听力课程4 unit 1-3 听力原文+生词+答案Book 4 unit 1Tactics for listening1.A college education can be very costly in the United States.2.Rising costs have led more and more families to borrow money to help pay for a college.3.There are different federal loans and private loans for students.4.Interest rates on some of these loans will go up on July 1st.5.There are growing concerns that many students graduate with too much debt.Listening comprehensionDialogueSocial grouping原文F:Right ,you are talking about social groupings here. Could you tell us something about the ways animals form into groups?M:Yes,many many animals are very solitary animals. The only times they get together is when they mate or when they are bringing uptheir young. The majority of the animals are solitary. But a very significant group of mammals and insects ,like ants and termites,bees and wasps,are very social.And they group together because in a group it‟s much safer. You can defend yourself more easily if you are in a group. You can find males more easily if you are in a group. And you can change the world around you by working with the others if you live in a group. Solitary animals have a much more difficult time in many ways.F:You mention lions and other carnivores earlier on. Do they group very much?M:Yes ,most cats in fact don‟t group. Lions and to a lesser extent,cheetahs,are the only cats that group together. A group of lions is called a pride . And you might get anything up to 15 0r 20 lions in a pride . A pride of lions would have perhaps two or three males,perhaps a dozen females and then the cubs. But the real lion groups consists of females with their cubs. The males tend to stay for a few years and then they get kicked out by a group of younger males that come in and take over.F:And how about the apes?M:Well,now you are talking about the group of animals that we belong to. Apes ,some apes,live in very very big and complicated social groups. Not all,orangutans,for example ,big apes that live inIndonesia and Malaysia ,they are very solitary and one adult may meet another adult only once every two or three years when a male and a female mate. And then the only relationship will be between a mother and her baby. The baby will stay with the mother for two or three years,four years ,five years even,learning from the mother,learning what sorts of food to eat,what the signs of danger are ,and then when the baby grows up,off it will go and live its own solitary life . The reasons why orangutans are solitary is because there is not very much food in the forest and if there was a big group of orangutans,all the food would just run out. But leaving in Asia and going to Africa,then you will find a very social apes. Now ,gorillas for example,gorillas live in uni-male groups,they used to be called harems. But the technical term is uni-male ,because there is one male within a group. One male ,and then around him will be anything up to 6,7,8,9 females,plus all the babies. And that one male in a group is the silver-back gorilla and he is much bigger and stronger than the others. He has got silvery fur on his back. And the others won‟t challenge him and he will lead the group slowly through the forest,settling down every night and moving on the next day ,finding food. So that‟s a uni-male group. But if you move a little bit further west into west Africa,you will start to come across chimpanzees,now they are a bit smaller than gorillas,they spend alot of time in the trees whereas gorillas are down on the ground. And chimpanzees are much more closely related to us than they are to gorillas. They are our closest living relatives. Now ,chimps live in multimale groups,in other words,you will get anything up to 6,7,8 males and then you will get two or three times that number of females,a dozen ,two dozens females,plus all the youngsters. So we are talking about groups that can be as big as 40 0r 50 or even 60. Now a chimpanzee group ,multimale group is a very flexible type of group.It constantly splits into small groups,off they go for a few days,back they come,reform,break up again,and within that group,the males tend to hang around the outside,protecting the group,fighting off rival males that might want to come in and mate with the females. But they tend to come and go to some extent. The ongoing core of the chimpanzee group consists of females with their young and sometimes sisters will actually work together to bring up their young collectively. Yes ,so apes are very very social animals indeed.生词Earlier on 早先Social grouping社会群体Solitary独居的Bring up抚养Mate交配Mammal哺乳动物Insect昆虫Cat猫科动物Carnivore食肉动物,食虫植物Wasp黄蜂Bee蜜蜂Termite白蚁Ant蚂蚁Orangutan猩猩Ape猿Chimpanzee黑猩猩Chimp黑猩猩(非洲)Gorilla大猩猩Cheetah猎豹To a lesser extent在较小程度上Pride狮群A pride of一群Cub幼兽Dozen十二个Kick out解雇,开除,踢出Take over接管Indonesia印度尼西亚Malaysia马来西亚uni-male=harem只有一个雄性的Harem为一个雄性动物所控制的许多雌性动物Multimale多雄群的Silvery银的Silver-back银背Fur皮毛West Africa西非Whereas 然而,反之Closely(副词)紧密的Close(形容词,副词)Youngster年轻人Split into分裂,分成Hang around闲逛,徘徊Flexible灵活的Fight off击退Rival竞争的Collectively共同Slippery滑的snow-white雪白的Silky柔滑的答案ACDC--BCBAPassageCommunity colleges原文Great challenges faced the United States in the early 20th century,including global economic competition. National and local leaders realized that a more skilled workforce was key to the country‟s continued economic strength,a need that called for a dramatic increase in college attendance. Yet ,three-quarters of high school graduates were choosing not to further their education,in part because they were reluctant to leave home for a distant college. During the same period ,the country‟s rapidly growing public high schools were seeking new ways to serve their communities. It was common for them to add a teacher institute,manual learning,vocational education ,division ,or citizenship school to the diploma program. The high school-based community college was the most successful type of addition. Meanwhile ,small private colleges had fashioned an effective model of highereducation,grounded on the principles of small classes,close student-faculty relations and a program that included both academics and extracurricular activities. From the combination of these traditions, emerged earliest community colleges roughly balanced the number between private and public control,but united in their commitment to meet local needs. The typical early community college was small,rarely enrolling more than 150 students. It nevertheless offered a program of solid academics as well as a variety of student activities. A distinctive feature of the institutions was their accessibility to women,attributable to the leading role the colleges played in preparing grammar school teachers. In such states as Missouri ,which do not yet require K-8 teachers to have a bachelor‟s degree. It was common for more than 60% of community college students to be women,virtually ,all of them preparing to be teachers. Community colleges are centers of educational opportunity. More than 100 years ago,this unique American invention,put publicly funded higher education at close-to-home facilities ,and initiated practice of welcoming all who desired to learn,regardless of wealth,heritage or previous academic experience. Today the community college continues the process of making higher education available to a maximum number of people at 1166 public and independent community colleges . The breadthof programming and the variety of students‟ goals make it difficult to accurately quantify community college performance. Unlike four-year colleges,where attainment of a bachelor‟s degree is the implicit goal of students. Community college students do not share a common goal beyond self-improvement. Research shows that education pays . Students who complete associate degrees and certificates are more likely to move into a higher-status management and professional positions with higher earnings. And investment of a few thousand dollars now will likely to pay lifelong dividends,as student who earn associate degrees average lifetime earnings of 250,000 dollars more than people without degrees. But success at community colleges must be broadly defined to include not just those who attain associate degrees and those who earn certificates,but also the millions who take noncredit and workforce training classes.生词Primary school初等教育(小学=英国英语elementary school)Secondary school中学(=英国英语middle school)Middle school中学(初中10-13,五年级到八年级。
Unit 1Sectio n 1Listen ing and Transl ation1. A colleg e educat ion can be very costly in the United States.2.Rising costshave led more and more famili es to borrow moneyto help pay for colleg e.3.Thereare differ ent federa l loansand privat e loansfor studen ts.4.Intere st rateson some of theseloanswill go up on July 1st.5.Thereare growin g concer ns that many studen ts gradua te with too much debt.1.在美国,大学教育的费用会很贵。
Sectio n 2Part 1 Dialog ue1-8 A C D C B C B APart 2 passag e Ex C: 1-8 F F T T F T T FSectio n 3News Item 1China's wasted no time insett ing put the latest plansfor its ambiti ous spaceprogra m. A senior offici al said the next manned missio n will be in 2007, when the astron autswill attemp t a spacewalk. Afterthat, scient istswill focuson develo pingthe capabi lityto rendez vous* and dock* with otherspacec raft. He addedthat Chinaalso wanted to recrui t female astron autsin the near future.The announ cemen t comesjust hoursafterthe countr y's second manned spacemissio n touche d down in the remote grassl andsof InnerMongol ia. The return ing astron autshave been givena hero's welcom e, riding in an open car in a nation allytelevi sed parade. Thousa nds of soldie rs and groups of school child ren linedthe route, waving Chines e flags. It's a sign of the greatimport anceChinaattach es to its spaceprogra m, viewin g it as a source of nation al prideand intern ation al presti ge.A: …aboutChina’sambiti ous spaceprogra m.B:1. Landin g spot: in the remote grassl andsof InnerMongol ia2. Signif icanc e: a source of nation al prideand intern ation al presti ge (威望)Future plan1. 1) Time: 20072) Goal: The astron autswill attemp t a spacewalk.2. Focusof furthe r develo pment: the capabi lityto rendez vousand dock with otherspacec raft3. Recrui tment of astron auts:to recrui t female astron autsin the near future.News Item 2China's econom y has recove red earlie r and more strong ly than any other. This latest data is furthe r eviden ce of that trend.The rise in indust rialoutput confir ms what factor y owners have been saying for some time now, that custom ers have been restoc king*theirinvent ories and confid enceis return ing.Thereare stillquesti on marksthough over the stabil ity of the recove ry. The proper ty* sector* is showin g signsof overhe ating. The govern mentthis week announ ced measur es to try to cool it. At the same time offici als decide d to extend tax subsid ies* for purcha ses of smallvehicl es and applia ncessugges tingthat some here stillbeliev e Chines e manufa cture rs need govern mentsuppor t.Growth was strong est in heavyindust riessuch as coal, steel,powergenera tionand automo biles. Consum er prices rose in Novemb er for the firsttime sinceFebrua ry. But the rise was smalland probab ly reflec ted higher food prices caused by earlysnowst ormswhichdestro yed cropsand disrup ted transp ort.A: …aboutthe growth of China’seconom y.News Item 3If you visitalmost any market place in Africa, many of the consum er goodson sale, from bucket s to razorblades to hurric ane lamps, are likely to be Chines e. In a very largenumber of Africa n capita ls, the main footba ll stadiu m is likely to have been builtwith Chines e aid money.Sino-Africa n trade, and aid, is largeand growin g. Some estima tes put it as high as 12 billio n dollar s a year. Althou gh direct compar isons are diffic ult, the linksbetwee n the world's larges t develo pingcountr y, China, and the world's larges t develo pingcontin ent couldgrow to challe nge the post-coloni al linksbetwee n Europe and Africa. The meetin g in AddisAbaba*had heardChines e promis es to cancel debts,grantduty-free access into Chinafor Africa n produc ts and increa se Chines e invest ments in Africa.A: …aboutChina’slargeand growin g tradewith and aid to Africa.B:1.In many Africa n capita ls, the main footba ll stadiu m is likely to have been builtwith Chines eaid money.2.It is estima ted that Sino-Africa n trade, and aid, amount s to as high as 12 billio n dollar s a year.3.The linksbetwee n Chinaand Africa couldgrow to challe nge the post-coloni al linksbetwee nEurope and Africa.4.On the meetin g in AddisAbaba, Chinapromis ed to cancel debts, grantduty-free access intoChinafor Africa n produc ts and increa se Chines e invest ments in Africa.Unit 2Sectio n 1Listen ing and Transl ation1.Some people fear they do not get enough vitami ns from the foodsthey eat.2.So they take produc ts with largeamount s of vitami ns.3.They thinkthesevitami n supple ments will improv e theirhealth and protec t agains t diseas e.4.Medica l expert s foundlittle eviden ce that most supple ments do anythi ng to protec t or improv ehealth.5.but they notedthat some do help to preven t diseas e.1.有些人担心他们并未从所吃的食物中获取足够的维生素。
Unit 4Section One Tactics for ListeningPart 1 Spot DictationStephen Powelson’s Amazing MemoryWhen Stephen Powelson was nine, his school organized a (1) weekly contest in memorizing passages from the Bible. Stephen paid (2) no attention until he was chided* for (3) not competing. The next Sunday he surprised everyone by (4) reciting all the passages for the (5) entire year.As a teenager in prep school, Stephen took Greek. His teacher (6) assigned 21 lines of the Iliad* to be memorized (7) in a week. At the end of the hour - though he (8) insisted he paid full attention to the (9) lecture - Stephen knew all 21. He went on to memorize the first (10) 100 lines.In 1978, for the first time (11) since college, Powelson, now 60, had some (12) spare time. To keep his mind active, he reread the Iliad and (13) discovered that he still knew the first 100 lines (14) by heart.That someone could memorize so much between ages 60 and 70 is (15) astonishing to most people, who are (16) convinced that memory (17) worsens as we grow older.Powelson's method is to (18) read a book into his tape recorder, then read it several more times, making sure he understands (19) each word. "Also," he says, "I attempt to (20) visualize myself as part of the action."Part 2 Listening for GistYou might not know how rarely images are viewed directly through telescopes. The most common way to observe the skies is to photograph them. The process is very simple. First, a photographic plate is coated with a light-sensitive material. The plate is positioned so that the image received by the telescope is recorded on it. Then the image can be developed, enlarged, and published so that many people can study it.Because most astronomical objects are very remote, the light we receive from them is rather feeble. But by using a telescope as a camera, long time exposures can be made. In this way, objects can be photographed that are a hundred times too faint to be seen by just looking through a telescope.1)This passage is about how to photograph astronomical objects.2)Photograph, coated, light-sensitive material, positioned, received,recorded, developed, enlarged, published, remote, feeble, telescope,camera, long exposuresSection Two Listening ComprehensionPart one DialogueTunisian HolidayVocabularyamphitheatremosaiccoach n. 公共马车,普通旅客车厢resort n. 胜地,常去之地(Someone is enquiring about the Tunisian holiday.)Agent: Hello, Bath Travel.Client: Hello, I'd like to find out more about your Tunisian holiday for amateur archaeologists. I've read about it in the paper, but I'd like to know more about what is involved.Agent: You mean you'd like to know the itinerary?Client: Yes, that's right.Agent: All right. Just briefly, you arrive in Tunis at midday on the first day and go by coach to La Marsa. Then there is a short briefing by the archaeologist and then the rest of the day you are free to explore.The second day you get up before dawn and go to Carthage to see the sunrise. You have breakfast and a lecture there and then go by coach to Mansoura, where there are beautiful coves(小海湾). After lunch you can walkalong the beach, to Kerkouane. The walk takes about four hours. Kerkouane is one of the most recent and most exciting sites. Then by coach to Kelibia, a fishing village, in time for sunset over the harbor.Client: That sounds rather a long walk.Agent: Well, it's an easy walk. Flat all the way, and very pretty. But you can go by coach, if you prefer. The third day you spend in Hammamet on Cap Bon, and the day is free to enjoy the town. It's a lovely old town and resort. And the fourth day you take the coach to the ruin of EI Djem, which is a magnificent amphitheatre*. You have lunch in Sfax and then you take the ferry to the beautiful Kerkennah Islands.Client: Islands, you say?Agent: Yes, they're very peaceful and you spend the fifth day there. The fishermen will take everyone out on their sailing boats and there will be a fishermen's picnic. On the sixth day you visit the Great Mosque of Kairouan and have a picnic lunch. Then take the coach to the lovely port of Bizerte for the last night. And the final day there is a visit to the ancient Roman capital of Utica with its fantastic mosaics* and then a coach to Tunis International Airport.Client: Have you got a full brochure which gives more details?ExerciseDirections: Listen to the dialogue and complete the following itinerary.The sixth dayVisit the Great Mosque of Kairouan and have a picnic lunch.Then take the coach to the lovely port of Bizerte for the lastnight.The final dayThere is a visit to the ancient Roman capital of Utica with itsfantastic mosaics and then a coach to Tunis InternationalAirport.Part 2 PassageMexican Gray WolfExercise A Pre-listening QuestionThe wolf is a large member of the canine(犬科的) family. Most of the adult grey wolves weigh in the vicinity of 75 to 125 pounds (34 to 56 kilograms). Wolves live in family groups called packs. A pack is usually made up of a male parent, a female parent, their pups and a few other adult wolves who are the older brothers and sisters. Wolves can run up to 40 miles an hour and can easily cover 50 miles a day.The wolf has developed the capacity to survive in the most inhospitable of climates. The wolves in the high arctic endure several winter months of perpetual darkness. Even in February when the sun returns to the north, temperatures of -40°C and bitter winds are common. In the wild wolves can live up to 13 years or more; in a protected wolf park or a controlled area of land, a wolf can live to be up to 16 years old.1)After more than a century of assault by humans, the wolf populationhad dwindled to no more than a handful by the 1970s in Mexico and the American southwest.2)The program is now about halfway to meeting its goal of a "wild"population of at least 100 wolves covering more than 12,800 squarekilometers.3)Decisions about mating, movement among the 45 captive-breedingfacilities and releases into the wild are made by a US-Mexicancommittee of scientists, land owners and others.4)A wolf with rare genes - until it has successfully reproduced - will neverbe released because· of the high mortality rate in the wild.5)The recovery program is gradually moving away from freeingcaptive-born wolves, as the population of pups born free takes off.****Francisco and Sheila were pioneers in a federal program in Eureka, 32 kilometers southwest of S1. Louis, the United States, to restore the endangered Mexican gray wolf, the rarest and most genetically distinct subspecies of gray wolf in North America.After more than a century of assault by humans, the wolf population had dwindled to no more than a handful by the 1970s in Mexico and the American southwest.The research center, popularly known as the Wolf Sanctuary*, was founded in 1971 by Marlin Perkins, a world-renowned naturalist and former director of the St. Louis Zoo, and his wife Carol. Besides the Mexican wolf, the sanctuary works with the endangered red wolf, maned wolf (maned: 有鬃毛的; maned wolf 鬣狼), swift fox and African wild dogs.In the late 1970s, the last seven known wolves were captured in the wild or taken from zoos to begin the breeding program. In 1981, the firstcaptive-bred litter of Mexican gray wolves produced in the federal programwas born at the Wild Canid (犬科动物) Center, and the first release into the wild took place in 1998. The program is now about halfway to meeting its goal of a "wild" population of at least 100 wolves covering more than 12,800 square kilometers.Though in captivity themselves, Francisco and Sheila taught their pups so well that many are thriving in the wild. They were ideal parents. They raised 25 babies, taught them good survival skills and sent many of them off to live on their own.Nine of Francisco and Sheila's offspring were among the first 11 captive-born Mexican gray wolves released in 1998. Both parent wolves have since died - Francisco at age 14 in December. Sheila at age 16 in June 2000 - but they lived, as captive wolves often do, roughly twice as long as wolves in the wild. Today the Wild Canid Survival and Research Center in Eureka estimates that 98 percent of Mexican wolves released from the federal program are descendants of the prolific* lobo* pair. (lobo=timber wolf)About 250 lobos now live in captivity at 45 US and Mexican facilities. The Wild Canid Center, however, has produced more puppies and housed more Mexican grays than any other facility.The Wild Canid Center is ideated* on 25 isolated hectares(公顷) within Washington University's Tyson Research Center. The wolves live in large outdoor with minimal human contact. They learn tohunt, , live in natural family packs, and to be suspicious of people - all necessary skills for surviving in the wild.Decisions about mating, movement among the 45 and releases into the wild are made by a US-Mexican committee of scientists, land owners and others. They also maintain . A wolf with rare genes - until it has successfully reproduced - will never be released because ofthe in the wild. It's not uncommon for freed wolves to be struck by cars or shot by hunters; in recent weeks, five have died.Despite the losses, released wolves are . The recovery program is gradually moving away from freeing captive-born wolves, as the population of pups born free . Scientists want to let nature decide what's a good wolf and what's not through .The Wild Canid Center is ideated* on 25 isolated hectares(公顷) within Washington University's Tyson Research Center. The wolves live in large outdoor enclosures with minimal human contact. They learn to hunt, raise young, live in natural family packs, and to be suspicious of people - all necessary skills for surviving in the wild.Decisions about mating, movement among the 45 captive-breeding facilities and releases into the wild are made by a US-Mexican committee of scientists, land owners and others. They also maintain a genetic database. A wolf with rare genes - until it has successfully reproduced - will never be released because of the high mortality rate in the wild. It's not uncommon for freed wolves to be struck by cars or shot by hunters; in recent weeks, five have died.Despite the losses, released wolves are reproducing. The recovery program is gradually moving away from freeing captive-born wolves, as the population of pups born free takes off. Scientists want to let nature decide what's a good wolf and what's not through natural selection.Exercise B Sentence DictationDirections: Listen to some sentences and write them down. You will hear each sentence three times.Exercise C Detailed Listening1 Directions: Listen to the passage and complete the information about a Mexican gray wolf research center.1)The research center's known as: the Wolf Sanctuary2) Location: in Eureka. 32 Kilometers southwest of St. Louis. the UnitedStates3) Founding: in 19714) Purpose: to restore the endangered Mexican gray wolf5) Founder: Marlin Perkins. a world-renowned naturalist and formerdirector the St. Louis Zoo. and his wife Carol2. Directions: Fill in the blanks with events connected with the followingtime expressions.1)In the late 1970s: The last seven known wolves were captured in the wildor taken from zoos to begin the breeding program.2)In 1981: The first captive-bred litter of Mexican gray wolves produced inthe federal program was born at the wild Canid Center.3)In 1998: The first release into the wild took place.Exercise D After-listening DiscussionDirections: Listen to the passage again and discuss the following questions.1)Francisco and Sheila were pioneers in a federal program. Though incaptivity themselves, they taught their pups so well that many are thriving in the wild. They were ideal parents. They raised 25 babies, taught them good survival skills and sent many of them off to live on their own. Nine of Francisco and Sheila's offspring were among the first 11 captive-bornMexican gray wolves released in 1998. Both parent wolves have since died - Francisco at age 14 in December. Sheila at age 16 in June 2000 but they lived, as captive wolves often do, roughly twice as long as wolves in the wild.The Wild Canid Center is ideated on 25 isolated hectares within.Washington University's Tyson Research Center. Today the Wild Canid Survival and Research Center estimates that 98 percent of Mexican wolves released from the federal program are descendants of the prolific lobo pair. About 250 lobos now live in captivity at 45 US and Mexican facilities.The Wild Canid Center has produced more puppies and housed more Mexican grays than any other facility. Other large US newspapers were singled out too, including the Wall Street Journal, which won the Pulitzer for breaking news, despite being displaced from its offices at the World Trade Center. The Washington Post received Pulitzers in two categories, investigative and national reporting.(Open)Section Three NewsNews Item1When Astroland opened in 1962 it represented the future of amusement theme parks, boasting state-of-the-art rides(游乐场所供人玩乐的乘坐装置) and attractions operating with an outer-space theme.The park is a fixture on the Coney Island boardwalk, best known for the Cyclone, its wooden roller coaster and the Wonder Wheel, a seaside landmark. Astroland's 22 rides and three game arcades provided jobs for up to 300 people.Astroland has been by far the biggest amusement center on Coney Island, which has been a favorite holiday destination for Americans in the New York area since the 19th Century. It is the birthplace of thebeaches and family-friendly atmosphere.But Astroland's final chapter may be still to come. A few days after the park's announced closure, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said hope is not yet lost, and that city officials are trying to step in and get a one-year renewal of Astroland's lease.A.Astroland’s announced closureB.1. It opened in 1962.2. It represented the future of amusement theme parks, boasting state-of-the-art rides and attractions operating with an outer-space theme.3. It is best known for the Cyclone, its wooden roller coaster and theWonder Wheel, a seaside landmark.4. Because they enjoy its kitschy rides, street performers, sand beaches and family-friendly atmosphere.5. No. The city officials are trying to step in and get a one-year renewal of Astroland's lease.News Item 2It's called the "Highline." It's a newly renovated and elevated promenade that was once a railway line for delivering cattle and other food stock. In 1980, the train made its last delivery, bringing frozen turkeys to lower Manhattan. In a densely populated city, the Highline now provides open space for relaxation as it winds through neighborhoods once noted for slaughterhouses.It's an oasis in a sea of concrete. The walkway includes more than 100 species of plants inspired by the wild landscape left after the trains stopped running. New construction is everywhere. Apartments, office towers, restaurants and even a museum have sprouted alongside the promenade.The first section of the Highline was inaugurated in May, after 15 years of planning and political battles. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, along with benefactors like clothing designer Diane vonFurstenberg and her husband, media mogul Barry Diller, cut the ribbon.The first two sections of the Highline cost $152 million. Of that, $44 million was raised by the public. To those who visit, it seems it was well worth the wait and the money.News Item3African American History MuseumAn old Greyhound Bus* terminal sits unused in the heart of downtown Dothan, Alabama. It's hardly noticeable, nestled between two office buildings and surrounded by a chain link fence. There are no written signs that hint of the structure's controversial history. Four decades ago it was a symbol of racial segregation. During the 1960s, bus terminals like other public facilities throughout the American south were divided into white areas and black areas. The building still has the separate entrance and restroom facilities that black customers were legally required to use. Today,those elements have a different social value, and they will become one of the centerpieces of a new African American history museum.The museum will include galleries devoted to the accomplishments of George Washington Garver* and other black scientists and inventors. There will be a gallery depicting black heroes of military and social campaigns.And the city of Dothan is helping. It's providing the museum with some financial support, and it's already promoting the attraction to visitors. The G-W Carver Interpretive Museum should open doors by August and its director Francina Williams hopes to capitalize on Alabama's historic role . the center of America's Civil Rights movement. When visitors come to Birmingham, Selma and Montgomery to learn about the struggles that African Americans have endured, she would like them I make a side trip to Dothan to see what African Americans have contributed to Alabama, America Id the world.Exercise ADirections: Listen to the news item and complete the summary.This news item is about an African American history museum showing the struggles and contributions f African Americans.Exercise BDirection: Listen to the news again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).1.F2. T3. F4.F5.T6. T7. F8.TSection Four supplementary ExercisesPart 1 Feature ReportLamaina grew up listening to her grandfather's stories of Garaguso.Tommaso Lamaina immigrated from Garaguso to Philadelphia in the 1920s in search of work. But he never let his family forget the place where generations of their forefathers had lived.The stories inspired Lamaina’s dream of developing her own relationship with a place she was never able to visit with hergrandfather, who died when she was a teenager. So in 2000, with years of experience as a professional photographer behind her, she decided to begin an annual pilgrimage to Garaguso to capture life there on film.Garaguso is a farming village, home to about 1,500 people, in the mountainous region of Basilicata, located in the instep of Italy's boot. It's one of the most remote and least developed zones in the country. After decades of emigration, it's sparsely populated. One out of seven of the people who remain can't read or write.Lamaina's photos show a Garaguso that seems hardly to have changed in centuries, an anachronism compared with a very modern Italy. Taken in black and white, they show the winding cobblestone streets and ancient buildings of the historical centre. There are donkeys, loaded up with kindling for the open fires and stoves, which still warm the houses.There are portraits of men with gnarled faces, wearing black pants and white shirts from a past era. There's the local baker, whose family has been selling bread in the same building since the late 1700s. There are women with white hair and no teeth, dressed in black.Arriving in the village where her family had lived for generations waslike a homecoming for Lamaina. She grew up in an inner-city neighborhood of Philadelphia, in the bosom of an immigrant southern Italian community. At home, her relatives spoke the dialect of Garaguso rather than English.But over the years, the reserve has lessened. Lamaina admits, and her work shows, that life in Garaguso is not easy. The locals work from sunup to sundown in the fields, tending their crops and animals. They eat what they produce. Little is imported and nothing goes to waste. But she believes it's rich in the things that matter, like generosity, hospitality and family ties. In this respect, she says, the village has something to teach those who see her work.Lamaina recently held an exhibition of her work in Florence, where she now lives. She's also giving a copy of her images to City Hall in Garaguso.After eight years of recording life there, Susanna Lucia Lamaina's not ready to put away her camera yet. She says she has many more photographs to take and hopes her work will put her family village on the map. Her grandfather, Tommaso Lamaina, would have been proud.A.Susanna Lucia Lamaina’s recording life in Garaguso.B.T,T,T, T,T,F,T,FPart 2 PassageSafari1)A blur of gold was spotted through the high, wind-whipped grasses andoff we walked toward the lion's den.2)He couldn't stop smiling as we crept closer and closer into the glow of theday's last light.3)Just a meter away from the lions a straggling buffalo loped by, but ourappearance seemed to distract them and the buffalo got away.4)Under an open sky we winded our way through cracked sun-bakedpathways. Our guides knelt in the sand, pointing out the differencesbetween the various animal tracks.5)Thrashing in the water a mauve-colored hippo grunted, snapped his giantjaws, and lunged forward.We kept our distance behind a log on the banks of the river.A blur of gold was spotted through the high, wind-whipped grasses and off we walked toward the lion's den*. We glanced at each other nervously, but forged ahead. My friends and I had come to experience the African bush on foot, so, gulping, we fell in shaky step behind our two ranger guides. Their rifles were at the ready. So were our zoom lenses. Seeing lions was a special treat, even for our veteran guide, and he couldn't stop smiling as wecrept closer and closer into the glow of the day's last light.About 150 meters ahead we counted 10 lions sitting in a semicircle in the grass. Their heads poked up through the grass thicket, listening, aware.Just a meter away from the lions a straggling* buffalo loped by. Perhaps the lions' intended dinner? But our appearance seemed to distract them and the buffalo got away.We were in the Kruger National Park*, the largest game park in South Africa, on a guided walking safari.Kruger National Park is the country's main game* reserve. Roughly the size of Wales, it stretches for almost 2.5 million hectares across a maze of ecozones from flat scrubby bush, dense shrub-like Mopane tree covered hillsides to lush valleys.For three nights home was a circle of thatched roof two-person huts tucked behind a leafy grove of trees in an enclosed camp that included toilets and hot (mostly) showers.Dinner was served around an open fire, a massive kettle of hot water for tea or coffee steaming on a nearby pile of smoldering coals.The only light after dark were swaths of luminous stars overhead and our kerosene* lanterns.We joked that we had arrived to the catered version of "Survivor".The first morning we climbed out from beneath mosquito nets to themuffled sounds of an elephant munching on a tree behind our huts, which were separated only by several meters and a wire mesh fence.As if the elephant was not wake-cup call enough, outside each hut a jug of water had been poured into a plastic basin for a quick face wash before hitting the trails.Under an open sky we winded our way through cracked sun-baked pathways through baobab* and kudu* berry trees. Our guides knelt in the sand, pointing out the differences between the various animal tracks.A line in the sand told a crocodile had recently slipped into a nearbypool.Later we saw a crocodile sunning on a rock not far from where we had been swimming the day before.In the same area we had a sunset sighting of a mauve*-colored hippo* who was not happy to see us.Thrashing in the water he grunted, snapped his giant jaws, and lunged* forward. We kept our distance behind a log on the banks of the river where we later got a glimpse at a family of baboons*.On our last evening streaks of orange made the sky glow as if on tangerine* fire. We were all on a high from our lion sighting.I inhaled the colors, the silhouette* of buffalos grazing near a watering hole, the evening dropped in temperature and squeezed a friend's hand. Exercise A Pre-listeningQuestion Here are the top parksfor an African safari:The beautiful Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya, the world-famous Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania, the lush green Okavango Delta and Chobe National Park in Botswana and the Etosha National Park in Namibia.Exercise B Sentence DictationDirections: Listen to some sentences and write them down. You will hear each sentence three times.Exercise C Detailed ListeningDirections: Listen to the passage and answer the following questions.1)They experienced the African bush on foot.2)Seeing lions was a special treat for them.3)They saw 10 lions sitting in a semicircle in the grass.4)Krugge National Park stretches for almost 2.5 million hectares ,roughlythe size of Wales.5)They stayed in a thatched roof two- person huts with toilets and hotshowers.6)Dinner was served around an open fire.7)They saw a crocodile sunning on a rock not far from where they had beenswimming the day before.8)They were all on a high from their lion sighting.Exercise D After-listening DiscussionDirections: Listen to the passage again and discuss the following questions1. They saw lions, buffaloes , elephants, crocodiles, hippos, baboons, etc.2.(Open)。
