



CATTI三级笔译实务2014年5月(总分:100.00,做题时间:120分钟)一、PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (60 points) (总题数:1,分数:50.00)1.NARSAQ,Greenland—AsicebergsintheKayakHarborpopandhisswhilemeltingaway,thisremoteArctictowna nditsculturearealsodisappearinginachangingclimate.Narsaq’slargestemployer,ashrimpfactory,cl osedafewyearsagoafterthecrustaceansflednorthtocoolerwater.Whereoncetherewereeightcommercialf ishingvessels,thereisnowone.Asaresult,thepopulationhere,oneofsouthernGreenland’smajortowns, hasbeenhalvedto1,500injustadecade.Suicidesareup.“Fishingistheheartofthistown,”saidHansKaspersen,63,afisherman.“Lotsofpeoplehavelosttheirl ivelihood s.”ButevenaswarmingtemperaturesareupendingtraditionalGreenlandiclife,theyarealsoofferingupintri guingnewopportunitiesforthisstateof57,000—perhapsnowheremoresothanhereinNarsaq.Vastnewdepos itsofmineralsandgemsarebeingdiscoveredasGreenland’smassiveicecapreced es,formingthebasisofap otentiallylucrativeminingindustry.Oneoftheworld’slargestdepositsofrareearthmetals—essentia lformanufacturingcellphones,windturbinesandelectriccars—sitsjustoutsideNarsaq.Thiscouldbemo mentousforGreenland,whichhaslongreliedonhalfabilliondollarsayearinwelfarepaymentsfromDenmark ,itsparentstate.MiningprofitscouldhelpGreenlandbecomeeconomicallyselfsufficientandrenderitth efirstsovereignnationcreatedbyglobalwarming.“Oneofourgoalsistoobtainindependence,”saidVittusQujaukitsoq,aprominentlaborunion leader. Buttherapidtransitionfromasocietyofindividualfishermenandhunterstoaneconomysupportedbycorpor ateminingraisesdifficultquestions.HowwouldGreenland’sinsularsettlementstolerateaninfluxofth ousandsofPolishorChineseconstructionworkers,ashasbeenproposed?Willminingdespoilanaturalenvir onmentessentialtoGreenland’snationalidentity—thewhalesandseals,thesilenticyfjords,andmythi cpolarbears?Canfishermanreinventthemselvesasminers?“Ithinkminingwillbethefuture,butthisisadifficultphase,”saidJensB.Frederiksen,Greenland’sh ousingandinfrastructureministerandadeputypremier.“It’saplanthatnoteveryonewants.It’sabout traditions,thefreedomofaboat,familyprofessions.” TheArcticiswarmingevenfasterthanotherpartsoftheplanet,andtherapidlymeltingiceiscausingalarma mongscientistsaboutsea-levelrise.InnortheasternGreenland,averageyearlytemperaturehaverisen4. 5degreesinthepast15years,andscientistspredicttheareacouldwarmby14to21degreesbytheendofthecen tury.Already,winterpackicethatcoversthefjordsisnolongerstableenoughfordogsleddingandsnowmobiletra fficinmanyareas.Winterfishing,essentialtofeedingfamilies,isbecominghazardousorimpossible. IthaslongbeenknownthatGreenlandsatuponvastminerallodes,andtheDanishgovernmenthasmappedthemin termittentlyfordecades.NielsBohr,Denmark’sNobelPrize-winningnuclearphysicistandamemberofthe ManhattanProject,visitedNarsaqin1957becauseofitsuraniumdeposits.Butpreviousattemptsatminingm ostlyfailed,provingtooexpensiveintheinclementconditions.Now,warminghasalteredtheequation. Greenland’sBureauofMineralsandPetroleum,chargedwithmana gingtheboom,currentlyhas150activelic ensesformineralexploration,upfrom20adecadeago.Altogether,companiesspent$100millionexploringG reenland’sdepositslastyear,andseveralareapplyingforlicensestobeginconstructiononnewmines,be aringgold,ironandzincandrareearths.Therearealsoforeigncompaniesexploringforoffshoreoil. “Forme,Iwouldn’tmindifthewholeicecapdisappears,”saidOleChristiansen,thechiefexecutiveofNu namMinerals,Greenland’slargesthomegrownminingcompany,ashepickedhiswayalongaproposedgoldmini ngsiteupthefjordfromNuuk,Greenland’scapital.“Asitmelts,we’reseeingnewplaceswithveryattrac tivegeology.”TheBlackAngelleadandzincmine,whichclosedin1990,isapplyingtoreopenthisyear,saidJorgenT.Hammeken-Holm,whooverseeslicensingatthecountry’sminingbureau,“becausetheiceisinretreatandyou’re gettingmuchmoretoexplore.” TheGreenlandicgovernmenthopesthatminingwillprovidenewrevenue.IngrantingGreenlandhomerulein20 09,Denmarkfrozeitsannualsubsidy,whichisscheduledtobedecreasedfurtherinthecomingyears. HereinNarsaq,acollectionofbrightlypaintedhomesborderedbyspectacularfjords,twoforeigncompanie sareapplyingtothegovernmentforpermissiontomine.“Thisishuge;wecouldbeminingthisforthenext100years,”saidEricSondergaard,ageologistwiththeAu stralian-ownedcompanyGreenlandMineralsandEnergy,whowasontheoutskirtsofNarsaqonedayrecently,p ickingatrocksonamoon-likeplateaurichwithanestimated10.5milliontonsofrareearthore. Thatproximitypromisesemployment,andthecompanyisalreadyschoolingsomeyoungmenindrillingandinEn glish,theinternationallanguageofmineoperations.Itplanstobuildaprocessingplant,anewportandmor eroads.(Greenlandcurrentlyhasnoneoutsideofsettledareas.)Narsaq’stinyairport,previouslythrea tenedwithclosurefromlackoftraffic,couldbeexpanded.Alocallandlordiscontemplatingconvertingana bandonedapartmentblockintoahotel.“Therewillb ealotofpeoplecomingfromoutsideandthatwillbeabigchallengesinceGreenlandiccultureh asbeenisolated,”saidJasperSchroder,astudenthomeinNarsaqfromuniversityinDenmark.Still,hesupportsthemineandhopesitwillprovidejobsandstemtherashofsuicides,particularlyamonghi spee rs;Greenlandhasoneofthehighestsuicideratesintheworld.“Peopleinthisculturedon’twanttobe aburdentotheirfamiliesiftheycan’tcontribute,”hesaid. Butnotallareconvincedofthebenefitsofmining.“Ofcoursetheminewillhelpthelocaleconomyandwillhe lpGreenland,butI’mnotsosureifitwillbegoodforus,”saidDorotheaRodgaard,whorunsalocalguesthou se.“Weareworriedaboutthelossofnature.”(分数:50.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:( 格陵兰岛纳萨克——随着皮艇港(KayakHarbor)的冰山在融化过程中发出嘶嘶的响声,这座偏远的北极小镇和它的文化,也正在随着气候变化而消失。



