

Orton-MV Catalog_Chinese

Orton-MV Catalog_Chinese

金属密封三偏心蝶阀MV 系列PAGE 2能源领域的应用Orton 是IMI 严酷工况事业部CCI 最主要的阀门制造商,作为全球领先的专业流体控制产品制造商,其阀门应用在工业各领域。


A S H E L L P H O T O G R A P HOrton 更具有在苛刻工况下应用的优势Orton 金属阀座三偏心在全球范围内以独一无二的操控性、可靠性、紧凑性及实用性著称;其主要应用于苛刻高压严密关断、高温、深冷、节流及隔离工况。

遍布世界各地的各种应用TMAPAGE 3PAGE 4三偏心金属密封蝶阀Orton MV 系列• 使用温度范围:-196ºC 至+815ºC (-320ºF 至+1500ºF)• 弹性金属密封• 扭矩密封• 阀杆和阀体上的一体式阀位指示• 三偏心设计• 全金属结构• 零泄漏双向严密切断• 90°旋转无磨擦开启• 压力等级范围:ANSI Class 150 至ANSI Class 2500• 本质火灾安全和火灾测试• 多种材料可供选择• 完全符合API 609的防吹出结构应用标准• 设计规范API 609BS 5155ANSI B16.34ASME VIII DIN 3840• 法兰标准ANSI ISO DIN JIS• 面心距标准API 609ISO 5752ANSI B16.10• 测试标准API 598 - API 6D (zero leakage)ISO 5208 rate A ANSI B16.104 Cl.VI DIN 3230 rate 1BS 6755 rate A• 火灾测试标准API 607 4th edition BS 6755ISO/FDIS 10497• 质量标准ISO 9001• 防渗漏标准TA-LUFT Point阀门尺寸• 2" - 160" Class 150• 2" - 80" Class 300• 3" - 60" Class 600• 6" - 48" Class 900• Class 1500 and 2500 特殊要求阀体结构型式• 双法兰• 支耳式• 对夹式• 焊接式• 特殊要求的其它型式三偏心金属密封蝶阀Orton MV 系列阀门主要材料表Standard CS Standard SS CS NACE阀体A216 WCB A351 CF8M/CF8/CF3M/CF3A216 WCB阀座密封W.O.SEAT ST. GR.21W.O.SEAT ST. GR.21W.O.SEAT ST. GR.21阀板A216 WCB A351 CF8M/CF8/CF3M/CF3A216 WCB阀轴ASTM A182 Gr.F6A CL.III ASTM A479 XM19 UNS S20910ASTM A564 Tp.630 H1150 D (17-4 PH)密封圈ASTM A240 Tp.430 + H.D.G.UNS31803 (Duplex) + H.D.G.ASTM A240 Tp.430 + H.D.G.(Alternative 316 solid forcryogenic service)填料High-density graphite High density graphite High density graphiteLCB WC6 / WC9254 SMO®阀体ASTM A352 LCB A217 WC6 / WC9ASTM A351 CK-3MCuN阀座密封W.O.SEAT ST. GR.21W.O.SEAT ST. GR.21ASTM A351 CK-3MCuN阀板ASTM A352 LCB A217 WC6 / WC9ASTM A351 CK-3MCuN阀杆ASTM A564 Tp.630 H1150 ASTM A182 Gr.F6A CL.III A479 UNS S31254D (17-4 PH)密封圈UNS31803 (Duplex) + H.D.G.UNS31803 (Duplex) + H.D.G.A240 UNS S31254 + Reinf. graph.(Solid 316 or Inconel X625 fortemperature above 426°C)填料High-density graphite High density graphite High density graphiteMonel®Bz - Al Duplex阀体A494 M-35-1B148 C95800UNS S31803 or ASTM A890 gr.4A阀座密封A494 M-35-1B148 C95800W.O.SEAT ST. GR.21阀板A494 M-35-1B148 C95800UNS S31803 ASTM A890 gr.4A阀杆Monel K500Monel K500UNS S32750 (SuperDuplex) orASTM A 240 - UNS S32750密封圈Monel 400 + H.D.G.Monel 400 + PTFE UNS S31803 + HDG orASTM A240 UNS S31803gr.4A填料High density graphite PTFE High density graphiteTitanium Alloy 20lnconel®阀体ASTM B367 Gr.2A351 CN7M INCONEL 625 (UNS N06625)阀座密封ASTM B367 Gr.2Stellite®W.O.SEAT ST. GR.21阀板ASTM B367 Gr.2A351 CN7M INCONEL 625 (UNS N06625)阀轴ASTM B348 Gr.5lncoloy 825INCONEL 625 (UNS N06625)密封圈ASTM B348 Gr.2 + H.D.G.lncoloy 825INCONEL 625 + H.D.G. (UNS N06625)填料High density graphite High density graphite High density graphitelncoloy®Hastelloy®阀体lncoloy 825Hastelloy C276阀座Integral W.O.SEAT ST. GR.21阀板lncoloy 825Hastelloy C276阀杆Incoloy 825Hastelloy C276密封圈Incoloy 825 + Reinf. graph.Hastelloy C276 + Reinf. graph.填料High density graphite High density graphite其余材料可按要求定制Stellite®is a registered trademark of Deloro Stellite Company, Inc.254 SMO®is a registered trademark of Avesta Sheffield AB.Monel®, Inconel®, Incoloy®are registered trademarks of Inco Alloys International, Inc.Hastelloy®is a registered trademark of Haynes International, Inc.PAGE 5PAGE 6三偏心金属密封蝶阀Orton MV 系列Orton 独特的三偏心设计,彻底消除了阀板密封圈和阀座密封之前的磨擦,因此,有效防止因磨损而导致的泄漏可能性,从而延长其使用寿命。



