大学英语课上的ppt演讲:《lion king》(狮子王)




gives me is not only a sound, color is
rich, and the impressed of mind. All
in all, the lion king is so important for
deep and long aftertaste. When I was
a child, of course, perhaps more is
fascinated by the vivid image, but as
the growth of the age, multiple
reviews, found that the lion king
影片主要讲述了小狮子王辛巴在众多热情的 朋友的陪伴下,不但经历了生命中最光荣的 时刻,也遭遇了最艰难的挑战,最后终于成 为了森林之王,也在周而复始生生不息的自 然中体验出生命的真义。
Piece of long: 89 minutes
Release time:On June 15, 1994 上映日期:1994年6月15日
Simba's father, the glory of the kingdom of the king smart, brave, he is a true leader, for the "life cycle" has the profound understanding. He ruled glory holy love, also loves his family .But he can never thought her brother scar means to obtain the throne.After death became the patron saint of the kingdom of glory, and in simba gave him new courage when most in need of help.



The lion named Mufasa —— father’s Love
When Simba was young,he told to his son, “rember who you are,you are my son and
the one true king.”
When mufasa know simba is in a trouble,he have no hesitance to help simba out of the woods.But he is going to die.
汇报结束 谢谢观看! 欢迎提出您的宝贵意见!
the family home when his dad King Mufasa -
snuffs it and wicked Uncle Scar tricks hi m into thinking it was his fault. He
eventually plucking up the courage to r eturn to the Pride Lands and take back
The film adaptation of Shakespeare's 《Hamlet》
The film's protagonist is a lion
The lion named Simba
It tells the story of Simba, a lion cub who flees
There's no denying that viewed from start to finish this is a wonderful movie experience.
The jaw-dropping backdrops would completely steal the show were it not for the engrossing, charming and often funny adventure story bounding along in the foreground.

英语专业4级经典美文-116.The Lion King【声音字幕同步PPT】

英语专业4级经典美文-116.The Lion King【声音字幕同步PPT】

Mufasa: I'm only brave when I have to be. Simba, being brave doesn't mean you go
looking for trouble. Simba: But you're not scared of anything.
Mufasa: I was today. Simba: You were?

Mufasa:Yes. So whenever you feel alone, just remember that those kings will always
be there to guide you. And so will I.
英语专业4级经典美文-116.The Lion King
: The Lion King Mufasa: Look, Simba, everything the light touches is our kingdom.
Simba: Wow! Mufasa: A king's time as ruler rises and falls
you must never go there, Simba.
Simba: But I thought a king can do whatever he wants.
Mufasa: Oh, there's more to being a king than getting your way all the time. Simba: There's more? Mufasa: Simba, everything you see
like the sun. One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time



通过这次期中作业我们组的每个成员 对电影音乐的了解更深了,也从中领略到 音 乐这门艺术在电影上独特的感染力及表 现力。而这部《狮子王》在视觉及听觉上 带来的冲击则更是让我们组员折服。当然 这次PPT制作,我们的团队虽然人数不多, 但是分工明确,谁也不偷懒, 各司其责, 很好完成了这个鉴赏的作业,我们从中获 得的东西实在是很多。
• 爸爸带我去看《狮子王》:1995年暑假,在电视上看到 《狮子王》预告片后,我流鼻血了~~热血沸腾闹的。于 是,我在我的小床上跳着说:我要去看《狮子王》,我 要去看《狮子王》…...
• HAKUNA MATATA!:《狮子王》是一部可以伴随着人 成长的电影,它给人带来的感动,回味是深刻而长久的。
• 小时候第一次看它就哭了两次,一次是穆法沙死去,第 二次是成年辛巴对着夜空说:你说过会一直在我身边的! 可是你没有!
在完成本次作业过程中,我们小组五个 成员分工合作,没人负责一部分内容,不仅 从中学到了电影音乐的一些知识,深刻了解 到影音乐是电影的重要组成部分,是对电影 的诠释纽带,一首好的电影音乐,对整个影 片起着至关重要的作用。通常一部电影会由 多首音乐相衬,以更好的衬托出电影需要表 现的内容。虽然这个PPT还有很多不足,但 我们已经尽力了,争取下次做的更完美!
情景1:《狮子王》由世界顶级音乐 制作人埃尔顿’约翰和著名的配乐大师 汉斯’季默为其量身配乐,作为主题音 乐的《荣耀大地》贯穿全篇,承上启 下抒情达意。在不同的段落采用不同 方的演奏方式来表达影片的内涵。显 示一只长笛独奏,柔和的旋律配合着 画面转到了雨季。这是,合唱队加入 了进来,浓厚的合唱音色配合着画面 上出现的电闪雷鸣
《can you feel the love tonight》 .flv



