



Let’s read:
after ['ɑ:ftә ] 之后 large [lɑ:dʒ] 大的 last [lɑ:st ] 最后
hard [hɑ:d] 硬的
class [klɑ:s ] 班级 fast [fɑ:st ] 快速的 arm [ɑ:m] 胳膊
[ ɔ: ] [ ɔ ]

后元音 [ɑ:] [u:] [ʊ] [ɔ:] [ɒ]

合口双元 音
[a ʊ]

集中双元 音
[ʊə] [eə]
爆破 清辅音 [p] [t] [k] 音 浊辅音 [b] [d] [ɡ]
前元音 学习要点:发音比[ i: ]短 促有力 。 发音要领: 1.舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬 高,比/i:/要低。 2.嘴型扁平,牙床开得比 /i:/宽。 3.可从/i:/出发,下颚稍稍 下垂,舌前部也随之稍 稍下降。
eat 吃 [i:]
[bi:] Bee 蜜蜂
摩擦 清辅音 [f] [s] [ʃ] [θ] [h] 音 浊辅音 [v] [z] [ʒ] [ð] [r]
破擦 清辅音 [tʃ] [tr] [ts]
辅 音

浊辅音 [dʒ] [dr] [dz]
鼻辅 音
舌侧 音

48个国际音标 读法

48个国际音标 读法

48个国际音标读法1. /iː/ 长元音/iː/是一个闭前不圆唇元音,发音时舌尖靠近上齿龈,舌面平坦,嘴唇放松微微张开。


2. /ɪ/ 短元音/ɪ/是一个闭前不圆唇元音,发音时舌尖靠近上齿龈,舌面平坦,嘴唇放松。


3. /e/中前不圆唇元音/e/是一个中前不圆唇元音,发音时舌尖靠近上齿龈,舌面稍微抬高,嘴唇放松。


4. /æ/短元音/æ/是一个开前不圆唇元音,发音时舌尖稍稍抬高,舌面平坦,嘴唇放松。


5. /a:/长元音/a:/是一个开前不圆唇元音,发音时舌尖稍稍抬高,舌面平坦,嘴唇放松稍稍张开。


6. /ɜː/ 长元音/ɜː/是一个开中央不圆唇元音,发音时舌尖靠近上齿龈,舌面平坦,嘴唇放松稍稍张开。


7. /ʌ/短元音/ʌ/是一个开中央不圆唇元音,发音时舌尖稍稍抬高,舌面平坦,嘴唇放松稍稍张开。


8. /ɔ:/长元音/ɔ:/是一个闭后圆唇元音,发音时舌尖稍稍抬高,舌面平坦,嘴唇微微收圆。






学习音标的作用•打好音标基础是学好英语的基本条件•提高听说能力,培养良好的语感•有助于依靠读音记单词•••••26语音知识•1)•2)•3)•4)•5)•6)•a)•b)•7)•a)•b)•8)音标分类••••短元音/?/ /?/ /?/ /?/ /?/ /e/ /?/•双元音/e?/ /a?//??/ /??//e?//??//??//a?/•辅音(28个)•轻辅音/p/ /?t/ /?k/ /f/ /θ/ /s//?/ /h/ /ts/ /t?/ /tr/?•浊辅音/b/ /d/? /g/ /v/ /e/? /z/?/?/ /r/? /dz/?/d?//dr/•鼻音/m/ /n/? /?/?•半元音/j/ /w/•边音/?/长元音[i:]•发音部位:舌尖轻抵下齿龈,舌前部抬高,但不抵上齿龈;•发音方法:嘴角向后缩,使双唇呈扁平状;气流从口腔中流出,振动声带,发出此音。







国际⾳标(英语语⾳)元⾳单元⾳前元⾳[i:][i][e][?] 中元⾳[?][?:][?]后元⾳[u:][u][?:][?][a:]双元⾳开合双元⾳[ei][ai][?i][?u][au]集中双元⾳[i?][ε?][u?]辅⾳爆破⾳清辅⾳[p][t][k]浊辅⾳[b][d][g] 摩擦⾳清辅⾳[f][s][?][θ][h]浊辅⾳[v][z][?][e] 破擦⾳清辅⾳[t?][tr][ts]浊辅⾳[d?][dr][dz] ⿐⾳(浊辅⾳)[m][n][?] ⾆则⾳(浊辅⾳)[l][r] 半元⾳(浊辅⾳)[w][j] *清⾳,即全体清辅⾳;浊⾳,即全体元⾳和全体辅⾳*[?]⼜叫长⿐⾳或者后⿐⾳*半元⾳也属于辅⾳英语字母发⾳表A a[ei]N n[en]B b[bi:]O o[?u]C c[si:]P p[pi:]D d[di:]Q q[kju:]E e[i:]R r[a:]F f[ef]S s[es]G g[d?i:]T t[ti:]H h[eit?]U u[ju:]I i[ai]V v[vi:]J j[d?ei]W w[‘d?blju:] K k[kei]X x[eks]L l[el]Y y[wai]M m[em]Z z[zed]或[zi:][ai]Ii Yy[?u]Oo[ju:]Uu Qq Ww[a:] Rr[e] Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz 语⾳基础知识☆⾳素:即每⼀个独⽴的国际⾳标。

. study [s-t-?-d-i] (含5个⾳素) car [k-a:](含2个⾳素) dictionary [d-i-k-?-?-n-?-r-i](含9个⾳素)☆⾳标:即每⼀个单词的完整的注⾳记录。

