


转动 惯量
Moment of
inertial J
通风 Ventilation
Volume m3/s
风压 Pressure
七 技术数据 A 类
Z710-320 适用于冷却方式 IC17 IC37 ICW37A86
Technical Data
Applied to the cooling types of IC17 IC37 ICW37A86
2 电机的冷却空气中应不含有酸 碱等使电机的绝缘和换向性能有损坏的气体 3 电机如使用于船舶和湿热带地区以及工作环境中有盐雾 潮湿等 应另行协议 4 电机的额定功率是指在海拔不超过 1000 米 环境空气温度不超过 40 的条件下 5 电机的供电电源采用静止整流电源 也可采用直流发电机电源
三 型号说明
超过 15 秒(但需与制造厂协商) 5 电流变化率
在所有转速及负载下 电机的电流变化率(di/dt)允许达 200 倍额定电流/每秒 6 噪声振动
本电机的 噪声测定方法及限值 符合 GBl0069.3 国家标准 本电机的 振动测定方法及限值 符合 GBl0068.2 国家标准
六 容量选择





1.1本系列电动机的型号含义Z X X X— X X 电机类别代号,用字母A、B分别表示第一、二类电机。




1.2 本系列电动机的绝缘等级为F级。



2吊运和储存2.1 吊运过程中应避免剧烈的震动和冲击,沿垂直方向吊运时,应保持机身(箱体)水平;沿水平方向移动时,机身(箱体)不得在歪斜情况下拖动。

2.2 吊孔仅供吊运整体单机之用,严禁利用电机的吊孔附带吊运其他附件。


2.4 电机如需长期储存,则应放于干燥清洁的仓库内,不要把电机放在产生震动的机器附近,免致轴承遭受损坏,每季应将电机转予转动一次,以防轴承因静止不动而腐蚀。


3 安装3.1安装一般准则3.1.1冷却空气中不得含有酸性、碱性(如氨、氯、硫)以及其他对绝缘有腐蚀作用的气体。

3.1.2 安装地点海拔不超过1000米。




励磁 功率 PF
W 315
电枢回 电枢回
路电阻 路电感
Ω(20 ℃)
1.19 11.2
2.17 21.4
2.82 26
9.12 86
16.76 163
0.785 7.1 1.498 14.1 1.933 17.9
11.67 110
0.567 6.2 0.934 10.3 1.305 14
6.5 8.9 6.3 10 7.7 6 21 6.6 6.5 10
11 10 79.1 1000 7.1 5.6 5.6
惯量 矩
重量 Wt.
% kg.m2 kg
79.4 0.32 140 80.9
电枢 电流
励磁 功率
电枢回路 电枢回 电阻 路电感
磁场 电感
11.2 1070 80.8 84.6 78.5 82.4
惯量矩 效率 GD2 重量
r/min r/min A W Ω(20℃) mH H
电枢 电流
IN A 185 115 79 61 52 97 62 221 139 80 271 118 99 64 188 82 322 224 141 119 101
励磁 功率 PF
电枢回路 电枢回 电阻 路电感



mH 5.3 18.9 37.5 3.65 13.5 26 3.4 9.8 19.4 3.15 10.4 2.7 17.7 2.07 8.3 15.2 5.8 17.6 25 1.16 4.65 9.3 15.7
% 85 85.9 79.4 80.9 71.9 74.5 87.8 88.3 81.2 83.4 75.6 77.7 88.2 88.6 83.6 84.7 79.4 80.5 87.4 88.5 80.4 82.6 88.2 89.1 77.9 79.4 89.1 90.2 84.7 85.7 79.1 81.7 84.7 86.5 75.5 78.1 73 74.1 89.5 90.7 85.8 87 82.2 83.7 77.3 79.7
型号 Z4-180Type 22/21
额定 功率 PN kW 16.5 18.5 33
额定转速 400V 440V
弱磁 转速 nF r/min 1600 2000 1250 3200 3000 2000 3000 2000 1600 1000 3000 1000 3200 2800 2000 1400 1200 750 3000 2000 1300 1200 1000
1.309 2.56 0.226
0.811 1.565 0.1905
Байду номын сангаас160
0.531 0.976 0.1835
37 19.5 22 40.5
820 58.8 113 920 50.5 137 77.8 59.1 95.4 51.4 42.4 185 115 79 61 1400 1200 1050 0.862 0.097 0.376 0.675 0.29 0.947 1.264 0.0555 0.2125 0.419 0.756 0.593 0.1426



0.044 72
0.072 100
0.088 107
0.128 106
0.156 114
性能数据 Performance Data
弱磁转速 额定功率 额定转速 Speed with Rated Rated Field 型号 Output Speed Weakened Type PN nF 400V 440V kW r/min r/min 18.5 2610 4000 18.5 2850 4000 10 1330 2100 Z4-132-1 11 1480 2200 7 865 1600 7.5 975 1600 20 2800 3600 22 3090 3600 15 1360 2500 Z4-132-2 15 1510 2500 10 905 1400 11 995 1400 27 2720 3600 30 3000 3600 18.5 1390 2100 Z4-132-3 18.5 1540 2200 13.5 945 1600 15 1050 1600 33 2710 3500 37 3000 3500 Z4-160-11 19.5 1350 3000 22 1500 3000 40.5 2710 3500 Z4-160-22 45 3000 3500 16.5 900 2000 Z4-160-21 18.5 1000 2000 49.5 2710 3500 Z4-160-32 55 3010 3500 27 1350 3000 30 1500 3000 Z4-160-31 19.5 900 2000 22 1000 2000 33 1350 3000 37 1500 3000 16.5 670 1900 Z4-180-11 18.5 750 1900 13 540 1400 15 600 1400 电枢 电流 Arm. Curr. lN A 52.2 47.1 30.1 29.6 22.7 21.4 55.4 55.3 44.5 39.5 31.1 30.5 74.5 75 53.2 47.6 40.5 40.5 93.4 93.4 58.8 58.8 113 113 50.5 50.5 137 137 77.8 77.8 59.1 59.1 95.4 95.4 51.4 51.4 42.4 42.4 电枢回路 电枢回路 励磁 惯量矩 磁场电感 效率 电阻 电感 功率 Moment 重量 Field Arm. Arm. Field Wt. of Circuit Circuit lnductance Eff. Power lnertia Resistance Resistance LF 2 PF GD R LA Ω(20℃) 0.368 0.368 1.309 650 1.309 2.56 2.56 0.226 0.226 0.811 730 0.811 1.565 1.565 0.1905 0.1905 0.531 800 0.531 0.976 0.976 0.1835 0.1835 820 0.593 0.593 0.1426 920 0.1426 0.862 920 0.862 0.097 1050 0.097 0.376 0.376 1050 0.675 0.675 0.29 0.29 0.947 1200 0.947 1.264 1.264 W mH 5.3 5.3 18.9 18.9 37.5 37.5 3.65 3.65 13.5 13.5 26 26 3.4 3.4 9.8 9.8 19.4 19.4 3.15 3.15 10.4 10.4 2.7 2.7 17.7 17.7 2.07 2.07 8.3 8.3 15.2 15.2 5.8 5.8 17.6 17.6 25 25 H 6.5 6.5 8.9 8.9 6.3 6.3 10 10 7.7 7.7 6 6 21 21 6.6 6.6 6.5 6.5 10 10 7.7 7.7 10 10 6 6 11 11 10 10 6.3 6.3 7.1 7.1 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 % ㎏·㎡ ㎏ 85 85.9 79.4 0.32 140 80.9 71.9 74.5 87.8 88.3 81.2 0.4 160 83.4 75.6 77.7 88.2 88.6 83.6 0.48 180 84.7 79.4 80.5 87.4 88.5 0.64 220 80.4 82.6 88.2 0.76 242 89.1 77.9 0.76 242 79.4 89.1 0.88 268 90.2 84.7 85.7 0.88 268 79.1 81.7 84.7 86.5 75.5 1.52 326 78.1 73 74.1



