



船员专业知识面试1. 引言船员是航海工作中不可或缺的一员,他们在船舶的运营和维护中起着重要的作用。



2. 船舶基本知识2.1 船舶类型•请简要介绍一下常见的船舶类型。

•你对各种船舶类型的特点有了解吗?2.2 船舶结构•请描述一下船舶的基本结构。

•船舶的各个部位都有什么作用?2.3 船舶安全•船舶安全是航海工作中的重要环节,请谈谈你对船舶安全的理解。

•如果遇到船舶事故,你会采取哪些应急措施?3. 航海术语和导航知识3.1 航海术语•请简要解释以下航海术语:舷、船首、船尾、船体、船舱等。

•如果船舶遇到搁浅情况,你会如何处理?3.2 航海导航•请解释以下航海导航术语:经度、纬度、航向、航速等。

•如果在航行中遇到浓雾天气,你会如何导航?4. 航海通信和信号4.1 航海通信•船舶通常通过哪些方式进行通信?•你了解无线电通信的基本原理吗?4.2 航海信号•船舶上常用的信号灯有哪些?•你知道国际通用的SOS求救信号吗?5. 船舶机械知识5.1 船舶主机•船舶主机的作用是什么?•你了解柴油机的工作原理吗?5.2 船舶辅机•请列举一些船舶上常见的辅机设备。

•你了解船舶辅机的维护和保养方法吗?6. 总结船员专业知识面试是评估应聘者是否具备航海工作所需知识和技能的重要环节。






船员面试远洋船东必问的一些问题1.Nice to meet you! (很高兴见到你)It’s very nice to meet you!(非常高兴见到你)Glad to meet you!2. What’s your name?(你叫什么名字)Could you tell me what your name is?(能告诉我你叫什么名子吗?)答:I am XXX. 或My name is XXX.3. Where are you from? (你是那里人?)答:I am from lianyungang.(我是连云港人)4.How old are you? (你多大?)答:I am 27 years old.(我27岁)5. When were you born?(你什么时候出生?)答:I was born in nineteen seventy-three.(我1973年出生。

)6. Are you married? (你结婚了吗?)答:Yes, I am.7. How many people are there in your family?(你家里有几口人?)答:There are three people in my family. My wife, son and I. (有三口人,我的妻子、儿子和我)8. How long have you ever worked on board? (你曾经在船上工作过多长时间)答:I have ever worked on board for ten years.(我曾经在船工作10年)9. Which company did you serve?(你在那家公司服务过?)Which company did you work for?答:I have served for Lianyungang shipping corp.(我在连云港船务公司服务过)10. Are those ships you worked all Chinese ones? (你工作过的那些船是不是都是中国船)?答:No, I worked on Chinese ships about 3 years, and 1 year on board under the Liberian flag.(不我在中国船上工作了三年,在利比里亚的船上工作了一年)11. What is the name of the Liberian ship and what’s her tonnage? (利比里亚船是哪一类船,吨位是多少?)答:She is a bulk carrier, her gross tonnage is over 30 thousand tonnage.(是一艘散货船,总吨3万多)12. Were the crew all Chinese? (船员都是中国人?)答:No, they weren’t, including me; there were only 4 Chinese in the deck department. We joined the ship at the same time. While the others came from different countries.(不,只有在甲板部有四位中国人,包括我在内。



船务面试题目及答案大全一、基础知识问答1. 什么是船务管理?船务管理是指对船舶运输过程中的各项工作进行组织、协调和管理的一种管理方式,包括货物装卸、船舶维护保养、航行计划制定等。

2. 请简单介绍国际贸易中的船务流程。

一般而言,国际贸易中的船务流程包括以下几个步骤:货物准备和装箱 - 船舶订舱 - 货物装船 - 船舶起航 - 航行中的船舶管理 - 货物卸船 - 清关以及货物交付。

3. 请说明航线管理的作用与意义。



4. 请介绍一下船舶维修与保养。



5. 在船务管理中,什么是船舶代理?船舶代理是船务管理中的重要环节,指的是代表船舶所有人或经营人,对船舶的进出港手续、货物装卸、理货等进行代理和协调工作。

6. 请列举一些影响货物价格的船务因素。


7. 什么是航运代理?航运代理是指在船务管理中代表船运公司或货主,负责计划、组织和协调船舶的运输工作,包括船期订舱、运费谈判、文件办理等。

8. 请简单介绍集装箱的特点和优势。


9. 船舶事故调查的主要目的是什么?船舶事故调查的主要目的是确定事故原因、采取措施防止类似事故再次发生,并确定责任和赔偿。

10. 请列举一些船舶运输文件。




1. 请解释航行计划有哪些要素?航行计划的要素包括起航时间、航线、航速、航程、航行时间、负载量、船舶燃料消耗估算等。





1. Could you introduce yourself?您做一下自我介绍好吗?My name is x.x.x. I am x.x years old. I hold a xxx certificate. I have experienced of xx. Xxx. Xxx. I can use a computer system for management(maintenance). I suppose that my English is good enough for work. I am married(single). There are 3 people in my family, my daughter and my son.我的名字叫XXX。








2.Where did you graduate from?您是那里毕业的?I graduated from XXX university(college, school).我毕业于某大学(某学院,某学校)3.How long have you worked on board?您在船上做多久了?I have worked on board ten years.我在船上工作十年了。

4.Which company have you served (worked for)?您在那个公司做过?I have served xxx.xxxx.我在某某公司做过。

5.What certificate (license) do you hold now?您现在持有什么证书?I have xxx certificate, or I hold xxx certificate, or I am the holder of xxx certificate. 我持有某某证书。











1. Can you tellme about your education background? Please refer to an Master’s self-introduction in Part One of this book. 实事求是,最好告诉人家在某个学校学了多长时间,最好也要告诉人家你接受某些社会培训的情况,谦虚好学毕竟是一个美德嘛。

2. What is aclassification society? What is the purpose of classification survey?Pleaselist some famous classification societies in the world. A classification so ciety is usually an independentorganization that carries out classification surve ys, statutory surveys,surveys related to notarial matters for ships, offshore inst allations, marinefreight containers, materials and marine equipment. It also pr ovides safetymanagement certification services to shipping companies and their ships. Thepurpose of classification survey is to evaluate the situation of a s hip and themanagement of a company and its ship. Some of the famous clas sification societies are: NK(Japanese 日本海事协会),CCS(Chinese classification soc iety), ABS(American), DNV(Norwegian), SL(BritishLloyd 英国劳氏), GL(German Llo yd 德国劳氏), KR(Korean), RINA(意大利船级社)。









船上的等级观念十分清楚,每个人都要常用“Yes, sir!”,“No, sir!”,“Thank you, sir!”,“Good morning, sir!”。









Table of Content目录1.Record of Service 资历篇...................( )2.General Knowledge 常识篇...................( )3.Occupation Knowledge 职务篇................( )4.Social Communication, Ability 交际、能力篇.( )Record of Service资历篇1. Nice to meet you!It's very nice to meet you!Glad to meet you!I'm very glad to meet you!Pleased to meet you!I'm pleased to meet you!A pleasure to meet you!注:上述用语可以选一使用,用礼貌的初次见面用语可以给船东良好的第一印象。



