



2018考研英语翻译常考词组(三) 101. an agreed account of 共识102. human rights ****103. leads ……to 导致104. at the outset 从一开始;开始的时候105. invite sb. to do sth. 使某人认为106. duties and entitlements 权利和义务107. extend to 给与108. no…at all. 根本不是109. arguing from the view that…以…的角度看110. different from…… 与…不同111. in every relevant respect 在所有相关的方面112. in action 起作用113. laugh at 嘲笑114. even more important 更重要的是115. be able to 能够116. look into 洞察;观察117. put forward 放出;拿出;提出118. work with 与…共事/合作;起作用119. close in on 接近,差不多120. as expected 正如预期的121. a refinement of 一种更为完美的122. as…as… 和…一样123. conform to 符合;遵照124. see…as 把…看作125. less…and more 与其说…不如说…126. intellectual discipline 知识学科127. whether…or 是…还是…128. refer to 指代…129. peculiar to …特有的130. appropriate to 适合的;恰当的131. apply to 适合于;存在于132. view…as 把…看成;把…当成133. equate…with 把…等同于…;认为…是134. speclialized scientists 专家135. centralized control 中央控制136. under…conditions在…条件下137. such as 比如138. it is obvious that 很明显…139. be bound up with与…联系在一起;与…有关系140. be directly bound up with 与…直接相关141. in turn 依此;轮流;又142. rest upon…取决于143. of all kinds 所有种类的…144. owing to 由于145. be exposed to sth. 暴露于;接触到146. be forced to do sth. 被迫做…147. for the reasons given above 由于上述原因148. far-reaching 意义深远的;影响很大的149. spread over 遍布;覆盖150. arise from 由…产生的;由…带来的。





下面整理了历年考研英语真题中反复出现的各类词汇,一起来看下吧! 2018考研英语真题中常见词汇总结:法律类(2)1.enforce [ɪn fɔːs] v. 强行;实行记词根记忆:en(使动前缀)+force(力量)→进入力量→强行例It is unlikely that a record company would enforce its views on anestablished artist. 唱片公司未必能强迫一位已出名的艺人接受他们的意见。

2. reinforce [riːɪn fɔːs] v. 加强,巩固记词根记忆:re(再次)+in(加强)+force(力量)→再次增加力量→巩固例But I do expect some commitment to reinforce coordination.但我认为会做出一些承诺以加强协调。

3. fortify [ fɔːtɪfaɪ] v. 加固,加强记词根记忆:fort(力量)+ify(动词后缀)→力量化→加固例We fortified ourselves with a breakfast of bacon and eggs.我们给自己补充能量,早餐吃了熏肉和鸡蛋。

4. comfort [ kʌmfət] v. 安慰;舒适记词根记忆:com(共同)+fort(强大)→一起给力量→安慰例All our sports shoes are designed for comfort and performance.我们所有的运动鞋设计都讲求舒适和性能。

5. ubiquitous [juː bɪkwɪtəs] a. 无处不在的记词根记忆:ubi(地方)+quit(自由)+ous(形容词后缀)→自由地进入任何地方的→无处不在的例Taking this one step further, is life also ubiquitous in the multiverse?There are both zero and infinite answers to that question.由此更进一步说,生命在多元宇宙中也是普遍存在的吗?这一问题既没有答案,也有无穷多个答案。





下面整理了历年考研英语真题中反复出现的各类词汇,一起来看下吧! 2018考研英语真题中常见词汇总结:法律类(3)1.disparity [dɪ spærɪtɪ] n.不同,不等记词根记忆:dis(不)+par(平等,相同)+ity(名词后缀)→不相同例Many organizations struggle with the disparity and distribution ofinformation. 信息的不一致和分散让很多组织十分烦恼。

2. jurisdiction [,dʒʊərɪs dɪkʃən] n.司法权;权限记词根记忆:juris(法律)+dict(说,命令)+ion(名词后缀)→法律上命令→司法权例This case comes under the jurisdiction of a lower court.这个案件属于低一级法院的管辖范围。

3. comparison [kəm pærɪsən] n.比较,对照记词根记忆:com(共同)+pari(平等)+son(名词后缀)→比较例The article makes a comparison between the two poems. 这篇文章把这两首诗作了比较。

4. legitimate [,ɪlɪ dʒɪtɪmət] a.合法的记词根记忆:legitim(=legis)(合法)+ate(形容词后缀)→合法的例Their business operations are perfectly legitimate. 他们的商业活动完全合法。

5. census [ sensəs] n.人口普查记词根记忆:cens(判断)+us(名词后缀)→调查(人口)→普遍调查例In China, the 2010 census reveals there are now 118 boys for every 100girls, a skewed sex ratio that is higher than a decade ago.在中国,2010年人口普查结果显示,现在男女比例为118比100,这样一个不平衡的性别比例比十年前还要高。




小编祝愿考研的学子们再接再厉,勇往直前!place vt投(资);存(款);开出(订单)I placed an order with them for 500 pairs of shoes.我向他们定购了五百双鞋子。

(常用在疑问句、否定句中)看清,想起[(+as)]I remember her name but can t place her face. 我记得她的名字,但记不清她的脸了。

寄托(希望), 给予(信任) His father placed great hopes on [in] him.他的父亲对他寄于很大希望。

评价, 分类My son s income can probably be placed as £5000 ayear.我儿子的年收入估计达5000英镑。

列为I would place her among the world’s greatestsopranos.我把她列为世界上最伟大的女高音歌唱家。

plague vt. 折磨, 使苦恼, 使得灾祸A severe back injury plagued him all his life.严重的背伤终身折磨着他。

plant n重型机械, 机械设备They have made a huge investment in newplant.他们投入巨资购置新设备。

vt放置; 安插They must have planted many explosives there.他们一定在这里埋了很多炸药。

[俚]给与打击, (拳击)看准打plant one s fists in sb. s face用拳头打某人的脸plant in 把…灌输给…Whatever planted that idea in yourhead?究竟是谁把那个念头灌输到你的脑子里?plaster vt 在...上涂灰泥;厚厚地涂抹[(+over/with)]My shoes were plastered with mud.我鞋上沾满烂泥。



