



第一章1.0 简介为了计算气体的总能量、体积量和瞬时流量而设计了2000型气体测量修正仪。



为了计算气体流量,采用了以下几种计算气体压缩因子(Z因子)的方法,如:AGA 8,ISO12213和AGA 3 ,NX19。






修正仪有两个RS232/RS485串行数据通讯接口,为了能和系统的其他器件通讯,通讯协议为MODBUS ASCII,还有一个ASCII的串行通讯协议可以和大多数打印机通讯。





第二章2000型气体测量修正仪,它包括一个19英寸标准尺寸的安装支架(但只有1/2 宽),还包括和母板连接的许多接插件式的印刷电路板。



Marsh-McBirney的FLO-MATE 2000型便携式流速仪使用说明书(英译)

Marsh-McBirney的FLO-MATE 2000型便携式流速仪使用说明书(英译)

2000型FLO-MATE便携式流速仪使用说明书总体描述Marsh-McBirney 2000型FLO-MATE便携式流速仪是为野外和实验室内使用而设计。


































2000 系列测量仪常用配件:
● 外接《置零》和《清除》键模块; ● 外接 6V 蓄电池供电模块;车载供电和充电模块 ● 快速峰值测量模块 ● 两个继电器输出模块(继电器容量为 36V,0.2A) ● 模拟量 0~5V、0~10V 和 4~20mA 输出模块。 ● 多物理通道输入模块;位移检测附件 ● 3 线制无源隔离 RS232 通讯模块、2 线制异步(隔离)485 通讯模块 ●USB←→RS232 转接线,USB←→485 转接线 ● 内置 4~20mA 信号输入模块;内置微型打印机供电模块 ● 12V 或 24V 稳压输出模块,输出电流 50mA,能够为变送器提供工作电源
★前置信号放大模块:2000 型测量仪内置信号放大模块可对传感器输
出的应变比率信号进行放大转换, 为后级数据采集系统提供 0~10mA, 4~20mA 或 0~±5V 输入信号。
★无源隔离 RS232 模块:2000 型测量仪内置隔离 RS232 通讯模
块可实现计算机系统与仪表的完全电学隔离,消除由于外部设备相互影响所产 生的不稳定因素。
为 0.03%~0.1%级的高标准力值测量专用仪表、标准叠加式测力机和标准力值比 对应用,显示分度 60 万,重复性、线性<0.005%FS。
2000D0 经济适用的标准扭矩测量仪表:供桥激励电压 10VDC,适用于
当量准确度 0.3%级要求的标准扭矩计量,额定显示分度 10 万,重复性、线性 <0.01%FS,mV/V 准确度:0.020%+0.010%。配接快速峰值测量模块后能够用 于电动扳手的检验校准
2000D2 高标准扭矩测量仪表: 供桥激励电压 10VDC, 适用于当量准确度 0.1%
级的标准扭矩计量,额定显示分度 30 万,重复性、线性<0.01%FS,mV/V 准确 度:0.010%+0.010%。

TA INSTRUMENTS ARES-G2 和 AR 2000ex 流动性仪器说明书

TA INSTRUMENTS ARES-G2 和 AR 2000ex 流动性仪器说明书

•New Castle, DE USA +1-302-427-4000•Lindon, UT USA+1-801-763-1500•Hialeah, FL USA+1-305-828-4700•Crawley, United Kingdom +44-1293-658900•Shanghai, China +86-21-64956999•Taipei, Taiwan +88-62-25638880•Tokyo, Japan +81-3-5759-8500•Seoul, Korea +82-2-3415-1500•Bangalore, India +91-80-2319-4177-79•Paris, France +33-1-30-48-94-60•Eschborn, Germany +49-6196-400-600•Brussels, Belgium +32-2-706-0080•Etten-Leur, Netherlands +31-76-508-7270•Sollentuna, Sweden +46-8-555-11-521•Milano, Italy +39-02-265-0983•Barcelona, Spain +34-93-600-93-32•Melbourne, Australia +61-3-9553-0813•Mexico City, Mexico +52-55-52-00-18-60L OCAL O FFICES0000ARES-G 21235711143541AR R HEOMETERS15161718192021TM 27354115(1) Patent # 7,017,393 (2) Patent # 6,798,099 (3) Patent # 6,952,950Minimum Torque Oscillation CR 0.003 μN.mMinimum Torque Oscillation CS 0.003 μN.mMinimum Torque Steady CR 0.01 μN.mMinimum Torque Steady CS 0.01 μN.mMaximum Torque 200 mN.mTorque Resolution 0.1 nN.m [1]Motor Inertia 18 μN.m.sAngular Velocity Range CS 0 to 300 rad/sAngular Velocity Range CR 1.4E -9to 300 rad/sFrequency Range 7.5E -7to 628 rad/sDisplacement Resolution 25 nradStep Change in Velocity 7 msStep Change in Strain 30 msDirect Strain Control Standard [2]Thrust Bearing MagneticNormal/Axial Force Range 0.005 to 50 NSmart Swap™StandardSmart Swap Geometry StandardPeltier Plate -40 to 200 °C [3]Environmental Test Chamber (ETC)-160 to 600 °CETC Camera Viewer OptionalConcentric Cylinder -20 to 150 °C [3]Peltier ControlUpper Heated Plate -30 to 150 °C [3]Electrically Heated Plate (EHP)-70 to 400 °C Camera Option with StreamingVideo and Image Capture OptionalT ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONS16CR - Controlled Rate Mode CS - Controlled Stress Mode [1] Internal Resolution for D to A converter at torque of 0.1 µN.m [2] Direct Strain Control provides single cycle oscillation and continuous oscillations during experiments.[3] Lower temperature limits require use of a suitable fluid in an external circulator.1718Minimum Torque Oscillation CR 0.03 μN.mMinimum Torque Oscillation CS 0.1 μN.mMinimum Torque Steady CR 0.05 μN.mMinimum Torque Steady CS 0.1 μN.mMaximum Torque 200 mN.mTorque Resolution 1 nN.m [1]Motor Inertia 15 μN.m.sAngular Velocity Range CS 0 to 300 rad/sAngular Velocity Range CR 1E -8to 300 rad/sFrequency Range 7.5E -7to 628 rad/sDisplacement Resolution 40 nradStep Change in Velocity 25 msStep Change in Strain 60 msDirect Strain Control Standard [2]Thrust Bearing Porous Carbon AirNormal/Axial Force Range 0.005 to 50 NSmart Swap™StandardPeltier Plate -40 to 200 °C [3]Environmental Test Chamber (ETC)-160 to 600 °CConcentric Cylinder -20 to 150 °C [3]Peltier ControlUpper Heated Plate -30 to 150 °C [3]Electrically Heated Plate (EHP)-70 to 400 °CT ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONSCR - Controlled Rate Mode CS - Controlled Stress Mode [1] Internal Resolution for D to A converter at torque of 0.1 µN.m [2] Direct Strain Control provides single cycle oscillation and continuous oscillations during experiments.[3] Lower temperature limits require use of a suitable fluid in an external circulator.19Minimum Torque 0.1 μN.m Maximum Torque 150 mN.m Torque Resolution 1 nN.m [1]Motor Inertia15 μN.m.s Angular Velocity Range CS 0 to 300 rad/s Angular Velocity Range CR 1.00E -7to 300 rad/s Frequency Range 7.50E -7to 628 rad/sDisplacement Resolution 40 nrad Step Change in Velocity 25ms Step Change in Strain 6 0ms Thrust Air Bearing Porous Carbon Smart Swap TM Standard Peltier Plate -40 to 200 °C [2]Peltier Plate Camera Optional Peltier Concentric Cylinder -20 to 150 °C [2]Upper Heated Plate -30 to 150 °C [2]Electrical Heated Plates-70 to 400 °C[1] Internal Resolution for D to A converter at torque of 1 µN.m[2] Lower temperature limits require use of a suitable fluid in an external circulator.T ECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSAR T ECHNOLOGY The AR series represents a family of rheometers uniquely designed to deliver optimum system performance.6 R IGID O NE-P IECE A LUMINUM C ASTING& L INEAR B ALL S LIDEAR-G2 T ECHNOLOGYM AGNETIC T HRUST B EARINGWhy a magnetic bearing? Larger gaps in the absence of a continuous flow of pressurized air translates to unprecedented low levels of friction in the bearing. More importantly, the ability to control and measure torques in the nN.m range. No other rheometer can boast such low-end torque sensitivity. The larger gap in the thrust bearing is robust and not susceptible to contamination. The additional benefits of the magnetic bearing over traditional air bearing designs are the following:• Ultra low torques applied to the sample• Smaller sample volumes can be used• Ability to probe delicate material structures• Study of low viscosity materials over abroad range of conditionsP ATENTED D RAG C UP M OTOROur new patented advanced drag cup motor is designedto further reduce system friction by increasing the motor gap by 100%. Dramatic improvements in low end torque performance are realized without compromising high-end performance. The motor delivers enhanced transient response and an extended angular velocity control range. The motor incorporates a patented drag cup temperature sensor. For the first time in any rheometer design, the temperature of the drag cup is measured, ensuring the mostaccurate torque output.ACTIVE T EMPERATURE C ONTROL(ATC)The AR-G2 Electrically Heated Plate (EHP), Upper Heated Plate (UHP),and Dry Asphalt System all incorporate our new patented(1)non-con-tact temperature sensor for active measurement and control of theupper plate temperature, using a special draw rod. The draw rodhouses a micro PCB and Platinum Resistance Thermometer. AR-G2 T ECHNOLOGYICRO PCBP RIMARY CS ECONDARY C OIL HS SaS MART S WAP TM A CCESSORIESC ONCENTRIC C YLINDERConcentric Cylinders are commonly used for very low viscosity fluids,dispersions of limited stability, and applications where fluid/solventevaporation may be a problem. The Smart Swap Concentric Cylindersystem features Peltier temperature control and provides a temperaturerange of -20 to 150 °C with heating rates up to 15 °C/min.PPER H EATED P LATE(UHP)S MART S WAP TM A CCESSORIESE LECTRICALLY H EATED P LATES(EHP)The EHP is a Smart Swap TM temperature option that provides activeheating and cooling of parallel plate and cone and plategeometries. The EHP is perfect for rheological characterization ofpolymer melts up to a maximum temperature of 400 °C. Otherfeatures include an environmental cover and heated purge gasand an optional Gas Cooling Accessory for temperature controlto -70˚C. An optional clear purge cover is available for sampleviewing and integration with camera viewer. Additionally, for theAR-G2, the EHP offers patented Smart Swap G eometries andnewly patented Active Temperature Control, ATC. ATC makes theAR-G2 EHP the only electrically heated plate system capable ofdirect temperature control of both the upper and lower plates.30S MART S WAP TM A CCESSORIES3133D YNAMIC I NTERFACIAL S HEAR R HEOLOGY U SING THE AR-G2The dynamic interfacial shear moduli G’ and G” are used to monitor the network structure build-up, resulting from the adsorption of proteins at the interface. Proteins unfold at the interface and, therefore, are crucial to the stability of emulsions and foams. The measurement is done with a Du Noüy Ring, positioned at the interface of two liquids, or a liquid and air in a circular glass dish. The ultra-sensitive,nano-torque range of the AR-G2 rheometer is required to make these measurements. Figure 1 shows the dynamic storage modulus of this material continuously increases as the protein migrates to the surface and forms a network structure.0.030.0250.020.0150.010.0050 050100 150time (minutes)G ‘, G ’’ (N /m )34F LOW C URVE FOR D ISPERSIONS F LOW C URVE FOR P OLYMERSV ISCOELASTIC P ROPERTIES S TRAIN S WEEPD YNAMIC M ECHANICAL P ROPERTIES OF S OLIDS IN T ORSION T RANSIENT T ESTS(C REEP AND S TRESS R ELAXATION)D YNAMIC O SCILLATION ON L OW V ISCOSITY F LUIDS U SING ARES AR-G2 N ANO-T ORQUEM EASUREMENTS IN S TRESS& S TRAIN C ONTROL O SCILLATIONS TRESS AND S HEAR R ATE R AMPSE XTENSIONAL V ISCOSITYM EASUREMENTS ON ARESC REEP AND R ECOVERY OF A V ISCOELASTIC F LUIDS TRESS G ROWTH IN A T RANSIENT S TEP R ATE E XPERIMENT41© 2009 TA Instruments. All rights reserved.。