第1篇一、面试题目1. 请简要介绍一下您的船务工作经验。



2. 请说明一下集装箱的尺寸规格及其容积计算方法。




3. 请解释一下THC FEE的含义及其产生原因。

答案:THC FEE是指集装箱堆场费用(Terminal Handling Charge),即在集装箱堆场进行装卸、搬运、储存等操作所产生的费用。


4. 请说明一下集装箱提单的作用和种类。


种类主要包括:(1)正本提单(Original B/L):由承运人签发的、具有法律效力的提单,通常有正本一式三份。

(2)副本提单(Copy B/L):与正本提单具有同等效力的副本,可以用于货物交付、保险等目的。

(3)海运提单(Ocean Bill of Lading):适用于海上货物运输的提单。

(4)多式联运提单(Multimodal Bill of Lading):适用于多式联运(如海陆联运、铁路联运等)的提单。

5. 请解释一下不可撤销信用证(Irrevocable Letter of Credit)的含义及其特点。



第1篇一、自我介绍及基础知识1. 请您先向我们介绍一下自己,包括您的教育背景、工作经验以及您对船舶行业的了解。

2. 您认为船舶工程师在船舶运营中扮演着怎样的角色?请结合实际案例进行说明。

3. 船舶工程师在日常工作中需要具备哪些专业技能?请列举至少三项。

4. 请简述船舶的构成,包括船体、船舶动力系统、船舶辅助系统等。

5. 请解释船舶稳性原理,并说明如何通过调整船舶载重和重心来保证船舶的稳性。

6. 请简述船舶动力系统的工作原理,包括主机、辅机等。

7. 船舶在航行过程中,如何进行航行计划制定?请列举航行计划制定的主要步骤。

8. 请简述船舶安全管理的重要性,以及船舶工程师在安全管理中应承担的责任。

二、实际操作与案例分析9. 请描述一次您在船舶维护过程中遇到的问题,以及您是如何解决这个问题的。

10. 在船舶设备故障排查中,您认为哪些因素会导致故障?请举例说明。

11. 请简述船舶航行中的航行规则,如国际海上避碰规则(COLREGS)。

12. 在船舶事故调查中,您认为哪些因素可能导致事故发生?请结合案例进行分析。

13. 请描述一次您在船舶安全检查中发现的隐患,以及您是如何向相关部门汇报并解决问题的。

14. 在船舶节能减排方面,您认为有哪些措施可以降低船舶的燃油消耗?15. 请简述船舶通信系统的工作原理,以及船舶工程师在通信系统维护中的职责。

三、团队合作与沟通能力16. 请描述一次您在团队中遇到的沟通问题,以及您是如何解决这个问题的。

17. 在团队协作中,您认为哪些因素会影响团队效率?请列举至少三项。

18. 请举例说明您在跨部门合作中如何发挥自己的优势,以实现团队目标。

19. 在船舶运营过程中,如何确保团队成员的安全?20. 请简述船舶工程师在应急情况下如何与其他部门进行沟通与协作。

四、职业规划与发展21. 您对未来在船舶行业的职业发展有何规划?22. 您认为在船舶行业,哪些方面的知识或技能对于您的职业发展至关重要?23. 请简述您在职业生涯中希望取得的成就,以及您为实现这些成就将采取哪些措施。

世界各大船东或管理公司丰富的组织面试的经验 Microsoft Word 文档

世界各大船东或管理公司丰富的组织面试的经验 Microsoft Word 文档





6.学生普遍缺少礼仪知识,如;握手、问候、坐姿、告别等面试常识(附面试题)Interview materialsGeneral question:1,Please briefly introduce yourself (as a deck / engine cadet) to us. Or tell us something about yourself.Please tell me what major you had in the marine university/college/school?What courses (subjects) have you learned during your studies there?Which courses do you like most? Why?Why do you want to be a sailor?Are you willing work hard? How long do you want to be a sailor?Do you have any friend as a seaman? What do you know about seaman's life?What other plans do you have for the coming 5 or 6 years?Do you think that sailing is a very ideal job for you?Could your brother follow your step?If Capt(CE) scold you? Will you fight back? Why?Have you got a girlfriend? If you have, will you miss your girlfriendwhen you work on board for a whole year?When do you want to get married?Do you have hobbies? What hobbies do you like best, why?Which country do you like best?what do you think is most important thing on-board ship? Second? Third? (safety)If you work on board for one year, will you be very home sick? Do you get a seasick? Please name some types of vessels in the world. What type ship do you like to join? Do you know Tanker? How much do you know Tanker?Do you teachers talk English? Do they use English to have lesson?If you have a leave, how long do you want to stay home?What food do you like? There no Chinese foods in board, how do you feel?What will you do in your spare / free time? What kind of leisure activities do you do?If you are asked to do a lot of jobs on board, will you have some complaint?In your opinion, how can you get along well with other in the work team?Do you know our company? How do you know? What do you know?How many departments are there in a vessel, and what are they?As far as you know, what equipments are there in the bridge/ deck/ engine department? What positions are there on board?24. Tell me the whole name of the following anonyms: IMO, STCW78/ 95, SOLA74, ARPA, RADAR, GMDSS, MARPOL 73/ 78, IOPP, GPS, ISM.25. Have you ever worked on board the training vessel, and with whom did you work together on board the training vessel? How many people were there in your ship? What did you do there?26.Can you use English computer? Can you rend / write / listen English? How long have you learnt English?27. Why are you elder than your classmate? How do you think of your classmate?28. What is lifejacket? Lifeboat?29. Can you tell me where is bridge? Bow? Astern? Middle?30. How many kinds of Alarm do you know?31.What skills do you offer,that are most relevant in this job? / What skills would you like to develop in this job?32. What motivates you to do this job? /What interest you most about this job? Whatinterests you less?Question for engine cadet:1. Why do you select to be engineer then not be officer? How many years do you plan to be Chief engineer?2. What is main engine? What are subsidiary engines? Tell me the name of some auxiliary engines.3. Tell me how the fresh water is produced through the fresh water generator?4. If you work as a 3rd engineer, what are your duty hours?5. What are the rough differences between the diesel oil and fuel oil?6. Tell me how about oily water separator and how to treat bilge water.7. Do you know Tanker? How much do you know Tanker? any different in engine room? Question for deck cadet:1. If you work as a 3rd officer, what is your duty hours every day?2. Please name some types of vessels in the world. What types ship do you like to join?3. Tell us some very important canals/ straits in the world.4. How do you get the weather information on board vessel?5. what is windless?6.Do you know what is latitude and longitude?7. What do you call 0℃?8.what do you learn in navigation?9. what is chat? Why do we use chat?10. what is radar?11.what is GMDSS? DCS? VHF?12. Do you know navigation light? Tell me about it. Which side is red? Which side is yellow? Could you tell me something about light or flag signal?13. Do you know navigation log? What is recorded in it?question and answer:1. Nice to meet you! (很高兴见到你)It’s very nice to meet you!(非常高兴见到你)Glad to meet you!2. What’s your name?(你叫什么名字)Could you tell me what your name is?(能告诉我你叫什么名子吗?)答:I am XXX. 或My name is XXX. Where are you from? (你是那里人?) 11.How old are you? (你多大?)答:I am 27 years old.(我27岁)3. When were you born?(你什么时候出生?)答:I was born in nineteen seventy-three.(我1973年出生。



