
Chapter 1: Introduction to Medical Terminology1. What is medical terminology?Medical terminology refers to the specialized language used by healthcare professionals to communicate effectively and accurately in the field of medicine. It consists of specific medical terms, prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms.2. What are the basic components of a medical term?A medical term usually consists of one or more word parts, including a root word, prefix, suffix, or combining form. The root word provides the essential meaning of the term, while the prefix and suffix modify or describe the root word. Combining forms are created when a word root is combined with a vowel.3. How are medical terms commonly formed?Medical terms are often formed through a combination of word parts. For example, "gastritis" is formed by combining "gastr-" (root word for stomach) and "-itis" (suffix for inflammation).Chapter 2: Body Systems and Functions1. Describe the respiratory system and its functions.The respiratory system is responsible for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the body and the external environment. It includes the nose, throat, trachea, bronchi, and lungs. Functions of the respiratory system include breathing, gas exchange, and maintaining the body's acid-base balance.2. Explain the functions of the cardiovascular system.The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and blood. Its main functions include transporting oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and waste products throughout the body. It also plays a crucial role in maintaining blood pressure and regulating body temperature.Chapter 3: Common Medical Conditions1. What is hypertension?Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a medical condition characterized by elevated blood pressure levels. It is often associated with lifestyle factors, such as diet and physical activity, and can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Treatment may include lifestyle changes and medication.2. Define diabetes mellitus.Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels. It occurs when the body does not produce enough insulin or does not effectively use the insulin it produces. Common symptomsinclude frequent urination, excessive thirst, and unexplained weight loss. Management of diabetes includes dietary changes, exercise, and medication.Chapter 4: Medical Procedures and Treatments1. What is a CT scan?A CT scan, short for computed tomography scan, is a medical imaging technique that uses X-rays and computer processing to create detailed cross-sectional images of the body. It is commonly used to diagnose and monitor various health conditions, such as internal injuries, tumors, and infections.2. Explain the procedure of a cardiac catheterization.Cardiac catheterization is a procedure used to diagnose and treat heart-related conditions. A thin tube called a catheter is inserted into a blood vessel through a small incision, usually in the arm or groin. The catheter is then guided to the heart, where various tests and interventions can be performed, such as measuring blood pressure, injecting contrast dye, or conducting angioplasty.Conclusion本文提供了大学医学英语教材的答案,涵盖了医学术语、人体系统与功能、常见疾病以及医疗程序和治疗等内容。

临床医学英语各单元课后重点单词及习题部分解析U1单词:结核病:tuberculosis 精神科:psychiatry麻醉:anesthesia 恢复;康复:rehabilitation选词填空:1 、AS is the case with so many organs ,t he function of the heartis rather complicated(复杂的)2、Not all details of the liver transplantation are available(可用的)3、Please report to the personnel(人事部)department of manager4 、Upper lobe bronchiectasis is usually secondary to tuberculosis(结核病)翻译:1、医学的进步在医疗界创造了一场实质性的革命:为病人提供的服务质量得到改善;医疗从业人员的职业培训要求有所提高;人们处理伤病的方法也增多了。
Advances in medical science have created a virtual revolution in the health services field。
The quality of the care available to patients has improved;the need for personnel trained in the health professions has grown ;and the variety of ways for people to work with the sick and injured has increased2、病历是永久性的资料,记录着病人在住院期间所接受的一切治疗。
病历至少应包含以下内容:病人的病情是如何得到观察和诊断的;如何治疗;以及病人对治疗的反应This medical record is a permanent document 。

Chapter 1Passage 1 Human BodyIn this passage you will learn:1. Classification of organ systems2. Structure and function of each organ system3. Associated medical termsTo understand the human body it is necessary to understand how its parts are put together and how they function. The study of the body's structure is called anatomy; the study of the body's function is known as physiology. Other studies of human body include biology, cytology, embryology, histology, endocrinology, hematology, immunology, psychology etc.了解人体各部分的组成及其功能,对于认识人体是必需的。
Anatomists find it useful to divide the human body into ten systems, that is, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the urinary system, the endocrine system, the nervous system, the reproductive system and the skin. The principal parts of each of these systems are described in this article.解剖学家发现把整个人体分成骨骼、肌肉、循环、呼吸、消化、泌尿、内分泌、神经、生殖系统以及感觉器官的做法是很有帮助的。

Chapter 1Passage 1 Human BodyIn this passage you will learn:1. Classification of organ systems2. Structure and function of each organ system3. Associated medical termsTo understand the human body it is necessary to understand how its parts are put together and how they function. The study of the body's structure is called anatomy; the study of the body's function is known as physiology. Other studies of human body include biology, cytology, embryology, histology, endocrinology, hematology, immunology, psychology etc.了解人体各部分的组成及其功能,对于认识人体是必需的。
Anatomists find it useful to divide the human body into ten systems, that is, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the urinary system, the endocrine system, the nervous system, the reproductive system and the skin. The principal parts of each of these systems are described in this article.解剖学家发现把整个人体分成骨骼、肌肉、循环、呼吸、消化、泌尿、内分泌、神经、生殖系统以及感觉器官的做法是很有帮助的。

Chapter 1Passage 1 Human BodyIn this passage you will learn:1. Classification of organ systems2. Structure and function of each organ system3. Associated medical termsTo understand the human body it is necessary to understand how its parts are put together and how they function. The study of the body's structure is called anatomy; the study of the body's function is known as physiology. Other studies of human body include biology, cytology, embryology, histology, endocrinology, hematology, immunology, psychology etc.了解人体各部分的组成及其功能,对于认识人体是必需的。
Anatomists find it useful to divide the human body into ten systems, that is, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the urinary system, the endocrine system, the nervous system, the reproductive system and the skin. The principal parts of each of these systems are described in this article.解剖学家发现把整个人体分成骨骼、肌肉、循环、呼吸、消化、泌尿、内分泌、神经、生殖系统以及感觉器官的做法是很有帮助的。

