

生态景观设计相关 中英对照

生态景观设计相关 中英对照

本科毕业论文外文文献翻译Agriculture Ecosystems and EnvironmentThe landscape as an ecosystem作为生态系统的景观H. DoingDepartment of Vegetation Ecology Plant Ecology and Weed Science,AgriculturalUniversity Wageningen The Netherlands植被生态学,植物生态学与杂草科学学院荷兰瓦赫宁根农业大学。

Abstract 摘要Landscape in this paper is defined as quota complex of geographically functionallyand historically interrelated ecosystemsquot also: quotorganised landquot.风景,在本文中,被定义为“历史性与功能性相互关联的生态系统地理的结合”(也定义为:“有组织的土地”)。

For its planning and management mapping of geomorphological hydrological andclimatic conditions is crucial to understand the ecological patterns.规划管理,地貌,水文,气候条件对于了解它的生态格局是非常重要的。

To warrant the landscapes sustainability its ecosystems multiple andinterdependent functions should be carefully identified on macro- meso- andmicro-level.为了保证景观的可持续发展,其生态系统的多元化和相互依存的作用在宏观,中观和微观几个层面应仔细确定。



景观设计风格和园林价值保护之间的关系:德国魏玛历史公园的案例研究üüllerMartin Kmmerling, Norbert M景观管理与生态恢复部门以及URBIO总公司,德国埃尔福特应用技术大学关键词:生物多样性;历史公园;园艺;城市公园;植被;摘要:城市公园可以通过被引入植物的种植成为入侵源。





它创建于世纪晚期,并且在年被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产1998 18的一部分。

我们的研究问题是:哪些设计原则、植物原料和技术实施被使用在创建和管理公园的过程中?1.对于公园的生物保护尤其是濒危植物物种和栖息地的保护来说,当前什2.么才是具有价值的?设计原则和现代公园的价值之间是什么关系? 3.我们将我们的结果与类似的公园景观做一对比,并对未来可持续的公园设计和公园恢复管理给出建议。

1.引言园艺是植物物种入侵的一个主要来源(Dehnen-Schmutz,Touza,Perrings, & Williamson, 2007; Mack & Erneberg, 2002; Reichard & White,。


另一方面,在城市地区公园可以作为生物多)Kowarik,& Butenschon,2010样性的热点地区(),可以支持保护濒临灭绝的稀有Cornelis & Hermy,2004类群(Kowarik, 1998; Kunick, 1978; Li, Ouyang, Meng, & Wang, 2006; Reidl,。



河北工程大学农学院本科毕业论文外文翻译题目:Clean Indoor Air, Perrennial Flower To Help学生姓名:王昆明专业:园林班级学号: 080480127指导教师:张喜焕指导教师职称:副教授2011年12月15日Clean Indoor Air, Perrennial Flower To HelpAppropriate planting perennial flowers in the room, not only to beautify the indoor environment, but also a clean indoor air, an effective way to regulate the indoor climate. But in the indoor cultivation of perennial flowers is very particular. To understand how to choose perennial flowers, perennial flowers should start talking about the purification.There are four perennial flowers purification:1, bactericidal antimicrobial. Some perennial flowers can kill certain bacteria can secrete bactericidal factor, inhibit Mycobacterium tuberculosis, dysentery and typhoid bacillus bacteria growth, help keep indoor air clean.2, the absorption of carbon dioxide. Most perennial flowers in the daytime for photosynthesis, absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen at night to breathe, absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide.3, the absorption of toxic gases. Some perennial flowers in the air through the leaves to absorb a certain concentration of toxic gases such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, formaldehyde, hydrogen chloride, etc., through oxidation to convert it into non-toxic or low toxic substances such as sulfate.4, air quality alert plant. With animals, perennial flowers are a class of continuously exchange activities with the external environment of the organism. Any external factors, including changes in harmful gases will have an impact on plants and in all parts of the plant is reflected. When the indoor perennial flowers unusual circumstances, it prompts people to timely detect the indoor concentration of harmful substances, which play a role in monitoring and alarming.Therefore, we can keep some of the perennial flowers in the room to absorb harmful substances, clean room environment. For example, the raising of some anthurium can absorb benzene,and can absorb TCE daisy, spider plants, aloe vera, Sansevieria can absorb formaldehyde ... ... by raising both flowers and the way pesticides, but also beautify the room, described as clean indoor air, the best policy.Rich bright green color, shape and beautiful as interior decorative furnishings, and many works of art compared to the more expensive full of vigor and vitality, dynamism and charm. Hanbaoyufang bud, lush green foliage, to the bedroom into the vitality of nature. Green not only make people pleasing interior, eliminating fatigue, but also pleasant emotions, affect and change people's mentality, in the beautiful green atmosphere, it is easy to maintain a calm happy mood, reducing anxiety and worry.Therefore, when your home renovation has been completed, do not forget to add a little green room.净化室内空气宿根花卉来帮忙在室内适当种植宿根花卉,不仅能美化室内环境,更是一种净化室内空气、调节室内气候的有效途径。



