

【最新2018】英文合同阅读指南-易修改word版 (42页)

【最新2018】英文合同阅读指南-易修改word版 (42页)

【最新2018】英文合同阅读指南-易修改word版本文部分内容来自网络,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将予以删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可随意编辑修改! ==英文合同阅读指南英文合同解读技巧第一章英文合同概述(General Introduction)In view of all this, we are making a binding agreement, putting it in writing, and our leaders, our Levites and our priests are affixing their seals to it.(Nehemiah BIBLE NIV) 因这一切的事,我们立确实的约,写在册上。







挪亚方舟就是籍着上帝与挪亚的契约而建造的:But with thee will I establish my covenant; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee. (但我要与你立约,你以及你的儿子、妻子和儿媳,要与你一同进入方舟。

)第一节合同与协议(Contract and Agreement)而在现代英语合同中,合同一般称为Contract,协议一般称为Agreement。



最新热门英文合同范文(中英文)7篇篇1合同协议本合同由以下两方签订:甲方:(以下简称“甲方”)乙方:(以下简称“乙方”)鉴于甲、乙双方本着互惠互利、平等自愿的原则,经友好协商,就甲方与乙方之间的合作事宜达成如下协议:一、合作事项及内容(英文合同版)THIS CONTRACT IS MADE BY AND BETWEEN:Party A: (hereinafter referred to as "Party A")Party B: (hereinafter referred to as "Party B")WHEREAS, Party A and Party B, based on the principles of mutual benefit, equality and free will, have entered into friendly consultation on the cooperation between them, and have agreed upon the following terms and conditions for the cooperation:Article 1: Matters of Cooperation and Contents1. Cooperation matters: _________________ (Insert specific matters of cooperation)2. Scope of cooperation: _________________ (Define the scope of cooperation)二、合同双方的责任与义务(英文合同版)Article 2: Responsibilities and Obligations of Both Parties1. Party A shall:a. Provide _________________ (Insert specific services or products) to Party B.b. Ensure the quality of the services or products provided meets the agreed standards.c. Provide necessary technical support and after-sales service.2. Party B shall:a. Pay for the services or products provided by Party A in accordance with the agreed terms of payment.b. Provide necessary information and assistance to Party A for the performance of its duties.c. Use the services or products provided by Party A exclusively for the agreed purpose.三、合同金额及支付方式(英文合同版)Contract Amount and Payment TermsArticle 3: Contract Amount and Payment Terms篇2合同协议合同编号:【编号】甲方:【甲方名称】乙方:【乙方名称】鉴于甲、乙双方本着平等、自愿、公平的原则,经友好协商,就【合作事项名称】达成如下协议:一、合同双方基本信息甲方:【甲方名称】,注册地址:【注册地址】,法定代表人:【法定代表人姓名】。



精选英文合同范文3篇篇1合同编号:XXXXXXXXXX甲方(雇主):___________________地址:___________________________联系方式:_______________________乙方(雇员):___________________地址:___________________________联系方式:_______________________鉴于甲方需要雇佣乙方从事相关工作,根据平等、自愿、公平的原则,甲乙双方经过友好协商,达成如下协议:一、工作内容及职责1. 乙方应按照甲方的要求,履行以下工作职责:_________________________________________________。

(此处详细列举工作职责和具体要求)2. 乙方的工作地点为:____________________________________________________________________ ___。

3. 乙方的工作时间为:____________________________________________________________________ ___。

二、薪酬及福利待遇1. 甲方应按照国家的有关规定,支付乙方的工资报酬,具体数额为:_________________________________。

2. 甲方应按时足额支付乙方的工资,不得拖欠。

3. 除基本薪资外,乙方有权享受国家法律规定的各项福利待遇及甲方规定的福利政策。

三、合同期限1. 本合同自双方签字之日起生效,至完成约定的工作任务或合同终止条件出现时终止。

2. 合同期限为______年,自______年______月______日至______年______月______日。

四、保密条款1. 乙方在工作期间及离职后,应对涉及甲方商业机密的信息严格保密,不得泄露。

2. 如乙方违反保密义务,应承担相应的法律责任,并赔偿甲方因此遭受的损失。



第一章英文合同概述(General Introduction)In view of all this, we are making a binding agreement, putting it in writing, and our leaders, our Levites and our priests are affixing their seals to it.(Nehemi ah BIBLE NIV)因这一切的事,我们立确实的约,写在册上。







