
YourHome(YourAccommodation)1.?Doyouliveinahouseoraflat?(思路:直截了当额外相关信息)Iliveinaprettyspacious(=big)flatintheoutskirtsofmyhometown.Myfamilyboughttheflat alongtimeago.Weliveonthe10th floorofahigh-rise.It'sathree-bedroomapartment.Ithinki tcoversabout130squaremeters(=m'),It'safairlyniceplace.uptownarea住宅区downtownarea市中心2.?Pleasedescribetheplacewhereyoulive.(思路:直接描述,多点描述注意逻辑衔接)Myhomeisbrightandspacious.Wehaveaverycomfysofainthelivingroom,andalargefl at-screenTVsethangingonthewall.Ourapartmentiswell-designed.Inaddition,Ilikethefa ctthatwehavetwobigbalconies.It'sreallynicewhentheweatheriswarm.Wecanhavedinne routside.Allinall,IquietliketheplacewhereIlive.3.?Howhaveyoudecoratedyourhome(or,yourroom)?(思路:简洁回答一带而过)Ihaven’t?doneanything.Iam(still)renting.My?home?isverysimple.Ourfurnitureismodernstyle.Itlooksquitenice.Ihaven’t?decorated?the?home?atall.Iamrenting.Imademy?home?Chinesestyle.Itlooksverynice.4.?Doyouhaveanything(hanging)onthewallofyourhome(oryourroom)?(e.g., decorations)(思路:同2flat-screenTV或者加上一幅画)oppositetodepictcertificateofmerit5.?Whatcanyouseewhenyoulookoutthewindowofyourroom?(思路:直接描述,难点:词汇应用)Ican'tseemuchexceptforotherbuildings.Weliveinacommunity,andtherearelike10or12hi gh-risesnexttoeachother.Butjustoutsidemyroom,wehaveabalcony,andfromthatsideoft hebuilding,weoverlooktheChangjiangRiverandthemountainsthatsurroundit.Atnightwh enthebanksoftheriverlightup,theviewisprettynice. Icanseeaparkfrommywindow.Itisreally/quitebeautiful/relaxing.Icanseetheroad.Itisalwaysverybusy./Icanseeabusyroadfrommywindow. Icanseesometrees.Ilikeit./Theyarebeautiful.6.?Whatistheenvironmentlikeinyourneighborhood?(思路:食住行直接描述多点描述注意逻辑衔接难点:相关词汇)It'sapleasantneighborhoood.Ilikethefactthatit'snothecticasthedowntownareaofthecity whereIusuallygo.Butthereareshopsandrestaurantseverywhe re.Fromourhome,it’safiv e-minutewalktothesupermarket,soit’sextremelyconvenient.Inaddition,there’samonor ailtrainstationjustdownthestreet,anditonlytakes15to20minutestogetthecitycenter.What’smore,fortheelderlypeople,therearealotgreenareasintheneighborhood,soth eycanc hatanddosomeexercisewiththeirfriendsthere.It’sreallyagreatplace.7.?Doyoulikeyourneighbors?(思路:直接回答举一个例子)Yes,theyarewarmandfriendly,andtheyhaveagoodsenseofcommunity.Forexample,wes harefoodandborrowthingsfromeachother,wereallygetalongwitheachotherandIfeelreal lyluckythatallmyneighborsarenicepeople,becausethesedaysmanyneighborsevendon’t knoweachother.8.?Whatkindofpeopleareyourneighbors?(思路:同上,运用学过的口语词汇funny,helpful,easy-going,warmandfriendly,energetic…再举个例子比如周末一起做饭或者参加运动或者一起娱乐。
雅思口语考试Part 1参考答案(6.5分-7.5分)

8.4 An important inventionPart11. Have you ever stayed in a really nice/expensive hotel? (Experience Question: a good sample is supposed to briefly convey the feeling of that experience attached with the main details.)Yeah, I still remember the last New Year when my uncle invited all of my family members to stay 3 nights in the most up-scale hotel of my hometown. We all enjoyed the luxurious facilities, like the cozy bed and smooth velvit. I was even served breakfast every morning in my room. It’s fantastic.2. What services and facilities are usually available in hotels in your country? (Description Question: The most common mistake is to list all the ‘facilities’ one has ever known. A better answer should focus on a certain aspect and illustrate some details to support this aspect. If a student finds it too hard to get something sepcial, he/ she can try to categarise the target details and illustrate their functions one by one. )Sample 1: Well, in my mind, most of my country’s hotels could offer the majority of the basic facilities in their service, but the lockers or drawers with keys might be something special. You know, some business people whose work involes confidentiality would appreciate this facility very much.Sample 2: In my mind, most of my country’s hotels could offer the majority of the basic facilities in their service, like beds, TVs and showers with hot water. These facilities are essential to make the guests have less uncomfortable feelings in an unfamiliar environment. Most of the hotels also provide some wardrobes to the guests to hang their clothes.3. What factors are important when selecting a hotel? (Giving Opinion Questions: The sturcture of this kind of question is quite clear. The answerer is supposed to propose an opinion and give some explanation.)From my perspective, security is the thing I pay the utmost attention to. That includes not only just the CCTV cameras but also the maintaining of their facilities. We should, first of all, ensure ourselves not injured by accident when we choose to stay a while in some places.Part 2Describe an important invention (before the age of computers) that has influenced human society.You should say:what the invention iswhen and where it was inventedhow it is usedand explain how this invention has influenced society.In my mind, trains have been serving as an outcome of the desire to facilitate humans’ lives and never fall behind people’s expectations. As an art and literature student, I can’t exactly tell the origin of this great invention. However, I thought its creation could date back to the age of steam train in UK after the invention of team machine by James Watt. The increase of our life qualities should owe a lot to this invention for two reasons. (Background Information) For one thing, almost every citizen in today’s modern society enjoys the high frequency and speed of the railway service. Specifically, people only need to spend several hours to cover a long distance journey which would have taken them about a month in the past. One could even get into the next train in less an hour if the one issued by the ticket was missed. (Point 1 + Explanation)For another, the net of the rail tracks covers a large area of my country. No matter how remote your location is, you would have a relatively easier access to the nearest train station.Speaking of this, I should say thanks to the invention of train as a globetrotter. (Point 2 + Explanation)All in all, trains play an important role in our life and contribute a lot to our society. (Ending Sentence)Part 31.What changes have taken place in society as a result of the use of modern technology such as the television and the computer? (Description Question)The past decades witnessed a series of changes brought by high technologies. On the one hand, people benefit a lot from the convenience and efficiency supported by thoseadvanced technologies. For example, computer has speeded up the pace of almost every single work and is going to make more changes in the near future. On the other hand, high technology also invades into people’s daily lives and shapes people’s life styles.One of the most noticeable phenomenon must be the growing number of phubbers who care less and less about their surroundings.2. Do you think people rely too much on machines and modern technology nowadays? (Giving Opinion Question)Absolutely yes. People have already lost the ability to deal with even basic tasks without the assistance of technology. Specifically, we could see this from the overwhelmingoccupation of those so-called ‘user friendly’ electronic products. People even don’t have to read the instruction before they get familiar with the main functions.3. How do you think modern technology will change the way people work in the future? (Prediction Question)To tell the truth, people’s way of working is being changed by the most cutting-edgetechnology all the time and this will definitely be the tendency in the future. Obviously, people have been changing their minds to keep in tune with the high-tech to enhancetheir work efficiency. It’s natural to benefit from what we created.。

以下是整理的雅思⼝语话题的参考答案,欢迎阅读!1.雅思⼝语话题参考答案之A perfect trip/holiday Describe a perfect trip or holiday. You should say: Where you would go. When you would go. Whom you would go with. What you are going to do. Why you think it was perfect. 1.a) If I had to describe a perfect trip, I would like to tell you that Iwould love to undertake a trip to the zoo. b) I am not sure if you have been there before. 2.a) I would like to go there in the summer. b) That is to say, I want to go there when the weather is fine, and all theanimals are active. 3.a) I would take some of my friends with, and also my Biology teacher. b) What I mean to say is that I would like some nice company, but wouldalso want somebody who would be able to explain many of the things that we aregoing to see there to me. There are several reasons as for why I would like to go to the zoo. Allowme to explain by mentioning some of them briefly. 4.a) First of all, I love nature and the outdoors. b) What I mean to say is that we would be out in nature the whole day. 5.a) Secondly, I would be able to see many interesting animals. b) For instance, I have heard that there are tigers, bears, wolfs, and manyother animals. 6.a) Lastly, it would be a perfect trip for me because of the scenes that Iwould be able to see. b) I have heard, for instance, that there is a beautiful lake, and that onecan actually climb the Qi Pan Mountain. 7. So, those were some thoughts on what I believe would be a perfecttrip.2.雅思⼝语话题参考答案之A famous person Describe a well-known person. You should say: Who he/she is. What makes him/her famous? Why you admire him/her. Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find mytalk interesting and informative. 1.a) The most important person that I would like to talk about, is a mancalled Confucius. b) I am sure you have heard or read about him before. 2.a) He is known as the greatest philosopher and writer of all times inChina. b) For example, he is regarded as the founder of the Chineseliterature. 3.a) He lived about 500 BC in the region that is known as Shan Dong provincetoday. b) The site of his tomb was later developed by his followers into the firstuniversity in China. As to why I would like to talk about him, there are several reasons. Allowme to explain by mentioning some of them shortly. 4.a) First of all, I firmly believe that he was a very gentle and easy-goingperson. b) In other words, he did not believe that problems and conflicts should besolved by violence. 5.a) Secondly, he obviously was a man who possessed great wisdom. b) You just have to read his writings, and listen to his sayings to agreewith me. 6.a) Lastly, he is my favorite famous person because of the influence thathis teachings have in Asia to this day. b) For instance, countries like China, Japan, and Korea, still use histeachings as the basis to arrange their societies. 7. So, that in brief, was my favorite famous person.3.