如何利用Visual Basic开发身份证号码批量验证工具软件

为此,我们运用大学学习的一些VB 知识,根据身份证号码编码规则编写了《身份证号码批量验证工具》软件,使身份证号码核对工作变得简单、轻松。
一、软件的设计步骤二、软件详细设计1.解决方案与软件特色本程序使用VB 在Windows XP 环境开发,解决了身份证号码验证过程中存在的易出错、工作量大的问题,支持Excel 文件批量验证及信息追加,绿色免安装、小巧、实用性强。
Public Function sfzjym(num As String)As StringDim n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8,n9,n10,n11,n12,n13,n14,n15,n16,n17,y,s As Integern1=Val(Mid$(num,1,1))*7n2=Val(Mid$(num,2,1))*9n3=Val(Mid$(num,3,1))*10n4=Val(Mid$(num,4,1))*5n5=Val(Mid$(num,5,1))*8n6=Val(Mid$(num,6,1))*4n7=Val(Mid$(num,7,1))*2n8=Val(Mid$(num,8,1))*1n9=Val(Mid$(num,9,1))*6n10=Val(Mid$(num,10,1))*3n11=Val(Mid$(num,11,1))*7n12=Val(Mid$(num,12,1))*9n13=Val(Mid$(num,13,1))*10n14=Val(Mid$(num,14,1))*5n15=Val(Mid$(num,15,1))*8n16=Val(Mid$(num,16,1))*4n17=Val(Mid$(num,17,1))*2y=n1+n2+n3+n4+n5+n6+n7+n8+n9+n10+n11+n12+n13+n14+n15+n 16+n17s=y Mod 11Select Cases Case 0sfzjym=“1”Case 1sfzjym=“0”Case 2sfzjym=“X”Case 3sfzjym=“9”Case 4sfzjym=“8”Case 5sfzjym=“7”Case 6sfzjym=“6”Case 7sfzjym=“5”Case 8sfzjym=“4”Case 9sfzjym=“3”Case 10sfzjym=“2”End Select End Function函数参数为18位身份证号码,返回值为身份证号码的校验值,即身份证号码最后一位,整个计算过程严格按照GB11643-1999《公民身份号码》中的规定完成。

分享给⼤家供⼤家参考,具体如下:<?phpclass check_IdCard {// $num为⾝份证号码,$checkSex:1为男,2为⼥,不输⼊为不验证public function checkIdentity($num, $checkSex = '') { // 不是15位或不是18位都是⽆效⾝份证号if (strlen($num) != 15 && strlen($num) != 18) {return false;}// 是数值if (is_numeric($num)) {// 如果是15位⾝份证号if (strlen($num) == 15) {// 省市县(6位)$areaNum = substr($num, 0, 6);// 出⽣年⽉(6位)$dateNum = substr($num, 6, 6);// 性别(3位)$sexNum = substr($num, 12, 3);} else {// 如果是18位⾝份证号// 省市县(6位)$areaNum = substr($num, 0, 6);// 出⽣年⽉(8位)$dateNum = substr($num, 6, 8);// 性别(3位)$sexNum = substr($num, 14, 3);// 校验码(1位)$endNum = substr($num, 17, 1);}} else {// 不是数值if (strlen($num) == 15) {return false;} else {//验证前17位为数值,且18位为字符x$check17 = substr($num, 0, 17);if (!is_numeric($check17)) {return false;}//省市县(6位)$areaNum = substr($num, 0, 6);// 出⽣年⽉(8位)$dateNum = substr($num, 6, 8);// 性别(3位)$sexNum = substr($num, 14, 3);// 校验码(1位)$endNum = substr($num, 17, 1);if ($endNum != 'x' && $endNum != 'X') {return false;}}}//验证地区if (isset($areaNum)) {if (!$this->checkArea($areaNum)) {return false;}}//验证⽇期if (isset($dateNum)) {if (!$this->checkDate($dateNum)) {return false;}}// 性别1为男,2为⼥if ($checkSex == 1) {if (isset($sexNum)) {if (!$this->checkSex($sexNum)) {return false;}}} elseif ($checkSex == 2) {if (isset($sexNum)) {if ($this->checkSex($sexNum)) {return false;}}}//验证最后⼀位if (isset($endNum)) {if (!