园林中英文对照1.0001 园林学landscape architecture, garden ar-chitecture2.0002 造园学garden making, landscape garden-ing2.0003 环境园艺学environmental horticulture2.0004 观赏园艺学ornamental horticulture2.0005 园林艺术garden art2.0006 园林美学garden aesthetics2.0007 园林建筑学garden architecture2.0008 园林建筑garden building2.0009 园林工程garden engineering2.0010 园林植物landscape plant2.0011 观赏植物ornamental plant2.0012 盆景miniature landscape, penjing2.0013 园林garden and park2.0014 园林学史history of garden architecture2.0015 园林规划garden planning, landscaping planning2.0016 园林设计garden design2.0017 园林机具设备gardening machine2.0018 园林管理garden management2.0019 园林生态landscape ecology2.0020 绿化greening, planting2.0021 环境绿化environmental greening2.0022 绿地面积green area2.0023 绿地率ratio of green space2.0024 城市绿化覆盖率urban green coverage2.0025 工厂绿化factory greening, factory garden-ing2.0026 街道绿化street greening, street planting2.0027 车行道绿化driveway greening2.0028 分车带绿化dividing stripe greening2.0029 人行道绿化sidewalk greening2.0030 群众绿化mass planting movement2.0031 郊区绿化suburban greening2.0032 公路绿化highway greening2.0033 铁路绿化railway greening, railway planting2.0034 堤岸种植bank planting2.0035 阳台绿化balcony greening2.0036 窗台绿化window-sill greening2.0037 屋顶绿化roof greening2.0038 垂直绿化vertical greening2.0039 攀缘绿化climber greening2.0040 桥头绿化bridgehead greening2.0041 花园garden2.0042 专类花园specified flower garden2.0043 花园村garden village2.0044 园林城市landscape garden city2.0045 蔷薇园rose garden2.0046 松柏园conifer garden2.0047 球根园bulb garden2.0048 宿根园perennial garden2.0049 假山园rock garden, Chinese rockery2.0050 狩猎场hunting ground2.0051 街心花园street crossing center garden2.0052 小游园petty street garden2.0053 水景园water garden2.0054 铺地园paved garden2.0055 野趣园wild plants botanical garden2.0056 野生植物园wild plants garden2.0057 乡趣园rustic garden2.0058 盆景园penjing garden, miniature land-scape 2.0059 动物园 zoo, zoological garden2.0060 墓园cemetery garden2.0061 沼泽园bog and marsh garden2.0062 水生植物园aquatic plants garden2.0063 学校园school garden2.0064 室内花园indoor garden2.0065 芳香花园fragrant garden2.0066 盲人花园garden for the blind2.0067 公园park, public park2.0068 城市公园city park, urban park2.0069 区公园regional park2.0070 儿童公园children park2.0071 体育公园sports park2.0072 森林公园forest park2.0073 纪念公园memorial park2.0074 烈士纪念公园martyr memorial park2.0075 综合公园comprehensive park2.0076 文化公园cultural park2.0077 文化休憩公园cultural and recreation park 2.0078 中央公园central park2.0079 天然公园natural park2.0080 海滨公园seaside park, seabeach park2.0081 古迹公园historic site park2.0082 河滨公园riverside park2.0083 湖滨公园lakeside park2.0084 路边公园roadside park, street park2.0085 娱乐公园amusement park2.0086 雕塑公园sculpture park2.0087 休憩公园recreation park2.0088 疗养公园sanatorium park2.0089 国家公园national park2.0090 邻里公园neighborhood park2.0091 特种公园special park2.0092 植物园botanical garden2.0093 植物公园 abeled plants park2.0094 高山植物园 alpine garden2.0095 热带植物园 tropical plants garden2.0096 药用植物园 medical plants garden, herb garden 2.0097 绿地 green space2.0098 公共绿地public green space2.0099 单位绿地unit green area2.0100 城市绿地urban green space2.0101 街道广场绿地street and square green area2.0102 居住区绿地residential quarter green area2.0103 防护绿地green area for environmental protection 2.0104 郊区绿地suburban green space2.0105 街坊绿地residential block green belt2.0106 附属绿地attached green space2.0107 生产绿地productive plantation area2.0108 苗圃nursery2.0109 风景landscape, scenery2.0110 自然景观natural landscape2.0111 人文景观human landscape, scenery of humanities 2.0112 草原景观prairie landscape2.0113 山岳景观mountain landscape, alpine landscape 2.0114 地理景观geographical landscape2.0115 湖泊景观lake view2.0116 郊区景观suburban landscape2.0117 地质景观geological landscape2.0118 喀斯特景观karst landscape2.0119 植物景观plants landscape, flora landscape02.2 园林史02.2.1 中国园林史2.0120 中国古典园林classical Chinese garden2.0121 中国传统园林traditional Chinese garden2.0122 中国古代园林ancient Chinese garden2.0123 中国山水园Chinese mountain and water garden2.0124 帝王宫苑imperial palace garden2.0125 皇家园林royal garden2.0126 私家园林private garden2.0127 江南园林garden on the Yangtze Delta02.2.2 西方园林史2.0128 西方古典园林western classical garden2.0129 英国式园林English style garden2.0130 中英混合式园林Anglo-Chinese style garden2.0131 意大利式园林Italian style garden2.0132 西班牙式园林Spanish style garden2.0133 法兰西式园林French style garden2.0134 勒诺特尔式园林Le Notre’s style garden2.0135 文艺复兴庄园Renaissance style villa2.0136 洛可可式园林Rococo style garden2.0137 巴洛克式园林Baroque style garden2.0138 庄园manor, villa garden2.0139 廊柱园peristyle garden, patio2.0140 绿廊xystus2.0141 迷阵maze, labyrinth02.2.3 典型中西园林2.0142 灵囿Ling You Hunting Garden2.0143 灵沼Ling Zhao Water Garden2.0144 灵台Ling Tai Platform Garden2.0145 阿房宫E-Pang Palace2.0146 上林苑Shang-Lin Yuan2.0147 未央宫Wei-Yang Palace2.0148 洛阳宫Luoyang Palace2.0149 华清官Hua-Qing Palace2.0150 艮岳Gen Yue Imperial Garden2.0151 圆明园Yuan-Ming Yuan Imperial Garden2.0152 颐和园Yi-He Yuan Imperial Garden,Summer Palace 2.0153 承德避暑山庄Chengde Imperial Summer Resort2.0154 苏州园林Suzhou traditional garden2.0155 悬园Hanging Garden2.0156 英国皇家植物园Royal Botanical Garden, Kew garden 2.0157 凡尔赛宫苑Versailles Palace Park2.0158 枫丹白露宫园Fontainebleau Palace Garden02.3 园林艺术2.0159 景view, scenery, feature2.0160 远景distant view2.0161 近景nearby view2.0162 障景obstructive scenery, blocking view2.0163 借景borrowed scenery, view borrowing2.0164 对景opposite scenery, view in opposite place 2.0165 缩景miniature scenery, abbreviated scenery 2.0166 漏景leaking through scenery2.0167 框景enframed scenery2.0168 尾景terminal feature2.0169 主景main feature2.0170 副景secondary feature2.0171 配景objective view2.0172 夹景vista line, vista2.0173 前景front view2.0174 背景background2.0175 景序order of sceneries2.0176 景点feature spot, view spot2.0177 仰视景观upward landscape2.0178 俯视景观downward landscape2.0179 季相景观seasonal phenomena2.0180 气象景观meteorological diversity scenery2.0181 视野visual field2.0182 秋色fall color, autumn color2.0183 园林空间garden space2.0184 开敞空间wide open space, wide space2.0185 封闭空间enclosure space2.0186 意境 artistic conception, poetic imagery2.0187 苍古antiquity2.0188 空灵spaciousness, airiness2.0189 动观in-motion viewing2.0190 静观 in-position viewing2.0191 视错觉visual illusion2.0192 园林艺术布局artistic layout of garden2.0193 对称平衡symmetrical balance2.0194 不对称平衡asymmetrical balance2.0195 左右对称bilateral symmetry2.0196 辐射对称radial symmetry2.0197 透景线perspective line2.0198 轴线axis, axial line2.0199 主轴main axis 2.0200 副轴auxiliary axis2.0201 暗轴hidden axis, invisible axis2.0202 树冠线skyline2.0203 园林色彩艺术art of garden colors2.0204 单色谐调monochromatic harmony2.0205 复色谐调compound chromatic harmony2.0206 对比色突出contrast colors accent2.0207 近似色谐调approximate colors harmony2.0208 暖色warm color2.0209 冷色cool color2.0210 色感color sense2.0211 城市绿地系统规划urban green space system planning 2.0212 绿地系统green space system2.0213 公共绿地定额public green space quota2.0214 公共绿地指标public green space norm2.0215 绿地布局green space layout2.0216 吸引圈attractive circle2.0217 吸引距离attractive distance2.0218 有效半径effective radius2.0219 绿地资源green space resource2.0220 绿地效果green space effect2.0221 绿地规划程序planning procedure of the green space 2.0222 空间规划space planning2.0223 形象规划image plan2.0224 实施规划implementary plan2.0225 必要生活空间necessary living space2.0226 余暇生活空间leisure time living space2.0227 利用频度usage frequency2.0228 树种规划planning of trees and shrubs2.0229 绿地类型type of green space2.0230 环状绿型annular green space2.0231 块状绿地green plot2.0232 点状绿地green spot2.0233 放射状绿地radiate green space2.0234 楔状绿地wedge-shaped green space2.0235 缓冲绿地buffer green space2.0236 防音绿地noiseproof green space2.0237 科学景观论scientific landscape theory2.0238 园林保留地reserve garden2.0239 公园规划park planning2.0240 园林总体规划garden master planning2.0241 总平面规划site planning2.0242 园林分区garden zoning2.0243 安静休息区tranquil rest area2.0244 儿童活动区children playing space2.0245 儿童游戏场children playground, playlot2.0246 体育运动区sports activities area2.0247 野餐区picnic place2.0248 散步区pedestrian space2.0249 群众集会区mass meeting square2.0250 观赏植物区ornamental plants area2.0251 