雅思⼝语话题参考答案之A school friend Describe a friend in your school time or whom you like most. You should say: Who he/she is. When you became friends. How he/she influences you. Why you like him/her. 1.a) I made many friends in school, but the friend I would like to tell youabout is called XXX. b) I am sure you have a friend like this in your life as well. 2.a) I met XXX about XXX years ago at the school that we attended together,and we soon became friends. b) Our friendship has lasted to this day. 3.a) Our friendship has grown a great deal over the past three years. b) These days, for example, we share all our secrets with each other. There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specificallyabout XXX as a friend. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of thembriefly. 4.a) I guess the main reason why XXX and I became such good friends, is thatwe have the same interests. b) For example, we both love listening to music, and we spend many hourstogether listening to our favorite CD`s. 5.a) Another reason why we have become such good friends is that we bothwould like to go and study abroad in the near future. b) So we often chat about what possible majors we would study, and whatuniversity we would like to attend. 6.a) A third reason why s/he is my friend is that we share manyprinciples. b) For example, we both believe that we should not damage our health bysmoking cigarettes. 7.a) Lastly, I believe that XXX has had a positive influence on my life sincewe have met. b) XXX is always friendly, cares about his/her family and friends, and isalways willing to listen to others. 8. So now you know why XXX is such a good friend.。

Part 1: Personal InformationQ: Can you tell me your full name?A: Sure, my full name is Li Ming.Q: What is your nationality?A: I am Chinese.Q: Where are you from in China?A: I am from Beijing, the capital city of China.Q: Do you work or study?A: I am currently studying at a university in Beijing.Part 2: Describe a memorable trip you have hadA: One of the most memorable trips I have had was when I went to Zhangjiajie National Forest Park in China. It is famous for its stunning natural scenery and unique rock formations. I went there with my family during the summer vacation. B: We spent three days exploring the park and were amazed by the breathtaking views. The towering cliffs, deep valleys, and lush greenery created a picturesque landscape. We took a cable car ride to the top of one of the mountains and enjoyed a panoramic view of the entire park.C: One of the highlights of the trip was visiting the famous "Avatar Hallelujah Mountain", which was the inspiration for the floating mountains in the movie "Avatar". It was truly a surreal experience to see those massive rock pillars up close.D: Another unforgettable experience was walking on the glass-bottomed bridge, which is the longest and highest glass-bottomed bridge in the world. It was both thrilling and terrifying to see the ground beneath my feet.E: Overall, the trip to Zhangjiajie National Forest Park was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The natural beauty of the park left a lasting impression on me and I would highly recommend it to anyone who loves nature and adventure.Part 3: Discussion on TravelQ: Why do people like to travel?A: I think people like to travel because it allows them to break away from their daily routines and explore new places and cultures. Traveling broadens our horizons and provides us with new experiences and perspectives.Q: What are the benefits of traveling?A: Traveling has numerous benefits. It helps us relax and rejuvenate, reduces stress, and improves our mental well-being. It also allows us to learn about different cultures, try new foods, and make new friends. Additionally, it can enhance our problem-solving and communication skills.Q: Do you prefer traveling alone or with a group?A: Personally, I enjoy both solo travel and traveling with a group. When I travelalone, I have the freedom to explore at my own pace and make spontaneous decisions. On the other hand, traveling with a group can be more fun and allows for shared experiences and memories.Q: How has technology changed the way people travel?A: Technology has revolutionized the way people travel. With the help of smartphones and travel apps, it has become easier to plan trips, book accommodations, and navigate unfamiliar places. Social media platforms also allow travelers to share their experiences and seek recommendations from others.In conclusion, the 2023 IELTS Speaking test will cover topics related to personal information, memorable trips, and discussions on travel. It is important to prepare well and practice speaking confidently in order to achieve a high score. Good luck with your preparation!。

雅思模拟口语试题及答案Part 1Question 1: Can you tell me about your hometown?Answer: Certainly. My hometown is a small city located in the southern part of China. It is known for its rich cultural heritage and beautiful natural scenery. The city has a warm climate, which makes it an ideal place for outdoor activities all year round.Question 2: What do you like to do in your free time?Answer: In my free time, I enjoy reading books, especially those related to history and science. I also like to watch movies and spend time with my friends and family. Occasionally, I take up photography as a hobby to capture the beauty of nature.Question 3: Do you think technology has changed the way people communicate?Answer: Yes, technology has significantly changed the way people communicate. With the advent of smartphones and social media, communication has become faster and more convenient. However, it has also led to a decrease in face-to-face interactions, which can sometimes affect the quality of relationships.Part 2Cue Card: Describe a memorable journey you have taken.*You should say:*- When and where the journey took place- Who you went with- What you did during the journey- And explain why it was memorableAnswer: The most memorable journey I have taken was a trip to the ancient city of Xi'an with my family last summer. We visited several historical sites, including the Terracotta Army and the Bell Tower. The journey was memorable because it was not only educational but also a great opportunity to bond with my family. The rich history and culture of Xi'an left a lasting impression on me.Part 3Question 1: What are the benefits of traveling?Answer: Traveling offers numerous benefits. It broadens one's perspective, exposes individuals to new cultures and ideas, and helps in personal growth. Additionally, it can be a great way to relax and escape from the daily routine.Question 2: Do you think traveling is expensive?Answer: Traveling can be expensive, but it largely depends onhow one plans their trip. With careful planning and budgeting, it is possible to travel economically. There are also many resources available today, such as travel blogs and apps,that can help travelers save money.Question 3: How do people plan their vacations?Answer: People plan their vacations in various ways. Some prefer to plan everything in advance, including accommodations, transportation, and activities. Others mayopt for a more spontaneous approach, deciding on the go. Regardless of the method, research and preparation are key to a successful vacation.。

假如考官问你:“Did you do housework when you were young?”,你该怎么回答?【问题】Did you do housework when you were young?你年轻的时候做过家务吗?【中文提示】没有,我年轻时没做过很多家务,因为我的父母希望我和兄弟享受童年。
【参考答案】No, I didn't do a lot of housework when I was young because my parents wanted my brother and me to enjoy our childhoods. They didn't require us to do housework, but I felt it was necessary for me to help them and it was common for us to do housework on the weekends. For example, my parents and I often vacuumed our carpets with a vacuum cleaner and I also helped to take out the garbage once in a while.【高分词汇】vacuum [ˈvækjuəm] vt. 用吸尘器打扫carpet [ˈkɑːpɪt] n. 地毯vacuum cleaner 吸尘器假如考官问你:“Where are you from? Is your hometown a big city or a small city?”,你该怎么回答?【问题】Where are you from? Is your hometown a big city or a small city?你来自哪里?你的家乡是大城市还是小城市?【中文提示】我来自北京,它是我们国家的首都,也是人口第二大城市。

雅思英语口试题及答案Part 1: Introduction and Interview1. Question: Can you tell me your full name, please?Answer: Yes, my full name is [Your Full Name].2. Question: Where are you from?Answer: I am from [Your Country/City].3. Question: What do you do? What is your occupation?Answer: I am currently working as a [Your Occupation].4. Question: Do you study or do you work?Answer: I am [studying/work] at [Your University/Company].5. Question: What do you enjoy about your study/job?Answer: I enjoy [specific aspects of your study/job].Part 2: Long Turn (Individual Long Turn)6. Question: Describe a place you have visited that has been particularly memorable for you.Answer: One particularly memorable place I have visited is [Name of the Place]. It was memorable because [reasons forits memorability].7. Question: Why did you choose to visit this place?Answer: I chose to visit this place because [reasons forchoosing this place].8. Question: What did you do there?Answer: While there, I [describe activities you did].9. Question: How did you feel about the experience?Answer: The experience made me feel [describe your emotions].Part 3: Discussion Topics10. Question: Do you think it's important for people to travel?Answer: Yes, I believe it is important for people to travel because [reasons supporting travel].11. Question: What are the benefits of traveling?Answer: Traveling has several benefits, such as [list benefits].12. Question: Do you think technology has changed the way people travel?Answer: Yes, technology has significantly changed the way people travel by [explain how technology has influenced travel].13. Question: What are some of the challenges people face when they travel?Answer: Some challenges people face when they travel include [list challenges].14. Question: How can people overcome these challenges?Answer: People can overcome these challenges by [suggestions for overcoming challenges].Note: The above answers are placeholders and should be personalized to reflect the candidate's own experiences and opinions.。
雅思口语PART12024 新题-题目+答案

