ZUCC 大学英语 BB平台




Blackbaord网络教学平台简介Blackboard教学管理平台(Blackboard Learning System™)是一套专门用于加强网络教学、辅助课堂教学并提供互动、交流的网络教学平台。




课程内容制作∙提供具有丰富编辑界面的文本编辑器,具备WYSIWYG(所见即所得)和拼写检查等功能;∙提供快速编辑功能帮助教师迅速在编辑界面和浏览界面之间切换;∙支持教师将由外部制作工具(如Macromedia Dreamweaver)生成的内容导入到课程中。







问题 1得 0 分,满分 20 分将Sheet1中的一行复制到 Sheet2 上。

正确答案所选答案 1.Sub RowCopy() - [未给定] 2.Worksheets("Sheet1").Rows(1).Copy - [未给定] 3.Worksheets("Sheet2").Select - [未给定]4.Worksheets("Sheet2").Rows(1).Select - [未给定] 5.Worksheets("Sheet2").Paste - [未给定] 6.End Sub - [未给定]问题 2得 0 分,满分 20 分将A1到C6中大于等于3的数依次放入E 列。

正确答案所选答案 1.Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()- [未给定] 2. Dim i As Long, iRng As Range- [未给定] 3.For Each iRng In Sheets(1).Range("A1:C6")- [未给定] 4.If iRng.Value >= 3 Then- [未给定] 5.i = i + 1- [未给定] 6. Sheets(1).Range("E" & i).Value = iRng.Value- [未给定] 7.End If- [未给定] 8.Next- [未给定] 9.End Sub- [未给定]问题 3得 0 分,满分 20 分用工作表函数计算Sheet1上位于A1~A100单元格区域中的、值大于等于10且小于等于20的单元格数目。

正确答案所选答案 1.Sub a1020()- [未给定] 2.Set iRang =Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A100") - [未给定] 3.With Application.WorksheetFunction- [未给定]4. result = .Countif(iRange, ">=10”)- .Countif (iRange, ">”&20) - [未给定]5.End With- [未给定] 6.MsgBox result End Sub - [未给定]问题 4得 0 分,满分 20 分在sheet1上存放了“文具采购表” (见下图),其中单价需从Sheet2中的“单价表”查询得到(见下图),并以此计算出合计金额。



Blackboard®教学平台《教师操作手册》浙江传媒学院2009年4月目录第一部分:平台使用说明 (3)(一)平台简介 (3)(二)适用对象 (3)(三)教师需做的准备工作(必要操作) (3)(四)教师使用BB 平台流程图 (4)第二部分:平台入门操作 (5)(一)平台入口与登陆平台(必要操作) (5)(二)认识平台 (5)(三)修改密码(可选操作) (6)(四)定制个人首页界面(可选操作) (7)(五)进入教授的课程(必要操作) (8)第三部分:课程建设 (9)(一)课程结构设计(必要操作) (9)(二)添加课程内容(必要操作) (11)●教学大纲(必要操作) (11)●授课讲义(必要操作) (12)●网络课件(可选操作)..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

●精品课程网站(可选操作) (12)●课外补充材料(可选操作) (12)●随堂测验(可选操作) (12)●课后作业(必要操作) (15)(三)课程存档和导入以及循环使用(有重复班的必要操作) (17)●课程存档 (17)●在新课程中导入课程文档 (17)●课程循环 (18)第四部分:互动教学 (19)(一)更新教师信息(必要操作) (19)(二)课程通知(必要操作) (20)(三)课程讨论板(可选操作) (21)(四)设定助教(可选操作) (24)(五)管理学习小组(可选操作) (25)第五部分:学习跟踪与教学评价 (26)(一)学习跟踪;(必要操作) (26)(二)作业批改;(必要操作) (27)(三)试卷批改;(可选操作) (32)(四)教学评价;(可选操作) (33)第六部分:常见问题及如何获得帮助 (35)(一)温馨提示 (35)(二)常见问题 (35)(三)如何获得帮助 (37)第一部分:平台使用说明(一)平台简介Blackboard®教学平台是国际领先的教学平台及服务提供商专门为教育机构开发研制的软件平台,是目前全球市场上唯一支持百万级用户的教学平台。













1.4.登录平台在访问平台首页输入管理员帐号和密码:点击“登录”或者按回车键(Enter),将默认进入平台桌面:1.5.个人空间1.5.1. 修改信息用于修改个人信息。


1.5.2. 修改密码用于修改个人密码。

1.5.3. 日程表用于用户管理个人事务,进行事件提示等。

1.5.4. 站内消息用于用户之间的信息交流。

1.6.教学资源1.6.1. 个人资源区进行个人资源管理。


1.6.2. 公共资源区存放有由管理员上传的公共共享资源,学生用户可以根据自己的需要查看学习相应资源。

1.7.我的教学(备课和授课)要进行备课或者授课,可以直接在“我的桌面”的课程列表中点击相应课程的链接;或者点击“我的课程”,选择相应课程,进入备课或授课:1.7.1. 管理课程进入课程首页:课程首页包括:➢课程概况:显示课程的授课教师、课程简介、学习内容数、资源数、讨论数、作业数以及作业、测验的提交、批改情况等相关信息。


用于 课堂 教学 。

商务 英 语 网络 课 程 的理 论 依 据 和 设计
( )创设 学 习情境 ,促进 学习者 的意义构建 。建 2 构主义认 为 ,学 习总是与一定 的社 会文化背景 即 隋 建构 主 义学 习理 论 认 为 ,学 习是学 习 者在 一 定 境”相联 系 ,在实 际情境 下进行学 习 ,学习者可 以利 的学 习环 境 下 主动 建 构知 识 的过 程 ,每 个 人建 构 知 用 自己 已有 认 知 机构 中的相 关 经验 同化 和索 引 当前 识 的方 式应 该是不 一样 的 , 即学 习过程 是个性 化 的。 学到 的新知 识 ,从 而赋予 新知识 以某种意 义 ,完成意 建构 主 义 的教 学模 式 视学 生 为认 知 的 主体 ,是知 识 义 的构建 【 。 1 】 基于 BB平 台的商务英语 网络课程 的学习 内容可 意义 的主动 建 构者 ,教 师只对 学 生 的意 义 建 构起 帮 助和 促进 作 用 。建 构 主义 的教学 方 法强 调 学 习情境 以通过文 字 、图像 、声音 、动 画和视 频等多媒体形式 的创设和社 会互 动对学 习的作用 ,包 括生生互动 、师 来表 现 ,还可 以通过 虚 拟现 实 实现 多维 的教 学 信息 生互动 和 师生与 课堂 外更广 阔的社 区 的互 动 f 。 1 】 传递 。因此 ,我们 以一名 商务英语专业 毕业生在 一家 胡 卫 星等 指 出 [1 2,建 构主 义学 习理 论应 用于 指 虚 拟 的外 贸服 装 公司 的职 业 生涯 为 主 线来设 计 实训 导基 于 多 媒 体 和 网络 的 建 构 主义 学 习环 境 的创 建 , 项 目,每个 项 目均 包含 一 个 或多 个情 境 的应 用 实例 主要表现在三个 方面 ,即强调 以学 习者 为 中心 ,强调 和相 关学 习资 源 ,学 生 以该 毕 业生 的 身份在 这 些虚 情境 对 意义 建 构 的重 要作 用 ,强调 协商 对 意义 建 构 拟 的情 境 中进 行 训练 ,完成 对 问题 的理 解和 对 知识 的应 用 。 的 关键作 用 。 2. 务 英 语 网络 课 程 的 设 计 原 则 商 比如在 项 目三 “ 客户接 待” 中,学生要 以该服装 公 司秘 书 的身 份设 计 一次 招 待外 宾 的商 务宴 请 ,包 ( )以学习者 为 中心。建 构主义将学 习者视 为教 1 学 活动的 中心 ,对学习者进行 特征分析 ,这是 网络课 括邀请 函、菜单和餐桌摆设 的设 计 ,并要 在宴请 中向 程 建设 的关 键环 节 。 学 习者特 征 分析 主 要包 括对 学 外宾介绍 2 -3道菜肴 。学生必须将 已有 的知识结合这 习者 的社 会背 景 、心理及 生理 发展特 点 、学 习期望 、 个 具体的情境 加以考虑 ,如宴请 的对象是谁 、采用正



