-02 冰毒
• 即“甲基苯丙胺”,外观为纯白结晶体,故被成为“冰”(ice), 是一种强烈的中枢神经兴奋剂。最大的特点是第一次使用便会上 瘾,毫无办法解脱,已成为国际上危害最大的毒品之一。它能大 量消耗人的体力和免疫功能,会导致情绪低落及疲倦、精神失常, 损害心脏、大脑肾和肝,严重者甚至死亡。还会造成精神障碍, 表现出妄想、好斗、错觉,从而引发暴力行为。
01 当前毒情形势 The current drug situation
02 什么是毒品 What are drugs
03 什么是吸毒 What is drug use
04 毒品的危害
The dangers of drugs
05 如何预防吸毒 How to prevent drug use
不振,甚至完全丧失营养摄入严重不足。 • 4、传染疾病:毒品破坏人体免疫机制,使吸毒者极易感染各种疾病。 • 5、传播艾滋病:吸毒者使用不洁的注射器或共用注射器造成人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)的直接血液传
-04 毒品的危害
• B、自伤、自杀、自残 • 吸毒者难以忍受毒瘾发作的巨大的痛苦,往往采取自伤、自残甚至自杀的方式摆脱毒瘾的发作。
即指不断地使用同一种药物以后其 效果的退化,需要加大剂量才能获 得与以前同样的或相似的效果;
即指某人精神上需要某种毒品,一 般就是习惯。
-02 什么是毒品
3、毒品的 分类及常见
• 根据毒品来源毒品可分为: • 天然毒品、半合成毒品和合成毒品。
• 根据其对人的中枢神经系统的作用,毒品可分为: • 抑制剂、兴奋剂、致幻剂。
DRUG 毒品介绍英文PPT
![DRUG 毒品介绍英文PPT](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/313ee7f9f90f76c661371af0.png)
LSD may trigger panic attacks or feelings of extreme anxiety, colloquially referred to as a "bad trip". No real prolonged effects have been proven, however people with such conditions as schizophrenia and depression can worsen with LSD
Close to drug Away from drug
In the May 26, 2012, Miami cannibal attack, assailant Rudy Eugene was fatally shot as he assaulted Ronald Poppo on the MacArthur Causeway in Miami, Florida. During the 18-minute filmed encounter, Eugene (who himself had stripped nude) beat Poppo unconscious, removed his pants, and chewed off most of his face above the beard, including his left eye. As a result of the incident's shocking nature and subsequent worldwide media coverage, Eugene came to be dubbed the "Miami Zombie" as well as the "Causeway Cannibal".
一种合成毒品,主要成分是甲基 苯丙胺,具有强烈的兴奋和致幻 作用,长期使用会导致精神障碍
一种苯丙胺类毒品,具有兴奋和 致幻作用,使用后会产生强烈的 快感和愉悦感,但长期使用会导
一种具有强烈镇痛和致幻作用的 合成毒品,常被用于非法娱乐场
毒品预防教育应该注重宣传毒品的危 害和后果,让人们充分认识到毒品的 严重性,从而自觉抵制毒品的诱惑。
禁毒斗争需要全社会的共同参与和支 持,政府、企事业单位、社会组织和 个人都应该积极参与到禁毒工作中来。
企事业单位应该加强员工禁毒教育和 管理,建立健全的禁毒规章制度,防 止员工涉毒行为的发生。
小王,25岁,原本是一个充满活力和朝气的年轻人。由于好 奇心驱使,他开始尝试毒品,从此陷入无法自拔的境地。他 的健康状况急转直下,工作和生活受到严重影响,最终失去 了原本美好的未来。
吸毒会导致精神障碍,如 焦虑、抑郁、幻觉等,甚 至出现自杀倾向。
吸毒者往往变得冷漠、孤 僻,与家人和朋友的关系 疏远。
通过预防教育,让公众了解毒品的危 害,增强自我保护意识。
减少毒品相关犯罪活动,维护社会治 安和稳定。
降低社会对毒品的需求,从源头上遏 制毒品问题的蔓延。
(3) mental disorders and metamorphosis: the most prominent drug induced mental disorders is hallucinations and thought disorder. Their behavior characteristics of the drug to focus on, even as drug and the loss of human nature.