雅思口语PART 12024年1-4月新题1.Sunglasses1.Do you often wear sunglasses?Yes, I often wear sunglasses, especially when I'm outdoors on sunny days. They help protect my eyes from the bright sunlight and also make me feel more comfortable.2.Do you spend a lot of money on sunglasses?Not really. I usually look for good quality sunglasses that are within my budget. I believe that you don't have to spend a lot of money to get a pair of functional and stylish sunglasses.3.Do you give sunglasses as a gift?Yes, I have given sunglasses as a gift before. I think they can be a great present for people who enjoy being outdoors or who appreciate fashionable accessories. I usually choose a pair that suits the recipient's taste and style.4.Why do you wear sunglasses?I wear sunglasses primarily to protect my eyes from the harmful UV rays of the sun. But they also help reduce the glare and make it more comfortable for me to look around when it's bright outside. Additionally, I like how sunglasses can enhance my appearance and complete my outfit.2.Social media1.When did you start to use social media?I started using social media quite a few years ago, probably around the time when platforms like Facebook and Twitter became popular. Initially, I used it mostly to keep in touch with friends and family, but over time, I've discovered various other uses for it as well.2.Do you think you spend too much time on social media?Sometimes, I do feel like I spend more time on social media than I should. It can be easy to get caught up in scrolling through feeds and engaging with posts, but I'm trying to be more mindful of my usage and make sure it doesn't interfere with other importanttasks or activities.3.What do people do on social media?People use social media for a wide range of activities. They share updates about their daily lives, post photos and videos, and engage in conversations with friends and followers. Many also use it to follow news and trends, discover new products and services, and even for professional networking. Additionally, social media has become a platform for expressing opinions, raising awareness about important issues, and organizing campaigns and movements3.Memory1.What do you have to remember to do every day?Every day, I have to remember to check my emails and messages to keep up with work and personal communications. Additionally, I need to remember to complete my daily tasks and responsibilities, whether it's related to my job, studies, or household chores. Staying hydrated and having regular meals is also something I try to remember every day to maintain good health.2.Is it easy for you to forget to do these things?Sometimes, it can be easy to forget to do certain things, especially when I'm busy or have a lot on my mind. However, I try to set reminders or create a to-do list to help me stay organized and ensure I don't overlook any important tasks. I also find that having a routine helps me remember things more easily.3.Are you good at memorizing things?I think I'm decent at memorizing things, but it depends on the type ofinformation. For example, I find it easier to memorize factual information or lists when I associate them with something familiar or create a mnemonic device.However, memorizing abstract concepts or long passages can be more challenging for me.4.How do you help yourself to remember things?To help myself remember things, I use several techniques. I often write down important information or create notes to refer to later. I also use reminders onmy phone or computer to alert me of upcoming deadlines or appointments.Additionally, I try to associate new information with something I already know, which helps me retain it better. Sometimes, repeating the information out loud or discussing it with someone else also helps me to remember.5.Have you ever forgotten something important?Yes, I have forgotten something important before. One example is when I missed a crucial meeting because I forgot to put it in my calendar. It was a valuable lesson for me to always double-check my schedule and reminders to ensure I don't miss anything important again. Since then, I've been more diligent about tracking my appointments and deadlines4.Cake or dessert1.Do you like cakes or desserts?Yes, I do enjoy cakes and desserts, but I try to indulge in them occasionally to maintaina balanced diet.2.Why do some people not like eating sweet food?Some people don't like sweet food because of personal taste preferences, health considerations, cultural backgrounds, dietary restrictions, or simply not enjoying the taste of sugar.5.Video games1.Do you play video games?Yes, I do play video games occasionally. I find them a fun way to relax and unwind after a busy day.2.What kinds of video games do you like to play?I enjoy playing a variety of video games, especially strategy and adventure ones. They challenge my thinking and keep me engaged for hours.3.Is it good for young people to play video games?I believe it depends on the balance. Video games can be beneficial for young people in terms of entertainment and cognitive development, but it's important to strike a balance with other activities like sports and socializing.6.Colours1.What is your favourite colour?My favourite colour is blue. It's calm and relaxing, and reminds me of the beautiful sky and sea.2.Are there any colours that have a special meaning in your culture?Yes, in my culture, red often symbolizes luck, prosperity, and joy, especially during festivals and celebrations.3.Do you usually wear clothes in your favourite colour?Yes, I often wear clothes in blue, as it complements my skin tone and makes me feel comfortable and confident.4.What is your preferred car colour for purchase?If I had to choose, I'd probably prefer a silver car. It's sleek and modern, and goes well with various styles and designs7.Singing1.Do you like singing?Yes, I enjoy singing, especially when I'm feeling happy or relaxed. It's a fun way to express myself.2.Do you have any singing classes at school?No, my school doesn't offer singing classes specifically. But we have music classes where we learn about different musical instruments and genres.3.Do you think there are many Chinese that can sing?Yes, I believe there are many Chinese people who can sing well. Singing is a popular hobby and many Chinese have a natural talent for it. Plus, there's a rich cultural tradition of singing in China.8.Advertising1.Do you like advertisements on TV or some other products?I'm neutral about advertisements on TV and other products. Sometimes they can be informative and entertaining, but too many can be annoying.2.Were there any advertisements that impressed you when you were young?Yes, there were a few advertisements that caught my attention when I was young. One was a toy advertisement that had a catchy jingle and bright colors.3.Will you do work related to advertising?Currently, I'm not planning to work directly in advertising. But I appreciate the creativity and strategy involved in making effective advertisements.4.What kind of advertisements are shown in public places?In public places, you often see billboards and posters advertising various products and services. These can range from food and beverages to clothing and electronics9.Celebrity news1.Do you pay attention to famous people in the news?Yes, I do pay attention to famous people in the news, especially those who are involved in current events or have achieved remarkable feats.2.Do you think news reports about famous people are always true?Not always. Sometimes news reports about famous people can be exaggerated or even fabricated for sensationalism. It's important to verify the source and cross-check information.3.What kind of famous people do you often see in the news?I often see actors, singers, politicians, and sportspeople in the news. Their personal lives, achievements, and controversies often grab headlines.4.Who is your favorite celebrity in your country?My favorite celebrity in my country is an actor known for his talent and dedication to his craft. He inspires me with his hard work and positive attitude.10.Feel bored1.Do you often feel bored?Not often. I usually have enough to do and enjoy keeping busy with various activities.2.What kinds of things would make you feel bored?Repetitive tasks or long periods of inactivity without stimulation would make me feel bored.3.What will you do if you feel bored?If I feel bored, I'll try to find something new and exciting to do, like reading a book, exploring a new place, or engaging in a hobby.4.Do you think childhood is boring or adulthood is boring?I don't think either childhood or adulthood is inherently boring. It depends on the individual's experiences and how they choose to spend their time. Both stages of life can be filled with fun and meaningful activities.11.Crowded place1.Is the city where you live crowded?Yes, the city where I live can be quite crowded, especially during peak hours and in popular areas.2.Is there a crowded place near where you live?Yes, there's a popular shopping mall near my house that's always crowded with people.3.Do you like crowded places?I don't mind being in crowded places occasionally, but I prefer less crowded environments for daily activities. Crowds can be overwhelming sometimes.4.When was the last time you were in a crowded place?The last time I was in a crowded place was probably at a concert last weekend. The venue was packed with fans and it was quite lively.12.Money1.How do you save money?I save money by budgeting, avoiding unnecessary expenses, and investing in long-term savings plans.2.What do you think of e-payment?I think e-payment is convenient and efficient, especially for online transactions. It saves time and reduces the risk of carrying cash.3.Do you often use credit cards?I do use credit cards occasionally, but I'm careful with my spending and always pay off my balance on time.4.Do you think cash will still be popular in the future?While e-payment is becoming more common, I believe cash will still have its place in the future. Some people may prefer it for small transactions or personal reasons.5.Do you like spending money or saving money?I enjoy both spending and saving money. Spending can be fun and rewarding, but saving is also important for financial security and future plans. It's a balance that I try to maintain.。

1. AnimalsDo you like animals?--你喜欢所有动物,还是只喜欢某些动物,它们的共同特点是什么?你喜欢它们的具体表现是什么?Do people in your country like animals?--答案是肯定的,多数人还是喜爱动物,对动物挺友好的,但也有少数人虐待动物的,着实可恶!What animals do people like to keep as pets in your country? (Why)--从最常见的开始说起,并说明为什么它们那么受欢迎。
Is there any change right now compared with the past?--这个问题问的是过去人们养的宠物和现在又什么区别。
其实,过去又有多少人养宠物呢?Do people of different age keep different animals as pets?--对不起,这个真不知道,但是你可以猜猜。
