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《Unit 8 Pets Integrated skills》






词汇: weigh, talk, noise, gram, brush, fur

词组: put------in the sun, once a day, grow up, make some noise

句型: How do you look after your dog?






预习课本P99-100, 翻译下面的词组。



2、睡在篮子里_______________________ 4、谈论不同的宠物_______________________


6、play with balls_______________________

7、my favourite pet ___________________8、like warm milk _______________________

9、be friendly and quiet_______________________10、weigh about 2 kilograms ______________


1. w ei gh [w ei] 重;有……重 weighs weighing weighed weight n. 重量

A goldfish can weigh up to 400 grams. 一条金鱼可以重达400克

weigh the carrots 称称胡萝卜的重量

It weighs about 20 kilos. =It is about 20 kilos in weight.=Its weight is 20kilos它重约20公斤。

How much does the goldfish weigh?=What’s the weight of the goldfish?=How heavy is the goldfish? 这条金鱼多重?

2. t al k [tɔ:k] n. 讲座,演讲可数名词give a talk 作报告 listen to a talk 听报告

3. n oi se [nɔɪz] n. 声音,响声;噪音不可数名词

Don’t make so much noise ! 别吵! make a noise 吵闹

Do they make any no ise ? 他们吵吗?

noise 的形容词是noisy 吵闹的,嘈杂的 a noisy street 一条嘈杂的街道

noisy 的副词是 noisily吵闹地,嘈杂地 They ran out noisily. 他们吵吵嚷嚷地跑出来了。



1. He gets fatter and fatter. So his parents worry about the ______________ (weigh) of him.

2. It is great ____________ (fun) to play with my dog.

3. I have two dog’s ____________ (brush). I can lend you one.

4. He often sings _____________ (happy) in the cage.

5. Kitty is afraid of _____________ (swim) in the sea.

6. What does the ______________ (speak) mean?

7. They said it ____________ (be) a busy and interesting day.

8. Don’t open the door. It is too ______________ (noise) outside.


1. We should try to study well. (同义句转换)

We should _______________ _________________ _______________ to study well.

2. The rabbit weighs two kilograms. (同义句转换)

The _____________ of _______________ _____________ is two kilograms.

3. You need to feed them once a day. (对划线部分提问)

_____________ ____________ ___________ I ____________ ___________ feed them?

4. The students bought some souvenirs on their way to school. (对划线部分提问)

____________ ___________ the students ____________ on their way to school?


Lucy was a salesgirl. She bought shoes from a shoe factory and 1 to sell them to people.

One day, she walked across a street. She stopped 2 of a house. There was a small boy beside the door. Lucy went to the boy and said, “Hello, is your mo ther 3 ?” The boy looked at her, then answered, “Yes, she is.”“That’s good!” Lucy said. She took some shoes and went to the door of the house. She knocked 4 the door, and waited for a few minutes but 5 came to open the door. Lucy knocked again, 6 still no one answered. Then Lucy looked 7 the small boy and said 8 , “Your mother is not at home!”“Yes, she is,”said the boy. Lucy was very surprised and asked, “ 9 didn’t she open the door?”“Because this isn’t my 10 !” the boy answered.

( )1. A. try B. tries C. to try D. tried

( )2. A. in front B. on front C. in the front D. before

( )3. A. out B. at C. in D. away

( )4. A. of B. at C. down D. in

( )5. A. someone B. somebody C. anybody D. nobody

( )6. A. and B. but C. so D. or

( )7. A. for B. at C. after D. up

( )8. A. happy B. happily C. angry D. angrily

( )9. A. Where B. Why C. When D. How

( )10. A. house B. home C. family D. room (4)阅读理解

Bees live in little houses made of wood (木制的). Each house has a very small door for them to come in and out. We call their houses hives(蜂箱). When the flowers of plants in the fields begin to come out, the bees fly away very early in the morning to get the sw eet juice of the flowers.

A bee has a long tongue. It goes into the flower to suck up the juice. Then it carries the juice to the hive , and turns it into honey(蜜). When the bee flies out to look for flowers it may go to places very far, but it never loses its way. When the rain comes down, the bee will hide in some little hole in a wall or among the leaves of a tree. When the sun comes out again, it will fly home.

Bees collect not only the juice but also the pollen(花粉)from inside the flowers . They carry the pollen home to make beebread for the young bees.

()1. We may guess the houses of the bees are like _____.

A. small buildings

B. big bag

C. balls

D. boxes ()2. Bees come out to _________ .

A. get the flower of plants

B. get only the juice of the flowers

C. get both the juice and the pollen

D. look for their hives