2022年12月第24卷第6期㊀㊀沈阳建筑大学学报(社会科学版)㊀㊀JournalofShenyangJianzhuUniversity(SocialScience)Dec.㊀2022Vol.24ꎬNo.6㊀㊀收稿日期:2022-07-16㊀㊀基金项目:2021年度辽宁省普通高等教育本科教学改革研究项目(20211207)ꎻ2021年度沈阳建筑大学课程改革立项课题(kcgg202112)ꎻ沈阳建筑大学第十一批教育科学研究立项课题(20211222)㊀㊀作者简介:吴明海(1979 )ꎬ男ꎬ辽宁营口人ꎬ副教授ꎮ文章编号:1673-1387(2022)06-0643-06doi:10.11717/j.issn.1673-1387.2022.06.17基于SPOC平台的大学英语视听说混合教学模式研究以沈阳建筑大学为例吴明海ꎬ陈㊀颖ꎬ梁甜甜(沈阳建筑大学外国语学院ꎬ辽宁沈阳110168)摘㊀要:针对大学英语学时缩减的现状ꎬ以 大学英语视听说 课程为例ꎬ通过2个学期16周的教学实验ꎬ为21级部分A班学生打造基于SPOC(SmallPrivateOnlineCourse)平台的线上线下混合教学模式ꎬ促使大学英语教学向课外拓展延伸ꎬ与课堂教学相得益彰㊁互为补充ꎮ融合优质慕课和线下课堂教学的举措ꎬ改变了传统单一的教学模式ꎬ更新了教学内容ꎬ激发了学生的学习兴趣ꎮ结果表明ꎬ该教学模式使学生获得更多的自主学习时间ꎬ满足了个性化需求ꎬ更有助于大学英语培养目标的实现ꎮ关键词:SPOCꎻ大学英语ꎻ混合式ꎻ教学模式中图分类号H319.1㊀㊀㊀文献标志码:A㊀㊀在中国金课扶植的大布景下ꎬ高校英语教学面临着史无前例的机遇和挑战ꎮ传统单一的讲授式输入型课堂教学模式亟需转变和调整ꎬ学生被动式接收整体学习效果欠佳ꎬ特别是当今时代依旧存在的哑巴英语现状必须要有大的突破ꎮ2019 2021年ꎬ教育部积极推进信息技术与教育教学的深度融合[1]ꎬ教学活动倡导学生为第一主体ꎬ授课教师积极发挥其引导作用ꎬ进而培养学生的多方面能力ꎬ其中包括自学能力和应用实践技能ꎮ有了飞速发展的互联网技术平台的支持ꎬ以及大批线上优质精品课的前期建设ꎬ这一切都加快了大学英语课程线上线下相结合的混合式教学模式的普及和应用ꎮ突如其来的疫情与线上直播多平台的迭次研发也给国内高校的大学英语教学改革提供了强大的外部推动力ꎮ而大学英语ꎬ尤其是视听说课势必开启线上线下混合式教学融合的新时代ꎮ一㊁SPOC线上线下混合式教学模式信息化大数据时代ꎬ仅由教师讲授的单一教学模式已经远远满足不了广大 00后 学生的需求ꎬ全网免费开放的慕课以及大规模的网络课程资源ꎬ在某种程度上改变了大学生获取知识的途径ꎬ然而免费的学习资源质量良莠不齐ꎬ如何甄选优质慕课并和传统教学有机结合ꎬ这就需要广大高校教师积极参与大学英语的教学改革ꎮ此外ꎬ大学英语面临学时缩减的问题ꎬ为保证在更短的时间内达到或接近于过去课时量等效的教学效644㊀㊀㊀㊀沈阳建筑大学学报(社会科学版)第24卷果ꎬ拓展课外教学势在必行ꎮ综合比较后ꎬ笔者选择了SPOC(SmallPrivateOnlineCourse)平台来实现上述要求ꎬ并以班级为单位进行大学英语视听说课程的教学改革尝试ꎮSPOC是2013年由加州大学伯克利分校MOOClab的课程主任阿曼多 福克斯率先提出的ꎬ把优质慕课资源与课堂面对面教学有机结合起来ꎬ借由翻转课堂教学ꎬ变革教学结构ꎬ最大程度地激发学生学习兴趣ꎬ调动学生学习积极性ꎬ进而提升教学质量ꎬ同时也为线上线下混合式教学模式的开展提供了辅助教学实施的平台支持[2]ꎮ二㊁基于SPOC平台的大学英语视听说线上线下混合式教学的应用实践1.教学改革的必要性大学英语视听说 属于公共必修课ꎬ面向非英语专业的大一㊁大二学生开设ꎬ主要锻炼学生的听说技能以满足学生就业所需ꎮ然而ꎬ该课程目前存在两大突出问题:①大部分教师沿用传统单一的教学方式ꎬ且使用的教材及教学内容严重滞后ꎬ很多视听说素材年代久远ꎬ时效性差[3]ꎻ②课时严重缩减ꎬ且选课班人数较多ꎬ单个班级人数平均在45~55人ꎮ在此情况下ꎬ授课教师能与每位学生进行有效沟通交流的机会少之又少ꎬ对每名学生的实际学习情况也就无法做到在第一时间真正掌握ꎮ因此ꎬ教师很难根据学生水平的差异有针对性地进行分级英语教学ꎬ这也就严重偏离了 教师要做教学引导者㊁学生成为教学主体 的目标定位[4]ꎮ基于SPOC平台的大学英语视听说线上线下混合式教学ꎬ在一定层面上消除了传统教学模式的上述弊端ꎬ并能够实现线上优质课程资源与线下课堂教学相融合的新型混合教学模式[5]ꎮ从长远来看ꎬ该教学模式既让广大教师真正发挥其在课程教学过程中的引导作用ꎬ又能够充分调动学生自主学习的积极性ꎬ从而提高学生的整体英语素质ꎮ更重要的是ꎬ此教学模式在满足不同层次水平的学生个性化需求方面颇具意义ꎮ2.线上线下混合式教学模式的具体应用流程本研究以沈阳建筑大学2021级大一新生作为研究对象ꎬ根据新生入学后的英语能力摸底分级测试成绩ꎬ选取3个选课班 A8㊁A9和A10班进行该教学模式研究ꎬ每学期教学实验持续8周ꎬ全部采取基于SPOC平台的线上线下混合式教学模式进行授课(面对面课堂教学+基于SPOC平台的在线自主学习ꎬ见表1)ꎮ表1㊀基于SPOC平台的线上线下混合式㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀教学模式师生角色分工线上SPOC平台线下课堂课后布置学习任务精讲精练U校园设定学习模式教师指导㊁监控学习集中答疑㊁设计课堂互动必修板块动态考核及反馈评价自主学习小组展示U校园移动端学生笔记整理㊁学员互动讨论小组交流讨论㊁成果展示PC端疑问记录巩固知识点㊁完成学习任务㊀㊀(1)SPOC平台建设及前期准备在整个教学模式的前期工作中ꎬ最重要的是搭建SPOC平台ꎬ笔者选用的是学堂在线的学堂云平台ꎬ该平台拥有大量优质慕课资源ꎬ同时能够把学生学习慕课资源的记录保存下来ꎬ方便教师随时统计查阅ꎮ该教学模式共分3个阶段:授课前在线上优质慕课自主学习㊁线下课堂知识消化吸收以及课后利用U校园平台巩固所学ꎮ学生课前需要在规定时间内完成教师在SPOC平台上布置的慕课学习任务ꎮ为此ꎬ教师前期花费了大量时间在众多慕课资源里进行筛选ꎬ最终确定选用的是学堂在线用课量极高的清华大学的2门课程: 生活英语听说 和 生活英语进阶 ꎮ经沟通授权后ꎬ课程包上传至沈阳建筑大学校内SPOC平台(网址:sjzu.yuketang.cn)ꎬ接下来教师将所有的课程视频及作业浏览一遍后ꎬ甄选出适合大一学生学习的部分作为必修板块ꎬ并分别用于2021年秋季学期和2022年春季学期教学ꎮ然后ꎬ通过SPOC平台于每次线下开课之前第6期吴明海等:基于SPOC平台的大学英语视听说混合教学模式研究645㊀分批定时下发给学生进行课前预习ꎬ同时制定考核方案和标准(视频单元考核50%+作业单元考核40%+考试单元考核10%)ꎬ作为期末平时成绩的考核内容之一ꎮ学生会在手机微信端(需绑定)接收到任务下发提醒[6]ꎬ然后按照授课教师平台公告要求ꎬ结合自身情况ꎬ完成指定内容的学习ꎮSPOC平台会第一时间更新所有学生在线学习的记录ꎬ包括完成的内容板块进度条㊁学习时长㊁所学视频完成度等ꎮ教师登陆SPOC平台ꎬ可以随时看到所有学生的在线学习数据和答题记录(见图1)ꎬ通过查阅分析ꎬ教师便可合理安排课堂答疑及对应的课堂教学内容ꎮ图1 SPOC平台A8班级学习数据㊀㊀(2)混合教学模式设计和实施有了前期线上SPOC平台学习的学习数据统计反馈ꎬ教师将对班级的学生实际水平有初步了解ꎬ并根据学生学习时长及答题正确率分析找出章节内容的重难点ꎬ选择学生数据反馈比较集中的章节内容在课堂进行重点教学与答疑ꎮ线下课堂ꎬ也是一改传统教学课堂的枯燥乏味ꎬ首先针对视听说课程增补内容组织学生完成问卷调查(见图2)ꎬ大致掌握下学生的兴趣点ꎮ然后参考调查结果自制视频教学课件㊁精选TED演讲等丰富多样的教学素材以满足学生的需求ꎬ这也将作为纸质教材教学内容的补充ꎮ原声视频剪辑取自经典的英文电影ꎬ并通过四步学习法的训练ꎬ帮助学生逐步实现甩掉字幕看电影ꎬ所有电影剪辑内容均和教材对应单元主题匹配ꎬ且内容由易至难ꎬ2个学期下来ꎬ四步学习法取得了良好的教学效果ꎮ第一步ꎬ要求学生以无字幕形式观看选取的电影片段ꎬ并第一时间利用辅助教学工具如弹幕㊁投票等统计学生听懂的比例并记录相应人数ꎻ第二步ꎬ配上纯英文字幕重复听该片段ꎬ这一步使用纯英文字幕的主要目的是提升学生的英语思维ꎬ通过此步骤可以发现学生存在的听力问题主要集中在词汇量㊁连读和弱读等方面ꎻ第三步ꎬ将视频逐句播放ꎬ每句播放2遍ꎬ且视频在原有纯英文字幕基础上添加了重难点词汇的注释ꎬ并由教师同步进行讲解ꎮ这一遍尤为关键ꎬ通过逐句重复播放教学彻底消除了学生听力上的盲区ꎬ教师的同步讲解也帮助学生扩大了词汇量ꎻ第四步ꎬ再播放一次无字幕视频ꎬ检验效果ꎮ统计数据显示:学生听懂的比例远远大于第一次无字幕时的人数比例ꎮ此外ꎬ课上选用的TED演讲视频也都配有教师精心制作的带词汇注释的双语字幕ꎬ选取的原则依旧是保证每期挑选的TED演讲视频内容和教材对应单元的主题一致ꎮ经由此轮课堂原声输入教学后ꎬ由教师组织学生进行小组展示(Presentation)ꎬ这里所运用的就是教学上常用的克拉申理论[7]ꎮ以听力作为输入ꎬ相对应的口语表达则是输出ꎬ学生可将在英文原声视频中学到的地道646㊀㊀㊀㊀沈阳建筑大学学报(社会科学版)第24卷图2 视听说课程补充内容问卷表达应用到小组展示中ꎮ同时ꎬ为了增加趣味性ꎬ教师可开展多种适合学生展示的教学活动ꎬ如举办英文配音秀ꎬ学生可为喜欢的电影片段进行配音ꎻ英国议会制(BritishParliamentaryꎬBP)英语辩论比赛ꎬ学生针对选定的辩论主题展开论辩ꎬ这些活动能充分拓展学生的英语逻辑思维并提升思辨能力ꎬ而逻辑框架的搭建流程可借鉴TED演讲中的精华及话题论据㊁支撑观点等ꎮ除此之外ꎬ学生还可以自制PPT做汇报展示ꎬ这也在一定程度上锻炼了学生的公共演讲(PublicSpeaking)能力ꎮ通过上述课堂环节设计ꎬ能有效解决英语教学中的两大常规性问题: 学生学什么㊁如何学 和 教师教什么㊁怎么教 [8]ꎮ首先ꎬ对于学生而言ꎬ通过课上师生及小组英文互动交流ꎬ表达自己在课前自学阶段的收获及困惑ꎬ进而更加明确课堂学习的重难点ꎻ其次ꎬ小组展示实现了学生知识互补ꎬ组内成员的协作与交流是知识内化巩固的有效途径ꎬ最终通过英语表述的呈现完成相应输出练习ꎮ而教师的任务则相对复杂ꎬ要在教学前期做大量功课ꎬ包括查看SPOC平台的学生学习记录ꎬ及时了解学生学习的疑难点和盲区ꎮ此外ꎬ教师还需花费大量时间精心制作教学视频课件ꎬ以及完成辅助教学的视频剪辑㊁字幕添加等工作ꎬ这一环节虽然耗时㊁繁琐但非常必要ꎬ可以有效解决纸质教材中部分素材过于陈旧的问题[9]ꎬ同时该部分教学视频也包含了教师通过多年教学摸索出学生愿意接受和认可的内容ꎬ以此最大程度地调动学生学习的积极性ꎮ课上ꎬ教师合理分配时间ꎬ用心设计课堂互动环节ꎬ并根据学生的水平和课上反馈在知识背景介绍㊁词汇重难点等方面给予及时有效的启发㊁引导和点拨ꎮ通过以上环节ꎬ消除学生易错的知识点ꎬ指导学生参与并完成课堂小组互动练习ꎬ并有针对性地进行集中辅导ꎮ综上ꎬ不仅能够培养学生发现问题㊁探讨问题和解决问题的能力ꎬ还能充分体现 以学生为中心 的教学理念ꎬ也就从根本上修正了传统课堂教学模式上的不足[10]ꎮ学生经由前期的课前有效自主学习ꎬ再结合课堂所学完成知识内化ꎬ最大程度减少了非必要的基础性知识讲解ꎬ也就在某种程度上ꎬ完成了教学目标向高阶能力培养的转变ꎬ进而满足了学生的个性化需求ꎬ让每个学生真正成为学习的主动参与者[11]ꎮ课后ꎬ学生利用U校园智慧教学云平台(以下简称U校园)完成课堂知识点的巩固练习ꎮU校园是外研社Unipus旗下的在线学习平台[12]ꎮ在学习设定方面ꎬ教师根据班级实际情况ꎬ将学生提交单元练习答案的正确率设定为60%及以上ꎬ每个单元里面选取ListeningꎬViewingꎬPronunciationꎬRole ̄playingꎬMorepracticeinlistening等内容板块ꎬ并增加课程思政板块如Worldstory和Chinatalkꎬ教师要求学生重点完成每个板块内容下的必修内容ꎬ比如Listening板块下的Gettheskillsꎬ这部分内容介绍了英语听力答题策略ꎬ同时督促学生完成发音练习ꎬ学生通过反复跟读能够极大地改善发音ꎮ(3)教学效果评价笔者对比了参加该模式的3个A班入学摸底测试的听力成绩和2021年秋季学期期末考试的听力成绩(2套试卷听力部分均为四级真题难度ꎬ见表2)ꎬ3个A班的听力成绩均呈正向增长且涨幅明显ꎮ一学期下来ꎬ其中涨幅最大的是入学摸底测试中听力成绩平均分值垫底的A10班ꎬ由9.93提升至17.04ꎮ由表2不难看出ꎬ3个A班整体平均分值从10.87提升至17.53ꎬ增长了61.27%ꎮ此外ꎬ笔者还对比了U校园平台的全校学生学习报告ꎬ采用SPOC线上线下混合式教学模式的3个选课班的学生各方面第6期吴明海等:基于SPOC平台的大学英语视听说混合教学模式研究647㊀成绩均遥遥领先ꎮ仅以口语表现数据为例ꎬ2022年春季学期3个班的口语表现分数分别为80.5㊁81.4和82.5ꎬ其中A9班成绩高居全校各班之首ꎬ超过了97%的班级(见图3)ꎬ分值也远超校内2021级2500名学生的平均分值ꎮ表2㊀使用混合式教学模式的3个A班听力测试前后数据听力测试A8班平均分值A9班平均分值A10班平均分值三班总平均分值入学模底测试(听力满分25分)12.1610.519.9310.872021年秋季期末考试(听力满分25分)18.4217.1417.0417.53图3 U校园平台A9班口语表现三㊁结㊀论综上所述ꎬ本研究在沈阳建筑大学2021级学生中首次试用基于SPOC平台的大学英语视听说线上线下混合式教学模式ꎬ通过2个学期的实验数据比对分析ꎬ取得了较为理想的成绩:第一ꎬ有效地摒弃了传统单一的教学模式ꎮ在以往教学模式下ꎬ部分学生学习大学英语的目标仅停留在通过大学英语四六级考试ꎬ而忽略了自身英语听说能力的提高ꎮ这导致多年来学生英语听说能力滞步不前ꎬ哑巴英语现象十分严重ꎬ与满足社会对英语复合型人才的需求不符ꎮ近几年ꎬ大学英语四六级口试也对学生的听说能力提出了更高的要求ꎬ而基于SPOC平台大学英语视听说线上线下混合式教学模式ꎬ教师不仅实现了教学内容上的更新和延展ꎬ更重要的是极大地激发了学生学习英语的兴趣ꎬ促使学生作为主要参与者融入到课前㊁课中和课后的学习中ꎬ这使学生有了主动参与学习的积极性ꎬ变得敢说㊁想说㊁能说ꎬ大幅提升了英语学习的效果ꎮ第二ꎬ满足了学生的个性化学习需求ꎬ真正做到了因材施教ꎮ学生的学习记录在平台上一览无余ꎬ教师通过后台大数据了解学生的学习情况后ꎬ可以对成绩相对较差或进度滞后的学生进行单独辅导和针对性训练ꎮ同时ꎬ教师结合定性和定量的研究ꎬ能够第一时间查看到平台云数据ꎬ并根据其数据反馈迅速调整接下来的课堂教学内容ꎬ并完成课上重难点的精讲精练ꎬ最大程度提升课堂有效知识点的传播效率ꎬ真正内化学生线上所学知识ꎬ做到知识的融会贯通ꎮ第三ꎬ弥补了现行教材内容更新慢的缺撼ꎮ高校目前选用的纸质教材ꎬ更新周期较长ꎬ往往同一套教材供多届学生使用ꎬ而英语教学ꎬ特别是大学英语视听说课程ꎬ不能也不应该将过时的英语表达教给学生ꎮ相比之下ꎬSPOC平台结合每年的网络热词㊁时事热点等对应英文表述所做的模块训练ꎬ更能激发学生对英语的学习热情ꎬ大量的原声输入之后必然会产生有效的输出ꎮ此外ꎬ不断更新的优质慕课资源加上教师精选㊁自制的视频教学素材ꎬ在某种程度上ꎬ能有效弥补纸质教材更新周期长的问题ꎮ当然ꎬ目前也存在一些亟需解决的问题ꎬ该教学模式一旦普及就需要教师在备课过程中投入大量的时间和精力ꎬ不仅要精选㊁自制教学视频ꎬ不断完善教学课件ꎬ还要做好包括视频的字幕注释添加等大量配套工作ꎬ而且要保持较高的素材更新频率ꎮ另外ꎬ在教学资源的选取上ꎬ也无法避免因教师的个人偏好或专业水准的不同导致内容选材的参差不齐ꎮ同时ꎬ线上慕课的学习内容筛选㊁学生自主学习的流程㊁教师对于学习任务完成的要求和课上教学互动环节的设计等ꎬ也在一定程度上对教师本人提出了更高的要求ꎬ因而在后续的实际教学中ꎬ该模式仍需打磨和进一步完善ꎮ参考文献:[1]㊀谢幼如ꎬ黄瑜玲ꎬ黎佳ꎬ等.融合创新ꎬ有效提648㊀㊀㊀㊀沈阳建筑大学学报(社会科学版)第24卷升 金课 建设质量[J].中国电化教育ꎬ2019(11):9-16.[2]㊀何欣忆ꎬ张小洪ꎬ罗仕建ꎬ等.基于SPOC的混合式翻转课堂模式探索[J].高等建筑教育ꎬ2019(3):137-143.[3]㊀冯其红ꎬ杨慧ꎬ马建山ꎬ等.基于 以学生为中心 理念的课程改革与实践[J].中国大学教学ꎬ2017(10):68-71.[4]㊀刘慧.基于云课堂的线上线下大学英语混合教学模式研究[J].黑龙江教师发展学院学报ꎬ2020(10):132-134.[5]㊀李艳凤ꎬ朱坤龙ꎬ于玲. 互联网+ 高等教育的教学模式研究:以沈阳建筑大学为例[J].沈阳建筑大学学报(社会科学版)ꎬ2021ꎬ23(5):519-524.[6]㊀杨程.高校教师在线教学能力提升:历程㊁困境及展望[J].高等工程教育研究ꎬ2021(3):152-157.[7]㊀王茜.克拉申可理解性输入理论在英语听力教学中的应用[J].海外英语ꎬ2017(10):61-63. [8]㊀徐艳丽.基于U校园的大学英语听力混合式教学优化设计与实施:以内蒙古科技大学为例[J].海外英语ꎬ2021(1):112-114. [9]㊀周凯ꎬ尹盼盼. 停课不停学 背景下以极简主义为视角的高校在线教学实施[J].科教导刊(中旬刊)ꎬ2020(23):26-27.[10]曹海艳ꎬ孙跃东ꎬ罗尧成ꎬ等. 以学生为中心 的高校混合式教学课程学习设计思考[J].高等工程教育研究ꎬ2021(1):187-192. [11]马惠琼.中国文化失语现象调研与大学英语教学改革:以云南民族大学为例[J].保山学院学报ꎬ2020(4):79-82.[12]李亮.移动互联网时代背景下职业英语教材的融合出版[J].安徽冶金科技职业学院学报ꎬ2018(1):65-68.ResearchontheApplicationofSPOCBlendedTeachingModein CollegeEnglishViewingꎬListening&Speaking :TakingShenyangJianzhuUniversityasanExampleWUMinghaiꎬCHENYingꎬLIANGTiantian(SchoolofForeignLanguagesꎬShenyangJianzhuUniversityꎬShenyangꎬ110168ꎬChina)Abstract:FacedwiththegradualreductionofCollegeEnglishcourseinuniversityꎬthisstudytakesthecourseof CollegeEnglishViewingꎬListening&Speaking asanexampleandprobesintotheonlineandofflineblendedteachingmodebasedonSPOCforpartofthetopfreshenꎬwhichlasts16weeksamongtwosemestersandmakesupforthereducedlessontimebyextendingtheteachingcontent.Theintegrationofhigh ̄qualityMOOCandofflineclasseshaschangedthetraditionalsingleteachingmodeꎬupdatedtheteachingcontentandstimulatedstudentsᶄinterestinlearning.TheresultsshowthatthisteachingmodecanmakestudentshavemoretimetostudyindependentlyandmeettheirindividuallearningneedsꎬwhichismorehelpfultotherealizationofcollegeEnglishtraining.Keywords:SPOCꎻcollegeEnglishꎻblendedꎻteachingmode(责任编辑:徐聿聪㊀英文审校:林㊀昊)。