2018考研英语常用动词-毙考题-4Dmooring n 停泊(moor停船)clothing n 衣服(cloth布)flooring n 地板材料(floor地板)building n 建筑物(build建造)filling n 填料(fill填)legging n 绑腿(leg腿)footing n 立足点(foot足)(3)表名词,行业fishing n 渔业(fish鱼)banking n 银行业(bank银行)abvertising n 广告业(advertise做广告)accounting n 会计学(account计算)shoemaking n 制鞋业(shoe鞋+make制造+ing) dancing n 舞蹈(dance跳舞)(4)表形容词,正…的,令人…的envoreaging a 鼓舞人心的(encourage鼓励)changing a 正在变化的(change变化)outgoing a 友善的(out出+go走…走出去和别人交往…友善的)assuming a 自负的(assume自以为是,认为+ing)engrossing a 引人入胜的(engross吸引)fascinating a 迷人的(fascinate使…入迷)ingratiating a 讨好的(ingratiate讨好;grat感激)discriminating a 有辨别力的(discriminate分辨)exhilarating a 使人兴奋的(exhilarate兴奋,高兴;参考:hilarious十分高兴的)riceting a 十分精彩的(rivet柳钉,如柳钉一样牢牢吸引住)inviting a 诱人的(inviet邀请)81.-ion(1)表名词,动作或状态concision n 简洁,简明(concise简洁的,con+cise剪…把多余的剪掉)propulsion n 推进(propulse推进,pro+pulse 冲动)expansion n 扩张(expanse扩大,ex出+panse 扩展)apprehension n 担忧;逮捕(apprehend担心,逮捕,ap+prehend抓住)aversion n嫌恶,憎恨(averse逆反的,反对的,a反+verse转)obsession n 入迷(obsess入迷,ob在…中+sess 坐…坐在中间…入迷)profusion n 丰富;浪费(profuse…浪费的;充沛的,pro+fuse流)collusion n 勾结,串通(collude串通,搞阴谋,col+lud玩…共同玩)discussion n 讨任(discuss讨论,dis+cuss敲打…分开敲打…讨论)possission n 拥有,占有(possess拥有,pos能+sess坐…能坐在上面…拥有)approbation n 称赞,认可(approbate称赞,ap+prob证明+ate→证明正确)classification n 分类(classify分类,class类别+ify)allocation n 分配,拨给(allocate分配,al+loc 地方+ate…拨到地方上)convocation n 召集,会议(convoke召集,con+voke喊)dilapidation n 破旧,荒废( dilapidate使倒塌,di分开+lapid石头…扔石头…毁坏)obligation n 责任;债务(oblige对---负责任,ob[=to]+lig捆→捆起来)affiliation n 入会,加入(affiliate使紧密联系,a+fil儿子+iate)consolation n 安慰(console安慰,con+sole安慰)resignation n 辞职;听从(re后退+sign签字…辞去职位)lucubration n 刻苦研究(lucubrate刻苦攻读,luc灯光+ubr工作+ation)inflation n 通货膨胀(inflate充气,膨胀;in+flate气)(2)表示某种物,用品accordion n 手风琴(accord和谐+ion)cushion n 靠垫(cush垫+ion)carrion n 腐肉(carr肉+ion)scorpion n 蝎子(scorp原意是一种鱼,转化为蝎子)mansion n 大厦(manse住宅+ion)carnation n 康乃馨(carn肉+ation,康乃馨为肉色)confection n 甜食(con一同+fect做+ion…混合制成的糖果甜食)82.-ior表形容词,较…的anterior a 较早的(anter早)posterior a 较后的(poster后)exterior a 外部的(exter外)interior a 内部的(inter内)superior a 在上面的,超越的(super在上面) inferior a 低下的(infer下面)ulterior a 较晚的,较远的(ulter远)senior a 年长的(sen年老)junior a 年少的(jun年轻)83.-ious表形容词,…的curious a 好奇的(cur关心+ious)contagious a 传染的(con共同+tag接触+ious) specious a 似是而非的(spec看+ious…看上去是而实际不是)spacious a 宽敞的(spac空间+ious)penurious a 贫困的;小气的(penury贫困+ious) flirtatious a 调情的(flirt调情+ate+ious)euphonious a 悦耳的(eu美好+phon声音+ious)parsimonious a 小气的(parsi花费+mon警告,小心+ious…花钱小心…小气的)tedious a 冗长沉闷的(ted厌倦+ious)commodious a 宽敞的(commod舒适方便+ious)84.-ise(1)表动词后缀,和-ize相同,是-ize的变体,…化memorise v 记住(memor记忆)criticise v 批评(ctitic批评家)advertise v 做广告(advert注意到,ad+vert 转+ise)authorise v 授权(anthor权力;参考authority 权威)fertilise v 施肥,授精(fert肥沃…fertile 肥沃的)revitalise v 使复活(re再+vital活的)注:由-ize构成的一些动词publicize v 宣传(public公开的)exorcize v 驱除(坏事)(ex出+orc巫术,邪魔+ize)aggrandize v 扩张(ag+grand大+ize)jeopardize v 危害(jeopard危害+ize)materialize v 赋予…形体(material物质+ize) neutralize v 使中和(neutral中间的,中和的+ize)sterilize v 杀菌;使不育(steril无菌的+ize)homogenize v 使一致(homo相同+gen产生+ize)lionize v 崇拜(lion狮子+ize…把人当狮子看…崇拜)temporize v 拖延时间(tempor时间+ize)industrialize v 工业化(industrial工业的+ize) popularize v 推广,普及(popular流行的+ize) (2)表名词,物品,状态merchandise n 商品(merchant商人+ise)turquoise n 绿松石(turquo=turkish;因绿松石来自土耳其面得名)mortise n 榫眼(mort死+ise…木头敲进榫眼使…不再动摇)treatise n 论文(treat 治疗;研究+ise)exercise n 练习,锻炼(ex出+erc力量+ise) 85.-ish n(1)表形容词,像…一样,有的… ,通常放在一具体名词后snobbish a 势利眼的(snob势利眼)faddish a 时尚的,时髦的(fad时尚,流行的狂热)fiendish a 极凶恶的(fiend魔鬼)modish a 时髦的(mode时髦)waggish a 滑稽的(wag小丑)sluggish a 行动迟钝的(slug懒汉)churlish a 脾气暴躁的(churl粗鄙之人,小气鬼)boorish a 粗野的(boor粗野之人)coltish a 放荡不羁(colt小马驹)childish a 孩子气的(child孩子)bookish a 书生气的(book书本)foolish a 愚蠢的(fool笨蛋)coldish a 稍冷的(cold冷)yellowish a 微黄的(yellow黄色的)fattish a 稍胖的(fat胖)(2)表动词,造成…furbish v 刷新(furb擦亮+ish)embellish v 装饰(em进入+bell美丽+ish)polish v 擦亮(pol擦亮+ish)famish v 挨饿(fam饿+ish;参考;famine饥荒) banish v 放逐,摒弃(ban禁止,放弃+ish) admonish v 告诫(ad+mon警告+ish)impoverish v 使成赤贫(im进入+pover贫困+ish;参考:poverty贫困)vanquish v 征服(vanqu克服+ish)diminish v 缩小(di使+min小+ish)flourish v 繁荣(flour花+ish)vanish v 消失(van空,失去+ish)nourish v 养育,哺育(nour营养+ish)(3)表示国家的或语言english a 英国的n. 英语turkish a 土耳语的n. 土耳语swedish a 瑞典的n. 瑞典语lrish a 爱尔兰的n. 爱尔兰语。




1.abide by(=be faithful to ; obey)忠于;遵守2.absorb(=take up the attention of)吸引…的注意力(被动语态):be absorbed in 全神贯注于…近:be engrossed in ; be lost in ; be rapt in ;be concentrated on be focused on ; be centered on3.(be) abundant in(be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有4.by accident(=by chance, accidentally)偶然地,意外.Without accident(=safely) 安全地5.of one s own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自愿地,主动地6.in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照7.on one’s own account(1).为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益(2).(=at one’s own risk 自行负责(3).(=by oneself)依靠自己on account 赊账; on account of 因为; on no account不论什么原因也不;of no/little account 不重要的.8.take…into account(=conside r)把...考虑进去9.give sb. an account of 说明, 解释(理由)10. account for 1)解释, 说明; 2)占…比例11.on account of (=because of) 由于,因为12.on no account(=in no case, for no reason)绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装)13.accuse…of…(=charge…with; blame sb. for sth. ; blame sth. on sb. ; complain about) 指控,控告14.be accustomed to (=be in the habit of, be used to)习惯于.15.be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of) 了解; (=to have met socially) 熟悉16.act on 奉行,按照…行动; act as 扮演; act for 代理17.adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to) 使自己适应于18.adapt…(for) (=make sth. Suitable for a new need) 改编, 改写(以适应新的需要)19.in addition (=besides) 此外, 又, 加之20.in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除…外21.adhere to (=abide by, conform to, comply with, cling to, insist on, persist in, observe, opinion, belief ) 粘附; 坚持, 遵循22.adjacent(=next to, close to) 毗邻的, 临近的23.adjust..(to) (=change slightly)调节; 适应;24.admit of (=be capable of, leave room for) …的可能,留有…的余地.25.in advance (before in time) 预告, 事先.26.to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地.27.have an advantage over 胜过.have the advantage of 由于…处于有利条件have the advantage of sb.知道某人所不知道的事28.take advantage of (=make the best of, utilize, make use of, profit from, harness)利用.29.agree with 赞同(某人意见) agree to 同意30.in agreement (with) 同意, 一致31.ahead of 在…之前, 超过; ahead of time 提前.32.in the air (1)不肯定, 不具体. ( 2)在谣传中.33.above all (=especially, most important of all) 尤其是, 最重要的.34.in all (=counting everyone or everything, altogether) 总共, 总计35.after all 毕竟,到底; (not) at all 一点也不; all at once(=suddenly)突然; once and for all 只此一次; above all 最重要的; first of all 首先; all in all 大体上说; be all in 累极了; all but 几乎.36.allow for (=take into consideration, take into account) 考虑到, 估计到.37.amount to (=to be equal to) 总计, 等于.38.answer for (undertake responsibility for, be liable for, take charge for) 对…负责.39.answer to (=conform to) 适合,符合.40.be anxious about 为…焦急不安; 或anxious for41.apologize to sb. for sth. 为…向…道歉42.appeal to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人呼吁. appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力43.apply to sb. for sth. 为…向…申请; apply for申请; apply to 适用.44.apply to 与…有关;适用45.approve of (=consent to, be in favor of, favor, agree to, consider good, right)赞成, approve vt. 批准46.arise from(=be caused by) 由…引起.47.arrange for sb./sth. to do sth. 安排…做…48.arrive on 到达; arrive at 到达某地(小地方);得出,作出; arrive in 到达某地(大地方);49.be ashamed of (=feel shame, guilt or sorrow because of sth. done) 以…为羞耻50.assure sb. of sth. (=try to cause to believe or trust in sth.) 向…保证, 使…确信.51.attach(to) (=to fix, fasten; join) 缚, 系,结52.make an attempt at doing sth. (to do sth.) 试图做…53.attend to (=give one’s attention, care and thought)注意,照顾;attend on(upon)(=wait upon, serve, look after) 侍候,照料54.att itude to/ toward …对…的态度.看法55.attribute…to…(=to believe sth. to be the result of…)把..归因于.., 认为..是..的结果56.on the average (=on average, on an average) 平均57.(be) aware of (=be conscious of , having knowledge or consciousness)意识到,知道.58.at the back of (=behind) 在…后面59.in the back of 在…后部(里面); on the back of 在…后部(外面); be on one’s back(=be ill in bed) 卧病不起.60.at one’s back(=supporting or favoring sb.) 支持,维护; have sb. at one’s back 有…支持, 有…作后台61.turn one’s back on sb. (=turn away from sb. in an impolite way) 不理睬(某人),背弃,抛弃62.behind one’s back 背着某人(说坏话)63.be based on / upon 基于64.on the basis of 根据…, 在…基础上65.beat…at 在…运动项目上打赢66.begin with 以…开始. to begin with (=first of all) 首先, 第一(经常用于开始语)67.on behalf of (=as the representative of) 以…名义68.believe in(=have faith or trust in; consider sth./sb. to be true) 相信,依赖,信仰.69.benefit (from) 受益,得到好处.70.for the benefit of 为了…的利益(好处)71.for the better 好转72.get the better of (=defeat sb.) 打败, 胜过.73.by birth 在出生上,论出身,按血统at birth 在出生时; give birth to 出生74.blame sb. for sth. 因…责备某人blame sth. on sb. 把…推在某人身上75.in blossom开花(指树木) be in blossom开花(强调状态) come into blossom开花(强调动作)76.on board 到船上, 在船上, 上火车或飞机77.boast of (or about) 吹嘘78.out of breath 喘不过气来79.in brief(=in as few words as possible)简言之80.in bulk 成批地,不散装的81.take the floor 起立发言82.on business 出差办事.83.be busy with sth.忙于某事; be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事st but one 倒数第二.85.but for (=without) 要不是. 表示假设86.buy sth. for…money 用多少钱买87.be capable of 能够, 有能力be capable of being +过去分词:是能够被…的88.in any case(=for love or money, at any rate, at any price, at any cost, whatever happens; anyhow)无论如何89.in case (=for fear that) 万一;90.in case of (=in the event of)如果发生…万一; in the case of 至于…, 就…而言91.in no case在任何情况下都不(放句首倒装句)92.be cautious of 谨防93.center one’s attention on(=focus one’s attention on) 把某人的注意力集中在…上94.be certain of (=be sure of) 有把握, 一定.95.for certain of (=for sure )肯定地,有把握地96.by chance(=accidentally, by accident)偶然97.for a change换换环境(花样等)98.charge sb. with …控告某人犯有…99.in charge of (=responsible for) 负责(某事); in the charge of …由…管100.take charge of (=to be or become responsible for)负责管理(照顾)。



