






三、保险责任1. 本保险合同项下的保险责任仅限于货物在运输途中因意外事故导致的损失或者损坏。


2. 保险公司对于保险标的的赔偿范围为实际货物的价值,不包括任何间接损失。

3. 保险公司对于货物的保险责任以合同约定的保险金额为限,超出保险金额部分不予赔付。

四、保险费用和赔偿1. 保险费用应当按照约定的比例按时足额交纳,否则保险合同自动失效。

2. 货物发生保险事故后,被保险人应当及时通知保险公司,并提交相关证明文件。

3. 保险公司收到通知后,将尽快进行核实,并在法定期限内对损失进行赔偿。

五、免责条款1. 由于货物本身固有的缺陷或者价值波动引起的损失不在保险范围之内。

2. 由于被保险人的故意或者重大过失导致的货物损失,保险公司有权拒绝承担赔偿责任。

3. 由于海啸、龙卷风等不可抗力因素导致的货物损失,保险公司不承担赔偿责任。






陆上货物运输托运合同样书通用版6篇篇1甲方(托运人):_________________________乙方(承运人):_________________________根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律法规的规定,为确保双方权益,甲乙双方在平等、自愿、公平、诚信的基础上,就甲方委托乙方进行陆上货物运输事宜达成如下协议:一、合同双方信息甲方(托运人):_____________________________________地址:___________________________________________联系方式:_______________________________电话/邮箱等乙方(承运人):_____________________________________地址:___________________________________________联系方式:_______________________________电话/邮箱等二、货物基本情况1. 货物名称:_______________________________________。

2. 货物规格:_______________________________________。

3. 货物数量:_______________________________________。

4. 货物价值:_______________________________________。

5. 货物包装情况:___________________________________。

三、运输安排1. 运输方式:陆上运输。

2. 运输路线:从____________出发,至____________结束。

3. 运输时间:自合同签订之日起______天内完成。

4. 装卸货物地点:___________________________________。










1.1 受运方委托承运方运输的货物,包括但不限于(具体货物清单)。

1.2 在货物运输过程中,若发生以下情况,保险人将承担相应的赔偿责任:(1)货物在运输过程中因火灾、爆炸、盗窃、抢劫、碰撞、倾覆、水渍等意外事件造成损失;(2)货物在装卸过程中因操作不慎、设备故障等原因造成损失;(3)其他经保险人确认属于保险范围内的损失情况。


2.1 受运方应按照货物价值向保险人支付相应的保险费用。

2.2 保险费用支付方式为(具体支付方式),具体金额为(金额)。


3.1 若货物在运输过程中发生损失,受运方应在发现损失后及时通知保险人,并提供相关证明材料。

3.2 保险人收到索赔通知及相关证明材料后,将在(具体时间)内进行核实,并按照合同约定进行赔偿。


4.1 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,有效期至货物运抵目的地并经受运方确认签收之日止。

4.2 本合同未尽事宜,双方可另行协商确定,并以书面形式作出补充协议。


5.1 本合同的签订、履行、解释及争议解决均适用(具体法律法规)。

5.2 因本合同引起的争议,双方应通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,应提交(具体仲裁机构)仲裁解决。







合同编号:【合同编号】一、保险范围本保险合同覆盖以下范围的货物运输:1. 货物的运输:包括陆路、铁路和内河运输,以及由这些运输方式引起的财产损失或人身伤害。

2. 货物的装卸:包括装卸过程中的财产损失或人身伤害。

二、保险金额1. 本保险合同的保险金额为【保险金额】。


2. 如货物实际价值超过保险金额,被保险人应按实际价值补足保费,以确保货物得到足够的保险保障。

三、保险费1. 本保险合同的保险费为【保险费】,保险费在保险合同签订时一次性付清。

第1页/共4页2. 如货物的运输方式或距离发生变化,可能导致保险费的变化,此时被保险人应及时通知保险公司,以确保保险合同的有效性。

四、保险责任1. 本保险合同的保险责任包括但不限于以下情况:(1) 货物遭受意外事故(如交通事故、火灾、爆炸等)导致的损失;(2) 货物在装卸过程中因意外事故导致的损失;(3) 货物被盗窃、抢劫或抢夺导致的损失;(4) 其他本保险合同列明的风险。

2. 当发生保险责任范围内的损失时,被保险人应立即通知保险公司,并提供相应的证明文件和损失评估报告。


五、免赔额1. 本保险合同设定了免赔额,即被保险人在索赔时需自行承担一部分损失。

2. 免赔额的数额为【免赔额】,即发生损失时,保险公司只承担超过免赔额的部分。

六、保险责任免除以下情况下,保险公司将不承担赔偿责任:1. 被保险人故意制造事故或故意造成货物损失;2. 货物运输时违反法律法规的规定,导致货物损失;3. 货物运输时未按照合理的方式进行保管,导致货物损失;4. 货物运输过程中发生的预先知悉的风险事件。