观赏温室区display greenhouse area, display conservatory area 2.0252 草坪区lawn space2.0253 绿荫区shade tree section2.0254 历史古迹区historical relics area2.0255 青少年活动区youngsters activities area2.0256 诱鸟区bird sanctuary area2.0257 钓鱼区fishing center2.0258 野营区camp site2.0259 游人中心visitors center2.0260 服务中心service center2.0261 探险游乐场adventure ground2.0262 文化活动区cultural activities area2.0263 道路系统approach system, road system2.0264 环形道路系统circular road system2.0265 方格形道路系统latticed road system2.0266 放射形道路系统radiate road system2.0267 自然式道路系统informal road system2.0268 规整式道路系统formal road system2.0269 混合式道路系统mixed style road system2.0270 园林规划图garden planning map2.0271 园林规划说明书garden planning direction2.0272 城市公园系统urban park system2.0273 公园分布distribution of parks2.0274 公园类型park type, park category2.0275 公园间距distance between parks2.0276 公园形式park styles2.0277 游览区excursion area, open-to-public area2.0278 非游览区no-admittance area2.0279 办公区administrative area2.0280 服务区service center2.0281 动休息区dynamic rest space2.0282 静休息区static rest space2.0283 娱乐演出区entertaining performance place2.0284 主要入口main entrance2.0285 次要入口secondary entrance2.0286 人流量visitors flowrate2.0287 车流量vehicle flowrate2.0288 公园道路park road2.0289 公园水陆面积比率land-water ratio2.0290 游人容纳量visitors capacity2.0291 风景资源调查landscape resource evaluation2.0292 风景学scenicology2.0293 风景规划landscape plan2.0294 风景设计landscape design2.0295 游览路线touring route2.0296 旅游资源tourism resource2.0297 旅游地理tourism geography2.0298 旅游地质tourism geology2.0299 历史名城famous historical city2.0300 文化名城famous cultural city2.0301 文化遗址ancient cultural relic2.0302 天然博物馆natural open museum2.0303 风景地貌natural geomorphology2.0304 造型地貌imaginative geomorphologic figuration2.0305 风景区scenic spot, scenic area2.0306 风景名胜famous scenery, famous scenic site2.0307 特异景观风景区specific natural scenes area2.0308 民族风俗风景区scenic spot of minority customs2.0309 高山风景区alpine scenic spot2.0310 海滨风景区seabeach scenic spot2.0311 森林风景区forest scenic spot2.0312 高山草甸风景区alpine tundra landscape spot2.0313 峡谷风景区valley scenic spot2.0314 江河风景区river landscape district2.0315 湖泊风景区lake round scenic spot2.0316 温泉风景区hot spring scenic spot2.0317 瀑布风景区waterfall scenic spot2.0318 禁伐禁猎区region forbidden to tree cutting and hunting 2.0319 封山育林区region closed for afforestation2.0320 天池风景区crater lake scenic spot2.0321 自然保护区nature protection area2.0322 科学保护区protection area for scientific research2.0323 天然纪念物natural monument2.0324 生物圈保护区biosphere protection area02.5 园林设计2.0325 园林设计师landscape architect, garden designer 2.0326 园址测量图garden site survey map2.0327 地形图topographic map, contour map2.0328 种植设计planting design2.0329 地形改造设计topographical reform design2.0330 种植大样图detail planting design2.0331 造价分析cost analysis2.0332 园林形式garden style2.0333 规整式园林formal garden style2.0334 非规整园林informal garden style2.0335 几何式园林geometric garden style2.0336 自然式园林natural garden style2.0337 混合式园林mixed garden style2.0338 近代巴洛克式园林modern Baroque style2.0339 马克斯抽象园林R.B. Marx abstract garden2.0340 园林区划garden area division2.0341 园林分区规划garden block planning2.0342 庭院花园courtyard garden2.0343 前庭front yard, forecourt2.0344 后庭back yard, rear yard2.0345 中庭patio2.0346 厨园kitchen yard2.0347 沉[床]园sunken garden2.0348 窗园window garden2.0349 墙园wall garden2.0350 宅园home garden2.0351 台地园terrace garden2.0352 冬园winter garden2.0353 切花园cut flower garden2.0354 屋顶花园roof garden2.0355 后花园back yard garden2.0356 园林地形改造topographical reform of garden2.0357 土山earth piled hill, artificial mound2.0358 假山rockery, artificial rockwork2.0359 太湖石Taihu Lake stone, water modelled stone 2.0360 黄石yellowish brown stone2.0361 人造假山石artificial stone, man-made stone2.0362 孤赏石monolith, standing stone2.0363 掇山piled stone hill, hill making2.0364 叠石stones laying2.0365 板石flag stone2.0366 散点石scattered stone2.0367 抱角石corner stone2.0368 屋基石foundation stone2.0369 排衙石guard stone2.0370 屏石screen stone2.0371 石岸rock bank2.0372 石阶stone steps2.0373 汀步stepping stone on water surface 2.0374 附壁石stone appended to wall2.0375 石花台stone flower bed2.0376 石凳stone bench2.0377 假山石挡土墙rock retaining wall2.0378 干砌石dry stone wall2.0379 假山石楼梯rock stairway2.0380 石亭stone pavilion2.0381 石洞stone cavern2.0382 石窟grotto2.0383 置石stone arrangement, stone layout 2.0384 拱石arch stone2.0385 拱顶石key stone2.0386 园林水景water scenes of garden2.0387 水体water body2.0388 水面water surface2.0389 水池pool2.0390 水塘pond2.0391 喷泉fountain2.0392 喷水池fountain pool2.0393 涉水池wading pool2.0394 倒影池mirror pool, reflecting pool 2.0395 睡莲池water-lily pool2.0396 喷水管布置piping schema2.0397 钓鱼塘fishing pond2.0398 高水位池塘high water table pond2.0399 池边坐人矮墙seat wall surrounded pool 2.0400 隐头喷泉secret fountain2.0401 岛园island garden2.0402 半岛园peninsula garden2.0403 小岛isle2.0404 瀑布waterfall2.0405 小瀑布cascade2.0406 湖lake2.0407 矶rock projecting over water2.0408 水帘洞water curtain cave2.0409 园桥garden bridge2.0410 拱桥arch bridge2.0411 石板桥stone slab bridge2.0412 木板桥plank bridge2.0413 圆木桥log bridge2.0414 亭桥pavilion bridge2.0415 曲桥zigzag bridge2.0416 壁泉wall fountain2.0417 饮水喷头drinking fountain2.0418 植物配植plant arrangement2.0419 树木配植arrangement of trees and shrubs 2.0420 群植group planting, mass planting2.0421 孤植specimen planting, isolated planting 2.0422 丛植clump planting2.0423 组植group planting2.0424 林植forest planting2.0425 列植linear planting2.0426 对植opposite planting, coupled planting 2.0427 环植circular planting2.0428 带植belt planting2.0429 散植scattered planting, loose planting 2.0430 边缘种植edge planting2.0431 边界种植boundary planting2.0432 整形种植architectural planting2.0433 基础种植foundation planting2.0434 角隅种植corner planting2.0435 景框种植planting as enframent2.0436 门卫种植guard planting2.0437 篱恒种植fence planting2.0438 障景种植screen planting2.0439 背景种植background planting2.0440 林下种植underwood planting2.0441 路边种植roadside planting2.0442 绿篱hedge2.0443 树墙espalier2.0444 庭荫树shade tree2.0445 园景树specimen tree2.0446 风景林amenity forest, ornamental forest 2.0447 行道树avenue tree, street tree2.0448 纪念林memorial forest2.0449 整型树topiary tree2.0450 花篱flower hedge’2.0451 刺篱thorny plants hedge2.0452 常绿绿篱evergreen hedge2.0453 落叶绿篱deciduous hedge2.0454 高篱high hedge2.0455 沟中边篱hah-hah fence2.0456 图案矮篱pattern dwarf hedge2.0457 迷宫绿篱labyrinth hedge2.0458 整剪绿篱clipped hedge2.0459 自然式花篱natural flowering hedge2.0460 边篱boundary fence2.0461 园篱garden fence, garden hedge2.0462 纯林pure forest2.0463 混交林 mixed forest2.0464 林间隙地 open space in woodland2.0465 杂木林 spinney2.0466 树冠覆盖面 tree canopy2.0467 草坪 lawn2.0468 整形草坪 formal lawn2.0469 开花草坪 flowering lawn2.0470 牧场草坪 meadowy land2.0471 花坛 flower bed2.0472 路边花坛 roadside flower bed2.0473 带状花坛 ribbon flower bed2.0474 时钟花坛 flower clock2.0475 盆栽花坛 potted flower bed, basined flower bed 2.0476 高设花台raised flower bed2.0477 毛毡花坛 carpet bed2.0478 镶嵌花坛 mosaic bed2.0479 铺石花坛 paved bed2.0480 灌木花坛 shrub bed2.0481 图案花坛群 parterre2.0482 草药花坛 herbaceous flower bed2.0483 花结花坛 knot bed2.0484 整形花坛 formal flower bed2.0485 花境 flower border2.0486 花桶flower tub2.0487 植树箱planting box2.0488 活动花坛movable flower bed2.0489 瓶饰garden vase2.0490 灌木花境shrub border2.0491 混合花境mixed border2.0492 园林道路设计garden road design, garden path design 2.0493 漫步路trail, footway2.0494 小径alley, path2.0495 川草坪岛lawn island2.0496 安全岛traffic island, refuge island2.0497 转弯曲度turning curvature2.0498 转弯半径turning radius2.0499 踏面landing pitch2.0500 步石stepping stone2.0501 涉水踏步wading step2.0502 错铺路crazy paving path2.0503 随意组合方石板路flag stone path paved at random 2.0504 花纹路pattern path2.0505 林荫路mall2.0506 林荫大道boulevard2.0507 花园路parkway2.0508 林间小道path in woodland2.0509 种植池planting bed2.0510 树池保护格栅tree grate2.0511 树干保护套栏tree guard2.0512 树池坐凳矮墙seatwall-surrounded planting2.0513 路面线纹score line2.0514 传统园林建筑 traditional garden building2.0515 凉亭 summer shelter2.0516 活树亭 arbor, tent arbor2.0517 蘑菇亭 mushroom pavilion2.0518 茅亭 thatched pavilion2.0519 竹亭 bamboo pavilion2.0520 茶亭 tea booth, tea kiosk2.0521 回廊 cloister2.0522 水廊 