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It used to be sim ply defined that they were the organizational m em bers who told others what to do and how to do it, but it is not quite that sim ple anym ore. A m anager is som eone who coordinates or oversees the work of other people so that organizational goals can be accom plished. A m anager’s job is not about personal achievem ent, but about helping others do their work. That m ay m ean coordinating the work of a departm ental group, or supervising a single person. It could involve coordinating the work of a team com posed of people from several different departm ents or even people outside the organization, such as tem porary em ployees or em ployees who work for the organization’s suppliers. And m anagers m ay have other work duties not related to coordinating the work of others.
Nonm anagerial em ployees are those organizational m em bers who work directly on a job or task and have no one reporting to them.
In traditionally structured organizations—whi ch are usually said to be shaped like a pyram id because there are m ore em ployees at lower organizational levels than at upper organizational levels, m anagers are often described as first-line, m iddle, or top, and m ay have various titles.
(1) First-line m anages, the lowest level of m anagem ent, m anage the work of nonm anagerial em ployees who are typically involved with producing the organization’s products or serving the organization’s custom ers. They often have the title of supervisor, and are called shift m anagers, district m anagers, departm ent m anagers, offi ce m anagers, or even foreperson.
(2) Middle m anagers include all levels of m anagem ent between the first level and the top level of the organization. These m anagers m anage the work of first-line m anagers and m ay have titles such as regional m anagers, project leader, plant m anager, or division m anager.
(3) Top m anagers: m anagers at or near the upper levels of the organizational structure who are responsible for m aking organization-wide deci sions and establishing plans and goals that effect the entire organization. These individuals typically have ti tles such as executive vice-president, president, chief operating officer, chief executive offi cer, or chairperson.
Managem ent involves coordinating and overseeing the work activities of others so that their activities can be com pleted efficiently and effecti vely.
Efficiency refers to getting the m ost output from the least am ount of inputs.—doing the things right, which is, not wasting resources.
Ef fectiveness is often described as “doing the right things”, that is, doing those work activi ties that will help the organization reach its goals.
Efficiency is concerned with the m eans of getting things down, whereas effectiveness is concerned with the ends, or attainm ent of organizational goals.
管理的四个功能:Planning, Organizing, Leading, Controlling
Planning: Defining goals, establishing strategy, developing plans to coordinate acti vities. Organizing: Determ ining what needs to be done, how i t will be done and who is to do it. Leading: Motivating, leading and any other activi ties involved in dealing with people. Controlling: Monitoring activities to ensure that they are accom plished as planned.
Managem ent Roles refers to the specific categories of m anagerial behavior. Mintzbe rg’s m anagem ent roles are grouped around interpersonal relationships, the transfer of inform ation, and decision m aking.
1. Interpersonal roles are roles that invol ve people (subordinates or people outside the organization) and other duties that are cerem onial or sym bolic in nature. The three interpersonal roles include figurehead, leader and liaison.
2. Inform ational roles involve collecting, receiving and dissem inating inform ation. The three inform ational roles are m onitor, dissem inator and spokesperson.
3. Decisional roles entail m aking decisions or choices. The four decisional roles are entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, and negotiator.