第一课一.术语翻译1. tradit ional Chines e medici ne; TCM2. basictheory of tradit ional Chines e medici ne3. clinic al experi ence4. treatm ent basedon syndro me differ entia tion5. miscel laneo us diseas es6. Chines e pharma cy7. four proper tiesand five tastes8. acupun cture and moxibu stion; acumox9. classi cal Chines e philos ophy10. sweati ng therap y; diapho resis11. purgat ion12. vomiti ng therap y; emetic therap y13. the School of Reinfo rcing the Earth14. etiolo gy15. prescr iptio n; formul a16. medica l practi ce17. therap eutic princi ples18. herbscold and cool in nature19. nouris hingyin and reduci ng fire20. diseas es caused by bloodstagna tion二.句子翻译1. TCM has a histor y of thousa nds of yearsand is a summar y of the Chines e people’s experi encein theirstrugg le agains t diseas es.2. TCM has a unique and integr atedtheore tical system.3. TCM is a scienc e that studie s the rulesof life as well as the occurr ence,progre ss, preven tionand treatm ent of diseas es.4. Yellow Empero r’s Canonof Medici ne has laid a solidfounda tionfor the format ion of theore tical system of tradit ional Chines e medici ne.5. Classi c of Diffic ultie s has supple mente d what was unaddr essed in the Yellow Empero r’s Canonof Medici ne in many respec ts, especi allyin pulselore.6. Discus sionon the Causes and Sympto ms of Variou s Diseas es is the earlie st extant monogr aph on the causes and sympto ms of diseas es in China.7. Yang is usuall y excess ive whileyin is freque ntlydefici ent.8. Intern al impair mentof the spleen and stomac h causes variou s diseas es.9. Compen diumof Materi a Medica is recogn izedas a monume ntalwork in the histor y of Chines e materi a medica and a greatcontri butio n to the develo pment of pharma colog y in the world.10. Tradit ional Chines e materi a medica includ es not only medici nal herbs,but also minera ls and animal parts.11. In the Jin and Yuan Dynast ies, thereappear ed the so-called four greatmedica l school s.12. ZhangCongzh eng believ ed that all diseas es were caused by exogen ous pathog enicfactor s and advoca ted that pathog enicfactor s should be driven out by meansof diapho resis, emesis and purgat ion.13. Liu Wansubeliev ed that “fire-heat” was the main causeof a variet y of diseas es and that thesediseas es should should be treate d with drugscold and cool in nature.14. Li Gao held that “intern al impair mentof the spleen and stomac h wouldbringaboutdiseas es” and emphas izedthat the most import ant thingin clinic al treatm ent was to warm and invigo ratethe spleen and stomac h.15. Zhu Danxibeliev ed that “yang is usua ll y excess ive whileyin is freque ntlydefici ent” and advoca ted the remedi es of nouris hingyin and reduci ng fire in treatm ent of diseas es.16. Studyon Warm Diseas e is a clinic al specia lty focusi ng on the occurr ence, progre ss, diagno sis and treatm ent of warm diseas es.17. The School of Warm Diseas e has develo ped the rulesof treatm ent of warm diseas e basedon syndro me differ entia tionin lightof defens ive phase, qi phase,nutrit ive phase, bloodphaseand triple energi zer.18. Wang Qingre n in the late Qing Dynast y correc ted mistak es aboutanatom y made in ancien t medica l booksand advoca ted the theory that diseas es were caused by bloodstagna tion.19. Integr atedtradit ional Chines e and Wester n medici ne has paveda new way for the develo pment and modern izati on of tradit ional Chines e medici ne.20. Greatprogre ss has been made in system aticand experi menta l studyof the basictheory of tradit ional Chines e medici ne.第二课一.术语翻译1. five zang-organs; five zang-viscer a2. six fu-organs3. system of meridi ans and collat erals4. holism5. organi c wholen ss6. social attrib ute7. (of the five zang-organs) open into8. sprout, grow, transf orm, ripenand store9. diagno stics10. relati onshi p betwee n pathog enicfactor s and health y qi11. therap eutic s12. common cold due to wind and cold13. differ ent therap eutic method s used to treatthe same diseas e14. the same therap eutic method used to treatdiffer ent diseas es15. balanc e of watermetabo lism16. cleari ng away heartfire17. nature of diseas e18. treati ng the left side for curing diseas es locate d on the rightside19. drawin g yang from yin20. treati ng the lowerpart for curing diseas es locate d on the upperpart 二.句子翻译1. The theore tical system of TCM is mainly charac teriz ed by holism and treatm ent basedon syndro me differ entia tion.2. TCM believ es that the humanbody is an organi c whole.3. The consti tuent partsof the humanbody are interd epend ent in physio logyand mutual ly influe ntial in pathol ogy.4. The holism permea tes throug h the physio logy, pathol ogy, diagno sis, syndro me differ entia tionand treatm ent of diseas es.5. Change s in the natura l worlddirect ly or indire ctlyinflue nce the humanbody.6. Qi and bloodin the humanbody tend to flow to the exteri or in spring and summer and to the interi or in autumn and winter.7. The heartopensinto the tongue and is intern allyand extern allyrelate d to the smallintest ine.8. TCM has notice d that the fact that social activi ty psycho logic allyinflue nceshumanbeings.9. Accord ing to TCM, the body and spirit coexis t, intera cting with each otherand influe ncing each other.10. Yang qi in the humanbody tendsto flow to the exteri or in the daytim e and to the interi or at night.11. Region al differ ences, to some extent, influe ncesthe physio logic al activi tiesof the humanbody.12. Syndro me is a genera lizat ion of pathol ogica l change s at a certai n stageduring the course of a diseas e.13. Treatm ent basedon syndro me differ entia tion,one of the charac teris ticsof TCM, is the basicprinci ple in TCM for unders tandi ng and treati ng diseas es.14. Syndro me includ es the locati on, causeand nature of a diseas e as well as the stateof pathog enicfactor s and health y qi.15. Differ entia tionof syndro me and treatm ent of diseas e are two insepa rable aspect s in diagno singand treati ng diseas es.16. Clinic allydoctor s pay greatattent ion to the differ entia tionof diseas es. But therap eutic allythey care more aboutthe differ entia tionof syndro mes becaus e diseas es can be curedby treati ng syndro mes.17. Syndro me can compre hensi velyand accura telyreveal the nature of a diseas e.18. Differ ent diseas es may demons trate the same syndro me becaus e of the simila rityin pathog enesi s.19. If the syndro me of middle qi sinkin g appear s in two differ ent diseas es, they all can be treate d by the therap eutic method for elevat ing middle qi.20. The treatm ent of diseas es in TCM does not only simply concen trate on the differ enceor simila rityof diseas es, but on the differ enceor simila rityof pathog enesi s.第五课一.术语翻译1. 藏象学说 doctri ne of viscer al manife stati ons2. 五脏六腑 five zang-organs and six fu-organs3. 奇恒之腑 extrao rdina ry fu-organs水谷精微 nutrie nts of waterand food传化水谷 transm ittin g and transf ormin g waterand food贮藏精气 storin g essenc e表里关系 intern al and extern al relati onshi p治疗效应 therap eutic effect s临床实践 clinic al practi ce藏而不泻 storag e withou t discha rge泻而不藏 discha rge withou t storag e形体诸窍 physic al buildand variou s orific es开窍(of five zang-organs) open into精神情志 spirit and emotio ns心藏神 the heartstorin g spirit肺藏魄 the lung storin g corpor eal soul肝藏魂 the liverstorin g ethere al soul脾藏意 the spleen storin g consci ousne ss肾藏志 the kidney storin g will其华在面 the luster manife sting upon the face二.句子翻译1. 藏象学说是研究人体各个脏腑的生理功能、病理变化及相互关系的学说。