CATTI三级笔译综合能力考试试题及答案解析(三)一、Vocabulary Selection(本大题20小题.每题1。

0分,共20.0分.In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences。

Below each sentence, there are four words or phrases respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D。

Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence。

There is only one right answer。

)第1题Marketing is ______ just distributing goods from the manufacturer to the final customer。

A rather thanB other thanC bigger thanD more than第2题The magician picked several persons ______ from the audience and asked them to help him with the performance.A by accidentB at randomC on occasion第3题English language publications in China are growing in volume and ______。

A circulationB rotationC circumstanceD appreciation第4题Dust storms most often occur in areas where the ground has little vegetation to protect of the wind.A from the effectsB it the effectsC it from the effectsD the effects from it第5题On turning the comer, they saw the path ______ steeply。

翻译资料 CATTI三级笔译汉译英真题

翻译资料 CATTI三级笔译汉译英真题

2014年CATTI三级笔译汉译英真题出自:《第67届联合国大会中方立场文件》中关于能源安全方面的内容:Section2:Translate Chinese into English外交部:2012年第67届联合国大会中方立场文件(五)能源安全5. Energy Security能源安全同世界经济的稳定发展和各国人民的福祉息息相关。


Energy security has a close bearing on the stability and growth of the world economy and the well-being of people in all countries. Against the backdrop of the global financial crisis,ensuring energy security is vital to effectively tackling the impact of the crisis and promoting the full recovery and long-term development of the world economy.国际社会应树立互利合作、多元发展、协同保障的新能源安全观,共同稳定能源等大宗商品价格、防止过度投机和炒作,保障各国特别是发展中国家能源需求,维护能源市场正常秩序。


To this end,the international community should foster a new energy security outlook featuring mutually beneficial cooperation,diversified development and coordinated supply. Joint efforts must be made to stabilize the prices of energy and other commodities and prevent excessive speculation and market hype,so as to meet the energy demands of all countries,particularly the developing countries,and maintain order in the energy market. Meanwhile,countries should improve their own energy mix,promote the research,development and diffusion of advanced technologies,vigorously develop clean and renewable energies,and actively advance international cooperation in relevant fields.中国政府高度重视能源和能源安全问题。



catti三级实务笔译试题精选(一)一、English-Chinese Translation (本大题1小题.每题50.0分,共50.0分。

Translate the following passage(s) into Chinese )第1题The importance of agriculture cannot be overstated. More than 50 percent of the world''s labor force is employed in agriculture. The distribution in the early 1980s ranged from 67 percent of those employed in Africa to less than 5 percent in North America. In Western Europe, the figure was about 16 percent; in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, about 32 percent; and in Asia, about 68 percent.Farm size varies widely from region to region. Recently the average for Canadian farms was about 186 ha (about 460 acres) per farm, and for U.S. farms, about 175 ha (about 432 acres). The average size of a single landholding in the Philippines, however, may be somewhat less than 3.6 ha (less than 9 acres), and in Indonesia, a little less than 1.2 ha (less than 3 acres).Size also depends on the purpose of the farm. Commercial farming, or production for cash, is usually done on large holdings. The plantations of Latin America are large, privately owned estates worked by tenant labor. Single-crop plantations produce tea, rubber, cocoa. Wheat farms are most efficient when they comprise some thousands of hectares and can be worked by teams of people and machines. Australian sheep stations and other livestock farms must be large to provide grazing for thousands of animals. Individual subsistence farms or small-family mixed-farm operations are decreasing in number in developed countries but are still numerous in the developing countries of Africa and Asia. A "back-to-the-land" movement in the U.S. reversed the decline of small farms in New England and Alaska in the decade from 1970 to 1980.The conditions that determine what will be raised in an area include climate, water supply, and terrain.Over the 10,000 years since agriculture began to be developed, peoples everywhere have discovered the food value of wild plants and animals and domesticated and bred them. The most important are cereals such as wheat, rice, barley, corn and rye.Agricultural income is also derived from non-food crops such as rubber, fiber plants, tobacco, and oilseeds used in synthetic chemical compounds. Money is also derived from raising animals for pelt.Much of the foreign exchange earned by a country may be derived from a single commodity; for example, Sri Lanka depends on tea, Denmark specializes in dairy products, Australia in wool, and New Zealand andArgentina in meat products. In the U.S., wheat has become a major foreign exchange commodity in recent years.The importance of an individual country as an exporter of agricultural products depends on many variables. Among them is the possibility that the country is too little developed industrially to produce manufactured goods in sufficient quantity or technical sophistication. Such agricultural exporters include Ghana with cocoa, and Myanmar with rice. On the other hand, an exceptionally well-developed country may produce surpluses not needed by its own population; this has been true of the U.S., Canada, and some of the West European countries.【正确答案】:农业的重要性怎样强调都不为过。