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[ 警 告]
本装置内部存在高压电(450 V)部分。为防止触电,在保养•检查本装置时, 请务必先关闭[POWER]开关并拔掉电源线,然后再卸下顶盖。
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9.输入输出系统 ..................................................................................................................... 47 9.1.记录仪输出 .............................................................................................................. 47 9.2.打印机(选购件) .................................................................................................. 49 9.3.RS-232C ................................................................................................................... 50 9.4.EXT-UNIT................................................................................................................ 55



























接着点击量程标定,打开SO2样气瓶,将解压阀打开,直至指针指到0.3Mpa,回到OMA表点击预标定,调节样气流量调节中的浮球,利用旋钮将其控制在刻度1至1.5 L/min之间,同时保证OMA仪表界面上的气室压力在90—105kpa之间,待测量浓度数值稳定,不出现大的跳动时,点击确认标定,关掉样气瓶开关。


德国技术 检漏专家
德国技术 检漏专家
欢迎使用我们的产品,本产品采用德国先进检漏技术及优良器件制造而成,我们 深信其性能一定会满足您的期望! 1 正常使用一年内出现质量问题,公司将提供免费维修和更换部件. 2 由于非正常使用,打开机壳主体,公司不予免费维修. 1 检测全部含卤素的制冷剂. 2 独具灵敏度手动调节功能,方便实用. 3 电路设计精巧独特,可靠性高. 4 电光报警指示. 5 采用优质传感器,能发现细微泄漏的卤素气体. 6 便携式设计并配有手提包,携带方便. 7 任意弯曲的长柄探头可检测任意位置的漏源. 3 出现问题后可先按说明书进行自我检查,不能解决问题的,可邮至我公司维修. 4 购买仪器后,请于30日内将质量反馈单邮回本公司以便存档
1 能够检测空调,冷冻系统和冷媒回收装置.仪器对所有的卤素气体 (包括氯和氟)起反应,但还不局限这些: CFCs例如R12,R11,R500,R503等 HCFCs例如R22,R123,R124,R502等 HCFCs例如R134a,R404a,R125等 2 检测医用设备上的乙烯氧化物气体漏孔(检测卤素推进器) 3 检测高压开关中的SF-6 4 检测大部分氟,氯,溴(卤素气体) 5 检测灭火系统中的哈龙气体
德国技术 检漏专家
手动灵敏度调校:当周围环境严重污染时,仪器可通过灵敏度调节旋钮来消除 周围卤素气体的影响,从而做到在含有一定浓度卤素气体的环境中检测出浓度更大 的漏源. 1 第一次使用检漏仪时,应先安装4节7#碱性电池. 2 顺时针打开电源开关,仪器刚打开时,发出一种固定的缓慢的嗒,嗒声,红色 信号指示灯一明一暗,这表示仪器处于一种正常工作状态. 3 平衡调节:顺时针旋转灵敏度调节旋钮,直到听到连续的啸叫声,同时红色信 号指示灯也为明亮状态,然后缓缓地逆时针旋转灵敏度调节旋钮,当连续的啸 叫声刚好转为嗒,嗒声时,停止调节,此时仪器处于高灵敏度状态,现在进行 检测,效果最佳.(灵敏点的调节与测试灵敏度关系密切,应仔细调校). 4 检测时,首先用眼睛目测冷剂系统,寻找有冷剂流出痕迹的地方,损坏,被腐 蚀的管道,软管,构件,每个有问题的区域都应用探头仔细检测,还有如连接 部分,软管与管道的连接,冷剂控制件,用螺母封口的部件,铜管和焊缝部件, 连接件周围区域和拼紧的部件. 5 小心在检测很脏的部位时,不要碰到探头,如果被检测部位特别脏或被冷剂染 过,请用于毛巾揩拭或用压缩机吹净,不能用清洁剂和溶剂拭,因为仪器对它 们的化学成分起反应. 6 在冷剂系统中,应顺着连贯的路径检测,不至于遗漏孔,如果找到一漏孔,一 定要继续检测所剩的部分.检漏时,探头要围绕被检部件移动,速率不于 25~50mm/s,并且离表面距离不大于5mm,要完整地围绕部件移动,这样才能达 到最佳检测效果,有啸叫声表示找到了漏孔. 7 此时应把仪器拿开,重新调节灵敏度旋钮到灵敏度最高处,对刚刚检测的部位, 仔细地再检查一遍,确定漏孔的确切位置.为延长电池使用寿命及避免仪器在 灵敏度最高处误报警,建议在使用中应经常调节灵敏度,仪器不检测时,应随 时关机.

MS2000 QC验货手册

MS2000 QC验货手册

MS2000 QC验货手册1. 引言本手册为MS2000 QC验货操作的手册,在进行验货前,请仔细阅读本手册以了解验货的详细步骤和要求。


2. 验货流程2.1 准备工作在进行验货前,需要进行以下准备工作:1.确保验货场地整洁,没有杂物干扰;2.准备好验货工具,包括但不限于:计量工具、外观检查工具、功能测试工具;3.确保验货员已经熟悉了产品的技术规格和验货要求。

2.2 外观检查在进行外观检查时,应注意以下事项:1.检查产品是否有破损、划痕、凹陷等缺陷;2.核对产品的外观和色彩与样品或规格要求是否一致;3.检查产品的标识和包装是否符合规定。

2.3 计量检查在进行计量检查时,应注意以下事项:1.使用准确的计量工具进行测量,如计量尺、电子秤等;2.核对产品的尺寸、重量等参数与样品或规格要求是否一致;3.记录测量结果并与要求进行比照分析。

2.4 功能测试在进行功能测试时,应注意以下事项:1.根据产品的功能要求,使用适当的测试工具进行测试;2.检查各项功能是否正常运作,如开关、按钮、接口等;3.记录测试结果并与要求进行比照分析。

3. 结果记录与处理验货完成后,需要进行结果记录与处理:1.将验货结果记录在验货报告中,包括外观检查、计量检查和功能测试的结果;2.针对发现的问题,及时与供给商进行沟通,协商解决方案;3.对验货结果进行评估,并分析产生问题的原因;4.根据评估结果,对供给商进行评级和反响。

4. 验货本卷须知在进行MS2000产品的验货时,应注意以下事项:1.验货应在充足的光线下进行,以确保检查的准确性;2.验货过程中需仔细按照要求操作,不得有过度或不充分的操作;3.对于外观检查和计量检查,需要使用专业的工具进行准确检测;4.验货员需要经过专业培训,了解产品的技术规格和验货要求;5.在验货过程中,要及时记录和处理问题,确保及时沟通解决。