$this->checkEnd($endNum, $num)) {return false;}}return true;}// 验证城市private function checkArea($area) {$num1 = substr($area, 0, 2);$num2 = substr($area, 2, 2);$num3 = substr($area, 4, 2);// 根据GB/T2260—999,省市代码11到65if (10 < $num1 && $num1 < 66) {return true;} else {return false;}}// 验证出⽣⽇期private function checkDate($date) {if (strlen($date) == 6) {$date1 = substr($date, 0, 2);$date2 = substr($date, 2, 2);$date3 = substr($date, 4, 2);$statusY = $this->checkY('19' . $date1); } else {$date1 = substr($date, 0, 4);$date2 = substr($date, 4, 2);$date3 = substr($date, 6, 2);$nowY = date("Y", time());if (1900 < $date1 && $date1 <= $nowY) {$statusY = $this->checkY($date1);} else {return false;}}if (0 < $date2 && $date2 < 13) {if ($date2 == 2) {// 润年if ($statusY) {if (0 < $date3 && $date3 <= 29) {return true;} else {return false;}} else {// 平年if (0 < $date3 && $date3 <= 28) {return true;} else {return false;}}} else {$maxDateNum = $this->getDateNum($date2); if (0 < $date3 && $date3 <= $maxDateNum) { return true;} else {return false;}}} else {return false;}}// 验证性别private function checkSex($sex) {if ($sex % 2 == 0) {return false;} else {return true;}}// 验证18位⾝份证最后⼀位private function checkEnd($end, $num) {$checkHou = array(1, 0, 'x', 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2);$checkGu = array(7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2, 1, 6, 3, 7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2);$sum = 0;for ($i = 0;$i < 17;$i++) {$sum+= (int)$checkGu[$i] * (int)$num[$i];}$checkHouParameter = $sum % 11;if ($checkHou[$checkHouParameter] != $num[17]) {return false;} else {return true;}}// 验证平年润年,参数年份,返回 true为润年 false为平年private function checkY($Y) {if (getType($Y) == 'string') {$Y = (int)$Y;}if ($Y % 100 == 0) {if ($Y % 400 == 0) {return true;} else {return false;}} else if ($Y % 4 == 0) {return true;} else {return false;}}// 当⽉天数参数⽉份(不包括2⽉)返回天数private function getDateNum($month) {if ($month == 1 || $month == 3 || $month == 5 || $month == 7 || $month == 8 || $month == 10 || $month == 12) {return 31;} else if ($month == 2) {} else {return 30;}}}// 测试header("content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8");$num = '230106************'; //此号码为随机⽣成$test = new check_IdCard();$data = $test->checkIdentity($num);var_dump($data);//=============新的18位⾝份证号码各位的含义:=======================//1-2位省、⾃治区、直辖市代码;11-65//3-4位地级市、盟、⾃治州代码;//5-6位县、县级市、区代码;//7-14位出⽣年⽉⽇,⽐如19670401代表1967年4⽉1⽇;//15-17位为顺序号,其中17位男为单数,⼥为双数;//18位为校验码,0-9和X,由公式随机产⽣。