corridor on water2.0523 曲廊 zigzag veranda2.0524 扒山廊 sloping gallery2.0525 楼廊 two-storied gallery2.0526 画舫 painted pleasure boat2.0527 石舫 stone boat2.0528 不击舟 immovable pleasure boat2.0529 诗条石 poem-engraved stone slab2.0530 月洞门 moon gate2.0531 扶手栏杆 handrail2.0532 坐凳栏杆 seat rail2.0533 石碑 stone tablet, stele2.0534 园林露天剧场 open garden theater2.0535 园林露天舞池 open garden dancing place2.0536 露天音乐台 outdoor music stand2.0537 眺望台 prospect deck2.0538 繁殖温室 plant propagation greenhouse2.0539 展览温室 public conservatory2.0540 月池 new-moon pool2.0541 园林小品 small garden ornaments2.0542 磁砖壁画 painted tile mural tablet2.0543 园椅 garden chair, garden seat2.0544 园凳 garden bench2.0545 园桌 garden table2.0546 园灯 garden lamp2.0547 日规 sundial2.0548 鸟浴 bird bath2.0549 鸟舍 bird cottage, nestle box2.0550 鸟笼 bird cage, bird coop2.0551 悬篮 hanging basket2.0552 野鸟喂食器 bird feeder2.0553 额匾 horizontal inscribed board2.0554 楹联 couplet written on scroll, couplet on pillar2.0555 引露天烤炉 open barbecue2.0556 树棚 living-tree pergola2.0557 花架 pergola2.0558 花格架 trellis, treillage2.0559 点景牌楼 naming pailou, decorated archway2.0560 园林施工 garden layout, garden construction2.0561 种植工程 planting engineering2.0562 大树移植 big tree transplanting2.0563 裸根移植 bare root transplanting2.0564 土球移植 ball transplanting2.0565 沟植 trench planting2.0566 假植 heeling in, temporary planting2.0567 播种草坪 seeding lawn2.0568 铺草皮块草坪 sodding lawn2.0569 假山工程 rockery engineering2.0570 掇山五法 five methods" of rock piling2.0571 等分平衡法 method of making the rock equa-tional and balanced2.0572 前轻后重法 method of making the front part of rock lighter than the back part2.0573 上轻下重法 method of lowering the center ofgravity of rocks 2.0574 纹理统一法 method of unifying the rock veins2.0575 石料统一法 method of unifying the rock mate-rials2.0576 观赏树木 ornamental tree and shrub2.0577 观叶植物 foliage plant2.0578 观果植物 fruit-effect plant2.0579 观枝干植物 plants with ornamental trunks and branches2.0580 指示植物 indicating plant2.0581 主景植物 accent plant2.0582 耐湿植物 damp tolerant plant2.0583 抗风植物 wind-resistant plant2.0584 耐盐碱植物 saline-alkali tolerant plant2.0585 市花 city flower2.0586 市树 city tree2.0587 国花 national flower2.0588 国树 national tree2.0589 芳香植物 fragrant plant2.0590 抗污染植物 pollution resistant plant2.0591 环保植物 environment protecting plant2.0592 高山植物 alpine plant2.0593 岩生植物 rock plant2.0594 攀缘植物 climbing plant, climber2.0595 地被植物 ground cover plant2.0596 阴生植物 shade plant2.0597 装饰植物 decorative plant2.0598 装缘植物 edging plant2.0599 绿蓠植物 hedge plant2.0600 草坪植物 lawn plant, lawn grass2.0601 花坛植物 bedding plant2.0602 球根植物 bulbous plant2.0603 宿根植物 perennial plant, perennial2.0604 水生植物 aquatic plant, hydrophyte2.0605 旱生植物 xerophyte2.0606 沼泽植物 bog plant, swamp plant2.0607 室内装饰植物 indoor decorative plant, house plant2.0608 切花 cut flower2.0609 垂枝植物 pendulous plant, weeping plant2.0610 缠绕植物 twiner, twinning plant2.0611 针叶植物 needle-leaved plant2.0612 阔叶植物 broad-leaved plant2.0613 斑叶植物 variegate-leaved plant2.0614 松柏植物 conifer2.0615 常绿植物 evergreen plant2.0616 半常绿植物 semi-evergreen plant2.0617 不耐寒植物 tender plant2.0618 半耐寒植物 half-hardy plant2.0619 耐寒植物 hardy plant2.0620 耐旱植物 drought enduring plant2.0621 山石材料 stone material2.0622 昆山石 Kunshan stone2.0623 钟乳石 stalactite2.0624 灵壁石 Lingbi stone2.0625 英德石 Yingde stone2.0626 青石 Qing stone2.0627 宣石 Xuan stone2.0628 房山石 Fangshan stone2.0629 观赏动物 ornamental animal2.0630 观赏鸟类 ornamental bird2.0631 观赏兽类 ornamental beast2.0632 观赏昆虫类 ornamental insect02.8 园林机具设备2.0633 园林机械 garden machine2.0634 园林工具 garden instrument, garden implement2.0635 园林设备 garden equipment2.0636 花坛分界隔板 plastic bed divider2.0637 种植容器 planting container2.0638 圆木桩 log peg2.0639 喷射装置 jet bubbler2.0640 滴灌 trickle irrigator, drip irrigator2.0641 环动喷灌器 circle sprinkler2.0642 圆筒喷灌器 rotor sprinkler2.0643 自控器 automatic controller2.0644 管端喷灌器 hose end sprinkler2.0645 固定喷灌器 stationary sprinkler2.0646 喷雾喷灌器 mist sprinkler, spray head sprinkler2.0647 喷灌覆盖面 sprinkler coverage2.0648 草坪加肥器 lawn feeder2.0649 施肥喷灌器 combined feeder and sprinkler2.0650 液肥混合调配器 liquid fertilizer mixer-proportioner 2.0651 滴水喷头 emitter, dripper2.0652 水土保持塑料网 erosion control plastic net2.0653 苗木包装材料 nursery stock package material2.0654 麻布袋 burlap bag2.0655 铁丝篮 wire basket2.0656 篮状种植器 basket container2.0657 塑料苗木桶 plastic nurserican2.0658 播种盘 seed tray2.0659 网孔盆 mesh pot2.0660 含肥泥炭盆 fertile peat pot2.0661 盆栽机 potting machine2.0662 换盆机 repotting machine2.0663 再生纸种植器 reclaimed paper container2.0664 纤维育苗器 wood fiber plant grower2.0665 泥炭压制播种饼 peat seeding pellet, peat seeding starter 2.0666 松土除草机 cultivator2.0667 旋转锄 rotary hoe2.0668 切叶机 foliage cutter2.0669 翻地犁 uncovering plough2.0670 盖土机 mounted spreader2.0671 前悬装土机 front mounted loader2.0672 后缀装土机 rear mounted loader2.0673 旋轴剪草机 spindle mower2.0674 栽植机 planting machine2.0675 植物覆盖 plant mulching2.0676 覆盖物分散机 mulch spreader2.0677 种子液肥喷洒机 hydro seeder2.0678 修枝剪 pruning shear2.0679 播种器 garden seeder2.0680 球根种植器 bulb planter2.0681 土壤酸度探测器 pH-value computer2.0682 巴效分析器 fertilizer analyzer2.0683 嫁接刀 grafting knife2.0684 温室设备 greenhouse equipment2.0685 盆栽灌水系统 pot watering system2.0686 温室气候控制器 greenhouse climate controller2.0687 温室覆盖 greenhouse covering2.0688 喷雾自控系统 automatic mist control system2.0689 二氧化碳发生器 C02 generator2.0690 温度报警钟 temperature alarm2.0691 游览车 park sightseeing bus2.0692 引剪草机 lawn mower2.0693 动力剪草机 power lawnmower2.0694 畜力剪草机 horse lawnmower2.0695 手推剪草机 hand lawnmower2.0696 游人调查 visitors investigation2.0697 游人统计 visitors statistics2.0698 游人分析 garden visitors analysis2.0699 游人管理 visitors management2.0700 导游图 tourist map2.0701 导游解说 tour descri ption and direction2.0702 劳动管理 labour management2.0703 物资管理 material handling, goods handling2.0704 设备管理 equipment management, facility management2.0705 财务管理 financial management2.0706 安全管理 safety management2.0707 环境监测 environmental monitor2.0708 植物养护管理 plant maintenance and management2.0709 园林技术管理 garden technical management2.0710 质量管理 quality management2.0711 园貌维修 garden feature maintenance2.0712 植物整形修剪 plant trimming and pruning2.0713 植物病虫防治 disease and insect control2.0714 园林管理规划 management plan2.0715 游人意见处理 treatment of visitors opinions2.0716 游人规则 visitors regulation2.0717 园内交通管理 traffic control in park2.0718 园外交通管理 traffic control out of park entrance2.0719 汽车停车规则 parking rules2.0720 自行车停放规则 bicycle parking rules2.0721 开放时间 opening time2.0722 日常清洁卫生管理 daily sanitation and hygiene management 2.0723 人类生态环境 human ecological environment2.0724 自然系统 natural system2.0725 自然资源 natural resource2.0726 自然保护 conservation of nature2.0727 自然保存 natural preservation2.0728 环境保护 environmental protection2.0729 环境容量 environment capacity2.0730 环境适宜性 environment fitness2.0731 环境空气质量标准 ambient air quality2.0732 共生 symbiosis2.0733 互惠共生 mutualism2.0734 公害 public nuisance2.0735 生态绝灭 ecological extinction2.0736 生态系统 ecosystem2.0737 生态圈 ecosphere2.0738 生态灾难 ecological disaster2.0739 环境质量 environmental quality2.0740 环境压力 environment stress2.0741 生命维持系统 life-support system2.0742 反馈系统 feedback system2.0743 自养生物 autotroph2.0744 异养生物 heterotroph2.0745 食物链 foodchain2.0746 生物圈 biosphere2.0747 濒危植物 endangered plant, threatened plant 2.0748 主体群落 major community2.0749 人工群落 artificial community2.0750 绿色革命 green revolution2.0751 户外娱乐资源 outdoor recreation resource2.0752 原始环境系统 wilderness environment system 2.0753 近代环境系统 modern environment system2.0754 乡村生活模式 country life-pattern2.0755 烟害 smoke pollution, fume pollution2.0756 雾害 fog pollution2.0757 霜害 frost injury2.0758 水污染 water pollution2.0759 土壤污染 soil pollution, soil contamination 2.0760 园林小气候 garden microclimate2.0761 环境保护植物 environmental conservation plant 2.0762 引气候调节 climatic regulation2.0763 自动调节机能 homeostasis2.0764 生态平衡 ecological homeostasis2.0765 森林生态系统 forest ecosystem2.0766 草原生态系统 prairie ecosystem2.0767 滞尘植物 dust holding plant。



