

38代表腰围为:“2.9尺” 40代表腰围为:“3.0尺”
42代表腰围为:“3.1尺” 44代表腰围为:“3.2尺”
50代表腰围为:“3.4尺” 52代表腰围为:“3.5尺”
80表示代码为:“145” 81表示代码为:“150”
82表示代码为:“155” 83表示代码为:“160”

中国与欧美服装尺码换算参照表,非常实用哦服装尺码换算参照表,非常实用!服装尺码换算参照表女装(外衣、裙装、恤衫、上装、套装)标准尺码明细中国 (cm) 160-165/84-86 165-170/88-90 167-172/92-96 168-173/98-102 170-176/106-110国际 XS S M L XL美国 2 4-6 8-10 12-14 16-18欧洲 34 34-36 38-40 42 44男装(外衣、恤衫、套装)标准尺码明细中国 (cm) 165/88-90 170/96-98 175/108-110 180/118-122 185/126-130国际 S M L XL XXL男装(衬衫)标准尺码明细中国 (cm) 36-37 38-39 40-42 43-44 45-47国际 S M L XL XXL男装(裤装)标准尺码明细尺码 42 44 46 48 50腰围 68-72 cm 71-76 cm 75-80 cm 79-84 cm 83-88cm裤度 99 cm 101.5 cm 104 cm 106.5 cm 109 cm尺码:155、160、165、170、175155:腰围2尺0 臀围2尺6 裤长102CM 前档21厘米大腿围48CM 裤脚20CM 160:腰围2尺05 臀围2尺7 裤长103CM 前档21厘米大腿围49CM 裤脚21CM 165:腰围2尺1 臀围2尺8 裤长103CM 前档22厘米大腿围50CM 裤脚21CM 170:腰围2尺2 臀围2尺9 裤长104CM 前档22厘米大腿围52M 裤脚22CM 175:腰围2尺2 臀围2尺9 裤长105CM 前档23厘米大腿围54CM 裤脚22CM 关于衣服尺码标准:标号女装换算情况如下:XS 155 80A 8 34S 160 84A 10 36M 165 88A 12 38L 170 92A 14 40XL 175 96A 16 42XXL 180 100A 18 44标号男装换算情况如下:XS 160 100A 46S 165 105A 48M 170 110A 50L 175 115A 52XL 180 120A 54XXL 185 125A 56女裤腰围的换算情况如下:XS 150 5 25 适合1尺8腰围XS 155 6 26 适合1尺9腰围S 160 7 27 适合2尺腰围M 165 8 28 适合2尺1腰围L 170 9 29 适合2尺2腰围XL 175 10 30 适合2尺3腰围男裤腰围的换算情况如下:XXS 160 27 适合2尺腰围XS 165A 28 适合2尺1腰围S 165B 29 适合2尺2腰围M 170A 30 适合2尺3腰围L 170B 32 适合2尺4腰围XL 175A 34 适合2尺5腰围XXL 175B 36 适合2尺6腰围XXL 180 38 适合2尺7腰围衣服尺码对照表--鲁宾汉尺码对照表1、上装尺码为:01码表示代码为:“XXS” 02码表示代码为:“XS”03码表示代码为:“S” 04码表示代码为:“M”05码表示代码为:“L” 06码表示代码为:“XL”07码表示代码为:“XXL”2、茄克装尺码为:70表示代码为:“48”(M)71表示代码为:“50”(L)72表示代码为:“52”(XL)73表示代码为:“54”(XXL)3、裤装尺码为:26代表腰围为:“1.9尺” 27代表腰围为:“2.0尺”28代表腰围为:“2.1尺” 29代表腰围为:“2.2尺”30代表腰围为:“2.3尺” 31代表腰围为:“2.4尺”32代表腰围为:“2.5尺” 33代表腰围为:“2.6尺”34代表腰围为:“2.7尺” 36代表腰围为:“2.8尺”38代表腰围为:“2.9尺” 40代表腰围为:“3.0尺”42代表腰围为:“3.1尺” 44代表腰围为:“3.2尺”50代表腰围为:“3.4尺” 52代表腰围为:“3.5尺”54代表腰围为:“3.6尺”4、西服装尺码为:80表示代码为:“145” 81表示代码为:“150”82表示代码为:“155” 83表示代码为:“160”84表示代码为:“165” 85表示代码为:“170”86表示代码为:“175” 87表示代码为:“180”88表示代码为:“185”5、衬衣装尺码为:60表示代码为:“38” 61表示代码为:“39”62表示代码为:“40” 63表示代码为:“41”64表示代码为:“42” 65表示代码为:“43”66表示代码为:“44” 67表示代码为:“45”68表示代码为:“46”怎样识别服装的“号”和“型”全国服装的统一号型所说的“号”,是指人身高的厘米数,它影响到的部位是衣长、袖长、裤长;所说的“型”,指的是人的体围厘米数,它影响的部位是腰围、臀围。

韩国与衣服尺码说明 The document was finally revised on 2021
国际性XS S M L XL 韩国90 95 100 105 110 中国90 95 100 105 110
胸围(cm)72-79 86-92 98-104 109-115

中韩服装(男装,女装,童装)鞋类尺码对照表女装(上衣)韩国尺码44(85)55(90)66(95)77(100)88(105)99中国尺码155/80A160/84A165/88A170/92A175/96A180/100A 适合身高(cm)153~157158~162163~167168~172173~177177~180腰围(cm)62~6667~7071~7475~7980~8485~89胸围(cm)78~8182~856~8990~9394~9798~102肩宽(cm)363840424446女装(裤子)韩国尺码25262728293031中国腰围(市尺)1尺81尺92尺2尺12尺22尺32尺4腰围(cm)60636770737780臀围(cm)8387909397100103男装(上衣)韩国尺码90~9595~100100~105105~110>110中国尺码165/80A170/84A175/88A180/92A185/96A190/100A 