佳木斯电机股份有限公司企业标准YZR(112-400)、YZ(112-250)系列起重及冶金用(绕线转子)三相异步电动机样本佳木斯电机股份有限公司发布目次1 概述 (1)2 选型指南 (1)3 现场应用条件 (5)4 结构特点 (5)5 技术数据表 (6)6 外形及安装尺寸 (7)7 接线螺栓规格及出线孔卡口范围 (26)8 订货须知 (26)YZR(112-400)、YZ(112-250)系列起重及冶金用(绕线转子)三相异步电动机样本1 概述1.1 YZR、YZ系列电动机系用于驱动各种型式的起重机械及其他类似设备的专用产品;具有较大的过载能力和较高的机械强度,因此,它特别适用于那些短时或断续周期工作制,频繁地起动、制动、有时过负荷及有显著振动与冲击的设备。

1.2 电动机的功率等级和安装尺寸符合IEC72推荐标准,功率等级与安装尺寸的相互对应关系与日本JEM1202及西德DIN42681相似并可互换。

1.3 电动机的绝缘等级分为F级和H级两种。


1.4 电动机具有良好的密封性,用于一般场所的电动机防护等级为IP44,用于冶金场所的电动机外壳防护等级为IP54。

1.5 YZR系列为绕线转子电动机,YZ系列为鼠笼转子电动机。

2 选型指南该选型指南提到的事项,目的是提醒用户在选型时,应注意或明确的事项。

2.1.型号的意义Y Z R 132 M1 - 66极.M机座1号铁心长中心高为132mm转子为“绕线”型(无此项为鼠笼型)起“重”及冶金用“异”步电动机2.2.系列型谱见表1(YZ系列)、表2(YZR系列)表1表2表2(续)2.3.电动机的绝缘等级;通常为F级或H级,两种绝缘结构的技术参数相同,只是温升限值不同,空气间接冷却绕组的温升限值:当电动机运行地点海拔不超过1000m,最高环境温度不超过40℃为基础时,B级绝缘为80K,F级绝缘为105K;最高环境温度不超过60℃为基础时,H级绝缘为105K。



Z710系列、Z900系列直流电动机使用维护说明书1 概述该系列电机有两种轴承形式,即端盖式滑动轴承和端盖式滚动轴承。

1.1型号含义Z系列电动机的型号含义如下:Z XXX ——XXX ——X电流等级电枢铁心长度,以mm表示电机中心高,以mm表示产品代号—直流电动机1.2电气设计1本系列电动机都采用F级绝缘,由于风路设计精巧,绝缘系统工艺先进,发热参数适中,所以电机都有适宜的温升裕度,这样就提高了运行的可靠性,延长了使用寿命。
















以下表中数据是电压为690V 频率为50Hz,工作制为S 时的设计值, 以下表中数据是电压为690V,频率为50Hz,工作制为S1时的设计值,仅供用户参考 690 50Hz The date is listed in the Table are design values at 690V,50Hz and S1,only for reference when users select a required motor. 标称功率 额定电流 额定转矩 最大转矩 转差率 50Hz转速 重 量 型号 (kW) (A) (N.m) (Times) (%) r/min IC416 IC411 YTSP450L1-8 315 370 4011 1 742.5 4400 YTSP450L2-8 355 415 4520 1 742.5 4500 3 YTSP450L3-8 400 470 5093 0.9 743.25 4800 YTSP450L4-8 450 510 5730 1 742.5 5000 YTSP450L5-8 500 595 6367 0.9 743.25 5200
型号 8p motor (Synchronous speed is 750r/min at 50Hz) 标称功率 额定电流 额定转矩 最大转矩 转差率 50Hz转速 重 量 Break Nominal Rated Rated Speed at Weight(kg) Torque Slip Power Current Torque 50Hz Multiple (kW) YTSP132S-8 YTSP132M-8 YTSP160M1-8 YTSP160M2-8 YTSP160L-8 YTSP180L-8 YTSP200L-8 YTSP225S-8 YTSP225M-8 YTSP250M-8 YTSP280S-8 YTSP280M-8 YTSP315S-8 YTSP315M1-8 YTSP315M2-8 YTSP315L-8 YTSP355M1-8 YTSP355M2-8 YTSP355L-8 YTSP400L-8 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 200 250 (A) 6.4 8.5 10.8 14.5 19 26 35 40 47 63 75 92 110 145 182 220 265 320 385 520 (N.m) 28 38.2 50.9 70 95.5 140.1 191 235.6 280.1 382 471.1 573 700.3 955 1146 1400.7 1680.8 2037.3 2546.7 3183 (Times) (%) 4.0 4.0 3.5 3.5 3.5 2.4 1.9 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.3 1.3 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.1 r/min 720 720 723.75 723.75 723.75 732 735.75 738 738 738 740.25 740.25 743.25 743.25 743.25 743.25 743.25 743.25 743.25 741.75 IC416 80 92 110 125 140 250 300 360 400 480 565 680 870 1025 1095 1160 1600 1680 1800 2800 IC411 72 84 98 113 128 230 275 335 375 455 530 645 830 985 1055 1120 1555 1635 1755