了很 好 的 基 础 。 同 时通 过 网上 人 量 的 讨 论 和 答 疑 , 使 得 教 师 和 学 生 有 了 更 多 的 了 解 和 沟 通 , 更 加 有 利 于建 立 良好 和 谐 的 师 生 关 系 ,
总 之 ,B 平 台模 式 的 应 用 对 于 外 贸 函 电 B 教 学 具 有 开拓 性 的 意 义 。 正 如 何 克 抗 教 授 对
题 目具 有 很 强 的 挑 战 性 , 可 以 激 发 学 生 的 思
布 相 关 的 外 贸 业 务 知 识 , 可 以 根 据 学 生 的 实
关键 词:R 平 台;外 贸函电;教学 R 外贸 函电课程 的主要框 架是 与国际 贸易
操 作 的具 体 环 节 密 切 相 关 的 。在 该 课 程 学 生 要 学 习外 贸 英 语 应 用 文 写 作 ,熟 练 掌 握 在 外 贸业务 中外贸函 电的语言特 征和语 法结构 , 并 能 充 分 理 解 外 贸 函 电 的 文 体 特 点 和 篇 章 结 构 的不 同之处 。结合各种通 用 的书信格 式, 掌 握 对 外 贸 易 函 电往 来 的 语 言 规 范 ,专 业 术 语 及 附带 的 各 种 单 证 表 格 。 并 最 终 掌 握 拟 定 符 合 规 格 的 外 经 贸 英 语 函 电 和 草 拟 有 关 业 务
注 : 该论 文为 浙 江 省教 育 厅 科 研 项 目
在 好 像 又 得 从 头 开 始 学 。 加 上 外 贸 英 语 本 身 的 特 殊 性 ,学 生 没 有 实 际 经 验 , 以 至 在 课 堂 上 缺 乏 主 动 性 , 也 极 大 地 影 响 了 学 生 学 习 外 贸 英 语 的 热 情 , 从 而 成 为 学 生 学 习 的 巨 大 障 碍 。 因 此 只 有 解 决 了 上 述 问 题 , 学 生 才 有 可



基于Bb网络教学平台的大学英语在线考试改革与实践赵立霞;徐家伟;林少钧;李一【摘要】随着高校招生专业的增加,招生规模的持续扩大,每学期期终考试的工作量日益增加,特别是大学英语等公共必须课程,传统的纸质测试加大了教师的工作负担,暴露出越来越多的弊端.本文以深圳信息职业技术学院利用Bb平台进行大学英语期末考试改革的实践做探讨,介绍了Bb平台测试功能的使用现状,阐述了利用Bb 平台进行在线考试的改革与实践,分析了改革的成效,总结了考试过程中发现的问题及我们的解决策略.【期刊名称】《深圳信息职业技术学院学报》【年(卷),期】2017(015)004【总页数】5页(P52-56)【关键词】Bb平台;在线考试【作者】赵立霞;徐家伟;林少钧;李一【作者单位】深圳信息职业技术学院信息中心;深圳信息职业技术学院党委宣传部;深圳信息职业技术学院应用外语学院,广东深圳 518172;深圳信息职业技术学院应用外语学院,广东深圳 518172【正文语种】中文【中图分类】H3191 问题提出Blackboard网络教学平台(Blackboard Learning System,本文简称Bb平台),是美国Blackboard公司开发的以课程为中心集成网络“教”“学”环境,提供互动和交流的网络教学平台,是行业领先的软件应用。


