挪亚方舟就是籍着上帝与挪亚的契约而建造的:But with thee will I establish m y covenant; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee. (但我要与你立约,你以及你的儿子、妻子和儿媳,要与你一同进入方舟。

)第一节合同与协议(Contract and Agreement)而在现代英语合同中,合同普通称为Contract,协议普通称为Agreement。

那么Contract和Agreement是一回事吗?他们之间又有什么关系呢?《中华人民共和国民法通则》第85条规定:“合同是当事人之间设立、变更、终止民事关系的协议”(A contract shall be an agreement whereby the parties establish, change or terminate their civil relationship)。




例如:CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION SERVICESDate of Contract: [Date]This contract is made etween [Name of arty A], with its registered office at [Address], and [Name of arty ], with its registered office at [Address].合同应详细阐述项目的范围、双方的责任与义务、工程进度计划、支付条款、变更订单处理、违约责任、保险要求、争议解决机制等关键条款。

例如,在描述项目范围时,可以这样写:SCOE OF WORKarty agrees to rovide the following construction services for arty A in accordance with the lans, secifications, and other requirements set forth in Exhiit A attached hereto. The services shall include, ut not e limited to, [secific services such as site rearation, foundation construction, etc.].在责任与义务方面,双方的角色和期望应该明确无误:RESONSIILITIES AND OLIGATIONSarty A shall e resonsile for roviding all necessary ermits and arovals required for the roject. arty shall ensure that all work is erformed in a manner consistent with industry standards and in comliance with all alicale laws and regulations.支付条款是合同中最为关键的部分之一,应当详细说明付款方式、时间和条件:AYMENT TERMSayment for the services rendered under this contract shall e made in accordance with the ayment schedule outlined in Exhiit . Interim ayments shall e made ased on rogress reorts sumitted y arty and aroved y arty A.合同还应包含如何处理变更订单的条款,以应对项目实施过程中可能出现的变动:CHANGE ORDERSAny changes to the scoe of work or services required under this contract must e agreed uon in writing y oth arties and shall e suject to additional charges as determined y mutual agreement.合同应当明确争议解决的途径,包括首选的协商解决方式和最终可能采取的法律途径:DISUTE RESOLUTIONAny disute arising from or related to this contract shall first e attemted to e resolved through friendly negotiation etween the arties. If negotiation fails, the disute may e sumitted to aritration or resolved through litigation in accordance with the laws of [jurisdiction].。



英文合同要点English Contract Highlights:1. Parties: The contract should clearly identify the parties involved, including their legal names, addresses, and any relevant contact information.2. Effective Date and Term: The contract should specify the effective date when the agreement becomes binding, as well as the duration or term of the contract.3. Scope of Work: The contract should define the scopeof work or services to be provided, including any specific deliverables, timelines, and responsibilities of each party.4. Compensation and Payment Terms: The contract should outline the compensation or fees to be paid, including the payment schedule, method of payment, and any applicable taxes or fees.5. Confidentiality: The contract should include a confidentiality clause that prohibits the parties from disclosing any sensitive or proprietary informationobtained during the course of the agreement.6. Intellectual Property: The contract should address the ownership and use of any intellectual property, such as copyrights, patents, or trademarks, that may be developed or used during the course of the agreement.7. Termination: The contract should specify the conditions under which the agreement can be terminated, including any notice requirements or penalties.8. Liability and Indemnification: The contract should outline the liability and indemnification provisions, including any limitations on liability and the responsibilities of each party in the event of a dispute or claim.9. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution: The contract should specify the governing law that will apply to the agreement and the process for resolving any disputes that may arise, such as through mediation or arbitration.10. Miscellaneous Provisions: The contract may include other standard provisions, such as force majeure, assignment, and severability clauses, to address various contingencies and ensure the enforceability of the agreement.中文合同要点:1. 当事方: 合同应明确识别参与各方的法定名称、地址和相关联系方式。


