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毕业论文中文摘要 (4)

引言 (5)

1.公司概况 (5)

1.1 公司概述 (5)

1.2 公司历史 (6)

1.3 公司的发展目标 (7)

1.4 苏果马群配送中心简介 (7)

2.公司组织架构 (7)

2.1 收货部 (7)

2.2 上架补货部 (8)

2.3 拣货部 (9)

2.4 出货部 (9)

2.5 运输部 (9)

2.6 财务部 (9)

2.7 IT部 (9)

2.8 人事部 (10)

3.苏果超市配送的基本环节 (10)

3.1 备货 (10)

3.2 流通加工 (10)

3.3 理货 ...................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

3.4 送货 ...................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

4. 苏果物流配送中心的业务流程 (11)

5.苏果配送中心存在的主要问题 (12)

5.1采购成本居高不下 (12)

5.2配送效率低下 (12)

5.3标准化程度低 (12)

5.4物流信息技术手段落后 (12)

5.5缺乏管理人、缺乏高素质管理人才 (13)

6.苏果配送优化 (13)


6.1苏果配送的优化对策 (13)

6.2采用上列优化对策对苏果配送的影响 (14)

6.3实施步骤和注意要点 (14)

结束语 (16)

参考文献 (17)

致谢 (18)


企业物流(Internal logistics)是指企业内部的物品实体流动。它从企业角度上研究与之有关的物流活动,是具体的、微观的物流活动的典型领域。企业物流又可区分以下不同典型的具体物流活动:企业供应物流、企业生产物流、企业销售物流、企业回收物流、企业废弃物物流等。企业系统活动的基本结构是投入→转换→产出,对于生产类型的企业来讲,是原材料、燃料、人力、资本等的投入,经过制造或加工使之转换为产品或服务;对于服务型企业来讲则是设备、人力、管理和运营,转换为对用户的服务。华润苏果(以下简称苏果)便是从事于这样服务型的行业。苏果作为一个零售商,主要是通过赚取差价来获得利润的,而且利润是相当有限的。再同行业的竞争中,苏果的利益受到了威胁,严重地制约了苏果的发展。在每年的各种成本分析中,物流成本占了很大一部分,这就迫切地需要我们深刻反思,去发现问题并解决之。这样就能增加企业在同行中的竞争力,以实现企业的可持续发展。

关键词:物流; 区域物流; 影响分析; 对策;



L ogistics (Internal logistics) is the physical movement of goods within the enterprise. It from the business point of view of the activities related to logistics, is concrete, the typical microscopic field of logistics activities. Logistics can distinguish between these different models of specific logistics activities: Supply logistics, production logistics, business sales, logistics, business recovery, logistics, corporate waste and logistics. The basic structure of enterprise system activity is converted into →→output, for producing the type of enterprises, raw materials, fuel, labor, capital and other inputs, through manufacturing or processing to make it into products or services; for service-oriented enterprises speaking, is the equipment, manpower, management and operation of converting the user's service. Resources Suguo (hereinafter referred to as Su-fruit) is engaged in such service industries. Suguo as a retailer, mainly through the post to make a profit, and profit is very limited. Further competition in the same industry, the Soviet Union threatened the interests of fruit, fruit severely restricted the development of the Soviet Union. In the annual analysis of the various costs, logistics costs account for a
