



Schengen Visa Application form申根签证申请表Embassy/ConsulateCACService providerCommercial intermediaryMale / 男 Female / 女 9. Marital status / 婚姻状况 Single / 未婚 Married / 已婚 Separated / 分居 Divorced / 离异 Widow (er) / 丧偶 Other / 其它 ……………………………. BorderOtherTravel document12. Type of travel document 护照种类: Ordinary passport / 普通护照 Diplomatic passport / 外交护照 Service passport / 公务护照 Official passport / 因公护照 Special passport / 特殊护照 Other (please specify) / 其它旅行证件(请注明):…………………………………… Means of subsistenceInvitationMeans of transportTMIOther:RefusedIssuedACLTVNo 否 Yes. Residence permit or equivalent …………………… No ………………… Valid until..………………………….. ValidThis application form is free此表格免费提供1 2 Multiples Tourism / 旅游 Business / 商务 Visiting Family or Friends / 探亲访友Cultural / 文化 Sports / 体育 Official visit / 官方访问Medical reasons / 医疗 Study / 学习 Transit / 过境Airport transit / 机场过境Other (please specify) / 其它 (请注明)字段1-3 须依据旅行证件填上相关资料Single entry / 一次 Multiple entries / 多次Two entries / 两次The fields marked with * shall not be filled by family members of EU, EEA or CH citizens (spouse, child or dependent ascendant) while exercising their right to free movement. Family members of EU, EEA or CH citizens shall present documents to prove this relationship and fill in fields No 34 and 35.欧盟、欧洲经济区或瑞士公民的家庭成员(配偶、子女或赡养的老人)行使其自由往来的权利,不必回答带(*)号的问题。



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希望您能给予签证!公司全称:公司地址:公司负责人及职务:公司负责人座机电话:负责人签字:营业执照注册号/组织机构代码证号:日期:注意:1 正文中请区分他和她,多余请删去 2.负责人电话务必填写座机有分机号请打印清楚 3 全文机打,负责人请在姓名旁空白处手写签字 4 盖章在正文左下方处即可务必为印章不接受电子章5合同如果是长期请按照“2011.04—长期”填写(注意事项部分,打印时请删去)Certificate of employmentDear Visa Officer:This is to certify that Mr. XX is the Employee of XXX Co.,Ltd, he has been working in our company for x years. We grant his with a visit to Europe, he is scheduled to depart on xxx 2015, with the duration of xx days.During his visit, all his international air fare, hotel accommodation, insurance, local transportation and daily meals etc. will be borne by himself. We guarantee that he will obey the local laws and return to China immediately after his trip.We would appreciate your help if you could grant his the visa.XXX Co.,LtdAddress: XXX,China,Telephone number:_________________________________Legal personXXX. 2015。



申根签证申请模板英文版Below is a sample template for a Schengen Visa application in English. Please note that this is a general template and specific requirements may vary depending on the country's embassy or consulate where you are applying. It is advisable to check the official website of the embassy or consulate for the most up-to-date and detailed requirements.Schengen Visa Application Form1. Personal InformationSurname (Family Name): _______________________First Name (Given Name): _______________________Date of Birth (Day-Month-Year): _______________________Place of Birth: _______________________Country of Birth: _______________________Current Nationality: _______________________Nationality at Birth (if different): _______________________Sex: □ Male □ FemaleMarital Status: □ Single □ Married □ Separated □ Divorced □ Widow(er) □ Other: _______________________2. Contact InformationApplicant's Home Address: _______________________Email Address: _______________________Telephone Number: _______________________3. Travel Document InformationType of Trav el Document: □ Ordinary Passport □ Diplomatic Passport □ Service Passport □ Official Passport □ Special Passport □ Other Travel Document: _______________________Travel Document Number: _______________________Date of Issue: _______________________Valid Until: _______________________Issued By: _______________________4. Residence InformationResidence in a Country Other Than the Country of Current Nationality: □ No □ YesIf Yes, Residence Permit or Equivalent: _______________________Number: _______________________Valid Until: _______________________Residence Permit Type: _______________________5. Employment/Education InformationCurrent Occupation: _______________________Employer and Employer's Address and Tel. No.: _______________________For Students, Name and Address of Educational Establishment: _______________________6. Purpose of JourneyMain Purpose(s) of the Journey:□ Tourism□ Business□ Visiting Family or Friends□ Culture□ Sports□ Official Visit□ Medical Reasons□ Study□ Transit□ Airport Transit□ Other (please specify): _______________________7. Travel DetailsMember State(s) of Destination: _______________________Member State of First Entry: _______________________Number of Entries Requested: □ Single Entry □ Two Entries □ Multiple EntriesDuration of the Intended Stay or Transit: _______________________ days8. Additional InformationHave You Been Issued a Schengen Visa During the Past Three Years?: □ Yes □ NoHave You Ever Been Denied a Schengen Visa?: □ Yes □ No9. Applicant's SignatureI hereby solemnly promise that I will not overstay or engage in illegal work while applying for a Schengen visa. I have provided true and complete personal information and travel plans in this application. I understand the importance of the Schengen visa and the responsibilities of visa officers. I will comply with all the regulations of the Schengen visa and must depart on schedule. Signature: _______________________Date: _______________________Please fill out the form with accurate and complete information. Remember to attach all required supporting documents, such as a valid passport, photos, travel insurance, itinerary, and proof of financial means. Submit the application form and supporting documents to the designated Schengen embassy or consulate.。




