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A big reward will make the brave come forward重赏之下,必有勇夫。

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush,一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。

A little forethought would have saved you much trouble afterwards你如果事先略作盘算,后来也不至于有那么多的麻烦了。

A mastery of Chinese and English is essential for E-C or C-E translation做英汉/汉英翻译必须掌握好汉语与英语。

A new kind of aircraft—small,cheap,pilotless—is attracting increasing attention。一种新型的飞机正越来越引起人们的注意——这种飞机体积不大,价钱便宜,无人驾驶。

A red sun rose slowly from the calm lake。一轮红日从风平浪静的海面冉冉升起。

A stream was winding its way through the valley into the river。一弯溪水蜿蜒流过山谷,汇合到江里去了。

A tiny staggerer came suddenly rocking into the yard.一个刚刚学步的小宝宝突然摇摇晃


After all preparations were made ,the planes were flown across he U.S to San Francisco.一切准备工作就绪以后,飞机就飞越美国去旧金山。

All roads lead to Rome条条大路通罗马。

All the articles are untouchable in the museum.博物馆内一切展品禁止触摸。

An outsider’s success could even curiously help the two parties to get the agreement they want.说来奇怪,一个局外人取得成功竟然能够使双方达成一项他们希望取得的协议Anger and bitterness had preyed upon me continually for weeks and a deep languor had succeeded this passionate struggle. 好几个星期来,我一直愤怒和痛苦,在这种折磨中激烈的挣扎过后倍感疲惫。

At the end of her four months in the hospital, Mrs. Peng was pronounced incurably blind.彭太太住院治疗整整四个月,医生最后判定她是永久性失明,无法治愈。

Before them lay miles of miles of beautiful plain with lots of wild animals among the grass.美丽的草原,茵茵的绿草,野生动物成群结队,绵延数英里,展现在眼前。Bitterness fed on the man who had made the world laugh. 这位曾使全世界人发笑的人自己却饱受辛酸。

Blood is thicker than water.血浓于水。

Carelessness coused his failure in this year’s college entrance examination 由于粗心,他今年高考落榜了。

Courage in excess becomes fool hardiness, affection weakness, thrift avarice过度的勇气变为蛮勇,过度的爱情变为溺爱,过度的节俭变为贪婪。

Don’ t take it seriously. I’m just making fun of you.不要认真嘛!我不过开开玩笑罢了。Don’t cast pearls before swine! He doesn’t know any EnglishWhat is the use of such a good English dictionary for him?不要明珠暗投,他根本就不懂英语,给他这么好的英语词典会有什么用呢?

Don’t lose time in posting this letter.赶快把这封信寄出去。

During his visit to China, the Korean foreign minister conferred with his Chinese counterpart a number of times.在中国访问期间,韩国外交部长与中国外交部长举行了数次会商.

Early to rise and early to bed makes a man healthy早起早睡身体好。

Electrical charges of a similar kind repel each other and those that are dissimilar attract.同性电荷相斥,异性电荷相吸。

Eletric power became the servant of man only after the motor was invented. 电动机发明之后,电才开始造福人

Engineering design is a decision-making process used for the development of engineering for which there is a human need.工程设计是为发展人类所需工程而作决定的过程。Everybody has a responsibility to the society of which he is a part and through this to mankind.每个人都对他所属的社会负有责任,通过社会对人类负有责任。

Exertion of authoity over others is not always wise; persuasion may be better

Exotic pets are the latest status symbol.养珍禽异兽标志着具有最时髦的社会地位。Exotic pets are the latest status symbol.养珍禽异兽是代表社会地位的最时尚的方式Failure is the mother of success失败乃成功之母。

Few people consider her justifiably wrong.几乎没有人认为她的错误时情有可原的

First you borrow,then you beg。头一遭借钱,下一遭就讨饭。

Further delay would cause us great loses.我们如果再耽搁,将会蒙受很大损失

God helps those who help themselves(天道酬勤);

God is good,therefore God is 上帝存善,所以上帝存在。

God never shuts one door but he opens another; as long as you have confidence, you can surely ,find a way out of the difficulties天无绝人之路。只要有信心,你总有办法闯过难关。

Gone are the days when we Chinese people depended on foreign steel.中国人民靠洋钢的日子已一去不复返了。

Happy families also had their own troubles.幸福的家庭也有幸福家庭的苦恼。

He allowed the father to be overruled by the judge,and declared his own son guilty。他让法官的确职责战胜父子的确私情,而判决他儿子有罪。

He felt the patriot rise within his breast。他感到一种爱国热情在胸中激荡。

He had some cheerful wine at the party.聚会时他喝了一些酒,于是便浑身冒来劲

He had the agility of a man half his age他的敏捷赶得上岁数比他小一半的人。,

He hasn’t paid me that money yet---I must send him a reminder. 他还未付给我那笔钱——我得写封提醒函。

He is a dapper sixty-three.他今年65岁,但身子骨却很硬朗

He is admittedly reliable.他十分可靠,这是大家都公认的

He is complicated man—moody,mercurial,with a melancholy streak。他是一个性格复杂的人——喜怒无常,反复多变,有些忧郁寡欢。

He is no child at poker他是打牌老手。

He is not stupid ,merely ignorant他并不愚蠢,仅仅是无知而已。

He is now the proud owner of several cottages in some beautiful cities.现在他在几个漂亮城市购了小别墅,为此他颇为得意

He looked gloomy and troubled.他看上去有些忧愁不安。

He manifested a strong dislike for his father’s business.他对他父亲的行业表示出强烈的厌恶情绪。

He no longer dreamed of storms, nor of great occurrences, nor of great fish, nor fights, nor contests of strength.他不再梦见风涛,不再梦见惊人的遭遇,也不再梦见大鱼,搏斗和角力。
