对于白糖市场来说,以下几个因素需要特别关注:1. 供需关系:供需关系是决定商品价格的重要因素之一。
2. 季节因素:白糖市场受到季节因素的影响较为明显。
3. 政策因素:政府的市场政策和税收政策也会对白糖价格产生重要影响。
4. 国际市场:白糖是一种国际化的商品,在国际市场上的走势也会对短期价格产生影响。
以下是一些常用的技术指标和方法:1. K线图分析:通过绘制K线图,观察开盘价、收盘价、最高价和最低价之间的关系,分析价格走势的趋势和周期。
2. 成交量分析:成交量是市场活动的重要指标,也是技术分析中的关键因素之一。
3. 移动平均线:移动平均线是一种平滑价格曲线的指标,通过计算一段时间内的均价来削除噪声信号。
4. 相对强弱指标(RSI):RSI指标可以帮助分析价格的超买和超卖情况,判断市场情绪和价格走势的可能转折点。
1 食糖连续三年减产,供求缺口不断加大2010/2011榨季的制糖工作已于2011年5月30日全部结束,至此本榨季进入食糖纯销售期。
2 榨季初国内糖价大幅上扬,后期在高位平稳运行受不断加大的供求缺口以及通胀因素的推动,近3个榨季我国食糖价格连续上涨(图1),尤其是2009/2010榨季和2010/2011榨季上涨迅猛,这在我国历史上尚属首次。
2011年白糖基本面(时时更新)国内方面1-5月份全国制糖行业累计产销率67% 。
其中几大主产区累计产销率:广东100%,云南51.4%,两省产销率均高于去年同期;广西57.8%,低于去年同期近6个百分点;海南43.8%,低于去年同期近19个百分点;北方主产区:新疆、黑龙江、内蒙古等产销率分别为286.5% 、143.6%和 110.8%。
印度:食品部官员K.V. Thomas表示,如果后期价格维持稳定,印度或考虑出口更多的食糖。
• 2010年下半年以来,糖价与淀粉糖价差拉 开,远远超过替代价格边界 • 目前以果糖为代表的淀粉糖替代品开始盛 行,果糖产能在年底将超过300万吨,加上 葡萄糖粉,麦芽糖浆等的替代,2010/11年 度淀粉糖抢占的市场份额预期有230万吨 • 虽然2010/11年度整个甜味剂市场规模预计 将达到1500万吨,但食糖的消费量预期只 有1270万吨
另一个使我国大量进口白糖的原 因
下表为2011/12年度巴西、泰国及澳大利亚制糖成本不国内制糖成本的对比,可 以很明显的看出,在原料成本及国内政策支持方面,我国制糖行业处于明显的劣 势。 分项 巴西 泰国 2080-2310 1680-1810 100-500 标准流通糖, 品质不如澳大 利亚鱼巴西 澳大利亚 1900-2100 1600-1700 300-400 以品质优良馨 称,为日本韩 国等对品质要 求较高的国家 所含钟爱 中国境内 4380-4690 3920-4160 400-550 一级白砂糖, 与国际耕地质 量标准相当。 多用硫化法生 产,含硫高 生产成本(元/ 1963-2244 顿) 其中:原料成 本 其中:加工成 本 产品质量 1513-1894 350-450 标准流通糖, 原糖制造工艺 领先
国内政策支持 (补贴)
糖醇联动能力 强,有效对冲 价格风险,但 基本无政府直 接补贴。
生产配额管理, 生产配额管理, 蔗区甘蔗指导 高额进口关税, 严格控制内销 价,糖料直补 甘蔗和食糖基 和外销比例, 政策酝酿中, 金必要时出手 基本无补贴 但基本无政府 扶持蔗农。 补贴。进口关 税+配额控制 外糖冲击
以上原因导致白糖库存消费比反 转,远期糖价承压
中国白糖行业市场分析报告1. 引言本报告旨在对当前白糖市场进行全面分析,包括市场概况、供需状况、价格走势等方面的内容。
2. 市场概况白糖是一种重要的食品原料,在食品加工、饮料制作等领域广泛应用。
3. 供需状况根据统计数据,白糖供应量与需求量存在一定的不平衡。
4. 市场价格走势白糖市场价格走势受多种因素影响。
5. 发展趋势与前景展望随着社会经济的不断发展和人民生活水平的提高,白糖的消费需求有望继续增长。
6. 结论综上所述,白糖市场是一个具有潜力和挑战并存的市场。
2011年国内食糖市场分析内容提示:受不断加大的供求缺口以及通胀因素的推动,近3个榨季我国食糖价格连续上涨,尤其是2009 /10 榨季和2010 /11 榨季上涨迅猛,其上涨幅度在我国尚属首次。
1 国内食糖连续第三年减产,产需缺口较大2010 /11 榨季已于2011 年9 月底结束,我国食糖总产量1 045. 4 万t,减产28. 4 万t,减幅0. 8%。
其中北方甜菜糖产量79. 4 万t,增长32. 3%; 甘蔗糖产量966万t,减少4. 7%。
虽然2011 年糖料面积呈小幅恢复性增长,但2010 年干旱、霜冻以及2011 年春旱的不利气候,对2010 /11 榨季甘蔗留种及种植都造成一定影响,甘蔗单产下降,后期雨水偏多又影响了甘蔗的糖分积累,导致甘蔗糖产量下降,至此我国食糖已连续3 年减产。
持续走高的糖价抑制了食糖需求,淀粉糖对食糖替代量较大,食糖销售量下降到1 280 万t,但产需缺口仍在240 万t 左右。
2 国家宏观调控力度大,保障供给效果显著由于2010 /11 榨季国内食糖产需缺口较大,糖价上涨迅猛,对CPI 影响不容小觑,国家加大对食糖市场的宏观调控。
2010 /11 榨季,国家分9 次投放国储糖共188万t,这是历史上国家抛储次数及抛储量最多的榨季,对保障国内食糖供应、稳定糖价发挥了明显的积极作用。
同时,由于国内市场存在较大供需缺口,2010 /11榨季进口量大增,入世后首次超过配额量194. 5 万t,共进口食糖207. 1 万t,比上榨季增加40. 2%; 2010 /11榨季我国食糖出口萎缩,共出口食糖7. 1 万t,下降18. 3%。
2010 /11 榨季我国净进口食糖200 万t,是1994 /95 榨季以来最多的年份,占我国食糖消费量的15. 6%。
3 国内糖价在反复震荡中连创新高受不断加大的供求缺口以及通胀因素的推动,近3个榨季我国食糖价格连续上涨,尤其是2009 /10 榨季和2010 /11 榨季上涨迅猛,其上涨幅度在我国尚属首次。
连续3年减产 ;.国内需求不断提升;.国内、国际糖价走势基本吻合,起伏不断;.国储糖抛售力度加大;.进口依存度不断加大;.收益不敌成本,糖企、糖农获益较少;.2012年我国食糖供需趋缓。
涝、 各种飓 风 的登 陆 , 致使 全球 主要 产糖 国食糖 产量 明显下 降 。 0 82 0 2 0 /0 9和 2 0 /0 0榨 季连续 两年 全球食 0 92 1 糖 出现 9 0万 t 5 0万 t 0 到 0 的缺 口 , 使 国 际食 糖 价格 刷新 3 历史 新 高 。此前 IO( 致 0年 S 国际糖业 组 织 ) 预计 2 1/0 1榨季全 球食 糖过 剩几 百万 t但 随着 时间 的推移 , O将 食糖 过 剩量 调整 为 8 0 02 1 , I S O万 t 右 。 的机构 左 有
21 00年 1 是 2 1/0 l 季 的第 一个 月份 。 国内供 求缺 口和 国际糖价 高涨 的影 响 , 内糖 价 继续 0月 002 1 榨 受 国
21 0 0年 6月份 以来 的涨势 , 2 1 从 0 0年 9月 的每 吨 5 4 7 3元 一跃 上 升 到 6 5 2 3元 , 幅 89 1 涨 .%; 1月份 , 价继 糖
201 1正
中 国 糖 料
S g rCr p fCh n u a o so i a 5 9
第 4期 文 章 编 号 :0 7 2 2 (0 10 — 0 9 0 10 — 6 4 2 1 )4 0 5 — 2
2 1 上半年食糖市场分析 0 1
( 农业 部农 村经 济研 究 中心 , 京 10 1 ) 北 08 0 摘 要: 21 对 0 1上 半 年 国 内外食 糖 生产 、 求走 势进 行 了 回顾 . 供 对糖 料 生产 成 本 和 食 糖 价格 走 势的 成 因进 行 了剖析 ,
续更 加迅 猛 上涨 到 7 5 15元 . 幅达到 1. 涨 44 %。国家分 5次抛 售 的 12万 t 0 国储糖 对保 障 国内食糖 供应 、 稳定
• 气候影响方面:食糖作为农副产品,很容易受到气候 气候影响方面: 与天气因素的影响。干旱、洪涝、大风、冰雹、低温 霜冻等天气对生长期中甘蔗具有灾害性的影响。首先 是干旱。天气干旱会影响株高生产进而影响单产。特 别是在春夏时期,此时正值甘蔗快速长高的时候,影 响最为明显。其次是台风。由于我国甘蔗主产区在南 方,在每年的夏季台风会不时“光顾”主产区。一旦 遇到大台风,可能会导致甘蔗折倒,而且一旦折断将 难于恢复。另外台风也会带来大量的降雨。最后就是 低温霜冻。这种天气历史上多次导致国内糖价巨幅波 动,比如1999/2000榨季200万吨的减产和今年初的霜 冻炒作导致的糖价暴涨暴跌。霜冻一旦出现后如不及 时砍收会马上使产量下降8%至10%,且糖分也会下 降2.5%以上。宿根蔗第二年出芽率低,产量则会减少。 且一般会使下榨季开榨时间推迟。