Dear visa officer, I sincerely apply for a Schengen visa.2.我计划在2024年前往欧洲旅行,所以希望能获得申根签证的批准。

I plan to travel to Europe in 2024, so I hope to obtain approval for a Schengen visa.3.我已经准备好所有必要的文件和证明以支持我的申请。

I have prepared all necessary documents and evidence to support my application.4.我的旅行计划包括拜访法国、意大利和西班牙等申根区国家。

My travel plans include visiting Schengen countries suchas France, Italy, and Spain.5.我已经预订好机票和酒店,并且有足够的资金来支持我的旅行。

I have already booked my flights and hotels, and I have sufficient funds to support my trip.6.我的意图是作为旅游观光者在欧洲逗留,并在规定的时间内离境。

My intention is to stay in Europe as a tourist and depart within the specified time.7.我将遵守访问国家的法律和规定,绝不违反任何签证限制。

I will comply with the laws and regulations of thevisited countries and never violate any visa restrictions.8.我拥有良好的旅行记录,先前从未有过签证违规或滞留的情况。



















申根签证申请表Demande de visa Schengen此表免费Ce formulaire est gratuit(x) Les données des cases 1 à 3 doivent correspondre aux données figurant sur le document de voyage.欧盟、欧洲经济区或者瑞士公民的家属(配偶、子女或有赡养关系的长辈)不必回答带有 * 标记的问题。


Les rubriques assorties d’un * ne doivent pas être remplies par les membres de la famille de ressortissants de l’Union européenne, de l’EEE ou de la Confédération suisse (conjoint, enfant ou ascendant dépendant) dans l’exercice de leur droit à la libre circulation. Les membres de la famille de ressortissants de l’Union européenne, de l’EEE ou de la Confédération suisse doivent présenter les documents qui prouvent ce lien de parenté et remplissent les cases nos 34 et 35欧盟、欧洲经济区或者瑞士公民的家属(配偶、子女或有赡养关系的长辈)不必回答带有 * 标记的问题。



Schengen Visa Application form 申根签证申请表This application form should be filled out in English此表格必须以英文填写1. Surname (Family name) (x) 姓For official use only 签证机关专用 2. Surname at birth (Former family name (s) (x) 出生时姓氏Date of application: 3. First name (s) (Given name (s) (x) 名Visa application number:4. Date of birth (day-month-year) 出生日期 (日-月-年)5. Place of birth / 出生地6. Country of birth / 出生国7. Current nationality / 现国籍Nationality at birth, if different: 出生时国籍,如与现国籍不同Application lodged at Embassy/Consulate CACService providerCommercial intermediary 8. Sex / 性别Male / 男 Female / 女9. Marital status / 婚姻状况Single / 未婚 Married / 已婚 Separated / 分居 Divorced / 离异 Widow (er) / 丧偶 Other / 其它 …………………………….BorderName:Other 10. In the case of minors: Surname, firs t name, address (if different from applicant’s) and nationality of parental authority / legal guardian / 未成年申请人 须填上合法监护人的姓名、住址(如与申请人不同) 、及国籍d by:11. National identity number, where applicable 身份证号码,如适用Supporting documents: Travel document 12. Type of travel document 护照种类: Ordinary passport / 普通护照 Diplomatic passport / 外交护照 Service passport / 公务护照 Official passport / 因公护照 Special passport / 特殊护照 Other (please specify) / 其它旅行证件(请注明):……………………………………Means of subsistence InvitationMeans of transport TMI Other: 13. Number of travel document 旅行证件编号14. Date of issue 签发日期 15. Valid until 有效期至 16. Issued by 签发机关17. Applicant’s home address and e -mail address 申请人住址及电子邮件Telephone number(s) 电话号码 Visa decision:RefusedIssued A CLTV 18. Residence in a country other than the country of current nationality 是否居住在现时国籍以外的国家 No 否Yes. Residence permit or equivalent …………………… No ………………… Valid until..………………………….. 是。