Unit 4Section One Tactics for ListeningPart 1 PhoneticsStress, Intonation and AccentScriptListen to some short conversations. Has the second speaker finished talking? Tick the right box.1. A: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the secretary’s off ice is, please?B: Yes. It’s up the stairs, then turn left, …↗2. A: Excuse me. Can you tell me where the toilets are?B: Yes, they’re at the top of the stairs. ↘3. A: What did you do after work yesterday?B: Ah, well, I went for a drink in the pub opposite the carpark. ↘4. A: What did you do after work yesterday?B: Oh, I ran into Jane and Tom, …↗5. A: Excuse me, can you tell me how the machine works?B: Certainly. Erm, first of all you adjust the height of the stool, and then put four 10-pence pieces there, ... ↗6. A: Excuse me, can you tell me how the machine works?B: Yes. You put 30 pence in the slot and take the ticket out here. ↘KeyPart 2 Listening and Note-TakingFrog LegsScriptA. Listen to some sentences and fill in the blanks with the missing words.1. Many Asian cultures have included frog legs in their diets for centuries.2. By 1977 the French government banned commercial hunting of its own amphibians.3. Indian scientists have described as “disastrous” the rate at which frogs aredisappearing from the rice fields and wetlands.4. The United States imported more than 6.5 million pounds of frozen frog meat eachyear between 1981 and 1984.5. One of the attractions of Indian frogs was the price.B. Listen to a talk about frog legs. Take notes and complete the following summary.People want frogs mostly for food. Many Asian cultures have included frog legs in their diets for centuries —or at least until they have run out of frogs. But the most famous frog-eaters, and the people who inspired frog-eating in Europe and the United States are the French. By 1977 the French government, so concerned about the scarcity of its native frog, banned commercial hunting of its own amphibians*. So the French turned to India and Bangladesh for frogs.As happened in France, American frog-leg fanciers and restaurants also turned increasingly to frozen imports. According to figures collected from government agencies, the United States imported more than 6.5 million pounds of frozen frog meat each year between 1981 and 1984.So many frozen frog legs were exported from India to Europe and the United States.One of the attractions of Indian frogs, apart from the fact that they have bigger legs than French frogs, was the price. In London, a pound of frozen frog’s legs from India cost about £1.75, compared with £3.75 for the French variety.Indian scientists have described as “disastrous” the rate at whic h frogs are disappearing from the rice fields and wetlands, where they protect crops by devouring* damaging insects.Since the India and Bangladesh frog-export bans, Indonesia has become the major exporter of frog legs to the United States and Europe. But no matter what country the legs come from, one thing is usually constant: The legs once belong to frogs that are taken from the wild, not from farms. Frogs are nearly impossible to farm economically in the countries where frogs are commercially harvested from the wild.KeyA. 1. Many Asian cultures have included frog legs in their diets for centuries.2. By 1977 the French government banned commercial hunting of its own amphibians.3. Indian scientists have described as “disastrous” the rate at which frogs aredisappearing from the rice fields and wetlands.4. The United States imported more than 6.5 million pounds of frozen frog meat eachyear between 1981 and 1984.5. One of the attractions of Indian frogs was the price.B. Frog LegsPeople want frogs mostly for food. Many Asian cultures have included frog legs in their diets for centuries.The most famous frog-eaters, and the people who inspiredfrog-eating in Europe and the United States are the French. By 1977 the Frenchgovernment banned commercial hunting of its own amphibians. So the French turned toIndia and Bangladesh for frogs. And the United States imported more than 6.5 millionpounds of frozen frog meat each year between 1981 and 1984. One of the attractions ofIndian frogs was the price.In dian scientists have described as “disastrous” the rate at which frogs are disappearing from the rice fields and wetlands, where they protect crops by devouringdamaging insects.Since the India and Bangladesh frog-export bans, Indonesia has become the major exporter of frog legs to the United States and Europe. But no matter what country thelegs come from, one thing is usually constant: The legs once belong to frogs that aretaken from the wild, not from farms.Section Two Listening ComprehensionPart 1 Sentence IdentificationScriptIdentify each sentence as simple (S), compound (CP), complex (CPL) or compound-complex (C-C). You will hear each sentence twice. Write the corresponding letter(s) in the space provided.1. I told them what I thought; moreover, I will tell anyone else who wants to know.2. When the timer rang, she was in the living room talking to the neighbors who haddropped in.3. Downstairs in a flash, she hurriedly dialed 999, and gave her name and address inclear, concise tones.4. As a minister’s wife, she has more than her fair share of telephone calls.5. That polish makes the floor dangerously slick; we will have to be careful until itwears down.Key1. C-C2. CPL3. S4. S5. C-CPart 2 DialoguesDialogue 1 Health ClubScriptA. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following chart.Interviewer: Lorna, you and your husband opened this health club here last summer.Can you tell me something about the club?Lorna: Yes, well we offer a choice of facilities —gym, sunbed*, sauna* andJacuzzi* —that’s also from Scandinavia — as well as our regular fitnessclasses, that is. And there’s a wholefood bar for refreshments afterwards.Interviewer: And does it cost a lot? I mean, most people think health clubs are reallyexpensive.Lorna: Actually our rates are really quite competitive. Since we only started lastJuly, we’ve kept them down to attract customers. It’s only £30 a year tojoin. Then an hour in the gym costs £2.50 — the same as half an hour onthe sunbed. Sauna and Jacuzzi are both £1.50 for half an hour.Interviewer: And is the club doing well?Lorna: Well, so far, yes, it’s doing really well. I had no idea it was going to besuch a success, actually. We’re both very pleased. The sunbed’s sopopular, espe cially with the over 65s, that we’re getting another one inAugust.Interviewer: What kind of people join the club?Lorna: We have people of all ages here, from small children to old-agepensioners, though of course the majority, about three-quarters of ourmembers, are in their 20s and 30s. They come in their lunch hour, to usethe gym, mostly, or after work, while the youngsters come when schoolfinishes, around half past three or four. The Jacuzzi’s very popular withthe little ones.Interviewer: What about the old-age pensioners?Lorna: They’re usually around in the mornings, when we offer them specialreduced rates —for the Jacuzzi or sauna, plus sunbed, it’s only £2, whichis half price, actually. It doesn’t affect our profits really — only about 5%of our members are retired.B. Listen to an extract from the dialogue and complete the following sentences withthe missing words.Interviewer: What about the old-age pensioners?Lorna: T hey’re usually around in the mornings, when we offer them specialreduced rates —for the Jacuzzi or sauna, plus sunbed, it’s only £2,which is half price, actually. It doesn’t affect our profits really — onlyabout 5% of our members are retired.KeyA.B. Interviewer: What about the old-age pensioners?Lorna: They’re usually around in the mornings, when we offer them specialreduced rates—for the Jacuzzi or sauna, plus sunbed, it’s only £2,which is half price,actually. It doesn’t affect our profits really — onlyabout 5% of our members are retired.Dialogue 2 SkiingScriptA. Listen to the dialogue and answer the following questionsSimon: This one shows the view from the top of the mountain.Sally: Oh, it’s lovely!Teresa: That’s me with the red bobble hat.Sally: Is it?Teresa: Yet, i t looks kind of silly, doesn’t it?Sally: Yes, it does rather.Teresa: Oh, don’t worry. I know it looks ridiculous.Simon: Look. That’s our instructor, Werner.Teresa: Yeah, we were in the beginners’ class.Sally: Well, everyone has to start somewhere.Simon: Ah, now, this is a good one.Sally: What on earth is that?Simon: Can’t you guess?Sally: Well, it looks like a pile of people. You know, sort of on top of each other.Teresa: It is!Sally: How did that happen?Simon: Well, you see we were all pretty hopeless at first. Every day Werner used to take us to the nursery slope* to practise, and to get to the top you had to go upon a ski lift*.Teresa: Which wasn’t really very easy.Simon: No, and if you fell off you’d start sliding down the sl ope, right into all the people coming up!Sally: Mmm.Simon: Well, on that day we were all going up on the ski lift, you know, we were just getting used to it, and, you see there was this one woman in our class whonever got the hang of* it. She didn’t h ave any sort of control over her skis andwhenever she started sliding, she would sort of stick her ski sticks out in frontof her, you know, like swords or something.Teresa: I always tried to avoid her, but on that day I was right behind her on the ski lift and just as she was getting to the top, she slipped and started sliding down theslope.Sally: Did she?Simon: Mmm, with her ski sticks waving around in front of her!Teresa: So of course everyone sort of let go and tried to jump off the ski lift to get out of the way.Simon: And that’s how they all ended up in a pile at the bottom of the slope — it was lucky I had my camera with me.Sally: I bet that woman was popular!Simon: Oh, yes, everybody’s favourite!B. Listen to the dialogue again and complete the following passage.C. Listen to some extracts from the dialogue and complete the following sentenceswith the missing words.1. Teresa: That’s me with the red bobble hat.Sally: Is it?Teresa: Yet, it looks kind of silly, doesn’t it?Sally: Yes, it does rather.2. Simon: Mmm, with her ski sticks waving around in front of her!Teresa: So of course everyone sort of let go and tried to jump off the ski lift toget out of the way.Simon: And that’s how they all ended up in a pile at the bottom of the slope — itwas lucky I had my camera with me.KeyA. 1. They are looking at some pictures.2. A ski class for beginners.3. Two.B. Everyday the coach took them to a nursery slope. They got to the top on a ski lift. Intheir class, there was one woman who could never learn how to ski. She couldn’t control her skis and whenever she started sliding, she would stick her ski sticks out in front of her. People always tried to avoid her.One day as she was getting to the top, she slipped and started sliding down the slope.Everyone tried to jump off the ski lift to get out of the way and they all slid down the slope and ended up in a pile at the bottom.C. 1. Teresa: That’s me with the red bobble hat.Sally: Is it?Teresa: Yet, it looks kind of silly, doesn’t it?Sally: Yes, it does rather.2. Simon: Mmm, with her ski sticks waving around in front of her!Teresa: So of course everyone sort of let go and tried to jump off the ski lift to getout of the way.Simon: And that’s how they all ended up in a pile at the bottom of the slope — itwas lucky I had my camera with me.Part 3 PassageThe Truth about the French!ScriptB. Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the questions you willhear.Skiing in France is heaven on Earth for a dedicated skier. There are resorts where you can access skiing terrain that is larger than all the ski resorts in Utah* and Colorado* combined.The larger resorts have an adequate number of restaurants and discos. It is a good idea to eat a good lunch because the mountain restaurants are normally much better than the restaurants in the ski stations.French resorts are mostly government owned and operated. The social system puts a high percentage of money back into the areas. This provides state-of-theart* lifts, snow making and snow grooming. In general, an intermediate skier who can read a lift map will easily be able to ski all day avoiding lift lines and crowds, even during the busiest season.The French school systems have a staggered* two-week winter vacation period. When the snow is good, nearly all of France migrates to the mountains for this period. The break usually covers the last two weeks of February and the first week of March. The time to absolutely avoi d is the “Paris school holiday week” which will always be in the middle period of the vacation time but alternates starting the first or second week of the break.No one has a more undeserved* reputation about his or her character than the French.The French are not generally arrogant and rude. True, in large tourist centers there are unpleasant people and if you’re looking for or expecting rudeness, you may just provoke* it.Generally the French, especially in the countryside, are as kind as you wish and you will find warmth and acceptance. The most fractious* Frenchman is easily disarmed by a little sincerity*.When greeting someone or saying good-bye, always shake hands. Don’t use a firm, pumping handshake, but a quick, slight pressure one. When you enter a room or a shop you should greet everyone there. If you meet a person you know very well, use their first name and kiss both cheeks. Men don’t usually kiss unless they are relatives. Good topics of conversation include food, sports, hobbies and where you come from. Topics to avoid are prices, where items were bought, what someone does for a living, income and age. Questions about personal and family life are considered private. Expect to find the French well-informed about the history, culture and politics of other countries. To gain their respect, be prepared to show some knowledge of the history and politics of France.France is generally a very safe country to visit. Pickpockets, however, are not unheard of.In large cities particularly, take precautions against theft. Always secure your vehicles, leave nothing of value visible and don’t carry your wallet in your back pocket. Beware of begging children!Questions:1. How large are the ski resorts in France?2. Why do people prefer to eat lunch at the mountain restaurants?3. How do most of the French resorts operate?4. What kind of vacation do French students usually have?5. What kind of unfair reputation do the French have?6. What is recommended when greeting someone or saying good-bye?7. What are good topics of conversation?8. What is still necessary when visiting France?C. Listen to the passage again and discuss the following questions.KeyA. Skiing can be divided into cross-country skiing and alpine skiing. Cross-country skiingis a low-impact, aerobic activity. It is becoming increasingly popular. It can be enjoyed even if you have a relatively low skill level. It does not require exorbitant lift fees, and it has a relatively low injury rate (cross-country skiing has an injury rate about 10 times less than alpine skiing). Skiing uses more muscles than running and is less stressful on the legs.Alpine or downhill skiing is a popular family sport shared by people of all ages and athletic abilities. It has less benefits for aerobic fitness than cross-country skiing because activity is usually in short bursts, but it is good for strengthening muscles particularly those in the upper leg. Alpine skiing is also a tough sport, particularly demanding on the legs.B. 1. C 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. D 8. DC. 1. Because there are resorts where you can access skiing terrain that is larger than all theski resorts in Utah and Colorado combined.2. Because in a French resort an intermediate skier who can read a lift map will easily beable to ski all day avoiding lift lines and crowds, even during the busiest season.3. This staggered two-week winter vacation period usually covers the last two weeks ofFebruary and the first week of March.4. The French are not generally arrogant and rude. Generally they are as kind as youwish.5. In large cities in France, always secure your vehicles, leave nothing of value visibleand don’t carry your wallet in your back pocket. Beware of begging children!D. 1. When the snow is good, nearly all of France migrates to the mountains for this period.The break usually covers the last two weeks of February and the first week of March.2. Generally the French, especially in the countryside, are as kind as you wish. The mostfractious Frenchman is easily disarmed by a little sincerity.Part 4 NewsNews item 1 India’s Selfie CampaignScriptA. Listen to the news item and answer the following questions. Then give a briefsummary about the news item.Recently, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a campaign on social media.The campaign is aimed at recognizing and celebrating the lives of girls. It is part of the Indian government’s “Save Daughter, Teach Daughter” movement, which began earlier this year.The Indian leader used a radio broadcast last Sunday to urge people to publish photographs taken with their daughters on social media. He expressed hope that this could revolutionize the movement to save the country’s girls.Sexual inequality has long been a major problem in India’s highly patria rchal* society.For years, Indian families have wanted boys more than girls. In India, many girls are considered inferior to boys. Some are even killed before they are born or as newborns because they are thought to be less desirable. For every 1,000 boys up to the age of six years, India has 914 girls.It was not just fathers in India who answered Mr. Modi’s call. Fathers in countries as far away as Sweden also posted pictures with daughters.Social activists hope this campaign will not just be another public relations effort, but will support India’s push to give its daughters the same positions as it s sons.B. Listen to the news item again and complete the following sentences.KeyA. 1. The Prime Minister launched the campaign on social media.2. The movement began earlier this year.3. The Prime Minister urge people to publish photographs taken with their daughters onsocial media.4. Social activists hope the campaign will not just be another public relations effort, butwill support the appeal for giving the daughters the same position as the sons.5. Fathers in countries such as Sweden also posted pictures with daughters.This news item is about a campaign launched by Indian Prime Minister on recognizingand celebrating the lives of girls.B. 1. Sexual inequality has been a major problem in India’s patriarchal society.2. Many girls are considered inferior to boys in India, therefore some are even killedbefore they are born or as newborns.3. For every 1,000 boys up to the age of six, there are only 914 girls in India.C. 1. Recently, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a campaign on social media.The campaign is aimed at recognizing and celebrating the lives of girls.2. It was not just fathers in India who answered Mr. Modi’s c all. Fathers in countries asfar away as Sweden also posted pictures with daughters.3. Social activists hope this campaign will not just be another public relations effort, butwill support India’s push to give its daughters the same positions as its sons.News item 2 100-Year-Old Japanese Woman’s Swimming RecordScriptA. Listen to the news item and fill out the following chart. Then give a brief summaryabout the news item.As we age, we often take longer to recover from injuries. That is, for some people.After a Japanese woman suffered a knee injury, she became a competitive swimmer —at age 88.Nearing the age of 101 has not slowed down one Japanese woman. In fact, in the swimming pool — she is only getting faster.Recently, a 100-year-old Japanese w oman became the world’s first centenarian*to complete a 1,500-meter freestyle swimming competition in a 25-meter pool. Her name is Mieko Nagaoka. Ms. Nagaoka set a world record for her age group at a recent Japan Masters Swimming Association event in the western city of Matsuyama. She swam the race in one hour, 15 minutes and 54 seconds.And Ms. Nagaoka was not competing against others. In fact, Ms. Nagaoka was the only competitor in the 100–104 year old category*. Her race was not a race of speed but of endurance*, or not giving up.In 2002, at a masters swim meet in New Zealand, Ms. Nagaoka took the bronze medal in the 50-meter backstroke. In 2004, she won three silver medals at an Italian swim meet.B. Listen to the news item again and complete the following sentences.KeyThis news item is about a 100-year-old Japanese woman who sets the swimming record.B. 1. Recently, a 100-year-old Japanese woman became the world’s first centenarian tocomplete a 1,500-meter freestyle swimming competition.2. Her race was not a race of speed but of endurance, or not giving up.3. After suffered a knee injury, Ms. Nagaoka became a competitive swimmer —at ageof 88.C.In 2002, at a masters swim meet in New Zealand, Ms. Nagaoka took the bronze medal inthe 50-meter backstroke. In 2004, she won three silver medals at an Italian swim meet.Section Three Oral WorkRetellingThe StrandScriptListen to a story and then retell it in your own words. You will hear the story only once. You can write down some key words and phrases.There is a street called “The Strand” in Galveston, where hundred s of thousands of tourists visit today. This street was Mama’s stomping* ground as a kid. Before Mama died, we took a streetcar around Galveston to see all the lovely, restored homes. What a great day.She knew more than the tour guide. As we sat enjoying the sights, Mama said, “Liz, do you know why my nose is a little crooked*?” (I thought, “Where did that come from?”) “No, Mama, you haven’t ever mentioned it,” I replied.“Well,” said mother, “one day I followed my brothers to The Strand, and a streetcar ran over me. I put myself flat down between the rails and pushed my face in the ground so hard that I broke my nose! It sure caused a lot of chaos*. People screamed, the police came, and I just crawled out, brushed myself off and went home. The only thing I ever noticed different about me was a crooked nose.”I just looked at her nose and looked at Mama in utter disbelief!Section Four Supplementary ExercisesPart 1 PassageBabies and IntelligenceScriptA. Listen to the passage and answer the following questions.Some people thought babies were not able to learn things until they were five or six months old. Yet doctors in the United States say babies begin learning on their first day of life.Research scientists at the National Institute of Child Health and Development note that babies are strongly influenced by their environment. They say a baby will smile if her mother does something the baby likes. A baby learns to get the best care possible by smiling to please her mother or other caregiver. This is how babies learn to connect and communicate with other humans. This ability to learn exists in a baby even before birth. They say newborn babies can recognize and understand sounds they heard while they were still developing inside their mothers.The Finni sh researchers used devices to measure the babies’ brain activity.The researchers played recordings of spoken sounds for up to one hour while the babies slept.The head of the study believes that babies can learn while asleep because the part of their brains called the cerebral cortex* remains active at night. The cortex is very important for learning. This part of the brain is not active in adults while they sleep.Many experts say the first years of a child’s life are important for all later development.An American study shows how mothers can strongly influence social development and language skills in their children. The study involved more than 1,200 mothers and children.Researchers studied the children from the age of one month to three years. They observed the mothers playing with their children four times during this period.The researchers attempted to measure the sensitivity of the mothers. The women were considered sensitive if they supported their children’s activities and did not interfere unnecessarily. They tested the children for thinking and language development when they were three years old.The children of depressed women did not do as well on tests as the children of women who did not suffer from depression. The children of depressed women did poorly on tests of language skills and understanding what they hear. These children also were less cooperative and had more problems dealing with other people.Another study suggests that babies who are bigger at birth generally are more intelligent later in life. It found that the intelligence of a child at seven years of age is directly linked to his or her weight at birth. Study organizers say this is probably because heavier babies received more nutrition* during important periods of brain development before they were born.The study involved almost 3,500 children. Researchers in New York City used traditional tests to measure intelligence. Brothers and sisters were tested so that the effects of birth weight alone could be separated from the effects of diet or other considerations.The researchers found that children with higher birth weights generally did better on the intelligence tests. Also, the link between birth weight and intelligence later in life was stronger for boys than for girls.B. Listen to the passage again and complete the chart.KeyA. 1. Some people thought babies were able to learn things when they were five or sixmonths old.2. Doctors think babies begin learning things on their first day of life.3. Babies communicate with other people by smiling.4. They can recognize and understand sounds they heard while they were stilldeveloping inside their mothers.5. Babies can learn while asleep.6. They are important for a child’s all later development.B.Part 2 VideoHaiti Amputee Soccer TeamScriptWatch the video film and answer the questions.In Haiti there is a soccer team unlike any you have ever seen. It is made up of players who have lost legs and arms, mostly during the earthquake in 2010. Just as the players are different, so is their field, called a “pitch”. People live near it. There are pools of water on it.And cows walk by. The players kick with the same leg they stand on. Goalies defend with the only arm they have. The team is called Zaryen. That is Creole for “tarantula’ — a spider that can live without one of its legs. A balcony collapsed on Judithe Facile during the earthquake.She was near death. Soccer has brought her back to life.“Now I feel like I’m alive. Because, before that, after I lost my leg, I didn’t have any hope for the future, even t hough I was walking on the crutches.”Cedieu Fortilus says the players have changed the way Haitians think about the disabled.“When I see they are playing like that, I’m so proud. I’m so proud. I think I’m doing a good job. So, I see so many people, even Haitian, if they are crossing the street, they take time to look at them because they are doing something very strange. Something many Haitians have never seen in their life.”Several organizations in the United States give money to the team, and pay for artificial arms and legs for all Haitians who need them.Cindy Orange says: “Soccer has taught me to do a lot of things on one leg that I wasn’t used to doing before. I feel comfortable when I’m playing.”Key1. That’s because this soccer team in Haiti is formed by those players who have losttheir legs and arms.2. They kick with the same leg they stand on and the goalkeepers defend with the onlyarm they have.3. That’s because only soccer saved her from depression. After she had lost her leg, shedidn’t have any hope for the future, even though she was able to walk on the crutches.4. That’s because the players are doing something very strange. That is to say, they areplaying soccer in their own ways.5. Several organizations in the United States give money to the soccer teams in Haitiand pay for artificial arms and legs for all Haitians who need them.。
Unit 4Section One Tactics for ListeningPart 1 Spot DictationStephen Powelson’s Amazing MemoryWhen Stephen Powelson was nine, his school organized a (1) weekly contest in memorizing passages from the Bible. Stephen paid (2) no attention until he was chided* for (3) not competing. The next Sunday he surprised everyone by (4) reciting all the passages for the (5) entire year.As a teenager in prep school, Stephen took Greek. His teacher (6) assigned 21 lines of the Iliad* to be memorized (7) in a week. At the end of the hour - though he (8) insisted he paid full attention to the (9) lecture - Stephen knew all 21. He went on to memorize the first (10) 100 lines.In 1978, for the first time (11) since college, Powelson, now 60, had some (12) spare time. To keep his mind active, he reread the Iliad and (13) discovered that he still knew the first 100 lines (14) by heart.That someone could memorize so much between ages 60 and 70 is (15) astonishing to most people, who are (16) convinced that memory (17) worsens as we grow older.Powelson's method is to (18) read a book into his tape recorder, then read it several more times, making sure he understands (19) each word. "Also," he says, "I attempt to (20) visualize myself as part of the action."Part 2 Listening for GistYou might not know how rarely images are viewed directly through telescopes. The most common way to observe the skies is to photograph them. The process is very simple. First, a photographic plate is coated with a light-sensitive material. The plate is positioned so that the image received by the telescope is recorded on it. Then the image can be developed, enlarged, and published so that many people can study it.Because most astronomical objects are very remote, the light we receive from them is rather feeble. But by using a telescope as a camera, long time exposures can be made. In this way, objects can be photographed that are a hundred times too faint to be seen by just looking through a telescope.1)This passage is about how to photograph astronomical objects.2)Photograph, coated, light-sensitive material, positioned, received, recorded,developed, enlarged, published, remote, feeble, telescope, camera, longexposuresSection Two Listening ComprehensionPart one DialogueTunisian HolidayVocabularyamphitheatremosaiccoach n. 公共马车,普通旅客车厢resort n. 胜地,常去之地(Someone is enquiring about the Tunisian holiday.)Agent: Hello, Bath Travel.Client: Hello, I'd like to find out more about your Tunisian holiday for amateur archaeologists. I've read about it in the paper, but I'd like to know more about what is involved.Agent: You mean you'd like to know the itinerary?Client: Yes, that's right.Agent: All right. Just briefly, you arrive in Tunis at midday on the first day and go by coach to La Marsa. Then there is a short briefing by the archaeologist and then the rest of the day you are free to explore.The second day you get up before dawn and go to Carthage to see the sunrise. You have breakfast and a lecture there and then go by coach toMansoura, where there are beautiful coves(小海湾). After lunch you can walk along the beach, to Kerkouane. The walk takes about four hours. Kerkouane is one of the most recent and most exciting sites. Then by coach to Kelibia, a fishing village, in time for sunset over the harbor.Client: That sounds rather a long walk.Agent: Well, it's an easy walk. Flat all the way, and very pretty. But you can go by coach, if you prefer. The third day you spend in Hammamet on Cap Bon, and the day is free to enjoy the town. It's a lovely old town and resort. And the fourth day you take the coach to the ruin of EI Djem, which is a magnificent amphitheatre*. You have lunch in Sfax and then you take the ferry to the beautiful Kerkennah Islands.Client: Islands, you say?Agent: Yes, they're very peaceful and you spend the fifth day there. The fishermen will take everyone out on their sailing boats and there will be a fishermen's picnic. On the sixth day you visit the Great Mosque of Kairouan and have a picnic lunch. Then take the coach to the lovely port of Bizerte for the last night. And the final day there is a visit to the ancient Roman capital of Utica with its fantastic mosaics* and then a coach to Tunis International Airport. Client: Have you got a full brochure which gives more details?ExerciseDirections: Listen to the dialogue and complete the following itinerary.Part 2 PassageMexican Gray WolfExercise A Pre-listening QuestionThe wolf is a large member of the canine(犬科的) family. Most of the adult grey wolves weigh in the vicinity of 75 to 125 pounds (34 to 56 kilograms). Wolves live in family groups called packs. A pack is usually made up of a male parent, a female parent, their pups and a few other adult wolves who are the older brothers and sisters. Wolves can run up to 40 miles an hour and can easily cover 50 miles a day.The wolf has developed the capacity to survive in the most inhospitable of climates. The wolves in the high arctic endure several winter months of perpetual darkness. Even in February when the sun returns to the north, temperatures of -40°C and bitter winds are common. In the wild wolves can live up to 13 years or more; in a protected wolf park or a controlled area of land, a wolf can live to be up to 16 years old.1)After more than a century of assault by humans, the wolf population haddwindled to no more than a handful by the 1970s in Mexico and theAmerican southwest.2)The program is now about halfway to meeting its goal of a "wild"population of at least 100 wolves covering more than 12,800 squarekilometers.3)Decisions about mating, movement among the 45 captive-breeding facilitiesand releases into the wild are made by a US-Mexican committee ofscientists, land owners and others.4)A wolf with rare genes - until it has successfully reproduced - will never bereleased because· of the high mortality rate in the wild.5)The recovery program is gradually moving away from freeingcaptive-born wolves, as the population of pups born free takes off.****Francisco and Sheila were pioneers in a federal program in Eureka, 32 kilometers southwest of S1. Louis, the United States, to restore the endangered Mexican gray wolf, the rarest and most genetically distinct subspecies of gray wolf in North America.After more than a century of assault by humans, the wolf population had dwindled to no more than a handful by the 1970s in Mexico and the American southwest.The research center, popularly known as the Wolf Sanctuary*, was founded in 1971 by Marlin Perkins, a world-renowned naturalist and former director of the St. Louis Zoo, and his wife Carol. Besides the Mexican wolf, the sanctuary works with the endangered red wolf, maned wolf (maned: 有鬃毛的; maned wolf 鬣狼), swift fox and African wild dogs.In the late 1970s, the last seven known wolves were captured in the wild or taken from zoos to begin the breeding program. In 1981, the first captive-bred litter of Mexican gray wolves produced in the federal program was born at the WildCanid (犬科动物) Center, and the first release into the wild took place in 1998. The program is now about halfway to meeting its goal of a "wild" population of at least 100 wolves covering more than 12,800 square kilometers.Though in captivity themselves, Francisco and Sheila taught their pups so well that many are thriving in the wild. They were ideal parents. They raised 25 babies, taught them good survival skills and sent many of them off to live on their own.Nine of Francisco and Sheila's offspring were among the first 11 captive-born Mexican gray wolves released in 1998. Both parent wolves have since died - Francisco at age 14 in December. Sheila at age 16 in June 2000 - but they lived, as captive wolves often do, roughly twice as long as wolves in the wild. Today the Wild Canid Survival and Research Center in Eureka estimates that 98 percent of Mexican wolves released from the federal program are descendants of the prolific* lobo* pair. (lobo=timber wolf)About 250 lobos now live in captivity at 45 US and Mexican facilities. The Wild Canid Center, however, has produced more puppies and housed more Mexican grays than any other facility.The Wild Canid Center is ideated* on 25 isolated hectares(公顷) within Washington University's Tyson Research Center. The wolves live in large outdoor with minimal human contact. They learn to hunt, , live in natural family packs, and to be suspicious of people - all necessary skills for surviving in the wild.Decisions about mating, movement among the 45 and releases into the wild are made by a US-Mexican committee of scientists, land owners and others. They also maintain . A wolf with rare genes - until it has successfully reproduced - will never be released because ofthe in the wild. It's not uncommon for freed wolves to be struck by cars or shot by hunters; in recent weeks, five have died.Despite the losses, released wolves are . The recovery program is gradually moving away from freeing captive-born wolves, as the population of pups born free . Scientists want to let nature decide what's a good wolf and what's not through .The Wild Canid Center is ideated* on 25 isolated hectares(公顷) within Washington University's Tyson Research Center. The wolves live in large outdoor enclosures with minimal human contact. They learn to hunt, raise young, live in natural family packs, and to be suspicious of people - all necessary skills for surviving in the wild.Decisions about mating, movement among the 45 captive-breeding facilities and releases into the wild are made by a US-Mexican committee of scientists, land owners and others. They also maintain a genetic database. A wolf with raregenes - until it has successfully reproduced - will never be released because of the high mortality rate in the wild. It's not uncommon for freed wolves to be struck by cars or shot by hunters; in recent weeks, five have died.Despite the losses, released wolves are reproducing. The recovery program is gradually moving away from freeing captive-born wolves, as the population of pups born free takes off. Scientists want to let nature decide what's a good wolf and what's not through natural selection.Exercise B Sentence DictationDirections: Listen to some sentences and write them down. You will hear each sentence three times.Exercise C Detailed Listening1 Directions: Listen to the passage and complete the information about a Mexican gray wolf research center.1)The research center's known as: the Wolf Sanctuary2) Location: in Eureka. 32 Kilometers southwest of St. Louis. the United States3) Founding: in 19714) Purpose: to restore the endangered Mexican gray wolf5) Founder: Marlin Perkins. a world-renowned naturalist and formerdirector the St. Louis Zoo. and his wife Carol2. Directions: Fill in the blanks with events connected with the following timeexpressions.1)In the late 1970s: The last seven known wolves were captured in the wild ortaken from zoos to begin the breeding program.2)In 1981: The first captive-bred litter of Mexican gray wolves produced in thefederal program was born at the wild Canid Center.3)In 1998: The first release into the wild took place.Exercise D After-listening DiscussionDirections: Listen to the passage again and discuss the following questions.1)Francisco and Sheila were pioneers in a federal program. Though in captivitythemselves, they taught their pups so well that many are thriving in the wild.They were ideal parents. They raised 25 babies, taught them good survival skills and sent many of them off to live on their own. Nine of Francisco and Sheila's offspring were among the first 11 captive-born Mexican gray wolves released in 1998. Both parent wolves have since died - Francisco at age 14 in December. Sheila at age 16 in June 2000 but they lived, as captive wolves often do, roughly twice as long as wolves in the wild.The Wild Canid Center is ideated on 25 isolated hectares within.Washington University's Tyson Research Center. Today the Wild Canid Survival and Research Center estimates that 98 percent of Mexican wolves released from the federal program are descendants of the prolific lobo pair.About 250 lobos now live in captivity at 45 US and Mexican facilities. The Wild Canid Center has produced more puppies and housed more Mexican grays than any other facility. Other large US newspapers were singled out too, including the Wall Street Journal, which won the Pulitzer for breaking news, despite being displaced from its offices at the World Trade Center. The Washington Post received Pulitzers in two categories, investigative and national reporting.(Open)Section Three NewsNews Item1When Astroland opened in 1962 it represented the future of amusement theme parks, boasting state-of-the-art rides(游乐场所供人玩乐的乘坐装置) and attractions operating with an outer-space theme.The park is a fixture on the Coney Island boardwalk, best known for the Cyclone, its wooden roller coaster and the Wonder Wheel, a seaside landmark. Astroland's 22 rides and three game arcades provided jobs for up to 300 people.Astroland has been by far the biggest amusement center on Coney Island, which has been a favorite holiday destination for Americans in the New York area since the 19th Century. It is the birthplace of the hot dog and isfamily-friendly atmosphere.But Astroland's final chapter may be still to come. A few days after the park's announced closure, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said hope is not yet lost, and that city officials are trying to step in and get a one-year renewal of Astroland's lease.A.Astroland’s announced closureB.1. It opened in 1962.2. It represented the future of amusement theme parks, boasting state-of-the-art rides and attractions operating with an outer-space theme.3. It is best known for the Cyclone, its wooden roller coaster and the Wonder Wheel, a seaside landmark.4. Because they enjoy its kitschy rides, street performers, sand beaches and family-friendly atmosphere.5. No. The city officials are trying to step in and get a one-year renewal of Astroland's lease.News Item 2It's called the "Highline." It's a newly renovated and elevated promenade that was once a railway line for delivering cattle and other food stock. In 1980, the train made its last delivery, bringing frozen turkeys to lower Manhattan. In a densely populated city, the Highline now provides open space for relaxation as it winds through neighborhoods once noted for slaughterhouses.It's an oasis in a sea of concrete. The walkway includes more than 100 species of plants inspired by the wild landscape left after the trains stopped running. New construction is everywhere. Apartments, office towers, restaurants and even a museum have sprouted alongside the promenade.The first section of the Highline was inaugurated in May, after 15 years of planning and political battles. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, along with benefactors like clothing designer Diane von Furstenberg and her husband, media mogul Barry Diller, cut the ribbon.The first two sections of the Highline cost $152 million. Of that, $44 million was raised by the public. To those who visit, it seems it was well worth the wait and the money.News Item3African American History MuseumAn old Greyhound Bus* terminal sits unused in the heart of downtown Dothan, Alabama. It's hardly noticeable, nestled between two office buildings and surrounded by a chain link fence. There are no written signs that hint of the structure's controversial history. Four decades ago it was a symbol of racial segregation. During the 1960s, bus terminals like other public facilities throughout the American south were divided into white areas and black areas. The building still has the separate entrance and restroom facilities that black customers were legally required to use. Today, those elements have a different social value, and they will become one of the centerpieces of a new African American history museum.The museum will include galleries devoted to the accomplishments of George Washington Garver* and other black scientists and inventors. There will be a gallery depicting black heroes of military and social campaigns.And the city of Dothan is helping. It's providing the museum with some financial support, and it's already promoting the attraction to visitors. The G-W Carver Interpretive Museum should open doors by August and its directorFrancina Williams hopes to capitalize on Alabama's historic role . the center of America's Civil Rights movement. When visitors come to Birmingham, Selma and Montgomery to learn about the struggles that African Americans have endured, she would like them I make a side trip to Dothan to see what African Americans have contributed to Alabama, America Id the world.Exercise ADirections: Listen to the news item and complete the summary.This news item is about an African American history museum showing the struggles and contributions f African Americans.Exercise BDirection: Listen to the news again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).1.F2. T3. F4.F5.T6. T7. F8.TSection Four supplementary ExercisesPart 1 Feature ReportLamaina grew up listening to her grandfather's stories of Garaguso.Tommaso Lamaina immigrated from Garaguso to Philadelphia in the 1920s in search of work. But he never let his family forget the place where generations of their forefathers had lived.The stories inspired Lamaina’s dream of developing her own relationship with a place she was never able to visit with her grandfather, who died when she was a teenager. So in 2000, with years of experience as a professional photographer behind her, she decided to begin an annual pilgrimage to Garaguso to capture life there on film.Garaguso is a farming village, home to about 1,500 people, in the mountainous region of Basilicata, located in the instep of Italy's boot. It's one of the most remote and least developed zones in the country. After decades of emigration, it's sparsely populated. One out of seven of the people who remain can't read or write.Lamaina's photos show a Garaguso that seems hardly to have changed in centuries, an anachronism compared with a very modern Italy. Taken in black and white, they show the winding cobblestone streets and ancient buildings of the historical centre. There are donkeys, loaded up with kindling for the open fires and stoves, which still warm the houses. There are portraits of men with gnarled faces, wearing black pants and white shirts from a past era. There's the local baker, whose family has been selling bread in the same building since the late 1700s. There are women with white hair and no teeth, dressed in black.Arriving in the village where her family had lived for generations was like a homecoming for Lamaina. She grew up in an inner-city neighborhood of Philadelphia, in the bosom of an immigrant southern Italian community. At home, her relatives spoke the dialect of Garaguso rather than English.But over the years, the reserve has lessened. Lamaina admits, and her work shows, that life in Garaguso is not easy. The locals work from sunup to sundown in the fields, tending their crops and animals. They eat what they produce. Little is imported and nothing goes to waste. But she believes it's rich in the things that matter, like generosity, hospitality and family ties. In this respect, she says, the village has something to teach those who see her work.Lamaina recently held an exhibition of her work in Florence, where she now lives. She's also giving a copy of her images to City Hall in Garaguso.After eight years of recording life there, Susanna Lucia Lamaina's not ready to put away her camera yet. She says she has many more photographs to take and hopes her work will put her family village on the map. Her grandfather, Tommaso Lamaina, would have been proud.A.Susanna Lucia Lamaina’s recording life in Garaguso.B.T,T,T, T,T,F,T,FPart 2 PassageSafari1)A blur of gold was spotted through the high, wind-whipped grasses and off wewalked toward the lion's den.2)He couldn't stop smiling as we crept closer and closer into the glow of theday's last light.3)Just a meter away from the lions a straggling buffalo loped by, but ourappearance seemed to distract them and the buffalo got away.4)Under an open sky we winded our way through cracked sun-baked pathways.Our guides knelt in the sand, pointing out the differences between the various animal tracks.5)Thrashing in the water a mauve-colored hippo grunted, snapped his giantjaws, and lunged forward.We kept our distance behind a log on the banks of the river.A blur of gold was spotted through the high, wind-whipped grasses and off we walked toward the lion's den*. We glanced at each other nervously, but forged ahead. My friends and I had come to experience the African bush on foot, so, gulping, we fell in shaky step behind our two ranger guides. Their rifles were at the ready. So were our zoom lenses. Seeing lions was a special treat, even for our veteran guide, and he couldn't stop smiling as we crept closer and closer into the glow of the day's last light.About 150 meters ahead we counted 10 lions sitting in a semicircle in the grass. Their heads poked up through the grass thicket, listening, aware.Just a meter away from the lions a straggling* buffalo loped by. Perhaps the lions' intended dinner? But our appearance seemed to distract them and the buffalo got away.We were in the Kruger National Park*, the largest game park in South Africa, on a guided walking safari.Kruger National Park is the country's main game* reserve. Roughly the size of Wales, it stretches for almost 2.5 million hectares across a maze of ecozones from flat scrubby bush, dense shrub-like Mopane tree covered hillsides to lush valleys.For three nights home was a circle of thatched roof two-person huts tucked behind a leafy grove of trees in an enclosed camp that included toilets and hot (mostly) showers.Dinner was served around an open fire, a massive kettle of hot water for tea or coffee steaming on a nearby pile of smoldering coals.The only light after dark were swaths of luminous stars overhead and our kerosene* lanterns.We joked that we had arrived to the catered version of "Survivor".The first morning we climbed out from beneath mosquito nets to the muffled sounds of an elephant munching on a tree behind our huts, which were separated only by several meters and a wire mesh fence.As if the elephant was not wake-cup call enough, outside each hut a jug of water had been poured into a plastic basin for a quick face wash before hitting the trails.Under an open sky we winded our way through cracked sun-baked pathways through baobab* and kudu* berry trees. Our guides knelt in the sand, pointing out the differences between the various animal tracks.A line in the sand told a crocodile had recently slipped into a nearby pool.Later we saw a crocodile sunning on a rock not far from where we had been swimming the day before.In the same area we had a sunset sighting of a mauve*-colored hippo* whowas not happy to see us.Thrashing in the water he grunted, snapped his giant jaws, and lunged* forward. We kept our distance behind a log on the banks of the river where we later got a glimpse at a family of baboons*.On our last evening streaks of orange made the sky glow as if on tangerine* fire. We were all on a high from our lion sighting.I inhaled the colors, the silhouette* of buffalos grazing near a watering hole, the evening dropped in temperature and squeezed a friend's hand.Exercise A Pre-listening QuestionHere are the top parks for anAfrican safari:The beautiful Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya, the world-famous Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania, the lush green Okavango Delta and Chobe National Park in Botswana and the Etosha National Park in Namibia.Exercise B Sentence DictationDirections: Listen to some sentences and write them down. You will hear each sentence three times.Exercise C Detailed ListeningDirections: Listen to the passage and answer the following questions.1)They experienced the African bush on foot.2)Seeing lions was a special treat for them.3)They saw 10 lions sitting in a semicircle in the grass.4)Krugge National Park stretches for almost 2.5 million hectares ,roughly thesize of Wales.5)They stayed in a thatched roof two- person huts with toilets and hot showers.6)Dinner was served around an open fire.7)They saw a crocodile sunning on a rock not far from where they had beenswimming the day before.8)They were all on a high from their lion sighting.Exercise D After-listening DiscussionDirections: Listen to the passage again and discuss the following questions1. They saw lions, buffaloes , elephants, crocodiles, hippos, baboons, etc.2.(Open)。