• 产业链分析方面:在我国白糖产销链中,糖厂 产业链分析方面: 处于主导地位,有较高话语权。全国前10大糖 业生产集团糖产量超过全国总产的50%。而生 产集中化的结果,首先使得食糖生产集团有能 力游说国家制定有利于工业生产方的糖业政策, 特别是产区地方政府对糖企支持最直接的表现 就是保护糖价。其次集中化使得食糖集团能轻 易控制原料资源,通过挤压中小糖厂,直接左 右糖价以获得高额利润。因此,从白糖产业链 的角度来看,分析的重点应在糖厂及其行为方 面。
2011年智盛期货投资公司 冯雪莹
1)、白糖的供给 • 世界食糖产量1.21-1.40亿吨,产量超过1000万吨的国 家和地区包括巴西、印度、欧盟、中国等,其中巴西 产量超过2000万吨。巴西10/11(4080万吨)、欧盟、泰 国是世界食糖主要出口国家,其产量和供应量对国家 市场的影响较大。特别是巴西,作为世界食糖市场最 具影响力和竞争力的产糖国,其每年的糖产量、货币 汇率及其政府的糖业政策直接影响到国际食糖市场价 格的变化走向。 • 中国是世界上重要的产糖国之一,07/08榨季食糖 产量达到了1483.63万吨。广西甘蔗种植主要分布于南 宁、崇左、来宾、柳州、百色、河池、钦州、北海、 防城、贵港10个市(区) 。
徐 雪 马光 霞 ( . 业部 农村 经 济研 究 中心 北京 10 1 ;2农 业部信 息 中心 北京 10 2 ) 1 农 080 . 0 15
摘 要 :2 1 / 1 季 已 于 5月 3 日结 束 ,食 糖 进 入 纯 销 售 期 。 中 国食 糖 连 续 第 三 年 减 产 ,供 需缺 口不 断 加 大 ; 001 榨 0
上 半 年 , 国 内食 糖 价 格 总 体 平稳 ,基 本 在 70 0. t 下 窄 幅 波 动 ;国 际糖 价跌 宕起 伏 ;糖 农 收 益 低 下 ,糖料 面积 增 长 0 G/ 上
乏 力 。 展 望 后 市 ,下 榨 季 中 国食 糖 产 量 不会 明显 增 长 ,供 求 形 势依 然 严 峻 ,价 格 仍 将 保 持 在 70 0. t 上 。 0 - 以 Li
墨 l l l 墨 墨 S 要 l 蚕 量 量 量 罴 S ; ; 曼 曼 呈 害 墨 l l 景 l l l l l 墨 墨墨量量墨墨塞善 要墨墨 星llll暑 lsS至善 量善量
_ 甘蔗糖 _ 甜菜糖
2 1/ 1 季 已是 我 国食 糖 产 量连 续 第 三年 下 滑 ,接 00 1 榨 近 2 0 / 4榨 季 的食 糖 产 量 ( 1 。 在不 断 攀 升 的 030 图 )
上 升 到 3 0万 t 右 。食 糖 产 量 下 降 主 要 受 到 2 1 0 左 00
年 异 常 天气 影 响 ,特别 是冬 季 广 西 出 现 持 续 低 温 阴
雨 寡 照 天气 ,影 响 甘 蔗糖 分 积 累 ,加 上较 为 严 重 的
霜冻 ,甘 蔗 出糖率 下 降 ,食 糖 产量低 于 预期 。
∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
据国泰君安分析师称:“根据我们推算,目前制糖成本每吨在5500 元左右,相比去年同期上涨22%;而现货白糖售价近7800 元/吨,同比上涨43%。
商 品 期 货 季 度 报 告相关报告:《卖出套保正当时》 ——2011 年 2 月月报 《反弹可以有,逢高继续空》 ——2011 年 3 月月报消费淡季主导,糖价难有起色 消费淡季主导,糖价难 淡季主导 ——白糖第一季度 ——白糖第一季度报告 白糖摘要: 摘要 :ABN Amro 银行在 3 月 31 日发布的报告中认为,估计今年全球食 糖供给偏紧的格局没有早些时候预期的那样严重,全球食糖市 场的供给缺口可能仅有 145 万吨左右(原糖值) ,只相当于早些 时候预期的一半左右。
估计 2011 年全球食糖产量将增加 154 万 吨,至 1.6381 亿吨的水平,而全球的食糖消费量将达到 1.6526 亿吨。
同时,今年前九个月糖市仍将出现供不应求,将于第二 季度出现最大供给缺口 816 万吨左右,至第三季度时缺口将达 267 万吨,年末将达到最小值。
2011 年 2 月 23 日南宁会议对于中国糖业协会 2010/11 榨季全国 食糖产量预估进行了修正,从原先预估的 1200 万吨的全国食糖 产量向下修正为 1065 万,而 2010/11 榨季全国食糖的需求量预 估未作调整,约为 1400 万吨。
那么 2011 年全国食糖供需缺口 在 335 万吨,供需缺口巨大。
2010/11 榨季我国食糖存在着巨大的供需缺口, 使得进口糖将成 为 影响 后期 国内 食糖 价格 走向 的一 个重 要因 素。
如 果 纽 约 原 糖 跌 破 27 美 分 /磅 后 继 续 下 行 ,那 么 后 期 大 幅 进 口 的 概 率 大 增 , 国 内 食 糖 糖 价 格 将 承 压 ; 而 如 果 能 够 站 稳 27 美 分 /磅 , 那 么 后期大幅进口的概率降低,国内食糖价格将继续坚挺。
虽然在第二季度前两个月,白糖震荡下跌的概率较大,但是我 们认为白糖在 6 月见底并重新恢复上涨的概率较大。
因为:首 先,白糖在淡季中调整时间较为充分;为后期上涨提供了条件; 其次,6-8 月白糖的消费高峰来临;再次,本榨季供需缺口造成 的供应不足将开始显现。
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Sugar BulletinInsideSugar crop plantings for 2011/12 and their implications for the marketJune 2011White Premium Rockets UpwardsAfter falling sharply in April, raw sugar prices stabilised during May and are now trading in a range of 20-23 cents/lb. While the slow pace of the Brazilian harvest, combined with the growing line up of vessels at Centre/South ports, is supporting prices nearby, the prospect of a large surplus in 2011/12 is beginning to loom over the market. However, this surplus is still some way off and it remains to be seen if the weather will intervene as it did in 2010. As a result, the market structure remains broadly flat, with little difference between nearby prices and those 18 months out. Nearby raw sugar prices are currently trading at 22-23 cents/lb, around the same level as one month ago (Diagram 1). Meanwhile, the white premium has finally rocketed upwards, reaching close to $170/mt basis July/August futures (Diagram 2 and 3). Until recently, the white premium had been trading at very low levels for most of 2011. A powerful combination of high raw sugar prices, a steeply inverted market and weak demand for whites resulted in the white premium falling into negative territory on a pol-adjusted basis during some periods. Many refiners