Typical questions in ship-owners interview1. Could you introduce yourself?My name is x.x.x. I am xx years old. I hold a xxx certificate. I have experienced of xx. Xxx. Xxx.I can use a computer system for management(maintenance). I suppose that my English is good enough for work. I am married(single). There are 4 people in my family, my wife, daughter and my son.2.Where did you graduate from?I graduated from XXX university (college, school,institute).3.How long have you worked on board?I have worked on board for ten years.4.Which company have you served (worked for)?I have served xxx.xxxx.(COSCO, Maersk Line, Sinotrans Container Lines Co., Ltd. , China Shipping Container Lines Co., Ltd. , YML…)5.What certificate (license) do you hold now?I have xxx certificate, or I hold xxx certificate, or I am the holder of xxx certificate.6. How many harbors have you ever been to?(Singapore, Hong Kong, Manila, Kobe, Tokyo, New York, new Castle, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Bangkok, Hamburg…)7. Which countries have you ever been to?(Japan, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, India, Italy, Spain, Germany, Korea…)8. What is your marital status?9. What nationality are you?10. What’s the name of your last ship?11. How old is the ship? When was the ship built?12. Where do the crew members come from?13. What’s the trading area of your last vessel?(Ocean-going, world widely, globally, fixed route.)14. Have you ever worked on chemical tankers or oil tankers?15.What ports did you often call at?16. What port do you prefer? What port do you dislike?17. How many countries have you ever been to? Which country do you like best?18. Which company did you serve?19. What kind of ship have you worked on?Questions on Certificates and Sea Experience20. Do you have a Duty Watch Certificate issued by the MSA?Yes, I have./ no, I haven’t.21. How long have you worked on board?I have worked on board for 13 years.注意thirteen与thirty读音的区别22. When were you born?I was born in 1990. (nineteen ninety)23. Have you served as chief engineer (second engineer, third engineer, fourth engineer…)? Yes, I have served as chief engineer for several years./ no, I am sorry, even though I hold the chief engineer’s certificate, I have nev er served as chief engineer.CREW ON BOARD (DECK)船长MASTER/ CAPTAIN 大副CHIEF OFFICER/ MA TE二副SECOND OFFICER/ MATE 三副THIRD OFFICER/ MATE水手长BOSUN 木匠CARPENTER一水 A.B =ABLE SEAMAN 二水O.S =ORDINARY SEAMAN 甲板实习生DECK CADETCREW ON BOARD (ENGINE)轮机长CHIEF ENGINEER 大管轮SECOND ENGINEER二管轮THIRD ENGINEER 三管轮FOURTH ENGINEER铜匠FITTER 加油长/机工长NO.1 OILER机工MOTORMAN 加油/一机OILER抹油/清洁工/二机WIPER 轮机实习生ENGINE CADET电机员ELECTRICAL ENGINEER 电工ELECTRICIANCREW ON BOARD (SERVICE)大厨CHIEF COOK 水手厨CREW COOK大台(服务生)STEW ARD 二台(服务生)M/B MESS BOY24. What position do you apply for?/ what job are you applying for?I am applying for the position of …25. Do you have a passport? Do you have a seaman’s book?Yes, I have a seaman’s book./ no, I don’t have a passport.26. What education degree do you have now?I have an associate’s degree (专科).Post doctorate degree博士后, doctorate degree博士, master’s degr ee硕士, scholar’s /bachelor’s degree学士, associate’s degree专科, ### of technology工科, ### of art文科, ### of science理科.27. Do you smoke or drink?I am a smoker, but not a chain smoker. I don’t like to drink. Sometimes I drink a little beer. I believe that my s moking and drinking won’t become harmful to the safety of the ship and watchkeeping in any case.28. May I have your resume?Here you are./ sorry, I didn’t bring it.29. Is it difficult for you to work on a multinational crew ship?No, I don’t think so. In fact, I’d like to work on board a ship with multinational crew, since I can learn different cultures and communicate with them in English.Questions for student interviewees30.Why do you choose navigation as your career?Well, I like this job, since I have a chance to travel around the world and I will earn money to reward my parents as well.31. Why do you choose Jiangsu Maritime Institute?Well, I like Jiangsu, because I think Jiangsu has a rich resources of education, besides, teachers and facilities here are at the top.32. What is your favorite course? What is your least favorite course and why?Main engine is my favorite course, while electronic technology is not my favorite.Main courses船用柴油机Marine Diesel Engine 船舶辅机Marine Auxiliary Machinery船舶管理Ship Management 船舶电气Marine Electrization机械维护与修理Shi p’s Maintenance and Repair 轮机英语Marine Engineering English 轮机自动化Marine Machinery Automation33. Did you attend any activities during college life? If you did, do you think it is significant? Yes, I did. I like those activities, because I got a chance to exercise my abilities in those activities. In the future, I need to specialize in abilities of seamanship, leadership, cooperation and so on. And I also make friends by doing so.34. Are you satisfied with your study records? If you are not, how will you do if you have another chance?Well, I am satisfied with my study in my university./ no, I am not satisfied. I learned to balance the relationship between activities and study. On the other hand, I also practised my social skills. If I got another chance, I would work harder.35. Did you have a part time job? If you did, what have you learned?Sorry, I haven’t. /yes, I did. I learned to cherish money and respect my parents.36. Could you introduce your hometown? What is your hometown famous for?Yes, I could. My hometown is Dalian. It is located in the south of Liaodong peninsula. There are more than 5 million people there. It is famous for apples and seafood. Dalian is also one of the largest ports in china. In summer, I often swim at the beach. To sum up, I like my hometown.37. What is your favorite sport?I like football/soccer, because it is the most popular sport all over the world, I suppose.38. Do you like playing Mahjong? Why or why not?No, I don’t like it. It is time consuming.39. Why do you choose our company?Many positive reasons, one of them is that your company is well managed.40. What is your impression on my company?Sir, it is attractive. It is well managed. I think I will try my best to serve here.41. How will you plan your future?I will serve my job until I am promoted to chief engineer, and after that, I will still serve as chief engineer for several years.42. Have you passed the Competency Exam for fourth engineer?Yes, I have passed the first four courses, and I am confident that I will pass the last three courses in January./ Sorry, except for Marine Engineering English, I passed the other six subjects.43. Have you passed CET-4 or CET-6? What score did you get?I got 460 score in CET-4, and I think I have passed.44. What kind of web-sites do you often surf?I often surf some navigation web-sites such as . / I am interested in news web-sites such as .45. Do you have a girlfriend? Does she agree that you will work on board if you have to?Yes, I have. She supports me to be a seafarer. /No, I haven’t. But if I had, she should support me. Otherwise, I won’t fall in love with her.46. Why do you want to be a seafarer?I like to travel and collect stamps/coins. It is a good chance for me to achieve those. I will also make money for my family.47. Are the youngest son in your family? Are you independent enough?No, I am not. I am the eldest. / yes, I am the youngest, but I am not the family sun. I take good care of myself in college.48. If you feel homesick, what will do on board?Well, I will make phone call to my family or try to communicate with other crewmembers to release this pain.49. If I employ you, how much would you expect to earn?Well, you are the boss. I think you can arrange fairly according to your rules. But I can earn my salary with vim, vigor and vitality as well as my talent.50. Do you know your blood type?I know. It is type A/B/AB/O. / Sorry, I don’t know, since I’ve never checked it at the hospital.51. How did you find out my company?I was introduced by the senior crew. I browsed on the net and knew your company. I also know your company is one of the largest oil companies in the world.52. Will you consider immigrating to the united states when you find the states to be a beautiful country?No, of course not. I think China is the best.53. What color are your shoes?Oh, they are black.54. Do you get seasick? If you are seasick, will you continue your career? How will you release yourself?I tried to go on board and I didn’t feel seasick./ yes, I have felt that way. I suppose that I won’t stop when I feel seasick. I try to concentrate on other things, such as watchkeeping at work, chatting with crewmembers after work, and I also take some anti-seasick medicines. I don’t think it is a problem.55. If you find the food was not delicious, what would you do?I would try to adapt to the style. Since the others can eat it, I can also eat it.56. How long will you be a seafarer?Well, it’s hard to say. But I think I can work on board until I am promoted to chief engineer.。



1.Where are you from?2.四六级成绩,大证成绩?3.Fixing position:GPS, RADAR, Landmark.4.What is the shape and light when the vessel not mand and dragging?5.GMDSS包括哪些?SART NAVTEX INMARSAT VHF EPIRB and so on。

6.Why do you want to be a seaman?7.How many manners to fix position?8.How to correct chart?9.如何判断对遇局面?10.释放大型CO2之前要做哪些准备工作?11.当雷达坏了,用什么测方位?〔pass〕12.呼吸器检查〔面罩的检查,呼吸器管路的检查,气压的检查〕。

13.Stowage Plan(Nature of goods, Gross tonnage ,capacity of vessel)14.是否在电视机上看到过关于海盗的一些事情?害怕海盗吗?15.为什么要比拟磁罗经和电罗经的误差,多长时间比拟一次?16.怎么用陆标定位?17.从哪里可以知道救生艇能容纳多少人?18.房间里着火了怎么办?19.怎么检查固定式CO2灭火系统?20.CO2如何检查?21.CO2能灭什么火?干粉能灭什么火?22.船上有RADAR,APRA,GPS能放弃look out么?23.第一次上船应该了解什么?24.当Cadet在驾驶台时,发生碰撞,首先做什么?25.在什么情况下应通知机舱?26.船上工作和岸上工作最大的区别?27.上船的缺点?28.在学校实习船舶情况、实习了多少时间、在实习船上学了什么,每天都干什么?29.家庭情况、对公司的了解情况。












但现在越来越流行的做法是提问一些与ISM规则和STCW 95公约有关的内容。


几乎所有大的船公司的ISM体系手册,都涵盖了从实际操作程序到船舶及公司管理的所有内容,熟悉ISM、SMS体系文件和手册及STCW 95公约,就等于熟悉船上的管理。