Medium-voltage power distribution and control systems > Switchgear > Metal-enclosed switchgear— MVS medium-voltage38 kV load interrupter switchContentsGeneral Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .3-2MVS Load Interrupter Switchgear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .3-2Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .3-6Switch Technical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .3-6Motor Operated MVS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .3-7Metering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .3-8Automatic Transfer Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .3-9Surge Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .3-10System Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .3-11Layouts and Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .3-13MVS Layouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .3-13Application Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .3-17Weights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .3-17MVS Load Interrupter SwitchgearEaton’s MVS Load Interrupter Switchgear is an integrated assembly of switches, bus and fuses that is constructed for medium-voltage circuit protection. All major components are manufac t ured by Eaton, establishing one source of responsibility for the equipment’s performance and ensuring high standards in quality, coordination, reliability and service.A complete line of Eaton switches and fuses is available:■■38 kV voltage class■■600 A continuous loadinterrupting ratings■■Non-fused or fused with current limiting or boric acid-type fuses■■Manual or motor operated■■Indoor or outdoor non-walk-in enclosures■■Single switches and transformer primary switches■■Duplex loadbreak switch arrange m ents for selection of alternate feeds■■Lineups with main bus■■Standard arrangements with auto m atic transfer control systems (two sources feeding one bus or two sources feeding two buses on a split bus with tie switch) Standard design configurations for:■■NEMA T pads for cable lugs■■Surge arresters■■Instrument transformers■■Control power transformers■■Power Xpert T and IQelectronic metering■■Other auxiliary equipmentOutdoor Duplex with Customer MeteringApplication DescriptionEaton’s Load Interrupter T ype MVSmetal-enclosed switchgear provides safe,reliable switching and fault protectionfor medium-voltage circuits rated to38 kV. T he MVS switch is ideal forapplications where high duty cycleoperation is not required.MVS switchgear has the advantage oflow initial cost inherent in switch designswhile offering the characteristics mostvital to safety and coordination.The MVS switch’s quick-make, quick-break mechanism provides full-loadcurrent interrupting capability whilefuses provide accurate, permanentlycalibrated short circuit detecting andinterrupting capabilities. Visibility ofactual blade position improves safetyby giving positive assurance of circuitde-energization.Standards and CertificationsEaton’s MVS load interrupter switchgearmeets or exceeds the requirements ofthe following industry standards:■■IEEE T Standard C37.20.3■■ANSI C37.57■■NEMA SG5■■Canadian Standard CAN/CSA RC22.2 No. 31Type MVS switches meet or exceedthe requirements of the followingindustry standards:■■IEEE Standard C37.20.4■■ANSI C37.58■■ANSI C37.22■■NEMA SG6■■Canadian Standards CAN/CSA C22.2No. 193 and CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 58Load interrupter switches should notbe used to interrupt load currents abovetheir interrupting rating of 600 A, asthey are not designed nor tested forinterrupting fault currents on electricalsystems . Optional fuses can be providedfor phase overcurrent protection .3838150150600–1200600–12004050.46581.92531.5Switch MechanismThe quick-make, quick-break mecha n ism uses a heavy-duty coil spring that provides powerful opening and closing action. T o close the switch, the handle is inserted into the spring charging cam, then rotated upward through an angle of 120 degrees. This action charges the operating spring, as the mechanism is forced past toggle. The stored energy of the spring is released and transferred to the main shaft that snaps the switch closed.As a result of the over-toggle action, the blades are moved independently of the operator. It is impossible to operate the switch into an intermediate position.To open the switch, the handle is inserted into the spring charging cam and rotated downward through 120 degrees resulting in charging of the operating spring,then releasing its stored energy in similar sequence.Quick-Break DE-ION Arc InterruptionWith the switch closed, both main andauxiliary (flicker) blades are closed, andall of the current flows through the mainblades. T he flicker blades are in the closedposition in the arc chutes, but are past thearcing contacts and thus carry no current.As the main blades open, current istransferred momentarily to the flickerblades, which are held in the arc chutesby high pressure contact fingers. T hereis no arcing at the main blades.When the main blades reach a pre-determined angle of opening, a stoppost on the main blades prevents furtherangular movement between the mainand flicker blades. T his starts the flickerblades out of the high pressure contactsin the arc chutes and as contacts arebroken, the flicker blades are snappedinto position by their torsion springs.The heat of the arc, meanwhile, releasesa blast of de-ionizing gas from thegas-generating material of the arc chute.This combination of quick-break andDE-ION action quickly extinguishes thearc and the circuit is safely de-energized.A non-fused switch has the ability to closeand latch four times when rated 40 kA,and one time when rated 61 kA, andcontinue to carry rated current thusadding a large margin of integrity tothe electrical system.Bus Insulation SystemAll bus runs are supported using a highstrength and high creep, finned supportproviding in excess of 24.00 inches(609.6 mm) for 38 kV, of creep distancebetween phases and ground. T he moldedhigh track-resistant fins are constructedas standard of Aramid nylon or optionalCycloaliphatic epoxy.■■Significantly superior bus bracingthan standoff type A20 insulators■■Significantly increased creep distancephase-to-phase and phase-to-ground■■Improved endurance fromfault incidents■■Minimizes bus system failures dueto tracking■■Eliminates additional groundplanes in the switchgear for bussupporting systemsBus SupportFigure 8.3-1. Switch OperationBoth Blades Disengaged Main, Flicker BladesEngagedMain Blades Disengaged,Flicker Blade EngagedDuplex Switch ConfigurationTwo MVS load interrupter switch sections can be used to provide cost- effective source selectivity with a common load side bus feeding one load (fused or nonfused). Key interlocks are a standard feature provided to per m it only one switch to be closed at a time and prevent opening any switch door unless both switches are open.Figure 8.3-2. Typical Duplex Switch Configuration with One K1 Key— Dimensions in Inches (mm)Loadbreak Switch with Grounding Jaw The loadbreak switch can be supplied with optional grounding jaws for auto-matic grounding of the load circuit. When the switch is opened, the switch main blades engage grounding jaws to ground the load circuit. This feature cannot be used in a duplex switch configuration . The ground jaw option is available at38 kV. It is meant for applying a static ground, and is not rated for carrying fault currents.Figure 8.3-3. Typical Feeder Switch with Optional Grounding Jaw (38 kV)Figure 8.3-4. Typical Section View of Feeder Switch with Optional Grounding Jaws— Dimensions in Inches (mm)ConstructionT ypical Switch with Front Door Opena Switch MechanismQuick-make, quick-break storedenergy operation.The opening and closing of the switch blades is done by the operating spring.An operator’s actions only charge and release the operating spring.The switch blades cannot be operatedin any intermediate positions. Duringthe closing operation, full clearancebetween blades and stationarycontacts is maintained until theswitch mechanism goes over toggle.The switch mechanism has onlymetal-to-metal linkage—no chainsor cables are used.Arc interruption takes place betweencopper-tungsten tipped auxiliary(flicker) blade and arcing contacts witha DE-ION T arc chute; no arcing takesplace between the main blades and the stationary contacts to prolong the lifeof the main blades.Blow-out forces cannot be transmit t ed to the operating handle.b■Provisions for Padlocking DoorHandle not visible in the photo.c■Inspection W indowA large 8.00-inch x 16.00-inch(203.2 x 406.4 mm) gasketed,rectangular, high impact viewingwindow