高一英语必修一unit1 writing1

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First, why not…? If you do this,…
Secondly, you should/can… Then/ That way,… Thirdly, it would be a good idea if…
By doing this, …
I hope you will find these ideas useful.
S2: I’m sorry, but I don’t agree. Lisa cannot ask her parents or the teacher for help. She’s too old for that. She needs to solve the problem herself. S1: Ok. So we all agree that Lisa shouldn’t finish this friendship. Let’s vote and see which solution we like best. Then we can see if our ideas are the same as the rest of the class.
S4: I’m afraid not. It’s not a good idea to talk to classmates. They might be even more unkind. Maybe Lisa’s parents should talk to the parents of her classmates’. That might solve the problem.
I don’t think so. Neither do I. That’s not right. Yes, but … I’m afraid not. No way. Of course not. I’m sorry, but I don’t agree. I disagree
Second, you can begin the conversation by asking about their likes and dislikes. That way you will soon find people with the same interests. I think that is a good way to find new friends.
If you disagree, what do you suggest?
Agreeing I agree. Yes, I think so. So do I. Me too. Exactly. No problem. Sure. Certainly. Of course. All right. You’re right/correct. Good idea. I think that’s a good idea.
Dear Xiaodong,
I’m sorry you are having trouble in making friends. However, the situation is easy to change if you take my advice. Here are some tips to help you:
Step 2: Work with your partner to come up with some suggestions about how to change the situation. problem?
Your advice for Xiao Dong 1. to ask people their likes and dislikes to find classmates with the same interests 2. to join in discussions and show interest in other peoples’ ideas to get to know different people and let them see you are friendly 3. to share his feelings with others
Sample dialogue: S1: What do you think of Miss Wang’s advice? S2: I agree with her that Lisa shouldn’t finish this friendship. However, I don’t agree that Lisa should ignore her classmates. I think she should tell the teacher and the teacher should handle it.
First, why not go and talk to people standing on their own?
I agree that this is difficult but that person may be lonely too. If you do this, I’m sure you will soon have a new friend.
Reading and writing Step 1: Read Xiao Dong’s letter on page 7. What is Xiao Dong’s problem? He’s not good at communicating with people. He finds it hard to make friends with his classmates.
Illustration I think…I believe…I suggest…In my opinion (阐述) Addition Secondly…And (递进) then…Besides…In addition… Contrast (转折)
But…However… On the other hand… In short…In a word… Therefore…So…
Teenagers like to gossip, and they often see something that isn’t real. Perhaps your classmates cannot understand your friendship with this boy. That’s no reason to stop it. My advice is to ignore your classmates. That way you will show them that you are more grown-up than they are. Yours, Wang Fei
Outlining How to write a letter of advice Step Part I What should be written
Presenting the problem Proposing the solution
Part II
Part III Conclusion
Connecting words
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
Finally, you should try to join a discussion. You may not feel that is right, but by doing this you are letting people know how friendly you are. So there should be no problem. It should certainly provide you with some new friends.
Do you agree with Miss Wang’s advice? Discuss it in small groups. You may use the expressions in your conversation.
If you agree, what are your reasons?
I hope you will find these ideas useful. Yours,
Miss Wang
P7: Reading and writing: Sample Version
Dear Xiaodong, I’m sorry to hear about your problem and thank you for your trust. You’re feeling quite lonely and find it hard to make friends with your classmates, because you have some problems in communicating with people. You are asking how to make good friends with others. I’d like to give you some advice on it. First of all, I think you should make an effort to change the situation,
S3: I agree that she should continue the friendship too, but I don’t think she should tell the teacher. I think she should talk to her unkind classmates and tell them how upset they are making her. Perhaps they’ll behave more kindly then.
Miss Wang
Now start to write! When you finish your writing, please swap your letter with your partner
and check for mistakes .
Sample writing:
Dear Xiaodong, I’m sorry you are having trouble in making friends. However, the situation is easy to change if you take my advice. Here are some tips to help you:
Listening text
Dear Lisa, There is nothing wrong with you and this boy being friends and studying together. Of course a boy and a girl can be good friends. Ending your friendship with this boy would be a stupid thing to do. You would lose a good friend and someone to study with.
Summary (总结)
2 Decide which are the best ideas and put them into an order. Then write down your advice and explain how it will help. Each idea can make one paragraph. The following sample and the expressions may help you.