智能多媒体控制系统Intelligent Multimedia Control SystemMC800系列用户手册User’s Manual1第一章前言....................................................................................................3第二章系统硬件安装......................................................................................42-1、系统设备的接口说明 ......................................................................42-2、系统设备的连接 ..............................................................................82-3、电动屏幕的连接........................................................................................ 8第三章系统软件安装....................................................................................93-1、安装视频捕捉卡及其软件 ..............................................................93-2、安装电脑控制软件设置 .............................................................. 10第四章系统通讯协议................................................................................ 19第五章系统备份与恢复............................................................................ 24第六章常见问题........................................................................................ 256-1. 按控制面板“系统开”无法开机 ................................................... 256-2. 红外学习不成功或显示成功却不能遥控.................................... 266-3. 有些设备红外遥控不灵 ............................................................... 266-4. 投影机切换不灵 ........................................................................... 266-5. 关投影机出问题 ........................................................................... 272第一章前言本手册说明了您所使用的智能多媒体控制系统(IMCS)的硬件和软件的安装和功能设置。
戴尔 PowerMax 8000、VMAX All Flash DASD大型主机 产品说明书
DELL EMC 大型主機技術概觀摘要本白皮書將概括說明適用於 IBM Z 和 IBM z/TPF 環境的 Dell EMC 產品方案。
本白皮書的對象為有意瞭解 Dell EMC 大型主機相容性產品,以及 Dell EMC 為 IBM 使用者提供了哪些創新和獨特功能的客戶或潛在客戶。
2019 年 9 月修訂內容確認本白皮書由以下人員製作:作者:Brett Quinn、Bruce Klenk、Paul Scheuer支援:大型主機企業系統工程本出版品的資訊係以「現狀」提供。
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2019 年 9 月。
白皮書 h6109.9目錄報告摘要 (5)DELL EMC 大型主機產品簡介 (5)適用於大型主機的 Dell EMC 儲存陣列 (5)適用於大型主機的 PowerMax 8000 儲存陣列 (6)適用於大型主機的 VMAX 950F 儲存陣列 (6)PowerMAXOS 和 HYPERMAX OS 中的新大型主機功能 (8)IBM Z 相容性支援 (8)DELL EMC 最佳化工具系列 (9)PAV Optimizer (9)Mirror Optimizer (11)FLASHBOOST (12)資料保護 (12)適用於 z/OS 的 SRDF 產品系列 (12)並行 SRDF (13)串聯式 SRDF (14)SRDF/Star (14)SRDF/SQAR (15)AutoSwap for Z/OS (16)Dell EMC TimeFinder SnapVX for Z/OS (16)ZDP™ – DATA PROTECTOR FOR Z SYSTEMS (17)自 OS 5978 SR (2019 年第 3 季) 起的 ZDP 強化功能 (18)DISK LIBRARY FOR MAINFRAME (DLM) (18)GDDR 為您的資料中心提供自動化、復原和監控功能 (22)受支援的業務持續性組態 (23)Universal Data Consistency:GDDR 與 Disk Library for Mainframe (DLm) (23)GDDR 磁帶– DLm 災難復原 (DR) 容錯移轉自動化解決方案 (24)儲存裝置管理軟體 (25)Mainframe Enablers (25)Unisphere (25)適用於大型主機的 Connectrix B-Series (26)適用於大型主機的 Connectrix MDS Series (27)使用 Z/OS MIGRATOR 進行資料遷移 (27)摘要 (28)報告摘要大型主機平台目前仍是交易處理的重要選項,它可安全容納全球最大的金融、政府、健康照護、保險與製造商企業的「記錄系統」資料。
Inmarsat SEAM Terra 800 产品说明书
Terra 800 is an all-in-one communications terminal, specifically designed to be utilized in a wide variety of land based applications; such as a dedicated telephone service or a back up emergency telephone system that can be deployed throughout the world.
The Terra 800 is designed to operate with the Inmarsat "link Phone" service and is supplied With a dedicated high quality directional/fixed antenna system to provide a completely Integrated solution that is ready for use anytime.
Inmarsat Antenna
GPS Antennll
1D-32 V DC
4......,ay microFlt (AC/O: adata". 01" 0 : lead)
Model: TRBOO
Privacy Handset Port
RJ9 connector
Configuration/ Datil *
USB Mini B
In-built speaker/microphone
KODAK ULTRA MAX 800 电影胶卷说明书
December 2007 • E-7024TECHNICAL DATA / COLOR PRINT FILMKODAK ULTRA MAX 800 FilmKODAK ULTRA MAX 800 Film brings picture quality to a new level by combining the color quality, fine detail, and picture clarity of lower-speed films with the benefits of higher speed films. This film delivers extra sharpness and unsurpassed fine grain (among 800-speed films) for crisper, clearer pictures—even when enlarged.KODAK ULTRA MAX 800 Film produces consistently bright, vibrant colors across a wide range of lightingconditions. It provides accurate skin-tone reproduction for natural-looking "people pictures."DARKROOM RECOMMENDATIONSDo not use a safelight. Handle unprocessed film in total darkness.FEATURESBENEFITS•ISO 800 speed•Ideal for zoom cameras•Great pictures in sunlight, low light, action, and still•Fewer under-exposed pictures•2x longer flash range (compared to Kodak 200-speed film)•Improved depth of field•Reduced impact of "camera shake"•Reduced blur with moving objects •Excellent film latitude•Maximum versatility allows for better pictures in more lighting conditions•Superior sharpness •Improved picture detail •Crisper pictures•Fine grain structure•Pictures that are very clear •Improved enlargement quality•Outstanding color reproduction, improved color consistency •Brighter, more vibrant prints•Improved color consistency across a wider range of picture-takingsituations•Optimized performance withKODAK EKTACOLOR EDGE Paper •Optimized skin tones •Natural skin tones for better "people pictures"•Scan ready •High-quality results from digital output systems•Photofinishing compatibility•Compatibility with KODAK GOLD Film•Simplifies workflow•Fewer makeovers means less wasteSTORAGE AND HANDLINGStore unexposed film at 21°C (70°F) or lower in the original sealed package. Always store film (exposed or unexposed in a cool, dry place. Process film as soon as possible after exposure.Because of the high speed of this film, be especially careful to load and unload the camera in subdued light.Request visual inspection at airport or other security x-ray inspection stations. Some x-ray screening equipment may fog this film.Protect negatives from strong light, and store them in a cool, dry place. For more information on storing negatives, see KODAK Publication No. E-30, Storage and Care of KODAK Photographic Materials—Before and After Processing.EXPOSUREFilm Speed: ISO/DIN 800/30°Use these speed numbers in the table below with cameras or meters marked for ISO, ASA, or DIN speeds or exposure indexes. Do not change the film-speed setting when you use a filter if your camera has through-the-lens metering. For critical work, make a series of test exposures.DaylightUse the exposures in the table below for average frontlit subjects from 2 hours after sunrise to 2 hours before sunset.* Use f/5.6 for backlit close-up subjects.† Subject shaded from the sun but lighted by a large area of sky.Lighting ConditionsShutter Speed (seconds)Lens Opening Bright/Hazy Sun on Light Sand or Snow1/1000f/16Bright or Hazy Sun (Distinct Shadows)1/1000f /11*Weak, Hazy Sun (Soft Shadows)1/1000f/8Cloudy Bright (No Shadows)1/1000f/5.6Heavy Overcast (Open Shade)†1/1000f /4Electronic FlashUse the appropriate guide number in the table below as a starting point for your equipment. Select the unit output closest to the number given by your flash manufacturer. Then find the guide number for feet or meters.To determine the lens opening, divide the guide number by the flash-to-subject distance. If negatives are too dark (overexposed), use a higher guide number; if they are too light (underexposed), use a lower number.*BCPS = beam candlepower secondsFluorescent and High-Intensity Discharge LightsFor best results without special printing, use thecolor-correction filters in the table below as starting points when you expose these films under fluorescent and high-intensity discharge lamps. Use exposure times of 1/60 second or longer to avoid the brightness and color variations that occur during a single alternating-current cycle.Actual filtration may vary between lamps and lamp manufacturers. Depending on the specific source,additional filtration or special printing may be required to achieve best results.Note: When you don’t know the type of fluorescent lamps, try a 10C + 20M filter combination and increase exposure by 2/3 stop; color rendition may be less than optimum.Unit Output (BCPS)*Guide NumberDistance in FeetDistance in Meters3501203650014042700170501000200601400240702000280852800340100400040012056004701408000560170Fluorescent Lamp TypeKODAK Color Compensating Filter(s)Exposure Adjustment "Daylight"40R + 2/3 stop White 20C + 30M+ 1 stop Warm White 40B + 1 stop Warm White Deluxe 30B + 30C + 1 1/3 stops Cool White 30M + 2/3 stop Cool White Deluxe10C + 10M+ 2/3 stopNote: Some primary color filters were used in the tables above to reduce the number of filters and/or to keep the exposure adjustment to a minimum. Red filters were substituted for equivalent filtration in magenta and yellow. Blue filters were substituted for equivalent filtration in cyan and magenta.Adjustments for Long and Short ExposuresYou do not need to make any exposure or filter adjustments for exposure times of 1/10,000 second to 1 second. Exposures longer than 1 second may require exposure compensation and/or filtration. For critical applications make tests under your conditions.PROCESSINGProcess in KODAK FLEXICOLOR Chemicals for Process C-41.JUDGING NEGATIVE EXPOSURESExpose this film properly for optimum results.You can check the exposure level of the color negative with a suitable electronic densitometer equipped with a filter such as the red filter for Status M Densitometry, or a KODAK WRATTEN Gelatin Filter No. 92. Depending on the subject and the light source used for exposure, a normally exposed color negative measured through the red filter should have the approximate densities listed below. These densities apply for the recommended light sources and correct processing of the negative.*Because of the extreme range in skin color, use these values only as a guide.For best results, use a KODAK Gray Card (gray side).High-Intensity DischargeLamp Type KODAK Color Compensating Filter(s)Exposure Adjustment High Pressure Sodium Vapor 70B + 50C + 3 stops Metal Halide10R + 20M + 2/3 stop Mercury Vapor with Phosphor 20R + 20M+ 2/3 stop Mercury Vapor without Phosphor80R+ 1 2/3 stopsArea on the Negative:Densities:EI 800EI 1600 (Push 1)The KODAK Gray Card (gray side) receiving the same illumination as the subject 0.75 to 0.950.85 to 1.05The lightest step (darkest in the negative) of a KODAK Paper Gray Scale receiving the same illumination as the subject1.00 to 1.20 1.20 to 1.40Normally lighted forehead of person with light complexion *0.95 to 1.25 1.10 to 1.40Normally lighted forehead of person with dark complexion *0.75 to 1.100.90 to 1.25PRINTING NEGATIVESThis film is optimized for printing on KODAK EKTACOLOR EDGE Paper, KODAK ROYAL Digital Color Paper, and KODAK PROFESSIONAL ENDURA Metallic Paper.Make color slides and transparencies by printing the negatives on KODAK PROFESSIONAL ENDURA Transparency Display Material or KODAK PROFESSIONAL ENDURA Clear Display Material.You can scan an image to a file and print digitally to KODAK EKTACOLOR EDGE Paper, KODAK ROYAL Digital Color Paper, KODAK PROFESSIONAL ENDURA Papers, KODAK PROFESSIONAL ENDURA Metallic Paper, KODAK PROFESSIONAL ENDURA Transparency Display Material, or KODAK PROFESSIONAL ENDURA Clear Display Material.Make black-and-white prints on any of the materials mentioned above using the recommendations in KODAK Publication CIS-274, Printing Black-and-White Images Without KODAK Black-and-White Papers.IMAGE STRUCTUREPrint Grain IndexThe Print Grain Index number refers to a method of defining graininess in a print made with diffuse-printing illumination. It replaces rms granularity and has a different scale which cannot be compared to rms granularity.•The method uses a uniform perceptual scale, with achange of four units equaling a just noticeable difference in graininess to 90 percent of observers.• A Print Grain Index rating of 25 on the scale represents the approximate visual threshold for graininess. Ahigher number indicates an increase in the amount of graininess observed.•The standardized inspection (print-to-viewer)distance for all print sizes is 14 inches, the typicalviewing distance for a 4 x 6-inch print.•In practice, larger prints will likely be viewed fromdistances greater than 14 inches, which reducesapparent graininess.•Print Grain Index numbers may not representgraininess observed from more specular printingilluminants, such as condenser enlargers.The Print Grain Index number printed in this publication applies to the following standards:Negative size:24 x 36 mm(135 size standard format) Print Size: 4 x 6 inches (10.2 x 15.2 cm) Magnification: 4.4XPrint Grain Index:48RETOUCHINGNegatives on this film can be retouched on the emulsion side with retouching pencils, after applying a retouching fluid, such as KODAK Retouching Fluid.KODAK ULTRA MAX 800 FilmFilm & Photofinishing Systems GroupEASTMAN KODAK COMPANY • ROCHESTER, NY 14650new 12/07Printed in U.S.A.KODAK ULTRA MAX 800 Film KODAK Publication No. E-7024NOTICE: The sensitometric curves and data in thispublication represent product tested under the conditions of exposure and processing specified. They arerepresentative of production coatings, and therefore do not apply directly to a particular box or roll of photographic material. They do not represent standards or specifications that must be met by Eastman Kodak Company. The company reserves the right to change and improveMORE INFORMATIONKodak has many publications to assist you withinformation on Kodak products, equipment, and materials.Additional information is available on the Kodak website.The following publications are available from Kodak Customer Service and from dealers who sell Kodak products, or you can contact Kodak in your country for more information.For the latest version of technical support publications for KODAKProducts, visit Kodak on-line at: If you have questions about KODAK Products, call Kodak.In the U.S.A.:1-800-242-2424, Monday–Friday 9 a.m.–7 p.m. (Eastern time)In Canada:1-800-465-6325, Monday–Friday 8 a.m.–5 p.m. (Eastern time)Note: The Kodak materials described in this publication are available from dealers who supply Kodak products. You can use other materials, but you may not obtain similar results.E-30Storage and Care of KODAK Photographic Materials—Before and After Processing E-7023KODAK ULTRA MAX 400 Film E-7022KODAK GOLD 100 and 200 FilmsE-4035KODAK PROFESSIONAL ULTRA COLOR Films E-4040KODAK PROFESSIONAL PORTRA Films E-7020KODAK EKTACOLOR EDGE Paper E-7021KODAK ROYAL Digital Color PaperE-4020KODAK PROFESSIONAL ULTRA ENDURA Paper E-4021KODAK PROFESSIONAL PORTRA and SUPRA ENDURA Paper sE-4038KODAK PROFESSIONAL ENDURA Transparency and Clear Display MaterialsKodak, Kodak Professional, Edge, Endura, Ektacolor, Flexicolor, Gold, Max, Portra, Royal, Supra, Ultra, and Wratten are trademarks.。