THOMMEN 2000中文说明书

THOMMEN 2000中文说明书

操作说明书1、说明在国际市场上,微型THOMMEN 2000高度计-气压计是最好的仪器之一。

现在你拥有一台THOMMEN 2000,就应该很好的使用它。


THOMMEN 2000除了能被放在口袋或用绳子挂在脖子上,还可以借助支架放在书桌或桌面上,也可以贴到墙上或你的汽车仪表板上(见第4部分—附件)。



任何一款THOMMEN 2000被带到海拔1500m(50000英尺)的地方,其所有功能都不会损坏。



THOMMEN 2000的刻度不仅用气压单位而且也用高度单位校准过,所以在它上面能直接读海拔。








THOMMEN 2000是经过温度补偿的,换句话说,在温度变化而气压没有变化的情况下,读数不会发生变化。


3、操作使用THOMMEN 2000时涉及到仅有的步骤是通过旋转暴露在仪器顶部和底部的锯齿状调整环,调节海拔和气压环境瞬间变化。



Infrared RefrigerantLeak DetectorCFCs, HFCs, HCFC Blends,and HFO-1234YFOperator’s ManualPatent 7,022,993March 31, 2017P/N: 0019-9372Revision 1 Product Leadership ∙ Training ∙ Service ∙ ReliabilityTru Pointe® IR Refrigerant Leak DetectorWarrantyBacharach, Inc. warrants to Buyer that at the time of delivery this Product will be free from defects in material and manufacture and will conform substantially to Bacharach Inc.’s applicable specifications. Bacharach’s liability and Buyer’s remedy under this warranty are limited to the rep air or replacement, at Bacharach’s option, of this Product or parts thereof returned to Seller at the factory of manufacture and shown to Bacharach Inc.’s reasonable satisfaction to have been defective; provided that written notice of the defect shall have been given by Buyer to Bacharach Inc. within one (1) year after the date of delivery of this Product by Bacharach, Inc.Bacharach, Inc. warrants to Buyer that it will convey good title to this Product. Bacharach’s liability and Buyer’s remedy under this warranty of title are limited to the removal of any title defects or, at the election of Bacharach, to the replacement of this Product or parts thereof that are defective in title.THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES ARE EXCLUSIVE AND ARE GIVEN AND ACCEPTED IN LIEU OF (I) ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE: AND (II) ANY OBLIGATION, LIABILITY, RIGHT, CLAIM OR REMEDY IN CONTRACT OR TORT, WHETHER OR NOT ARISING FROM BACHARACH’S NEGLIGENCE, ACTUAL OR IMPLIED. The remedies of the Buyer shall be limited to those provided herein to the exclusion of any and all other remedies including, without limitation incidental or consequential damages. No agreement varying or extending the foregoing warranties, remedies or this limitation will be binding upon Bacharach, Inc. unless in writing, signed by a duly authorized officer of Bacharach.ALL GOODS MUST BE SHIPPED TO BACHARACH BY PREPAID FREIGHT. ALL RETURNED GOODS MUST BE PRE-AUTHORIZED BY OBTAINING A RETURN MERCHANDISE AUTHORIZATION (RMA) NUMBER. CONTACT BACHARACH FOR A NUMBER AND PROCEDURES REQUIRED FOR PRODUCT TRANSPORT.Register Your Warranty by VisitingProduct improvements and enhancements are on-going, therefore the specifications and information contained in this document may change without notice. Bacharach, Inc. shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without the prior written consent of Bacharach, Inc.Copyright © 2014-2017, Bacharach, Inc.All rights reserved.BACHARACH® is a registered trademark of Bacharach, Inc. All other trademarks, trade names, service marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective owners.Tru Pointe IR Refrigerant Leak DetectorTABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION 1.INTRODUCTION (4)1.1. Product Overview (4)1.2. General Safety Precautions (5)1.3. Lithium Battery Care and Safety (5)1.4. Components (6)1.5. Specifications (7)SECTION 2.OPERATION (8)2.1. Charging the Lithium-Ion Battery (8)2.2. Buttons 92.3. LED Indicators (10)2.4. Sensitivity Settings (11)2.5. Probe Selection (12)2.6. Leak Detection (12)SECTION 3.MAINTENANCE (15)3.1. Filter Replacement (15)3.2. Replacement Parts and Accessories (15)Tru Pointe® IR Refrigerant Leak Detector SECTION 1. INTRODUCTION1.1. Product OverviewTru Pointe®IR is a hand-held refrigerant gas detector that uses infrared technology and combines sensitivity, portability, and ease of use to detect CFCs, HFCs, HCFC blends, and HFO-1234YF in HVAC/R applications. Features include the following:∙Sensitivity <0.1 oz/yr (3 g/yr) (exceeds SAE J2791 standard)∙Adjustable squelch feature (low, medium, and high sensitivity)∙Additional Background Mode for maximum sensitivity to pick up low-level leaks in areas heavily contaminated with refrigerant∙Never needs to be calibrated (automatically adjusts to ambient conditions of an area that may have background refrigerant gases present)∙LED bar graph display with audible feedback and mute option∙Peak reading display∙Rechargeable lithium-ion battery with low battery alert∙Dual charging capabilities (AC adapter and DC cigarette lighter)∙Rugged housing with rubber boot and magnetic clip∙15” flexible probe with a 9” flexible extension and 9” rigid extension∙Replaceable filter (limits moisture and contaminants)∙30-second self-test and calibration at start-up∙Molded plastic carrying case.Figure 1. Tru Pointe® IRTru Pointe® IR Refrigerant Leak Detector1.2. General Safety PrecautionsKNOW YOUR EQUIPMENT! Before operating this unit, please read thismanual in its entirety. It is important that you have a thoroughunderstanding of the procedures outlined in this manual. Failure tofollow these procedures could void all manufacturer warranties. Also,read and understand the labels affixed to the unit. Learn theapplication and limitations as well as the specific potential hazards ofyour equipment.CAUTION! Avoid breathing high concentrations of refrigerant vapors.Inhalation of high concentrations is harmful and may cause heartirregularities, unconsciousness, or death.WARNING! To prevent personal injury and/or equipment damage:∙Read, understand, and follow all warnings stated in the Lithium Battery Care section of this manual.∙DO NOT charge the battery with any charger other than the chargers supplied with the unit.∙DO NOT use the instrument without a clean filter correctly installed in the tip.∙DO NOT draw moisture in through the probe.1.3. Lithium Battery Care and SafetyThe Tru Pointe® IR instrument operates on a lithium-ion type NP-120 battery. To promote the longest possible battery life and safe operation, and to prevent personal injury and/or equipment damage, observe all warnings.WARNING!Do not disassemble or attempt to repair the battery orprotective circuit.WARNING! Do not expose the battery to temperatures above 140︒ F(60︒ C).WARNING! Do not charge the battery near a fire or in a hot vehicle orin direct sunlight.WARNING! Do not solder directly on the battery.WARNING! Do not subject the battery to impact.Tru Pointe® IR Refrigerant Leak DetectorWARNING!Do not expose the battery to moisture or immerse it in fluid.WARNING! Do not deform, pierce, or damage the battery.WARNING!Do not touch a battery that is leaking electrolytes. If battery fluid should get in your eyes, flush with fresh water, do not rub eyes, and see a physician immediately.WARNING! Do not use a battery if it is deformed, smells bad, changes color, or appears abnormal. Return the unit for a replacement battery immediately.1.4. ComponentsFigure 2. Tru Pointe® IR ComponentsTru Pointe® IR Refrigerant Leak Detector 1.5. SpecificationsTru Pointe® IR Refrigerant Leak Detector SECTION 2. OPERATION2.1. Charging the Lithium-Ion BatteryIMPORTANT! Avoid discharging the battery completely. Recharging a partially discharged battery more frequently is better for the life of a lithium-ion battery.To recharge the Tru Pointe® IR instrument follow the instructions below.Figure 3. AC (Wall Outlet) and DC (Vehicle) Chargers Plug one end of the charger into the power source (wall outlet or acar’s cigarette lighter outlet).NOTE! When the battery is low, the LOW-BATT LED will illuminate.IMPORTANT!Be sure to fully charge the battery before using the instrument for the first time. The unit was packaged and shipped from the factory with the battery only partially charged.Tru Pointe IR Refrigerant Leak Detector2.2. ButtonsFigure 4. ButtonsTru Pointe® IR Refrigerant Leak Detector 2.3. LED IndicatorsFigure 5. LED Indicators2.4. Sensitivity SettingsThe Tru Pointe® IR has four sensitivity settings used to detect refrigerant leaks: Low, Medium, High (default at start-up), and Background.Use the high sensitivity setting to detect refrigerant leaks as small as 0.1 oz/yr (3 g/yr). Medium and low sensitivity settings can also be used for progressively larger leaks. Change this setting using the L/M/H button based on your preference, suspected leak type, and particular application. Consecutive presses of the L/M/H button will toggle the instrument through these three modes.NOTE! Generally, a retest is advisable when a leak is discovered usingthe most sensitive settings or if the probe was in a static position whenthe leak was discovered. In these cases, repeat the test ensuring theprobe moves past the suspected leak location while maintaining thesmallest possible gap between the suspected leak point and the tip ofthe probe. Also, consider using the Medium sensitivity position of thedetector after finding an apparent leak with the High sensitivity setting.A fourth sensitivity setting is Background Mode. Background Mode is the most sensitive operating mode of the Tru Pointe® IR. In this mode, the instrument will trigger on extremely small refrigerant levels as well as sudden probe movements.∙With the instrument in High sensitivity mode, quickly press the Peak button 4 times in succession to put the Tru Pointe® IR into BackgroundMode∙The first (left most) LED in the bar graph display will blink quickly when in Background Mode∙The leak detection tone will change from a tick to a steady tone when in Background Mode∙To exit the Background Mode, quickly press the PEAK button 4 times in succession, or switch from High sensitivity mode to one of the otherlevels.2.5. Probe SelectionThe Tru Pointe®IR has a 15"(38.1 cm) flexible probe. For applications requiring additional reach, this probe may be extended using the 9" (22.9 cm) flexible probe extension. For targeted detection in confined locations, the 9"(22.9 cm) rigid “needle” probe extension may be used. Use an O-ring between probes, the probe tip, and any extensions (if used).Figure 6. Flexible and Rigid Probe Extensions2.6. Leak DetectionNOTE! The Tru Pointe® IR instrument detects changes in concentrationof refrigerant, not the absolute concentration of refrigerant. Thisallows the detection of leaks in locations that may have refrigerant inthe air, however, be sure to keep the probe tip moving during testing.NOTE! Some leaks may not be measurable if the pressure in the HVACsystem is too low. In such cases, you may need to charge the systemwith sufficient refrigerant to have a gauge pressure of at least 340 kPa(50 psi) with the system off.WARNING! The Tru Pointe® IR instrument is sensitive and can take upto 30 seconds to clear after detecting a small amount of contaminant.It will typically clear in 2 to 15 seconds.WARNING!Do not use cleaning agents or solvents on or near A/Clines. Wipe away any dirt or potential false-trigger chemicals using adry towel.To perform refrigerant leak detection, follow the instructions below.NOTE! Use shop air or compressed air to quickly clear a suspected area of refrigerant build-up, and then re-test. Do not use commercially available “canned” air to clear refrigerant build -up as it uses refrigerant as a propellant and will further contaminate the immediate area.Figure 7. Probe “Sweeping” Method for Detecting Refrigerant LeaksFigure 8. Sample Refrigerant Path for Testing LeaksSECTION 3. MAINTENANCE3.1. Filter ReplacementA filter located in the tip of the wand blocks moisture and other contaminants from the sensor. When this filter becomes wet, it restricts the flow of air and must be replaced. To replace the filter, follow the steps below.NOTE! Use only replacement filters supplied by Bacharach.3.2. Replacement Parts and AccessoriesWorld Headquarters621 Hunt Valley Circle, New Kensington, Pennsylvania 15068 Phone: 724-334-5000 • Toll Free: 1-800-736-4666 • Fax: 724-334-5001Website: • E-mail:********************。