2018考研英语常用动词-毙考题-122018考研英语常用动词词根词缀法是背单词的高效方法之一,掌握了词根词缀,遇到不会的单词猜词也更准,小编整理了常用动词_名词_副词_形容词词缀,考生抓紧记忆:常用动词_名词_副词_形容词词缀2016.-ally表副词,由al+ly构成,…地dramatically ad 戏剧性地(drama戏剧) conditionally ad 有条件地(condition条件) systematically ad 有系统地(system系统) exceptionally ad 例外地(exception例外) proverbially ad 无人不知地(proverb谚语,谚语人人都知,以无人不知地)17.-an表名词和形容词,…地方.…人American a 美洲的n. 美洲人Spartan n 斯巴达人Roman a 罗马的n . 罗马人partisan n 党徒(party党派)artisan n 手工艺人(artist艺术家+an)+ancy…波浪再回…多余)vacanyc n 空白,空缺(vac空+ancy) pregnancy n 怀孕(pregn余+ancy…拿住孩子…怀孕)buoyancy n 浮力(buoy浮标,浮起) compliancy n 依从,服从(comply服从) elegancy n 优美,高雅(elegant高雅)20.-aneity,来自aneous,表名词,表示性质,状态instantaneity n 立刻(instant马上的) spontaneity n 自发,天性(spont个人意志,自愿)simultaneity n 同时发生(sumult相同,一样+aneity)21.-aneors表形容词,表示…有;…特征的simultaneous a 同时发生的spontaneous a 自发的miscellaneous a 各种各样的(miscell混杂) subterraneous a 地下的(sub下+terr土地) extraneous a 外来的(extra外的) extemporaneous a 临时的(ex出+tempor时间)maditerraneous a 地中海的(medi中间+terr土地)22.-ant(1)表形容词,…的exuberant a 茂盛的(ex出+uber果实累累;参考:uberty丰饶)vibrant a 振动的,生气勃勃的(vibr振动;参考:revibrate再震动)extravagant a 奢侈的(extra出+vag走…走过头…奢侈)intoxicant a 醉人的(in进入+toxic毒…酒精中毒)discordant a 不一致的(dis不+cord心…不是一条心)resistant a 抵抗的(resist抵抗,对抗) repentant a 后悔的(pent难过,repent后悔) (2)表名词,…人accountant n 会计(ac+count计数)assistant n 助手(assist帮助)inhabitant n 居民(inhabit居住)participant n 参与者(participate参加)aspirant n 有抱负者(aspire热望、立志) sycophant n 马屁精(syco无花果+pha显出…献无花果…拍马屁)miscreant n 恶棍(mis坏+crea相信;参考:credulous 轻信的)tyrant n 暴君(来自拉丁文tyrannus暴君) (3)表名词,…剂disinfectant n 消毒剂(disinfect消毒) deodorant n 除臭剂(de去掉+odor气味) stimulant n 兴奋剂(stimul=sting刺) coagulant n 凝结剂(co 一起+agul凝聚) retardant n 阻化剂(retard阻止)lubricant n 润滑剂(lubric滑+ant)23.-ar(1)表形容词,…的titular a 名义上的(来自title名义)granular a 颗粒状的(granul=grain颗粒) vulgar a 无教养的(vulg平民+ar)linear a 线的(line线)familiar a 熟悉的(family家庭)(2)表名词,人,物liar n 说谎者(lie说谎)beggar n 乞丐(beg乞求)registrar n 注册员(register注册)cellar n 地窖(cell小房子+ar)altar n 祭坛(alt高+ar…离出地面…祭坛) calendar n 日历(calend一天+ar)24.-ard 表名词,不好的人drunkard n 醉鬼(drank醉的)laggard n 落后者(lag落后)coward n 胆怯者(cow吓唬,吓坏)bastard n 私生子(bast原意结婚,后指不结婚而同居)niggard n 吝啬鬼(nigg[=niggle 小气地做事]+ard)sluggard n 懒鬼(slug一种爬得很慢的虫子) 25.-arian表形容词或名词,…的(人) humanitarian a/n 人道主义的(人)(human人) doctrinarian a/n 教条主义的(人)(doctrine教条)vegetarian a/n 素食的(人)(vegetable 蔬菜) utilitarian a/n 功利主义的(人)(vutility实用,功用)totalitarian a/n 极权主义的(人)(total全部,全部权力归一身)disciplinarian a/n 纪律严明的(人)(discipline纪律)26.-arium 表名词,地点,场所planetrium n 天文馆(planet行星) sanitarium n 疗养院(sanit卫生;参考:sanitary 卫生的)apuarium n 水族馆(apu水)oceanarium n 海洋水族馆(ocean海洋)27.-ary(1)表形容词,…的honorary a 荣誉的(honor荣誉)imaginary a 想象的(imagine想象) elementary a 基本的(element元素,要素) stationary a 静止的(station车站;驻扎) temporary a 短暂的(tempor时间) sedentary a 久坐不动的(sed坐+wnt+ary) mercenary a 惟利是图的(mercen工资+ary) (2)表名词,人,场所,物secretary n 秘书(secret秘密)missionary n 传教士(mission宗教使命) adversary n 对手(ad反+vers转…反转…对手) luminary n 杰出人物(lumin明亮)emissary n 特使(e出+miss送)voluptuary n 耽于享乐的人(volupt拉丁文意为pleasure)sanctuary n 圣堂;避难所(sanct神圣) penitentiary n 监狱;感化院(penitent后悔) apiary n 养蜂场(api 蜜蜂)seminary n 神学院(semin种子,培养上帝的种子之地)granary n 谷仓(gran谷物)depositatry n 仓库(deposit储存)library n 图书馆(libr书+ary)dictionary n 字典(diction措词+ary)glossary n 难词表(gloss舌头;词语)salary n 工资(sal盐,古代发盐抵工资) distributary n 支流(distribute分配,分发) 28.-ast表名词,…人,物enthusiast n 热心者(en进入+thus[=theo 神]…进入神的状态…热情)encomiast n 赞美者(encomium赞美) ecduysiast n 脱衣舞女(ecdysis蜕皮,蜕化) ballast n (使船稳定的)压舱物(ball 球,重物) 29.-aster表名词,不怎么样的人poetaster n 劣等诗人(poet诗人)medicaster n 江湖医生(medicine药) daubster n 拙劣画家(daub乱涂) philosophaster n 肤浅哲学家(philosophy哲学) 30.-ate(1)表动词,做,造成differentiate v 区别,分比(different不同) liquidate v 清洗;结清(liquid液体…用液体清洗)infiltrate v 渗透(in+filtr过滤+ate ) remonstrate v 抗议(re反+monstr显示+ate) frustrate v 挫败(frustr犯错误+ate) attenuate v 变薄,变弱(at+tenu薄,细+ate;参考:tenuous纤细的)(2)表形容词,具有…的collegiate a 大学的(college学院)considerate a 考虑周到的(consider考虑) moderate a 有节制的(moder模,规矩) regenerate a 改过自新的(re 再+gener产生) inveterate a 积习难改的(in进入+veter老,旧_成为老东西)innate a 生来的,天赋的(in 在…内+nate出生) effeminate a 柔弱的(ef+femin女人) inanimate a 无生命的(in无+anim生命) illegitimate a 不合法的,私生的(il不+legitim 合法)(3)表名词,人或地位graduate n 毕业生(gradu等级)delegate n 代表(de+leg选+ate…选出来的人…代表)candidate n 候选人(cand白,古代候选人穿白袍)advocate n 拥护者(ad+voc声音+ate) surrogate n 代理人,代替品(sur下面+rog要求…要求做下去…代理)celibate n 独身者(celib不结婚)reprobate n 堕落者(re不+prob正直;参考:probity刚直)doctorate n 博士学位(doctor博士) electorate n 全体选民(elect选举)。