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名称Quiz B-2-1状态已完成分数得50 分,满分50 分说明问题 1 得 1 分,满分 1 分What happened to the woman in Atlantic City on a recent weekend 所选答案:B.She won a lot of coins at a slot machine.问题 2 得 1 分,满分 1 分Before having dinner with her husband, the woman wanted to _________所选答案: D. hide the coins in her room问题 3 得 1 分,满分 1 分The woman hesitated to enter the elevator because she __________ the two black men. 所选答案: A. was afraid to be robbed by问题 4 得 1 分,满分 1 分In panic, the woman took hit the floor to mean所选答案: D.lie down on the floor immediately问题 5 得 1 分,满分 1 分Holding in a belly laugh, one of the two black men explained to the woman that所选答案: C. he just told his friend to push the elevator button for their floor问题 6 得 1 分,满分 1 分What did the woman receive the next morning所选答案: C.a bunch of roses and a dozen one-hundred-dollar bills问题7 得 1 分,满分 1 分What was the woman ' s feeling about the two men later所选答案: B.They were perfectly respectable gentlemen.问题8 得 1 分,满分 1 分It can be inferred from the text that ___________ .所选答案: A. it is not easy for people to get rid of the racial stereotype against black people 问题9得 1 分,满分 1 分Tom had a vision of a society in which the members of different races could live together in harmony.所选答案: C. racial问题10 得 1 分,满分 1 分Jane seemed a little ___________ on her feet, and her friends were afraid she might not make it down the corridor.所选答案: A. unsteady问题11 得 1 分,满分 1 分The woman only made a real ___________ of herself by shouting at the waiter in the middle ofa crowded restaurant.所选答案: D. spectacle问题12 得 1 分,满分 1 分With great effort, Jim was able to ________ his anger and avoid a fight.所选答案: A. hold in问题13 得 1 分,满分 1 分When Washington created a $700-billion fund to keep the financial system from ______________ , which the Treasury Department named a bailout czar (救市沙皇).所选答案: B. collapsing问题14 得 1 分,满分 1 分Normally, Andrea would never _________ a hitchhiker (搭车人) when she was alone, thinking it was too dangerous.所选答案: D. pick up问题15 得 1 分,满分 1 分The lean showman smiled pleasantly as if he were about to _______ sugar cubes to a large group of joyful dogs around him.所选答案: C. deliver问题16 得 1 分,满分 1 分Don' t ask me, folol wing your __________ and do what you think is right.所选答案: D. instincts问题17 得 1 分,满分 1 分This computer-based trading dramatically accelerated market movements, and when that movement was sharply to the down side it caused a _________________ .所选答案: A. panic问题18 得 1 分,满分 1 分It is interesting that many introverts have no trouble (in) ______ online.所选答案: B. socializing问题19 得 1 分,满分 1 分I was _________ by passion for a film star I would never meet.所选答案: C. consumed问题20 得 1 分,满分 1 分In butter, _________ in the sea of fat, bacteria which make the food go bad cannot spread and rapidly run of nutrients (养料).所选答案: A. trapped问题21 得 1 分,满分 1 分MySpace (网站名) claims 170 million mainly English-language members. Most of them are active and almost every one has a blog (博客) _____ waiting to be used.所选答案: B. attached问题22 得 1 分,满分 1 分The government will not ________ to take measures against these terrorists.所选答案: D. hesitate问题23 得 1 分,满分 1 分The schoolpicnic is on Saturday, so were ___________ for a fine day.所选答案: C. praying问题24 得 1 分,满分 1 分The 1,400 pages of the Codex -- the world's oldest surviving Bible -- were _________ betweenSt Petersburg, Leipzig, London and Egypt, but each page has now been digitally photographed andcollected on the internet.所选答案: A. scattered问题25 得 1 分,满分 1 分“ And you really think I with anger. m stupid enough to believe that, do you John said, _______ 所选答案: B. flushed问题26 得 1 分,满分 1 分Hearing about those murders, the little boy felt his blood _________ with fear.所选答案: C. frozen问题27 得 1 分,满分 1 分While scanning through books, Susan was attracted by a true story, which gave a vivid descriptionof how a disabled girl became a ___________________ writer.所选答案: C. respectable问题28 得 1 分,满分 1 分The nation is about _________ a big lesson in African-American history. At least sevenmajor black museums, cultural centers and memorials have been recently opened or are beingdeveloped.所选答案: D.to get问题29 得 1 分,满分 1 分"Please call me Virginia." Virginia said for the tenth time. Mrs. Allen bowed _________ and continued to call her Miss Martin.所选答案: A. stiffly问题30 得 1 分,满分 1 分An audio-visual display gives visitors an idea of what life was like _________ a sailing ship.所选答案: C. aboard问题31 得10 分,满分10 分Coming to Dubai, the second [a] _______ city of the United Arab Emirates you will find nodearth (缺乏) of Hotels in Dubai in UAE. The Burj Al Arab Hotel is one of the best 5 Star Hotels in Dubai in UAE. [b] _____________ by Tom Wright this iconic building resembles the sail of an Arabian vessel 'dhow, which stands [c] ___________ on a man-made island some 280 meters offshore, linked to the mainland by a gently curving causeway. The hotel is a [d] ________ andicon on the Dubai skyline.The attractive and [e] __________ hotel is air conditioned and comprises a total of 202 suites spreading over 28 floors. Guests are welcomed in the spacious lobby with water features and huge fish tanks by a 24-hour reception desk and several lifts. Further [f] ________ here include many extravagant shops, a hairdresser, 5 cozy bars, and 6 restaurants, one of which is a seafood specialty restaurant, which can be [g] _______________ via the submarine simulator.Soaring 321 meters above the Arabian Gulf, the Burj Al Arab is a dramatic tribute to the regions seafaring heritage. Combining the latest technology with a long-standing [h] _______ of Arabian hospitality the hotel symbolizes the very essence of Dubai [i] ________________ the best of new alongside traditions of the past. The Burj Al Arab is setting new standards of [j] _______ .所选答案:Coming to Dubai, the second largest ___________ city of the United Arab Emirates you will find no dearth (缺乏) of Hotels in Dubai in UAE. The Burj Al Arab Hotel is one of the best 5 Star Hotels in Dubai in UAE. Designed _______________ by Tom Wright this iconic building resembles the sail of an Arabian vessel 'dhow, which stands proudly ___________ on a man-made island some 280 meters offshore, linked to the mainland by a gently curving causeway. The hotel is a landmark _____________ and icon on the Dubai skyline.The attractive and comfortable __________ hotel is air conditioned and comprises a total of 202suites spreading over 28 floors. Guests are welcomed in the spacious lobby with water featuresand huge fish tanks by a 24-hour reception desk and several lifts. Further facilities __________here include many extravagant shops, a hairdresser, 5 cozy bars, and 6 restaurants, one of which is aseafood specialty restaurant, which can be reached ___________ via the submarine simulator.Soaring 321 meters above the Arabian Gulf, the Burj Al Arab is a dramatic tribute to the regionsseafaring heritage. Combining the latest technology with a long-standing reputation_________of Arabian hospitality the hotel symbolizes the very essence of Dubai embracing ________ thebest of new alongside traditions of the past. The Burj Al Arab is setting new standards of luxury问题32 得 2 分,满分 2 分Question is based on the following passage.Culture shock can be described as the feeling of confusion and disorientation (迷惘) that oneexperiences when faced with a large number of new and unfamiliar people and situations. Manythings con tribute to it -smells, soun ds, flavors, the very feeli ng of the air one is breath ing. Ofs resp course, the natives ' unfamiliar language and behavior contribute to it too. People culture shock varygreatly, from excitement and energetic action to withdrawal, depression, physical illness, and hostility.A particular individual might react to culture shock one way one day and another the next.The notion of culture shock calls two useful points to mind. First, most people experience somedegree of culture shock when they go to a new country, whether they admit it to themselves andothers or not. Culture shock is more a product of the situation of being in a new culture than it is of thetraveler ' s personal character.Second, culture shock, like other kinds of , is norm“asllyhotrcakns”ito'ry. It passes withtime.Academic analysts of the culture shock idea point out that the experience of culture shock need notbe negative. While there may be some unhappiness and unpleasantness along with the confusionand disorientation, the confusion and disorientation are necessary steps in learning about a newculture. If everything in the new place is just like home, no learning will come from being there.Which of the following best summarizes the topic of the passage所选答案: A. The nature of culture shock and its causes.问题33 得 2 分,满分 2 分Which of the following statements regarding the causes of culture shock is TRUE所选答案: D. The language barrier is one of the major causes of culture shock.问题34 得 2 分,满分 2 分The word “ transitory ” (Para. 3) is closest in meaning to ________________ .所选答案: A. not lasting long问题35 得 2 分,满分 2 分We may conclude from the second paragraph that _____________ .所选答案: A.most people going to a foreign country for the first time experience culture shock问题36 得 2 分,满分 2 分According to academic analysts, ______________ .所选答案: C. we should be aware of the positive elements of culture shock已提交11-11-29 下午9:56名称Quiz B-2-2状态已完成分数得50 分,满分50 分说明问题 1 得 1 分,满分 1 分What was the boy ' s dream所选答案: C. Making a voyage around the world问题 2 得 1 分,满分 1 分How did his father react to his son ' s dream所选答案: B. He mocked at his son's dream.问题 3 得 1 分,满分 1 分What does “ the down payment ” mean in paragraph 5所选答案: C. Part of the total cost to be paid at the time of buying a sailboat问题 4 得 1 分,满分 1 分How did the young man feel when he bought a sailboat所选答案: D.He was delighted to own his own sailboat.问题 5 得 1 分,满分 1 分What happened to the boat when the young man went to the harbor intending to take it out on the water所选答案: D.TheThe boat would be taken away by the federal officers.问题 6 得 1 分,满分 1 分What was the last straw for the young man所选答案: A.HeHe had to pay the past docking fees owed by the previous owner.问题7 得 1 分,满分 1 分What was the possible reason for the young man to change the boat ' s name 所选答案: B. The young man held a grudge for the previous owner.问题8 得 1 分,满分 1 分In what senses is the word “ harbor ” used in the text所选答案: B. To have in mind问题9 得 1 分,满分 1 分He lost all the money invested in the real estate during the global economic downturn; therefore smuggled goods ______ expecting a turnaround from his great lost.所选答案: B. in desperation问题10 得 1 分,满分 1 分The two parties needed to keep on working together under the principles of facing ____________ building mutual trust, laying aside disputes and creating a win-win situation.所选答案: A.reality问题11 得 1 分,满分 1 分The main scary thing about speaking in public is that you think people will ______ youif you say something wrong.所选答案: D.make fun of问题12 得 1 分,满分 1 分The boy brought up in a slum experienceda lot of difficulties. It seemed that the world thumb __________ h im ___ throughout his life.所选答案: C. pressed…down问题13 得 1 分,满分 1 分After a slow start, eBooks are starting to take off. But should we _____ the technology所选答案: A. embrace问题14 得 1 分,满分 1 分They are going to _____ the car market in China in few years by launching a series of promotion campaigns.所选答案: D.take possession of问题15 得 1 分,满分 1 分We hope the world to be a just place where people _______ others and treat each otherwith equality and respect.所选答案: C. show concern for问题16 得 1 分,满分 1 分Plans to develop shops, houses and public spaces at Leale's Yard in Guernsey are ______to the public .所选答案: C. displayed问题17 得 1 分,满分 1 分A BBC journalist and broadcaster in BBC Northern Ireland, talked to people about their for the future of Northern Ireland.所选答案: B. vision问题18 得 1 分,满分 1 分Drugs with an estimated street value(毒品等街头黑市价)of more than £ 150,000 have been in a police crackdown in Moray.所选答案: A. seized问题19 得 1 分,满分 1 分TThe parents hoped the son would ________ and fulfill their dreams to become a successful economist.所选答案: A. follow in their footsteps问题20 得 1 分,满分 1 分WTO members should act against protectionism by adhering to WTO rules. China anyhow will continue to ______ the WTO, and sincerely hope the US side does the same.所选答案: C. show faith in问题21 得 1 分,满分 1 分The robbers were cornered and desperately fled into a resident house on Denman Street, which was later ______ and then searched by police officers.所选答案: D. surrounded问题22 得 1 分,满分 1 分Several hundred people were arrested after ________ on Sunday turned violent.所选答案: D. protests问题23 得 1 分,满分 1 分A record of the survey must be retained ___________ and remedial action must be taken as appropriate.所选答案: C. on site问题24 得 1 分,满分 1 分The following day we ________ into the city to take a look at the Zimbabwean capital in the daylight.所选答案: B. headed out问题25 得 1 分,满分 1 分The _____ government believes that police and officials in that remote districthave long been in the pay of the drug gangs.所选答案: A. federal问题26 得 1 分,满分 1 分the dream of sailing around the world, the little boy never stopped Although he wasfollowing his heart ' s desire.