七、保险合同解除1. 本保险合同自签订日起生效,并在保险期满后自动终止。




双方本着平等互利、老实信誉的原那么,经友好协商,就货物运输保险事宜达成如下合同:第一条保险标的1.1 本保险合同的保险标的为乙方通过陆路运输的货物,详细包括____。

1.2 保险标的的详细描绘及价值详见附件一。

第二条保险责任2.1 甲方同意在保险期间内对乙方的货物因意外事故导致的损失或损坏承当赔偿责任。

2.2 保险责任的详细范围和条件详见附件二。

第三条保险金额3.1 本保险合同的保险金额为____元人民币,该金额为货物的声明价值。

3.2 乙方应确保保险金额不低于货物的实际价值。

第四条保险费用4.1 保险费用根据保险金额和保险费率计算,总计为____元人民币。

4.2 乙方应在本合同签订时一次性支付全部保险费用。

第五条保险期间5.1 本保险合同的保险期间自货物分开起运地时起至到达目的地时止。

5.2 详细的起运时间和目的地详见附件三。

第六条责任免除6.1 甲方对因乙方成心行为导致的货物损失或损坏不承当赔偿责任。

6.2 责任免除的详细情况详见附件四。

第七条索赔程序7.1 如货物在运输过程中发生损失或损坏,乙方应在____小时内通知甲方。

7.2 乙方应提供必要的证明材料,以便甲方进展损失评估和赔偿。

第八条争议解决8.1 本合同的解释、适用及争议解决均适用____国法律。

8.2 双方因履行本合同所产生的任何争议,应通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,提交____仲裁委员会按照其仲裁规那么进展仲裁。