Z4 直流电机性能1、z4 直流电机技术数据表中的数据应按下列使用条件工作: A.海拔不超过 1000m; B.周围空气温度不大于 40℃; C.z4 直流电机工作环境不应含有酸性、碱性或其他绝缘有腐蚀作用的气体; D.z4 直流电机为连续工作制(SI); E.z4 直流电机电枢回路和励磁回路可由静止整流电源供电,也适应由直流发电机供电; F.z4 直流电机性能均符合部标 JB/T6316-92《Z4 系列直流电动机技术条件》。

2、z4 直流电机标准额定电源为 160v,440v。

也可以根据具体情况派生出 220V 和 400V 或其他电压。

3、z4 直流电机电源额定转速有 3000、1500、1000、750、600、500、400、300、200r/min 共九档。

减小 z4 直流电机电枢电压为恒转矩调速,减小励磁电压为恒功率调速。


不同调速 范围时的负载倍数见附录 1。


其最低转速均规定为不低于 20r/min, 此时仍能维持 z4 直流电机额定转矩,转速平稳。

4、z4 直流电机标准励磁电压为 180V,其他励磁电压亦可协商。

为确保励磁系统绝缘的可靠性,在断开励磁回路时,需在励磁绕组两端并联一个释放电阻,以防止自感电 势。


励磁电压高于标准电压时,并释放电阻值可 小于七倍,反之大于七倍。

5、Z4-315、Z4-355、 Z4-400 和 Z4-450 四个机座带有补偿绕组。

在 Z4-250 和 Z4-280 两个机座号中 派生带有补偿绕组的电机。

6、z4 直流电机提供有接地标志的接线柱。

Z4 直流电机的特点和用途Z4 系列直流电机是我公司的主导产品,广泛用作各类机械的传动源,诸如冶金工业轧机转动,金属切削机 床、造纸、印刷、纺织、印染、水泥、熟料挤出机械、木工机械等等。

z4 直流电机的外形安装尺寸除了两底脚孔间轴向尺寸‘B’之外,符合 IEC72 国际标准。



产品认证:CE 应用范围:机械设备Z4系列直流电机是我厂最杰出的产品之一,广泛用途各类机械的传动源,诸如冶金工业轧机传动,金属切削机床、造纸、印刷、纺织、印染、水泥、塑料挤出机械等等。


本系列电机的性能及技术要求可按照国际电工委员会标准,IEC34. 1或西德国家标准DIN57530的要求考核。








电机性能:1.技术数据表中的数据应按下列使用条件工作:a. 海拔不超过1000m;b.周围空气温度不大于40℃;c.工作环境不应含有酸性、碱性或其他对绝缘有腐蚀作用的气体;d.电机为连续工作制(S1);e.电机电枢回路和励磁回路可由静止整流电源供电,也适应由直流发电机供电;f.本系列电机性能均适合国际标准GB755-2000<<旋转电机定额和性能&&。

