Unit 4Section One Tactics for ListeningPart 1 Spot DictationStephen Powelson’s Amazing MemoryWhen Stephen Powelson was nine, his school organized a (1) weekly contest in memorizing passages from the Bible. Stephen paid (2) no attention until he was chided* for (3) not competing. The next Sunday he surprised everyone by (4) reciting all the passages for the (5) entire year.As a teenager in prep school, Stephen took Greek. His teacher (6) assigned 21 lines of the Iliad* to be memorized (7) in a week. At the end of the hour - though he (8) insisted he paid full attention to the (9) lecture - Stephen knew all 21. He went on to memorize the first (10) 100 lines.In 1978, for the first time (11) since college, Powelson, now 60, had some (12) spare time. To keep his mind active, he reread the Iliad and (13) discovered that he still knew the first 100 lines (14) by heart.That someone could memorize so much between ages 60 and 70 is (15) astonishing to most people, who are (16) convinced that memory (17) worsens as we grow older.Powelson's method is to (18) read a book into his tape recorder, then read it several more times, making sure he understands (19) each word. "Also," he says, "I attempt to (20) visualize myself as part of the action."Part 2 Listening for GistYou might not know how rarely images are viewed directly through telescopes. The most common way to observe the skies is to photograph them. The process is very simple. First, a photographic plate is coated with a light-sensitive material. The plate is positioned so that the image received by the telescope is recorded on it. Then the image can be developed, enlarged, and published so that many people can study it.Because most astronomical objects are very remote, the light we receive from them is rather feeble. But by using a telescope as a camera, long time exposures can be made. In this way, objects can be photographed that are a hundred times too faint to be seen by just looking through a telescope.1)This passage is about how to photograph astronomical objects.2)Photograph, coated, light-sensitive material, positioned, received,recorded, developed, enlarged, published, remote, feeble, telescope, camera, long exposuresSection Two Listening ComprehensionPart one DialogueTunisian HolidayVocabularyamphitheatremosaiccoach n. 公共马车,普通旅客车厢resort n. 胜地,常去之地(Someone is enquiring about the Tunisian holiday.)Agent: Hello, Bath Travel.Client: Hello, I'd like to find out more about your Tunisian holiday for amateur archaeologists. I've read about it in the paper, but I'd like to know more about what is involved.Agent: You mean you'd like to know the itinerary?Client: Yes, that's right.Agent: All right. Just briefly, you arrive in Tunis at midday on the firstdayand go by coach to La Marsa. Then there is a short briefing by the archaeologist and then the rest of the day you are free to explore.The second day you get up before dawn and go to Carthage to see the sunrise. You have breakfast and a lecture there and then go by coach to Mansoura, where there are beautiful coves(小海湾). After lunch you can walk along the beach, to Kerkouane. The walk takes about four hours. Kerkouane is one of the most recent and most exciting sites. Then by coach to Kelibia, a fishing village, in time for sunset over the harbor. Client: That sounds rather a long walk.Agent: Well, it's an easy walk. Flat all the way, and very pretty. But you can go by coach, if you prefer. The third day you spend in Hammamet on Cap Bon, and the day is free to enjoy the town. It's a lovely old town and resort. And the fourth day you take the coach to the ruin of EI Djem, which is a magnificent amphitheatre*. You have lunch in Sfax and then you take the ferry to the beautiful Kerkennah Islands.Client: Islands, you say?Agent: Yes, they're very peaceful and you spend the fifth day there. The fishermen will take everyone out on their sailing boats and there will be a fishermen's picnic. On the sixth day you visit the Great Mosque of Kairouan and have a picnic lunch. Then take the coach to the lovely port of Bizerte for the last night. And the final day there is a visit to the ancient Roman capital of Utica with its fantastic mosaics* and then acoach to Tunis International Airport.Client: Have you got a full brochure which gives more details?ExerciseDirections: Listen to the dialogue and complete the following itinerary.Part 2 PassageMexican Gray WolfExercise A Pre-listening QuestionThe wolf is a large member of the canine(犬科的) family. Most of the adult grey wolves weigh in the vicinity of 75 to 125 pounds (34 to 56 kilograms). Wolves live in family groups called packs. A pack is usually made up of a male parent, a female parent, their pups and a few other adult wolves who are the older brothers and sisters. Wolves can run up to 40 miles an hour and can easily cover 50 miles a day.The wolf has developed the capacity to survive in the most inhospitable of climates. The wolves in the high arctic endure several winter months of perpetual darkness. Even in February when the sun returns to the north, temperatures of -40°C and bitter wind s are common. In the wild wolves can live up to 13 years or more; in a protected wolf park or a controlled area of land, a wolf can live to be up to 16 years old.1)After more than a century of assault by humans, the wolf populationhad dwindled to no more than a handful by the 1970s in Mexico and the American southwest.2)The program is now about halfway to meeting its goal of a "wild"population of at least 100 wolves covering more than 12,800 square kilometers.3)Decisions about mating, movement among the 45 captive-breedingfacilities and releases into the wild are made by a US-Mexican committee of scientists, land owners and others.4)A wolf with rare genes - until it has successfully reproduced - willnever be released because· of the high mortality rate in the wild.5)The recovery program is gradually moving away from freeingcaptive-born wolves, as the population of pups born free takes off.****Francisco and Sheila were pioneers in a federal program in Eureka, 32 kilometers southwest of S1. Louis, the United States, to restore the endangered Mexican gray wolf, the rarest and most genetically distinct subspecies of gray wolf in North America.After more than a century of assault by humans, the wolf population had dwindled to no more than a handful by the 1970s in Mexico and the American southwest.The research center, popularly known as the Wolf Sanctuary*, was founded in 1971 by Marlin Perkins, a world-renowned naturalist and former director of the St. Louis Zoo, and his wife Carol. Besides the Mexican wolf, the sanctuary works with the endangered red wolf, maned wolf (maned: 有鬃毛的; maned wolf 鬣狼), swift fox and African wild dogs.In the late 1970s, the last seven known wolves were captured in the wild or taken from zoos to begin the breeding program. In 1981, the first captive-bred litter of Mexican gray wolves produced in the federal program was born at the Wild Canid (犬科动物) Center, and the first release into the wild took place in 1998. The program is now about halfway to meeting its goal of a "wild" population of at least 100 wolves coveringmore than 12,800 square kilometers.Though in captivity themselves, Francisco and Sheila taught their pups so well that many are thriving in the wild. They were ideal parents. They raised 25 babies, taught them good survival skills and sent many of them off to live on their own.Nine of Francisco and Sheila's offspring were among the first 11 captive-born Mexican gray wolves released in 1998. Both parent wolves have since died - Francisco at age 14 in December. Sheila at age 16 in June 2000 - but they lived, as captive wolves often do, roughly twice as long as wolves in the wild. Today the Wild Canid Survival and Research Center in Eureka estimates that 98 percent of Mexican wolves released from the federal program are descendants of the prolific* lobo* pair. (lobo=timber wolf)About 250 lobos now live in captivity at 45 US and Mexican facilities. The Wild Canid Center, however, has produced more puppies and housed more Mexican grays than any other facility.The Wild Canid Center is ideated* on 25 isolated hectares(公顷) within Washington University's Tyson Research Center. The wolves live in large outdoor with minimal human contact. They learn to hunt, , live in natural family packs, and to be suspicious of people - all necessary skills for surviving in the wild.Decisions about mating, movement among the 45 and releases into the wild are made by a US-Mexican committee of scientists, land owners and others. They also maintain . A wolf with rare genes - until it has successfully reproduced - will never be released because ofthe in the wild. It's not uncommon for freed wolves to be struck by cars or shot by hunters; in recent weeks, five have died.Despite the losses, released wolves are . The recovery program is gradually moving away from freeing captive-born wolves, as the population of pups born free . Scientists want to let nature decide what's a good wolf and what's not through .The Wild Canid Center is ideated* on 25 isolated hectares(公顷) within Washington University's Tyson Research Center. The wolves livehunt, raise young, live in natural family packs, and to be suspicious of people - all necessary skills for surviving in the wild.Decisions about mating, movement among the 45 captive-breeding facilities and releases into the wild are made by a US-Mexican committee of scientists, land owners and others. They also maintain a genetic database. A wolf with rare genes - until it has successfully reproduced - will never be released because of the high mortality rate in the wild. It's not uncommon for freed wolves to be struck by cars or shot by hunters; in recent weeks, five have died.Despite the losses, released wolves are reproducing. The recovery program is gradually moving away from freeing captive-born wolves, as the population of pups born free takes off. Scientists want to let nature decide what's a good wolf and what's not through natural selection.Exercise B Sentence DictationDirections: Listen to some sentences and write them down. You will hear each sentence three times.Exercise C Detailed Listening1 Directions: Listen to the passage and complete the information abouta Mexican gray wolf research center.1)The research center's known as: the Wolf Sanctuary2) Location: in Eureka. 32 Kilometers southwest of St. Louis. the United States3) Founding: in 19714) Purpose: to restore the endangered Mexican gray wolf5) Founder: Marlin Perkins. a world-renowned naturalist and formerdirector the St. Louis Zoo. and his wife Carol2. Directions: Fill in the blanks with events connected with thefollowing time expressions.1)In the late 1970s: The last seven known wolves were captured in thewild or taken from zoos to begin the breeding program.2)In 1981: The first captive-bred litter of Mexican gray wolves producedin the federal program was born at the wild Canid Center.3)In 1998: The first release into the wild took place.Exercise D After-listening DiscussionDirections: Listen to the passage again and discuss the following questions.1)Francisco and Sheila were pioneers in a federal program. Though incaptivity themselves, they taught their pups so well that many arethriving in the wild. They were ideal parents. They raised 25 babies, taught them good survival skills and sent many of them off to live on their own. Nine of Francisco and Sheila's offspring were among the first 11 captive-born Mexican gray wolves released in 1998. Both parent wolves have since died - Francisco at age 14 in December. Sheila at age16 in June 2000 but they lived, as captive wolves often do, roughly twiceas long as wolves in the wild.The Wild Canid Center is ideated on 25 isolated hectares within.Washington University's Tyson Research Center. Today the Wild Canid Survival and Research Center estimates that 98 percent of Mexican wolves released from the federal program are descendants of the prolific lobo pair. About 250 lobos now live in captivity at 45 US and Mexican facilities. The Wild Canid Center has produced more puppies and housed more Mexican grays than any other facility. Other large US newspapers were singled out too, including the Wall Street Journal, which won the Pulitzer for breaking news, despite being displaced from its offices at the World Trade Center. The Washington Post received Pulitzers in two categories, investigative and national reporting.(Open)Section Three NewsNews Item1When Astroland opened in 1962 it represented the future of amusement theme parks, boasting state-of-the-art rides(游乐场所供人玩乐的乘坐装置) and attractions operating with an outer-space theme.The park is a fixture on the Coney Island boardwalk, best known for the Cyclone, its wooden roller coaster and the Wonder Wheel, a seaside landmark. Astroland's 22 rides and three game arcades provided jobs for up to 300 people.Astroland has been by far the biggest amusement center on Coney Island, which has been a favorite holiday destination for Americans in the New York area since the 19th Century. It isstreet performers, sand beaches and family-friendly atmosphere.But Astroland's final chapter may be still to come. A few days after the park's announced closure, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said hope is not yet lost, and that city officials are trying to step in and get a one-year renewal of Astroland'slease.A.Astroland’s announced closureB.1. It opened in 1962.2. It represented the future of amusement theme parks, boasting state-of-the-art rides and attractions operating with an outer-space theme.3. It is best known for the Cyclone, its wooden roller coaster and the Wonder Wheel, a seaside landmark.4. Because they enjoy its kitschy rides, street performers, sand beaches and family-friendly atmosphere.5. No. The city officials are trying to step in and get a one-year renewal of Astroland's lease.News Item 2It's called the "Highline." It's a newly renovated and elevated promenade that was once a railway line for delivering cattle and other food stock. In 1980, the train made its last delivery, bringing frozen turkeys to lower Manhattan. In a densely populated city, the Highline now provides open space for relaxation as it winds through neighborhoods once noted for slaughterhouses.It's an oasis in a sea of concrete. The walkway includes more than 100 species of plants inspired by the wild landscape left after the trains stopped running. New construction is everywhere. Apartments, office towers, restaurants and even a museum have sprouted alongside the promenade.The first section of the Highline was inaugurated in May, after 15 years of planning and political battles. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, along with benefactors like clothing designer Diane von Furstenberg and her husband, media mogul Barry Diller, cut the ribbon.The first two sections of the Highline cost $152 million. Of that, $44 million was raised by the public. To those who visit, it seems it was well worth the wait and the money.News Item3African American History MuseumAn old Greyhound Bus* terminal sits unused in the heart of downtown Dothan, Alabama. It's hardly noticeable, nestled between two office buildings and surrounded by a chain link fence. There are no written signs that hint of the structure's controversial history. Four decades ago it was a symbol of racial segregation. During the 1960s, bus terminals like other public facilities throughout the American south were divided into white areas and black areas. The building still has the separate entrance and restroom facilities that black customers were legally required to use. Today, those elements have a different social value, and they will become one of the centerpieces of a new African American history museum.The museum will include galleries devoted to the accomplishments of George Washington Garver* and other black scientists and inventors. There will be a gallery depicting black heroes of military and social campaigns.And the city of Dothan is helping. It's providing the museum with some financial support, and it's already promoting the attraction to visitors. The G-W Carver Interpretive Museum should open doors by August and its director Francina Williams hopes to capitalize on Alabama's historic role . the center of America's Civil Rights movement. When visitors come to Birmingham, Selma and Montgomery to learn about the struggles that African Americans have endured, she would like them I make a side tripto Dothan to see what African Americans have contributed to Alabama, America Id the world.Exercise ADirections: Listen to the news item and complete the summary.This news item is about an African American history museum showing the struggles and contributions f African Americans.Exercise BDirection: Listen to the news again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).1.F2. T3. F4.F5.T6. T7. F8.TSection Four supplementary ExercisesPart 1 Feature ReportLamaina grew up listening to her grandfather's stories of Garaguso.Tommaso Lamaina immigrated from Garaguso to Philadelphia in the 1920s in search of work. But he never let his family forget the place where generations of their forefathers had lived.The stories inspired Lamaina’s dream of developing her own relationship with a place she was never able to visit with her grandfather, who died when she was a teenager. So in 2000, with years of experience as a professional photographer behind her, she decided to begin an annual pilgrimage to Garaguso to capture life there on film.Garaguso is a farming village, home to about 1,500 people, in the mountainous region of Basilicata, located in the instep of Italy's boot. It's one of the most remote and least developed zones in the country. After decades of emigration, it's sparsely populated. One out of seven of the people who remaincan't read or write.Lamaina's photos show a Garaguso that seems hardly to have changed in centuries, an anachronism compared with a very modern Italy. Taken in black and white, they show the winding cobblestone streets and ancient buildings of the historical centre. There are donkeys, loaded up with kindling for the open fires and stoves, which still warm the houses.There are portraits of men with gnarled faces, wearing black pants and white shirts from a past era. There's the local baker, whose family has been selling bread in the same building since the late 1700s. There are women with white hair and no teeth, dressed in black.Arriving in the village where her family had lived for generations was like a homecoming for Lamaina. She grew up in an inner-city neighborhood of Philadelphia, in the bosom of an immigrant southern Italian community. At home, her relatives spoke the dialect of Garaguso rather than English.But over the years, the reserve has lessened. Lamaina admits, and her work shows, that life in Garaguso is not easy. The locals work from sunup to sundown in the fields, tending their crops and animals. They eat what they produce. Little is imported and nothing goes to waste. But she believes it's rich in the things that matter, like generosity, hospitality and family ties. In this respect, she says, the village has something to teach those who see her work.Lamaina recently held an exhibition of her work in Florence, where she now lives. She's also giving a copy of her images to City Hall in Garaguso.After eight years of recording life there, Susanna Lucia Lamaina's not ready to put away her camera yet. She says she has many more photographs to take and hopes her work will put her family village on the map. Her grandfather, Tommaso Lamaina, would have been proud.A.Susanna Lucia Lamaina’s recording life in Garaguso.B.T,T,T, T,T,F,T,FPart 2 PassageSafari1)A blur of gold was spotted through the high, wind-whipped grasses andoff we walked toward the lion's den.2)He couldn't stop smiling as we crept closer and closer into the glowof the day's last light.3)Just a meter away from the lions a straggling buffalo loped by, butour appearance seemed to distract them and the buffalo got away. 4)Under an open sky we winded our way through cracked sun-baked pathways.Our guides knelt in the sand, pointing out the differences between the various animal tracks.5)Thrashing in the water a mauve-colored hippo grunted, snapped his giantjaws, and lunged forward.We kept our distance behind a log on the banks of the river.A blur of gold was spotted through the high, wind-whipped grasses and off we walked toward the lion's den*. We glanced at each other nervously, but forged ahead. My friends and I had come to experience the African bush on foot, so, gulping, we fell in shaky step behind our two ranger guides. Their rifles were at the ready. So were our zoom lenses. Seeing lions was a special treat, even for our veteran guide, and he couldn't stop smiling as we crept closer and closer into the glow of the day's last light.About 150 meters ahead we counted 10 lions sitting in a semicircle in the grass. Their heads poked up through the grass thicket, listening, aware.Just a meter away from the lions a straggling* buffalo loped by. Perhaps the lions' intended dinner? But our appearance seemed to distract them and the buffalo got away.We were in the Kruger National Park*, the largest game park in South Africa, on a guided walking safari.Kruger National Park is the country's main game* reserve. Roughly the size of Wales, it stretches for almost 2.5 million hectares across a maze of ecozones from flat scrubby bush, dense shrub-like Mopane tree covered hillsides to lush valleys.For three nights home was a circle of thatched roof two-person huts tucked behind a leafy grove of trees in an enclosed camp that included toilets and hot (mostly) showers.Dinner was served around an open fire, a massive kettle of hot water for tea or coffee steaming on a nearby pile of smoldering coals.The only light after dark were swaths of luminous stars overhead and our kerosene* lanterns.We joked that we had arrived to the catered version of "Survivor".The first morning we climbed out from beneath mosquito nets to the muffled sounds of an elephant munching on a tree behind our huts, which were separated only by several meters and a wire mesh fence.As if the elephant was not wake-cup call enough, outside each hut a jug of water had been poured into a plastic basin for a quick face wash before hitting the trails.Under an open sky we winded our way through cracked sun-baked pathways through baobab* and kudu* berry trees. Our guides knelt in the sand, pointing out the differences between the various animal tracks.A line in the sand told a crocodile had recently slipped into a nearbypool.Later we saw a crocodile sunning on a rock not far from where we had been swimming the day before.In the same area we had a sunset sighting of a mauve*-colored hippo* who was not happy to see us.Thrashing in the water he grunted, snapped his giant jaws, and lunged* forward. We kept our distance behind a log on the banks of the river where we later got a glimpse at a family of baboons*.On our last evening streaks of orange made the sky glow as if on tangerine* fire. We were all on a high from our lion sighting.I inhaled the colors, the silhouette* of buffalos grazing near a watering hole, the evening dropped in temperature and squeezed a friend's hand.Exercise A Pre-listeningQuestion Here are the top parksfor an African safari:The beautiful Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya, the world-famous Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania, the lush green Okavango Delta and Chobe National Park in Botswana and the Etosha National Park in Namibia.Exercise B Sentence DictationDirections: Listen to some sentences and write them down. You will hear each sentence three times.Exercise C Detailed ListeningDirections: Listen to the passage and answer the following questions.1)They experienced the African bush on foot.2)Seeing lions was a special treat for them.3)They saw 10 lions sitting in a semicircle in the grass.4)Krugge National Park stretches for almost 2.5 millionhectares ,roughly the size of Wales.5)They stayed in a thatched roof two- person huts with toilets and hotshowers.6)Dinner was served around an open fire.7)They saw a crocodile sunning on a rock not far from where they had beenswimming the day before.8)They were all on a high from their lion sighting.Exercise D After-listening DiscussionDirections: Listen to the passage again and discuss the following questions1. They saw lions, buffaloes , elephants, crocodiles, hippos, baboons, etc.2.(Open)鱼儿,在水中串上串下,吐着顽皮的泡泡;鸟儿从荷叶上空飞过,想亲吻荷花姑娘的芳泽。
听力教程4 答案施心远(1—13)Unit 1Section 1Listening and Translation1. A college education can be very costly in the United States.2.Rising costs have led more and more families to borrow money to help pay forcollege.3.There are different federal loans and private loans for students.4.Interest rates on some of these loans will go up on July 1st.5.There are growing concerns that many students graduate with too much debt.1.在美国,大学教育的费用会很贵。
Section 2Part 1 Dialogue1-8 A C D C B C B APart 2 passage Ex C: 1-8 F F T T F T T FSection 3News Item 1China's wasted no time insetting put the latest plans for its ambitious space program. A senior official said the next manned mission will be in 2007, when the astronauts will attempt a space walk. After that, scientists will focus on developing the capability to rendezvous* and dock* with other spacecraft. He added that China also wanted to recruit female astronauts in the near future.The announcement comes just hours after the country's second manned space mission touched down in the remote grasslands of Inner Mongolia. The returning astronauts have been given a hero's welcome, riding in an open car in a nationally televised parade. Thousands of soldiers and groups of schoolchildren lined the route, waving Chinese flags. It's a sign of the great importance China attaches to its space program, viewing it as a source of national pride and international prestige.A: …about China’s ambitious space program.B:1. Landing spot: in the remote grasslands of Inner Mongolia2. Significance: a source of national pride and international prestige (威望) Future plan1. 1) Time: 20072) Goal: The astronauts will attempt a space walk.2. Focus of further development: the capability to rendezvous and dock withother spacecraft3. Recruitment of astronauts: to recruit female astronauts in the near future. News Item 2China's economy has recovered earlier and more strongly than any other. This latest data is further evidence of that trend. The rise in industrial output confirms what factory owners have been saying for some time now, that customers have been restocking* their inventories and confidence is returning.There are still question marks though over the stability of the recovery. The property* sector* is showing signs of overheating. The government this week announced measures to try to cool it. At the same time officials decided to extend tax subsidies* for purchases of small vehicles and appliances suggesting that some here still believe Chinese manufacturers need government support.Growth was strongest in heavy industries such as coal, steel, power generation and automobiles. Consumer prices rose in November for the first time since February. But the rise was small and probably reflected higher food prices caused by early snowstorms which destroyed crops and disrupted transport.A: … about the growth of China’s economy.News Item 3If you visit almost any marketplace in Africa, many of the consumer goods on sale, from buckets to razor blades to hurricane lamps, are likely to be Chinese. In a very large number of African capitals, the main football stadium is likely to have been built with Chinese aid money.Sino-African trade, and aid, is large and growing. Some estimates put it as high as 12 billion dollars a year. Although direct comparisons are difficult, the links between the world's largest developing country, China, and the world's largest developing continent could grow to challenge the post-colonial links between Europe and Africa. The meeting in Addis Ababa* had heard Chinese promises to cancel debts, grant duty-free access into China for African products and increase Chinese investments in Africa.A: … about China’s large and growing trade with and aid to Africa.B:1.In many African capitals, the main football stadium is likely to have been builtwith Chinese aid money.2.It is estimated that Sino-African trade, and aid, amounts to as high as 12 billiondollars a year.3.The links between China and Africa could grow to challenge the post-coloniallinks between Europe and Africa.4.On the meeting in Addis Ababa, China promised to cancel debts, grant duty-freeaccess into China for African products and increase Chinese investments in Africa.Unit 2Section 1Listening and Translation1.Some people fear they do not get enough vitamins from the foods they eat.2.So they take products with large amounts of vitamins.3.They think these vitamin supplements will improve their health and protectagainst disease.4.Medical experts found little evidence that most supplements do anything toprotect or improve health.5.but they noted that some do help to prevent disease.1.有些人担心他们并未从所吃的食物中获取足够的维生素。
Unit 4Section One Tactics for ListeningPart 1 Spot DictationStephen Powelson’s Amazing MemoryWhen Stephen Powelson was nine, his school organized a (1) weekly contest in memorizing passages from the Bible. Stephen paid (2) no attention until he was chided* for (3) not competing. The next Sunday he surprised everyone by (4) reciting all the passages for the (5) entire year.As a teenager in prep school, Stephen took Greek. His teacher (6) assigned 21 lines of the Iliad* to be memorized (7) in a week. At the end of the hour - though he (8) insisted he paid full attention to the(9) lecture - Stephen knew all 21. He went on to memorize the first(10) 100 lines.In 1978, for the first time (11) since college, Powelson, now 60, had some (12) spare time. To keep his mind active, he reread the Iliad and (13) discovered that he still knew the first 100 lines (14) by heart.That someone could memorize so much between ages 60 and 70is (15) astonishing to most people, who are (16) convinced that memory (17) worsens as we grow older.Powelson's method is to (18) read a book into his tape recorder, then read it several more times, making sure he understands (19) each word. "Also," he says, "I attempt to (20) visualize myself as part of the action."Part 2 Listening for GistYou might not know how rarely images are viewed directly through telescopes. The most common way to observe the skies is to photograph them. The process is very simple. First, a photographic plate is coated with a light-sensitive material. The plate is positioned so that the image received by the telescope is recorded on it. Then the image can be developed, enlarged, and published so that many people can study it. Because most astronomical objects are very remote, the light we receive from them is rather feeble. But by using a telescope as a camera, long time exposures can be made. In this way, objects can be photographed that are a hundred times too faint to be seen by just looking through a telescope.1)This passage is about how to photograph astronomical objects.2)Photograph, coated, light-sensitive material, positioned, received,recorded, developed, enlarged, published, remote, feeble, telescope, camera, long exposuresSection Two Listening ComprehensionPart one DialogueTunisian HolidayVocabularyamphitheatremosaiccoach n. 公共马车,普通旅客车厢resort n. 胜地,常去之地(Someone is enquiring about the Tunisian holiday.)Agent: Hello, Bath Travel.Client: Hello, I'd like to find out more about your Tunisian holiday for amateur archaeologists. I've read about it in the paper, but I'd like to know more about what is involved.Agent: You mean you'd like to know the itinerary?Client: Yes, that's right.Agent: All right. Just briefly, you arrive in Tunis at midday on the first day and go by coach to La Marsa. Then there is a short briefing by the archaeologist and then the rest of the day you are free toexplore.The second day you get up before dawn and go to Carthage to see the sunrise. You have breakfast and a lecture there and then go by coach to Mansoura, where there are beautiful coves(小海湾). After lunch you can walk along the beach, to Kerkouane. The walk takes about four hours. Kerkouane is one of the most recent and most exciting sites. Then by coach to Kelibia, a fishing village, in time for sunset over the harbor.Client: That sounds rather a long walk.Agent: Well, it's an easy walk. Flat all the way, and very pretty. But you can go by coach, if you prefer. The third day you spend in Hammamet on Cap Bon, and the day is free to enjoy the town. It's a lovely old town and resort. And the fourth day you take the coach to the ruin of EI Djem, which is a magnificent amphitheatre*. You have lunch in Sfax and then you take the ferry to the beautiful Kerkennah Islands.Client: Islands, you say?Agent: Yes, they're very peaceful and you spend the fifth day there. The fishermen will take everyone out on their sailing boats and there will be a fishermen's picnic. On the sixth day you visit the Great Mosque of Kairouan and have a picnic lunch. Then take the coach to the lovely port of Bizerte for the last night. And the final day there isa visit to the ancient Roman capital of Utica with its fantastic mosaics* and then a coach to Tunis International Airport.Client: Have you got a full brochure which gives more details?ExerciseDirections: Listen to the dialogue and complete the following itinerary.Part 2 PassageMexican Gray WolfExercise A Pre-listening QuestionThe wolf is a large member of the canine(犬科的) family. Most of the adult grey wolves weigh in the vicinity of 75 to 125 pounds (34 to 56 kilograms). Wolves live in family groups called packs. A pack is usually made up of a male parent, a female parent, their pups and a few other adult wolves who are the older brothers and sisters. Wolves can run up to 40 miles an hour and can easily cover 50 miles a day.The wolf has developed the capacity to survive in the most inhospitable of climates. The wolves in the high arctic endure several winter months of perpetual darkness. Even in February when the sun returns to the north, temperatures of -40°C and bitter winds are common. In the wild wolves can live up to 13 years or more; in a protected wolf park or a controlled area of land, a wolf can live to be up to 16 years old.1)After more than a century of assault by humans, the wolf population had dwindled to no more than a handful by the1970s in Mexico and the American southwest.2)The program is now about halfway to meeting its goal of a "wild" population of at least 100 wolves covering more than 12,800 square kilometers.3)Decisions about mating, movement among the 45captive-breeding facilities and releases into the wild are madeby a US-Mexican committee of scientists, land owners and others.4)A wolf with rare genes - until it has successfully reproduced - will never be released because· of the high mortality rate in the wild.5)The recovery program is gradually moving away from freeing captive-born wolves, as the population of pups born free takesoff.****Francisco and Sheila were pioneers in a federal program in Eureka, 32 kilometers southwest of S1. Louis, the United States, to restore the endangered Mexican gray wolf, the rarest and most genetically distinct subspecies of gray wolf in North America.After more than a century of assault by humans, the wolf population had dwindled to no more than a handful by the 1970sin Mexico and the American southwest.The research center, popularly known as the Wolf Sanctuary*, was founded in 1971 by Marlin Perkins, a world-renowned naturalist and former director of the St. Louis Zoo, and his wife Carol. Besides the Mexican wolf, the sanctuary works with the endangered red wolf, maned wolf (maned: 有鬃毛的; maned wolf 鬣狼), swift fox and African wild dogs.In the late 1970s, the last seven known wolves were captured in the wild or taken from zoos to begin the breeding program. In 1981, the first captive-bred litter of Mexican gray wolves produced in the federal program was born at the Wild Canid (犬科动物) Center, and the first release into the wild took place in 1998. The program is now about halfway to meeting its goal of a "wild" population of at least100 wolves covering more than 12,800 square kilometers.Though in captivity themselves, Francisco and Sheila taught their pups so well that many are thriving in the wild. They were ideal parents. They raised 25 babies, taught them good survival skills and sent many of them off to live on their own.Nine of Francisco and Sheila's offspring were among the first 11 captive-born Mexican gray wolves released in 1998. Both parent wolves have since died - Francisco at age 14 in December. Sheila at age 16 in June 2000 - but they lived, as captive wolves often do, roughly twice as long as wolves in the wild. Today the Wild Canid Survival and Research Center in Eureka estimates that 98 percent of Mexican wolves released from the federal program are descendants of the prolific* lobo* pair. (lobo=timber wolf)About 250 lobos now live in captivity at 45 US and Mexican facilities. The Wild Canid Center, however, has produced more puppies and housed more Mexican grays than any other facility.The Wild Canid Center is ideated* on 25 isolated hectares(公顷) within Washington University's Tyson Research Center. The wolves live in large outdoor with minimal human contact. They learn to hunt, , live in natural family packs, and to be suspicious of people - all necessary skills for surviving in the wild.Decisions about mating, movement among the 45and releases into the wild are made by a US-Mexican committee of scientists, land owners and others. They also maintain . A wolf with rare genes - until it has successfully reproduced - will never be released because ofthe in the wild. It's not uncommon for freed wolves to be struck by cars or shot by hunters; in recent weeks, five have died.Despite the losses, released wolves are . The recovery program is gradually moving away from freeing captive-born wolves, as the population of pups born free . Scientists want to let nature decide what's a good wolf and what's not through .The Wild Canid Center is ideated* on 25 isolated hectares(公顷) within Washington University's Tyson Research Center. The wolveslearn to hunt, raise young, live in natural family packs, and to be suspicious of people - all necessary skills for surviving in the wild.Decisions about mating, movement among the 45 captive-breeding facilities and releases into the wild are made by aUS-Mexican committee of scientists, land owners and others. They also maintain a genetic database. A wolf with rare genes - until it has successfully reproduced - will never be released because of the high mortality rate in the wild. It's not uncommon for freed wolves to be struck by cars or shot by hunters; in recent weeks, five have died.Despite the losses, released wolves are reproducing. The recovery program is gradually moving away from freeing captive-born wolves, as the population of pups born free takes off. Scientists want to let nature decide what's a good wolf and what's not through natural selection.Exercise B Sentence DictationDirections: Listen to some sentences and write them down. You will hear each sentence three times.Exercise C Detailed Listening1 Directions: Listen to the passage and complete the information about a Mexican gray wolf research center.1)The research center's known as: the Wolf Sanctuary2) Location: in Eureka. 