第九条其他9.1 本合同的任何修改和补充均应以书面形式进展,并经双方受权代表签字盖章后生效。

9.2 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

第十条协议的生效10.1 本合同自双方受权代表签字盖章之日起生效。



双语版陆上货物运输保险合同范本4篇全文共4篇示例,供读者参考篇1Land Cargo Insurance ContractInsurer: ABC Insurance CompanyInsured: XYZ CorporationPolicy No.: 123456789This policy is issued to insure the land cargo transportation of the insured from the point of origin to the final destination against the risks of loss or damage as detailed in this contract.1. Insured GoodsThe insured goods covered by this policy include all cargo transported by the insured from one location to another, whether by land, rail, or other means of transportation.2. Coveragea) This policy provides coverage for loss or damage to the insured goods caused by fire, theft, collision, overturning, or any other accidental means during transportation.b) The coverage under this policy is subject to exclusions, limitations, and conditions as detailed in the policy document.3. PremiumThe premium for this policy shall be paid by the insured to the insurer in accordance with the agreed terms and conditions. Failure to pay the premium may result in the cancellation of the policy.4. Sum InsuredThe sum insured under this policy shall be agreed upon by the insured and the insurer at the time of inception of the policy. The sum insured represents the maximum liability of the insurer in the event of a claim.5. Duration of CoverageThis policy shall be in force from the date of inception specified in the policy document until the expiry date, unless earlier terminated by either party in accordance with the terms and conditions of the policy.6. Claim Settlementa) In the event of a claim, the insured shall notify the insurer immediately and provide all necessary documentation to support the claim.b) The insurer shall process the claim within a reasonable timeframe and make a decision on the claim based on the merits of the case.c) The insurer shall pay out the claim amount to the insured in accordance with the terms and conditions of the policy.7. Termination of PolicyThis policy may be terminated by either party by giving written notice to the other party. In the event of termination, the insurer shall refund any unearned premium to the insured.8. Governing LawThis policy shall be governed by the laws of the jurisdiction in which the insured goods are located at the time of the loss or damage.This policy represents the entire agreement between the insured and the insurer with respect to the land cargo insurance coverage. Any amendments or modifications to this policy shall be made in writing and signed by both parties.Signature: _________________________Date: ________________Insurer: ABC Insurance CompanySignature: _________________________Date: ________________Insured: XYZ CorporationThis is a sample land cargo insurance contract and is provided for illustrative purposes only. Actual terms and conditions may vary depending on the specific requirements of the insured and the insurer. It is recommended to consult with a licensed insurance professional for advice on insurance coverage.篇2Land Cargo Insurance ContractParty A: InsurerParty B: InsuredArticle 1: Subject of Insurance1.1 Party A agrees to insure the cargo of Party B for transportation by land from the place of origin to the destination as stated in the insurance contract.1.2 The insured cargo includes but is not limited to goods, merchandise, and products that belong to Party B or for which Party B is responsible.Article 2: Coverage2.1 The insurance coverage includes all risks of loss or damage to the insured cargo during land transportation, including but not limited to theft, fire, explosion, collision, overturning, and natural disasters.2.2 Party A shall not be liable for coverage of losses or damages caused by the intentional or criminal acts of Party B or third parties.Article 3: Insured Value3.1 The insured value of the cargo shall be determined based on the invoice value of the goods plus any related expenses for transportation, packing, and handling.3.2 In case of undervalued goods, Party A reserves the right to adjust the insured value and premiums accordingly.Article 4: Premiums and Deductibles4.1 Party B shall pay the premiums for the insurance coverage as agreed upon in the insurance contract.4.2 In the event of a claim, Party B shall be responsible for paying any deductibles as specified in the insurance contract.Article 5: Termination of Insurance5.1 The insurance coverage shall terminate upon the arrival of the insured cargo at the designated destination.5.2 Party A reserves the right to terminate the insurance coverage in case of non-payment of premiums or violation of the insurance contract terms by Party B.Article 6: Claims and Settlement6.1 In case of loss or damage to the insured cargo, Party B shall notify Party A immediately and provide all necessary documentation to support the claim.6.2 Party A shall assess the claim and make a settlement within a reasonable time frame, in accordance with the terms of the insurance contract.Article 7: Disputes and Arbitration7.1 Any disputes arising from the interpretation or implementation of this insurance contract shall be resolved through negotiation between Party A and Party B.7.2 If the parties are unable to reach a resolution through negotiation, the disputes shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the laws of the governing jurisdiction.This insurance contract is made and entered into by Party A and Party B on the date of execution, and shall be binding upon both parties until the completion of the insured transportation.篇3Land Cargo Transportation Insurance ContractContract No.:Insured:Insurer:Subject Matter Insured:1. The insurer agrees to cover the loss of or damage to the insured goods during land transportation from the starting point to the destination as specified in the contract.2. The insured goods shall be described in detail in the insurance policy, including but not limited to the type, quantity, weight, value, and special characteristics of the goods.3. The insured goods must be packed properly and securely to prevent damage during transportation. The insured shall provide proof of proper packaging upon request by the insurer.4. The insurance coverage shall start from the moment the goods are loaded onto the carrier's vehicle and shall end when the goods are unloaded at the destination.5. The insurance premium shall be calculated based on the value and risk of the insured goods, as well as the distance and mode of transportation.6. The insurer shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by the following reasons:a) Inherent defects, natural wear and tear, or insufficient packaging of the insured goods;b) Improper handling or loading of the goods by the insured or carrier;c) Delay in transportation due to force majeure events such as natural disasters, accidents, strikes, or government actions.7. In case of loss or damage to the insured goods, the insured shall notify the insurer immediately and provide all necessary documents and information to support the claim.8. The insurer shall compensate the insured for the actual value of the lost or damaged goods, up to the maximum coverage amount specified in the insurance policy.9. This contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the effective date specified in the insurance policy, unless terminated earlier by either party with a written notice.10. Any dispute arising from this contract shall be resolved through negotiation between the insured and insurer. If no agreement can be reached, the dispute shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction specified in the insurance policy.11. This contract shall be governed by the laws of the jurisdiction specified in the insurance policy.In witness whereof, the insured and insurer have signed this contract on the date and place specified below.Insured: ____________________ Date: _______________Insurer: ____________________ Date: _______________篇4Land Cargo Insurance ContractThis agreement is made and entered into on [date], by and between the insurer [Name of Insurance Company], hereinafter referred to as the "Insurer," and the insured [Name of Insured], hereinafter referred to as the "Insured," for the purpose of providing insurance coverage for land cargo transportation.Article 1: Definitions1.1 Land Cargo: Goods to be transported by land, including but not limited to products, raw materials, equipment, and other items.1.2 Insured Value: The total value of the land cargo to be transported, including the cost of the goods, shipping fees, taxes, and other associated costs.1.3 Period of Coverage: The time period during which the insurance coverage is effective, starting from the moment the land cargo is received for transportation and ending when the cargo reaches its destination.Article 2: Scope of Coverage2.1 The Insurer agrees to provide insurance coverage for the land cargo specified in the agreement against risks such as theft, damage, loss, and other perils that may occur during transportation.2.2 The Insured Value of the land cargo shall be specified in the agreement, and the Insurer shall be liable for compensation up to the insured value in case of loss or damage.Article 3: Exclusions3.1 The following risks and perils are excluded from insurance coverage:(a) Willful misconduct or negligence by the Insured or its employees.(b) Inherent defects in the land cargo.(c) War, terrorism, riots, strikes, and civil commotion.(d) Loss or damage due to inadequate packaging or improper handling.(e) Delay in transit without physical loss or damage to the land cargo.Article 4: Premium and Deductible4.1 The Insured shall pay the premium specified in the agreement in exchange for the insurance coverage provided by the Insurer.4.2 In case of a claim, the Insured shall bear a deductible amount as specified in the agreement before the Insurer is liable to pay compensation.Article 5: Claims Procedure5.1 In case of loss or damage to the land cargo, the Insured shall notify the Insurer immediately and provide all relevant information and documentation to support the claim.5.2 The Insurer shall promptly investigate the claim and assess the extent of the loss or damage, after which the compensation amount shall be determined and paid to the Insured.Article 6: Subrogation6.1 In case of payment of compensation by the Insurer, the Insurer shall be subrogated to the rights of the Insured against any third party responsible for the loss or damage to the land cargo.6.2 The Insured shall provide full cooperation to the Insurer in any legal proceedings or actions taken to recover the compensation paid.Article 7: Jurisdiction and Arbitration7.1 Any dispute or disagreement arising from this agreement shall be resolved through negotiation between the parties in good faith.7.2 If the parties fail to reach a settlement through negotiation, the dispute shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with the laws of [Country], and the decision of the arbitral tribunal shall be final and binding on both parties.In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the date and year first above written.[Name of Insurer]By: [Authorized Signatory][Name of Insured]By: [Authorized Signatory]。