(完整版)医学专业英语词汇医学专业英语词汇1. 基础词汇- Medicine - 医学- Clinic - 诊所- Doctor - 医生- Patient - 患者- Hospital - 医院- Health - 健康- Disease - 疾病- Treatment - 治疗- Symptom - 症状- Diagnosis - 诊断- Prescription - 处方- Surgery - 手术- Laboratory - 实验室- Research - 研究- University - 大学- Medical - 医疗的- Nurse - 护士- Pharmacist - 药剂师- Therapist - 治疗师- Vaccine - 疫苗- X-ray - X光片- HIV - 人类免疫缺陷病毒- Cancer - 癌症- Diabetes - 糖尿病- Heart - 心脏- Kidney - 肾脏- Liver - 肝脏2. 解剖学词汇- Anatomy - 解剖学- Skeleton - 骨骼- Muscle - 肌肉- Nervous system - 神经系统- Digestive system - 消化系统- Respiratory system - 呼吸系统- Circulatory system - 循环系统- Skeletal system - 骨骼系统- Muscular system - 肌肉系统- Nervous tissue - 神经组织- Respiratory tract - 呼吸道- Circulatory system - 循环系统- Digestive tract - 消化道- Central nervous system - 中枢神经系统- Peripheral nervous system - 外周神经系统- Endocrine system - 内分泌系统- Urinary system - 泌尿系统3. 疾病词汇- Infection - 感染- Allergy - 过敏- Fever - 发烧- Inflammation - 炎症- Pain - 疼痛- Cough - 咳嗽- Headache - 头痛- Fatigue - 疲劳- Depression - 抑郁症- High blood pressure - 高血压- Arthritis - 关节炎- Asthma - 哮喘- Alzheimer's disease - 阿尔茨海默病- Stroke - 中风- Multiple sclerosis - 多发性硬化症- Pneumonia - 肺炎- Cancer - 癌症- Diabetes - 糖尿病- Heart disease - 心脏病- Kidney disease - 肾脏疾病- Liver disease - 肝脏疾病- Sexually transmitted disease - 性传播疾病4. 检查和测试词汇- Blood test - 血液检查- Urine test - 尿液检查- X-ray - X光检查- Ultrasound - 超声波- MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) - 磁共振成像- ECG (Electrocardiogram) - 心电图- PET scan (Positron Emission Tomography) - 正电子发射断层扫描- Colonoscopy - 结肠镜检查- Pap smear - 涂片检查- Biopsy - 活检- Lymph node biopsy - 淋巴结活检- Bone marrow biopsy - 骨髓活检5. 药物相关词汇- Medication - 药物- Drug - 药品- Prescription - 处方药- Over-the-counter (OTC) - 非处方药- Antibiotics - 抗生素- Analgesics - 镇痛药- Antidepressants - 抗抑郁药- Antipyretics - 退热药- Antihistamines - 抗组织胺药- Anticoagulants - 抗凝药- Opioids - 麻醉药- Diuretics - 利尿药- Antivirals - 抗病毒药- Anti-inflammatory - 抗炎药- Beta blockers - 贝塔受体阻滞剂- Statins - 他汀类药物- Vaccines - 疫苗- Insulin - 胰岛素- Cholesterol-lowering drugs - 降低胆固醇药物以上是医学专业英语词汇的一部分,希望对您的学习和工作有所帮助。