32 Kilometers southwest of St. Louis. the United States3) Founding: in 19714) Purpose: to restore the endangered Mexican gray wolf5) Founder: Marlin Perkins. a world-renowned naturalist andformer director the St. Louis Zoo. and his wife Carol2. Directions: Fill in the blanks with events connected with thefollowing time expressions.1)In the late 1970s: The last seven known wolves were captured in the wild or taken from zoos to begin the breeding program.2)In 1981: The first captive-bred litter of Mexican gray wolves produced in the federal program was born at the wild Canid Center.3)In 1998: The first release into the wild took place.Exercise D After-listening DiscussionDirections: Listen to the passage again and discuss the following questions.1)Francisco and Sheila were pioneers in a federal program. Though in captivity themselves, they taught their pups so well that many are thriving in the wild. They were ideal parents. They raised 25 babies, taught them good survival skills and sent many of them offto live on their own. Nine of Francisco and Sheila's offspring were among the first 11 captive-born Mexican gray wolves released in 1998. Both parent wolves have since died - Francisco at age 14 in December. Sheila at age 16 in June 2000 but they lived, as captive wolves often do, roughly twice as long as wolves in the wild.The Wild Canid Center is ideated on 25 isolated hectares within. Washington University's Tyson Research Center. Today the Wild Canid Survival and Research Center estimates that 98 percent of Mexican wolves released from the federal program are descendants of the prolific lobo pair. About 250 lobos now live in captivity at 45 US and Mexican facilities. The Wild Canid Center has produced more puppies and housed more Mexican grays than any other facility. Other large US newspapers were singled out too, including the Wall Street Journal, which won the Pulitzer for breaking news, despite being displaced from its offices at the World Trade Center. The Washington Post received Pulitzers in two categories, investigative and national reporting.(Open)Section Three NewsNews Item1When Astroland opened in 1962 it represented the future of amusement theme parks, boasting state-of-the-art rides(游乐场所供人玩乐的乘坐装置) and attractions operating with an outer-space theme.The park is a fixture on the Coney Island boardwalk, best known for the Cyclone, its wooden roller coaster and the Wonder Wheel, a seaside landmark. Astroland's 22 rides and three game arcades provided jobs for up to 300 people. Astroland has been by far the biggest amusement center on Coney Island, which has been a favorite holiday destination for Americans in the New York area since the 19th Century. It isstreet performers, sand beaches and family-friendly atmosphere.But Astroland's final chapter may be still to come. A few days after the park's announced closure, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said hope is not yet lost, and that city officials are trying to step in and get a one-year renewal of Astroland's lease.A.Astroland’s announced closureB.1. It opened in 1962.2. It represented the future of amusement theme parks, boasting state-of-the-art rides and attractions operating with an outer-space theme.3. It is best known for the Cyclone, its wooden roller coaster and the Wonder Wheel, a seaside landmark.4. Because they enjoy its kitschy rides, street performers, sand beaches and family-friendly atmosphere.5. No. The city officials are trying to step in and get a one-year renewal of Astroland's lease.News Item 2It's called the "Highline." It's a newly renovated and elevated promenade that was once a railway line for delivering cattle and other food stock. In 1980, the train made its last delivery, bringing frozen turkeys to lower Manhattan. In a densely populated city, the Highline now provides open space forrelaxation as it winds through neighborhoods once noted for slaughterhouses.It's an oasis in a sea of concrete. The walkway includes more than 100 species of plants inspired by the wild landscape left after the trains stopped running. New construction is everywhere. Apartments, office towers, restaurants and even a museum have sprouted alongside the promenade.The first section of the Highline was inaugurated in May, after 15 years of planning and political battles. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, along with benefactors like clothing designer Diane von Furstenberg and her husband, media mogul Barry Diller, cut the ribbon.The first two sections of the Highline cost $152 million. Of that, $44 million was raised by the public. To those who visit, it seems it was well worth the wait and the money.News Item3African American History MuseumAn old Greyhound Bus* terminal sits unused in the heart of downtown Dothan, Alabama. It's hardly noticeable, nestled between two office buildings and surrounded by a chain link fence. There are no written signs that hint of the structure's controversial history. Four decades ago it was a symbol of racial segregation. During the 1960s, bus terminals like other public facilities throughout the American south were divided into white areas and black areas. The building still has the separate entrance and restroom facilities that black customers were legally required to use. Today, those elements have a different social value, and they will become one of the centerpieces of a new African American history museum.The museum will include galleries devoted to the accomplishments of George Washington Garver* and other black scientists and inventors. There will be a gallery depicting black heroes of military and social campaigns.And the city of Dothan is helping. It's providing the museum withsome financial support, and it's already promoting the attraction to visitors. The G-W Carver Interpretive Museum should open doors by August and its director Francina Williams hopes to capitalize on Alabama's historic role . the center of America's Civil Rights movement. When visitors come to Birmingham, Selma and Montgomery to learn about the struggles that African Americans have endured, she would like them I make a side trip to Dothan to see what African Americans have contributed to Alabama, America Id the world.Exercise ADirections: Listen to the news item and complete the summary. This news item is about an African American history museum showing the struggles and contributions f African Americans.Exercise BDirection: Listen to the news again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).1.F2. T3. F4.F5.T6. T7. F8.TSection Four supplementary ExercisesPart 1 Feature ReportLamaina grew up listening to her grandfather's stories of Garaguso.Tommaso Lamaina immigrated from Garaguso to Philadelphia in the 1920s in search of work. But he never let his family forget the place where generations of their forefathers had lived.The stories inspired Lamaina’s dream of developing her own relationship with a place she was never able to visit with her grandfather, who died when she was a teenager. So in 2000, with years of experience as a professional photographer behind her, she decided to begin an annual pilgrimage toGaraguso to capture life there on film.Garaguso is a farming village, home to about 1,500 people, in the mountainous region of Basilicata, located in the instep of Italy's boot. It's one of the most remote and least developed zones in the country. After decades of emigration, it's sparsely populated. One out of seven of the people who remain can't read or write.Lamaina's photos show a Garaguso that seems hardly to have changed in centuries, an anachronism compared with a very modern Italy. Taken in black and white, they show the winding cobblestone streets and ancient buildings of the historical centre. There are donkeys, loaded up with kindling for the open fires and stoves, which still warm the houses.There are portraits of men with gnarled faces, wearing black pants and white shirts from a past era. There's the local baker, whose family has been selling bread in the same building since the late 1700s. There are women with white hair and no teeth, dressed in black.Arriving in the village where her family had lived for generations was like a homecoming for Lamaina. She grew upin an inner-city neighborhood of Philadelphia, in the bosom of an immigrant southern Italian community. At home, her relatives spoke the dialect of Garaguso rather than English. But over the years, the reserve has lessened. Lamaina admits, and her work shows, that life in Garaguso is not easy. The locals work from sunup to sundown in the fields, tending their crops and animals. They eat what they produce. Little is imported and nothing goes to waste. But she believes it's rich in the things that matter, like generosity, hospitality and family ties. In this respect, she says, the village has something to teach those who see her work.Lamaina recently held an exhibition of her work in Florence, where she now lives. She's also giving a copy of her images to City Hall in Garaguso.After eight years of recording life there, Susanna Lucia Lamaina's not ready to put away her camera yet. She says she has many more photographs to take and hopes her work will put her family village on the map. Her grandfather, Tommaso Lamaina, would have been proud.A.Susanna Lucia Lamaina’s recording life in Garaguso.B.T,T,T, T,T,F,T,FPart 2 PassageSafari1)A blur of gold was spotted through the high, wind-whipped grasses and off we walked toward the lion's den.2)He couldn't stop smiling as we crept closer and closer into the glow of the day's last light.3)Just a meter away from the lions a straggling buffalo loped by, but our appearance seemed to distract them and the buffalo got away.4)Under an open sky we winded our way through cracked sun-baked pathways. Our guides knelt in the sand, pointing out the differences between the various animal tracks.5)Thrashing in the water a mauve-colored hippo grunted, snapped his giant jaws, and lunged forward.We kept our distance behind a log on the banks of the river.A blur of gold was spotted through the high, wind-whipped grasses and off we walked toward the lion's den*. We glanced at each other nervously, but forged ahead. My friends and I had come to experience the African bush on foot, so, gulping, we fell in shaky step behind our two ranger guides. Their rifles were at the ready. So were our zoom lenses. Seeing lions was a special treat, even for ourveteran guide, and he couldn't stop smiling as we crept closer and closer into the glow of the day's last light.About 150 meters ahead we counted 10 lions sitting in a semicircle in the grass. Their heads poked up through the grass thicket, listening, aware.Just a meter away from the lions a straggling* buffalo loped by. Perhaps the lions' intended dinner? But our appearance seemed to distract them and the buffalo got away.We were in the Kruger National Park*, the largest game park in South Africa, on a guided walking safari.Kruger National Park is the country's main game* reserve. Roughly the size of Wales, it stretches for almost 2.5 million hectares across a maze of ecozones from flat scrubby bush, dense shrub-like Mopane tree covered hillsides to lush valleys.For three nights home was a circle of thatched roof two-person huts tucked behind a leafy grove of trees in an enclosed camp that included toilets and hot (mostly) showers.Dinner was served around an open fire, a massive kettle of hot water for tea or coffee steaming on a nearby pile of smoldering coals.The only light after dark were swaths of luminous stars overheadand our kerosene* lanterns.We joked that we had arrived to the catered version of "Survivor".The first morning we climbed out from beneath mosquito nets to the muffled sounds of an elephant munching on a tree behind our huts, which were separated only by several meters and a wire mesh fence.As if the elephant was not wake-cup call enough, outside each hut a jug of water had been poured into a plastic basin for a quick face wash before hitting the trails.Under an open sky we winded our way through cracked sun-baked pathways through baobab* and kudu* berry trees. Our guides knelt in the sand, pointing out the differences between the various animal tracks.A line in the sand told a crocodile had recently slipped into anearby pool.Later we saw a crocodile sunning on a rock not far from where we had been swimming the day before.In the same area we had a sunset sighting of a mauve*-colored hippo* who was not happy to see us.Thrashing in the water he grunted, snapped his giant jaws, and lunged* forward. We kept our distance behind a log on the banks of the river where we later got a glimpse at a family of baboons*.On our last evening streaks of orange made the sky glow as if on tangerine* fire. We were all on a high from our lion sighting.I inhaled the colors, the silhouette* of buffalos grazing near a watering hole, the evening dropped in temperature and squeezed a friend's hand.Exercise A Pre-listeningQuestion Here are the topparks for an African safari:The beautiful Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya, the world-famous Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania, the lush green Okavango Delta and Chobe National Park in Botswana and the Etosha National Park in Namibia.Exercise B Sentence DictationDirections: Listen to some sentences and write them down. You will hear each sentence three times.Exercise C Detailed ListeningDirections: Listen to the passage and answer the following questions.1)They experienced the African bush on foot.2)Seeing lions was a special treat for them.3)They saw 10 lions sitting in a semicircle in the grass.4)Krugge National Park stretches for almost 2.5 millionhectares ,roughly the size of Wales.5)They stayed in a thatched roof two- person huts with toilets and hot showers.6)Dinner was served around an open fire.7)They saw a crocodile sunning on a rock not far from where they had been swimming the day before.8)They were all on a high from their lion sighting.Exercise D After-listening DiscussionDirections: Listen to the passage again and discuss the following questions1. They saw lions, buffaloes , elephants, crocodiles, hippos, baboons, etc.2.(Open)鱼儿,在水中串上串下,吐着顽皮的泡泡;鸟儿从荷叶上空飞过,想亲吻荷花姑娘的芳泽。
Unit 4Section One Tactics for ListeningPart 1 Spot DictationStephen Powelson’s Amazing MemoryWhen Stephen Powelson was nine, his school organized a (1) weekly contest in memorizing passages from the Bible. Stephen paid (2) no attention until he was chided* for (3) not competing. The next Sunday he surprised everyone by (4) reciting all the passages for the (5) entire year.As a teenager in prep school, Stephen took Greek. His teacher (6) assigned 21 lines of the Iliad* to be memorized (7) in a week. At the end of the hour - though he (8) insisted he paid full attention to the (9) lecture - Stephen knew all 21. He went on to memorize the first (10) 100 lines.In 1978, for the first time (11) since college, Powelson, now 60, had some (12) spare time. To keep his mind active, hereread the Iliad and (13) discovered that he still knew the first 100 lines (14) by heart.That someone could memorize so much between ages 60 and 70 is (15) astonishing to most people, who are (16) convinced that memory (17) worsens as we grow older.Powelson's method is to (18) read a book into his tape recorder, then read it several more times, making sure he understands (19) each word. "Also," he says, "I attempt to (20) visualize myself as part of the action."Part 2 Listening for GistYou might not know how rarely images are viewed directly through telescopes. The most common way to observe the skies is to photograph them. The process is very simple. First, a photographic plate is coated with a light-sensitive material. The plate is positioned so that the image received by the telescope is recorded on it. Then the image can be developed, enlarged, and published so that many people can study it.Because most astronomical objects are very remote, the light we receive from them is rather feeble. But by using a telescope as a camera, long time exposures can be made. In this way, objects can be photographed that are a hundred times too faint to be seen by just looking through a telescope.1)This passage is about how to photograph astronomicalobjects.2)Photograph, coated, light-sensitive material, positioned,received, recorded, developed, enlarged, published, remote, feeble, telescope, camera, long exposuresSection Two Listening ComprehensionPart one DialogueTunisian HolidayVocabularyamphitheatremosaiccoach n. 公共马车,普通旅客车厢resort n. 胜地,常去之地(Someone is enquiring about the Tunisian holiday.)Agent: Hello, Bath Travel.Client: Hello, I'd like to find out more about your Tunisian holiday for amateur archaeologists. I've read about it in the paper, but I'd like to know more about what is involved. Agent: You mean you'd like to know the itineraryClient: Yes, that's right.Agent: All right. Just briefly, you arrive in Tunis at midday on the first day and go by coach to La Marsa. Then there is a short briefing by the archaeologist and then the rest of the day you are free to explore.The second day you get up before dawn and go to Carthage to see the sunrise. You have breakfast and a lecture there and then go by coach to Mansoura, where there are beautifulcoves(小海湾). After lunch you can walk along the beach, to Kerkouane. The walk takes about four hours. Kerkouane is one of the most recent and most exciting sites. Then by coach to Kelibia, a fishing village, in time for sunset over the harbor. Client: That sounds rather a long walk.Agent: Well, it's an easy walk. Flat all the way, and very pretty. But you can go by coach, if you prefer. The third day you spend in Hammamet on Cap Bon, and the day is free to enjoy the town. It's a lovely old town and resort. And the fourth day you take the coach to the ruin of EI Djem, which is a magnificent amphitheatre*. You have lunch in Sfax and then you take the ferry to the beautiful Kerkennah Islands.Client: Islands, you sayAgent: Yes, they're very peaceful and you spend the fifth day there. The fishermen will take everyone out on their sailing boats and there will be a fishermen's picnic. On the sixth day you visit the Great Mosque of Kairouan and have a picnic lunch. Then take the coach to the lovely port of Bizerte for the last night. And the final day there is a visit to the ancient Roman capital of Utica with its fantastic mosaics* and then a coachto Tunis International Airport.Client: Have you got a full brochure which gives more detailsExerciseDirections: Listen to the dialogue and complete the following itinerary.Part 2 PassageMexican Gray WolfExercise A Pre-listening QuestionThe wolf is a large member of the canine(犬科的) family. Most of the adult grey wolves weigh in the vicinity of 75 to 125 pounds (34 to 56 kilograms). Wolves live in family groupscalled packs. A pack is usually made up of a male parent, a female parent, their pups and a few other adult wolves who are the older brothers and sisters. Wolves can run up to 40 miles an hour and can easily cover 50 miles a day.The wolf has developed the capacity to survive in the most inhospitable of climates. The wolves in the high arctic endure several winter months of perpetual darkness. Even in February when the sun returns to the north, temperatures of -40°C and bitter winds are common. In the wild wolves can live up to 13 years or more; in a protected wolf park or a controlled area of land, a wolf can live to be up to 16 years old.1)After more than a century of assault by humans, the wolfpopulation had dwindled to no more than a handful by the 1970s in Mexico and the American southwest.2)The program is now about halfway to meeting its goal ofa "wild" population of at least 100 wolves covering morethan 12,800 square kilometers.3)Decisions about mating, movement among the 45captive-breeding facilities and releases into the wild aremade by a US-Mexican committee of scientists, land owners and others.4)A wolf with rare genes - until it has successfullyreproduced - will never be released because· of the high mortality rate in the wild.5)The recovery program is gradually moving away from freeingcaptive-born wolves, as the population of pups born free takes off.****Francisco and Sheila were pioneers in a federal programin Eureka, 32 kilometers southwest of S1. Louis, the United States, to restore the endangered Mexican gray wolf, the rarest and most genetically distinct subspecies of gray wolfin North America.After more than a century of assault by humans, the wolf population had dwindled to no more than a handful by the 1970sin Mexico and the American southwest.The research center, popularly known as the Wolf Sanctuary*,was founded in 1971 by Marlin Perkins, a world-renowned naturalist and former director of the St. Louis Zoo, and his wife Carol. Besides the Mexican wolf, the sanctuary works with the endangered red wolf, maned wolf (maned: 有鬃毛的; maned wolf 鬣狼), swift fox and African wild dogs.In the late 1970s, the last seven known wolves were captured in the wild or taken from zoos to begin the breeding program. In 1981, the first captive-bred litter of Mexican gray wolves produced in the federal program was born at the Wild Canid (犬科动物) Center, and the first release into the wild took place in 1998. The program is now about halfway to meeting its goal of a "wild" population of at least 100 wolves covering more than 12,800 square kilometers.Though in captivity themselves, Francisco and Sheila taught their pups so well that many are thriving in the wild. They were ideal parents. They raised 25 babies, taught them good survival skills and sent many of them off to live on their own.Nine of Francisco and Sheila's offspring were among the first 11 captive-born Mexican gray wolves released in 1998. Both parent wolves have since died - Francisco at age 14 in December. Sheila at age 16 in June 2000 - but they lived, ascaptive wolves often do, roughly twice as long as wolves inthe wild. Today the Wild Canid Survival and Research Centerin Eureka estimates that 98 percent of Mexican wolves releasedfrom the federal program are descendants of the prolific* lobo*pair. (lobo=timber wolf)About 250 lobos now live in captivity at 45 US and Mexicanfacilities. The Wild Canid Center, however, has produced morepuppies and housed more Mexican grays than any other facility.The Wild Canid Center is ideated* on 25 isolated hectares(公顷) within Washington University's Tyson Research Center. Thewolves live in large outdoor with minimal humancontact. They learn to hunt, , live in naturalfamily packs, and to be suspicious of people - all necessaryskills for surviving in the wild.Decisions about mating, movement among the 45 and releases into the wild are made by a US-Mexican committeeof scientists, land owners and others. They alsomaintain . A wolf with rare genes - until ithas successfully reproduced - will never be released becauseofthe in the wild. It's not uncommon for freed wolves to be struck by cars or shot by hunters; in recent weeks, five have died.Despite the losses, released wolves are . The recovery program is gradually moving away from freeing captive-born wolves, as the population of pups born free . Scientists want to let nature decide what's a good wolf and what's not through .The Wild Canid Center is ideated* on 25 isolated hectares(公顷) within Washington University's Tyson Research Center. Thecontact. They learn to hunt, raise young, live in natural family packs, and to be suspicious of people - all necessary skills for surviving in the wild.Decisions about mating, movement among the 45captive-breeding facilities and releases into the wild are made by a US-Mexican committee of scientists, land owners and others. They also maintain a genetic database. A wolf with rare genes - until it has successfully reproduced - will never be released because of the high mortality rate in the wild. It's not uncommon for freed wolves to be struck by cars or shot by hunters; in recent weeks, five have died.Despite the losses, released wolves are reproducing. The recovery program is gradually moving away from freeing captive-born wolves, as the population of pups born free takes off. Scientists want to let nature decide what's a good wolf and what's not through natural selection.Exercise B Sentence DictationDirections: Listen to some sentences and write them down. You will hear each sentence three times.Exercise C Detailed Listening1 Directions: Listen to the passage and complete the information about a Mexican gray wolf research center.1)The research center's known as: the Wolf Sanctuary2) Location: in Eureka. 32 Kilometers southwest of St. Louis. the United States3) Founding: in 19714) Purpose: to restore the endangered Mexican gray wolf5) Founder: Marlin Perkins. a world-renowned naturalist andformer director the St. Louis Zoo. and his wife Carol2. Directions: Fill in the blanks with events connected withthe following time expressions.1)In the late 1970s: The last seven known wolves were capturedin the wild or taken from zoos to begin the breeding program.2)In 1981: The first captive-bred litter of Mexican gray wolvesproduced in the federal program was born at the wild Canid Center.3)In 1998: The first release into the wild took place.Exercise D After-listening DiscussionDirections: Listen to the passage again and discuss the following questions.1)Francisco and Sheila were pioneers in a federal program.Though in captivity themselves, they taught their pups so well that many are thriving in the wild. They were ideal parents. They raised 25 babies, taught them good survival skills and sent many of them off to live on their own. Nine of Francisco and Sheila's offspring were among the first 11 captive-born Mexican gray wolves released in 1998. Both parent wolves have since died - Francisco at age 14 in December. Sheila at age 16 in June 2000 but they lived, as captive wolves often do, roughly twice as long as wolves in the wild.The Wild Canid Center is ideated on 25 isolated hectares within. Washington University's Tyson Research Center.Today the Wild Canid Survival and Research Center estimates that 98 percent of Mexican wolves released from the federalprogram are descendants of the prolific lobo pair. About 250 lobos now live in captivity at 45 US and Mexican facilities.The Wild Canid Center has produced more puppies and housed more Mexican grays than any other facility. Other large US newspapers were singled out too, including the Wall Street Journal, which won the Pulitzer for breaking news, despite being displaced from its offices at the World Trade Center.The Washington Post received Pulitzers in two categories, investigative and national reporting.(Open)Section Three NewsNews Item1When Astroland opened in 1962 it represented the future of amusement theme parks, boasting state-of-the-art rides(游乐场所供人玩乐的乘坐装置) and attractions operating with an outer-space theme.The park is a fixture on the Coney Island boardwalk, best known for the Cyclone, its wooden roller coaster and the Wonder Wheel,a seaside landmark. Astroland's 22 rides and three game arcades provided jobs for up to 300 people.Astroland has been by far the biggest amusement center on Coney Island, which has been a favorite holiday destination for Americans in the New York area since the 19th Century. It isstreet performers, sand beaches and family-friendly atmosphere.But Astroland's final chapter may be still to come. A few days after the park's announced closure, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said hope is not yet lost, and that city officials are trying to step in and get a one-year renewal of Astroland's lease.A.Astroland’s announced closureB.1. It opened in 1962.2. It represented the future of amusement theme parks, boasting state-of-the-art rides and attractions operating with an outer-space theme.3. It is best known for the Cyclone, its wooden roller coaster and the Wonder Wheel, a seaside landmark.4. Because they enjoy its kitschy rides, street performers, sand beaches and family-friendly atmosphere.5. No. The city officials are trying to step in and get a one-year renewal of Astroland's lease.News Item 2It's called the "Highline." It's a newly renovated and elevated promenade that was once a railway line for delivering cattle and other food stock. In 1980, the train made its last delivery, bringing frozen turkeys to lower Manhattan. In a densely populated city, the Highline now provides open space for relaxation as it winds through neighborhoods once noted for slaughterhouses.It's an oasis in a sea of concrete. The walkway includes more than 100 species of plants inspired by the wild landscape left after the trains stopped running. New construction iseverywhere. Apartments, office towers, restaurants and even a museum have sprouted alongside the promenade.The first section of the Highline was inaugurated in May, after 15 years of planning and political battles. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, along with benefactors like clothing designer Diane von Furstenberg and her husband, media mogul Barry Diller, cut the ribbon.The first two sections of the Highline cost $152 million. Of that, $44 million was raised by the public. To those who visit, it seems it was well worth the wait and the money.News Item3African American History MuseumAn old Greyhound Bus* terminal sits unused in the heart of downtown Dothan, Alabama. It's hardly noticeable, nestled between two office buildings and surrounded by a chain link fence. There are no written signs that hint of the structure's controversial history. Four decades ago it was a symbol of racial segregation. During the 1960s, bus terminals like other public facilities throughout the American south were divided into white areas and black areas. The building still has the separate entrance and restroom facilities that black customers were legally required to use. Today, those elements have a different social value, and they will become one of the centerpieces of a new African American history museum.The museum will include galleries devoted to the accomplishments of George Washington Garver* and other black scientists and inventors. There will be a gallery depicting black heroes of military and social campaigns.And the city of Dothan is helping. It's providing the museum with some financial support, and it's already promoting the attraction to visitors. The G-W Carver Interpretive Museum should open doors by August and its director Francina Williams hopes to capitalize on Alabama's historic role . the centerof America's Civil Rights movement. When visitors come to Birmingham, Selma and Montgomery to learn about the struggles that African Americans have endured, she would like them I make a side trip to Dothan to see what African Americans have contributed to Alabama, America Id the world.Exercise ADirections: Listen to the news item and complete the summary.This news item is about an African American history museum showing the struggles and contributions f African Americans.Exercise BDirection: Listen to the news again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).. T 3. F 6. T 7. FSection Four supplementary ExercisesPart 1 Feature ReportLamaina grew up listening to her grandfather's stories of Garaguso.Tommaso Lamaina immigrated from Garaguso to Philadelphia in the 1920s in search of work. But he never let his family forget the place where generations of their forefathers had lived.The stories inspired Lamaina’s dream of developing her own relationship with a place she was never able to visit with her grandfather, who died when she was a teenager. So in 2000, withyears of experience as a professional photographer behind her, she decided to begin an annual pilgrimage to Garaguso to capture life there on film.Garaguso is a farming village, home to about 1,500 people, in the mountainous region of Basilicata, located in the instep of Italy's boot. It's one of the most remote and least developed zones in the country. After decades of emigration, it's sparsely populated. One out of seven of the people who remain can't read or write.Lamaina's photos show a Garaguso that seems hardly to have changed in centuries, an anachronism compared with a very modern Italy. Taken in black and white, they show the winding cobblestone streets and ancient buildings of the historical centre. There are donkeys, loaded up with kindling for the open fires and stoves, which still warm the houses.There are portraits of men with gnarled faces, wearing black pants and white shirts from a past era. There's the local baker, whose family has been selling bread in the same building since the late 1700s. There are women with white hair and no teeth,dressed in black.Arriving in the village where her family had lived for generations was like a homecoming for Lamaina. She grew up in an inner-city neighborhood of Philadelphia, in the bosom of an immigrant southern Italian community. At home, her relatives spoke the dialect of Garaguso rather than English.But over the years, the reserve has lessened. Lamaina admits, and her work shows, that life in Garaguso is not easy. The locals work from sunup to sundown in the fields, tending their crops and animals. They eat what they produce. Little is imported and nothing goes to waste. But she believes it's rich in the things that matter, like generosity, hospitality and family ties. In this respect, she says, the village has something to teach those who see her work.Lamaina recently held an exhibition of her work in Florence, where she now lives. She's also giving a copy of her images to City Hall in Garaguso.After eight years of recording life there, Susanna Lucia Lamaina's not ready to put away her camera yet. She says shehas many more photographs to take and hopes her work will put her family village on the map. Her grandfather, Tommaso Lamaina, would have been proud.A.Susanna Lucia Lamaina’s recording life in Garaguso.B.T,T,T, T,T,F,T,FPart 2 PassageSafari1)A blur of gold was spotted through the high, wind-whippedgrasses and off we walked toward the lion's den.2)He couldn't stop smiling as we crept closer and closer intothe glow of the day's last light.3)Just a meter away from the lions a straggling buffalo lopedby, but our appearance seemed to distract them and the buffalo got away.4)Under an open sky we winded our way through cracked sun-bakedpathways. Our guides knelt in the sand, pointing out thedifferences between the various animal tracks.5)Thrashing in the water a mauve-colored hippo grunted,snapped his giant jaws, and lunged forward.We kept our distance behind a log on the banks of the river.A blur of gold was spotted through the high, wind-whipped grasses and off we walked toward the lion's den*. We glanced at each other nervously, but forged ahead. My friends and I had come to experience the African bush on foot, so, gulping, we fell in shaky step behind our two ranger guides. Their rifles were at the ready. So were our zoom lenses. Seeing lions was a special treat, even for our veteran guide, and he couldn't stop smiling as we crept closer and closer into the glow of the day's last light.About 150 meters ahead we counted 10 lions sitting in a semicircle in the grass. Their heads poked up through the grass thicket, listening, aware.Just a meter away from the lions a straggling* buffalo loped by. Perhaps the lions' intended dinner But our appearanceseemed to distract them and the buffalo got away.We were in the Kruger National Park*, the largest game park in South Africa, on a guided walking safari.Kruger National Park is the country's main game* reserve. Roughly the size of Wales, it stretches for almost million hectares across a maze of ecozones from flat scrubby bush, dense shrub-like Mopane tree covered hillsides to lush valleys.For three nights home was a circle of thatched roof two-person huts tucked behind a leafy grove of trees in an enclosed camp that included toilets and hot (mostly) showers.Dinner was served around an open fire, a massive kettle of hot water for tea or coffee steaming on a nearby pile of smoldering coals.The only light after dark were swaths of luminous stars overhead and our kerosene* lanterns.We joked that we had arrived to the catered version of "Survivor".The first morning we climbed out from beneath mosquito nets to the muffled sounds of an elephant munching on a tree behind our huts, which were separated only by several meters and a wire mesh fence.As if the elephant was not wake-cup call enough, outside each hut a jug of water had been poured into a plastic basin for a quick face wash before hitting the trails.Under an open sky we winded our way through cracked sun-baked pathways through baobab* and kudu* berry trees. Our guides knelt in the sand, pointing out the differences between the various animal tracks.A line in the sand told a crocodile had recently slippedinto a nearby pool.Later we saw a crocodile sunning on a rock not far from where we had been swimming the day before.In the same area we had a sunset sighting of a mauve*-colored hippo* who was not happy to see us.Thrashing in the water he grunted, snapped his giant jaws, and lunged* forward. We kept our distance behind a log on thebanks of the river where we later got a glimpse at a family of baboons*.On our last evening streaks of orange made the sky glow as if on tangerine* fire. We were all on a high from our lion sighting.I inhaled the colors, the silhouette* of buffalos grazing near a watering hole, the evening dropped in temperature and squeezed a friend's hand.Exercise A Pre-listeningQuestion Here are the topparks for an Africansafari:The beautiful Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya, the world-famous Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania, the lush green Okavango Delta and Chobe National Park in Botswana and the Etosha National Park in Namibia. Exercise B Sentence DictationDirections: Listen to some sentences and write them down. You will hear each sentence three times.Exercise C Detailed ListeningDirections: Listen to the passage and answer the following questions.1)T hey experienced the African bush on foot.2)Seeing lions was a special treat for them.3)They saw 10 lions sitting in a semicircle in the grass.4)Krugge National Park stretches for almost millionhectares ,roughly the size of Wales.5)They stayed in a thatched roof two- person huts with toiletsand hot showers.6)Dinner was served around an open fire.7)They saw a crocodile sunning on a rock not far from wherethey had been swimming the day before.8)They were all on a high from their lion sighting.Exercise D After-listening DiscussionDirections: Listen to the passage again and discuss thefollowing questions1. They saw lions, buffaloes , elephants, crocodiles, hippos, baboons, etc.2.(Open)鱼儿,在水中串上串下,吐着顽皮的泡泡;鸟儿从荷叶上空飞过,想亲吻荷花姑娘的芳泽。