适合身高(cm)163~167168~172173~177178~182182~187187~190腰围(cm)72~7576~7980~8485~8889~9293~96胸围(cm)82~8586~8990~9394~9798~102103~107肩宽(cm)424446485052男装(裤子)韩国尺码282930313233343638中国尺码(市尺)2尺2尺12尺22尺32尺42尺52尺62尺72尺8腰围(cm)677073778083979093臀围(cm)100102104106108110112118122女童装标准尺码尺码3(XS)5(s)7(M)9(L)111315年龄(岁)1~22~33~55~77~88~99~12身高(cm)7693110115120130140腰围(cm)47495152545658胸围(cm)48525556586264体重(KG)11141820222530男童装标准尺码尺码3579111315年龄(岁)1~22~33~55~77~88~99~12身高(cm)7895110115120130140腰围(cm)47515354565860胸围(cm)50545758606466体重(KG)11151821232530鞋韩国尺码(女鞋)230235240245250中国尺码3536373839韩国尺码(男鞋)245250255260265270275280中国尺码3839404142434445腐败网-可官网验证的韩国代购网站,提供真正的韩国服装品牌官网正品代购服务,官网正品,韩国直送,付款后,您的商品将在5~14天内从韩国发出直达您的指定地址,支持官网验证。

中国与欧美服装尺码换算参照表,非常实用哦服装尺码换算参照表,非常实用!服装尺码换算参照表女装(外衣、裙装、恤衫、上装、套装)标准尺码明细中国 (cm) 160-165/84-86 165-170/88-90 167-172/92-96 168-173/98-102 170-176/106-110国际 XS S M L XL美国 2 4-6 8-10 12-14 16-18欧洲 34 34-36 38-40 42 44男装(外衣、恤衫、套装)标准尺码明细中国 (cm) 165/88-90 170/96-98 175/108-110 180/118-122 185/126-130国际 S M L XL XXL男装(衬衫)标准尺码明细中国 (cm) 36-37 38-39 40-42 43-44 45-47国际 S M L XL XXL男装(裤装)标准尺码明细尺码 42 44 46 48 50腰围 68-72 cm 71-76 cm 75-80 cm 79-84 cm 83-88cm裤度 99 cm 101.5 cm 104 cm 106.5 cm 109 cm尺码:155、160、165、170、175155:腰围2尺0 臀围2尺6 裤长102CM 前档21厘米大腿围48CM 裤脚20CM 160:腰围2尺05 臀围2尺7 裤长103CM 前档21厘米大腿围49CM 裤脚21CM 165:腰围2尺1 臀围2尺8 裤长103CM 前档22厘米大腿围50CM 裤脚21CM 170:腰围2尺2 臀围2尺9 裤长104CM 前档22厘米大腿围52M 裤脚22CM 175:腰围2尺2 臀围2尺9 裤长105CM 前档23厘米大腿围54CM 裤脚22CM 关于衣服尺码标准:标号女装换算情况如下:XS 155 80A 8 34S 160 84A 10 36M 165 88A 12 38L 170 92A 14 40XL 175 96A 16 42XXL 180 100A 18 44标号男装换算情况如下:XS 160 100A 46S 165 105A 48M 170 110A 50L 175 115A 52XL 180 120A 54XXL 185 125A 56女裤腰围的换算情况如下:XS 150 5 25 适合1尺8腰围XS 155 6 26 适合1尺9腰围S 160 7 27 适合2尺腰围M 165 8 28 适合2尺1腰围L 170 9 29 适合2尺2腰围XL 175 10 30 适合2尺3腰围男裤腰围的换算情况如下:XXS 160 27 适合2尺腰围XS 165A 28 适合2尺1腰围S 165B 29 适合2尺2腰围M 170A 30 适合2尺3腰围L 170B 32 适合2尺4腰围XL 175A 34 适合2尺5腰围XXL 175B 36 适合2尺6腰围XXL 180 38 适合2尺7腰围衣服尺码对照表--鲁宾汉尺码对照表1、上装尺码为:01码表示代码为:“XXS” 02码表示代码为:“XS”03码表示代码为:“S” 04码表示代码为:“M”05码表示代码为:“L” 06码表示代码为:“XL”07码表示代码为:“XXL”2、茄克装尺码为:70表示代码为:“48”(M)71表示代码为:“50”(L)72表示代码为:“52”(XL)73表示代码为:“54”(XXL)3、裤装尺码为:26代表腰围为:“1.9尺” 27代表腰围为:“2.0尺”28代表腰围为:“2.1尺” 29代表腰围为:“2.2尺”30代表腰围为:“2.3尺” 31代表腰围为:“2.4尺”32代表腰围为:“2.5尺” 33代表腰围为:“2.6尺”34代表腰围为:“2.7尺” 36代表腰围为:“2.8尺”38代表腰围为:“2.9尺” 40代表腰围为:“3.0尺”42代表腰围为:“3.1尺” 44代表腰围为:“3.2尺”50代表腰围为:“3.4尺” 52代表腰围为:“3.5尺”54代表腰围为:“3.6尺”4、西服装尺码为:80表示代码为:“145” 81表示代码为:“150”82表示代码为:“155” 83表示代码为:“160”84表示代码为:“165” 85表示代码为:“170”86表示代码为:“175” 87表示代码为:“180”88表示代码为:“185”5、衬衣装尺码为:60表示代码为:“38” 61表示代码为:“39”62表示代码为:“40” 63表示代码为:“41”64表示代码为:“42” 65表示代码为:“43”66表示代码为:“44” 67表示代码为:“45”68表示代码为:“46”怎样识别服装的“号”和“型”全国服装的统一号型所说的“号”,是指人身高的厘米数,它影响到的部位是衣长、袖长、裤长;所说的“型”,指的是人的体围厘米数,它影响的部位是腰围、臀围。