英文园林景观专业词汇园林词汇中英对照A总论园林学Landscape architecture,garden ar-chitecture 造园学Garden making, landscape garden-ing环境园艺学Environmental horticulture观赏园艺学Ornamental horticulture园林艺术garden art园林美学Garden aesthetics园林建筑学Garden architecture园林建筑Garden building园林工程Garden engineering园林植物Landscape plant观赏植物Ornamental plant盆景Miniature landscape,penjing园林Garden and park园林学史History Of garden architecture园林规划Garden planning,landscaping planning 园林设计Garden design园林机具设备Gardening machine园林管理Garden management园林生态Landscape ecology绿化greening,planting环境绿化Environmental greening绿地面积Green area绿地率Ratio Of green space城市绿化覆盖率Urban Green coverage工厂绿化Factory greening,factory garden-ing街道绿化Street greening,street planting车行道绿化Driveway greening分车带绿化Dividing Stripe greening人行道绿化Sidewalk greening郊区绿化Suburban greening公路绿化Highway greening铁路绿化Railway greening,railway planting堤岸种植Bank planting阳台绿化Balcony greening窗台绿化window-sill greening屋顶绿化Roof greening垂直绿化Vertical greening攀缘绿化Climber greening桥头绿化Bridgehead greening花园garden专类花园Specified flower garden花园村Garden village园林城市Landscape garden city蔷薇园Rose garden松柏园Conifer garden球根园Bulb garden宿根园Perennial garden假山园Rock garden,Chinese rockery狩猎场Hunting ground街心花园Street crossing center garden 小游园Petty Street garden水景园Water garden铺地园Paved garden野趣园Wild plants botanical garden野生植物园Wild plants garden乡趣园Rustic garden盆景园Penjing garden,miniature land-scape 动物园zoo,zoological garden墓园Cemetery garden沼泽园Bog and marsh garden水生植物园Aquatic plants garden学校园School garden室内花园Indoor garden芳香花园Fragrant garden盲人花园Garden for the blind公园park,Public park城市公园City park,urban park区公园Regional park儿童公园Children park体育公园Sports park森林公园Forest park纪念公园Memorial park烈士纪念公园Martyr memorial park综合公园Comprehensive park文化公园Cultural park文化休憩公园Cultural and recreation park 中央公园Central park天然公园Natural park海滨公园Seaside park,seabeach park古迹公园Historic site park河滨公园Riverside park湖滨公园Lakeside park路边公园Roadside park,street park娱乐公园Amusement park雕塑公园Sculpture park休憩公园Recreation park疗养公园Sanatorium park国家公园National park邻里公园Neighborhood park特种公园Special park植物园Botanical garden植物公园abeled plants park高山植物园alpine garden热带植物园tropical plants garden药用植物园medical plants garden,herb garden绿地green space公共绿地Public green space单位绿地Unit green area城市绿地Urban green space街道广场绿地Street and square green area居住区绿地Residential quarter green area防护绿地Green area for environmental protection 郊区绿地Suburban green space街坊绿地Residential block green belt附属绿地Attached green space生产绿地Productive plantation area苗圃nursery风景landscape,scenery自然景观Natural landscape人文景观Human landscape,scenery of humanities 草原景观Prairie landscape山岳景观Mountain landscape,alpine landscape地理景观Geographical landscape湖泊景观Lake view郊区景观Suburban landscape地质景观Geological landscape喀斯特景观Karst landscape植物景观Plants landscape,flora landscape园林史中国园林史中国古典园林Classical Chinese garden中国传统园林Traditional Chinese garden中国古代园林Ancient Chinese garden中国山水园Chinese mountain and water garden帝王宫苑Imperial palace garden皇家园林Royal garden私家园林Private garden江南园林Garden on the Yangtze Delta西方园林史西方古典园林Western classical garden英国式园林English style garden中英混合式园林Anglo-Chinese style garden 意大利式园林Italian style garden西班牙式园林Spanish style garden法兰西式园林French style garden勒诺特尔式园林Le-Notre's style garden文艺复兴庄园Renaissance style villa洛可可式园林Rococo style garden巴洛克式园林Baroque style garden庄园manor,villa garden廊柱园Peristyle garden,patio绿廊xystus迷阵maze,labyrinth园林艺术景view,scenery,feature远景Distant view近景Nearby view障景Obstructive scenery,blocking view借景Borrowed scenery,view borrowing对景Opposite scenery,view in opposite place 缩景Miniature scenery,abbreviated scenery 漏景Leaking through scenery 框景Enframed scenery尾景Terminal feature主景Main feature副景Secondary feature配景Objective view夹景Vista line,vista前景Front view背景background景序Order of sceneries景点Feature spot,view spot仰视景观Upward landscape俯视景观Downward landscape季相景观Seasonal phenomena气象景观Meteorological diversity scenery 视野Visual field秋色Fall color,autumn color园林空间Garden space开敞空间Wide open space, wide space封闭空间Enclosure space意境artistic conception,poetic imagery苍古antiquity空灵spaciousness,airiness动观in-motion viewing静观in-position viewing视错觉Visual illusion园林艺术布局Artistic layout of garden对称平衡Symmetrical balance不对称平衡Asymmetrical balance左右对称Bilateral symmetry辐射对称Radial symmetry透景线Perspective line轴线axis,axial line主轴Main axis副轴Auxiliary axis暗轴Hidden axis,invisible axis树冠线skyline园林色彩艺术Art of garden colors单色谐调Monochromatic harmony复色谐调Compound chromatic harmony对比色突出Contrast colors accent近似色谐调Approximate colors harmony暖色Warm color冷色Cool color色感Color sense园林规划城市绿地系统规划Urban green space system planning 绿地系统Green space system公共绿地定额Public green space quota公共绿地指标Public green space norm绿地布局Green space layout吸引圈Attractive circle吸引距离Attractive distance有效半径Effective radius绿地资源Green space resource绿地效果Green space effect绿地规划程序Planning procedure of the green space空间规划Space planning形象规划Image plan实施规划Implementary plan必要生活空间Necessary living space余暇生活空间Leisure time living space利用频度Usage frequency树种规划Planning of trees and shrubs绿地类型Typeof green space环状绿型Annular green space块状绿地Green plot点状绿地Green spot放射状绿地Radiate green space楔状绿地wedge-shaped green space缓冲绿地Buffer green space防音绿地Noiseproof green space科学景观论Scientific landscape theory园林保留地Reserve garden公园规划park planning园林总体规划Garden master planning总平面规划Site planning园林分区Garden zoning安静休息区Tranquil rest area儿童活动区Children playing space儿童游戏场Children playground, playlot体育运动区Sports activities area野餐区Picnic place散步区Pedestrian space群众集会区Mass meeting square观赏植物区Ornamental plants area观赏温室区Display greenhouse area, display conservatoryarea 草坪区Lawn space绿荫区Shade tree section历史古迹区Historical relics area青少年活动区Youngsters activities area诱鸟区Bird sanctuary area钓鱼区Fishing center野营区Camp site游人中心Visitors center服务中心Service center探险游乐场Adventure ground文化活动区Cultural activities area道路系统Approach system, road system环形道路系统Circular road system方格形道路系统Latticed road system放射形道路系统Radiate road system自然式道路系统Informal road system规整式道路系统Formal road system混合式道路系统Mixed style road system园林规划图Garden planning map园林规划说明书Garden planning direction城市公园系统Urban park system公园分布Distribution of parks公园类型Park type, park category公园间距Distance between parks公园形式Park styles游览区Excursion area, open-to-public area 非游览区no-admittance area办公区Administrative area服务区Service center动休息区Dynamic rest space静休息区Static rest space娱乐演出区Entertaining performance place主要入口Main entrance次要入口Secondary entrance人流量Visitors flowrate车流量Vehicle flowrate公园道路parkroad公园水陆面积比率land-water ratio游人容纳量Visitors capacity风景资源调查Landscape resource evaluation风景学scenicology风景规划Landscape plan风景设计Landscape design游览路线Touring route旅游资源Tourism resource旅游地理Tourism geography旅游地质Tourism geology历史名城Famous historical city文化名城Famous cultural city文化遗址Ancient cultural relic天然博物馆Natural open museum风景地貌naturalgeomorphology造型地貌imaginative geomorphologic figuration 风景区Scenic spot, scenic area风景名胜Famous scenery, famous scenic site特异景观风景区Specific natural scenes area民族风俗风景区Scenic spot of minority customs高山风景区Alpine scenic spot海滨风景区Seabeach scenic spot森林风景区Forest scenic spot高山草甸风景区Alpine tundra landscape spot峡谷风景区Valley scenic spot江河风景区River landscape district湖泊风景区Lake round scenic