医学专业英语翻译及解答Chapter 1Passage 1 Human BodyIn this passage you will learn:1. Classification of organ systems2. Structure and function of each organ system3. Associated medical termsTo understand the human body it is necessary to understand how its parts are put together and how they function. The study of the body's structure is called anatomy; the study of the body's function is known as physiology. Other studies of human body include biology, cytology, embryology, histology, endocrinology, hematology, immunology, psychology etc.了解人体各部分的组成及其功能,对于认识人体是必需的。
Anatomists find it useful to divide the human body into ten systems, that is, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the urinary system, the endocrine system, the nervous system, the reproductive system and the skin. The principal parts of each of these systems are described in this article.解剖学家发现把整个人体分成骨骼、肌肉、循环、呼吸、消化、泌尿、内分泌、神经、生殖系统以及感觉器官的做法是很有帮助的。

Unit 1 Text A神经过载与千头万绪的医生患者经常抱怨自己的医生不会聆听他们的诉说。
奥索里奥夫人 56 岁,是我的病人。
她锻炼不够多,最后一次 DEXA 骨密度检测显示她的骨质变得有点疏松。
以下是整个 20 分钟看病的过程中我脑海中闪过的念头。
我需要和她谈谈每天吃五种蔬果、每天步行 30 分钟的事。
我是不是应该再加一种降血压的药?药片多了是否让她困惑?更好地控制血压的益处和她可能什么药都不吃带来的风险孰重孰轻?骨密度 DEXA 扫描显示她的骨质有点疏松。
也许留到下一次再说吧?她家里的情况怎么样呢?她现在是否有常见的生活压力?亦或她有可能有抑郁症或焦虑症?有没有时间让她做个抑郁问卷调查呢?健康保养:她最后一次乳房 X 光检查是什么时候做的?子宫颈抹片呢? 50 岁之后是否做过结肠镜检查?过去 10 年间她是否注射过破伤风加强疫苗?她是否符合接种肺炎疫苗的条件?奥索里奥夫人打断了我的思路,告诉我过去的几个月里她一直背痛。

(完整版)医学专业英语1-4单元术语解释、短语和课后习题答案Chapter 1Human Body as a WholeMedical TerminologyLearn the following combining forms, prefixes and suffixes and write the meaning of the medical term in the space provided.1. a hormone secreted from the adrenal gland2. inflammation of the adrenal gland3. pertaining to medicine4. pertaining to biology5. pertaining to chemistry6. pertaining to the blood vessel7. pertaining to cells8. pertaining to molecules9. pertaining to the medicine of the living thing10. the study of the living thing11. pertaining to the physics of the living thing12. the study of the heart13. the disease of the heart14. the record of the heart waves15. the study of the human inner secretion from glands16. pertaining to the production of hormone17. the study of inner gland secretion18. the red blood cell19. the white blood cell20. the lymph cell21. the study of cell23. the study of biology of cell25. the tumor of the embryo26. the study of the disease of the embryo27. the study of the human inner secretion from glands28. pertaining to the inside of the heart29. pertaining to the inside of the cell30. above the skin31. above the skin32. inflammation of the skin33. red blood cells34. instrument of measuring red blood cells35. to breathe out the waste gas36. to drive somebody or something out37. to spread outside38. sth that produces diseases39. the study of blood40. blood cells41. the study of tissues42. the study of tissue pathology43. therapy treatment, hence tissue treatment44. pertaining to the base45. pertaining to the toxin46. pertaining to symptoms47. the study of body’s auto protection from diseases48. protected from49. deficiency in the immune system of the body50. substance from the adrenal gland51. water from it52. the study of societies55. lymph cells56. tumor of the lymphatic system57. the study of the lymphatic system58. the study of physical growth59. a doctor of internal medicine60. treatment by physiological methods61. the new growth ,tumor62. the study of mind63. abnormal condition of the mind64. the study of the relationship between psychology and biology65. a condition of over activity of the thyroid gland66. the condition of under activity of the thyroid gland67. the inflammation of the thyroid gland68.cutting apart the human body as a branch of medical sciences69. cut open the bone70.to cut the heart open71. pertaining to the blood vessel72. inflammation of the blood vessel73. pertaining to the lymphatic system and the blood vesselKey to the Exercises B.1.(embryo)embryology2.(process/condition) mechanism3.(heart) cardiovascular4.(color) chromatin5.(secretion) endocrinology6.(cell) cytology7.(sth. that produces or is produced) pathogen8.(lymph) lymphatic9.(the study of) psychology10.(pertaining to) regularLanguage Points:put together组成known as 叫做joints between bones关节to provide points of attachment for the muscles that move the body牵动骨骼肌引起各种运动hip joint髋关节flexible有韧性的cushioning缓冲replaced by bone 骨化one bone moves in relation to the other两骨彼此靠近产生运动contents物质nourishment营养物质function发挥功能waste products废物accumulate积聚poison the body危害生命distributes运送needed materials有用的物质unneeded ones废物is made up of包括protect…against foreign invaders防止外来侵袭(See! Power Point)identical对等的receives吸收traveled through流经forced out压送reenter流入directly直接地channels 管道filters过滤larynx喉管trachea气管two lungs左右肺very large number of 大量的air spaces肺泡release释放出extending 延伸到broken down分解absorbed into吸收进chewing咀嚼esophagus食管Key to the Section B Passage 1 Exercises B.1. (The skeletal system consists of bones, joints and soft bones.)2. (Heart is generated when muscles are contracted, which helps keep the bodytemperature constant.)3. (The circulation of blood carries useful materials to all bodycells while removing wasteones.)4. (Oxygen is inhaled and carbon dioxide is exhaled in the process of respiration.)5. (The digestion of food involves both mechanical and chemical procedures.)6. (The urinary system keeps normal levels of water and of certain chemicals in the body.)7. (The pituitary is a major gland located under the brain in the middle of the head.)8. (The brain collects and processes information and then sends instructions to all parts ofthe body to be carried out.)9. (The main function of the male reproductive system is to generate, transport and keepactive male sex cells.)10. (The largest of the bo dy’s organs, the skin protects the inner structure of the body with acomplete layer.)Key to the Section A Passage 1 Exercises E.1.cardiovascular diseases2. function of the pituitary3. the urinary tract4. molecules5. artery6. endocrinology7. dyspnea / difficulty in respiration 8. saliva9. histology 10. blood circulation11. hematology 12. physiology13. anatomy 14. the female reproductive15. nervous cells 16. immunology17. indigestion / poor in digestion 18. voluntary muscle19. embryology 20. psychologySection B, Passage 2 Cells and TissuesLanguage PointsOrganized组(构)成arranged in to构成in turn are grouped into又进一步组成serves its specific有特定的bear in mind记住result from源于billions亿万determind确立fit on合在一起by contrast相比之下machinary机构while normally在正常情况下function with great efficiency高效地发挥作用are subject to易于发生result in导致millionth百万分之一equal等于average一般 a speck barely visible基本上看不见的一个小点The science that deals with cells on the smalleststructural and functional level is called molecular biology.从最小的结构及功能水平研究细胞的科学叫分子生物学。