所选答案: C. scoffed at问题27 得 1 分,满分 1 分It is simply the last _____ for a region of south Wales that has seen a steady decline ofits manufacturing industry over the last three decades.所选答案: C. straw问题28 得 1 分,满分 1 分As to whether it is a blessing or a ______ , however, people take different attitudes.所选答案: A. curse问题29 得 1 分,满分 1 分On a summer morning, the 65-year-old man _________ to the sea and began his sailing roundthe world. This is the story of that adventure.所选答案: A. sailed out问题30 得 1 分,满分 1 分Rescuers have been ________ trying to reach the six miners who have been trapped since acave-in on August sixth.所选答案: D. frantically问题31 得10 分,满分10 分It ' s easier than you think to ride NJ Transit atrins. Buy your ticket or [a] ___ at Ticket Office orTicket Vending Machines. You may determine your train [b] ___ by checking the departure boardor TV monitors. For your [c] ____ , you should stand behind the yellow line while waiting foryour train to arrive. Please wait until the train has come to a completestop before attempting to [d] or get off.There is a space between the train and the platform. If you need assistance, please ask a train [e] member for help. Riding a bus is another co nvenient option. Its best to arrive at your bus stop at least five minutes before your bus is [f] _________ . When you board,deposit the [g] _____ bus fare. Many local buses require [h] ______ change in coins or $1 bills.When the bus approaches your stop, [i] ___ the bus driver by pressing the signal tape above andbetween the side windows. Gather your personal items and wait for the bus to stop [j] ___________before getting off.所选答案:It ' s easier than you think to ride NJ Transit trains. Buy your ticket or pass _____ atTicket Office or Ticket Vending Machines. You may determine your train track ______________ bychecking the departure board or TV monitors. For your safety _____ , you should stand behindthe yellow line while waiting for your train to arrive. Please wait until the train has come to a completestop before attempting to board _______________________ or get off. There is a space between the train andthe platform. If you need assistance, please ask a train crew _______ member for help. Riding abus is another convenient optio n. It ' s best to arrive at your bus stop at least five minutes before your bus is due ________________ . When you board, deposit the required ________ bus fare. Many localbuses require exact ____ change in coins or $1 bills. When the bus approaches your stop, alert____ the bus driver by pressing the signal tape above and between the side windows. Gather your personal items and wait for the bus to stop completely _____________ before getting off.问题32 得 2 分,满分 2 分How men first learned to invent words is unknown; in other words, the origin of language is a mystery. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express thoughts and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed upon certain signs, called letters, which could be written down. Those sounds, whether spoken or written in letters, we call words.The power of words, the n, lies in their associati ons —the things they bring up before our min ds.Words become filled with meaning for us by experience; and the longer we live, the more certain words recall to us the glad and sad events of our past; and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words that mean something to us increases.Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to our minds and emotions. This charming and effective use of words is what we call literary style. Above all, the real poet is a master of words. He can convey his meaning in words which sing like music, and which by their position and association can move men to tears. We should, therefore, learn to choose our words carefully and use them accurately, or they will make our speech silly and vulgar (粗俗).The origin of language is ____________ .所选答案: B. a matter that is hidden or secret问题33 得 2 分,满分 2 分One of the reasons why men invented certain sounds to express thoughts and actions was that _________________________ .所选答案: C. they could communicate with each other问题34 得 2 分,满分 2 分The real power of words exists in their ______________ .D. representative function所选答案:问题35 得 2 分,满分 2 分Which of the following statements about great writers is NOT TRUE所选答案: C. They are charming and good at story-telling.问题36 得 2 分,满分 2 分The best title for this passage could be ____________所选答案: B. The Power of Words已提交11-11-29 下午10:11名称Quiz B-2-3状态已完成分数得50 分,满分50 分说明问题 1 得 1 分,满分 1 分The author said Edward was a taker because __________ .所选答案: D. he always used up something in the bathroom问题 2 得 1 分,满分 1 分Why was it quite disappointing to see Charlie walk into the bathroom所选答案: C.Charlie often made a mess with his shaving cream in the bathroom.问题 3 得 1 分,满分 1 分The author thought that Edward was a monopolizer because __________所选答案: C.he would spend a long time in the bathroom with his roommates waiting outside to use theand begging bathroom问题 4 得 1 分,满分 1 分In the year when they shared a rented house they felt __________ .所选答案: B.unhappy and dissatisfied问题 5 得 1 分,满分 1 分The author says that many people or corporations like Edward are now _______ .所选答案: D. taking more than their fair share of our planet ' s resourcesNow many people or corporations like Charlie _________ .所选答案: A. pollute the world with toxic wastes and chemicals问题7 得 1 分,满分 1 分What is unfair according to the author所选答案: B. Those takers, monopolizers, and polluters are imposing costs on us and we have to endure hardships while they benefit.问题8 得 1 分,满分 1 分What is the solution to the unfair situation in the author ' s opinion所选答案: C.Those takers, monopolizers, and polluters who take more than their fair share of our natural resources should compensate the rest of us.问题9 得 1 分,满分 1 分Every year on April 22, Earth Day is celebrated all over the world. It's a time to work toward protecting our earth. People plan projects to --- _______________________ the land, air and water.所选答案: C. clean up问题10 得 1 分,满分 1 分Parents are likely to _______ their own values and outlook towards life _________ their children, which may result in disagreement between parents and kids.所选答案: A. impose…on问题11 得 1 分,满分 1 分Finally, Mary Parker came to realize that nothing can _________ for the loss of one's health.所选答案: B. compensate问题12 得 1 分,满分 1 分China will launch a massive survey of its underwater relics in an effort to better conserve the country's cultural ____________________ .所选答案: D.heritageThe government has successfully coped with the economic _________ and has won its people ' s trust as a result.所选答案: A. crisis问题14 得 1 分,满分 1 分Gmail is a new kind of webmail, built on the idea that email can be more intuitive, _________ ,useful and even fun.所选答案: C. efficient问题15 得 1 分,满分 1 分Thailand's agriculture minister says his country will never ________ rice exports. He says that Thailand has enough supplies to meet demand at home and for export.所选答案: A. restrict问题16 得 1 分,满分 1 分Among these I would list string and brown paper, kept by ________ people when a parcelhas been opened, to save buying these two requisites next time.所选答案: C. thrifty问题17 得 1 分,满分 1 分There's enormous compassion, love, ________ , and even tenderness in this movie.所选答案: B. humanity问题18 得 1 分,满分 1 分Be quiet! I can't ________ the noise a moment longer. You guys know that I have a test to take tomorrow morning.所选答案: A. endure问题19 得 1 分,满分 1 分Raising kids will make people turn to be more responsible and ________ and help people to understand life better.所选答案: B. matureI want to tell you our company is going to merge(合并) with a big New York ________ -they'll announce it sometime next week.所选答案: D.corporation问题21 得 1 分,满分 1 分This country has long experience with large-scale disasters —from coal mine explosions to chemical spills to floods that _______________________ thousands of people.所选答案: A. displace问题22 得 1 分,满分 1 分I __________ you to read that material, as well as Charlie's letter to the shareholders,describing the various businesses of that company.所选答案: C. urge问题23 得 1 分,满分 1 分Mrs. Bagot always tries to keep every inch of her house clean and ___________________ , but unfortunately her daughter often makes the house a terrible mess.所选答案: D. neat问题24 得 1 分,满分 1 分Some people think that natural resources will never be ________ , but that is not the case.所选答案: B. used up问题25 得 1 分,满分 1 分The Dutch wanted to _________ the profitable spice trade from the East and they tried all means to do that.所选答案: C. monopolize问题26 得 1 分,满分 1 分If everything goes smoothly, this new system will be ________ in a couple of years.所选答案: A. brought into use问题27 得 1 分,满分 1 分The spokesman said that it would be __________ to make a comment about this event at this time.所选答案: D. premature问题28 得 1 分,满分 1 分Those explorers have found that this is a continent exceptionally rich in _________ resources.所选答案: C. mineral问题29 得 1 分,满分 1 分Hugo is about to __________ a big party for all his friends but unfortunately he forgot to collect enough fruit for the dinner.所选答案: B. arrange问题30 得 1 分,满分 1 分On the issue of industrial pollution, the environmental activists __________ with the government not to soft-pedal (采取低调态度).所选答案: D. plead得10 分,满分10 分问题31Rent:The rent is USD 550 per month.1.2. The rent is [a] _____ monthly in one lump sum, before the tenth day of each month. If Party B has not paid the rent by the tenth day, a [b] _____________ of 0.5% of the rent will be charged per day. If the rent has not been paid within 30 days, Party A has the [c] ________ right to eject Party B from the leased property, [d] ________ to clause 5.2 of this Agreement.3. The rent can ' t be [e] _________________ during the term of this Tenancy Agreement.Deposit:1. On [f] _________ this Tenancy Agreement, Party B must pay to Party A two months'rental as a deposit, [g] ________ USD 1100. On completion of the tenancy period, if Party Bdoesn't wish to extend the lease and has paid all charges, Party A must return the [h] _______ infull to Party B within 7 working days (excluding interest).2. If Party B [i] _________ the Tenancy Agreement before the date of expiry, Party A is not[j] ________ to return the said deposit.所选答案:Rent:1. The rent is USD 550 per month.2. The rent is payable _______________ monthly in one lump sum, before the tenth day of eachmonth. If Party B has not paid the rent by the tenth day, a penalty ___________ of 0.5% of the rentwill be charged per day. If the rent has not been paid within 30 days, Party A has the automatic________ right to eject Party B from the leased property, according __________ to clause 5.2 of this Agreement.3. The rent can ' tinbcereased ________ during the term of this Tenancy Agreement.Deposit:1. On signing _______________ this Tenancy Agreement, Party B must pay to Party A twomonths' rental as a deposit, totaling _________ USD 1100. On completion of the tenancy period,if Party B doesn't wish to extend the lease and has paid all charges, Party A must return the deposit in full to Party B within 7 working days (excluding interest).2. If Party B stops _______________ the Tenancy Agreement before the date of expiry, Party Ais not required _________ to return the said deposit.问题32 得 2 分,满分 2 分Sabine Island, near Greenland, was first discovered and mapped by the British geographer Sir Edward Sabine in 1823, but an 1869 map showed that it was actually a quarter of a mile farther west than its discoverer had indicated. This difference set Alfred Wegener, a young geologist, inthinking. He thought the error too great to be reasoned out easily. Wegener himself took measurements and found that since 1869 the island had moved an additional five eighths of a mile. After checking the positions of other arctic land masses, he concluded that all of them were drifting westward at different speeds. From such date, Wegener developed his floating continents theory. He pictured in mind an original supercontinent that hardened out of molten material maki ng up the n ewbor n earth; even tually the mass cracked and broke in to several pieces —the present continents. The continents do seem to fit together like pieces of a puzzle, andfurthermore, some of the mountain ranges of different continents line up rather well, as if the land masses were at one time linked. As convincing as Wegener 's argument appeared, many geologists refused to accept it, and there was heated argument. Exactly how the continents were formed is still a leading geophysical mystery, though today many geophysicists are returning to the continental drift theory.The 1869 map indicated that _____________ .所选答案: A. Sabine Island was farther west than its discoverer had indicated问题33 得 2 分,满分 2 分In Paragraph 2, the word “drifting ” could best be replaced by ________________ .所选答案: A. moving slowly问题34 得 2 分,满分 2 分Wegener's theory held that _______________ .所选答案: B.the continents of the earth were drifting问题35 得 2 分,满分 2 分It is implied but not stated in the passage that _____________ .所选答案: D. the continental drift theory may become more widely accepted问题36 得 2 分,满分 2 分The passage tells us about _____________ .所选答案: C. the origin of the continental drift theory已提交11-12-12 上午11:34 名称Quiz B-2-4。