HLK-RM08S 用户手册说明书
HLK-RM08S用户手册5PORT ETHERNET以太网150M WIFI无线网双串口网络/无线模块版本:V1.54日期:2022年10月13日版权所有@深圳市海凌科电子有限公司目录1产品简介 (2)2产品综述 (2)2.1技术规格 (2)2.2硬件说明 (3)3快速开始向导 (7)3.1恢复出厂设置 (7)3.2配置网络参数 (7)3.3配置串口转网络透传参数 (7)4功能说明 (8)4.1默认模式 (8)4.2串口转以太网 (9)5参数配置 (11)5.1参数存储 (11)6WEB页面配置 (12)6.1WEB配置网络 (12)6.3提交更改 (17)7串口AT指令 (17)8串口配置工具 (20)8.1搜索模块 (22)8.2设置各选项参数 (22)8.3提交配置 (23)8.4用户数据保存 (24)8.5查询配置 (24)8.6进入透传模式 (24)8.7恢复出厂设置 (24)9设备搜索工具 (24)10网络AT指令 (25)11恢复设置 (26)附录A文档修订记录 (28)1产品简介HLK-RM08S是海凌科电子新推出的低成本嵌入式UART-ETH-WIFI(串口-以太网-无线网)模块。
MCU HLK-RM08SSerialWiFiEthernet图 1.功能结构2产品综述2.1技术规格网络参数网络标准无线标准:IEEE802.11n、IEEE802.11g、IEEE802.11b有线标准:IEEE802.3、IEEE802.3u无线传输速率11n:最高可达11g:最高可达11b:最高可达150Mbps54Mbps11Mbps信道数1-11频率范围 2.4-2.4835G发射功率15-20DBM接口5个以太网口、2个串口、1个usb口(host/slave)、GPIO天线天线类型板载天线/外接天线(二选一)功能参数WIFI工作模式无线网卡/无线接入点/无线路由器WDS功能支持WDS无线桥接无线安全无线MAC地址过滤无线安全功能开关64/128/152位WEP加密WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK、WPA/WPA2安全机制网络管理远程Web管理配置文件导入与导出WEB软件升级串口转网络TCP连接最大连接数>20UDP连接最大连接数>20串口波特率1200~2000000bps其它参数状态指示灯状态指示环境标准工作温度:-40-60℃工作湿度:10%-90%RH(不凝结)存储温度:-40-80℃存储湿度:5%-90%RH(不凝结)其它性能频段带宽可选:20MHz、40MHz,自动2.2硬件说明2.2.1机械尺寸尺寸如下图所示:ES0功能说明:1.系统正常启动后,REF_CLK(11脚GPIO0)保持低电平时间0.05s<t<6s,串口0退出透传模式。
手持组态工具 SmartLine变送器在操作员和பைடு நூலகம்送器之间采用双向的通
讯和组态功能。这是通过霍尼韦尔的适用于各种现场需求的 多协议通讯器(MCT202)实现的。MCT202能够现场组态DE 和HART变送器,它还可以在本质安全的环境下使用。所有 霍尼韦尔变送器经设计和测试符合所提供的通信协议,并且 可与任何经过验证的手持组态设备配合使用。
同类最佳的特性: ● 校验量程的精度高达0.055% ● 每年的稳定性高达0.015%/满量程 ● 自动静压和温度补偿 ● 高达100:1的量程比 ● 响应时间快达80ms ● 多种本地显示功能 ● 外部零位、量程和组态功能 ● 电源极性任意连接 ● 完善的自诊断功能 ● 基于ANSI/NFPA 70-202和ANSI/ISA 12.27.0集成双重密
模块化特性 ● 膜盒替换 ● 替换电子/通讯模块* ● 添加或卸除显示表头* ● 添加或卸除防雷端子模块* * 除了隔爆场合,现场更换可以在任何电气环境下进行(包括 本安场合),而不违反认证机构的规定。
霍尼韦尔独特的模块化特性可降低存库需求和整体工作 成本,而不会对性能产生影响。
运输和存放 ℃
-55 至 120
-55 至 120 -505至至110205
测量压力 (mmHgA)
25mmHgA (3.3KPaA)
硅油 DC200
回路 电阻 (ohm)
高温硅油 DC704
额定工作区 请联系霍尼韦尔 以获取特殊报价
注: 在高度真空下短时间 (70摄氏度时/1528小华时氏)暴度露时不2小会时) 导暴致露受不损会导致受损
Maxstar 400和800电缸TIG焊接机说明书
Maxstar ®Issued March 2021 • Index No. DC/24.5Power source is warrantied for three years, parts and labor.Maxstar 400 Wireless CompleteMaxstar 400 machine onlyAllows for any input voltage hookup (208–575 V) with no manual linking, providing convenience in any job setting. Ideal solution for digital meters to be calibrated dedicated-use receptacle for feature operates the auxiliary cooling power source cooling system operates only when needed, reducing noise, energy use and the amount of contaminants pulled though the machine.Auto-postflow adjusts the length of postflow time based on the amperage setting, shielding your tungsten and eliminating the need to set the postflow time.Lift-Arc ™ provides DC arc initiation without the use of high frequency.Blue Lightning ™ high-frequency (HF) arc starter for non-contact arc initiation. Provides more consistent arc starts and greater reliability compared to traditional HF arc starters.TIG/Stick WeldingPower SourceMiller Electric Mfg. LLCAn ITW Welding Company 1635 West Spencer Street P.O. Box 1079Appleton, WI 54912-1079 USAEquipment Sales US and CanadaPhone: 866-931-9730 FAX: 800-637-2315International Phone: 920-735-4554 International FAX: 920-735-41252Performance Data*Sense voltage for low OCV stick and Lift-Arc ™ TIG.All CE models conform to the applicable parts of the IEC 60974 series of standards.Certified by Canadian Standards Association to both the Canadian and U.S. Standards.Tech Menu (Hold Gas and Amperage buttons five seconds.)332101141513671289Maxstar ®400 and 800 Control Panel(9 DC TIG) (9 DC stick) 2.Memory Display 3.Voltmeter Display 4.Ammeter Display5.Process/Arc Starting TIG: HF impulse, Lift-ArcSTICK: Adaptive Hot Start 6.Output Control Standard remote,2T trigger hold, Output on 7.Pulser ControlPulses per Second* DC: 0.1–5,000 pps Peak Time* 5–95% Background Amps* 5–95%*Pro-Set parameter selectable.9.Activity Indicator 10.Encoder Control 11.Amperage Button12.Gas/DIGPreflow Off–25.0 seconds Postflow Auto/Off–50 seconds DIG* Off–100% 13.Sequencer ControlInitial Amps 3–400 A/5–800 A Initial Time Off–25.0 seconds Initial Slope Off–50.0 seconds Weld Time Off–999 seconds Final Slope Off–50.0 seconds Final Amps 3–400 A/5–800 A Final Time Off–25.0 seconds1. Tungsten Size 400 = .020–3/16 in./GEN or 0.5–4.8 mm 800 = .040–1/4 in./GEN or 1.0–6.4 mm2. Remote Trigger = 2T/3T/4T/4TL/4TE/4Tm3. Stick Hot Start = ON/OFF1. Arc Time 0.0–9,999 hours 0.0–59 minutes 0–999,999 cycles Resettable2. Error Log = Error event recorder3. Stick Stuc = OFF/ON4. OCV = LOW/NORM5. Weld Timers = OFF/ON6. Cooler Power = AUTO/ON/OFF7. Locks = OFF/1–48. Meter Display9. External Pulse Control = OFF/ON 10. Machine Reset 11. Software Number 12. Serial Number13. Slave (with Modbus ®Address = 1–247 automation expansion)Baudrate = 9600/19.2K Parity = EVEN/ODD/NONEUser Menu (Press Gas and Amperage buttons.)Pulsed TIG Controls4Maxstar ®400 and 800 Models/Packages5907716001 package shown.951874package shown.907716 and 907718models shown.301580 remote shown.301268 kit shown.907716001 Maxstar 400TIGRunner ® shown with four bottles of 043810Low-Conductivity Coolant.Build aWater-Cooled PackageSelect desired stock number for each step.Machines and Preconfigured Water-Cooled PackagesOrder machine only or use a single stock number to order a complete preconfigured system.6Water-Cooled TIG Torch Connector 195377 For Dynasty ® and Maxstar ® 400.50 mm Dinse-style with water return line. For use with all Weldcraft ™ water-cooled torches.Water-Cooled TIG Torch Connector 225028 For Dynasty and Maxstar 800.50 mm thread-lock with water return line. For use with all Weldcraft ™ water-cooled torches.Runner™ Cart300244Designed toaccommodate Dynasty or Maxstar 400 or 800 power sources and a Coolmate ™ 3.5 Cooler. Cart features single cylinder rack, foot pedal holder, three cable/torchholders, and two TIG electrode filler holders.Coolmate ™3.5 300245Designed to integrate with the Dynasty and Maxstar 400 and 800 power sources. For use with water-cooled torches rated up to 600 amps. 3.5-gallon capacity.Low-Conductivity TIG Coolant 043810Sold in multiples of four in one-gallon recyclable plastic bottles. Millercoolants contains a base of ethyleneglycol and deionized water to protect against freezing to -37° Fahrenheit (-38°C) or boiling to 227° Fahrenheit (108°C).Automation Interface Connection Kit 278161 FieldProvides control of power source welding parameters through a 28-pin receptacle. The 28-pin receptacle replaces the standard 14-pin receptacle and requires a PLC controller to operate the power source. Ideal for automated equipment integration.Weld Current Sensor 300179 FieldDetects when work clamp is not connected and prevents expensive damage to disconnectdevices and input power cord and wiring.Water-Cooled Torch KitsW-280 Torch Kit 300990Weldcraft ™ W-280 25-foot (7.6 m) TIG torch with Dinse-style connector Torch cable coverWork clamp with 15-foot (4.6 m) 1/0 cable and Dinse-style connector Flowmeter regulatorGas hose (regulator to machine)AK4GL torch accessory kit includes short back cap, nozzles, gas lenses, collets and 2% ceriated tungsten electrodes (1/16, 3/32 and 1/8 inch)W-375 Torch Kit 301268Recommended for Maxstar 400Weldcraft ™ W-375 25-foot (7.6 m) TIG torch with Dinse-style connector Torch cable coverWork clamp with 15-foot (4.6 m) 1/0 cable and Dinse-style connector Flowmeter regulatorGas hose (regulator to machine)AK4GL torch accessory kit includes short back cap, nozzles, gas lenses, collets and 2% ceriated tungsten electrodes (1/16, 3/32 and 1/8 inch)W-400 (WP-18SC) Torch Kit 300186 Recommended for Maxstar 800Weldcraft ™ W-400 (WP-18SC) 25-foot (7.6 m) TIG torch with thread-lock connector Torch cable coverWork clamp with 12-foot (3.7 m) 4/0 cable with thread-lock connector Flowmeter regulatorGas hose (regulator to machine)AK18C torch accessory kit includes short back cap, nozzles, collets, collet bodies and 2% ceriated tungsten electrodes (3/32, 1/8 and 5/32 inch)Genuine Miller ®AccessoriesGenuine Miller® Accessories (Continued)into the 14-pin receptacle of Miller machine.Includes 20-foot (6 m) cord and 14-pin plug.Tungsten7Ordering InformationEquipment and Options Stock No. Description Qty. Price Maxstar® 400907716 Auto-Line™ 208–575 V, 50/60 Hz, CSA. 8 ft. power cordMaxstar® 400 International 907716002 Auto-Line™ 380–575 V, 50/60 Hz, CE. 8 ft. power cordMaxstar® 400 TIGRunner®907716001 Auto-Line™ 208–575 V, 50/60 Hz, CSA. 8 ft. power cord. Requires coolantMaxstar® 400 Wireless Complete 951874 Auto-Line™ 208–575 V, 50/60 Hz, CSA. 8 ft. power cordMaxstar® 400 Complete 951692 Auto-Line™ 208–575 V, 50/60 Hz, CSA. 8 ft. power cordMaxstar® 800907718 Auto-Line™ 208–575 V, 50/60 Hz, CSAMaxstar® 800 International907718002 Auto-Line™ 380–575 V, 50/60 Hz, CETIG Torches, Kits and ConnectorsWater-Cooled Torch Kits300990 W-280(see page 6 for contents)301268 W-375 (recommended for Maxstar 400)300186 W-400 (WP-18SC) (recommended for Maxstar 800)Water-Cooled TIG Torch Connectors 195377 Connects Weldcraft™ water-cooled torches to Dinse-style connector225028 Connects Weldcraft™ water-cooled torches to Maxstar 800(thread-lock connector included with 800 models)Tungsten See page 7Remote ControlsWireless Remote Foot Control 301580 Foot control with wireless 90 ft. (27.4 m) operating rangeWireless Remote Hand Control301582 Hand control with wireless 300 ft. (91.4 m) operating rangeRCCS-14043688 North/south fingertip controlRCC-14 151086 East/west fingertip controlRFCS-14 HD194744 Heavy-duty foot controlRHC-14242211020 Hand controlRMLS-14 129337 Momentary/maintained rocker switchRMS-14 187208 Momentary rubber dome switchExtension Cables See page 7AccessoriesRunner™ Cart 300244 See page 6Coolmate™ 3.5300245 120 V, 50/60 Hz, CE.Requires coolantTIG Coolant 043810 1-gallon plastic bottle. Protects against freezing to -37° Fahrenheit (-38°C)(must be ordered in quantities of four) or boiling to 227° Fahrenheit (108°C)Automation Interface Kit 278161 Field installation required. Provides 28-pin automation connectionsWeld Current Sensor300179 Field installation required. Detects when work clamp is not connectedDinse-Style Connector 50 mm (1 male) 042418 Used to connect weld cable to Dinse terminal machineThread-Lock Connectors (2 male) 225029 Used to connect weld cable to Dynasty 800 or Maxstar 800Dinse-Style Connector 50 mm 042419 Used to extend weld cables(1 male, 1 female)Dinse/Tweco® Adapter042465 Male Dinse to female TwecoDinse/Cam-Lok Adapter042466 Male Dinse to female Cam-LokTIG Welding Gloves See page 7Memory Cards 301151 14-Pin automation expansion301152 14-Pin Modbus® expansion301080 BlankGas Tungsten Arc Welding (TIG) Publication250833Date: Total Quoted Price:Distributed by:©2021 Miller Electric Mfg. LLC。
ZEISS VISUMAX 800 眼科仪器说明书