catti三级笔译实务试题精选(三)一、English-Chinese Translation (本大题1小题.每题50.0分,共50.0分。

Translate the following passage(s) into Chinese )第1题Research published in May 1993 by the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR) showed that reducing coastal and river pollution and ensuring a reliable water supply were among the top environmental priorities for the public.All discharges to water in the UK require the consent of the appropriate regulatory authority. In England and Wales the Environment Agency's principal method of controlling water pollution is through the regulation of all effluent discharges, including sewage, into groundwater, and inland and coastal waters. The Agency maintains public registers containing information about water quality, discharge consents, authorizations and monitoring. Applicants for consents to discharge have the right of appeal if they are dissatisfied with the Agency's decision; most of these appeals are dealt with by the Planning Inspectorate, an executive agency of the DETR. In Scotland control is the responsibility of the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), and most appeals are dealt with by the Scottish Office. In Northern Ireland the Environment and Heritage Service is responsible for controlling water pollution. In 1997, there were 4,717 cases in England and Wales of discharges exceeding their consented limits, including a number of offences by water companies discharging insufficiently treated sewage. The majority of these breaches did not cause any significant environmental damage. However, the Environment Agency did bring 65 cases to court, of which 61 were successful, resulting in fines ranging from £ 440 to £ 12,000 and one prison sentence of two months. In Scotland, there were 2,734 pollution incidents in 1997; SEPA seeks prosecution in all significant cases. In 1997 and 1998, the Government introduced statutory Environmental Quality Standards (EQSs) for 33 substances in water. The new regulations give legal force for the first time to standards for some of the most dangerous pollutants found in the aquatic environment.In the UK, 96 percent of the population live in properties connected to a sewer, and sewage treatment works serve over 80 percent of the population. In England and Wales, the water industry is committed to an investment programme of some £ 11,000 million over ten years for improvements to water quality. Progressively higher treatment standards for industrial waste effluents and new measures to combat pollution from agriculture are expected to bring further improvements in water quality. In Scotland, responsibility for the provision of all water and sewerageservices lies with three Water and Sewerage Authorities, covering the north, east and west of the country.【正确答案】:根据英国环境、交通及区域部于1998年5月公布的研究报告,减少沿海水域与河流的污染,保证供应安全用水,乃是广大公众在环保方面的当务之急。





With great tenacity,the Chinese nation has emerged resilient from trials and tribulations.It has never given up its pursuit of great dreams.The great renewal of the Chinese nation has been a long-cherished dream of the Chinese nation since modern times.第一语段的第一句可以被拆分成2个语句,从“中华民族历经磨难,自强不息。




”我们可以将“从未”这个副词前移做以强调,句子采用部分倒装句结构,为了与原文的语气更为贴切,我们还使用了英语中的近义词连用的方式,即:aspiration for and pursuit of,此外,在翻译培训中,我们向学员详解了高频率使用的英语同近义词,并要求学员反复练习以求达到熟练应用的程度。


Trials and tribulations as it has experienced,the Chinese nation has always been unyielding.And never has it given up its aspiration for and pursuit of great dreams.The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has been a long-cherished dream since modern times.在新的历史时期,中国梦的本质是国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福。



CATTI三级笔译综合能力考试试题及答案解析(三)一、Vocabulary Selection(本大题20小题.每题1.0分,共20.0分。

In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are four words or phrases respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only one right answer. )第1题Marketing is ______ just distributing goods from the manufacturer to the final customer.A rather thanB other thanC bigger thanD more than第2题The magician picked several persons ______ from the audience and asked them to help him with the performance.A by accidentB at randomC on occasion第3题English language publications in China are growing in volume and ______.A circulationB rotationC circumstanceD appreciation第4题Dust storms most often occur in areas where the ground has little vegetation to protect of the wind.A from the effectsB it the effectsC it from the effectsD the effects from it第5题On turning the comer, they saw the path ______ steeply.A departingB descendingC decreasing第6题Most nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are aA scarcityB minorityC minimum第7题With an eighty-hour week and little enjoyment, life must have been very for the students.A hostileB anxiousC tediousD obscure第8题Container-grown plants can be planted at any time of the year, but ______ in winter.A should beB would beC preferredD preferably第9题Hydroponics ______ the cultivation of plants without soil.A doesB isC doD are第10题In the eighteenth century, the town of Bennington, Vermont, was famous for pottery.A it madeB itsC the makingD where its第11题To impose computer technology ______ teachers is to create an environment that is not conducive to learning.A withB toC inD on第12题Good pencil erasers are soft enough not ______ paper but hard enough so that they crumble gradually when used.A by damagingB so that they damageC to damageD damaging第13题Both longitude and latitude ______ in degrees, minutes and seconds.A measuringB measuredC are measuredD being measured第14题Our flight to Guangzhou was ______ by a bad fog and we had to stay much longer in the hotel than we had expected.A delayedB adjournedC cancelledD preserved第15题______ of his childhood home in Hannibal, Missouri, provided Mark Twain with the inspiration for two of his most popular novels.A RememberingB MemoriesC It was the memoriesD He remembered第16题Most comets have two kinds of tails, one made up of dust, ______ made up of electrically charged particles called plasma.A one anotherB the otherC other onesD each other第17题We have had to raise the prices of our products because of the increase in the cost of materials.A primitiveB roughC originalD raw第18题______ a language family is a group of languages with a common origin and similar vocabulary, grammar, and sound system.A What linguists callB It is called by linguistsC Linguists call itD What do linguists call第19题______ get older, the games they play become increasingly complex.A ChildrenB Children, when theyC As childrenD For children to第20题Whenever the government increases public services, ______ because more workers are needed to carry out these services.A employment to riseB employment risesC which rising employmentD the rise of employment二、Vocabulary Replacement(本大题15小题.每题1.0分,共15.0分。