SQLServer中⼏个有⽤的特殊函数在SQL Server 的使⽤过程中,发现⼏个很有⽤,但不太常⽤(或细节不太清楚)的函数(存储过程):isnumeric,isdate,patindex,newid,collate,sp_executesql,checksum遂记下,以备⽇后查询。
1> isnumeric( expression )-- 返回值 1 | 0,判断是否是数字类型。
数值类型包括(int、bigint、smallint、tinyint、numeric、money、smallmoney、float、decimal、real)⽰例:select * from tablenamewhere isnumeric(columnname)<> 1;go以上⽰例使⽤ isnumeric 返回所有⾮数值的数据⾏。
2> isdate( expression )-- 如果 expression 是有效的 date、time 或 datetime 值,则返回 1;否则返回 0。
⽰例:if isdate('2009-05-12 10:19:41.177') = 1print '有效的⽇期'elseprint '⽆效的⽇期'上⾯的⽰例使⽤ isdate 测试某⼀字符串是否是有效的 datetime。
3> patindex( '%pattern%' , expression )-- 返回指定表达式中某模式第⼀次出现的起始位置;-- 如果在全部有效的⽂本和字符数据类型中没有找到该模式,则返回零。
'pattern' :⼀个通配符字符串。
pattern 之前和之后必须有 % 字符(搜索第⼀个或最后⼀个字符时除外)。
expression :通常为要在其中搜索指定模式的字符串数据类型列。