通用检漏仪培训教材(FLD-2000A、FLD-2002A)一、结构组成;自备仪器(FLD-2000A)(1).控制面板功能介绍1.灵敏度档位调节; 2.泄漏显示表;3.流量计;4.预热指示灯;5.电源开关;6.灵每度高低设定开关;7.自动零点调整器;8.调零方式9.手动零点调整器;10.探测头插口;(2).调节功能介绍11.保护把手; 12.蜂鸣器; 13.流量调节阀; 14.220V电源; 15.报警调节;16.音量调节; 17报警信号输出; 18.保险丝3A;(3).吸枪结构19.吸入导管; 20.吸枪手柄; 21.连接头; 22.中部联接件1; 23.过滤器; 24.中间联接件2; 25.端部接头; 26.前端盖; 27.吸气嘴;(FLD-2002A)(1).控制面板功能介绍1.显示器;2.流量计;3.探测头;4.菜单按钮;5.增大按钮;6.减小按钮;7.确认按钮; 8.电源开关;(2).调节功能介绍9.护柄; 10.扬声器; 11.流量阀; 12.电源插座; 13.保险座220V/3A;(3).吸枪结构14.吸入导管; 15.吸枪手柄; 16.传感件; 17.中间联接件1; 18.过滤器;19.中部联接件2; 20.端部接头; 21.前端盖; 22吸气嘴;二、仪器运行系统简介(1).概要FLD-2000A型通用冷媒电子检漏仪是新一代的卤素气体泄漏检测器,用于检测密闭系统泄漏.主要检测传统卤素冷媒、欧美等国家环保冷媒(如R22、R134A、R407C、R410A、R404A)等;检漏灵敏度高反应速度快。

(2).工作原理:气体采样系统→传感器→信号放大器→泄漏显示、报警↑灵敏度调节FLD-2000A型通用冷媒电子检漏仪由气体采样系统、传感器、信号放大运算回路、调节回路和显示报警回路组成.通过气体采样吸入导管,经两级过滤器与精密流量调节阀,有效隔离吸入的氧化皮、灰尘以及湿空气,进入传感器将气体浓度分辩转化为数字输入信号放大器内(如冷媒泄漏浓度未超出设定标准,则不报警,如超出则报警);三、使用操作方法(1). 检漏前的准备将电源开关打开,电源指示灯和预热指示灯亮,经3分钟预热后指示灯灭,表示预热状态已结束,将仪器设定在规定的档位上,目视流量计的流量稳定在”200mL/min”.显示器显示为”0.00”.确定仪器运行正常无故障,方可以进行正常的检漏工作;(注:预热过程中请不要搬动仪器或直接进行检漏)(2).仪器灵每度的校准首先,请确认校准环境中没有卤素气体存在,按所需的检漏精度调整冷媒标准漏孔的漏率,将漏率设为1g/年;灵敏度的设置,高量程(H)的第5档为仪器的最高灵敏度,低量程(L)的第1档为仪器的最低灵敏度.将检漏仪的吸嘴对着距离标准漏孔3-5mm约2秒钟.将吸嘴移开,吸入冷媒后仪器报警则正常,不报警仪器则坏;在平时使用仪器过程中,使用人员校验仪器时,将吸嘴用手堵住或轻轻吹几口气来判断仪器的灵敏度,如仪器报警则正常,不报警则坏;这种校验方法是不科学的.(3).检漏请在符合本仪器使用条件无污染的环境中使用该检漏仪.检验时沿着被检物(即铜管与铜管间的焊接点)表面移动吸枪,被检物与吸枪的距离为1—3mm,(经高温处理后的铜管会产生一定的氧化皮,避免与吸枪直接相碰吸入氧化皮将吸枪管道堵塞)移动速度小于或等于5CM/秒.如泄漏指示数码显示器数值有波动,请让吸枪再一次在附近检查,当泄漏指示数码显示器的读数连续增大,且仪器发出报警声,此时吸枪所对准的位置即为漏点.使用时要注意:吸枪的前端与被检查物体的距离太远,移动速度太快都会影响检漏灵敏度;吸枪吸入卤素气体且仪器发出报警后,不要让其继续过多地吸入卤素气体.,应及时吸入新鲜空气,待泄漏指示表的指数回到零后,再做下一次检漏;如果吸枪吸入高浓度卤素气体时,需及时吸入新鲜空气,泄漏显示表回到0.00所需的时间也会较长.四、注意事项、维护及保养注意事项(1).使用通用冷媒电子检漏仪由精密部件组成,请不要在下列场所使用:*有强烈振动或间断性振动的场所;*高温\潮湿场所;*直射阳光下;*离取暖器较近处;*有严重灰尘的地方;(2).使用通用冷媒电子检漏仪可靠操作和不受意外损坏,应将仪器安放妥当,吸气管不要跨越其它机器或被其它物品压过,不在使用时,吸枪不随意放置在地板上.不要弯曲吸枪;(3).不要让未经培训的人员拆开仪器,出机故障时,必须交由有维修资源共享格的人员修理;维护及保养(1).定时用标准漏孔校准检漏仪的灵敏度;(2).定期清洁过滤器、吸枪探头以及仪器设备外壳上的灰尘;(3).清洁吸枪导管时请不要用口气来吹,可以用压缩空气或高压氮气清洁导管内杂物;五、常见故障及处理方法(1).采样气体注量不稳定或降低,请检查吸枪的过滤器是否有被杰尘阻塞,必要时及时更换过滤器;(2).如果检漏仪不能正常工作,请按下表方法检查.。

上海绎捷自动化 R2000 智能仪表 说明书

上海绎捷自动化 R2000 智能仪表 说明书

R2000智能仪表说明书上海绎捷自动化科技有限公司说明书V1.0.0 2011R2000无纸记录仪- 1 -前言非常感谢使用本公司生产的无纸记录仪。



装箱清单序号名称单位数量备注1 无纸记录仪台 1 2 说明书本 1 3 安装支架(含螺钉) 根 2 4 产品合格证/保修卡 份 15 优盘个 可选配件 6 RS-232C 通讯线 根 可选配件 7 RS-485/CAN 通讯线 根 可选配件 8 RS-232C/485转换模块 个 可选配件 9 RS-232C/CAN 转换模块 个 可选配件 10 上位机软件(光盘) 张 1 11微型打印机台可选配件R2000无纸记录仪- 2 -注意事项请勿自行拆卸、加工、改造和修理仪器本仪表适用于一般工业场合,如有特殊的使用要求请另行设置保护装置为保证仪表安全工作,请使用额定电压的供电电源,正确接线,妥善接地,接通电源后,请不要触摸仪表后部的接线端子,以防触电为了您和仪表的安全,请勿带电安装本无纸记录仪是非安防爆产品,切勿在有可燃或爆炸性气体的环境中使用记录仪的安装位置请保证通风顺畅仪表在靠近电源动力线,强电场,强磁场或交流接触器干扰的场合应采取相应的屏蔽措施为避免测量误差,传感器是热电偶时,请使用相应的补偿导线传感器是热电阻时,要使用三根规格相同而且电阻值小于10Ω的铜导线,否则会造成测量误差擦拭仪表时请用干净软布,切勿蘸取酒精、汽油等有机溶剂;如果仪表进水,请立即断电,停止使用为延长仪表的使用寿命,请定期进行保养和维护开箱时如发现仪表因运输而致的破损,请与厂家联系请严格按照说明书的各项说明进行操作,否则可能损坏仪表的保护装置R2000无纸记录仪- 3 -目 录第一章 概 述......................................5 第二章 功能特点....................................5 第三章 技术指标....................................6 第四章 安装与接线..................................8 4.1 仪表尺寸.....................................8 4.2 端子接线.....................................8 4.3交流电源220VAC 输入接线......................9 4.4输入/输出信号接线............................9 4.5继电器触点输出接线..........................10 4.6馈电24VDC 传感器供电 .......................10 4.7通讯接线....................................11 第五章 键盘功能与运行画面.........................12 5.1 键盘功能....................................12 5.2 总貌画面............. ......................13 5.3 实时趋势............. ......................14 5.4 历史趋势....................................15 5.5 数据备份....................................16 5.6 报警信息....................................17 5.7 掉电信息....................................19 第六章 组态及辅助操作.............................20 6.1系统组态....................................21 6.2通道组态....................................23 6.3功能组态 (25)R2000无纸记录仪- 4 -6.4辅助界面 (27)第七章 故障分析及排除.............................28 第八章 服务指南...................................28 附录一 通讯.......................................30 附录1.1 RS-232C 通讯方式.......................30 附录1.2 RS-485 通讯方式........................30 附录1.3 CAN 通讯方式...........................31 附录1.4 无线通讯方式...........................32 附录二 变送组态...................................33 附录三 流量组态...................................34 附录四 累积组态.. (40)R2000无纸记录仪- 5 -第一章 概 述本系列无纸记录仪以其友好大方的显示画面、简单灵活的操作方式、丰富多彩的可选功能配置,在各行业中获得了极其广泛的应用。