catti三级笔译实务试题精选(六)一、English-Chinese Translation (本大题1小题.每题50.0分,共50.0分。

Translate the following passage(s) into Chinese )第1题The tiny Isle of Man in the Irish Sea is not known as a vanguard of technology, but this month it was to serve as the test bed for the highly acclaimed third-generation mobile phones. A subsidiary of British Telecom (BT), the British phone company, cobbled together a network and prepared to hand out prototype mobile handsets to about 200 volunteers. But problems arose in the software that keeps track of each call as it moves from one tower's range to another's. BT postponed the trial until late summer, after a similar delay announced a few weeks earlier by NTT DoCoMo in Japan.What's the big deal? Aren't thousands of mobile calls "handed off" every day from one "cell" to another without a glitch? They are indeed. But third-generation technology, or 3G, is so radically new that it requires a rethinking of just about every aspect of how mobile phones work, from the handset to the transmission masts to the software that runs them. For this reason, 3G are a massive engineering and construction project that will take years to complete and cost hundreds of billions of dollars. The magnitude of this effort has somehow been forgotten in the mad scramble to be first out.The handover problem is a case in point. When you talk on a conventional mobile phone, your call is beamed as a continuous stream of digital data to the nearest receiver. The technology for handing these calls off from one area to the next was worked out years ago. But a 3G phone is different it bundle up the data into little packets and sends them through the airwaves, one at a time. This creates the impression of an Internet connection's being "always on," which is good news. But keeping rack of these data bundles from one region to the next is a daunting engineering problem -- and, more to the point, a brand-new one. NEC, the Japanese phone company that supplies BT with equipment for its Isle of Man trail, hasn't had time to work it out.Handset makers also have work to do. The 3G technologies have so many features; only a wonder gizmo could handle all of them, which is why none exists. The phones are not only supposed to work with 3G networks but also with the less sophisticated ( but cheaper and more useful) General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) technology already being installed on the continent and also with the current mobile phone standard, Global System for Mobile(GSM). Phones for corporate executives are also supposed to adaptto dozens of other standards around the world. Doing all this requires powerful, custom-built computer chips, which are tough to make quickly.A device that does so many things is bound to guzzle a lot of power. Prototype 3G phones drain so much juice that they've been known to get uncomfortably hot. Batteries that can keep a conventional phone running for days would fizzle in a 3G handset in a matter of minutes. Engineers are searching for alternative, but at the moment the lack of a long-lasting battery is a major hurdle.None of these problems is insurmountable, but neither will they be resolved quickly. Analysts at Forrester Research in the Netherlands predict that even in 2005, when more than half of Europe's phones will be connected to the Internet, fewer than 15 percent of them will use 3G. That's a measure of this technology's complexity and immaturity.【正确答案】:男人岛,这个爱尔兰海上的小岛,并不是以技术先锋而知名,但这个月它将成为广受赞扬的第三代移动电话系统的测试基地。



2014年11月份三级笔译实务(汉译英)真题Part 1 English to Chinese Translation It sounds so promising. A network of dedicated cycle routes running through a city with air pumps to fix flat tires, footrests to lean on while taking breaks and trash cans that are specially angled so you can throw in empty water bottles without stopping. Best of all, you can cycle on those routes for long distances without having to make way for cars and trucks at junctions and traffic lights, according to the official description of the Cycle Super Highways, which are under construction here as part of the Danish capital’s efforts to become carbon-neutral by 2025. Are they as good as they sound? These days it is hard to find a big city that doesn’t make grandiose claims to encourage cycling, and harder still to find one that fulfills them. Redesigning congested traffic systems to add bike lanes to overcrowded roads is fiendishly difficult, especially in historic cities with narrow cobbled streets like Copenhagen. But as its cycling program sounds so ambitious, I went there to try it. Maybe I’d be less cynical if I lived in Amsterdam, Cologne or any other city with decent cycling facilities, but as a Londoner, I’ve learned the hard way to be suspicious whenever politicians promise to do anything bike-friendly. London’s mayor, Boris Johnson, is a keen cyclist, who issues policy papers with auspicious titles like “Cycling Revolution” and has continued his predecessor’s biking program by introducing a cycle-rental project and building new bike lanes. So far so good, you may think, unless you have braved the potholes, parked trucks and construction debris that obstruct those lanes, many of which appear to have been designed by someone who has never seen a bicycle, let alone ridden one. London cyclists swap horror stories of dysfunctional cycle routes that end without warning or maroon them on the wrong side of the road, though few can be more perilous than a new lane on Bethnal Green Road, which is blocked by a streetlight — anyone rash enough to use the lane has to brake sharply to avoid crashing into it. 【译之灵笔译培训】2014年CATTI三级笔译汉译英真题出自《第67届联合国大会中方立场文件》中关于能源安全方面的内容: Section2: Translate Chinese into English 外交部:2012年第67届联合国大会中方立场文件 (五)能源安全 5. Energy Security 能源安全同世界经济的稳定发展和各国人民的福祉息息相关。