听⼒教程第三版Unit4施⼼远学⽣⽤书答案Unit 4Section One Tactics for ListeningPart 1 PhoneticsStress, Intonation and AccentScriptListen to some short conversations. Has the second speaker finished talking? Tick the right box.1. A: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the secretary’s off ice is, please?B: Yes. It’s up the stairs, then turn left, …↗2. A: Excuse me. Can you tell me where the toilets are?B: Yes, they’re at the top of the stairs. ↘3. A: What did you do after work yesterday?B: Ah, well, I went for a drink in the pub opposite the carpark. ↘4. A: What did you do after work yesterday?B: Oh, I ran into Jane and Tom, …↗5. A: Excuse me, can you tell me how the machine works?B: Certainly. Erm, first of all you adjust the height of the stool, and then put four 10-pence pieces there, ... ↗6. A: Excuse me, can you tell me how the machine works?B: Yes. You put 30 pence in the slot and take the ticket out here. ↘KeyPart 2 Listening and Note-TakingFrog LegsScriptA. Listen to some sentences and fill in the blanks with the missing words.1. Many Asian cultures have included frog legs in their diets for centuries.2. By 1977 the French government banned commercial hunting of its own amphibians.3. Indian scientists have describ ed as “disastrous” the rate at which frogs aredisappearing from the rice fields and wetlands.4. The United States imported more than 6.5 million pounds of frozen frog meat eachyear between 1981 and 1984.5. One of the attractions of Indian frogs was the price.B. Listen to a talk about frog legs. Take notes and complete the following summary.People want frogs mostly for food. Many Asian cultures have included frog legs in their diets for centuries —or at least until they have run out of frogs. But the most famous frog-eaters, and the people who inspired frog-eating in Europe and the United States are the French. By 1977 the French government, so concerned about the scarcity of its native frog, banned commercial hunting of its own amphibians*. So the French turned to India and Bangladesh for frogs.As happened in France, American frog-leg fanciers and restaurants also turned increasingly to frozen imports. According to figures collected from government agencies, the United States imported more than 6.5 million pounds of frozen frog meat each year between 1981 and 1984.So many frozen frog legs were exported from India to Europe and the United States.One of the attractions of Indian frogs, apart from the fact that they have bigger legs than French frogs, was the price. In L ondon, a pound of frozen frog’s legs from India cost about £1.75, compared with £3.75 for the French variety.Indian scientists have described as “disastrous” the rate at which frogs are disappearing from the rice fields and wetlands, where they protect crops by devouring* damaging insects.Since the India and Bangladesh frog-export bans, Indonesia has become the major exporter of frog legs to the United States and Europe. But no matter what country the legs come from, one thing is usually constant: The legs once belong to frogs that are taken from the wild, not from farms. Frogs are nearly impossible to farm economically in the countries where frogs are commercially harvested from the wild.KeyA. 1. Many Asian cultures have included frog legs in their diets for centuries.2. By 1977 the French government banned commercial hunting of its own amphibians.3. India n scientists have described as “disastrous” the rate at which frogs aredisappearing from the rice fields and wetlands.4. The United States imported more than 6.5 million pounds of frozen frog meat eachyear between 1981 and 1984.5. One of the attractions of Indian frogs was the price.B. Frog LegsPeople want frogs mostly for food. Many Asian cultures have included frog legs in their diets for centuries.The most famous frog-eaters, and the people who inspiredfrog-eating in Europe and the United States are the French. By 1977 the Frenchgovernment banned commercial hunting of its own amphibians. So the French turned toIndia and Bangladesh for frogs. And the United States imported more than 6.5 millionpounds of frozen frog meat each year between 1981 and 1984. One of the attractions ofIndian frogs was the price.Indian scientists have described as “disastrous” the rate at which frogs are disappearing from the rice fields and wetlands, where they protect crops by devouringdamaging insects.Since the India and Bangladesh frog-export bans, Indonesia has become the major exporter of frog legs to the United States and Europe. But no matter what country thelegs come from, one thing is usually constant: The legs once belong to frogs that aretaken from the wild, not from farms.Section Two Listening ComprehensionPart 1 Sentence IdentificationScriptIdentify each sentence as simple (S), compound (CP), complex (CPL) or compound-complex (C-C). You will hear each sentence twice. Write the corresponding letter(s) in the space provided.1. I told them what I thought; moreover, I will tell anyone else who wants to know.2. When the timer rang, she was in the living room talking to the neighbors who haddropped in.3. Downstairs in a flash, she hurriedly dialed 999, and gave her name and address inclear, concise tones.4. As a minister’s wife, she has more than her fair share of telep hone calls.5. That polish makes the floor dangerously slick; we will have to be careful until itwears down.Key1. C-C2. CPL3. S4. S5. C-CPart 2 DialoguesDialogue 1 Health ClubScriptA. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following chart.Interviewer: Lorna, you and your husband opened this health club here last summer.Can you tell me something about the club?Lorna: Yes, well we offer a choice of facilities —gym, sunbed*, sauna* andJacuzzi* —that’s also from Scandinavia— as well as our regular fitnessclasses, that is. And there’s a wholefood bar for refreshments afterwards.Interviewer: And does it cost a lot? I mean, most people think health clubs are reallyexpensive.Lorna: Actually our rates are really quite competitive. Since we only started lastJuly, we’ve kept them down to attract customers. It’s only £30 a year tojoin. Then an hour in the gym costs £2.50 — the same as half an hour onthe sunbed. Sauna and Jacuzzi are both £1.50 for half an hour.Interviewer: And is the club doing well?Lorna: Well, so far, yes, it’s doing really well. I had no idea it was going to besuch a success, actually. We’re both very pleased. The sunbed’s sopopular, especially with the over 65s, that we’re getting another one in August.Interviewer: What kind of people join the club?Lorna: We have people of all ages here, from small children to old-age pensioners, though of course the majority, about three-quarters of our members, are in their 20s and 30s. They come in their lunch hour, to usethe gym, mostly, or after work, while the youngsters come when school finishes, around half past three or four. The Jacuzzi’s very popular withthe little ones.Interviewer: What about the old-age pensioners?Lorna: They’re usually around in the mornings, when we offer them special reduced rates —for the Jacuzzi or sauna, plus sunbed, it’s only £2, whichis half price, actually. It doesn’t affect our profits really — only about 5%of our members are retired.B. Listen to an extract from the dialogue and complete the following sentences with the missing words.Interviewer: What about the old-age pensioners?Lorna: T hey’re usually around in the mornings, when we offer them special reduced rates —for the Jacuzzi or sauna, plus sunbed, i t’s only £2,which is half price, actually. It doesn’t affect our profits really — onlyabout 5% of our members are retired.KeyA.B. Interviewer: What about the old-age pensioners?Lorna: They’re usually around in the mornings, when w e offer them specialreduced rates—for the Jacuzzi or sauna, plus sunbed, it’s only £2,which is half price, actually. It doesn’t affect our profits really — onlyabout 5% of our members are retired.Dialogue 2 SkiingScriptA. Listen to the dialogue and answer the following questionsSimon: This one shows the view from the top of the mountain.Sally: Oh, it’s lovely!Teresa: That’s me with the red bobble hat.Sally: Is it?Teresa: Yet, it looks kind of silly, doesn’t it?Sally: Yes, it does rather.Teresa: Oh, don’t worry. I know it looks ridiculous.Simon: Look. That’s our instructor, Werner.Teresa: Yeah, we were in the beginners’ class.Sally: Well, everyone has to start somewhere.Simon: Ah, now, this is a good one.Sally: What on earth is that?Simon: Can’t you guess?Sally: Well, it looks like a pile of people. You know, sort of on top of each other.Teresa: It is!Sally: How did that happen?Simon: Well, you see we were all pretty hopeless at first. Every day Werner used to take us to the nursery slope* to practise, and to get to the top you had to go upon a ski lift*.Teresa: Which wasn’t really very easy.Simon: No, and if you fell off you’d start sliding down the slope, right into all the people coming up!Sally: Mmm.Simon: Well, on that day we were all going up on the ski lift, you know, we were just getting used to it, and, you see there was this one woman in our class whonever got the hang of* it. She didn’t have any sort of control over her skis andwhenever she started sliding, she would sort of stick her ski sticks out in frontof her, you know, like swords or something.Teresa: I always tried to avoid her, but on that day I was right behind her on the ski lift and just as she was getting to the top, she slipped and started sliding down theslope.Sally: Did she?Simon: Mmm, with her ski sticks waving around in front of her!Teresa: So of course everyone sort of let go and tried to jump off the ski lift to get out of the way.Simon: And that’s how they all ended u p in a pile at the bottom of the slope — it was lucky I had my camera with me. Sally: I bet that woman was popular!Simon: Oh, yes, everybody’s favourite!B. Listen to the dialogue again and complete the following passage.C. Listen to some extracts from the dialogue and complete the following sentenceswith the missing words.1. Teresa: That’s me with the red bobble hat.Sally: Is it?Teresa: Yet, it looks kind of silly, doesn’t it?Sally: Yes, it does rather.2. Simon: Mmm, with her ski sticks waving around in front of her!Teresa: So of course everyone sort of let go and tried to jump off the ski lift toget out of the way.Simon: And that’s how they all ended up in a pile at the bottom of the slope — itwas lucky I had my camera with me.KeyA. 1. They are looking at some pictures.2. A ski class for beginners.3. Two.B. Everyday the coach took them to a nursery slope. They got to the top on a ski lift. Intheir class, there was one woman who could never learn how to ski. She couldn’t control her skis and whenever she started sliding, she would stick her ski sticks out in front of her. People always tried to avoid her.One day as she was getting to the top, she slipped and started sliding down the slope.Everyone tried to jump off the ski lift to get out of the way and they all slid down the slope and ended up in a pile at the bottom.C. 1. Teresa: That’s me with the red bobble hat.Sally: Is it?Teresa: Yet, it looks kind of silly, doesn’t it?Sally: Yes, it does rather.2. Simon: Mmm, with her ski sticks waving around in front of her!Teresa: So of course everyone sort of let go and tried to jump off the ski lift to getout of the way.Simon: And that’s how they all ended up in a pile at the bottom of the slope — itwas lucky I had my camera with me.Part 3 PassageThe Truth about the French!ScriptB. Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the questions you willhear.Skiing in France is heaven on Earth for a dedicated skier. There are resorts where you can access skiing terrain that is larger than all the ski resorts in Utah* and Colorado* combined.The larger resorts have an adequate number of restaurants and discos. It is a good idea to eat a good lunch because the mountain restaurants are normally much better than the restaurants in the ski stations.French resorts are mostly government owned and operated. The social system puts a high percentage of money back into the areas. This provides state-of-theart* lifts, snow making and snow grooming. In general, an intermediate skier who can read a lift map will easily be able to ski all day avoiding lift lines and crowds, even during the busiest season.The French school systems have a staggered* two-week winter vacation period. When the snow is good, nearly all of France migrates to the mountains for this period. The break usually covers the last two weeks of February and the first week of March. The time to absolutely avoid is the “Paris school holiday week” which will always be in the middle period of the vacation time but alternates starting the first or second week of the break.No one has a more undeserved* reputation about his or her character than the French.The French are not generally arrogant and rude. True, in large tourist centers there are unpleasant people and if you’re looking for or expecting rudeness, you may just provoke* it.Generally the French, especially in the countryside, are as kind as you wish and you will find warmth and acceptance. The most fractious* Frenchman is easily disarmed by a little sincerity*.When greeting someone or saying good-bye, always shake hands. Don’t use a firm, pumping handshake, but a quick, slight pressure one. When you enter a room or a shop you should greet everyone there. If you meet a person you know very well, use their first name and kiss both cheeks. Men don’t usually kiss unless they are relatives. Good topics of conversation include food, sports, hobbies and where you come from. Topics to avoid are prices, where items were bought, what someone does for a living, income and age. Questions about personal and family life are considered private. Expect to find the French well-informed about the history, culture and politics of other countries. To gain their respect, be prepared to show some knowledge of the history and politics of France.France is generally a very safe country to visit. Pickpockets, however, are not unheard of.In large cities particularly, take precautions against theft. Always secure your vehicles, leave nothing of value visible and don’t carry your wallet in your back pocket. Beware of begging children!Questions:1. How large are the ski resorts in France?2. Why do people prefer to eat lunch at the mountain restaurants?3. How do most of the French resorts operate?4. What kind of vacation do French students usually have?5. What kind of unfair reputation do the French have?6. What is recommended when greeting someone or saying good-bye?7. What are good topics of conversation?8. What is still necessary when visiting France?C. Listen to the passage again and discuss the following questions.KeyA. Skiing can be divided into cross-country skiing and alpine skiing. Cross-country skiingis a low-impact, aerobic activity. It is becoming increasingly popular. It can be enjoyed even if you have a relatively low skill level. It does not require exorbitant lift fees, and it has a relatively low injury rate (cross-country skiing has an injury rate about 10 times less than alpine skiing). Skiing uses more muscles than running and is less stressful on the legs.Alpine or downhill skiing is a popular family sport shared by people of all ages and athletic abilities. It has less benefits for aerobic fitness than cross-country skiing because activity is usually in short bursts, but it is good for strengthening muscles particularly those in the upper leg. Alpine skiing is also a tough sport, particularly demanding on the legs.B. 1. C 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. D 8. DC. 1. Because there are resorts where you can access skiing terrain that is larger than all theski resorts in Utah and Colorado combined.2. Because in a French resort an intermediate skier who can read a lift map will easily beable to ski all day avoiding lift lines and crowds, even during the busiest season.3. This staggered two-week winter vacation period usually covers the last two weeks ofFebruary and the first week of March.4. The French are not generally arrogant and rude. Generally they are as kind as youwish.5. In large cities in France, always secure your vehicles, leave nothing of value visibleand don’t carry your wallet in your back pocket. Beware of begging children!D. 1. When the snow is good, nearly all of France migrates to the mountains for this period.The break usually covers the last two weeks of February and the first week of March.2. Generally the French, especially in the countryside, are as kind as you wish. The mostfractious Frenchman is easily disarmed by a little sincerity.Part 4 NewsNews item 1 India’s Selfie CampaignScriptA. Listen to the news item and answer the following questions. Then give a briefsummary about the news item.Recently, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a campaign on social media.The campaign is aimed at recognizing and celebrating the lives of girls. It is part of the Indian government’s “Save Daughter, Teach Daughter” movement, which began earlier this year.The Indian leader used a radio broadcast last Sunday to urge people to publish photographs taken with their daughters on social media. He expressed hope that this could revolutionize the movement to save the country’s girls.Sexual inequality has long been a major problem in India’s highly patriarchal* society.For years, Indian families have wanted boys more than girls. In India, many girls are considered inferior to boys. Some are even killed before they are born or as newborns because they are thought to be less desirable. For every 1,000 boys up to the age of six years, India has 914 girls.It was not j ust fathers in India who answered Mr. Modi’s call. Fathers in countries as far away as Sweden also posted pictures with daughters.Social activists hope this campaign will not just be another public relations effort, but will support India’s push to give its daughters the same positions as its sons.B. Listen to the news item again and complete the following sentences.KeyA. 1. The Prime Minister launched the campaign on social media.2. The movement began earlier this year.3. The Prime Minister urge people to publish photographs taken with their daughters onsocial media.4. Social activists hope the campaign will not just be another public relations effort, butwill support the appeal for giving the daughters the same position as the sons.5. Fathers in countries such as Sweden also posted pictures with daughters.This news item is about a campaign launched by Indian Prime Minister on recognizingand celebrating the lives of girls.B. 1. Sexual inequality has been a major problem in India’s patriarchal society.2. Many girls are considered inferior to boys in India, therefore some are even killedbefore they are born or as newborns.3. For every 1,000 boys up to the age of six, there are only 914 girls in India.C. 1. Recently, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a campaign on social media.The campaign is aimed at recognizing and celebrating the lives of girls.2. It was not just fathers in India who answered Mr. Modi’s call. Fathers in countries asfar away as Sweden also posted pictures with daughters.3. Social activists hope this campaign will not just be another public relations effort, butwill support India’s push to give its daughters the same positions as its sons.News item 2 100-Year-Old Japanese Woman’s Swimming RecordScriptA. Listen to the news item and fill out the following chart. Then give a brief summaryabout the news item.As we age, we often take longer to recover from injuries. That is, for some people.After a Japanese woman suffered a knee injury, she became a competitive swimmer —at age 88.Nearing the age of 101 has not slowed down one Japanese woman. In fact, in the swimming pool — she is only getting faster.Recently, a 100-year-old Japanese woman became the world’s first centenarian*to complete a 1,500-meter freestyle swimming competition in a 25-meter pool. Her name is Mieko Nagaoka. Ms. Nagaoka set a world record for her age group at a recent Japan Masters Swimming Association event in the western city of Matsuyama. She swam the race in one hour, 15 minutes and 54 seconds.And Ms. Nagaoka was not competing against others. In fact, Ms. Nagaoka was the only competitor in the 100–104 year old category*. Her race was not a race of speed but of endurance*, or not giving up.In 2002, at a masters swim meet in New Zealand, Ms. Nagaoka took the bronze medal in the 50-meter backstroke. In 2004, she won three silver medals at an Italian swim meet.B. Listen to the news item again and complete the following sentences.KeyThis news item is about a 100-year-old Japanese woman who sets the swimming record.B. 1. Recently, a 100-year-old Japanese woman became the world’s first centenarian tocomplete a 1,500-meter freestyle swimming competition.2. Her race was not a race of speed but of endurance, or not giving up.3. After suffered a knee injury, Ms. Nagaoka became a competitive swimmer —at ageof 88.C.In 2002, at a masters swim meet in New Zealand, Ms. Nagaoka took the bronze medal inthe 50-meter backstroke. In 2004, she won three silver medals at an Italian swim meet.Section Three Oral WorkRetellingThe StrandScriptListen to a story and then retell it in your own words. You will hear the story only once. You can write down some key words and phrases.There is a street called “The Strand” in Galveston,where hundreds of thousands of tourists visit today. This street was Mama’s stomping* ground as a kid. Before Mama died, we took a streetcar around Galveston to see all the lovely, restored homes. What a great day.She knew more than the tour guide. As we sat enjoying the sights, Mama said, “Liz, do you know why my nose is a littl e crooked*?” (I thought, “Where did that come from?”) “No, Mama, you haven’t ever mentioned it,” I replied.“Well,” said mother, “one day I followed my brothers to The Strand, and a streetcar ran over me. I put myself flat down between the rails and pushed my face in the ground so hard that I broke my nose! It sure caused a lot of chaos*. People screamed, the police came, and I just crawled out, brushed myself off and went home. The only thing I ever noticed different about me was a crooked nose.”I just looked at her nose and looked at Mama in utter disbelief!Section Four Supplementary ExercisesPart 1 PassageBabies and IntelligenceScriptA. Listen to the passage and answer the following questions.Some people thought babies were not able to learn things until they were five or six months old. Yet doctors in the United States say babies begin learning on their first day of life.Research scientists at the National Institute of Child Health and Development note that babies are strongly influenced bytheir environment. They say a baby will smile if her mother does something the baby likes. A baby learns to get the best care possible by smiling to please her mother or other caregiver. This is how babies learn to connect and communicate with other humans. This ability to learn exists in a baby even before birth. They say newborn babies can recognize and understand sounds they heard while they were still developing inside their mothers.The Finnish researchers used devices to meas ure the babies’ brain acti vity. The researchers played recordings of spoken sounds for up to one hour while the babies slept.The head of the study believes that babies can learn while asleep because the part of their brains called the cerebral cortex* remains active at night. The cortex is very important for learning. This part of the brain is not active in adults while they sleep. Many experts say the first years of a child’s l ife are important for all later development.An American study shows how mothers can strongly influence social development and language skills in their children. The study involved more than 1,200 mothers and children.Researchers studied the children from the age of one month to three years. They observed the mothers playing with their children four times during this period.The researchers attempted to measure the sensitivity of the mothers. The women were considered sensitive if they supported their children’s activities and did not interfere unnecessarily. They tested the children for thinking and language development when they were three years old.The children of depressed women did not do as well on tests as the children of women who did not suffer from depression. The children of depressed women did poorly on tests of language skills and understanding what they hear. These children also were less cooperative and had more problems dealing with other people.Another study suggests that babies who are bigger at birth generally are more intelligent later in life. It found that the intelligence of a child at seven years of age is directly linked to his or her weight at birth. Study organizers say this is probably because heavier babies received more nutrition* during important periods of brain development before they were born.The study involved almost 3,500 children. Researchers in New York City used traditional tests to measure intelligence. Brothers and sisters were tested so that the effects of birth weight alone could be separated from the effects of diet or other considerations.The researchers found that children with higher birth weights generally did better on the intelligence tests. Also, the link between birth weight and intelligence later in life was stronger for boys than for girls.B. Listen to the passage again and complete the chart.KeyA. 1. Some people thought babies were able to learn things when they were five or sixmonths old.2. Doctors think babies begin learning things on their first day of life.3. Babies communicate with other people by smiling.4. They can recognize and understand sounds they heard while they were stilldeveloping inside their mothers.5. Babies can learn while asleep.6. They are important for a child’s all later development.B.Part 2 VideoHaiti Amputee Soccer TeamScriptWatch the video film and answer the questions.In Haiti there is a soccer team unlike any you have ever seen. It is made up of players who have lost legs and arms, mostly during the earthquake in 2010. Just as the players are different, so is their field, called a “pitch”. People live near it. There are pools of water on it.And cows walk by. The players kick with the same leg they stand on. Goalies defend with the only arm they have. The team is called Zaryen. That is Creole for “tarantula’ — a spider that can live without one of its legs. A balcony collapsed on Judithe Facile during the earthquake.She was near death. Soccer has brought her back to life.“Now I feel like I’m alive. Because, before that, after I lost my leg, I didn’t have any hope for the future, even though I was walking on the crutches.”Cedieu Fortilus says the players have changed the way Haitians think about the disabled.“When I see they are playing like that, I’m so proud. I’m so proud. I think I’m doing a good job. So, I see so many people, even Haitian, if they are crossing the street, they take time to look at them because they are doing something very strange. Something many Haitians have never seen in their life.”Several organizations in the United States give money to the team, and pay for artificial arms and legs for all Haitians who need them.Cindy Orange says: “Soccer has taught me to do a lot of things on one leg that I wasn’t used to doing before. I feel comfortable when I’m playing.”Key1. That’s because this soccer team in Haiti is formed by those p layers who have losttheir legs and arms.。
Unit 4Section One Tactics for ListeningPart 1 Phonetics--Stress, Intonation and Accent1. A: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the secretary’soffice is pleaseB: Yes. It’s up the stairs, then turn left, ... ↗2. A: Excuse me. Can you tell me where the toilets areB: Yes, they’re at the top of the stairs.↘3. A: What did you do after work yesterdayB: Ah, well, I went for a drink in the pub opposite the car-park. ↘4. A: What did you do after work yesterdayB: Oh, I ran into Jane and Tom ..... ↗5. A: Excuse me, can you tell me how the machine works B: Certainly. Erm, first of all you adjust the height of the stool, and then put four 10 pence pieces there, ...↗6. A: Excuse me, can you tell me how the machine worksB: Yes. You put 30 pence in the slot and take the ticket out here. ↘Exercise:Part2 Listening and Note-takingFrog LegsPeople want frogs mostly for food. Many Asian cultures have included frog legs in their diets for centuries -- or at least until they have run out of frogs. But the most famous frog-eaters, and the people who inspired frog-eating in Europe and the United States are the French. By 1977 the French government, so concerned about the scarcity of its native frog, banned commercial hunting of its own amphibians. So the French turned to India and Bangladesh for frogs.As happened in France, American frog-leg fanciers and restaurants also turned increasingly to frozen imports. According to figures collected from government agencies, the United States imported more than 6.5 million pounds of frozen frog meat each year between 1981 and 1984.So many frozen frog legs were exported from India to Europe and the United States. One of the attractions of Indian frogs, apart from the fact that they have bigger legs than French frogs, was the price. In London, a pound of frozen frog’s legs from India cost about £1.75, compared with£3.75 for the French variety.Indian scientists have described as “disastrous〞the rate at which frogs are disappearing from the rice fields and wetlands, where they protect crops by devouring damaging insects.Since the India and Bangladesh frog-export bans, Indonesia has become the major exporter of frog legs to the United States and Europe. But no matter what country the legs come from, one thing is usually constant: The legs once belonged to frogs are taken from the wild, not from farms. Frogs are nearly impossible to farm economically in the countries where frogs are commercially harvested from the wild.Exercise A:1. Many Asian cultures have included frog legs in their dietsfor centuries.2. By 1977 the French government banned commercialhunting of its own amphibians.3. Indian scientists have described as “disastrous〞the rate at which frogs are disappearing from the rice fields and wetlands.4. The United States imported more than 6.5 million pounds of frozen frog meat each year between 1981 and 1984.5. One of the attractions of Indian frogs was the price. Exercise B:Frog legsPeople want frogs mostly for food. Many Asian cultures have included frog legs in their diets for centuries, The most famous frog-eaters, and the people who inspired frog-eating in Europe and the United States are the French. By 1977 the French government banned commercial hunting of its own amphibians. So the French turned to India and Bangladesh for flogs. And the United States imported more than 6.5 million pounds of frozen frog meat each year between 1981 and 1984. One of the attractions of Indian frogs was the price.Indian scientists have described as “disastrous〞the rate at which frogs are disappearing from the rice fields and wetlands, where they protect crops by devouringdamaging insects.Since the India and Bangladesh frog-export bans, Indonesia has become the major exporter of frog legs to the United States and Europe. But no matter what country the legs come from, one thing is usually constant: The legs once belonged to frogs are taken from the wild. not from farms.Section Two Listening ComprehensionPart 1 DialoguesDialogue 1 Health ClubInterviewer: Lorna, you and your husband opened this health club here last summer. Can you tell me something about the clubLama: Yes, well we offer a choice of facilities -- gym, sunbed*, sauna* and Jacuzzi* -- that’s also from Scandinavia -- as well as our regular fitness classes, that is. And there’s a wholefood bar for refreshments afterwards. Interviewer: And does it cost a lot I mean, most people think health clubs are really expensive.Lama: Actually our rates are really quite competitive. Since we only started last July, we’ve kept them down to attract customers. It’s only £30 a year to join. Then -- thesame as half an hour on the sunbed. Sauna and Jacuzzi are both £for half an hour.Interviewer: And is the club doing wellLama: Well, so far, yes, it’s doing really well. I had no idea it was going to be such a success, actually. We’re both very pleased. The sunbed’s so popular, especially with the over 65s, that we’re gett ing another one in August. Interviewer: What kind of people join the clubLama: We have people of all ages here, from small children to old-age pensioner s, though of course the majority, about three-quarters of our members, are in their 20s and 30s.They come in their lunch hour, to use the gym, mostly, or after work, while the Youngsters come when school finishes, around half past three or four. The Jacuzzi’s very popular with the little ones.Interviewer: What about the old-age pensionersLoma: They’re us ually around in the mornings, when we offer them special reduced rates for the Jacuzzi or sauna, plus sunbed, it’s only £2, which is half price, actually. It doesn’t affect our profits really -- only about 5% of our members are retired.Exercise:Dialogue 2 SkiingSimon: This one shows the view from the top of the mountain. Sally: Oh, it’s lovely!Teresa: That’s me with the red bobble hat.Sally: Is itTeresa: Yet, it looks kind of silly, doesn’t itSally: Yes, it does rather.Teresa: Oh, don’t worry. I know it looks ridiculous. Simon: Look. That’s our instructor, Werner.Teresa: Yeah, we were in the beginners’ class.Sally: Well, everyone has to start somewhere.Simon: Ah, now, this is a good one.Sally: What on earth is thatSimon: Can’t you guessSally: Well, it looks like a pile of people. You know, sort of on top of each other.Teresa: It is!Sally: How did that happenSimon: Well, you see we were all pretty hopeless at first. Every day Werner used to take us to the nursery slope* to practise, and to get to the top you had to go up on a ski lift. Teresa: Which wasn’t really very easy.Simon: No, and if you fell off you’d start sliding down the slope, right into all the people coming up!Sally: Mmm.Simon: Well, on that day we were all going up on the ski lift,you know, we were just getting used to it, and, you see there was this one woman in our class who never got the hang of* it. She didn’t have any sort of control over her skis and whenever she started sliding, she would sort of stick her ski sticks out in front of her, you know, like swords or something.Teresa: I always tried to avoid her, but on that day I was right behind her on the ski lift* and just as she was getting to the top, she slipped and started sliding down the slope. Sally: Did sheSimon: Mmm, with her ski sticks waving around in front of her!Teresa: So of course everyone sort of let go and tried to jump off the ski lift to get out of the way.Simon: And that’s how they all ended up in a pile at the bottom of the slope -- it was lucky I had my camera with me. Sally: I bet that woman was popular!Simon: Oh, yes, everybody’s favourite!Exercise A:1. What are the speakers doingThey are looking at some pictures.2. What kind of class is mentioned in the conversationA ski class for beginners.3. How many of the speakers have been taking the class Two.Exercise B:Everyday the coach took them to a nursery slope. They got to the top on a ski lift. In their class there was one woman who could never learn how to ski. She couldn’t control her skis and whenever she started sliding, she would stick her ski sticks out in front of her. People always tried to avoid her.One day as she was getting to the top, she slipped and started sliding down the slope. Everyone let go and tried to jump off the ski lift to get out of the way and they all ended up in a pile at the bottom of the slope.Part 2 PassagesPassage 2 The Truth about the French!Skiing in France is heaven on Earth for a dedicated skier. There are resorts where you can access skiing terrain that is larger than all the ski resorts in Utah* and Colorado* combined.The larger resorts have an adequate number of restaurants and discos. It is a good idea to eat a good lunch because the mountain restaurants are normally much betterthan the restaurants in the ski stations.French resorts are mostly government owned and operated. The social system puts a high percentage of money back into the areas. This provides state-of-the-art* lifts, snow making and snow grooming. In general, an intermediate skier who can read a lift map will easily be able to ski all day avoiding lift lines and crowds, even during the busiest season.The French school systems have a staggered* two-week winter vacation period. When the snow is good, nearly all of France migrates to the mountains for this period. The break usually covers the last two weeks of February and the first week of March. The time to absolutely avoid is the “Paris school holiday week〞which will always be in the middle period of the vacation time but alternates starting the first or second week of the break.No one has a more undeserved* reputation about his or her character than the French. The French are not generally arrogant and rude. True, in large tourist centers there are unpleasant people and if you’re looking for or expecting rudeness, you may just provoke* it. Generally the French, especially in the countryside, are as kind as you wish andyou will find warmth and acceptance. The most fractious* Frenchman is easily disarmed by a little sincerity*.When greeting someone or saying good-bye, always shake hands. Don’t use a firm, pumping handshake, but a quick, slight pressure one. When you enter a room or a shop you should greet everyone there. If you meet a person you know very well use their first name and kiss both cheeks. Men don’t usually kiss unless they are relatives. Good topics of conversation include food, sports, hobbies and where you come from. Topics to avoid are prices, where items were bought, what someone does for a living, income and age. Questions about personal and family life are considered private. Expect to find the French well-informed about the history, culture and politics of other countries. To gain their respect, be prepared to show some knowledge of the history and politics of France.France is generally a very safe country to visit. Pickpockets, however, are not unheard of. In large cities particularly, take precautions against theft. Always secure your vehicles, leave nothing of value visible and don’t carry your wallet in your back pocket. Beware of begging children! Exercise A:When greeting someone or saying good-bye, always shake hands. Don’t use a firm, pumping handshake, but a quick, slight pressure one. When you enter a room or a shop you should greet everyone there, lf you meet a person you know very well use their first name and kiss both cheeks, men don’t usually kiss unless they are relatives.Exercise B:1.C2. A3. A4. B5. B6. C7. D8. DExercise C:1. Why is it heaven on Earth for a dedicated skier in France Because there are resorts where you can access skiing terrain that is larger than all the ski resorts in Utah and Colorado combined.2. Why is it a good place for an intermediate skierBecause an intermediate skier who can read a lift map will easily be able to ski all day avoiding lift lines and crowds, even during the busiest season.3. What does this staggered two-week winter vacation period coverThis staggered two-week winter vacation period usually covers the last two weeks of February and the first week ofMarch.4. What is the character of the FrenchThe French are not generally arrogant and rude. They are as kind as you wish.5. Which precautions will a visitor take against theft in large cities in FranceIn large cities in France, always secure your vehicles, leave nothing of value visible and don’t carry your wallet in your back pocket. Beware of begging children!Part 3 NewsNews Item 1France’s busiest airport will reopen part of a terminal that was not damaged when a segment of the roof collapsed in May, killing four people.The Transport Minister Gilles de Robien said a segment of the three-building 2E terminal at Charles de Gaulle airport would return to service on July 15. In the May 23 disaster, failing glass, steel and masonry* killed four travelers -- two Chinese, one Czech* and one Lebanese*. Three others were injured.A preliminary report by experts said Tuesday that a weakness in the concrete that formed the futuristicterminal’s vaulted roof may have contributed to the collapse.Officials are still unsure about what exactly caused it to collapse.Exercise A:This news item is about the new information Of France Charles de Gaulle airport where a segment of the roof collapsed in May.Exercise B:News Item 2An Antonov 26 plane crashed in northwestern Congo shortly after take-off on Saturday, killing all 22 Congolese passengers and the crew.It was not known how many crew members were on the plane when it crashed near the town of Boende, more than 600 km northeast of the capital Kinshasa. The cause of the crash was unknown.A string of accidents this week has underlined the parlous* state of Democratic Republic of Congo’s transport infrastructure* after five years of war and decades of misrule.More than 160 people drowned when a ferry sank during a storm on Lake Mai-Ndombe, north east of Kinshasa, on Tuesday.On Saturday, 18 people were killed or injured when a small truck experienced brake trouble and crashed near the eastern town of Goma.Exercise A:This news item is about a string of accidents this week inCongo.Exercise B: A String of Accidents This WeekNews Item 3In the United States lawyers for Raed Jarrar, an airline passenger forced to cover his T-shirt because it displayed an Arabic script, say he has been awarded almost a quarter of a million dollars in compensation.Lawyers representing Raed Jarrar say the payout is a victory for free speech and a blow to the practice of racial profiling. Back in 2006 Mr Jarrar was waiting to board a flight at New York's JFK airport wearing a T-shirt that read "We Will Not Be Silent" in English and Arabic.His lawyers claim he was ordered to remove the item of clothing by staff who said other passengers felt uncomfortable with the Arabic slogan. He eventually agreed to cover the shirt and boarded the plane, but says he was made to sit at the back.Exercise A: Listen to the news item and complete the summary.This news item is about the practice of racial profiling in the United States.Exercise B: Listen and fill in the blanks with what you hear.Raed Jarrar, an airline passenger, has recently been awarded a total of $240,000 in compensation.Back in 2006 Mr Jarrar was waiting to board a flight at New York’s JFK airport wearing a T-shirt that read “We Will Not Be Silent〞in English and Arabic. Later he was ordered to remove the printed words on his T-shirt by staff who said other passengers felt uncomfortable with the Arabicslogan. He eventually agreed to cover the shirt and boarded the plane, but says he was made to sit at the back.Lawyers representing Raed Jarrar say the payout is a victory for free speech and a blow to the practice of racial profiling.Section Three Oral WorkRetellingThere is a street called “The Strand〞in Galveston, where hundreds of thousands of tourists visit today. This street was Mama’s stomping* ground as a kid. Before Mama died, we took a streetcar around Galveston to see all the lovely, restored homes. What a great day. She knew more than the tour guide. As we sat enjoying the sights, Mama said, “Liz, do you know why my nose is a little crooked*〞(I thought, “Where did that come from〞) “No, Mama, you haven’t ever mentioned it,〞I replied.“Well,〞said mother, “one day I followed my brothers to The Strand, and a streetcar ran over me. I put myself flat down between the rails and pushed my face in the ground so hard, I broke my nose! It sure caused a lot of chaos*. People screamed, the police came, and I just crawled out, brushed myself off and went home. The only thing I ever noticeddifferent about me was a crooked nose.