和雨。
3 词中词人借梅花盛开来写个人品格的高尚的词句是无意苦争春,一任群芳妒。
4 词人借写梅花凋落的情景来表达自己至死不变的爱国之心的词句是零落成泥碾作尘,只有香如故。
五、《破阵子》1 词中用特定的景物点明时令的词句是燕子来时新社,梨花落后清明。
2 词中动静结合,有声有色地描绘春景的词句是池上碧苔三四点,叶底黄鹂一两声,日长飞絮轻。
(王湾《次北固山下》)2、今夜月明人尽望, ?(王建《十五夜望月》)3、造化钟神秀,____________。
《》( ):____________,____________。
(崔颢《黄鹤楼》)19、《陋室铭》中表现陋室主人交往之雅的句子是: , 。
(常建《题破山寺后禅院》)【答案】1、风正一帆悬2、不知秋思落谁家3、阴阳割昏晓4、但惜夏日长5、似曾相识燕归来6、各领风骚数百年7、能谤讥于市 8、羌笛何须怨杨柳 9、会挽雕弓如满月10、瀚海阑干百丈冰 11、世事洞明皆学问 12.沉鳞竞跃13、《登幽州台歌》陈子昂前不见古人,后不见来者。
relationship betwee n Government a nd busine ss. T he "two se ssi ons", General Se cretary of "Pro", "clear" the word succi nctly sum marized t he ne w relationshi p betw een Gover nment and busi ness, as pure politics, reshapi ng the political relationshi p specified in t he dire ction. Distri ct leaders in handling politi cal and busi ness relati ons, engage i n tradi ng power for mone y, a nd finally stumble d, we a le sson, alway s keep i n mind t hat "Pro", "clea n" practi cing "Pr o", "clear". "Pro" is to ope n a si ncer e engagement with private e nterpri se to help solve practical difficultie s; " Clear "is to clarify the Division of pow er, exerci sed i n accor dance with, private entre preneurs wit h innocent purit y, not abusing pow er for personal gai n, not to e ngage in tradi ng power for money. T hird, i n or der to maintai n fairness and justi ce. Fairness a nd justice is the lifeline of the rule of law , is t he be st devel opme nt environme nt. Currently, lax law enfor cement a nd t he judicia l sect or in our regi on al so exist to varyi ng degree s, law e nforceme nt de partments a nd i ndivi dual wi ndow units power for personal gai ns a nd br ibes, thi ck friends, relations, human case s, money cases in whi ch seri ously infringe on t he leg itimate rights and i nterests of e nterprise s and pe opl e. Especi ally some la w enfor cement a nd i nspection f or pr ofit pur pose s, deliberately l ooki ng for corporate l oopholes, found dire ctly under the ticket does not give busi ness im provement opport unities. We re cruit a compa ny doesn't ea sily, cultivating a busine ss more difficult, never for personal gain, systemati c harassment, card, last che cked t o check to get t he enter prise colla pse d. To guara ntee the l egitimate rights and interests. Always proceed from the overall sit uation of reform and development of service s, fully consider t he character istics of pr oducti on a nd ma nagement in non-public enterpri ses a nd soci al be nefits, an a ccurate grasp of legal limits, prote ct the enthusiasm of entrepre neur s and pra ctitioners in i nnovation a nd entrepre ne urshi p, e nha nci ng expe ctations and confide nce. To prom ote strict e nforceme nt. Strengthe ni ng law enfor cement proce dure s, improve l aw enfor cement performance evaluati on, strengthe ning t he supervi sion of law e nforcement , explorati on a nd practice of risk control me cha nism of law enforcement to further standardize the socia l se curity, urba n management, roa d traffic administrative law e nforcement , effectively free, extensive law -enfor cement a nd lax enfor cement of law enforceme nt and other issues. To uphold justi ce. Justi ce is the last line of Defense t o safeguar d fairness a nd justice, to unequivocally support the courts and procurat orates indepe nde ntly exercise l evel ... Judici al activities w ere rampant, m ust not be allow ed to r un, favors, mone y, must not be all owe d to knowingly vi olate the miscarriage, viol ations of the legitimate rights and i nterests of the masses m ust not be all owed to a buse of power, to make forest mass can be felt in every judicial case s in e quity and justice. F our to deepen grass -roots gover nance accor ding to la wchain do long, a nd put scale big. T o serve the development of enterprise s. Duocuo simulta neo usly impr oving servi ce efficie ncy, build better publi c servi ces platform, e nha nce w ork efficie ncy, initiative to help businesses solve the project pr oce dures, financing l oans, issues such as la nd -use approval, reduce operating costs, busi ness travel light and enhance the confidence to overcome all kinds of difficulties and the F oundation, real e ntrepre neurial passi on play entre prene urship, e nhance the i nternal vitality and creativit y. SI XING a n constr ucti on, promoti ng the rul e of law , trie s to make the transformati on of forest development XI Ge neral Secretary stressed, t o reinvigorate Northeast China, optimize d devel opme nt environment is very important. E nvironme nt of rule of law most gather Moss, the most conducive to development. Impr oving the leadi ng ca dres ' usi ng the met hod of thought and the r ule of law Admi nistration work, problem -solving , the a bility to pr omote the development, i s the key to pr omoting t he rule of law. The law may affect the efficie ncy of out of the path of development will be more smoot h, won devel opme nt gains w ill be sustai ned, a nd e nd with greater efficiency. Lea ding ca dres at all level s shoul d take the lea d in respe ct of law law, a bide by, and actively foster Socialist cult ure, actively prom oti ng the field of multi-level g overna nce a ccordi ng to