这里以ORACLE为例,其他数据库类似:CREATE OR REPLACE function ID15TO18(p_OldID varchar2) return varchar2 istype TIArray is table of integer;type TCArray is table of char(1);Result varchar2(18);W TIArray;A TCArray;S integer;beginif Length(p_OldID) <> 15 OR NOT ISIDCARD(p_OldID) thenraise_application_error(-20999, '不是旧15位身份证号或者不是身份证号');Result := p_OldID;elseW := TIArray(7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2, 1, 6, 3, 7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2, 1);A := TCArray('1', '0', 'X', '9', '8', '7', '6', '5', '4', '3', '2');Result := SubStr(p_OldID, 1, 6) || '19' || SubStr(p_OldID, 7, 9);S := 0;beginfor i in 1 .. 17 loopS := S + to_number(SubStr(Result, i, 1)) * W(i);end loop;exceptionwhen others thenreturn '';end;S := S mod 11;Result := Result || A(s + 1);end if;return(Result);end ID15TO18;/CREATE OR REPLACE function isIDCard(p_IDcard varchar2) return boolean isIDcardlen integer;beginIDcardlen :=Length(p_IDcard);/*if (IDcardlen = 18 and IS_NUMBER(SubStr(p_IDcard, 1, IDcardlen-1))and IS_DATE (substr(p_IDcard,7,8)))or(IDcardlen = 15 and IS_NUMBER(SubStr(p_IDcard, 1, IDcardlen))and IS_DATE ('19' || subsTR(p_IDcard,7,6)))*/if (IDcardlen = 18)or(IDcardlen = 15 )thenreturn TRUE;ELSEreturn FALSE;end if;end isIDCard;/CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_number (str IN VARCHAR2)RETURN NUMBERISBEGINIF str IS NULLTHENRETURN 0;ELSEIF regexp_like (str, '^(-{0,1} {0,1})[0-9] (.{0,1}[0-9] )$')THENRETURN 1;ELSERETURN 0;END IF;END IF;END is_number;/CREATE OR REPLACE function getAge(p_IDcard varchar2) return integer is IDcardlen integer;IDcardyear integer;beginIDcardlen :=Length(p_IDcard);if isidcard(p_IDcard) and IDcardlen = 18 thenIDcardyear := to_number(substr(p_IDcard,7,4));end if;if isidcard(p_IDcard) and IDcardlen = 15 thenIDcardyear := to_number('19'||substr(p_IDcard,7,2));end if;return to_number(to_char(sysdate,'yyyy'))-IDcardyear;end getAge;/CREATE OR REPLACE function getSex(p_IDcard varchar2) return varchar2 is IDcardlen integer;beginIDcardlen :=Length(p_IDcard);if not isidcard(p_IDcard)thenreturn null;end if;if IDcardlen = 18 and Substr(p_IDcard,17,1) in (1,3,5,7,9) then return ('男');end if;if IDcardlen = 18 and Substr(p_IDcard,17,1) in (2,4,6,8,0)then return ('女');end if;if IDcardlen = 15 and Substr(p_IDcard,15,1) in (1,3,5,7,9) then return ('男');end if;if IDcardlen = 15 and Substr(p_IDcard,15,1) in (2,4,6,8,0)then return ('女');end if;end getSex;//* Formatted on 2009/05/22 13:35 (Formatter Plus v4.8.6) */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_date (in_date IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEANISv_date_value DATE;invalid_day EXCEPTION;invalid_month EXCEPTION;PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT (invalid_day, -1839);PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT (invalid_month, -1843);BEGINSELECT TO_DATE (in_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD')INTO v_date_valueFROM DUAL;RETURN TRUE;EXCEPTIONWHEN invalid_dayTHENRETURN FALSE;WHEN invalid_monthTHENRETURN FALSE;WHEN OTHERSTHENRETURN FALSE;END is_date;/。


⾝份证15位转18位(SQL函数)USE [您的数据库名]GO/****** Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[get18id] Script Date: 10/10/2014 16:32:15 ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGO-- =============================================-- Author:-- Create date:-- Description:-- =============================================CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[get18id](-- Add the parameters for the function here@id nvarchar(18))RETURNS nvarchar(18)ASBEGIN-- Declare the return variable hereDECLARE @myresult nvarchar(18),@ids nvarchar(17),@idindex int,@idsum int,@idcharnumber tinyint,@idmod int,@idlast char-- check input rightif(@id is null or @id='')beginRETURN nullendif(LEN(@id)<>15)beginif(LEN(@id)<>18)beginreturn nullendreturn @idendset @idindex=1;-- birthday year defoult is '19'set @ids=SUBSTRING(@id,1,6)+'19'+SUBSTRING(@id,7,9);--RETURN @ids;while(@idindex<=18)beginset @idcharnumber=convert(tinyint,SUBSTRING(@ids,@idindex,1));--return @idcharnumber;--print @idcharnumber+'\n';if(@idindex=1)beginset @idsum=7*@idcharnumber;--return @idsum;endelse if(@idindex=2)beginset @idsum+=9*@idcharnumber;endelse if(@idindex=3)beginset @idsum+=10*@idcharnumber; endelse if(@idindex=4)beginset @idsum+=5*@idcharnumber; endelse if(@idindex=5)beginset @idsum+=8*@idcharnumber; endelse if(@idindex=6)beginset @idsum+=4*@idcharnumber; endelse if(@idindex=7)beginset @idsum+=2*@idcharnumber; endelse if(@idindex=8)beginset @idsum+=1*@idcharnumber; endelse if(@idindex=9)beginset @idsum+=6*@idcharnumber; endelse if(@idindex=10)beginset @idsum+=3*@idcharnumber; endelse if(@idindex=11)beginset @idsum+=7*@idcharnumber; endelse if(@idindex=12)beginset @idsum+=9*@idcharnumber; endelse if(@idindex=13)beginset @idsum+=10*@idcharnumber; endelse if(@idindex=14)beginset @idsum+=5*@idcharnumber; endelse if(@idindex=15)beginset @idsum+=8*@idcharnumber; endelse if(@idindex=16)beginset @idsum+=4*@idcharnumber; endelse if(@idindex=17)beginset @idsum+=2*@idcharnumber; endset @idindex=@idindex+1;--break;end--return @idsum;set @idmod=@idsum%11;if(@idmod=0)beginset @idlast='1';endelse if(@idmod=1)beginset @idlast='0';endelse if(@idmod=2)beginset @idlast='X';endelse if(@idmod=3)beginset @idlast='9';endelse if(@idmod=4)beginset @idlast='8';endelse if(@idmod=5)beginset @idlast='7';endelse if(@idmod=6)beginset @idlast='6';endelse if(@idmod=7)beginset @idlast='5';endelse if(@idmod=8)beginset @idlast='4';endelse if(@idmod=9)beginset @idlast='3';endelse if(@idmod=10)beginset @idlast='2';endset @myresult=@ids+@idlast; -- Return the result of the function RETURN @myresultENDGO。
sql server使用函数