童装尺码对照表 中 日韩 欧美童装尺码组对应表(2020最新)

47.7-52.0 51.2-55.8 54.4-59.2 57.1-59.5 59.4-64.5 61.5-66.7 63.3-68.6 66.4-71.8 69.0-74.5 71.5-77.1 74.8-80.7 77.9-84.0 80.6-87.0
2岁 2.5 岁 3岁 3.5 岁 4岁 4.5 岁 5岁 5.5 岁 6岁
对照胸 围(CM)
40 44 48 50 52 54 57 60 64 68 72 76
对照腰 围(CM)
40 33 48 49 50 51 52 54 57 61 64 66
3M 6M 1Y 1Y-2Y 2Y-3Y 3Y-4Y 4Y-5Y 6Y-7Y 8Y-9Y 10Y-11Y 12Y-13Y 14Y-15Y
幼童 男童
48.2-52.8 52.1-57.0 55.5-60.7 58.5-63.7 61.0-66.4 63.2-68.6 65.1-70.5 68.3-73.6 71.0-76.3 73.4-78.8 76.6-82.3 79.4-85.4 81.9-88.4
116.6-126.8 121.6-132.2 126.5-137.8 131.4-143.6
对照胸围 (CM)
40 44 48 50 52 54 57 60 64 68 72 76
对照腰围 (CM)
40 33 48 49 50 51 52 54 57 61 64 66
新生 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 8月 10 月 12 月 15 月 18 月 21 月
7岁 8岁 9岁 10 岁

中国与欧美服装尺码换算参照表,非常实用哦服装尺码换算参照表,非常实用!服装尺码换算参照表女装(外衣、裙装、恤衫、上装、套装)标准尺码明细中国(cm) 160-165/84-86 165-170/88-90 167-172/92-96 168-173/98-102170-176/106-110国际XS S M L XL美国2 4-6 8-10 12-14 16-18欧洲34 34-36 38-40 42 44男装(外衣、恤衫、套装)标准尺码明细中国(cm) 165/88-90 170/96-98 175/108-110 180/118-122 185/126-130国际S M L XL XXL男装(衬衫)标准尺码明细中国(cm) 36-37 38-39 40-42 43-44 45-47国际S M L XL XXL男装(裤装)标准尺码明细尺码42 44 46 48 50腰围68-72 cm 71-76 cm 75-80 cm 79-84 cm 83-88cm裤度99 cm101.5 cm 104 cm106.5 cm 109 cm尺码:155、160、165、170、175155:腰围2尺0臀围2尺6裤长102CM前档21厘米大腿围48CM裤脚20CM160:腰围2尺05臀围2尺7裤长103CM前档21厘米大腿围49CM裤脚21CM165:腰围2尺1臀围2尺8裤长103CM前档22厘米大腿围50CM裤脚21CM170:腰围2尺2臀围2尺9裤长104CM前档22厘米大腿围52M裤脚22CM175:腰围2尺2臀围2尺9裤长105CM前档23厘米大腿围54CM裤脚22CM关于衣服尺码标准:标号女装换算情况如下:XS 155 80A 8 34S 160 84A 10 36M 165 88A 12 38L 170 92A 14 40XL 175 96A 16 42XXL 180 100A 18 44标号男装换算情况如下:XS 160 100A 46S 165 105A 48M 170 110A 50L 175 115A 52XL 180 120A 54XXL 185 125A 56女裤腰围的换算情况如下:XS 150 5 25适合1尺8腰围XS 155 6 26适合1尺9腰围S 160 7 27适合2尺腰围M 165 8 28适合2尺1腰围L 170 9 29适合2尺2腰围XL 175 10 30适合2尺3腰围男裤腰围的换算情况如下:XXS 160 27适合2尺腰围XS 165A 28适合2尺1腰围S 165B 29适合2尺2腰围M 170A 30适合2尺3腰围L 170B 32适合2尺4腰围XL 175A 34适合2尺5腰围XXL 175B 36适合2尺6腰围XXL 180 38适合2尺7腰围衣服尺码对照表--xx汉尺码对照表1、上装尺码为:01码表示代码为:“XXS” 02码表示代码为:“XS”03码表示代码为:“S” 04码表示代码为:“M”05码表示代码为:“L” 06码表示代码为:“XL”07码表示代码为:“XXL”2、茄克装尺码为:70表示代码为:“48”(M)71表示代码为:“50”(L)72表示代码为:“52”(XL)73表示代码为:“54”(XXL)3、裤装尺码为:26代表腰围为:“1.9尺” 27代表腰围为:“2.0尺”28代表腰围为:“2.1尺” 29代表腰围为:“2.2尺”30代表腰围为:“2.3尺” 31代表腰围为:“2.4尺”32代表腰围为:“2.5尺” 33代表腰围为:“2.6尺”34代表腰围为:“2.7尺” 36代表腰围为:“2.8尺”38代表腰围为:“2.9尺” 40代表腰围为:“3.0尺”42代表腰围为:“3.1尺” 44代表腰围为:“3.2尺”50代表腰围为:“3.4尺” 52代表腰围为:“3.5尺”54代表腰围为:“3.6尺”4、西服装尺码为:80表示代码为:“145” 81表示代码为:“150”82表示代码为:“155” 83表示代码为:“160”84表示代码为:“165” 85表示代码为:“170”86表示代码为:“175” 87表示代码为:“180”88表示代码为:“185”5、衬衣装尺码为:60表示代码为:“38” 61表示代码为:“39”62表示代码为:“40” 63表示代码为:“41”64表示代码为:“42” 65表示代码为:“43”66表示代码为:“44” 67表示代码为:“45”68表示代码为:“46”怎样识别服装的“号”和“型”全国服装的统一号型所说的“号”,是指人身高的厘米数,它影响到的部位是衣长、袖长、裤长;所说的“型”,指的是人的体围厘米数,它影响的部位是腰围、臀围。