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下面就给大家分享一下!2018考研英语:近五年真题常考词汇(6)601. supreme[su:ˈpri:m] a.极度的,最重要的;至高的602. tackle[ˈtækl] n.滑车;工具v.解决603. vehicle[ˈvi:əkl] n.交通工具;媒介,载体604. terrify[ˈterɪfaɪ] v.使害怕,使惊恐605. tolerance[ˈtɒlərəns] n.宽容;容忍;耐药力606. traffic[ˈtræfɪk] n.交通,交通量607. translation[trænsˈleɪʃn] n.翻译;译文,译本608. tremendous[trəˈmendəs] a.巨大的,极大的609. ultimate[ˈʌltɪmət] a.最后的,最终的;根本的610. undergraduate[ˌʌndəˈgrædʒuət] n.大学生,大学肆业生611. underline[ˌʌndəˈlaɪn] vt.在…下划线;强调612. undermine[ˌʌndəˈmaɪn] v.暗中破坏,逐渐削弱;侵蚀…的基础613. unfold[ʌnˈfəʊld] vt.打开;显露;展示vi.呈现;显示;展示614. union[ˈju:niən] n.制服a.相同的615. unique[juˈni:k] a.唯一的,独一无二的616. update[ˌʌpˈdeɪt] v.更新,使现代化617. urge[ɜ:dʒ] vt.催促n.强烈欲望,618. urgent[ˈɜ:dʒənt] a.急迫的,紧要的,紧急的619. vanish[ˈvænɪʃ] vi.突然不见;消失620. vanity[ˈvænəti] n.虚荣心,浮华621. violate[ˈvaɪəleɪt] vt.违背;冒犯;妨碍622. virtue[ˈvɜ:tʃu:] n.德行;贞操;优点623. vital[ˈvaɪtl] a.生死攸关的,重大的;生命的,生机的624. volume[ˈvɒlju:m] n.容积,体积;音量625. voluntary [ˈvɒləntri] a.自愿的,志愿的626. volunteer [ˌvɒlənˈtɪə(r)] n./v.自愿(者,兵);自愿(提供)627. whisper [ˈwɪspə(r)] v.私下说n.耳语;传闻628. wisdom [ˈwɪzdəm] n.智慧,明智;名言629. withhold [wɪðˈhəʊld] vt.使停止; vi.忍住630. worldwide [ˈwɜ:ldwaɪd] a.全世界的ad.遍及全世界631. yield [ji:ld] v.出产;(to)屈服n.产量632.zeal[zi:l]n.热心,热忱,热情考试使用毙考题,不用再报培训班。



2018考研英语常用动词词根词缀法是背单词的高效方法之一,掌握了词根词缀,遇到不会的单词猜词也更准,小编整理了常用动词_名词_副词_形容词词缀,考生抓紧记忆:常用动词_名词_副词_形容词词缀17pinn=peak (顶)pinnacle 顶峰,尖顶plais=please (高兴)complaisant 讨好的plas=mold (模式)plaster 膏药plastic 可塑的protoplast 原物型pleb=people (人们)plebeian 普通民众的pleth=crowdx (挤,多)plethora 多余,供过于求supplicant 恳求者a.哀求的(跪下去求别人)plum=feather (羽毛)plumage 羽毛plume 整理—羽毛;骄傲pneumon=lung (肺)pneumonia 肺炎pol=smooth (光滑)polish 抛光,擦亮plite 有礼貌的postul=demand (要求)postulate 要求;假定存在expostulate 规劝,忠告pragm=deed (行为)pragmatic 实用主义的(以行为为最重要)psych=soul (灵魂)psychology 心理学psychical 心理学;灵魂的pud=shame (害羞)imoudent 无礼的,不知羞耻的pudency 羞怯,害羞puer=boy (男孩)puerile 孩子气的,幼稚的pulver=dust (灰尘)pulverize 把—弄粉碎pusill=mean (卑微的)pusillanimous 胆小的,胆怯的(anim生命)pyr=fire (火)pyre 火葬柴堆empyrean 苍天,太空(em进入+pyr+ean,进入火—进入太阳—天空) quarant=forty (四十)quarantine 隔离检查(被隔离40天)quer=complain ( 抱怨)querulous 抱怨的quarrel 争吵rab=rage (怒)rabid 狂怒的,狂热rabies 狂犬病radi =ray (光线)radiant 发光的irradiate 发光,(光)漫射ram=branch (枝)ramify 分叉,分枝ramiform 枝状的reg=king (国王)regnant 国王的,皇家的regicide 杀害国王regn=reign ( 王朝)regnant 统治的,占优势的intrerregunm 无王时期remn=remain (留下)remnant 剩余物rest=stay (停留)arrest 阻止,逮捕redtless 不安的;得不到休息的(和restive 是同一意思)retic=silent (安静)reticent 沉默的rever=awe (敬畏)revere 尊敬reverent 尊敬的,敬畏的rhe=flow (流)diarrhea 痢疾(dia对穿—对穿流过—拉肚子)rheum 泪水rhin=nose (鼻子)rhinoceros 犀牛riv=stream (河流)rivulet 小河(let表示小)derive 派生,得出rug=wrinkle (皱)corrugate 起皱(cor一起,皱到一起)sacchar=sugar (糖)saccharin 糖精salu=health (健康)salubrious 有益健康的(salubr=salu) salutary 有益健康的sanat=taste (味道)sapid 美味的,有趣的insipis 无味的;无吸引力的sarc=flesh (肉)。




小编祝愿考研的学子们再接再厉,勇往直前!relief n 替换,接替[U] The relief driver has got here. 接班的司机已经到了。

浮雕[U] The young man carved a figure in low relief. 这个年轻人刻了一座浅浮雕人像。

增开的车The coach was full so a relief was put on.公交车太挤了,所以要再增开一辆。

轮廓分明,对比鲜明[U][(+from/against)]The hill stood out on sharp relief against the dawnsky.黎明时群山的轮廓在天空印衬下极为明显。

His integrity stood out in relief from the corruption of certain officials.某些官员腐化,相形下他的廉正更引人瞩目。

山和山谷之间的高差a relief map 立体地图relieve vt换班, 换岗He will relieve a sick teacher tomorrow.他明天要为一个生病的老师代课。

remember vt致意, 问候Please remember me to your parents.请代我向你父母问候。

送钱[礼物]给…She always remembers me at Christmas.每逢圣诞节她总给我送礼品。

remote adj微小的; 轻微的I m afraid your chances of success are ratherremote.我担心你成功的机会极小。