CATTI三级笔译英译汉真题2014年11月(总分:100.00,做题时间:120分钟)一、PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (总题数:1,分数:100.00)1. It sounds so promising. A network of dedicated cycle routes running through a city with air pumps to fix flat tires, footrests to lean on while taking breaks and trash cans that are specially angled so you can throw in empty water bottles without stopping. Best of all, you can cycle on those routes for long distances without having to make way for cars and trucks at junctions and traffic lights, according to the official description of the Cycle Super Highways, which are under construction here as par t of the Danish capital’s efforts to become carbon-neutral by 2025. Are they as good as they sound? These days it is hard to find a big city that doesn’t make grandiose claims to encourage cycling, and harder still to find one that fulfills them. Redesigning congested traffic systems to add bike lanes to overcrowded roads is fiendishly difficult, especially in historic cities with narrow cobbled streets like Copenhagen. But as its cycling program sounds so ambitious, I went there to try it. Maybe I’d be less cynical if I lived in Amsterdam, Cologne or any other city with decent cycling facilities, but as a Londoner, I’ve learned the hard way to be suspicious whenever politicians promise to do anythingbike-friendly. London’s mayor, Boris Johnson, is a ke en cyclist, who issues policy papers with auspicious titles like “Cycling Revolution” and has continued his predecessor’s biking program by introducing a cycle-rental project and building new bike lanes. So far so good, you may think, unless you have braved the potholes, parked trucks and construction debris that obstruct those lanes, many of which appear to have been designed by someone who has never seen a bicycle, let alone ridden one. London cyclists swap horror stories of dysfunctional cycle routes that end without warning or maroon them on the wrong side of the road, though few can be more perilous than a new lane on Bethnal Green Road, which is blocked by a streetlight — anyone rash enough to use the lane has to brake sharply to avoid crashing into it.(分数:100.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:。



2014年下半年笔译三级实务真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. English-Chinese Translation 2. Chinese-English TranslationPART 1 English-Chinese Translation (60 points)Translate the following passage into Chinese. The time for this part is 120 minutes.1.It sounds so promising. A network of dedicated cycle routes runs through a city, with air pumps to fix flat tires, footrests to lean on while taking breaks and trash cans that are specially angled, so you can throw in empty water bottles without stopping. Best of all, you can cycle on those routes for long distances without having to make way for cars and trucks at junctions and traffic lights, according to the official description of the Cycle Super Highways, which are under construction here as part of the Danish capital’s efforts to become carbon-neutral by 2025. Are they as good as they sound? These days it is hard to find a big city that doesn’t make grandiose claims to encourage cycling, and harder still to find one that fulfills them. Redesigning congested traffic systems to add bike lanes to overcrowded roads is fiendishly difficult, especially in historic cities with narrow cobbled streets like Copenhagen. But as its cycling program sounds so ambitious, I went there to try it. Maybe I’d be less cynical if I lived in Amsterdam, Cologne or any other city with decent cycling facilities. But as a Londoner, I’ve learned the hard way to be suspicious whenever politicians promise to do anything bike-friendly. London’s mayor, Boris Johnson, is a keen cyclist, who issues policy papers with auspicious titles like “Cycling Revolution” and has continued his predecessor’s biking program by introducing a cycle-rental project and building new bike lanes. So far, so good. You may think, unless you have braved the potholes, parked trucks and construction debris that obstruct those lanes, many of which appear to have been designed by someone who has never seen a bicycle, let alone ridden one. Luckily for Copenhagen’s cyclists, their system has been more thoughtfully designed. The capital is a compact, reasonably flat city which is naturally bike-friendly, and even its old cycle routes are wider and better maintained than London’s. More than a third of Copenhageners already bike to work or school, mainly on short journeys of an average of 5 kilometers, or 3 miles. The city’s traffic planners hope to encourage people to cycle for longer distances by creating the cycling equivalent of freeways, which will provide fast, direct routes of up to 22 kilometers into the center. A total of 28 highways are planned, providing 495 kilometers of dedicated bike tracks. The first one from the western suburb of Albertslund opened in April 2012, followed a year later by the second, from Farum, northwest of the city. What are the super highways like? Judging by my experience of the Farum route, they’re great. Impressive though the air pumps, footrests and angled trash cans are, the biggest thrill was pedaling through the “green waves” of uninterrupted green traffic lights, which have been programmed to prioritize cyclists over cars. It was also cheering to see bikers chatting while cycling two or three abreast in “conversation lanes”. Like mosturban bikers, I usually value the practical benefits of cycling, as a speedy means of transport and convenient form of exercise, but the Farum route made it as pleasurable as zipping along empty country lanes. The planners hope the full network will eventually encourage a 30-percent increase in cycling among Copenhagen’s commuters, which would be hugely beneficial in terms of reducing the city’s CO2 emissions and health care costs.正确答案:听起来真不错。

2014年 11月 CATTI三笔实务真题

2014年  11月 CATTI三笔实务真题

2014年11月CATTI英语三级笔译实务试题英译汉It sounds so promising. A network of dedicated cycle routes running through a city with air pumps to fix flat tires, footrests to lean on while taking breaks and trash cans that are specially angled so you can throw in empty water bottles without stopping.Best of all, you can cycle on those routes for long distances without having to make way for cars and trucks at junctions and traffic lights, according to the official description of the Cycle Super Highways, which are under construction here as part of the Danish capital’s efforts to become carbon-neutral by 2025.Are they as good as they sound? These days it is hard to find a big city that doesn’t make grandiose claims to encourage cycling, and harder still to find one that fulfills them. Redesigning congested traffic systems to add bike lanes to overcrowded roads is fiendishly difficult, especially in historic cities with narrow cobbled streets like Copenhagen. But as its cycling program sounds so ambitious, I went there to try it.Maybe I’d be less cynical if I lived in Amsterdam, Cologne or any other city with decent cycling facilities, but as a Londoner, I’ve learned the hard way to be suspicious whenever politicians promise to do anything bike-friendly. London’s mayor, Boris Johnson, is a keen cyclist, who issues policy papers with auspicious titles like “Cycling Revolution” and has continued his predecessor’s biking program by introducing a cycle-rental project and building new bike lanes.So far so good, you may think, unless you have braved the potholes, parked trucks and construction debris that obstruct those lanes, many of which appear to have been designed by someone who has never seen a bicycle, let alone ridden one. London cyclists swap horror stories of dysfunctional cycle routes that end without warning or maroon them on the wrong side of the road, though few can be more perilous than a new lane on Bethnal Green Road, which is blocked by a streetlight — anyone rash enough to use the lane has to brake sharply to avoid crashing into it.汉译英:能源安全同世界经济的稳定发展和各国人民的福祉息息相关。



