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friends 4u. _s_in__g_/ _t_a_k_in__g__
Uppers (兴奋剂)
●side effects:
﹡5. i_n_c_r_e_a_s_in_g_ the heart rate
﹡causing such 6. ___________ as a
sore jaw, toothachseysm, dpitfofimcuslty
1. 被提拔了 P43 2. 压力很大P43 3. 她的鼻子流血了。P43 4. 失去了知觉P43 5. 警告他们在没必要的情况下 吃
抗生素的风险P43 6. 以糟糕的境地结束 L1 7. 非法吸毒L4 8. 反抗家庭或社会L5 9. 使人上瘾 L12 10. 毒品对我们健康的副作用
make people addicted
10. 毒品对我们健康的副作用 L14
the side effects of drugs on our health
11. 通常被用作减肥药L16
be often used as a weight-loss pill
12. 降低人的食欲L17
reduce one's appetite
2. 压力很大P43
be under a lot of pressure
3. 她的鼻子流血了。P43
Her nose started bleeding.
4. 失去了知觉P43
become unconscious
5. 警告他们在没必要的情况下吃抗生素的风险P43
warn them of the dangers of taking antibiotics when it
differe nt drugs
cause people to see or hear 13. _u_n_r_e_a_l _ things
﹡LSD: increasing blood sugar and heart
rate; causing acute anxiety, extreme
23. 包括住院 L48
include a stay in hospital
24. 帮助戒毒 L49
help break the addiction
25. 首先、一开始 L53
is not necessary
6. 以糟糕的境地结束 L1
end in a messy situation
7. 非法吸毒L4
take drug illegally
8. 反抗家庭或社会L5
rebel against their families or society
9. 使人上瘾 L12
suck the life right out of a person
20. 重新开始 L45
start over again
21. 消除过去的污点 L45
wipe away the stain of the past
22. 到医院或戒毒所寻求帮助 L47
seek help from a hospital or drug clinic
﹡legal uppers—nicotine and caffeine:
found in cigar, cigarette, coffee, tea
and chocolate
Downers (镇定剂) — More addictive than uppers.
●harmful effects:
Just say no to drugs
to satisfy their 2._c_u_r_io__s_it_y_
taking drugs
to 3r.e_b_e_l___ against their
families or society
to be accepted by their
﹡8.d_e_c_r_e_a_s_in_g__ the heart rate
Causes ﹡causing headaches, depression, shallow
breathing, a weak pulse and even death
effects ●examples:
﹡heroine: 9. __s_l_o_w_ the brain and the
Drugs 11. _c_o_n_fu_s_i_n_g_the brain (迷幻药)
Causes ●12. h__a_rm__ done to users:
﹡changing the way people think and see
effects the world
﹡confusing the brain and sometimes
Reading comprehension
1. According to the passage, what kind of people
are most likely to take drugs? ____D_____
A. People who fail in exams. B. People who want to kill himself. C. People who break up with his lover. D. People who want to make friends with those
using drugs
Reading comprehension
2. Suppose you are a doctor, what kind of advice
will you give to the potential drug users? __C____
A. Give drugs to others but not to take any yourself.
13. 很容易对尼古丁上瘾L19
become easily addicted to nicotine
14. 很难戒烟 L20
have trouble quitting smoking
15. 通常被称为/ 归类为镇定剂 L21 / L29
be often referred to/ classified as downers
Skimming What are mentioned in the article about drugs?
___R__e_a_s_o_n_s__for taking drugs _C_la_s_s_e_s__a_n_d__e_ff_e_c_ts_____of drugs _P_u_n_i_s_h_m__e_n_t _for taking drugs ____W_a_y_s_____to break drug addiction.
Reading comprehension
3. We can learn from the passage that ____A____.
A. all drugs are not illegal B. there are three classes of drugs C. you will be punished if caught taking drugs D. using downers makes users energetic
in prison to a large fine and the death
●15. A__d_m_i_t_ti_n_g__ their problems with drugs
●16. S__e_e_k_in_g_ help from a hospital
_W__a__y_s_ to
16. 使使用的人产生愉悦的幻觉 L22
give users an artificial sense of pleasure
17. 如果大量饮用 L30
if consumed in large quantities
18. 在严重的情况下 L34
in severe cases
19. 抽干吸食者的活力 L38
break drug addiction
﹡a stay in hospital and taking special medicines
﹡have individual or group sessions with a
●not using illegal drugs in the first place
mood changes and even committing
●Determined by the type and q__u_a_n_ti_ty_ of
illegal drugs a person is carrying;
_P__u_n_i_s_h__m_e__nt ●14. _R_a_n_g_i_n_g_ from a small fine and a few for taking drugs days
L14 11. 通常被用作减肥药L16 12. 降低人的食欲L17
14. 很难戒烟 L20 15. 通常被称为/ 归类为镇定剂
L21 / L29 16. 使使用的人产生愉悦的幻觉
L22 17. 如果大量饮用 L30 18. 在严重的情况下 L34 19. 抽干吸食者的活力 L38 20. 重新开始 L45 21. 消除过去的污点 L45 22. 到医院或戒毒所寻求帮助
8. develop/ form a habit 养成一个习惯
9. avoid doing / stop doing/ quit doing/ give up doingP38 避免做、停止做、放弃做
case study 案例研究 1. 被提拔了 P43
be promoted at work
M10U3 Project
Just say NO!
Where there is violence, drugs are _b_e_h_i_n_d_ it. Where there is AIDS, drugs are behind it.
M10U3 Project
Just say
NO to
B. Take just a little to see the consequences of taking drugs.
C. Say no to drugs to protect your health and life.
D. Avoid drugs or you will end in prison.
_C_l_a_s_s_e_s__ sleeping, heart attacks and even death
and effects ●7. __________:
of different ﹡upepxearsm—pslepseed: taken as a tablet or
capsule; often used as weight-loss
different body’s reactions; smoked and injected
drugs ﹡alcohol: 10. d__a_m_a_g_e__the liver and do
great harm if consumed in large
Uppers (兴奋剂) Downers (镇定剂) — More addictive than
L47 23. 包括住院 L48 24. 帮助戒毒 L49 25. 首先、一开始 L 53
1. stay away from P38 2. keep away from P38
离开、不接近 避免接近、远离、勿靠近
3. get out of the habit of doing sth P38改掉做某事的习惯
4. break the habit of doing sth P38 改掉习惯
5. kick/break the habit 戒掉(烟瘾等)/改掉(坏)习惯
6. be in the habit of doing/ have a habit of doing 有做某事的习惯
7. get into/ in the habit of doing 养成做某事的习惯