1.1 运输及储存·确认包装的方式。









1.2 安装·管路和线路连接中,在电缆连接时,必须严格按所供资料进行操作。
















Applied to the cooling types of IC06, IC17, IC37, ICW37A86Z355-3A通 风Ventilation 电枢回路Armature circuit 额定电压U N 下的转速Rotating speed under the voltage below rated voltage U N r/min 编号seriesno.220V 330V 440V 550V 660V功率Output P N KW 额定电流Rated current IaA 效率Effi-ciency*%最大转速Max.speed n max r/min 励磁功率Exci-tation power Pf KW 转动惯量Moment of inertial J Kg.m 2风量volume Q m 3/S 风压pressure H Pa 电压降voltage drop U V 电感induc-tance La mH 011975935771.3600 4.711.2 1.5143052.2 1.53279635080.21000 4.711.2 1.5143051.2 1.445613334784.61500 4.711.2 1.5143050.9 1.358616834287.31500 4.711.2 1.5143050.1 1.371620233789.11500 4.711.2 1.5143049.4 1.3022587844177.1800 4.611.2 1.4126040.30.9241612443584.01500 4.611.2 1.5143039.70.8757416742487.51500 4.711.2 1.5143038.80.8673320941789.61500 4.611.2 1.5143038.20.8689124840790.91500 4.611.2 1.5143037.30.870336510556681.61200 4.611.5 1.5143031.30.5157916355587.01500 4.611.5 1.5143030.70.4979421754089.71500 4.611.5 1.5143029.90.49100826752491.31500 4.611.5 1.6161029.10.50122331250692.21500 4.611.5 1.6161028.20.510443912766684.21500 4.712.2 1.5143025.70.3669019465088.71500 4.712.2 1.5143025.10.3594025562890.91500 4.712.2 1.6161024.40.36119130960392.11500 4.712.2 1.6161023.40.37144235557392.81500 4.712.2 1.7180022.40.380557816684887.01500 4.712.2 1.5143019.90.2189824681190.51500 4.712.2 1.6161019.20.22121931576892.01500 4.712.2 1.7180018.30.22154037171992.81540 4.712.2 1.8200017.20.2406*效率符合GB 及IEC 标准包括励磁损耗*efficiency conforms to the standard of GB and IEC (including excitation loss)Applied to the cooling types of IC06, IC17, IC37, ICW37A86Z315-3A通 风Ventilation 电枢回路Armature circuit 额定电压U N 下的转速Rotating speed under the voltage below rated voltage U N r/min 编号seriesno.220V 330V 440V 550V 660V功率Output P N KW 额定电流Rated current IaA 效率Effi-ciency*%最大转速Max.speed n max r/min 励磁功率Exci-tation power Pf KW 转动惯量Moment of inertial J Kg.m 2风量volume Q m 3/S 风压pressure H Pa 电压降voltage drop U V 电感induc-tance La mH 012695732276.7900 4.1 6.5 1.1119040.1 1.24369132083.91500 4.0 6.5 1.1119039.9 1.260312632087.41800 4.0 6.5 1.1119039.9 1.277015831589.51800 4.0 6.5 1.1119039.3 1.293818931090.91800 4.0 6.5 1.1119038.6 1.2023577640881.61200 4.1 6.7 1.1119030.00.7256711840087.11700 4.0 6.7 1.1119029.60.6977615939589.71800 4.0 6.7 1.1119029.20.6898719538291.21800 4.0 6.7 1.1119028.30.69034819750584.81500 4.0 6.7 1.1119024.10.4375415050089.21800 4.0 6.7 1.1119023.90.42102820049091.21800 4.0 6.7 1.1119023.40.42130224046692.21800 4.0 6.7 1.1119022.40.43157828045192.51800 4.0 6.7 1.1119021.80.440460711960787.01800 4.07.1 1.1119019.40.2994518260090.51800 4.07.1 1.1119019.10.28128423858092.01800 4.07.1 1.1119018.60.28162428355092.31800 4.07.1 1.1119017.70.290576116080089.1180018007.1 1.1119016.00.17117524078091.5180018007.1 1.1119015.60.17159230574391.8180018007.1 1.1119015.00.1806*效率符合GB 及IEC 标准包括励磁损耗*efficiency conforms to the standard of GB and IEC (including excitation loss)Applied to the cooling types of IC06, IC17, IC37, ICW37A86Z315-2A通 风Ventilation 电枢回路Armature circuit 额定电压U N 下的转速Rotating speed under the voltage below rated voltage U N r/min 编号seriesno.220V 330V 440V 550V 660V功率Output P N KW 额定电流Rated current IaA 效率Effi-ciency*%最大转速Max.speed n max r/min 励磁功率Exci-tation power Pf KW 转动惯量Moment of inertial J Kg.m 2风量volume Q m 3/S 风压pressure H Pa 电压降voltage drop U V 电感induc-tance La mH 013446033478.61200 3.1 5.3 1.0101037.50.915539532985.11500 3.1 5.3 1.0101036.80.8676212932588.31800 3.1 5.3 1.0101036.50.8597216031790.21800 3.1 5.3 1.0101035.60.85118219031191.41800 3.1 5.3 1.0101035.00.86024537841483.11500 3.1 5.5 1.0101027.50.5671412040487.91800 3.1 5.5 1.0101026.90.5597716039590.31800 3.1 5.5 1.0101026.40.54124019538191.51800 3.1 5.5 1.0101025.60.56036059951185.91800 3.1 5.5 1.0101022.10.3494515250489.81800 3.1 5.5 1.0101021.90.33128720049091.51800 3.1 5.5 1.0101021.20.33162924046792.21800 3.1 5.5 1.0101020.30.350476212261987.71800 3.1 5.8 1.1119018.10.22118318059290.81800 3.1 5.8 1.1119017.40.23160622554992.01800 3.1 5.8 1.1119016.30.240595916080089.71800 3.1 5.8 1.0101014.50.14147823576791.61800 3.1 5.8 1.0101014.10.1406*效率符合GB 及IEC 标准包括励磁损耗*efficiency conforms to the standard of GB and IEC (including excitation loss)Applied to the cooling types of IC06, IC17, IC37, ICW37A86Z315-1A通 风Ventilation 电枢回路Armature circuit 额定电压U N 下的转速Rotating speed under the voltage below rated voltage U N r/min 编号seriesno.220V 330V 440V 550V 660V功率Output P N KW 额定电流Rated current IaA 效率Effi-ciency*%最大转速Max.speed n max r/min 励磁功率Exci-tation power Pf KW 转动惯量Moment of inertial J Kg.m 2风量volume Q m 3/S 风压pressure H Pa 电压降voltage drop U V 电感induc-tance La mH 014366133580.01300 3.1 4.8 1.0100034.20.726969633086.01800 3.1 4.8 1.0100033.80.6895812932489.01800 3.1 4.8 1.0100033.20.68121916131890.61800 3.1 4.8 1.0100032.70.68148119031091.61800 3.1 4.8 1.0100031.90.69025738042184.11700 3.1 5.00.984025.60.4490112341288.51800 3.1 5.0 1.0101025.10.43122916240090.61800 3.1 5.0 1.0101024.40.43155619438091.61800 3.1 5.0 1.0101023.30.450376010151886.61800 3.1 5.0 1.0101020.50.27118515451090.11800 3.1 5.0 1.0101020.20.26161020550191.61800 3.1 5.0 1.0101019.90.260495712362288.21800 3.1 5.3 1.0101016.70.18148118560890.91800 3.1 5.3 1.1119016.40.1705120416080089.91800 3.1 5.3 1.0101013.70.1106*效率符合GB 及IEC 标准包括励磁损耗*efficiency conforms to the standard of GB and IEC (including excitation loss)General description:The Z series medium size DC motors are new products of the works developed with latest technology of design and manufacturing. There are six shaft heights for motor frames ranging from 315-560 mm.The performance, outline dimensions and technical specifications of the motors conform to the standard of our country (GB) and International Electric Committee (IEC), while the mechanic dimensions tolerance of the motors conform to the standard of International Stadard Organization (ISO).Working conditions:1.It is allowed to install this seris motors in the environment with worse working conditions. However proper cooling and protection type should be chosen to keep the cleaness of the motors.2. The cooling air should not contain acid or alkli material, which is harmful to the insulation and commutating pertormance of the motors.3.In case the motors will be applied to marines, tropical and humid areas, or the areas with salt and humid air, please notify before signing contracts.4.The motors can reach its rated power under the working condition of less than 1 OOOM sea level height and 40 ambient temperature.5.The power source for the motors can be provided by static rectified source or DC generator.6.In case the motor is powered by static rectified source, the number of pluse wave should not be less than 6, the peak ripple wave