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仁爱英语八年级下Unit 7Food Festival知识点Topic 1.



1.success (形容词)successful

2.invitation (动词)invite


4.friendly (比较级)more friendly

5.Russia (形容词)Russian


7.India (形容词)Indian

8.sandwich (复数)sandwiches

9.supply (复数)supplies 10.post (名词)poster


know about 了解the first Canadian Olympic wrestling champion

was/were born in+spl 出生于…地方第一位加拿大奥运会摔跤冠军

make money 挣钱build a new school 建一所新学校

be pleased to do 很高兴做某事poor village 贫困村庄

think about 思考,思索raise money for 为…筹钱

think over 仔细考虑when and where 何时何地

think of 想出;考虑到school playground 校操场

make a poster 做海报how to do sth 如何做……organize a food festival 组织美食节make a poster 制作一张海报

turn to sb./sth. 求助于,求教于try one’s best to do sth. / do one’s best to do sth.

get in touch with 和……取得联系尽某人的努力做什么

what’s more而且have a sweet tooth / like eating sweet foot 喜欢吃甜食never mind 没关系Indian food 印度食物

work hard at 在┅┅方面努力学习beef curry 咖喱牛肉chocolate cookies 巧克力甜饼black bread 黑面包

fried rice 炒米饭Ren’ai International School 仁爱国际学校decide to do sth. 决定做……send sb an e-mail 给某人发一封电子邮件

later on 再过一些时候;后来e-mail address 邮箱地址

It’s a great pity. 很遗憾never mind / It doesn’t matter. 没关系

over phone 通过电话 a high school 高中

hold on / hold the line 等一等(别挂电话)What’s up? 怎么了?什么事?

a village school 一所乡村学校only a few 很少,只有几个what’s worse, 更糟的是be pleased with 对某事感到高兴/满意

Please give my best wishes to your friends. make phone calls 打电话

请向你的朋友们致以最衷心的祝福。 a shopping list 购物清单


1.Do you know about Daniel Igali ? 你知道丹尼尔·艾格雷吗?

know about“了解”,know a lot about…“对某事了解很深”,know a little about…“对某事或某人了解一些”,而know是“知道”,“认识”之意,如:

I know her.我认识她。I know about her.我了解她。二者意思不同。

2. That’s good enough.

I have enough money to buy the book.

3.I’d love to , but I’m sorry I can’t.

I’m sorry to do sth.

I’m sorry (that)…

4.Let’s try our best to make it successful.让我们尽力成功举办这次美食节活动。

①try one’s best=do one’s best尽力,努力

②make sb./sth. successful 使……获得成功

5.What’s more, I’m sure that fried rice and dumpling will be popular.


①What’s more (口语)而且,更有甚者

She is a beautiful girl .What’s more ,she is friendly to us.


6.It’s a pleasure.

用于感谢的答语还有:That’s Ok./That’s all right./You’re welc ome./My pleasure.

7.May I invite you to our food festival?

Invite sb. to some place邀请某人去某处

Invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做谋事如:

May I invite you to go shopping with me?


8.Extension six zero zero six, please. 请接分机号6006。

相当于Can I have extension six zero zero six ,please ?

或Please dial extension six zero zero six.

9. Keep up the good work.继续努力吧。

Keep(on)doing sth.继续/重复做某事

Keep sb./sth.doing sth. 让某人持续做某事;让某事持续进行如:

He kept writing all the night.他整晚在写作。

I’ll try not to keep you waiting.我会尽量不让你久等。

10.It has only a few school supplies.学校设施简陋。

句中supplies是作名词用。如:only a few school supplies,这里supplies是名词复数,


The school supplies books for/to the children.=The school supplies the children with books.

学校提供孩子们书籍。即:supply sth.to/for sb.或supply sb. with sth.

11.We students will cook many delicious international foods for sale in order to raise money for a village school in Nigeria.


①in order to…意为“为了……”,它引导的动词不定式短语作目的状语。否定结构用in order not to ,比so as to正式,也可以用so that代替。如:-

He’ll try his best to work hard in order to/so as to catch up with his classmates.=

He’ll try his best to work hard so that he can catch up with his classmates.


②raise money集资,筹款



宾语是句子的一个重要成分,它可以由名词、代词、名词短语或句子充当。当句子充当助于时,这个句子就称为宾语从句。宾语从句可以由连词that, whether, if, 代词who, whose, what, which和副词when, where, how, why等引导。现先着重介绍连词that引导的宾语从句。学习宾语从句应注意几点:1.引导词 2.时态(时态一致) 3.语序(陈述句语序)


I heard that he joined the army. 我听说他参军了。