《狮子王》对白:MufasatellsSimbatheruleoflife(带原声)Mufasa, the lion king is telling Simba, his son, an important rule of life.狮子王穆法萨正在给他的儿子辛巴,讲述一些生活的重要规则。

Mufasa: Look, Simba, everything the light touches is our kingdom.穆法萨:辛巴,你看,阳光所照到的一切都是我们的国土。

Simba: Wow!辛巴:哇!Mufasa: A king's time is ruler rises and falls like the sun One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here and will rise with you as the new king.穆法萨:每一个国王都有自己的统治周期,如同太阳的起落一样。


Simba: And this will all of mine?辛巴:所有这一切都将是我的吗?Mufasa: Everything!穆法萨:所有的一切。

Simba: Everything the light touches! What about that shadowy place?辛巴:阳光能照到的所有的东西!那有阴影的地方呢?Mufasa: That's beyond our borders, you must never go there, Simba.穆法萨:那在我们的国度之外,你永远不可以去那个地方,辛巴。

Simba: But I thought a king can do whatever he wants.辛巴:我以为国王可以随心所欲。

Mufasa: Oh, there's more to being a king than getting your way all the time.穆法萨:不会,国王也不能凡事随心所欲。



The Lion KingIt tells the story of Simba, a lion cub who flees the family homewhen his dad - King Mufasa - snuffs it and wicked Uncle Scartricks him into thinking it was his fault. He grows up tuckedaway in a jungle hiding place, alongside newfound buddiesTimon and Pumbaa (a meerkat and a wart-hog, in case you'rewondering), before eventually plucking up the courage toreturn to the Pride Lands and take back what's rightfully his.Some great work from the casting department means we get the right celebrity voices to match the right characters, including Jeremy Irons asScar, Whoopi Goldberg as a cackling hyena, MatthewBroderick as the adult Simba and James Earl Jones and MadgeSinclair as the King and Queen .There's no denying that viewed from start to finish this is awonderful movie experience, and certainly one of Disney's finesthour-and-a-halves. The jaw-dropping backdrops wouldcompletely steal the show were it not for the engrossing,charming and often funny adventure story bounding along in the foreground.《The Lion King》’s opinionI haven't seen this movie in a longwhile, but I finally decided to sitdown and watch it and I have tosay this movie brings back alot ofmemories and it's very, very saidin the Stampede scene.I just have to say that when Simbawas down in the stampedecouldn't Mufasa have told theStampede to slow down? I mean Mufasa is the king and also if it wasn't for Mufasa saving Simba, little Simba would have been dead!! Another thing I pointed out is Simba didn't even get a chance to tell his dad he loved him, although I'm sure Mufasa knows that and it's just said that the last time Simba saw his dad alive was when he was crawling up the cliff. That scene just made me cry all over again.。



狮子王英文作文80词"The Lion King" is a timeless classic that has captured the hearts of audiences around the world for decades. It tells the story of Simba, a young lion who must find his place in the circle of life after the tragic death of his father, Mufasa. The film is filled with memorable characters, breathtaking animation, and a powerful soundtrack that has resonated with viewers of all ages.《狮子王》是一部永恒的经典,几十年来一直征服着全世界观众的心灵。



One of the most striking aspects of "The Lion King" is its stunning animation. The filmmakers spared no expense in creating a visually breathtaking world that feels both realistic and fantastical at the same time. From the sweeping savannas to the lush jungles, every frame of the film is a work of art that immerses the viewer in the beauty of the African landscape.《狮子王》最引人注目的一个方面就是其令人惊叹的动画。

The lion king

The lion king

狮子王the lion king剧情简介辛巴是狮子王国的小王子,他的父亲穆法沙是一个威严的国王。












功夫熊猫Kung fu panda在宁静祥和的和平谷里,生活着一群悠闲可爱的动物。






《狮子王》中英文介绍 By Roger

《狮子王》中英文介绍 By Roger

The Lion King狮子王-英文简介It tells the story of Simba, a lion cub who flees the family home whenhis dad - King Mufasa - snuffs it and wicked Uncle Scar tricks him intothinking it was his fault. He grows up tucked away in a jungle hidingplace, alongside newfound buddies Timon and Pumbaa (a meerkat anda wart-hog, in case you're wondering), before eventually plucking upthe courage to return to the Pride Lands and take back what's rightfullyhis.《狮子王》讲述了狮王辛巴的故事。



Some great work from the casting department means we get the rightcelebrity voices to match the right characters, including Jeremy Irons asScar, Whoopi Goldberg as a cackling hyena, Matthew Broderick as theadult Simba and James Earl Jones and Madge Sinclair as the King andQueen .为了凸显每个角色的个性,配音部门请了权威的声优共同完成了这项伟大的工程。