--Yes I do, but not all animals. I prefer animals that are smart, cute and um, hairy 多毛的, for example dogs. I dislike those hairless animals, like snakes and lizards. 蜥蜴They look so scary , you know. I get goose bumps 毛骨悚然whe never I see them.--Well, generally yes . I think most people are fond of animals. And this can be seen from the fact that so many people keep animals as pets. But I have to ad mit 承认that some people are cruel 残忍的杀害to animals. I often read news reports about someone maltreat ing 虐待or even killing stray 流浪dogs and cats. It 's really abhorrent 【?b'h?r?t】可恶的behavior.--As I know, the most common pets are obviously dogs , all kinds of dogs, like pugs (哈巴狗), Peke (京巴), poodles (贵妇,贵宾), pit bulls (比特犬), huskies (哈士奇), chows (松狮),Pome/ranians(松鼠狗,博美犬),Samoyeds (萨摩耶),bulldogs, Chihuahuas, and cocker spaniels (可卡犬). In my neighborhoods, 9 out of 10 pets are dogs. And I think the main reason why dogs are so well- liked is because they are great fun and smart , you know, you can teach them to do some simple tricks 技巧, and they make great company when you are lonely, and for children, they are wonderful playmates , and one more thing, dogs are loyal to their master. So they 're indeed 确实mankind 's best friend.--Mum, well, I don 'tknow much about the past , but I suppose one big change is that more people keep exotic 异国pets now days than before, like German shepherd 牧羊犬and Persian cat 波斯猫. I don 't think people in the past could buy such pets.--I'm not sure, but I guess so. For example, I often see elderly people have pet birds , but I v'e never seen any young people keep them. And it seems to me that dogs are well-liked among all age-groups, yeah.2. Your hometown (Version 1)What's your hometown famous for?--头疼,我们那里没什么有名的呀,那就实话实说呗;如果有,具体说一说就行,比如你们那里的食物有名,然后准备一种食物就可以啦,但一定要能描述它。

PART1Names1.Who gave you your name?The name was given by my parents.2.Does your name have any particular (or special) meaning?I don’t know about that.3.Do you like your name?I guess yes.4.In your country do people feel that their name is very important?Most of people think so, because names are the first impression to other people.5.Would you like to change your name?I don’t think it’s necessary.6.Is it easy to change your name in your country?Maybe there will be some procedures to do.7.Who usually names babies in your country?Parents or grandparents.8.Do you have any special traditions about naming children?It depends on the tradition of the hometown.9.What names are most common in your hometown?It depends on the tradition of the hometown.Work or study1.Do you work or are you a student?I’m working. I have been working for 16 years.2.What work do you do?I work for automobile repairing factory as a manager. I’m in charge of everything.3.Why did you choose to do that kind of work (or that job)?Because I am interested in this job.4.Would you recommend that job to other people?It depends on if the other people feel interested.Home/Accommodation1.Do you live in a house or a flat?I live in a house with my family.2.Please describe it a littleIt’s a 3-floored house with a small yard and garage. It has a living room, 3 bedrooms, a kitchen and 2 bathrooms.3.What’s your favorite room in your home?4.What have you done to your room to make it look nice?Paint with my favorite colors.5.Which room does your family spend most of the time in?Their bedrooms.6.What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?Surf the internet or watch TV.7.Are the transport facilities to your home very good?Not really. Only one or two buses pass by.8.Do you plan to move?No, I don’t.9.Would you like to move to another place to live?(Why? Where?)I guess I wouldn’t, because I like the neighborhood.10.Are you prepared to move?It depends.Hometown1.What’s your hometown?I’m from Shunde, Guangdong Province. This city is only 45-minutes drive far from here.2.Do you like your hometown?Yes, I do.3.Would you say it’s an interesting place?I don’t think so. small town, no wonderful nightlife.4.What would you say are the good points and the bad points of your hometown?People are friendly and food is delicious. At the same time, too much pollution, a little crowded.5.What’s your favorite part of your hometown?The living environment is not bad.6.Are there any tourist attractions in your hometown?Some temples and parks.7.Did you friends also grow up in the same place as you?Yes, most of them.8.Would you like to live there in the future?I don’t really know about that.House/apartment1.Do you live in a house or an apartment?I live in a house with my family.2.How do you like it? And why?I like it very much, it’s convenient and spacious.3.What part of your home do you like best?the living room has much space for my family.4.Can you describe your room?There are a living room, 3 bedrooms, a kitchen and 2 bathrooms.5.Do you want to change your room?Not really.6.What would it be if you could change something about your room?I’d like to have more colors painted in my room.7.Where do you live now? And how long have you been there?I live in my hometown now. I have been living there for more than 30 years.8.Who do you live with?My whole family.Bicycles1.Do you ever ride a bicycle?Of course yes.2.What do you use a bicycle for?In the past, I rode to school, but now, I do exercises.I guess it was 5 years old.4.Are bicycles popular in China?It’s getting more popular these two years.5.Would you say it’s difficult to learn to ride a bicycle?Maybe it’s a little difficult at the beginning because it’s hard to get the balance.6.What are the reasons why people ride bicycles?Riding bicycles is a healthy life style.7.What are the advantages(or benefits)of riding a bicycle?It is good for our health especially lungs.8.What kinds of people ride bicycles?Elderly people and children.9.Do children also ride bicycles in your country?Yes, they do.10.Why do children enjoy riding bicycles?They can ride to school.11.Would you say bicycles are suitable for people of all ages?Yes, I think so.12.Can you think of any people who are not suited to riding a bicycle?Maybe some disable patients13.Would you say it’s still suitable to ride a bicycle in today’s society?For public transportation no, but for keep healthy yes.14.Do you think bicycles are suitable for present society?For public transportation no, but for keep healthy yes.15.What do you think are the advantages (and disadvantages) of bicycles compared to cars?less pollution and more fun.16.Would you say it’s safe to ride a bicycle in the city(or ,in China)?I don’t think so, because there are to o many cars on road already.Advertisements1.Are there many advertisements in your country?Yes, there are.2.Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?Because the marketing is doing better than before.3.What are the various places where we see advertisements?What I can think of is on TV, radio, websites, newspapers.4.How do you feel about advertisements?Some of them are good-designed, but some of them are annoying.5.What kinds of advertisement do you like the most?Some cartoons.6.Do advertisements(ever) influence your choice about what to buy?Of course yes. Especially the new brands can only be known by advertisements.7.Where can we (or ,what are the various places where we can)see advertisements?What I can think of is on TV, radio, websites, newspapers.8.Do you like advertisements on TV?Sometimes yes.9.Do you prefer advertisements on TV or those in magazines?I would rather in magazines.10.What do you think is the purpose of advertisements (or ,advertising)?Promote the brands and attract the attentions.11.Do you think advertising plays a very important role in today’s world?Yes, it’s a booming industry.12.What sorts of advertising leave the deepest impression on people?Some world-wide famous brands like NIKE or Addidas.13.What do you think about the developments in advertising in China today?It could be more creative and attractive.Sunshine1.Do you like going outside on sunny days?Yes, it can make me feel energetic.2.What benefits can (or do) people get from sunshine?People can absorb more energy and oxygen.Indoor Games1.Do you play any indoor games?Sometimes I play badminton.2.Do you prefer to play indoor games or outdoor games?I like both.3.What indoor games did you play when you were a child ?Maybe “hide and seek”.4.Is there any particular indoor game that you liked(when you were a child)?Maybe “hide and seek”.5.What sorts of indoor games do children play now?Role-playing or running after others.6.Did you play electronic games when you were a child?(If yes ,what games or why?If no. why not ?)No, I didn’t7.Do you think electronic games are good for children?No, I don’t think so.8.What sorts of (indoor)games do you think children will be playing in the future?Singing or dancing.9.Is where any indoor game you’d like to learn(how)to play?Sorry, I never think about that.Leisure time /Relax1.What do you do in your spare time?I often play video games online or chat with friends.2.What do you do to relax?Sing in the Karaoke or watch a movie.3.How do you usually spend your evenings ?Sing in the Karaoke or watch a movie.4.What do you usually do after work/after classes?Hangout with friends.5.Do you prefer to stay at home in the evenings or do you prefer to go out?I prefer to go out with friends.6.Do you think modern lifestyles give people enough time for leisure?I don’t think so, most of the working people are under great stress so that they can’t really enjoy the leisure time.7.Do you think people today have more time to relax than in the past?I don’t think so, most of the working people are under great stress so that they can’t really enjoy the leisure time.8.Do you think it’s important for people to have leisure time(or ,time to relax)? Of course, but it depends on whether people can earn enough money to support their lives.9.Do old people and young people spend their leisure time(or relax)in the same way ?It’s quite different I guess. Most of old people do exercises in the mornings but young people go out for dinner or movies in the evenings.10.What do you think are the good points and the possible bad points about having leisure time?People can relax and tie up the relations with families or friends. For bad points, people may be lazier.11.How do people in your country spend their holidays?Travelling or visiting relatives.12.Do you like to travel in your holidays?Yes, I do.13.If you had a child ,what leisure places would you go to with your child? Some places by the beaches.Mobile phones1.Do you have a mobile phone(=a cell phone)?2.When did you first have (or ,get)a mobile phone?About my 15 years old.3.Is your cell phone important(or ,useful)for you in your daily life?It’s the most important.4.What do you use it for?contact other people, do business.5.Do you prefer texting or talking on the phoneyes, I do.6.Do people in your country like using mobile phones?yes, it’s getting more and more popular.7.Do you think people should turn off their phones in public places?It’s not necessary to turn off, can tune to silent mode.8.Is there anything you dislike about using cell phones?It’s easy to out of battery.9.Have you ever had any problems using your mobile phone while traveling?It was out of service in some remote areas.10.Do you think you will be using your mobile phone more often(than you use it now)in the future?Yes, I do.11.How do you think mobile phones will develop(or change)in the future?It can have more functions like audio messages or make movies.Music1.Do you often (like to) listen to music?Yes, I do.2.When do you listen to music?before bed or driving.3.How much time do you spend listening to music every day?4.What kinds of music do you like to listen to ?Pop music.5.What’s your favorite kind of music?Pop music.6.How often do you listen to (that type of)music?every day.7.When did you start listening to this type of music?Since junior high school8.Where do you listen to it?by cell phone or radio.9.How do you feel when you listen to this music?I feel relaxed and enjoyable.10.Do you like listening to songs?Yes, I do.11.Have you ever been to a musical performance?No, I have n’t.12.Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?I wish to do that when I was a child, but I didn’t make it.13.Is music an important subject at school in China?I don’t think it is important.14.Did you often listen to music when you were a child?(If yes ,give details.) Yes, I did.15.What kinds of music are (most )popular in China?Pop, country and rock music.Neighbors1.Are there many people living near you?Yes, there are.Of course no.3.How often do you see (or talk to )your neighbors?Every day.4.When do you meet (or see)your neighbors?Go to work.5.How often do you talk to your neighbors?Hardly ever.6.Do you think it’s important(or necessary)to know your neighbors?Yes, I do.7.How well do you know your neighbors?I only know two or three of them.8.Do you think it’s important for a person to have a good relationship with their neighbors?yes, because they can help you when you need them for some time.9.What do you think of you neighbors?I think they are helpful if I need some help.10.What kind of people are your neighbors?Most of them are families.11.How (well)do you get along with your neighbors?I will say hi to them when I saw them.12.What are the benefits of having good relationships with one’s neighbors?I think they are helpful if I need some help.13.What sorts of problems can people have with their neighbors?People may argue with some small problems like cleanliness.14.In what ways can neighbors help each other?In the case of the emergency like fire or theft.15.Have you ever asked a neighbor for help?So far no.16.Would you prefer to have young people as you neighbors or old people? It doesn’t really matter to me.。


雅思英语试题及答案一、听力部分1. 根据所听对话,选择正确的答案。
a) 男声说:“我昨天去了图书馆。
”问题:他们昨天去了哪里?答案:图书馆2. 听录音,完成以下句子。
a) 录音中提到:“我最喜欢的季节是____。
”答案:春天二、阅读部分1. 阅读以下短文,选择最佳标题。
The Benefits of Biking to WorkA. 骑车上班的好处B. 骑车上班的不利因素C. 公共交通的便利性答案:A. 骑车上班的好处2. 根据短文内容,回答以下问题。
What are the main advantages of biking to work mentioned in the passage?答案:减少交通拥堵,提高身体健康。
三、写作部分1. 根据以下图表,写一篇不少于150字的报告,描述图表所展示的趋势。
四、口语部分1. 描述你最喜欢的季节,并解释原因。
2. 讨论现代科技对人们日常生活的影响。
2023年雅思口语题目+参考答案 5-8月新题

Part 15-8月新题1.HEALTHY1 How do you keep healthy?To keep healthy, I prioritize regular exercise, eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and manage stress through practices such as meditation or self-care.2.what is your favorite sport?I would enjoy various sports, but my favorite sport would be basketball. I love the combination of strategy, teamwork, and athleticism required to play the game.3.Are there health classes in your school?Yes, there were health classes in my school. These classes covered a range of topics related to physical and mental health, including nutrition, exercise, stress management, and substance abuse prevention4.How do you maintain mental healthTo maintain my mental health, I prioritize self-care practices such as meditation, spending time in nature, and talking to a therapist or trustedfriend when needed. I also try to maintain a healthy work-life balance and engage in activities that bring me joy and fulfillmentNGUAGE1.What languages can you speak?I can speak English fluently and have basic proficiency in Spanish andFrench.2.What languages would you like to learn in the future?I would be interested in learning Mandarin Chinese and Arabic in thefuture. I think these languages would be useful for business and travel, and they have a rich cultural history that I would like to explore.3.Would you say it is a difficult language to learnLearning a new language can be challenging, but I don't think it's inherently difficult. The level of difficulty depends on factors such as the individual's prior language learning experience, the complexity of the language, and the amount of time and effort invested in learning.4.Do you think it is important to know more than one language?Yes, I believe it's important to know more than one language. Being multilingual can open up new opportunities for communication, travel,and cultural exchange, as well as enhance cognitive abilities and employability.5.What is the most difficult part about studying a foreign language?The most difficult part of studying a foreign language, in my opinion, is maintaining motivation and consistency over time. It can also be challenging to master pronunciation and grammar, build vocabulary, and understand cultural nuances and idioms. However, with dedication and practice, these challenges can be overcome.3.AMBITION1.Are you an ambitious personYes, I consider myself to be an ambitious person. I have specific goals and aspirations that I work towards on a daily basis.2.What is you main ambitions in lifeMy main ambition in life is to make a positive impact on the world through my work and personal endeavors. I strive to achieve success and happiness while also contributing to society in a meaningful way.3.Do you think you will achieve your ambitionI believe that with hard work, dedication, and perseverance, I can achievemy ambitions. However, there may be unforeseen challenges or setbacks along the way that could impact my progress.4.Are your friends/family members ambitiousYes, many of my friends and family members are also ambitious and have their own goals and aspirations. We support each other in our endeavors and share advice and encouragement.5.Is it always good to be ambitous?While ambition can be a positive trait that drives people towards success and achievement, it's important to balance that ambition with other aspects of life, such as relationships, health, and personal fulfillment. Too much ambition can lead to burnout, stress, and a lack of work-life balance.4.DREAM1.What was your dream when you were a childWhen I was a child, my dream was to become an astronaut. I was fascinated with space and the idea of exploring the unknown.2.Has it changedYes, my dream has changed since then as I grew older and discovered new interests and passions.3.Will it change in the futureIt's possible that my dream may change in the future as I continue to learn and grow as a person.4.Why did you have that dreamI had that dream because I was inspired by the bravery and innovation of the early space pioneers. I was also captivated by the idea of exploring new worlds and discovering new things about the universe.5.Ice cream1.Do you like ice creamYes, I love ice cream. It's a delicious and refreshing treat, especially on a hot day.2.Did you eat ice cream when you were a childYes, I ate ice cream frequently when I was a child. It was always a special treat that I looked forward to.3.Are there shops selling ice cream near the place where you liveYes, there are several shops selling ice cream near where I live, including both chain stores and local ice cream shops.4.Can you make ice cream yourselfYes, I can make ice cream myself using a home ice cream maker or even just a simple recipe and some basic ingredients. It's a fun and easy way to create custom flavors and enjoy a sweet treat.6.Concentration1.Did you stay focused in class when you were a child?When I was a child, I generally stayed focused in class, although there were certainly times when my attention would wander.2.Are you a focused person?Yes, I consider myself to be a focused person. I'm able to concentrate on tasks and goals for extended periods of time.3.How do you stay focused?To stay focused, I try to eliminate distractions, break tasks into smaller, manageable chunks, and set specific goals and deadlines for myself.4.Is it easy to stay focused in a noisy environment?No, it's generally not easy to stay focused in a noisy environment. I find that background noise can be very distracting and can make it difficult toconcentrate on tasks. However, using noise-cancelling headphones or finding a quieter space to work can help mitigate the effects of noise on focus.7.Fixing things1.Can you fix things?Yes, I'm able to fix many things around the house and in everyday life.2.What things can you fix?I can fix basic household items such as leaky faucets, clogged drains, and broken appliances. I'm also able to fix simple problems with electronics and computers.3.How to fix things?To fix things, I usually start by researching the problem and gathering information on how to solve it. Then, I follow step-by-step instructions or seek assistance from experts if needed.4.Did you ask people to teach you to fix things when you were a child? Yes, when I was a child, I often asked my parents and other adults to teach me how to fix things. I was always curious about how things worked and enjoyed learning new skills.8.Friends1.How important are friends to you?Friends are very important to me. They provide emotional support, companionship, and a sense of belonging.2.Do you often go out with your friends?Yes, I enjoy spending time with my friends and try to make plans with them regularly.3.Where do you often meet each other?We often meet each other at restaurants, coffee shops, or outdoor spaces like parks or hiking trails.4.What do you usually do with your friends?When I'm with my friends, we usually spend time talking and catching up on each other's lives. We might also play games, watch movies, or go on outings together like shopping or exploring new places.9.Favourite day1.Which