remove n.等级, 程度His cruelty was only one remove fromcrime.他的残忍在程度上仅次于犯罪。



2018考研英语常用动词词根词缀法是背单词的高效方法之一,掌握了词根词缀,遇到不会的单词猜词也更准,小编整理了常用动词_名词_副词_形容词词缀,考生抓紧记忆:常用动词_名词_副词_形容词词缀2131.-atic表形容词,有…性质的pragmatic a 实用主义的(pragm行动)phlegmatic a 冷静的,冷漠的(phlegm冷淡,痰,古人认为痰多者冷漠)dogmatic a 教条的(dogma教条)aromatic a 芳香的(aroma芳香)charismatic a 有魅力的(charisma非凡的能力)fanatic a 狂热的(fan入迷者)erratic a 反复无常的(err错误,古怪;参考:errant错误的)problematic a 有问题的(problem问题)emblematic a 象征性的(emblem象征,微章)32.-ation表名词,行为,过程,结果approbation n 称赞,认可(ap+prob正确,认为正确…称赞)edification n 陶治(edify 启迪,陶治;ed吃)falsification n 篡改(fals错,假)revocation n 废弃,取消(revoke取消)provocation n 激怒(provoke激怒)obligation n 责任(oblige承担)elation n 得意(elate高兴)excitation n 兴奋(excite使兴奋)starvation n 饥饿(starve使饿死)lamentation n 悲伤(lament哀悼)imagination n 想象(imagine想象)combination n 结合,联合(combine结合)determination n 决定(determine决定)exclamation n 大喊,感叹(exclaim大喊)33.-arive 表形容词. 有…倾向(性质)的talkative a 好说话的(talk讲话)argumentative a 好争吵的(argument争论)meditative a 沉思的(meditate沉思)preservative a 防腐的(preserve保存)authoritative a 权威性的(authority权威)lucrative a 有利可图的(lucr钱+ative)figurative a 比喻的(figure形体,用形象比喻)seative a 镇静的(sed坐+ative)appreciative a 感谢的;赞赏的(appreciate欣赏)affirmative a 肯定的(affirm肯定)34.-ator表名词,通常由ate结尾的动词而来,做事的人或物designator a 指定者(designate指定)moderator a 调解人(moderate调节)gladiator a 角斗士(gladi剑+ator)dictator a 独裁者(dict命令+ator)consp irator a 阴谋者(conspire同谋)generator a 发电机(generate产生)35.-atory(1)表形容词,有…性质的condemnatory a 谴责的(condemn谴责)defamatory a 诽谤的(defame诽谤)propitiatory a 讨好的,抚慰的(propitiate抚慰)obligatory a 义务的,强制性的(propitiate责任,义务) mandatory a 命令性的(mand命令+atory)anticipatory a 预料的(anticipate预料)explanatory a 解释的(explain解释)(2)表名词,场所,地点observatory n 天文台(observe观察)laboratory n 实验室(labor劳动)conservatory n 暖房;音乐学院(conserve保存,保全)lavatory n 厕所(lav冲洗)purgatory n 炼狱(purge净化,清除;炼狱是人们净化灵魂之地) 36.-cy表名词,也作-acy,性质,状态celibacy n 独身(cekid独身+acy)intricacy n 错综复杂(intricate复杂的)fallacy n 谬误(fall错误)piracy n 非法翻印(pirate海盗)pregnancy n 怀孕(pregnant怀孕的)emergency n 紧急事件(emergent紧急的)idiocy n 愚蠢(idiot白痴)bankruptcy n 破产(bankrupt破产,tupt断)37.-dom表名词,状态或领域freedom n 自由(free自由的)wisdom n 智慧(wise智慧的)monkdom n 和尚身份(monk和尚)kingdom n 国王(king国王)flmdom n 电影界(film电影)38.-ee表名词,被动或主动的人employee n 雇员(employ雇用)trainee n 受训练者(train训练)examinee n 被考者(examine 考查)appointee n 被任命者(appoint 任命)absentee n 缺席者(absent缺席的)devotee n 献身者(dexote献身)refkugee n 难民(refuge避难)returnee n 归来者(retutn归来)39.-eer表名词,…人员mountaineer n 登山者(mountain山)profiteer n 牟取暴利者(profit利润)engineer n 工程师(engine发动机)volunteer n 志愿者(volunt自愿)mutineer n 背叛者(mutiny哗变)40.-el表名词,人或物personnel n 全体人员(person人)colonel n 上校(colon=column柱子…像柱子…样站着的人…上校) wastrel n 浪费者(waste浪费)sentinel n 哨兵(sent感觉,警觉+in+el)model n 模型(mod模式+el)parcel n 包裹(parc部分+el)novel n 小说(nov新奇+el)chisel n 凿子(chis挖+el)tunnel n 隧道(tunn管道+el)channel n 航道(chann管道+el)kennel n 狗窝(kenn[=can狗]+el;参考:canine狗的)41.-en(1)表动词,变成shorten v 缩短(short短)darken v 变黑(dark黑)sharpen v 削尖(sharp尖)straiten v 使狭窄(straot海峡;困难)hasten v 促进(haste匆忙)dampen v 使潮湿;使沮丧(damp潮湿)hearthen v 鼓励(heart心)broaden v 加宽(broad宽)sweeten v 变甜(sweet甜)(2)表形容词,由…制成,通常加在名词后面wooden a 木制的(wood木头)woolen a 羊毛制的(wool羊毛)golden a 金(色)的(gold金子)waxen a 蜡制的(wax蜡)oaken a 橡木制的(oak橡树)(3)表名词,人或物warden n 看守人(ward守卫,保卫)vixen n 泼妇(vix雌狐)citizen n 公民(city城市)heathen n 异教徒(heath荒野;灌木丛)maiden n 少女(maid少女)chicken n 小鸡(chick小鸡)kitten n 小猫(kit=cat猫)42.-ence表名词,性质,状态insistence n 坚持(insist坚持)confluence n 汇流(con共同+flu流+ence)truculence n 凶猛(trucul凶猛+ence)reverence n 尊敬(revere尊敬)negligence n 疏忽,粗心(neg不+lig选择+ence…不加选择…粗心) dependence n 依靠(depend依靠)despondence n 泄气(de不+spend诺言+ence…不照诺言去做…泄气) innocence n 无罪,天真(in无+noc伤害+ence…无罪)43.-ency,-iency表名词,ence的变体deficiency n 缺点(de不+fic做…做得不够…缺陷)solvency n 溶解力;还债能力(solve溶解)latrncy n 潜伏(期)(latent潜伏的)stridency n 尖锐,刺耳(strident刺耳的)complacency n 自满,自得(com前缀,加强语气+plac取悦…被取悦…自满) emergency n 紧急情况(emerge出现…出现的紧急情况)efficiency n 效率(ef出+fic做…做出事情…有效率)persistency n 坚持(persist坚持)44.-enne表名词,女性comedienne n 女喜剧演员(comedy喜剧)tragedienne n 女悲剧演员(tragedy悲剧)45.-ent(1)表示形容词,…的transient a 短暂的(trans转移+I+ent)sentient a 有知觉的(sent感觉+I+ent)prevalent a 流行的,盛行的(来自动词prevail.pre+vail力量)obedient a 服从的(obey服从)indigent a 贫穷的(贫困+ent)pungent a 刺鼻的(pung尖,刺+ent)confident a 自信的(con全部+fid相信+ent)excellent a 杰出的(excel超越,ex+cel上升)insistent a 坚持的(insist坚持)(2)表名词,…药剂detergent n 洗涤剂(deterg擦净+ent;参考:deterge擦净,洗净)absorbent n 吸收剂(absorb吸收)solvent n 溶剂(solve溶解)reagent n 化学试剂(re+agent试剂)(3)表名词,…人student n 学生(study学习)president n 总统;校长(preside主持)antecedent n 先行者(ante前+ced走+ent)resident n 居民(inhabit居住) correspondent n 通信者(correspond通信)。




小编祝愿考研的学子们再接再厉,勇往直前!operation n军事行动,作战[C][P1]The general was in command of operations in thenorth.将军负责指挥北方的作战行动。

交易,买卖[C][P1]He continued his operations in cotton futures. 他继续进行棉花期货交易。

operator n 行为有某种特点的人He is a smooth operator.他是个滑头。

opinion n舆论One shouldn t act without caring for publicopinion.一个人的行为不能不顾及舆论。

专业性的鉴定, 劝告The museum is seeking an expert opinion on the authenticity ofthe painting.博物馆在请专家鉴定那幅画的真伪。

oppress vt.使烦恼Many troubles oppressed my father.种种困难使我父亲意志消沉。

option n附件, 配件The car includes air-conditioning among itsoptions.这辆汽车的配件中包括空调设备。

买卖选择权, 期权Jones has taken an option on shares in thecompany.琼斯已获得那家公司股票的期权。

orbit n势力范围;活动范围;知识范围[C][U]They knew each other by sight, but their orbits did not touch.他们见面认识,但各自的生活圈子互不搭界。

organ n新闻媒体, 宣传工具; 机关报[杂志] ;风琴;机构This paper is the official organ of the Socialist Party.这份报纸是社会党的正式机关报。




小编祝愿考研的学子们再接再厉,勇往直前!sharp adj灵敏的, 机警的Birds have sharp eyes and dogs have sharp noses.鸟有敏锐的视力,而狗有灵敏的嗅觉。

adv.(时刻)正准时地Please be on hand at 12 sharp.请在十二点整到这里来。

shear vt抢夺;剥夺[(+of)]The assembly had been shorn of its legislative powers.议会被剥夺了立法权。

sheer adj完全的; 十足的He achieved his aim by sheer strength ofwill.他纯粹靠意志力达到了目的。

sheet n一团, 一片, 一层A sheet of frost covers the windshield.一层霜覆盖了挡风玻璃。

The rain fell in sheets.大雨滂沱。

shepherd vt.带领, 引导The teacher was shepherding the children into thebus.老师正带领着孩子们上公共汽车。

shine vi表现突出, 出众He s a pretty good student, but sports are where he reallyshines.他是个很好的学生, 可体育运动才是他真正出色之处。