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中国计量学院旅游英语bb平台 考试翻译

中国计量学院旅游英语bb平台 考试翻译

Bb平台正确翻译(少translation 5)1.中国幅员辽阔,有着众多少数民族。



1. China has a vast territory and a large number of ethnic groups. Thanks to the great differences in the climate, geographical environment, and historical and cultural development of different regions, various styles of cuisine have been formed, each having its own distinct characteristics. The cooking techniques and different styles of cuisine reflect the quintessence of unique Chinese cooking techniques, and represent the level of Chinese culinary.2.在中国,任何一个宴席,不管是什么目的,都只会有一种形式,就是大家团团围坐,共享一席。


2.Chinese and Western diet methods are quite different; such differences also have an impact on the national character. In China, a banquet, no matter what purpose, has only one form, that is, everyone sitting around one table. Banquets use round tables, which has created an atmosphere of unity, civility and sharing of fun.3.迪斯尼世界还有如迪斯尼研究所和新迪斯尼游轮等度假选择。

















ZUCC-BB平台-Quiz-B-第2册所有答案名称Quiz B-2-1状态已完成分数得50 分,满分50 分说明问题1 得1 分,满分1 分What happened to the woman in Atlantic City on a recent weekend?所选答案: B.She won a lot of coins at a slot machine.问题2 得1 分,满分1 分Before having dinner with her husband, the woman wanted to __________.所选答案: D. hide the coins in her room问题3 得1 分,满分1 分The woman hesitated to enter the elevatorbecause she ___________ the two black men.所选答案: A. was afraid to be robbed by问题4 得1 分,满分1 分In panic, the woman took “hit the floor” to mean “______________”.所选答案: D.lie down on the floor immediately问题5 得1 分,满分1 分Holding in a belly laugh, one of the two black men explained to the woman that __________.所选答案: C. he just told his friend to push the elevator button for their floor问题6 得1 分,满分1 分What did the woman receive the next morning?所选答案: C.a bunch of roses and a dozen one-hundred-dollar bills问题7 得1 分,满分1 分What was the woman’s feeling about the two men later?所选答案: B.They were perfectly respectable gentlemen.问题8 得1 分,满分1 分It can be inferred from the text that ____________.所选答案: A. it is not easy for people to get rid of the racial stereotype against black people问题9 得1 分,满分1 分Tom had a vision of a society in which the members of different races could live together in __________ harmony.所选答案: C. racial问题10 得1 分,满分1 分Jane seemed a little ____________ on her feet, and her friends were afraid she might not make it down the corridor.所选答案: A. unsteady问题11 得1 分,满分1 分The woman only made a real ____________ of herself by shouting at the waiter in the middle ofa crowded restaurant.所选答案: D. spectacle问题12 得1 分,满分1 分With great effort, Jim was able to __________ his anger and avoid a fight.所选答案: A. hold in问题13 得1 分,满分1 分When Washington created a $700-billion fund to keep the financial system from __________, which the Treasury Department named a bailout czar (救市沙皇).所选答案: B. collapsing问题14 得1 分,满分1 分Normally, Andrea would never __________ a hitchhiker (搭车人) when she was alone, thinking it was too dangerous.所选答案: D. pick up问题15 得1 分,满分1 分The lean showman smiled pleasantly as if he were about to _________ sugar cubes to a large group of joyful dogs around him.所选答案: C. deliver问题16 得1 分,满分1 分Don’t ask me, foll owing your ____________ and do what you think is right.所选答案: D. instincts问题17 得1 分,满分1 分This computer-based trading dramatically accelerated market movements, and when that movement was sharply to the down side it caused a __________.所选答案: A. panic问题18 得1 分,满分1 分It is interesting that many introverts have no trouble (in) __________ online.所选答案: B. socializing问题19 得1 分,满分1 分I was __________ by passion for a film star I would never meet.所选答案: C. consumed问题20 得1 分,满分1 分In butter, __________ in the sea of fat, bacteria which make the food go bad cannot spread and rapidly run of nutrients (养料).所选答案: A. trapped问题21 得1 分,满分1 分MySpace (网站名) claims 170 million mainly English-language members. Most of them are active and almost every one has a blog (博客) _________ waiting to be used.所选答案: B. attached问题22 得1 分,满分1 分The government will not __________ to take measures against these terrorists.所选答案: D. hesitate问题23 得1 分,满分1 分The school picnic is on Saturday, so we’re ____________ for a fine day.所选答案: C. praying问题24 得1 分,满分1 分The 1,400 pages of the Codex -- the world's oldest surviving Bible -- were __________ between St Petersburg, Leipzig, London and Egypt, but each page has now been digitally photographed and collected on the internet.所选答案: A. scattered问题25 得1 分,满分1 分“And you really think I’m stupid enough to believe that, do you?” John said, _________ with anger.所选答案: B. flushed问题26 得1 分,满分1 分Hearing about those murders, the little boy felt his blood __________ with fear.所选答案: C. frozen问题27 得1 分,满分1 分While scanning through books, Susan was attracted by a true story, which gave a vivid description of how a disabled girl became a ___________ writer.所选答案: C. respectable问题28 得1 分,满分1 分The nation is about __________ a big lesson in African-American history. At least seven major black museums, cultural centers and memorials have been recently opened or are being developed.所选答案: D.to get问题29 得1 分,满分1 分"Please call me Virginia." Virginia said for the tenth time. Mrs. Allen bowed __________ and continued to call her Miss Martin.所选答案: A. stiffly问题30 得1 分,满分1 分An audio-visual display gives visitors an idea of what life was like __________ a sailing ship.所选答案: C. aboard问题31 得10 分,满分10 分Coming to Dubai, the second [a]_________ city of the United Arab Emirates you will find no dearth (缺乏) of Hotels in Dubai in UAE. The Burj Al Arab Hotel is one of the best 5 Star Hotels in Dubai in UAE. [b] _________ by Tom Wright this iconic building resembles the sail of an Arabian vessel 'dhow, which stands[c]_________ on a man-made island some 280 meters offshore, linked to the mainland by a gently curving causeway. The hotel is a [d] _________ and icon on the Dubai skyline.The attractive and [e]_________ hotel is air conditioned and comprises a total of 202 suites spreading over 28 floors. Guests are welcomed in the spacious lobby with water features and huge fish tanks by a 24-hour reception desk and several lifts. Further [f]_________ here include many extravagant shops, a hairdresser, 5 cozy bars, and 6 restaurants, one of which is a seafood specialty restaurant, which can be [g]_________ via the submarine simulator.Soaring 321 meters above the Arabian Gulf, the Burj Al Arab is a dramatic tribute to the regions seafaring heritage. Combining the latest technology with a long-standing [h]_________ of Arabian hospitality the hotel symbolizes the very essence of Dubai [i] _________ the best ofnew alongside traditions of the past. The Burj Al Arab is setting new standards of [j] _________.所选答案:Coming to Dubai, the second largest_________ city of the United Arab Emirates you will find no dearth (缺乏) of Hotels in Dubai in UAE. The Burj Al Arab Hotel is one of the best 5 Star Hotels in Dubai in UAE. Designed _________ by Tom Wright this iconic building resembles the sail of an Arabian vessel 'dhow, which stands proudly_________ on a man-made island some 280 meters offshore, linked to the mainland by a gently curving causeway. The hotel is a landmark _________ and icon on the Dubai skyline.The attractive and comfortable_________ hotel is air conditioned and comprises a total of 202 suites spreading over 28 floors. Guests are welcomed in the spacious lobby with water features and huge fish tanks by a 24-hourreception desk and several lifts. Further facilities_________ here include many extravagant shops, a hairdresser, 5 cozy bars, and 6 restaurants, one of which is a seafood specialty restaurant, which can be reached_________ via the submarine simulator.Soaring 321 meters above the Arabian Gulf, the Burj Al Arab is a dramatic tribute to the regions seafaring heritage. Combining the latest technology with a long-standing reputation_________ of Arabian hospitality the hotel symbolizes the very essence of Dubai embracing _________ the best of new alongside traditions of the past. The Burj Al Arab is setting new standards of luxury _________.问题32 得2 分,满分2 分Question is based on the following passage.Culture shock can be described as the feeling of confusion and disorientation (迷惘) that one experiences when faced with a large number of new and unfamiliar people and situations. Many things contribute to it – smells, sounds, flavors, the very feeling of the air one is breathing. Of course, the natives’ unfamiliar language and behavior contribute to it too. People’s responses to culture shock vary greatly, from excitement and energetic action to withdrawal, depression, physical illness, and hostility. A particular individual might react to culture shock one way one day and another the next.The notion of culture shock calls two useful points to mind. First, most people experience some degree of culture shock when they go to a new country, whether they admit it to themselves and others or not. Culture shock is more a product of the situation of being in a new culture than it is of the traveler’s personalcharacter.Second, culture shock, like other kinds of “shock”’, is normally transitory. It passes with time.Academic analysts of the culture shock idea point out that the experience of culture shock need not be negative. While there may be some unhappiness and unpleasantness along with the confusion and disorientation, the confusion and disorientation are necessary steps in learning about a new culture. If everything in the new place is just like home, no learning will come from being there.Which of the following best summarizes the topic of the passage?所选答案: A. The nature of culture shock and its causes.问题33 得2 分,满分2 分Which of the following statements regarding the causes of culture shock is TRUE?所选答案: D. The language barrier is one of the major causes of culture shock.问题34 得2 分,满分2 分The word “transitory” (Para. 3) i s closest in meaning to ______________.所选答案: A. not lasting long问题35 得2 分,满分2 分We may conclude from the second paragraph that ______________.所选答案: A.most people going to a foreign country for the first time experience culture shock问题36 得2 分,满分2 分According to academic analysts, _______________.所选答案: C. we should be aware of the positive elements of culture shock已提交11-11-29 下午9:56名称Quiz B-2-2状态已完成分数得50 分,满分50 分说明问题1 得1 分,满分1 分What was the boy’s dream?所选答案: C. Making a voyage around the world问题2 得1 分,满分1 分How did his father react to his son’s dream?所选答案: B. He mocked at his son’s dream.问题3 得1 分,满分1 分Wh at does “the down payment” mean in paragraph 5?所选答案: C. Part of the total cost to be paid at the time of buying a sailboat问题4 得1 分,满分1 分How did the young man feel when he bought a sailboat?所选答案: D.He was delighted to own his own sailboat.问题5 得1 分,满分1 分What happened to the boat when the young man went to the harbor intending to take it out on the water?所选答案: D.TheThe boat would be taken away by the federal officers.问题6 得1 分,满分1 分What was the last straw for the young man?所选答案: A.HeHe had to pay the past docking fees owed by the previous owner.问题7 得1 分,满分1 分What was the possible reason for the young man to change the boat’s name?所选答案: B. The young man held a grudge for the previous owner.问题8 得1 分,满分1 分In what senses is the word “harbor” used in thetext?所选答案: B. To have in mind问题9 得1 分,满分1 分He lost all the money invested in the real estate during the global economic downturn; therefore smuggled goods_______ expecting a turnaround from his great lost.所选答案: B. in desperation问题10 得1 分,满分1 分The two parties needed to keep on working together under the principles of facing_______, building mutual trust, laying aside disputes and creating a win-win situation.所选答案: A.reality问题11 得1 分,满分1 分The main scary thing about speaking in public is that you think people will _______ you if you say something wrong.所选答案: D.make fun of问题12 得1 分,满分1 分The boy brought up in a slum experienceda lot of difficulties. It seemed that the world’s thumb _____him ____ throughout his life.所选答案: C. pressed… down问题13 得1 分,满分1 分After a slow start, eBooks are starting to take off. But should we_______ the technology?所选答案: A. embrace问题14 得1 分,满分1 分They are going to _______the car market in China in few years by launching a series of promotion campaigns.所选答案: D.take possession of问题15 得1 分,满分1 分We hope the world to be a just place where people ________ others and treat each other with equality and respect.所选答案: C. show concern for问题16 得1 分,满分1 分Plans to develop shops, houses and public spaces at Leale's Yard in Guernsey are _______ to the public .所选答案: C. displayed问题17 得1 分,满分1 分A BBC journalist and broadcaster in BBC Northern Ireland, talked to people about their_____ for the future of Northern Ireland.所选答案: B. vision问题18 得1 分,满分1 分Drugs with an estimated street value(毒品等街头黑市价) of more than £150,000 have been ______ in a police crackdown in Moray.所选答案: A. seized问题19 得1 分,满分1 分TThe parents hoped the son would_______ and fulfill their dreams to become a successful economist.所选答案: A. follow in their footsteps问题20 得1 分,满分1 分WTO members should act against protectionism by adhering to WTO rules. China anyhow will continue to _______ the WTO, and sincerely hope the US side does the same.所选答案: C. show faith in问题21 得1 分,满分1 分The robbers were cornered and desperately fled into a resident house on Denman Street, which was later _______ andthen searched by police officers.所选答案: D. surrounded问题22 得1 分,满分1 分Several hundred people were arrested after _________ on Sunday turned violent.所选答案: D. protests问题23 得1 分,满分1 分A record of the survey must be retained ________ and remedial action must be taken as appropriate.所选答案: C. on site问题24 得1 分,满分1 分The following day we_______ into the city to take a look at the Zimbabwean capital in the daylight.所选答案: B. headed out问题25 得1 分,满分1 分The ______ government believes that police and officials in that remote districthave long been in the pay of the drug gangs.所选答案: A. federal问题26 得1 分,满分1 分Although he was ______ the dream of sailing around the world, the little boy never stopped following his heart’s desire.所选答案: C. scoffed at问题27 得1 分,满分1 分It is simply the last ______ for a region of south Wales that has seen a steady decline of its manufacturing industry over the last three decades.所选答案: C. straw问题28 得1 分,满分1 分As to whether it is a blessing or a_______, however, people take different attitudes.所选答案: A. curse问题29 得1 分,满分1 分On a summer morning, the 65-year-old man __________ to the sea and began his sailing round the world. This is the story of thatadventure.所选答案: A. sailed out问题30 得1 分,满分1 分Rescuers have been __________ trying to reach the six miners who have been trapped since a cave-in on August sixth.所选答案: D. frantically问题31 得10 分,满分10 分It’s easier than you think to ride NJ Transit trains. Buy your ticket or [a] ____ at Ticket Office or Ticket Vending Machines. You may determine your train [b] ____ by checking the departure board or TV monitors. For your [c] _____, you should stand behind the yellow line while waiting for your train to arrive. Please wait until the train has come to a completestopbefore attempting to [d] _____ or get off. There is a space between the train and the platform. If you need assistance, please ask a train [e] _____ member for help. Riding a bus is another convenient option. It’s best to arrive at your bus stop at least five minutes before your bus is [f] _____. When you board, deposit the [g] _____ bus fare. Many local buses require [h] ____ change in coins or $1 bills. When the bus approaches your stop, [i] _____the bus driver by pressing the signal tape above and between the side windows. Gather your personal items and wait for the bus to stop [j] _____ before getting off.所选答案:It’s easier than you think to ride NJ Transit trains. Buy your ticket or pass ____ at Ticket Office or Ticket Vending Machines. You may determine your train track ____ by checking the departure board or TV monitors. For your safety _____, you should stand behind the yellow line while waiting for yourtrain to arrive. Please wait until the train has come to a completestop before attempting to board _____ or get off. There is a space between the train and the platform. If you need assistance, please ask a train crew _____ member for help. Riding a bus is another convenient option. It’s best to arrive at your bus stop at least five minutes before your bus is due _____. When you board, deposit the required _____ bus fare. Many local buses require exact ____ change in coins or $1 bills. When the bus approaches your stop, alert _____the bus driver by pressing the signal tape above and between the side windows. Gather your personal items and wait for the bus to stop completely _____ before getting off.问题32 得2 分,满分2 分How men first learned to invent words is unknown; in other words, the origin of languageis a mystery. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express thoughts and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed upon certain signs, called letters, which could be written down. Those sounds, whether spoken or written in letters, we call words.The power of words, then, lies in their associations –the things they bring up before our minds. Words become filled with meaning for us by experience; and the longer we live, the more certain words recall to us the glad and sad events of our past; and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words that mean something to us increases.Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to our minds and emotions. This charming and effective use of words is what we call literary style. Above all, the real poet is a master of words. He canconvey his meaning in words which sing like music, and which by their position and association can move men to tears. We should, therefore, learn to choose our words carefully and use them accurately, or they will make our speech silly and vulgar (粗俗).The origin of language is _____________.所选答案: B. a matter that is hidden or secret问题33 得2 分,满分2 分One of the reasons why men invented certain sounds to express thoughts and actions was that _____________.所选答案: C. they could communicate with each other问题34 得2 分,满分2 分The real power of words exists in their ________________.所选答案: D. representative function问题35 得2 分,满分2 分Which of the following statements about great writers is NOT TRUE?所选答案: C. They are charming and good at story-telling.问题36 得2 分,满分2 分The best title for this passage could be _____________.所选答案: B. The Power of Words已提交11-11-29 下午10:11名称Quiz B-2-3状态已完成分数得50 分,满分50 分说明问题1 得1 分,满分1 分The author said Edward was a taker because ___________.所选答案: D. he always used up something in the bathroom问题2 得1 分,满分1 分Why was it quite disappointing to see Charlie walk into the bathroom?所选答案: C.Charlie often made a mess with his shaving cream in the bathroom.问题3 得1 分,满分1 分The author thought that Edward was a monopolizer because ___________.所选答案: C.he would spend a long time in the bathroom with his roommates waiting and begging outside to use the bathroom问题4 得1 分,满分1 分In the year when they shared a rented house they felt ____________.所选答案: B.unhappy and dissatisfied问题5 得1 分,满分1 分The author says that many people or corporations like Edward are now ________.所选答案: D. taking more than their fair share of our planet’s resources问题6 得1 分,满分1 分Now many people or corporations like Charlie __________.所选答案: A. pollute the world with toxic wastes and chemicals问题7 得1 分,满分1 分What is unfair according to the author?所选答案: B. Those takers, monopolizers, and polluters are imposing costs on us and we have to endure hardships while they benefit.问题8 得1 分,满分1 分What is the solution to the unfair situation in the author’s opinio n?所选答案: C.Those takers, monopolizers, and polluters who take more than their fair share of our natural resources should compensate the rest of us.问题9 得1 分,满分1 分Every year on April 22, Earth Day iscelebrated all over the world. It's a time to work toward protecting our earth. People plan projects to ---__________ the land, air and water.所选答案: C. clean up问题10 得1 分,满分1 分Parents are likely to ______ their own values and outlook towards life ______ their children, which may result in disagreement between parents and kids.所选答案: A. impose…on问题11 得1 分,满分1 分Finally, Mary Parker came to realize that nothing can __________ for the loss of one's health.所选答案: B. compensate问题12 得1 分,满分1 分China will launch a massive survey of its underwater relics in an effort to better conserve the country's cultural __________.所选答案: D.heritage问题13 得1 分,满分1 分The government has successfully coped with the economic __________ and has won its people’s trust as a result.所选答案: A. crisis问题14 得1 分,满分1 分Gmail is a new kind of webmail, built on the idea that email can be more intuitive, __________, useful and even fun.所选答案: C. efficient问题15 得1 分,满分1 分Thailand's agriculture minister says his country will never __________ rice exports. He says that Thailand has enough supplies to meet demand at home and for export.所选答案: A. restrict问题16 得1 分,满分1 分Among these I would list string and brown paper, kept by __________ people when a parcel has been opened, to save buying these two requisites next time.所选答案: C. thrifty问题17 得1 分,满分1 分There's enormous compassion, love, __________, and even tenderness in this movie.所选答案: B. humanity问题18 得1 分,满分1 分Be quiet! I can't __________ the noise a moment longer. You guys know that I have a test to take tomorrow morning.所选答案: A. endure问题19 得1 分,满分1 分Raising kids will make people turn to be more responsible and __________ and help people to understand life better.所选答案: B. mature问题20 得1 分,满分1 分I want to tell you our company is going to merge(合并) with a big New York __________ -- they'll announce it sometime next week.所选答案: D.corporation问题21 得1 分,满分1 分This country has long experience with large-scale disasters —from coal mine explosions to chemical spills to floods that __________ thousands of people.所选答案: A. displace问题22 得1 分,满分1 分I __________ you to read that material, as well as Charlie's letter to the shareholders, describing the various businesses of that company.所选答案: C. urge问题23 得1 分,满分1 分Mrs. Bagot always tries to keep every inch of her house clean and __________, but unfortunately her daughter often makes the house a terrible mess.所选答案: D. neat问题24 得1 分,满分1 分Some people think that natural resources will never be __________, but that is not the case.所选答案: B. used up问题25 得1 分,满分1 分The Dutch wanted to __________ the profitable spice trade from the East and they tried all means to do that.所选答案: C. monopolize问题26 得1 分,满分1 分If everything goes smoothly, this new system will be __________ in a couple of years.所选答案: A. brought into use问题27 得1 分,满分1 分The spokesman said that it would be __________ to make a comment about this event at this time.所选答案: D. premature问题28 得1 分,满分1 分Those explorers have found that this is a continent exceptionally rich in __________ resources.所选答案: C. mineral问题29 得1 分,满分1 分Hugo is about to __________ a big party for all his friends but unfortunately he forgot to collect enough fruit for the dinner.所选答案: B. arrange问题30 得1 分,满分1 分On the issue of industrial pollution, the environmental activists __________ with the government not to soft-pedal (采取低调态度).所选答案: D. plead问题31 得10 分,满分10 分Rent:1. The rent is USD 550 per month.2. The rent is [a] _________ monthly in one lump sum, before the tenth day of each month. If Party B has not paid the rent by the tenth day, a [b] _________ of 0.5% of the rent will be charged per day. If the rent has not been paid within 30 days, Party A has the [c] _________ right to eject Party B from the leased property, [d] _________ to clause 5.2 of this Agreement.3. The rent can’t be [e] _________ during the term of this Tenancy Agreement.。