/visumax800ZEISS VISUMAX 800Right on target.Faster. Robotic. Connected.Fast performance.Open more opportunities with confidence.1 VISUMAX 800: CE available for flap cut andSMILE. CE certification for further applications, e.g. ICR, KP and CIRCLE expected in 2022.2 Data on file, narrow spot and track spacing.3 Data on file, myopia with optical zone 6.5 mm.4 Data on file, flap diameter ≤ 8.0 mm,spot distance 4.5 µm, track distance 2.0 µm.VISUMAX ® 800 from ZEISS 1 lets you create a comfortable patient experience and gain confidence in your workflow. It represents a new evolution of ZEISS femtosecond lasers, offering reduced laser time in comparison to its predecessors while making tissue separation with SMILE ® pro from ZEISS easier than before 2.Increased laser frequency and faster cut speeds.Create the lenticule in less than 10 seconds 3 and complete a flap cut in approximately 5 seconds 4. This performance is driven by a faster laser pulse repetition rate of 2 MHz and an innovative scanner system. All this ensures a very short overall suction time.Shorter suction time and reduced stress.The faster cutting speed leads to a shorter suction time, which reduces the probability of a potential suction loss. This can increase peace of mind and reduce stress for you and your patients during the laser treatment.Rainer Wiltfang, MD, Smile Eyes Augenklinik, Munich Airport, Munich, GermanyThe biggest advantage, I think, is the laser time – 10 seconds 3. It’s unbelievable. For us, the surgeons, and also for the patients. By the time I start talking, it’s done. Brilliant.“Smart robotic assistance.Get in position to take control.Digitally connected workflow.Take advantage of integrated efficiency.Tracking distances positioning made easy.Ultrasound sensors assist in actuating the robotic arms. Integrated top-view, side-view and therapy cameras allow you to intelligently observe the surgical environment between device and patient. You are able to observe the patient with ease and ergonomic comfort while docking the cornea correctly.CentraLign systemfor easy centration with little effort.The CentraLign ® assistant system is a computer-controlled function for easy centration. It uses pupil center and vertex position, giving you full control of centration already during the docking phase. There is no need to shift the cutting pattern after docking.Scan the QR code to watch the simulation.OcuLign systemfor easy cyclotorsion alignment.ZEISS VISUMAX 800 features the intuitive OcuLign ® pattern rotation. The sophisticated yet easy-to-use system automatically re-calculates the treatment pattern and helps to counter cyclotorsion that may occur.Scan the QR code to watch the simulation.The VISUMAX 800 connects seamlessly with different products and solutions from ZEISS. The reliable integration can help you achieve faster procedures and more efficiency in a streamlined workflow while assisting you in reducing sources of error.ZEISS Refractive WorkplaceEasily manage, evaluate, store and transfer data.VISUMAX 800 connects to the powerful Refractive Workplace software 5, which runs on the FORUM ® data management solution from ZEISS. Before and after laser vision correction treatments, all relevant surgical procedure documentation, including all videos, is assigned to each respective patient, and stored after confirmation in ZEISS FORUM. You can streamline your workflow and carry out patient data management and treatment planning from anywhere in your clinic. Additionally, you get support in reducing the amount of administrative tasks performed inthe OR.Easy patient access with comfort and control.From the start of a procedure, ZEISS VISUMAX 8001 makes the surgical experience comfortable and reassuring for everyone in the OR. While patients comfortably lie on the surgical bed, you can access patients without difficulty. And as soon as the patient is situated properly, the arm required can be brought into working position – either the laser arm or the OPMI arm for manual surgery.Intelligent robotic assistant systems, such as cyclotorsion and centration aid, can help in enhancing control during your procedures. In every way, the device has been designed to deliver state-of-the-art performance that adds efficiency and ergonomics.5 CE certification Refractive Workplace planned in 2022.Streamline your refractive workflow.The new ZEISS Corneal Refractive Workflow offers a digital connected infrastructure and improves efficiency with the right solution for any eligible patient.ZEISS Refractive WorkplaceRefractive Workplace 5 with connectivity to FORUM is the treatment planning software for our refractive lasers. It offers comprehensive remote planning outside the OR with the option to align integrated diagnostic data. The remote planning station supports an efficient workflow and comfortable treatment strategy.ZEISS Patient Communication Materials Helping you to interact with patients at each step of the patient journey for better understanding of treatment options and expectation management.ZEISS Practice DevelopmentOur ZEISS Practice Development consultants will provide you with an unbiased evaluation of the patient experience in your clinic and collaborate with you to define improvements tailored to your specific needs.ZEISS VISUMAX 800 – MEL 90 combinationThe digital connection of the VISUMAX 800 femtosecond laser 1 and MEL 90 excimer laser 6 to FORUM gives you the freedom for easy remote treatment planning via ZEISS Refractive Workplace. The combination allows you to perform a broad range of laser vision corrections: Lenticule Extraction with ZEISS SMILE pro, Femto-LASIK, PRK/LASEK, and ZEISS PRESBYOND up to 500 Hz repetition rate.ZEISS VISULYZE 7The software VISULYZE ® from ZEISS provides a clear overview of your clinical results and generates nomograms customized to each user with a simple and intuitive interface. The comprehensive software collects, stores and statistically analyzes your own clinical data in a standardized way – helping you to examine and verify refractive outcomes.6 C E certification for MEL 90 and connectivity toFORUM expected in 2022.7 C E certification for VISULYZE in progress.Building on an already groundbreaking system.Additional highlights and accessories of our new evolutionfemtosecond laser.SMILE profor Lenticule Extraction.With SMILE® pro, the ZEISS VISUMAX 800 offers Lenticule Extraction1 for patients with myopia andastigmatism. During the procedure a lenticule is created inside the cornea. The lenticule is subsequentlyextracted through a small incision, thereby achieving the desired vision correction.Flap cutfor Femto-LASIK.For treatments such as Femto-LASIK, the ZEISS VISUMAX 800 delivers highly precise flaps1. Everysurgeon has the opportunity to use their preferred flap configuration. This creates the possibility ofwidely adjustable flap diameter, thickness, hinge position and side cut angle. Thanks to the high cuttingprecision, the flap lift is easy to perform, facilitated by the high cutting speed and optimized parametersettings.Tunnel incisionsfor ICR.The femtosecond laser technology of the ZEISS VISUMAX 800 is also ideally suited to create incisions1 inpreparation for intracorneal ring (ICR) implantations. It provides the possibility of creating corneal tunnelsquickly, precisely and with a high degree of flexibility. When defining tunnel parameters, it even performsinclined cutting geometries and full circle tunnels as well as tunnel segments of 90 to 270°. This allowsthe implantation requirements of various kinds of ring segments to be met.Keratoplasty optionfor corneal transplant.With the Keratoplasty option1, the ZEISS VISUMAX 800 covers several corneal transplant procedures.It enables smooth lamellar and circular incisions for Penetrating Keratoplasty (PKP) and Anterior LamellarKeratoplasty (ALK). High-precision cutting quality and a rapid incision speed enable the efficientpreparation of precision corneal grafts and recipient corneas.The practical Keratoplasty adapter provides a robust and sterile work surface for preparing corneal graftsand the specially designed curved contact glass (type KP) prevents unnecessary compression of thecorneal tissue.CIRCLEfor retreatment.In rare cases when a retreatment may be necessary, the software option CIRCLE from ZEISS1 convertsthe initial cap created with SMILE or SMILE pro into a flap. The actual retreatment is then performed asa LASIK procedure, e.g. with the ZEISS MEL 90.Interactive touchscreensa smart unit.While smart robotic features continuously monitor the patient’s position and makeautomatic adjustments, the interactive touchscreen and intuitive software assist thesurgeon and the assistant at every step throughout the procedure.Surgical microscope and digital video camerafor brilliant visual control.The integrated high-quality ZEISS surgical microscope ensures precise and completevisual control during every manual surgical manipulation. It offers 5 magnificationsteps and it additionally includes a digital video camera for recording surgicalprocedures.Integrated slit projectorfor reassurance right on the spot.As a universal workstation for corneal refractive surgery, the system features anintegrated slit illumination with two different slit widths for immediate checking –without the patient needing to be moved.Operating tableGenius Eye ZThe headrest of the operating table “Genius Eye Z” can be adjusted in threedimensions to account for anatomic specifics of your patients. You can also re-adjust the patient position thanks to the automatic length adjustment of the headshell. Legroom and easy access for the surgeon provide comfortable workingergonomics. The Keratoplasty adapter perfectly fits to the operating table.Surgeon’s chairBalance SupremeThe arm rests of the surgeon’s chair “Balance Supreme” can be swivelled forward andbackward in addition to the height adjustment and rotation adjustment. Also, back rest aswell as height and inclination of the sitting surface can be adjusted for an ergonomic positionduring the surgery.Technical DataLaser type Femtosecond laserAvailable treatment options Flap, SMILE® pro, CIRCLE, ICR, Keratoplasty1 Digital assistant systems Centration aid CentraLign®Cyclotorsion adjustment OcuLign®import of VISULYZE® user nomograms Optical dataMaximum laser repetition2 MHzf requencyWavelength1043 nmSurgical microscopeMagnification0.7×Factors for magnification change0.4 / 0.6 / 1.0 / 1.6 / 2.5Eyepiece magnification12.5× (10×)Filters blue, barrier filter (yellow)Slit ilumination slit width ≤ 0.3 mm / 0.7 mmslit height 11.0 mmAmbient conditions for operationTemperature+18 °C to +25 °CHumidity30 % to 70 %Device mass520 kgMinimum floor load 2.5 kN/m2Footprint standalone L × W: 1,710 mm × 925 mme n -I N T _34_010_0027I P r i n t e d i n G e r m a n y . C Z -X /2021 I n t e r n a t i o n a l e d i t i o n : O n l yf o r s a l e i n s e l e c t e d c o u n t r i e s .T h e c o n t e n t s o f t h e b r o c h u r e m a y d i f f e r f r o m t h e c u r r e n t s t a t u s o f a p p r o v a l o f t h e p r o d u c t o r s e r v i c e o f f e r i ng i n y o u r c o u n t r y . P l e a s e c o n t a c t o u r r e g i o n a l r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n . S u b j e c t t o ch a n g e si n d e s i g n a n d s c o p e o f d e l i v e r y a n d d u e t o o n g o i n g t e c h n i c a l d e v e l o p m e n t . V I S U M A X , S M I L E , C I R C L E , C e n t r a L i g n , O c u L i g n , M E L , P R E S B Y O N D , R e f r a c t i v e W o r k p l a c e , F O R U M a n d V I S U L Y Z E a r e e i t h e r t r a d e m a r k s o r r e g i s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k s o f C a r l Z e i s s M e d i t e c A G o r o t h e r c o m p a n i e s o f t h e Z E I S S G r o u p i n G e r m a n y a n d /o r o t h e r c o u n t r i e s . © C a r l Z e i s s M e d i t e c A G , 2021. A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .Carl Zeiss Meditec AG Goeschwitzer Strasse 51–5207745 Jena Germany//med/contacts0297VISUMAX 8001MEL 906FORUM。
Autel MaxiSys MS908S 用户手册说明书
商標深圳市道通科技股份有限公司(以下稱”道通公司”)已經在中國及海外若干國家進行了商標註冊,Autel® , MaxiSys TM , MaxiDAS® , MaxiScan® , MaxiTPMS® , MaxiVideo TM ,MaxiRecorder TM,和MaxiCheck TM 均是道通公司的注冊商標。
服務支援1-855-288-3587/1-855-AUTELUS (北美)0086-755-86147779 (中国)*****************其它國家與地區的使用者,請聯繫當地經銷商尋求技術支援。
August 2006Rev. 131/47L7800 seriesPositive voltage regulatorsFeature summary■Output current to 1.5A■Output voltages of 5; 5.2; 6; 8; 8.5; 9; 10; 12; 15; 18; 24V■Thermal overload protection ■Short circuit protection■Output transition SOA protectionDescriptionThe L7800 series of three-terminal positiveregulators is available in TO-220, TO-220FP , TO-3 and D 2PAK packages and several fixed output voltages, making it useful in a wide range of applications. These regulators can provide local on-card regulation, eliminating the distribution problems associated with single point regulation. Each type employs internal current limiting, thermal shut-down and safe area protection, making it essentially indestructible. If adequate heat sinking is provided, they can deliver over 1A output current. Although designedprimarily as fixed voltage regulators, thesedevices can be used with external components to obtain adjustable voltage and currents.Schematic diagramL7800 series2/47Contents1Pin configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2Maximum ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3Test circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4Electrical characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 5Typical performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 6Package mechanical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 7Order code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 8Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47L7800 series Pin configuration 1 Pin configurationMaximum ratings L7800 series4/472 Maximum ratingsNote:Absolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device mayoccur. Functional operation under these condition is not impliedTable 1.Absolute maximum ratingsSymbol ParameterValue Unit V I DC Input voltage for V O = 5 to 18V 35Vfor V O = 20, 24V40I O Output current Internally Limited P D Power dissipationInternally LimitedT STG Storage temperature range-65 to 150°C T OPOperating junction temperature rangefor L7800-55 to 150°C for L7800C0 to 150Table 2.Thermal DataSymbol ParameterD 2PAK TO-220TO-220FPTO-3Unit R thJC Thermal resistance junction-case 3554°C/W R thJAThermal resistance junction-ambient62.5506035°C/WL7800 series Test circuits 3 Test circuits5/47Electrical characteristics L7800 series6/474Electrical characteristicsTable 3.Electrical characteristics of L7805 (refer to the test circuits, T J = -55 to 150°C, V I = 10V, I O = 500 mA, C I = 0.33 µF , C O = 0.1 µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterTest conditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output voltage T J = 25°C4.855.2V V O Output voltage I O = 5mA to 1A, P O ≤ 15W V I = 8 to 20V4.655 5.35V ∆V O (1)1.Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Changes in V O due to heating effects must betaken into account separately. Pulse testing with low duty cycle is used.Line regulationV I = 7 to 25V , T J = 25°C 350mVV I = 8 to 12V , T J = 25°C 125∆V O (1)Load regulation I O = 5 mA to 1.5A, T J = 25°C 100mV I O = 250 to 750mA, T J = 25°C 25I d Quiescent current T J = 25°C 6mA ∆I d Quiescent current change I O = 5mA to 1A 0.5mA V I = 8 to 25 V 0.8∆V O /∆T Output voltage drift I O = 5mA0.6mV/°C eN Output noise voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz, T J = 25°C 40µV/V O SVR Supply voltage rejection V I = 8 to 18V , f = 120Hz 68dB V d Dropout voltage I O = 1A, T J = 25°C 2 2.5V R O Output resistance f = 1 KHz17m ΩI sc Short circuit current V I = 35V , T J = 25°C 0.75 1.2A I scpShort circuit peak currentT J = 25°C1.32.23.3AL7800 series Electrical characteristics7/47Table 4.Electrical characteristics of L7806 (refer to the test circuits, T J = -55 to 150°C, V I = 11V, I O = 500 mA, C I = 0.33 µF , C O = 0.1 µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterTest conditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output voltage T J = 25°C5.7566.25V V O Output voltage I O = 5mA to 1A, P O ≤ 15W V I = 9 to 21V5.6566.35V ∆V O (1)Line regulationV I = 8 to 25V , T J = 25°C 60mVV I = 9 to 13V , T J = 25°C 30∆V O (1)Load regulation I O = 5 mA to 1.5A, T J = 25°C 100mV I O = 250 to 750mA, T J = 25°C 30I d Quiescent current T J = 25°C 6mA ∆I d Quiescent current change I O = 5mA to 1A 0.5mA V I = 9 to 25V 0.8∆V O /∆T Output voltage drift I O = 5mA0.7mV/°C eN Output noise voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz, T J = 25°C 40µV/V O SVR Supply voltage rejection V I = 9 to 19V , f = 120Hz 65dB V d Dropout voltage I O = 1A, T J = 25°C 2 2.5V R O Output resistance f = 1 KHz19m ΩI sc Short circuit current V I = 35V , T J = 25°C 0.75 1.2A I scpShort circuit peak currentT J = 25°C1.32.23.3A1.Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Changes in V O due to heating effects must betaken into account separately. Pulse testing with low duty cycle is used.Electrical characteristics L7800 series8/47Table 5.Electrical characteristics of L7808 (refer to the test circuits, T J = -55 to 150°C, V I = 14V, I O = 500 mA, C I = 0.33 µF , C O = 0.1 µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterTest conditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output voltage T J = 25°C7.788.3V V O Output voltage I O = 5mA to 1A, P O ≤ 15W V I = 11.5 to 23V7.688.4V ∆V O (1)Line regulationV I = 10.5 to 25V , T J = 25°C 80mVV I = 11 to 17V , T J = 25°C 40∆V O (1)Load regulation I O = 5 mA to 1.5A, T J = 25°C 100mV I O = 250 to 750mA, T J = 25°C 40I d Quiescent current T J = 25°C 6mA ∆I d Quiescent current change I O = 5mA to 1A 0.5mA V I = 11.5 to 25V 0.8∆V O /∆T Output voltage drift I O = 5mA1mV/°C eN Output noise voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz, T J = 25°C 40µV/V O SVR Supply voltage rejection V I = 11.5 to 21.5V , f = 120Hz 62dB V d Dropout voltage I O = 1A, T J = 25°C 2 2.5V R O Output resistance f = 1 KHz16m ΩI sc Short circuit current V I = 35V , T J = 25°C 0.75 1.2A I scpShort circuit peak currentT J = 25°C1.32.23.3A1.Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Changes in V O due to heating effects must betaken into account separately. Pulse testing with low duty cycle is used.L7800 series Electrical characteristics9/47Table 6.Electrical characteristics of L7812 (refer to the test circuits, T J = -55 to 150°C, V I = 19V, I O = 500 mA, C I = 0.33 µF , C O = 0.1 µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterTest conditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output voltage T J = 25°C11.51212.5V V O Output voltage I O = 5mA to 1A, P O ≤ 15W V I = 15.5 to 27V11.41212.6V ∆V O (1)Line regulationV I = 14.5 to 30V , T J = 25°C 120mVV I = 16 to 22V , T J = 25°C 60∆V O (1)Load regulation I O = 5 mA to 1.5A, T J = 25°C 100mV I O = 250 to 750mA, T J = 25°C 60I d Quiescent current T J = 25°C 6mA ∆I d Quiescent current change I O = 5mA to 1A 0.5mA V I = 15 to 30V 0.8∆V O /∆T Output voltage drift I O = 5mA1.5mV/°C eN Output noise voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz, T J = 25°C 40µV/V O SVR Supply voltage rejection V I = 15 to 25V , f = 120Hz 61dB V d Dropout voltage I O = 1A, T J = 25°C 2 2.5V R O Output resistance f = 1 KHz18m ΩI sc Short circuit current V I = 35V , T J = 25°C 0.75 1.2A I scpShort circuit peak currentT J = 25°C1.32.23.3A1.Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Changes in V O due to heating effects must betaken into account separately. Pulse testing with low duty cycle is used.Table 7.Electrical characteristics of L7815 (refer to the test circuits, T J = -55 to 150°C, V I = 23V, I O = 500 mA, C I = 0.33 µF, C O = 0.1 µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol Parameter Test conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output voltage T J = 25°C14.41515.6VV O Output voltage I O = 5mA to 1A, P O≤15WV I = 18.5 to 30V14.251515.75V∆V O(1)Line regulation V I = 17.5 to 30V, T J = 25°C150mV V I = 20 to 26V, T J = 25°C75∆V O(1)Load regulation I O = 5 mA to 1.5A, T J = 25°C150mV I O = 250 to 750mA, T J = 25°C75I d Quiescent current T J = 25°C6mA∆I d Quiescent current change I O = 5mA to 1A0.5mA V I = 18.5 to 30V0.8∆V O/∆T Output voltage drift I O = 5mA 1.8mV/°C eN Output noise voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz, T J = 25°C40µV/V O SVR Supply voltage rejection V I = 18.5 to 28.5V, f = 120Hz60dB V d Dropout voltage I O = 1A, T J = 25°C2 2.5V R O Output resistance f = 1 KHz19mΩI sc Short circuit current V I = 35V, T J = 25°C0.75 1.2AI scp Short circuit peak current T J = 25°C 1.3 2.2 3.3A1.Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Changes in V O due to heating effects must betaken into account separately. Pulse testing with low duty cycle is used.10/47Table 8.Electrical characteristics of L7818 (refer to the test circuits, T J = -55 to 150°C, V I = 26V, I O = 500 mA, C I = 0.33 µF, C O = 0.1 µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol Parameter Test conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output voltage T J = 25°C17.31818.7VV O Output voltage I O = 5mA to 1A, P O≤ 15WV I = 22 to 33V17.11818.9V∆V O(1)Line regulation V I = 21 to 33V, T J = 25°C180mV V I = 24 to 30V, T J = 25°C90∆V O(1)Load regulation I O = 5 mA to 1.5A, T J = 25°C180mV I O = 250 to 750mA, T J = 25°C90I d Quiescent current T J = 25°C6mA∆I d Quiescent current change I O = 5mA to 1A0.5mA V I = 22 to 33V0.8∆V O/∆T Output voltage drift I O = 5mA 2.3mV/°C eN Output noise voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz, T J = 25°C40µV/V O SVR Supply voltage rejection V I = 22 to 32V, f = 120Hz59dB V d Dropout voltage I O = 1A, T J = 25°C2 2.5V R O Output resistance f = 1 KHz22mΩI sc Short circuit current V I = 35V, T J = 25°C0.75 1.2AI scp Short circuit peak current T J = 25°C 1.3 2.2 3.3A1.Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Changes in V O due to heating effects must betaken into account separately. Pulse testing with low duty cycle is used.11/47Table 9.Electrical characteristics of L7820 (refer to the test circuits, T J = -55 to 150°C, V I = 28V, I O = 500 mA, C I = 0.33 µF, C O = 0.1 µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol Parameter Test conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output voltage T J = 25°C19.22020.8VV O Output voltage I O = 5mA to 1A, P O≤15WV I = 24 to 35V192021V∆V O(1)Line regulation V I = 22.5 to 35V, T J = 25°C200mV V I = 26 to 32V, T J = 25°C100∆V O(1)Load regulation I O = 5 mA to 1.5A, T J = 25°C200mV I O = 250 to 750mA, T J = 25°C100I d Quiescent current T J = 25°C6mA∆I d Quiescent current change I O = 5mA to 1A0.5mA V I = 24 to 35V0.8∆V O/∆T Output voltage drift I O = 5mA 2.5mV/°C eN Output noise voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz, T J = 25°C40µV/V O SVR Supply voltage rejection V I = 24 to 35V, f = 120Hz58dB V d Dropout voltage I O = 1A, T J = 25°C2 2.5V R O Output resistance f = 1 KHz24mΩI sc Short circuit current V I = 35V, T J = 25°C0.75 1.2AI scp Short circuit peak current T J = 25°C 1.3 2.2 3.3A1.Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Changes in V O due to heating effects must betaken into account separately. Pulse testing with low duty cycle is used.12/47Table 10.Electrical characteristics of L7824 (refer to the test circuits, T J = -55 to 150°C, V I = 33V, I O = 500 mA, C I = 0.33 µF, C O = 0.1 µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol Parameter Test conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output voltage T J = 25°C232425VV O Output voltage I O = 5mA to 1A, P O≤15WV I = 28 to 38V22.82425.2V∆V O(1)Line regulation V I = 27 to 38V, T J = 25°C240mV V I = 30 to 36V, T J = 25°C120∆V O(1)Load regulation I O = 5 mA to 1.5A, T J = 25°C240mV I O = 250 to 750mA, T J = 25°C120I d Quiescent current T J = 25°C6mA∆I d Quiescent current change I O = 5mA to 1A0.5mA V I = 28 to 38V0.8∆V O/∆T Output voltage drift I O = 5mA3mV/°C eN Output noise voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz, T J = 25°C40µV/V O SVR Supply voltage rejection V I = 28 to 38V, f = 120Hz56dB V d Dropout voltage I O = 1A, T J = 25°C2 2.5V R O Output resistance f = 1 KHz28mΩI sc Short circuit current V I = 35V, T J = 25°C0.75 1.2AI scp Short circuit peak current T J = 25°C 1.3 2.2 3.3A1.Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Changes in V O due to heating effects must betaken into account separately. Pulse testing with low duty cycle is used.13/47Table 11.Electrical characteristics of L7805C (refer to the test circuits, T J = -55 to 150°C, V I = 10V,I O = 500 mA, C I = 0.33 µF, C O = 0.1 µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol Parameter Test conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output voltage T J = 25°C 4.85 5.2VV O Output voltage I O = 5mA to 1A, P O≤15WV I = 7 to 20V4.7555.25V∆V O(1)Line regulation V I = 7 to 25V, T J = 25°C3100mV V I = 8 to 12V, T J = 25°C150∆V O(1)Load regulation I O = 5 mA to 1.5A, T J = 25°C100mV I O = 250 to 750mA, T J = 25°C50I d Quiescent current T J = 25°C8mA∆I d Quiescent current change I O = 5mA to 1A0.5mA V I = 7 to 25 V0.8∆V O/∆T Output voltage drift I O = 5mA-1.1mV/°C eN Output noise voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz, T J = 25°C40µV/V O SVR Supply voltage rejection V I = 8 to 18V, f = 120Hz62dB V d Dropout voltage I O = 1A, T J = 25°C2V R O Output resistance f = 1 KHz17mΩI sc Short circuit current V I = 35V, T J = 25°C0.75AI scp Short circuit peak current T J = 25°C 2.2A1.Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Changes in V O due to heating effects must betaken into account separately. Pulse testing with low duty cycle is used.14/47Table 12.Electrical characteristics of L7852C (refer to the test circuits, T J = -55 to 150°C, V I = 10V,I O = 500 mA, C I = 0.33 µF, C O = 0.1 µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol Parameter Test conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output voltage T J = 25°C 5.0 5.2 5.4VV O Output voltage I O = 5mA to 1A, P O≤15WV I = 8 to 20V4.955.2 5.45V∆V O(1)Line regulation V I = 7 to 25V, T J = 25°C3105mV V I = 8 to 12V, T J = 25°C152∆V O(1)Load regulation I O = 5 mA to 1.5A, T J = 25°C105mV I O = 250 to 750mA, T J = 25°C52I d Quiescent current T J = 25°C8mA∆I d Quiescent current change I O = 5mA to 1A0.5mA V I = 7 to 25 V 1.3∆V O/∆T Output voltage drift I O = 5mA-1mV/°C eN Output noise voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz, T J = 25°C42µV/V O SVR Supply voltage rejection V I = 8 to 18V, f = 120Hz61dB V d Dropout voltage I O = 1A, T J = 25°C2V R O Output resistance f = 1 KHz17mΩI sc Short circuit current V I = 35V, T J = 25°C0.75AI scp Short circuit peak current T J = 25°C 2.2A1.Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Changes in V O due to heating effects must betaken into account separately. Pulse testing with low duty cycle is used.15/47Table 13.Electrical characteristics of L7806C (refer to the test circuits, T J = -55 to 150°C, V I = 11V,I O = 500 mA, C I = 0.33 µF, C O = 0.1 µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol Parameter Test conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output voltage T J = 25°C 5.756 6.25VV O Output voltage I O = 5mA to 1A, P O≤15WV I = 8 to 21V5.766.3V∆V O(1)Line regulation V I = 8 to 25V, T J = 25°C120mV V I = 9 to 13V, T J = 25°C60∆V O(1)Load regulation I O = 5 mA to 1.5A, T J = 25°C120mV I O = 250 to 750mA, T J = 25°C60I d Quiescent current T J = 25°C8mA∆I d Quiescent current change I O = 5mA to 1A0.5mA V I = 8 to 25V 1.3∆V O/∆T Output voltage drift I O = 5mA-0.8mV/°C eN Output noise voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz, T J = 25°C45µV/V O SVR Supply voltage rejection V I = 9 to 19V, f = 120Hz59dB V d Dropout voltage I O = 1A, T J = 25°C2V R O Output resistance f = 1 KHz19mΩI sc Short circuit current V I = 35V, T J = 25°C0.55AI scp Short circuit peak current T J = 25°C 2.2A1.Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Changes in V O due to heating effects must betaken into account separately. Pulse testing with low duty cycle is used.16/47Table 14.Electrical characteristics of L7808C (refer to the test circuits, T J = -55 to 150°C, V I = 14V,I O = 500 mA, C I = 0.33 µF, C O = 0.1 µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol Parameter Test conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output voltage T J = 25°C7.788.3VV O Output voltage I O = 5mA to 1A, P O≤15WV I = 10.5 to 25V7.688.4V∆V O(1)Line regulation V I = 10.5 to 25V, T J = 25°C160mV V I = 11 to 17V, T J = 25°C80∆V O(1)Load regulation I O = 5 mA to 1.5A, T J = 25°C160mV I O = 250 to 750mA, T J = 25°C80I d Quiescent current T J = 25°C8mA∆I d Quiescent current change I O = 5mA to 1A0.5mA V I = 10.5 to 25V1∆V O/∆T Output voltage drift I O = 5mA-0.8mV/°C eN Output noise voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz, T J = 25°C52µV/V O SVR Supply voltage rejection V I = 11.5 to 21.5V, f = 120Hz56dB V d Dropout voltage I O = 1A, T J = 25°C2V R O Output resistance f = 1 KHz16mΩI sc Short circuit current V I = 35V, T J = 25°C0.45AI scp Short circuit peak current T J = 25°C 2.2A1.Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Changes in V O due to heating effects must betaken into account separately. Pulse testing with low duty cycle is used.17/47Table 15.Electrical characteristics of L7885C (refer to the test circuits, T J = -55 to 150°C, V I =14.5V, I O = 500 mA, C I = 0.33 µF, C O = 0.1 µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol Parameter Test conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output voltage T J = 25°C8.28.58.8VV O Output voltage I O = 5mA to 1A, P O≤15WV I = 11 to 26V8.18.58.9V∆V O(1)Line regulation V I = 11 to 27V, T J = 25°C160mV V I = 11.5 to 17.5V, T J = 25°C80∆V O(1)Load regulation I O = 5 mA to 1.5A, T J = 25°C160mV I O = 250 to 750mA, T J = 25°C80I d Quiescent current T J = 25°C8mA∆I d Quiescent current change I O = 5mA to 1A0.5mA V I = 11 to 27V1∆V O/∆T Output voltage drift I O = 5mA-0.8mV/°C eN Output noise voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz, T J = 25°C55µV/V O SVR Supply voltage rejection V I = 12 to 22V, f = 120Hz56dB V d Dropout voltage I O = 1A, T J = 25°C2V R O Output resistance f = 1 KHz16mΩI sc Short circuit current V I = 35V, T J = 25°C0.45AI scp Short circuit peak current T J = 25°C 2.2A1.Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Changes in V O due to heating effects must betaken into account separately. Pulse testing with low duty cycle is used.18/47Table 16.Electrical characteristics of L7809C (refer to the test circuits, T J = -55 to 150°C, V I = 15V,I O = 500 mA, C I = 0.33 µF, C O = 0.1 µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol Parameter Test conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output voltage T J = 25°C8.6499.36VV O Output voltage I O = 5mA to 1A, P O≤ 15WV I = 11.5 to 26V8.5599.45V∆V O(1)Line regulation V I = 11.5 to 26V, T J = 25°C180mV V I = 12 to 18V, T J = 25°C90∆V O(1)Load regulation I O = 5 mA to 1.5A, T J = 25°C180mV I O = 250 to 750mA, T J = 25°C90I d Quiescent current T J = 25°C8mA∆I d Quiescent current change I O = 5mA to 1A0.5mA V I = 11.5 to 26V1∆V O/∆T Output voltage drift I O = 5mA-1mV/°C eN Output noise voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz, T J = 25°C70µV/V O SVR Supply voltage rejection V I = 12 to 23V, f = 120Hz55dB V d Dropout voltage I O = 1A, T J = 25°C2V R O Output resistance f = 1 KHz17mΩI sc Short circuit current V I = 35V, T J = 25°C0.40AI scp Short circuit peak current T J = 25°C 2.2A1.Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Changes in V O due to heating effects must betaken into account separately. Pulse testing with low duty cycle is used.19/47Electrical characteristics L7800 series20/47Table 17.Electrical characteristics of L7810C (refer to the test circuits, T J = -55 to 150°C, V I = 15V , I O = 500 mA, C I = 0.33 µF , C O = 0.1 µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterTest conditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output voltage T J = 25°C9.61010.4V V O Output voltage I O = 5mA to 1A, P O ≤ 15W V I = 12.5 to 26V9.51010.5V ∆V O (1)Line regulationV I = 12.5 to 26V , T J = 25°C 200mVV I = 13.5 to 19V , T J = 25°C 100∆V O (1)Load regulation I O = 5 mA to 1.5A, T J = 25°C 200mV I O = 250 to 750mA, T J = 25°C 100I d Quiescent current T J = 25°C 8mA ∆I d Quiescent current change I O = 5mA to 1A 0.5mA V I = 12.5 to 26V 1∆V O /∆T Output voltage drift I O = 5mA-1mV/°C eN Output noise voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz, T J = 25°C 70µV/V O SVR Supply voltage rejection V I = 13 to 23V , f = 120Hz 55dB V d Dropout voltage I O = 1A, T J = 25°C 2V R O Output resistance f = 1 KHz17m ΩI sc Short circuit current V I = 35V , T J = 25°C 0.40A I scpShort circuit peak currentT J = 25°C2.2A1.Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Changes in V O due to heating effects must betaken into account separately. Pulse testing with low duty cycle is used.L7800 series Electrical characteristics21/47Table 18.Electrical characteristics of L7812C (refer to the test circuits, T J = -55 to 150°C, V I = 19V , I O = 500 mA, C I = 0.33 µF , C O = 0.1 µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterTest conditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output voltage T J = 25°C11.51212.5V V O Output voltage I O = 5mA to 1A, P O ≤ 15W V I = 14.5 to 27V11.41212.6V ∆V O (1)Line regulationV I = 14.5 to 30V , T J = 25°C 240mVV I = 16 to 22V , T J = 25°C 120∆V O (1)Load regulation I O = 5 mA to 1.5A, T J = 25°C 240mV I O = 250 to 750mA, T J = 25°C 120I d Quiescent current T J = 25°C 8mA ∆I d Quiescent current change I O = 5mA to 1A 0.5mA V I = 14.5 to 30V 1∆V O /∆T Output voltage drift I O = 5mA-1mV/°C eN Output noise voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz, T J = 25°C 75µV/V O SVR Supply voltage rejection V I = 15 to 25V , f = 120Hz 55dB V d Dropout voltage I O = 1A, T J = 25°C 2V R O Output resistance f = 1 KHz18m ΩI sc Short circuit current V I = 35V , T J = 25°C 0.35A I scpShort circuit peak currentT J = 25°C2.2A1.Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Changes in V O due to heating effects must betaken into account separately. Pulse testing with low duty cycle is used.Electrical characteristics L7800 series22/47Table 19.Electrical characteristics of L7815C (refer to the test circuits, T J = -55 to 150°C, V I = 23V , I O = 500 mA, C I = 0.33 µF , C O = 0.1 µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterTest conditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output voltage T J = 25°C14.51515.6V V O Output voltage I O = 5mA to 1A, P O ≤ 15W V I = 17.5 to 30V14.251515.75V ∆V O (1)Line regulationV I = 17.5 to 30V , T J = 25°C 300mVV I = 20 to 26V , T J = 25°C 150∆V O (1)Load regulation I O = 5 mA to 1.5A, T J = 25°C 300mV I O = 250 to 750mA, T J = 25°C 150I d Quiescent current T J = 25°C 8mA ∆I d Quiescent current change I O = 5mA to 1A 0.5mA V I = 17.5 to 30V 1∆V O /∆T Output voltage drift I O = 5mA-1mV/°C eN Output noise voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz, T J = 25°C 90µV/V O SVR Supply voltage rejection V I = 18.5 to 28.5V , f = 120Hz 54dB V d Dropout voltage I O = 1A, T J = 25°C 2V R O Output resistance f = 1 KHz19m ΩI sc Short circuit current V I = 35V , T J = 25°C 0.23A I scpShort circuit peak currentT J = 25°C2.2A1.Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Changes in V O due to heating effects must betaken into account separately. Pulse testing with low duty cycle is used.L7800 series Electrical characteristics23/47Table 20.Electrical characteristics of L7818C (refer to the test circuits, T J = -55 to 150°C, V I = 26V , I O = 500 mA, C I = 0.33 µF , C O = 0.1 µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterTest conditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output voltage T J = 25°C17.31818.7V V O Output voltage I O = 5mA to 1A, P O ≤ 15W V I = 21 to 33V17.11818.9V ∆V O (1)Line regulationV I = 21 to 33V , T J = 25°C 360mVV I = 24 to 30V , T J = 25°C 180∆V O (1)Load regulation I O = 5 mA to 1.5A, T J = 25°C 360mV I O = 250 to 750mA, T J = 25°C 180I d Quiescent current T J = 25°C 8mA ∆I d Quiescent current change I O = 5mA to 1A 0.5mA V I = 21 to 33V 1∆V O /∆T Output voltage drift I O = 5mA-1mV/°C eN Output noise voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz, T J = 25°C 110µV/V O SVR Supply voltage rejection V I = 22 to 32V , f = 120Hz 53dB V d Dropout voltage I O = 1A, T J = 25°C 2V R O Output resistance f = 1 KHz22m ΩI sc Short circuit current V I = 35V , T J = 25°C 0.20A I scpShort circuit peak currentT J = 25°C2.1A1.Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Changes in V O due to heating effects must betaken into account separately. Pulse testing with low duty cycle is used.Electrical characteristics L7800 series24/47Table 21.Electrical characteristics of L7820C (refer to the test circuits, T J = -55 to 150°C, V I = 28V , I O = 500 mA, C I = 0.33 µF , C O = 0.1 µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterTest conditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output voltage T J = 25°C19.22020.8V V O Output voltage I O = 5mA to 1A, P O ≤ 15W V I = 23 to 35V192021V ∆V O (1)Line regulationV I = 22.5 to 35V , T J = 25°C 400mVV I = 26 to 32V , T J = 25°C 200∆V O (1)Load regulation I O = 5 mA to 1.5A, T J = 25°C 400mV I O = 250 to 750mA, T J = 25°C 200I d Quiescent current T J = 25°C 8mA ∆I d Quiescent current change I O = 5mA to 1A 0.5mA V I = 23 to 35V 1∆V O /∆T Output voltage drift I O = 5mA-1mV/°C eN Output noise voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz, T J = 25°C 150µV/V O SVR Supply voltage rejection V I = 24 to 35V , f = 120Hz 52dB V d Dropout voltage I O = 1A, T J = 25°C 2V R O Output resistance f = 1 KHz24m ΩI sc Short circuit current V I = 35V , T J = 25°C 0.18A I scpShort circuit peak currentT J = 25°C2.1A1.Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Changes in V O due to heating effects must betaken into account separately. Pulse testing with low duty cycle is used.。
小米空气净化器 MAX 使用说明书
本产品兼容米家智能平台,可通过“米家”APP 操控,支持 MIUI 系统,可与其他米家智能产品互 联互通
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2. 添加设备 打开米家 APP 首页,在页面右上角点击“+”添 加设备,添加成功后即可在首页列表找到此设备
PM2.5 数值
运行模式 自动:根据室内空气质量,自动 切换净化效率 睡眠:超低噪音运行,营造舒适 睡眠环境 最爱:通过手机客户端设定使用 面积,可调节净化效率并 保存设置
为更好的发挥空气净化器的性能,在使用时主机 进风口应与墙壁等遮挡物保持一定距离
以下情况时请勿使用,否则会发生触电、火灾以及其他损害: 机体特别是外壳上的进风孔部位请务必远离明火器具(如烛台、香炉、炉灶、壁炉、烟头、鞭炮、 打火机、电子点火喷枪、点火器、火盆等) 机体请务必远离高温发热器具(如电取暖器、暖风机、暖脚器、电炉、电熨斗等) 请避免可燃物进入机体
易倾倒等不稳定场所 浴室等高温、潮湿、会沾水的场所
若产品发生异响、异味、高温、风扇不规则旋转等异常时,请立即停止使用 不可将手指或异物放入防护件、可移动部分、进风口和出风口中 请勿将头发、织物等靠近主机,以免卷入或挡住进风口和出风口 请勿坐、倚靠或倾斜主机 与家用燃气具(如燃气灶、燃气热水器等)同时使用时请通风换气,以免一氧化碳中毒 请勿从出风口内向机体内部倒入液体或丢入粉末及细小物质
注:含有活性炭的滤芯在所吸附有害气体达到饱和状 态时,可能出现异味,建议将滤芯置于光照和通 风良好处一定时间,以改善活性炭活性,恢复部 分吸附能力。如到达建议使用寿命时,请及时更 换滤芯
ATLAS 系列800和900旋转工具说明书
PennEngineering ATLAS-35NOTE: The air supplied to the 800 and 900 series tools should be dry and free of contamination to prevent premature wear and tear of the internal components. We suggest use of a filter, Series 800 tools Also available Series 806 tool with adjustable clutch to install #4-40 to 1/4-20 thread sizes.911, 912 and 913Right angle tools (1) Also available - 900 RPM Series 805 tool.Request InfoRIV938 pull-to-pressure tool assures consistent installations and improves Pressure controlled setting allows the installation of the same insert into various material thickness without any adjustment of Mandrel is a hardened socket head cap screw which is easy to The auto-reverse feature after installation increases production Eliminates over installing and double installing ensuring fastener (1) With nose piece.(2) Dynamic air pressure for unified tool is 70 to 100 PSI and 5 to 7 BAR for the metric tool. Do not exceed these values or tool can be damaged. The use of a pressure regulator isrecommended. See preset in-line pressure regulator on page 48.UNIFIED NOSE ASSEMBLY PART NUMBERS METRIC NOSE ASSEMBLY PART NUMBERS Air pressure regulator.4.13”/105mm10.24”/260mm9.72”/247mmØ3.94”/Ø100mm Ø1.02”/Ø26mmAvailable on request Request InfoPennEngineering ATLAS-37TOOL FOR RIVET NUTS UP TO M12RIV939 pull-to-pressure tool assures consistent installations and improves Pressure controlled setting allows the installation of the same insert into various material thickness without any adjustment of Mandrel is a hardened socket head cap screw which is easy to The auto-reverse feature after installation increases production (1) Without nose piece.(2) Dynamic air pressure for unified tool is 70 to 100 PSI and 5 to 7 BAR for the metric tool. Do not exceed these values or tool can be damaged. The use of a pressure regulator isrecommended. See preset in-line pressure regulator on page 48.UNIFIED NOSE ASSEMBLY PART NUMBERS METRIC NOSE ASSEMBLY PART NUMBERS (3) Replacement mandrels sold in box quantities shown above.Anti-scratch wing protection Part Number 4217600.Security cap for air pressure regulator Part Number FE-TS-938-SC-S Available on request Request InfoATLAS-38 PennEngineering RIV938S pull-to-pressure tool assures consistent installations and improves Pressure controlled setting allows the installation of the same insert into various material thickness without any adjustment Mandrel is a hardened socket head cap screw which is easy The auto-reverse feature after installation increases production Eliminates over installing and double installing ensuring Max. AxialMax.Pulling LoadStroke 3147 lbs. @ 90 PSI .256”14 kN @ 6 BAR 6.5 mm UNIFIED NOSE ASSEMBLY PART NUMBERS METRIC NOSE ASSEMBLY PART NUMBERSAir pressure regulator.(3) Replacement mandrels sold in box quantities shown above. 1.97”/50mm10.24”/260mm7.36”/187mmØ3.94”/Ø100mmØ0.79”/Ø20mm(1) With nose piece.