shore vt. 用支柱撑住We have to shore up the damaged fence. 我们得用支柱撑住坏了的篱笆。

shower vi.下阵雨It has started to shower; I m sure to get wet.天已开始下阵雨,我一定会被淋湿。



2018考研英语常用动词词根词缀法是背单词的高效方法之一,掌握了词根词缀,遇到不会的单词猜词也更准,小编整理了常用动词_名词_副词_形容词词缀,考生抓紧记忆:常用动词_名词_副词_形容词词缀13canine a 狗的capr=goat (山羊)caprice v 突变;任性caper v 欢蹦,跳跃carcer=prison (监狱)caric=load (过分)aricature n 漫画;讽刺文caten=chain (链)concatenare v 把—连在一起cathar=pure (纯洁)cathartic n 泻药catharsis v 导泻;精神发泄cathol=general (普通的)catholic a 普遍的,一般的caul=stem (根,杆)cauliflower n 花菜(从根上长出花来)caust=bun (烧)caustic a 苛刻的;腐蚀性的holocaust n 大火灾(holo全部+caust—全部烧光)caval=horse (马)cavalier n 骑士cavalry n 骑兵ceal=hide (藏)concea v 隐藏cel=heaven (天空)celestia a 天的,天空的ceiling n 天花板(ceil+cel)celebr=honor (荣誉)celebrate 庆祝celebrity n 名人celib=single (单个)celibacy n 独身celibate n 独身生活的人a独身的cem=sleep (睡)cemetery n 墓地cephal=head (头)acephalous a 没有头的ceram=earth (陶土)eramic n 陶瓷erebr=brain (脑)cerebrum n 大脑cess=stop (停止)cessatinon n 停止,中止incessant a 无穷无尽的chame=ground (地)chameleon n 变色龙(chame+leon狮子—地上的狮子—变色龙)chondr=cartilage (软骨)h软骨ypochondria n 臆想病症(hypo在下面+chondr+ia病—在软骨下的病—人的臆想病) chtys=golden (金色)chrysanthemum n 菊花ciner=ash (灰)incinerate v 焚烧inerary a 骨灰的cinct=bins (捆)succinct a 简洁的cist=box (盒子)cistern n 贮水桶cla=break (打破)iconoclast n 反对崇拜偶像者clandestin=secret (秘密)clandestine a 秘密的clys=dash (猛冲)cataclysm n 洪水(cata向下+clysm)col=strain (排水)cpercolart v 渗滤,渗透colander n 漏勺oll=neck (脖子)collar n 衣领accolade v 奖励,授骑士士爵位礼(把奖品挂在脖子上)com=sleep (睡)coma n 昏迷,昏睡cintamin=pollute (污染)contaminate v 弄脏,污染cop=abundance (丰富)copious a 大量的cornucopia n 丰富;丰饶角(corn角+u+cop+ia——象征丰收的角——丰饶角)cori=skin (皮)excoriate v 剥皮;严厉批评corrig=correct (改正)incorrigible a 不能改正的corusc=glitter (发光)coruscate v 闪耀,闪烁cost=side (旁边)accost v 向人搭话;调情cras=mixing (混合)idiosyncras (人的)特性crastin=tomorrow (明天)procrastinate v 拖延(明日复明日)creas=flesh (肉)pancreas n 胰腺(pan接近+creas——像肉的东西——胰腺) crepit=burst (爆裂)becrepit a 衰老的(脾气不再火爆)crimin=ceime (罪)crimina n 罪犯recriminate v 反责;反诉(crud=raw (生的)crude a 粗糙的;原始的recrudesce (病等)复发(re再+crud+esce——再次变粗糙——复发) crust=shell (外壳)crustscean a 甲壳纲的(动物)culin=kitchen (厨房)culinary a 厨房的culmin=top (顶)culminate v 到达顶峰cmul=heap (堆积)accumulate v 积累cumulus n 积云cup=desire (渴望)cpidity n 贪财,贪心curt=short (短)curt (说话)短而粗暴的curtail v 截短;缩短(讲话、节目等)custod=guard (看护)custody v 监护cylind=roll (卷)cylinder n 圆柱体dama=conpuer (征服)adamant a 坚定的,坚固的(a不+dama+ant——不可征服的)de=god (神)deity n 神diefy v 神化deb=owe (欠债)debenture n 借据;债券dibit n 借方;负债debt n 债务dibil=weak (衰弱)dibility n 衰弱debilitate v 使衰弱deleter=destroyer (毁坏者) deleteriois a 有害的delect=delight (愉快) delectable a 愉快的delir=mad (疯)delirious a 神志失常的,妄想的。



2018考研英语常用动词词根词缀法是背单词的高效方法之一,掌握了词根词缀,遇到不会的单词猜词也更准,小编整理了常用动词_名词_副词_形容词词缀,考生抓紧记忆:常用动词_名词_副词_形容词词缀11201techn=skill,ability,表示技术,能力technical a 技术上的technology n 技术(学)(techn+o+logy学科)polytechnic a 多种工艺的(poly多technic技术的)202 temn,tempt=scorn,表示藐视contemn v 藐视,轻视(con共同+temn→大家一起看不起→藐视)contempt n 轻视(con共同+tempt→大家共同看不起→轻视)contemptible a 可轻视的;下贱(contempt+ible)contemptuous a 瞧不起人的(contempt+uous)203terr=frighten表示恐,怕terrible a 可怕的(terr+ible)terrify v 恐吓(terr+ify)terrific a 极好的(terr+iflc带来→带来可怕→好到了让人害怕的地步→极好的)terrorist n 恐怖分子(terror恐怖+ist+sit表示人)deter v 吓住,威慑(de不动+ter[=terr]→下得不动了→吓住)deterrent a 威慑的n. 阻化剂(deter+r+ent)determent n 制止(deter+ment)204 troph=nutrition 表示营养atrophy n 萎缩,衰退(a无+troph+y→无营养引起的→肌肉等衰退)dystrophy n 营养不良(dys坏+troph+y→营养坏)eutrophic a 营养良好的(eu好+troph+ic→营养好)trophology n 营养学(troph+o+log+y)205 toler=endure,表示容忍tolerable a 可容忍的(toler+able)tolerant a 心胸宽大的tolerate v 宽容intolerant a 心地狭窄的(in不+tolerant心胸宽大的)206 touch=touch,表示摸,碰touch v 摸,接触retouch v 再摸(画)润色(重新用画笔接触画面→润色)untouchable a 不可接触的(un+touch+able)207 trench=cut,表示切,割trench n 壕沟(被雨水切割出来的沟)entrench v 用壕沟防护,确立…地位(en在…里面+trench→在壕沟里面)trenchant a 一针见血的(trench+ant→象刀切进去一样)208 trop=vturn,表示转trope n 转义;比喻(转出来的意义)tropic n 回归线(太阳回转的地方)tropical a 热带的(tropic+al)trophy n 奖品,胜利纪念品(经过轮番努力[turn again andagain]而得到的东西) 209 tru=true,表示相信,真实truth n 事实,真理truce n 休战,停战(相信对方而停战)truism n 不言自明的真理distrust v 不信,猜疑(dis不+trust)entrust v 委托;相信(en给予+trust→给予相信→委托)210 trit=rud,表示磨擦attriton n 磨擦;消耗(at+trust→给予相信→委托)detriment n 损害,不利(de坏+tri[=trit]+ment→磨坏了→损害)trite a 陈腐的(像被磨破了一样)contrite a 悔恨的(con共同+trite→身心全部磨擦→悔恨交加的)211 tut,tuit=protect,表示保护tutor n 保护人,导师tutelage n 保护;教育(tutel[=tut]+age)untutored a 未受教育的(un没有=tutor教导+ed→没有被教导过的)tuition n 学费;教导(tuit+ion→受教育的费用)intuituon n 直觉(in不+tuit→不加保护而来的[感觉]→直觉)intuitive a 直觉的212 typ=type,表示模式,形状type n 种类,v.打字typewriter n 打字机(type+weiter用来打字的东西)typical a 典型饿(tyo+ical→成模式的→典型的)atypical a 不定形的;变态的(a不+typival典型的)prototype n 原型,典型(proto原始,第一+type→原始模式→原型) typography n 印刷术(typo+graphy写→用模型写→印刷)typology n 类型学(typ+o+log学科+y→研究模式的学科)213 wrin,ur=urine,表示尿urine n 尿urinate v 排尿(urin+ate)urinal n 尿壶;小便池urology n 泌尿学(ur+o+log学科+y)214 vapor=steam,表示蒸汽vapor n 蒸汽vaporize v 汽化(vapor+ize)evaporate v 蒸发(e出+vapor+ate→以蒸汽的方式出来→蒸发)evaporation n 蒸发(evaporate+ion)215 veil=cover,表示盖上veil n 面纱,借口unveil v 揭穿(un打开+veil→打开面纱→揭穿)reveal v 揭露,显示(re反+veal[=veil]→反盖上→不让盖上→揭露)216 vent=wind,表示风vent n 通风口,出气孔ventilate v 通风(vent+ilate表动词)ventilation n 通风,换风217 vestig=footprint’track,表示脚印,踪迹vestige n 痕迹;残余investigate v 调查,侦察(in进入+vestig+ate→根据踪迹调查→调查)218 vibr=swing,表示摇摆vibate v 摇动,震动(vibr+ate)vibration n 振动,摇动vibrant a 震动的;有活力的revibate v 震动(re再次+vibrate震动)219 vid,vis=separate,表示分开divide v 分开,划分(di分开+vid+e分开)individual a 个人的,个体的(in不+divide+ual→不能再分开了→个人) division n 划分,区分(divide的名词)dividend n 股息,红利(di+vid+end→分享的股息)devise v 设计,想出(由古义分开转化而来)220 vil=base,表示卑劣vile a 卑鄙的revile v 辱骂(re一再+vile→一再[使别人感到]卑劣→辱骂[别人])vilify v 诽谤(vil+ify→做卑劣的事→诽谤)villain n 坏蛋,恶棍(vill[=vil]+ain人卑劣的人→坏人)221 vir=man,表示男人virile a 男性的,阳刚的(vir+ile表形容词,如:fertile肥沃的)virago n 泼妇(vir+ago→象男人一样的女人→悍妇)virue n 美德(有男子气概→美德)viruoso n 艺术名家,大师(virtue美德,技能+oso表示人→技能之人→大师) virtuosity n (技艺)精湛(来自virtuoso)222 vot=vow,表示发誓devote v 投身于,献身(de加强+vote→拼命发誓→献身)devotion n 献身;虔诚(devote+ion)devotional a 虔诚的(devotion献身+al)ote v 投票(投票前需要发誓以示诚实)223 ware=watch,表示注视wary a 警惕的;谨慎的aware a 警惕的,戒备的(a+ware)unaware a 不知道的(un+aware意识到)awareness n 意识,知觉(aware+ness)224 zeal=ardor,表示热心zeal n 热心,一心一意zealot n 热心者,狂热者(zeal+ot表示人,如;hekot奴隶)zealous a 热心的(zeal+ous)ealous a 妒忌的(jeal[=zeal]+ous→对…热心而得不到,所以妒忌)。




