



新概念英语课堂笔记第一册Lesson 69-70year【用法】n.年;岁;年龄【词组】this year今年last year 去年the year before last 前年next year 明年the year after next 后年all the year round —年至U头year after year 一年又一年,年复一年地year by year 一年一年地recent years 近年来a child of ten (years old)一个十岁的小孩a ten-year-old child 一个十岁的小孩【扩展】yearly adj./adv.每年(的),一年一度(的)mon th n.月份date n.日期seas on n.季节race【用法】n.比赛,赛跑;种族v.竞赛,比赛【词组】at the race观看比赛the women 'race 女子赛跑the human race 人类【例句】I 'race you to the end of the road. 我和你比谁先跑到路的尽头。

town【用法】n.城镇【词组】go to town进城【扩展】dow ntow n n.市中心区city n.城市country n.乡村crowd【用法】n.人群v.聚集,群集;拥挤,挤满【词组】a crowd of…一群…,一伙儿crowds of…一群,一伙儿be crowded with … 挤满…crowd around 挤在••的周围【扩展】crowded adj.拥挤的,挤满的【例句】The hall is crowded with people. 大厅里挤满了人。

A large crowd of people are wait ing in front of the gate. 一大群人在门前等着。

【用法】v.站立;坐落;忍受【词组】stand up站起,竖起stand by袖手旁观stand for代替,代表,象征【例句】The village stands at the foot of the hill. 那个村子坐落在山脚下。


组成的合成词。英语中有许多这样的合成词 。
• class+room—classroom 教室
• class+mate-classmate同学

• house+wife-housewife家庭主妇
• police+man-policeman警察
• bed+room-bedroom 卧室
• How old 意为“多大年龄,几
型机构为“How old+be+主语”,
+years old\months”.也可以直接
• How old is Bob? • 同义句:What’s Bob’s age?
• 与day的区别: • day • 1.意为“天”,指24小时,一整天。What day is it
today? • 2.指“特定的重大的日子、节日”,It is Children’s Day. • 3.意为“白昼”,与night相对。day and night白天和夜
How old are you,Alice?
• 1.when疑问副词,意为“什么时候”,引导特殊疑 问句,其结构为“when+一般疑问句?”。When可 以对年、月、日以及时刻进行提问或者询问某一动 作发生的时间。
• eg:When do you go to school ?
• When are you at home? • 2.birthday是由名词birth“出生”和名词day“日子”



❖ There were twenty cars in the race. There were English cars, French cars, German cars, Italian cars, American cars and Japanese cars.
It was an exciting finish. The winner was Billy Stewart. He was in car number 15. Five other cars were just behind him.
Lesson 69 The car race
Word List
❖ crowd ❖ (1)集体名词“人群”,单数名词表示一堆
❖ 例句:The crowd are noisy .人群很吵。 ❖ (2)in the crowd 在人群中
❖ (3)crowded adj.拥挤的 ❖ stand站立,起立
❖ It was an exciting finish. The winner was Billy Stewart. He was in car number fifteen. Five other cars were just behind him.
❖ On the way home, my wife said to me, “Don’t drive so quickly! You are not Billy Stewart!”
We are standing on the left.
on the right 在右面 turn left 左转 turn right 右转



There __w_a__s_ no milk in that cup last night. People__a_r_e__interested in funny films these days.
There_______ an old tree in my garden 10 years ago. Our villages______ poor and small in 1980s.
There were some sheep on the road .
There _____ _____ trees near the lake .
There were some trees near the lake .
There _____ _____ snow near the lake .
The book was on the shelf yesterday. 改成否定句: The book wasn‘t on the shelf yesterday.
The girls in red were in the shop two hours ago. 改成一般疑问句: Were the girls in red in the shop two hours ago?
The girls in red were in the shop two hours ago. 改成一般疑问句:
The phone was in her pocket ten minutes ago. 划线部分提问:
The book was on the shelf yesterday. 改成否定句: The book wasn‘t on the shelf yesterday.



you and Penny/Australia/July Eg:When were you and Penny in Australia? We were in Australia in July. 1. You / the office / March 23rd 2. You and Sam/home/May 1st 3. Your family/Canada/2010 4. Your sister/Beijing University/last year
Sam / Monday ? School Eg:Where was Sam on Monday? He was at school on Monday. 1.Your father/1996? Here in China 2.you/Match 1st? Home 3. they/November? Turkey 4. Mr .and Mrs.Johnson/the weekend? The country
is,am—was 助动词 do---did are—were 实义动词 eat-ate go-went have-had come-came forget-forgot buy-bought think-thought be 动词
改写下列句子。 用 yesterday 改写下列句子。 1. I am at the church now. 2. My son is at the school today. 3. We are at the office now. 4. There is a bus on the road. 5. Are there any cars here? 6. Here are some butterflies.