中国与欧美服装尺码换算参照表,非常实用哦服装尺码换算参照表,非常实用!服装尺码换算参照表女装(外衣、裙装、恤衫、上装、套装)标准尺码明细中国(cm) 160-165/84-86 165-170/88-90 167-172/92-96 168-173/98-102 170-176/106-110国际XS S M L XL美国2 4-6 8-10 12-14 16-18欧洲34 34-36 38-40 42 44男装(外衣、恤衫、套装)标准尺码明细中国(cm) 165/88-90 170/96-98 175/108-110 180/118-122 185/126-130 国际S M L XL XXL男装(衬衫)标准尺码明细中国(cm) 36-37 38-39 40-42 43-44 45-47国际S M L XL XXL男装(裤装)标准尺码明细尺码42 44 46 48 50腰围68-72 cm 71-76 cm 75-80 cm 79-84 cm 83-88cm裤度99 cm 101.5 cm 104 cm 106.5 cm 109 cm尺码:155、160、165、170、175155:腰围2尺0 臀围2尺6 裤长102CM 前档21厘米大腿围48CM 裤脚20CM 160:腰围2尺05 臀围2尺7 裤长103CM 前档21厘米大腿围49CM 裤脚21CM 165:腰围2尺1 臀围2尺8 裤长103CM 前档22厘米大腿围50CM 裤脚21CM 170:腰围2尺2 臀围2尺9 裤长104CM 前档22厘米大腿围52M 裤脚22CM 175:腰围2尺2 臀围2尺9 裤长105CM 前档23厘米大腿围54CM 裤脚22CM 关于衣服尺码标准:标号女装换算情况如下:XS 155 80A 8 34S 160 84A 10 36M 165 88A 12 38L 170 92A 14 40XL 175 96A 16 42 XXL 180 100A 18 44 标号男装换算情况如下:XS 160 100A 46S 165 105A 48M 170 110A 50L 175 115A 52XL 180 120A 54XXL 185 125A 56女裤腰围的换算情况如下:XS 150 5 25 适合1尺8腰围XS 155 6 26 适合1尺9腰围S 160 7 27 适合2尺腰围M 165 8 28 适合2尺1腰围L 170 9 29 适合2尺2腰围XL 175 10 30 适合2尺3腰围男裤腰围的换算情况如下:XXS 160 27 适合2尺腰围XS 165A 28 适合2尺1腰围S 165B 29 适合2尺2腰围M 170A 30 适合2尺3腰围L 170B 32 适合2尺4腰围XL 175A 34 适合2尺5腰围XXL 175B 36 适合2尺6腰围XXL 180 38 适合2尺7腰围衣服尺码对照表--鲁宾汉尺码对照表1、上装尺码为:01码表示代码为:“XXS”02码表示代码为:“XS”03码表示代码为:“S”04码表示代码为:“M”05码表示代码为:“L”06码表示代码为:“XL”07码表示代码为:“XXL”2、茄克装尺码为:70表示代码为:“48”(M)71表示代码为:“50”(L)72表示代码为:“52”(XL)73表示代码为:“54”(XXL)3、裤装尺码为:26代表腰围为:“1.9尺”27代表腰围为:“2.0尺”28代表腰围为:“2.1尺”29代表腰围为:“2.2尺”30代表腰围为:“2.3尺”31代表腰围为:“2.4尺”32代表腰围为:“2.5尺”33代表腰围为:“2.6尺”34代表腰围为:“2.7尺”36代表腰围为:“2.8尺”38代表腰围为:“2.9尺”40代表腰围为:“3.0尺”42代表腰围为:“3.1尺”44代表腰围为:“3.2尺”50代表腰围为:“3.4尺”52代表腰围为:“3.5尺”54代表腰围为:“3.6尺”4、西服装尺码为:80表示代码为:“145”81表示代码为:“150”82表示代码为:“155”83表示代码为:“160”84表示代码为:“165”85表示代码为:“170”86表示代码为:“175”87表示代码为:“180”88表示代码为:“185”5、衬衣装尺码为:60表示代码为:“38”61表示代码为:“39”62表示代码为:“40”63表示代码为:“41”64表示代码为:“42”65表示代码为:“43”66表示代码为:“44”67表示代码为:“45”68表示代码为:“46”怎样识别服装的“号”和“型”全国服装的统一号型所说的“号”,是指人身高的厘米数,它影响到的部位是衣长、袖长、裤长;所说的“型”,指的是人的体围厘米数,它影响的部位是腰围、臀围。

服装尺码换算参照表(女男装、童装)服装尺码换算参照表(女/男装、童装)女装(外衣、裙装、恤衫、上装、套装)标准尺码明细中国 (cm) 160-165 / 84-86 165-170 / 88-90 167-172 / 92-96 168-173 / 98-102 170-176 / 106-110国际 XS S M L XL美国 2 4-6 8-10 12-14 16-18欧洲 34 34-36 38-40 42 44男装(外衣、恤衫、套装)标准尺码明细中国 (cm) 165 / 88-90 170 / 96-98 175 / 108-110 180 / 118-122 185 / 126-130国际 S M L XL XXL男装(衬衫)标准尺码明细中国 (cm) 36 - 37 38 - 39 40 - 42 43 - 44 45 - 47国际 S M L XL XXL男装(裤装)标准尺码明细尺码 42 44 46 48 50腰围 68 - 72 cm 71 - 76 cm 75 - 80 cm 79 - 84 cm 83 - 88 cm 裤度 99 cm 101.5 cm 104 cm 106.5 cm 109 cm看不懂的还可以参照下面的:服装尺寸表男仕服装尺码分类小码中码大码加大码身高 165 170 175 180胸围 84 90 96 102腰围 75 81 87 93臀围 88 90 92 100女仕服装尺码分类小码中码大码加大码身高 155 160 165 170胸围 80 84 88 92腰围 60 64 68 72臀围 84 88 92 96儿童服装尺码分类小码中码大码加大码适合年龄 0-2岁 