狮子王电影赏析 ppt课件

狮子王电影赏析 ppt课件

丁满和彭彭教导辛巴要无忧无虑,不想过去,不想未来, 也没有责任,只要为今天而活就可以了。日子一天天过去 了,辛巴成长为一头英俊的雄狮。虽然辛巴在寒舍(彭彭 和丁满的故乡)生活地无忧无虑,但是每当想起过去的事 情时,特别是因为救自己而死去的父亲,辛巴总会觉得心 里有一种莫名的自责和悲伤。对自己的过去仍然耿耿于怀 。
But the sun rolling high through the sapphire sky 但日出日落,穿过湛蓝的天空 Keeps great and small on the endless round 把伟大和渺小融入这无尽的轮回之中 It's the Circle of Life 这是生命之轮回
-----By Wanghui
The Lion King 《狮子王》
• 你怎么称呼老师? • 如果老师最后没有总结一节课的重点的难点,你
是否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进? • 你所经历的课堂,是讲座式还是讨论式? • 教师的教鞭 • “不怕太阳晒,也不怕那风雨狂,只怕先生骂我
through faith and love 也能体验忠诚和爱情
More to find than can ever be found 那儿有你永远寻不完的宝藏
Till we find our place on the path unwinding in the Circle 直到找到自己一条只有一个方向的轮回之路



影片中的角色形象鲜明,情节感 人,让观众在欣赏过程中产生强 烈的情感共鸣,感受到亲情、友
通过小狮子辛巴的成长故事,传递 出勇敢、担当、责任和爱等积极向 上的价值观,对观众的道德观念产 生深远影响。
作为一部具有非洲文化背景的动画 片,《狮子王》让观众对非洲文化 产生兴趣和认同感,促进文化交流 与理解。
刀疤策划阴谋,导致木法沙死 亡,辛巴被迫流亡。
在彭彭和丁满的陪伴下,辛巴 逐渐成长并寻找机会复仇。
辛巴最终战胜刀疤,夺回王位 ,为家族和子民带来和平与繁
02 动画制作技术
使用纸张或赛璐珞进行绘 制,通过分层和叠加透明 片来创建透视和动态效果。
使用数字绘画软件进行绘 制,可以更方便地进行修 改和颜色调整。
每一帧都需要单独绘制, 需要大量时间和人力来完 成。
使用三维建模软件创建角色和场景的 模型。
通过关键帧和运动曲线来控制角色的 动作和表情。
为角色模型添加骨骼,使角色能够动 起来。
动画片的主人公,勇敢、 善良,经历种种磨难后最 终成长为勇敢的狮子王。
辛巴的父亲,勇敢、智 慧,为了保护家族和子
辛巴的朋友,忠诚、搞 笑,陪伴辛巴度过无数
反派角色,阴险狡诈, 企图篡夺王位。



see the job of king?
4.What was so important about
the king’s speech for the British people?
That’s all. Thanks!
Prince Albert
( Bertie)
• Duke of York • Son of King George V of England • Stammer
• A Speech Therapist • No Certificate • A Lot of Experience

King’s Speech
War on Germany is declared and the tension of the film culminates in George VI’s famous radio broadcast. The King’s Speech is an inspiring film about friendship, determination, and overcoming disabilities.
Short Speech
After being ridiculed by the king and his family at the Christmas celebration for not being able to “get it out,” Bertie agrees to Lionel’s terms and they begin a daily regimen of therapy. Bertie gives small short speeches, but nothing elaborate.



Plot analysis
Plot 1: The Fall of Mufasa
Mufasa's death is a critical event in the play's plot It sets in motion a series of events that would ultimately lead to Simba's downfall and Scar's risk to power
The Lion King is a symbol of course and leadership, and his actions show that he is willing to face any challenge to protect his people He has a deep connection with his son, Simba, and is willing to sacrifice everything to ensure Simba benefits the rightful leader of the price
Theme song recommendation
Detailed description
The theme song of "The Lion King", "Endless Life", is a classic musical that expresses the eternity of life and the transmission of hope with a strong sense of rhythm and passionate melody.




电影中的配乐则是锦上添花的表述了属于它 们的每个角色的特征,而向我们传达它们的思想 与感情,同时又调节了故事的节奏。
总的来说,电影的成功靠的是电影吸引人的情 节、绚烂的特技、和动人的电影配乐,它们之间 的完美契合才能打造出一场好的视觉加听觉的盛 宴。
如果仔细地聆听歌词,大家会发现歌词的内容是《狮子 王》故事的概括。在《狮子王》的最后一段配乐中,《生 生不息》的旋律再度响起,不仅使开头与结尾相互照应, 而且还升华了主题,让人刚觉得感动与震撼。总的来说, 这首生生不息绝对称得上是电影的点睛之作。
But the sun rolling high Through the sapphire sky Keeps great and small on the endless round It's the circle of life
And it moves us all Through despair and hope
7、接着72分钟左右则是辛巴回去跟他叔叔对决的时候,音乐开 始剑拔弩张同时又充满了霸气的王者风范。
8、当最终胜利的夺回属于它的国家时候,则是辛巴和娜娜和那只 一直默默关注着辛巴的老猴子看着国家的天地,辛巴在众人 的注目中登上了那块曾经属于他父亲而现在属于他的荣耀石, 音乐的声音达到最大,这个时候的音乐则是这首荣耀石之颂 《King Of Pride Rock》 ,象征着他的王者的回归以及正义 的胜利回归。

