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汉语中的许多成语,习语,读起来朗朗上口,听起来通俗易懂,用起来随心应手,尤其是四字成语,最为多见,数量也最多,约占汉语的90%以上。而英语是一种非常理性的语言,最看重清晰明确,最忌逻辑混乱与文字堆砌,不像汉语那样过分借重辞藻来加强文义,烘托氛围,所以将汉语中的四字成语翻译成英文会是一个很繁杂的工程。许多学者都是从汉语的构成结构为出发点,来研究其翻译的。但是这会出现许多的问题,这也是傅一勤在从《林语堂当代汉英词典》到《新时代汉英大词典》——以中文四字成语的英译为例这篇文章中提到的问题,因中文的四字成语常具有句子的形态,很容易让人把它当作一个独立的短句或谓语(即无主语的句子)来翻译,因此常造成在表面上看起来似乎没有问题、而在实际应用上却格格不入的翻译,完全不能适用,必须另起炉灶,重新翻译。比如明哲保身 use ones wits to ensure one’s own survival(and shirk moral responsibility);be worldly wise and play safe:

他一向信奉明哲保身的处世哲学。he has always believed in the philosophy of self-preservation.所以笔者认为从英译汉的角度来研究汉语四字成语的翻译会更恰当,更实用。


喉头哽咽:get a huge lump in one’s throat

迫不及待:could not wait for someone to do something

出乎意料:against all expectation, mike finished high school with top grades.

不出所料:the show lived up to all our expectations--- it was so wonderful.

梦中情人:mrs. green fields had hoped for a similar romance when she met her love on the internet.

衣着得体仪表堂堂:the man was well-dressed, and she was not disappointed in his physical appearance.

和谐相处共度一生:the lonely young woman felt she’d finally found the man with whom she can live with in harmony. 如意郎君:mr. right

失声痛哭:looking at my mom, i almost burst out crying. 经济拮据:i knew money was tight.

钻石戒指:there was a tiny ring with a diamond chip in the center.

言归正传: let’s get down to business.

点头同意:i could only nod my head in agreement.

百分之百同意:i’m 100% in agreement with you.

温柔和睿智:gentle wise spirit

毫无音信:a few weeks went by with no response.

收支平衡:make both ends meet

毫不例外:i was no different.

反过来讲:in return, tugs brought new meaning to the term adoration.

形影不离:wherever i went, he wanted to be there too,. 病入膏肓:two men ,both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room..

时机成熟:as soon as it seemed appropriate ,the other man asked if he could be moved next to the window.

美丽如画:the novelist’s vivid description made us imagine the picturesque and beautiful scenery at the shores.

生机勃勃:i like spring very much because it enlivens all nature.

轻而易举:michael was broke when he started his business,but now he can buy 10 houses for his mother with ease.

又惊又喜:at this news, the look on his face was a mixture of surprise and happiness.

束手无策:as he was digging, other helpless parents

arrived, clutching their hearts, saying:“my son, my daughter!”




[1]、杜瑞清,毕胜利.新希望大学英语综合教程[m]. 西北大学出版社,2011.