〞I just looked at her nose and looked at Mama in utter disbelief!Section Four Supplementary ExercisesPassage 1 Babies and IntelligenceSome people thought babies were not able to learn things until they were five or six months old. Yet doctors in the United States say babies begin learning on their first day of life.Research scientists at the National Institute of Child Health and Development note that babies are strongly influenced by their environment. They say a baby will smile if her mother does something the baby likes. A baby learns to get the best care possible by smiling to please her mother or other caregiver. This is how babies learn to connect and communicate with other humans. This ability to learn exists in a baby even before birth. They say newborn babies can recognize and understand sounds they heard while they were still developing inside their mothers.The Finnish researchers used devices to measures the babies’ brain activity. The researchers played recordings of spoken sounds for up to one hour while the babies slept.The head of the study believes that babies can learn while asleep because the part of their brains called the cerebral cortex* remains active at night. The cortex is very important for learning. This part of the brain is not active in adults while they sleep.Many experts say the first years of a child’s life are important for all later development. An American study shows how mothers can strongly influence social development and language skills in their children. The study involved more than 1,200 mothers and children. Researchers studied the children from the age of one month to three years. They observed the mothers playing with their children four times during this period.The researchers attempted to measure the sensitivity of the mothers. The women were considered sensitive if they supported their children’s activities and did not interfere unnecessarily. They tested the children for thinking and language development when they were three years old.The children of depressed women did not do as well on tests as the children of women who did not suffer from depression. The children of depressed women did poorly on tests of language skills and understanding what they hear.These children also were less cooperative and had more problems dealing with other people.Another study suggests that babies who are bigger at birth generally are more intelligent later in life. It found that the intelligence of a child at seven years of age is directly linked to his or her weight at birth. Study organizers say this is probably because heavier babies received more nutrition* during important periods of brain development before they were born.The study involved almost 3,500 children. Researchers in New York City used traditional tests to measure intelligence. Brothers and sisters were tested so that the effects of birth weight alone could be separated from the effects of diet or other considerations.The researchers found that children with higher birth weights generally did better on the intelligence tests. Also, the link between birth weight and intelligence later in life was stronger for boys than for girls.Exercise A:1. Some people thought babies were able to learn things when they were five or six months old.2. Doctors think babies begin learning things on their firstday of life.3. Babies communicate with other people by smiling.4. They can recognize and understand sounds they heard while they were still developing inside their mothers.5. Babies can learn while asleep.6. They are important for a child’s all later development. Exercise B:Study 1Study 2Exercise C:Your opinionDirections: Listen to the passage again and give your opinion on the following topics,“Many experts say the first years of a child’s life areimportant for all later development.〞1. What should mothers do in the first year of a child’s life2. What might affect a child if his parents get divorced in his first year of lifePassage 2 FatigueFatigue is a feeling of weariness, tiredness, or lack of energy.Fatigue is different from drowsiness. In general, drowsiness is feeling the need to sleep, while fatigue is a lack of energy and motivation. Drowsiness and apathy (a feeling of indifference or not caring about what happens) can be symptoms of fatigue.Fatigue can be a normal and important response to physical exertion, emotional stress, boredom, or lack of sleep. However, it can also be a nonspecific sign of a more serious psychological or, physical disorder. Fatigue that is not relieved by enough sleep, good nutrition, or a low-stress environment should be evaluated by your doctor. Because fatigue is a common complaint, sometimes a potentially serious cause may be overlooked.The pattern of fatigue may help your doctor determine its underlying cause. For example, if you wake up in themorning rested but rapidly develop fatigue with activity, you may have an ongoing physical condition like an underactive thyroid*. On the other hand, if you wake up with a low level of energy and have fatigue that lasts throughout the day, you may be depressed.Here are some tips for reducing fatigue:●Get adequate, regular, and consistent amounts ofsleep each night.●Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet and drink plenty ofwater throughout the day.●Exercise regularly.●Learn better ways to relax. Try yoga* or meditation*.●Maintain a reasonable work and personal schedule.●Change your stressful circumstances, if possible. Forexample, switch jobs, take a vacation, and dealdirectly with problems in a relationship.●Take a multivitamin. Talk to your doctor about whatyou need and what is best for you.●Avoid alcohol, nicotine*, and drag use.If you have chronic* pain or depression, treating either often helps address the fatigue. However, some antidepressant* medications may cause or worsen fatigue.Your medication may have to be adjusted to avoid this problem. Do not stop or change any medications without instruction from your doctor.Stimulants* (including caffeine) are not effective treatments for fatigue, and can actually make the problem worse when the drugs are discontinued. Sedatives* also tend to intensify fatigue in the long run.Exercise A: Pre-listening questionWhat is fatigue What’s the difference between fatigue and drowsinessFatigue is a feeling of weariness, tiredness, or lack of energy. Fatigue is different from drowsiness. In general, drowsiness is feeling the need to sleep, while fatigue is a lack of energy and motivation. Drowsiness and apathy can be symptoms of fatigue.Exercise B:1. D2. A3. B4. D5. A6. B7. C8. CExercise C:1. When do people feel fatiguedFatigue is a normal and important response to physical exertion, emotional stress, boredom, or lack of sleep.2. What can also be symptoms of fatigueDrowsiness and apathy can be symptoms of fatigue.3. What can usually relieve fatigueEnough exercise, good nutrition, or low-stress environment can usually relieve fatigue.4. What treatment can also help deal with fatigue Treatment for chronic pain or depression often helps address fatigue.5. What is the side effect of some antidepressant medication They may cause or worsen fatigue.。
听力教程4 答案施心远(1—13)Unit 1Section 1Listening and Translation1. A college education can be very costly in the United States.2.Rising costs have led more and more families to borrow money to help pay forcollege.3.There are different federal loans and private loans for students.4.Interest rates on some of these loans will go up on July 1st.5.There are growing concerns that many students graduate with too much debt.1.在美国,大学教育的费用会很贵。
Section 2Part 1 Dialogue1-8 A C D C B C B APart 2 passage Ex C: 1-8 F F T T F T T FSection 3News Item 1China's wasted no time insetting put the latest plans for its ambitious space program. A senior official said the next manned mission will be in 2007, when the astronauts will attempt a space walk. After that, scientists will focus on developing the capability to rendezvous* and dock* with other spacecraft. He added that China also wanted to recruit female astronauts in the near future.The announcement comes just hours after the country's second manned space mission touched down in the remote grasslands of Inner Mongolia. The returning astronauts have been given a hero's welcome, riding in an open car in a nationally televised parade. Thousands of soldiers and groups of schoolchildren lined the route, waving Chinese flags. It's a sign of the great importance China attaches to its space program, viewing it as a source of national pride and international prestige.A: …about China’s ambitious space program.B:1. Landing spot: in the remote grasslands of Inner Mongolia2. Significance: a source of national pride and international prestige (威望) Future plan1. 1) Time: 20072) Goal: The astronauts will attempt a space walk.2. Focus of further development: the capability to rendezvous and dock withother spacecraft3. Recruitment of astronauts: to recruit female astronauts in the near future. News Item 2China's economy has recovered earlier and more strongly than any other. This latest data is further evidence of that trend. The rise in industrial output confirms what factory owners have been saying for some time now, that customers have been restocking* their inventories and confidence is returning.There are still question marks though over the stability of the recovery. The property* sector* is showing signs of overheating. The government this week announced measures to try to cool it. At the same time officials decided to extend tax subsidies* for purchases of small vehicles and appliances suggesting that some here still believe Chinese manufacturers need government support.Growth was strongest in heavy industries such as coal, steel, power generation and automobiles. Consumer prices rose in November for the first time since February. But the rise was small and probably reflected higher food prices caused by early snowstorms which destroyed crops and disrupted transport.A: … about the growth of China’s economy.News Item 3If you visit almost any marketplace in Africa, many of the consumer goods on sale, from buckets to razor blades to hurricane lamps, are likely to be Chinese. In a very large number of African capitals, the main football stadium is likely to have been built with Chinese aid money.Sino-African trade, and aid, is large and growing. Some estimates put it as high as 12 billion dollars a year. Although direct comparisons are difficult, the links between the world's largest developing country, China, and the world's largest developing continent could grow to challenge the post-colonial links between Europe and Africa. The meeting in Addis Ababa* had heard Chinese promises to cancel debts, grant duty-free access into China for African products and increase Chinese investments in Africa.A: … about China’s large and growing trade with and aid to Africa.B:1.In many African capitals, the main football stadium is likely to have been builtwith Chinese aid money.2.It is estimated that Sino-African trade, and aid, amounts to as high as 12 billiondollars a year.3.The links between China and Africa could grow to challenge the post-coloniallinks between Europe and Africa.4.On the meeting in Addis Ababa, China promised to cancel debts, grant duty-freeaccess into China for African products and increase Chinese investments in Africa.Unit 2Section 1Listening and Translation1.Some people fear they do not get enough vitamins from the foods they eat.2.So they take products with large amounts of vitamins.3.They think these vitamin supplements will improve their health and protectagainst disease.4.Medical experts found little evidence that most supplements do anything toprotect or improve health.5.but they noted that some do help to prevent disease.1.有些人担心他们并未从所吃的食物中获取足够的维生素。
Unit 4Section One Tactics for ListeningPart 1 Spot DictationStephen Powelson’s Amazing MemoryWhen Stephen Powelson was nine, his school organized a (1) weekly contest in memorizing passages from the Bible. Stephen paid (2) no attention until he was chided* for (3) not competing. The next Sunday he surprised everyone by (4) reciting all the passages for the (5) entire year.As a teenager in prep school, Stephen took Greek. His teacher (6) assigned 21 lines of the Iliad* to be memorized (7) in a week. At the end of the hour - though he (8) insisted he paid full attention to the (9) lecture - Stephen knew all 21. He went on to memorize the first (10) 100 lines.In 1978, for the first time (11) since college, Powelson, now 60, had some (12) spare time. To keep his mind active, he reread the Iliad and (13) discovered that he still knew the first 100 lines (14) by heart.That someone could memorize so much between ages 60 and 70 is (15) astonishing to most people, who are (16) convinced that memory (17) worsens as we grow older.Powelson's method is to (18) read a book into his tape recorder, then read it several more times, making sure he understands (19) each word. "Also," he says, "I attempt to (20) visualize myself as part of the action."Part 2 Listening for GistYou might not know how rarely images are viewed directly through telescopes. The most common way to observe the skies is to photograph them. The process is very simple. First, a photographic plate is coated with a light-sensitive material. The plate is positioned so that the image received by the telescope is recorded on it. Then the image can be developed, enlarged, and published so that many people can study it.Because most astronomical objects are very remote, the light we receive from them is rather feeble. But by using a telescope as a camera, long time exposures can be made. In this way, objects can be photographed that are a hundred times too faint to be seen by just looking through a telescope.1)This passage is about how to photograph astronomical objects.2)Photograph, coated, light-sensitive material, positioned, received, recorded,developed, enlarged, published, remote, feeble, telescope, camera, longexposuresSection Two Listening ComprehensionPart one DialogueTunisian HolidayVocabularyamphitheatremosaiccoach n. 公共马车,普通旅客车厢resort n. 胜地,常去之地(Someone is enquiring about the Tunisian holiday.)Agent: Hello, Bath Travel.Client: Hello, I'd like to find out more about your Tunisian holiday for amateur archaeologists. I've read about it in the paper, but I'd like to know more about what is involved.Agent: You mean you'd like to know the itinerary?Client: Yes, that's right.Agent: All right. Just briefly, you arrive in Tunis at midday on the first day and go by coach to La Marsa. Then there is a short briefing by the archaeologist and then the rest of the day you are free to explore.The second day you get up before dawn and go to Carthage to see the sunrise. You have breakfast and a lecture there and then go by coach toMansoura, where there are beautiful coves(小海湾). After lunch you can walk along the beach, to Kerkouane. The walk takes about four hours. Kerkouane is one of the most recent and most exciting sites. Then by coach to Kelibia, a fishing village, in time for sunset over the harbor.Client: That sounds rather a long walk.Agent: Well, it's an easy walk. Flat all the way, and very pretty. But you can go by coach, if you prefer. The third day you spend in Hammamet on Cap Bon, and the day is free to enjoy the town. It's a lovely old town and resort. And the fourth day you take the coach to the ruin of EI Djem, which is a magnificent amphitheatre*. You have lunch in Sfax and then you take the ferry to the beautiful Kerkennah Islands.Client: Islands, you say?Agent: Yes, they're very peaceful and you spend the fifth day there. The fishermen will take everyone out on their sailing boats and there will be a fishermen's picnic. On the sixth day you visit the Great Mosque of Kairouan and have a picnic lunch. Then take the coach to the lovely port of Bizerte for the last night. And the final day there is a visit to the ancient Roman capital of Utica with its fantastic mosaics* and then a coach to Tunis International Airport. Client: Have you got a full brochure which gives more details?ExerciseDirections: Listen to the dialogue and complete the following itinerary.Part 2 PassageMexican Gray WolfExercise A Pre-listening QuestionThe wolf is a large member of the canine(犬科的) family. Most of the adult grey wolves weigh in the vicinity of 75 to 125 pounds (34 to 56 kilograms). Wolves live in family groups called packs. A pack is usually made up of a male parent, a female parent, their pups and a few other adult wolves who are the older brothers and sisters. Wolves can run up to 40 miles an hour and can easily cover 50 miles a day.The wolf has developed the capacity to survive in the most inhospitable of climates. The wolves in the high arctic endure several winter months of perpetual darkness. Even in February when the sun returns to the north, temperatures of -40°C and bitter winds are common. In the wild wolves can live up to 13 years or more; in a protected wolf park or a controlled area of land, a wolf can live to be up to 16 years old.1)After more than a century of assault by humans, the wolf population haddwindled to no more than a handful by the 1970s in Mexico and theAmerican southwest.2)The program is now about halfway to meeting its goal of a "wild"population of at least 100 wolves covering more than 12,800 squarekilometers.3)Decisions about mating, movement among the 45 captive-breeding facilitiesand releases into the wild are made by a US-Mexican committee ofscientists, land owners and others.4)A wolf with rare genes - until it has successfully reproduced - will never bereleased because· of the high mortality rate in the wild.5)The recovery program is gradually moving away from freeingcaptive-born wolves, as the population of pups born free takes off.****Francisco and Sheila were pioneers in a federal program in Eureka, 32 kilometers southwest of S1. Louis, the United States, to restore the endangered Mexican gray wolf, the rarest and most genetically distinct subspecies of gray wolf in North America.After more than a century of assault by humans, the wolf population had dwindled to no more than a handful by the 1970s in Mexico and the American southwest.The research center, popularly known as the Wolf Sanctuary*, was founded in 1971 by Marlin Perkins, a world-renowned naturalist and former director of the St. Louis Zoo, and his wife Carol. Besides the Mexican wolf, the sanctuary works with the endangered red wolf, maned wolf (maned: 有鬃毛的; maned wolf 鬣狼), swift fox and African wild dogs.In the late 1970s, the last seven known wolves were captured in the wild or taken from zoos to begin the breeding program. In 1981, the first captive-bred litter of Mexican gray wolves produced in the federal program was born at the WildCanid (犬科动物) Center, and the first release into the wild took place in 1998. The program is now about halfway to meeting its goal of a "wild" population of at least 100 wolves covering more than 12,800 square kilometers.Though in captivity themselves, Francisco and Sheila taught their pups so well that many are thriving in the wild. They were ideal parents. They raised 25 babies, taught them good survival skills and sent many of them off to live on their own.Nine of Francisco and Sheila's offspring were among the first 11 captive-born Mexican gray wolves released in 1998. Both parent wolves have since died - Francisco at age 14 in December. Sheila at age 16 in June 2000 - but they lived, as captive wolves often do, roughly twice as long as wolves in the wild. Today the Wild Canid Survival and Research Center in Eureka estimates that 98 percent of Mexican wolves released from the federal program are descendants of the prolific* lobo* pair. (lobo=timber wolf)About 250 lobos now live in captivity at 45 US and Mexican facilities. The Wild Canid Center, however, has produced more puppies and housed more Mexican grays than any other facility.The Wild Canid Center is ideated* on 25 isolated hectares(公顷) within Washington University's Tyson Research Center. The wolves live in large outdoor with minimal human contact. They learn to hunt, , live in natural family packs, and to be suspicious of people - all necessary skills for surviving in the wild.Decisions about mating, movement among the 45 and releases into the wild are made by a US-Mexican committee of scientists, land owners and others. They also maintain . A wolf with rare genes - until it has successfully reproduced - will never be released because ofthe in the wild. It's not uncommon for freed wolves to be struck by cars or shot by hunters; in recent weeks, five have died.Despite the losses, released wolves are . The recovery program is gradually moving away from freeing captive-born wolves, as the population of pups born free . Scientists want to let nature decide what's a good wolf and what's not through .The Wild Canid Center is ideated* on 25 isolated hectares(公顷) within Washington University's Tyson Research Center. The wolves live in large outdoor enclosures with minimal human contact. They learn to hunt, raise young, live in natural family packs, and to be suspicious of people - all necessary skills for surviving in the wild.Decisions about mating, movement among the 45 captive-breeding facilities and releases into the wild are made by a US-Mexican committee of scientists, land owners and others. They also maintain a genetic database. A wolf with raregenes - until it has successfully reproduced - will never be released because of the high mortality rate in the wild. It's not uncommon for freed wolves to be struck by cars or shot by hunters; in recent weeks, five have died.Despite the losses, released wolves are reproducing. The recovery program is gradually moving away from freeing captive-born wolves, as the population of pups born free takes off. Scientists want to let nature decide what's a good wolf and what's not through natural selection.Exercise B Sentence DictationDirections: Listen to some sentences and write them down. You will hear each sentence three times.Exercise C Detailed Listening1 Directions: Listen to the passage and complete the information about a Mexican gray wolf research center.1)The research center's known as: the Wolf Sanctuary2) Location: in Eureka. 32 Kilometers southwest of St. Louis. the United States3) Founding: in 19714) Purpose: to restore the endangered Mexican gray wolf5) Founder: Marlin Perkins. a world-renowned naturalist and formerdirector the St. Louis Zoo. and his wife Carol2. Directions: Fill in the blanks with events connected with the following timeexpressions.1)In the late 1970s: The last seven known wolves were captured in the wild ortaken from zoos to begin the breeding program.2)In 1981: The first captive-bred litter of Mexican gray wolves produced in thefederal program was born at the wild Canid Center.3)In 1998: The first release into the wild took place.Exercise D After-listening DiscussionDirections: Listen to the passage again and discuss the following questions.1)Francisco and Sheila were pioneers in a federal program. Though in captivitythemselves, they taught their pups so well that many are thriving in the wild.They were ideal parents. They raised 25 babies, taught them good survival skills and sent many of them off to live on their own. Nine of Francisco and Sheila's offspring were among the first 11 captive-born Mexican gray wolves released in 1998. Both parent wolves have since died - Francisco at age 14 in December. Sheila at age 16 in June 2000 but they lived, as captive wolves often do, roughly twice as long as wolves in the wild.The Wild Canid Center is ideated on 25 isolated hectares within.Washington University's Tyson Research Center. Today the Wild Canid Survival and Research Center estimates that 98 percent of Mexican wolves released from the federal program are descendants of the prolific lobo pair.About 250 lobos now live in captivity at 45 US and Mexican facilities. The Wild Canid Center has produced more puppies and housed more Mexican grays than any other facility. Other large US newspapers were singled out too, including the Wall Street Journal, which won the Pulitzer for breaking news, despite being displaced from its offices at the World Trade Center. The Washington Post received Pulitzers in two categories, investigative and national reporting.(Open)Section Three NewsNews Item1When Astroland opened in 1962 it represented the future of amusement theme parks, boasting state-of-the-art rides(游乐场所供人玩乐的乘坐装置) and attractions operating with an outer-space theme.The park is a fixture on the Coney Island boardwalk, best known for the Cyclone, its wooden roller coaster and the Wonder Wheel, a seaside landmark. Astroland's 22 rides and three game arcades provided jobs for up to 300 people.Astroland has been by far the biggest amusement center on Coney Island, which has been a favorite holiday destination for Americans in the New York area since the 19th Century. It is the birthplace of the hot dog and isfamily-friendly atmosphere.But Astroland's final chapter may be still to come. A few days after the park's announced closure, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said hope is not yet lost, and that city officials are trying to step in and get a one-year renewal of Astroland's lease.A.Astroland’s announced closureB.1. It opened in 1962.2. It represented the future of amusement theme parks, boasting state-of-the-art rides and attractions operating with an outer-space theme.3. It is best known for the Cyclone, its wooden roller coaster and the Wonder Wheel, a seaside landmark.4. Because they enjoy its kitschy rides, street performers, sand beaches and family-friendly atmosphere.5. No. The city officials are trying to step in and get a one-year renewal of Astroland's lease.News Item 2It's called the "Highline." It's a newly renovated and elevated promenade that was once a railway line for delivering cattle and other food stock. In 1980, the train made its last delivery, bringing frozen turkeys to lower Manhattan. In a densely populated city, the Highline now provides open space for relaxation as it winds through neighborhoods once noted for slaughterhouses.It's an oasis in a sea of concrete. The walkway includes more than 100 species of plants inspired by the wild landscape left after the trains stopped running. New construction is everywhere. Apartments, office towers, restaurants and even a museum have sprouted alongside the promenade.The first section of the Highline was inaugurated in May, after 15 years of planning and political battles. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, along with benefactors like clothing designer Diane von Furstenberg and her husband, media mogul Barry Diller, cut the ribbon.The first two sections of the Highline cost $152 million. Of that, $44 million was raised by the public. To those who visit, it seems it was well worth the wait and the money.News Item3African American History MuseumAn old Greyhound Bus* terminal sits unused in the heart of downtown Dothan, Alabama. It's hardly noticeable, nestled between two office buildings and surrounded by a chain link fence. There are no written signs that hint of the structure's controversial history. Four decades ago it was a symbol of racial segregation. During the 1960s, bus terminals like other public facilities throughout the American south were divided into white areas and black areas. The building still has the separate entrance and restroom facilities that black customers were legally required to use. Today, those elements have a different social value, and they will become one of the centerpieces of a new African American history museum.The museum will include galleries devoted to the accomplishments of George Washington Garver* and other black scientists and inventors. There will be a gallery depicting black heroes of military and social campaigns.And the city of Dothan is helping. It's providing the museum with some financial support, and it's already promoting the attraction to visitors. The G-W Carver Interpretive Museum should open doors by August and its directorFrancina Williams hopes to capitalize on Alabama's historic role . the center of America's Civil Rights movement. When visitors come to Birmingham, Selma and Montgomery to learn about the struggles that African Americans have endured, she would like them I make a side trip to Dothan to see what African Americans have contributed to Alabama, America Id the world.Exercise ADirections: Listen to the news item and complete the summary.This news item is about an African American history museum showing the struggles and contributions f African Americans.Exercise BDirection: Listen to the news again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).1.F2. T3. F4.F5.T6. T7. F8.TSection Four supplementary ExercisesPart 1 Feature ReportLamaina grew up listening to her grandfather's stories of Garaguso.Tommaso Lamaina immigrated from Garaguso to Philadelphia in the 1920s in search of work. But he never let his family forget the place where generations of their forefathers had lived.The stories inspired Lamaina’s dream of developing her own relationship with a place she was never able to visit with her grandfather, who died when she was a teenager. So in 2000, with years of experience as a professional photographer behind her, she decided to begin an annual pilgrimage to Garaguso to capture life there on film.Garaguso is a farming village, home to about 1,500 people, in the mountainous region of Basilicata, located in the instep of Italy's boot. It's one of the most remote and least developed zones in the country. After decades of emigration, it's sparsely populated. One out of seven of the people who remain can't read or write.Lamaina's photos show a Garaguso that seems hardly to have changed in centuries, an anachronism compared with a very modern Italy. Taken in black and white, they show the winding cobblestone streets and ancient buildings of the historical centre. There are donkeys, loaded up with kindling for the open fires and stoves, which still warm the houses. There are portraits of men with gnarled faces, wearing black pants and white shirts from a past era. There's the local baker, whose family has been selling bread in the same building since the late 1700s. There are women with white hair and no teeth, dressed in black.Arriving in the village where her family had lived for generations was like a homecoming for Lamaina. She grew up in an inner-city neighborhood of Philadelphia, in the bosom of an immigrant southern Italian community. At home, her relatives spoke the dialect of Garaguso rather than English.But over the years, the reserve has lessened. Lamaina admits, and her work shows, that life in Garaguso is not easy. The locals work from sunup to sundown in the fields, tending their crops and animals. They eat what they produce. Little is imported and nothing goes to waste. But she believes it's rich in the things that matter, like generosity, hospitality and family ties. In this respect, she says, the village has something to teach those who see her work.Lamaina recently held an exhibition of her work in Florence, where she now lives. She's also giving a copy of her images to City Hall in Garaguso.After eight years of recording life there, Susanna Lucia Lamaina's not ready to put away her camera yet. She says she has many more photographs to take and hopes her work will put her family village on the map. Her grandfather, Tommaso Lamaina, would have been proud.A.Susanna Lucia Lamaina’s recording life in Garaguso.B.T,T,T, T,T,F,T,FPart 2 PassageSafari1)A blur of gold was spotted through the high, wind-whipped grasses and off wewalked toward the lion's den.2)He couldn't stop smiling as we crept closer and closer into the glow of theday's last light.3)Just a meter away from the lions a straggling buffalo loped by, but ourappearance seemed to distract them and the buffalo got away.4)Under an open sky we winded our way through cracked sun-baked pathways.Our guides knelt in the sand, pointing out the differences between the various animal tracks.5)Thrashing in the water a mauve-colored hippo grunted, snapped his giantjaws, and lunged forward.We kept our distance behind a log on the banks of the river.A blur of gold was spotted through the high, wind-whipped grasses and off we walked toward the lion's den*. We glanced at each other nervously, but forged ahead. My friends and I had come to experience the African bush on foot, so, gulping, we fell in shaky step behind our two ranger guides. Their rifles were at the ready. So were our zoom lenses. Seeing lions was a special treat, even for our veteran guide, and he couldn't stop smiling as we crept closer and closer into the glow of the day's last light.About 150 meters ahead we counted 10 lions sitting in a semicircle in the grass. Their heads poked up through the grass thicket, listening, aware.Just a meter away from the lions a straggling* buffalo loped by. Perhaps the lions' intended dinner? But our appearance seemed to distract them and the buffalo got away.We were in the Kruger National Park*, the largest game park in South Africa, on a guided walking safari.Kruger National Park is the country's main game* reserve. Roughly the size of Wales, it stretches for almost 2.5 million hectares across a maze of ecozones from flat scrubby bush, dense shrub-like Mopane tree covered hillsides to lush valleys.For three nights home was a circle of thatched roof two-person huts tucked behind a leafy grove of trees in an enclosed camp that included toilets and hot (mostly) showers.Dinner was served around an open fire, a massive kettle of hot water for tea or coffee steaming on a nearby pile of smoldering coals.The only light after dark were swaths of luminous stars overhead and our kerosene* lanterns.We joked that we had arrived to the catered version of "Survivor".The first morning we climbed out from beneath mosquito nets to the muffled sounds of an elephant munching on a tree behind our huts, which were separated only by several meters and a wire mesh fence.As if the elephant was not wake-cup call enough, outside each hut a jug of water had been poured into a plastic basin for a quick face wash before hitting the trails.Under an open sky we winded our way through cracked sun-baked pathways through baobab* and kudu* berry trees. Our guides knelt in the sand, pointing out the differences between the various animal tracks.A line in the sand told a crocodile had recently slipped into a nearby pool.Later we saw a crocodile sunning on a rock not far from where we had been swimming the day before.In the same area we had a sunset sighting of a mauve*-colored hippo* whowas not happy to see us.Thrashing in the water he grunted, snapped his giant jaws, and lunged* forward. We kept our distance behind a log on the banks of the river where we later got a glimpse at a family of baboons*.On our last evening streaks of orange made the sky glow as if on tangerine* fire. We were all on a high from our lion sighting.I inhaled the colors, the silhouette* of buffalos grazing near a watering hole, the evening dropped in temperature and squeezed a friend's hand.Exercise A Pre-listening QuestionHere are the top parks for anAfrican safari:The beautiful Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya, the world-famous Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania, the lush green Okavango Delta and Chobe National Park in Botswana and the Etosha National Park in Namibia.Exercise B Sentence DictationDirections: Listen to some sentences and write them down. You will hear each sentence three times.Exercise C Detailed ListeningDirections: Listen to the passage and answer the following questions.1)They experienced the African bush on foot.2)Seeing lions was a special treat for them.3)They saw 10 lions sitting in a semicircle in the grass.4)Krugge National Park stretches for almost 2.5 million hectares ,roughly thesize of Wales.5)They stayed in a thatched roof two- person huts with toilets and hot showers.6)Dinner was served around an open fire.7)They saw a crocodile sunning on a rock not far from where they had beenswimming the day before.8)They were all on a high from their lion sighting.Exercise D After-listening DiscussionDirections: Listen to the passage again and discuss the following questions1. They saw lions, buffaloes , elephants, crocodiles, hippos, baboons, etc.2.(Open)。
Unit 4Section One Tactics for ListeningPart 1 Spot DictationStephen Powelson’s Amazing MemoryWhen Stephen Powelson was nine, his school organized a (1) weekly contest in memorizing passages from the Bible. Stephen paid (2) no attention until he was chided* for (3) not competing. The next Sunday he surprised everyone by (4) reciting all the passages for the (5) entire year.As a teenager in prep school, Stephen took Greek. His teacher (6) assigned 21 lines of the Iliad* to be memorized (7) in a week. At the end of the hour - though he (8) insisted he paid full attention to the (9) lecture - Stephen knew all 21. He went on to memorize the first (10) 100 lines.In 1978, for the first time (11) since college, Powelson, now 60, had some (12) spare time. To keep his mind active, he reread the Iliad and (13) discovered that he still knew the first 100 lines (14) by heart.That someone could memorize so much between ages 60 and 70 is (15) astonishing to most people, who are (16) convinced that memory (17) worsens as we grow older.Powelson's method is to (18) read a book into his tape recorder, then read it several more times, making sure he understands (19) each word. "Also," he says, "I attempt to (20) visualize myself as part of the action."Part 2 Listening for GistYou might not know how rarely images are viewed directly through telescopes. The most common way to observe the skies is to photograph them. The process is very simple. First, a photographic plate is coated with a light-sensitive material. The plate is positioned so that the image received by the telescope is recorded on it. Then the image can be developed, enlarged, and published so that many people can study it.Because most astronomical objects are very remote, the light we receive from them is rather feeble. But by using a telescope as a camera, long time exposures can be made. In this way, objects can be photographed that are a hundred times too faint to be seen by just looking through a telescope.1)This passage is about how to photograph astronomical objects.2)Photograph, coated, light-sensitive material, positioned, received, recorded,developed, enlarged, published, remote, feeble, telescope, camera, longexposuresSection Two Listening ComprehensionPart one DialogueTunisian HolidayVocabularyamphitheatremosaiccoach n. 公共马车,普通旅客车厢resort n. 胜地,常去之地(Someone is enquiring about the Tunisian holiday.)Agent: Hello, Bath Travel.Client: Hello, I'd like to find out more about your Tunisian holiday for amateur archaeologists. I've read about it in the paper, but I'd like to know more about what is involved.Agent: You mean you'd like to know the itinerary?Client: Yes, that's right.Agent: All right. Just briefly, you arrive in Tunis at midday on the first day and go by coach to La Marsa. Then there is a short briefing by the archaeologist and then the rest of the day you are free to explore.The second day you get up before dawn and go to Carthage to see the sunrise. You have breakfast and a lecture there and then go by coach toMansoura, where there are beautiful coves(小海湾). After lunch you can walk along the beach, to Kerkouane. The walk takes about four hours. Kerkouane is one of the most recent and most exciting sites. Then by coach to Kelibia, a fishing village, in time for sunset over the harbor.Client: That sounds rather a long walk.Agent: Well, it's an easy walk. Flat all the way, and very pretty. But you can go by coach, if you prefer. The third day you spend in Hammamet on Cap Bon, and the day is free to enjoy the town. It's a lovely old town and resort. And the fourth day you take the coach to the ruin of EI Djem, which is a magnificent amphitheatre*. You have lunch in Sfax and then you take the ferry to the beautiful Kerkennah Islands.Client: Islands, you say?Agent: Yes, they're very peaceful and you spend the fifth day there. The fishermen will take everyone out on their sailing boats and there will be a fishermen's picnic. On the sixth day you visit the Great Mosque of Kairouan and have a picnic lunch. Then take the coach to the lovely port of Bizerte for the last night. And the final day there is a visit to the ancient Roman capital of Utica with its fantastic mosaics* and then a coach to Tunis International Airport. Client: Have you got a full brochure which gives more details?ExerciseDirections: Listen to the dialogue and complete the following itinerary.Part 2 PassageMexican Gray WolfExercise A Pre-listening QuestionThe wolf is a large member of the canine(犬科的) family. Most of the adult grey wolves weigh in the vicinity of 75 to 125 pounds (34 to 56 kilograms). Wolves live in family groups called packs. A pack is usually made up of a male parent, a female parent, their pups and a few other adult wolves who are the older brothers and sisters. Wolves can run up to 40 miles an hour and can easily cover 50 miles a day.The wolf has developed the capacity to survive in the most inhospitable ofclimates. The wolves in the high arctic endure several winter months of perpetual darkness. Even in February when the sun returns to the north, temperatures of -40°C and bitter winds are common. In the wild wolves can live up to 13 years or more; in a protected wolf park or a controlled area of land, a wolf can live to be up to 16 years old.1)After more than a century of assault by humans, the wolf population haddwindled to no more than a handful by the 1970s in Mexico and theAmerican southwest.2)The program is now about halfway to meeting its goal of a "wild"population of at least 100 wolves covering more than 12,800 squarekilometers.3)Decisions about mating, movement among the 45 captive-breeding facilitiesand releases into the wild are made by a US-Mexican committee ofscientists, land owners and others.4)A wolf with rare genes - until it has successfully reproduced - will never bereleased because· of the high mortality rate in the wild.5)The recovery program is gradually moving away from freeingcaptive-born wolves, as the population of pups born free takes off.