陆上货物运输保险合同双语2024年通用合同编号:__________地址:联系人:联系电话:地址:联系人:联系电话:鉴于:2. 保险人同意按照本合同的约定承担保险货物的保险责任;3. 双方本着平等互利的原则,同意订立本合同。

第一条保险范围1.1 本合同适用于保险期间内,被保险人运输的货物,包括但不限于:(1)货物本身的损失或损坏;(2)货物在运输过程中由于外界因素导致的损失或损坏;(3)货物在运输过程中由于火灾、爆炸、盗窃、抢劫等原因导致的损失或损坏。

1.2 本合同不适用于下列情况:(1)货物的自然损耗、本质缺陷、特性变化或其他原因导致的损失或损坏;(2)战争、军事行动、罢工、核事故等不可抗力因素导致的损失或损坏;(3)被保险人故意或者重大过失导致的损失或损坏。

第二条保险金额和保险费2.1 保险金额:根据被保险人的要求,保险人同意按照保险货物的实际价值确定保险金额。


2.2 保险费:被保险人应当按照本合同约定的保险费率支付保险费。


2.3 保险费支付方式:被保险人应当在本合同签订后七个工作日内一次性支付保险费。

第三条保险责任3.1 保险人应当在本合同约定的保险范围内,对保险货物发生的损失或损坏承担赔偿责任。

3.2 保险人收到被保险人的赔偿请求后,经核实符合本合同约定的赔偿条件的,应当及时履行赔偿义务。

3.3 保险人在赔偿被保险人损失后,依法取得对第三方的代位求偿权。

第四条合同的变更和解除4.1 双方同意,本合同的变更或者解除应当书面签署,并经双方确认。

4.2 在保险期间内,被保险人要求变更保险货物或者保险金额的,应当提前十个工作日通知保险人,并按照约定的保险费率支付变更部分的保险费。

4.3 在保险期间内,除非本合同另有约定,任何一方不得单方面解除合同。














( 合同范本 )甲方:乙方:日期:年月日精品合同 / Word文档 / 文字可改陆上货物运输保险合同范本(2020年)The contract concluded after the parties reached a consensus through equal consultations stipulates the mutual obligations and the rights they should enjoy.陆上货物运输保险合同范本(2020年)陆上货物运输保险合同1.陆上货物运输保险单发票号码保险单号次中保财*保险有限公司(以下简称本公司)根据__________________(以下简称为被保险人)的要求由被保险人向本公司缴付约定的保险费,按照本保险单承保险别和背后所载条款与下列特款承保下述货物运输保险,特立本保险单。

标记包装及量保险货物项目保险金额总保险金额:________________________________________保费________________费率____________装载工具_______________开航日期____________自_______________至_______________ 承保险别:所保货物,如发生保险单项下可能引起索赔的损失或损坏,应立即通知本公司下述代理人查勘。