最新版欧洲申根签证申请表 中英文对照 可编辑WORD版

最新版欧洲申根签证申请表 中英文对照 可编辑WORD版

Application for Schengen Visa 申根签证申请表 This application form is free 此表格免费F a mil y m embe r s o f EU , EE A o r C H c iti zen s s h all n o t f ill in field s n o .21, 22, 30, 31 an d 32 (ma rk ed w ith *).欧盟,欧洲经济区或瑞士联邦公民家属不填写第21,22,30,31及32项(*标注) Fi e l d s 1-3 s h all be f ill ed in i n acco r d a n c e w ith the d a t a i n t he tr av e l d o c umen t . 第1-3项须按照旅行证件信息填写。

1. Surname (Family name): 姓氏: F OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY签证机关专用Data złożenia wniosku:Numer wniosku:□w ambasadzie lub konsulacie □ we wspólnym ośrodku przyjmowania wniosków□ u usługodawcy□ u pośredniczącego podmiotukomercyjnego □ na granicyNazwa: □ inneWniosek przyjęty przez:Dokumenty uzupełniające:□ dokument podróży□ środki utrzymania□ zaproszenie □ środek transportu □ podróżne ubezpieczeniemedyczne □ inne:Decyzja o wizie: □ odmowa wydania wizy□ wiza przyznana:□A □ C □ o ograniczonej ważności terytorialnej□ Termin ważności: Od …………………………….Do …………………………….Liczba wjazdów:□ 1 □ 2 □ wielokrotnyLiczba dni: .................... 2. Surname at birth (Former family name(s)): 出生时姓氏: 3. First name(s) (Given name(s)): 名字: 4. Date of birth (day-month-year): 出生日期(日-月-年): 5. Place of birth: 出生地点:6. Country of birth: 出生国:7. Current nationality: 现国籍: Nationality at birth, if different: 出生时国籍,如不同:Other nationalities: 其他国籍: 8. Sex: 性别: □ Male 男 □ Female 女 9. Marital status: 婚姻状况:□ Single 单身 □ Married 已婚 □ Registered Partnership 注册伴侣关系 □ Separated 分居 □ Divorced 离异 □Widow(er) 丧偶 □ Other (please specify): 其他(请注明): 10. Parental authority (in case of minors) /legal guardian (surname, first name, address, if different from applicant’s, telephone no., e-mail address, and nationality): 父母(如是未成年申请人)/合法监护人(姓名、住址,如与申请人不同)电话号码、电子邮件及国籍: 11. National identity number, where applicable: 公民身份证号码,如适用: 12. Type of travel document: 旅行证件类型:□ Ordinary passport 普通护照 □ Diplomatic passport 外交护照 □ Service passport 公务护照 □ Official passport 因公护照 □ Special passport 特殊护照 □ Other travel document (please specify) 其他旅行证件(请注明): 13. Number of travel document: 旅行证件号码: 14. Date of issue: 签发日期: 15. Valid until: 有效期至: 16. Issued by: 签发机关: 17. Personal data of the family member who is an EU, EEA or CH citizen: 如有家庭成员为欧盟、欧洲经济区或瑞士联邦公民的,请填写该家庭成员的个人信息: Surname (Family name): 姓氏: First name(s) (given name(s)): 名字: Date of birth: 出生日期(日-月-年): Nationality: 国籍: Number of travel document of ID card:旅行证件或个人身份证件号码:PHOTO照片1In so far as the VIS is operational.。

申根签证申请表 Demande de visa Schengen.

申根签证申请表 Demande de visa Schengen.