301. in fashion(=stylish, most modern)时兴,流行302. after the fashion (of) 依照…303. find fault with(=complain about; criticize)找毛病,对…吹毛求疵304. at fault (=in the wrong, blamable)有错305. in favour of 赞成306. be in favour with 受宠, 受偏爱;out of favour with 失宠, 不受宠307. in one’s favour(=to one’s advantage)对.有利308. (be) favourable to(=advantageous)有利的309. fear for (=be afraid for the safety of sb. or sth.) 为…担心310. for fear of (=in case of; because of anxiety about) 以防, 由于怕311. in fear of (=afraid for the safety of) 担心312. feed (sb.) on sth. 靠吃…, 用…喂养313. be fed up with(=be unhappy, tired about sth. dull) 厌烦, 腻了314. feel like (=have a desire for) 想要315. fill in 填写316. fill out ( =fill in )填写317. set the world on fire=set the flames on fire(=do sth. remarkable)有突出成就318. play with fire (=take great risks)干冒险事319. set sth. on fire(=set fire to sth.)使..着火,放火320. at first sight(=when first seen)乍一看,一见321. for the first time 第一次(作状语)322. in the first place 首先, 第一323. fit into 刚好放入324. fit in with ( = suit , fall into agreement) 合适, 相配, 一致325. (be) fit for (=right and suitable for) 适合326. focus on (=concentrate on) 集中在…; focu s sth. on 把…集中在…上327. be fond of 喜欢328. (be) in force 有效, 实施329. go into force 开始生效330. by force 靠武力, 强行331. force…on 把…强加给…332. in the form of 以…形式333. be fortunate in 幸运,有好运气334. free of charge 免费335. be freed from 免受, 没有…336. in front of 在…前面; in the front of 在…前部337. furnish…with (=supply) 向…提供338. in general (=in most cases, usually)通常339. catch (or get) a glimpse of 瞥见(强调结果) take a glance(or look) at看一眼(强调动作) 340. be good for 对…有好处;对…有作用; be good at 擅长于; be good to 对…好341. in good time(=early)早早地(做完.到达等)342. for good (=for ever) 永远地, 长期地343. take…for granted (=assume to be true)把…认为理所当然的.344. be grateful to sb. for sth 因…感谢某人345. on the ground(s) fo (=because of) 由于…346. fall to the ground (计划.希望等)失败,落空347. on one’s guard(against) 谨防, 警惕; (be) on guard 站岗348. guard against (=defend, keep safe)警惕,防止guard…against 警卫…防止349. guess at 猜, 估计350. by guess 靠猜351. be guilty of 犯有…罪或过失352. be in the habit of 习惯于353. break off (a habit) 改掉(某种习惯)354. break sb. of (a habit)使某人改掉(某习惯)355. get (fall) into the habit of养成了…的习惯356. come to a halt (=stop) 停止; 停住357. at hand 在手边, 眼前(附近)358. by hand 用手工(做)359. hand in glove(with) 狼狈为奸, 密切合作360. in hand 1)在手边2)(=under control)控制住361. in the hands of 由…掌握, 控制, 负责362. live from hand to mouth勉强度日,现挣现吃363. at the head of 在…的前头364. head for (=move towards) 向…方向前进365. hear of (=know about) 听人说起, 听说过366. at heart (=in reality) 内心里, 实际上367. in one’s heart (of hearts)内心深处,事实上368. by heart (=by memory) 熟记, 背(诵)369. to one’s heart’s content 尽情地370. with all one’s heart全心全意地,真心实意371. hinder…form(=stop…from)阻碍,使..不能做372. be (go) on holiday 在(去)度假;go on holiday = go for a holiday373. be (feel) at home (=to be comfortable; not feel worried) 感觉合适,无拘束、熟悉374. be honest in 诚实375. in one’s honour (or in honour of) 祝贺,纪念376. on one’s honour 以某人的名誉担保377. hope for 希望(某事发生),希望有378. to one’s horror 令某人感到恐惧的是379. in a hurry (=hastily) 匆忙地380. be identical with(=exactly alike)和完全相同381. be identified with 被视为与…等同382. in ignorance of 不知道…383. be ignorant of ( = lacking knowledge) 对…不了解,不知道384. (an) impact (on) 对…的强烈影响385. impose…on 把…强加给386. impress…on 给…留下印象387. make (leave) an impression on sb. =give sb. an impression 给…留下印象388. under the impression that有..的印象,认为389. improve sth.(make sth. better)把原物改进; improve on(=produce or be sth. better than…) 另做一物比原物更好390. improve in (=get better) 有改进, 好些391. improvement in 表示原物有改进,好转392. include…in 把…列在…里面393. inclusive of 把…包括在内394. independent of 独立的,不受约束的395. indicative of 表明, 说明396. be indifferent to (=not interested in)对…漠不关心, 冷淡, 不在乎397. (be) inferior to(=less good in quality or value) 比…差; superior to比…好398. inform sb. of sth. 通知, 告诉399. be innocent of 无罪的,无辜的400. insist on (=order sth. to happen) 坚持要。




601. get rid of 摆脱, 去掉, 除去602.be in the right正确的;in the wrong错误的603. be within one’s rights(to do) 有权(做)604. give rise to (=lead to) 引起, 导致605. at the risk of(=with danger of)冒...的风险606. run(take)risk of (=do sth dangerous)的风险607. rule out (=exclude, eliminate) 排除608. in safety 安全地609. for the sake of ( =for the good or advantage of ) 为了…起见610. be for sale 待售611. on sale (=offered to be sold) 出售, 上市612. be satisfied with 满意613. on a large scale 大规模地614. on schedule(=at the planned or exacted time)按时,准时;ahead of schedule提前; in advance 预先;behind schedule落后于计划进度,晚于规定时间615. be schedule for 定在某时(进行)616. scrape through(in) 勉强通过617. from scratch(=from the beginning)从头开始618. in search of 寻找;in honor of 为了...表示敬意;in memory of 为纪念..;in hopes of为期待..;in pursuit of 为追求..;in behalf of为…的利益;in favor of 为赞成…;in support of 为支持…619. in season 旺季620. in secret 秘密地; in private 私下621. senior to 比…年长;junior to 比…轻; superior to 比…更好;inferior to 比…差622. in a sense 在某种意义上623. sensitive to 对…敏感; sensible (of)觉察到的;sensational耸人听闻的624. in sequence 按顺序, 按先后次序625. share in (=have a share in) 分摊, 分担626. share sth. with 与…分享,分担,分摊,共用627. be shocked at / by 对…感到震惊628. fall short of 达不到629. go short of (=be without enough of) 缺乏630. for short (in a short form) 为简便,简称631. in short (=in a few words, in brief)简称632. in short supply 供应不足633. be short of (=lacking enough)缺乏,不够634. be shy of 难为情, 不好意思635. at the side of 与…相比636. take the side of 站在…一边637. catch the sight of (=see for a moment)瞥见638. at the sight of 一看见…639. (be)in sight (=in view, visible) 看得见;out of sight 看不见640. know sb. by sight 与…只面熟641. on the sly (=secretly) 偷偷地642. smell of 有…的气味643. be sorry about/for 懊悔的,后悔的,难过的644. speak ill of 说…的坏话;speak well of 说…的好话645. specialize in 专门研究, 专攻646. in spite of (=despite) 尽管647. on the pot(=at the place of the action)在现场, 在出事地点; 或(=at once) 立即648. take a stand against 采取某种立场反对; take a stand for 采取某种立场支持…649. stare at 目不转睛地看, 凝视, 盯着650. in step 步伐一致;out of step 步伐不齐651. stick sth. on 把…贴在…上652. stick to 粘着, 坚持653. stick at (=continue to work hard at)继续勤奋地致力于…;stick one’s work坚持工作;stick at one’s books 勤奋读书654. stick to (=refuse to leave or change)坚持;stick to one’s promise 比喻食言;stick to one s friend 忠于朋友655. in stock 有….货656. be strict with 对…严格要求657. be/go on strike 罢工658. subject…to(=cause…to experience)使受..到subject (adj.) to 易受到…的659. submit…to 提交660. substitute…for 以…代替…661. suffer from 患…病; 受…苦痛662. be suitable for (=fit) 合适…的663. in sum 大体上, 总之664. supply sb. with sth 向某人提供某物665. superior to 优于…, 比…好666. in support of 以便支持667. be sure of (=have no doubt; certain)确信的668. for sure / certain (certainly, definitely) 肯定地.有把握地说669. make sure about 弄清, 弄确实670. be surprised at对..惊奇; take…by surprise使…惊奇;to one’s surprise使某人惊奇671. suspect sb. of 疑心某犯有…672. be suspicious of (=not trusting)对…有疑心673. by sympathetic to/towards对…同情,赞同674. sympathize with sb. or sth. 对…表示同情675. be in sympathy with 赞同,同情676. taste of 有…味道677. in good taste大方,得体;(反意)in bad taste678. to(one’s) taste 合…的口味, 中意679. tell…from (=recognize) 辨别.认出680. in terms of (=with regard to; respectively) 按照, 根据, 在…方面681. be on good/bad terms with 关系好(不好)682. thank sb. for sth. 因…感谢某人683. think of(=have the idea of)想到;(=consider)考虑; (=remember)想起684. on second thoughts 经再三考虑之后685. be through with (=finish with) 做好,完成686. at one time 过去一度, 以前曾经687. behind the times (思想,看法)落后于时代;behind time (=late) 迟到, 晚点688. for the time being (=temporarily)暂时689. in time(for) (=early or soon enough)及时;on time (=punctually) 准时690. at no time 无论何时也不…;in on time (=very quickly) 立即,马上691. at times (=occasionally) 间或, 时常; at all times (=always) 始终, 总是692. at a time 一次, 每次; 同时693. on top of 在…上面694. in total (=all have been added up) 总计695. be in touch with 与…有接触, 有联系;be out of touch with 与…没有联系或接触696. be true of适合于…的;be true to 忠于…697. to trust …to 把…委托给698. place (put, have) trust in 依赖699. in truth 事实上, 实在700. by turns 轮换地701. in turn (=successively; in order) 依次702. be typical of 是…的特点703. for use 以便使用704. be in use (=be used)被使用; be out of use (=be on longer used)不再被使用705. be used to+名词或动名词: 习惯于;used to+动词原形: 过去常常(做)706. be unprepared for 对…无准备的707. in vain (=uselessly) 徒劳708. be valid for 对…有效的709. in the vicinity 在附近;in close vicinity to 在靠近…的地方; in the vicinity of 大约710. with a view to +动名词(=in order to do sth.) 以…为目的711. in view (=in sight) 看得见712. in view of (=considering) 考虑到…;in the view of 按…的意思713. by/in virtue of (=as a result of, by means of) 由于…; 依靠…力量714. a warning against 告诫…不要; a warning of 警告…存在…715. (be) on the watch for不断监视看有没有...; (be) on the watch against不断监视为防范…716. be in the way (=obstructive) 碍事, 阻碍717. (be)under way (=moving forward)正进行718. by way of (=by going through) 经由,取道719. by the way(=in addition)顺带地(转移话题)720. in no way 无论怎样也不…721. in a way 从某种程度上说722. as a whole (=in general) 就整体而论723. on the whole (=generally, for the most part) 大体上说724. against one s will 违心地, 违背意愿;at will 随心所欲;;with a will 有决心地725. word for word (=literally) 逐字地。