双语版陆上货物运输保险合同范本6篇篇1Land Cargo Insurance ContractParty A: The Insurer[Name of Insurance Company]Address: [Address of Insurance Company]Contact: [Contact Information of Insurance Company]Party B: The Insured[Name of Insured]Address: [Address of Insured]Contact: [Contact Information of Insured]This Land Cargo Insurance Contract (hereinafter referred to as "Contract") is entered into between Party A and Party B on [Date of Contract].Article 1 Coverage1.1 Party A agrees to provide insurance coverage to Party B for the transportation of goods by land within the territory of [Country/Region].1.2 The coverage includes but is not limited to loss or damage to the insured goods caused by theft, fire, collision, overturning, or any other accidents during transportation.Article 2 Insurable Interest2.1 Party B, as the owner or consignee of the goods, has an insurable interest in the cargo being transported.2.2 Party B shall provide accurate information about the nature, quantity, and value of the goods to be insured.Article 3 Premium3.1 Party B agrees to pay the premium to Party A in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Contract.3.2 The premium amount shall be calculated based on the value of the insured goods and the risk factors involved in the transportation.Article 4 Duration of Insurance4.1 The insurance coverage provided by Party A shall take effect from the moment the goods are loaded onto the carrier'svehicle and shall continue until the goods are delivered to the final destination.4.2 Party A shall not be liable for any loss or damage that occurs before or after the specified duration of insurance.Article 5 Exclusions5.1 Party A shall not be liable for any loss or damage to the insured goods caused by war, civil unrest, strikes, riots, or any other perils excluded by the insurance policy.5.2 Party A shall not be liable for any loss or damage to the insured goods resulting from improper packaging, inadequate loading, or any other negligence on the part of Party B.Article 6 Claims Settlement6.1 In the event of any loss or damage to the insured goods, Party B shall notify Party A within [Number of Days] of the occurrence.6.2 Party A shall conduct an investigation into the claim and settle the claim within [Number of Days] of receiving all necessary documentation and evidence from Party B.Article 7 Termination of Contract7.1 This Contract shall be terminated upon the expiration of the insurance coverage period specified in Article 4.7.2 Party A reserves the right to terminate this Contract in the event of non-payment of the premium by Party B or any breach of the terms and conditions of this Contract.Article 8 Governing Law8.1 This Contract shall be governed by the laws of [Country/Region].8.2 Any disputes arising from this Contract shall be resolved through negotiation between the parties. If no agreement can be reached, the disputes shall be submitted to the competent court of [Country/Region] for resolution.In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this Contract on the date first above written.Party A: [Signature of Party A]Party B: [Signature of Party B]篇2Land Cargo Insurance ContractThis Land Cargo Insurance Contract (hereinafter referred to as "Contract") is entered into by and between the Insured and the Insurance Company on the terms and conditions set forth below:I. Definitions1. Insurer: [Name of Insurance Company]2. Insured: [Name of Insured]3. Goods: Cargo being transported by land4. Insurable Value: The value of the goods declared by the Insured for insurance purposes5. Premium: The amount paid by the Insured to the Insurer for the insurance coverage6. Conditions of Carriage: The terms and conditions of the contract of carriage under which the goods are being transportedII. Coverage1. This Contract provides coverage for loss of or damage to the Goods during transit by land due to perils such as collision, overturning, theft, fire, explosion, and other fortuitous events.2. The coverage provided by this Contract is subject to the Insurable Value declared by the Insured. The Insurer shall not be liable for any loss exceeding the Insurable Value.III. Exclusions1. This Contract does not cover loss or damage to the Goods resulting from willful misconduct, fraud, insolvency, dishonesty, or violation of law by the Insured or any party responsible for the transport of the Goods.2. This Contract does not cover loss or damage to the Goods resulting from inherent vice, wear and tear, rust, corrosion, deterioration, or other natural causes.IV. Premium and Payment1. The Premium payable by the Insured for this Contract shall be calculated based on the Insurable Value of the Goods and the level of risk involved in the transportation.2. The Premium shall be paid by the Insured to the Insurer in full before coverage under this Contract takes effect.V. Claims Procedure1. In the event of loss of or damage to the Goods covered by this Contract, the Insured shall notify the Insurer immediatelyand submit a written claim within [number of days] days of the occurrence.2. The Insured shall provide the Insurer with all necessary documentation, such as invoices, packing lists, and proof of loss, to support the claim.3. The Insurer shall assess the claim and make a decision on the coverage and amount of compensation to be paid to the Insured within a reasonable time frame.VI. Settlement of Claims1. If the claim is approved, the Insurer shall pay the Insured the amount of compensation determined in accordance with the terms of this Contract.2. The Insurer shall have the right to inspect the damaged Goods and conduct an investigation into the cause of the loss or damage before making a decision on the claim.VII. Termination1. This Contract shall terminate upon the completion of the transportation of the Goods to the destination specified in the Conditions of Carriage.2. This Contract may also be terminated by either party by giving [number of days] days' written notice to the other party.VIII. Jurisdiction1. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved by arbitration in accordance with the rules of [name of arbitration institution].2. The governing law of this Contract shall be the laws of [jurisdiction].This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Insured and the Insurer with respect to the insurance coverage for the Goods being transported by land. Any amendments or modifications to this Contract shall be in writing and signed by both parties.Insured: [Name of Insured]Insurance Company: [Name of Insurance Company]Date: [Date of Contract]篇3Land Cargo Transportation Insurance ContractParty A: InsurerParty B: InsuredArticle 1: Object of InsuranceParty A hereby agrees to provide insurance coverage to Party B’s land cargo transportation activities. The insurance coverage includes the loss or damage of goods in transit caused by accidents, theft, or other risks specified in this contract.Article 2: Scope of Insurance1. The insurance coverage shall be applied to land cargo transportation activities conducted by Party B within the territory specified in this contract.2. The insurance coverage shall be valid for goods