大使馆/ 领事馆盖章Cachet de l'ambassade ou du consulatStamp of the Embassy / Consulate申根签证申请表Demande de visa SchengenApplication for Schengen Visa本申请表免费LE PRESENT FORMULAIRE EST DELIVRE GRATUITEMENTTHIS APPLICATION FORM IS FREE1. 姓氏/ Nom(s) [nom(s) de famille] / Surname(s) (family name(s):2. 出生时姓氏(原姓氏)/ Nom(s) de naissance [nom(s) de famille antérieur(s)] / Surname(s) at birth [earlier familyname(s)]:3. 名字/ Prénom(s) / First names (given names):4. 出生日期(年-月-日)/ Date de naissance (année-mois-jour) / Date of birth (year-month-day):5. 身份证号码(可选)/ Numéro de carte d'identité / ID-number (optional):6. 出生地及国家 / Lieu et pays de naissance / Place and country of birth:7. 现国籍/ Nationalité(s) actuelle(s) / Current nationality/ies:8. 原国籍(出生时的国籍)/ Nationalité d'origine (à la naissance) / Original nationality (nationality at birth):9性别/ Sexe / Sex:F男 / masculin / male F女/ féminin / female 010. 婚姻状况/ Situation familiale / Marital status:F单身/ célibataire / sinlgeF已婚/ marié(e) / marriedF分居/ séparé(e) / separatedF离异/ divorcé(e) / divorcedF丧偶/ veuf (veuve) / widow(erF其他/ autre / other11. 父亲姓名/ Nom du père / Father's name:12. 母亲姓名/ Nom de la mère / Mother's name:13. 护照类型/ Type de passeport / Type of passport:F私人护照/ Passeport national / National passportF外交护照/ Passeport diplomatique / Diplomatic passportF公务护照/ Passeport de service / Service passportF旅行证件(1951年公约)/ Document de voyage (convention de 1951) / Travel document (1951 Convention)F外国人护照/ Passeport pour étrangers / Alien's passportF海员护照/ Passeport de marin / Seaman's passportF其他旅行证件(请注明)/ Autre document de voyage (préciser) / Other travel document (please specify) : ............................................................................................................................................................................14. 护照编号/ Numéro de passeport / Passportnumber:15. 签发机构/ Autorité ayant délivré le passeport / Issued by:Der Botschaft/dem Konsulatvorbehalten / Réservé aux servicesde l'ambassade ou du consulatDatum des Antrags / Dated'introduction de la demande:Akte bearbeitet durch /Responsable du dossier:Zusätzliche Unterlagen /Documents justificatifs:1.F Gültiger Pass /Passeport en cours devalidité2.F Finanzielle Mittel /Moyens financiers3.F Einladung / Invitation4.F Transportmittel /Moyens de transport5.F Krankenversicherung /Assurance maladieF Sonstiges / Autres:Visum / Visa:F Abgelehnt / RefuséF Erteilt / AccordéMerkmale des Visums /Caractéristiques du visa:F VTLF AF BF CF DF D + CAnzahl der Einreisen /Nombre d'entrées:F 1F 2F Mehrfach / MultiplesGültig von / Valable du:............................................bis / au: ...............................Gültig für / Valable pour:............................................16. 签发日期/ Date de délivrance / Date ofissue:17. 有效期至/ Date d'expiration de la validité / Valid until:18. 如果你的居住国不是你的国籍所在地,那么你是否被允许返回居住国?Si vous résidez dans un pays autre que votre pays d'origine, êtes-vous autorisé(e) à retourner dans ce pays?If you reside in a country other than your country of origin, have you permission to return to that country?F否/ Non / No F是(号码和有效期)/ Oui (numéro et validité / Yes, (number and validity):..........................................................................................................................................................Der Botschaft/dem Konsulat vorbehalten / Réservé aux services de l'ambassade ou du consulat* 19. 当前职业/ Occupation actuelle / Current occupation:* 20. 工作单位名称、地址和电话。


Yes. Residence permit or equivalentNoValid until
* 19. Current occupation職稱
* 20. Employer and employer’s address and telephone number. For students, name and address ofeducational establishment
Number of days:
2.Surname at birth (former family name(s)) (國人可免填)(1)
3.First name(s) (Given name(s))名(1)
4.Date of birth (day-month-year)出生日期(日/月/年)
Prepaid transport交通預付
Other (please specify)其他(請註明)
Means of support方式
Accommodation provided食宿預付
Prepaid transport交通預付
Other (please specify)其他(請註明)
Other (please specify)其他(請說明)
Single entry單次Two entries兩次Multiple entries多次
Indicate number of days申請停留天數
26. Schengen visas issued during the past three years過去三年內是否持有其他申根簽證及其效期.
Such data as well as data concerning the decision taken on my application or a decision whether to annul, revoke o extend a visa issued will be entered into, and stored in the Visa Information System (VIS) (2) for a maximum period of five years, during which it will be accessible to the visa authorities and the authorities competent for carrying out checks on visas at external borders and within the Member States, immigration and asylum authorities in the Member States for the purposes of verifying whether the conditions for the legal entry into, stay and residence on the territory of the Member States are fulfilled, of identifying persons who do not or who no longer fulfil these conditions, of examining an asylum application and of determining responsibility of such examination. Under certain conditions the data will be also available to designated authorities of the Member States and to Europol for the purpose of the prevention, detection and investigation of terrorist offences and of other serious criminal offences.The authority of theMemberStateresponsible for processing the data is[…].