May, shall , must ,may not (或shall not)对学 过英语的人再熟悉不过,但在合同中用这些词时要极
其谨慎。权利义务的约定部分构成了合同的主体。这 几个词如选用不当,可能会引起纠纷。
May 旨在约定当事人的权利(可以做什么),shall约 定当事人的义务(应当做什么), must 用于强制性义 务(必须做什么),may not (或shall not)用于禁止 性义务(不得做什么)。
WHEREAS…THEREFORE … It is hereby agreed as follows:
或以: WITNESSETH, WHEREAS… NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties hereby covenant and agree as follows:
2、正式用语(Formal Terms) 合同英语有着严肃的风格,与其它英语作品有很大不 同。例如:
“因为”的短语多用“by virtue of”,远远多于 “due to”一般不用“because of”; “财务年度末”一般用“at the close of the fiscal year”,而不用“in the end of the fiscal year”; “在……之前”一般用“prior to”,而不用 “before”; “关于”常用“as regards”,“concerning”或 “relating to”,而不会用“about”; “事实上”用“in effect”,而不用“in fact”;
party a wishes to be released and discharged from agreement as from the effective date”,一句中的“release”和 “discharge”意思几乎相同。






二、合同条款1. 合同名称:中文:国际商品买卖合同英文:International Sales Contract2. 合同双方:卖方:ABC贸易公司地址:XX街道XX号,XX城市,XX国家英文:Seller: ABC Trading CompanyAddress: XX Street, No. XX, XX City, XX Country买方:XYZ进出口公司地址:XX街道XX号,XX城市,XX国家英文:Buyer: XYZ Import and Export CompanyAddress: XX Street, No. XX, XX City, XX Country3. 商品描述:中文:商品种类、规格、数量、质量标准等详细描述英文:Detailed description of the goods, including type, specifications, quantity, quality standards, etc.4. 交货方式:中文:卖方负责将商品交付给买方,交货方式为XX(如:海运、空运、陆运等)英文:The seller shall be responsible for delivering the goods to the buyer, using XX method of delivery (e.g. sea freight, air freight, land transportation, etc.).5. 交货地点:中文:商品交付的具体地点英文:Place of delivery for the goods6. 价格与支付方式:中文:商品价格、货币单位、支付方式等详细说明英文:Detailed explanation of the price, currency unit, payment method, etc.7. 检验与验收:中文:商品检验的标准和程序,以及验收的要求英文:Standards and procedures for goods inspection, as well as acceptance requirements8. 运输保险:中文:运输保险的责任承担方和范围英文:Party responsible for transportation insurance and coverage9. 违约责任:中文:违约方需要承担的责任和赔偿方式英文:Liabilities and compensation methods for breach of contract10. 争议解决:中文:合同争议解决的方式,如仲裁、诉讼等英文:Methods of dispute resolution, such as arbitration, litigation, etc.11. 合同生效:中文:合同生效的时间和方式英文:Effective date and method of the contract12. 其他条款:中文:其他双方约定的条款,如合同解除、修订、附加条款等英文:Other terms agreed upon by both parties, such as contract termination, amendment, additional clauses, etc.三、合同签署中文:本合同一式两份,卖方和买方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。



英文合同模板(优秀4篇)英文合同篇一Party A (Inviter):甲方(邀请方):Person in Charge:负责人:Phone: 电话:Party B (Performer):Festival Chamber Orchestra 乙方(演出方):节日室内乐团Person in Charge:负责人:Phone: 电话:As Party A requested, Party B will provide orchestra performance service for Party A. The contract of the performance service is as following after friendly negotiation between the two parties:受甲方委托,乙方为甲方提供管弦乐演出服务。