****Francisco and Sheila were pioneers in a federal program in Eureka, 32kilometers southwest of S1. Louis, the United States, to restore the endangered Mexican gray wolf, the rarest and most genetically distinct subspecies of gray wolf in North America.After more than a century of assault by humans, the wolf population had dwindled to no more than a handful by the 1970s in Mexico and the American southwest.The research center, popularly known as the Wolf Sanctuary*, was founded in 1971 by Marlin Perkins, a world-renowned naturalist and former director of the St. Louis Zoo, and his wife Carol. Besides the Mexican wolf, the sanctuary works with the endangered red wolf, maned wolf (maned: 有鬃毛的; maned wolf 鬣狼), swift fox and African wild dogs.In the late 1970s, the last seven known wolves were captured in the wild or taken from zoos to begin the breeding program. In 1981, the first captive-bred litter of Mexican gray wolves produced in the federal program was born at the Wild Canid (犬科动物) Center, and the first release into the wild took place in 1998. The program is now about halfway to meeting its goal of a "wild" population of at least 100 wolves covering more than 12,800 square kilometers.Though in captivity themselves, Francisco and Sheila taught their pups so well that many are thriving in the wild. They were ideal parents. They raised 25 babies, taught them good survival skills and sent many of them off to live on their own.Nine of Francisco and Sheila's offspring were among the first 11captive-born Mexican gray wolves released in 1998. Both parent wolves have since died - Francisco at age 14 in December. Sheila at age 16 in June 2000 - but they lived, as captive wolves often do, roughly twice as long as wolves in the wild. Today the Wild Canid Survival and Research Center in Eureka estimates that 98 percent of Mexican wolves released from the federal program are descendants of the prolific* lobo* pair. (lobo=timber wolf)About 250 lobos now live in captivity at 45 US and Mexican facilities. The Wild Canid Center, however, has produced more puppies and housed more Mexican grays than any other facility.The Wild Canid Center is ideated* on 25 isolated hectares(公顷) within Washington University's Tyson Research Center. The wolves live in large outdoor with minimal human contact. They learn to hunt, , live in natural family packs, and to be suspicious of people - all necessary skills for surviving in the wild.Decisions about mating, movement among the 45 and releases into the wild are made by a US-Mexican committee of scientists, land owners and others. They also maintain . A wolf with rare genes - until it has successfully reproduced - will never be released because of the in the wild. It's not uncommon for freed wolves to be struck by cars or shot by hunters; in recent weeks, five have died.Despite the losses, released wolves are . The recovery program is gradually moving away from freeing captive-born wolves, as the population ofpups born free . Scientists want to let nature decide what's a good wolf and what's not through .The Wild Canid Center is ideated* on 25 isolated hectares(公顷) within Washington University's Tyson Research Center. The wolves live in large outdoor enclosures with minimal human contact. They learn to hunt, raise young, live in natural family packs, and to be suspicious of people - all necessary skills for surviving in the wild.Decisions about mating, movement among the 45 captive-breeding facilities and releases into the wild are made by a US-Mexican committee of scientists, land owners and others. They also maintain a genetic database. A wolf with rare genes - until it has successfully reproduced - will never be released because of the high mortality rate in the wild. It's not uncommon for freed wolves to be struck by cars or shot by hunters; in recent weeks, five have died.Despite the losses, released wolves are reproducing. The recovery program is gradually moving away from freeing captive-born wolves, as the population of pups born free takes off. Scientists want to let nature decide what's a good wolf and what's not through natural selection.Exercise B Sentence DictationDirections: Listen to some sentences and write them down. You will hear each sentence three times.Exercise C Detailed Listening1 Directions: Listen to the passage and complete the information about a Mexican gray wolf research center.1)The research center's known as: the Wolf Sanctuary2) Location: in Eureka. 32 Kilometers southwest of St. Louis. the United States3) Founding: in 19714) Purpose: to restore the endangered Mexican gray wolf5) Founder: Marlin Perkins. a world-renowned naturalist and formerdirector the St. Louis Zoo. and his wife Carol2. Directions: Fill in the blanks with events connected with the following timeexpressions.1)In the late 1970s: The last seven known wolves were captured in the wild ortaken from zoos to begin the breeding program.2)In 1981: The first captive-bred litter of Mexican gray wolves produced in thefederal program was born at the wild Canid Center.3)In 1998: The first release into the wild took place.Exercise D After-listening DiscussionDirections: Listen to the passage again and discuss the following questions.1)Francisco and Sheila were pioneers in a federal program. Though in captivitythemselves, they taught their pups so well that many are thriving in the wild.They were ideal parents. They raised 25 babies, taught them good survival skills and sent many of them off to live on their own. Nine of Francisco and Sheila's offspring were among the first 11 captive-born Mexican gray wolves released in 1998. Both parent wolves have since died - Francisco at age 14 in December. Sheila at age 16 in June 2000 but they lived, as captive wolves often do, roughly twice as long as wolves in the wild.The Wild Canid Center is ideated on 25 isolated hectares within.Washington University's Tyson Research Center. Today the Wild Canid Survival and Research Center estimates that 98 percent of Mexican wolves released from the federal program are descendants of the prolific lobo pair.About 250 lobos now live in captivity at 45 US and Mexican facilities. The Wild Canid Center has produced more puppies and housed more Mexican grays than any other facility. Other large US newspapers were singled out too, including the Wall Street Journal, which won the Pulitzer for breaking news, despite being displaced from its offices at the World Trade Center. TheWashington Post received Pulitzers in two categories, investigative and national reporting.(Open)Section Three NewsNews Item1When Astroland opened in 1962 it represented the future of amusement theme parks, boasting state-of-the-art rides(游乐场所供人玩乐的乘坐装置) and attractions operating with an outer-space theme.The park is a fixture on the Coney Island boardwalk, best known for the Cyclone, its wooden roller coaster and the Wonder Wheel, a seaside landmark. Astroland's 22 rides and three game arcades provided jobs for up to 300 people.Astroland has been by far the biggest amusement center on Coney Island, which has been a favorite holiday destination for Americans in the New York area since the 19th Century. It is the birthplace of the hot dog and isfamily-friendly atmosphere.But Astroland's final chapter may be still to come. A few days after the park's announced closure, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said hope is not yet lost, and that city officials are trying to step in and get aone-year renewal of Astroland's lease.A.Astroland’s announced closureB.1. It opened in 1962.2. It represented the future of amusement theme parks, boasting state-of-the-art rides and attractions operating with an outer-space theme.3. It is best known for the Cyclone, its wooden roller coaster and the Wonder Wheel, a seaside landmark.4. Because they enjoy its kitschy rides, street performers, sand beaches and family-friendly atmosphere.5. No. The city officials are trying to step in and get a one-year renewal of Astroland's lease.News Item 2It's called the "Highline." It's a newly renovated and elevated promenade that was once a railway line for delivering cattle and other food stock. In 1980, the train made its last delivery, bringing frozen turkeys to lower Manhattan. In a densely populated city, the Highline now provides open space for relaxation as it winds through neighborhoods once noted for slaughterhouses.It's an oasis in a sea of concrete. The walkway includes more than 100species of plants inspired by the wild landscape left after the trains stopped running. New construction is everywhere. Apartments, office towers, restaurants and even a museum have sprouted alongside the promenade.The first section of the Highline was inaugurated in May, after 15 years of planning and political battles. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, along with benefactors like clothing designer Diane von Furstenberg and her husband, media mogul Barry Diller, cut the ribbon.The first two sections of the Highline cost $152 million. Of that, $44 million was raised by the public. To those who visit, it seems it was well worth the wait and the money.News Item3African American History MuseumAn old Greyhound Bus* terminal sits unused in the heart of downtown Dothan, Alabama. It's hardly noticeable, nestled between two office buildingsand surrounded by a chain link fence. There are no written signs that hint of the structure's controversial history. Four decades ago it was a symbol of racial segregation. During the 1960s, bus terminals like other public facilities throughout the American south were divided into white areas and black areas. The building still has the separate entrance and restroom facilities that black customers were legally required to use. Today, those elements have a different social value, and they will become one of the centerpieces of a new African American history museum.The museum will include galleries devoted to the accomplishments of George Washington Garver* and other black scientists and inventors. There will be a gallery depicting black heroes of military and social campaigns.And the city of Dothan is helping. It's providing the museum with some financial support, and it's already promoting the attraction to visitors. The G-W Carver Interpretive Museum should open doors by August and its director Francina Williams hopes to capitalize on Alabama's historic role . the center of America's Civil Rights movement. When visitors come to Birmingham, Selma and Montgomery to learn about the struggles that African Americans have endured, she would like them I make a side trip to Dothan to see what African Americans have contributed to Alabama, America Id the world.Exercise ADirections: Listen to the news item and complete the summary.This news item is about an African American history museum showing thestruggles and contributions f African Americans.Exercise BDirection: Listen to the news again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).1.F2. T3. F4.F5.T6. T7. F8.TSection Four supplementary ExercisesPart 1 Feature ReportLamaina grew up listening to her grandfather's stories of Garaguso.Tommaso Lamaina immigrated from Garaguso to Philadelphia in the 1920s in search of work. But he never let his family forget the place where generations of their forefathers had lived.The stories inspired Lamaina’s dream of developing her own relationship with a place she was never able to visit with her grandfather, who died when she was a teenager. So in 2000, with years of experience as a professional photographer behind her, she decided to begin an annual pilgrimage to Garaguso to capture life there on film.Garaguso is a farming village, home to about 1,500 people, in the mountainous region of Basilicata, located in the instep of Italy's boot. It's one of the most remote and least developed zones in the country. After decades of emigration, it's sparsely populated. One out of seven of the people who remain can't read or write.Lamaina's photos show a Garaguso that seems hardly to have changed in centuries, an anachronism compared with a very modern Italy. Taken in black and white, they show the winding cobblestone streets and ancient buildings of the historical centre. There are donkeys, loaded up with kindling for the open fires and stoves, which still warm the houses. There are portraits of men with gnarled faces, wearing black pants and white shirts from a past era. There's the local baker, whose family has been selling bread in the same building since the late 1700s. There arewomen with white hair and no teeth, dressed in black.Arriving in the village where her family had lived for generations was like a homecoming for Lamaina. She grew up in an inner-city neighborhood of Philadelphia, in the bosom of an immigrant southern Italian community. At home, her relatives spoke the dialect of Garaguso rather than English.But over the years, the reserve has lessened. Lamaina admits, and her work shows, that life in Garaguso is not easy. The locals work from sunup to sundown in the fields, tending their crops and animals. They eat what they produce. Little is imported and nothing goes to waste. But she believes it's rich in the things that matter, like generosity, hospitality and family ties. In this respect, she says, the village has something to teach those who see her work.Lamaina recently held an exhibition of her work in Florence, where she now lives. She's also giving a copy of her images to City Hall in Garaguso.After eight years of recording life there, Susanna Lucia Lamaina's not ready to put away her camera yet. She says she has many more photographs to take and hopes her work will put her family village on the map. Her grandfather, Tommaso Lamaina, would have been proud.A.Susanna Lucia Lamaina’s recording life in Garaguso.B.T,T,T, T,T,F,T,FPart 2 PassageSafari1)A blur of gold was spotted through the high, wind-whipped grasses and off wewalked toward the lion's den.2)He couldn't stop smiling as we crept closer and closer into the glow of theday's last light.3)Just a meter away from the lions a straggling buffalo loped by, but ourappearance seemed to distract them and the buffalo got away.4)Under an open sky we winded our way through cracked sun-baked pathways.Our guides knelt in the sand, pointing out the differences between the various animal tracks.5)Thrashing in the water a mauve-colored hippo grunted, snapped his giantjaws, and lunged forward.We kept our distance behind a log on the banks of the river.A blur of gold was spotted through the high, wind-whipped grasses and off we walked toward the lion's den*. We glanced at each other nervously, but forged ahead. My friends and I had come to experience the African bush on foot, so, gulping, we fell in shaky step behind our two ranger guides. Their rifles wereat the ready. So were our zoom lenses. Seeing lions was a special treat, even for our veteran guide, and he couldn't stop smiling as we crept closer and closer into the glow of the day's last light.About 150 meters ahead we counted 10 lions sitting in a semicircle in the grass. Their heads poked up through the grass thicket, listening, aware.Just a meter away from the lions a straggling* buffalo loped by. Perhaps the lions' intended dinner? But our appearance seemed to distract them and the buffalo got away.We were in the Kruger National Park*, the largest game park in South Africa, on a guided walking safari.Kruger National Park is the country's main game* reserve. Roughly the size of Wales, it stretches for almost 2.5 million hectares across a maze of ecozones from flat scrubby bush, dense shrub-like Mopane tree covered hillsides to lush valleys.For three nights home was a circle of thatched roof two-person huts tucked behind a leafy grove of trees in an enclosed camp that included toilets and hot (mostly) showers.Dinner was served around an open fire, a massive kettle of hot water for tea or coffee steaming on a nearby pile of smoldering coals.The only light after dark were swaths of luminous stars overhead and our kerosene* lanterns.We joked that we had arrived to the catered version of "Survivor".The first morning we climbed out from beneath mosquito nets to the muffled sounds of an elephant munching on a tree behind our huts, which were separated only by several meters and a wire mesh fence.As if the elephant was not wake-cup call enough, outside each hut a jug of water had been poured into a plastic basin for a quick face wash before hitting the trails.Under an open sky we winded our way through cracked sun-baked pathways through baobab* and kudu* berry trees. Our guides knelt in the sand, pointing out the differences between the various animal tracks.A line in the sand told a crocodile had recently slipped into a nearby pool.Later we saw a crocodile sunning on a rock not far from where we had been swimming the day before.In the same area we had a sunset sighting of a mauve*-colored hippo* who was not happy to see us.Thrashing in the water he grunted, snapped his giant jaws, and lunged* forward. We kept our distance behind a log on the banks of the river where we later got a glimpse at a family of baboons*.On our last evening streaks of orange made the sky glow as if on tangerine* fire. We were all on a high from our lion sighting.I inhaled the colors, the silhouette* of buffalos grazing near a watering hole, the evening dropped in temperature and squeezed a friend's hand.Exercise A Pre-listening QuestionHere are the top parks for anAfrican safari:The beautiful Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya, the world-famous Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania, the lush green Okavango Delta and Chobe National Park in Botswana and the Etosha National Park in Namibia.Exercise B Sentence DictationDirections: Listen to some sentences and write them down. You will hear each sentence three times.Exercise C Detailed ListeningDirections: Listen to the passage and answer the following questions.1)They experienced the African bush on foot.2)Seeing lions was a special treat for them.3)They saw 10 lions sitting in a semicircle in the grass.4)Krugge National Park stretches for almost 2.5 million hectares ,roughly thesize of Wales.5)They stayed in a thatched roof two- person huts with toilets and hot showers.6)Dinner was served around an open fire.7)They saw a crocodile sunning on a rock not far from where they had beenswimming the day before.8)They were all on a high from their lion sighting.Exercise D After-listening DiscussionDirections: Listen to the passage again and discuss the following questions1. They saw lions, buffaloes , elephants, crocodiles, hippos, baboons, etc.2.(Open)。
听力教程4答案施心远(1—13)Unit 1Section 1Listening and Translation1. A college education can be very costly in the United States.2.Rising costs have led more and more families to borrow money to help pay forcollege.3.There are different federal loans and private loans for students.4.Interest rates on some of these loans will go up on July 1st.5.There are growing concerns that many students graduate with too much debt.1.在美国,大学教育的费用会很贵。
Section 2Part 1 Dialogue 1-8 A C D C B C B APart 2 passage Ex C: 1-8 F F T T F T T FSection 3News Item 1China's wasted no time insetting put the latest plans for its ambitious space program. A senior official said the next manned mission will be in 2007, when the astronauts will attempt a space walk. After that, scientists will focus on developing the capability to rendezvous* and dock* with other spacecraft. He added that China also wanted to recruit female astronauts in the near future.The announcement comes just hours after the country's second manned space mission touched down in the remote grasslands of Inner Mongolia. The returning astronauts have been given a hero's welcome, riding in an open car in a nationally televised parade. Thousands of soldiers and groups of schoolchildren lined the route, waving Chinese flags. It's a sign of the great importance China attaches to its space program, viewing it as a source of national pride and international prestige.A: …about China’s ambitious space program.B:1. Landing spot: in the remote grasslands of Inner Mongolia2. Significance: a source of national pride and international prestige (威望)Future plan1. 1) Time: 20072) Goal: The astronauts will attempt a space walk.2. Focus of further development: the capability to rendezvous and dock with otherspacecraft3. Recruitment of astronauts: to recruit female astronauts in the near future. News Item 2China's economy has recovered earlier and more strongly than any other. This latest data is further evidence of that trend. The rise in industrial output confirms what factory owners have been saying for some time now, that customers have been restocking* their inventories and confidence is returning.There are still question marks though over the stability of the recovery. The property* sector* is showing signs of overheating. The government this week announced measures to try to cool it. At the same time officials decided to extend tax subsidies* for purchases of small vehicles and appliances suggesting that some here still believe Chinese manufacturers need government support.Growth was strongest in heavy industries such as coal, steel, power generation and automobiles. Consumer prices rose in November for the first time since February. But the rise was small and probably reflected higher food prices caused by early snowstorms which destroyed crops and disrupted transport.A: … about the growth of China’s economy.News Item 3If you visit almost any marketplace in Africa, many of the consumer goods on sale, from buckets to razor blades to hurricane lamps, are likely to be Chinese. In a very large number of African capitals, the main football stadium is likely to have been built with Chinese aid money.Sino-African trade, and aid, is large and growing. Some estimates put it as high as 12 billion dollars a year. Although direct comparisons are difficult, the links between the world's largest developing country, China, and the world's largest developing continent could grow to challenge the post-colonial links between Europe and Africa. The meeting in Addis Ababa* had heard Chinese promises to cancel debts, grant duty-free access into China for African products and increase Chinese investments in Africa.A: … about China’s large and growing trade with and aid to Africa.B:1.In many African capitals, the main football stadium is likely to have been builtwith Chinese aid money.2.It is estimated that Sino-African trade, and aid, amounts to as high as 12billion dollars a year.3.The links between China and Africa could grow to challenge the post-coloniallinks between Europe and Africa.4.On the meeting in Addis Ababa, China promised to cancel debts, grant duty-freeaccess into China for African products and increase Chinese investments in Africa.Unit 2Section 1Listening and Translation1.Some people fear they do not get enough vitamins from the foods they eat.2.So they take products with large amounts of vitamins.3.They think these vitamin supplements will improve their health and protectagainst disease.4.Medical experts found little evidence that most supplements do anything toprotect or improve health.5.but they noted that some do help to prevent disease.1.有些人担心他们并未从所吃的食物中获取足够的维生素。
听力教程4 答案施心远(1—13)Unit 1Section 1Listening and Translation1. A college education can be very costly in the United States.2.Rising costs have led more and more families to borrow money to help pay forcollege.3.There are different federal loans and private loans for students.4.Interest rates on some of these loans will go up on July 1st.5.There are growing concerns that many students graduate with too much debt.1.在美国,大学教育的费用会很贵。
Section 2Part 1 Dialogue1-8 A C D C B C B APart 2 passage Ex C: 1-8 F F T T F T T FSection 3News Item 1China's wasted no time insetting put the latest plans for its ambitious space program. A senior official said the next manned mission will be in 2007, when the astronauts will attempt a space walk. After that, scientists will focus on developing the capability to rendezvous* and dock* with other spacecraft. He added that China also wanted to recruit female astronauts in the near future.The announcement comes just hours after the country's second manned space mission touched down in the remote grasslands of Inner Mongolia. The returning astronauts have been given a hero's welcome, riding in an open car in a nationally televised parade. Thousands of soldiers and groups of schoolchildren lined the route, waving Chinese flags. It's a sign of the great importance China attaches to its space program, viewing it as a source of national pride and international prestige.A: …about China’s ambitious space program.B:1. Landing spot: in the remote grasslands of Inner Mongolia2. Significance: a source of national pride and international prestige (威望) Future plan1. 1) Time: 20072) Goal: The astronauts will attempt a space walk.2. Focus of further development: the capability to rendezvous and dock withother spacecraft3. Recruitment of astronauts: to recruit female astronauts in the near future. News Item 2China's economy has recovered earlier and more strongly than any other. This latest data is further evidence of that trend. The rise in industrial output confirms what factory owners have been saying for some time now, that customers have been restocking* their inventories and confidence is returning.There are still question marks though over the stability of the recovery. The property* sector* is showing signs of overheating. The government this week announced measures to try to cool it. At the same time officials decided to extend tax subsidies* for purchases of small vehicles and appliances suggesting that some here still believe Chinese manufacturers need government support.Growth was strongest in heavy industries such as coal, steel, power generation and automobiles. Consumer prices rose in November for the first time since February. But the rise was small and probably reflected higher food prices caused by early snowstorms which destroyed crops and disrupted transport.A: … about the growth of China’s economy.News Item 3If you visit almost any marketplace in Africa, many of the consumer goods on sale, from buckets to razor blades to hurricane lamps, are likely to be Chinese. In a very large number of African capitals, the main football stadium is likely to have been built with Chinese aid money.Sino-African trade, and aid, is large and growing. Some estimates put it as high as 12 billion dollars a year. Although direct comparisons are difficult, the links between the world's largest developing country, China, and the world's largest developing continent could grow to challenge the post-colonial links between Europe and Africa. The meeting in Addis Ababa* had heard Chinese promises to cancel debts, grant duty-free access into China for African products and increase Chinese investments in Africa.A: … about China’s large and growing trade with and aid to Africa.B:1.In many African capitals, the main football stadium is likely to have been builtwith Chinese aid money.2.It is estimated that Sino-African trade, and aid, amounts to as high as 12 billiondollars a year.3.The links between China and Africa could grow to challenge the post-coloniallinks between Europe and Africa.4.On the meeting in Addis Ababa, China promised to cancel debts, grant duty-freeaccess into China for African products and increase Chinese investments in Africa.Unit 2Section 1Listening and Translation1.Some people fear they do not get enough vitamins from the foods they eat.2.So they take products with large amounts of vitamins.3.They think these vitamin supplements will improve their health and protectagainst disease.4.Medical experts found little evidence that most supplements do anything toprotect or improve health.5.but they noted that some do help to prevent disease.1.有些人担心他们并未从所吃的食物中获取足够的维生素。
听力教程4 答案施心远(1—4)Unit 1Section 1Listening and Translation1. A college education can be very costly in the United States.2.Rising costs have led more and more families to borrow money to help pay forcollege.3.There are different federal loans and private loans for students.4.Interest rates on some of these loans will go up on July 1st.5.There are growing concerns that many students graduate with too much debt.1.在美国,大学教育的费用会很贵。
Section 2Part 1 Dialogue1-8 A C D C B C B APart 2 passage Ex C: 1-8 F F T T F T T FSection 3News Item 1China's wasted no time insetting put the latest plans for its ambitious space program. A senior official said the next manned mission will be in 2007, when the astronauts will attempt a space walk. After that, scientists will focus on developing the capability to rendezvous* and dock* with other spacecraft. He added that China also wanted to recruit female astronauts in the near future.The announcement comes just hours after the country's second manned space mission touched down in the remote grasslands of Inner Mongolia. The returning astronauts have been given a hero's welcome, riding in an open car in a nationally televised parade. Thousands of soldiers and groups of schoolchildren lined the route, waving Chinese flags. It's a sign of the great importance China attaches to its space program, viewing it as a source of national pride and international prestige.A: …about China’s ambitious space program.B:1. Landing spot: in the remote grasslands of Inner Mongolia2. Significance: a source of national pride and international prestige (威望) Future plan1. 1) Time: 20072) Goal: The astronauts will attempt a space walk.2. Focus of further development: the capability to rendezvous and dock withother spacecraft3. Recruitment of astronauts: to recruit female astronauts in the near future. News Item 2China's economy has recovered earlier and more strongly than any other. This latest data is further evidence of that trend. The rise in industrial output confirms what factory owners have been saying for some time now, that customers have been restocking* their inventories and confidence is returning.There are still question marks though over the stability of the recovery. The property* sector* is showing signs of overheating. The government this week announced measures to try to cool it. At the same time officials decided to extend tax subsidies* for purchases of small vehicles and appliances suggesting that some here still believe Chinese manufacturers need government support.Growth was strongest in heavy industries such as coal, steel, power generation and automobiles. Consumer prices rose in November for the first time since February. But the rise was small and probably reflected higher food prices caused by early snowstorms which destroyed crops and disrupted transport.A: … about the growth of China’s economy.News Item 3If you visit almost any marketplace in Africa, many of the consumer goods on sale, from buckets to razor blades to hurricane lamps, are likely to be Chinese. In a very large number of African capitals, the main football stadium is likely to have been built with Chinese aid money.Sino-African trade, and aid, is large and growing. Some estimates put it as high as 12 billion dollars a year. Although direct comparisons are difficult, the links between the world's largest developing country, China, and the world's largest developing continent could grow to challenge the post-colonial links between Europe and Africa. The meeting in Addis Ababa* had heard Chinese promises to cancel debts, grant duty-free access into China for African products and increase Chinese investments in Africa.A: … about China’s large and growing trade with and aid to Africa.B:1.In many African capitals, the main football stadium is likely to have been builtwith Chinese aid money.2.It is estimated that Sino-African trade, and aid, amounts to as high as 12 billiondollars a year.3.The links between China and Africa could grow to challenge the post-coloniallinks between Europe and Africa.4.On the meeting in Addis Ababa, China promised to cancel debts, grant duty-freeaccess into China for African products and increase Chinese investments in Africa.Unit One Supplementary ExercisesA. 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. TB.1. 11 years.2. It takes place every April.3. Because they glorify violence and foster unhealthy eating habits.4. They should have a wide variety of experiences, such as…5. The Network is lobbying for better regulation of the use of television in publicplaces.Part Two PassageB. Dictation1. David Green saw earning a degree in management-information systems as thekey to making a decent living.2. The problem for many Wright State students is that “affordable” is becoming arelative term in public higher education.3. After several consecutive years of double-digit or near-double-digit tuitionincreases, it costs nearly 50 percent more for in-state undergraduates to enroll here than it did four years ago.4. Most of the other students here seemed quietly resigned to covering the risingcosts any way they could, often at the expense of their studies.5. Tuition increases jeopardize the “heart-and-soul misson”of Wright State,which is to provide people from modest backgrounds “a ticket up and out”.C.1-5 ADCDC 6-8 ABDUnit 2Section 1Listening and Translation1.Some people fear they do not get enough vitamins from the foods they eat.2.So they take products with large amounts of vitamins.3.They think these vitamin supplements will improve their health and protectagainst disease.4.Medical experts found little evidence that most supplements do anything toprotect or improve health.5.but they noted that some do help to prevent disease.1.有些人担心他们并未从所吃的食物中获取足够的维生素。
Unit 4Section One Tactics for ListeningPart 1 Spot DictationStephen Powelson’s Amazing MemoryWhen Stephen Powelson was nine, his school organized a (1) weekly contest in memorizing passages from the Bible. Stephen paid (2) no attention until he was chided* for (3) not competing. The next Sunday he surprised everyone by (4) reciting all the passages for the (5) entire year.As a teenager in prep school, Stephen took Greek. His teacher (6) assigned 21 lines of the Iliad* to be memorized (7) in a week. At the end of the hour - though he (8) insisted he paid full attention to the (9) lecture - Stephen knew all 21. He went on to memorize the first (10) 100 lines.In 1978, for the first time (11) since college, Powelson, now 60, had some (12) spare time. To keep his mind active, he reread the Iliad and (13) discovered that he still knew the first 100 lines (14) by heart.That someone could memorize so much between ages 60 and 70 is (15) astonishing to most people, who are (16) convinced that memory (17) worsens as we grow older.Powelson's method is to (18) read a book into his tape recorder, then read it several more times, making sure he understands (19) each word. "Also," he says, "I attempt to (20) visualize myself as part of the action."Part 2 Listening for GistYou might not know how rarely images are viewed directly through telescopes. The most common way to observe the skies is to photograph them. The process is very simple. First, a photographic plate is coated with a light-sensitive material. The plate is positioned so that the image received by the telescope is recorded on it. Then the image can be developed, enlarged, and published so that many people can study it.Because most astronomical objects are very remote, the light we receive from them is rather feeble. But by using a telescope as a camera, long time exposures can be made. In this way, objects can be photographed that are a hundred times too faint to be seen by just looking through a telescope.1)This passage is about how to photograph astronomical objects.2)Photograph, coated, light-sensitive material, positioned, received, recorded,developed, enlarged, published, remote, feeble, telescope, camera, longexposuresSection Two Listening ComprehensionPart one DialogueTunisian HolidayVocabularyamphitheatremosaiccoach n. 公共马车,普通旅客车厢resort n. 胜地,常去之地(Someone is enquiring about the Tunisian holiday.)Agent: Hello, Bath Travel.Client: Hello, I'd like to find out more about your Tunisian holiday for amateur archaeologists. I've read about it in the paper, but I'd like to know more about what is involved.Agent: You mean you'd like to know the itinerary?Client: Yes, that's right.Agent: All right. Just briefly, you arrive in Tunis at midday on the first day and go by coach to La Marsa. Then there is a short briefing by the archaeologist and then the rest of the day you are free to explore.The second day you get up before dawn and go to Carthage to see the sunrise. You have breakfast and a lecture there and then go by coach to Mansoura, where there are beautiful coves(小海湾). After lunch you can walk along the beach, to Kerkouane. The walk takes about four hours. Kerkouane is one of the most recent and most exciting sites. Then by coach to Kelibia, a fishing village, in time for sunset over the harbor.Client: That sounds rather a long walk.Agent: Well, it's an easy walk. Flat all the way, and very pretty. But you can go by coach, if you prefer. The third day you spend in Hammamet on Cap Bon, and the day is free to enjoy the town. It's a lovely old town and resort. And the fourth day you take the coach to the ruin of EI Djem, which is a magnificentamphitheatre*. You have lunch in Sfax and then you take the ferry to the beautiful Kerkennah Islands.Client: Islands, you say?Agent: Yes, they're very peaceful and you spend the fifth day there. The fishermen will take everyone out on their sailing boats and there will be a fishermen's picnic. On the sixth day you visit the Great Mosque of Kairouan and have a picnic lunch. Then take the coach to the lovely port of Bizerte for the last night. And the final day there is a visit to the ancient Roman capital of Utica with its fantastic mosaics* and then a coach to Tunis International Airport. Client: Have you got a full brochure which gives more details?ExerciseDirections: Listen to the dialogue and complete the following itinerary.Part 2 PassageMexican Gray WolfExercise A Pre-listening QuestionThe wolf is a large member of the canine(犬科的) family. Most of the adult grey wolves weigh in the vicinity of 75 to 125 pounds (34 to 56 kilograms). Wolves live in family groups called packs. A pack is usually made up of a male parent, a female parent, their pups and a few other adult wolves who are the olderbrothers and sisters. Wolves can run up to 40 miles an hour and can easily cover 50 miles a day.The wolf has developed the capacity to survive in the most inhospitable of climates. The wolves in the high arctic endure several winter months of perpetual darkness. Even in February when the sun returns to the north, temperatures of -40°C and bitter winds are common. In the wild wolves can live up to 13 years or more; in a protected wolf park or a controlled area of land, a wolf can live to be up to 16 years old.1)After more than a century of assault by humans, the wolf population haddwindled to no more than a handful by the 1970s in Mexico and theAmerican southwest.2)The program is now about halfway to meeting its goal of a "wild"population of at least 100 wolves covering more than 12,800 squarekilometers.3)Decisions about mating, movement among the 45 captive-breeding facilitiesand releases into the wild are made by a US-Mexican committee ofscientists, land owners and others.4)A wolf with rare genes - until it has successfully reproduced - will never bereleased because· of the high mortality rate in the wild.5)The recovery program is gradually moving away from freeingcaptive-born wolves, as the population of pups born free takes off.****Francisco and Sheila were pioneers in a federal program in Eureka, 32 kilometers southwest of S1. Louis, the United States, to restore the endangered Mexican gray wolf, the rarest and most genetically distinct subspecies of gray wolf in North America.After more than a century of assault by humans, the wolf population had dwindled to no more than a handful by the 1970s in Mexico and the American southwest.The research center, popularly known as the Wolf Sanctuary*, was founded in 1971 by Marlin Perkins, a world-renowned naturalist and former director of the St. Louis Zoo, and his wife Carol. Besides the Mexican wolf, the sanctuary works with the endangered red wolf, maned wolf (maned: 有鬃毛的; maned wolf 鬣狼), swift fox and African wild dogs.In the late 1970s, the last seven known wolves were captured in the wild or taken from zoos to begin the breeding program. In 1981, the first captive-bred litter of Mexican gray wolves produced in the federal program was born at the Wild Canid (犬科动物) Center, and the first release into the wild took place in 1998. The program is now about halfway to meeting its goal of a "wild" population of at least 100 wolves covering more than 12,800 square kilometers.Though in captivity themselves, Francisco and Sheila taught their pups so well that many are thriving in the wild. They were ideal parents. They raised 25 babies, taught them good survival skills and sent many of them off to live on their own.Nine of Francisco and Sheila's offspring were among the first 11 captive-born Mexican gray wolves released in 1998. Both parent wolves have since died - Francisco at age 14 in December. Sheila at age 16 in June 2000 - but they lived, as captive wolves often do, roughly twice as long as wolves in the wild. Today the Wild Canid Survival and Research Center in Eureka estimates that 98 percent of Mexican wolves released from the federal program are descendants of the prolific* lobo* pair. (lobo=timber wolf)About 250 lobos now live in captivity at 45 US and Mexican facilities. The Wild Canid Center, however, has produced more puppies and housed more Mexican grays than any other facility.The Wild Canid Center is ideated* on 25 isolated hectares(公顷) within Washington University's Tyson Research Center. The wolves live in large outdoor with minimal human contact. They learn to hunt, , live in natural family packs, and to be suspicious of people - all necessary skills for surviving in the wild.Decisions about mating, movement among the 45 and releases into the wild are made by a US-Mexican committee of scientists, land owners and others. They also maintain . A wolf with rare genes - until it has successfully reproduced - will never be released because of the in the wild. It's not uncommon for freed wolves to be struck by cars or shot by hunters; in recent weeks, five have died.Despite the losses, released wolves are . The recovery programis gradually moving away from freeing captive-born wolves, as the population of pups born free . Scientists want to let nature decide what's a good wolf and what's not through .The Wild Canid Center is ideated* on 25 isolated hectares(公顷) within Washington University's Tyson Research Center. The wolves live in large outdoor enclosures with minimal human contact. They learn to hunt, raise young, live in natural family packs, and to be suspicious of people - all necessary skills for surviving in the wild.Decisions about mating, movement among the 45 captive-breeding facilities and releases into the wild are made by a US-Mexican committee of scientists, land owners and others. They also maintain a genetic database. A wolf with rare genes - until it has successfully reproduced - will never be released because of the high mortality rate in the wild. It's not uncommon for freed wolves to be struck by cars or shot by hunters; in recent weeks, five have died.Despite the losses, released wolves are reproducing. The recovery program is gradually moving away from freeing captive-born wolves, as the population of pups born free takes off. Scientists want to let nature decide what's a good wolf and what's not through natural selection.Exercise B Sentence DictationDirections: Listen to some sentences and write them down. You will hear each sentence three times.Exercise C Detailed Listening1 Directions: Listen to the passage and complete the information about a Mexican gray wolf research center.1)The research center's known as: the Wolf Sanctuary2) Location: in Eureka. 