E.g. study [st?-di] country [k?n-tri]★常见的字母与字母组合发⾳规则元⾳字母的发⾳(⼀)元⾳字母a(1) [ei] p a per ; l a t e ; m a k e ; l a k e ; f a c e(2) [?] b a g ; f a t ; c a t ; l a dder ; m a ss(3) [?] a go ; a long ; a mong ; a bove ; a loud(4) [i] comr a de ; vill a ge ; man a ger; pal a ce ; priv a te(5) [a:] d a nce ;Fr a nce ; ch a nce ;a sk ;m a sk ;t a sk ;b a sket(⼆)元⾳字母e(1) [i:] m e ;h e ;sh e ;th e s e ;e v e ning(2) [e] h e n ;g e t ; s e t ;t e ll ; e cho(3) [i] usel e ss ;tick e t ;bask e t ;pock e t ;b e fore ;b e low (三)元⾳字母i(1) [ai] Ch i na ; h i ; t i m e ; gu i d e ;(2) [i] s i t ; h i t ; i ll ; l i ttle ;(3) [i] un i t(四)元⾳字母o(1) [?u] n o ; s o ; g o ; h o m e ; ph o to ;(2) [?] n o t ; h o t ; b o x ; f o x ; c o ck ; c o st ;(3) [?] purp o se ; c o ncern(4) [?] s o n ; m o nth ; c o me ; l o ve ; d o ve ; gl o ve m o ther (五)元⾳字母u(1) [ju:] p u pil ; st u dent ; u s e ; c u b e(2) [?]——c u t ; l u ck ; u mbrella ; u s(3) [u]——p u t ; f u ll ; p u ll元⾳字母组合的拼读规则(⼀)元⾳字母a的字母组合(1)ai或ay [ei] r ai n ; tr ai n ; br ai n ; p ai n;d ay ; m ay(2)al [?:] sm al l ; w al l ; c al l ; t al k ; w al k ;ch al k (3)-ance [a:ns] ch ance ; d ance ; Fr ance(4)-ant [?nt] assist ant ; import ant ;peas ant(5)-ange [eind?] ch ange ; d ange r ; str ange(⼆)元⾳字母e的组合(1)-ea-ea[i:] t ea m ; m ea t ; l ea d ; t ea ch ; r ea d; pl ea se ;-ea[e] thr ea t ; br ea d;; p ea sant-ea[i?] r ea l ; r ea lly-ea[ei] gr ea t ; br ea k(2)-ee[i:] f ee l ; w ee k ; k ee p ; thr ee ; str ee t ; sw ee p (3)-er[?:] h er ; t er m ; s er vice ; G er many [?] work er ; pap er ; west er n ; teach er(三)元⾳字母i的组合(1)-ie [i:] f ie ld ; p ie ce ; ach ie ve[ai] l ie ; d ie ; t ie(2)-igh(t) [ai] h igh ; n ight ; l ight ; br ight(3)-ir [?:] g ir l ; f ir m ; c ir cle ; f ir st ; th ir d(四)元⾳字母o的组合(1)-oa [?u] b oa t ; c oa t ; r oa d ; g oa t(2)-oi [?i] p oi nt ; j oi n ; oi l(3)-oo [u:] s oo n ; t oo ; z oo ; r oo m ; n oo n ; f oo d(4)-or [?:] f or ; h or se ; imp or tant ; m or ning ; b or n(五)元⾳字母u的组合(1)-u [u] f u ll ; b u ll ; p u ll ; p u sh ; b u sh(2)-ue [ju:] arg ue ; contin ue辅⾳字母及辅⾳字母组合的拼读规则1.b [b] b ack ; b ig ; la b ; b rother2.c [s] c ity ; Bru c e ; jui c e ; bic y cle ;fa c e ; c entral3.d [d] d i d ; ma d e ; d esk ; d uck ; d oubt ; d amage4.f [f] f ive ; f lag ; li f e ; lea f5.g [d?] lar g e ; g eneral ; g ymnastics ; a g e ; ener g y[h] h elp ; be h ave ; h ello ; h it ; h urry7.j [d?] j oy ; j udge ; in j ure ; j ourney ; J anuary ; j ar ; j us8.k [k] k ing ; mil k ; k ic k ; k iss ; loc k ; k nock9.l [l] l ight ;l ook ; l et ; l ab ; l ive10.m [m] m eet ; m eat ; m other ; co m e ; m ake ; To m11.n [n] i n ; n ow ; n ext ; to n ; n est12.p [p] ma p ; ca p ; p eo p le ; p est13.q [k] uni q ue14.r [r] r oom ;r ead ; r est ; a r ound15.s [s] s ee ; s ome ; s et ; s i s ter ; work s ; lip s ; new s paper16.t [t] t ooth ; ca t ; t each ; t ool ; hi t; cu t ; le t ; t en17.v [v] v ery ; li v e ; v ehicle ; v ase ; v alley ; v illage18.w [w] w ear ; w indow ; w idow ; w eek ; w eak ; w isdom19.x [ks] bo x ; fo x ; ne x t ; te x tile20.y [j] y ou ; y outh ; y es ; y oung21.z [z] z oo ; qui z ; z ebra ; z ero⾳节:⾳节是读⾳的基本单位,任何单词的读⾳,都是分解为⼀个个⾳节朗读。