responded to this situation by cutting their losses and ceasing operations for much of the last few months. Of course, this situation could not be sustained forever, and it was widely anticipated that the white premium would recover in the second quarter. However, the premium has risen in spectacular fashion, making destination refining not only viable but extremely attractive in the near term.The white premium has been supported by improved demand, with many northern hemisphere countries having finished harvesting their domestic crops and now turning to imports, in some cases in anticipation of the Ramadan festival. However, near term prospects are supported not only by the re-emergence of demand, but also by the realisation that Thailand, a major origin producer of whites, will concentrate on raw sugar this year.The huge size of the Thai crop this year has increased significantly the country’s export availability, with around 7.0 mn mt rv available for export from the 2010/11 crop. However, the market conditions that prevailed during theDiagram 1: Raw sugar futures prices20.020.521.021.522.022.523.023.524.0Jul-11Oct-11Mar-12U S c e n t s /l b Current1 month ago6 months agoFuturesNote: Current prices are an average of the five trading days priorto publication. Other prices are for the corresponding period one month and six months ago.Table 1: Supply/demand balance (million tonnes, centrifugal sugar, raw value)2007 2008 2009 2010 2010 2011 2011 12 monthsTotal Total Total Oct-Dec Total Jan-Mar Apr-Jun to Jun 2011 World Production 164.7 162.6 152.5 56.8 158.3 51.4 24.1 164.6 World Consumption 156.7 159.2 160.7 41.2 163.1 40.2 41.3 163.0 Apparent Change in Stocks 8.1 3.4 -8.2 15.7 -4.8 11.2 -17.2 1.6 Statistical Adjustment -1.5 -3.2 -1.9 -0.1 -0.4 -0.9 -0.9 -2.1 Actual Change in Stocks 6.6 0.2 -10.1 15.5 -5.2 10.3 -18.1 -0.5 Total Stocks at End-Period 79.8 80.0 70.0 64.8 64.7 75.0 56.9 56.9 LMC Index of World Sugar Stocks 1.44 1.43 1.16 1.04 1.04 0.93 1.01 1.01 (Seasonally Adjusted)New York No 11 (in $/mt) 218.2 266.7 396.4 639.5 491.1 672.5 520.2 572.8 London No 5 (in $/mt) 309.4 351.5 486.2 728.3 616.2 751.0 644.1 679.1'True' White Premium (in $/mt) 66.4 56.6 50.9 30.5 75.8 18.4 72.4 52.0Notes: 1: The LMC Index of World Sugar Stocks takes the value 1.00 at end-September 1980. LMC has calculated the seasonal adjustment that is required to bring each month's index of the stock:consumption ratio to the same base.2: The 'True' White Premium is derived by deducting the value of the pol adjustment in refining.3: The prices cover the period up to the last completed month prior to publication.Sources: ISO Statistical Bulletin; US Dept of Agriculture; FIRS; F O Licht; LMC estimates.Table 2: Sugar production (million tonnes, centrifugal sugar, raw value)2007 2008 2009 2010 2010 2011 2011 12 monthsTotal Total Total Oct-Dec Total Jan-Mar Apr-Jun to Jun 2011 Total Africa 9.9 9.7 10.0 2.8 10.4 1.4 2.6 10.4 Cuba 1.2 1.4 1.4 0.0 1.1 0.8 0.3 1.1 Total C. America 12.2 12.1 11.7 1.9 11.6 6.8 3.1 11.8 USA 7.6 7.2 7.0 2.9 7.3 2.9 0.8 7.3 Total N. America 7.7 7.2 7.1 2.9 7.3 2.9 0.8 7.3 Brazil 33.1 33.6 35.7 9.8 41.2 2.0 10.0 38.6 Total S. America 40.9 41.2 43.8 11.4 48.4 3.1 11.4 46.0 India 29.1 25.9 15.7 8.3 22.2 14.8 2.6 26.2 Total Asia 63.4 63.0 49.2 16.9 52.2 36.2 5.9 60.8 Total Oceania 4.9 4.9 4.7 1.2 3.8 0.0 0.2 3.8 EU 16.8 15.3 16.9 12.5 15.7 0.6 0.1 15.6 Total Europe 25.8 24.5 26.1 19.8 24.7 1.0 0.1 24.4 World Total 164.7 162.6 152.5 56.8 158.3 51.4 24.1 164.6Sources: ISO Statistical Bulletin; US Dept. of Agriculture: FIRS; F.O. Licht; LMC estimates.Page 2 © LMC International Ltd, 2011 Sugar Bulletin: June 2011Sugar Bulletin: June 2011 © LMC