海员面试知识1. 简介海员是从事航海工作的人员,他们在船舶上负责航行、驾驶和维护船舶等工作。



2. 航海基础知识2.1 航行规则在航海中,船舶需要遵循特定的航行规则,以确保航行的安全和顺利。




2.2 船舶结构与设备海员需要熟悉船舶的结构和各种设备的使用方法。




2.3 航海导航知识导航是航海中至关重要的一环,海员需要掌握以下导航知识:•航海图与海图:了解航海图和海图的绘制方法、使用规则和符号解析。



3. 船舶安全知识船舶安全是海员工作中最重要的方面之一。

海员在面试中可能会被问及以下安全知识:3.1 灭火与应急措施海员需要具备基本的灭火和应急处理知识,以下是一些可能涉及的知识点:•灭火器的种类与使用方法:了解不同类型灭火器的使用场景和操作方法。


3.2 船舶安全设备船舶上有各种安全设备,以下是一些可能涉及的知识点:•救生设备与应急装备:了解救生艇、救生圈等救生设备和应急装备的使用方法。




船员面试相关问题一.船长:1.船长是船舶的最高领导者,也是各方面要求最高的职务,每一个船东在面试船长时最认真、耗时最长,涉及的问题包罗万象,诸如:海上经历、驾驶经验和技术、商务操作能力、管理能力、人品、人格魅力、身体状况、学历、是否有外派经历等;2.在回答船东提出的问题时要实事求是,诸如:a.毕业的学校(专业、在校学习时间等);b.自己所干过的船型、航区、吨位、服务的公司等(必须与服务簿一致);c.服务的船舶曾经装过什么特殊货物(船东将会考虑派遣的船舶是否适合你干);d.在回答问题时一定要本着谦虚的态度,切不可狂妄自大;e.当发生海事、货损、提单的签发问题时,一定要慎重回答(诸如:无单放货问题);f.对自己外派的经历每个船东都很在意,一定要很好的利用;g.不要刻意去诋毁其他国家、其他船公司船员的水平,这会让面试你的船东对你人格上的误解;h.上船后要积极与租家、船东、代理等各相关方的沟通,这样有利于工作;i.引水在船时船长的权力与责任;j.对公约的了解和了解(特别是新生效的公约必须清楚),对去澳洲、美洲航线的船舶港口的特殊要求,船东会重点了解,船东也怕船舶去了后船长不清楚导致船舶滞留(特别是去澳洲航线的船舶,如果被面试的船长没有去过,一般情况下船东是不会通过面试的,除非你对新公约、新规定全面了解);k.富裕水深、垃圾处理问题(特别提醒:船舶在港口、船厂垃圾接收时必须有海事部门认可的接收证明,否则将导致高额罚款);l.船长和轮机长的配合、协调问题,船东非常希望船长、轮机长配合融洽,这样有利于开展船舶工作;m.重点强调与船东、租家的配合,能为船东节省的一定要为船东考虑(时代航运与一船长协商是否可以自引问题时,船长给船东的电报:凡是有水流动的地方均不能自引自靠,同志们想想看,如果你是船东你会怎么想);n.如果面试人员问你上船后如何进行船员培训、演习/演练、MLC管理等问题时,最好的回答是:按照体系要求如实培训、演习/演练;o.防偷渡/毒品/麻醉品的管理问题;p.内外审、港口国检查应对问题;q.上船后船长要注意的仪表堂堂(不要让人家看你连大队书记都不如)、不贪(该你拿的钱你拿),只有自己做好了,船员才尊敬你,服你(要想被别人尊重你首先要尊重别人,这是做人的简单道理);r.英语能力:希望我们各位船长(特别是年轻船长)平时要加强英语的学习,在面试时船东往往会用英语(特别是国外船东)全程英语面试;s.保安控制问题;t.交通部8号令(2015.07.01生效)、船员违法记分方法(2016.01.01生效);二.大副1. 大副是甲板部部门长,其素质、业务能力直接关系到船舶、货运和人身安全,船东对大副的面试也比较严格;2. 面试时应注意下列各点(但不限于);a.如实回答毕业的学校、自己所干过的船型、航区、吨位、服务的公司等;b.货物的积载(散货船:重点关注船舶的强度、剪力、吃水差、GM值等;杂货船:重点关注港序、轻重搭配、GM值的核算、隔票、看舱等);c.装卸货(特殊货物积载、绑扎要求、货物保管、货物单据、大副批注(大副批注必须谨慎且如实签署);d.管理能力、协调能力、PSC检查应对、公司内外审程序等;e.甲板部人员管理、维修保养、培训等;f.英语能力;g.大副职责;h.压载水管理及监控水头(木匠)对压载水、污水、淡水的测量并监控;i.危险品的积载、运输(危险品适装证书、危险品清单、危险品准装单、监装监卸、运输途中监控、应急处置等)j.易流态货物的监装、管理和积载前的货物含水量检测等(包括含水量证书)、运输途中监控和管理;k.对公约的了解和熟悉(特别是新生效的公约);三.二副1.二副的职责:a.航海图书资料申请、管理、改正;b.航路设计(码头---码头)c.驾驶台航海仪器的使用、保养;2.航海图书资料的申请:如何申请?向谁申请?如何获得?中英版航告超过多少期(7期)PSC/FSC会开缺陷或滞留;3.资料的改正:(1)中版航告(2)英版航告(3)航海图书总目录(4)灯标表(5)雾号表(6)航路指南(7)无线电信号表(8)长江航道公告a.航路指南作用:补充海图资料的不足;b.进港指南:介绍船舶进出港所需港口的详细资料;4.临时性航告的处理:船舶新图供船后二副如何进行改正?5.航路设计:本着安全、捷径、避开危险品、渔船密集区、避开使用空白海图未经测量的空白点(XX轮就是因为使用空白海图经过未经测量的点后触礁的),航线初步设计后必须报船长审核,船长在审核时(特别是第一次走的航路)必须认真仔细核对;6.驾驶台管理:保持整洁,未经船长许可其设备不能带出驾驶台或外来人员参观;7.设备的使用:通用设备必须熟练使用(雷达、VHF、舵机及应急转换、磁罗经矫正、518、C站等)中高频、窄带的使用,应急报警程序的设定和使用等;(我们管理的一条船,一个老二副,FSC检查官让它进行VHF报警自测试,既然不知道船舶9位码在哪里查找(VHF旁边就有张贴),被海事局官员当场警告并在服务簿上扣分;8.当船舶在航行时,什么情况下叫船长(诸如:雾航、碰撞、通航密集区、狭水道、进港前、对船位有怀疑时、它船遇险时、大风浪、船舶设备故障等等),在叫船长前自己应该做什么?往往船东面试时会问这些问题;9.航路设计时,最低富裕水深是怎么算出来的:富裕水深=最小安全水深-最大吃水-船舶下沉量-横倾增加吃水;10.雷达应答器(SART)在哪个波段的雷达上显示:X波段雷达显示什么?在大约8海里的距离上显示12个亮点,每个亮点距离约0.65海里11.VDR的功能:采集船位、航向、航速、驾驶台声音、与外界的通话声音等(强制要求)12.如何消除磁罗经气泡:45%的医用酒精+55%的蒸馏水混合液体,用针筒向磁罗经里面注射,直至气泡消除;13.去澳大利亚港口对海图使用规定:从出发港—目的港如有大比例尺海图必须使用大比例尺海图且保持最新,对澳大利亚航行警告的接收,应将接收器设置为手动并设定为10区,这样才能接收到,否则遇PSC检查肯定会开缺陷;14.沿岸航行(诸如澳大利亚)多次时间用雷达定位一次:海峡15分钟15.是否知道驾驶员需每班至少一次测定罗经差并记录;16.发现人落水如何处理?a.向全船发警报并报告船长、通知机舱;b.抛下救生圈或自发烟雾信号;c.采取操落水者方向满舵走法避开落水者;d.做好放艇准备,控制速度从上风舷接近落水者;e.加派瞭望人员,及时报告落水者位置;f.从下风舷接近落水者,落水者救助后要及时检查生命体征并采取保温措施,尽快移到室内;17.航行时交接班内容:船位、航向、航速、助航仪器使用情况、风向、风力、罗经差、风流压差、海面情况、来往船舶动态及船长交办的事情;靠泊时交接班内容:装卸情况、货物质量、首尾吃水、气象、潮汐、与港方联系情况、船舶周围情况、缆绳受力情况、船舶修理情况、燃料、压载水淡水加载情况、防污情况等;18.是否熟练使用AIS:a.船名输入不符合要求:船名拼音之间未加空格(shang hai);b.目的港输入不符合要求:目的港输入使用缩写,“天津”输入为“TJ”;c.船舶类型输入错误;d.航行状态未及时更新:靠泊期间还显示在航状态;e.船员操作不熟练:船员不熟悉向指定船舶发送短信,不熟悉应急电源转换测试。