Chapter 1Passage 1 Human BodyIn this passage you will learn:1. Classification of organ systems2. Structure and function of each organ system3. Associated medical termsTo understand the human body it is necessary to understand how its parts are put together and how they function. The study of the body's structure is called anatomy; the study of the body's function is known as physiology. Other studies of human body include biology, cytology, embryology, histology, endocrinology, hematology, immunology, psychology etc.了解人体各部分的组成及其功能,对于认识人体是必需的。
Anatomists find it useful to divide the human body into ten systems, that is, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the urinary system, the endocrine system, the nervous system, the reproductive system and the skin. The principal parts of each of these systems are described in this article.解剖学家发现把整个人体分成骨骼、肌肉、循环、呼吸、消化、泌尿、内分泌、神经、生殖系统以及感觉器官的做法是很有帮助的。

医学专业英语答案【篇一:医学英语(阅读一分册)翻译及答案】passage 1 human bodyin this passage you will learn:1. classification of organ systems2. structure and function of each organ system3. associated medical termsto understand the human body it is necessary to understand how its parts are put together and how they function. the study of the bodys structure is called anatomy; the study of thebodys function is known as physiology. other studies ofhuman body include biology, cytology, embryology, histology, endocrinology, hematology, immunology, psychology etc.了解人体各部分的组成及其功能,对于认识人体是必需的。
anatomists find it useful to divide the human body into ten systems, that is, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the urinary system, the endocrine system, the nervous system, the reproductive system and the skin. the principal parts of each of these systems are described in this article.解剖学家发现把整个人体分成骨骼、肌肉、循环、呼吸、消化、泌尿、内分泌、神经、生殖系统以及感觉器官的做法是很有帮助的。

习题练习与思考一、名词解释1.疾病(disease)2.病理生理学(pathophysiology)3.药物靶标(drug target)4.病理过程(pathologic process)5.病因(etiology agents)6.先天因素(congenital factors)7.疾病发生的条件(predisposing factors)8.诱发因素(precipitating factor)9.危险因素(dangerous factor)10.发病学(pathogenesis)11.完全康复(complete recovery)12.不完全康复(incomplete recovery)13.死亡(death)14.脑死亡(brain death)15.昏迷16.脱水(dehydration)17.低渗性脱水(hypotonic dehydration)18.“三凹”体征19.高渗性脱水(hypertonic dehydration)20.等渗性脱水(isotonic dehydration)21.水中毒(water intoxication)22.低钠血症(hyponatremia)23.高钠血症(hypernatremia)24.低钾血症(hypokalemia)25.高钾血症(hyperkalemia)26.酸碱平衡紊乱(acid-base disturbance)27.固定酸(fixed acid)28.动脉血二氧化碳分压(Pa CO2)29.标准碳酸氢盐(standard bicarbonate, SB)30.实际碳酸氢盐(actual bicarbonate, AB)31.缓冲碱(buffer base,BB)32.碱剩余(base excess, BE)33.阴离子间隙(anion gap, AG)34.代谢性酸中毒(metabolic acidosis)35.乳酸酸中毒(lactic acidosis)36.酮症酸中毒(ketoacidosis)37.代偿性代谢性酸中毒(compensated metabolic acidosis)38.失代偿性代谢性酸中毒(decompensated metabolic acidosis)39.呼吸性酸中毒(respiratory acidosis)40.代谢性碱中毒(metabolic alkalosis)41.呼吸性碱中毒(respiratory alkalosis)42.混合型酸碱平衡紊乱(mixed acid-base disorders)43.水肿(edema)44.积水(hydrops)45.滤过分数(filtration fraction,FF)46.心房利钠肽(atrial natriuretic polypeptide, ANP)47.“隐性水肿”(recessive edema)48.心性水肿(cardial edema)49.肾性水肿(renal edema)50.肺水肿(pulmonary edema)51.间质性肺水肿(intestitial pulmonary edema)52.肺泡水肿(alveolar edema)53.高压力性肺水肿(high-pressure pulmonary edema)54.高通透性肺水肿(high permeability pulmonary edema)。