(2) Dynamic air pressure for unified tool is 70 to 100 PSI and 5 to 7 BAR for the metric tool. Do not exceed these values or tool can be damaged. The use of a pressure regulator isrecommended. See preset in-line pressure regulator on page 48.Anti-scratch wing protectionPart Number 4217600.Security cap for air pressure regulator Part Number FE-TS-938-SC-S Available on request Request InfoPennEngineering ATLAS-39The RIV912 spin-pull tool provides powerful spin-pull action to One-position trigger mechanism to start automatic stroke.Plastic casing and aluminum piston and cylinder make the tool Mandrel is a hardened socket head cap screw which is easy to Max. AxialMax. Pulling LoadStroke .256”6.5 mm UNIFIED NOSE ASSEMBLY PART NUMBERS METRIC NOSE ASSEMBLY PART NUMBERS 6.5”/165mm 2.68”/68mm 3.54”/90mm 1.02”/Ø26mm Available on request:Extended sleeve part no. 3446600Internal extension part no. 344690011.61”/295mm 4.13”/105mm11.42”/290mm11.61”/295mm Ø4.13”/Ø105mm Ø0.98”/Ø25mm nose pieces sold separately. includes a gun and tooling to install thread sizes #6-32, #8-32, #10-32, 1/4-20, 5/16-18, and 3/8-16.(3) Replacement mandrels sold in box quantities shown above.Part No. ForComplete Insert Complete Stud Replacement SHCS / Mandrel — IN-06219 (200/box)3442300 IN-03023 (200/box)(1) With nose piece.(2) Dynamic air pressure for unified tool is 70 to 100 PSI and 5 to 7 BAR for the metric tool. Do not exceed these values or tool can be damaged. The use of a pressure regulator isrecommended. See preset in-line pressure regulator on page 48.Request InfoATLAS-40 PennEngineering PULL-TO-PRESSURE OR The RIV942 spin-pull tool can easily install ATLAS The RIV942 tool has two different systems of regulation, pressure or stroke, for installing inserts. The hydropneumatic system and the mechanical components of this tool are much more reliable so the tool works better and lasts longer than most other tools.Mandrel is a hardened socket head cap screw which 12.13”/308mm 4.83”/123mm9.25”/235mmØ4.8”/Ø122mmØ0.2”/Ø57mm10.43”/265mmØ1.02”/Ø26mmGLPMMinimumMax. AxialMax. Hose Size I.D. Stroke .394”31 kN @ 6 BAR10 mmUNIFIED NOSE ASSEMBLY PART NUMBERS METRIC NOSE ASSEMBLY PART NUMBERS Regulation 1) Pressure regulation by rotating knob (while keeping the trigger (L ) pushed. Pressure is displayed on manometer (M 2) Adjust ring nut (G ) for stroke regulation.pressure regulation (3) Replacement mandrels sold in box quantities shown above.(1) With nose piece.(2) Dynamic air pressure for unified tool is 70 to 100 PSI and 5 to 7 BAR for the metric tool. Do not exceed these values or tool can be damaged. The use of a pressure regulator isrecommended. See preset in-line pressure regulator on page 48.Request InfoPennEngineering ATLAS-41PNEUMATIC PULL-TO-STROKE The RIV998V spin-pull tool can easily install ATLAS SpinTite ®,The RIV998V tool has an hydropneumatic system and the mechanical components of this tool are much more reliable so the tool works better and lasts longer than most other tools.Mandrel is a hardened socket head cap screw which is easy 4.25”/108mm11.02”/280mm11.65”/296mmØ3.94”/Ø100mm Ø2.24”/Ø57mmØ1.02”/Ø26mm6.5”/165mm 2.68”/68mm 3.54”/90mmUNIFIED NOSE ASSEMBLY PART NUMBERSMETRIC NOSE ASSEMBLY PART NUMBERS(1) With nose piece.(2) Dynamic air pressure for unified tool is 70 to 100 PSI and 5 to 7 BAR for the metric tool. Do not exceed these values or tool can be damaged. The use of a pressure regulator isrecommended. See preset in-line pressure regulator on page 48.(3) Replacement mandrels sold in box quantities shown above.Request InfoATLAS-42 PennEngineering The RIV916 tool is designed with a long stroke to easily install ATLAS straight shank and pre-bulbed Plus+Tite ® fasteners.One-position trigger mechanism to start automatic stroke.Mandrel is a hardened socket head cap screw which is easy to The auto-reverse feature after installation increases production 10.83”/275mm4.13”/105mm11.42”/290mm11.61”/295mmØ4.13”/Ø105mmØ0.98”/Ø25mmMax. Stroke .630”16 mm UNIFIED NOSE ASSEMBLY PART NUMBERSMETRIC NOSE ASSEMBLY PART NUMBERSPart No. ForComplete Insert Replacement (3) Replacement mandrels sold in box quantities shown above.(1) With nose piece.(2) Dynamic air pressure for unified tool is 70 to 100 PSI and 5 to 7 BAR for the metric tool. Do not exceed these values or tool can be damaged. The use of a pressure regulator isrecommended. See preset in-line pressure regulator on page 48.Request InfoPennEngineering ATLAS-43(1) With nose piece.(2) Dynamic air pressure for unified tool is 70 to 100 PSI and 5 to 7 BAR for metric tool. Exceeding these values can damage tool. The use of a pressure regulator is recommended.UNIFIED NOSE ASSEMBLY PART NUMBERSMETRIC NOSE ASSEMBLY PART NUMBERS (3) Replacement mandrels sold in box quantities shown above.I n s t al l s A T L A S ® S t u dS e r i e sVibrations19.7” x 11.8” x 9.3” < 5.6 mi/(h.s)Noise level: 76.0 dB (A)Other arms available for unique requirements. Contact us for more information.FlexArm™ assembly arm solutions allows a higher level of consistent quality to be maintained. The following arms are available: Part No. Max. Motor Working Max. Tool Torque Range Weight FAV-14 10 lbs. 19” to 37” 10 lbs. FAV-18 10 lbs. 21” to 46” 10 lbs. FAV-24 10 lbs. 30” to 57” 10 lbs.Request InfoATLAS-44 PennEngineering ATLAS ® INSTALLATION TOOLSATLAS ® RIV916BHEAVY-DUTY TOOL FOR LARGE THREAD SIZESThe RIV916B spin-pull tool provides powerful spin-pull action to easily install large thread size ATLAS inserts.RIV916B (4194400 tool only) - nose pieces sold separately.UNIFIED NOSE ASSEMBLY PART NUMBERS METRIC NOSE ASSEMBLY PART NUMBERS(3) Other thread sizes available upon request.(4) Replacement mandrels sold in box quantities shown above.(1) With nose piece.(2) Dynamic air pressure for unified tool is 70 to 100 PSI and 5 to 7 BAR for the metric tool. Do not exceed these values or tool can be damaged. The use of a pressure regulator isrecommended. See preset in-line pressure regulator on page 48.Request InfoPennEngineering ATLAS-45The RIV790 tool can install inserts from #4-40 to 3/8”One-position trigger mechanism to start automatic stroke. Push on screw to start automatic stroke.The auto-reverse feature after installation increases Mandrel is a hardened socket head cap screw which is (1) With nose piece.Battery Max.Charger Stroke110V / 60Hz 2923 lbs. .788”UNIFIED NOSE ASSEMBLY PART NUMBERS METRIC NOSE ASSEMBLY PART NUMBERS(2) Aluminum only.Ø 2.6”/66mm11.3”/287mm Ø1.14”/29mm max. 3.43”/87mm min. 2.99”/76mm max. 3”/77mm min. 2.6”/66mmmax. 3.66”/93mm min. 3.23”/82mm max. 4.6”/117mm min. 4.17”/106mm max. 5.54”/217mm min. 8.11”/206mm Request InfoATLAS-46 PennEngineering round holes to hexagonal holes. Min.Max.Air Use Hose Pulling Load I.D. StrokeSize3/8” 4721 lbs. @ 90 PSI .472”PUNCH AND DIE PART NUMBERS* Hole sizes are for the ATLAS ® FM™ full metric inserts. PLATE THICKNESS - RIV990 TOOL (1) With nose piece.(2) Dynamic air pressure for unified tool is 70 to 100 PSI and 5 to 7 BAR for the metric tool. Do not exceed these values or tool can be damaged. The use of a pressure regulator isrecommended. See preset in-line pressure regulator on page 48.(3) Without nose piece.(3) Kit supplied with hexagonal punch and die. 4.09”/ 104mm11.02”/280mm 9.84”/ 250mm Ø1.89”/Ø48mmØ1.02”/Ø26mm Ø3.94”/ Ø100mm RIV990RIV9914.53”/115mm 12.4”/315mm 10.83”/ 275mm Ø1.89”/Ø48mm Ø1.02”/Ø26mm Ø4.72”/ Ø120mm RIV990 RIV991PLATE THICKNESS - RIV991 TOOLRequest InfoATLAS ® INSTALLATIO N TOOLSSEMBLY PART NU MBERS ATLAS ® RIV905 HYDRAULICHAND TOOL• Simple to operate and easy to handle.• Hydraulic force allows for installation of high -strength rivet nuts.RIV905 (4318900 too l only) - nose pieces sold sepa rately.I n s t al l s A T L A S ® S t u dS e r i e sRequest InfoATLAS-48 PennEngineering andGreat for field installations or repairFor more information on our installation tools and any troubleshooting questions, check our web site. Installs nuts #6-32 to 3/8-16 Installs nuts M3 to M8L-6000-1024L-6000-1032L-6000-2520L-6000-2528PRESET IN-LINE PRESSURE REGULATORThe in-line pressure regulator is designed to protect intermittently regulator is preset at the factory for tamper-proof operation.FEATURES • Setting will not change due to vibration • to be part of the tool.• gauge.• In port screen helps filter out harmful debris.SPECIFICATIONSMaximum Supply Pressure ......150 PSI Operating Pressure Range .......Preset Maximum Operating Temp .......175˚ F Material ......................Brass Accuracy ....................±2.5 PSI Dimensions and Weights Length .....................2.88” Diameter ...................0.88” Weight .....................3 oz.Size PSI Part number1/4” 90 PSI 4214-90PS 1/4” 100 PSI 4214-100PSRequest InfoPennEngineering ATLAS-49Plus+Tite ®Inserts ®®Request Info。
2N2222 2N2222A NPN 切换管高流低压特性参数手册说明书
20736Marilla Street ChatsworthSymbolParameterMinMaxUnitsON CHARACTERISTICS*V CE(sat)Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage8 (I C =150mAdc,I B =15mAdc)2N2222 (I C =500mAdc, I B =50mAdc)------4001.6mVdc Vdc V CE(sat)Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage* (I C =150mAdc,I B =15mAdc)2N2222A (I C =500mAdc, I B =50mAdc)------3001.0mVdc Vdc V BE(sat)Base-Emitter Saturation Voltage * (I C =150mAdc,I B =15mAdc)2N2222 (I C =500mAdc, I B =50mAdc)------ 1.32.6Vdc Vdc V BE(sat)Base-Emitter Saturation Voltage* (I C =150mAdc,I B =15mAdc)2N2222A(I C =500mAdc, I B =50mAdc)0.6--- 1.22.0Vdc VdcSMALL-SIGNAL CHARACTERISTICSC OB Output Capacitance(V CB =10Vdc,I E =ie=0, f=1.0MHz) ---8.0pF SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICST d Delay Time---10ns t r Rise Time ---25ns t s Storage Time ---200ns t fFall TimeI CON =150mAdc,I BON =15mAdc,I B(off)=15mAdc---60ns*Pulse Test:tp Љ300us, Duty Cycle Љ2.0%2N2222,2N2222Af TTransitionFrequency(V CE =20Vdc,I C =20mAdc, f=100MHz)2N2222250---MHz 2N2222A300---MHzNFNoise Figure(V CE =5.0Vdc,I C =200µAdc, Rs=2.0KOHM,f=1.0kHz,B=200Hz)2N2222A --- 4.0dB Micro Commercial ComponentsMicro Commercial ComponentsOrdering Information :Device PackingPart Number-B P Bulk;100pcs/Box***IMPORTANT NOTICE***Micro Commercial Components Corp. reserve s the right to make changes without further notice to any product herein to make corrections, modifications , enhancements , improvements , or other changes . Micro Commercial Components Corp . does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights ,nor the rights of others . The user of products in such applications shall assume all risks of such use and will agree to hold Micro Commercial Components Corp . and all the companies whose products are represented on our website, harmless against all damages.***LIFE SUPPORT***MCC's products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without the express writtenapproval of Micro Commercial Components Corporation.***CUSTOMER AWARENESS***Counterfeiting of semiconductor parts is a growing problem in the industry. Micro Commercial Components (MCC) is taking strong measures to protect ourselves and our customers from the proliferation of counterfeit parts. MCC strongly encourages customers to purchase MCC parts either directly from MCC or from Authorized MCC Distributors who are listed by country on our web page cited below. Products customers buy either from MCC directly or from Authorized MCC Distributors are genuine parts, have full traceability, meet MCC's quality standards for handling and storage. MCC will not provide any warranty coverage or other assistance for parts bought from Unauthorized Sources. MCC is committed to combat this global problem and encourage our customers to do their part in stopping this practice by buying direct or from authorized distributors.。
CleanMax ZM-800 无线室内清洁器说明书
Owner’s Manualfor the CordlessCordless Model ZM-800Congratulations!You have purchased a vacuum cleaner that will provide efficient, dependable service. Your CleanMax vacuum cleaner is made using high quality materials and superior workmanship. Please read these operating instructions carefully before you use your vacuum.IMPORTANT:To activate your warranty, within 30 days of purchase, please register your warranty online at .Please fill out warranty information located on the Owner’s Information Section and keep it for your records.Key Replacement PartsGenuine Zoom HEPA Media Vacuum Bags: CLH-6Genuine Zoom Paper Vacuum Bags: B211-8800Genuine Zoom Vacuum Belts: CMZM-B2CONTENTS Getting StartedI mportant Safety Instructions 2 Polarization Instructions 3 Description of the Vacuum 4 Assembling the Vacuum 5OperationB attery Charging 6 Battery Life Display 6 Reclining the Handle 6 On/Off Switch 7 Edge Cleaning 7 Automatic Carpet Height Adjustment 7 Bare Floor Cleaning 8 Vacuuming Under Furniture 8Maintenance and CareR eplacing the Vacuum Bag 9 Removing and Reinstalling the Battery 10 Removing and Reinstalling the Bottom Plate 11 Replacing the Vacuum Belt 12 Replacing the Squeegee 13For Best Performance14 Warranty15IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWhen using an electrical appliance, basic precautions should always be followed, including the following:READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THIS APPLIANCE. FOR COMMERCIAL USE ONL Y. The manufacturer cannot accept responsibility for damagecaused when the appliance is not used according to theinstructions, or for uses other than those for which itwas intended.WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, damage or injury:IMPORTANT:• F ully assemble vacuum before operating.• Use and store in a dry location.• D o not use outdoors or on wet surfaces.• D o not allow to be used as a toy. Close attentionis necessary when used by or near children.• U se only as described in this manual.• D o not use charger with damaged cord or plug. If appliance or charger is not working as it should, has been dropped, damaged, leftoutdoors, or dropped into water, return it to your Authorized CleanMax Retailer for service. • D o not pull or carry charger by cord, use cord as a handle, close a door on the cord, or pull cord around sharp edges or corners. Do not run appliance over cord. Keep cord away from heated surfaces.