2-4岁 5-7岁 7-10岁身高 80 110-110 110-130 140-150 胸围 50 55 60-65 70腰围 40 42 44 46臀围 55 60 65-70 75单位:厘米CM儿童服装尺寸表一个服装标准尺寸,供大家参考学习单位:CM年齡 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13總長 35 38 42 46 50 54 58 62 66 70 74 78 82 背長19 20 21.5 23 24 25 26.5 28 29 30 31.5 33 34肩寬 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 33.5 34 胸圍 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 腰圍 47 48 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 58 60 62 64 臀圍 48 50 52 54 57 60 63 66 69 72 75 78 81 領圍27 27.5 28 29 29.5 30 30.5 31 32 32 33 33.5 34袖長 24 27 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 手頭圍14 14.5 14.5 15 15 15.5 15.5 16 16 16.5 16.5 17 17腕圍18 18.5 19 22 0.5 21 22 22.5 23 24 24.5 25.5 26袖孔29.5 30 30.5 31 32 32.5 33.5 34.5 35 36 37 38 39頭圍 47 48 49 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 股上長20 20.5 21 21 21.5 22 22 22.5 23 23 23.5 24 24褲長 45 49 53 56 60 64 67 70 70 78 82 86 89。

中外衣服尺码对照表Size 0 jeans & 中外衣服尺码对照表General Contemporary Size ChartJeans Size ChartBased on personal experience and researchI'm a size 4/small, 5'5" and about 120 lbs. Here are my personal thoughts on how to fit jeans. I generally wear a size 27.•If the jeans are a little too tight when you first try them on then they are perfect.•If the jeans fit you perfectly in the dressing room, then they will be too loose once you get them home and wear them a bit.I am a perfect size 27 in True Religion stretch jeans. The 100% cotton rigid True Religion jeans fit just a touch smaller than the stretch. I wear a size 26 in J Brand because I feel like they stretch out once I've worn them for a bit. The Citizens jeans I own are size 27, but really are a little bit big once I wear them for a bit, but not big enough to go down to a size 26. I have a pair of size 27 Joe's Jeans that fit just like my Citizens pair. The Paige jeans I own are size 27 and fit just like the True Religion, perfect. I'm also a size 27 in the Sass & Bide Frayed Misfits jeans.International Conversion Size Chart==========================================Size ChartImportant! Please refer to the measurements listed on the item you are interested in, as this will ensure the most accurate fit.Why? Your size across different brands can vary. For example, a size 6 in our brand may be a size 8 or 10 in another brand. This guide is only an approximation. Please remember that individual clothing articles vary according to differences in styles and fabrics as well. Again, refer to the measurements on the item you are interested in.GroovyJeans clothing is of the highest quality. Our slimfitting jeans will hug your hips, so be careful not to order jeans that might be too tight.You might also be