中华人民共和国签证申请表(附表)填表说明(英文版)预览说明:预览图片所展示的格式为文档的源格式展示,下载源文件没有水印,内容可编辑和复制Instruction to Supplementary Visa Application Form(Form V.2011B)of the People’s Republic of China●The free Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 or later is required to open and fill in this Application Form● Please fill in the Application form truly and completely.Please fill in your name in English, your passport number and your date of birth.Part AIf you are applying to work in China(Z-visa), please fill out the following.1. Please select your education background. If not listed, please specify.2. Please fill in the name of your last school, college,university or other educational institution.3. Please fill in your major or focus in studies of your last school, college,university or other educational institution.4. Please fill in your professional or technical qualifications.5. Please fill in your occupation in China.6. Please fill in the name, address and phone number of your employer in China.7. Please fill in your Alien Employment License Number.Part BIf you are applying to study (X-visa) in China, please fill out the following.1. Please select your education background. If not listed, please specify.2. Please fill in the name of your last school, college, university or other educational institution.3. Please fill in your major or focus of in studies of your last school, college,university or other educational institution.4. Please fill in your professional or technical qualifications.5. Please fill in the name, address and phone number of your school in China.6. Please fill in your major or course in ChinaPart CIf someone else travelling with you shares the same passport with you, please give that person’s details below.1. Please fill in the full name of the person(s) who shares the same passport.2. Please fill in the sex of the person(s) who shares the same passport.3. Please fill in the date of birth of the person(s) who shares the same passport.4. Please affix the photo(s) of the person(s) who shares the same passport.Part DIf you are applying for a visa in a country or territory other than the country of your nationality, please fill out the following.1. Please select the duration of your stay in this country orterritory.2. Please select whether you have a valid visa or other residence permit of this country or territory.3. Please fill in the number of your visa or residence permitand its expiration date.4. Please select whether you have permission to return to this country or territory with the visa or residence permit above.5. Please fill in the mailing address of your residence in this country or territory.6. Please fill in your phone number in this country or territory.Please confirm the information given above is accurate and truthful, sign and fill in the date.。





Schengen Visa Application form 申根签证申请表1. 姓氏(x) 签证机关专用2. 出生时姓氏(x)3. 名字(x)4.出生日期 (日-月-年)5. 出生地6. 出生国7.现国籍出生时国籍,如与现国籍不同8.性别 男 女9.婚姻状况未婚 已婚 分居 离异 丧偶 其它10.未成年申请人,须填上合法监护人的姓名、地址(如与申请人不同) 、及国籍11. 国民身份证号码,如适用12.护照种类:普通护照 外交护照公务护照 因公护照 特殊护照其它旅行证件(请注明):……………………………………13.旅行证件编号 14.签发日期 15.有效期至16.签发机关17.申请人地址及电邮电话号码18.是否居住在现时国籍以外的国家 否是。

居留证 编号 有效期至 *19. 现职业字段1-3 须依据旅行证件填上相关资料。



此表格免费PHOTO 照片字段1-3 须依据旅行证件填上相关资料。



字段1-3 须依据旅行证件填上相关资料。






TO: VISA SECTIONMr. XXX (申请人姓名) works in our company from XXXX .XX. XX(现公司入职时间某年某月某日). Hewill be on travelling purposes visitingyour country and some other Schengen countriesfrom XXXX .XX. XX to XXXX .XX. XX(出国具体日期某年某月某日).All the expenses include air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance will be covered by himself.Hereby we guarantee that he will abide all of laws and regulations of the countries where hestays.He will be back on time as per his schedule planned and shall continue to work in our company after him visit to Europecountries.Your kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated.Best Regards,Name of the leader(领导人姓名)Position of the leader(领导人职位)Signature (领导的签名)Company’s Stamp(公司盖章)Tel: XXX-XXXXXXFax: XXXXXXE-Mail: XXXXXXAdd: XXXXXXCompany Name: XXXXXX致:签证官先生自年月日在我公司工作。








Visa application form EN and CN(申根国签证申请表中英文对照)