• D o not unplug charger by pulling on cord. To unplug charger, grasp the plug, not the cord.• D o not handle charger, including charger plug, and charger terminals with wet hands.• D o not put any object into openings. Do not use with any opening blocked; keep free of dust, lint, hair and anything that may reduce air flow. • K eep hair, loose clothing, fingers and all parts of the body away from openings and moving parts.• D o not pick up anything that is burning or smoking, such as cigarettes, matches or hot ashes.•D o not use without vacuum bag in place.• Use extra care when cleaning on stairs.• D o not use to pick up flammable or combustible liquids such as gasoline or use in areas where they may be present.• D o not attempt to service the unit while charger is plugged in.• Do not charge the unit outdoors.• O nly charge in temperatures between 0-45ºC (32-113ºF).• D o not open, crush, expose to heat above100ºC (212ºF) or incinerate the battery even if it is severely damaged. The battery can explode in a fire.• U se only with the Cordless Battery Vacuum Charger supplied - P/N 10201026 Winkind. (C223-2000)• T he battery and charger have no user serviceable parts.• B atteries must be disposed of responsibly. • R emove the battery before removing the bottom plate.POLARIZATION INSTRUCTIONSPower Cord, 2-Wire Polarized CordT his product is equipped with a polarized alternating current line plug (a plug having one blade wider than the other). This plug fits into the power outlet only one way. This is asafety feature. If you are unable to insert the plug fully into the outlet, try reversing theplug. If the plug should still fail to fit, contact an electrician to replace the obsolete outlet.Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized plug.State of California Proposition 65 Warnings:WARNING: T his product contains one or more chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer.WARNING: T his product contains one or more chemicals known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm.DESCRIPTION OF THE VACUUM1 Ergonomic Handle2 On/Off Power Switch3 Bag Compartment4 Vacuum Nozzle5 Headlight6 Furniture Guard7 Handle Release Pedal8 Battery Pack9 Charge Point 10 Battery Life Display 11 Battery Release Button 12 Carry HandleASSEMBLING THE VACUUMAttaching the Handle to the VacuumNOTE: Do not turn on the vacuum until it iscompletely assembled.The vacuum cleaner and the handle arepacked separately and require assembly.• R emove the handle bracket by removing thetwo screws (Fig. 1).• P lace handle onto the back of the vacuum, aligning holes with pegs (Fig. 2).• P lace the handle bracket back into position (Fig. 3).• S ecure with two screws removed in Fig. 1. Tuck the cord into the space to the left of the handle.• O pen the bag compartment to ensure a vacuum bag is in place.• Your vacuum is now ready for use.Pre-Charged BatteryThe battery is partially charged and will run for a short time. To fully charge the battery see Battery Charging (page 6).Fig. 1Fig. 2 Fig. 3OPERATION• T he battery is located on the back ofthe vacuum. It can be charged while installed onthe vacuum and charged independently (seeRemoving and Reinstalling the Battery (page 10).• P lug the AC cable into the charger and into awall socket (Fig. 1).• Pon the battery. (Fig. 2).• T he Charger LED light will be red duringcharging and will turn green when the batterypack is fully charged.Battery Life Display• P ress the white button on the battery to illuminatethe LED lights.• W hen the battery is fully charged there will be(Fig. 3).• A s the battery is discharged during use, thenumber of green lights showing will reduce fromfour (4) to none (0).• W hen all of the green lights are off and only thered light is showing, there is a small amount oftime remaining before the battery will be fullydischarged and will require recharging. Reclining the Handle• P ress the Handle Release Pedal located on theback of the vacuum with your foot to recline thehandle (Fig. 4).Fig. 3 Fig. 2Removing and Reinstalling the BatteryNOTE: Turn the vacuum off. If the battery charger is plugged into the charge point on the vacuum, remove the charger from the charge point before removing the battery.The battery can be removed and charged independently from the vacuum.• T o remove the battery push up on the release button and lift the battery off (Fig. 1).• T o replace the battery, line up the bottom of the battery with the posts at the base of the battery mount. Push the battery in until it clicks (Fig. 2).Fig. 2MAINTENANCE AND CAREMAINTENANCE AND CAREFig. 1Fig. 2Removing and Reinstalling the Bottom PlateWARNING! T o Reduce the Risk of ElectricalShock or Injury from Moving Parts, Turn the Vacuum Off and Remove the Battery Before Servicing or Cleaning the Vacuum.T o Remove the Bottom Plate:• Make sure the vacuum is turned Off.• R emove the battery (see Removing andReinstalling the Battery, page 10). • P ress the handle release pedal to place thevacuum cleaner in the flat position.• T urn the vacuum cleaner over, exposing thebottom plate. • T urn the two screws a quarter turn to releasethe bottom plate (Fig. 1). Remove the bottom plate.T o Reinstall the Bottom Plate:• A lign the front edge of the bottom plate into thenotches inside the nozzle (Fig. 2). • P ress the bottom plate into position until theplate “clicks” on both sides. Tighten the two screws a quarter turn to secure the bottom plate.• R eplace the Battery (see Removing andReinstalling the Battery, page 10).Fig. 2Replacing the Vacuum BeltWARNING! T Cleaning the Vacuum.NOTE: occurring. Replace if needed.• T the Charge Point.• R the Battery, page 10). • R • R shaft.• L and the brushroll (Fig. 1). • R einstall the brushroll into the nozzle. Turnthe brushroll by hand, making sure the belt isnot twisted and all rotating parts move smoothly (Fig. 2).• R einstall the bottom plate (see Removing andReinstalling the Bottom Plate, page 11). • R eplace the battery (see Removing and Reinstallingthe Battery, page 10). MAINTENANCE AND CAREOwner’s information(keep this for your records)The model and serial number of this product may be found on the bottom of the unit. You should note the model and serial number of your unit in the spaces provided below, and retain this book as a permanent record of your purchase.Date of purchase ____________________________________________________Serial number _______________________________________________________Model number ______________________________________________________ Purchased from:Store Name _______________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________City, State, Zip ______________________________________________________ Telephone _______________________________________________________For Best Performance• K eep your vacuum clean and in good operating condition.• C hange vacuum bag when the bag is 2/3 full to maximize cleaning performance.• A lways use genuine vacuum bags and replacement parts. Use of other products may result in poor cleaning performance, potential vacuum cleaner damage and may void vacuum warranty. Genuine products are designed for maximum cleaning performance.• Store your machine carefully in a dry area.• For optimum cleaning performance and safety, follow your owner’s manual instructions.WarrantyWhat is Covered:This warranty covers any defects in material and workmanship in your new CleanMax vacuum.How Long Coverage Lasts:Warranty coverage for your CleanMax vacuum lasts one year.What is Not Covered:• D amage to the vacuum which occurs from neglect, abuse, alterations, accident, misuse or improper maintenance.• N ormal replacement items: belts, squeegees, agitator brush strips and disposable bags.What CleanMax Will Do:This warranty provides, at no cost to you, all labor and parts to place this vacuum in correct operating condition during the warranted period.How to Get Service:Warranty service can only be obtained by presenting the vacuum to the retailer where original purchase was made. A proof-of-purchase and product serial number will be required before service is rendered.THIS WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, (INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE). THIS WARRANTY DISCLAIMS LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.How State Law Applies:This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.CleanMax Vacuum CleanersPO Box 730Fenton, MO 63026。
M C800系列电动机保护控制器用户手册VER: 2.7目录一.总介................................................................. - 2 -1.1总体概述 (2)1.2功能概述 (2)1.3性能概述 (3)1.4工作环境 (3)1.5符号对照表.........................................................-3–1.6选项表.............................................................-4–二.技术参数............................................................. - 5 -2.1测量 (5)2.2保护 (5)2.3保护技术特性 (6)2.4上电自起动功能 (15)2.5欠压重起动功能 (15)2.6失压重起动功能 (15)三.参数设置及应用...................................................... - 15 -3.1MC800面 (15)3.2端子 (16)3.3MC820显示模块 (16)3.4参数设置及功能应用 (17)附录A .................................................................. - 39 -MODBUS协议简述 (39)通讯应用格式说明 (31)MC800系列通讯地址表 (42)一.总介1.1 总体概述MC800系列电动机管理控制器,是按IEC 国际标准开发的智能化、网络化、数字化低压电动机保护控制器;其改变了传统的电动机保护与控制模式,取代了热继电器,电流互感器,中间继电器,变送器等常规电器元件,在全面实现保护、测量、控制一体化的同时,将先进的网络通讯技术和分布式智能技术溶入MCC 控制中心中;从而为工业生产过程控制提供了科学有效的现场级保护、测控单元。
maxim MAX811 MAX812 datasheet说明书
General DescriptionThe MAX811/MAX812 are low-power microprocessor (μP) supervisory circuits used to monitor power supplies in μP and digital systems. They provide excellent circuit reliability and low cost by eliminating external compo-nents and adjustments when used with 5Vpowered or 3V-powered circuits. The MAX811/MAX812 also provide a debounced manual reset input.These devices perform a single function: They assert a reset signal whenever the V CC supply voltage falls below a preset threshold, keeping it asserted for at least 140ms after V CC has risen above the reset threshold. The only difference between the two devices is that the MAX811 has an active-low RESET output (which is guaranteed to be in the correct state for V CC down to 1V), while the MAX812 has an active-high RESET output. The reset comparator is designed to ignore fast transients on V CC. Reset thresholds are available for operation with a variety of supply voltages.Low supply current makes the MAX811/MAX812 ideal for use in portable equipment. The devices come in a 4-pin SOT143 package.Applications●Computers●Controllers●Intelligent Instruments●Critical μP and μC Power Monitoring●Portable/Battery-Powered Equipment Benefits and Features●Integrated Voltage Monitor Increases SystemRobustness with Added Manual Reset• Precision Monitoring of 3V, 3.3V, and 5VPower-Supply Voltages• 140ms Min Power-On-Reset Pulse Width• RESET Output (MAX811), RESET Output(MAX812)• Guaranteed Over Temperature• Guaranteed RESET Valid to V CC = 1V (MAX811)• Power-Supply Transient Immunity●Saves Board Space• No External Components• 4-Pin SOT143 Package●Low Power Consumption Simplifies Power-SupplyRequirements• 6μA Supply Current*This part offers a choice of five different reset threshold voltages. Select the letter corresponding to the desired nominal reset threshold voltage, and insert it into the blank to complete the part number.Devices are available in both leaded and lead(Pb)-free packaging. Specify lead-free by replacing “-T” with “+T” when ordering.RESET THRESHOLDSUFFIX VOLTAGE (V)L 4.63M 4.38T 3.08S 2.93R2.63PART*TEMP RANGE PIN-PACKAGEMAX811_EUS-T-40°C to +85°C 4 SOT143MAX812_EUS-T-40°C to +85°C 4 SOT1431243V CCMR(RESET) RESETGNDMAX811MAX812SOT143TOP VIEW( ) ARE FOR MAX812NOTE: SEE PACKAGE INFORMATION FOR MARKING INFORMATION. MAX811/MAX8124-Pin μP Voltage Monitorswith Manual Reset InputPin ConfigurationOrdering InformationClick here for production status of specific part numbers.19-0411; Rev 6; 5/18Terminal Voltage (with respect to GND)V CC.....................................................................-0.3V to 6.0V All Other Inputs .....................................-0.3V to (V CC + 0.3V) Input Current, V CC, MR......................................................20mA Output Current, RESET or RESET ....................................20mA Continuous Power Dissipation (T A = +70°C)SOT143 (derate 4mW/°C above +70°C) .....................320mW Operating Temperature Range ...........................-40°C to +85°C Junction Temperature ......................................................+150°C Storage Temperature Range ............................-65°C to +160°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10sec) .............................