permits full view of theposi t ion of all three switch bladesthrough the closed door.d■Full Height Main DoorThe door has a return flange and tworotary latch-type handles to providelatching members held in shear. Itcloses over a projecting frame.e■Foot-Operated Door Stopf■Grounded Metal Safety BarrierPrevents inadvertent contact with anylive part, yet allows full-view inspec-tion of the switch blade position.g■Door InterlockPrevents the door of the enclosurefrom being opened when the switchis closed.h■Switch InterlockPrevents inadvertent closure of theswitch if the door of the enclosureis open.l Provisions for Door and SwitchKey Interlocksm The Operating HandleIt is conveniently located behind asmall access door giving the structurea smooth homogeneous appearanceand discourages casual contact byunauthorized personnel.n Switchgear AssemblyRating NameplateSwitch Operating Compartment Door OpeneSwitch Technical DataTest DataEaton’s MVS switch ratings have been thoroughly tested in recognized high power laboratories with certified inspectors from both UL T and CSA organizations. T ests were performed to substantiate all published ratings in accordance with ANSI, IEEE, CSA and NEMA standards.The testing program included tests of:■■Basic impulse levels■■Momentary withstand■■Short-time withstand■■Fault closing■■Load interrupting at various loads, various power factors■■Mechanical life tests■■Temperature rise testThese tests verified not only the per-formance of the switch and integrated switch-fuse assembly, but also the suitability of the enclosure venting, rigidity and bus spacing.The mechanical life test subjected the MVS switch to a number of no load cycles greater than the requirements tabulated in ANSI C37.22 standards. T here were no moving or current carrying part failures as a result.The Fault Close and Load Interrupting test demonstrated significant improved performance above ANSI/IEEE standards. See T able 8 .3-3 and T able 8 .3-4 for results.38381501506006004050.46581.92531.5386005538384050.46581.91111a When RBA expulsion fuses are used, and two ratings appear, the lower rating applies when thelower-rated switch (15 kV, 40 kA fault close, 25 kA short-time current) versus the higher rating that applies when the higher-rated switch (15 kV, 61 kA fault close, 38 kA short-time) is used.Motor Operated MVSApplicationEaton’s MVS Pow-R-Drive E motor operator makes possible the safety and convenience inherent in remote switch operation.Motor Operated MVS Switch DescriptionA MVS Pow-R-Drive motor operatedswitch is a standard, manually operatedswitch in combination with a heavy-dutyelectric motor-driven linear actuator thatcharges the spring. T he linear actuator islocated in a separate isolated low-voltagecompartment. During electrical operation,it smoothly and quietly extends orretracts the proper distance to cause theswitch mechanism to operate.Standard motor operators are mounted inthe switch enclosure. T his eliminates theneed for a separate motor compartmentconserving floor space.Manual Operation OverrideManual OperationTo operate manually, loosen the holdingscrew that keeps the pin connecting thelinear actuator to the mechanism, andremove the pin. Remove the clevis pinon the support of the bottom of the linearactuator. Unplug the cord from thedisconnect i ng terminal block as theactuator is removed and set the actuatoraside. T he switch can now be operatedmanually with the removable handle.Lock Open Key InterlockA keyed lock is standard to lock the switchin the open position only.This lock not only locks the switch in theopen position, but also breaks theelectrical motor contacts integral to themotor control circuit and permits the keyto be removed. With the key, the operatorcan then open the lock on the switch door.This scheme gives positive assurance thatthe switch is open and cannot be closedwith the door open.MeteringElectronic Metering and Communications ApparatusMVS switchgear assemblies can be equipped with Eaton’s family of Power Xpert T and IQ digital meters to monitor a power circuit’s electrical quantities within the capabilities of each device. Eaton’s power management products provide hardware and softwaresolu t ions that allow customers to interface with their switchgear at varying levels of sophistication. Power Xpert and IQ Meters monitor common electrical parameters and communicate the data via standard industry protocols and optional web interfaces. Power Xpert Gateways consolidate devices into a single web browser interface and provide Ethernet connectivity. Eaton’s Foreseer web-based software system can display, analyze and store data from multiple devices across the facility to enable management of the customer’s power system.Electronic Metering Outdoor Enclosures Weatherproofing complying with the requirements of IEEE standard C37.20.3 is available for MVS switch g ear assemblies. The weatherproofing consists of sloped roof panels that are joined together with caps. Doors and rear covers are fully gasketed. Externally accessible louvered filtered covers, top and bottom, front and rear, are provided for ventilation. At least one 250 watt heater is provided in each vertical section. Power for the heaters may be supplied from an external source, or an optional integral control power transformer may be specified to provide power for the heaters.Outdoor EnclosurePower Xpert MeterPXM 4000/6000/8000IQ 130/140/150/250/260Automatic Transfer ControlT wo-Switch Automatic T ransferApplicationEaton’s MVS switchgear with an automatic transfer control system is an integrated assembly of motor operated MVS switches, sensing devices and control components. Available in 38 kV class.It is typically applied where the continuity of service for critical loads from two power sources in either a main/main or a main/ tie/main configuration is desired.MVS switchgear with an automatic transfer control system can meet most automatic throwover requirements as it has a wide variety of operational sequences embodied in one standard automatic transfer control system. Please note that the duty cycle of load interrupter switches is limited by ANSI Standard C37 .22 . Refer to T able 8 .3-3for maximum number of switching operations allowed . If the number of switching operations is expected to exceed the maximum allowed, then load interrupter switches should not be used . Use circuit breakers (refer to T ype MSB, MEB, MEF or V CP-W switchgear designs) . Also note that the operating times of Eaton’s motor operated load interrupter switches are much longer compared to circuit breakers, therefore, the switches are not suitable for closed-transition transfer applications . Use circuit breakers if closed-transition transfer is required . T ypical T wo-Switch AutomaticT ransfer Using ATC ControllerEaton’s ATC-900 controller continu o uslymonitors all three phases on both sourcesfor correct voltages. Should the voltageof the normal source be lost while thevoltage of the alternate source remainsnormal, the voltage sensing function inthe ATC controller will change statestarting the time delay function. If thevoltage of the normal source is notrestored by the end of the time delayinterval, the normal switch will open andthe alternate source switch will close,restoring power to the load.ATC ControllerEaton’s ATC controller is equipped todisplay history information via the frontpanel. ATC-900 controller stores 320 timestamped events. Oscillographic data forlast 10 events can be downloaded via theUSB port or displayed in the controller’sdisplay window. T he controller allowscommunications via RS-232 or Modbusthrough RS-485 port, Ethernet or viaUSB interface.ATC ControllerStandard Features■■Voltage sensing on both sources isprovided by the ATC controller■■Lights to indicate status of switches,sources, etc.