1. 安全注意事项
·使用本仪器前,务必详细阅读本手册的安全信息(本节)和手册 其它地方的警告信息。如果不按照本手册规定的方式使用仪器,会损 坏本仪器,甚至造成人身伤害。
·当本仪器过热、显示关机信息(LCD 屏幕上显示“警告!立即断 开电源!立即取下测试夹!”)或有任何异常情况,必须立即断开本 仪器电源开关,并从被测电池上取下测试夹(棒)。
SBM-2000 正面按键图
显示数据或操作信息。 红色:电源接通; 不亮:仪器电池需充电。 进入或退出当前屏幕。 未进入屏幕时,显示上一个屏幕; 进入屏幕时,左移光标。 未进入屏幕时,显示下一个屏幕; 进入屏幕时,右移光标。 进入或退出设置编辑状态;
“上”键 上/↑
“下”键 下/↓
多节测试中转换 3 种模式:V, R, VR。 未进入屏幕时,显示上一个屏幕; 进入屏幕时,上移光标; 在编辑状态,增大输入的数值。 未进入屏幕时,显示下一个屏幕; 进入屏幕时,下移光标; 在编辑状态,减小输入的数值。 启动电阻测试或记录多节电池的电压值。
3.6 下载数据
使用 SBM 软件可将多节测试的数据下载到电脑里。
3.7 数据管理及处理
SBM 软件可以管理大量测试数据,通过直方图和变化趋势 曲线直观、形象地显示数据。并对超过正常范围的数据报 警。还可生成明了的测试报告。
4. 用户界面
LCD 显示屏 电源指示灯
“选择”键 “左”键 左/← “右”键 右/→ “转换”键
3.3 单节测试
有时用户只需检查个别电池,无需下载数据到电脑中。为 这种简单测试,本仪器提供单节测试功能。测试结果显示 在 LCD 屏幕上,只存储最后一次的测试数据(内阻、连接 电阻、测试电流)。单节测试能实时监测电池电压。电阻 测试后,自动计算内阻对基值的增加比率,并估算电池容 量。


• Testing of Low Value Resistors, Fuses, Squibs, and Heating Elements
• Winding Resistance of Motors, Transformers, Solenoids, and Ballasts
• Conductivity Evaluation in Product Design
Test Signal: Besides the standard DC test signal, the LR2000 provides a signal reversal mode for eliminating thermal EMF's, and pulsed current mode for minimizing errors caused by device heating.
Zeroing: An automatic zeroing functions reduces the effects of lead resistance through the front panel 4-terminal Kelvin connection.
Interfaces: For remote control, or adaptation to a production type environment, the LR2000 includes an RS-232 interface. An optional IEEE-488 and Handler interface is also available.
±(0.1% of rdg + .006m ) ±(0.05% of rdg + .06m ) ±(0.05% of rdg + .6m ) ±(0.05% of rdg + 6m ) ±(0.05% of rdg + 40m ) ±(0.05% of rdg + .2 ) ±(0.1% of rdg + 2 ) ±(0.2% of rdg + 20 ) ±(0.4% of rdg + 200 )


11 lpm(0.03至3.2 gpm) • 安装简单 • 用于简单管道接头连接的1/4英寸NPT或ISO螺纹 • 测量不透明和透明液体 • 低压降 • 标准电缆7.6米(25英尺)
• English • 中文
保修声明 .................................................................................................................2 产品注册 .................................................................................................................2 化学兼容性 .............................................................................................................2 安全信息 .................................................................................................................2 尺寸 .........................................................................................................................2 规格 .........................................................................................................................3 兼容仪器接线 .........................................................................................................3 推荐的传感器位置 ................................................................................................3 传感器安装说明 ....................................................................................................4 配件安装 .................................................................................................................4 K系数 .......................................................................................................................4 订购信息 .................................................................................................................4

FCM2000质量流量计中文手册(V 0.7)

FCM2000质量流量计中文手册(V 0.7)
z 流体的允许压力和允许温度可在附属文档中查到。必须注意工厂铭牌上的规格。 z 不可超过规定的最大和最小操作温度。 z 不可超过规定的环境温度范围。 z 外壳保护等级符合 EN60529 IP67。
1.1.4 允许介质
z 只有根据技术信息或用户的使用经验能够确认的介质才可以被测量,并且接触介质的 部件(过程连接、测量管道)对介质的抗化学和物理能力不会在仪表的使用寿命中受 到负面影响。
本铭牌包括铭牌a)中的大部分内容,除了以下区 别:
根据PED/DGRL中第3章第3节,压力设备上没有CE标志。 此例外的原因在PED/DGRL中第3章第3节中有描述。 压力设备被分类为SEP(良好的工程实例)。
c) 标准转换器典型铭牌
订单号 完整型号 电源电压 最大功率 流量计尺寸和防护等级 过程连接和压力等级 流量计管道材料 标定因子 标定精度 最大流速 允许的介质温度
铭牌包括下列规格: CE-标志(认证机构的标志编号),证明仪表(压 力设备)符合PED/DGRL的要求。