经双方友好协商,特签署如下演出服务合同:I. BASIC CONDITIONS: 基本概述:A, Number of people in the performance: 演出人数:B, Venue of the performance: 演出地点:C, Time of the performance: year/month/date/time____ (All the performers will arrive at the venue 15 minutes prior to the start of the performance. Each performance will be within 90 minutes. There include 10 minutes break between the two halves. Extra times performance required by Part A cost extra pro rata.)演出时间:____年___ 月___日(演出人员提前15分钟到现场,每场演出时间为90分钟之内,包括中间休息10分钟。




合同编号: [合同编号]合同日期: [合同日期]合同双方:甲方:[甲方全称]乙方:[乙方全称]合同内容:1. 定义1.1 “本合同”指本英文合同范本。

1.2 “甲方”指合同中的第一方。

1.3 “乙方”指合同中的第二方。

1.4 “服务”指本合同项下乙方应向甲方提供的服务。

1.5 “合同期限”指本合同自生效之日起至终止之日止的期限。

2. 服务内容[具体服务内容]3. 服务费用[具体费用及支付方式]4. 交付与验收4.1 乙方应在合同期限内完成服务,并确保服务质量符合甲方的要求。

4.2 甲方应在收到乙方提供的服务后,及时进行验收。

5. 保密条款5.1 双方应对在合同执行过程中获取的对方商业秘密、技术秘密和其他机密信息予以保密。

5.2 保密期限自本合同终止之日起算,持续 [保密期限] 年。

6. 知识产权6.1 本合同项下产生的知识产权归甲方所有。

6.2 乙方在提供服务过程中所使用的甲方知识产权,未经甲方书面同意,不得用于其他目的。

7. 违约责任7.1 如任何一方违反本合同的约定,应承担违约责任,向对方支付违约金,并赔偿因此造成的损失。

8. 争议解决8.1 双方在履行本合同过程中发生的争议,应通过友好协商解决。

8.2 如协商不成,任何一方均有权向 [仲裁机构] 提交仲裁。

9. 合同期限与终止9.1 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,有效期为 [合同期限]。

9.2 在合同期限内,如双方同意提前终止合同,应书面通知对方。

9.3 合同终止后,双方仍应履行本合同项下的保密义务。











英文合同的基本要素1. 合同主体英文合同须明确合同主体,即双方签署合同的具体单位或个人,包括甲方和乙方。


2. 合同目的英文合同应清晰地表述合同的目的,即提供的产品或服务,以及达成协议的具体条件和期限等。


3. 条款和条目英文合同中采用的是具有法律效力的方法,即条款和条目。


4. 赔偿责任英文合同中一般有特定的赔偿责任条款,详细说明在发生问题时各方的赔偿责任。


英文合同翻译的要求1. 语言表现英文作为国际通行的商务语言,对语言表现要求非常高,因此翻译时需要做到语句清晰、简洁明了、词汇准确、语态正确,以确保在翻译过程中不会遗漏或误解合同中的信息。

2. 落款和签字英文合同在落款和签字方面有着具体的要求,翻译员需要注意到这一点,避免漏掉重要的法律术语或文化习惯。


3. 法律术语英文合同有很多特定的法律术语,如“Indemnify”、“Remedy”、“Liability”等。


4. 形容词和副词表达英文合同在描述具体条款和条件时通常采用形容词和副词的方式进行表达,翻译时需要特别注意。


英文合同翻译的难点1. 法律术语英文合同中的法律术语具有复杂性、严密性与技术性性质,这要求翻译员具备扎实的法律知识和语言翻译能力,在翻译过程中,要善于借助各种工具和资源,比如专业词汇词典等。