factor not be over 10under the rated speed, voltage and load current.Type description:As the frame is of angular thin steel laminations structure, the motor is small in volume, light in weight and can be powered by silicon contro!led rectified source. Meanwhile it has good commutating performance in case sudden change of load current occures. Insulation treatment of VPI applied on the integral stator and rotor makes the windings good in antihumidity performance, mechanical strength and insulation thermal conductivity. The armature core made up with silicon steel laminations has good magnetic conductivity. Ro!ling bearings with opearating oiling construction are adopted. The motor insulation is class F.The mounting of the motors conform to ‵Symbols for Types of Construction and Mounting Arrangements of Rotating Electrical Machinery' specifieied in GB 997 and IEC 34-7.bracket bearing, foot mounting with one cylindric shaft extensionbracket bearing, foot mounting with two cylindric shaft extensionIP 23 and IP 44 is adopted for the motors' protection of this series, which conform to thestandard of "Classification of Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures for Rotating Machines'specified in GB 4942 and IEC B4-5.ICO8, ICI 7, ICB7 and ICW 37A86 is adopted for the cooling of this series motors, which conform to the standard of Methods of Cooling Rotating Machinrery'specified in GB 199S and IEC S4-6. Other types of protection and cooling required by customers can be negotiated. The standard cooling air outlet locates on the side of driving end, (noncommutator end)Products performance:1 . Continuous working system (S1 ) is applied.2. The standard rated voltage of this series motors are 220V , 380Vt 440Vt 550V and 660V .The voltage beyond above scope can be negotiated when placing ordears.3. Separate excitation is the basic excitation type of this series motors. Four terminals of the excitation winding are divided into two groups. In case the two groups are in series or parallel connection. the excitation voltage is 220V or 100V respectively. Excitation voltage beyond the scope can be negotiated.Forced excitation is allowed with the voltage of less than 500V . During forced excitation I the transient excitation current can exceed the rated excitation current slightly until the excitation current gets stablilized.4. Short time overload capability:The DC motors (class A) can sustain the short time (1 min) overload specified in the following list:Percent of the rated currentPercent of the basic speedoccasionallyoften used 100200300 and above 200180*160140175160*150125The DC motors (class B) can sustain the short time (1 min) overload specified in the following list:Percent of the rated currentPercent of the basic speedoccasionallyoften used 100200300 and above 200180*200180*175160*175160*160140*The data in brackets are applied in case the basic speed of the motors is equal to or greater than the speed specified in the following list:shaft height(mm)315355400450500560 basic speed(r/min)10001000900800710630The occasionally used short time overload capability refers to the motors' capability of sustaining continuous overload within 1 minute in emergent or unusual cases The transient switching device of breaker is suggested to be rectified according to such capability.The often used short time overload capability. as a part of normal operating period refers to the motors' capability of sustaining overload repetatly.After short time overload operation. light load operation is necessary to restrict the load root-mean-square of the whole load period within its continuous rating.The DC motors (Class B) can sustain following contiunous load:(1)Under the rated armature voltage and rated speed the motor can be continuously operated with 115 overload. In this case, temperature rise will be relatively higher, and the otherperformance may be different from those under specified ratings.(2)Soon after continuous operation under rated armature voltage and rated speed. the motor can be operated with 125overload for two hours. In this case. temperature rise will not exceed thespecified value, while the other performance may be different from those under specified raings.Under lower overload, longer time overload is allowed. For the motors (class B). the occasionally used overload times is 2.5 times (under the rated speed) within 15 sec. (please consult with the manufacturer in detail)5. Speed adjustment.No speed adjustment is specified for this series motors. Any special requirements in this field by customers can be discussed.6. Current variation:The allowable current variation( di/dt )of this series motors under all speeds and loads is 200 times of the rated current per second.7.Noise and vibration:The noise level of this series motors conform to the specifications stipulated in ‘Noise measuring Method for Electric Machines of GB2806 and Standard of Noise Level for Electric Machines' of IEC34-9.Vibration of this series motors conform to the specifications stipulated in vibration Measuring Method for Electric. Machines of GB2807 and Vibration Measuring Method and Limit for Electric Machines of IEC34-14.Capacity choosing:Class A: DO motorsPlease refer to the technical data list, Customers can choose motor type and specifications according to the required capacity, rotating speed, voltage and etc.Class B: DC motorsExcept the rated output of the motors, which is lower than that of class A motors with same shaft height and foot axial length, the other technical data are basically the same as those of class A motors. Shou!d the specification of class B motor be given, one can use the specification list for class A motors to choose the preliminary type of class B. First of all, the rated power of class B motor shall be enlarged by 25%, according to which a corresponding type and specification can be selected out from the specification list for class A. The "A"in the symbol of the selected type,however, shall be replaced with "B" and the capacity shall be replaced with the non-enlarged power(that means with the original capacity of the class B). Final specifications and data can be discussed between customers and manufacturer.For example:Motor required by customer:class B motor of 96kW 220V 185r/minPower enlarged by 25%:120kW 220V 185r/minCorresponding type in the specification list for class A:Z450-2A(118kW 220V 179r/min)Type transformed from class A to class B:Z450-2B(approximate 96kW 220V 185r/min)The motor of this type can basically meet the customer’s requirements.Output-speed conversion (for motors of class A):Besides the five voltages and corresponding outputs and speeds specified in the technical data list, other voltage grades and their corresponding outputs and