32 Kilometers southwest of St. Louis. the United States3) Founding: in 19714) Purpose: to restore the endangered Mexican gray wolf5) Founder: Marlin Perkins. a world-renowned naturalist and formerdirector the St. Louis Zoo. and his wife Carol2. Directions: Fill in the blanks with events connected with the following timeexpressions.1)In the late 1970s: The last seven known wolves were captured in the wild ortaken from zoos to begin the breeding program.2)In 1981: The first captive-bred litter of Mexican gray wolves produced in thefederal program was born at the wild Canid Center.3)In 1998: The first release into the wild took place.Exercise D After-listening DiscussionDirections: Listen to the passage again and discuss the following questions.1)Francisco and Sheila were pioneers in a federal program. Though in captivitythemselves, they taught their pups so well that many are thriving in the wild.They were ideal parents. They raised 25 babies, taught them good survival skills and sent many of them off to live on their own. Nine of Francisco andSheila's offspring were among the first 11 captive-born Mexican gray wolves released in 1998. Both parent wolves have since died - Francisco at age 14 in December. Sheila at age 16 in June 2000 but they lived, as captive wolves often do, roughly twice as long as wolves in the wild.The Wild Canid Center is ideated on 25 isolated hectares within.Washington University's Tyson Research Center. Today the Wild Canid Survival and Research Center estimates that 98 percent of Mexican wolves released from the federal program are descendants of the prolific lobo pair.About 250 lobos now live in captivity at 45 US and Mexican facilities. The Wild Canid Center has produced more puppies and housed more Mexican grays than any other facility. Other large US newspapers were singled out too, including the Wall Street Journal, which won the Pulitzer for breaking news, despite being displaced from its offices at the World Trade Center. The Washington Post received Pulitzers in two categories, investigative and national reporting.(Open)Section Three NewsNews Item1When Astroland opened in 1962 it represented the future of amusement theme parks, boasting state-of-the-art rides(游乐场所供人玩乐的乘坐装置) and attractions operating with an outer-space theme.The park is a fixture on the Coney Island boardwalk, best known for the Cyclone, its wooden roller coaster and the Wonder Wheel, a seaside landmark. Astroland's 22 rides and three game arcades provided jobs for up to 300 people.Astroland has been by far the biggest amusement center on Coney Island, which has been a favorite holiday destination for Americans in the New York area since the 19th Century. It is the birthplace of the hot dog and isfamily-friendly atmosphere.But Astroland's final chapter may be still to come. A few days after the park's announced closure, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said hope is not yet lost, and that city officials are trying to step in and get a one-year renewal of Astroland's lease.A.Astroland’s announced closureB.1. It opened in 1962.2. It represented the future of amusement theme parks, boasting state-of-the-art rides and attractions operating with an outer-space theme.3. It is best known for the Cyclone, its wooden roller coaster and the Wonder Wheel, a seaside landmark.4. Because they enjoy its kitschy rides, street performers, sand beaches and family-friendly atmosphere.5. No. The city officials are trying to step in and get a one-year renewal ofAstroland's lease.News Item 2It's called the "Highline." It's a newly renovated and elevated promenade that was once a railway line for delivering cattle and other food stock. In 1980, the train made its last delivery, bringing frozen turkeys to lower Manhattan. In a densely populated city, the Highline now provides open space for relaxation as it winds through neighborhoods once noted for slaughterhouses.It's an oasis in a sea of concrete. The walkway includes more than 100 species of plants inspired by the wild landscape left after the trains stopped running. New construction is everywhere. Apartments, office towers, restaurants and even a museum have sprouted alongside the promenade.The first section of the Highline was inaugurated in May, after 15 years of planning and political battles. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, along with benefactors like clothing designer Diane von Furstenberg and her husband, media mogul Barry Diller, cut the ribbon.The first two sections of the Highline cost $152 million. Of that, $44 million was raised by the public. To those who visit, it seems it was well worth the wait and the money.News Item3African American History MuseumAn old Greyhound Bus* terminal sits unused in the heart of downtown Dothan, Alabama. It's hardly noticeable, nestled between two office buildings and surrounded by a chain link fence. There are no written signs that hint of the structure's controversial history. Four decades ago it was a symbol of racial segregation. During the 1960s, bus terminals like other public facilities throughout the American south were divided into white areas and black areas. The building still has the separate entrance and restroom facilities that black customers were legally required to use. Today, those elements have a different social value, and they will become one of the centerpieces of a new African American history museum.The museum will include galleries devoted to the accomplishments of George Washington Garver* and other black scientists and inventors. There will be a gallery depicting black heroes of military and social campaigns.And the city of Dothan is helping. It's providing the museum with some financial support, and it's already promoting the attraction to visitors. The G-W Carver Interpretive Museum should open doors by August and its director Francina Williams hopes to capitalize on Alabama's historic role . the center of America's Civil Rights movement. When visitors come to Birmingham, Selma and Montgomery to learn about the struggles that African Americans have endured, she would like them I make a side trip to Dothan to see what African Americans have contributed to Alabama, America Id the world.Exercise ADirections: Listen to the news item and complete the summary.This news item is about an African American history museum showing the struggles and contributions f African Americans.Exercise BDirection: Listen to the news again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).1.F2. T3. F4.F5.T6. T7. F8.TSection Four supplementary ExercisesPart 1 Feature ReportLamaina grew up listening to her grandfather's stories of Garaguso. Tommaso Lamaina immigrated from Garaguso to Philadelphia in the 1920s in search of work. But he never let his family forget the place where generations of their forefathers had lived.The stories inspired Lamaina’s dream of developing her own relationship with a place she was never able to visit with her grandfather, who died when she was a teenager. So in 2000, with years of experience as a professional photographer behind her, she decided to begin an annual pilgrimage to Garaguso to capture life there on film.Garaguso is a farming village, home to about 1,500 people, in the mountainous region of Basilicata, located in the instep of Italy's boot. It's one of the most remote and least developed zones in the country. After decades of emigration, it's sparsely populated. One out of seven of thepeople who remain can't read or write.Lamaina's photos show a Garaguso that seems hardly to have changed in centuries, an anachronism compared with a very modern Italy. Taken in black and white, they show the winding cobblestone streets and ancient buildings of the historical centre. There are donkeys, loaded up with kindling for the open fires and stoves, which still warm the houses. There are portraits of men with gnarled faces, wearing black pants and white shirts from a past era. There's the local baker, whose family has been selling bread in the same building since the late 1700s. There are women with white hair and no teeth, dressed in black.Arriving in the village where her family had lived for generations was like a homecoming for Lamaina. She grew up in an inner-city neighborhood of Philadelphia, in the bosom of an immigrant southern Italian community. At home, her relatives spoke the dialect of Garaguso rather than English.But over the years, the reserve has lessened. Lamaina admits, and her work shows, that life in Garaguso is not easy. The locals work from sunup to sundown in the fields, tending their crops and animals. They eat what they produce. Little is imported and nothing goes to waste. But she believes it's rich in the things that matter, like generosity, hospitality and family ties. In this respect, she says, the village has something to teach those who see her work.Lamaina recently held an exhibition of her work in Florence, where she now lives. She's also giving a copy of her images to City Hall in Garaguso.After eight years of recording life there, Susanna Lucia Lamaina's not ready to put away her camera yet. She says she has many more photographs to take and hopes her work will put her family village on the map. Her grandfather, Tommaso Lamaina, would have been proud.A.Susanna Lucia Lamaina’s recording life in Garaguso.B.T,T,T, T,T,F,T,FPart 2 PassageSafari1)A blur of gold was spotted through the high, wind-whipped grasses and off wewalked toward the lion's den.2)He couldn't stop smiling as we crept closer and closer into the glow of theday's last light.3)Just a meter away from the lions a straggling buffalo loped by, but ourappearance seemed to distract them and the buffalo got away.4)Under an open sky we winded our way through cracked sun-baked pathways.Our guides knelt in the sand, pointing out the differences between the various animal tracks.5)Thrashing in the water a mauve-colored hippo grunted, snapped his giantjaws, and lunged forward.We kept our distance behind a log on the banks of the river.A blur of gold was spotted through the high, wind-whipped grasses and off we walked toward the lion's den*. We glanced at each other nervously, but forged ahead. My friends and I had come to experience the African bush on foot, so, gulping, we fell in shaky step behind our two ranger guides. Their rifles were at the ready. So were our zoom lenses. Seeing lions was a special treat, even for our veteran guide, and he couldn't stop smiling as we crept closer and closer into the glow of the day's last light.About 150 meters ahead we counted 10 lions sitting in a semicircle in the grass. Their heads poked up through the grass thicket, listening, aware.Just a meter away from the lions a straggling* buffalo loped by. Perhaps the lions' intended dinner? But our appearance seemed to distract them and the buffalo got away.We were in the Kruger National Park*, the largest game park in South Africa, on a guided walking safari.Kruger National Park is the country's main game* reserve. Roughly the size of Wales, it stretches for almost 2.5 million hectares across a maze of ecozones from flat scrubby bush, dense shrub-like Mopane tree covered hillsides to lush valleys.For three nights home was a circle of thatched roof two-person huts tucked behind a leafy grove of trees in an enclosed camp that included toilets and hot (mostly) showers.Dinner was served around an open fire, a massive kettle of hot water for tea or coffee steaming on a nearby pile of smoldering coals.The only light after dark were swaths of luminous stars overhead and our kerosene* lanterns.We joked that we had arrived to the catered version of "Survivor".The first morning we climbed out from beneath mosquito nets to the muffled sounds of an elephant munching on a tree behind our huts, which were separated only by several meters and a wire mesh fence.As if the elephant was not wake-cup call enough, outside each hut a jug of water had been poured into a plastic basin for a quick face wash before hitting the trails.Under an open sky we winded our way through cracked sun-baked pathways through baobab* and kudu* berry trees. Our guides knelt in the sand, pointing out the differences between the various animal tracks.A line in the sand told a crocodile had recently slipped into a nearby pool.Later we saw a crocodile sunning on a rock not far from where we had been swimming the day before.In the same area we had a sunset sighting of a mauve*-colored hippo* who was not happy to see us.Thrashing in the water he grunted, snapped his giant jaws, and lunged* forward. We kept our distance behind a log on the banks of the river where we later got a glimpse at a family of baboons*.On our last evening streaks of orange made the sky glow as if on tangerine* fire. We were all on a high from our lion sighting.I inhaled the colors, the silhouette* of buffalos grazing near a watering hole, the evening dropped in temperature and squeezed a friend's hand.Exercise A Pre-listening QuestionHere are the top parks for anAfrican safari:The beautiful Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya, the world-famous Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania, the lush green Okavango Delta and Chobe National Park in Botswana and the Etosha National Park in Namibia.Exercise B Sentence DictationDirections: Listen to some sentences and write them down. You will hear each sentence three times.Exercise C Detailed ListeningDirections: Listen to the passage and answer the following questions.1)They experienced the African bush on foot.2)Seeing lions was a special treat for them.3)They saw 10 lions sitting in a semicircle in the grass.4)Krugge National Park stretches for almost 2.5 million hectares ,roughly thesize of Wales.5)They stayed in a thatched roof two- person huts with toilets and hot showers.本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持!6)Dinner was served around an open fire.7)They saw a crocodile sunning on a rock not far from where they had beenswimming the day before.8)They were all on a high from their lion sighting.Exercise D After-listening DiscussionDirections: Listen to the passage again and discuss the following questions1. They saw lions, buffaloes , elephants, crocodiles, hippos, baboons, etc.2.(Open)。
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Unit 4Section One Tactics for ListeningPart 1 PhoneticsStress, Intonation and AccentScriptListen to some short conversations. Has the second speaker finished talking? Tick the right box.1. A: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the secretary’s off ice is, please?B: Yes. It’s up the stairs, then turn left, …↗2. A: Excuse me. Can you tell me where the toilets are?B: Yes, they’re at the top of the stairs. ↘3. A: What did you do after work yesterday?B: Ah, well, I went for a drink in the pub opposite the carpark. ↘4. A: What did you do after work yesterday?B: Oh, I ran into Jane and Tom, …↗5. A: Excuse me, can you tell me how the machine works?B: Certainly. Erm, first of all you adjust the height of the stool, and then put four 10-pence pieces there, ... ↗6. A: Excuse me, can you tell me how the machine works?B: Yes. You put 30 pence in the slot and take the ticket out here. ↘KeyPart 2 Listening and Note-TakingFrog LegsScriptA. Listen to some sentences and fill in the blanks with the missing words.1. Many Asian cultures have included frog legs in their diets for centuries.2. By 1977 the French government banned commercial hunting of its own amphibians.3. Indian scientists have describ ed as “disastrous” the rate at which frogs aredisappearing from the rice fields and wetlands.4. The United States imported more than 6.5 million pounds of frozen frog meat eachyear between 1981 and 1984.5. One of the attractions of Indian frogs was the price.B. Listen to a talk about frog legs. Take notes and complete the following summary.People want frogs mostly for food. Many Asian cultures have included frog legs in their diets for centuries —or at least until they have run out of frogs. But the most famous frog-eaters, and the people who inspired frog-eating in Europe and the United States are the French. By 1977 the French government, so concerned about the scarcity of its native frog, banned commercial hunting of its own amphibians*. So the French turned to India and Bangladesh for frogs.As happened in France, American frog-leg fanciers and restaurants also turned increasingly to frozen imports. According to figures collected from government agencies, the United States imported more than 6.5 million pounds of frozen frog meat each year between 1981 and 1984.So many frozen frog legs were exported from India to Europe and the United States.One of the attractions of Indian frogs, apart from the fact that they have bigger legs than French frogs, was the price. In L ondon, a pound of frozen frog’s legs from India cost about £1.75, compared with £3.75 for the French variety.Indian scientists have described as “disastrous” the rate at which frogs are disappearing from the rice fields and wetlands, where they protect crops by devouring* damaging insects.Since the India and Bangladesh frog-export bans, Indonesia has become the major exporter of frog legs to the United States and Europe. But no matter what country the legs come from, one thing is usually constant: The legs once belong to frogs that are taken from the wild, not from farms. Frogs are nearly impossible to farm economically in the countries where frogs are commercially harvested from the wild.KeyA. 1. Many Asian cultures have included frog legs in their diets for centuries.2. By 1977 the French government banned commercial hunting of its own amphibians.3. India n scientists have described as “disastrous” the rate at which frogs aredisappearing from the rice fields and wetlands.4. The United States imported more than 6.5 million pounds of frozen frog meat eachyear between 1981 and 1984.5. One of the attractions of Indian frogs was the price.B. Frog LegsPeople want frogs mostly for food. Many Asian cultures have included frog legs in their diets for centuries.The most famous frog-eaters, and the people who inspiredfrog-eating in Europe and the United States are the French. By 1977 the Frenchgovernment banned commercial hunting of its own amphibians. So the French turned toIndia and Bangladesh for frogs. And the United States imported more than 6.5 millionpounds of frozen frog meat each year between 1981 and 1984. One of the attractions ofIndian frogs was the price.Indian scientists have described as “disastrous” the rate at which frogs are disappearing from the rice fields and wetlands, where they protect crops by devouringdamaging insects.Since the India and Bangladesh frog-export bans, Indonesia has become the major exporter of frog legs to the United States and Europe. But no matter what country thelegs come from, one thing is usually constant: The legs once belong to frogs that aretaken from the wild, not from farms.Section Two Listening ComprehensionPart 1 Sentence IdentificationScriptIdentify each sentence as simple (S), compound (CP), complex (CPL) or compound-complex (C-C). You will hear each sentence twice. Write the corresponding letter(s) in the space provided.1. I told them what I thought; moreover, I will tell anyone else who wants to know.2. When the timer rang, she was in the living room talking to the neighbors who haddropped in.3. Downstairs in a flash, she hurriedly dialed 999, and gave her name and address inclear, concise tones.4. As a minister’s wife, she has more than her fair share of telep hone calls.5. That polish makes the floor dangerously slick; we will have to be careful until itwears down.Key1. C-C2. CPL3. S4. S5. C-CPart 2 DialoguesDialogue 1 Health ClubScriptA. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following chart.Interviewer: Lorna, you and your husband opened this health club here last summer.Can you tell me something about the club?Lorna: Yes, well we offer a choice of facilities —gym, sunbed*, sauna* andJacuzzi* —that’s also from Scandinavia— as well as our regular fitnessclasses, that is. And there’s a wholefood bar for refreshments afterwards.Interviewer: And does it cost a lot? I mean, most people think health clubs are reallyexpensive.Lorna: Actually our rates are really quite competitive. Since we only started lastJuly, we’ve kept them down to attract customers. It’s only £30 a year tojoin. Then an hour in the gym costs £2.50 — the same as half an hour onthe sunbed. Sauna and Jacuzzi are both £1.50 for half an hour.Interviewer: And is the club doing well?Lorna: Well, so far, yes, it’s doing really well. I had no idea it was going to besuch a success, actually. We’re both very pleased. The sunbed’s sopopular, especially with the over 65s, that we’re getting another one inAugust.Interviewer: What kind of people join the club?Lorna: We have people of all ages here, from small children to old-agepensioners, though of course the majority, about three-quarters of ourmembers, are in their 20s and 30s. They come in their lunch hour, to usethe gym, mostly, or after work, while the youngsters come when schoolfinishes, around half past three or four. The Jacuzzi’s very popular withthe little ones.Interviewer: What about the old-age pensioners?Lorna: They’re usually around in the mornings, when we offer them specialreduced rates —for the Jacuzzi or sauna, plus sunbed, it’s only £2, whichis half price, actually. It doesn’t affect our profits really — only about 5%of our members are retired.B. Listen to an extract from the dialogue and complete the following sentences withthe missing words.Interviewer: What about the old-age pensioners?Lorna: T hey’re usually around in the mornings, when we offer them specialreduced rates —for the Jacuzzi or sauna, plus sunbed, i t’s only £2,which is half price, actually. It doesn’t affect our profits really — onlyabout 5% of our members are retired.KeyA.B. Interviewer: What about the old-age pensioners?Lorna: They’re usually around in the mornings, when w e offer them specialreduced rates—for the Jacuzzi or sauna, plus sunbed, it’s only £2,which is half price, actually. It doesn’t affect our profits really — onlyabout 5% of our members are retired.Dialogue 2 SkiingScriptA. Listen to the dialogue and answer the following questionsSimon: This one shows the view from the top of the mountain.Sally: Oh, it’s lovely!Teresa: That’s me with the red bobble hat.Sally: Is it?Teresa: Yet, it looks kind of silly, doesn’t it?Sally: Yes, it does rather.Teresa: Oh, don’t worry. I know it looks ridiculous.Simon: Look. That’s our instructor, Werner.Teresa: Yeah, we were in the beginners’ class.Sally: Well, everyone has to start somewhere.Simon: Ah, now, this is a good one.Sally: What on earth is that?Simon: Can’t you guess?Sally: Well, it looks like a pile of people. You know, sort of on top of each other.Teresa: It is!Sally: How did that happen?Simon: Well, you see we were all pretty hopeless at first. Every day Werner used to take us to the nursery slope* to practise, and to get to the top you had to go upon a ski lift*.Teresa: Which wasn’t really very easy.Simon: No, and if you fell off you’d start sliding down the slope, right into all the people coming up!Sally: Mmm.Simon: Well, on that day we were all going up on the ski lift, you know, we were just getting used to it, and, you see there was this one woman in our class whonever got the hang of* it. She didn’t have any sort of control over her skis andwhenever she started sliding, she would sort of stick her ski sticks out in frontof her, you know, like swords or something.Teresa: I always tried to avoid her, but on that day I was right behind her on the ski lift and just as she was getting to the top, she slipped and started sliding down theslope.Sally: Did she?Simon: Mmm, with her ski sticks waving around in front of her!Teresa: So of course everyone sort of let go and tried to jump off the ski lift to get out of the way.Simon: And that’s how they all ended u p in a pile at the bottom of the slope — it was lucky I had my camera with me.Sally: I bet that woman was popular!Simon: Oh, yes, everybody’s favourite!B. Listen to the dialogue again and complete the following passage.C. Listen to some extracts from the dialogue and complete the following sentenceswith the missing words.1. Teresa: That’s me with the red bobble hat.Sally: Is it?Teresa: Yet, it looks kind of silly, doesn’t it?Sally: Yes, it does rather.2. Simon: Mmm, with her ski sticks waving around in front of her!Teresa: So of course everyone sort of let go and tried to jump off the ski lift toget out of the way.Simon: And that’s how they all ended up in a pile at the bottom of the slope — itwas lucky I had my camera with me.KeyA. 1. They are looking at some pictures.2. A ski class for beginners.3. Two.B. Everyday the coach took them to a nursery slope. They got to the top on a ski lift. Intheir class, there was one woman who could never learn how to ski. She couldn’t control her skis and whenever she started sliding, she would stick her ski sticks out in front of her. People always tried to avoid her.One day as she was getting to the top, she slipped and started sliding down the slope.Everyone tried to jump off the ski lift to get out of the way and they all slid down the slope and ended up in a pile at the bottom.C. 1. Teresa: That’s me with the red bobble hat.Sally: Is it?Teresa: Yet, it looks kind of silly, doesn’t it?Sally: Yes, it does rather.2. Simon: Mmm, with her ski sticks waving around in front of her!Teresa: So of course everyone sort of let go and tried to jump off the ski lift to getout of the way.Simon: And that’s how they all ended up in a pile at the bottom of the slope — itwas lucky I had my camera with me.Part 3 PassageThe Truth about the French!ScriptB. Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the questions you willhear.Skiing in France is heaven on Earth for a dedicated skier. There are resorts where you can access skiing terrain that is larger than all the ski resorts in Utah* and Colorado* combined.The larger resorts have an adequate number of restaurants and discos. It is a good idea to eat a good lunch because the mountain restaurants are normally much better than the restaurants in the ski stations.French resorts are mostly government owned and operated. The social system puts a high percentage of money back into the areas. This provides state-of-theart* lifts, snow making and snow grooming. In general, an intermediate skier who can read a lift map will easily be able to ski all day avoiding lift lines and crowds, even during the busiest season.The French school systems have a staggered* two-week winter vacation period. When the snow is good, nearly all of France migrates to the mountains for this period. The break usually covers the last two weeks of February and the first week of March. The time to absolutely avoid is the “Paris school holiday week” which will always be in the middle period of the vacation time but alternates starting the first or second week of the break.No one has a more undeserved* reputation about his or her character than the French.The French are not generally arrogant and rude. True, in large tourist centers there are unpleasant people and if you’re looking for or expecting rudeness, you may just provoke* it.Generally the French, especially in the countryside, are as kind as you wish and you will find warmth and acceptance. The most fractious* Frenchman is easily disarmed by a little sincerity*.When greeting someone or saying good-bye, always shake hands. Don’t use a firm, pumping handshake, but a quick, slight pressure one. When you enter a room or a shop you should greet everyone there. If you meet a person you know very well, use their first name and kiss both cheeks. Men don’t usually kiss unless they are relatives. Good topics of conversation include food, sports, hobbies and where you come from. Topics to avoid are prices, where items were bought, what someone does for a living, income and age. Questions about personal and family life are considered private. Expect to find the French well-informed about the history, culture and politics of other countries. To gain their respect, be prepared to show some knowledge of the history and politics of France.France is generally a very safe country to visit. Pickpockets, however, are not unheard of.In large cities particularly, take precautions against theft. Always secure your vehicles, leave nothing of value visible and don’t carry your wallet in your back pocket. Beware of begging children!Questions:1. How large are the ski resorts in France?2. Why do people prefer to eat lunch at the mountain restaurants?3. How do most of the French resorts operate?4. What kind of vacation do French students usually have?5. What kind of unfair reputation do the French have?6. What is recommended when greeting someone or saying good-bye?7. What are good topics of conversation?8. What is still necessary when visiting France?C. Listen to the passage again and discuss the following questions.KeyA. Skiing can be divided into cross-country skiing and alpine skiing. Cross-country skiingis a low-impact, aerobic activity. It is becoming increasingly popular. It can be enjoyed even if you have a relatively low skill level. It does not require exorbitant lift fees, and it has a relatively low injury rate (cross-country skiing has an injury rate about 10 times less than alpine skiing). Skiing uses more muscles than running and is less stressful on the legs.Alpine or downhill skiing is a popular family sport shared by people of all ages and athletic abilities. It has less benefits for aerobic fitness than cross-country skiing because activity is usually in short bursts, but it is good for strengthening muscles particularly those in the upper leg. Alpine skiing is also a tough sport, particularly demanding on the legs.B. 1. C 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. D 8. DC. 1. Because there are resorts where you can access skiing terrain that is larger than all theski resorts in Utah and Colorado combined.2. Because in a French resort an intermediate skier who can read a lift map will easily beable to ski all day avoiding lift lines and crowds, even during the busiest season.3. This staggered two-week winter vacation period usually covers the last two weeks ofFebruary and the first week of March.4. The French are not generally arrogant and rude. Generally they are as kind as youwish.5. In large cities in France, always secure your vehicles, leave nothing of value visibleand don’t carry your wallet in your back pocket. Beware of begging children!D. 1. When the snow is good, nearly all of France migrates to the mountains for this period.The break usually covers the last two weeks of February and the first week of March.2. Generally the French, especially in the countryside, are as kind as you wish. The mostfractious Frenchman is easily disarmed by a little sincerity.Part 4 NewsNews item 1 India’s Selfie CampaignScriptA. Listen to the news item and answer the following questions. Then give a briefsummary about the news item.Recently, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a campaign on social media.The campaign is aimed at recognizing and celebrating the lives of girls. It is part of the Indian government’s “Save Daughter, Teach Daughter” movement, which began earlier this year.The Indian leader used a radio broadcast last Sunday to urge people to publish photographs taken with their daughters on social media. He expressed hope that this could revolutionize the movement to save the country’s girls.Sexual inequality has long been a major problem in India’s highly patriarchal* society.For years, Indian families have wanted boys more than girls. In India, many girls are considered inferior to boys. Some are even killed before they are born or as newborns because they are thought to be less desirable. For every 1,000 boys up to the age of six years, India has 914 girls.It was not j ust fathers in India who answered Mr. Modi’s call. Fathers in countries as far away as Sweden also posted pictures with daughters.Social activists hope this campaign will not just be another public relations effort, but will support India’s push to give its daughters the same positions as its sons.B. Listen to the news item again and complete the following sentences.KeyA. 1. The Prime Minister launched the campaign on social media.2. The movement began earlier this year.3. The Prime Minister urge people to publish photographs taken with their daughters onsocial media.4. Social activists hope the campaign will not just be another public relations effort, butwill support the appeal for giving the daughters the same position as the sons.5. Fathers in countries such as Sweden also posted pictures with daughters.This news item is about a campaign launched by Indian Prime Minister on recognizingand celebrating the lives of girls.B. 1. Sexual inequality has been a major problem in India’s patriarchal society.2. Many girls are considered inferior to boys in India, therefore some are even killedbefore they are born or as newborns.3. For every 1,000 boys up to the age of six, there are only 914 girls in India.C. 1. Recently, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a campaign on social media.The campaign is aimed at recognizing and celebrating the lives of girls.2. It was not just fathers in India who answered Mr. Modi’s call. Fathers in countries asfar away as Sweden also posted pictures with daughters.3. Social activists hope this campaign will not just be another public relations effort, butwill support India’s push to give its daughters the same positions as its sons.News item 2 100-Year-Old Japanese Woman’s Swimming RecordScriptA. Listen to the news item and fill out the following chart. Then give a brief summaryabout the news item.As we age, we often take longer to recover from injuries. That is, for some people.After a Japanese woman suffered a knee injury, she became a competitive swimmer —at age 88.Nearing the age of 101 has not slowed down one Japanese woman. In fact, in the swimming pool — she is only getting faster.Recently, a 100-year-old Japanese woman became the world’s first centenarian*to complete a 1,500-meter freestyle swimming competition in a 25-meter pool. Her name is Mieko Nagaoka. Ms. Nagaoka set a world record for her age group at a recent Japan Masters Swimming Association event in the western city of Matsuyama. She swam the race in one hour, 15 minutes and 54 seconds.And Ms. Nagaoka was not competing against others. In fact, Ms. Nagaoka was the only competitor in the 100–104 year old category*. Her race was not a race of speed but of endurance*, or not giving up.In 2002, at a masters swim meet in New Zealand, Ms. Nagaoka took the bronze medal in the 50-meter backstroke. In 2004, she won three silver medals at an Italian swim meet.B. Listen to the news item again and complete the following sentences.KeyThis news item is about a 100-year-old Japanese woman who sets the swimming record.B. 1. Recently, a 100-year-old Japanese woman became the world’s first centenarian tocomplete a 1,500-meter freestyle swimming competition.2. Her race was not a race of speed but of endurance, or not giving up.3. After suffered a knee injury, Ms. Nagaoka became a competitive swimmer —at ageof 88.C.In 2002, at a masters swim meet in New Zealand, Ms. Nagaoka took the bronze medal inthe 50-meter backstroke. In 2004, she won three silver medals at an Italian swim meet.Section Three Oral WorkRetellingThe StrandScriptListen to a story and then retell it in your own words. You will hear the story only once. You can write down some key words and phrases.There is a street called “The Strand” in Galveston,where hundreds of thousands of tourists visit today. This street was Mama’s stomping* ground as a kid. Before Mama died, we took a streetcar around Galveston to see all the lovely, restored homes. What a great day.She knew more than the tour guide. As we sat enjoying the sights, Mama said, “Liz, do you know why my nose is a littl e crooked*?” (I thought, “Where did that come from?”) “No, Mama, you haven’t ever mentioned it,” I replied.“Well,” said mother, “one day I followed my brothers to The Strand, and a streetcar ran over me. I put myself flat down between the rails and pushed my face in the ground so hard that I broke my nose! It sure caused a lot of chaos*. People screamed, the police came, and I just crawled out, brushed myself off and went home. The only thing I ever noticed different about me was a crooked nose.”I just looked at her nose and looked at Mama in utter disbelief!Section Four Supplementary ExercisesPart 1 PassageBabies and IntelligenceScriptA. Listen to the passage and answer the following questions.Some people thought babies were not able to learn things until they were five or six months old. Yet doctors in the United States say babies begin learning on their first day of life.Research scientists at the National Institute of Child Health and Development note that babies are strongly influenced by their environment. They say a baby will smile if her mother does something the baby likes. A baby learns to get the best care possible by smiling to please her mother or other caregiver. This is how babies learn to connect and communicate with other humans. This ability to learn exists in a baby even before birth. They say newborn babies can recognize and understand sounds they heard while they were still developing inside their mothers.The Finnish researchers used devices to meas ure the babies’ brain acti vity. The researchers played recordings of spoken sounds for up to one hour while the babies slept.The head of the study believes that babies can learn while asleep because the part of their brains called the cerebral cortex* remains active at night. The cortex is very important for learning. This part of the brain is not active in adults while they sleep.Many experts say the first years of a child’s l ife are important for all later development.An American study shows how mothers can strongly influence social development and language skills in their children. The study involved more than 1,200 mothers and children.Researchers studied the children from the age of one month to three years. They observed the mothers playing with their children four times during this period.The researchers attempted to measure the sensitivity of the mothers. The women were considered sensitive if they supported their children’s activities and did not interfere unnecessarily. They tested the children for thinking and language development when they were three years old.The children of depressed women did not do as well on tests as the children of women who did not suffer from depression. The children of depressed women did poorly on tests of language skills and understanding what they hear. These children also were less cooperative and had more problems dealing with other people.Another study suggests that babies who are bigger at birth generally are more intelligent later in life. It found that the intelligence of a child at seven years of age is directly linked to his or her weight at birth. Study organizers say this is probably because heavier babies received more nutrition* during important periods of brain development before they were born.The study involved almost 3,500 children. Researchers in New York City used traditional tests to measure intelligence. Brothers and sisters were tested so that the effects of birth weight alone could be separated from the effects of diet or other considerations.The researchers found that children with higher birth weights generally did better on the intelligence tests. Also, the link between birth weight and intelligence later in life was stronger for boys than for girls.B. Listen to the passage again and complete the chart.KeyA. 1. Some people thought babies were able to learn things when they were five or sixmonths old.2. Doctors think babies begin learning things on their first day of life.3. Babies communicate with other people by smiling.4. They can recognize and understand sounds they heard while they were stilldeveloping inside their mothers.5. Babies can learn while asleep.6. They are important for a child’s all later development.B.Part 2 VideoHaiti Amputee Soccer TeamScriptWatch the video film and answer the questions.In Haiti there is a soccer team unlike any you have ever seen. It is made up of players who have lost legs and arms, mostly during the earthquake in 2010. Just as the players are different, so is their field, called a “pitch”. People live near it. There are pools of water on it.And cows walk by. The players kick with the same leg they stand on. Goalies defend with the only arm they have. The team is called Zaryen. That is Creole for “tarantula’ — a spider that can live without one of its legs. A balcony collapsed on Judithe Facile during the earthquake.She was near death. Soccer has brought her back to life.“Now I feel like I’m alive. Because, before that, after I lost my leg, I didn’t have any hope for the future, even though I was walking on the crutches.”Cedieu Fortilus says the players have changed the way Haitians think about the disabled.“When I see they are playing like that, I’m so proud. I’m so proud. I think I’m doing a good job. So, I see so many people, even Haitian, if they are crossing the street, they take time to look at them because they are doing something very strange. Something many Haitians have never seen in their life.”Several organizations in the United States give money to the team, and pay for artificial arms and legs for all Haitians who need them.Cindy Orange says: “Soccer has taught me to do a lot of things on one leg that I wasn’t used to doing before. I feel comfortable when I’m playing.”Key1. That’s because this soccer team in Haiti is formed by those p layers who have losttheir legs and arms.2. They kick with the same leg they stand on and the goalkeepers defend with the onlyarm they have.3. That’s because only soccer saved her from depressi on. After she had lost her leg, shedidn’t have any hope for the future, even tho ugh she was able to walk on the crutches.4. That’s because the players are doing something ver y strange. That is to say, they areplaying soccer in their own ways.5. Several organizations in the United States give money to the soccer teams in Haitiand pay for artificial arms and legs for all Haitians who need them.。