la w, gui de the masses a nd consci ously abide by the la w, failing t o find la w, solve the probl em by law, in accor dance wit h the law prevail. XXX admini stration by law of leadi ng ca dres do not exist on t he rule of law, law enforceme nt, ca sual, a nd v ow not to inve stors, the new scores and ot her turmoil. The se important expositions on my distri ct create good development e nvironme nt with highly targeted a nd g uida nce, e specially t he Ge neral Secretary poi nted o ut that the cha os i n my area also exists t o varying degrees, some eve n quite serious. Leadi ng cadre s at all levels must improve t he devel opme nt environment of r ule of law as a fundame ntal task, a dhere t o the probl em oriente d, solid a nd solve the problems i n the constructi on of rule of la w , to rul e the new effect for devel opme nt environment impr ovements. o hol d "key minorit y". Leaders of this group, alt hough few in num ber, but the effect is critica l. If a local leader s take the lea d right accor ding to la w , i n accorda nce with the law , t he local CPPCC fresh, pragmatic a nd efficie nt devel opment e nvironment. Conver sely, if a local lea ders of ignoring t he la w , impunity, not onl y the politi cal envir onme nt will be destroye d, wil l have seri ous implications for the development e nvironme nt. Now, some lea ding cadres la ck of aware ness on t he importance of learni ng, that lear n or not does not matter. T hink efficie ncy is t oo l ow too much, act a ccordi ng to the procedure, tha n an executive order getting al ong with. In dea ling wit h com plex issues, often speak of "settling" and "done"; on the i ssue of handli ng letters and visits, l ike to spend money a nd buy st op a nd sta ble, but di sregard the l aw administration, i n accor dance wit h the la w, the r ulechai n do l ong , and put scal e big. To serve t he devel opme nt of enter prises. Duocuo sim ultane ously improvi ng servi ce efficiency, bui ld better public service s platform, enhance w ork efficiency, i nitiative to help busi nesses solve the proje ct pr oce dures, financing l oans, issues such as la nd -use approval, re duce operating costs, busine ss travel light a nd e nha nce t he confidence to over come all ki nds of difficultie s and the Foundation, real entre preneurial passi on play entre prene urshi p, e nha nce t he inter nal vitality and creativity. SI XING a n c onstr ucti on, promoti ng the rul e of law , trie s to make the transformation of forest developme nt XI General Se cretary stresse d, to rei nvigorate Northea st Chi na, optimized devel opment e nvironment is very important. E nvironme nt of rule of law most gather M oss, the most conducive to devel opment. Improvi ng the lea ding cadres ' usi ng the method of thoug ht and the rul e of law Admini stration w ork, problem-solvi ng, the a bility to promote the devel opme nt, is the key to promoting t he rule of law. The law may affect the efficiency of out of the pat h of devel opment w ill be more smoot h, won devel opme nt gains w ill be sustai ned, a nd e nd with greater ef ficie ncy. Leadi ng cadre s at all levels should take the lea d in re spe ct of law law, a bide by, and a ctively foster Socialist culture , actively pr omoting t he field of multi -level gover nance accor ding to la w , gui de the masses a nd consci ously abi de by the law , faili ng to find la w , solve the problem by law , i n accor dance with t he law preva il. XXX a dministrati on by law of leading cadre s do not exist on the r ule of law, law enfor cement, casual , and vow not to invest ors, the new score s and other t urmoil. T hese im portant expositi ons on my distri ct create good development e nvironme nt wit h highly targeted a nd g uida nce , especially the Ge neral Secretary pointe d out t hat the chaos in my area also exists to varying degrees, some eve n quite serious. Leadi ng ca dres at all levels m ust improve the devel opme nt environment of rule of law as a fundamental task, a dhere to the problem orie nted, solid a nd solve the problems in the constr uction of rule of law, to r ule the new effect for devel opment e nvironment improveme nts. To hold "key minority". Leaders of this group, alt hough few in numbe r, but the effect is cr itical. If a local lea ders take the lea d right accor ding to la w, in a ccorda nce wit h the la w, the l ocal CPPCC fresh, pragmatic a nd efficie nt devel opment e nvironment. Conversely, if a local leaders of ignori ng the la w, impunit y, not only the political e nvironme nt will be destroye d, will have seri ous implicati ons for t he devel opme nt environment. Now , some leadi ng cadre s l ack of awarene ss on the importance of lear ning, t hat learn or not does not matter. Thi nk efficiency is too low t oo much, a ct accordi ng to the procedure, tha n an executive or der getting along with. In dealing wit h complex issues, often speak of "settling" and "done"; on t he issue of handling letters and visits, like to spend money a nd buy st op and stable, but disregar d the law a dministration, in a ccorda nce w ith the la w, the r ule rass-r oots gov erna nce a ccording t o law