译之灵翻译培训2014年11月份CATTI三级笔译实务(英译汉)真题更多学习材料:【译之灵翻译培训】学习园地Part 1 English to Chinese TranslationIt sounds so promising. A network of dedicated cycle routes running through a city with air pumps to fix flat tires, footrests to lean on while taking breaks and trash cans that are specially angled so you can throw in empty water bottles without stopping.Best of all, you can cycle on those routes for long distances without having to make way for cars and trucks at junctions and traffic lights, according to the official description of the Cycle Super Highways, which are under construction here as part of the Danish capital’s efforts to become carbon-neutral by 2025.Are they as good as they sound? These days it is hard to find a big city that doesn’t make grandiose claims to encourage cycling, and harder still to find one that fulfills them. Redesigning congested traffic systems to add bike lanes to overcrowded roads is fiendishly difficult, especially in historic cities with narrow cobbled streets like Copenhagen. But as its cycling program sounds so ambitious, I went there to try it.Maybe I’d be less cynical if I lived in Amsterdam, Cologne or any other city with decent cycling facilities, but as a Londoner, I’ve learned the hard way to be suspicious whenever politicians promise to do anything bike-friendly. London’s mayor, Boris Johnson, is a keen cyclist, who issues policy papers with auspicious titles like “Cycling Revolution”and has continued his predecessor’s biking program by introducing a cycle-rental project and building new bike lanes.So far so good, you may think, unless you have braved the potholes, parked trucks and construction debris that obstruct those lanes, many of which appear to have been designed by someone who has never seen a bicycle, let alone ridden one. London cyclists swap horror stories of dysfunctional cycle routes that end without warning or maroon them on the wrong side of the road, though few can be more perilous than a new lane on Bethnal Green Road, which is blocked by a streetlight —anyone rash enough to use the lane has to brake sharply to avoid crashing into it.。


To realize the Chinese dream, we must stay on the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We have been on this path for over 30 years. History has proven it to be the right path that suits China's national conditions, bringing about prosperity to China and its people. We will continue to advance along this path.
Vast new deposits of minerals and gems are being discovered as Greenland’s massive ice cap recedes, forming the basis of a potentially lucrative mining industry. One of the world’s largest deposits of rare earth metals — essential for manufacturing cellphones, wind turbines and electric cars — sits just outside Narsaq.
“I think mining will be the future, but this is a difficult phase,” said Jens B. Frederiksen, Greenland’s housing and infrastructure minister and a deputy premier. “It’s a plan that not everyone wants. It’s about traditions, the freedom of a boat, family professions.”

2014年11月英语三级笔译实务试 题及答案

2014年11月英语三级笔译实务试    题及答案

2014年11月份三级笔译实务(汉译英)真题Part 1 English to Chinese Translation It sounds so promising. A network of dedicated cycle routes running through a city with air pumps to fix flat tires, footrests to lean on while taking breaks and trash cans that are specially angled so you can throw in empty water bottles without stopping. Best of all, you can cycle on those routes for long distances without having to make way for cars and trucks at junctions and traffic lights, according to the official description of the Cycle Super Highways, which are under construction here as part of the Danish capital’s efforts to become carbon-neutral by 2025. Are they as good as they sound? These days it is hard to find a big city that doesn’t make grandiose claims to encourage cycling, and harder still to find one that fulfills them. Redesigning congested traffic systems to add bike lanes to overcrowded roads is fiendishly difficult, especially in historic cities with narrow cobbled streets like Copenhagen. But as its cycling program sounds so ambitious, I went there to try it. Maybe I’d be less cynical if I lived in Amsterdam, Cologne or any other city with decent cycling facilities, but as a Londoner, I’ve learned the hard way to be suspicious whenever politicians promise to do anything bike-friendly. London’s mayor, Boris Johnson, is a keen cyclist, who issues policy papers with auspicious titles like “Cycling Revolution” and has continued his predecessor’s biking program by introducing a cycle-rental project and building new bike lanes. So far so good, you may think, unless you have braved the potholes, parked trucks and construction debris that obstruct those lanes, many of which appear to have been designed by someone who has never seen a bicycle, let alone ridden one. London cyclists swap horror stories of dysfunctional cycle routes that end without warning or maroon them on the wrong side of the road, though few can be more perilous than a new lane on Bethnal Green Road, which is blocked by a streetlight — anyone rash enough to use the lane has to brake sharply to avoid crashing into it. 【译之灵笔译培训】2014年CATTI三级笔译汉译英真题出自《第67届联合国大会中方立场文件》中关于能源安全方面的内容: Section2: Translate Chinese into English 外交部:2012年第67届联合国大会中方立场文件 (五)能源安全 5. Energy Security 能源安全同世界经济的稳定发展和各国人民的福祉息息相关。