5300 Business Drive Huntington Beach, CA 92649USAPhone: 714-893-8529 FAX: 714-894-9492E mail:********************or **************************Website: Blue-WhiteIndustries, Ltd.F-2000Page 2TABLE OF CONTENTSSection Heading Page1.0 Features 32.0 Applications 33.0 Specifications 33.1 Physical 33.2 Dimensional Drawing 43.3 Temperature vs. Pressure Graph 44.0 Flow ranges 55.0 Mounting Options 66.0 Electrical Wiring Connections 86.1 Enclosure Knock-Out Instructions 86.2 Optional Circuit Board Installation 86.3 Model RT Circuit Board Wiring 96.4 Model FHXX and FCXX Sensor Wiring 107.0 Operation 117.1 Theory of operation 117.2 Model RT Operation 117.2.1 Model RT Applications 117.2.2 Model RT Features 127.2.3 How to Determine Calibration Constants 127.2.4 Programming the Model RT 157.2.5 Calibration Constants 167.3 Programming flow chart 188.0 Maintenance 198.1 Troubleshooting 19F-2000 parts list 20...F-2000 exploded view 21F-2000 Page 31.0 FEATURES2.0APPLICATIONS!Battery powered rate and total!Extended battery life mode (screen blanks after 30 seconds)!Easy to read, eight digit LCD display!Installs quickly on existing pipe!Factory programmed!Field programmable front panel push buttons!No pressure drop !Weather resistant enclosure (NEMA 4X) !Corrosion resistant PVDF sensor!Corrosion resistant ABS enclosure!High accuracy!Extended flow range!Front panel security lockout!Minimal maintenance required3.0 SPECIFICATIONS3.1 PhysicalMaximum Working Pressure..................300 psig (20.7 bar)o oMaximum fluid temperature....................200 F (93 C) - saddle and sensor onlyo o200 F (93 C) - polypropylene and PVDF inline unitso o140 F (60 C) - molded PVC tee unitso o140 F (60 C) - when mounted on PVC pipeo o o oAmbient temperature range....................32 F (0 C) to 110 F (43 C)Enclosure.............................................NEMA 4X (acceptable for outdoor use)NOTE: Protect the LCD display from direct sunlight.Sensor Accuracy...................................±1% of full scale readingRepeatability.........................................±1% of full scale readingPower requirements..............................15 VDC Nominal (12 - 24 VDC Absolute - DO NOT EXCEED 24.0 VDC) Model RT units only...................Four standard AA alkaline batteries or 12-24VDC Plug in transformer(Battery life expectancy 1 year minimum)All units ....................................12-24VDC (plug-in transformer supplied)Model AO analog output board...............Linear, Non-isolated, powered loop. 250 ohm max for 4-20 ma / 500ohms minimum for 0-10 VDCModel PC Process control board............Relay SPDT, NO/NCMaximum switching load 8 amps @ 115 VAC, 220 VAC, 230 VAC7 amps @ 30 VDC (resistive load)Maximum fluid debris size......................0.020” diameterF-2000Page 44.0 FLOW RANGESNote: Due to increased wear on the paddle and axle, continuous operation at the upper 25% of theflow range is not recommended3.3 Temperature vs. Pressur eNote: Pressure and temperature limits are inversely proportional.PSIg (BAR)TemperatureWhen mounted on Molded PVC Tee or PVC pipe units180°F (82.2°C)190°F (87.8°C)200°F (93.3°C)170°F (76.7°C)160°F (71.1°C)150°F (65.6°C)When mounted on Polypropylene and PVDF inline units 100°F (37.8°C)90°F (32.2°C)80°F (26.7°C)70°F (21.1°C)0 (0)60 (4.1)120 (8.3)180 (12.4)240 (16.5)300 (20.7)Fig. 2140°F (60°C)130°F (54.4°C)120°F (48.9°C)110°F (43.3°C)3.2Dimensional DrawingMETRIC PIPESPipe Size50 MM - PN 10 & PN 16 63 MM - PN 10 & PN 16 90 MM - PN 10 & PN 16 110 MM - PN 10 & PN 16 160 MM - PN 10 & PN 16 200 MM - PN 10 & PN 16LPM 14200 - 4200070.0 - 700.0110 - 1100230 - 2300350 - 3500720 - 72001150 - 11500LPH 16600 - 6600013800 - 138******** - 21000043000 - 43000070000 - 700000M3H 14.20 - 42.006.60 - 66.0013.8 - 138.021.0 - 210.043.0 - 430.070.0 - 700.0SADDLES - Standard Flow [Min - Max]160 MM - PN 10 200 MM - PN 101700 - 170002700 - 27000100000 - 1000000170000 - 1700000100 - 1000170 - 1700Fig. 13.25 in.(82.55 mm)4.00 in.(101.6 mm)4.00 in.F-2000®BLUE-WHITE INDUSTRIESFlow Monitoring SystemTOTALCLEAR CLEAR SETPOINTENTER8888.8888MA BATCH # RATE TOTAL SETPOINT(101.6 mm)F-2000Page 5GPM = Gallons Per Minute LPM = Litters Per Minute OZM = Ounces Per Minute GPH = Gallons Per Hour LPH = Litters Per HourM3H = Cubic Meters per HourGPD = Gallons Per DayLPD = Litters Per Day SADDLES - Standard Flow [Min - Max]Pipe Size 1-1/2” IPS 2.0” IPS 3.0” IPS 4.0” IPS 6.0” IPS 8.0” IPS GPM 115.0 - 150.030.0 - 300.060.0 - 600.0100 - 1000250 - 2500400 - 4000GPH 1900 - 90001800 - 180003600 - 360006000 - 6000015000 - 150******** - 240000GPD 121500 - 21500043000 - 43000086500 - 865000144000 - 1440000360000 - 3600000575000 - 575000010.0” IPS 12.0” IPS600 - 6000800 - 800036000 - 36000048000 - 480000865000 - 86500001150000 - 11500000LPM 160.0 - 600.0100 - 1000250 - 2500400 - 4000900 - 90001500 - 15000LPH 1 3600 - 36000 6000 - 60000 15000 - 150000 24000 - 240000 54000 - 540000 90000 - 900000M3H 1 3.60 - 36.00 6.00 - 60.00 15.0 - 150.0 24.0 - 240.0 54.0 - 540.0 90.0 - 900.02200 - 220003000 - 30000132000 - 1320000 180000 - 1800000132 - 1320 180 - 1800IPS PIPESMOLDED INLINE BODIES - min - max operating flow rangePipe Size 3/8” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 3/8” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1-1/2” 1-1/2” 2” 1-1/2” 2” 2” 2”2.00 - 20.00GPM 48.0 - 480.0.800 - 8.0003.00 - 30.005.00 - 50.00GPH 120 - 1200300 - 3000GPD 1100 - 110002800 - 280004320 - 432007200 - 72000180 - 1800LPM 180 - 18003.00 - 30.007.00 - 70.0011.0 - 110.020.0 - 200.0LPH 420 - 4200 660 - 6600 1200 - 12000M3H 0.180 - 1.8000.420 -4.2000.660 - 6.6001.20 - 12.00.500 -5.00020.0 - 200.0.400 - 4.000.800 - 8.0002.00 - 20.0030.00 - 300.0120 - 1200550 - 5500700 - 70001100 - 110002800 - 2800048.0 - 480.0 60.0 - 600.01.00 - 10.002.00 - 20.003.00 - 30.007.00 - 70.00 120 - 1200 180 - 1800 420 - 42000.060 - 0.6000.120 - 1.2000.180 - 1.8000.420 - 4.20010.0 - 100.0240 - 24004.00 - 40.0010.0 - 100.0600 - 60005700 - 5700014400 - 14400014400 -144000600 - 6000 900 - 900015.0 - 150.040.0 - 400.040.0 - 400.0 2400 - 240002400 - 240000.900 - 9.0002.40 - 24.002.40 - 24.004.00 - 40.00360 - 36006.00 - 60.006.00 - 60.0020.0 - 200.0240 - 24001200 - 120008600 - 860005700 - 570008600 - 8600028800 - 288000360 - 36001500 - 1500025.0 - 250.015.0 - 150.025.0 - 250.070.0 - 700.0900 - 9000 1500 - 15000 4200 - 420001.50 - 15.000.900 - 9.0001.50 - 15.004.20 - 42.001RANGE#111222231312242” 15.0 - 150.0900 - 900021500 - 21500060.0 - 600.0 3600 - 36000 3.60 - 36.0022”2.00 - 20.00120 - 12002800 - 280007.00 - 70.00420 - 42000.420 - 4.2006MACHINED INLINE BODIES - min - max operating flow rangePipe Size 3/8” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 3/8” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1-1/2” 2” 1-1/2” 2” 2” 2.00 - 20.00GPM 48.0 - 480.0.800 - 8.0004.00 - 40.006.00 - 60.00GPH 120 - 1200360 - 3600GPD 1100 - 110002800 - 280005700 - 570008600 - 86000240 - 2400LPM 180 - 18003.00 - 30.007.00 - 70.0015.0 - 150.025.0 - 250.0LPH 420 - 4200 900 - 9000 1500 - 15000M3H 0.180 - 1.8000.420 - 4.2000.900 - 9.0001.50 - 15.00.500 - 5.00020.0 - 200.0.400 - 4.000.800 - 8.0002.00 - 20.0030.00 - 300.0120 - 1200550 - 5500700 - 70001100 - 110002800 - 2800048.0 - 480.0 60.0 - 600.01.00 - 10.002.00 - 20.003.00 - 30.007.00 - 70.00 120 - 1200 180 - 1800 420 - 42000.060 - 0.6000.120 - 1.2000.180 - 1.8000.420 - 4.20010.0 - 100.010.0 - 100.0600 - 600014400 - 14400014400 -144000600 - 600040.0 - 400.040.0 - 400.0 2400 - 240002400 - 24000 2.40 - 24.002.40 - 24.004.00 - 40.00360 - 36006.00 - 60.006.00 - 60.00240 - 24008600 - 860005700 - 570008600 - 86000360 - 36001500 - 1500025.0 - 250.015.0 - 150.025.0 - 250.0900 - 9000 1500 - 15000 1.50 - 15.000.900 - 9.0001.50 - 15.001RANGE#1112222235341-1/2” 1.00 - 10.0060.0 - 600.01440 - 14400 4.00 - 40.00 240 - 24000.240 - 2.40052” 1800 - 1800030.0 - 300.043000 - 4300006000 - 60000100 - 1000 6.00 - 60.0011-1/2” 15.0 - 150.0900 - 900021500 - 21500060.0 - 600.0 3600 - 36000 3.60 - 36.0011-1/2” 2.00 - 20.00120 - 12002800 - 280007.00 - 70.00 420 - 42000.420 - 4.2004F-2000Page 6Panel MountRotating DisplayStep 2: Rotate 90°Step 3: Re-attach ScrewsStep 1: Remove Two ScrewsFig. 6Angle Mount on Horizontal Pipe45° Acceptable45° Acceptable RecommendedVerticalFig. 7Fig. 9Fig. 8in..032.0003.622 ±mm).80.00(92.0 ±F -2000P A NE LB RA CK ETS TUDSW A SH E RSHE X NUT SC A P PL U G5.0Mounting OptionsF-2000 Page 7Optional Pipe and Wall Mount Adapter KitWall MountPipe MountF-2000®BLUE-WHITE INDUSTRIESFlow Monitoring SystemTOTALCLEARCLEARSETPOINTENTERF-2000®BLUE-WHITE INDUSTRIESFlow Monitoring SystemTOTALCLEARCLEARSETPOINTENTEROrdering InformationFig. 10Fig. 11Kit Number71000-30171000-30271000-30371000-30471000-30571000-30671000-307DecriptionWall Mount KitPipe Mount Kit for 1-1/2” pipePipe Mount Kit for 2” pipePipe Mount Kit for 3” pipePipe Mount Kit for 4” pipePipe Mount Kit for 6” pipePipe Mount Kit for 8” pipePipeDisplayModuleMountingBaseScrewWire toSensorClampCapPlugWallWallScrewMountingBaseDisplayModuleWire toSensorScrewCapPlug71000-414 Pipe Mount Kit for 10” pipe71000-415 Pipe Mount Kit for 12” pipeF-2000Page 8Option A: Conduit Connection1. 2. end).Option B: Liquid-Tight Connections1. 2. edges.3. Notes:For the large liquid-tight connector (3/4” knock-out), the acceptable cable diameter is between .200 - .394 in (5.1 - 10.0 mm).For the small liquid-tight connector (1/2” knock-out), the acceptable cable diameter is between .118 - .255 in (3.0 - 6.5 mm).6.0F-2000 Electrical Wiring Connections6.1 Enclosure knock-out Instructions6.2 Optional Circuit Board Installation 1.Carefully align optional board’s Pin Header with the Pin Header socket located on the main circuit board.2. Press firmly into place.3.Secure the board with the two screws provided.F -2000E n c l o s u r e C o v e rN .C .N .O .C F -2000-P C (OP T I O N A L B O A RD )F -2000-A O (OP T I O N A LBO A RD )F -2000-R T(MA I NB O A R D )CAUTION: DISCONNECT POWERSOURCE BEFORE SERVICING.F-2000 Page 9J3J2J4J17654321JumpersSIP Socket forF-2000 PC BoardSIP Socket forF-2000 AO BoardBackup BatteryConnectorTerminal BlocksF-2000 RT BoardF-2000 PC BoardMounting ScrewBushingsF-2000 AO BoardMounting ScrewBushingsJumper ConfigurationBAT = ONP H MInstalled (open)InstalledJumper Positions6.3 Model RT Circuit Board WiringCAUTION: DISCONNECT POWER SOURCE BEFORE SERVICING.Terminal ConfigurationF-2000Page 106.4 Model FHXX and FCXX Sensor wiringRED Input Supply Voltage (+ 6 to 24 Vdc)BARE Signal Output (square wave)BLACKGround (-)RED Signal Output (Sine wave)BLACKGround (-)Model FVSRED Input Supply Voltage (+ 6 to 24 Vdc)BARE Signal Output (square wave)BLACKGround (-)7.0 HOW TO OPERATE THE F-20007.1 Theory of Operationpaddlewheel to spin. Pulses generated by the spinning paddlewheel are counted and multiplied by scaling factors. The resulting flow rate amounts and total flow amounts are displayed on the LCD readout. Pressing the enter button located on the front panel toggles the display between flow rate and total flow or allows entry into the programming mode. Pressing the clear total button while the total flow value is displayed will return the total to zero (must be activated in the programming mode - not the factory default setting). A small icon will light at the bottom of the LCD indicating the mode being displayed.The MODEL PC includes all of the features of the MODEL RT as well as a relay which can be used to switch external electrical equipment when user programmed setpoints are reached. The relay must be assigned to respond to either the rate value for rate alarm applications (rate mode), or to the total value for batching or proportional feed applications (batch mode). Only one may made be used at any one time. When assigned to the batch mode, the display can be toggled to show four different values, the rate of flow, total flow, current batch number or current batch total, by pressing the enter button located on the front panel. A small icon will light at the bottom of the LCD display indicating the mode being displayed. The model PC is described in a separate instruction manual.The MODEL AO includes all of the features of the MODEL RT as well as a 4-20mA or 0-10VDC output signal which isThe MODEL AP includes the features of all three F-2000 models, the RT, PC, and AO.7.2 How To Operate The MODEL RT7.2.1 What Was The MODEL RT Designed To Do?!Display the rate of flow up to eight digits.!Display the total amount of flow up to eight digits.!Output an open collector signal (NPN) that is proportional to the flow rate.Operates by batteries or plug-in AC transformer.!Greater than 1 year battery life.!Front panel user programmable.!Front panel programming can be disabled for security.!Front panel total reset can be disabled for security.!Programmable battery saving mode. (Screen blanks after 30seconds)!Programmable decimal point locations for both rate and total modes.!Display can be mounted on the sensor or panel mounted (1/4 DIN). See figure 6 and 8.!Display can be rotated on sensor. See figure 6.!Display can be mounted on a pipe or wall with optional mounting bracket kit. See figure 8 - 11.!Display can be panel mounted up to 250 ft. from sensor when used with AC coil sensor.!Display can be panel mounted up to 1 mile from sensor when used with Hall Effect sensor.!Optional circuitry, AO (analog