is a n important foundation for promoti ng the constructi on of rule of law, but al so the most ba sic development envir onment. Despite my good social order in Ge neral, but there are law -a bidi ng consciousness, social order is not standard, regar dless of faith, Twining visit visit a nd other outstanding problems. We w ant to active ly promote t he field of multi -level gover nance accor ding to la w, pr omote the continuous improveme nt of the social e nvironment. To pr omote universal complia nce. Actively foster the r ule of law culture , carry out law publi city a nd educati on on hone sty and tr ustwort hine ss, guide the masses a nd consci ously abi de by the law , faili ng to find method, problem-solvi ng method, method of gradually changi ng the worl d, he is not looki ng for but some one "unspoken r ules", formed all la w law , a bide by the good atmosphere. o strengthen t he comprehensive ma nagement of publ ic se curit y. Dee pe ning peace xi ngan constr ucti on, str ongly agai nst viole nce crime, mafia and serious crimi nal offences, to protect the legitimate rights and interest s of citize ns, legal persons, carry out criminal poli cy of temper justice wit h mercy, he maximum stimulating social vitality, a nd ear nestly safeguard social harmony a nd sta bility. To resolve social conflicts by law. o further smoot h channels of re porting social conditions and publi c opi nion, impr oving regulati on, ar bitration, as well a s dispute resoluti on me cha nisms, im plement fully the petitioners ' ca ses "third -party" hearings a nd supervisi ng system of letters and calls, a nd to re solve the involve d law lawsuit into t he or bit of rule of la w, vexatious, Twini ng visit visit, di stur bing social order a nd ot her malici ous extortion, resol utely cra ck down. Fiv e, improvi ng cadre s V itale, prov ide strong prote ction for f orest development XI Ge neral Secretary stressed t hat the compre hensive revitalization in Northea st Chi na, needs a high qualit y, solid style , cadre s of the dar e to pla y. Ca dre cadre s is a ple dge, should wa nt to do work a nd a ble to do good, e nthusiasm is paramount. Treat party cadres, it is nece ssary to Strict ma nagement, a nd warm care , ena ble the broa d masses of cadres w ork har d work, t his is tw o parallel principle s. In stri ct accordance with t he standards of good cadre s sele ction and appoi ntment, the real officers, dare officers, those w ho wa nt to play, good as excell ent ca dres at all levels of leadership i n the pa st. At prese nt, some lea ding cadres w ork initiative i s not high, beyond political , idle , lazy governance governance, not as, sl ow, messy and a phenomeno n still exist to varyi ng degree s, affected and restricte d economi c and social development. We m ust mobilize the enthusiasm of cadres a s an urge nt task, adhere to combi nation of incentives a nd constraints, a nd a dhere to the stri ct management a nd warm c are, pra ctical soluti on "for the officer s not to" pr obl em, motivate cadres a nd better lead the masses to a n undertaki ng, the cadres a nd create the new achieveme nt in a dare t o play, g ood at shows as new. To ide ntify the problem, accurate pulseof law to visit a nd contri bute to make visit s to the vexatious visits arr ogance. On these issues, w e nee d to have a proper understa ndi ng, shoul d take the lead to esta blish a se nse of fear of the la w, strengt hen t he applicati on of the r ule of law a nd the rule of law w ork of thinki ng and take up re sponsibility for the construction of the rul e of law. Put lear ning first. Premi se is ignorant of the la w, a bide by the law. Leadi ng cadre s at all levels should ta ke the lead in st udyi ng the Constitution and laws a nd reg ulations cl osely relate d to work a ssume d by, an a ccurate grasp of the basic position of our party to address the issue of the r ule of law, k now n for the scale to do things, figure out how to use it right, w hat thi ngs do, what not to do, it ca n nev er "legal literacy". T o enhance the awarene ss of the r ule of law. Firmly establi sh the supremacy of constitutional la w , legal equality before t he, right by t he law makes the rig ht to statutor y, as wel l as the r ule of law, devel op ha bits of rul e of law, to discard the rule a nd ca nnot, must not get overridden by aut horit y, at the right pre ssure. Shoul d take the lead t o abi de by. Fulfil its mandate in stri ct accorda nce with statut ory authority and procedures, no matter what you want to a dhere to the la w, thought of rule by law a nd t he rule of law to tackle hot issues, effective stat utory duty must be, wi thout a uthorization, is not availabl e. Such as construction areas, some ca dres are be ca use ther e is no procedure is foll owed by the rule s, pai d a heavy price, we shoul d learn from them, in strict a ccorda nce wit h the law on bidding a nd impleme ntation ...Promised t o give preferential poli cies for enter prise s, hesitant to ca sh or cash not at all. Masse s feel strongly a bout these i ssues, it is nece ssary to be solve d. To accelerate dece ntralization. Spe cificati on list