■■Interlocking to prevent paralleling ofsources via software■■Control power for the automatictransfer control system is derived fromthe sensing voltage transformers■■Manual override operation■■Open transition on return to normal■■Programmable time delays on bothsources, “OFF DELA Y” and “ON DELA Y”■■Four programmable digital inputsand outputs■■Single-source responsibility; all basiccomponents are manufac t ured by Eaton■■Key interlocking of operating systemand doors where required to provideoperator safetyOptional Features■■Lockout on phase and/or groundovercurrents and/or internal bus faults■■Blown fuse overcurrent lockout■■Load current, power and PF meteringwith optional dcT module■■24 Vdc control power input■■Up to four additional I/O modules, eachwith four programmable digital inputsand digital outputsSurge ProtectionIEEE standard C62.11 for Metal Oxide Surge Arresters lists the maximum rated ambient temperature as 40 °C. T he ambient temperature inside an Eaton MVS switchgear vertical section may exceed this temperature, especially in outdoor applications where solar radiation may produce a significant contribution to the temperature. T able 8 .3-6 lists the recommended minimum duty cycle voltage rating for various system grounding methods. Surge arrester rating is based upon the ambient air temperature in the switchgear vertical section not exceeding 55 °C.33.0034.50 38.0027303022.0024.4024.403030—24.4024.40———————27303022.0024.4024.4036363629.0029.0029.004548—36.5039.00—Note: MCOV = Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage.System OptionsPartial Discharge Sensing and Monitoring for SwitchgearPartial Discharge in SwitchgearPartial discharge (PD) is a common name for various forms of electrical discharges such as corona, surface tracking, and discharges internal to the insulation. It partially bridges the insulation between the conductors. T hese high frequency discharges are essentially small arcs occurring in or on the surface of the insulation system when voltage stress exceeds a critical value. With time, airborne particles, contaminants and humidity lead to conditions that result in partial discharges. Partial discharges start at a low level and increase as the insulation becomes deteriorated. Examples of partial discharge inswitchgear are surface tracking across bus insulation, or discharges in the air gap between the bus and a support (such as where a bus passes through an insulating window between the sections of the switchgear). If partial discharge activity is not detected and corrected, it can develop into a full-scale insulation failure followed by an electrical fault. Most switchgear flashover and bus failures are a result of insulation degradation caused by various forms of partial discharges.Sensing and MonitoringEaton’s T ype MVS metal-enclosedswitchgear (2.4–27 kV) is corona-free by design. By making switchgear assemblies corona-free, Eaton has made its standard switchgear more reliable. However, as indicated above, with time, airborne particles, contaminants and humidity lead to conditions that cause partial discharges to develop in switchgear operating at voltages 4000 V and above. Type MVS switchgear can be equipped with factory-installed partial discharge sensors and a partial discharge sensing relay for continuous monitoring under normal operation. T imely detection ofinsulation degradation through increasing partial discharges can identify potential problems so corrective action can be planned and implemented long before permanent deterioration develops. Partial discharge detection can be the foundation of an effective predictive maintenance program. T rending of partial discharge data over time allows prediction of failures, which can be corrected before catastrophic failure occurs.The PD sensing and monitoring system consists of Eaton’s InsulGard T relay and PD sensors, specifically developed for application in the switchgear to work with the relay. T here are two types of PD sensors used in the switch g ear: the first sensor is a coupling capacitor type sensor developed for use with 5 kV, 15 kV and 27 kV switchgear.The coupling capacitor sensor detects partial discharges within the switchgear cubicle and/or adjacent cubicles, and is typically installed on the load side of the feeder switches or on the main bus. T he second sensor is a small donut type radio frequency current transformer (RFCT). It is designed for installation around the ground shields of incoming or outgoing power cables. It detects partial dis c harges in power cables and monitors for external electrical noise.Typically one set of coupling capacitor sensors is used at every two cubicles. One RFCT sensor is used for each incoming and outgoing power cable circuit.Output signals from sensors (coupling capacitor and RFCT) are wired out to terminal blocks for future or field use, or connected to the InsulGard relay. One InsulGard relay can monitor up to 15 input signals, as well as temperature and humidity. T he temperature andhumidity sensors are included with each InsulGard relay system. T he relaycontinuously monitors the switchgear primary system for partial discharges and provides an alarm signal (contact closure) when high PD level is detected. Also, data analysis and diagnostics by Eaton engineers can also be provided by remote communication with the InsulGard relay.The sensors and InsulGard relay are optional in MVS switchgear .Figure 8.3-5. InsulGard Relay SystemCoupling CapacitorT ype PD SensorRFCT SensorInsulGard Relay (PD Monitoring)Partial Discharge Sensors and Monitoring for SwitchgearFigure 8.3-6. How the Process Works—Sensing and Data CollectionFigure 8.3-7. Typical Partial Discharge Sensor Connections in MVS Switchgear (5–27 kV)Note: Use one set of PD sensing capacitors at every two vertical sections, or portion thereof. Use one RFCT at each incoming/outgoing cable circuit.PD SensorsCoupling Capacitor detects partial discharges internal to switchgear compartment.RFCT detects partial discharges in customer’s cables up to 100 ft from switchgear.MVS LayoutsTypical Arrangements—38 kVThe drawings in this section represent the most common arrangements. Layouts shown are for rear-accessible equipment . Front-accessible designs are available—refer to Eaton . Many other configurations and combinations are available. T wo voltage transformers for metering and one control transformer for auxiliary power can be mounted in the structures shown. For control power above 1 kVA, additional space is required. Depth of units will vary due to cable entrance and exit requirements, the addition of lightning arresters, instrument transformers, special cable terminators, etc. Cables are shown out top and bottom for layout only. T op or bottom must be selected for incoming and for outgoing cables. Cable sizing is based on two 500 kcmil XLP or EPR insulated cables per phase using preformed slip-on cable termination devices.Note: Width for Utility Metering Structures may vary.ATC = Automatic T ransfer Controller (see Page 8 .3-9)M = Motor OperatorPLC = Programmable Logic ControllerNote: Not to be used for construction purposes unless approved.Figure 8.3-9. Rear Access, Cable Exit—Top or BottomNote: Low height dimensions are for non-fused, manually operated switch only. For all motor operated switches and all fused switches, tall height dimensions apply.1 or 280.00 (2032.0)Figure 8.3-10. Rear Access, Cable Entry and Exit—Top or BottomNote: Low height dimensions are for non-fused, manually operated switch only. For all motor operated switches and all fused switches, tall height dimensions apply.1 or 280.00 (2032.0)a When high continuous current fusing or instrumentation is required, consult the Eaton factory for guidance.Note: A = Power Cable to Load. B = Power Cable from Source. See Figure 8 .3-8, Figure 8 .3-9 and Figure 8 .3-10 as applicable for dimension D on Page 8 .3-14 and Page 8 .3-14.Not to be used for construction purposes unless approved.Figure 8.3-12. Typical Anchor Plan—38 kV Outdoora Typical location for four (two front, two back) Eatonsupplied tie down clips for all 27–38 kV. Customer provided bolts for anchoring should be 0.50–13 min. SAE Grade 5 M12 x 1.75 min. CL 10.9 or stronger, and tightened to 75 ft-lb.b Door swing equals vertical section width at 90º.c Minimum clearance on side. Local jurisdictions may requirea larger clearance.d Minimum clearance in front is the width of the widestvertical section plus 1.00 inch (25.4 mm), but not less thanthat required by the NEC T. Local jurisdictions may requirea larger distance.e Minimum clearance in rear is 30.00 inches (762.0 mm).If rear doors are supplied, the minimum clearance is thewidth of the widest vertical section equipped with a reardoor plus 1.00 inch (25.4 mm). Local jurisdictions mayrequire a larger clearance.f Finished foundation’s surface shall be level within 0.06-inch(1.5 mm) in 36.00 inches (914.4 mm) left-to-right, front-to-backand diagonally, as measured by a laser level.g Locations for 0.50-inch (12.7 mm) anchor bolts.Figure 8.3-13. Typical Anchor Plan—38 kV IndoorWeightsNon-fused switch Fuses (3), add Indoor transition 2000 (908)300 (136)1100 (499)2400 (1090)300 (136)—Outdoor throat Motor operator adder —400 (182)1200 (545)400 (182)Eaton1000 Eaton BoulevardCleveland, OH 44122United StatesEaton .com© 2019 EatonAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USAPublication No . CA022011EN / Z22791Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property。