output) and PC (process control) boards, can be field installed at a later time.!Pressto toggle between RATE and TOTAL display modes. The icon will!for at least 1.25 seconds to enter the programming mode.mode. See section 7.1.!While the TOTAL mode is displayed, press to reset the total amount tozero. (Must be enabled in the program mode - see page 24, step 6.)7.2.3 How Do I Determine My Calibration Numbers?When ordered as a complete system, the F-2000 MODEL RT is factory programmed to the flow range you specified when you placed your order. See section 4.0 for various flow ranges.Note:The F-2000 model AO and PC functions will always require field programming. All F-2000 models will require field programming when components are purchased separately. See section 7.2 and 7.3.The following screens are used to input the calibration constants and to turn on or off the various features of the MODEL RT. The MODEL RT has six different input screens. They are listed in the table below.Before programming the unit, the following calibration constants must be determined. Remember, whenpurchased as a complete system, the model RT is pre-programmed at the factory. No further programming is necessary.7.2.2 What Features Are Available On The MODEL RT?Step 1 Where would you like your displayed flow rate decimal point located?Desired Location= D (Decimal Rate Factor) Note: Four decimal places maximum.rXXXXX = 1XXXX.X = 10XXX.XX = 100XX.XXX = 1000X.XXXX = 10000Enter your D here.rStep 2 What time factor would you like to use in your measurement?Example: Per Minute = 60 secondsPer Hour = 3600 secondsPer Day = 86400 secondsFill in the amount of seconds you desire here.Step 3To determine your flow rate K-Factor, the following information is needed.a. What size pipe you are going to install this meter on?inch pipeb. What schedule pipe are you using? Sch 40 or Sch 80 or Inlinec. What is your flow range?Low Flow or Standard Flow (refer to pages 16 & 17)d. Using the data you specified above, locate your K-Factor from the correct table. Pages 16 & 17.e. What is your K-Factor?f. If you are going to be using gallons as your unit of measure, you can go directly to Step 4.g. To convert K-Factor to other units of measure, use the following formulas:Ounces = K-factor ÷ 128Liters = K-factor ÷ 3.785Cubic Meters = K-factor ÷ 0.003785Write your new K-Factor number here.Step 4Calculate your Rate Scale Factor (S ) using the following formula.r D from Step 1, Seconds from Step 2, K-Factor from Step 3.r D x Secondsr K-FactorS =r Write your S (Rate Scale Factor) number here.r Example:D= 10r Seconds = 3600K-Factor = 63.52S =r 10 x 360063.52S =r 3600063.52S=r 566.751Step 5Where would you like your displayed accumulated Total Decimal (D ) point located?t Desired Location= D (Total Decimal Factor) Note: Four decimal places maximum.t XXXXX= 1XXXX.X = 10XXX.XX = 100XX.XXX = 1000X.XXXX =10000Enter your D here.t Step 6 Determine your Total K-factor.Your Total K-factor and Flow Rate K-factor are the same if the same units (i.e., Gallons, liters, etc.) Are displayed for both. However, you can use a different unit of measure for your total display. Follow the instructions in step 3-g to convert to a different Total K-factor unit.Write your Total K-factor here.Step 7 Calculate your Total Scale Factor (S ) using the following formula.t S =t D t KExample:158.8200.0170S =t D tK S =t S =t Note:The Total Scale Factor may becarried out to four decimal places.Write your Total Scale Factor (S ) here.t7.2.4 How Do I Program The MODEL RT?Note:While in the programming mode, if no buttons are pressed within twenty seconds, the programming mode is automatically exited without saving the input of the last screen. See page 18 for programming menu flow chart. Step 1 Entering the Rate Scale Factor.!!Enter the Rate Scale Factor (Sr from Step 4, page 14).!it is selected.!Pressmodified.!When finished, pressStep 2The Rate Decimal Point Location screen.!Press!This value should match Page 13, Step 1, desired decimal location. Ex. 0000.0Step 3 The Battery Save Mode On / Off screen. Factory default = OFF!Pressonce you’ve selectedyour setting.Step 4The Total Scale Factor screen is selected.!Enter the Total Scale Factor (Sfrom Step 7, page 14).t!Press!Press!When finished, pressI.P .S. PIPE (Meets ASTM-D-1785)Step 5The Total Decimal Point screen is selected.!The Total 2 screen is where you enter your Decimal Point Factor for your totalizer.Use the information you calculated on DtStep 6The Front Panel Clear Total Button Enable / Disable screen is selected. Factory default = OFF (disabled)!Step 7Press and hold downfor at least 1.25 seconds to exit the programming mode.7.2.6 Calibration ConstantsStandard Flow Range - LPM (liters per minute)Molded Inline Bodies (Male NPT connection)METRIC PIPE PN10 & PN16 (Meets DIN 8062)Note:The values in the following tables are based on laboratory testing of nominal pipe dimensions. The F-2000 sensor is factory calibrated to ±1% of full scale linearity. Your actual accuracy will vary based on your pipe I.D. And other installation factors.Saddle Mount Models (Pipe Insertion connection)3/8” - 1” pipe sizes - Low Range #2 - GPM (gallons per minute)Low Flow Range #2 - GPM (gallons per minute)Standard Flow Range #1 - GPM (gallons per minute)Machined Inline Bodies (Female NPT connection)Saddle Models (Pipe insertion connection)Standard Flow Range - GPM (gallons per minute)Low Flow Ranges #3, 4, 5, 6 - GPM (gallons per minute)1-1/2” - 2” pipe sizes - GPM (gallons per minute)Molded Inline Bodies (Male NPT connection) - continuedSCREENDESCRIPTIONMODIFYING7.3Programming Menu Flow Chart8.0 MAINTENANCEThe F-2000 requires very little maintenance, however, some conditions will cause increased wear or possible damage to the unit.!Periodically remove the sensor assembly from the pipe fitting and inspect the meter for signs of wearand obstructions. Clean the paddle of any foreign objects. Replace the paddle and axle if worn.!Although the meter is capable of operating at the high end of the flow range, continuous use at veryhigh flow rates (upper 25% of the calibrated flow range), is not recommended. The paddle and axle life is related to the rate of flow and the fluid being measured. Corrosive fluids moving at high flow rates will cause increased wear requiring frequent inspection and maintenance. Ceramic, titanium or nickel axles are available for extreme corrosive environments.!Although the F-1000 is designed to withstand outdoor conditions, a cool, dry location where the unit canbe easily serviced is recommended. The life of the LCD display will be severely reduced when installed in direct sunlight. Do not install the meter so that the LCD is in direct sunlight.!O-rings should be inspected periodically. Immediately replace the o-rings at any sign of wear, swelling,cracking or discoloration.!Battery operated models. Replace the four AA batteries every 12 months. The program memory willnot erase when replacing the batteries. The unit will function normally for approximately 2 minutes while replacing the batteries. To replace the batteries, open the front panel of the enclosure by removing the four Phillips screws. After replacing the batteries, be sure the foam insert is in place before closing the front panel.!Test the electronics by removing the sensor assembly from the pipe fitting and spinning the paddle byFig. 12Locate notch on the sensorStep 2: Push shaft out in the direction shown.Replace the paddle, then press shaftback into place in the oppositePADDLE REMOVALSituation Cause SolutionLeaking Improper installation Pipe Fitting Manual pages 6 thru 10Worn or damaged o-rings Pipe Fitting Manual pages 6 thru 10Flow rate reading is inaccurate Improper installation Pipe Fitting Manual page 6 Improper velocity profile Pipe Fitting Manual page 4 Flow rate is out of range Model RT Manual page 4No displayDead batteries Model RT Manual page 19 Blocked paddle Pipe Fitting Manual page 7 Damaged electronics Model RT Manual page 19Battery save mode is ONModel RT Manual page 18Display shows zero flow Improper alignment / installation Pipe Fitting Manual page 7 Worn paddle and / or axle Model RT Manual page 19 Damaged electronics Model RT Manual page 198.1 TROUBLESHOOTINGF-2000 Parts ListItem Part Number Description Quantity1 70000-783 Paddle assembly Kynar 12 90003-021 O-ring 022 Viton E60 23 90007-589 Axle PVDF 14 71000-238 Sensor body AC coil 1’ cable 171000-289 Sensor body AC coil 25’ cable 170000-290 Sensor body Hall effect 25’ cable 15 90011-080 Screw #6-32 x .37 PH pan B 18/8 56 91001-280 Union nut 17 76000-628 Retainer sensor cap 18 90006-550 Cap sensor body SS 19 90012-208 Switch overlay F-2000 110 71000-356 Cover F-2000 w/ Switch overlay 111 90006-592 Gasket F-2000 housing neoprene 112 90010-227 Circuit board F-2000 RT 113 71000-311 Kit Circuitry model F-2000 AO (AO Board 90010-229) 114 71000-316 Kit Circuitry model F-2000 PC(PC Board 90010-228) 115 90011-155 Screw #6-32 x .31 PH pan SS 416 76001-149 Enclosure F-2000 sensor mount 176001-150 Enclosure F-2000 panel mount 117 90006-593 Gasket F-2000 1/4 DIN panel mount 118 90008-331 Cap plug P-48 1/2 NPT red F-2000 119 71000-294 Kit F-2000 1/4 DIN panel mount 120 70000-500 Connector liquid-tight 1/2 in. 221 70000-589 Connector liquid-tight 3/4 in. 122 90008-332 Plug 1/2 in. 223 90008-340 Cap plug VTP-25 red 124 90011-038 Stud screw #10-32 1.62 long 225 90011-092 Star washer #10-32 226 90011-026 Hex nut #10-32 227 90008-333 Plug 7/8 in. 128 90013-222 Foam pad 1/4 in. thick 129 90008-254 Battery clip 130 90010-233 Battery holder F-2000 4x AA 131 90008-330 Battery alkaline AA 432 90008-336 Power supply 115VAC/15VDC 190008-337 Power supply 220VAC/15VDC Europe 171000-310 Power supply 230VAC/15VDC 1F-2000Page 21F-2000 Exploded View1015871617181961211291314154322326252427283231302911155552022F -2000®B L U E -W H I T E I N DU S TR I ESF l owM o n i t o r i n g S y s t e mT O T A L C LE A R C L EA R S E T P O IN TE NT ER8888.8888S I Z E A A B A T T E R YSIZE AA BATTERYP .N. 80000-355Rev 6/25/2014Warranty!Blue-White flowmeters are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship for 12 months from date of factory shipment. Warranty coverage is limited to repair or replacement of the defective flowmeter only.!This warranty does not cover damage to the flowmeter that results from misuse or alterations, nor damage that occurs as a result of: meter misalignment, improper installation, over tightening, use of non-recommended chemicals, use of non-recommended pipe dopes or adhesives, excessive heat or pressure or allowing the meter to support the weight of related piping.!Flowmeters are repaired at the factory only. Call or write the factory to receive a RA (return authorization) number. Carefully pack the flowmeter to be returned, including a brief description of the problem, chemical used, and a descrip-tion of the application. Note: Write the RA number on the outside of the shipping carton.!Prepay all shipping costs. The factory does not accept C.O.D. Shipments. Damage that occurs during shipping is theresponsibility of the sender.Users of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) with the WEEE marking per Annex IV of the WEEE Directive must not dispose of end of life EEE as unsorted municipal waste, but use the collection framework available to them for the return, recycle, recovery of WEEE and minimize any potential effects of EEE on the environment and human health due to the presence of hazardous substances. The WEEE marking applies only to countries within the European Union (EU) and Norway. Appliances are labeled in accordance with European Directive 2002/96/EC.Contact your local waste recovery agency for a Designated Collection Facility in your area.ARKANSASBT Environmental, Inc Bill Thomason225 Castleberry Street Hot Springs, AR 71901501-624-3837CALIFORNIA (NORTHERN)Howard E. Hutching company (Repair Center)7190 Penryn Plaza Penryn, CA 95663800-568-3958Swimco Electric Co.753 Camden Avenue Campbell, CA 95008408-378-2607CALIFORNIA (SOUTHERN)Blue-White Industries (Repair Center)5300 Business DriveHuntington Bch. CA 92649714-893-8529COLORADODenver Winpump 5754 Lamer ave .Arvada, CO 80002303-424-3551CONNECTICUTCronin-Cook & Associates 24 West Road Vernon, CT 06029860-875-0544Rice Pump & Motor Repair 5740 Powerline Road Ft. Lauderdale FL 33309954-776-6049American Pump7580-A W. Tennessee St.Tallahassee, FL 32304850-575-9618Jerry Lee Chemical Co.3407 W. Old Fairfield Drive Pensacola, FL 32505904-432-9929Picard Chemical1670 S. Congress Avenue W. Palm Beach, FL 33406561-965-3434ILLINOISMullarkey Associates (Repair Center)12346 S. Keeler Ave.Alsip, IL 60658708-597-5558MARYLANDCentury Pool Service, Inc 5020 Nicholson Court, #201Kensington, MD 20895301-231-8999NEW YORKSherwood Specialties, Inc.875 Atlantic Ave. ‘B’Rochester, NY 14609585-546-1211NORTH CAROLINASouthern Industrial Sales 1903 Herring Avenue Wilson, NC 27893800-872-7665SOUTH DAKOTASon-Aqua Distributing Jim Robinson2447 W. Main Street Rapid City, SD 57702605-343-7716TENNESSEERock City Machine 307 3rd Avenue South Nashville, TN 37201615-244-1371TEXASAlamo Water Refiners 13700 Hwy. 90 West San Antonio, TX 78245210-677-8400Shelter’s Water Refining Robert Shelton2708 E. Randol Mill Rd.Arlington, TX 76011817-640-6188。