Visa application form EN and CN(申根国签证申请表中英文对照)
Other (please specify)/其它(请注明):....................................................................................................................
For official use only:
42.Children (application must be submitted separately for each passport)/子女(每本护照都须分别递交申请表)
Surname/姓First name/名Date of birth/出生日期
1 ............................................................................. ........................................................................................
I declare that to the best of my knowledge all particulars supplied by me are correct and complete. I am aware that any false statements will lead to my application being rejected or to the annulment of a visa already granted, and may also render me liable to prosecution under Polish law.
* 20. Employer and employer’s address and phone number. For students, name and address of school



Domanda di visto per gli Stati SchengenApplication for Schengen Visa申根国家签证申请表格Modulo gratuito This application form is free 免费表格(只能用英文填写)1. Cognome/cognomi Surname(s) (family name/s) 姓A D USO ESCLUSIVO DELL ’AMBASCIATA O DEL CONSOLATO F OR E MBASSY /C ONSULATE USE ONLY办公室保留 2. Cognome/cognomi alla nascita (cognome /cognomi precedenti) Surname(s) at birth (earlier family name-s) 出生时姓 (其它姓氏)Data della domanda :Numero Pratica:3. Nome Given name(s) 名4. Data di nascita (anno-mese- giorno) Date of birth (year-month-day) 出生日期 (年-月-日)5. Numero di carta d’identità (facoltativo) Id-Number (optional) 身份证号(也可不填)Tipologia Visto:Cod. Pratica RMV:6. Luogo di nascita e Stato. Place and country of birth. 出生地点和国家CHINA7. Cittadinanza/cittadinanze attuali Current nationality/ies 现国籍 CHINESE 8.Cittadinanza di origine (cittadinanza alla nascita)Original nationality (nationality at birth) 出生时国籍CHINESE Documenti giustificativi : ☐ Passaporto valido☐ Mezzi di sostentamento9. Sesso Sex 性别☐ Maschile Male 男 ☐ Femminile Female 女10. Stato civile Marital Status 婚姻状况☐ Non coniugato Single 未婚 ☐ Coniugato Married 己婚 ☐ Separato Separated 分居 ☐ Divorziato Divorced 离婚☐ Vedovo Widow(er) 丧偶 ☐ Altro: Other: 其它:☐ Invito☐ Mezzi di trasporto☐ Assicurazione malattia☐ Di altro tipo:11. Cognome del padre Father’s name 父亲姓名12. Cognome della madre Mother’s name 母亲姓名Visto:☐ Rifiutato ☐ Concesso13. Tipo di passaporto: Type of passport: 护照类别: ☐ Passaporto nazionale National passport 普通护照 ☐ Passaporto diplomatico Diplomatic passport 外交护照 ☐ Passaporto di servizio Service passport 公务护照☐ Documento di viaggio (Convenzione del 1951) Travel document (1951 Convention) 旅行证 (1951年协议规定) ☐ Passaporto per stranieri Alien’s passport 外国人护照 ☐ Passaporto per marittimi Seaman’s pas sport 海员证☐ Documento di viaggio di altro tipo (specificare): Other travel document (please specify): 其它种类的旅行证(说明): ☐ VTL ☐ A ☐ B ☐ C ☐ D ☐ D + CNumero di ingressi1 ☐2 ☐ Mult ☐Valido dal ..........................Valido gg ..........................Sigla Op. Inser. :14.Numero del passaporto: Number of passport: 护照号码15. Rilasciato da: Issued b y: 签发机关:CHINA PUBLIC SECURITY BUREAUSigla Op. Spediz. :16. Data del rilascio: Date of issue: 签发日期17. Valido fino al:... Valid until:... 有效期至:… Firma responsabileFoto Photo 照片Embassy of ItalyBeijing* I familiari dei cittadini dell'UE o SEE (coniuge, figlio o ascendente a carico) non devono rispondere ai quesiti indicati con * .Essi devono presentare la documentazione comprovante i loro vincoli familiari.* The questions marked with * do not have to be answered by family members of EU or EEA citizens (spouse, child or dependent ascendant). Family members of EU or EEA citizens have to present documents to prove this relationship.欧盟或欧洲经济处公民的直系亲属(配偶, ,父母,子女)不填写 * 栏目的内容. 但时应提供证明其亲属关系的有效证件和材料.ANNOTAZIONI Data:............................ ........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................意大利单位证明信样式Date: , 2006The Embassy of ItalySanlitun, Beijing, ChinaNo Name D.O.B Passport Position Month Salary1.上述人员持有普通中国护照。