火力发电厂管道阀门振动危害及对策分析发布时间:2022-05-23T05:12:31.140Z 来源:《当代电力文化》2021年36期作者:孙忠磊[导读] 作为火力发电厂中非常常见的设备材料,管道、阀门在生产运行中也占据重要地位,其振动会给火力发电厂的正常运转带来影响。

孙忠磊大唐淮南洛河发电厂安徽省淮南市 232008摘要:作为火力发电厂中非常常见的设备材料,管道、阀门在生产运行中也占据重要地位,其振动会给火力发电厂的正常运转带来影响。













绿色驱动 运转不息能源基础设施暨工业解决方案高压变频器• 零组件• 电源及系统• 风扇与散热管理• 汽车电子• 工业自动化• 楼宇自动化• 资通讯基础设施• 能源基础设施暨工业解决方案• 视讯解决方案台达电子创立於 1971 年, 为全球提供电源管理与散热解决方案。

面对日益严重的气候变迁, 台达长期关注环境议题,秉持「环保节能 爱地球」的经营使命,持续开发创新节能产品及解决方案丶不断戮力提升产品的能源转换效率,以减轻全球暖化对人类生存的冲击。




关於台达事业范畴电源及零组件自动化基础设施2015承诺RE100Carbon NeutralityRace to Zero2018台达加入RE100倡议组织专注於7项联合国永续发展目标• 企业自主减碳 (SBT)• 揭露气候变迁资讯 (TCFD)• 参与气候政策承诺2030年台达主要营运据点:• 普设充电桩• 公司车转型电动车• 提供员工客户使用电动运具之诱因• 承诺台达全球所有据点2030年前使用100%再生电力• 承诺2030年达到碳中和台达承诺 "We Mean Business"承诺EV1002021承诺2030年全球厂办100%使用再生电力及达到碳中和• 签署Business Amibitionfor 1.5℃目 录生产基地与制程介绍台达高压变频器应用价值台达高压变频器特色 产品系列介绍如何安装与接线6-78-910-1112-15 16-17产品选型表与外观成功案例-发电与供热 成功案例-钢铁与冶金成功案例-水泥成功案例-市政工程填写产品选型表18-1920-2122-2324-2526-2728台达高压变频器高效丶可靠,为企业大幅减少工厂丶马达用电支出,降低排碳量,并提高生产效率丶延长设备寿命。

GE PC_MV7000_cn_cy_20130508

GE PC_MV7000_cn_cy_20130508
8 GE Title or job number 9/26/2013
控制和冷却 AFE 主动前端整流 直流母线 三电平逆变 交流输出
MV7000拓扑结构 (AFE主动前端整流输入)
12 GE Title or job number 9/26/2013
Collector IGBT Emitter
反并联 二极管
IEGT 的技术改进:
– 无导线连接技术: 不会因为导线焊接形成的分层结构而产生元件开裂 – 陶瓷压装技术: 避免电机在低频运行时需要降容
6 GE Title or job number 9/26/2013
– 改善电机电压波型 – 电机电流包含更低的谐波电流

– 减小了设备的尺寸 – 更好的鲁棒性 – 提高了服务寿命

2 GE Title or job number 9/26/2013
MV7000 – 压装式IEGT (PPI )
逆变桥 直流母线
March 2011
23 GE Title or job number 9/26/2013 23
MV7927 (27MW - 10kV)
24 GE Title or job number 9/26/2013
DC - = - 3/6 VDC DC + = + 3/6 VDC



MOKVELD轴流式控制阀的特点及常见问题处理1 川气东送站场压力控制系统简介川气东送站场压力控制系统是由安全切断阀(SSV)、监控调压阀(PCV)、工作调压阀(PV)按照从上游至下游的顺序,串联在一起的安全、监控式调压系统(调压橇)。






图1 川气东送站场压力控制系统2 MOKVELD控制阀2.1 MOKVELD控制阀的结构MOKVELD控制阀是一种轴流式调节阀,由阀外体、阀内体、阀杆、活塞杆、活塞和笼筒组成,见图2。



活塞杆与阀杆构成一个90°的角式传动机构(见图2),活塞借助此传动机构在导轨内沿阀门的中心线运动,活塞杆与阀杆上4 5°的齿条相互啮合,阀杆上下传动,带动活塞杆及活塞在全行程上左右运动。


1)阀外体;2)阀内体;3)活塞杆;4)阀杆;5)活塞;6)笼筒图2 MOKVELD控制阀结构示意图2.2 MOKVELD控制阀的特点2.2.1 介质的轴流性由于采用轴向对称流道,完全避免了间接流和流向不必要的改变,最大限度地提高了单位直径上的流通能力,大大降低了噪音和紊流的形成,并可以防止上游未经过处理的流体腐蚀阀门。



第29卷 第07期2022年07月仪器仪表用户INSTRUMENTATIONVol.292022 No.07EVA装置超高压特殊阀门控制优化及可靠性提升杨利丰,李 政,耿昊天(中化泉州石化有限公司,福建 泉州 362103)摘 要:10万吨/年EVA 装置是中化泉州石化有限公司引进的ExxonMobil Chemical 工艺技术的聚烯烃装置。

其工况苛刻,设计压力高达200 MPa,控制及联锁逻辑复杂,开车难度大,国内同类型装置较少,对设备及高压超高压控制阀门的稳定可靠性要求极高。

EVA 装置的高压超高压控制阀门在装置建设、阀门调试,及吹扫初期阶段就出现不同程度的设备问题。


通过组织专业力量进行高压超高压阀门的可靠性及稳定性攻关,解决了高压超高压阀门存在的隐患问题,有效提升了其运行的可靠性和稳定性,为EVA 装置平稳高效安全生产提供了有力保障。