船员面试相关问题一.船长:1.船长是船舶的最高领导者,也是各方面要求最高的职务,每一个船东在面试船长时最认真、耗时最长,涉及的问题包罗万象,诸如:海上经历、驾驶经验和技术、商务操作能力、管理能力、人品、人格魅力、身体状况、学历、是否有外派经历等;2.在回答船东提出的问题时要实事求是,诸如:a.毕业的学校(专业、在校学习时间等);b.自己所干过的船型、航区、吨位、服务的公司等(必须与服务簿一致);c.服务的船舶曾经装过什么特殊货物(船东将会考虑派遣的船舶是否适合你干);d.在回答问题时一定要本着谦虚的态度,切不可狂妄自大;e.当发生海事、货损、提单的签发问题时,一定要慎重回答(诸如:无单放货问题);f.对自己外派的经历每个船东都很在意,一定要很好的利用;g.不要刻意去诋毁其他国家、其他船公司船员的水平,这会让面试你的船东对你人格上的误解;h.上船后要积极与租家、船东、代理等各相关方的沟通,这样有利于工作;i.引水在船时船长的权力与责任;j.对公约的了解和了解(特别是新生效的公约必须清楚),对去澳洲、美洲航线的船舶港口的特殊要求,船东会重点了解,船东也怕船舶去了后船长不清楚导致船舶滞留(特别是去澳洲航线的船舶,如果被面试的船长没有去过,一般情况下船东是不会通过面试的,除非你对新公约、新规定全面了解);k.富裕水深、垃圾处理问题(特别提醒:船舶在港口、船厂垃圾接收时必须有海事部门认可的接收证明,否则将导致高额罚款);l.船长和轮机长的配合、协调问题,船东非常希望船长、轮机长配合融洽,这样有利于开展船舶工作;m.重点强调与船东、租家的配合,能为船东节省的一定要为船东考虑(时代航运与一船长协商是否可以自引问题时,船长给船东的电报:凡是有水流动的地方均不能自引自靠,同志们想想看,如果你是船东你会怎么想);n.如果面试人员问你上船后如何进行船员培训、演习/演练、MLC管理等问题时,最好的回答是:按照体系要求如实培训、演习/演练;o.防偷渡/毒品/麻醉品的管理问题;p.内外审、港口国检查应对问题;q.上船后船长要注意的仪表堂堂(不要让人家看你连大队书记都不如)、不贪(该你拿的钱你拿),只有自己做好了,船员才尊敬你,服你(要想被别人尊重你首先要尊重别人,这是做人的简单道理);r.英语能力:希望我们各位船长(特别是年轻船长)平时要加强英语的学习,在面试时船东往往会用英语(特别是国外船东)全程英语面试;s.保安控制问题;t.交通部8号令(2015.07.01生效)、船员违法记分方法(2016.01.01生效);二.大副1. 大副是甲板部部门长,其素质、业务能力直接关系到船舶、货运和人身安全,船东对大副的面试也比较严格;2. 面试时应注意下列各点(但不限于);a.如实回答毕业的学校、自己所干过的船型、航区、吨位、服务的公司等;b.货物的积载(散货船:重点关注船舶的强度、剪力、吃水差、GM值等;杂货船:重点关注港序、轻重搭配、GM值的核算、隔票、看舱等);c.装卸货(特殊货物积载、绑扎要求、货物保管、货物单据、大副批注(大副批注必须谨慎且如实签署);d.管理能力、协调能力、PSC检查应对、公司内外审程序等;e.甲板部人员管理、维修保养、培训等;f.英语能力;g.大副职责;h.压载水管理及监控水头(木匠)对压载水、污水、淡水的测量并监控;i.危险品的积载、运输(危险品适装证书、危险品清单、危险品准装单、监装监卸、运输途中监控、应急处置等)j.易流态货物的监装、管理和积载前的货物含水量检测等(包括含水量证书)、运输途中监控和管理;k.对公约的了解和熟悉(特别是新生效的公约);三.二副1.二副的职责:a.航海图书资料申请、管理、改正;b.航路设计(码头---码头)c.驾驶台航海仪器的使用、保养;2.航海图书资料的申请:如何申请?向谁申请?如何获得?中英版航告超过多少期(7期)PSC/FSC会开缺陷或滞留;3.资料的改正:(1)中版航告(2)英版航告(3)航海图书总目录(4)灯标表(5)雾号表(6)航路指南(7)无线电信号表(8)长江航道公告a.航路指南作用:补充海图资料的不足;b.进港指南:介绍船舶进出港所需港口的详细资料;4.临时性航告的处理:船舶新图供船后二副如何进行改正?5.航路设计:本着安全、捷径、避开危险品、渔船密集区、避开使用空白海图未经测量的空白点(XX轮就是因为使用空白海图经过未经测量的点后触礁的),航线初步设计后必须报船长审核,船长在审核时(特别是第一次走的航路)必须认真仔细核对;6.驾驶台管理:保持整洁,未经船长许可其设备不能带出驾驶台或外来人员参观;7.设备的使用:通用设备必须熟练使用(雷达、VHF、舵机及应急转换、磁罗经矫正、518、C站等)中高频、窄带的使用,应急报警程序的设定和使用等;(我们管理的一条船,一个老二副,FSC检查官让它进行VHF报警自测试,既然不知道船舶9位码在哪里查找(VHF旁边就有张贴),被海事局官员当场警告并在服务簿上扣分;8.当船舶在航行时,什么情况下叫船长(诸如:雾航、碰撞、通航密集区、狭水道、进港前、对船位有怀疑时、它船遇险时、大风浪、船舶设备故障等等),在叫船长前自己应该做什么?往往船东面试时会问这些问题;9.航路设计时,最低富裕水深是怎么算出来的:富裕水深=最小安全水深-最大吃水-船舶下沉量-横倾增加吃水;10.雷达应答器(SART)在哪个波段的雷达上显示:X波段雷达显示什么?在大约8海里的距离上显示12个亮点,每个亮点距离约0.65海里11.VDR的功能:采集船位、航向、航速、驾驶台声音、与外界的通话声音等(强制要求)12.如何消除磁罗经气泡:45%的医用酒精+55%的蒸馏水混合液体,用针筒向磁罗经里面注射,直至气泡消除;13.去澳大利亚港口对海图使用规定:从出发港—目的港如有大比例尺海图必须使用大比例尺海图且保持最新,对澳大利亚航行警告的接收,应将接收器设置为手动并设定为10区,这样才能接收到,否则遇PSC检查肯定会开缺陷;14.沿岸航行(诸如澳大利亚)多次时间用雷达定位一次:海峡15分钟15.是否知道驾驶员需每班至少一次测定罗经差并记录;16.发现人落水如何处理?a.向全船发警报并报告船长、通知机舱;b.抛下救生圈或自发烟雾信号;c.采取操落水者方向满舵走法避开落水者;d.做好放艇准备,控制速度从上风舷接近落水者;e.加派瞭望人员,及时报告落水者位置;f.从下风舷接近落水者,落水者救助后要及时检查生命体征并采取保温措施,尽快移到室内;17.航行时交接班内容:船位、航向、航速、助航仪器使用情况、风向、风力、罗经差、风流压差、海面情况、来往船舶动态及船长交办的事情;靠泊时交接班内容:装卸情况、货物质量、首尾吃水、气象、潮汐、与港方联系情况、船舶周围情况、缆绳受力情况、船舶修理情况、燃料、压载水淡水加载情况、防污情况等;18.是否熟练使用AIS:a.船名输入不符合要求:船名拼音之间未加空格(shang hai);b.目的港输入不符合要求:目的港输入使用缩写,“天津”输入为“TJ”;c.船舶类型输入错误;d.航行状态未及时更新:靠泊期间还显示在航状态;e.船员操作不熟练:船员不熟悉向指定船舶发送短信,不熟悉应急电源转换测试。



1. 个人背景和经验:
- 介绍一下自己的背景和教育经历。

- 你有什么与航海相关的工作经验或实习经历?
- 你对航海行业的兴趣是如何产生的?
2. 船员技能和资质:
- 你拥有哪些航海技能和资质?例如航海证书、船员证书等。

- 你对航海器材和设备的了解程度如何?
- 你在船上的职责和责任是什么?
3. 安全意识和应急处理:
- 在船上,你如何确保船员和船的安全?
- 你如何处理紧急情况,例如火灾、漏水或人员受伤?
- 你对海上救援和应急处理的了解程度如何?
4. 团队合作和领导能力:
- 描述一次你在团队中发挥领导作用的经历。

- 你如何处理与船员或其他团队成员之间的冲突?
- 你认为一个有效的船员应该具备什么样的团队合作能力?
5. 航海知识和导航技能:
- 你对航海知识和导航技能的了解程度如何?
- 你如何使用导航设备和工具进行航行?
- 你对航海规则和法规的了解程度如何?
6. 压力处理和适应能力:
- 描述一次你在压力下工作的经历,你是如何处理的?
- 在航海工作中,你如何应对长时间的工作和压力?
- 你如何适应船上的生活和工作环境?
7. 未来发展和目标:
- 你对航海行业的未来发展有什么看法?
- 你的职业目标是什么?你希望在航海行业中发展到什么样的职位?
- 你打算如何继续提升自己的航海技能和知识?