元音(20个)发音时气流在通路上不受发音器官的阻碍长元音/ɑ://ɔ:// ɜ://i://U:/短元音/ ʌ//ɒ//ə//ɪ//ʊ//e/ /æ/双元音/eɪ/ /əʊ/ /aɪ/ /aʊ/ / ɔɪ//ɪə//eə//ʊə/辅音(28个)发音时气流在通路上受到发音器官的阻碍清辅音/p/ / t/ / k/ /f/ /θ/ /s/ /ʃ/ / h/ /ts/ /tʃ/ /tr/ 浊辅音/b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /ð/ /z/ /ʒ/ /dʒ/ /dz/ /dr/ / r/ 鼻音/m/ /n/ /ŋ/半元音/ j/ / w/边音/ ǀ/英语音标及字母组合对照一、元音1) [i:] 发音字母:ee ea e ie eithree tree green sheep meet beef seeeat tea meat leave teacher team mean speak clean pleasehe she mepiecereceive2) [ɪ] 发音字母: i y esit picture it is list six pig big build missmany twenty happy dictionarydecide delicious3) [ æ ] 发音字母: abag hand and ant happy hat map black back glad flag man 4) [e] 发音字母: ea e ahead bread sweater breakfast heavy pleasureelephant remember sell lesson better bed desk hotel yes many any5) [ɜ:] 发音字母:ir ur ear er orgirl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third birdturn burn murder nurse turtle purple Thursdaylearn early earth heardterm herwork worker word world6) [ə] 发音字母: er or o a e ur ureteacher under remember player father mother farmer after doctor actor forgettogether tomorrow today lesson welcome policemanaround about ago elephant away banana Chinastudent children open differentSaturday picture7) [ɑ:] 发音字母: ar acar farm card arm garden askfast class last glass aunt8) [ ʌ ] 发音字母: u o ou ooup supper lunch fun run hunt cup buscome mother dose brother love abovetroubleblood flood9) [ɔ: ] 发音字母: al ar au or our oorall small wall talk tall ball call walkwarm quarterdaughter autumnshort horse for forty sport door floor storefour yourdoor floor10) [ɒ] ([ɔ]) 发音字母: o aorange hot lost lot fox box hop lot not want what wash watch11) [u:] 发音字母: oo o utoo zoo food school room goose tooth who do two to shoe whosetrue truth blue full ruler12) [ʊ] 发音字母: oo ou u olook good foot book woodshould could wouldput full pull pushwoman wolf13) [eɪ] 发音字母: a ay ai ey eaname cake late gate plane Aprilplay say may way day awayrain paint eight eighteen eightythey greygreat break14) [əʊ] 发音字母: o ow oahome cold go no phone host ghostknow yellow below throw blow show row boat coat goat15) [aɪ] 发音字母: i y ighbike fine find hi nine five rice write like my try fly bylight night high16) [aʊ] 发音字母: ou owhouse out about ground count sound blouse around mouse flower down now cow how town brown17) [ɒɪ ] 发音字母:oy oiboy toytoilet oil noise18) [ɪə] 发音字母: eer ear erebeer deerear near dearhere19) [ ɛə ] ([eə]) 发音字母:ear air ere eirpear bearchair airthere wheretheir theirs20) [ʊə] 发音字母:uresure二、辅音[p] pea peach pig pink purple map[t] two too to boat ten twelve[k](k、c、ck) come cap cat bike cake black duck [f] fish frog foot face farm[θ] three mouth[s] snake sing face[ʃ] ship sheep shop she[h] hen house horse hand hair[ts] skirts students shirts[t∫] Chinses China peach beach chicken[tr] tree train trousers[b] bee big bye black bed bear book banana[d] bed dad do need duck head[g] bag pig dog egg girl[v] vest very live leave[ð] with[z] zoo zebra[ʒ] measure pleasure[dʒ] orange juice[dz] words hands heads friends[dr] drink dress drive[r] rabbit red rice[m] monkey milk some come game[n] nose son sun run chicken pen[ŋ] king sing English[j] yes yellow you[w] water watermelon white[l] lion lemon blue leg lamp单元音/i:/ 嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿,嘴角向两边张开,流露出微笑的表情,与字母E发音相同。



中元音 学习要点:舌的中部向 硬鄂抬起,舌尖离开下 齿,发音要长。 示范发音
pepper ['pepә] 辣椒
banana [bә'nɑ:nә] 香蕉 letter ['letә] 信件
bird [bɜ:d ] 小鸟
dirty ['dɜːti] 脏的 nurse [nɜ:s] 护士
flock [flɒk] 鸟群 box [bɒks] 盒子 rock [rɒk] 岩石
[ u: ]
后元音 学习要点:双唇收圆, 发音要长 。 示范发音
后元音 学习要点:发音比[u:]短 促有力。
blue [blu:] 蓝色
ruler ['ru:lә] 尺子
单元 音 元 音
双元 音
合口双元 音 集中双元 音
[ɑ:] [ɔ ɪ] [ɪə ]
[u:] [eɪ] [ʊə]
[ɔ:] [ɒ]
[a [aɪ] [əʊ] ʊ]
爆破 音 摩擦 音 辅 音 破擦 音 鼻辅 音 舌侧 音 半元 音
/ʊә/ oor
bear /beә/ pear /peә/
poor /pʊә/ tour /tʊә/
sure /ʃʊә/
assure /ә’ʃʊә/
but [bʌt] 但是
Let’s read:
after ['ɑ:ftә ] 之后 large [lɑ:dʒ] 大的 last [lɑ:st ] 最后 hard [hɑ:d] 硬的 class [klɑ:s ] 班级 fast [fɑ:st ] 快速的 arm [ɑ:m] 胳膊


➢ 字母a,如:dad、bag、apple、stand、hand、rabbit
✓ 我家dad,脾气bad,让我sad ✓ 有只cat,非常fat,专吃rat
[æ ] 发音代言人 cat /kæ t/ 猫
短元音。嘴巴长大。舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬 起,嘴角向脸颊两侧拉伸绷紧,成扁平状。
C. hair deer tiger China
D. sugar soon ear leader
duck /dʌk/ 鸭子
短元音。发音时嘴微微张开,伸向两边,舌尖 轻触下齿,舌后靠前部分稍抬起。
➢ 字母u在重读闭音节中,如:us、bus、jump、under、supper
[i:] 发音代言人 me /mi:/ 我
长元音。字母e的发音。发音时嘴唇微微张开, 舌尖抵下齿,舌前部尽力向上抬起,嘴角向两 边张开流露出微笑的表情。
A. seat rain bean cat
B. gift feet teacher dog
清辅音:发音时声带不振动的辅音。 辅音
辅音+元音+辅音+e(e不发音)如:name、bike、 home、due、plane、shine等
辅音+元音 如:he、go、hi、tree、three、hello等
辅音+元音+辅音 如:bad、bed、sit、cup、hot等 闭音节