BMW 宝马
与阿尔法.罗密欧、菲亚特、福特、梅塞德 斯.奔驰、标致、雷诺、劳斯莱斯等老牌汽 车品牌相比,属于小字辈。但是在20世纪30 年代它却制造出了世界上最好的跑车和豪华 轿车,它从二战的破坏和50年代的财政衰退 中恢复过来。70年代早期,它再度成为世界 高性能和豪华轿车市场上的主角之一,并一 直延续至今。
Fill in the blanks
• There is a race near our town every year.
• In 1995, there was a very big race. There were hundreds of people there. My wife and I were at the race. Our friends Julie and Jack were there, too.
There was an apple on the table yesterday .
were some apples on the table yesterday .
There was a student in the classroom last Sunday .
There were some students in the classroom last Sunday .
There is a car race
near our town every year.
a horse race 赛马
In 1995, there was a very big race.
There were hundreds of people there. 成百上千的
My wife and I were at the race.



• On the way home… • 在回家的途中….
• On the way… 在… 的途中 • They were on their way to church. • We met last weekend this road about this
• Year n. 年 • He was born in the year of 1980.
• A. New York • B. Washington D.C. • C. Washington
What’s the capital of Australia?
• A. Sydney • B. Canberra • C. Melbourne墨尔本
The United Kingdom
What language do the people speak? 英国人说什么语言
town hall.
• A crowd of people: 一群人
• Stand v. 站立,看台,忍受
• the football match.
• The wounded soldier can’t stand the pain any longer.
Lesson 69
The car race 汽车比赛
场地赛有我们熟知的F1方程式,还有其他的比如雷诺方程式,宝马方程式,F3000方 程式,F2000方程式以及康巴斯方程式等等,还有比较著名的美国方程式也程印第 赛车等 以改装房车为参赛车辆的比赛就有很多,比如国际房车大师赛,STC超级 房车赛下面又分为英国房车赛BTCC、德国房车赛STW、瑞典房车赛STCC、义大利房 车赛ISCC都属於这一级次的比赛,近年欧洲最重要的超级房车赛Super Touring Car则是 国际级的欧洲房车赛ETCEuropean Touring Car,再比如GT房车赛,亚洲房车赛等等,近 些年都频繁的来国内比赛,让我们大家有了更加了解的机会 国内的场地赛是一个 新兴的项目,全国汽车场地锦标赛包括1600CC公开组系列赛、Polo杯全国场地挑战 赛、中国量产车赛(1600cc和2000cc)。都属于改装房车赛之列。 另外,不得不提的 就是勒芒24小时耐力赛,从大类上来说仍属于场地赛的范畴,但是其比赛形式以 及规则都是比较独特的 越野赛,我们耳熟能详的达喀尔拉力赛既属于此列,另外 除却国内的一些列越野比赛外,还有马来西亚丛林穿越赛等等著名的赛事 拉力赛, 这个就比较多了,许多国家都拥有自己的国家拉力赛,国内也是这样,一般分为S, N和超级千六3个组别。另外,也会有短道拉力赛等等,最著名的非世界拉力锦标 赛“WRC”莫数。 剩下的就是一些趣味竞赛,一般不由国际汽联直接参与管理,比 如说各国汽车爱好者组织的“直线竞速赛”,“大脚车赛”等等,也有厂商投资 发起的厂商杯单一品牌赛,比如国内的polo杯比赛就是一个很好的例子


• I'm very excited because the holiday is coming .
• There were hundreds of people there.
• My wife and I were at the race. • Our friends Julie and Jack were there, too. • You can see us in the crowd. • We are standing on the left.
• There is a car race near our town every year.
• In 1995, there was a very big race.
• There is a car race near our town every year.
• In 1995, there was a very big race.
• There is a car race near our town every year. In 1995, there was a very big race. • There were hundreds of people there. My wife and I were at the race. Our friends Julie and Jack were there, too. You can see us in the crowd. We are standing on the left. • There were twenty cars in the race. There were English cars, French cares, German cars. Italian cars. American cars and Japanese cars. • It was an exciting finish. The winner was Billy Stewart. He was in car number fifteen. Five other cars were just behind him. • On the way home, my wife said to me, 'Don't drive so quickly! You're not Billy Stewart!'