船东面试问题Typical questions in ship-owners interview1. Could you introduce yourself?My name is x.x.x. I am xx years old. I hold a xxx certificate. I have experienced of xx. Xxx. Xxx.I can use a computer system for management(maintenance).I suppose that my English is good enough for work. I am married(single). There are 4 people in my family, my wife, daughter and my son.2.Where did you graduate from?I graduated from XXX university (college, school,institute).3.How long have you worked on board?I have worked on board for ten years.4.Which company have you served (worked for)?I have served xxx.xxxx.(COSCO, Maersk Line, Sinotrans Container Lines Co., Ltd. , China Shipping Container Lines Co., Ltd. , YML…)5.What certificate (license) do you hold now?I have xxx certificate, or I hold xxx certificate, or I am the holder of xxx certificate.6. How many harbors have you ever been to?(Singapore, Hong Kong, Manila, Kobe, Tokyo, New York, new Castle, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Bangkok, Hamburg…)7. Which countries have you ever been to?(Japan, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, India, Italy, Spain, Germany, Korea…)8. What is your marital status?9. What nationality are you?10. What’s the name of your last ship?11. How old is the ship? When was the ship built?12. Where do the crew members come from?13. What’s the trading area of your last vessel?(Ocean-going, world widely, globally, fixed route.)14. Have you ever worked on chemical tankers or oil tankers?15.What ports did you often call at?16. What port do you prefer? What port do you dislike?17. How many countries have you ever been to? Which country do you like best?18. Which company did you serve?19. What kind of ship have you worked on?Questions on Certificates and Sea Experience20. Do you have a Duty Watch Certificate issued by the MSA?Yes, I have./ no, I haven’t.21. How long have you worked on board?I have worked on board for 13 years.注意thirteen与thirty读音的区别22. When were you born?I was born in 1990. (nineteen ninety)23. Have you served as chief engineer (second engineer, third engineer, fourth engineer…)? Yes, I have served as chief engineer for several years./ no, I am sorry, even though I hold the chief engineer’s certificate, I have nev er served as chief engineer.CREW ON BOARD (DECK)船长MASTER/ CAPTAIN 大副CHIEF OFFICER/ MA TE二副SECOND OFFICER/ MATE 三副THIRD OFFICER/ MATE水手长BOSUN 木匠CARPENTER一水 A.B =ABLE SEAMAN 二水O.S =ORDINARY SEAMAN 甲板实习生DECK CADETCREW ON BOARD (ENGINE)轮机长CHIEF ENGINEER 大管轮SECOND ENGINEER二管轮THIRD ENGINEER 三管轮FOURTH ENGINEER铜匠FITTER 加油长/机工长NO.1 OILER机工MOTORMAN 加油/一机OILER抹油/清洁工/二机WIPER 轮机实习生ENGINE CADET电机员ELECTRICAL ENGINEER 电工ELECTRICIANCREW ON BOARD (SERVICE)大厨CHIEF COOK 水手厨CREW COOK大台(服务生)STEW ARD 二台(服务生)M/B MESS BOY24. What position do you apply for?/ what job are you applying for?I am applying for the position of …25. Do you have a passport? Do you have a seaman’s book?Yes, I have a seaman’s book./ no, I don’t have a passport.26. What education degree do you have now?I have an associate’s degree (专科).Post doctorate degree博士后, doctorate degree博士, master’s degr ee硕士, scholar’s /bachelor’s degree学士, associate’s degree专科, ### of technology工科, ### of art文科, ### of science理科.27. Do you smoke or drink?I am a smoker, but not a chain smoker. I don’t like to drink. Sometimes I drink a little beer. I believe that my s moking and drinking won’t become harmful to the safety of the ship and watchkeeping in any case.28. May I have your resume?Here you are./ sorry, I didn’t bring it.29. Is it difficult for you to work on a multinational crew ship?No, I don’t think so. In fact, I’d like to work on board a ship with multinational crew, since I can learn different cultures andcommunicate with them in English.Questions for student interviewees30.Why do you choose navigation as your career?Well, I like this job, since I have a chance to travel around the world and I will earn money to reward my parents as well.31. Why do you choose Jiangsu Maritime Institute?Well, I like Jiangsu, because I think Jiangsu has a rich resources of education, besides, teachers and facilities here are at the top.32. What is your favorite course? What is your least favorite course and why?Main engine is my favorite course, while electronic technology is not my favorite.Main courses船用柴油机Marine Diesel Engine 船舶辅机Marine Auxiliary Machinery船舶管理Ship Management 船舶电气Marine Electrization机械维护与修理Shi p’s Maintenance and Repair 轮机英语Marine Engineering English 轮机自动化Marine Machinery Automation33. Did you attend any activities during college life? If you did, do you think it is significant? Yes, I did. I like those activities, because I got a chance to exercise my abilities in those activities. In the future, I need to specialize in abilities of seamanship, leadership, cooperation and so on. And I also make friends by doing so.34. Are you satisfied with your study records? If you are not, how will you do if you have another chance?Well, I am satisfied with my study in my university./ no, I am not satisfied. I learned to balance the relationship betweenactivities and study. On the other hand, I also practised my social skills. If I got another chance, I would work harder.35. Did you have a part time job? If you did, what have you learned?Sorry, I haven’t. /yes, I did. I learned to cherish money and respect my parents.36. Could you introduce your hometown? What is your hometown famous for?Yes, I could. My hometown is Dalian. It is located in the south of Liaodong peninsula. There are more than 5 million people there. It is famous for apples and seafood. Dalian is also one of the largest ports in china. In summer, I often swim at the beach. To sum up, I like my hometown.37. What is your favorite sport?I like football/soccer, because it is the most popular sport all over the world, I suppose.38. Do you like playing Mahjong? Why or why not?No, I don’t like it. It is time consuming.39. Why do you choose our company?Many positive reasons, one of them is that your company is well managed.40. What is your impression on my company?Sir, it is attractive. It is well managed. I think I will try my best to serve here.41. How will you plan your future?I will serve my job until I am promoted to chief engineer, and after that, I will still serve as chief engineer for several years.42. Have you passed the Competency Exam for fourth engineer?Yes, I have passed the first four courses, and I am confidentthat I will pass the last three courses in January./ Sorry, except for Marine Engineering English, I passed the other six subjects.43. Have you passed CET-4 or CET-6? What score did you get?I got 460 score in CET-4, and I think I have passed.44. What kind of web-sites do you often surf?I often surf some navigation web-sites such as /doc/8d125373.html,. / I am interested in news web-sites such as /doc/8d125373.html,.45. Do you have a girlfriend? Does she agree that you will work on board if you have to?Yes, I have. She supports me to be a seafar er. /No, I haven’t. But if I had, she should support me. Otherwise, I won’t fall in love with her.46. Why do you want to be a seafarer?I like to travel and collect stamps/coins. It is a good chance for me to achieve those. I will also make money for my family.47. Are the youngest son in your family? Are you independent enough?No, I am not. I am the eldest. / yes, I am the youngest, but I am not the family sun. I take good care of myself in college.48. If you feel homesick, what will do on board?Well, I will make phone call to my family or try to communicate with other crewmembers to release this pain.49. If I employ you, how much would you expect to earn?Well, you are the boss. I think you can arrange fairly according to your rules. But I can earn my salary with vim, vigor and vitality as well as my talent.50. Do you know your blood type?I know. It is type A/B/AB/O. / Sorry, I don’t know, since I’ve never checked it at the hospital.51. How did you find out my company?I was introduced by the senior crew. I browsed on the net and knew your company. I also know your company is one of the largest oil companies in the world.52. Will you consider immigrating to the united states when you find the states to be a beautiful country?No, of course not. I think China is the best.53. What color are your shoes?Oh, they are black.54. Do you get seasick? If you are seasick, will you continue your career? How will you release yourself?I tried to go on board and I didn’t feel seasick./ yes, I have felt that way. I suppose that I won’t stop when I feel seasick. I try to concentrate on other things, such as watchkeeping at work, chatting with crewmembers after work, and I also take some anti-seasick medicines. I don’t think it is a problem.55. If you find the food was not delicious, what would you do?I would try to adapt to the style. Since the others can eat it, I can also eat it.56. How long will you be a seafarer?Well, it’s hard to say. But I think I can work on board until I am promoted to chief engineer.。