一、元音(一)单元音1.前元音:[ i: ] [ i ] [ e ] [ æ ][ i: ] 音标特征:前元音舌位高不圆唇长元音发音要诀:舌前部抬得最高,牙齿近乎全合。


舌前部向硬颚尽量抬起,但比汉语普通话“i”音稍低, 没有摩擦。

嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平行. 做微笑状,发[ i: ]长音。

注意: “: ”是长音符号,长元音往往比它相应的短元音长两倍以上。

发音组合: e ee ea ie ei代表单词:m e h e w e e venb ee f ee l br ee ze d ee p fr ees ea t b ea t l ea d t ea ea t r ea songr ie f bel ie ve ach ie verec ei ve conc ei ve[ i ] 音标特征: 前元音半高音扁平唇短元音发音要诀: 舌前部比[i:]稍低,比[e]高,舌尖抵下齿,嘴唇扁平分开。

牙床也开得稍大一些比[ i:]稍宽,比[ e ]窄。


使下颚稍稍下垂,舌前部也随之稍稍下降,即可发出短促[ i ]音。

发音组合: i代表单词: s i t b i t k i ck p i ck w i sh音标对比: [ i: ] [ i ]s ea t s i tb ea t b i tsh ee p sh i p[ e ]音标特征:前元音半高音不圆唇短元音发音要诀:舌尖抵下齿, 舌前部稍抬起, 舌后接近硬颚, 比[ i:] 低。

牙床也开得半开半合,比[ i:] 宽,整体做微笑状。


发音组合: e ea a代表单词:p e n t e n b e st b e g e gg n e tbr ea d h ea venm a rry a ny m a ny音标对比:[ i ] [ e ]s i t s e tl i ft l e ftd i d d ea d[æ]音标特征: 前元音低舌音不圆唇短元音发音要诀: 舌前部最低,双唇向两旁平伸,成扁平行牙床开的最大。



英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)辅音(28个)长元音/i://ɔ://U://ɜ://ɑ:/短元音/ɪ//e//æ//ɒ//ʊ//ə// ʌ/双元音/eɪ//aɪ//ɔɪ//əʊ//aʊ//ɪə//eə//ʊə/爆破音/p//b// t//d/ / k//g/摩擦音/f//v//θ//ð/ /s//z/ /ʃ//ʒ// h/破擦音/ts//dz//tr//dr//tʃ//dʒ/鼻音/m//n/ /ŋ/舌侧音/ ǀ/半元音/ r// j// w/第一章:元音发音时,气流通过口腔或鼻腔不受嘴唇,牙齿和舌头的阻碍,声带震动,发出洪亮的音,这样形成的语音称为元音。

第一组短元音/ɪ//e//æ//ɒ//ʊ//ə// ʌ/1音素[i]词首ink 墨水;油墨ignore 不顾;不理会ill 生病的;不健康的issue 发行;发布invest投资) imply 暗指;暗示词中little 小的sister 姐妹;姐姐;妹妹Live 生命big 大的city城市rich 有钱的;富有的visit 参观;拜访limit界线;界限minister部长;大臣词尾taxi出租车thirty 三十的;三十个的city城市;都市badly 坏;拙劣地singly 单身地sunny 阳光充足的;和煦的rainy下雨的;多雨的happy 高兴的;乐意的sleepy 想睡的;瞌睡的短语集训give up 放弃stick to 贴在---之上put into practice 实施;实行be interested in 对---感兴趣短句集训We should try to put the principal into practice.我问应该把理论应用于实践。

The little kid will fix his little ship.这个小孩会修他的小船。

超级口腔肌肉集训If I assist a sister-assistant, will the sister's sister-assistant assist me ? 如果我帮助一个女助手,那个姐妹的女助手会帮助我吗?In India, innocent infants are thrown into the river.在印度,无辜的婴儿被抛进大河里。



[ә] 发这个音的字母和字母组合ure er ar or a e • ure: picture • er:teacher brother dinner father sister • ar: sugar • or:doctor • a:panda about above camera sofa China
[z]发这个音的字母和字母组合z s se
z: zero zebra se: nose rose zoo s: bags photos sisters
音标[k] [g] [s] [z] 的练习
写出单词或音标。 • [rais] [nɔɪz] __________ __________ rice noise • [gɔlf] [gla:s] __________ __________ golf glass [sneik] __________ snake [kɔk] __________ cock [gra:s] grass ___________ [ki:] ___________ key
al:ball wall
or:horse corn fork or short oor:floor door
• [ɔ] 发这个音的字母和字母组合o a • o: fox coffee dog shop dog • a: watch
[u:] 发这个音的字母和字母组合o oo ui • o: do who whose • oo: food moon too • ui: fruit juice • u: ruler rude
• [Λ] 发这个音的字母和字母组合o u oo ou • o: son come colour love money • u: sun nut jump gum bus brush • ou: touch cousin country