sql server使用函数
它们是SQL Server编程中的重要组成部分,用于简化复杂的查询和数据操作。
以下是一些常见的SQL Server函数:
1. 聚合函数:在查询中使用聚合函数可以计算数据的总和、平均值、最大值、最小值等。
2. 字符串函数:SQL Server提供了许多函数来操作字符串,如LEN、LEFT、RIGHT、SUBSTRING、CHARINDEX等。
3. 日期和时间函数:日期和时间函数可用于格式化日期和时间值、计算日期之间的差异以及执行其他日期和时间操作。
4. 数学函数:SQL Server还提供了许多数学函数,如ABS、ROUND、CEILING、FLOOR、POWER等。
SQL Server函数可以嵌套使用和组合,以执行更复杂的查询和数据操作。
- 1 -。

身份证号码有效性校验程序delphi源代码unit Unit1;interfaceusesWindows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,Dialogs, StdCtrls, ComCtrls;typeTForm1 = class(TForm)Edit1: TEdit;Button1: TButton;Label1: TLabel;procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);private{ Private declarations }public{ Public declarations }end;varForm1: TForm1;implementation{$R *.dfm}function GetVerifyBit(sIdentityNum: string): Char; //取得最后一位校验码:公式varnNum: Integer;beginResult := #0; //求总nNum := StrToInt(sIdentityNum[1]) * 7 +StrToInt(sIdentityNum[2]) * 9 +StrToInt(sIdentityNum[3]) * 10 +StrToInt(sIdentityNum[4]) * 5 +StrToInt(sIdentityNum[5]) * 8 +StrToInt(sIdentityNum[6]) * 4 +StrToInt(sIdentityNum[7]) * 2 +StrToInt(sIdentityNum[8]) * 1 +StrToInt(sIdentityNum[9]) * 6 +StrToInt(sIdentityNum[10]) * 3 +StrToInt(sIdentityNum[11]) * 7 +StrToInt(sIdentityNum[12]) * 9 +StrToInt(sIdentityNum[13]) * 10 +StrToInt(sIdentityNum[14]) * 5 +StrToInt(sIdentityNum[15]) * 8 +StrToInt(sIdentityNum[16]) * 4 +StrToInt(sIdentityNum[17]) * 2;nNum := nNum mod 11; //除11取余case nNum of //对应的校验码0: Result := '1';1: Result := '0';2: Result := 'X';3: Result := '9';4: Result := '8';5: Result := '7';6: Result := '6';7: Result := '5';8: Result := '4';9: Result := '3';10: Result := '2';end;end;function ValidatePID(const APID: string): string; varL: Integer;sCentury: string;sYear2Bit: string;sMonth: string;sDate: string;sSex: string;iSex: Integer;iCentury: Integer;iMonth: Integer;iDate: Integer;CRCFact: string; //18位证号的实际值CRCTh: string; //18位证号的理论值FebDayAmt: Byte; //2月天数beginL := Length(APID); //校验长度if (L in [15, 18]) = False thenbeginResult := Format('身份证号不是15位或18位(实际位数:%1:d)', [APID, L]);Exit;end;CRCFact := '';if L = 18 thenbeginsCentury := Copy(APID, 7, 2);iCentury := StrToInt(sCentury);if (iCentury in [18..20]) = False thenbeginResult := Format('身份证号码无效:18位证号的年份前两位(当前为:%0:S)不在18-20之间', [sCentury]);Exit;end;sYear2Bit := Copy(APID, 9, 2);sMonth := Copy(APID, 11, 2);sDate := Copy(APID, 13, 2);CRCFact := Copy(APID, 18, 1);iSex := StrToInt(Copy(APID, 17, 1));endelsebeginsCentury := '19';sYear2Bit := Copy(APID, 7, 2);sMonth := Copy(APID, 9, 2);sDate := Copy(APID, 11, 2);iSex := StrToInt(Copy(APID, 15, 1));end;iMonth := StrToInt(sMonth);iDate := StrToInt(sDate);if (iMonth in [01..12]) = False thenbeginResult := Format('身份证号码无效:月份(%0:s)无效!不在“01-12”之间!', [sMonth]);Exit;end;if (iMonth in [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12]) thenbeginif (iDate in [01..31]) = False thenbeginResult := Format('身份证号码无效:日期(%0:s)无效!不在“1-31”之间!', [sDate]);Exit;end;end;if (iMonth in [4, 6, 9, 11]) thenbeginif (iDate in [01..30]) = False thenbeginResult := Format('身份证号码无效:日期(%0:s)无效!不在“1-30”之间!', [sDate]);Exit;end;end;//闰年if IsLeapYear(StrToInt(sCentury + sYear2Bit)) = True thenbeginFebDayAmt := 29;endelsebeginFebDayAmt := 28;end;if (iMonth in [2]) thenbeginif (iDate in [01..FebDayAmt]) = False thenbeginResult := Format('身份证号码无效:日期(%0:s)无效!不在“1-'+inttostr(FebDayAmt)+'”之间!', [sDate]);Exit;end;end;if iSex mod 2 = 0 thenbeginsSex := '女';endelsebeginsSex := '男';end;if CRCFact <> '' thenbeginCRCTh := GetVerifyBit(APID);if CRCFact <> CRCTh thenbeginResult := Format('身份证号码无效!请按以下步骤进行检查:'#13'1、最后一位要改成:“' + CRCTh + '”吗?(现在是:'+CRCFact+')'#13'2、出生日期是“' + sCentury + sYear2Bit + '年' + inttostr(iMonth) + '月' +inttostr(iDate) + '日”(' +sCentury + sYear2Bit +sMonth+sDate+ ')对吗?'#13'3、性别为“' + sSex + '”(倒数第2位是:' + inttostr(iSex) + ')对吗?'#13'4、前6位地区码为:' + Copy(APID, 1, 6) + ',对吗?'#13'5、倒数第4、3位('+Copy(APID, L-3, 2)+')是否正确?', [APID]);Exit;end;Result := '身份证号正确('+inttostr(L)+'位,带校验码)!出生日期:' + sCentury + sYear2Bit + '年' + inttostr(iMonth) + '月' + inttostr(iDate) + '日,性别:' + sSex;endelsebeginResult := '身份证号正确('+inttostr(L)+'位,无校验码)!出生日期:' + sCentury + sYear2Bit + '年' + inttostr(iMonth) + '月' + inttostr(iDate) + '日,性别:' + sSex;end;end;procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);beginMessageBox(GetActiveWindow(), pchar(ValidatePID(Edit1.Text)), '提示信息!',mb_iconwarning);end;end.。