1 在海图上量取计划航线到附近导航陆标平行线之间的距离;1.2 以此为半径在雷达上用活动距标作距标圈;1。

3 在物标所在侧用电子方位线或平行标尺作计划航线的平行线,使之与该活动距标圈相切;1。

4 航行过程中只要保持该平行线过上述导航陆标,船舶一定航行在计划航线上.雷达距离避险线导航操作:2.1 当计划航向线与危险物和参考物的连线垂直时,采用距离避险;2.2 确定安全距离,以此距离作一距标圈;2。

3 使方位标尺与计划航向线一致,则与距标圈相切的方位标尺线即为距离避险线;2.4 调整航向,使参考物处于距离避险线外侧.雷达方位避险线导航操作:3。

1 当计划航向线与危险物和参考物的连线平行时,采用方位避险;3。

2 在海图上求得危险物与参考物连线的方向线;3.3 将方位标尺调至与该方向线一致;3。

4 使活动距标圈与方位避险线相切;3。

5 航行时,应使参考物回波始终处于方位避险线外侧。






第1篇一、自我介绍与基本素质评估1. 请用3分钟时间,用普通话进行自我介绍,包括您的姓名、年龄、教育背景、工作经历等。

2. 您认为在邮轮工作中,以下哪些素质最为重要?请简要说明理由。

- A. 良好的沟通能力- B. 团队合作精神- C. 服务意识- D. 应变能力- E. 良好的身体素质3. 请描述一次您在团队中发挥重要作用并取得成功的事例,说明您在其中扮演的角色和贡献。

4. 您如何处理工作中的压力和挑战?请举例说明。

二、邮轮行业与职位认知5. 请简要介绍邮轮行业的发展现状和未来趋势。

6. 您为什么选择加入邮轮行业?请说明您的动机。

7. 您了解的邮轮职位有哪些?请分别介绍这些职位的工作内容和职责。

8. 您认为邮轮工作中最具有挑战性的部分是什么?为什么?三、服务意识与客户沟通9. 请描述一次您在服务过程中遇到客户投诉的情况,以及您是如何解决这个问题的。

10. 您如何理解“客户至上”的服务理念?请举例说明。

11. 在邮轮工作中,如何保持良好的客户关系?请提出您的建议。

12. 您认为在服务过程中,哪些行为可能会引起客户不满?请举例说明。

四、团队合作与冲突解决13. 请描述一次您在团队中遇到分歧或冲突的情况,以及您是如何解决的。

14. 您认为在团队合作中,哪些因素会影响团队效率?请举例说明。

15. 在邮轮工作中,如何保持团队成员之间的良好关系?请提出您的建议。

16. 您如何处理工作中的责任分配和任务执行问题?五、应急处理与安全意识17. 请描述一次您在紧急情况下如何应对的经历,以及您采取的措施。

18. 您认为在邮轮工作中,哪些安全问题是需要特别注意的?请举例说明。

19. 您如何确保自己和客户的安全?20. 请简要介绍您了解的邮轮安全知识和应急处理流程。

六、职业规划与个人发展21. 您对未来5年的职业发展有何规划?22. 您认为在邮轮工作中,如何提升自己的专业技能和综合素质?23. 您对邮轮行业的未来发展有何期待?24. 您如何平衡工作与生活?七、结束语25. 您对本次面试有何期待?26. 您还有什么想问我们的吗?八、附加问题27. 您如何看待邮轮工作中的加班现象?28. 您如何应对工作中的压力和疲劳?29. 您认为邮轮工作对您的个人成长有哪些帮助?30. 您如何适应邮轮工作的国际化环境?以上题目仅供参考,具体面试题目可能会根据职位要求和个人情况进行调整。



第1篇一、船舶基础知识1. 请简要描述船舶的组成及其各自的功能。

2. 船舶的主要类型有哪些?请分别介绍其特点和应用场景。

3. 请解释船舶的浮力原理。

4. 船舶稳性的概念是什么?影响船舶稳性的因素有哪些?5. 船舶操纵性是指什么?请举例说明影响船舶操纵性的因素。

6. 船舶载重线的概念是什么?如何正确识别和使用载重线?7. 船舶的吃水、排水量、吨位之间的关系是什么?8. 船舶的稳性、操纵性、抗沉性、抗风性等性能指标分别是什么?9. 船舶在航行过程中,如何确保船员的安全?10. 请简述船舶在恶劣天气条件下的应急处理措施。

二、船舶设备与系统1. 请简要介绍船舶推进系统的工作原理。

2. 船舶主机有哪些类型?请分别介绍其优缺点。

3. 船舶辅机有哪些类型?请分别介绍其功能和应用。

4. 船舶电站有哪些组成?请简要说明其工作原理。

5. 船舶液压系统的作用是什么?请举例说明其应用。

6. 船舶通风系统的作用是什么?请介绍其组成和原理。

7. 船舶消防系统有哪些类型?请分别介绍其功能和特点。

8. 船舶救生设备有哪些?请分别介绍其功能和操作方法。

9. 船舶防污染设备有哪些?请分别介绍其功能和特点。

10. 船舶通信设备有哪些?请分别介绍其功能和特点。

三、船舶法规与安全1. 请简要介绍《国际海上人命安全公约》(SOLAS)的主要内容。

2. 船员在船舶上应遵守哪些安全操作规程?3. 船舶在航行过程中,如何确保船员的人身安全?4. 船舶在航行过程中,如何防止火灾和爆炸事故的发生?5. 船舶在航行过程中,如何防止船舶碰撞事故的发生?6. 船舶在航行过程中,如何防止船舶污染事故的发生?7. 船员在遇到船舶事故时,应如何应对?8. 船舶在进入港口时,应遵守哪些规定?9. 船舶在进出港口时,如何确保船舶与港口设施的安全?10. 船舶在进出港口时,如何确保船员的人身安全?四、船舶管理与维护1. 船舶管理的主要内容包括哪些?2. 船舶维护的主要内容包括哪些?3. 船舶日常保养的注意事项有哪些?4. 船舶设备检修的周期如何确定?5. 船舶设备检修的方法有哪些?6. 船舶设备检修的质量如何保证?7. 船舶设备检修的记录如何填写?8. 船舶设备检修的成本如何控制?9. 船舶设备检修的安全注意事项有哪些?10. 船舶设备检修的效果如何评价?五、船员职业素养与沟通能力1. 船员应具备哪些职业素养?2. 船员在船舶上应如何处理人际关系?3. 船员在船舶上应如何处理与船东、货主、港口当局等各方的关系?4. 船员在遇到突发事件时,应如何保持冷静和理智?5. 船员在遇到突发事件时,应如何与船长、船员进行沟通?6. 船员在遇到突发事件时,应如何与外界进行沟通?7. 船员在遇到突发事件时,应如何处理危机?8. 船员在遇到突发事件时,应如何保护自己和他人的权益?9. 船员在遇到突发事件时,应如何寻求帮助?10. 船员在遇到突发事件时,应如何总结经验教训?以上题目仅供参考,实际面试时,面试官可能会根据应聘者的具体情况进行调整。