list list of power s, responsibilities and negative, cleara nce, rev ocati on does not ada pt to the current situation of the development of policy document s, especia lly the right to a dministrative examination and approval, th e ca ncellati on must be canceled, t he del egation m ust be dece ntralized t o achieve zero -wait, one -stop, seamle ss, impr ove admini strative efficiency a nd service lev els. In par ticular, the delegation of pow ers must be ca ught properl y, never a ble to l oft is no a nswe r, no one cares, cause ba ckfire, pe ople work har der. o carry out the campaig n. Cra ck down on law e nforceme nt regulations, un civil and not as, as undermini ng economi c devel opme nt, such a s environmental problems, pay close attention to the grass-r oots level weakne sses, strictly investigate a nd deal with t he grass -roots l evel corr upti on a nd denial of Justice agai nst the i nterests of the masses, such as corruption and corr upti on, r uthless pe opl e around "flies", further optimization of the development e nvironme nt. In particular, stre ngthe ning the construction of Gover nment cre dit, and trustw orthy pra ctice for compa nies a nd inve stors, a nd must not bre ak faith with the people, promise s and the pr omise to the society. T o buil d a ne wof law to visit a nd contri bute to make visit s to the vexatious visi ts arrogance. On these i ssues, we need t o have a pr oper understanding , shoul d take the lead t o establi sh a sense of fear of the law, stre ngthe n the a ppli cation of the rule of law and t he rule of law work of thi nking a nd take up responsibility for the constr ucti on of the r ule of law. Put learni ng first. Premise is ignorant of the la w , abi de by th e law. Lea ding ca dres at all level s shoul d take the lea d in studying t he Constit ution a nd la ws and regulati ons closely related to w ork assumed by, a n accurate grasp of the ba sic positi on of our party to a ddress the issue of the rule of law, know n for the scale to do t hings, figure out how to use it right, what thi ngs do, what not to do, it ca n never "legal literacy". o e nha nce t he awareness of the rule of law. Firmly establ ish t he supremacy of constitutional la w, legal e quality before the, right by the law makes the right to statutory, as well as t he rule of law, develop ha bits of rule of law, to discar d the r ule and ca nnot, must not get overridden by authority, at the right pressure. S hould take the lea d to a bide by. Fulfil its mandate i n strict a ccor dance wit h statutory a uthority a nd proce dure s, no matter what you want to adhere to the la w, thoug ht of rule by la w and the rul e of law to tackle hot issue s, effective statutory duty must be, without aut hori zation, is not available. Such as construction area s, some cadre s are be cause there i s no procedure is followed by t he rule s, pai d a heavy pri ce, w e shoul d lear n from them, in str ict a ccorda nce wit h the law on bidding a nd impleme ntation ... Pr omised t o give preferential poli cies for enter prise s, hesitant to ca sh or cash not at all. Masse s feel strongly a bout these i ssues, it is nece ssary to be solve d. To accelerate dece ntralization. Spe cificati on list list list of powers, responsi bilities a nd negative, cle arance, revocation doe s not a dapt to t he current sit uation of the devel opme nt of policy documents, e spe cially the right to admi nistrative examination and a ppr oval, the cancellation must be ca ncele d, the delegati on must be de centrali zed to a chieve zero-wa it, one -stop, seamle ss, improv e administrative efficie ncy a nd service level s. In particular, t he de legation of pow ers must be caug ht properly, never a ble to loft is no answer, no one cares, cause ba ckfire, pe ople w ork har der. o carry out the campaig n. Cra ck down on law e nforceme nt regulations, uncivil and not a s, as undermining e conomi c devel opment, such as e nvironmental pr oblems, pay cl ose attenti on to t he grass -root s level weak nesse s, strictly i nvestigate and deal wit h the grass -roots level corruption and de nial of Justice against the interests of the masses, such as corr upti on and corruption, r uthle ss pe opl e around "flies", further optimizati on of the devel opment e nvironment. In particular, strengtheni ng the constr ucti on of Governme nt credit, a nd tr ustworthy practi ce for com panie s and investors, and must not break faith with t he pe opl e, promi ses and the promise t o the societ y. T o bui ld a new 初中古诗词必备汇编1.《论语》十则 孔 子2.古代诗歌观沧海 曹 操 次北固山下 王 湾 钱塘湖春行 白居易 天净沙 秋思 马致远 3.课外古诗词闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄 李 白 夜雨寄北 李商隐 泊秦淮 杜 牧 浣溪沙 晏 殊 4.木兰诗 郭茂倩 5.挑花源记 陶渊明 6.短文两篇陋室铭 刘禹锡 爱莲说 周敦颐 7.杜甫诗两首望岳 杜 甫 春望 杜 甫 8.阅读三峡 郦道元 9.短文两篇答谢中书书 陶弘景 记承天寺夜游 苏 轼 10.湖心亭看雪 张 岱 11.使至塞上 王 维12.黄鹤楼 崔 颢 13.马说 韩 愈 14.送东阳马生序 宋 濂 15.诗词曲五首酬乐天杨州初逢席上见赠 刘禹锡 赤壁 杜 牧 过零丁洋 文天祥 水调歌头(明月几时有) 苏 轼 山坡羊 潼关怀古 张养浩 16.小石潭记 柳宗元 17.岳阳楼记 范仲淹 18.醉翁亭记 欧阳修 19.诗五首饮酒(其五) 陶渊明 行路难(其一) 李 白 茅屋为秋风所破歌 杜 甫 白雪歌送武判官归京 岑 参 已亥杂诗 龚自珍 20.课外古诗词送杜少府之任蜀州 王 勃 登幽州台歌 陈子昂 无题 李商隐 相见欢(无言独上西楼) 李 煜 登飞来峰 王安石 21.出师表 诸葛亮 22.词渔家傲 秋思 范仲淹 江城子 密州出猎 苏 轼破阵子 辛弃疾 23.南乡子 登京口北固亭有怀 辛弃疾 24.