spot温泉风景区Hot spring scenic spot瀑布风景区Waterfall scenic spot禁伐禁猎区Region forbidden to tree cutting and hunting 封山育林区Region closed for afforestation天池风景区Crater lake scenic spot自然保护区Nature protection area科学保护区Protection area for scientific research天然纪念物Natural monument生物圈保护区Biosphere protection area园林设计园林设计师Landscape architect, garden designer园址测量图Garden site survey map地形图T opographic map, contour map种植设计Planting design地形改造设计Topographical reform design种植大样图detailplanting design造价分析Cost analysis园林形式Garden style规整式园林Formal garden style非规整园林Informal garden style几何式园林Geometric garden style自然式园林Natural garden style混合式园林Mixed garden style近代巴洛克式园林Modern Baroque style马克斯抽象园林R.B. Marx abstract garden园林区划Garden area division园林分区规划Garden block planning庭院花园Courtyard garden前庭Front yard, forecourt后庭Back yard, rear yard中庭patio厨园Kitchen yard沉[床]园Sunken garden窗园Window garden墙园Wall garden宅园Home garden台地园T errace garden冬园Winter garden切花园Cut flower garden屋顶花园Roof garden后花园Back yard garden园林地形改造Topographical reform of garden土山Earth piled hill, mound artificial假山rockery, artificial rockwork太湖石Taihu Lake stone, water modelled stone 黄石Yellowish brown stone人造假山石Artificial stone, man-made stone 孤赏石monolith, standing stone掇山Piled stone hill, hill making叠石Stones laying板石Flag stone散点石Scattered stone抱角石Corner stone屋基石Foundation stone排衙石Guard stone屏石Screen stone石岸Rock bank石阶Stone steps汀步Stepping stone on water surface 附壁石Stone appended to wall石花台Stone flower bed石凳Stone bench假山石挡土墙Rock retaining wall干砌石Dry stone wall假山石楼梯Rock Stairway石亭Stone Pavilion石洞Stone cavern石窟grotto置石Stone arrangement, stone layout 拱石Arch stone拱顶石Key stone园林水景Water scenes of garden水体Water body水面Water surface水池pool水塘pond喷泉fountain喷水池Fountain pool涉水池Wading pool倒影池Mirror pool, reflecting pool睡莲池water-lily pool喷水管布置Piping schema钓鱼塘Fishing pond高水位池塘High water table pond池边坐人矮墙Seat wall surrounded pool 隐头喷泉Secret fountain岛园Island garden半岛园Peninsula garden小岛isle瀑布waterfall小瀑布cascade湖lake矶Rock projecting over water水帘洞Water curtain cave园桥Garden bridge拱桥Arch bridge石板桥Stone slab bridge木板桥Plank bridge圆木桥Log bridge亭桥Pavilion bridge曲桥Zigzag bridge壁泉Wall fountain饮水喷头Drinking fountain植物配植Plant arrangement树木配植Arrangement of trees and shrubs 群植Group planting, mass planting孤植Specimen planting, isolated planting丛植Clump planting组植Group planting林植Forest planting列植Linear planting对植Opposite planting, coupled planting环植Circular planting带植Belt planting散植Scattered planting, loose planting边缘种植Edge planting边界种植Boundary planting整形种植Architectural planting基础种植Foundation planting角隅种植Corner planting景框种植Planting as enframent门卫种植Guard planting篱恒种植Fence planting障景种植Screen planting背景种植Background planting林下种植Underwood planting路边种植Roadside planting绿篱hedge树墙espalier庭荫树Shade tree园景树Specimen tree风景林Amenity forest,ornamental forest 行道树Avenue tree, street tree纪念林Memorial forest整型树T opiary tree花篱Flower hedge'刺篱Thorny plants hedge常绿绿篱Evergreen hedge落叶绿篱Deciduous hedge高篱High hedge沟中边篱hah-hah fence图案矮篱Pattern dwarf hedge迷宫绿篱Labyrinth hedge整剪绿篱Clipped hedge自然式花篱Natural flowering hedge边篱Boundary fence园篱Garden fence, garden hedge纯林Pure forest混交林mixed forest林间隙地open space in woodland杂木林spinney树冠覆盖面tree canopy草坪lawn整形草坪formal lawn开花草坪flowering lawn牧场草坪meadowy land花坛flower bed路边花坛roadside flower bed带状花坛ribbon flower bed时钟花坛flower clock盆栽花坛potted flower bed, basined flower bed 高设花台Raised flower bed毛毡花坛carpet bed镶嵌花坛mosaic bed铺石花坛paved bed灌木花坛shrub bed图案花坛群parterre草药花坛herbaceous flower bed花结花坛knot bed整形花坛formal flower bed花境flower border花桶Flower tub植树箱Planting box活动花坛Movable flower bed瓶饰Garden vase灌木花境Shrub border混合花境Mixed border园林道路设计Garden road design, garden path design 漫步路trail, footway小径alley, path川草坪岛Lawn island安全岛Traffic island, refuge island转弯曲度Turning curvature转弯半径Turning radius踏面Landing pitch步石Stepping stone涉水踏步Wading step错铺路Crazy paving path随意组合方石板路Flag stone path paved at random 花纹路Pattern path林荫路mall林荫大道boulevard花园路parkway林间小道Path in woodland种植池Planting bed树池保护格栅Tree grate树干保护套栏Tree guard树池坐凳矮墙seatwall-surrounded planting路面线纹Score line园林建筑与园林工程传统园林建筑traditional garden building凉亭summer shelter活树亭arbor, tent arbor蘑菇亭mushroom Pavilion茅亭thatched Pavilion竹亭bamboo Pavilion茶亭tea booth, tea kiosk回廊cloister水廊corridor on water曲廊zigzag veranda扒山廊sloping gallery楼廊two-storied gallery画舫painted pleasure boat石舫stone boat不击舟immovable pleasure boat诗条石poem-engraved stone slab月洞门moon gate扶手栏杆handrail坐凳栏杆seat rail石碑stone tablet, stele园林露天剧场open garden theater园林露天舞池open garden dancing place 露天音乐台outdoor music stand眺望台prospect deck繁殖温室plant propagation greenhouse 展览温室public conservatory月池new-moon pool园林小品small garden ornaments磁砖壁画painted tile mural tablet园椅garden chair, garden seat园凳garden bench园桌garden table园灯garden lamp日规sundial鸟浴bird bath鸟舍bird cottage, nestle box鸟笼bird cage, bird coop悬篮hanging basket野鸟喂食器bird feeder额匾horizontal inscribed board楹联couplet written on scroll, couplet on pillar 引露天烤炉open barbecue树棚living-tree pergola花架pergola花格架trellis, treillage点景牌楼naming pailou, decorated archway 园林施工garden layout, garden construction 种植工程planting engineering 大树移植big tree transplanting裸根移植bare root transplanting土球移植ball transplanting沟植trench planting假植heeling in, temporary planting播种草坪seeding lawn铺草皮块草坪sodding lawn假山工程rockery engineering掇山五法five methods” of rock piling造园材料观赏树木ornamental tree and shrub观叶植物foliage plant观果植物fruit-effect plant观枝干植物plants with ornamental trunks and branches 指示植物indicating plant主景植物accent plant耐湿植物damp tolerant plant抗风植物wind-resistant plant耐盐碱植物saline-alkali tolerant plant市花city flower市树city tree国花national flower国树national tree芳香植物fragrant plant抗污染植物pollution resistant plant环保植物environment protecting plant高山植物alpine plant岩生植物rock plant攀缘植物climbing plant, climber地被植物ground cover plant阴生植物shade plant装饰植物decorative plant装缘植物edging plant绿蓠植物hedge plant草坪植物lawn plant, lawn grass花坛植物bedding plant球根植物bulbous plant宿根植物perennial plant, perennial水生植物aquatic plant, hydrophyte旱生植物xerophyte沼泽植物bog plant, swamp plant室内装饰植物indoor decorative plant, house plant 切花cut flower垂枝植物pendulous plant, weeping plant缠绕植物twiner, twinning plant针叶植物needle-leaved plant阔叶植物broad-leaved plant斑叶植物variegate-leaved plant松柏植物conifer常绿植物evergreen plant半常绿植物semi-evergreen plant不耐寒植物tender plant半耐寒植物half-hardy plant耐寒植物hardy plant耐旱植物drought enduring plant山石材料stone material昆山石Kunshan stone钟乳石stalactite灵壁石Lingbi stone英德石Yingde stone青石Qing stone宣石Xuan stone房山石Fangshan stone观赏动物ornamental animal观赏鸟类ornamental bird观赏兽类ornamental beast观赏昆虫类ornamental insect园林组织与法规国际自然及自然资源保护联合会International Union for Conservation of Nature and Nature resources,IUCN国际风景园林师联合总会International Federation of Landscape Architects,IFLA中国风景园林学会Chinese Society of Landscape Aarchitecture,CSLA中华人民共和国环境保护法Law of Environmental Protection of the People’s Repu blic of China中华人民共和国森林法Forest Law of the People’s Republic ofChina风景名胜区管理条例Regulations on the Management of Landscape and Famous Scene ries中华人民共和国自然保护区条例Regulations on the Nature Protection Regions of the People’s Republic of China中华人民共和国野生动物资源保护条例Regulations on the Protection of Wild Plants of the People’s Republic of China。