day is your favourite day?My favorite day is Saturday because it's usually a day off from work orschool, and I can relax and do things I enjoy.2.Which day is your least favorite dayMy least favorite day is Monday because it's the start of the work or school week and can feel overwhelming.3.How do you usually spend your timeI usually spend my time working, studying, or pursuing hobbies like reading, exercising, or spending time with friends and family.4.How is your favourite day different from other daysMy favorite day is different from other days because I have more freedom to do what I want without the obligations of work or school. I can sleep in, indulge in my hobbies, and spend quality time with loved ones without feeling rushed or stressed.10.Rain1.Do you like rainy daysYes, I like rainy days. I find the sound of rain calming and enjoy the cozy feeling of staying indoors.2.Dose it rain much in your cityIt rains occasionally in my city, but not excessively3.Would you like to live a place that is dry or wet?I prefer to live in a place that has a moderate amount of rainfall. I enjoy the benefits of rain, such as lush vegetation and clean air, but also appreciate dry, sunny weather for outdoor activities.4.What do you do when it’s rainy?When it's rainy, I like to stay indoors, read a book, or watch a movie. Sometimes I'll also cook or bake something warm and comforting.5.Will you bring rain coat or umbrella when it’s rainyYes, I usually bring a raincoat or umbrella when it's rainy to stay dry and avoid getting sick.6.Will it affect your mood?Rainy weather can affect my mood, but it depends on the circumstances. If I have to be outside in the rain, I may feel frustrated or annoyed. But if I can stay indoors and relax, I find the rain to be peaceful and calming.7.Do you think raining will affect people’s behaviour? Why or why not Yes, I think rainy weather can affect people's behavior. It may make themmore likely to stay indoors or feel less motivated to go out and do things. It can also create more traffic congestion and accidents on the roads.8.Can you remember any time when it rains particularly heavily in your hometownYes, I remember a time when it rained particularly heavily in my hometown. The streets flooded and many people had trouble getting around. It was a bit chaotic, but also a memorable experience.11.Day off1.What do you do on your day off?On my day off, I usually try to relax and do things that I enjoy, such as reading, exercising, or spending time with friends and family.2.Do you usually spend your day off with your parents or friendsIt depends on the day and my plans, but I enjoy spending time with both my parents and friends on my day off.3.Do you think it’s important to have a day offYes, I think it's important to have a day off to rest and recharge. It allows us to take a break from the demands of work or school and focus on our personal needs and interests.4.What did you do last day offOn my last day off, I went for a hike with some friends and then spent the afternoon reading and relaxing at home. It was a nice balance of physical activity and restful downtime.12.Bags1.Do you usually carry a bagYes, I usually carry a bag with me, especially when I'm going out for the day or running errands.2.What kinds of bags do you like to carryI like to carry bags that are both functional and stylish. My preferences vary depending on the occasion and my outfit, but I generally prefer medium-sized shoulder bags or backpacks.3.Do you change your bag oftenI don't change my bag very often, as I tend to stick with styles that I know I like and that work well for me. However, I may switch to a different bag for special occasions or if my current bag becomes worn out or damaged.4. Is it necessary to buy a expensive bagIt's not necessary to buy an expensive bag, but it can be worth investing ina high-quality bag that will last for a long time and meet your needs. Ultimately, the most important factors are functionality, durability, and personal style preferences.13.Teachers1.Do you want to be a teacher in the futureNo, I do not want to be a teacher in the future. While I have great respect for teachers and the important work they do, it's not a career path that aligns with my personal interests and skills.2.Do you remember one of your teachersYes, I remember many of my teachers from different stages of my education. Each of them had a unique teaching style and personality that left an impression on me.3.Do you have a favorite teacherYes, I have several favorite teachers who made a significant impact on my education and personal growth. They were passionate, knowledgeable, and supportive, and inspired me to pursue my interests and goals.4.Do you still keep in touch with your teacherI have lost touch with most of my teachers over the years, but I occasionallyreconnect with them through social media or alumni events. I'm always grateful for the positive influence they had on my life.14.Wild animals1.Are there wild animals in your countryYes, there are wild animals in my country, including bears, wolves, deer, and many species of birds.2.Have you ever been to a zoo or a safari parkYes, I have been to both zoos and safari parks. While I appreciate the opportunity to see exotic animals up close, I also recognize the ethical concerns surrounding captive animals and prefer to see animals in their natural habitats.3.What is the animal you would like to see in the wildI would love to see a tiger in the wild. They are such majestic and powerful creatures, and it would be an incredible experience to witness them in their natural environment.4.Are there TV programs about wild animals in your countryYes, there are many TV programs about wild animals in my country, including documentaries, nature shows, and wildlife rescue programs.They are popular among audiences of all ages and provide an opportunity to learn about animals and their habitats15.The city you live in1.What city do you live inI live in Beijing, the capital city of China, which is a bustling metropolis with a rich history and cultural landmarks.2.Do you like this cityYes, I truly enjoy living in this city as it offers a unique blend of modern and traditional elements, such as the mix of ancient architecture and contemporary skyscrapers.3.How long have you live in this cityI have been living in Beijing for almost two decades now, and it has beena wonderful place to grow up and develop my personal and academic interests.4.Are there big changes in this cityYes, there have been significant changes in the city over the years, especially in terms of infrastructure development, transportation, and environmental initiatives to improve air quality and reduce pollution.5.Is this city your permanent residenceYes, Beijing is my permanent residence, and I plan to continue living here as it provides me with a sense of belonging and connection to my community.。
雅思口语part 1的参考答案

Part 1: Being in a hurry1. Do you usually write by hand or using a computer?Most of the time I use a computer because it’s far more practical(实用). I mean, for starters(首先), it’s a lot faster typing on the computer, and also it’s much easy to correct (修正)what you write, because if you’re writing by hand, you’ve got to cross something out (抹掉、画掉) or use tipp-ex(修正液), which can look a bit messy(凌乱的;不整洁的), especially if you make a lot of changes!2. When do children begin to write in your country?It’s kind of hard to generalize (有点难概括), because different children start at different times. You know, even though they’ll be formally taught how to write when they start kindergarten, most will be taught before that at home by their parents. So I’d say it’s probably between the age of about 2 and 3.3. How did you learn to write?I honestly can’t remember how I learnt it, but my guess would be that I learnt it from my parents, because children are definitely old enough to write before they start school, so I’m sure that either my mum or my dad taught me the basics (基础知识).4. Do you think handwriting is very important nowadays?No, on the whole (总体来说)I’d say it’s not that important nowadays, because I mean, who actually writes things by hand anymore? You know, it’s probably only important at school and taking academic exams, when you have to write by hand, but in the real world, I think it’s entirely unnecessary (没必要的).5. What impression does a person’s handwriting have on other people?Well I think if you have nice and neat(整洁的) handwriting, it leaves a pretty positive impression on others, as it kind of gives the sense that you care about appearance and pay attention to detail (关注细节), whereas if you have messy handwriting, it can have the opposite effect (相反的效果).6. Did your handwriting look good when you were younger?If yes:Yeah, I think it looked all right. You know, it was pretty neat and tidy, and I seem to remember taking pride in(为……感到骄傲) my writing. I suppose one of the reasons for this is that our teacher drilled into (叮嘱)us the importance of having good handwriting, so I used to practice it a lot!If no:No, I can’t say it did actually! I mean, my handwriting’s never been great, but when I was younger, it was particularly bad, you know, it was all over the place (really messy很乱)! For some reason, I just had a lot of difficulty with my writing.Part 1: Being in a hurry1. When was the last time you did something in a hurry?Um… when was it?...Let me have a think…I guess it was probably um… a few weeks ago, when I was on holiday, and I had booked a taxi to arrive at the place where I was staying, at about noon-ish, and I still had some clearing up to do(我还有东西要收拾), you know, I didn’t want to leave the place in a mess(很乱,杂乱). So yeah, I was basically in a hurry tidying everything up and getting all my things packed (打包成行李) before the taxi arrived.2. Do you like to finish things quickly?Yeah I do, cos I really don’t like things to hang over me(我讨厌让未做完的工作使我牵肠挂肚), you know, it’s just not a nice feeling when you’ve got stuff to do hanging at the back of your mind(同上).So I like to get stuff done as quickly as I can, but saying that, I still want to do it well of course! I mean, I’m not gonna do something haphazardly (做事很随意) just to get it done quickly, I still wanna make sure I do it well!3. What kinds of things do you never do in a hurry?It’s an interesting question!... I’ve never really thought about that one! What kinds of things will I never do in a hurry?...um… I suppose things I would never do in a hurry would be important things, like coursework which counts towards my final grade, a nd what else?...I’m kind of hard pressed tothink! Um… oh yeah, getting to the airport to catch a flight! You know, I’ll always give myself lots of time to get there, even if it means I arrive at the airport several hours in advance, cos it just gives me peace of mind.(让我内心平静。