transported by road, rail, or other agreed upon means of transportation.3. The insurance coverage shall not apply to goods transported by water or air unless otherwise specified in a separate agreement.4. The insurance coverage shall be limited to the value of the goods specified in the transportation document or the actual declared value of the goods, whichever is lower.Article 3: Risks CoveredThe insurance coverage shall include but not be limited to the following risks:1. Fire, explosion, lightning, and other natural disasters.2. Collision, overturning, or derailment of the vehicle.3. Theft, robbery, or pilferage during transportation.4. Damage caused by improper packing or loading of goods.5. Any other risks agreed upon by both parties in writing.Article 4: Exclusions from Insurance CoverageThe insurance coverage shall not apply to the following situations:1. Loss or damage caused by intentional acts of Party B or its employees.2. Loss or damage resulting from inherent defects in the goods.3. Loss or damage caused by war, riots, strikes, or other civil unrest.4. Loss or damage occurring during the loading or unloading of goods not supervised by Party B.5. Any other exclusions agreed upon by both parties in writing.Article 5: Premium PaymentParty B shall pay the insurance premium as agreed upon in this contract. Failure to pay the premium on time may result in the suspension or termination of insurance coverage.Article 6: Claims Settlement1. In the event of a claim, Party B shall notify Party A in writing within a specified period of time.2. Party B shall provide all necessary documents and evidence to support the claim.3. Party A shall conduct a thorough investigation of the claim and determine the amount of compensation within a reasonable time.4. Party A shall make payment to Party B for the approved claim amount within a specified period of time.Article 7: Termination of Contract1. This contract shall be terminated upon the completion of the transportation of goods covered under this insurance.2. This contract may be terminated by either party with written notice to the other party.3. The termination of this contract shall not affect any claims that were initiated before the termination date.Article 8: Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising from this contract shall be resolved through negotiation between both parties. If a resolution cannot be reached, either party may seek arbitration or legal action to settle the dispute.Article 9: Governing LawThis contract shall be governed by the laws of the jurisdiction specified in this contract.Party A (Insurer): ________________________Party B (Insured): ________________________Date: ________________________This contract is hereby executed and shall be effective as of the date specified above. Both parties acknowledge that they have read and understood the terms and conditions of this contract and agree to abide by them.篇4Land Cargo Transportation Insurance ContractThis Land Cargo Transportation Insurance Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is entered into by and between the Insurer and the Insured on the date specified herein.Article 1 Insured Cargo1.1 The Insured cargo specified in this Contract refers to the goods or materials entrusted to the Insured for transportation by land.1.2 The Insured shall declare to the Insurer the type, quantity, and value of the insured cargo accurately, and the Insurer shall have the right to investigate and verify the Insured cargo.Article 2 Insured Risks2.1 This Contract provides coverage for the insured cargo against risks including but not limited to theft, robbery, loss, damage, fire, explosion, collision, overturning, derailment, falling, and natural disasters during transportation by land.2.2 The Insured Risks shall not include losses incurred due to war, riots, strikes, confiscation, nuclear incidents, inherentdefects, insufficient packaging, delay, loss of market value, and other exclusions specified in this Contract.Article 3 Premium and Payment3.1 The premium for this Contract shall be determined based on the type of cargo, value, transportation distance, route conditions, and risk factors.3.2 The Insured shall pay the premium to the Insurer within a specified period as agreed upon in this Contract, and the Contract shall become effective upon receipt of the premium payment.Article 4 Insurance Amount and Compensation4.1 The insurance amount for the insured cargo shall be determined based on the actual value of the goods or materials declared by the Insured, subject to the limit specified in this Contract.4.2 In the event of any loss or damage to the insured cargo covered by this Contract, the Insured shall be entitled to compensation equal to the actual value of the goods or materials lost or damaged, excluding any deductible amount agreed upon in this Contract.Article 5 Liability and Claims5.1 The Insured shall be responsible for providing accurate and complete information regarding the insured cargo and transportation details to the Insurer for the purposes of risk assessment and premium determination.5.2 In the event of any loss, damage, or incident related to the insured cargo covered by this Contract, the Insured shall notify the Insurer immediately and submit a written claim along with supporting documents within a specified period as specified in this Contract.Article 6 Termination and Modification6.1 This Contract shall remain in force for the period specified herein unless terminated by either party in writing with prior notice.6.2 The Insurer shall have the right to modify the terms and conditions of this Contract with prior notice to the Insured, and any modifications shall be binding upon both parties.Article 7 Dispute Resolution7.1 Any disputes or disagreements arising from the interpretation or implementation of this Contract shall be resolved through negotiations between the Insurer and the Insured in good faith.7.2 If the parties fail to reach a mutually satisfactory resolution, the matter shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction specified in this Contract.In witness whereof, the undersigned parties have executed this Land Cargo Transportation Insurance Contract on the date specified below.Insurer: ___________________________ Date: ___________________Insured: ___________________________ Date: ___________________篇5Land cargo transportation is an essential part of our global economy, ensuring that goods are safely delivered to their destinations. However, accidents and unforeseen events can occur during the transportation process, leading to damage or loss of the cargo. In order to protect against such risks, shippers and carriers often purchase cargo insurance. Below is a sample template for a land cargo transportation insurance contract, provided in both English and Chinese for reference.Land Cargo Transportation Insurance ContractArticle 1.Insured ObjectThe subject matter insured under this contract is the cargo specified in the insurance policy, which is transported by land using vehicles or other modes of transportation.第一条保险标的本保险合同的标的物为保险单上所载明的货物,其采用陆路运输方式进行运输。