catti三级笔译综合能力考试试题及答案解析(一)一、Vocabulary Selection(本大题15小题.每题1.0分,共15.0分。

)(In thispart, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are fourwords or phrases respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only one right answer. )第1题Since writing home to their parents for money, they had lived ________hope.A inB forC onD through第2题________get older, the games they play become increasingly complex.A ChildrenB Children, when theyC As childrenD For children to第3题Martin has created enough memorable ________to make it easy to forgive his lows.A youngstersB noblesC highsD miserables第4题Oranges are a ________source of vitamin C.A wellC goodD very第5题All students have free________to the library.A passagewayB entranceC permissionD access第6题I''m so tired that I can''t take ________what you''re saying.A upB outC inD on第7题Rice is the ________food of most Southeast Asians.A commonB generalC stapleD popular第8题What they never take into account is the frazzled woman who is leadinga________life — trying to be a good mother while having to pretend at work that she doesn''t have kids at all.B hardC two-wayD miserable第9题Good pencil erasers are soft enough not ________paper but hard enough so that they crumble gradually when used.A by damagingB so that they damageC to damageD damaging第10题We were working________time to get everything ready for the exhibition.A againstB inC onD ahead第11题Our flight to Guangzhou was ________by a bad fog and we had to stay much longer in the hotel than we had expected.A delayedB adjournedC cancelledD preserved________pollution control measures are expensive, many industries hesitate to adopt them.A AlthoughB HoweverC BecauseD On account of第13题Leading stress management experts say that life with stress would be dulland________.A disorderlyB time-consumingC fruitlessD unexciting第14题This book is full of practical ________on home repair.A helpsB tipsC aidsD clues第15题The speaker ________have criticized the paraprofessionals, knowing full well that they were seated in the audience.A should not toB must notC ought not toD may not二、Vocabulary Replacement(本大题13小题.每题1.0分,共13.0分。



CATTI三级笔译综合能力考试试题及答案解析(三)一、Vocabulary Selection(本大题20小题.每题1.0分,共20.0分。

In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are four words or phrases respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only one right answer. )第1题Marketing is ______ just distributing goods from the manufacturer to the final customer.A rather thanB other thanC bigger thanD more than第2题The magician picked several persons ______ from the audience and asked them to help him with the performance.A by accidentB at randomC on occasion第3题English language publications in China are growing in volume and ______.A circulationB rotationC circumstanceD appreciation第4题Dust storms most often occur in areas where the ground has little vegetation to protect of the wind.A from the effectsB it the effectsC it from the effectsD the effects from it第5题On turning the comer, they saw the path ______ steeply.A departingB descendingC decreasing第6题Most nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are aA scarcityB minorityC minimum第7题With an eighty-hour week and little enjoyment, life must have been very for the students.A hostileB anxiousC tediousD obscure第8题Container-grown plants can be planted at any time of the year, but ______ in winter.A should beB would beC preferredD preferably第9题Hydroponics ______ the cultivation of plants without soil.A doesB isC doD are第10题In the eighteenth century, the town of Bennington, Vermont, was famous for pottery.A it madeB itsC the makingD where its第11题To impose computer technology ______ teachers is to create an environment that is not conducive to learning.A withB toC inD on第12题Good pencil erasers are soft enough not ______ paper but hard enough so that they crumble gradually when used.A by damagingB so that they damageC to damageD damaging第13题Both longitude and latitude ______ in degrees, minutes and seconds.A measuringB measuredC are measuredD being measured第14题Our flight to Guangzhou was ______ by a bad fog and we had to stay much longer in the hotel than we had expected.A delayedB adjournedC cancelledD preserved第15题______ of his childhood home in Hannibal, Missouri, provided Mark Twain with the inspiration for two of his most popular novels.A RememberingB MemoriesC It was the memoriesD He remembered第16题Most comets have two kinds of tails, one made up of dust, ______ made up of electrically charged particles called plasma.A one anotherB the otherC other onesD each other第17题We have had to raise the prices of our products because of the increase in the cost of materials.A primitiveB roughC originalD raw第18题______ a language family is a group of languages with a common origin and similar vocabulary, grammar, and sound system.A What linguists callB It is called by linguistsC Linguists call itD What do linguists call第19题______ get older, the games they play become increasingly complex.A ChildrenB Children, when theyC As childrenD For children to第20题Whenever the government increases public services, ______ because more workers are needed to carry out these services.A employment to riseB employment risesC which rising employmentD the rise of employment二、Vocabulary Replacement(本大题15小题.每题1.0分,共15.0分。



catti三级笔译综合能力考试试题及答案解析(一)一、Vocabulary Selection(本大题15小题.每题1.0分,共15.0分。

)(In thispart, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are fourwords or phrases respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only one right answer. )第1题Since writing home to their parents for money, they had lived ________hope.A inB forC onD through第2题________get older, the games they play become increasingly complex.A ChildrenB Children, when theyC As childrenD For children to第3题Martin has created enough memorable ________to make it easy to forgive his lows.A youngstersB noblesC highsD miserables第4题Oranges are a ________source of vitamin C.A wellC goodD very第5题All students have free________to the library.A passagewayB entranceC permissionD access第6题I''m so tired that I can''t take ________what you''re saying.A upB outC inD on第7题Rice is the ________food of most Southeast Asians.A commonB generalC stapleD popular第8题What they never take into account is the frazzled woman who is leadinga________life — trying to be a good mother while having to pretend at work that she doesn''t have kids at all.B hardC two-wayD miserable第9题Good pencil erasers are soft enough not ________paper but hard enough so that they crumble gradually when used.A by damagingB so that they damageC to damageD damaging第10题We were working________time to get everything ready for the exhibition.A againstB inC onD ahead第11题Our flight to Guangzhou was ________by a bad fog and we had to stay much longer in the hotel than we had expected.A delayedB adjournedC cancelledD preserved________pollution control measures are expensive, many industries hesitate to adopt them.A AlthoughB HoweverC BecauseD On account of第13题Leading stress management experts say that life with stress would be dulland________.A disorderlyB time-consumingC fruitlessD unexciting第14题This book is full of practical ________on home repair.A helpsB tipsC aidsD clues第15题The speaker ________have criticized the paraprofessionals, knowing full well that they were seated in the audience.A should not toB must notC ought not toD may not二、Vocabulary Replacement(本大题13小题.每题1.0分,共13.0分。