handwriting1.Do you like handwriting?Answer 1: Yes. I’m really proud of my handwriting. I’ve practiced calligraphy for a few years. Answer 2: No. I can’t write with a pen very fast. It always takes a lot of time for me to take notes or write things down.2.Do you prefer handwriting or typing?Answer 1: I prefer typing! When I type I can use both of my hands, which is quicker than handwriting!Answer 2: I like handwriting more. It’s just I’m used to it. Typing is not as good as handwriting.3.How’s your handwriting?Answer 1: Ha ha, you wouldn’t want to see my handwriting. It looks like abstract art to people like my parents.Answer 2: I think it’s okay and readable. But I wouldn’t say it’s pretty good.4.Can you tell a person’s personality by his handwriting?Answer 1: I can’t, because these days, people don’t write that much. It’s just very judgmental if we only judge a person’s personality based on how he writes with a pen.Answer 2: I’m not 100% accurate in this case, but according to my experiences, I did guess right a few times just by looking at someone’s handwriting.5.How would you feel if you received a handwritten letter?Answer 1: Well, if the letter came from people I know, I would be thrilled, because I know it must be something special that this person wanted to write with a pen.Answer 2: Honestly, a hand written letter won’t make me feel different. When I read letters, I care more about the content not the font of the words.friends1. Do you prefer more general friends or just a few good friends?Answer 1: I prefer a few good friends. These people will help me when I’m in trouble. As to general friends, it’s a bit strange to ask for help since we aren’t that close.Answer 2: honestly I want to keep the balance, just a few good ones, and some general ones. I like to have more people on my friends list, so I get to learn more.2. What are the differences between best friends and other friends?A best friend is someone you may not talk to very often, but you never feel distant. General friends are easy to lose so you need to talk to them often.3. Who is your best friend?My best friend is Kate, we met in high school. So it’s been ten years since we became friends.4. What do you usually do with your friends?Answer 1: Mostly we hang out at a coffee place to drink something and chat for a few hours. Sometimes we go shopping together.Answer 2: I like to play sports with my buddies. As most of my friends are really athletic, so we may play basketball for the whole afternoon and go get a drink later.5. Do you like to make friends?Answer 1: I like to do that on a regular basis. I’m a social person, so if I can’t have more friends, I’ll be bored.Answer 2: Kind of. I don’t need too many friends, but it’s good to have some new ones. It’s necessary for me.public holiday1. Do you have many public holidays in China?Yes I think so. Almost every month, there is a public holiday. Like this month, we have New Year, everyone was off work for three days.2. Which public holiday do you prefer?Spring festival: I like spring festival most. It’s the biggest festival every year. The holiday is a week long. I get to see my relatives and friends. It’s a lot of fun!National holiday: national holiday is my favorite because it’s in autumn, the best season for travelling ever! Besides, it’s my country’s birthday, I always have a sense of pride towards this holiday.New year: I guess new year is my top preference. It’s the first day of a new year, I usually feel more alive. I mean I can think about new plans and goals.3. What’s the most important one?Traditionally speaking, spring festival is the all-time important day for every Chinese, since that’s the time only for family. It really matters a lot to us.4. Do you like more national holidays?Answer 1: the more the better! People need holidays! I think Chinese people are really hard-working, but we should know that having a break from a holiday makes life more fun! Answer 2:No, I think we have had enough, I just expect each holiday can be longer so people’ll have more time to enjoy. A one-day holiday is like nothingadvertisements1. Do you like watching advertisements?Answer 1: Hmm, I wouldn’t say I like them, because when I try to watch a video, they are there for like a minute or two, which really annoys me.Answer 2: I’m fine with advertisements, not commercials though. Some magazine ads are really cool and creative. Sometimes it’s interesting to see them.2. What types of advertisements are there in your country?I think there are tons of them. When you walk in downtown area in a city, you see billboards, neon signs or posters. When you ride on a bus, you see ads on the back of each chair. And of course TV commercials are insane, you can’t avoid them in China.3. Have you bought anything because of advertisements?Yes, I can name a few. For example, I bought my first pair of Nike shoes after I saw their ad. And when I shop on the internet, I don’t normally have a shopping list, mostly I buy things from ads, so things like hairdryers, books, clothes etc.4. Will you look at the advertisement on the street?Well, if I’m just having a walk, sure, I’ll look at them. But if I’m on my way somewhere, I won’t care what’s going on in those advertisements.5. Do you prefer ads on TV or on the internet?Maybe ads on the internet, because I can just close the pop-up ads real quick whereas on TV, there isn’t much you can do but just wait for like a long time till they are over.Shoes1. Are there any shoes you like?女生Answer 1: I like shoes that don’t have a thick sole. Those shoes are pretty comfortable to me. I have like 20 pairs athome!Answer 2: I like to wear high heels. They make me look more confident and thinner. I can even run in high heels, so they’re certainly my favorite.男生Answer 1: Hmm, I mostly like to buy sports shoes for basketball, tennis and jogging. These shoes are comfortable and cool.Answer 2: I prefer leather shoes with strings. In terms of color, navy blue and black are my favorites.2. What’s your favorite brand of shoes?Answer 1: 女生Hmm, if I have to name one, it should between mix. I started buying their shoes when I was in high school. They make shoes for all seasons and the prices are reasonable.Answer 2: 男生For trainers, I would say niki. I’ve been a big fan of it for ages! Their shoes can protect my feet well and look very cool.3. What’s the most important thing about shoes?It should be whether not the shoes fit you. If they don’t fit, they are just useless unless you want to have them as part of your collection.4. Do you prefer comfortable shoes or fashionable shoes?This is a very tricky question. I don’t know about other people, but for me, both qualities are important. When I buy a pair of shoes, I expect them to look good and fit well. Otherwise I’d rather not buy them.5. How often do you buy shoes?It’s hard to say. I’m not like other girls who have to buy shoes regularly. I just like to hang out at a mall without a purpose, if I see shoes I like I’ll buy instantly.6. Will you buy shoes online?Answer 1: Yes, I’ve bought quite a few pairs. I just have this talent that I can judge what size is good for me basedon the pictures!Answer 2: No, that’s very risky. I can’t afford time to buy and return and wait for the refund if I get the wrong shoes.sky1. Do you like to watch the sky?在国外的童鞋Answer1:yes, I love the blue. You know the sky here is 10 times clearer than that in China. I never had enough of watching it!爱数星星的人Answer2:Yes, I like to go out late at night and sit somewhere quiet, looking up to the sky. Here in my hometown, there are more stars in the sky, shining like diamonds. It’s just so beautiful!喜欢登高望天的童鞋Answer3:Yes, I often go mountain climbing and sit on the top of the mountain. When I look up to the sky, it’s so close to me. It’s just immense. I can’t see its boundaries.总是有飞机经过的天空Answer4:Yes!! There are planes going across the sky during the day, I can’t stop looking up, wishing I could be on the plane and watch the sky closely.望天兴叹的人Answer5:yeah, I guess so. When I feel down, I like to watch the sky, not thinking about anything, trying to forget about all the sad things.2. Do you like the sky during the day or night?Answer one: It looks better during the day, because I can see clouds, birds, the sun and maybe a helicopter! At night, it’s all dark, quite boring!Answer two: definitely I like it more at night. It’s dark and mysterious. I love the darkness!3. Have you learnt any courses about stars or planets?Answer 1: Yes. At primary school, there was a course called Nature. The teacher taught a few lessons about stars, like where they are in the universe and what they are called.Answer 2: Hmmm, let me see. Probably longtime ago, when I was very young, I think I took a class about the sky and stars, something like that.4. What’s your favorite star?Answer 1: Ah, I don’t think I have a favorite. They look all the same to me, you know far away and shiny.Answer 2: Maybe Mars, I heard there could be living creatures on the planet. Who knows, maybe it’s true. I’d rather believe it, it could be my home 50 years later.Museums1. Are there many museums in your hometown?Yes. I think there are about four museums. Two of them are large ones where you can go see some free exhibitions. The other two are new, I’ve only heard of them.2. Do you think museums are useful for visitors to your hometown?They are useful for those who really want to know the past of my hometown. Many of our local museums display old photo sand objects. Visitors can get to know the old shanghai/Beijing/(你家乡城市的名字)better.3. Do you often visit a museum?No, not really. I haven’t been to one for probably a few years.4. So when was the last time you visited a museum?Around five years ago? At that time, are lative of mine came to my hometown, so I took him to the museum that he loved most.5. Do you think museums are important?Well, they are obviously important to those who are obsessed with history. For these people, history books are not a good source of information, they want to have something more visual. So museums can definitely meet their requirements.6. Do you think it’s suitable for museums to sell things to visitors?Hmm, I’m fine with that. The gift shop in a museum is a source of revenue. And there is nothing wrong that the museum runs a shop for people who want to buy