可编辑修改精选全文完整版48个国际音标表、最新英语国际音标表音标认读:一、元音前元音:[ i: ] [ i ] [ e ] [ æ ][ i: ]发音组合: e ee ea ie ei 代表单词: m e h e w e e venb ee f ee l br ee ze(微风,简单的事)d ee p fr eeS ea t(座位) b ea t(打,击,敲;冲击)l ea d(引领,最前端) t ea ea tr ea sonGr ie f(悲痛,伤痛) bel ie veach ie veRec ei ve(收到,接收) conc ei ve(构想,想象)[ i ]发音组合: i代表单词: s i t b i t k i ck p i ck w i sh[ e ]发音组合: e ea a代表单词:p e n t e n b e st b e g e gg n e tbr ea d h ea ven(天堂,天国)m a rry a ny m a ny[æ]发音组合: a代表单词: c a p m a p b a d m a d(发疯的,发狂的) b a nk th a nk l a mp(灯,油灯,灯火)中元音:[ə:] [ə][ə: ]发音组合:or ir er ur ear代表单词:w or k w or ker w or m(蠕虫, 使缓慢前进)b ir d d ir t(污物;)aff ir m(断言,申明)t er mB ur n(烧毁) s ur f(碎浪,海浪;浪花)P ear l(珍珠) l ear n[ə ]发音组合:a er or代表单词:a ppear a rise a gain a like a man a penteach er moth er broth erdriv er ang erdoct or act or tut or(家庭教师,私人教师)fam ou s jeal ou s(妒忌的,吃醋的)后元音: [a:] [ʌ] [u:] [u] [ɔ:] [ɔ] [a:]发音组合:ar ear al代表单词:f ar d ar k h ar t f ar m g ar den b ar st arh ear th al f[ʌ]发音组合:u o代表单词:u p c u t b u t b u s l u ckb u tter(奶油)M o nk(和尚) o nion(洋葱) [u:]发音组合:oo o ou u代表单词:f oo d f oo l(蠢人) b oo m( (雷,大炮等的)隆隆声) c oo l h oo p(铁圈,戒指,耳环) p oo l(水塘,水池) sh oo t (发射,放射)t o mbgr ou pbl ue cl ue(提示,线索) r u le tr u th concl u de(推断出,结束)[u]发音组合:oo u ou代表单词:f oo t g oo d c oo k(煮,烧) h oo k (钩,挂钩) t oo kP u ll(拉,拖,牵,拽;搬走) f u ll b u ll(公牛,壮汉,)sh ou ld[ɔ:]发音组合:a oo aw ou ore au or ar代表单词:t a lk b a ll h a ll( 会堂;大厅)c a lld oo r fl oo rL aw(法律) s awb ou ght f ou ght(fight的过去式和过去分词,打仗;搏斗;打架;奋斗)th ou ght bef ore ign ore c au ghtn au ghty( 顽皮的,淘气的;撒野的)n au tical(海上的;船员的;船舶的;航海的) f or ce b or n s o rt( 种类,品种,类型 )w ar n[ɔ]发音组合:o代表单词: n o t c o p(抓,捕) r o t(腐烂,腐坏;腐朽,破损) h o t l o t d o g n o d sh o p合口双元音为: [ei] [ai] [ɔɪ] [au] [əu][ei]发音组合:ei a ai ay代表单词:ei ghtc a ke f a te n a ked sn a ke l a ke m a ken a mep ai d m ai nd ay m ay[ai]发音组合:y i uy代表单词:cr y dr y m yk i te h i gh b i ke t i ght f i ne t i meb uy g uy[ɔɪ]发音组合:oy oi代表单词:t oy b oy l oy aln oi se v oi ce p oi nt s oi lc oi n oi l[au]发音组合:ou ow代表单词:h ou se s ou nd ou t n ou nb ow t ow n n ow t ow er[əu]发音组合:o ow oa代表单词:h o st n o se t o ne h o le n o te c o ke c o peb ow l kn ow l ow ow nb oa tc oa t集中双元音为:[iə] [ɛə][uə][iə]发音组合:eer ear ere代表单词:b eer d eerh ear n ear f earh ere[ɛə]发音组合:air ear are ere 代表单词:h air f air air ch airb ear sw eard are h areth ere[uə]发音组合:oor ure our代表单词:p oorl ure s ureto ur二、辅音爆破音: [ p ] [ b ] [ t ] [ d ] [ k ] [ g ][ p ]发音组合:p代表单词:p ay p i p e p ut p ie p each s p ort s p eed s p end[ b ]发音组合:b代表单词:b ird b ed b ag b ig b uy b ake b ill b ear b ook[ t ]发音组合:t代表单词:t ea t eacher t eam t are t ank t aught t ipi t mee t ca t though t fa t et ent boa ts t udent s t and s t ick[ d ]发音组合:d代表单词:d o d i d d oes d eer d ate d ig d oomnee d be d climbe d[ k ]发音组合:c k ck代表单词:c ake c ar c an c at c omek ite s k y k eeppic k bac k[ g ]发音组合:g代表单词:g eese g o g ap g etbi g ba g be g爆破音小结:1) [ p ] [ t ] [ k ] 是清辅音,发音时声带不震动,送气要强。







如a读作[ei], e读作[i:], I读作[ai], o读作[əu], u读[ju:]。











poor /pʊə/ adj. 贫穷的tour /tʊə/ n. 旅游cruel /krʊəl/ adj. 残酷的/p/是爆破、双唇、清辅音时,千万不要加上一个弱读的元音/ə/!这是中国人最容易犯的错误之一!/k/是爆破、软腭、清辅音/b/是爆破、双唇、浊辅音/d/是爆破、齿龈、浊辅音/g/是爆破、软腭、浊辅音/f/是摩擦、唇齿、清辅音/s/是摩擦、齿龈、清辅音/∫/是摩擦、硬腭、清辅音/θ/是摩擦、舌齿、清辅音/h/是摩擦、声门、清辅音/v/是摩擦、唇齿、浊辅音/z/是摩擦、齿龈、浊辅音/ʒ/是摩擦、硬腭、浊辅音/ð/是摩擦、舌齿、浊辅音/r/是流音、齿龈、浊辅音/t∫/是破擦、硬腭、清辅音/ts/是破擦、清辅音/dʒ/是破擦、硬腭、浊辅音/dr/是破擦、浊辅音/dz/是破擦、浊辅音/m/是双唇、鼻音、浊辅音/n/是齿龈、鼻音、浊辅音/ŋ/是软腭、闭音、浊辅音/l/是流音、齿龈、浊辅音,这个音也被叫做舌边音/j/是半元、硬腭、浊辅音/w/是半元、双唇、浊辅音。