Lesson 69 The car race
race town
finish crowd
winner just
(1) year: n. ① 年。
this year 今年 last year 去年
next year 明年 every year 每年
No, there wasn’t.
It’s time to watch.
There is a car race
near our town every year.
每年 (1)a horse race 赛马 a 10-mile race 10英里赛跑 a boat race 划船赛跑 注:当race表示比赛时,是可数名词,前面要 加不定冠词“a”。
the year before last 前年
the year after next 后年
(1) year: n. ②岁数。
基数词 + year (s) + old e.g. My friend’s mother’s 40 years old.
How old are you? I’m 11 years old.
It was an exciting finish.
(1)在以元音发音开头的单词前, 要用不定冠词an。 an exciting race 一场激动人心的比赛 an exciting film 一部激动人心的电影 (2)it: 指代the car race。
The winner was Billy Stewart.
介词 at
1、用介词at的时间短语通常表示: 确切的时间、具体时刻(at 10 o’clock 10点整) 用餐时间(at lunchtime 午餐时间)



At:具体地点 at school at home
具体时间 at the weekend at 6 o’clock On:具体哪一天
on Monday on 1st August In:Байду номын сангаас糊时间与地点
in July in China
用 at on in 完成句子
一般现在时与一般过去时的用法 二者之间的转换 In on at介词的用法
2.以e结尾+d move-moved
Here were some butterflies yesterday.
Lesson 70
When were they there?
stationer’s 文具店
at the stationer’s
Danish[`deiniʃ] 丹麦人 Where are you from ? I am from Denmark. What nationnality are you ? I am Danish.
everyday,but yesterday she forgot to do it.
There were hundreds of people there . My wife and I were at the race . Our friends Julie and Jack were there , too.



69. A walk through the forestOne afternoon, I went for a walk through the forest. I had not gone far when I saw a man standing by a tree. When I went up to him, I saw that he was cutting down the tree. “Why are you cutting down that tree?” I asked. “Because I am going to build a boat,” he answered. “A boat?” I cried. “But there is no water here!” “No water?” he s本人d, looking at me as if I were a fool. “But there is plenty of water in the ocean. I am going to s本人l all around the world in this boat.” I realized then that he was mad. I turned and walked away.In the forest, I saw a wood-cutter. He was chopping down a tree. “Why are you cutting down that tree?” I asked him. “Because I want to sell the wood,” he answered. “But why do you chop down trees? Why not just trim the branches?” I suggested. “That may save the tree, and you can sell the branches and leaves for use in gardens or for making furniture.” The wood-cutter looked at me in amazement. I walked on feeling sad for the trees.After walking for some time, I came to a clearing. There I saw a man catching birds. “Why do you want to catch birds?” Iasked him. “Because I want to sell them,” he replied. “But birds are meant to fly in the sky. You should not catch them and put them in cages,” I s本人d. “Having a bird in a cage is like being in j本人l. It is not right to take their freedom away.” The man shook his head in disbelief and continued with his work. I left the clearing feeling troubled.As I walked deeper into the forest, I saw a group of hunters. They were setting traps to catch animals. “Why are you trapping these animals?” I asked them. “Because we will sell their fur,” they answered. “But what about the poor animals?”I pleaded. “They have a right to live freely in the forest. It is not f本人r for us to take away their lives for our own benefit.” The hunters just laughed at me and carried on with their cruel task. I felt a great sorrow in my heart and left the forest.Note: This is the sixty-ninth lesson in the book New Concept English 1. It tells a story about a man who met various individuals in a forest and tried to persuade them to changetheir harmful actions towards nature. However, his efforts werein v本人n as they did not understand the importance of environmental conservation. The lesson teaches the readers about the value of nature and the need to protect it fromhuman exploitation. It emphasizes the significance of living in harmony with the environment and respecting the rights of animals and plants. The story carries a message of the responsibility each individual has in preserving the natural world for future generations.。



