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为相似袁相似度为 99.7%~100%遥综上可见袁我国不同高粱产区的高粱炭疽病虽症状差异很大袁存在多种症状类型袁但其病原菌均为
亚线孢炭疽菌袁并非其他种类侵染所致遥 高粱炭疽病表现症状差异可能与不同地区种植的高粱品种基因型不同有关遥 通过研究解
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
Symptoms and Identification of the Causal Agent of Sorghum Anthracnose in China
沈阳农业大学学报袁圆园19袁50穴5雪院529-535 允燥怎则灶葬造 燥枣 杂澡藻灶赠葬灶早 粤早则蚤糟怎造贼怎则葬造 哉灶蚤增藻则泽蚤贼赠
http院//syny.cbpt.cnki.net DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1700.2019.05.003
徐 婧袁胡 兰袁刘可杰袁等.我国高粱炭疽病症状类型及其病原菌鉴定[J].沈阳农业大学学报袁2019袁50渊5冤院529-535.
病症状类型及其相应的病原菌种类袁为病害田间诊断和抗病育种提供理论指导袁于 2015~2017 年连续 3 年袁对我国 8 省 13 市高粱
将不同地区的高粱炭疽病症状分为玉尧域尧芋尧郁尧吁尧遇尧喻和峪等 8 种类型袁不同类型症状分布区域不同袁但并无规律性遥 采集不
XU Jing1, HU Lan1, LIU Ke-jie1, ZHANG Ming-hui2, JIANG Yu1, XU Xiu-de1
(1.Institute of Plant Protection, Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shenyang 110161, China曰 2.Vegetable Comprehensive Service Station of Tai An County, Taian Liaoning 114100, China)
Abstract院 Sorghum ant hracnose is one of the most serious diseases in sorghum production area of China, and severe yield losses of sorghum have been caused by the disease in some areas. In order to clarify the symptoms and its related pathogens of
sorghum anthracnose in China, and to provide guidance for disease diagnosis in the field and resistance breeding, in the 2015 to 2017, the occurrence of sorghum anthracnose in sorghum producing areas of 13 cities in 8 Province was investigated systematically. The results showed that the symptoms of sorghum anthracnose in different areas were varied greatly and it could be divided into 8 distinct symptom types according to the symptoms, lesion color, halo around the lesion, acervulus and conidia, but the distribution of the different symptoms was irregularity. Seventy -two samples of sorghum anthracnose with different symptoms from sorghum producing areas were collected and pathogen isolated, and 210 isolates were obtained. Meanwhile, the pathogen was identified by using the method of combining morphological identification with rDNA -ITS and 茁 -tublin gene sequence analysis. All characteristics of the isolates were similar to Colletotrichum sublineolum Henn. And BLASTn analysis of the rDNA -ITS and 茁 -tublin sequences showed 99.7% -100% confirmation to C. sublineolum. In conclusion, although the symptoms of sorghum anthracnose in China were varied greatly, the pathogen for eight symptomatic types were all identified as C. sublineolum. It was suggested that the different symptoms of sorghum anthracnose might be related to the different genotypes of sorghum varieties grown in different regions. In this study, the problem that the symptoms of sorghum anthracnose were difficult to diagnosis in the field has been solved, and these results had important application value for early warning and comprehensive control of the disease. Key words院 sorghum; Colletotrichum sublineolum; symptom type; rDNA-ITS; 茁-tublin 收稿日期院2018-12-10 基金项目院辽宁省博士启动基金项目 (20180540112)曰现代农业产业技术体系建设专项项目渊CARS-06-02-01冤 第一作者院徐 婧(1984-)袁女袁博士袁助理研究员袁从事高粱等作物病害研究袁E-mail: mljasmine2004@163.com 通信作者院姜 钰渊1978-冤袁女袁博士袁研究员袁从事高粱病害研究袁E-mail: jiangyumiss@163.com
同症状的高粱炭疽病标样 72 份袁进行病原菌分离纯化袁共获得高粱炭疽病菌 210 株袁并采用病菌形态学鉴定和 rDNA-ITS 及 茁-
tublin 基因序列分析相结合的技术对供试菌株进行鉴定遥 病菌培养性状尧 形态结构等均符合高粱炭疽病致病菌亚线孢炭疽菌
渊Colletotrichum sublineolum Henn.冤的形态特征遥 且供试高粱炭疽病菌 ITS 及 茁-tublin 序列均与 GenBank 中亚线孢炭疽菌序列极
徐 婧 1袁胡 兰 1袁刘可杰 1袁张明会 2袁姜 钰 1袁徐秀德 1
渊1.辽宁省农业科学院 植物保护研究所袁沈阳 110161曰2.台安县蔬菜综合服务站袁辽宁 台安 114100冤
摘 要院高粱炭疽病是近年来我国高粱产区严重发生的高粱病害袁局部地区已造成严重的高粱产量损失遥 为了明确我国高粱炭疽