关键词:高压超高压阀门;控制优化;可靠性及稳定性中图分类号:TH 文献标志码:AControl Optimization and Reliability Improvement of EVASpecial Ultra-High Pressure ValveYang Lifeng ,Li Zheng ,Geng Haotian(Quanzhou Refining & Chemical Company , Fujian, Quanzhou,362103,China )Abstract:The 100,000 t/a EVA unit is a polyolefin unit with ExxonMobil Chemical process technology introduced by Sino-chemical Quanzhou Petrochemical Co., LTD. It has harsh operating conditions, design pressure up to 200MPa, complicated control and interlocking logic, and it is difficult to start. There are few similar units in China. The stability and reliability of equipment and high pressure control valve are highly required. The high pressure and super high pressure control valve of EVA device has dif-ferent degree of equipment problems in the initial stage of device construction, valve debugging and purge. If the hidden problems are not solved in time, it will have a great impact on the feeding and start-up of the device and the safe operation of the device. By organizing professional forces to tackle the reliability and stability problems of high pressure and ultra-high pressure valves, the hidden problems of high pressure and ultra-high pressure valves are solved, and the reliability and stability of their operation are effectively improved, which provides a strong guarantee for the smooth and efficient safe production of EVA devices. Automatic fire alarm system in refinery and chemical integrated plant, the safe and stable production of petrochemical enterprises is guaranteed, and the automatic fire alarm system, as an independent central system, also plays a key role.Key words:high pressure ultra-high pressure valve;control optimization;reliability and stability收稿日期:2022-03-03作者简介:杨利丰(1971-),男,河北新乐人,本科,高级工程师,部门专家,研究方向:仪表自动化、电信系统。



一.电动系列1 电动执行器注:红色部分为引申的下一层角行程电动执行器(配角行程图片(1),加配套文字;配图片角行程DKJ系列(1))直行程电动执行器(配图片直行程电动执行器(1)配文字)多转式电动执行器(配图片多转式电动执行器(1),配文字)2电子式单座双座调节阀(配电动调节阀图片(2),以及文字)3电动蝶阀电动蝶阀(配图片电动蝶阀(3))电动风阀(配图片电动风阀(3))4电动百叶式矩形风阀(配矩形风阀(4)及文字)二.气动系列1气动执行器(配图片气动执行器(5)(6))2气动阀门气动调节阀(配图片气动调节阀(7))气动球阀(配图片气动球阀(7))三.相关配套仪表球型铰链(配图片(8))操作器(配图(9))伺服放大器文字说明1角行程电动执行器S D系列智能型电动执行机构是本公司引进法国技术生产的具有世界先进水平的产品, 其主要部件均为进口,产品严格执行国家标准。









A VITEQ磁力振动器MVE50-4原厂进口A VITEQ振动器MVE50-4,配套控制器SCE-EN50-2,成套德国原厂,口碑良好。

A VITEQ控制器SCE-EN50-2(询价打:15 8 0 5 0 6 1 2 1 3)A VITEQ振动器MV12/50-3A VITEQ控制器SRAE-C50/01-1-1A VITEQ控制器SAE-GS33-2A VITEQ振动器MVC50-4A VITEQ振动器MVB50-4A VITEQ振动器MVD50-4A VITEQ振动器MVE50-4A VITEQ控制器SCE-EN50-2A VITEQ磁力振动器MVES50-1P3)De tetor BHH-200BRINKMANN PUMPTFS 376/4095L/min40bar充电器\SKYLLA-TG24\25 30A victron energy里奇36273PINTER 工作压力开关MANOCOME-IP65/2KA 0-16BARAT0S 型号DHA-0751/2/M24DCDAMCOS 160B4171 指示灯开关卡特蓄电池 9X-9730品牌:麦塔雷斯型号:MHP350A198EVAB207迪创迪创火焰探头X5200A4N13W2,防护等级TP56&ExdIIBT4IDC通讯板(与上面的探头配套的)006642-005电源底板(与上面的探头配套的)006590-003迪创火焰探头PIR9400A3A1AW,防护等级IP56&ExdIIBT4IDC通讯板(与上面的探头配套的)006642-004电源底板(与上面的探头配套的)006586-002LM303摩菲的油位保持器摩菲 DVU150 (55700299) 排泄阀FEDERAL SIGNAL CORPORATION 防爆对讲机正确型号310X-MVCULTER-HAMMER 接触器6702ED584BLAGDON气动隔膜泵B25 1AAABBTTSautronica 16BAR编号40766订货型号是GT300C2G16HYPRO水泵9304C-HM1CViatran PRESSURE TRANSDUCER, MODEL 245, 0-700KPa,0-5 VDC OUTPUT model: 245AMGX1691B加热器\CX/15397-02\380V/6.6KW\CALORITECH阿密龙 3019 95 GPM1.5 黄铜手枪式DYNALCO速度开关SW-200BSPM 2A26611BREVINI 减速机 CTU3200.1 S.N.:728815VS2 开关摩菲MEDC BGEQ4B6B2DDA7RAUTRONICA EAC-300A/B Processor cardDANIAMANT TYPE:L1611)detectormodel : 116-5861-011.5300, MODEL NO.HC300PLB7A2W1; DATE CODE:08DEC057674阿美特克3050水分析仪校验管 305431901SBLAGDON气动隔膜泵B25 1AAABBTTS泰科探头601FEX-MPRICE PUMP3MS50SS-412-21211-100-30-1T5真空泵HITECH INSTRUMENTS氧电池 813-9050WOMA安全阀 G1/2 S8.5 135Bar 1件件号是001.1108autronica detector1)BHH-320/X12)BDH-5003)BDH-500/N4)BDH-500/EX康士廉 001155 SALWICO本迪克斯 450修井机CAT3408空气压缩机GMC SINEAXModel:808-12120000TRANSMITTERREF:128802本迪克斯干燥器1A-592\AD-2品牌:OLAER奥莱尔型号:ELM0.75-210/00/AFSOLDO品牌限位开关型号: SX02200-2型号: SXC4200-2型号: SX73201-2德鲁克压力传感器PTX-5072-TC-A1-CA-H1-PR巴士德传感器 9692X-1CC-3-BNETSAFETY PHOENIX三频火焰探测器 IR3S-R品牌 WANNER型号 G40XDSNNNNCBMaker: MMC INTERNATIONAL CORP.Type: MMC SAMPLING DEVICE PART NO.:2326C1821540M1/2 40M Closed Self Contained Sampling UnitMaker: MMC INTERNATIONAL CORP.Type: MMC SAMPLING DEVICE PART NO.:S-2562-TS-CPL-SHT TS AdaptorVEGA 型号:PS68.XXE1H2HANAKQualitrol1)092-052-012)CAS-724-1+FLA-644-13)CAS-724-1+FLA-644-1+GAS-046-6EVAC蓝色接口6540524EVAC铜阀套5980800EVAC控制器6541675EVAC控制器5775500Evac冲水按钮3510100Evac水压阀5774002EVAC配件6541056EVAC配件5779400EVAC配件5779500EVAC配件5430103EVAC配件5980800EVAC配件5800000EVAC排气阀5435015Evac水压阀5774000EVAC按钮5900200EVAC气动按钮5900204EVAC带适配器法兰的活化剂6541675EVAC灰水阀6542811EVAC连接套筒5433572EVAC止回阀5959902EVAC橡胶膜片5435169EVAC执行机构5775500EVAC背板总成5780000DNH室内扬声器[][HS-8EEXMNT][]室内扬声器[][HP-10T][]防爆扬声器[][DSP-15EEXMNT][]哈威 V30D-140 RDN-2-1-04 LSN250-1杰斯曼联动台 KST19+KFS10威创压力传感器5705BPSX1052RGS ELECTRO PNEUMATICS LTDModel:VSK1001 SEALS FOR RGS 1''BSP 3 PORT SPOOL CONTROL VALVE H1003-9品牌:BITZERCOMPRESSOR\6H35.2-40P\BITZER REFRIGERATIOTR 编码器/CE100M.ArT.Nr100.00390摩菲室外防雨型振动开关VS2-IP67NUFLO CAMERON:1.Make: NUFLO CAMERON,Model: Turbine Flow Meter ,P/N: 9A-100062687,2.Make: NUFLO CAMERON,Model: Turbine Flow Meter ,P/N: 9A-100062810,3.Make: NUFLO CAMERON,Model: Turbine Flow Meter ,P/N: 9A-100009810,BRINKMANN TFS376/40+001resQmaxmodel:KIT411model:KIT457AMETEK陶瓷过滤器74422SE氧化锆锆头71785SEAUTRONICA控制板模块BSJ-310控制板模块BSD-310控制板模块BSL-310控制板模块BSS-310A世伟洛克Swagelok高压阀.DN12 6000psi.SS-6NBSW8T-G.316SS高压阀门.DN6 PN35.SS-6HNBSW8T-GSMOKE DETECTOR\BHH-500 SMOKE DETECTOR\BHH-500\AUTRONICA FIRE AND SECURITY\火气系统美国SAMSON电磁阀 type 3962, 24VDC, 3/2-way, IP 66, Eex d IIC T6, elec conn. 1/2"NPTLEROY SOMER电机3-LSES225MR-T N703333H11003 2011 IP55IK08 S1 DE:6313ZZC3 NDE:6313ZZC3 △400V 50HZ 1471min-145KW 84Ametrix振动探头5485C-007-040-M13776寸流量计为CAMERON 型号:9A-100062997,Rev.02,显示速度和总量;大8位3 / 4”显示器;电池采用一个“D”型1.5伏碱性电池。