speeds can be derived from motors of any specifications. (However, it is not allowed to exceed the allowable maximum voltage of such specification)概述本厂开发的Z系列中型直流电动机是采用最新技术设计制造的新产品该系列电机的机座有六个中心高从315560毫米本系列电动机的性能外形安装尺寸及技术要求均符合国家标准(GB)和国际电工委员会标淮(IEC)电机各部份机械尺寸公差符合国际标准化委员会标准(ISO)使用条件1本系列电动机可以安装在环境条件比较恶劣的场合但必须选择正确的冷却方法和防护等级以保持电机内部的清洁2本系列电动机的冷却空气中应不含有酸碱等对电机的绝缘和换向性能有损害的气体3本系列电动机如使用于船舶和湿热带地区以及工作环境中有盐雾潮湿等应另行协议4本系列电动机的额定功率是指在海拔不超过1000米环境空气温度不超过40的条件下5本系列电动机的供电电源采用静止整流电源也可采用直流发电机电源6当电动机采用静止整流电源供电时整流器的脉波数应不小于6在额定基速额定电压和额定负载电流下电源的峰值纹波因数不超过10本系列电动机的机座采用簿钢板多角形叠片结构具有体积小重量轻等优点适用可控硅整流电源在负载电流的迅速变化下电动机有良好的换向性能整个定子和转子采用无溶剂漆真空压力浸渍处理(VPI)使绕组具有良好的抗潮能力和机械强度并且绝缘和导热性能优良电枢铁心由硅钢片叠装而成具有良好的导磁性能本系列电动机全部采用滚动轴承不停机加油结构本系列电动机的绝缘等级为F级本系列电动机的安装型式符合GB997和lEC347电机结构及安装型式代号本系列电动机的防护等级根据GB4942・1和IEC345电机外壳防护分级标准外壳防护等级有IP23和IP44两种电动机冷却方法根据GB1993和IEC346电机冷却方法标准有IC06IC17IC37和ICW37A86四种用户如需其他防护等级和冷却方法可另行协商本系列电动机标准型式的冷却空气入口在电机的传动端非换向器端产品性能1本系列电动机的定额为连续工作方式(S1)2本系列电动机的标准额定电压有220V 330V 440V 550V 660V五种也可派生出其他等级的电压需在订货时商定3本系列电动机的基本励磁方式为他励励磁绕组有四个引线端子分为两组两组串联时励磁电压为220V 并联时励磁电压为110V 其他励磁电压等级可在订货时商定本系列电动机允许强行励磁强励电压不得超过500V 强励时励磁电流可瞬时略超过额定励磁电流但励磁电流稳定后不得超过4本系列电动机的短时过载能力第一类直流电动机A 类能承受下表所规定的短时一分钟过载额定电流的百分数基速的百分数偶尔使用经常使用100200300以上200180*160140175160*150125第二类直流电动机B类能承受下表所规定的短时一分钟过载额定电流的百分数基速的百分数偶尔使用经常使用100200300以上200180*200180*175160*175160*160140*当电动机的基速等于或大于下表规定的转速时用括号内数值中心高毫米315355400450500560基速转/分10001000900800710630偶尔使用的短时过载能力是指很少发生或在紧急情况下电动机在一分钟内承受超过连续额定负载的能力建议将断路的瞬时开断装置按偶尔使用的短时过载能力整定经常使用的短时过载能力是指作为正常工作周期的一部份电动机反复承受超过额定负载的能力短时过载运行之后必须轻载运行使电动机整个负载周期的负载均方根值不超过其连续定额本系列第二类直流电动机(B类)应能承受下列连续负载(1)在额定电枢电压和额定转速范围内带115额定功率负载连续运行在此负载下温升将较高其他特性可能与额定条件下运行的规定不同(2)在额定电枢电压下和额定转速范围内在额定负载连续运行之后紧接着以125额定功率负载运行二小时温升不超过规定数值其他性能可能与额定条件下运行的规定值不同电动机在较低的过载倍数下允许较长的过载时间对第二类直流电动机(B类)偶尔使用时过载倍数允许达到2.5倍(在额定基速时)时间不超过15秒(但需与制造厂协商) 5转速调整率本系列电动机的转速调整率不作规定用户如有特殊要求应在订货时商定6电流变化率在所有转速及负载下本系列电动机的电流变化率以允许达200倍额定电流/每秒7噪声振动本系列电动机的噪声符合GB2806电机噪声测定方法和IEC349电机噪声限值标准的规定本系列电动机的振动符合GB2807电机振动测定方法和IEC3414电机振动测试方法及限值标准的规定容量选择第一类直流电动机(A类)这类电动机的详细数据见技术数据表用户可以根据所需的容量转速和电压等选定电机的型号和规格第二类直流电动机(B类)这类电动机的额定输出功率比相同中心高相同底脚轴向长度的A类电动机要略为下降其他数据基本相同若已知B类电动机规格亦可用A类规格表初步选型B类电动机初选时B类电动机的额定功率应放大25左右然后按放大后的功率在A类规格表中选取相关的型号规格但对应的型号中A需改为B对应的功率仍为未放大时的功率(即B类电机的原功率)最终型号规格可由用户与制造厂商定举例说明如下使用场合需96kW 220V 185r/min B类电机放大功率25%对应120kW 220V 185r/min A类电机查A类规格表得相近型号Z4502A118kw 220V 179r/min将型号改成Z4502B此型号近似代表96kw 220V 185r/mirlB类电机可以初步满足使用场合要求功率和转速的换算(对A类)本系列电动机除技术数据表中所列的五种电压和相应的功率转速外任何一个规格的电机都可以派生成其他等级的电压(但不得超过该规格允许的最高电压)和相应的功率及转速Applied to the cooling types of IC06, IC17, IC37, ICW37A86Z355-4A通 风Ventilation 电枢回路Armature circuit 额定电压U N 下的转速Rotating speed under the voltage below rated voltage U N r/min 编号seriesno.220V 330V 440V 550V 660V功率Output P N KW 额定电流Rated current IaA 效率Effi-ciency*%最大转速Max.speed n max r/min 励磁功率Exci-tation power Pf KW 转动惯量Moment of inertial J Kg.m 2风量volume Q m 3/S 风压pressure H Pa 电压降voltage drop U V 电感induc-tance La mH 011535735768.6600 5.213.1 1.6161057.9 1.92579434978.3800 5.313.1 1.6161056.8 1.836013134783.21200 5.313.1 1.6161056.4 1.746416634186.21500 5.313.1 1.6161055.5 1.756820033688.21500 5.313.1 1.6161054.7 1.7021997644074.6800 5.413.1 1.6161044.6 1.232512142982.51200 5.413.1 1.6161043.5 1.1345016542386.31500 5.513.1 1.6161042.9 1.157620741588.71500 5.413.1 1.6161042.2 1.170224740790.21500 5.413.1 1.6161041.4 1.10328610356479.81000 5.313.4 1.6161034.60.6545616155385.91500 5.413.4 1.6161033.90.6362721553888.91500 5.313.4 1.6161033.10.6279726652490.71500 5.313.4 1.7180032.30.6396831350991.81500 5.413.4 1.7180031.40.640434612566482.81200 5.314.1 1.6161028.30.4654619264787.81500 5.314.1 1.6161027.70.4574625462890.31500 5.314.1 1.7180026.90.4594631060591.71500 5.314.1 1.7180026.00.46114735857892.61500 5.314.1 1.8200024.90.480545516484486.01500 5.414.1 1.6161021.90.2771024581189.91500 5.414.1 1.7180021.10.2796531677191.71500 5.414.1 1.7180020.20.28122037572692.71550 5.414.1 1.8200019.10.30147542468193.31500 5.414.1 1.9222018.10.3106*效率符合GB 及IEC 标准包括励磁损耗*efficiency conforms to the standard of GB and IEC (including excitation loss)Applied to the cooling types of IC06, IC17, IC37, ICW37A86Z400-2A通 风Ventilation 电枢回路Armature circuit 额定电压U N 下的转速Rotating speed under the voltage below rated voltage U N r/min 编号seriesno.220V 330V 440V 550V 660V功率Output P N KW 额定电流Rated current IaA 效率Effi-ciency*%最大转速Max.speed n max r/min 励磁功率Exci-tation power Pf KW 转动惯量Moment of inertial J Kg.m 2风量volume Q m 3/S 风压pressure H Pa 电压降voltage drop U V 电感induc-tance La mH 011285636465.6500 5.920.8 1.8131063.9 2.32199636776.1800 5.820.8 1.9145064.4 2.031113536481.61000 5.720.8 1.9145064.0 1.940217336184.91200 5.720.8 1.9145063.5 1.849321135987.11500 5.720.8 1.9145063.1 1.8021567143770.3500 5.720.8 1.9145055.2 1.526011743179.51000 5.720.8 1.9145054.5 1.436416242684.11200 5.720.8 1.9145053.9 1.446820642286.91500 5.720.8 1.9159053.3 1.357325041988.81500 5.720.8 2.0159053.0 1.3032109353675.5800 5.921.3 1.9145043.60.9334115053282.91200 5.921.3 1.9145043.40.8747220552586.71500 5.921.3 1.9145042.90.8560425851888.91500 5.921.3 2.0159042.30.8473531051290.41500 5.921.3 2.0159041.80.840429612869580.91000 5.821.3 1.9145033.00.5147220168886.61500 5.821.3 1.9145032.70.4964727267989.41500 5.821.3 2.0159032.30.4882333966791.11500 5.721.3 2.0159031.80.4899840265392.21500 5.821.3 2.1174031.20.480535915883683.61200 5.821.7 1.9145027.70.3556624482188.41500 5.721.7 2.0159027.30.3477332580390.71500 5.721.7 2.1174026.70.3497940178392.01500 5.821.7 2.1174026.10.34118647276292.91500 5.721.7 2.2190025.40.3506466199102686.11500 6.021.7 2.0159022.30.2272730199790.01500 6.021.7 2.1174021.70.2298739596691.81500 6.021.7 2.2190021.10.22124847992992.81500 6.021.7 2.3206020.40.23151055188693.31510 6.021.7 2.4223019.50.24*效率符合GB 及IEC 标准包括励磁损耗*efficiency conforms to the standard of GB and IEC (including excitation loss)Applied to the cooling types of IC06, IC17, IC37, ICW37A86Z500-2A通 风Ventilation 电枢回路Armature circuit 额定电压U N 下的转速Rotating speed under the voltage below rated voltage U N r/min 编号seriesno.220V 330V 440V 550V 660V功率Output P N KW 额定电流Rated current IaA 效率Effi-ciency*%最大转速Max.speed n max r/min 励磁功率Exci-tation power Pf KW 转动惯量Moment of inertial J Kg.m 2风量volume Q m 3/S 风压pressure H Pa 电压降voltage drop U V 电感induc-tance La mH 0116015888078.6500 6.581.1 2.6121037.90.5325725187185.1800 6.581.1 2.7129037.50.5035334085788.41000 6.581.1 2.7129036.90.4945042584290.31200 6.581.1 2.8138036.30.4954650682591.61200 6.581.1 2.8138035.60.5002193194104481.8600 6.581.1 2.6121031.30.37305302102687.31000 6.581.1 2.7129030.80.35417405100690.01200 6.581.1 2.8138030.20.3553050198191.61200 6.581.1 2.8138029.50.3564259095392.71200 6.581.1 2.9147028.50.3603261256133185.2800 6.582.9 2.7129024.40.21410390129789.61000 6.582.9 2.8138023.90.21558514125791.71200 6.582.9 2.9147023.20.21706626121292.91200 6.582.9 2.9147022.40.21854724116093.71200 