The harm of drug abuse
Events about some stars taking drugs
the influnence of the star drug events
Stay away from drugs,
cherish yourselves
The harm withdrawal: a long-term drug use has led to a serious and potentially
fatal risk of physical and psychological harm, usually in a sudden termination of medication or reduce the dosage after. Many drug addicts in the absence of economic The harm of resources, purchase drugs, and drug drug abuse abuse cases, died of serious bodily or withdrawal reactions caused by various complications, or because the pain is just unbearable and committed suicide. Withdrawal of drug addicts is also an important reason why the withdrawal difficult.
The ham of bugs
Drugs can have a negative impact on an individual's physical health They can lead to addition, tolerance, and withdrawal symptoms, and can also cause damage to the body's organs and systems
Drug use can lead to changes in thinking patterns and beliefs that promote continued drug use, such as a dense of the problem or rationalization of drug use
Drugs can have a negative impact on an individual's social life as well They can lead to issues with family and friends, problems at work or school, and can even result in legal problems and conflicts
A medically supervised process to help the individual safely with draw from the drug
Therapy and support to help the individual learn new ways of thinking and behavior, and to develop health coping mechanisms
Drugs can have a negative impact on an individual's physical health They can lead to addition, tolerance, and withdrawal symptoms, and can also cause damage to the body's organs and systems
Drug use can lead to changes in thinking patterns and beliefs that promote continued drug use, such as a dense of the problem or rationalization of drug use
Drugs can have a negative impact on an individual's social life as well They can lead to issues with family and friends, problems at work or school, and can even result in legal problems and conflicts
A medically supervised process to help the individual safely with draw from the drug
Therapy and support to help the individual learn new ways of thinking and behavior, and to develop health coping mechanisms
First-time users — even teens — of both cocaine and crack can stop breathing or have fatal(致命的) heart attacks. Using either of these drugs even one time can kill you.
But the real thing about drugs can be unbelievable terrifying. Here's what you need to know.
How do drugs work?
Drugs are chemicals or substances that change the way our bodies work. When you put them into your body (often by swallowing, inhaling, or injecting them), drugs find their way into your bloodstream and are transported to parts of your body, such as your brain. In the brain, drugs may either intensify or dull your senses, alter your sense of alertness, and sometimes decrease physical pain 。
To slove this problem,there is still not a perfect solution.If only selling drugs can be that profitable,there's always someone who would like to take the risk cooking and selling it.
But the real thing about drugs can be unbelievable terrifying. Here's what you need to know.
How do drugs work?
Drugs are chemicals or substances that change the way our bodies work. When you put them into your body (often by swallowing, inhaling, or injecting them), drugs find their way into your bloodstream and are transported to parts of your body, such as your brain. In the brain, drugs may either intensify or dull your senses, alter your sense of alertness, and sometimes decrease physical pain 。
To slove this problem,there is still not a perfect solution.If only selling drugs can be that profitable,there's always someone who would like to take the risk cooking and selling it.
Drug abuse is dangerously harmful to both the user and the society.
Take one’s own life 自杀
Affected offspring 祸及后代
Illegal crime 违法犯罪
The serious problem of drug abuse deserves great attention of the whole society. Strict measures have been taken to prohibit the production, trafficking and sale of drugs. Most importantly, education should be carried out among young people to warn them to stay away from drugs. I am sure that with the joint efforts of the government and the society, the problem of drug abuse will be certainly brought under control.
Cherish your life, Stay away form drugs.
The woman in the picture is taking a drug, her eyes fixed on the drug as if all her life depended on it. She is so thin that she looks like a skeleton(骨瘦如柴). It is the drugs that have got her into such a terrible condition.The picture shows us that the abuse of illegal drugs has becoming more and more serious in our country.