interested in our guide for finding jeans that fit.Women's Jeans, Pants, Dresses, & Suits(Misses Sizes)USA 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20USA (Letter) XS XS S S M M L L XL 1X 2XBrazil 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56European 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50UK 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22Japan 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23(Junior Sizes)European 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42UK 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17Japan 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14USA 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15Women's Blouses & SweatersEuropean 40 42 44 46 48 50 53UK 34 36 38 40 42 44 46USA 32 34 36 38 40 42 44=============================================Suggestions on How to Size Jeans:The best way to determine a size that will fit is to go to the closet for your favorite pair. Button and zip the jeans and lay themout completely flat, legs spread and straight on a flat surface. Make the measurements as described below and compare them to the closest fit depicted on the charts below. We suggest that you stretch the jeans in the area and direction you are planning to measure. Then release them and let them come back to the size they would be when you are wearing them. Stretching makes sure that you are measuring all the material, it straightens the denim and you stretch the jeans back to the "wearing size" and not that just-dried-in-the-dryer-tighter-fit.Pictures of how to take these measurements can be found by clicking here1)To measure your waist size stretch the waistband 1-2 times, let it relax, then measure horizontally across the inside of the jean. Double the measurement for the circumference of the waist.2) Upper hips: Measure horizontally across openings of front pockets, right to left edge of the jeans. Double for the circumference.3)Lower hips:Use same procedure as #2. Measure horizontally across jeans, 1-2" above bottom of zipper. Double for circumference.4)Thigh:Measure horizontally across the thigh at 3-4" below the crotch seam. Double for circumference.5)Front rise:On the front of the jeans measure vertically from crotch seam to the top of the waist band.6)Back rise: Measure from the crotch seam to the top of the waistband on the back of the jean.7)Inseam: Measure from the crotch seam to the bottom of the leg. Straighten the seam down the leg to get a better measurement.8)Bottom opening: Measure the flattened leg from side to side on the inside of the opeing and double for circumference.Pictures of how to take these measurements can be found by clicking hereHow to measure jeans。

