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潮州大鲍翅Braised shark’s fin with chiu chow specials

原只水鱼燉鲍翅Double-boiled superior shark’s fin with water fish

菜胆燉鲍翅Shark’s fin with vegetable in soup

鲜参乌鸡燉鲍翅Double-boiled superior shark’s fin with chicken and ginsing

原粒柱脯鸡燉翅Doubled-boiled superior shark’s fin with chicken and conpoy in soup

桂花炒鱼翅Stir-fried shark’s fin with scrambled egg

海鲜鱼翅盆braised shark’s fin with seafood in box

红烧龙芽官燕braised imperial bird’s nest with sprinkle of minced ham

鲍鱼燉官燕Double-boiled imperial bird’s nest with abalone

白花燕窝卷Braised bamboo pith stuffed with bird’s nest

二、鲍鱼金鼎大网鲍(4-6头)Braised supreme abalone(4-6 head)

蚝皇原只禾麻鲍Braised whole fresh abalone in oyster sauce

鹅掌扣鲍角Braised abalone with goose web

金华麒麟鲍片Steamed shredded abalone with mushrooms “yunnan” ham, and vegetable 果盏锦绣鲍丁Sauteed diced abalone with cashew-nuts in cup

蒜香中谷玉环Braised whole conpoy with garlic and vegetable

碧绿金珠婆参Braised sea cucumber with quail’s egg and vegetable

金瑞瓢香Braised water fish with conpoy


活带子Scallop 蒜茸蒸,岐汁蒸(steamed with garlic; steamed with black bean)

活乡螺Sea whelk 油炮,白灼,生炒,烧金华火腿(sautéed; boiled; stir-fried; roasted with “jinhua” ham)

红蟹Spotted crab 冻蟹,清蒸,油炮,上汤局,煮粥(cold; steamed; sauteed; sautéed with soup; in congee )

羔蟹Roe crab 清蒸,岐汁蒸,姜葱,煮粥(steamed; sarteed with chili& pepper in black bean sauce; baked with ginger and scallion)

肉蟹Green crab 清蒸,岐椒,姜葱(steamed/sautéed with chili& pepper in black bean sauce; baked with ginger and scallion)

龙虾(总厨推荐,即点即蒸)Lobster steamed in authentic chiu chow style (Our chef’s special recommendation and prepared the order)

潮州大龙虾Lobster with chiu chow style

金牌酿插虾Sauteed shrimp in spicy salt


咸柠檬燉水鸭Double-boiled duck soup with salted lemon

咸菜胡椒燉白鳝Double-boiled eel filet with pepper corn &vegetable

青竹笙醉菇汤Double-boiled black mushroom with bamboo pith

咸菜凉瓜花蟹汤Double-boiled crab with bitter squash & vegetable

肉碎紫菜汤Assorted meat with sea weed in soup

青竹笙厚菇双丸汤Double-boiled beef &fish balls and mushroom with bamboo pith

芦笋鸡片汤Double-boiled sliced chicken with asparagus


食油皇咸肉吊片Sauteed squid with salted pork in soya

豆食中芹炒牛肉Stir-fried sliced beef with Chinese celery in black bean sauce

灼银芽沙茶肥牛肉Poached sliced beef in satay sauce served on bean sprouts

榄菜肉碎四季豆Stir-fried seasonal bean with minced meat and preserved olive leaves

椒酱肉碎Fried diced pork with pepper and chili sauce

干炸酸甜稞肉Deep-fried pork in sweet and sour sauce

梅菜扣肉煲Braised sliced pork brisket with preserved cabbage

时菜炒牛肉丸Stir-fried beef balls in seasonal vegetable

川椒牛肉Stir-fried sliced beef in spices chili sauce


潮式炒鸽崧Stir-fried minced pigeon in chiu chow style

川椒乳鸽脯sautéed pigeon breast with chili garnished with crispy pearl vegetable

普宁豆酱局鸡Baked chicken in yellow bean sauce