第十章 病残、伤残诸病 第三节 脑 瘫
二、 病 因
2. 出生时原因: 颅内出血、早产儿、低体重儿、过期分娩、 脐带绕颈、小儿呼吸障碍、小儿高胆红素 血症。
二、 病 因
3.出生后原因: 中枢神经系统感染、头颅外伤、新生儿呼 吸障碍、持续痉挛等。
脑瘫多在出生后或婴幼儿时期发病,无遗 传因素,病情稳定,非进行性。但不即时 治疗,产生许多并发症,如关节僵硬、肢 体变形、肌肉萎缩。
三、 康复预测
越早康复,可塑性越大。 超早期训练(乳儿期训练):出生后6个月
以前开始的训练,由于脑瘫症状尚未完全 出现,故可期待完全康复。
早期训练(乳儿后期至幼儿期的训练): 出生后6个月至3岁以前的康复训练,此时 脑瘫症状已有表现,但挛缩畸形等并发症 尚未形成,因此康复训练可使运动功能有 大幅度改善。
(一)饮食 保证充足的营养。 婴儿尽量以母乳为主,适当加用牛奶、蛋
羹、肉泥、菜泥等流质或糊状食品。 幼儿以喂食为主,食物宜细软、易消化、
营养价值高。 对以吞咽功能差的患儿,可施行鼻饲喂食。
(二)运动: 脑瘫运动障碍的表现形式不一,故运动训
练的操作方法也较为复杂。 头部控制功能训练的重点,在于纠正头部
As is shown on the chart above, 30% of the teenagers taking drugs are cheated into doing it, and 50% are driven by curiosity. Another 15% just seek excitement or try to get rid of their anxiety. The rest try it for some other reasons.
Cocaine is a stimulant(兴奋剂) that rocks the central nervous system, giving users a quick, intense(剧烈 的) feeling of power and energy. Snorting(烫吸) highs last between 15 and 30 minutes; smoking highs last between 5 and 10 minutes.
These days, drugs can be found everywhere, and it may seem like thousands of people’s doing them. Lots of people are tempted by the excitement or escape that drugs seem to offer.
பைடு நூலகம்
In oeder to buy drugs,drug addicts will do whatever they can to make money which makes a contribution to crimes that disturbs the society's harmony.They may do, for instance,robbery.
A drug may be helpful or harmful. The effects of drugs can vary depending upon the kind of drug taken, how much is taken, how often it is used, how quickly it gets to the brain, and what other drugs, food, or substances are taken at the same time. Effects can also vary based on the differences in body size, shape, and chemistry.
These days, drugs can be found everywhere, and it may seem like thousands of people’s doing them. Lots of people are tempted by the excitement or escape that drugs seem to offer.
பைடு நூலகம்
In oeder to buy drugs,drug addicts will do whatever they can to make money which makes a contribution to crimes that disturbs the society's harmony.They may do, for instance,robbery.
A drug may be helpful or harmful. The effects of drugs can vary depending upon the kind of drug taken, how much is taken, how often it is used, how quickly it gets to the brain, and what other drugs, food, or substances are taken at the same time. Effects can also vary based on the differences in body size, shape, and chemistry.
有人为吸毒者作戒毒榜样,导致吸毒后戒不了; 有的被激将而吸毒,特别是个性极强的人往往被
不少吸毒者是在毫不知情的情况下被欺骗吸毒, 几次后找到了欣快感而无法自拔。不少毒贩为扩 大毒网,经常利用青年学生的无知多方引诱。
一 、吸毒摧残人生
01 什么是毒品 WHAT ARE DRUGS 鸦片 通用名称:阿片,俗称大烟,是罂粟果实中流出的乳液经干燥凝结而成,含鸦片生物碱约25种。 性状:因产地不同而呈黑色或褐色,味苦。生鸦片经过烧煮和发酵,可制成精制鸦片,吸食时有 一种强烈的香甜气味。 吸食危害:吸食者初吸时会感到头晕目眩、恶心或头痛,多次吸食就会上瘾,极难戒断。长期使 用后停药会发生强烈的戒断症状。过量使用会造成急性中毒,症状包括昏迷、呼吸抑制、低血压、 瞳孔变小。
毒品破坏人体免疫机制,使吸毒者极易感染各 种疾病。
吸毒者使用不洁的注射器或共用注射器造成人 类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)的直接血液传播或通过 性接触感染爱滋病毒。
倾家荡产:吸毒的费用是个“无底洞”,普遍的工资收 入根本不能满足吸毒的需要。即使有一定的经济基础也 只能维持一时。因为毒瘾永远不可能得到满足,结果只 能是吸得一贫如洗、倾家荡产。很多吸毒者为满足毒瘾 不惜遗弃老人、出卖子女,甚至胁迫妻女卖淫以获取毒 资,直至妻离子散、家破人亡。
பைடு நூலகம்三、吸毒贻害后代
吸毒对后代贻害无穷。或是母婴垂直传播成为爱滋病受 害者,或是一出生就染上了毒瘾成为小小的“瘾君子”, 有的成为了吸毒父母亲毒瘾发作时发泄的对象。“瘾君 子们!你们的后代无辜啊!”