《孟子》两章 得道多助,失道寡助 生于忧患,死于安乐25.鱼我所欲也 《孟子》 26.曹刿论战 《左传》 27.邹忌讽齐王纳谏 《战国策》 28.《诗经》两首关雎 蒹葭29.雁门太守行 李 贺 30.河中石兽 31.十五从军征 32.渔家傲 33.卖炭翁 34.满江红 35.游山西村 36.教学相长37.博雅鼓琴 38.逍遥游relationship betwee n Government a nd busine ss. T he "two se ssi ons", General Se cretary of "Pro", "clear" the word succi nctly summarized t he ne w relationshi p betw een Gover nment and busi ness, as pure politics, reshapi ng the political relationshi p specified in t he dire ction. Distri ct leaders in handling politi cal and busi ness relati ons, engage i n tradi ng power for mone y, a nd finally stumble d, we a le sson, alway s keep i n mind t hat "Pro", "clea n" practi cing "Pr o", "clear". "Pro" is to ope n a si ncer e engagement with private e nterpri se to help solve practical difficultie s; " Clear "is to clarify the Division of pow er, exerci sed i n accor dance with, private entre preneurs wit h innocent purit y, not abusing pow er for personal gai n, not to e ngage in tradi ng power for money. T hird, i n or der to maintai n fairness and justi ce. Fairness a nd justice is the lifeline of the rule of law , is t he be st devel opme nt environme nt. Currently, lax law enfor cement a nd t he judicia l sect or in our regi on al so exist to varyi ng degree s, law e nforceme nt de partments a nd i ndivi dual wi ndow units power for personal gai ns a nd br ibes, thi ck friends, relations, human case s, money cases in whi ch seri ously infringe on t he leg itimate rights and i nterests of e nterprise s and pe opl e. Especi ally some la w enfor cement a nd i nspection for pr ofit pur pose s, deliberately l ooki ng for corporate l oopholes, found dire ctly under the ticket does not give busi ness im provement opport unities. We re cruit a compa ny doesn't ea sily, cultivating a busine ss m ore difficult, never for personal gain, systemati c harassment, card, last che cked t o check to get t he enter prise colla pse d. To guara ntee the l egitimate rights and interests. Always proceed from the overall sit uation of reform and development of service s, f ully consider t he character istics of pr oducti on a nd ma nagement in non-public enterpri ses a nd soci al be nefits, an a ccurate grasp of legal limits, prote ct the enthusiasm of entrepre neur s and pra ctitioners in i nnovation a nd entrepre ne urshi p, e nha nci ng expe ctations and confide nce. To prom ote strict e nforceme nt. Strengthe ni ng law enfor cement proce dure s, improve l aw enfor cement performance evaluati on, strengthe ning t he supervi sion of law e nforcement , explorati on a nd practice of risk control me cha nism of law enforcement to further standardize the socia l se curity, urba n management, roa d traffic administrative law e nforcement , effectively free, extensive law -enfor cement a nd lax enfor cement of law enforceme nt and other issues. To uphold justi ce. Justi ce is the last line of Defense t o safeguar d fairness a nd justice, to unequivocally support the courts and procurat orates indepe nde ntly exercise l evel ... Judici al activities w ere rampant, must not be allow ed to r un, favors, mone y, must not be all owe d to knowingly vi olate the miscarriage, viol ations of the legitimate rights and i nterests of the masses m ust not be all owed to a buse of power, to mak e forest mass can be felt in every judicial case s in e quity and justice. F our to deepen grass -roots gover nance accor ding to la wchain do long, a nd put scale big. T o serve the development of enterprise s. Duocuo simulta neo usly impr oving servi ce efficie ncy, build better publi c servi ces platform, e nha nce w ork efficie ncy, initiative to help businesses solve the project pr oce dures, financing l oans, issues such as la nd-use approval, reduce operating costs, busi ness travel light and enhance the confidence to overcome all kinds of difficulties and the F oundation, real e ntrepre neurial passi on play entre prene urship, e nhance the i nternal vitality and creativit y. SI XING a n constr ucti on, promoti ng the rul e of law , trie s to make the transformati on of forest development XI Ge neral Secretary stressed, t o reinvigorate Northeast China, optimize d devel opme nt environment is very important. E nvironme nt of rule of law most gather Moss, the most conducive to development. Impr oving the leadi ng ca dres ' usi ng the met hod of thought and the r ule of law Admi nistration work, problem-solving , the a bility to pr omote the development, i s the key to pr omoting t he rule of law. The law may affect the efficie ncy of out of the path of development will be more smoot h, won devel opme nt gains w ill be sustai ned, a nd e nd with greater efficiency. Lea ding ca dres at all level s shoul d take the lea d in respe ct of law law, a bide by, and actively foster Socialist cult ure, actively promoti ng the field of multi-level g overna nce a ccordi ng to la w, gui de the masses a nd consci ously abide by the la w, failing t o find la w, solve the probl em by law, in accor dance wit h the law prevail. XXX admini stration by law of leadi ng ca dres do not exist on t he rule of law, law enforceme nt, ca sual, a nd v ow not to inve stors, the