三、各方的权利和义务(一)甲方的权利和义务1. 甲方有权获得合作带来的预期利益。

2. 甲方应按时履行合同中规定的各项义务。

3. 甲方应提供必要的技术支持和人员配合,确保项目顺利进行。

4. 甲方有权对项目执行情况进行监督和检查。

(二)乙方的权利和义务1. 乙方有权获得合作带来的预期利益。

2. 乙方应按时履行合同中规定的各项义务。

3. 乙方应确保所提供的产品和服务符合合同约定的质量要求。



英文合同范文模板5篇篇1商业合作协议Agreement for Business Collaboration本协议于XXXX年XX月XX日在_____________(地点)由以下两方签订:This Agreement is made on the ________ Day of ________ at ________ and is entered into by and between the following parties:甲方:________________(以下简称“甲方”)Party A: ________________ (hereinafter referred to as "Party A")乙方:________________(以下简称“乙方”)Party B: ________________ (hereinafter referred to as "Party B")鉴于甲、乙双方共同意愿和互惠互利的原则,经友好协商,就以下合作事项达成协议:WHEREAS, Party A and Party B, through friendly consultation, have agreed on the following collaboration matters in view of their common intentions and the principles of mutual benefit:一、合作宗旨与目的Article 1: Purpose and Objective of Collaboration双方本着相互信任、精诚合作的原则,开展在____________领域的长期合作,实现共赢。

Both parties shall carry out long-term cooperation in the field of ________ based on mutual trust and sincere cooperation to achieve win-win results.二、合作事项及内容Article 2: Matters and Contents of Collaboration1. 合作事项:____________(项目/业务名称)Collaborative matter: ________________ (Project/Business Name)2. 合作内容:双方共同进行____________项目的开发、实施及运营。



合同概述英语作文Contract Overview。

A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties that outlines the terms and conditions of a specific transaction or relationship. Contracts can cover a wide range of topics, from the sale of goods or services to employment relationships, partnerships, and more.The key elements of a contract include the parties involved, the subject matter of the contract, the terms and conditions of the agreement, and any other relevant details such as payment schedules, delivery dates, and dispute resolution procedures.Contracts are essential for protecting the interests of all parties involved in a transaction or relationship. They provide a clear framework for how business will be conducted and help to prevent misunderstandings or disputes that could arise in the absence of a formal agreement.When drafting a contract, it is important to ensurethat all parties fully understand the terms and conditions of the agreement before signing. This may involve seeking legal advice or negotiating specific clauses to ensure that the contract is fair and reasonable for all parties involved.In the event of a breach of contract, there are a range of legal remedies available to the injured party, including damages, specific performance, and termination of the agreement. However, it is always preferable to avoid disputes and litigation by ensuring that contracts are clear, concise, and mutually beneficial.Overall, contracts are an essential tool for conducting business and building successful relationships. By taking the time to draft and negotiate a well-crafted contract, parties can protect their interests and ensure a positive outcome for all involved.仿写:Contract Overview。