something interesting and historical.7. Did you go to any museums when you were a child?I guess so. Every year, my primary school organized a trip to a local museum, so I probably visited at least a few when I was little.WorkWork (适合目前在银行金融行业工作的童鞋)1.Do you work or study?Answer one: Ihave a job, which is being a bank teller in xx city.Answer two: I’mworking as a finance analyst. I’ve been in the company for a few years.2.What specific things do you doon your job?Answer one: WhenI’m at work, I usually help customers open an account, deposit or withdraw somemoney from their accounts. Sometimes I am put in charge of dealing withcompanies’ accounts.Answer two: Well, mostly, I need to evaluate the financial condition of my clients, such as checking their capital, their balance sheets. Then I’ll write a report on the documents they give to me.3.Why did you choose that job?Answer one: Well, actually I didn’t choose that job. A friend of mine helped me get that position. The money was good at that time, so I took it.Answer two: Ilike to deal with numbers and analyzing. It’s pretty fun. And I love my office,I have everything I need like a printer, a nice chair, a great mac book as my work computer.4.Would you recommend that job to others?Answer one: I’d recommend it to people who really want to know what it’s like to work in a bank. My position is low in the rank system. But what I do is something bank people need to know.Answer two: Ha ha, I would say if people are fine with getting off work at 10 pm, they should consider my job. The pay is really good because of the overwork.5.What did you do on the first day of your job?Answer one: The first day at work…. I think I just cleaned up my work area, because the one who used to sit there left a bunch of garbage below the desk!Answer two: The first day was pretty stressful, because everyone was saying hi to me, and I was trying so hard to remember their names!Work (适合目前在做会计和工程师的童鞋)6.Do you work or study?Answer one: I’m an accountant. I work for a local accounting agency at the moment.Answer two: I’m currently working in computer engineering. I’ve been working for just a year.7. What specific things do you do on your job?Answer one: As a senior accountant in my company, I have to train new employees and cope with big clients. I go on business trips quite often, because meeting with clients in person is really important.Answer two: Mostly, I write programs. Now I’m working on a few projects. They are new systems for my clients to manage their factories.8.Whydid you choose that job?Answer one: My mother was the reason. She had been an accountant for almost twenty years before I started looking for a job. She thought I could be a good one too. And my employer offered good pay.Answer two: well it was the only company that offered me an interview. So I went to the interview and passed it. The job has a lot to do with what I learned at university. So I chose it.9. Would you recommend that job to others?Answer one: Yes, accounting is not as boring as many people think. You learn a lot about different businesses while you’re helping your clients.Answer two: Maybe not. What I do is kind of repetitive sometimes, like fixing bugs and updating things for my clients. It’s not always interesting.10.What did you do on the first day of your job?Answer one: I honestly can’t recall what happened, because it was like three years ago. I don’t even remember what I did last week, not to mention three years ago.Answer two: The first day was normal. Someone introduced me to people in my department. Hmm, maybe we had a meeting, because there were a few new guys too, so we kind of had a discussion on a few things.History1. Do you like history?Kind of. I like to watch historical documentaries. Mostly I like ancient history of China.2. So there must be something you don’t like about history?Yes, I just don’t think it’s right to spend too much time on the past, learning what happened. We should focus more on the present.3. Then why do people study history?A good reason I can think of is they want to know the mistakes people made in the past, so they won’t make the same mistakes in the future. I can’t figure out any other reasons for studying history.4. Do you think the internet is a good place to learn about history?Yes, information on the internet is mostly free. So for people who don’t want to visit a historical museum in person, they can go straight to the official websites of the museums. History is totally at your fingertips.5. Can you name a person from history who you would like to learn more about?Okay, I’d say Mr. Lu Xun. I really like to read his works. His way of thinking is sharp and unique.6. What would you like to talk with him when you met him?I’d first ask him if it was true that he decided to quit being a doctor and becoming a writer. And I’m so curious about his experience in Japan almost 100 years ago, things must be very different!7. Did you like your history class in high school?当时因为学历史困难被迫选理科的同学:History was a nightmare for me. I seriously cut most of my history classes, because I never understood what the teacher was talking about.当时学文科并且热爱历史的同学:Yes. It was fun to study history. It wasn’t just dates and facts, it was more about how history changed the course of human civilization。
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Your Home (Your Accommodati on)1. Do you live in a house or a flat?(思路:直截了当额外相关信息)of myI live in a pretty spacious (= big) flat in the outskirts hometow n. Myfamily bought the flat a long time ago. We live on the£1—10 floor of a high-rise. It's a three-bedroom apartme nt. I thi nk it covers about 130 square meters (= m'), It's a fairly nice place.uptow n area 住宅区dow ntow n area 市中心2. Please describe the place where you live.(思路:直接描述,多点描述注意逻辑衔接)My home is bright and spacious. We have a very comfy sofa in the liv ing room, and a large flat-scree n TV set hanging on the wall. Our apartme nt is well-desig ned. In additi on, I like the fact that we have two big balc oni es. It's really n ice whe n the weather is warm. We can have dinner outside. All in all, I quiet like the place where I live.3. How have you decorated your home (or, your room)?(思路:简洁回答一带而过)I haven ' done anything. I am (still) renting.My home is very simple. Our furniture is moder n style. It looks quite n ice.I haven ' decorated the home at all. I am renting.I made my home Chin ese style. It looks very ni ce.4. Do you have any thi ng (ha nging) on the wall of your home(or your room)? (e.g., decorati ons)(思路:同2 flat-screen TV 或者加上一幅画) opposite to depictcertificate of merit5. What can you see whe n you look out the win dow of your room?(思路:直接描述,难点:词汇应用)I can't see much except for other build in gs. We live in a com mun ity, and there are like 10 or 12 high-rises n ext to each other But just outside my room, we have a balc ony, and from that side of the build ing, we overlook the Chan gjia ng River and the mountains that surro und it. At ni ght whe n the banks of the river light up, the view is pretty ni ce.I can see a park from my wi ndow. It is really/quitebeautiful/relax ing.I can see the road. It is always very busy. / I can see a busy road from my wi ndow.I can see some trees. I like it./ They are beautiful.6. What is the en vir onment like in your n eighborhood?(思路:食住行直接描述多点描述注意逻辑衔接难点:相关词汇)It's a pleasa nt n eighborhoood」like the fact that it's not hectic as the dow ntow n area of the city where I usually go. But there are shops and restaurants everywhere. From our home, it ' -snnanfv e walk to the supermarket, so it extfem ely convenien t. In additi on,there s a mono rail train stati on just dow n the street, and it on ly takes 15 to 20 minutes to get the city center . What' s more, for the elderly people, there are a lot gree n areas in the n eighborhood, so they can chat and do some exercise with their friends there . It ' s really a great place.7. Do you like your n eighbors?(思路:直接回答举一个例子)Yes, they are warm and frie ndly, and they have a good sense of com mun ity. For example, we share food and borrow thi ngs from each other, we really get along with each other and I feel really lucky that all my n eighbors are nice people, because these days many n eighbors even don ' t know each other.8. What kind of people are your n eighbors?(思路:同上,运用学过的口语词汇funn y, helpful, easy-goi ng, warmand friendly, energetic …再举个例子比如周末一起做饭或者参加运动或者一起娱乐。
)Your Studies1. What subject are you studying?(思路:给出答案+态度+态度产生的原因或后果)我的专业是营销,但我必须向你承认,我真的不喜欢它.这是我为什么要出 国留学的部分原因,因为在中国,改变专业真的麻烦。
但在澳大利亚,我不需 要重复前两年,所以我打算去那里 并且 主修会计•My major is marketing, but I must admit to you that I really dislike it. This is partly the reas on why I want to study overseas, because in Ch ina it's really troublesome to cha nge majors. But in Australia, I don't n eed to repeat the first two years, so I pla n to go there and major in acco un ti ng.我主修计算机工程and 我很喜欢它。
起初我也不太清楚,but 我的父母鼓励 我选择这一领域,and 我不后悔.我已经学习了很多关于软件设计and 电子工 程.我将在这里完成我的学士学位,and then 我打算去英国获得硕士学位.I major in computer engin eeri ng and I quite like it. At first Iwas n't too sure, but my pare nts en couraged me to choose this field and I don't regret it. I have bee n lear ning a lot about software desig n and electr onic engin eeri ng. I will finish my Bachelor's degree here, and the n I intend to go to En gla nd to get a Master's.2. Why did you choose to study that?(思路: 利用一句名言: “Study without desire spoils th e memory and it retai ns no thi ng that it takes in. 毫无目的的学习学不到东西, 一无所获。
”)实际上,当我在小学和中学的时候,我喜欢很多不同的科目,但是你知道, 正如达芬奇所说, 毫无目的的学习学不到东西,一无所获。
”因此,在我将要 进入大学的时候,我发现我最喜欢的是 …因为它 …并且我的父母也支持我选 择这个领域,那就是为什么我选择 …的原因。
Actually ,when I was in primary many different subjects ,but you know “ Study without desire spoils the memory it takes in. therefore ,when I was about to go on to education ,I found that my favorite subject is useful and my pare nts en couraged me to choose this reas on why I chose to study...and sec on dary school , I like,as Leonardo da Vinci said , ,and it retains nothing that tertiary …because it field ,that is the s very3. Do you like your subject? (= your major = your subjects if ahigh school stude nt)(思路:同上)Useful popular promis ing a promis ing field for the future4. Where do you study (= what school/uni versity do you atte nd)?(思路:给出一些额外相关信息,以便让考官觉得你有交流的意愿)I am a college stude nt and I have bee n study ing atChongqing Un iversity in xxx for the last x years and I quite enjoy my life there.5. Why did you choose that (particular) school/uni versity?(思路:1. 应用名言:“To acquire knowledge ,one must study; butto acquire wisdom ,one must observe. 要获得知识,一个人必须学习;但是要获得智慧,一个人必须观察。