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12.功能菜单([Utility Menu]) ................................................................................................. 68 12.1.功能菜单([Utility Menu]) ...................................................................................... 68 12.2.时钟设置([Set Date & Timer])............................................................................... 68 12.3.省电([Power-saving Mode])................................................................................... 69 12.4.灯丝切换([Filament])............................................................................................. 70
9.输入输出系统 ..................................................................................................................... 47 9.1.记录仪输出 .............................................................................................................. 47 9.2.打印机(选购件) .................................................................................................. 49 9.3.RS-232C ................................................................................................................... 50 9.4.EXT-UNIT................................................................................................................ 55
请由二人从前后分 别用手抓住“※”标记的
[ 注 意]
请勿在主机上方放置重物或坐于主机上方 如在主机上方放置重物或坐于主机上方,会导致主机罩盖变形•破损,影 响安全性,敬请注意。
[ 警 告]
本装置内部存在高压电(450 V)部分。为防止触电,在保养•检查本装置时, 请务必先关闭[POWER]开关并拔掉电源线,然后再卸下顶盖。
8.操作方法 ............................................................................................................................. 22 8.1.启动 .......................................................................................................................... 23 8.2.灵敏度校正 .............................................................................................................. 29 .......................................................................................................................... 34 8.4.数据处理功能 .......................................................................................................... 44 8.5.停止 .......................................................................................................................... 45
2.概要....................................................................................................................................... 9
3.保修..................................................................................................................................... 10
2)本说明书内容如有改动恕不另行通知。 3)本说明书内容力求准确,如有错误或遗漏敬请谅解。 4)本产品和维修零部件的供应期限为制造结束后 10 年。超出此供应期限之后,可
能无法供应维修零部件,敬请谅解。但是,非本公司原装的零部件,其供应期限 由该零部件的生产厂商规定。
[ 注 意]
请勿分解、改造 请勿采用非指定的使用方法 请在充分理解安全事项及警告内容的基础上使用本产品。 如不按照本使 用说明书进行操作,会影响安全性。以下安全事项十分重要,请阅读正文了 解详细内容。
[ 注 意]
关于开包及搬运 主机重量略大于45 kg,此外,在装箱状态下其重量约大于58 kg。开包及 搬运时,请务必由2人以上进行操作,并请注意不要扭伤腰等。
11.条件设定 ........................................................................................................................... 57 11.1.条件设定菜单 ........................................................................................................ 57 11.2.条件设定项目([System]) ....................................................................................... 58
警 告 ]具有潜在危险,操作不当可能导致人员死亡或重伤。
注 意 ]具有潜在危险,操作不当可能导致人身轻微或中度损害以及
注 释 ]正确使用本产品的附加说明。

1)本说明书版权归株式会社岛津制作所所有。未经本公司许可不得转载、复制部分 或全态,并确认油旋转泵的泵油有无溢出。确认油位计, 如泵油正在减少,则代表较多的泵油已溢出,倘若在泵油散布于电气系统四 周时直接运转,可能会起火,非常危险,因此请绝对不要运转。请立即与本 公司联系后退回工厂进行修理。
[ 注 释]
关于油旋转真空泵泵油的废油•废容器的处理 处理方法已由法律作出规定。请遵照法律妥善处理。如有疑问,请咨询 本公司。
10.密码的设定和解除 ........................................................................................................... 56 10.1.操作方法 ................................................................................................................ 56
再者,在本装置的AC插口部设有联锁用的罩盖,如不拔掉电源线便无法 卸下顶盖。此外,在运转时请务必先安装好顶盖。
[ 注 释]
本装置会监视装置内部温度,如超出上限温度50 ℃,便会发出警报,装 置将无法运转。
SHIMADZU 氦质谱检漏仪 MSE-2000R 型
1.前言....................................................................................................................................... 9
[ 注 释]