2.0001 园林学 landscape architecture, garden ar-chitecture 2.0002 造园学 garden making, landscape garden-ing2.0003 环境园艺学 environmental horticulture2.0004 观赏园艺学 ornamental horticulture2.0005 园林艺术 garden art2.0006 园林美学 garden aesthetics2.0007 园林建筑学 garden architecture2.0008 园林建筑 garden building2.0009 园林工程 garden engineering2.0010 园林植物 landscape plant2.0011 观赏植物 ornamental plant2.0012 盆景 miniature landscape, penjing2.0013 园林 garden and park2.0014 园林学史 history of garden architecture2.0015 园林规划 garden planning, landscaping planning2.0016 园林设计 garden design2.0017 园林机具设备gardening machine2.0018 园林管理 garden management2.0019 园林生态 landscape ecology2.0020 绿化 greening, planting2.0021 环境绿化 environmental greening2.0022 绿地面积 green area2.0023 绿地率 ratio of green space2.0024 城市绿化覆盖率urban green coverage2.0025 工厂绿化 factory greening, factory garden-ing2.0026 街道绿化 street greening, street planting2.0027 车行道绿化driveway greening2.0028 分车带绿化dividing stripe greening2.0029 人行道绿化sidewalk greening2.0030 群众绿化 mass planting movement2.0031 郊区绿化 suburban greening2.0032 公路绿化 highway greening2.0033 铁路绿化 railway greening, railway planting2.0034 堤岸种植 bank planting2.0035 阳台绿化 balcony greening2.0036 窗台绿化 window-sill greening2.0037 屋顶绿化 roof greening2.0038 垂直绿化 vertical greening2.0039 攀缘绿化 climber greening2.0040 桥头绿化 bridgehead greening2.0041 花园 garden2.0042 专类花园 specified flower garden2.0043 花园村 garden village2.0044 园林城市 landscape garden city2.0045 蔷薇园 rose garden2.0046 松柏园 conifer garden2.0047 球根园 bulb garden2.0048 宿根园 perennial garden2.0049 假山园 rock garden, Chinese rockery2.0050 狩猎场 hunting ground2.0051 街心花园 street crossing center garden2.0052 小游园 petty street garden2.0053 水景园 water garden2.0054 铺地园 paved garden2.0055 野趣园 wild plants botanical garden2.0056 野生植物园wild plants garden2.0057 乡趣园 rustic garden2.0058 盆景园 penjing garden, miniature land-scape 2.0059 动物园 zoo, zoological garden2.0060 墓园 cemetery garden2.0061 沼泽园 bog and marsh garden2.0062 水生植物园aquatic plants garden2.0063 学校园 school garden2.0064 室内花园 indoor garden2.0065 芳香花园 fragrant garden2.0066 盲人花园 garden for the blind2.0067 公园 park, public park2.0068 城市公园 city park, urban park2.0069 区公园 regional park2.0070 儿童公园 children park2.0071 体育公园 sports park2.0072 森林公园 forest park2.0073 纪念公园 memorial park2.0074 烈士纪念公园martyr memorial park2.0075 综合公园 comprehensive park2.0076 文化公园 cultural park2.0077 文化休憩公园cultural and recreation park 2.0078 中央公园 central park2.0079 天然公园 natural park2.0080 海滨公园 seaside park, seabeach park2.0081 古迹公园 historic site park2.0082 河滨公园 riverside park2.0083 湖滨公园 lakeside park2.0084 路边公园 roadside park, street park2.0085 娱乐公园 amusement park2.0086 雕塑公园 sculpture park2.0087 休憩公园 recreation park2.0088 疗养公园 sanatorium park2.0089 国家公园 national park2.0090 邻里公园 neighborhood park2.0091 特种公园 special park2.0092 植物园 botanical garden2.0093 植物公园 abeled plants park2.0094 高山植物园 alpine garden2.0095 热带植物园 tropical plants garden2.0096 药用植物园 medical plants garden, herb garden 2.0097 绿地 green space2.0098 公共绿地 public green space2.0099 单位绿地 unit green area2.0100 城市绿地 urban green space2.0101 街道广场绿地street and square green area2.0102 居住区绿地 residential quarter green area2.0103 防护绿地 green area for environmental protection 2.0104 郊区绿地 suburban green space2.0105 街坊绿地 residential block green belt2.0106 附属绿地 attached green space2.0107 生产绿地 productive plantation area2.0108 苗圃 nursery2.0109 风景 landscape, scenery2.0110 自然景观 natural landscape2.0111 人文景观 human landscape, scenery of humanities 2.0112 草原景观 prairie landscape2.0113 山岳景观 mountain landscape, alpine landscape 2.0114 地理景观 geographical landscape2.0115 湖泊景观 lake view2.0116 郊区景观 suburban landscape2.0117 地质景观 geological landscape2.0118 喀斯特景观 karst landscape2.0119 植物景观 plants landscape, flora landscape02.2 园林史02.2.1 中国园林史2.0120 中国古典园林classical Chinese garden2.0121 中国传统园林traditional Chinese garden2.0122 中国古代园林ancient Chinese garden2.0123 中国山水园 Chinese mountain and water garden2.0124 帝王宫苑 imperial palace garden2.0125 皇家园林 royal garden2.0126 私家园林 private garden2.0127 江南园林 garden on the Yangtze Delta02.2.2 西方园林史2.0128 西方古典园林 western classical garden2.0129 英国式园林 English style garden2.0130 中英混合式园林Anglo-Chinese style garden2.0131 意大利式园林 Italian style garden2.0132 西班牙式园林 Spanish style garden2.0133 法兰西式园林 French style garden2.0134 勒诺特尔式园林Le Notre’s style garden2.0135 文艺复兴庄园 Renaissance style villa2.0136 洛可可式园林 Rococo style garden2.0137 巴洛克式园林 Baroque style garden2.0138 庄园 manor, villa garden2.0139 廊柱园 peristyle garden, patio2.0140 绿廊 xystus2.0141 迷阵 maze, labyrinth02.2.3 典型中西园林2.0142 灵囿 Ling You Hunting Garden2.0143 灵沼 Ling Zhao Water Garden2.0144 灵台 Ling Tai Platform Garden2.0145 阿房宫 E-Pang Palace2.0146 上林苑 Shang-Lin Yuan2.0147 未央宫 Wei-Yang Palace2.0148 洛阳宫 Luoyang Palace2.0149 华清官 Hua-Qing Palace2.0150 艮岳 Gen Yue Imperial Garden2.0151 圆明园 Yuan-Ming Yuan Imperial Garden2.0152 颐和园 Yi-He Yuan Imperial Garden,Summer Palace 2.0153 承德避暑山庄Chengde Imperial Summer Resort2.0154 苏州园林 Suzhou traditional garden2.0155 悬园 Hanging Garden2.0156 英国皇家植物园Royal Botanical Garden, Kew garden 2.0157 凡尔赛宫苑 Versailles Palace Park2.0158 枫丹白露宫园 Fontainebleau Palace Garden02.3 园林艺术2.0159 景 view, scenery, feature2.0160 远景 distant view2.0161 近景 nearby view2.0162 障景 obstructive scenery, blocking view2.0163 借景 borrowed scenery, view borrowing2.0164 对景 opposite scenery, view in opposite place2.0165 缩景 miniature scenery, abbreviated scenery 2.0166 漏景 leaking through scenery2.0167 框景 enframed scenery2.0168 尾景 terminal feature2.0169 主景 main feature2.0170 副景 secondary feature2.0171 配景 objective view2.0172 夹景 vista line, vista2.0173 前景 front view2.0174 背景 background2.0175 景序 order of sceneries2.0176 景点 feature spot, view spot2.0177 仰视景观 upward landscape2.0178 俯视景观 downward landscape2.0179 季相景观 seasonal phenomena2.0180 气象景观 meteorological diversity scenery 2.0181 视野 visual field2.0182 秋色fall color, autumn color2.0183 园林空间 garden space2.0184 开敞空间 wide open space, wide space2.0185 封闭空间 enclosure space2.0186 意境 artistic conception, poetic imagery 2.0187 苍古 antiquity2.0188 空灵 spaciousness, airiness2.0189 动观 in-motion viewing2.0190 静观 in-position viewing2.0191 视错觉 visual illusion2.0192 园林艺术布局artistic layout of garden2.0193 对称平衡 symmetrical balance2.0194 不对称平衡asymmetrical balance2.0195 左右对称 bilateral symmetry2.0196 辐射对称 radial symmetry2.0197 透景线 perspective line2.0198 轴线 axis, axial line2.0199 主轴 main axis2.0200 副轴 auxiliary axis2.0201 暗轴 hidden axis, invisible axis2.0202 树冠线 skyline2.0203 园林色彩艺术 art of garden colors2.0204 单色谐调 monochromatic harmony2.0205 复色谐调 compound chromatic harmony2.0206 对比色突出 contrast colors accent2.0207 近似色谐调 approximate colors harmony2.0208 暖色 warm color2.0209 冷色 cool color2.0210 色感 color sense2.0211 城市绿地系统规划 urban green space system planning2.0212 绿地系统 green space system2.0213 公共绿地定额 public green space quota2.0214 公共绿地指标 public green space norm2.0215 绿地布局 green space layout2.0216 吸引圈 attractive circle2.0217 吸引距离 attractive distance2.0218 有效半径 effective radius2.0219 绿地资源 green space resource2.0220 绿地效果 green space effect2.0221 绿地规划程序 planning procedure of the green space2.0222 空间规划 space planning2.0223 形象规划 image plan2.0224 实施规划 implementary plan2.0225 必要生活空间 necessary living space2.0226 余暇生活空间 leisure time living space2.0227 利用频度 usage frequency2.0228 树种规划 planning of trees and shrubs2.0229 绿地类型 type of green space2.0230 环状绿型 annular green space2.0231 块状绿地 green plot2.0232 点状绿地 green spot2.0233 放射状绿地 radiate green space2.0234 楔状绿地 wedge-shaped green space2.0235 缓冲绿地 buffer green space2.0236 防音绿地 noiseproof green space2.0237 科学景观论 scientific landscape theory2.0238 园林保留地 reserve garden2.0239 公园规划 park planning2.0240 园林总体规划 garden master planning2.0241 总平面规划 site planning2.0242 园林分区 garden zoning2.0243 安静休息区 tranquil rest area2.0244 儿童活动区 children playing space2.0245 儿童游戏场 children playground, playlot2.0246 体育运动区 sports activities area2.0247 野餐区 picnic place2.0248 散步区 pedestrian space2.0249 群众集会区mass meeting square2.0250 观赏植物区ornamental plants area2.0251 观赏温室区display greenhouse area, display conservatory area 2.0252 草坪区 lawn space2.0253 绿荫区 shade tree section2.0254 历史古迹区 historical relics area2.0255 青少年活动区 youngsters activities area 2.0256 诱鸟区 bird sanctuary area2.0257 钓鱼区 fishing center2.0258 野营区 camp site2.0259 游人中心 visitors center2.0260 服务中心 service center2.0261 探险游乐场 adventure ground2.0262 文化活动区 cultural activities area2.0263 道路系统 approach system, road system2.0264 环形道路系统 circular road system2.0265 方格形道路系统 latticed road system2.0266 放射形道路系统 radiate road system2.0267 自然式道路系统 informal road system2.0268 规整式道路系统 formal road system2.0269 混合式道路系统 mixed style road system2.0270 园林规划图 garden planning map2.0271 园林规划说明书 garden planning direction 2.0272 城市公园系统 urban park system2.0273 公园分布 distribution of parks2.0274 公园类型 park type, park category2.0275 公园间距 distance between parks2.0276 公园形式 park styles2.0277 游览区 excursion area, open-to-public area 2.0278 非游览区 no-admittance area2.0279 办公区 administrative area2.0280 服务区 service center2.0281 动休息区 dynamic rest space2.0282 静休息区 static rest space2.0283 娱乐演出区 entertaining performance place 2.0284 主要入口 main entrance2.0285 次要入口 secondary entrance2.0286 人流量 visitors flowrate2.0287 车流量 vehicle flowrate2.0288 公园道路 park road2.0289 公园水陆面积比率land-water ratio2.0290 游人容纳量 visitors capacity2.0291 风景资源调查landscape resource uation2.0292 风景学 scenicology2.0293 风景规划 landscape plan2.0294 风景设计 landscape design2.0295 游览路线 touring route2.0296 旅游资源 tourism resource2.0297 旅游地理 tourism geography2.0298 旅游地质 tourism geology2.0299 历史名城 famous historical city2.0300 文化名城 famous cultural city2.0301 文化遗址 ancient cultural relic2.0302 天然博物馆 natural open museum2.0303 风景地貌 natural geomorphology2.0304 造型地貌 imaginative geomorphologic figuration2.0305 风景区 scenic spot, scenic area2.0306 风景名胜 famous scenery, famous scenic site2.0307 特异景观风景区specific natural scenes area2.0308 民族风俗风景区scenic spot of minority customs2.0309 高山风景区 alpine scenic spot2.0310 海滨风景区 seabeach scenic spot2.0311 森林风景区 forest scenic spot2.0312 高山草甸风景区alpine tundra landscape spot2.0313 峡谷风景区 valley scenic spot2.0314 江河风景区 river landscape district2.0315 湖泊风景区 lake round scenic spot2.0316 温泉风景区 hot spring scenic spot2.0317 瀑布风景区 waterfall scenic spot2.0318 禁伐禁猎区 region forbidden to tree cutting and hunting 2.0319 封山育林区 region closed for afforestation2.0320 天池风景区 crater lake scenic spot2.0321 自然保护区 nature protection area2.0322 科学保护区 protection area for scientific research2.0323 天然纪念物 natural monument2.0324 生物圈保护区 biosphere protection area。