6.582.9 3.0156021.60.2204352339171788.01000 6.586.3 2.8138019.00.12546505165391.31200 6.586.3 2.9147018.30.12740651157592.91200 6.586.3 3.0156017.60.13934774148793.81200 6.586.3 3.1166016.70.1305414402201089.41200 6.586.3 2.9147015.90.09641588191192.21200 6.586.3 3.1166015.30.09866742178893.41200 6.586.3 3.2176014.40.0906*效率符合GB 及IEC 标准包括励磁损耗*efficiency conforms to the standard of GB and IEC (including excitation loss)Applied to the cooling types of IC06, IC17, IC37, ICW37A86Z500-1A通 风Ventilation 电枢回路Armature circuit 额定电压U N 下的转速Rotating speed under the voltage below rated voltage U N r/min 编号seriesno.220V 330V 440V 550V 660V功率Output P N KW 额定电流Rated current IaA 效率Effi-ciency*%最大转速Max.speed n max r/min 励磁功率Exci-tation power Pf KW 转动惯量Moment of inertial J Kg.m 2风量volume Q m 3/S 风压pressure H Pa 电压降voltage drop U V 电感induc-tance La mH 0120516389180.4600 5.868.4 2.4105034.20.4032725687986.31000 5.868.4 2.5113033.80.3944934586389.31200 5.868.4 2.6121033.20.3857243084791.01200 5.868.4 2.6121032.60.3869351082892.21200 5.868.4 2.7129032.00.4202246199105583.3800 5.868.4 2.4105028.30.29388308103888.21200 5.868.4 2.5113027.90.27530410101390.71200 5.868.4 2.6121027.20.2767150598592.11200 5.868.4 2.7129026.60.2881459395693.01200 5.868.4 2.7129025.80.2903333261134686.21000 5.870.1 2.6121022.60.17520395130890.11200 5.870.1 2.7129022.00.16707517126292.01200 5.870.1 2.8138021.30.17894627121393.11200 5.870.1 2.9147020.60.171082721115593.71200 5.870.1 3.0156019.70.1804447344173188.81200 5.873.6 2.7129017.20.10692508165891.71200 5.873.6 2.8138016.60.10936652157693.11200 5.873.6 3.0156015.90.101180769147893.81200 5.873.6 3.1166015.00.1105526406202489.81200 5.873.6 2.8138014.90.07810590191692.31200 5.873.6 3.0156014.20.071095737177893.41200 5.873.6 3.2176013.30.0706*效率符合GB 及IEC 标准包括励磁损耗*efficiency conforms to the standard of GB and IEC (including excitation loss)Applied to the cooling types of IC06, IC17, IC37, ICW37A86Z450-4A通 风Ventilation 电枢回路Armature circuit 额定电压U N 下的转速Rotating speed under the voltage below rated voltage U N r/min 编号seriesno.220V 330V 440V 550V 660V功率Output P N KW 额定电流Rated current IaA 效率Effi-ciency*%最大转速Max.speed n max r/min 励磁功率Exci-tation power Pf KW 转动惯量Moment of inertial J Kg.m 2风量volume Q m 3/S 风压pressure H Pa 电压降voltage drop U V 电感induc-tance La mH 01868655466.63007.557.8 2.7195062.7 2.314614655376.95007.557.8 2.7195062.6 2.020520454782.27007.557.8 2.7195061.9 1.926526254485.48007.557.8 2.8208061.6 1.932531853987.610007.557.8 2.8208061.0 1.90210811166971.63507.557.8 2.7195052.0 1.518018165880.66007.557.8 2.7195051.2 1.425025165485.08007.557.8 2.7195050.9 1.332131864687.710007.557.8 2.8208050.3 1.339238363789.512007.557.8 2.8208049.6 1.30314014280776.75007.560.1 2.7195041.60.9622622779783.98007.560.1 2.7195041.10.9031230978687.410007.560.1 2.7195040.50.8939838877389.612007.560.1 2.8208039.90.8848546375991.115007.560.1 2.8208039.20.8804204203109581.86007.560.1 2.8208032.00.48324317107887.310007.560.1 2.9223031.50.47443425105690.015007.560.1 2.9223030.90.46564527103191.715007.560.1 2.9223030.20.47683622100592.815007.560.1 3.0237029.50.4705249249130984.38007.562.4 2.9223026.90.33390382127888.912007.562.4 2.9223026.30.33532505124091.315007.562.4 3.0237025.60.33674619120192.615507.562.4 3.0237024.80.3306310308157387.110007.562.4 2.8208020.90.22484461151690.815007.562.4 2.9223020.20.22655598145292.515007.562.4 3.0237019.40.23*效率符合GB 及IEC 标准包括励磁损耗*efficiency conforms to the standard of GB and IEC (including excitation loss)Applied to the cooling types of IC06, IC17, IC37, ICW37A86Z450-3A通 风Ventilation 电枢回路Armature circuit 额定电压U N 下的转速Rotating speed under the voltage below rated voltage U N r/min 编号seriesno.220V 330V 440V 550V 660V功率Output P N KW 额定电流Rated current IaA 效率Effi-ciency*%最大转速Max.speed n max r/min 励磁功率Exci-tation power Pf KW 转动惯量Moment of inertial J Kg.m 2风量volume Q m 3/S 风压pressure H Pa 电压降voltage drop U V 电感induc-tance La mH 011129156369.7350 6.748.2 2.4157056.3 1.718715155879.1600 6.748.2 2.5169055.8 1.626221055483.9800 6.748.2 2.5169055.4 1.533726754786.81000 6.748.2 2.5169054.8 1.541232354288.71200 6.748.2 2.5169054.2 1.50214011567474.2500 6.748.2 2.5169047.1 1.222918666682.2800 6.748.2 2.5169046.5 1.131825666086.21000 6.748.2 2.5169046.1 1.040632365088.61200 6.748.2 2.6181045.5 1.049638864190.31500 6.748.2 2.6181044.9 1.00318014781679.0600 6.750.5 2.4157037.20.7428723280485.3800 6.750.5 2.5169036.70.7139531579388.51200 6.750.5 2.5169036.20.6950339377890.41500 6.750.5 2.6181035.50.6961146776291.71500 6.750.5 2.6181034.80.7004261208110383.5800 6.750.5 2.5169028.60.38411322108488.41500 6.750.5 2.6181028.10.36561430106190.81500 6.750.5 2.7195027.60.36712531103592.31500 6.750.5 2.8208026.90.37863624100593.21500 6.750.5 2.8208026.20.3805316254131885.71000 6.752.8 2.6181024.00.26494387128689.81500 6.752.8 2.7195023.50.26672509124491.91500 6.752.8 2.8208022.80.26850620120093.01500 6.752.8 2.9223022.00.2706393312158287.91200 6.752.8 2.6181019.10.17609465152491.21500 6.752.8 2.8208018.40.18827599145292.81500 6.752.8 2.9223017.10.18*效率符合GB 及IEC 标准包括励磁损耗*efficiency conforms to the standard of GB and IEC (including excitation loss)Applied to the cooling types of IC06, IC17, IC37, ICW37A86Z450-2A通 风Ventilation电枢回路Armature circuit额定电压U N 下的转速Rotating speed under the voltage below rated voltage U Nr/min编号series no.220V330V 440V 550V 660V功率Output P N KW 额定电流Ratedcurrent IaA 效率Effi-ciency*%最大转速Max.speedn maxr/min 励磁功率Exci-tation power Pf KW 转动惯量Momentofinertial J Kg.m 2风量volume Q m 3/S风压pressure H Pa 电压降voltage drop U V 电感induc-tance La mH 011449456372.4500 6.540.8 2.2134050.5 1.323715455980.9800 6.540.8 2.3145050.2 1.233021355585.21000 6.540.8 2.3145049.9 1.242427054887.81500 6.540.8 2.3145049.3 1.251732654389.51500 6.540.8 2.4157048.8 1.20217911867476.5600 6.540.8 2.3145042.30.9028918966683.71000 6.540.8 2.3145041.90.8539925966187.31200 6.540.8 2.4157041.50.8250932565089.41500 6.540.8 2.4157040.90.8262139064190.91500 6.540.8 2.4157040.40.820322715081890.7800 6.543.1 2.2134033.50.5836123680986.41200 6.543.1 2.3145033.20.5649531779389.31500 6.543.1 2.4157032.60.5562939577891.01500 6.543.1 2.4157032.00.5576446876192.11500 6.543.1 2.5169031.30.5604328211110584.71200 6.543.1 2.4157025.80.30515325108789.11500 6.543.1 2.5169025.40.29702431105991.31500 6.543.1 2.5169024.80.29888530103092.61500 6.543.1 2.6181024.20.30107662099793.41500 6.543.1 2.7195023.50.3005397257132086.71200 6.545.4 2.5169021.70.21618389128590.41500 6.545.4 2.6181021.20.20840509124192.21500 6.545.4 2.7195020.50.211061617119393.215506.545.42.8208019.80.2106493315158788.71500 6.545.4 2.5169017.30.14761466152391.61500 6.545.4 2.7195016.70.141030596144393.015006.545.42.8208015.90.15*效率符合GB 及IEC 标准包括励磁损耗*efficiency conforms to the standard of GB and IEC (including excitation loss)。