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【ZUCC BB平台大学英语2 Quiz B-2-1答案】问得 1 分,满分 1 分题1What happened to the woman in Atlantic City on a recent weekend所选答案: B.She won a lot of coins at a slot machine.问得 1 分,满分 1 分题2Before having dinner with her husband, the woman wanted to __________.所选答案: D. hide the coins in her room问得 1 分,满分 1 分题3The woman hesitated to enter the elevator because she ___________ the two black men.所选答案: A. was afraid to be robbed by问得 1 分,满分 1 分题4In panic, the woman took “hit the floor” to mean “______________”.所选答案: D.lie down on the floor immediately问得 1 分,满分 1 分题5Holding in a belly laugh, one of the two black men explained to the woman that __________.所选答案: C. he just told his friend to push the elevator button for their floor问得 1 分,满分 1 分题6What did the woman receive the next morning所选答案: C.a bunch of roses and a dozen one-hundred-dollar bills问题7得 1 分,满分 1 分What was the woman’s feeling about the two men later所选答案: B.They were perfectly respectable gentlemen.问题8得 1 分,满分 1 分It can be inferred from the text that ____________.所选答案:A. it is not easy for people to get rid of the racial stereotype against black people问题9得 1 分,满分 1 分Tom had a vision of a society in which the members of different races could live together in __________ harmony.所选答案: C. racial问题10得 1 分,满分 1 分Jane seemed a little ____________ on her feet, and her friends were afraid she might not make it down the corridor.所选答案: A. unsteady问题11得 1 分,满分 1 分The woman only made a real ____________ of herself by shouting at the waiter in the middle ofa crowded restaurant.所选答案: D. spectacle问得 1 分,满分 1 分题12With great effort, Jim was able to __________his anger and avoid a fight.所选答案: A. hold in问得 1 分,满分 1 分题13When Washington created a $700-billion fund to keep the financial system from __________, which the Treasury Department named a bailout czar (救市沙皇).所选答案: B. collapsing问得 1 分,满分 1 分题14Normally, Andrea would never __________ a hitchhiker (搭车人) when she was alone, thinking it was too dangerous.所选答案: D. pick up问得 1 分,满分 1 分题15The lean showman smiled pleasantly as if he were about to _________ sugar cubes to a large group of joyful dogs around him.所选答案: C. deliver问得 1 分,满分 1 分题16Don’t ask me, following your ____________ and do what you think is right.所选答案: D. instincts问得 1 分,满分 1 分题17This computer-based trading dramatically accelerated market movements, and when thatmovement was sharply to the down side it caused a __________.问得 1 分,满分 1 分题18It is interesting that many introverts have no trouble (in) __________ online.所选答案: B. socializing问得 1 分,满分 1 分题19I was __________ by passion for a film star I would never meet.所选答案: C. consumed问得 1 分,满分 1 分题20In butter, __________ in the sea of fat, bacteria which make the food go bad cannot spread and rapidly run of nutrients (养料).所选答案: A. trapped问得 1 分,满分 1 分题21MySpace (网站名) claims 170 million mainly English-language members. Most of them are active and almost every one has a blog (博客) _________ waiting to be used.所选答案: B. attached问得 1 分,满分 1 分题22The government will not __________ to take measures against these terrorists.所选答案: D. hesitate问得 1 分,满分 1 分题23The school picnic is on Saturday, so we’re ____________ for a fine day.问得 1 分,满分 1 分题24The 1,400 pages of the Codex -- the world's oldest surviving Bible -- were__________ between St Petersburg, Leipzig, London and Egypt, but each page has now been digitally photographed and collected on the internet.所选答案: A. scattered问得 1 分,满分 1 分题25“And you really think I’m stupid enough to believe that, do you” John said, _________ with anger.所选答案: B. flushed问得 1 分,满分 1 分题26Hearing about those murders, the little boy felt his blood __________ with fear.所选答案: C. frozen问得 1 分,满分 1 分题27While scanning through books, Susan was attracted by a true story, which gave a vividdescription of how a disabled girl became a ___________ writer.所选答案: C. respectable问得 1 分,满分 1 分题28The nation is about __________ a big lesson in African-American history. At least seven major black museums, cultural centers and memorials have been recently opened or are beingdeveloped.所选答案: D.to get问题29得 1 分,满分 1 分"Please call me Virginia." Virginia said for the tenth time. Mrs. Allen bowed __________ and continued to call her Miss Martin.所选答案: A. stiffly问题30得 1 分,满分 1 分An audio-visual display gives visitors an idea of what life was like __________ a sailing ship.所选答案: C. aboard问题31得10 分,满分10 分Coming to Dubai, the second [a]_________ city of the United Arab Emirates you will find no dearth (缺乏) of Hotels in Dubai in UAE. The Burj Al Arab Hotel is one of the best 5 Star Hotels in Dubai in UAE.[b] _________ by Tom Wright this iconic building resembles the sail of an Arabian vessel 'dhow, which stands [c]_________ on a man-made island some 280 metersoffshore, linked to the mainland by a gently curving causeway. The hotel is a [d] _________ and icon on the Dubai skyline.The attractive and [e]_________ hotel is air conditioned and comprises a total of 202 suites spreading over 28 floors. Guests are welcomed in the spacious lobby with water features and huge fish tanks by a 24-hour reception desk and several lifts. Further [f]_________ here include many extravagant shops, a hairdresser, 5 cozy bars, and 6 restaurants, one of which is a seafood specialty restaurant, which can be [g]_________ via the submarine simulator.Soaring 321 meters above the Arabian Gulf, the Burj Al Arab is a dramatic tribute to the regions seafaring heritage. Combining the latest technology with a long-standing [h]_________ ofArabian hospitality the hotel symbolizes the very essence of Dubai [i] _________ the best of new alongside traditions of the past. The Burj Al Arab is setting new standards of [j] _________.所选答案:Coming to Dubai, the second largest_________ city of the United Arab Emirates you will find no dearth (缺乏) of Hotels in Dubai in UAE. The Burj Al Arab Hotel is one of the best 5 Star Hotels in Dubai in UAE.Designed _________ by Tom Wright this iconic building resembles the sail of an Arabian vessel 'dhow, which stands proudly_________ on a man-made island some 280 meters offshore, linked to the mainland by a gently curving causeway. The hotel is a landmark _________ and icon on the Dubai skyline.The attractive and comfortable_________ hotel is air conditioned and comprises a total of 202 suites spreading over 28 floors. Guests are welcomed in the spaciouslobby with water features and huge fish tanks by a 24-hour reception desk and severallifts. Further facilities_________ here include many extravagant shops, ahairdresser, 5 cozy bars, and 6 restaurants, one of which is a seafood specialtyrestaurant, which can be reached_________ via the submarine simulator.Soaring 321 meters above the Arabian Gulf, the Burj Al Arab is a dramatic tribute tothe regions seafaring heritage. Combining the latest technology with a long-standingreputation_________ of Arabian hospitality the hotel symbolizes the very essenceof Dubai embracing _________ the best of new alongside traditions of the past.The Burj Al Arab is setting new standards of luxury _________.问得 2 分,满分 2 分题32Questionis based on the following passage.Culture shock can be described as the feeling of confusion and disorientation (迷惘) that one experiences when faced with a large number of new and unfamiliar people and situations. Many things contribute to it – smells, sounds, flavors, the very feeling of the air one is breathing. Of course, the natives’ unfamiliar language and behavior contribute to it too. People’s responses to culture shock vary greatly, from excitement and energetic action to withdrawal, depression, physical illness, and hostility. A particular individual might react to culture shock one way one day and another the next.The notion of culture shock calls two useful points to mind. First, most people experience some degree of culture shock when they go to a new country, whether they admit it to themselves and others or not. Culture shock is more a product of the situation of being in a new culture than it is of the traveler’s personal character.Second, culture shock, like other kinds of “shock”’, is normally transitory. It passes with time.Academic analysts of the culture shock idea point out that the experience of culture shock need not be negative. While there may be some unhappiness and unpleasantness along with the confusion and disorientation, the confusion and disorientation are necessary steps in learning about a new culture. If everything in the new place is just like home, no learning will come from being there.Which of the following best summarizes the topic of the passage所选答案: A. The nature of culture shock and its causes.问得 2 分,满分 2 分题33Which of the following statements regarding the causes of culture shock is TRUE所选答案: D. The language barrier is one of the major causes of culture shock.得 2 分,满分 2 分问题34The word “transitory” (Para. 3) is closest in meaning to ______________.所选答案: A. not lasting long问题35得 2 分,满分 2 分We may conclude from the second paragraph that ______________.所选答案:D.most people going to a foreign country for the first time experience culture shock问题36得 2 分,满分 2 分According to academic analysts, _______________.所选答案: C. we should be aware of the positive elements of culture shockQuiz B-2-2问得1 分,满分1 分题1What was the boy’s dream所选答案: C. Making a voyage around the world问得1 分,满分1 分题2How did his father react to his son’s dream所选答案: B. He mocked at his son’s dream.问得1 分,满分1 分题3What does “the down payment” mean in paragraph 5所选答案: C. Part of the total cost to be paid at the time of buying a sailboat问得1 分,满分1 分题4How did the young man feel when he bought a sailboat所选答案: D.He was delighted to own his own sailboat.问得1 分,满分1 分题5What happened to the boat when the young man went to the harbor intending to take it out on the water所选答案: D.TheThe boat would be taken away by the federal officers.问得1 分,满分1 分题6What was the last straw for the young man所选答案: A.HeHe had to pay the past docking fees owed by the previous owner.问得1 分,满分1 分题7What was the possible reason for the young man to change the boat’s name所选答案: B. The young man held a grudge for the previous owner.问得1 分,满分1 分题8In what senses is the word “harbor” used in the text所选答案: B. To have in mind问得1 分,满分1 分题9He lost all the money invested in the real estate during the global economic downturn; therefore smuggled goods_______ expecting a turnaround from his great lost.所选答案:B. in desperation问得1 分,满分1 分题10The two parties needed to keep on working together under the principles of facing_______, building mutual trust, laying aside disputes and creating a win-win situation.所选答案:A.reality问得1 分,满分1 分题11The main scary thing about speaking in public is that you think people will _______ you if you say something wrong.所选答案:D.make fun of问得1 分,满分1 分题12The boy brought up in a slum experienceda lot of difficulties. It seemed that the world’s thumb _____him ____ throughout his life.所选答案:C. pressed… down问题得1 分,满分1 分13After a slow start, eBooks are starting to take off. But should we_______ the technology所选答案:A. embrace问题得1 分,满分1 分14They are going to _______the car market in China in few years by launching a series of promotion campaigns.所选答案:D.take possession of问得1 分,满分1 分题15We hope the world to be a just place where people ________ others and treat each other with equality and respect.所选答案:C. show concern for问得1 分,满分1 分题16Plans to develop shops, houses and public spaces at Leale's Yard in Guernsey are _______ to the public .所选答案:C. displayed问得1 分,满分1 分题17A BBC journalist and broadcaster in BBC Northern Ireland, talked to people about their_____ forthe future of Northern Ireland.所选答案:B. vision问得1 分,满分1 分题18Drugs with an estimated street value(毒品等街头黑市价) of more than £150,000 have been______ in a police crackdown in Moray.所选答案:A. seized问题得1 分,满分1 分19TThe parents hoped the son would_______ and fulfill their dreams to become a successfuleconomist.所选答案:A. follow in their footsteps问得1 分,满分1 分题20WTO members should act against protectionism by adhering to WTO rules. China anyhow will continue to _______ the WTO, and sincerely hope the US side does the same.所选答案:C. show faith in问得1 分,满分1 分题21The robbers were cornered and desperately fled into a resident house on Denman Street, which was later _______ and then searched by police officers.所选答案:D. surrounded问题得1 分,满分1 分22Several hundred people were arrested after _________ on Sunday turned violent.所选答案:D. protests问得1 分,满分1 分题23A record of the survey must be retained ________ and remedial action must be taken asappropriate.所选答案:C. on site问得1 分,满分1 分题24The following day we_______ into the city to take a look at the Zimbabwean capital in the daylight.所选答案:B. headed out问得1 分,满分1 分题25The ______ government believes that police and officials in that remote districthave long been in the pay of the drug gangs.所选答案:A. federal问得1 分,满分1 分题26Although he was ______ the dream of sailing around the world, the little boy never stoppedfollowing his heart’s desire.所选答案:C. scoffed at问题得1 分,满分1 分27It is simply the last ______ for a region of south Wales that has seen a steady decline of itsmanufacturing industry over the last three decades.所选答案:C. straw问得1 分,满分1 分题28As to whether it is a blessing or a_______, however, people take different attitudes.所选答案:A. curse问得1 分,满分1 分题29On a summer morning, the65-year-old man __________ to the sea and began his sailing round the world. This is the story of that adventure.所选答案:A. sailed out问题30得1 分,满分1 分Rescuers have been __________ trying to reach the six miners who have been trapped since a cave-in on August sixth.所选答案:D. frantically问题31得10 分,满分10 分It’s easier than you think to ride NJ Transit trains. Buy your ticket or [a] ____ at Ticket Office or Ticket Vending Machines. You may determine your train [b] ____ by checking the departure board or TV monitors. For your [c] _____, you should stand behind the yellow line while waiting for your train to arrive. Please wait until the train has come to a completestop before attempting to [d] _____ or get off. There is a space between the train and the platform. If you need assistance, please ask a train [e]_____ member for help. Riding a bus is another convenient option. It’s best to arrive at your bus stop at least five minutes before your bus is [f] _____. When you board, deposit the [g] _____ bus fare. Many local buses require [h] ____ change in coins or $1 bills. When the bus approaches your stop, [i] _____the bus driver by pressing the signal tape above and between the side windows. Gather your personal items and wait for the bus to stop [j] _____ before getting off.所选答案:It’s easier than you think to ride NJ Transit trains. Buy your ticket or pass ____ at Ticket Office or Ticket Vending Machines. You may determine your train track ____ by checking the departure board or TV monitors. For your safety _____, you should stand behind the yellow line while waiting for your train to arrive. Please wait until the train has come to a completestop before attempting to board _____ or get off. There is a space between the train and the platform. If you need assistance, please ask a train crew_____ member for help. Riding a bus is another convenient option. It’s best to arrive at your bus stop at least five minutes before your bus is due _____. When you board, deposit the required _____ bus fare. Many local buses require exact ____ change in coins or $1 bills. When the bus approaches your stop, alert _____the bus driver by pressing the signal tape above and between the side windows. Gather your personal items and wait for the bus to stop completely _____ before getting off.问题32得2 分,满分2 分How men first learned to invent words is unknown; in other words, the origin of language is a mystery. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds toexpress thoughts and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other;and that later they agreed upon certain signs, called letters, which could be written down. Those sounds, whether spoken or written in letters, we call words.The power of words, then, lies in their associations – the things they bring up before our minds.Words become filled with meaning for us by experience; and the longer we live, the more certain words recall to us the glad and sad events of our past; and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words that mean something to us increases.Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to our minds and emotions. This charming and effective use of words is what we call literary style. Above all, the real poet is a master of words. He can convey his meaning in words which sing like music, and which by their position and association can move men to tears.We should, therefore, learn to choose our words carefully and use them accurately, or they will make our speech silly and vulgar (粗俗).The origin of language is _____________.所选答案: B. a matter that is hidden or secret问题得2 分,满分2 分33One of the reasons why men invented certain sounds to express thoughts and actions was that _____________.所选答案: C. they could communicate with each other问得2 分,满分2 分题34The real power of words exists in their ________________.所选答案:D. representative function问得2 分,满分2 分题35Which of the following statements about great writers is NOT TRUE所选答案:C. They are charming and good at story-telling.问得2 分,满分2 分题36The best title for this passage could be _____________.所选答案:B. The Power of Words名称Quiz B-2-3状态已完成分数得50 分,满分50 分问题1得 1 分,满分 1 分The author said Edward was a taker because ___________.所选答案:D. he always used up something in the bathroom问题2得 1 分,满分 1 分Why was it quite disappointing to see Charlie walk into the bathroom所选答案:C.Charlie often made a mess with his shaving cream in the bathroom. 问题3得 1 分,满分 1 分The author thought that Edward was a monopolizer because ___________.所选答案:C.he would spend a long time in the bathroom with his roommates waiting and begging outside to use the bathroom问题4得 1 分,满分 1 分In the year when they shared a rented house they felt ____________.所选答案:B.unhappy and dissatisfied问题5得 1 分,满分 1 分The author says that many people or corporations like Edward are now ________.所选答案:D. taking more than their fair share of our planet’s resources问题6得 1 分,满分 1 分Now many people or corporations like Charlie __________.所选答案:A. pollute the world with toxic wastes and chemicals问题7得 1 分,满分 1 分What is unfair according to the author所选答案:B. Those takers, monopolizers, and polluters are imposing costs on us and we have to endure hardships while they benefit.问题8得 1 分,满分 1 分What is the solution to the unfair situation in the author’s opinion所选答案:C.Those takers, monopolizers, and polluters who take more than their fair share of our natural resources should compensate the rest of us.问题9得 1 分,满分 1 分Every year on April 22, Earth Day is celebrated all over the world. It's a time to work toward protecting our earth. People plan projects to __________ the land, air and water.所选答案:C. clean up问题10得 1 分,满分 1 分Parents are likely to ______ their own values and outlook towards life ______ their children, whichmay result in disagreement between parents and kids.所选答案:A. impose…on问得 1 分,满分 1 分题11Finally, Mary Parker came to realize that nothing can __________ for the loss of one's health.所选答案:B. compensate问题得 1 分,满分 1 分12China will launch a massive survey of its underwater relics in an effort to better conserve the country's cultural __________.所选答案:D.heritage问得 1 分,满分 1 分题13The government has successfully coped with the economic __________ and has won its people’s trust as a result.所选答案:A. crisis问题得0 分,满分 1 分14Gmail is a new kind of webmail, built on the idea that email can be more intuitive, __________, useful and even fun.所选答案:C. efficient问得 1 分,满分 1 分题15Thailand's agriculture minister says his country will never __________ rice exports. He says that Thailand has enough supplies to meet demand at home and for export.所选答案:A. restrict得 1 分,满分 1 分问题16Among these I would list string and brown paper, kept by __________ people when a parcel has been opened, to save buying these two requisites next time.所选答案:C. thrifty问得 1 分,满分 1 分题17There's enormous compassion, love, __________, and even tenderness in this movie.所选答案:B. humanity问得 1 分,满分 1 分题18Be quiet! I can't __________ the noise a moment longer. You guys know that I have a test to take tomorrow morning.所选答案:A. endure问题得 1 分,满分 1 分19Raising kids will make people turn to be more responsible and __________ and help people tounderstand life better.所选答案:B. mature问得 1 分,满分 1 分题20I want to tell you our company is going to merge(合并) with a big New York __________ -- they'llannounce it sometime next week.所选答案:D.corporation问题得 1 分,满分 1 分21This country has long experience with large-scale disasters — from coal mine explosions to chemicalspills to floods that __________ thousands of people.所选答案:A. displace问得 1 分,满分 1 分题22I __________ you to read that material, as well as Charlie's letter to the shareholders, describing thevarious businesses of that company.所选答案:C. urge问得 1 分,满分 1 分题23Mrs. Bagot always tries to keep every inch of her house clean and __________, but unfortunately her daughter often makes the house a terrible mess.所选答案:D. neat问得 1 分,满分 1 分题24Some people think that natural resources will never be __________, but that is not the case.所选答案:B. used up问题得 1 分,满分 1 分25The Dutch wanted to __________ the profitable spice trade from the East and they tried all means to do that.所选答案:C. monopolize问得 1 分,满分 1 分题26If everything goes smoothly, this new system will be __________ in a couple of years.所选答案:A. brought into use问得 1 分,满分 1 分题27The spokesman said that it would be __________ to make a comment about this event at this time.所选答案:D. premature问得 1 分,满分 1 分题28Those explorers have found that this is a continent exceptionally rich in __________ resources.所选答案:C. mineral问得 1 分,满分 1 分题29Hugo is about to __________ a big party for all his friends but unfortunately he forgot to collect enough fruit for the dinner.所选答案:B. arrange问得 1 分,满分 1 分题30On the issue of industrial pollution, the environmental activists __________ with the government not to soft-pedal (采取低调态度).所选答案:D. plead问得 3 分,满分10 分题31Rent:1. The rent is USD 550 per month.2. The rent is [a] _________ monthly in one lump sum, before the tenth day of each month. If Party Bhas not paid the rent by the tenth day, a [b] _________ of % of the rent will be charged per day. If the rent has not been paid within 30 days, Party A has the [c] _________ right to eject Party B from the leased property, [d] _________ to clause of this Agreement.3. The rent can’t be [e] _________ during the term of this Tenancy Agreement.Deposit:1. On [f] _________ this Tenancy Agreement, Party B must pay to Party A two months' rental as adeposit, [g] _________ USD 1100. On completion of the tenancy period, if Party B doesn't wish to extend the lease and has paid all charges, Party A must return the [h] _________ in full to Party Bwithin 7 working days (excluding interest).2. If Party B [i] _________ the Tenancy Agreement before the date of expiry, Party A is not [j] _________ to return the said deposit.所选答案:Rent:1. The rent is USD 550 per month.2. The rent is payable _________ monthly in one lump sum, before the tenth day of each month. If Party B has not paid the rent by the tenth day, a penalty _________ of % of the rent will be charged per day. If the rent has not been paid within 30 days, Party A has the automatic _________ right to eject Party B from the leased property, according _________ to clause of this Agreement.3. The rent can’t be increased _________ during the term of this Tenancy Agreement.Deposit:1. On signing _________ this Tenancy Agreement, Party B must pay to Party A two months' rental as a deposit, totaling _________ USD 1100. On completion of the tenancy period, if Party B doesn't wish to extend the lease and has paid all charges, Party A must return the deposit_________ in full to Party B within 7 working days (excluding interest).2. If Party B stops _________ the Tenancy Agreement before the date of expiry, Party A is not required _________ to return the said deposit.问题32得 2 分,满分 2 分Sabine Island, near Greenland, was first discovered and mapped by the British geographer Sir Edward Sabine in 1823, but an 1869 map showed that it was actually a quarter of a mile farther west than its discoverer had indicated. This difference set Alfred Wegener, a young geologist, in thinking. He thought the error too great to be reasoned out easily. Wegener himself took measurements and found that since 1869 the island had moved an additional five eighths of a mile. After checking the positions of other arctic land masses, he concluded that all of them were drifting westward at different speeds. From such date, Wegener developed his floating continents theory. He pictured in mind an original supercontinent that hardened out of molten material making up the newborn earth; eventually the mass cracked and broke into several pieces – the present continents. The continents do seem to fit together like pieces ofa puzzle, and furthermore, some of the mountain ranges of different continents line up rather well, as ifthe land masses were at one time linked. As convincing as Wegener’s argument appeared, many geologists refused to accept it, and there was heated argument. Exactly how the continents were formed is still a leading geophysical mystery, though today many geophysicists are returning to the continental drift theory.The 1869 map indicated that ______________.。