UNIT 1 A Doctor’s LifeTeaching ObjectivesAfter learning Unit 1, students (Ss) are expected to accomplish the following objectives:Teaching Activities and ResourcesPart 1 ReadingText ALead-inSuggested teaching plan1.Start the class by sharing your experiences with doctors.2.Brainstorming task:1)Ask Ss to brainstorm what they know about a doctor’s life and practice.2)Write down the key words on the chalkboard.3)Ask Ss to have a short discussion on different aspects of a doctor’s life. Ssare encouraged to use the key words in discussion.The following is a list of suggested key words:3.Make a summary on the discussion and introduce the topic of Text A.Text ComprehensionSuggested teaching plan1.When preparing for and planning the class, the teacher (T) can search “doctor’slife” on the Internet and find out what people say and think about a doctor’s life.Start the class by introducing the findings. This is a natural continuation of Lead-in.2.Analyze the text and lead Ss to discuss, integrating Task 2 / Critical reading andthinking / Text A into analysis and discussion. The presentation topics should be assigned to individual Ss for preparation at least one week in advance. Ask other Ss to preview the text with the guidance of the presentation topics.3.Integrate Task 2/ Language building-up/ Text A when a parentheticalstatement is dealt with.4.When analyzing the text, ask Ss to pay special attention to the sentences listed inLanguage focus below.5.If time allows, ask Ss to do Task 1 / Critical reading and thinking / Text A inabout five minutes. Check out the task by asking one or two Ss to read their answers. This is done to get an overview about the text.Language focus1.… that one stray request from a patient—even one that is quite relevant—might send the delicately balanced three-ring circus tumbling down. (P2, Para. 1)两个破折号之间是插入语,补充说明病人冷不丁提出的要求(stray request)也可能是相当中肯的(relevant),即便如此,对聚精会神的医生来说也是“灾难性的”。

Chapter 1Human Body as a WholeMedical TerminologyLearn the following combining forms, prefixes and suffixesand write the meaning of the medical term in the space provided.1. a hormone secreted from the adrenal gland2. inflammation of the adrenal gland3. pertaining to medicine4. pertaining to biology5. pertaining to chemistry6. pertaining to the blood vessel7. pertaining to cells8. pertaining to molecules9. pertaining to the medicine of the living thing10. the study of the living thing11. pertaining to the physics of the living thing12. the study of the heart13. the disease of the heart14. the record of the heart waves15. the study of the human inner secretion from glands16. pertaining to the production of hormone17. the study of inner gland secretion18. the red blood cell19. the white blood cell20. the lymph cell21. the study of cell22. the study of chemistry of cell23. the study of biology of cell24. the study of embryo25. the tumor of the embryo26. the study of the disease of the embryo27. the study of the human inner secretion from glands28. pertaining to the inside of the heart29. pertaining to the inside of the cell30. above the skin31. above the skin32. inflammation of the skin33. red blood cells34. instrument of measuring red blood cells35. to breathe out the waste gas36. to drive somebody or something out37. to spread outside38. sth that produces diseases39. the study of blood40. blood cells41. the study of tissues42. the study of tissue pathology43. therapy treatment, hence tissue treatment44. pertaining to the base45. pertaining to the toxin46. pertaining to symptoms47. the study of body’s auto protection from diseases48. protected from49. deficiency in the immune system of the body50. substance from the adrenal gland51. water from it52. the study of societies53. the study of urinary system54. the study of cell55. lymph cells56. tumor of the lymphatic system57. the study of the lymphatic system58. the study of physical growth59. a doctor of internal medicine60. treatment by physiological methods61. the new growth ,tumor62. the study of mind63. abnormal condition of the mind64. the study of the relationship between psychology and biology65. a condition of over activity of the thyroid gland66. the condition of under activity of the thyroid gland67. the inflammation of the thyroid gland68.cutting apart the human body as a branch of medical sciences69. cut open the bone70.to cut the heart open71. pertaining to the blood vessel72. inflammation of the blood vessel73. pertaining to the lymphatic system and the blood vesselKey to the Exercises B.1.(embryo)embryology2.(process/condition) mechanism3.(heart) cardiovascular4.(color) chromatin5.(secretion) endocrinology6.(cell) cytology7.(sth. that produces or is produced) pathogen8.(lymph) lymphatic9.(the study of) psychology10.(pertaining to) regularLanguage Points:put together组成known as 叫做joints between bones关节to provide points of attachment for the muscles that move the body牵动骨骼肌引起各种运动hip joint髋关节flexible有韧性的cushioning缓冲replaced by bone 骨化one bone moves in relation to the other两骨彼此靠近产生运动contents物质nourishment营养物质function发挥功能waste products废物accumulate积聚poison the body危害生命distributes运送needed materials有用的物质unneeded ones废物is made up of包括protect…against foreign invaders防止外来侵袭(See! Power Point)identical对等的receives吸收traveled through流经forced out压送reenter流入directly直接地channels 管道filters过滤larynx喉管trachea气管two lungs左右肺very large number of 大量的air spaces肺泡release释放出extending 延伸到broken down分解absorbed into吸收进chewing咀嚼esophagus食管Key to the Section B Passage 1 Exercises B.1. (The skeletal system consists of bones, joints and soft bones.)2. (Heart is generated when muscles are contracted, which helps keep thebody temperature constant.)3. (The circulation of blood carries useful materials to all body cells whileremoving waste ones.)4. (Oxygen is inhaled and carbon dioxide is exhaled in the process ofrespiration.)5. (The digestion of food involves both mechanical and chemicalprocedures.)6. (The urinary system keeps normal levels of water and of certain chemicalsin the body.)7. (The pituitary is a major gland located under the brain in the middle of thehead.)8. (The brain collects and processes information and then sends instructionsto all parts of the body to be carried out.)9. (The main function of the male reproductive system is to generate,transport and keep active male sex cells.)10. (The largest of the body’s organs, the skin protects the inner structure of the body with a complete layer.)Key to the Section A Passage 1 Exercises E.1.cardiovascular diseases2. function of the pituitary3. the urinary tract4. molecules5. artery6. endocrinology7. dyspnea / difficulty in respiration 8. saliva9. histology 10. blood circulation11. hematology 12. physiology13. anatomy 14. the female reproductive15. nervous cells 16. immunology17. indigestion / poor in digestion 18. voluntary muscle19. embryology 20. psychologySection B, Passage 2 Cells and TissuesLanguage PointsOrganized组(构)成arranged in to构成in turn are grouped into又进一步组成serves its specific有特定的bear in mind记住result from源于billions亿万determind确立fit on合在一起by contrast相比之下machinary机构while normally在正常情况下function with great efficiency高效地发挥作用are subject to易于发生result in导致millionth百万分之一equal等于average一般 a speck barely visible基本上看不见的一个小点The science that deals with cells on the smalleststructural and functional level is called molecular biology.从最小的结构及功能水平研究细胞的科学叫分子生物学。