小编祝愿考研的学子们再接再厉,勇往直前!mount vi.增加; 上升Social problems in modern society aremounting.现代社会问题日益增加。

vt.上演; 配有…It ll cost a great deal of money to mount theplay.要上演这场戏得花很多钱。

发动攻击; 攻击The opposition is getting ready to mount a powerful attack on thegovernment.反对党已准备好对政府发动一次有力的攻击。

mug n容易受骗的人, 傻瓜I don t think some mug will buy his fakejewellery.我想没有哪个傻瓜会买他的假珠宝。

〈俚〉脸She s got a handsome mug.她有一张漂亮的脸蛋。

v(英,非正式)(在短时间内尽可能多地)学习(或补习),苦学苦记;攻读I m constantly having to mug up things ahead of teachingthem.我经常不得不在上课前攻读要讲的东西。

vt.对…行凶抢劫A lot of people won t go out at night for fear of beingmugged.因怕遭行凶抢劫, 许多人在晚上不出门。

muscle n力量,实力[U]The party s political muscle is growing. 该党的政治力量在增强。

vi.[美俚]发挥膂力; 靠力气前进(through)muscle through a crowd用力挤过人群muscle in on aterritory侵入领土mushroom n如蘑菇般生长迅速的事物Birmingham is a mushroom.伯明翰是个迅猛发展的城市。

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friendship n 友谊(friend朋友)
hardship n 苦难(hard艰难的)
dictatorship n 独裁专政(dictator独裁者)
psrtnership n 合伙关系(partner合伙人)
relationship n (亲属)关系(relation关系)
citizenship n 公民身份(citizen公民)
membership n 成员资格(member成员)
airmanship n 飞行技术(airman飞行员)
salesmanship n 推销术(salesman推销员)
horsemanship n 骑马术(horseman骑手)
frolicsome a 快活的(frolic嬉戏)
meddlesome a 爱管闲事的(meddle干涉)
mettlesome a 精神抖擞的(mettle精神,气质)
loathsome a 令人作吐的(loath恶心,讨厌)
noisome a 恶臭的(noi臭+some)
winsome a 媚人的;漂亮的(win赢得…赢得好感)
cumbersome a 笨重的(cumber障碍物)
quarrelsome a 好争吵的(quarrel争吵)
lonesome a 孤独的(lone单独)
huckster n 叫卖小贩(huck叫卖)
prankster n 恶作剧者(prand恶作剧)
pollster n 民意测验家(poll民意调查)
spinster n 未婚女人(spin纺纱…纺纱女人…少女)
hipster n 赶时髦的人(hip时髦)
shyster n 奸诈的人(shy害羞,狡猾)
songster n 歌唱家(song歌曲)
seamster n 裁缝(seam 衣服的缝)
gangster n 匪徒(gang帮派)
rhymester n 抽劣诗人(rhyme音律)
warmth n 温暖(warm温暖的)
growth n 成长(grow成长)
stealth n 偷偷摸摸(steal偷)
strength n 力量(streng=strong强壮的)
length n 长度(leng=long长的)
depth n 深度(dep=deep深的)
zenith n 天顶(zeni顶点)
filth n 肮脏(fil=foul臭的)
mirth n 欢乐(mir快乐+th)
chaotic a 混乱的(chao混乱)
charismatic a 有魅力的(charisma个人魅力)
enigmatic a 神秘的(enigma迷)
aromatic a 芳香的(aroma芳香)
romantic a 浪漫的(roman浪漫)
dramatic a 戏剧性的(drama戏剧)
schematic a 纲要的(scheme提纲)
125-ture表名词,通常在单词或词根以t结尾时使用,表示一般状态,行为…ature ,iture miniature n 小画像,缩影(mini小)
legislature n 立法机关(legis法律+lat带来+ure)
fracture n 骨折;断裂(fract断)
conjecture n 推测(con共同+ject扔…一起猜)
expenditure n 支出(expend花费)
divestiture n 剥夺(divest剥夺)
horticulture n 园艺学(horti,来自hortense法国一喜欢花的女子+cult+ure)
denture n 假牙(dent牙齿)
scripture n 经典著作(script写,文学)
torture n 酷刑,折磨(tort扭曲)
signature n 签名(sign签字)
mixture n 混合物(mix混合)
censure n 责难(cens评判+ure)
closure n 关闭(close关闭)
enclosure n 围占,包围(en进入+close关闭)
composure n 镇定,沉着(com共同+pos放…精神放到一起)
fissure n 裂缝(fiss分裂+ure)
specialty n 特长(special特别)
safety n 安全(safe安全)
entirety n 整体(entire完整)
certainty n 肯定(certain肯定的)
cruelty n 残酷(cruel残酷的)
novelty n 新奇(novel新的)
frailty n 脆弱(frail脆弱的)
globular a 球形的(globe球状)
zonular a 带状的(zone区域,带状)
spectacular a 壮观的(spect看+ac+ular
vascular a 血管的(vasc血管+ular)
titular a 名义上的(title名义,头衔)
cellular a 细胞的(cell细胞)
jocular a 滑稽的(joc=joke好玩,玩笑)
plumule n 胚芽(plume羽毛…小羽毛壮的东西…胚芽)
granule n 微粒(grain颗粒)
globule n 小球(globe球)
barbule n 小刺(barb刺,倒钩)
nodule n 小节疤(node节,瘤
vacuous a 无意义的(vac空)
innocuous a (言,行)无害的(in无+noc毒害)
promiscuous a 滥交的(pro前面+misc混杂…混杂乱交
assiduous a 勤勉的(as+sid坐…直坐在那里学习)
contiguous a 接近的(con共同+tig接触)
ingenuous a 单纯的(in内+gen产生…产生在本地的…朴素的,单纯的) tenuous a 空洞的,稀薄的(ten薄+uous)
sumptuous a 豪华奢侈的(sumpt花费)
tortuous a 弯弯曲曲(tort弯曲)
tempestuous a 狂暴的(tempest暴风雨)
downward a 向下的(down向下)
upward a 向上的(up向上)
northward a 向北的(north北)
seaward a 向海的(sea海洋)
leeward a 顺风的(lee下风的)
homeward a 向家的(home家)
backward a 向后的(back后边)
crosswise ad 交叉地(cross交叉)
endwise ad 末端朝前地(end末端)
coastwise ad 沿海地(coast海岸)
sidewise ad 斜向一边地(side旁边)
clockwise ad 顺时针地(clock时钟)
likewise ad 同样地(like相像)
otherwise ad 要不然(other另外的)
crabwise ad 横行地(crab螃蟹)
crossways ad 交叉地
endways ad 末端朝前地
sideways ad 斜向一边地
flinty a 极硬的(flint燧石)
tardy a 迟缓的(tard慢)
rainy a 下雨的(rain雨)
windy a 有风的(wind风)
sleepy a 想睡的(sleep睡)
homey a 像家一样的(home家)
woody a 树木茂密的(wood树木)
hilly a 多山的(hill山)
2表名词,加在形容词或以r结尾的单词后difficulty n 困难(difficult困难的)
dainty n 精美食品(dignity的变体) discovery n 发现(discover发现)
inquiry n 质询(inquire询问)
mastery n 精通(master掌握)
jealousy n 妒忌(jealous妒忌的)
3表名词,人或小东西常带有戏谑性和爱称fatty n 胖子(fat胖)
shorty n 矮子(short矮)
oldy n 老人(old老)
doggy n 小狗(dog狗
kitty n 小猫(kit猫)
granny n 奶奶(grandma 奶奶的小孩叫法missy n 小姑娘(miss小姐)。