n. 人群
e.g. A whole crowd of us are going to the party.
n. 人群
e.g. A whole crowd of us are going to the party.
Language Point
同学们 , 请对照教材听老师讲解!
hundreds of : 不确定数量。 成千上百的 , 数以百计的。 第一人称 I : 当提到第一人称的时候 , 经常往后面放。 e.g. 我和我的妈妈 : my mother and I
Language Point
The basketball match is very ________ .
A. exciting C. excited
B. excite
答案:exciting 解析: 考查形容词 exciting adj. 令人激动的 , 一般修饰物; excited adj. 兴奋的;激动的 , 一般修饰人; excite v 激起 , 刺激; 译文:篮球比赛非常激动人心。
The car race 汽车比赛
There be句型在一般过去时中如何使用 非规律时间表达
Which car was the winner in 1995? 哪辆车在1995年的比赛中获胜?



Unit35Lesson69-70一、单词关联及拓展1.race n. 比赛 car race 车赛in the race 在比赛中 at the race 在赛场上2. crowd n. 人群in the crowd:在人群中crowd v.挤上去 crowd into 拥护,挤进……crowded adj.拥挤的3. finish n. 结尾,结束① n. 结束;最后阶段(或部分) an exciting finish② n. 完美,完善;(举止等)优雅③ v. 完成finish (v. )+ doing sth. I finished reading that book last work.3. way n. 路途(抽象)on one’s way home/ to school在某人回家/去学校的路上on the way (home)/ to school在回家/去学校的路上区分:road 路,城市与乡间的路,国道,指具体的路street:街道 lane:胡同 path:路径,林间小路 route:路线 highway:高速路By the way=BTW 顺便说一下This way, please! 请这边走in this way 用这种方法二、记住下列短语1. a car race 一场汽车比赛 in the race在赛场中 at the race在赛场上2. hundreds of people数以百计的人3. in the crowd 在人群里4. on the left 在左边 an exciting finish激动人心的结尾5. on the way home 在回家的路上三、记住下列句子1.There was a very big race in 1995. 1995年举行了一次盛大的比赛。

2. There were hundreds of people there. 那里有许许多多的人。



near our town every year. 每年
a horse race 赛马 a 10-mile race 10英里赛跑
every day/ week/ Monday…
In 1995,
there was a very big race.
1、用介词at的时间短语通常表示: 确切的时间(at 10 o'clock) 用餐时间(at lunchtime) 其他时刻(at noon/night) 节日(at Spring Festival,Christmas
/jiə/ /reis/ /taun/ /kraud/ /stænd/ /iksaitiŋ/ /dʒʌst/ /finiʃ/ /winə/ /bihaind/ /wei/
. /denma:k/
• year • race • town • crowd • stand • exciting • just • finish • winner • behind • way
Lesson 69
The car race
at the baker’s
If you want to buy some
bread, where are you?
If you want to cut your hair short, where
are you?
at the hairdresser’s
stationer at the stationer’s
Lesson 69
The car race
year n.年 race n.比赛 town n.城镇 crowd n.人群 stand v.站立 exciting a.使人激动的 just ad.正好,恰好 finish n.结尾,结束 winner n.获胜者 behind prop.在…之后 way n.路途 stationer n.文具商 Denmark n.丹麦



Lesson 69 A game of hopscotch 第69课 跳房子游戏 Billy:Hullo Liz,hullo Lillie,hullo Sue. 你好,莉兹.你好莉莉.你好,苏. Girls:Hullo Billy. 女孩子们:你好,比利 Billy:What are you doing? 比利:你们在干什么? Liz:We're playing hopscotch 莉兹:我们在玩跳房子. Billy:Can I play,too? 比利:我也来玩好吗? Girls:All right. 女孩子们:好的. Billy:It's my turn. 比利:轮到我了. Sue:Throw your stone,Billy. 苏:比利,扔石子. Tom:Look at Billy!He's playing hopscotch with the girls! 你们看比利!他同女孩子一起玩跳房子 Sandy:Hopscotch is a girls game,Billy. 比利,跳房子是女孩子玩的游戏 Tom:Come and play football with us. 来和我们一起踢足球吧.