英文合同概述英文合同与合同概述首部:non-operative part正文:operative part尾部:recital证明部分:attestation签字:signature附件:appendix英文合同的分类谅解备忘录或合作备忘录:memorandum of understanding,简称MOU,或memorandum框架性协议/意向性协议/合作意向书:heads of agreement,简称HOA或memorandum of agreement,简称MOA意向书:letter of intent,简称LOI初步协议:preliminary agreement君子协议:gentlemen's agreement订单:order章程:articles of association (中国常用表述法)或articles of incorporation合同初稿:draft contract正式合同:contract合同修改稿:amended contract, amendment to contract口头合同:oral/parole contract书面合同:written contract诺成合同:consensual contract实践合同:real contract要式合同:formal contract不要式合同:informal contract单务合同:unilateral contract双务合同:bilateral contract主合同:principal contract从合同:accessory contract要因合同:causative contract不要因合同:non-causative contract可替换合同:commutative contract独立合同:independent contract明示合同:express contract隐含合同:implied contract可分合同:divisible contract/severable contract 不可分合同:indivisible contract/entire contract 已履行合同:executed contract待履行合同:executory contract无偿合同:gratuitous contract有偿合同:onerous contract确定合同:certain contract射幸合同:hazardous contract非盖印合同:simple contract盖印合同:contract under seal连带合同:joint and several contract附条件合同:conditional contract推定合同:constructive contract投资合同:investment contract无限制合同:open end contract准合同:quasi contract利他合同:altruistic contract用于政府采购的照本加成合同:cost-plus contract买卖合同:sales contract电、水、气、热力供应合同:contract for supply of power, water, gas or heat赠与合同:gift contract借款合同:contract for loan of money租赁合同:leasing contracts融资租赁合同:financial leasing contracts承揽合同:work-for-hire contracts建设工程合同:contracts for construction projects 运输合同:carriage contract技术合同:technology contract保管合同:safe-keeping contract仓储合同:warehousing contract委托代理合同:agency appointment contract委托合同:trade trust contract行纪合同/居间合同:brokerage contract劳动合同:labor contract保密协议:confidentiality agreement竞业禁止协议:non-compete agreement人事代理协议:human agency agreement遗赠抚养协议:legacy-support agreement离婚协议:divorce agreement收养协议:adoption agreement商品房买卖合同:contract of sale for commodity houses租赁协议:tenancy agreement土地使用权出让、出租、转让合同:contract for assignment, lease and transfer of the right to the use of land抵押合同:mortgage contract贷款合同:loan contract物业管理合同:property management contract建筑工程建设安装承包合同:construction engineering and installation contract买卖合同:sales contract采购合同:purchase contract运输合同:carriage/transportation/forwarding contract进出口合同:import and export contract仓储保管合同:warehousing contract补偿贸易合同:contract for compensation trade 供应合同:supply agreement技术服务协议:technical service agreement技术咨询协议:technical consulting agreement 技术开发协议:technical development agreement 技术转让协议:technical service agreement许可协议:licensing agreement代理协议:agency agreement保险合同:insurance contract融资协议:financing agreement保理合同:factoring contract外包合同:outsourcing agreement提存协议:escrow/deposit agreement服务合同:service agreement风险投资管理协议:venture capital management agreement 合伙协议:partnership agreement股权转让协议:share transfer agreement和解协议:composition agreement法律顾问协议:employment contract for legal consultant 合资企业合同:joint venture contract公司设立备忘录:memorandum of incorporations备忘录或合作备忘录:memorandum公司设立协议:articles of incorporation章程:articles of association意向书:letter of intent意向性协议/框架性协议:heads of agreement初步协议:preliminary agreement提存协议:escrow agreement。



正确的英文合同范本1. 引言本合同是由甲方(以下简称“出让方”)和乙方(以下简称“受让方”)共同订立的,旨在约定双方在某项特定交易或业务方面的权利和义务。


2. 合同背景出让方是一家拥有合法经营资格的企业,拥有在特定领域的专业知识和经验。


3. 合同条款3.1 目的本合同的目的是明确出让方与受让方之间的权利和义务,进一步促进双方在特定交易或业务方面的合作和发展。

3.2 合作内容出让方将提供以下合作内容给受让方:•专业知识和经验分享;•市场分析和调研;•产品或服务的合作与开发;•其他双方商定的合作内容。

3.3 合作期限本合同的合作期限为从合同签订之日起至【指定日期】为止。


3.4 合作义务3.4.1 出让方的责任和义务•出让方应提供准确、及时、有效的专业知识和经验;•出让方应为受让方提供必要的培训和技术支持;•出让方应保护受让方的商业秘密和知识产权。