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Schengen Visa Application form 申根签证申请表This application form should be filled out in English此表格必须以英文填写1. Surname (Family name) (x) 姓For official use only签证机关专用2. Surname at birth (Former family name (s) (x) 出生时姓氏Date of application:3. First name (s) (Given name (s) (x) 名Visa application number:4. Date of birth (day-month-year) 出生日期 (日-月-年)5. Place of birth / 出生地6. Country of birth / 出生国7. Current nationality / 现国籍Nationality at birth, if different: 出生时国籍,如与现国籍不同Application lodged atEmbassy/Consulate CACService providerCommercial intermediary 8. Sex / 性别 Male / 男Female / 女9. Marital status / 婚姻状况Single / 未婚 Married / 已婚Separated / 分居 Divorced / 离异 Widow(er) / 丧偶Other / 其它…………………………….BorderName:Other10. In the case of minors: Surname, firs t name, address (if different from applicant ’s) and nationality of parental authority /legal guardian / 未成年申请人须填上合法监护人的姓名、住址(如与申请人不同) 、及国籍File handled by: 11. National identity number, where applicable身份证号码,如适用Supporting documents:Travel document12. Type of travel document 护照种类: Ordinary passport / 普通护照Diplomatic passport / 外交护照 Service passport / 公务护照Official passport / 因公护照Special passport / 特殊护照Other (please specify) / 其它旅行证件(请注明):…………………………………… Means of subsistence InvitationMeans of transport TMI Other:13. Number of travel document 旅行证件编号14. Date of issue 签发日期15. Valid until 有效期至16. Issued by 签发机关17. Applicant ’s home address and e -mail address 申请人住址及电子邮件Telephone number(s)电话号码Visa decision:Refused Issued AC LTV18. Residence in a country other than the country of current nationality 是否居住在现时国籍以外的国家 No 否Yes. Residence permit or equivalent …………………… No ………………… Valid until..…………………………..是。

居留证编号有效期至*19. Current occupation现职业*20. Employer and employer ’s address and telephone number. For student s, name and address of educational establishment.工作单位名称,地址和电话,学生填写学校名称及地址ValidFrom ………………………Until………………………21. Main purpose(s) of the journey: 旅程主要目的 Tourism / 旅游 Business / 商务 Visiting Family or Friends / 探亲访友 Cultural / 文化 Sports / 体育 Official visit / 官方访问 Medical reasons / 医疗 Study / 学习Transit / 过境Airport transit / 机场过境Other (please specify) / 其它 (请注明)Number of entries:1 2 MultiplesNumber of days:(x) Fields 1-3 shall be filled in accordance with the data in the travel document字段1-3 须依据旅行证件填上相关资料This application form is free 此表格免费提供PHOTO 照片22. Member State (s) of destination / 申根目的地23. Member State of first entry / 首入申根国24. Number of entries requested 申请入境次数Single entry / 一次 Multiple entries / 多次 Two entries / 两次25. Duration of the intended stay or transit Indicate number of days预计逗留或过境日数The fields marked with * shall not be filled by family members of EU, EEA or CH citizens (spouse, child or dependent ascendant) while exercising their right to free movement. Family members of EU, EEA or CH citizens shall present documents to prove this relationship and fill in fields No 34 and 35.欧盟、欧洲经济区或瑞士公民的家庭成员(配偶、子女或赡养的老人)行使其自由往来的权利,不必回答带(*)号的问题。


26. Schengen visas issued during the past three years /过去三年获批的申根签证No / 没有Yes. Date (s) of validity from ………………………………………. to …………………………………………..有。

有效期由至27. Fingerprints collected previously for the purpose of applying for a Schengen visa 以往申请申根签证是否有指纹纪录No / 没有 Yes 有…………………Date, if known / 如有,请写明日期……………….28. Entry permit for the final country of destination, where applicable 最后目的地之入境许可Issued by ………………….……...…………… Valid from ……………………………until ………………………………签发机关有效期由至29. Intended date of arrival in the Schengen area预定入境申根国日期30. Intended date of departure from the Schengen area预定离开申根国日期*31. Surname and first name of the inviting person (s) in the Member State (s). If not applicable, name of hotel (s) or temporary accommodation (s) in the Member States (s)申根国的邀请人姓名。