Lion King (狮子王)

Lion King (狮子王)

1 Oooh Get mm.Get mm!喔,打中了,打中了。 Get’mm.Get mm!喔 打中了,打中了。 mm.Get’mm! Get’mm=get Get mm=get them 2 You better come look. =You’d =You’d better come and look. 你来看一下。 你来看一下。 3 Run,Pumbaa,move it. 快跑,彭彭,离开这。 快跑,彭彭,离开这。
course!Who’s Timon:of course!Who s the brains in this outfit? 丁满:当然!这里谁说了算? 丁满:当然!这里谁说了算? Pumbaa:Ehh… Pumbaa:Ehh 彭彭: 彭彭:呃……
exactly!Jeez,I’m fried,let’s Timon:My point exactly!Jeez,I m fried,let s get out of here and find some shade. 丁满:当然是我说了算!天哪,我晒死了。我们快离开这儿, 丁满:当然是我说了算!天哪,我晒死了。我们快离开这儿,找个阴凉的 地方吧。 地方吧。
5 吗
Can we keep him? 我们可以收留他吗? 我们可以收留他吗? it’s 6 呢 I think it s still alive. 我想他还没有断气呢! 我想他还没有断气呢! let’s 7 吧 let s get out of here and find some shade. 我们快离开这儿,找个阴凉的地方吧。 我们快离开这儿,找个阴凉的地方吧。 8 喂 Eh,Timon 喂,丁满
Timon:He’s 4 Timon:He s gonna get bigger. 丁满:他会长大的。 丁满:他会长大的。 =He’s =He s going to get bigger. Who’s outfit(团队 小组) 团队, 5 Who s the brains in this outfit(团队,小组)? 这里谁说了算? 这里谁说了算? 6 My point exactly! =This is my point exactly. 当然是我说了算。 当然是我说了算。 Jeez,I’m fried。 7 Jeez,I m fried。 天哪,我晒死了。 天哪,我晒死了。



Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.你所见到的事物都存 在着非常微妙平衡的关系。
I’m only brave when I have to be ,being brave doesn’t mean you looking for trouble! 我只是在必要的时候才会勇敢。勇敢并不代表你要 到处惹麻烦!
You must take your place in the circle of life.你必须在生命的轮回中找到自己。
lion King

Lion king

The《 lion king 》not only by the children’s favorite, and his education significance, adult can also inspired from it.
The film adaptation of Shakespeare's 《Hamlet》
The film's protagonist is a lion
The lion named Simba
It tells the story of Simba, a lion cub who flees the family home when his dad King Mufasa snuffs it and wicked Uncle Scar trick s him into thinking it was his fault. He eventually plucking up the courage to return to the Pride Lands and take ba ck what's rightfully his.
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hakespeare's 《Hamlet》
The movie and the 《Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles 》 released in the same year.
The film's protagonist is a lion
He grows up tucked away in a jungle hiding place, alongside newfound friends Timon and Pumbaa.
Simba is very inferiority,in the concern of friends,he grow up healthy.
The lion named Mufasa —— father’s Love
When Simba was young,he told to his son, “rember who you are,you are my son and the one true king.”
When mufasa know simba is in a trouble,he have no hesitance to help simba out of the woods.But he is going to die.
Simba’s childhood
Simba grew up
Simba’s avenge
Simba have sucess
Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.你所见到的事物都存 在着非常微妙平衡的关系。 I’m only brave when I have to be ,being brave doesn’t mean you looking for trouble! 我只是在必要的时候才会勇敢。勇敢并不代表你要 到处惹麻烦!
The lion named Simba
The Lion King It tells the story of Simba, a lion cub who away from home when his dad - King Mufasa has died. He think his dad died because save him.
He is lively and cheerful, but has not been opened heart .
There's no denying that viewed from start to finish this is a wonderful movie experience. The jaw-dropping backdrops would completely steal the show were it not for the engrossing, charming and often funny adventure story bounding along in the foreground.
You must take your place in the circle of life.你必须在生命的轮回中找到自己。
lion King

Lion king

The《 lion king 》not only by the children’s favorite, and his education significance, adult can also inspired from it.