sql语句验证身份证号码像这样写个视图就行了:create View eVMutiCardASSelecta.Badge,/doc/084818076.html,,a.DepID,htt p:///doc/084818076.html,pid,a.JobID,a.Status,a.E mpType,a.ReportT o,b.Identification,N'身份证长度不合常理' As RemarkFrom employee bWhere (Len(b.Identification) Not In (15,18)And b.Identification Is Not Null )Or b.Identification is NullUnion AllSelecta.Badge,/doc/084818076.html,,a.DepID,htt p:///doc/084818076.html,pid,a.JobID,a.Status,a.E mpType,a.ReportT o,b.Identification,N'身份证具有无效字符' As RemarkFrom employee bWhere Len(b.Identification) In (15,18)And Isnumeric(Case Len(b.Identification) When 18 Then Substring(b.Identification,1,17)Else b.Identification End) = 0Union AllSelecta.Badge,/doc/084818076.html,,a.DepID,htt p:///doc/084818076.html,pid,a.JobID,a.Status,a.E mpType,a.ReportT o,b.Identification,N'身份证出生日期不合常理' As RemarkFrom employee bWhere Len(b.Identification) In (15,18)And (IsDate(Case When Len(b.Identification)=15 Then '19'+Substring(b.Identification,7,2)+'-'+Substring(b.Identification,9,2)+'-'+Substring(b.Identification,11,2)Else Substring(b.Identification,7,4)+'-'+Substring(b.Identification,11,2)+'-'+Substring(b.Identification,13,2)End)=0Or Not ((Case When Len(b.Identification)=15 Then '19'+Substring(b.Identification,7,2)+'-'+Substring(b.Identification,9,2)+'-'+Substring(b.Identification,11,2)Else Substring(b.Identification,7,4)+'-'+Substring(b.Identification,11,2)+'-'+Substring(b.Identification,13,2)End) Between '1900-01-01' And '2079-06-06'))Union AllSelecta.Badge,/doc/084818076.html,,a.DepID,htt p:///doc/084818076.html,pid,a.JobID,a.Status,a.E mpType,a.ReportT o,b.Identification,N'身份证校验位不正确(第18位与校验不符)' As RemarkFrom employee bWhere (Len(b.Identification) = 18And substring(b.Identification,18,19) <> dbo.GetCheckIDCardCode(b.Identification)And b.Identification Is Not Null)其中跟据国家规定的计算公式,计算18位身份证检验位的dbo.GetCheckIDCardCode如下:CREATE function GetCheckIDCardCode(@sfzh char(18))returns char(1)asbegindeclare @r varchar(2)declare @i intif len(@sfzh) <> 18set @r = 0elseset @i = cast(substring(@sfzh,1,1) as int) * 7+cast(substring(@sfzh,2,1) as int) * 9+cast(substring(@sfzh,3,1) as int) * 10+cast(substring(@sfzh,4,1) as int) * 5+cast(substring(@sfzh,5,1) as int) * 8+cast(substring(@sfzh,6,1) as int) * 4+cast(substring(@sfzh,7,1) as int) * 2+cast(substring(@sfzh,8,1) as int) * 1+cast(substring(@sfzh,9,1) as int) * 6+cast(substring(@sfzh,10,1) as int) * 3 +cast(substring(@sfzh,11,1) as int) * 7 +cast(substring(@sfzh,12,1) as int) * 9 +cast(substring(@sfzh,13,1) as int) * 10 +cast(substring(@sfzh,14,1) as int) * 5 +cast(substring(@sfzh,15,1) as int) * 8 +cast(substring(@sfzh,16,1) as int) * 4 +cast(substring(@sfzh,17,1) as int) * 2 set @i = @i - @i/11 * 11set @r = cast((case @iwhen 0 then 1when 1 then 0when 2 then 11when 3 then 9when 4 then 8when 5 then 7when 6 then 6when 7 then 5when 8 then 4when 9 then 3when 10 then 2else '' end) as char)if (@r = 11) set @r='X'else set @r = @rset @r = '' + @r +''return @rend。
sql server 常用系统函数

sql server 常用系统函数SQL Server是一款常用的关系型数据库管理系统,它提供了许多强大的系统函数来方便开发人员进行数据处理和管理。
本文将介绍SQL Server常用的系统函数,包括日期时间函数、字符串函数、数学函数、聚合函数等。
一、日期时间函数1. GETDATE():获取当前日期时间。
2. DATEADD():在日期上进行加减操作。
3. DATEDIFF():计算两个日期之间的差值。
4. DATEPART():从日期中提取特定部分的值,如年、月、日、小时、分钟等。
5. CONVERT():将日期时间类型转换为其他类型(如字符串)。
二、字符串函数1. LEN():获取字符串长度。
2. LEFT()、RIGHT()、SUBSTRING():获取字符串的左、右、子字符串。
3. REPLACE():替换字符串中的指定子串。
4. CHARINDEX():查找指定子串在字符串中的位置。
5. LTRIM()、RTRIM():去除字符串左右两侧的空格。
三、数学函数1. ABS():获取绝对值。
2. ROUND()、CEILING()、FLOOR():对数值进行四舍五入、向上取整、向下取整。
3. SIGN():获取数值的符号。
4. POWER()、SQRT()、EXP()、LOG():进行数值计算和运算。
四、聚合函数1. AVG()、SUM()、MIN()、MAX():对一组数据进行平均值、求和、最小值、最大值的计算。
2. COUNT():计算一组数据中元素的个数。
以上是SQL Server常用的系统函数,它们可以方便地进行数据处理和管理,提高开发效率和数据处理的准确性。

根据《中华人民共和国国家标准》(GB 11643-1999)规定:
校验码(18位):是根据前面十七位数字码,按照ISO 7064:1983.MOD 11-2校验码计算出来的检验码。
4余数只可能有0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10这11个数字。
其分别对应的最后一位身份证的号码为1 0 X 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2。

vb居民身份证 校验函数

Exit Function
ElseIf Val(Mid(StrID15, 9, 2)) = 2 And (Val(Mid(StrID15, 11, 2)) = 30 Or Val(Mid(StrID15, 11, 2)) = 31) Then
Exit Function
If (Val(Mid(StrID15, 9, 2)) = 4 Or Val(Mid(StrID15, 9, 2)) = 6 Or Val(Mid(StrID15, 9, 2)) = 9 Or Val(Mid(StrID15, 9, 2)) = 11) And Val(Mid(StrID15, 11, 2)) = 31 Then
Dim StrID17 As String, AiWi As Integer, Num As Integer, A18 As String
Dim sA, sDate
Dim iA
sA = Mid(StrID18, 7, 4)
sDate = sA & "-" & Mid(StrID18, 11, 2) & "-" & Mid(StrID18, 13, 2)
Case 1
StrID18 = StrID17 & "0"
Case 2
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ StrID18 = StrID17 & "X"
Case 3
StrID18 = StrID17 & "9"
Case 4
Case 8