new scores and ot her turmoil. The se important expositions on my distri ct create good development e nvironme nt with highly targeted a nd g uida nce, e specially t he Ge neral Secretary poi nted out that the cha os i n my area also exists t o varying degrees, some eve n quite serious. Leadi ng cadre s at all levels must improve t he devel opme nt environment of r ule of law as a fundame ntal task, a dhere t o the probl em oriente d, solid a nd solve the problems i n the constructi on of rule of la w , to rul e the new effect for devel opme nt environment impr ovements. o hol d "key minorit y". Leaders of this group, alt hough few in num ber, but the effect is critica l. If a local leader s take the lea d right accor ding to la w , i n accorda nce with the law , t he local CPPCC fresh, pragmatic a nd efficie nt devel opment e nvironment. Conver sely, if a local lea ders of ignoring t he la w , impunity, not onl y the politi cal envir onme nt will be destroye d, wil l have seri ous implications for the development e nvironme nt. Now some lea ding cadres la ck of aware ness on t he importance of learni ng, that lear n or not does not matter. T hink efficie ncy is t oo l ow too much, act a ccordi ng to the procedure, tha n an executive order getting al ong with. In dea ling wit h com plex issues, often speak of "settling" and "done"; on the i ssue of han dli ng letters and visits, l ike to spend money a nd buy st op a nd sta ble, but di sregard the l aw administration, i n accor dance wit h the la w, the r ulechai n do l ong , and put scal e big. To serve t he devel opme nt of enter prises. Duocuo sim ultane ously improvi ng servi ce efficiency, bui ld better public service s platform, enhance w ork efficiency, i nitiative to help busi nesses solve the proje ct pr oce dures, financing l oans, issues such as la nd-use approval, re duce operating costs, busine ss travel light a nd e nha nce t he confidence to over come all ki nds of difficultie s and the Foundation, real entre preneurial passi on play entre prene urshi p, e nha nce t he inter nal vitality and creativity. SI XING a n constr ucti on, promoti ng the rul e of law, trie s to make the transformation of forest developme nt XI General Se cretary stresse d, to rei nvigorate Northea st Chi na, optimized devel opment e nvironment is very important. E nvironme nt of rule of law most gather M oss, the most conducive to devel opment. Improvi ng the lea ding cadres ' usi ng the method of thoug ht and the rul e of law Admini stration w ork, problem-solvi ng, the a bility to promote the devel opme nt, is the key to promoting t he rule of law. The law may affect the efficiency of out of the pat h of devel opment w ill be more smoot h, won devel opme nt gains w ill be sustai ned, a nd e nd with greater efficie ncy. Leadi ng cadre s at all levels should take the lea d in re spe ct of law law, a bide by, and a ctively foster Socialist culture , actively pr omoting t he field of multi -level gover nance accor ding to la w , gui de the masses a nd consci ously abi de by the law , faili ng to find la w , solve the problem by law , i n accor dance with t he law prev il. XXX a dministrati on by law of leading cadre s do not exist on the r ule of law, law enfor cement, casual , and vow not to invest ors, the new score s and other t urmoil. T hese im portant expositi ons on my distri ct create good development e nvironme nt wit h highly targeted a nd g uida nce , especially the Ge neral Secretary pointe d out t hat the chaos in my area also exists to varying degrees, some eve n quite serious. Leadi ng ca dres at all levels m ust improve the devel opme nt environment of rule of law as a fundamental t ask, a dhere to the problem orie nted, solid a nd solve the problems in the constr uction of rule of law, to r ule the new effect for devel opment e nvironment improveme nts. To hold "key minority". Leaders of this group, alt hough few in numbe r, but the effect is cr itical. If a local lea ders take the lea d right accor ding to la w, in a ccorda nce wit h the la w, the l ocal CPPCC fresh, pragmatic a nd efficie nt devel opment e nvironment. Conversely, if a local leaders of ignori ng the la w , impunit y, not only the political e nvironme nt will be destroye d, will have seri ous implicati ons for t he devel opme nt environment. Now, some leadi ng cadre s l ack of awarene ss on the importance of lear ning, t hat learn or not does not matter. Thi nk efficiency is too low t oo much, a ct accordi ng to the procedure, tha n an executive or der getting along with. In dealing wit h complex issues, often speak of "settling" and "done"; on t he issue of handling letters and visits, like to spend money a nd buy st op and stable, but disregar d the law a dministration, in a ccorda nce w ith the la w, the r ule rass-r oots gov erna nce a ccording t o law is a n important foundation for promoti ng the constructi on of rule of law, but al so the most ba sic development envir onment. Despite my good social order in Ge neral, but there are law -a bidi ng consciousness, social order is not standard, regar dless of faith, Twining visit visit a nd other