International Ltd, 2011 Page 3Table 3: Sugar consumption (million tonnes, centrifugal sugar, raw value)2007 2008 2009 201020102011 2011 12 monthsTotal Total Total Oct-Dec Total Jan-MarApr-Jun to Jun 2011Total Africa 15.1 15.8 16.0 4.2 16.2 3.9 4.0 16.3 Total C. America 8.8 8.7 8.6 1.9 8.1 2.0 2.1 8.1 USA9.3 9.7 9.7 2.5 10.1 2.4 2.5 10.1 Total N. America 10.7 11.0 11.2 2.8 11.5 2.7 2.9 11.5 Brazil11.5 11.8 12.6 3.0 12.1 3.1 3.4 12.5 Total S. America 19.0 19.4 20.3 5.0 19.8 4.8 5.4 20.4 India 23.0 23.6 24.6 5.6 24.6 5.9 6.1 23.8 Total Asia 69.9 71.5 72.7 17.8 74.0 19.3 18.9 73.3 Total Oceania 1.4 1.4 1.4 0.4 1.4 0.3 0.4 1.5 EU18.6 18.8 18.6 5.2 18.7 4.2 4.8 18.7 Total Europe 31.6 31.4 30.5 9.0 32.0 7.1 7.8 32.0 World Total156.7159.2160.741.2163.140.241.3163.0Sources: ISO Statistical Bulletin; US Dept. of Agriculture: FIRS; F.O. Licht; LMC estimates.Diagram 2: World white premium 708090100110120130140150160170Mar-11Apr-11May-11Jun-11U S $/t o n n e (t e l q u e l )May/May 2011August/July 2011October/October 2011Diagram 3: World raw and white sugar futuresprices450500550600650700750800Mar-11Apr-11May-11Jun-11U S $/t o n n eNo. 5 May-11No. 5 Aug-11No. 11 May-11No. 11 July-11peak harvest period (i.e., high raw sugar pricesand low white premium), as well as the desire among millers to produce sugar as quickly as possible to take advantage of high prices, means that this year’s output has been heavily biased towards raw sugar. At the end of May, milling statistics indicate that only around 43% of the crop has been produced as white or refined sugar, compared to 55-60% in normal years. Moreover, the re-melt programme, while underway, is expected to be unspectacular, despite the very favourable market signals, because Thai millers have already contracted large quantities of raw sugar for export.One of the reasons for the strong demand for Thai raws has been the slow start to the Brazilian harvest. This has limited the availability of raw sugar for export. It also means that white sugar produced in the early part of the season has been directed to the domestic market, where, until recently, returns have been more favourable (Diagram 5). This has added further to nearby tightness in the whites market.Page 4 © LMC International Ltd, 2011 Sugar Bulletin: June 2011Diagram 4: Indian domestic price vs. the No.5550600650700750800Mar-11Apr-11May-11Jun-11U S $/t o n n eDomestic Price (Delhi warehouse)No.5 nearby futuresDiagram 5: Ex-mill returns from bulk/baggedsugar exports and domestic sugar in Brazil 400450500550600650700750800Mar-11Apr-11May-11Jun-11U S $/t o n n eBulk exportsBagged exportsDomesticDiagram 6: Brazil: Ex-mill returns fromdomestic sugar, export sugar and ethanol350400450500550600650700750800Mar-11Apr-11May-11Jun-11U S $/t o n n e Domestic sugar Export sugar (bulk)Hydrous ethanol (VHP equivalent)By May 16th , Centre/South Brazil had only crushed 56.6 mn mt of cane, 40% down on lastyear, while sugar and ethanol production were approximately half the levels produced last year.The slow start to the season was widely anticipated and has already been priced into themarket. Nevertheless, it has still resulted in a build up of vessels at Brazilian ports, with the situation looking very similar to last year. However, the reason for the line-up this year is that ships are waiting for sugar to arrive at the ports. The current line-up totals over 50 vessels. Constraints at Brazilian ports, together with any negative news about the progress of this year’s harvest, should continue to support sugar prices in the near term. However, the prospect of alarge global surplus in 2011/12 (Oct/Sept) is starting to loom over the market, with news ofplantings, which