元音音标:1. /i/:表示高前不圆唇元音,如英语中的“see”。

2. /ɪ/:表示低前不圆唇元音,如英语中的“sit”。

3. /e/:表示中前不圆唇元音,如英语中的“bed”。

4. /ε/:表示低前圆唇元音,如英语中的“bet”。

5. /æ/:表示低中前不圆唇元音,如英语中的“cat”。

6. /ɑ/:表示低后不圆唇元音,如英语中的“father”。

7. /ɔ/:表示低后圆唇元音,如英语中的“thought”。

8. /u/:表示高后圆唇元音,如英语中的“too”。

9. /ʊ/:表示低后圆唇元音,如英语中的“put”。

10. /o/:表示中后圆唇元音,如英语中的“go”。

11. /ə/:表示中央中央元音,如英语中的“about”。

12. /ɜ/:表示中央后不圆唇元音,如英语中的“bird”。

13. /ɑː/:表示长低后不圆唇元音,如英语中的“car”。

辅音音标:14. /p/:表示爆破音/p/,如英语中的“pat”。

15. /b/:表示爆破音/b/,如英语中的“bat”。

17. /d/:表示爆破音/d/,如英语中的“dog”。

18. /k/:表示爆破音/k/,如英语中的“cat”。

19. /g/:表示爆破音/g/,如英语中的“go”。

20. /f/:表示摩擦音/f/,如英语中的“fat”。

21. /v/:表示摩擦音/v/,如英语中的“vat”。

22. /θ/:表示清边音/θ/,如英语中的“think”。

23. /ð/:表示浊边音/ð/,如英语中的“this”。

24. /s/:表示清音/s/,如英语中的“sit”。

25. /z/:表示浊音/z/,如英语中的“zip”。

26. /ʃ/:表示前齿擦音/ʃ/,如英语中的“she”。



( ) 2. true jump bus
( ) 3. bag short map flag
( ) 4. egg pen head small
( ) 5. got clock bell dog
( ) 6. rabbit book wood foot
( ) 7. rat bat apple ten
Lesson 1
元音[i:] [i] [ə:] [ə] 学习
发这个音的字母和字母组合 e ea ee
e: me be she he we evening
ee: sweet bee sweep sheep see sleep three green
ea: meat leaf sea pea teach eat clean
发这个音的字母和字母组合er ir ur ear or
er: her serve term ir: bird girl skirt first dirty skirt shirt ur: nurse Thursday turtle purple ear: early learn or: word work world
根据发音规则,选出与其它单词元音发音不相 同的单词。
1. mouth book look pull 2. push tape sugar foot 3. wood kind wolf bull 4. bullet wood cook name
音标[ɔ:] [ɔ] [u:] [u]练习
• 字母组合 :er or ar o a
• 音标举例:['kʌlə] color

['dɔktə] doctor




e:Chinese 中国人extremely 极其地ee:feeling 感情agree 同意ei:receive 接到conceive 设想ea:please 请dream 梦;梦想ie:achieve 达到believe 相信实用操练: English is a piece of cake.说英语是小菜一碟2.. Please feel free to call me.请随时给我打电话。

'm glad to meet you.我很高兴见到你/见到你很高兴is believing.眼见为实。

额外奉献:这是一个非常好用的句型:Please feel free to ...(请尽管.../请随时...)1. Please feel free to visit anytime.请尽管随时采访。

2 . Please feel free to ask for any help anytime.二.前元音美语音标/i/疯狂外号:经典收小腹减肥短衣音,简称“短衣音” 发音要领是发音时舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽量抬高、舌位高于/i/:口形扁平。

i: visit 参观limit 限制e:english英语ticket车票u:busy忙ee:been曾经是y:pretty漂亮的 difficulty困难ui:build建造实用操练:Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。

Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.心之所愿,无事不成。

2. I'm pretty busy.我很忙。

3. A good beginning makes for a good ending.好的开始导致好的结尾。

三. 前元音美语音标/ε/ ([ e ]) 疯狂外号:“小开口45度”音,简称为“45度”音。



48个英语国际音标发音教学英语国际音标(International Phonetic Alphabet,简称IPA)是一种用来表示语音的国际标准符号系统。



1. 单元音(Vowels)英语国际音标中的单元音共有20个,它们分布在嘴巴不同位置,并有不同的舌位和口型。

(1) [i]音(bit):舌位较高,口型偏闭,嘴巴微微张开,发音时会有“eee”的感觉。

(2) [ɪ]音(hit):舌位较低,口型偏开,嘴巴稍稍张开,发音时会有“ihh”的感觉。

(3) [e]音(bet):舌位中等,口型偏开,嘴巴中等张开,发音时会有“ehh”的感觉。

(4) [æ]音(cat):舌位较低,口型偏开,嘴巴更大地张开,发音时会有“ahh”的感觉。

(5) [ɑ]音(car):舌位较低,口型偏开,嘴巴最大地张开,发音时会有“aa”的感觉。

(6) [ɔ]音(song):舌位较低,口型偏开,嘴巴微微张开,发音时会有“aw”的感觉。


(7) [ʊ]音(book):舌位较低,口型偏闭,产生一个轻微收音的感觉。

(8) [u]音(boot):舌位较高,口型偏闭,发音时会有“oo”的感觉。

(9) [o]音(boat):舌位较低,口型偏开,嘴巴稍稍张开,发音时会有“oh”的感觉。

(10) [ə]音(about):舌位中等,口型偏开,嘴巴稍稍张开,发音时会有“uh”的感觉。

(11) [ʌ]音(bus):舌位较低,口型偏开,嘴巴微微张开,发音时会有“uhh”的感觉。

(12) [ɜ:]音(bird):舌位中等,口型偏闭,发音时会有“err”的感觉。

(13) [ɪə]音(hear):舌位中等,口型偏开,嘴巴稍稍张开,发音时会有“i-uh”的感觉。


first dialogue. (4)The nurse in a dirty skirt is feeding the
bird. (5)He has written thirty poems this term.
★注意事项 发/ʌ/ 时,声音要短促,不能拖泥带水。 ★发音练习
fun [ fʌn ] bus [ bʌs ] must [ mʌst ] cut [ kʌt ] luck [ lʌk ] sun [ sʌn ] son [ sʌn ] duck [ dʌk ]
(1)What colour is this bus? (2)Her son loves nothing but money. (3)It’s Sunday, but you must get up now. (4)Her cousin cut her finger last Monday. (5)He doesn’t have enough money, but he is
松弛。 ★注意事项 (1)发/e/ 音时,口不能张得太大。 (2)要避免舌头随便移动,从而发成其他的双元音
。 ★发音练习
leg [ leɡ ] tell [ tel ] desk [ desk ] bed [ bed ] bread [ bred ]
Leg/leg/腿 egg/eg/鸡蛋 Bed/bed/床 desk/desk/桌子 Pen/pen/笔 elephant/elifənt/大象 get/get/获得 seven/sevən/七 Yes/jes/是的 eleven/ɪlevən/十一