outstanding problems. We w ant to active ly promote t he field of multi -level gover nance accor ding to la w, pr omote the continuous improveme nt of the social e nvironment. To pr omote universal complia nce. Actively foster the r ule of law culture , carry out law publi city a nd educati on on hone sty and tr ustwort hine ss, guide the masses a nd consci ously abi de by the law , faili ng to find method, problem -solvi ng method, method of gradually changi ng the worl d, he is not looki ng for but some one "unspoken r ules", formed all la w law , a bide by the good atmosphere. o strengthen t he comprehensive ma nagement of publ ic se curit y. Dee pe ning peace xi ngan constr ucti on, str ongly agai nst viole nce crime, mafia and serious crimi nal offences, to protect the legitimate rights and interest s of citize ns, legal persons, carry out criminal poli cy of temper justice wit h mercy, t he maximum stimulating social vitality, a nd ear nestly safeguard social harmony a nd sta bility. T o resolve social conflicts by law. o further smoot h channels of re porting social conditions and publi c opi nion, impr oving regulati on, ar bitration, as well a s dispute resoluti on me cha nisms, im plement fully the petitioners ' ca ses "third-party" hearings a nd supervisi ng system of letters and calls, a nd to re solve the involve d law lawsuit into t he or bit of rule of la w, vexatious, Twini ng visit visit, di stur bing social order a nd ot her malici ous extortion, resol utely cra ck down. Fiv e, im provi ng cadre s V itale, prov ide strong prote ction for forest development XI Ge neral Secretary stressed t hat the compre hensive revitalization in Northea st Chi na, needs a high qualit y, solid style , cadre s of the dar e to pla y. Ca dre cadre s is a ple dge, should wa nt to do work a nd a ble to do good, e nthusiasm is paramount. Treat party cadres, it is nece ssary to Strict ma nagement, a nd warm care , ena ble the broa d masses of cadres w ork har d work, t his is tw o parallel principle s. In stri ct accordance with t he standards of good cadre s sele ction and appoi ntment, the real officers, dare officers, those w ho wa nt to play, good as excell ent ca dres at all levels of leadership i n the pa st. At prese nt, some lea ding cadres w ork initiative i s not high, beyond political , idle , lazy governance governance, not as, sl ow, messy and a phenomenon still exist to varyi ng degree s, affected and restricte d economi c and social development. We m ust mobilize the enthusiasm of cadres a s an urge nt task, adhere to combi nation of incentives a nd constraints, a nd a dhere to the stri ct management a nd warm care, pra ctical soluti on "for the officer s not to" pr obl em, motivate cadres a nd better lead the masses to a n undertaki ng, the cadres a nd create the new achieveme nt in a dare t o play, g ood at shows as new. To ide ntify the problem, accurate pulseof law to visit a nd contri bute to make visit s to the vexatious visits arr ogance. On these issues, w e nee d to have a proper understa ndi ng, shoul d take the lead to esta blish a se nse of fear of the la w, strengt hen t he applicati on of the r ule of law a nd the rule of law w ork of thinki ng and take up re sponsibility for the construction of the rul e of law. Put lear ning first. Premi se is ignorant of the la w , a bide by the law. Leadi ng cadre s at all levels should ta ke the lead in st udyi ng the Constitution and laws a nd reg ulations cl osely relate d to work a ssume d by, an a ccurate grasp of the basic positio n of our party to address the issue of the r ule of law , k now n for the scale to do things, figure out how to use it right, w hat thi ngs do, what not to do, it ca n nev er "legal literacy". T o enhance the awarene ss of the r ule of law. Firmly establi sh the supremacy of constitutional la w, legal equality before t he, right by t he law makes the rig ht to statutor y, as wel l as the r ule of law, devel op ha bits of rul e of law, to discard the rule a nd ca nnot, must not get overridden by aut horit y, at the right pre ssure. Shoul d take the lead t o abi de by. Fulfil its mandate in stri ct accorda nce with statut ory authority and procedures, no matter what you want to a dhere to the la w, thought of rule by law a nd t he rule of law to tackle hot issues, effective stat utory duty must be, wi thout a uthorization, is not availabl e. Such as construction areas, some ca dres are be ca use ther e is no procedure is foll owed by the rule s, pai d a heavy price, we shoul d learn from them, in strict a ccorda nce wit h the law on bidding a nd impleme ntation ... Promised t o give preferential poli cies for enter prise s, hesitant to ca sh or cash not at all. Masse s feel strongly a bout these i ssues, it is nece ssary to be solve d. To accelerate dece ntralization. Spe cificati on list list list of power s, responsibilities and negative, cleara nce, rev ocati on does not ada pt to the current situation of the development of policy document s, especia lly the right to a dministrative examination and approval, the ca ncellati on must be canceled, t he del egation m ust be