韩国尺码(男鞋) 245 250 255 260 265 270 275 280
38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
腐败网-专业韩国代购网站,提供真正的韩国服装品牌官网正品代购服务,官网正品,韩国直 送,付款后,您的商品将在 5~14 天内从韩国发出直达您的指定地址,支持官网验证。每 天新品上架新品数百件。您也可以直接指定我们代购官网上你喜欢的商品。买款式新颖价 格实惠的韩国衣服就来腐败网,我们会为您提供优质的个性化贵宾式服务。
103~107 52
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 38
中国尺码(市尺) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
腰围 (cm)
67 70 73 77 80 83 97 90 93
100 102 104 106 108 110 112 118 122
3(XS) 5(s) 7(M) 9(L) 11 13 15
年龄(岁) 1~2 2~3 3~5 5~7 7~8 8~9 9~12 身高(cm) 76 93 110 115 120 130 140 腰围(cm) 47 49 51 52 54 56 58 胸围(cm) 48 52 55 56 58 62 64 体重(KG) 11 14 18 20 22 25 30
62~66 67~70 71~74 75~79 80~84 85~89
78~81 82~85 6~89 90~93 94~97 98~102

中国与欧美服装尺码换算参照表,非常实用哦服装尺码换算参照表,非常实用!服装尺码换算参照表女装(外衣、裙装、恤衫、上装、套装)标准尺码明细中国(cm) 160-165/84-86 165-/88-90 -172/92-96 168-/98-102 -176/106-110 国际XS S M L XL美国2 4-6 8-10 12-14 16-18欧洲34 34-36 38-40 42 44男装(外衣、恤衫、套装)标准尺码明细中国(cm) 165/88-90 /96-98 175/108-110 /118-122 /126-130国际S M L XL XXL男装(衬衫)标准尺码明细中国(cm) 36-37 38-39 40-42 43-44 45-47国际S M L XL XXL男装(裤装)标准尺码明细尺码42 44 46 48 50腰围68-72 cm 71-76 cm 75-80 cm 79-84 cm 83-88cm裤度99 cm 101.5 cm 104 cm 106.5 cm 109 cm尺码:155、160、165、、175155:腰围2尺0 臀围2尺6 裤长102CM 前档21厘米大腿围48CM 裤脚20CM 160:腰围2尺05 臀围2尺7 裤长103CM 前档21厘米大腿围49CM 裤脚21CM 165:腰围2尺1 臀围2尺8 裤长103CM 前档22厘米大腿围50CM 裤脚21CM :腰围2尺2 臀围2尺9 裤长104CM 前档22厘米大腿围52M 裤脚22CM 175:腰围2尺2 臀围2尺9 裤长105CM 前档23厘米大腿围54CM 裤脚22CM 关于衣服尺码标准:标号女装换算情况如下:XS 155 80A 8 34S 160 84A 10 36M 165 88A 12 38L 92A 14 40XL 175 96A 16 42XXL 100A 18 44标号男装换算情况如下:XS 160 100A 46S 165 105A 48M 110A 50L 175 115A 52XL 120A 54XXL 125A 56女裤腰围的换算情况如下:XS 150 5 25 适合1尺8腰围XS 155 6 26 适合1尺9腰围S 160 7 27 适合2尺腰围M 165 8 28 适合2尺1腰围L 9 29 适合2尺2腰围XL 175 10 30 适合2尺3腰围男裤腰围的换算情况如下:XXS 160 27 适合2尺腰围XS 165A 28 适合2尺1腰围S 165B 29 适合2尺2腰围M 170A 30 适合2尺3腰围L 170B 32 适合2尺4腰围XL 175A 34 适合2尺5腰围XXL 175B 36 适合2尺6腰围XXL 38 适合2尺7腰围衣服尺码对照表--宾汉尺码对照表1、上装尺码为:01码表示代码为:“XXS” 02码表示代码为:“XS”03码表示代码为:“S” 04码表示代码为:“M”05码表示代码为:“L” 06码表示代码为:“XL”07码表示代码为:“XXL”2、茄克装尺码为:70表示代码为:“48”(M)71表示代码为:“50”(L)72表示代码为:“52”(XL)73表示代码为:“54”(XXL)3、裤装尺码为:26代表腰围为:“1.9尺” 27代表腰围为:“2.0尺”28代表腰围为:“2.1尺” 29代表腰围为:“2.2尺”30代表腰围为:“2.3尺” 31代表腰围为:“2.4尺”32代表腰围为:“2.5尺” 33代表腰围为:“2.6尺”34代表腰围为:“2.7尺” 36代表腰围为:“2.8尺”38代表腰围为:“2.9尺” 40代表腰围为:“3.0尺”42代表腰围为:“3.1尺” 44代表腰围为:“3.2尺”50代表腰围为:“3.4尺” 52代表腰围为:“3.5尺”54代表腰围为:“3.6尺”4、西服装尺码为:80表示代码为:“145” 81表示代码为:“150”82表示代码为:“155” 83表示代码为:“160”84表示代码为:“165” 85表示代码为:“”86表示代码为:“175” 87表示代码为:“”88表示代码为:“”5、衬衣装尺码为:60表示代码为:“38” 61表示代码为:“39”62表示代码为:“40” 63表示代码为:“41”64表示代码为:“42” 65表示代码为:“43”66表示代码为:“44” 67表示代码为:“45”68表示代码为:“46”怎样识别服装的“号”和“型”全国服装的统一号型所说的“号”,是指人身高的厘米数,它影响到的部位是衣长、袖长、裤长;所说的“型”,指的是人的体围厘米数,它影响的部位是腰围、臀围。