take place in the first quarter in most countries, beginning to emerge. In Russia, despite a slow start to the planting season, the Russian Sugar Producer’s Association has announced that plantings have surpassed the target of 1.2 mn hectares. By the end of May, a total of 1.23 mn hectares had been planted and, assuming normal weather conditions and yields, a record beet crop is certainly on the cards. Other beet producing countries, most notably the EU, have also been expanding planted area.In India, initial industry estimates point to an increase in cane area of between 7-10%, increasing national area to around 5.3-5.4 mn hectares. Furthermore, latest meteorological reports point towards a normal monsoon this year, which should mean improved yields over2010/11, when recovery rates where hit by laterains. This means that sugar output in the region of 27 mn mt wv could be achievable. With the cassava crop still badly affected by pestproblems, Thai farmers are expected to stick with cane for another season. Reports suggest that, given good weather conditions, the cane crop could even exceed this year, reaching as much as 100 mn mt. In theory, these increases in beet and cane areashould translate into much greater global sugarproduction in 2011/12. Indeed, our forecasts indicate a significant surplus of as much as eight million tonnes. While many other analysts haveproduced similar forecasts, for the moment, this is not being reflected in forward futures prices,which have continued to trade at a similar level to nearby values over the last month. This reflects the uncertainty about what the weatherSugar Bulletin: June 2011 © LMC International Ltd, 2011 Page 5Sugar by-products and ethanolDiagram 7: No. 11 commitments of tradersvs. nearby sugar pricesJul-10Sep-10Nov-10Jan-11Mar-11May-1112141618202224262830323436World sugar price (US cents/lb)Net speculative position No 11 nearby futures priceN e t s p e c u l a t i v e p o s i t i o n (000 c o n t r a c t s )will hold over the next few months. The experience of 2010/11 is still fresh in many people’s minds, when expectations of a large surplus were gradually eroded as weather events around the world took their toll on sugar crops. These problems only began in the summer months, when news emerged about the drought in Russia. Indeed, while the current drought in E urope is not thought to have affected the beet crop so far, if it continues it will undoubtedly have an adverse effect. This suggests that the prospect of a surplus may only be reflected in prices in later in the year when the Brazilian crop is in full flow and there is greater confidence about the prospect of a production surplus next season.If a large surplus is realised, this will take the pressure off Brazil to continue maximising its sugar output. This is good news for consumers, particularly given that the dramatic slowdown in the expansion of cane area in Brazil means that any increase in production would have to come at the expense of ethanol. The arrival of new crop ethanol onto the market has pushed ethanol prices down to 20-21 cents/lb, ICE No.11 equivalent, which is around the level we expect them to average over the course of the season. If a large surplus looks likely, it should mean that sugar prices could be pushed below this level later in the year. However, any problems with the progress of Brazil’s harvest will make it harder for prices to be pushed below this support level.MolassesThe US Gulf Blackstrap molasses price rose slightly over the last month reaching $176/mt in May. Meanwhile, EU cane molasses prices fell by $2/mt to $229/mt, while South Korean cane molasses prices also declined marginally to $187/mt (Diagram 8). Rising corn prices mean that molasses continues to look cheap as an input for animal feed. This is illustrated by Diagram 9, which compares corn and molasses prices. On a molasses equivalent basis, corn is now almost 20% more expensive than molasses. Corn prices have been supported by unfavourable weather, which has delayed US corn sowing. The USDA’s acreage report, which will provide clearer details on corn area, is due at the end of June. This will provide the next signal for the future direction of corn prices. EthanolIn the US, gasoline prices dipped in May and now stand at US$0.80/lt. This is in contrast to ethanol prices, which have remained steady ataround $0.70/lt narrowing blenders margins. In the international market, high prices in Brazil have resulted in a diversion of surplus US ethanol from the E U to Brazil. However, this trade is likely to be short-lived as Brazilian prices are falling quickly. Moreover, although US output has rebounded after the decline in production during April, tight corn stocks remain a threat to producers’ margins.Diagram 8: Molasses prices in key markets100125150175200225250Apr-09Sep-09Feb-10Jul-10Dec-10May-11U S $/t o n n eUS Blackstrap f.o.b. Gulf EU Cane c.i.f. Amsterdam EU Beet c.i.f. AmsterdamSouth Korea (Cane) c.i.f.Page 6 © LMC International Ltd, 2011 Sugar Bulletin: June 2011Table 4: Sugar by-products and ethanol prices2007 2008 2009 2010 2010 20102011 2011Average Average Average Jul-Sep Oct-Dec Average Jan-Mar Apr-Jun US Cane Molasses, Gulf ($/mt) 122.7 147.5 174.7 167.3 168.7 169.9 169.8 174.8 US Molasses:Maize Price Ratio 0.85 0.78 1.18 1.05 0.78 1.07 0.66 0.62 EU Molasses, Amsterdam ($/mt) 147.1 194.1 206.4 196.0 210.4 202.0 217.2 223.7 EU Molasses:Barley Price Ratio 0.60 0.82 1.37 0.90 0.80 1.13 0.77 0.80 EU Cane Molasses Import Levy/Tariff 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (Euro/mt)US Beet Pulp, Los Angeles ($/mt) 140.1 185.4 129.7 126.8 139.3 128.6 173.0 215.3 EU Beet Pulp, Rotterdam ($/mt) 269.6 286.2 148.7 202.1 263.2 190.1 323.9 224.7 US Ethanol Spot Price ($/lt) 0.58 0.63 0.48 0.52 0.65 0.54 0.69 0.75 US Gasoline Spot Price ($/lt) 0.54 0.65 0.43 0.51 0.57 0.54 0.68 0.81 Brent Crude Oil Price ($/barrel)72.4 99.0 60.9 77.3 86.8 79.9104.2119.6Sources: USDA; LEI; LMC estimates.Political pressure to scale down the US$0.45 per gallon (US$0.12/lt) tax credit from which ethanol blenders benefit continues to grow. A bill has been introduced that would instead tie subsidies to movements in the oil price.In Brazil, after record prices in the past two months, the start of the 2011/12 cane crushing campaign has helped ease prices, which averaged US$0.62/lt and US$0.88/lt in May for hydrous and anhydrous ethanol, respectively. This means that prices are starting to become competitive against gasoline again.In the U, ethanol trading has been very subdued of late and prices averaged US$0.84/lt (spot FOB Rotterdam) during May. Motorists in Germany have been reluctant to use recently introduced E 10 principally out of concern that the higher ethanol blend could damage their engines. Concerns regarding the environmental benefits of ethanol and using food for fuel have also been cited.While delays by the Commission in announcing which voluntary sustainability schemes will be approved have resulted in lacklustre demand, the industry continues to be hit by the high price of wheat and cash margins have been negative over the past two months. A number of plants have already ceased operations and others are considering suspending operations.Diagram 9: Corn vs. molasses prices on amolasses equivalent basis4060801001201401601802002202005200620072008200920102011C o s