英译汉:NARSAQ, Greenland — As icebergs in the Kayak Harbor pop and hiss while melting away,this remote Arctic town and its culture are also disappearing in a changing climate.格陵兰岛纳萨克——随着皮艇港(Kayak Harbor)的冰山在融化过程中发出嘶嘶的响声,这座偏远的北极小镇和它的文化,也正在随着气候变化而消失。

Narsaq’s largest employer, a shrimp factory, closed a few years ago after the crustaceans fled north to cooler water. Where once there were eight commercial fishing vessels, there is now one.纳萨克最大的用工企业,一家虾厂,几年前倒闭了,原因是虾蟹都逃往了北方更寒冷的水域。


As a result, the population here, one of southern Greenland’s major towns, has been halved to 1,500 in just a decade. Suicides are up.因此,作为格陵兰岛南部主要城镇之一,纳萨克的人口在短短十年中降至1500人,减少了一半。


Andrew Testa for The New York Times格陵兰岛的一个渔民驾船驶过正在融化的冰山。

“Fishing is the heart of this town,” said Hans Kaspersen, 63, a fisherman. “Lots of people have lost their livelihoods.”“捕鱼是这个小镇的核心。

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CATTI三级笔译综合能力考试试题及答案解析(三)一、Vocabulary Selection(本大题20小题.每题1.0分,共20.0分。

In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are four words or phrases respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only one right answer. )第1题Marketing is ______ just distributing goods from the manufacturer to the final customer.A rather thanB other thanC bigger thanD more than第2题The magician picked several persons ______ from the audience and asked them to help him with the performance.A by accidentB at randomC on occasion第3题English language publications in China are growing in volume and ______.A circulationB rotationC circumstanceD appreciation第4题Dust storms most often occur in areas where the ground has little vegetation to protect of the wind.A from the effectsB it the effectsC it from the effectsD the effects from it第5题On turning the comer, they saw the path ______ steeply.A departingB descendingC decreasing第6题Most nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are aA scarcityB minorityC minimum第7题With an eighty-hour week and little enjoyment, life must have been very for the students.A hostileB anxiousC tediousD obscure第8题Container-grown plants can be planted at any time of the year, but ______ in winter.A should beB would beC preferredD preferably第9题Hydroponics ______ the cultivation of plants without soil.A doesB isC doD are第10题In the eighteenth century, the town of Bennington, Vermont, was famous for pottery.A it madeB itsC the makingD where its第11题To impose computer technology ______ teachers is to create an environment that is not conducive to learning.A withB toC inD on第12题Good pencil erasers are soft enough not ______ paper but hard enough so that they crumble gradually when used.A by damagingB so that they damageC to damageD damaging第13题Both longitude and latitude ______ in degrees, minutes and seconds.A measuringB measuredC are measuredD being measured第14题Our flight to Guangzhou was ______ by a bad fog and we had to stay much longer in the hotel than we had expected.A delayedB adjournedC cancelledD preserved第15题______ of his childhood home in Hannibal, Missouri, provided Mark Twain with the inspiration for two of his most popular novels.A RememberingB MemoriesC It was the memoriesD He remembered第16题Most comets have two kinds of tails, one made up of dust, ______ made up of electrically charged particles called plasma.A one anotherB the otherC other onesD each other第17题We have had to raise the prices of our products because of the increase in the cost of materials.A primitiveB roughC originalD raw第18题______ a language family is a group of languages with a common origin and similar vocabulary, grammar, and sound system.A What linguists callB It is called by linguistsC Linguists call itD What do linguists call第19题______ get older, the games they play become increasingly complex.A ChildrenB Children, when theyC As childrenD For children to第20题Whenever the government increases public services, ______ because more workers are needed to carry out these services.A employment to riseB employment risesC which rising employmentD the rise of employment二、Vocabulary Replacement(本大题15小题.每题1.0分,共15.0分。

This part consists of 15 sentences in which one word or phrase is underlined. Below each sentence, there are four choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. You are to select the ONE choice that can replace the underlined word without causing any grammatical error or changing the principal meaning of the sentence. There is only one right answer. )第1题Public relations practice is the deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organization and its public.A completeB relatedC intentionalD active第2题The service economy doesn't suggest that we convert our factories into laundries to survive.A implyB persuadeC hurlD transform第3题The ultimate cause of the Civil War was the bombardment of Fort Sumter.A onlyB finalC trueD special第4题Most species of this plant thrive in ordinary well-drained garden soil and they are best planted 8cm deep and 5cm apart.A develop wellB grow tallerC matureD bear fruit第5题Jim was a stout old gentleman, with a weather-beaten countenance.A bodyB skinC shoulderD passionate interest第6题The use of the new technology will have a profound effect on schools.A negativeB positiveC strongD useful第7题He has a touch of eccentricity in his composition.A essayB writingC characterD manner第8题The most striking technological success in the 20th century is probably the computer revolution.A profitableB productiveC prominentD prompt第9题Shellfish give the deceptive appearance of enjoying a peaceful existence, although in fact life is a constant struggle for them.A misleadingB calmC understandableD initial第10题Motivation is the driving force within individuals that impels them to action.A impedesB interferesC holdsD pushes第11题Scientific evidence from different disciplines demonstrates that in most humans the left hemisphere of the brain controls language.A groups of followersB yearsC countriesD fields of study第12题If we look at the Chinese and British concepts of hospitality, we find one major similarity but a number of important differences.A hostilityB friendlinessC mannerD culture第13题It was rather strange how the habits of his youth clung to him still. He was 72.A stuck toB turnedC led toD gave way to第14题In just three years, the Net has gone from a playground for the local people to a vast communications and trading center where millions swap information or do deals around the world.A businessB shoppingC chattingD meeting第15题No hero of ancient or modem days can surpass the Indians with their lofty contempt of death and the fortitude with which they sustain its cruelest affliction.A regardB courageC lossD trick三、Correcting Grammatical Errors(本大题14小题.每题1.0分,共14.0分。