前元音(Front vowels):1. /i/:高前不圆音,如英语的"sheep",读作/iː/。

2. /ɪ/:低前不圆音,如英语的"ship",读作/ʃɪp/。

3. /e/:半开前不圆音,如英语的"red",读作/red/。

4. /ɛ/:开前不圆音,如英语的 "pen",读作/pen/。

5. /æ/:开前不圆短音,如英语的 "cat",读作/kæt/。

央元音(Central vowels):6. /ə/:中央非圆元音,如英语的"about",读作/əˈbaʊt/。

后元音(Back vowels):7. /u/:高后圆元音,如英语的"boot",读作/buːt/。

8. /ʊ/:低后圆元音,如英语的"hood",读作/əʊdz/。

9. /ʌ/:开后不圆元音,如英语的"up",读作/ʌp/。

10. /ɔ/:半开后圆元音,如英语的"law",读作/lɔː/。

11. /ɒ/:开后圆音,如英语的"log",读作/lɒɡ/。

高元音(High vowels):12. /ɪə/:低高前不圆双元音,如英语的"ear",读作/ɪər/。

13. /eɪ/:高前不圆双元音,如英语的"day",读作/deɪ/。

14. /aɪ/:高前不圆双元音,如英语的"like",读作/aɪk/。

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第一课单元音[i:] [i] [i:] 发这个音的字母和字母组合e ee ea ei ie i eye: me be she he we eve eveningee: sweet bee sweep sheep see sleepthree green keep deepea: tea meat please leaf seapea teach eat clean leaveei:seize receive deceitie:thief field niecei:police machineey:key短语(phrase):in the tree in the street in the fieldsin the deep seahave a meeting eat meat keep a dog a key man谚语(proverb):Seeing is believing.A friend in need is a friend indeed.Deeds are fruits and words are leaves.A new broom sweeps clean.句子(sentence):Let’s eat peas.Keep the meat in the fridge.Please take the seat.I am on Team Three.We often see sheep in the fields.Mr. Green is on leave.The seed have been sown for three weeks.[i] 发这个音的字母和字母组合i e y u ey ayi: pig fish in fifteen six ship thinfilm kick dig citye: begin behind jacket basketballexcept careless godnessy: happy heavy busy lorry carry sunny lovely study thirsty twenty thirty windy rainycopy pity cityu: business busy minutea: cabbage village privateui: build quick guitarey: monkey money honey donkeyay: Sunday Saturday Fridayo: womenei: foreign短语(phrase):a big citya pretty lady a lovely baby a busy day a little monkeya foreign language a private villa milk a cow谚语(proverb):Everyone’s business is nobody’s business.A merry company is music in a journey.句子(sentence)Miss Betty is a pretty lady.We’ll have cabbage for lunch.What a big city.The dish of fish is delicious.We are ready.[i:][i]语音对比:[i:] deep ease feet deed keep leave eat seat[i] dip is fit did kip live it sitIt is a good peach. / It is a good pitch.I didn’t catch the sheep. / I didn’t catch the ship.It’s better to give than to receive.Never offer to teach fish to swim.A little leak will sink a great ship.Eat to live, but not live to eat.第二课[ә:] [ә] [ә:] 发这个音的字母和字母组合er ir ur ear or ourer: her serve service German mercy term personir: bird dirt girl first third dirty thirsty skirt shirtur: nurse Thursday turtle purple curtain fur hurtear: early learn earthor: word work world worst worthour: journey courtesy短语(phrase):turn red at firston earth be at work serve a customergive birth to a daughter learn the list of words a long journey谚语(proverb):The early bird catches the worm.Even a worm will turn.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.句子(sentence):My shirt is dirty when I travel around the world.I work as a nurse. I will begin my work on Thursday.I got the third place in the competition. Mary got the first.[ә] 发这个音的字母和字母组合i a o u e ure er ar or our i: terrible flexible possiblea: library company along alone pandaabout above camera sofa Chinao: correct seldom freedom protectu: chorus minimum Auguste: gentlemen pavement Septemberure: picture lectureer: teacher brother dinner father sisterletter waterar: sugar standard particularor: doctor author visitor humorour: labour honour短语(phrase):Number tenat ten o’clockfrom cover to cover the writers of today in September post a letter draw a picture谚语(proverb):Finders keepers.Custom is the second nature.Creditors have better memory than debtors.句子(sentence):Peter will listen to a lecture.Don’t stick the two pieces of paper together.I like to read books from cover to cover.As a visitor to Beijing, I like it in September.There are six people in my family: my grandfather, my father, my mother, my brother, my sister and I.第三课音标[ɔ:] [ɔ][ɔ:] 发这个音的字母和字母组合a aw al or ou au ore oor a: always although wateraw: draw strawberry dawn law rawal: ball wall hall walkor: horse corn fork or short norou: ought thought boughtau: caught daughter autumnore: before more soreoar: soar borad broad roaroor: floor doorour: four短语:tennis courtat dawneat like a horse daughter-in-law in the school hall a drawing board in autumnraw water before longgo for a short walk谚语:More haste, less speed.Pride goes before a fall.句子:It’s a quarter to four. Let’s walk away and have a talk.I often have a short walk outside at dawn.They bought more tickets the day before yesterday.Laura is my daughter-in-law. She is forty-four now. She majored in law.[ɔ] 发这个音的字母和字母组合o a ou ow auo: fox coffee dog shop dog doctor longclock stop job novel knock hot sorry officea: water wash what want watch quarrelou: coughow: knowledgeau: sausage because短语:have a bad cough common knowledge an office blockkeep a close watch on clock inhot dogin a long run on holiday句子:Tom is at the boss’s office with a bag of chocolate. The shop opens at six o’clock during the holiday. The socks in that locked box cost me 60 dollars.第四课[u:] [u] [u:] 发这个音的字母和字母组合o oo ou ui u oeo: do who whose two move loseoo: food moon too tool tooth school coolou: group through soup routine Louiseui: fruit juiceu: ruler rude June Susanoe: shoe canoeew: flew crew短语:a glass of juice the school rules a stage crew Susan’s food in June blood group A blue moonin the soup谚语:Soon ripe, soon rotten.Too-too will in two.He who loses credit can lose nothing further.句子:Have some fruit and clean Louise’s room soon with the tools. The moon rises at night when I go out of the school.Eat noodles with chopsticks and drink soup with spoon.It’s cool in autumn if you have shoes.[u]发这个音的字母和字母组合o oo u oulo: woman wolfoo: look good book foot wood hook crook stoodu: bull bullet put sugar push fulfill pull full bushoul: could should would 短语:a good-looking woman put in a good word for by hook or by crook some good sugar a gas cooker a cook-book full speedin the wood谚语:Look before you leap.Good to begin well, better to end well.句子:Jack is a good cook. He has written a book on cookery.I’ll do it by hook or by crook.Don’t look outside the room. You should read your book carefully. He took two sugars in his office.They are playing football at the foot of the hill.The woman wants to buy some good sugar.语音对比:[u:] fool suit kook pool goose food brook loose[ u] full soot cook pull good foot brood look第五课音标[a:] [Λ] [a:] 发这个音的字母和字母组合a ar al er au eara: grass glass class plant dance fast father lastpass after answer example pastar: car star arm March garden dark scarfpark card party faral: calm palm halfer: clerk sergeantau: laugh auntear: heart hearth短语:a three-star hotel starting time take a bathfor example a birthday party staff roomkind heartthe last three years谚语:He laughs longest who laughs last. 句子Have you passed the exam?A car is passing by the park.My heart is beating hard when I play cards.Your remarks are far afield.The star has hardly been seen.I stained my dress when I sat on the grass.Parties have been held here for the past three years.[Λ] 发这个音的字母和字母组合o u oo ouo: son come colour love money mother colouru: sun nut jump gum bus brush supper us up but study duck sunny subjectou: touch cousin country young double toughoo: blood flood短语:come onfront runner roast duckas tough as leather a flood of tears a sudden arrival enough food subject matter谚语:Love me, love my dog.Well begun, well done.Never trouble troubles until troubles trouble you.句子:My wife won’t come for supper.We have enough to do.The bus comes once in ten minutes.A little duck jumped in the river suddenly.I love my son very much. My son loves doves very much.It was sunny on Sunday. My wife, my son and I went to the suburb for a picnic. 语音对比:[a:] dark calm cart card heart stark star march[Λ] duck come cut cup hut stuck study muchHe was forced to come down. / He was forced to calm down.第六课[e] [æ][e] 发这个音的字母和字母组合e a ea ai ie uee: egg bell desk leg pet ten penget help cent best better December lettera: any many Thamesea: bread head breakfast weapon weather dead sweat bread ready breathai: saidie: friendue: guest request短语:a red letter daya piece of breadmake a request for help get wet a best seller the letter head pen friends take a rest谚语:All’s well that ends well.Better late than never.Better an empty purse than an empty head.句子:We should learn step by step.Today is a red letter day. There are ten well-dressed men in the hall.This is the best novel that I have ever read.I have a bit of a headache. So I need a rest.It’s so hot. My vest is wet with sweat.[æ] 发这个音的字母和字母组合a aia: dad cap cat bad apple bag flag hand rabbitant black fat has stand rat maphappy cabbage have grannyai: plaid plait paillasse短语:a black bag a fat cata flat cap hand in hand have a chatwear one’s hair in plaits a happy familya bad apple谚语:Don’t let the cat out of the bag.Marry your match.Many stands will sink a ship.句子:Mary joins a jazz fashion for pursuit fashion.Jack is handsome man.Sally bought a cap with a red capband.Sally and Jack have a happy marriage and a happy family.语音对比:[e] fed beg men pet bed said[æ] fat bag man pat bad sadShe begged money on the street. / She bagged money on the street.第七课元音音标[ei] [ai] [ɔi] [au][ei] 发这个音的字母和字母组合a ai ay ea eya: cake make name game snake gate lazyate labour hatred hateai: rain train wait fail complain sail dailyay: day May play today wayei: neighbor eight weight neighea: break great steakey: theybreak away weight lifting lazy snake ate cake mend one’s way rain cats and dogs a sail boatfail the examinationCall a spade a spade.No pains, no gains.A little late, much too late.A good name is better than a good face.When the cat is away, the mice will play.On the way to the gate, a girl waved to me lazily.Gay is too lazy to wait for Jane to arrive.Kate failed her daily examination.Don’t say that again. Please help me to save face.[ai] 发这个音的字母和字母组合i y ie uy igh ei 谐音为:爱(ai);音标的读音跟拼音一样。