t o n a m o l a s s e s e q u i v a l e n t b a s i s ($/t o n n e )Corn US Gulf Blackstrap MolassesDiagram 10: Brazilian, EU and US ethanolprices0. S $/l i t r e Brazil Anhydrous US (CBOT 1st Position)EU Anhydrous (Rotterdam)Sugar Bulletin: June 2011© LMC International Ltd, 2011Page 7Alternative sweetenersDiagram 11: Ratio of wholesale HFCS prices towhite sugar prices in the US3040506070809010011012019971999200120032005200720092011R a t i o o f w h o l e s a l e p r i c e t o t h a t o f r e f i n e d s u g a r (%)(42) HFCS(55) HFCSE ncouraging developments have been taking place in the beverage sector with a number of surveys pointing to an improved outlook in some of the key markets around the world. In April, Beverage World’s “State of the Industry” 2011 report revealed that the US market, which had a difficult period in 2009, is now starting to see better performance in nearly all of the drink categories. E ven the carbonated soft drinks sector, which had a particularly difficult five years, seems slowly to be picking up, capturing some market share from higher end energy drinks.The diet segment of the market has also had a relatively good year, although it is still said to be underperforming. This is despite the push with natural sweeteners, which include stevia-based sweeteners. However, key market drivers for the sector, in terms of a health and weight management are still proving to be very much evident in the US market.The findings are consistent with E uromonitor’s survey of the soft drinks sector carried out earlier in the year. In addition to better performance in the mature markets, Asia is predicted to overtake North America as the largest region in terms of overall soft drinks sales, in value terms, by the end of 2011. Health considerations are also driving consumption choices in this market. WOW! Nutrition, a pioneer and leading sweetener manufacturer in Brazil, launched 100% Stevia in May. This new line of sweeteners under the Doce Menor brand comes under a joint venture with PureCircle. Wow! Nutrition is the second largest sweetener manufacturer in Brazil and specializes in diet foods and healthy beverages. 100% stevia is their latest product line to be naturally sweetened with stevia. In other sweetener news, Tate & Lyle have made plans to reopen their mothballed US sucralose factory, expected to take place in the first half of the 2013 financial year. The plant, located in Alabama, had been closed in 2009 following Tate’s decision to integrate all their sucralose (Splenda) production in Singapore. Up until now, the company had indicated this had been sufficient to meet demand. Sucralose has been an extremely profitable business for Tate & Lyleand the company has just reported a good year in terms of sales volumes. The sales growth has been helped by reduced selling prices, reflecting a strategy of securing long-term volume contracts with customers. In its 2011 end year results, the value share of sucralose in the high intensity sweeteners market rose from 27% to 28% in the last year, with Splenda’s share of the global market for sucralose still around 90%. Tate & Lyle foresees even rosier prospects in 2012, justifying its decision to utilise capacity at two global sites. Rising obesity levels in emerging markets has rapidly expanded the market for healthier low-calorie products. Several food manufacturers are also seeking to use a higher proportion of sweeteners in blends, given high sugar prices, to keep their costs down. This has helped the fortunes of sucralose which is stable under varying heat conditions and hence is attractive for use in warmer climates.GLG Life Tech Corporation released information on its joint venture with China Agriculture and Healthy Foods Company Limited (CAHFC). The new venture will be called Dr. Zhang’s All Natural and Zero Calorie Beverage and Foods Company (ANOC). GLG announced that ANOC’s first line of six zero/low calorie teas will be the first to be sweetened with stevia, sourced from GLG. Most of the leading brands in China are sweetened with sugar. The new products are aimed at the ready-to-drink (RTD) teas which has been one of the fastest growing beverage categories in the country since 2000.