mva温控阀原理MVA温控阀原理引言:MVA温控阀(MVA Thermal Control Valve)是一种常用于工业和家庭暖通空调系统中的温度调节装置。



其基本原理如下:1. 温度传感器:温控阀中的温度传感器用于实时检测系统的温度。



2. 控制单元:控制单元是温控阀的核心部件,它根据温度传感器的反馈信号,与设定温度进行比较,并计算出控制阀门的开启程度。



3. 执行机构:执行机构是温控阀的执行部件,它根据控制单元的指令,调节阀门的开启程度。



1. 当室内温度高于设定温度时,温度传感器会将这一信息反馈给控制单元。

2. 控制单元根据温度传感器的反馈信号,与设定温度进行比较,并计算出控制阀门的开启程度。

3. 执行机构根据控制单元的指令,调节阀门的开度。


4. 随着阀门的调节,系统中的冷却或加热效果也相应调整,使得室内温度逐渐接近设定温度。

5. 当室内温度达到设定温度时,温度传感器将这一信息反馈给控制单元,控制单元停止继续调节阀门的开度。

三、温控阀的特点与应用1. 温控阀具有快速响应的特点,能够在设定温度发生变化时迅速做出调节,保持系统温度的稳定性。







2、根据阀门运行方式的不同①直行程:阀芯上下做直线运动(直通单座阀、角型阀、套筒阀)②角行程:部分回转,通过阀芯转动 0 到90°完成开关动作(蝶阀、球阀)③多回转:阀杆为螺旋运动方式,通过旋转转化为直线运动(闸阀、截止阀)3、控制目的①开关型:控制阀门开启和关闭两个位置②调节型:控制阀门开启、关闭以及任意中间过程二、电动和气动阀门1、两种成套阀门的配置组合①电动:电动执行器+阀门②气动:开关型:电磁阀+气动执行器+阀门+限位开关调节型:定位器+气动执行器+阀门以上的各项,除了阀门本体,其他都可称之为阀门附件。




2 阀门严密性试验 在机组3000转定速后未并网旳条件下,可经过操作员站旳相应
3 阀门活动试验 为确保发生事故时阀门能可靠关闭,DEH系统具有远方对高、
Primary Frequency Control
机组稳定运营后,DEH一般工作于开环旳运营方式下,由DCS完 毕功率回路闭环控制 ,由CCS直接输出阀位指令,DEH能够做到了开 环控制和闭环控制无扰切换,本地控制和远程控制旳无扰切换。DEH 能够根据电网要求,参加一次调频,且一次调频范围可调。系统旳 目旳负荷能够由运营人员设定或直接接受CCS系统来旳负荷指令。
1 超速试验 DEH中除了正常控制机组转速外,当转速无法维持时,还提供了
103%、110%超速保护控制。超速试验必须在3000RPM定速(转速不小 于2950RPM)、油开关未合闸旳情况下进行,它涉及OPC超速试验( 103%)、电气超速试验(110%)和机械超速试验。这三项试验在 逻辑上相互闭锁,即任何时候只有一项超速试验有效 。
并网后,DEH首先能够实现汽轮机自动带初始负荷,以预防逆 功率。DEH能够实现负荷旳开环和闭环两种控制方式。在开环控制时 ,在流程图中输入目旳功率值,然后由功率值换算成流量值,最终 经过阀门运营曲线换算成阀位开度。闭环控制时,DEH能够采用功率 控制回路和具有调整级压力回路旳功率控制。DEH计算出给定和实际 功率值旳偏差,根据PID控制器旳控制特征,调整系统旳功率值。因 为调整级压力反应较快,合用于要求负荷响应快旳场合。功率回路 反应较慢,但是能够实现功率旳精确调整。在功率回路中,为了提升 负荷对给定值变化旳响应速度,能够把给定值作为PID控制器旳前馈 。