为防患未然,卫生部早在1964年已将苯丙胺类列入毒药,限制药得管理范围,以后又列入 一类精神药物进行管制,对于非法持有与贩卖者,现已将其作为毒品案论处。
毒品滥用对人体各功能系统均具有明显得病理损 害,这已被大量得临床研究结果所证实。
据WHO估计,全球每年因毒品滥用与毒品犯罪相 关致死得人数高达百万计,已成为许多国家仅次于 心脑血管疾病与恶性肿瘤得第三大死因。
具体用法按卫生部颁布得《阿片类成瘾常用戒毒疗法得 指导原则》进 行。 (3)丁丙诺啡递减法 丁丙诺啡就是半合成得蒂巴因衍生物。她既就是阿片得激 动剂,同时又就是拮抗剂,镇痛作用强,作用时间长。其镇痛强 度约为吗啡得100倍。镇痛活性为吗啡得25倍,即0、4毫克丁 丙诺啡相当于50毫克吗啡得镇痛强度。她得镇痛作用时间 长、针剂可持续6~8小时,舌下含片可维持8~12小时,约为吗 啡镇痛持续时间得1、5~3倍。丁丙诺啡迅速地被吸收,几分 钟内达到血药浓度高峰,主要有肝内代谢,从胆汁排泄,从粪便 排出,可透过血脑与胎盘屏障。与吗啡与美沙酮比较更为完 全可靠,就是一种较理想得戒毒治疗药物。丁丙诺啡与美沙 酮一样,可以较好地抑制阿片类成瘾者戒断症状得出现。在 戒毒治疗得临床应用中可以完全替代海洛因与美沙酮而不 出现戒断症状。与美沙酮得不同之处在于,丁丙诺啡得剂量 增加超出一定范围后,其激动作用不再增加。从药物被滥用 得可能性来说,丁丙诺啡比美沙酮更具优越性。
可能作用: 欣快, 昏睡, 呼吸抑制, 瞳孔缩小 恶心, 皮
肤刺痒, 便秘。
用法: 口服, 注射, 吸烟
过量效应: 呼吸浅慢, 冷粘皮肤, 痉挛, 昏迷, 可能致
戒断症状: 水样眼, 鼻涕横流, 无食欲, 哈欠, 易怒颤
抖, 惊慌, 忽冷忽热, 腹部绞痛与恶心。
毒品滥用对人体各功能系统均具有明显得病理损 害,这已被大量得临床研究结果所证实。
据WHO估计,全球每年因毒品滥用与毒品犯罪相 关致死得人数高达百万计,已成为许多国家仅次于 心脑血管疾病与恶性肿瘤得第三大死因。
具体用法按卫生部颁布得《阿片类成瘾常用戒毒疗法得 指导原则》进 行。 (3)丁丙诺啡递减法 丁丙诺啡就是半合成得蒂巴因衍生物。她既就是阿片得激 动剂,同时又就是拮抗剂,镇痛作用强,作用时间长。其镇痛强 度约为吗啡得100倍。镇痛活性为吗啡得25倍,即0、4毫克丁 丙诺啡相当于50毫克吗啡得镇痛强度。她得镇痛作用时间 长、针剂可持续6~8小时,舌下含片可维持8~12小时,约为吗 啡镇痛持续时间得1、5~3倍。丁丙诺啡迅速地被吸收,几分 钟内达到血药浓度高峰,主要有肝内代谢,从胆汁排泄,从粪便 排出,可透过血脑与胎盘屏障。与吗啡与美沙酮比较更为完 全可靠,就是一种较理想得戒毒治疗药物。丁丙诺啡与美沙 酮一样,可以较好地抑制阿片类成瘾者戒断症状得出现。在 戒毒治疗得临床应用中可以完全替代海洛因与美沙酮而不 出现戒断症状。与美沙酮得不同之处在于,丁丙诺啡得剂量 增加超出一定范围后,其激动作用不再增加。从药物被滥用 得可能性来说,丁丙诺啡比美沙酮更具优越性。
可能作用: 欣快, 昏睡, 呼吸抑制, 瞳孔缩小 恶心, 皮
肤刺痒, 便秘。
用法: 口服, 注射, 吸烟
过量效应: 呼吸浅慢, 冷粘皮肤, 痉挛, 昏迷, 可能致
戒断症状: 水样眼, 鼻涕横流, 无食欲, 哈欠, 易怒颤
抖, 惊慌, 忽冷忽热, 腹部绞痛与恶心。
Anxiety and panic attacks
Drug use can trigger feelings of anxiety and panic, leading to a constant state of fear and worry
Loss of motivation
Users may lose interest in activities they once engaged, leading to a sense of apathy and emotional numbness
The psychological ham of drug use
Psychological health issues
Depression and anxiety
Drug use can lead to feelings of hopelessness, anxiety, and paranoia, causing long term psychological stress
Insomnia and fatigue
Drugs can cause insomnia, stress, and fatigue, leading to a decrease in physical strength and endurance
Cardiovascular disease
Some bugs can damage the Cardiovascular system, leading to heart disease, high blood pressure, arrhythmia, and other Cardiovascular problems
Cognitive Decline
Drug use can trigger feelings of anxiety and panic, leading to a constant state of fear and worry
Loss of motivation
Users may lose interest in activities they once engaged, leading to a sense of apathy and emotional numbness
The psychological ham of drug use
Psychological health issues