© LMC International Ltd. 2011. All rights reserved.No material may be reproduced or transmitted, in whole or in part, in any manner, without written consent.E ditors: Martin Todd, Gareth Forber, Nikki Powell, Owen Wagner, Tara Nutt, Feifei Lu., Marsha Ribeiro, Rachel Cook, Suhrid Patel.Table 5: Wholesale prices for alternative sweeteners200720082009201020102010 2011 2011Average Average Average Jul-Sep Oct-Dec Average Jan-Mar Apr-Jun USA Prices (in $/mt, dry basis, Midwest)Bulk dry beet sugar 552.6717.6838.21,241.4 1,234.6 1165.9 1,219.3 1,228.3 Dextrose 620.5683.9746.3636.0 636.0 649.4 636.0 636.0 HFCS (42% fructose) 515.8607.0694.8539.5 654.2 587.0 663.7 663.7 HFCS (55% fructose) 561.5645.6726.5583.4 702.3 630.4 712.2 712.2 Glucose Corn Syrup 483.5564.1641.8559.4 667.1 590.3 676.1 676.1 Cost of Corn Wet Milling Inputs (in $/mt of Corn Sweetener, dry basis, ex-Chicago)No. 2 Yellow Maize 245.0337.5249.0271.6 362.3 276.0 432.5 474.5 By-product credits 116.3163.7116.9120.5 159.5 128.2 181.3 191.9 Net cost of maize inputs 128.9173.1131.8151.7 203.2 147.9 253.0 281.7 Japanese Prices (in Yen/kg, dry basis)Refined white soft sugar 154.5159.5167.2176.7 182.3 179.2 189.5HFCS (42% fructose) 136.8157.0159.2149.6 151.3 150.6 160.1HFCS (55% fructose) 145.0165.0167.2157.6 159.3 158.6 168.1Index of Intense Sweetener Prices, World Market(1987=100)World Raw Sugar Price 143.0174.9259.9291.5 419.2 321.9 440.9 341.1 Saccharin 64.1169.488.2103.3 109.3 71.2 117.7 38.3 Cyclamate (non-US markets) 216.0328.8351.2337.5 322.6 346.7 326.6 332.3 Aspartame (non-US markets) 15.315.815.615.0 15.2 15.2 15.1Notes: 1: Figures in italics are based upon incomplete coverage of the period in question.2: These corn sweetener prices are list prices, which are frequently very much higher than actual traded values for USdeliveries. US sugar prices, however, are actual traded values; thus the discounts for corn sweeteners shown in this table and Diagram 9 are understated.Sources: Milling and Baking News; Feedstuffs; Mitsui; LMC estimates.Summary●World production rose by 4.8% to 164.6 mnmt in the 12 months ending June 2011.●World consumption grew by 0.5% to 163.0mn mt during the same period.●World stocks fell slightly by 0.9% to 56.9 mnmt for the 12 months ending June 2011.●Raw sugar prices stabilised during Maytrading in a 20-23 cents/lb range. Meanwhile the white premium rocketed upwards to around $170/mt basis July/August futures. ●The slow pace of the Brazilian harvest andthe growing line up of vessels at Centre/South ports are supporting pricesnearby, however, the prospect of a largesurplus in 2011/12 is beginning to loomover the market.●Brazilian ethanol prices have fallen sharplyover the last few weeks as new crop ethanolhas become available.●Recent survey’s of the global beveragesector point to positive developments forlow calorie sweeteners.LMC InternationalNew York 1841 Broadway New York, NY 10023USAT +1 (212) 586-2427 F +1 (212) 397-4756 info@Oxford14-16 George StreetOxford OX1 2AFUKT +44 1865 791737F +44 1865 791739info@Kuala LumpurB-03-19, Empire SohoEmpire SubangJalan SS16/1, SS1647500 Subang JayaSelangor Darul EhsanMalaysiaT +603 5611 9337info@ 。