1] Overview 2] Features 3] Specification 4] Applications

¤ 高过 控 高过
– – – M加 产 ¤ 高系统灵 满 工厂 动 系统 求

– – –

果显 果显

风机、 泵、 负载 机械设备维护费 降 机械设备寿 长

– – – –

New Drive
New Drive
LS产电变频器驱动系 产 产电变频器驱动系 产电变频
电气传动业务总部(韩国) 电气传动业务总部(韩国)
MV Drive
1] Overview 2] Features 3] Specification 4] Applications
New Drive
内 电 电
电 工 区
MV Drive
1] Overview 2] Features
电电 额 电
3] Specification 4] Applications
SCR operating circuit R S T SMPS

MV 功 单 ( 括
电 电 )
电 将

绕组 变压 功 单 控
2] Features 3] Specification 4] Applications
New Drive
MV Drive
1] Overview 2] Features 3] Specification
系统 控 系统
变频 : 变压 、功 转换 、控 、 、检测



高压变频器HIGH-VOLTAGE INVERTER东芝三菱高压变频器在永磁同步电机上的应用Application of TMEIC Medium Voltage Inverter in PMSM安徽海螺水泥股份有限公司黄恒(Huang Heng)摘要:本文介绍TMEIC高压变频器在永磁同步电机上的应用和特点。

关键词:永磁同步电机;TMdrive-MVe2高压变频器;IGBT整流;弱磁调速Abstract:This paper introduces application and characteristics of TMEIC medium voltage inverter in PMSM control. Key words:PMSM;TMdrive-MVe2medium voltage inverter;IGBT rectifier;Flux weakening【中图分类号】TN773[文献标识码】B【文章编号】1561-0330(2021)05-0068-071永磁同步电机的应用背景随着稀土永磁材料和永磁电动机技术的发展,近年来,具有体积小、重量轻、效率高、功率因数高和控制特性好等优点的永磁同步电动机(Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor,PMSM)得到了深入研究和广泛应用。





MV7000 Brochure_V0902CN

MV7000 Brochure_V0902CN












A、再生器器壁第二道阀门开度B、再生器器壁第一道阀门开度C、催化剂罐底第一道阀门开度D、催化剂罐底第二道阀门开度正确答案:D5.有一混合物,由A、B两种物质组成(已知;A的相对分子质量为20,B 的相对分子质量为30),A在混合物中质量分数是40%,混合物平均相对分子质量A、23B、24C、25D、26正确答案:D6.催化剂罐抽空器所使用的介质是()。







1.1.6 CCI ABJ ?
ABJ于2005 年加入 CCI,是专业从事调节 阀设计、生产加工的企业。其 Steam Conditioning valve ( 蒸汽调节阀)减温器, AB5100 、AB5600 、AB6300 应用广泛。
优点: ★提供Value Doctor ?解决方案 ★提高工厂效率 ★防止气蚀破坏 ★消除侵蚀破坏 ★降低系统成本 ★减少维护费用 ★避免工厂停工
★速度失控 背景:阀门内流体的最大流速区往往 出现在阀芯限流孔稍下游的缩流面, 这些高流速将产生气蚀、侵蚀和磨损, 很快毁坏阀门。
图4所示为该原理在 DRAG? 阀的叠片和阀塞中应用,该盘 片有多个流体通道,每个通道由多个直角转弯组成(图 5) 因此, DRAG? 技术完全控制了叠片中每个盘片上各个通 道的速度,可按预定速度运转。
图4: DRAG? 叠片和阀塞 图5:多流道、多级 DRAG? 盘片
1.1.1 CCI BTG-减温减压器
1929年瑞典 BTG发明了世界上第一台用于纸浆和造纸业的蒸汽减温减压器。引发了 二十世纪五十年代汽轮机旁路阀的革新。 2001年CCI收购BTG阀门业务部。
定义:蒸汽减温减压器将蒸汽从输入状态(某个压力温度)转化成预先要求的输出状态 (某个压力和温度)。
原理:减压是通过阀体内的减压内件来实现,通常需要多级减压过程。压力由上游(阀 前)或下游(阀后)压力变送器来控制,通过向阀门发出信号,将压力调节并维持在要 求的设定值上。水阀负责向蒸汽减温减压器内的喷嘴或降温装置供应适量的水。下游温 度传感器和控制器控制水阀供应适量水喷射到蒸汽中。








单法兰阀体(mono flanged body)符合API609和DIN EN 558标准;双法兰阀体符合ISO5752,B16.10和DIN EN 558标准;焊接式连接阀体也属于标准供货范围。












基本特点:• 真正的三偏心设计• 金属密封压力等级符合ANSI 150/300/600/900/1500• DIN PN 10/25/40/64/100/160/250• 全部双向密封,符合API和DIN EN 558零泄露• 温度范围-320℉至+1022℉(-196℃至+550℃)VanessaHOBBS VALVEHobbs蝶阀英国Hobbs Valve在三偏心补偿蝶阀领域已有50多年的设计和制造经验,Hobbs 蝶阀主要应用于石油天然气,化工,造船和电厂领域。



Case study
1. 在做次级吹扫时发现抽真空抽不下去, 请问由哪些可能的原因?
排空困难,PT校验 不准,需要换文丘里
2. VMB和GC的氮气同时开着,文丘里压 力偏低,会导致什么后果?如何解决?
真空度不够,调高 GN2压力,将 VMB/GC的氮气关掉 ,只使用一个;打电 话给空分查明情况。
The world leader in industrial and medical gases
除什么?------ 取出气柜排空而出的含有某种有害物质的气体。 怎么除?------ 有毒气体在除毒系统筒体内与化学物质反应或燃
The world leader in industrial and medical gases
道 控制气体进入筒体 控制气体由筒体排出 防止回流 监控进口压力 控制吹扫氮气开关
The world leader in industrial and medical gases
出厂设置出 口温度不高 于200摄氏 度
The world leader in industrial and medical gases
Inch face seal male------英寸面密封公头 Inch face seal male------英寸面密封母头 Inch tube weld stub------英寸管焊接
进口 燃烧室热电偶
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耐高温,最高350F (170℃) ♦
耐压12,000 psi ♦ 润湿部件材质哈氏合金 更好的性能,质量,价格!
美国Vindum 公司郑重发布了新型Vindum 模块化阀门系统。


新型的MV-210-HC 阀

网格安装板节省时间和空间 ♦ 快速建立,简易安装 ♦ 不需要附加的支架 ♦ 适合 1” x 1” 和 25mmx25mm 螺栓
- 网格安装板可以使用标准尺寸
MV ‐210‐HC
特殊定制: MV ‐9STN ‐
MANIFOLD 哈氏合金管线 ∙ 1/16” x .010” ∙ 1/8” x .035” ∙ 1/4” x .035” ∙
1/4” x .065” (In Stock, ready to ship)。