dece ntralized t o achieve zero-wait, one -stop, seamle ss, impr ove admini strative efficiency a nd service lev els. In par ticular, the delegation of pow ers must be ca ught properl y, never a ble to l oft is no a nswe r, no one cares, cause ba ckfire, pe ople work har der. o carry out th e campaig n. Cra ck down on law e nforceme nt regulations, uncivil and not as, as undermini ng economi c devel opme nt, such a s environmental problems, pay close attention to the grass-r oots level weakne sses, strictly investigate a nd deal with t he grass -roots l evel corr upti on a nd denial of Justice agai nst the i nterests of the masses, such as corruption and corr upti on, r uthless pe opl e around "flies", further optimization of the development e nvironme nt. In particular, stre ngthe ning the construction of Gover nment cre dit, and trustw orthy pra ctice for compa nies a nd inve stors, a nd must not bre ak faith with the people, promise s and the pr omise to the society. T o buil d a ne wof law to visit a nd contri bute to make visit s to the vexatious visi ts arrogance. On these i ssues, we need t o have a pr oper understanding , shoul d take the lead t o establi sh a sense of fear of the law, stre ngthe n the a ppli cation of the rule of law and t he rule of law work of thi nking a nd take up responsibility for the constr ucti on of the r ule of law. Put learni ng first. Premise is ignorant of the la w, abi de by the law. Lea ding ca dres at all level s shoul d take the lea d in studying t he Constit ution a nd la ws and regulati ons closely related to w ork assumed by, a n accurate grasp of the ba sic positi on of our party to a ddress the issue of the rule of law , know n for the scale to do t hings, figure out how to use it right, what thi ngs do, what not to do, it ca n never "legal literacy". o e nha nce t he awareness of the rule of law. Firmly establ ish t he supremacy of constitutional la w, legal e quality before the, right by the law makes the right to statutory, as well as t he rule of law, develop ha bits of rule of law, to discar d the r ule and ca nnot, must not get overridden by authority, at the right pressure. S hould take the lea d to a bide by. Fulfil its mandate i n strict a ccor dance wit h statutory a uthority a nd proce dure s, no matter what you want to adhere to the la w, thoug ht of rule by la w and the rul e of law to tackle hot issue s, effective statutory duty must be, without aut hori zation, is not available. Such as construction area s, some cadre s are be cause there i s no procedure is followed by t he rule s, pai d a heavy pri ce, w e shoul d lear n from them, in strict a ccorda nce wit h the law on bidding a nd impleme ntation ... Pr omised t o give preferential poli cies for enter prise s, hesitant to ca sh or cash not at all. Masse s feel strongly a bout these i ssues, it is nece ssary to be solve d. To accelerate dece ntralization. Spe cificati on list list list of powers, responsi bilities a nd negative, cle arance, revocation doe s not a dapt to t he current sit uation of the devel opme nt of policy documents, e spe cially the right to admi nistrative examination and a ppr oval, the cancellation must be ca ncele d, the delegati on must be de centrali zed to a chieve zero -wa it, one -stop, seamle ss, improv e administrative efficie ncy a nd service level s. In particular, t he de legation of pow ers must be caug ht properly, never a ble to loft is no answer, no one cares, cause ba ckfire, pe ople w ork har der. To carry out the campaig n. Cra ck down on law e nforceme nt regulations, uncivil and not a s, as undermining e conomi c devel opment, such as e nvironmental pr oblems, pay cl ose attenti on to t he grass-root s level weak nesse s, strictly i nvestigate and deal wit h the grass -roots level corruption and de nial of Justice against the interests of the masses, such as corr upti on and corruption, r uthle ss pe opl e around "flies", further optimizati on of the devel opment e nvironment. In particular, strengtheni ng the constr ucti on of Governme nt credit, a nd tr ustworthy practi ce for com panie s and investors, and must not break faith with t he pe opl e, promi ses and the promise t o the societ y. To bui ld a new 1.《论语》十则2.古代诗歌3.课外古诗词4.木兰诗。
3. 《岳阳楼记》中的古仁人“,”,不管身处朝廷还是远离君王,他们都有心怀天下的博大胸襟。
9. 《岳阳楼记》中范仲淹赞扬滕子京当任巴陵郡太守政绩显著的句子是:,。
2 .《醉翁亭记》中欧阳修“醉翁”之号的由来是因为自己:,。
答案:⑴采菊东篱下⑵千里共婵娟⑶留取丹心照汗青⑷物是人非事事休⑸B 【丰台】7.默写(5分)⑴蒹葭凄凄,。
1.《观沧海》中,最能表达作者博大胸襟的句子是: 日月之行,若出其中。
1、毛泽东词《浪淘沙 " 北戴河》中有句:“萧瑟秋风今又是。
”(2)范仲淹《渔家傲·秋思》中“ ________________,__________________”两句表达了戍边将士们虽思乡心切,但战事未平、功名未立、归家无期的复杂心理。
”4.满江红(小住京华) 秋瑾(1)中秋佳节,院落篱边,菊花盛开,秋色如洗。
5明月别枝惊鹊,> (辛弃疾《西江月》)6,小桥流水人家。
(志南和尚《绝句》)8忽闻海上有仙山, 。
(曹操《龟虽寿》)10 绿树村边合, 。
(李清照祚《如梦令》)23问渠那得清如许, 。
(朱熹《观书有感》)24子曰:学而时习之,; ,不亦乐乎?,不亦君子乎?乎?30子贡问曰:“有一言而可以终身行之者乎?”子曰:“其恕乎?_________ 二根据题意填岀诗句1《观沧海》中抒发作者远大抱负的句子是____________________ , _____________________ 。
描写大海的句子有:___________________ ,山岛耸峙;树木丛生,__________ ; ___________ , __________ 。
你知道抒发壮志的诗句还有:____________________________________________________ 。
2 唐诗人________ 的《次北固山下》描写江河之景句:__________________________________________ 。
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