WZB-2621-5000变压器微机综合保护装置具有多种保护和报警功能,如:电流速断保护、限时速断保护、过电流保护、零序过流保护、过负荷报警、PT 断线报警、自检和自诊断以及防跳功能等。



Z系列中型直流电动机DC Motors MEDIUN-SIZE型号说明机座号: 500~710功率:310~1600kW 基准工作制: S1 绝缘等级:F防护等级: IP23、IP44用途分类:A类普通工业用 B类金属轧机用适用于:各类机械的传动源,诸如金属轧机主传动、卷取机机组主传动、制糖压缩机传动主传动、水泥回转窑传动、橡塑挤出机械等等。






冷却风机的进风温度不超过40℃;冷却水进水温度不超过32℃;电动机的基本励磁方式为他励,励磁电压为220V,标准额定电压有440V、550V、660、750V 四种,但均可根据具体情况而定。





c):电动机的冷却方式与防护等级的对应关系见表1冷却方式Method Of coolingIC06配有骑式鼓风机With built-on blowerIC17管道进风,自由出风The pipeline wind inlet,Free of outlet windIC37管道进风,管道出风The pipeline in andoutlet windIC86W带空/水冷却器With air-to-waterheat exchanger图示Picture防护等级Insulation classIP23(防滴式)(prevent drop防护等级大于12mm固体异物防滴水进入Prevent solid eyewinker Diam. above 12mmPrevent dropsIP44(防溅式)(prevent spatter)防护直径大于1mm固体异物防溅水进入Prevent solid eyewinker Diam. above 1mmPrevent spatterd):电动机所需的冷却风量、风压、冷却水流量、风机电动机功率见表2机座号骑式鼓风机空/水冷却器冷却风量M3/h风压(静压)Pa电动机功率kW重量kg冷却水流量M3/h电动机功率kW重量kgH500 10000 1900 7.5 300 19 11 900 H560 16500 2250 15 400 22 18.5 1100 H710 50000 2300 15 600 40 22 19002.电动机的结构安装型式及代号电动机的结构安装型式及代号GB/T997《旋转电机结构及安装型式(IM代号)》的规定有IM1001(卧式底脚安装、圆柱型单轴伸)和IM1002(卧式底脚安装、圆柱型双轴伸)两种。

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