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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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船员面试远洋船东必问的一些问题1.Nice to meet you!(很高兴见到你)It’s very nice to meet you!(非常高兴见到你)Glad to meet you!2.What’s your name?(你叫什么名字)Could you tell me what your name is?(能告诉我你叫什么名子吗?)答:I am XXX.或My name is XXX.3.Where are you from?(你是那里人?)答:I am from lianyungang.(我是连云港人)4.How old are you?(你多大?)答:I am27years old.(我27岁)5.When were you born?(你什么时候出生?)答:I was born in nineteen seventy-three.(我1973年出生。

)6.Are you married?(你结婚了吗?)答:Yes,I am.7.How many people are there in your family?(你家里有几口人?)答:There are three people in my family.My wife,son and I.(有三口人,我的妻子、儿子和我)8.How long have you ever worked on board?(你曾经在船上工作过多长时间)答:I have ever worked on board for ten years.(我曾经在船工作10年)9.Which company did you serve?(你在那家公司服务过?)Which company did you work for?答:I have served for Lianyungang shipping corp.(我在连云港船务公司服务过) 10.Are those ships you worked all Chinese ones?(你工作过的那些船是不是都是中国船)?答:No,I worked on Chinese ships about3years,and1year on board under the Liberian flag.(不我在中国船上工作了三年,在利比里亚的船上工作了一年)11.What is the name of the Liberian ship and what’s her tonnage?(利比里亚船是哪一类船,吨位是多少?)答:She is a bulk carrier,her gross tonnage is over30thousand tonnage.(是一艘散货船,总吨3万多)12.Were the crew all Chinese?(船员都是中国人?)答:No,they weren’t,including me;there were only4Chinese in the deck department. We joined the ship at the same time.While the others came from different countries.(不,只有在甲板部有四位中国人,包括我在内。


)13.Which country did the captain come from?(船长是哪个国家的人?)答:The captain came from Poland.14.Which certificate do you have now?(你有什么证书?)Which certificate do you hold now?(你持有什么证书?)答:I have AB certificate.15.What kinds of ship have you worked on?(你在什么类型的船上工作过?)答:I have worked on many ships.Like container ship,bulk ship.(我在很多船上工作过,如集装箱船、散货船)16.How many countries have you ever been to?(你去过那些国家?)答:I have been to many other countries.For example,Japan,Koran.(我去过很多国家,如日本、韩国)17.How many harbors have you ever been to?(你去过那些港口?)答:Many harbors.Shanghai,18.How many departments are there on board?(船上有几个部门?)答:Three departments:Deck Department,Engine Department,Service Department.(有三个部门,甲板部,轮机部,事务部)19.How many important canals are there all over the world?(世界上有多少重要的运河?)答:Two biggest canals:Panama canal,Suez canal.(两大运河,巴拿马,苏伊士) 20.The sailing route of our company’s ships is very long.Aren’t you afraid of the hardships?(我们公司船舶的航行航线很长,你不怕苦吗?)答:No,I’m not afraid at all,since I am a seaman.I should not be afraid of any hardships and difficulties.(是的,我不怕,既然来当船员,就应不怕苦,不怕难。

) 21.Can you tell me what is the most important thing for a sailor?(你能告诉我对于一名水手来说,什么事情是最重要?)答:It’s safety,Safety first.Safety.Safety includes the safety for the ship,for oneself and for all the crew.(是安全。


)22.You are willing to work in our company,aren’t you?(你愿意到我公司的船上工作吗?)答:I’m willing to be a sailor of you company.My experience and ability make me confident that I can be a qualified sailor in you company.If you do employ me,then I promise that I will definitely follow the company’s instructions and faithfully stitch to my post.I sincerely hope I can draw you attention,and I am ready to offer my efforts for the prosperity of you company.(我愿意应聘贵司的水手一职。




北落诗门(2009-2-0821:42:03)1.主机main engine2.缸头cylinder cover3.安全阀safety valve4.示功阀indicator valve5.起动阀starting valve6.活塞piston7.活塞环piston ring8.活塞销piston pin9.活塞顶piston crown10.活塞杆piston rod11.活塞头piston head12.活塞环槽piston groove13.十字头crosshead14.曲轴crankshaft15.主轴承main bearing16.锅炉boiler17.进气阀air-inlet valve18.排气阀air-outlet valve19.造水机fresh water generator20.左port21.右starboard22.副机auxiliary engine23.甲板deck24.机舱engine room25.救生艇life boat26.滑轮pulley27.排水管scupper28.压载水舱ballast tank29.厕所water closet30.起锚机windlass31.钢丝绳steel wire rope32.备件spare parts33.日用柜service tank34.喷砂sand blast35.增压器super charger36.填料函stuffing box37.分油机purifier38.压力实验pressure test39.位置position40.塑料plastics41.油泵oil pump42.检修和修理overhaul and repair43.手动的,人工操作的manually operated44.吊杆davit45.污水泵sewage pump46.克令吊crane47.钢丝刷steel wire brush48.冷凝器condenser49.喷射泵jet pump50.摇臂rocker51.压力表pressure gauge52.锤子hammer53.牛油枪grease gun54.吊环hoisting ring55.高压软管high pressure flexible hose56.桥规bridge gauge57.卷尺flexible rule58.套筒扳手socket spanner59.活扳手adjustable spanner60.管钳子pipe wrench61.锯saw62.锉刀file63.刮刀scraper64.剪刀shears65.螺丝刀screwdriver66.专用工具special tool67.垫圈washer68.测深管sounding pipe69.膨胀节expansion joint70.舵机steering gear71.压缩机compressor72.制冷机refrigerator73.分油机oil separator74.绞缆机capstan75.起货机cargo winch76.主轴瓦main bearing shell77.阀头valve head78.阀杆valve rod79.阀座valve seat80.阀杆填料valve stem packing81.阀弹簧valve spring82.耐火土fire clay83.进口处entrance84.出口处exit85.丝杠lead screw86.舱cabin87.舱口hatch88.舱底bilge89.聚四氟乙烯Teflon90.橡胶rubber91.增压泵bppster pump92.蝶阀butterfly valve93.磨损wearing94.阀卡死valve sticking95.除锈derusting96.皮碗leather cup97.凸轮轴camshaft98.平面变形plane deformation99.平面弯曲plane bending 100.压载舱ballast tank101.离心泵centrifugal pump 102.热交换器heat exchanger 103.联轴器coupling104.叶轮impeller105.进水suction106.出水discharge107.卫生水泵sanitary pump 108.塞尺filler gauge109.甘油glycerin110.液压千斤顶hydraulic jack111.木塞wooden plug112.闸阀sluice valve113.密封剂sealant114.循环泵circulating115.调速器governor116.测量记录measuring record117.日用油柜oil daily tank118.油封oil sealing119.往复泵reciprocating pump120.震动vibrate121.铁水泥iron cement122.鹅颈头gooseneck123.灭火器extinguisher124.说明书instruction book125.止回阀check valve126.截止阀stop valve127.曲轴拐档差deflection of the crank shaft 128.研磨grind129.光车lathe130.吊出lift out131.没对中misalign132.现场on the spot133.修补patch134.修理单repair list135.换新renew136.抓斗grab137.安全帽safety hat138.机座bedplate139.螺栓bolt140.螺nut141.间隙clearance142.冷却水cooling water143.曲柄箱crankcase144.气缸套cylinder jacket145.柴油机diesel engine146.拆卸dismantle147.气焊gas welding148.重油heavy oil149.键key150.漏泄leakage151.测量measure152.刮油环oil scraping ring 153.操作operation154.过度磨损over-worn155.氧气oxygen156.压力实验pressure test 157.结垢scale158.舷梯gangway159.伙食吊provision crane 160.空冷器air cooler161.锅炉给水泵boiler feed pump 162.球阀ball valve163.污水井bilge well164.合格证certificate165.腐蚀corrosion166.双层底double bottom167.机舱天窗engine-room skylight 168.过路器filter169.首尖舱fore peak170.饮用水drinking water∙北落诗门(2009-2-0821:43:18)希望对您有所帮助!∙上海船人(2009-3-2320:02:11)English For Interviewed by Ship’s owner1.Could you introduce yourself?您做一下自我介绍好吗?My name is x.x.x.I am x.x years old.I hold a xxx certificate.I have experienced of xx.Xxx.Xxx.I can use a computer system for management(maintenance).I suppose that my English is good enough for work.I am married(single).There are3people in my family,my daughter and my son.我的名字叫XXX。