PHP实现中国公民⾝份证号码有效性验证⽰例代码本⽂将使⽤Java实现中国公民(15位或者18位)⾝份证号码的相关验证,功能如下:1. ⾝份证号有效性验证2. 分析详细⾝份证信息3. ⽣成⼀个虚拟的省份证号码。
5、校验码(第⼗⼋位数)(1)⼗七位数字本体码加权求和公式 S = Sum(Ai * Wi), i = 0, … , 16 ,先对前17位数字的权求和Ai:表⽰第i位置上的⾝份证号码数字值Wi:表⽰第i位置上的加权因⼦ Wi: 7 9 10 5 8 4 2 1 6 3 7 9 10 5 8 4 2(2)计算模 Y = mod(S, 11)(3)通过模得到对应的校验码 Y: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 校验码: 1 0 X 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2IDValidator.php<?phpnamespace com\jdk5\blog\IDValidator;class IDValidator {private static $GB2260;private static $instance;private static $cache = array();private static $util;function __construct() {if (!class_exists("com\jdk5\blog\IDValidator\GB2260")){include 'GB2260.php';}if (!class_exists("com\jdk5\blog\IDValidator\util")){include 'util.php';}self::$GB2260 = GB2260::getGB2260 ();self::$util = util::getInstance();}public static function getInstance() {if (is_null ( self::$instance )) {self::$instance = new IDValidator ();}return self::$instance;}function isValid($id) {$code = self::$util->checkArg ( $id );if ($code === false) {return false;}// 查询cacheif (isset ( self::$cache [ $id ] ) && self::$cache [$id] ['valid'] !== false) {return self::$cache [$id] ['valid'];} else {if (! isset ( self::$cache [ $id ] )) {self::$cache [$id] = array ();}}$addr = substr ( $code ['body'], 0, 6 );$birth = $code ['type'] === 18 ? substr ( $code ['body'], 6, 8 ) :substr ( $code ['body'], 6, 6 );$order = substr ( $code ['body'], - 3 );if (! (self::$util->checkAddr ( $addr ) && self::$util->checkBirth ( $birth ) &&self::$util->checkOrder ( $order ))) {self::$cache [$id] ['valid'] = false;return false;}// 15位不含校验码,到此已结束if ($code ['type'] === 15) {self::$cache [$id] ['valid'] = true;/* 校验位部分 */// 位置加权$posWeight = array ();for($i = 18; $i > 1; $i --) {$wei = self::$util->weight ( $i );$posWeight [$i] = $wei;}// 累加body部分与位置加权的积$bodySum = 0;$bodyArr = str_split( $code ['body'] );for($j = 0; $j < count ( $bodyArr ); $j ++) {$bodySum += (intval ( $bodyArr [$j], 10 ) * $posWeight [18 - $j]);}// 得出校验码$checkBit = 12 - ($bodySum % 11);if ($checkBit == 10) {$checkBit = 'X';} else if ($checkBit > 10) {$checkBit = $checkBit % 11;}// 检查校验码if ($checkBit != $code ['checkBit']) {self::$cache [$id] ['valid'] = false;return false;} else {self::$cache [$id] ['valid'] = true;return true;}}// 分析详细信息function getInfo ($id) {// 号码必须有效if ($this->isValid($id) === false) {return false;}// TODO 复⽤此部分$code = self::$util->checkArg($id);// 查询cache// 到此时通过isValid已经有了cache记录if (isset(self::$cache[$id]) && isset(self::$cache[$id]['info'])) {return self::$cache[$id]['info'];}$addr = substr($code['body'], 0, 6);$birth = ($code['type'] === 18 ? substr($code['body'], 6, 8) :substr($code['body'], 6, 6));$order = substr($code['body'], -3);$info = array();$info['addrCode'] = $addr;if (self::$GB2260 !== null) {$info['addr'] = self::$util->getAddrInfo($addr);}$info ['birth'] = ($code ['type'] === 18 ? (substr ( $birth, 0, 4 ) . '-' . substr ( $birth, 4, 2 ) . '-' . substr ( $birth, - 2 )) : ('19' . substr ( $birth, 0, 2 ) . '-' . substr ( $birth, 2, 2 ) . '-' . substr ( $birth, - 2 ))); $info['sex'] = ($order % 2 === 0 ? 0 : 1);$info['length'] = $code['type'];if ($code['type'] === 18) {$info['checkBit'] = $code['checkBit'];}// 记录cacheself::$cache[$id]['info'] = $info;return $info;}// 仿造⼀个号function makeID ($isFifteen=false) {// 地址码$addr = null;if (self::$GB2260 !== null) {$loopCnt = 0;while ($addr === null) {// 防⽌死循环if ($loopCnt > 50) {$addr = 110101;break;}$prov = self::$util->str_pad(self::$util->rand(66), 2, '0');$city = self::$util->str_pad(self::$util->rand(20), 2, '0');$area = self::$util->str_pad(self::$util->rand(20), 2, '0');$addrTest = $prov . $city . $area;if (isset(self::$GB2260[$addrTest])) {$addr = $addrTest;break;}$loopCnt ++;}} else {// 出⽣年$yr = self::$util->str_pad(self::$util->rand(99, 50), 2, '0');$mo = self::$util->str_pad(self::$util->rand(12, 1), 2, '0');$da = self::$util->str_pad(self::$util->rand(28, 1), 2, '0');if ($isFifteen) {return $addr . $yr . $mo . $da. self::$util->str_pad(self::$util->rand(999, 1), 3, '1');}$yr = '19' . $yr;$body = $addr . $yr . $mo . $da . self::$util->str_pad(self::$util->rand(999, 1), 3, '1');// 位置加权$posWeight = array();for ($i = 18; $i > 1; $i--) {$wei = self::$util->weight($i);$posWeight[$i] = $wei;}// 累加body部分与位置加权的积$bodySum = 0;$bodyArr = str_split($body);for ($j = 0; $j < count($bodyArr); $j++) {$bodySum += (intval($bodyArr[$j], 10) * $posWeight[18 - $j]);}// 得出校验码$checkBit = 12 - ($bodySum % 11);if ($checkBit == 10) {$checkBit = 'X';} else if ($checkBit > 10) {$checkBit = $checkBit % 11;}return ($body . $checkBit);}}调⽤<?phpheader("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");include 'IDValidator.php';$v = com\jdk5\blog\IDValidator\IDValidator::getInstance();//⽣成⼀个18位⾝份证号$id = $v->makeID();//获取⾝份证信息$info = $v->getInfo($id);var_dump($info);//⽣成⼀个15位⾝份证号$id = $v->makeID(true);$info = $v->getInfo($id);var_dump($info);//验证⾝份证号是否正确var_dump($v->isValid("123456789012345678"));以上就是本⽂的全部内容,希望对⼤家的学习有所帮助,也希望⼤家多多⽀持。