医学专业英语1-4单元术语解释、短语和课后习题答案Chapter 1Human Body as a WholeMedical TerminologyLearn the following combining forms, prefixes and suffixes and write the meaning of the medical term in the space provided.1. a hormone secreted from the adrenal gland2. inflammation of the adrenal gland3. pertaining to medicine4. pertaining to biology5. pertaining to chemistry6. pertaining to the blood vessel7. pertaining to cells8. pertaining to molecules9. pertaining to the medicine of the living thing10. the study of the living thing11. pertaining to the physics of the living thing12. the study of the heart13. the disease of the heart14. the record of the heart waves15. the study of the human inner secretion from glands16. pertaining to the production of hormone17. the study of inner gland secretion18. the red blood cell19. the white blood cell20. the lymph cell21. the study of cell22. the study of chemistry of cell23. the study of biology of cell25. the tumor of the embryo26. the study of the disease of the embryo27. the study of the human inner secretion from glands28. pertaining to the inside of the heart29. pertaining to the inside of the cell30. above the skin31. above the skin32. inflammation of the skin33. red blood cells34. instrument of measuring red blood cells35. to breathe out the waste gas36. to drive somebody or something out37. to spread outside38. sth that produces diseases39. the study of blood40. blood cells41. the study of tissues42. the study of tissue pathology43. therapy treatment, hence tissue treatment44. pertaining to the base45. pertaining to the toxin46. pertaining to symptoms47. the study of body’s auto protection from diseases48. protected from49. deficiency in the immune system of the body50. substance from the adrenal gland51. water from it52. the study of societies53. the study of urinary system55. lymph cells56. tumor of the lymphatic system57. the study of the lymphatic system58. the study of physical growth59. a doctor of internal medicine60. treatment by physiological methods61. the new growth ,tumor62. the study of mind63. abnormal condition of the mind64. the study of the relationship between psychology and biology65. a condition of over activity of the thyroid gland66. the condition of under activity of the thyroid gland67. the inflammation of the thyroid gland68.cutting apart the human body as a branch of medical sciences69. cut open the bone70.to cut the heart open71. pertaining to the blood vessel72. inflammation of the blood vessel73. pertaining to the lymphatic system and the blood vesselKey to the Exercises B.1.(embryo)embryology2. (process/condition) mechanism3.(heart) cardiovascular4. (color) chromatin5.(secretion) endocrinology6. (cell) cytology7.(sth. that produces or is produced) pathogen9. (the study of) psychology10. (pertaining to) regularLanguage Points:put together组成 known as 叫做 joints between bones关节to provide points of attachment for the muscles that move the body牵动骨骼肌引起各种运动hip joint髋关节 flexible有韧性的 cushioning缓冲 replaced by bone 骨化one bone moves in relation to the other两骨彼此靠近产生运动 contents物质nourishment营养物质 function发挥功能waste products废物 accumulate积聚poison the body危害生命 distributes运送needed materials有用的物质 unneeded ones废物is made up of包括 protect…against foreign invaders防止外来侵袭(See! Power Point)identical对等的 receives吸收traveled through流经 forced out压送reenter流入 directly直接地channels 管道 filters过滤larynx喉管 trachea气管two lungs左右肺 very large number of 大量的air spaces肺泡 release释放出extending 延伸到 broken down分解absorbed into吸收进 chewing咀嚼 esophagus食管Key to the Section B Passage 1 Exercises B.1. (The skeletal system consists of bones, joints and soft bones.)2. (Heart is generated when muscles are contracted, which helps keep the bodytemperature constant.)3. (The circulation of blood carries useful materials to all body cells while removing wasteones.)4. (Oxygen is inhaled and carbon dioxide is exhaled in the process of respiration.)5. (The digestion of food involves both mechanical and chemical procedures.)6. (The urinary system keeps normal levels of water and of certain chemicals in the body.)7. (The pituitary is a major gland located under the brain in the middle of the head.)8. (The brain collects and processes information and then sends instructions to all parts ofthe body to be carried out.)9. (The main function of the male reproductive system is to generate, transport and keepactive male sex cells.)10. (The largest of the body’s organs, the skin protects the inner structure of the body with acomplete layer.)Key to the Section A Passage 1 Exercises E.1.cardiovascular diseases2. function of the pituitary3. the urinary tract4. molecules5. artery6. endocrinology7. dyspnea / difficulty in respiration 8. saliva9. histology 10. blood circulation11. hematology 12. physiology13. anatomy 14. the female reproductive15. nervous cells 16. immunology17. indigestion / poor in digestion 18. voluntary muscle19. embryology 20. psychologySection B, Passage 2 Cells and TissuesLanguage PointsOrganized组(构)成 arranged in to构成 in turn are grouped into又进一步组成serves its specific有特定的 bear in mind记住 result from源于 billions亿万determind确立 fit on合在一起 by contrast相比之下 machinary机构while normally在正常情况下 function with great efficiency高效地发挥作用 are subject to易于发生 result in导致 millionth百万分之一equal等于 average一般 a speck barely visible基本上看不见的一个小点 The science that deals with cells on the smalleststructural and functional level is called molecular biology.从最小的结构及功能水平研究细胞的科学叫分子生物学。