国际服装尺码换算参照表女装 (外衣、裙装、恤衫、上装、套装)标准尺码明细中国 (cm) 国际美国欧洲 160-165 / 84-86 XS 2 34 165-170 / 88-90 S 4-6 34-36 167-172 / 92-96 M 8-10 38-40 168-173 / 98-102 L 12-14 42 170-176 /106-110 XL 16-18 44 男装 (外衣、恤衫、套装) 标准尺码明细中国 (cm) 国际165 / 88-90 S170 / 96-98 M175 / 108-110 L180 / 118-122 XL185 / 126-130 X男装 (衬衫)标准尺码明细中国 (cm) 国际36 – 37 S38 – 39 M40 - 42 L43 - 44 XL45 - 47 XXL男装 (裤装)标准尺码明细尺码腰围裤度 42 68 - 72 cm 99 cm44 71 - 76 cm 101.5 cm 46 75 - 80 cm 104 cm48 79 - 84 cm 106.5 cm 50 83 – 88 109 cm 服装尺寸表(CM)男士服装尺码分类身高胸围腰围臀围小码 165 84 75 88 中码 170 90 81 90 大码175 96 87 92 加大码 180 102 93 100 女士服装尺码分类身高胸围腰围臀围小码 155 80 60 84 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our Countypoor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lackof enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, arefaithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls,中码 160 84 64 88 大码 165 88 68 92 加大码 170 92 72 96 儿童服装尺码分类适合年龄身高胸围腰围臀围小码 0-2岁 80 50 40 55 中码 2-4岁110-110 55 42 60 大码 5-7岁 110-130 60-65 44 65-70 加大码 7-10岁 140-150 70 46 75 衣服尺码对照表1、上装尺码01码表示代码为:“XXS” 02码表示代码为:“XS”03码表示代码为:“S” 04码表示代码为:“M”05码表示代码为:“L” 06码表示代码为:“XL”07码表示代码为:“XXL”2、茄克装尺码70表示代码为:“48”(M)71表示代码为:“50”(L)72表示代码为:“52”(XL)73表示代码为:“54”(XXL)3、裤装尺码26代表腰围为:“1.9尺” 27代表腰围为:“2.0尺”28代表腰围为:“2.1尺” 29代表腰围为:“2.2尺”30代表腰围为:“2.3尺” 31代表腰围为:“2.4尺”End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accuratelyenough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poorlist announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, thereis no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or istheir lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls,32代表腰围为:“2.5尺” 33代表腰围为:“2.6尺”34代表腰围为:“2.7尺” 36代表腰围为:“2.8尺”38代表腰围为:“2.9尺” 40代表腰围为:“3.0尺”42代表腰围为:“3.1尺” 44代表腰围为:“3.2尺”50代表腰围为:“3.4尺” 52代表腰围为:“3.5尺”54代表腰围为:“3.6尺”4、西服装尺码80表示代码为:“145” 81表示代码为:“150”82表示代码为:“155” 83表示代码为:“160”84表示代码为:“165” 85表示代码为:“170”86表示代码为:“175” 87表示代码为:“180”88表示代码为:“185”5、衬衣装尺码60表示代码为:“38” 61表示代码为:“39”62表示代码为:“40” 63表示代码为:“41”64表示代码为:“42” 65表示代码为:“43”66表示代码为:“44” 67表示代码为:“45”68表示代码为:“46”美国常用服装尺寸End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poorlist announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, thereis no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls,童装婴儿(8个月以下孩子)的衣着是根据出生有几个月来标定尺码的,如3个月、6个月或9个月。

165 / 88-90
170 / 96-98
175 / 108-110
180 / 118-122
185 / 126-130
36 - 37
01码表示代码为:“XXS” 02码表示代码为:“XS”
03码表示代码为:“S” 04码表示代码为:“M”
05码表示代码为:“L” 06码表示代码为:“XL”
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中国尺码155/80A160/84A165/88A170/92A175/96A180/100A 适合身高(cm)153~157158~162163~167168~172173~177177~180腰围(cm)62~6667~7071~7475~7980~8485~89
中国尺码165/80A170/84A175/88A180/92A185/96A190/100A 适合身高(cm)163~167168~172173~177178~182182~187187~190腰围(cm)72~7576~7980~8485~8889~9293~96