+300°C(V CC = 5V for L/M versions, V CC = 3.3V for T/S versions, V CC = 3V for R version, T A = -40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at T A = +25°C.) (Note 1)PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITSOperating Voltage Range V CC T A = 0°C to +70°C 1.0 5.5V T A = -40°C to +85°C 1.2Supply Current I CC MAX81_L/M, V CC = 5.5V, I OUT = 0615µA MAX81_R/S/T, V CC = 3.6V, I OUT = 0 2.710Reset Threshold V TH MAX81_LT A = +25°C 4.54 4.63 4.72V T A = -40°C to +85°C 4.50 4.75MAX81_MT A = +25°C 4.30 4.38 4.46T A = -40°C to +85°C 4.25 4.50MAX81_TT A = +25°C 3.03 3.08 3.14T A = -40°C to +85°C 3.00 3.15MAX81_ST A = +25°C 2.88 2.93 2.98T A = -40°C to +85°C 2.85 3.00MAX81_RT A = +25°C 2.58 2.63 2.68T A = -40°C to +85°C 2.55 2.70Reset Threshold Tempco30ppm/°CV CC to Reset Delay (Note 2)V OD = 125mV, MAX81_L/M40µs V OD = 125mV, MAX81_R/S/T20Reset Active Timeout Period t RP V CC = V TH(MAX)140560ms MR Minimum Pulse Width t MR10µs MR Glitch Immunity (Note 3)100ns MR to Reset PropagationDelay (Note 2)t MD0.5µsMR Input Threshold V IHV CC > V TH(MAX), MAX81_L/M2.3V V IL0.8V IHV CC > V TH(MAX), MAX81_R/S/T0.7 x V CCV IL0.25 x V CCMR Pull-Up Resistance102030kΩRESET Output Voltage (MAX812)V OH I SOURCE = 150µA, 1.8V < V CC < V TH(MIN)0.8 x V CCVV OLMAX812R/S/T only, I SINK = 1.2mA,V CC = V TH(MAX)0.3MAX812L/M only, I SINK = 3.2mA,V CC = V TH(MAX)0.4with Manual Reset InputAbsolute Maximum RatingsStresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Electrical Characteristics(V CC = 5V for L/M versions, V CC = 3.3V for T/S versions, V CC = 3V for R version, T A = -40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted.Typical values are at T A = +25°C.) (Note 1)Note 1: Production testing done at T A = +25°C, over temperature limits guaranteed by design using six sigma design limits.Note 2: RESET output for MAX811, RESET output for MAX812.Note 3: “Glitches” of 100ns or less typically will not generate a reset pulse.PARAMETERSYMBOLCONDITIONSMINTYPMAX UNITSRESET Output Voltage (MAX811)V OLMAX811R/S/T only, I SINK = 1.2mA, V CC = V TH(MIN)0.3V MAX811L/M only, I SINK = 3.2mA, V CC = V TH(MIN)0.4I SINK = 50µA, V CC > 1.0V0.3V OHMAX811R/S/T only, I SOURCE = 500µA, V CC > V TH(MAX)0.8 x V CC MAX811L/M only, I SOURCE = 800µA, V CC > V TH(MAX)V CC - 1.5with Manual Reset InputElectrical Characteristics (continued)(T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)SUPPLY CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURE(MAX81_L/M)8TEMPERATURE (°C)S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (µA )426-408510-156035190POWER-UP RESET TIMEOUTvs. TEMPERATURE230TEMPERATURE (°C)P O W E R -U P R E S E T T I M E O U T (m s )210200220-408535-1510600POWER-DOWN RESET DELAY vs. TEMPERATURE(MAX81_R/S/T)80100TEMPERATURE (°C)P O W E R -D O W N R E S E T D E L A Y (µs )402060-408510-156035RESET THRESHOLD DEVIATIONvs. TEMPERATURE0.99951.00001.0005M A X 811/12-T O C 6TEMPERATURE (°C)N O R M A L I Z E D T H R E S H O L D (V )0.99850.99800.9990-408535-1510600-4085SUPPLY CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURE(MAX81_R/S/T) A X 811/12-T O C 1TEMPERATURE (°C)S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (µA )101.00.5-15601.535POWER-DOWN RESET DELAY vs. TEMPERATURE(MAX81_L/M)200TEMPERATURE (°C)P O W E R -D O W N R E S E T D E L A Y (µs )10050150-408510-156035with Manual Reset InputTypical Operating CharacteristicsDetailed DescriptionReset OutputA microprocessor’s (μP’s) reset input starts the μP in a known state. These μP supervisory circuits assert reset to prevent code execution errors during power-up, power-down, or brownout conditions.RESET is guaranteed to be a logic low for V CC> 1V. Once V CC exceeds the reset threshold, an internal timer keeps RESET low for the reset timeout period; after this interval, RESET goes high.If a brownout condition occurs (V CC dips below the reset threshold), RESET goes low. Any time V CC goes below the reset threshold, the internal timer resets to zero, and RESET goes low. The internal timer starts after V CC returns above the reset threshold, and RESET remains low for the reset timeout period.The manual reset input (MR) can also initiate a reset. See the Manual Reset Input section.The MAX812 has an active-high RESET output that is the inverse of the MAX811’s RESET output.Manual Reset InputMany μP-based products require manual reset capabil-ity, allowing the operator, a test technician, or external logic circuitry to initiate a reset. A logic low on MR asserts reset. Reset remains asserted while MR is low, and for the Reset Active Timeout Period (t RP) after MR returns high. This input has an internal 20kΩ pull-up resistor, so it can be left open if it is not used. MR can be driven with TTL or CMOS-logic levels, or with open-drain/collector outputs. Connect a normally open momentary switch from MR to GND to create a manual-reset function; external debounce circuitry is not required. If MR is driven from long cables or if the device is used in a noisy environment, connecting a 0.1μF capacitor from MR to ground provides additional noise immunity.Reset Threshold AccuracyThe MAX811/MAX812 are ideal for systems using a 5V ±5% or 3V ±5% power supply with ICs specified for 5V ±10% or 3V ±10%, respectively. They are designed to meet worst-case specifications over temperature. The reset is guaranteed to assert after the power supply falls out of regulation, but before power drops below the minimum specified operating voltage range for the system ICs. The thresholds are pre-trimmed and exhibit tight dis-tribution, reducing the range over which an undesirable reset may occur.PINNAME FUNCTION MAX811MAX81211GND Ground2—RESET Active-Low Reset Output. RESET remains low while V CC is below the reset threshold or while MR is held low. RESET remains low for the Reset Active Timeout Period (t RP) after the reset conditions are terminated.—2RESET Active-High Reset Output. RESET remains high while V CC is below the reset threshold or while MR is held low. RESET remains high for Reset Active Timeout Period (t RP) after the reset conditions are terminated.33MR Manual Reset Input. A logic low on MR asserts reset. Reset remains asserted as long as MR is low and for 180ms after MR returns high. This active-low input has an internal 20kΩpull-up resistor. It can be driven from a TTL or CMOS-logic line, or shorted to ground with a switch. Leave open if unused.44V CC+5V, +3.3V, or +3V Supply Voltage with Manual Reset InputPin DescriptionApplications InformationNegative-Going V CC TransientsIn addition to issuing a reset to the μP during power-up, power-down, and brownout conditions, the MAX811/ MAX812 are relatively immune to short duration negative-going V CC transients (glitches).Figure 1 shows typical transient durations vs. reset com-parator overdrive, for which the MAX811/MAX812 do not generate a reset pulse. This graph was generated using a negative-going pulse applied to V CC, starting above the actual reset threshold and ending below it by the magnitude indicated (reset comparator overdrive). The graph indicates the typical maximum pulse width a negative-going V CC transient may have without causing a reset pulse to be issued. As the magnitude of the tran-sient increases (goes farther below the reset threshold), the maximum allowable pulse width decreases. Typically, a V CC transient that goes 125mV below the reset thresh-old and lasts 40μs or less (MAX81_L/M) or 20μs or less (MAX81_T/S/R) will not cause a reset pulse to be issued.A 0.1μF capacitor mounted as close as possible to V CC provides additional transient immunity.Ensuring a Valid RESET OutputDown to V CC = 0VWhen V CC falls below 1V, the MAX811 RESET output no longer sinks current—it becomes an open circuit. Therefore, high-impedance CMOS-logic inputs connected to the RESET output can drift to undetermined voltages. This presents no problem in most applications, since most μP and other circuitry is inoperative with V CC below 1V. However, in applications where the RESET output must be valid down to 0V, adding a pulldown resistor to the RESET pin will cause any stray leakage currents to flow to ground, holding RESET low (Figure 2). R1’s value is not critical; 100kΩ is large enough not to load RESET and small enough to pull RESET to ground.A 100kΩ pull-up resistor to V CC is also recommended for the MAX812 if RESET is required to remain valid for V CC < 1V.Figure 1. Maximum Transient Duration without Causing a Reset Pulse vs. Comparator Overdrive Figure 2. RESET Valid to V CC = Ground Circuitwith Manual Reset InputInterfacing to μPs with Bidirectional Reset PinsμPs with bidirectional reset pins (such as the Motorola 68HC11 series) can contend with the MAX811/MAX812 reset outputs. If, for example, the MAX811 RESET output is asserted high and the μP wants to pull it low, indeter -minate logic levels may result. To correct such cases, connect a 4.7kΩ resistor between the MAX811 RESET (or MAX812 RESET) output and the μP reset I/O (Figure 3). Buffer the reset output to other system components.Figure 3. Interfacing to μPs with Bidirectional Reset I/Owith Manual Reset InputChip InformationTRANSISTOR COUNT: 341with Manual Reset Input Package InformationFor the latest package outline information and land patterns (footprints), go to /packages. Note that a “+”, “#”, or “-” in the package code indicates RoHS status only. Package drawings may show a different suffix character, but the drawing pertains to the package regardless of RoHS status.PACKAGE TYPE PACKAGE CODE OUTLINE ND PATTERN NO.4 SOT143U4+121-005290-0183REVISION NUMBERREVISION DATE DESCRIPTIONPAGES CHANGED56/15Updated Benefits and Features and Package Information sections 1, 865/18Updated Absolute Maximum Ratings2Maxim Integrated cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim Integrated product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim Integrated reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. The parametric values (min and max limits) shown in the Electrical Characteristics table are guaranteed. Other parametric values quoted in this data sheet are provided for guidance.with Manual Reset InputRevision HistoryFor pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please visit Maxim Integrated’s online storefront at https:///en/storefront/storefront.html.。
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MAX800简明使用说明书一.简介:摘机后拨 ***嘟进入设置状态,如需验证系统密码再按 *#四位密码,每设置一步后,一声长“嘟”提示设置成功,两声短“嘟嘟”表示出错。
(**# 进入设置,成功拨*,出错拨#,适合用设备快速设置)以下N为卡序号1-8,B为1或0开关某项功能**9**拨号器清除或恢复出厂设置*9*N**接入码*。
** IP卡设置*8N*XY* 卡检测语音属性*7*N*区号*/# 开通区号设置,默认全开通*6*N# 结束码# 、*6*N* 不加结束码,默认加#*5*N*ABCDEF* 语音后分段延时,默认不延时*4*N** 选择优先卡,最后设置的卡默认为优先卡*3*N*旧密码*新密码* 设置、修改卡使用密码*2*N** 删除IP卡*0N*XY* 将N号卡的对方号码从第X位后起删除Y位**4*xy* 设置拨号速度,默认55,对应75ms/75ms**3*密码* 设置系统密码**5M*xxxx*x…**设置字头**20B* 使用IP拨打后发提示“嘟”音,默认关闭**21M* 延时M秒加 #,默认2秒**22M* 通话后限制继续拨号。
默认关闭**22XY* 查余额后XY秒静音。
默认关闭**23B* B=1关闭0开头区号表,完全按字头启动/国外用**24M* ## 变为一个 * 拨出。
默认0关闭**27M* M=0-# 铃声检测,防断线功能。
无默认值**28MY* M :*后首位拨号加长,Y对方号首位加长,默认31 **29M* M=0-7,语音灵敏度。
默认3*1*N* MxxxMxx….** 专家模式,在每一个*后分别控制语音、延时、插拨号码等等;二.IP卡的输入:1、*9*卡序号**接入号*语言选择*PIN1*PIN2**1)“卡序号”是卡存放在拨号器内8个位置,可为1--82)“接入号”是进入系统的系统号,如200,1933)“语言选择”一般带PIN码的付费卡都可能有提示语言选择,没有的可以不设置{提示语言选择*};4)PIN码有一个或多个,没有的不设置。
2、17909一次主叫设置: *9*1**17909**3、17908二次主叫设置: *9*1**17908*#**4、加四位个人密码(假设为8888)的输入及拨打:*9*1*8888*接入号*1*卡号#*密码#**拨打: *#8888 0755114三.出局码设置:**81* 直线方式,无出局码**81X*;X为1~2位出局码。
可连续输入多个字头,用*隔开1.设置旁路字头,该字头开头的号码走直拨**50*D*…D** ;如:**50*110*120** 2.设截拨字头,截拨后将按紧接其后的号码来选相应卡拨打**59*D*…D** ;如:**59*193**3. 设置1号卡启动字头,以该字头开头的号码指定用1号卡拨打:**51*D*…D**4. 设置8号卡启动字头: **58*D*…D**5. 设置禁拨字头(如声讯台)在该字头开头的号码中加#使其拨打失败: **5*D*…D**6.去码设置,一般用在网关平台前去掉多余号如拨0086xx 希望出86xx; **5#*D**7. **5N## 删除由**5N*…*设置的那组所有字头8. **6### 删除清空拨号器中所有字头拨号器优先检查字头决定如何拨打,没有匹配的字头首位不为0的直拨,为0开头的再检查开通区号表五、添加/删除IP电话开通区域IP卡设置时默认开通所有区号,如需修改按如下:*7*N* 开通区域1 *区域2 * …** 增加开通区*7*N*开通区域1 #区域2# …## 删除开通区号开通所有区域:*7 *N*0* ;全不开通:*7 *N*0# 开通所有国际:*7*N*00** ;国际全关:*7*N*00## 六、选默认IP卡(由字头启动的不受优先卡限制)当多组卡输入后,最后一组卡被系统默认为优先卡;选择其它优先卡:*4*N**。
七、暂停拨号器的使用:设置状态下,##*0重新启用拨号器:设置状态下,##*1八、系统密码管理(如有密码,需先验证密码才能设置)设置密码:**3*四位密码* ;删除密码:**3**验证密码:*#四位密码九、远程编程:在双方通话15秒后,拨*# +四位系统密码,无系统密码则按*#1234“嘟”,任一方均可进行设置。
十、延时设置:IP卡拨出各段的延时设置,默认不用设置*5*N*A B C D E F* 。
(2)结束码加#的延时时长设置:**21 M*,时间以1秒为单位,M=0-9。
十一、结束码设置:IP卡一般以# 做结束码,用户可自行设置:*6*N* 不加结束码。
*6 *N # 拨完号后自动加 # 结束。
十二、拨号器模式选择,识别语音设置:*8N*X** ;设卡时一次主叫X自动默认为0,其它自动默认为7. 1)X=0,一次主叫模式,不用检测语音。
2)X=1 接入码与其后代码之间无语音提示,电话号码前有提示3)X=4 接入码后有语音提示,其后代码和电话号码前无语音4)X=5,接入嘛后,电话号码前检测语音。
接入码及其后检测语音,电话号码前不检测语音6)X=7, 正常IP卡选择模式,每处* 号后都要检测语音7) **8N*XY* ;广东200*1*。
*2** 用同一卡打市话时最后的拨打方式“2”要变为1,这时将Y设置为1即可。
例如 **8N*71* 十三拨号速度:1. **4*XY*(X持续时间,Y间隔时间;X,Y=0--# ,等于0对应最长250ms,#对应最短35ms)2. **28MY* 在*后号码拨号加长(M+1)* 40ms Y为对方号码首位拨号时长 =(Y+1)* 80ms十四、删除IP卡*2*N** ;如果卡有密码保护 *2*N*个人密码* 十五、铃声检测,防断线**27M* ;默认M=#,检测来铃,检测拨号音M=8:摘机没有拨号音的线路环境使用,检测来铃十六.其它辅助功能1:**20 B* ;B=1 使用IP后发嘟音提示2:**22M* :M=0 通话后不限制继续拨号M = # 通话后限制用户拨#,发**干扰 M=1-9 通话后再拨号超过M个,就发**干扰3:**240* ;默认M=0 ,帐号中的 # 拨出去;**241* ;## 变1个 * 拨出4:**29 M* 语音检测灵敏度0-7;7最灵敏,默认3 5. **2#1* 不走IP时延时放开继电器,和延时加结束码的时间一样。
**2#0* 发完号立即断开。
摘机,拨 #+对方号码;3、在分机上使用先拨出局号,听到拨号音后拨打。
4、余额查询:# * 查当前卡余额,查第N号卡余额:##N5.强制走直拨: #+号码。
6. 使用备用IP:如果临时无法正常使用IP或通话质量临时不好,可以设置备用IP如17909,设置:*9*0**17099** ;拨打:##0 +长途号码十八. 国外使用特殊说明1.复位可用 **91* (默认了**231*,关闭国内用的区号表,完全按照字头启动IP)。
** 设置字头,其中:N=0 :设旁路字头,不使用IP。
即 **50*。
N=9 :设截拨字头,根据其后号码再选相应卡N=* : 设置禁止拨号码。
在前面加#拨出,不让接通N=# : 设去码字头,去掉字头后不用IP直接拨出1)例如:**51*012*002**;设置1号卡启动字头*9*1**200** ;设置1号卡200则用户拨012xx,出200 012xx2)截拨举例: **59*193*17909** ;设置截拨字头则用户拨 193012xx, 出200 012xx ; 截掉了193截拨后还是要根据其后面的号码选择启动相应IP,无匹配的就走直线。
如拨193888;出1938883)去码举例: **5#* 016*13** ;设置去码字头则用户拨 0161234 出 1234 ;拨130988 出09883.删除电话号码中部分号码:*0N*XY* 设置N号卡将对方号码从第X位后删除Y位其中:X,Y= 0-7 例如 *01*12* (卡1为200)拨01234,出200 034;从第1位0后删除两位12*01*03*;拨01234 出200 34 删除012三位嘟嘟提示设置出错的可能原因:1.有系统密码保护而没先验证密码2. 指令格式输入错误或参数,长度超出范围。
3. 系统数据意外出错,必须复位;此时只有***,*#密码,**9** 这3条指令可用。
否则可能是硬件故障**2*0* 专家模式一;复位后默认一;**2*1* 打开专家模式二,将屏蔽由*8N。
设置的语音控制参数*1*N* MxxxxMxx….** 设置特殊功能码:M=0 结束本次控制,返回拨号流程。
M=1检测语音M xy=2xy:延时xy个100ms。
M xyy=3xyy 拨一串号码yy,X为拨出号码yy的个数,例:34*#*1将拨4个DTMF 码*#*1M xy=4xy 改拨号速度,效果同设置命令**4*XY*M xy=5xy 仅改变下一个码的拨号速度为x,并重复y次。
例如509 下次发号速度为0(250ms),再重复9次,总共2。
M=3参数的长度按拨号的个数而定拨200 语音拨1- 拨2(500ms)-345 -6789-语音-拨#*1- 延时500ms,拨对方号码200后* 的控制码1为检测语音,其后0结束;拨1,控制码501,仅改变2的拨号速度为0并重复一次,0结束;拨2345,控制码为0直接结束,拨6789,控制码1检测语音,33#*1为拨3个号#*1,205为延时500ms,0结束拨对方号码总结:在卡中每个*号的地方跳转到执行特殊功能,直到结束标志0才返回卡中*后位置继续拨下面的号。