SqlServer中批量update语句现在我有两张表分别是S_PERSON,S_USERS_PERSONS_USER我现在想把S_USER表中的ACCOUNT批量修改成S_PERSON的ACCOUNT我们可以发现S_USER表中有个跟S_PERSON表关联的字段那就是PERSON_ID 这也是我们要update的条件找到这个关系以后我们就不难写sql了update S_USER set account=p.account from S_PERSON p where p.id=S_USER.person_id;结果为:sqlserver as 语法举例1、使⽤表名称别名有两个表分别是:"Persons" 和 "Product_Orders"。
分别为它们指定别名 "p" 和 "po"。
列出 "John Adams" 的所有定单。
SELECT po.OrderID, stName, p.FirstNameFROM Persons AS p, Product_Orders AS poWHERE stName='Adams' AND p.FirstName='John';2、使⽤列名称别名查询 Persons 表中的 LastName 列(为其定义别名 '姓⽒')和 FirstName 列(为其定义别名 ‘名字'),输出所有结果值。
SELECT LastName AS 姓⽒, FirstName AS 名字FROM Persons3、同时使⽤表名称和列名称为 city 表定义别名 'A',并利⽤该表别名查询表中的 ID 列(为ID列定义别名 B)的所有信息。
SELECT A.ID AS BFROM city AS A;这篇⽂章就介绍到这了,希望能帮助到你。

校验的计算方式:1.对前17位数字本体码加权求和公式为:S = Sum(Ai * Wi), i = 0,..., 16其中Ai表示第i位置上的身份证号码数字值,Wi表示第i位置上的加权因子,其各位对应的值依次为: 7 9 10 5 8 4 2 1 6 3 7 9 10 5 8 4 22.以11对计算结果取模Y = mod(S, 11)3.根据模的值得到对应的校验码对应关系为:Y值: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10校验码: 1 0 X 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 215位的身份证号dddddd yymmdd xx p18位的身份证号dddddd yyyymmdd xx p y其中dddddd为地址码(省地县三级)18位中的和15位中的不完全相同 yyyymmdd yymmdd 为出生年月日 xx顺号类编码 p性别18位中末尾的y为校验码,在网上可以找到算法(1)、前两个数字代表省份编码。