新概念英语第一册课文69-79新概念英语第一册课文69-79新概念英语第一册学习资料免费下载:vickey新概念英语新概念英语第一册视频免费下载:vickey新概念英语视频Lesson69 The car raceThere is a car race near our town every year. In 1968, there was a very big race.There were hundreds of people there. My wife and I were at the race. Our friends, Julie and Jack were there, too. You can see us in the crowd. We are standing on the left.There were twenty cars in the race. There were English cars, French cars, German cars, Italian cars, American cars and Japanese cars.It was an exciting finish. The winner was Billy Stewart. He was in car number fifteen. Five other cars were just behind him.On the way home, my wife said to me, “Don’t drive so quickly! You’re not Billy Stewart!”Lesson 69 The car race 汽车比赛在我们镇子附近每年都有一场汽车比赛。






新概念英语第一册lesson69-70 PPT课件

新概念英语第一册lesson69-70 PPT课件

give gave Tom gives me a bag . Tom gave me a bag yesterday . Tom did not give me a bag yesterday .
Tom didn’t give me a bag yesterday . Did Tom give you a bag yesterday ?
Penny and me were at school on February 2nd. Sam and Tom were in India in 1990.
on in
on in
He didn’t say to me. Did he say to you?
there, too. You can see us in the crowd. We are
standing on the left. There were twenty cars in
the race. There were English cars, French cars,
German cars, Italian cars, American cars and
行为动词的过去式有规则变化和不规则变化两种,规 则变化有以下几种情况:
(1)直接在动词原形末尾加-ed. work-----worked; ask------asked; ( 2)以e结尾的动词只加-d. arrive-----arrived; like-----liked. (3)末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,应先双写
口诀:"动词变成过去式,双写规律要牢记;y前 若是辅音字,y变i加-ed;y前若是元音字,只须 直接加-ed.""一般过去时态里,过去形式莫忘 记".

新概念英语第一册69-70课 详细

新概念英语第一册69-70课  详细

Rolls Royce
Words ewbcsftxwjeiroytcunaoheiwatsincwaisytnedhrdgdr
• year • race • town • crowd • stand • exciting • just • finish • winner • behind • way
lotus GTE
Aston Martin 阿斯顿.马丁
阿斯顿.马丁是知名汽车品牌。加速性能优异是阿斯 顿.马丁跑车的最大特点,从静止启动加速到时速 100公里,仅需6秒。提到阿斯顿.马丁就会想到 007詹姆斯.邦德的传奇故事,似乎阿斯顿.马丁的 出名要归功于007。虽然英国车总是带有保守和固执 的绅士风格,但阿斯顿.马丁的每一种款式却总是久 负盛名,毫无过时之感。车标为一只展翅飞翔的大鹏, 分别注有阿斯顿、马丁英文字样。喻示该公司象大鹏 一样,具有从天而降的冲刺. 速度和远大的志向。
年、月、季节要加in 星期、日期要加on
at 、at几点了
【in】是“大姐”,因为后面所接的 都是较长时间(月、年、季节等)。
【on】是 “二姐”,后面所接的时 间多与日期有关(星期、日期、具体 时间、纪念日等)。
【at】是“小妹”,因为接在后面的 时间最短(具体时刻或某短暂时间)。
Good morning !.If you来自want to buy some
bread, where are you?
at the baker’s
If you want to cut your hair short, where


Lesson 69 The car race Lesson 70 When were they there?
▪ Who was the winner?
▪ Billy Stewart.
race /reis/ n. 比赛
▪ n. 种类;人种 ▪ v. 比赛,竞赛 ▪ relay race 接力赛 ▪ the human race 人类
just adv.正好,恰好
▪ adv. 刚才;方才;仅仅
▪ just as 正……的时候 ▪ just now 刚刚 ▪ just the same 完全一样 ▪ just then 就在那时
▪ behind him 在他之后 ▪ just behind him 紧紧跟在他后面
▪ Five other cars are just behind him. ▪ Five other cars were just behind him. ▪ 其他五辆车紧跟在他后面。

The car race
There is a car race near our town every year.
In 1995, there was a very big race. There were
hundreds of people there. My wife and I were
at the race. Our friends, Julie and Jack! You're not Billy Stewart!
▪ There was a very big race. ▪ There was not a very big race. ▪ Was there a very big race?
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