1.1 受运方将要运输的货物描述如下:(详细描述货物名称、数量、重量、价值等信息)。


2.1 承运方应当在货物运输过程中为货物购买相应的运输保险,保障货物在运输过程中的安全。

2.2 运输保险的金额应当覆盖货物的实际价值,并且符合国家相关法律法规的规定。

2.3 在货物运输过程中,若货物发生损坏、丢失或其他意外情况,承运方应当及时向受运方通报,并协助受运方进行保险理赔。


3.1 运输保险的费用由承运方承担,并应当在货物运输前支付。

3.2 若货物运输过程中发生保险理赔情况,受运方应当在承运方提供保险理赔文件后协助处理相关事宜。


4.1 本合同生效后,双方应当严格履行合同约定,确保货物运输过程中的安全和顺利进行。

4.2 本合同一式两份,双方各持一份,具有同等法律效力。





陆上货物运输保险合同范本甲方(投保人):_____________________ (以下简称甲方)乙方(保险公司):_____________________ (以下简称乙方)一、保险标的及保险金额甲方自愿向乙方申请购买陆上货物运输保险,保险标的为甲方在指定的运输途中运送的货物,保险金额为货物的实际价值。

二、险别及保险责任1. 单一险别:甲方选择以下险别,乙方按照约定承担保险责任。



2. 综合险别:甲方选择以下综合险别,乙方按照综合约定承担保险责任。


三、保险费1. 甲方应按照乙方的要求支付保险费,并提供本合同约定的保险费支付凭证。

2. 保险费的计算方式为:_____________________。

3. 保险费的支付方式为:_____________________。



六、保险事故通知和理赔1. 在发生保险事故后,甲方应及时向乙方提交保险事故通知,并提供相关证明文件。

2. 乙方接到甲方的保险事故通知后,应及时进行理赔处理,并在法定期限内给予答复。

3. 甲方应积极配合乙方的理赔处理工作,提供必要的支持和协助。

七、其他约定1. 本保险合同中的各项约定内容,应受到中华人民共和国有关法律法规的约束。

2. 甲方有权在保险期间内进行保险合同的变更,但变更后的保险责任和保险费应经乙方同意后才能生效。

3. 甲方有权在保险期间内解除本保险合同,但应事先向乙方提出书面申请,并支付相应的手续费用。

4. 乙方有权对甲方提供的保险单内容进行审核和调查,并保留在必要时拒绝提供保险的权利。

5. 本保险合同的有效性、解释及纠纷的解决均适用中华人民共和国的相关法律法规,并应提交争议解决委员会裁决。



Model document of transportation insurance certificate of insu rance company (2020 Edition)





│货票号码│ 货物名称│ 保险金额






-------- Designed By JinTai College ---------。



陆上货物运输保险合同1. 引言陆上货物运输保险合同是指保险人与投保人之间就陆上货物运输期间可能发生的风险进行保险的合同。


2. 合同条款2.1 保险责任保险人将按照本合同的约定,在货物运输期间因原因造成的货物丢失、损坏或灭失进行赔偿:•火灾、爆炸、闪电等自然灾害导致的损失;•水渍、雨淋、倒车、碰撞、渣滓等人为因素导致的损失;•车辆翻车、失火、盗抢等事故导致的损失。