Chapter 1Passage 1 Human BodyIn this passage you will learn:1. Classification of organ systems2. Structure and function of each organ system3. Associated medical termsTo understand the human body it is necessary to understand how its parts are put together and how they function. The study of the body's structure is called anatomy; the study of the body's function is knownas physiology. Other studies of human body include biology, cytology,embryology, histology, endocrinology, hematology, immunology, psychology etc.了解人体各部分的组成及其功能,对于认识人体是必需的。
Anatomists find it useful to divide the human body into ten systems, that is, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the circulatory system,the respiratory system, the digestive system, the urinary system,theendocrine system, the nervous system, the reproductive system and theskin. The principal parts of each of these systems are described in thisarticle.解剖学家发现把整个人体分成骨骼、肌肉、循环、呼吸、消化、泌尿、内分泌、神经、生殖系统以及感觉器官的做法是很有帮助的。
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Chapter 1Human Body as a WholeMedical TerminologyLearn the following combining forms, prefixes and suffixesand write the meaning of the medical term in the space provided.1. a hormone secreted from the adrenal gland2. inflammation of the adrenal gland3. pertaining to medicine4. pertaining to biology5. pertaining to chemistry6. pertaining to the blood vessel7. pertaining to cells8. pertaining to molecules9. pertaining to the medicine of the living thing10. the study of the living thing11. pertaining to the physics of the living thing12. the study of the heart13. the disease of the heart14. the record of the heart waves15. the study of the human inner secretion from glands16. pertaining to the production of hormone17. the study of inner gland secretion18. the red blood cell19. the white blood cell20. the lymph cell21. the study of cell22. the study of chemistry of cell23. the study of biology of cell25. the tumor of the embryo26. the study of the disease of the embryo27. the study of the human inner secretion from glands28. pertaining to the inside of the heart29. pertaining to the inside of the cell30. above the skin31. above the skin32. inflammation of the skin33. red blood cells34. instrument of measuring red blood cells35. to breathe out the waste gas36. to drive somebody or something out37. to spread outside38. sth that produces diseases39. the study of blood40. blood cells41. the study of tissues42. the study of tissue pathology43. therapy treatment, hence tissue treatment44. pertaining to the base45. pertaining to the toxin46. pertaining to symptoms47. the study of body’s auto protection from diseases48. protected from49. deficiency in the immune system of the body50. substance from the adrenal gland51. water from it52. the study of societies53. the study of urinary system55. lymph cells56. tumor of the lymphatic system57. the study of the lymphatic system58. the study of physical growth59. a doctor of internal medicine60. treatment by physiological methods61. the new growth ,tumor62. the study of mind63. abnormal condition of the mind64. the study of the relationship between psychology and biology65. a condition of over activity of the thyroid gland66. the condition of under activity of the thyroid gland67. the inflammation of the thyroid gland68.cutting apart the human body as a branch of medical sciences69. cut open the bone70.to cut the heart open71. pertaining to the blood vessel72. inflammation of the blood vessel73. pertaining to the lymphatic system and the blood vesselKey to the Exercises B.1.(embryo)embryology2.(process/condition) mechanism3.(heart) cardiovascular4.(color) chromatin5.(secretion) endocrinology6.(cell) cytology7.(sth. that produces or is produced) pathogen8.(lymph) lymphatic9.(the study of) psychology10.(pertaining to) regularLanguage Points:put together组成known as 叫做joints between bones关节to provide points of attachment for the muscles that move the body牵动骨骼肌引起各种运动hip joint髋关节flexible有韧性的cushioning缓冲replaced by bone 骨化one bone moves in relation to the other两骨彼此靠近产生运动contents物质nourishment营养物质function发挥功能waste products废物accumulate积聚poison the body危害生命distributes运送needed materials有用的物质unneeded ones废物is made up of包括protect…against foreign invaders防止外来侵袭(See! Power Point)identical对等的receives吸收traveled through流经forced out压送reenter流入directly直接地channels 管道filters过滤larynx喉管trachea气管two lungs左右肺very large number of 大量的air spaces肺泡release释放出extending 延伸到broken down分解absorbed into吸收进chewing咀嚼esophagus食管Key to the Section B Passage 1 Exercises B.1. (The skeletal system consists of bones, joints and soft bones.)2. (Heart is generated when muscles are contracted, which helps keep the bodytemperature constant.)3. (The circulation of blood carries useful materials to all body cells while removing wasteones.)4. (Oxygen is inhaled and carbon dioxide is exhaled in the process of respiration.)5. (The digestion of food involves both mechanical and chemical procedures.)6. (The urinary system keeps normal levels of water and of certain chemicals in the body.)7. (The pituitary is a major gland located under the brain in the middle of the head.)8. (The brain collects and processes information and then sends instructions to all parts ofthe body to be carried out.)9. (The main function of the male reproductive system is to generate, transport and keepactive male sex cells.)10. (The largest of the body’s organs, the skin protects the inner structure of the body with acomplete layer.)Key to the Section A Passage 1 Exercises E.1.cardiovascular diseases2. function of the pituitary3. the urinary tract4. molecules5. artery6. endocrinology7. dyspnea / difficulty in respiration 8. saliva9. histology 10. blood circulation11. hematology 12. physiology13. anatomy 14. the female reproductive15. nervous cells 16. immunology17. indigestion / poor in digestion 18. voluntary muscle19. embryology 20. psychologySection B, Passage 2 Cells and TissuesLanguage PointsOrganized组(构)成arranged in to构成in turn are grouped into又进一步组成serves its specific有特定的bear in mind记住result from源于billions亿万determind确立fit on合在一起by contrast相比之下machinary机构while normally在正常情况下function with great efficiency高效地发挥作用are subject to易于发生result in导致millionth百万分之一equal等于average一般 a speck barely visible基本上看不见的一个小点The science that deals with cells on the smalleststructural and functional level is called molecular biology.从最小的结构及功能水平研究细胞的科学叫分子生物学。