3.4.2 受让方的责任和义务•受让方应按时支付合作费用;•受让方应协助出让方开展市场调研和推广工作;•受让方应保护出让方的商业秘密和知识产权。

3.5 合作费用和支付方式双方商定,受让方应向出让方支付合作费用。


3.6 保密条款双方同意在合作期间以及合作结束后继续保密对方的商业秘密和知识产权。


3.7 法律适用和争议解决本合同受到中华人民共和国相关法律法规的约束。



3.8 合同变更和解释本合同如有变更,应经双方书面同意并签署补充协议。

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盖印合同:contract under seal
连带合同:joint and several contract
附条件合同:conditional contract
推定合同:constructive contract
投资合同:investment contract
无限制合同:open end contract
许可协议:licensing agreement
代理协议:agency agreement
保险合同:insurance contract
融资协议:financing agreement
保理合同:factoring contract
外包合同:outsourcing agreement
提存协议:escrow/deposit agreement
服务合同:service agreement
风险投资管理协议:venture capital management agreement
合伙协议:partnership agreement
股权转让协议:share transfer agreement
框架性协议/意向性协议/合作意向书:heads of agreement,简称HOA或memorandum of agreement,简称MOA
意向书:letter of intent,简称LOI
初步协议:preliminary agreement
君子协议:gentlemen's agreement
章程:articles of association (中国常用表述法)或 articles of incorporation
合同初稿:draft contract
合同修改稿:amended contract, amendment to contract
和解协议:composition agreement
法律顾问协议:employment contract for legal consultant
合资企业合同:joint venture contract
公司设立备忘录:memorandum of incorporations
采购合同:purchase contract
运输合同:carriage/transportation/forwarding contract
进出口合同:import and export contract
仓储保管合同:warehousing contract
补偿贸易合同:contract for compensation trade
已履行合同:executed contract
待履行合同:executory contract
无偿合同:gratuitous contract
有偿合同:onerous contract
确定合同:certain contract
射幸合同:hazardous contract
非盖印合同:simple contract
口头合同:oral/parole contract
书面合同:written contract
诺成合同:consensual contract
实践合同:real contract
要式合同:formal contract
不要式合同:informal contract
单务合同:unilateral contract
供应合同:supply agreement
技术服务协议:technical service agreement
技术咨询协议:technical consulting agreement
技术开发协议:technical development agreement
技术转让协议:technical service agreement
公司设立协议:articles of incorporation
章程:articles of association
意向书:letter of intent
意向性协议/框架性协议:heads of agreement
初步协议:preliminary agreement
提存协议:escrow agreement
行纪合同/居间合同:brokerage contract
劳动合同:labor contract
保密协议:confidentiality agreement
竞业禁止协议:non-compete agreement
人事代理协议:human agency agreement
遗赠抚养协议:legacy-support agreement
离婚协议:divorce agreement
收养协议:adoption agreement
商品房买卖合同:contract of sale for commodity houses
租赁协议:tenancy agreement
土地使用权出让、出租、转让合同:contract for assignment, lease and transfer of the right to the use of land
双务合同:bilateral contract
主合同:principal contract
从合同:accessory contract
要因合同:causative contract
不要因合同:non-causative contract
可替换合同:commutative contract
赠与合同:gift contract
借款合同:contract for loan of money
租赁合同:leasing contracts
融资租赁合同:financial leasing contracts
承揽合同:work-for-hire contracts
建设工程合同:contracts for construction projects
抵押合同:mortgage contract
贷款合同:loan contract
物业管理合同:property management contract
建筑工程建设安装承包合同:construction engineering and installation contract
买卖合同:sales contract
独立合同:independent contract
明示合同:express contract
隐含合同:implied contract
可分合同:divisible contract/severable contract
不可分合同:indivisible contract/entire contract
运输合同:carriage contract
技术合同:technology contract
保管合同:safe-keeping contract
仓储合同:warehousing contract
委托代理合同:agency appointment contract
委托合同:trade trust contract
首部:non-operative part
正文:operative part 尾部:recital
谅解备忘录或合作备忘录:memorandum of understanding,简称MOU,或memorandum
准合同:quasi contract
利他合同:altruistic contract
用于政府采购的照本加成合同:cost-plus contract
买卖合同:sales contract
电、水、气、热力供应合同:contract for supply of power, water, gas or heat