如无邀请人,请填写申根国的酒店或暂住居所名称Address and e-mail address of inviting person (s) / hotel (s) / temporaryaccommodation (s) 邀请人/酒店/暂住居所的地址及电字邮件Telephone and telefax 电话及传真号码*32. Name and address of inviting company / organization 邀请公司或机构名称及地址Telephone and telefax of company / organisation 邀请方电话及传真号码Surname, first name, address, telephone, telefax, and e-mail address of contact person in company / organisation 邀请公司/机构的联系人姓名、地址、电话、传真及电子邮件*33. Cost of traveling and living during the applicant’s stay is covered旅费以及在国外停留期间的生活费用by the applicant himself/herself / 由申请人支付Means of support / 支付方式Cash / 现金Traveller’s cheques/ 旅行支票Credit card / 信用卡Prepaid accommodation / 预缴住宿Prepaid transport / 预缴交通Other (please specify) / 其它(请注明)by a sponsor (host, company, organisation), please Specify / 由赞助人(邀请人、公司或机构)支付,请注明referred to in field 31 or 32 / 参照字段31及32other (please specify) / 其它 (请注明)Means of support / 支付方式Cash / 现金Accommodation provided / 提供住宿All expenses covered during the stay / 支付旅程期间所有开支Prepaid transport / 预缴交通Other (please specify) / 其它(请注明)34. Personal data of the family member who is an EU, EEA or CH citizen家庭成员为欧盟、欧洲经济区或瑞士公民,请填写其个人信息Surname 姓First name(s) 名Date of birth / 出生日期Nationality / 国籍Number of travel document or ID card旅行证件或身分证编号35. Family relationship with an EU, EEA or CH citizen 申请人与欧盟、欧洲经济区或瑞士公民的关系spouse child …….………………………. grandchild dependent ascendant配偶子女孙儿女受养人36. Place and date / 地区及日期37. Signature (for minors, signature of parental authority/legal guardian)签字(未成年人由其监护人代签)I am aware that the visa fee is not refunded if the visa is refused / 本人知道即使签证被拒也不能退还签证费Applicable in case a multiple-entry visa is applied for (cf. field No24): / 适用于申请多次入境签证 (参照字段24)I am aware of the need to have an adequate travel medical insurance for my first stay and any subsequent visits to the territory of Member Status.本人知道须预备有足够保额的旅游医疗保险作为首次及其后各次出发到申根国家领域之用I am aware of and consent to the following: the collection of the data required by this application form and the taking of my photograph and, if applicable, the taking of fingerprints, are mandatory for the examination of the visa application; and any personal data concerning me which appear on the visa application form, as well as my fingerprints and my photograph will be supplied to the relevant authorities of the Member States and processed by those authorities, for the purposes of a decision on my visa application.Such data as well as data concerning the decision taken on my application or a decision whether to annul, revoke or extend a visa issued will be entered into, and stored in the Visa Information System (VIS) (1) for a maximum period of five years, during which it will be accessible to the visa authorities and the authorities competent for carrying out checks on visas at external borders and within the Member States, immigration and asylum authorities in the Member States for the purposes of verifying whether the conditions for the legal entry into, stay and residence on the territory of the Member States are fulfilled, of identifying persons who do not or who no longer fulfill these conditions, of examining an asylum application and of determining responsibility for such examination. Under certain conditions the data will be also available to designated authorities of the Member States and to Europol for the purpose of the prevention, detection and investigation of terrorist offences and of other serious criminal offences. The authority of the Member State responsible for processing the data is Urz?d ds. Cudzioziemców (The Office for Foreigners), address: 16 Koszykowa St., 00-564 Warsaw.I am aware that I have the right to obtain in any of the Member States notification of the data relating to me recorded in the VIS and of the Member State which transmitted the data, and to request that data relating to me which are inaccurate be corrected and that data relating to me processing unlawfully be deleted. At my express request, the authority examining my application will inform me of the manner in which I may exercise my right to check the personal data concerning me and have them corrected or deleted, including the related remedies according to the national law of the State concerned. The national supervisory authority of that Member State will hear claims concerning the protection of personal data: Inspector General for the Protection of Personal Data, 2 Stawki St.,00-193 Warsaw.I declare that to the best of my knowledge all particulars supplied by me are corrected and completed. I am aware that any false statements will lead to my application being rejected or to the annulment of a visa already granted and may also render me liable to prosecution under the law of the Member State which deals with the application.I undertake to leave the territory of the Member States before the expiry of the visa, if granted. I have been informed that possession of a visa is only one of the prerequisites for entry into the European territory of the Member States. The mere fact that a visa has been granted to me does not mean that I will be entitled to compensation if I fail to comply with the relevant provisions of Article 5(1) of Regulation (EC) No 562/2006 (Schengen B orders Code) and I am therefore refused entry. The prerequisites for entry will be checked again on entry into the European territory of the Member States.本人知悉并同意以下条款:该申请表中所有关于本人的个人信息、照片或采集的指纹样本均为审核本人的签证所需。