Depression and anxiety
Drug use can lead to feelings of hopelessness, anxiety, and paranoia, causing long term psychological stress
Insomnia and fatigue
Drugs can cause insomnia, stress, and fatigue, leading to a decrease in physical strength and endurance
Cardiovascular disease
Some bugs can damage the Cardiovascular system, leading to heart disease, high blood pressure, arrhythmia, and other Cardiovascular problems
Cognitive Decline
In recent years, however, Blacks have reported slightly higher rates of current illicit drug use (9.7% vs. 8.1%).
Blacks also experience more frequent and more severe consequences of drug and alcohol use, including poorer physical health outcomes and more severe social consequences, such as higher incarceration rates.
Many studies that demonstrate this result have used convenience sampling, where subjects are drawn from gay bars and pride parades where a great deal of celebration and drinking is present, so this finding may not be accurate.
This creates distrust between partners
The addict sees his partner as someone to hide important information from.
The partner sees the addict as someone whose word they cannot trust.
Addicted persons may have stolen from their partners or their loved ones.
Blacks also experience more frequent and more severe consequences of drug and alcohol use, including poorer physical health outcomes and more severe social consequences, such as higher incarceration rates.
Many studies that demonstrate this result have used convenience sampling, where subjects are drawn from gay bars and pride parades where a great deal of celebration and drinking is present, so this finding may not be accurate.
This creates distrust between partners
The addict sees his partner as someone to hide important information from.
The partner sees the addict as someone whose word they cannot trust.
Addicted persons may have stolen from their partners or their loved ones.
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harm of drug abuse
Harm to human body
Physical dependence
A strong dependence caused by repeated administration .
To Individual
Psychological dependence
The nerve system of the drug in people, the drug addicts appear a keen appetite for drug addicts, driven to fling caution to the winds to find and use of drugs.
WPS演示助您快速创建极具感染力的演示文稿,打造令人震撼 的影
WPS演示助您快速创建极具感染力的演示文稿,打造令人震撼 的影院效果。WPS演示助您快速创建极具感染力的演示文稿, 打造令人震撼的影院效果。
WPS演示助您快速创建极具感染力的演示文稿, 打造令人震撼的影院效果。WPS演示助您快速 创建极具感染力的演示文稿,打造令人震撼的 影院效果。