2.2 保险金额与保费保险金额是指保险人在合同中所承担的最高赔偿金额。


2.3 终止合同和退还保费本合同在情况下可提前终止:•投保人申请解除合同;•投保人不履行合同义务;•保险人发现投保人故意提供虚假信息;•投保人货物丧失超过合同约定的比例。


2.4 索赔和赔偿投保人在发生保险事故后,应立即通知保险人,并提供相关证明文件。




2.5 其他约定•本合同适用的货物运输范围包括陆地运输、铁路运输、公路运输等;•本合同不承担投保人故意造成的损失赔偿;•若投保人将货物运输到禁运地区或运输过程中违反法律法规,保险人不承担赔偿责任;•投保人应按时支付保险费,否则保险合同将自动终止。

3. 保险责任免除本合同对于情况不予赔偿:•投保人故意破坏货物以谋取保险金;•投保人未按照合同要求采取必要的保护措施;•货物运输期间发生的战争、暴乱、恐怖袭击等意外事件;•投保人提供虚假信息或故意隐藏重要信息。

4. 争议解决对于保险合同产生的争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。


5. 结束语陆上货物运输保险合同为投保人提供了在货物运输过程中损失的保障,确保货物安全无忧。




第一条保险范围1.1 保险合同所保货物为:(详细列出货物名称、规格、数量、价值等)。

1.2 保险期间为:自货物出发之日起至货物到达目的地之日止。

1.3 保险金额为:人民币(大写):__________元整(小写):__________元。

1.4 保险费率为:____%。

第二条保险责任2.1 保险公司根据本合同的约定,对货物在运输过程中因下列原因造成的损失和费用负责赔偿:(1)火灾、雷电、洪水、台风、地震、地陷、山崩、冰凌等自然灾害;(2)运输工具碰撞、倾覆、出轨、火灾、爆炸、被盗、被抢劫等意外事故;(3)货物包装破裂、泄露、短量、玷污、腐烂、变质等;(4)其他意外原因造成的货物损失。

2.2 保险公司不承担下列原因造成的货物损失:(1)货物的自然损耗、本质缺陷、特性变化、市价跌落、运输延迟所引起的损失或费用;(2)战争、军事行动、罢工、核事故等不可抗力因素造成的损失;(3)货主故意或者重大过失造成的损失;(4)其他依法不予赔偿的情况。

第三条保险理赔3.1 货物发生保险事故后,货主应当立即采取必要的措施,防止损失扩大,并通知保险公司。

3.2 货主应当在知道货物发生保险事故后____小时内向保险公司报案,并按照保险公司的要求提供相关证明材料。

3.3 保险公司收到报案后,应当及时派员查勘,并根据查勘结果按照本合同的约定承担赔偿责任。

第四条保险金额与保险费4.1 保险金额为本合同第一条规定的金额。

4.2 保险费根据保险金额、保险费率和运输距离等按照保险公司制定的标准计算。

4.3 货主应当按照约定的时间和方式支付保险费。

第五条合同的变更和解除5.1 双方同意,合同的变更或者解除应当书面约定。

5.2 保险合同依法变更或者解除的,双方应当互相书面通知。



陆上货物运输保险合同范本7篇篇1甲方(托运人):____________________乙方(保险公司):____________________根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及货物运输保险相关法规,甲乙双方在平等、自愿、公平和诚实信用的原则基础上,就甲方货物陆上运输保险事宜达成如下协议:一、保险标的1. 本保险合同涉及的货物为甲方委托乙方承保的陆上运输货物。

2. 货物范围包括但不限于原材料、产品、设备等,具体以甲方提供的货物清单为准。

二、保险期限及保险金额1. 保险期限自货物从甲方指定的起运地点出发开始,至货物到达目的地并完成交付为止。

2. 保险金额以甲方申报的货物价值为准,具体金额在投保时双方共同确定。

三、保险责任1. 乙方对保险期间内因火灾、爆炸、雷电、暴雨等自然灾害以及运输工具的意外事故造成的货物损失承担保险责任。

2. 对于保险货物在运输过程中发生的被盗、短少等情形,乙方亦承担保险责任。


四、投保及理赔程序1. 甲方应在货物出发前向乙方申请投保,并按约定支付保险费。


2. 发生保险事故时,甲方应立即通知乙方,并提供相关证明材料。


五、赔偿处理1. 乙方应根据保险合同的约定及实际损失情况进行赔偿。


2. 若甲方提供的货物价值低于实际价值,乙方有权按照甲方提供的价值进行赔偿。


3. 乙方在处理赔偿事宜时,产生的相关费用(如查勘费、鉴定费等)由甲方承担。

六、合同解除与终止1. 保险合同在保险期限届满时自动终止。


2. 若甲方违反本合同约定,乙方有权解除保险合同并不承担任何赔偿责任。

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