green building 外文文献翻译

green building 外文文献翻译

外文文献:Green buildingGreen building (also known as green construction or sustainable building) refers to a structure and using process that is environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building's life-cycle: from sitting to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and demolition. This requires close cooperation of the design team, the architects, the engineers, and the client at all project stages. The Green Building practice expands and complements the classical building design concerns of economy, utility, durability, and comfort.Although new technologies are constantly being developed to complement current practices in creating greener structures, the common objective is that green buildings are designed to reduce the overall impact of the built environment on human health and the natural environment by:Efficiently using energy, water, and other resourcesProtecting occupant health and improving employee productivityReducing waste, pollution and environmental degradationA similar concept is natural building, which is usually on a smaller scale and tends to focus on the use of natural materials that are available locally. Other related topics include sustainable design and green architecture. Sustainability may be defined as meeting the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Although some green building programs don't address the issue of the retrofitting existing homes, others do. Green construction principles can easily be applied to retrofit work as well as new construction.A 2009 report by the U.S. General Services Administration found 12 sustainably designed buildings cost less to operate and have excellent energy performance. In addition, occupants were more satisfied with the overall building than those in typical commercial buildings.Green building practices aim to reduce the environmental impact of buildings, so the very first rule is: the greenest building is the building that doesn't get built. New construction almost always degrades a building site, so not building is preferable to building. The second rule is: every building should be as small as possible. The third rule is: do not contribute to sprawl (the tendency for cities to spread out in a disordered fashion). No matter how much grass you put onyour roof, no matter how many energy-efficient windows, etc., you use, if you 1 contribute to sprawl, you've just defeated your purpose. Urban infill sites are preferable to suburban "Greenfield" sites.Buildings account for a large amount of land. According to the National Resources Inventory, approximately 107 million acres (430,000 km2) of land in the United States are developed. The International Energy Agency released a publication that estimated that existing buildings are responsible for more than 40% of the world’s total primary energy consumption and for 24% of global carbon dioxide emissions.The concept of sustainable development can be traced to the energy (especially fossil oil) crisis and the environment pollution concern in the 1970s. The green building movement in the U.S. originated from the need and desire for more energy efficient and environmentally friendly construction practices. There are a number of motives for building green, including environmental, economic, and social benefits. However, modern sustainability initiatives call for an integrated and synergistic design to both new construction and in theretrofiring of existing structures. Also known as sustainable design, this approach integrates the building life-cycle with each green practice employed with a design-purpose to create a synergy among the practices used.Green building brings together a vast array of practices, techniques, and skills to reduce and ultimately eliminate the impacts of buildings on the environment and human health. It often emphasizes taking advantage resources, e.g., using sunlight through passive solar, active solar, and photovoltaic techniques and using plants and trees through green roofs, rain gardens, and reduction of rainwater run-off. Many other techniques are used, such as using wood as a building material, or using packed gravel or permeable concrete instead of conventional concrete or asphalt to enhance replenishment of ground water.While the practices, or technologies, employed in green building are constantly evolving and may differ from region to region, fundamental principles persist from which the method is derived: Sitting and Structure Design Efficiency, Energy Efficiency, Water Efficiency, Materials Efficiency, Indoor Environmental Quality Enhancement, Operations and Maintenance Optimization, and Waste and Toxics Reduction. The essence of green building is an optimizationof one or more of these principles. Also, with the proper synergistic design, individual green building technologies may work together to produce a greater cumulative effect.On the aesthetic side of green architecture or sustainable design is the philosophy of designing a building that is in harmony with the natural features and resources surrounding the site. There are several key steps in designing sustainable buildings: specify 'green' building materials from local sources, reduce loads, optimize systems, and generate on-site renewable energy.The foundation of any construction project is rooted in the concept and design stages. The concept stage, in fact, is one of the major steps in a project life cycle, as it has the largest impact on cost and performance. In designing environmentally optimal buildings, the objective is to minimize the total environmental impact associated with all life-cycle stages of the building project. However, building as a process is not as streamlined as an industrial process, and varies from one building to the other, never repeating itself identically. In addition, buildings are much more complex products, composed of a multitude of materials and components each constituting various design variables to be decided at the design stage. A variation of every design variable may affect the environment during all the building's relevant life-cycle stages.Green buildings often include measures to reduce energy consumption – both the embodied energy required to extract, process, transport and install building materials and operating energy to provide services such as heating and power for equipment.As high-performance buildings use less operating energy, embodied energy has assumed much greater importance – and may make up as much as 30% of the overall life cycle energy consumption. Studies such as the U.S. LCI Database Project show buildings built primarily with wood will have a lower embodied energy than those built primarily with brick, concrete or steel.To reduce operating energy use, designers use details that reduce air leakage through the building envelope (the barrier between conditioned and unconditioned space). They also specify high-performance windows and extra insulation in walls, ceilings, and floors. Another strategy, passive solar building design, is often implemented in low-energy homes. Designers orient windows and walls and place awnings, porches, and trees to shade windows and roofs during the summer while maximizing solar gain in the winter. In addition, effective window placement(daylighting) can provide more natural light and lessen the need for electric lighting during the day.Onsite generation of renewable energy through solar power, wind power, hydro power, or biomass can significantly reduce the environmental impact of the building. Power generation is generally the most expensive feature to add to a building.Reducing water consumption and protecting water quality are key objectives in sustainable building. One critical issue of water consumption is that in many areas, the demands on the supplying aquifer exceed its ability to replenish itself. To the maximum extent feasible, facilities should increase their dependence on water that is collected, used, purified, and reused on-site. The protection and conservation of water throughout the life of a building may be accomplished by designing for dual plumbing that recycles water in toilet flushing. Waste-water may be minimized by utilizing water conserving fixtures such as ultra-low flush toilets and low-flow shower heads. Bidets help eliminate the use of toilet paper, reducing sewer traffic and increasing possibilities of re-using water on-site. Point of use water treatment and heating improves both water quality and energy efficiency while reducing the amount of water in circulation. The use of non-sewage and grey water for on-site use such as site-irrigation will minimize demands on the local aquifer.Building materials typically considered to be 'green' include lumber from forests that have been certified to a third-party forest standard, rapidly renewable plant materials like bamboo and straw, dimension stone, recycled stone, recycled metal (see: copper sustainability and recyclability), and other products that are non-toxic, reusable, renewable, and/or recyclable (e.g., Trass, Linoleum, sheep wool, panels made from paper flakes, compressed earth block, adobe, baked earth, rammed earth, clay, vermiculite, flax linen, sisal, sea grass, cork, expanded clay grains, coconut, wood fibre plates, calcium sand stone, concrete (high and ultra high performance, roman self-healing concrete, etc.) The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) also suggests using recycled industrial goods, such as coal combustion products, foundry sand, and demolition debris in construction projects Building materials should be extracted and manufactured locally to the building site to minimize the energy embedded in their transportation. Where possible, building elements should be manufactured off-site and delivered to site, to maximise benefits of off-site manufacture including minimising waste, maximising recycling (because manufacture isin one location), high quality elements, better OHS management, less noise and dust. Energy efficient building materials and appliances are promoted in the United States through energy rebate programs, which are increasingly communicated to consumers through energy rebate database services such as GreenOhm.The Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) category in LEED standards, one of the five environmental categories, was created to provide comfort, well-being, and productivity of occupants. The LEED IEQ category addresses design and construction guidelines especially: indoor air quality (IAQ), thermal quality, and lighting quality.Indoor Air Quality seeks to reduce volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, and other air impurities such as microbial contaminants. Buildings rely on a properly designed ventilation system (passively/naturally or mechanically powered) to provide adequate ventilation of cleaner air from outdoors or recirculated, filtered air as well as isolated operations (kitchens, dry cleaners, etc.) from other occupancies. During the design and construction process choosing construction materials and interior finish products with zero or low VOC emissions will improve IAQ. Most building materials and cleaning/maintenance products emit gases, some of them toxic, such as many VOCs including formaldehyde. These gases can have a detrimental impact on occupants' health, comfort, and productivity. Avoiding these products will increase a building's IEQ. LEED. HQE and Green Star contain specifications on use of low-emitting interior. Draft LEED 2012 is about to expand the scope of the involved products. BREEA Mlimits formaldehyde emissions, no other VOCs.Also important to indoor air quality is the control of moisture accumulation (dampness) leading to mold growth and the presence of bacteria and viruses as well as dust mites and other organisms and microbiological concerns. Water intrusion through a building's envelope or water condensing on cold surfaces on the building's interior can enhance and sustain microbial growth.A well-insulated and tightly sealed envelope will reduce moisture problems but adequate ventilation is also necessary to eliminate moisture from sources indoors including human metabolic processes, cooking, bathing, cleaning, and other activities.Personal temperature and airflow control over the HVAC system coupled with a properly designed building envelope will also aid in increasing a building's thermal quality. Creating ahigh performance luminous environment through the careful integration of daylight and electrical light sources will improve on the lighting quality and energy performance of a structure.Solid wood products, particularly flooring, are often specified in environments where occupants are known to have allergies to dust or other particulates. Wood itself is considered to be hypo-allergenic and its smooth surfaces prevent the buildup of particles common in soft finishes like carpet. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of American recommends hardwood, vinyl, linoleum tile or slate flooring instead of carpet. The use of wood products can also improve air quality by absorbing or releasing moisture in the air to moderate humidity.No matter how sustainable a building may have been in its design and construction, it can only remain so if it is operated responsibly and maintained properly. Ensuring operations and maintenance(O&M) personnel are part of the project's planning and development process will help retain the green criteria designed at the onset of the project. Every aspect of green building is integrated into the O&M phase of a building's life. The addition of new green technologies also falls on the O&M staff. Although the goal of waste reduction may be applied during the design, construction and demolition phases of a building's life-cycle, it is in the O&M phase that green practices such as recycling and air quality enhancement take place. Waste reduction Green architecture also seeks to reduce waste of energy, water and materials used during construction. For example, in California nearly 60% of the state's waste comes from commercial buildings. During the construction phase, one goal should be to reduce the amount of material going to landfills. Well-designed buildings also help reduce the amount of waste generated by the occupants as well, by providing on-site solutions such as compost bins to reduce matter going to landfills.To reduce the amount of wood that goes to landfill, Neutral Alliance (a coalition of government, NGOs and the forest industry) created the website . The site includes a variety of resources for regulators, municipalities, developers, contractors, owner/operators and individuals/homeowners looking for information on wood recycling.When buildings reach the end of their useful life, they are typically demolished and hauled to landfills. Deconstruction is a method of harvesting what is commonly considered "waste" and reclaiming it into useful building material. Extending the useful life of a structure also reduceswaste – building materials such as wood that are light and easy to work with make renovations easier.To reduce the impact on wells or water treatment plants, several options exist. "Grey water", wastewater from sources such as dishwashing or washing machines, can be used for subsurface irrigation, or if treated, for non-potable purposes, e.g., to flush toilets and wash cars. Rainwater collectors are used for similar purposes.Centralized wastewater treatment systems can be costly and use a lot of energy. An alternative to this process is converting waste and wastewater into fertilizer, which avoids these costs and shows other benefits. By collecting human waste at the source and running it to a semi-centralized biogas plant with other biological waste, liquid fertilizer can be produced. This concept was demonstrated by a settlement in Lubeck Germany in the late 1990s. Practices like these provide soil with organic nutrients and create carbon sinks that remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, offsetting greenhouse gas emission. Producing artificial fertilizer is also more costly in energy than this process.中文译文:绿色建筑绿色建筑(也被称为绿色建筑或可持续建筑)是指一个结构和使用的过程,是对环境负责和资源节约型整个建筑物的循环生活:从选址到设计,施工,运行,维护,改造和拆迁。



绿色建筑外文翻译参考文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)原文:DOCTORAL FORUMNA TIONAL JOURNAL FOR PUBLISHING AND MENTORING DOCTORAL STUDENT RESEARCHVOLUME 7, NUMBER 1, 2010Green buildingsPriscilla D. JohnsonPhD Student in Educational LeadershipWhitlowe R. Green College of EducationPrairie View A&M UniversityPrairie View, TexasWilliam Allan Kritsonis, PhDProfessor and Faculty MentorPhD Program in Educational LeadershipWhitlowe R. Green College of EducationPrairie View A&M UniversityMember of the Texas A&M University SystemPrairie View, TexasHall of Honor (2008)William H. Parker Leadership Academy, Graduate SchoolPrairie View A&M UniversityMember of the Texas A&M University SystemPrairie View, TexasVisiting Lecturer (2005)Oxford Round TableUniversity of OxfordOxford, EnglandDistinguished Alumnus (2004)College of Education and Professional StudiesCentral Washington UniversityEllensberg, WashingtonAbstract: Green building refers to do its best to maximize conservation of resources (energy, land, water, and wood),protecting the environment and reduce pollution in its life cycle. Provide people with healthy, appropriate and efficient use of space, and nature in harmony symbiosis buildings. I described more details of gree n building design’ notion, green building’ design, as well as the significance of the concept of green building and improve the effectiveness analysis of the external effects of green building measures,Key words: green buildings; protect the ecology; signification ; analysing the effects1 What is a green buildingGreen building refers to building life cycle, the maximum conservation of resources (energy, land, water and materials), protecting the environment and reduce pollution, provide people with health, application and efficient use of space, and nature harmony of the building. The so-called green building "green" does not mean a general sense of three-dimensional green, roof garden, but represents a concept or symbol, refers to building environmentally friendly, make full use of natural resources, environment and basic ecological damage to the environment without balance of a building under construction, but also known as sustainable building, eco-building, back into the wild construction, energy saving construction.Green building interior layout is very reasonable, to minimize the use of synthetic materials, full use of the sun, saving energy for the residents Chuangzao almost-natural feeling.People, architecture and the natural environment for the harmonious development goals,in the use of natural and artificial means to create good conditions and healthy living environment, as much as possible to control and reduce the use and destruction of the natural environment, to fully reflect the nature obtain and return balance.2, the meaning of green buildingThe basic connotation of green building can be summarized as: to reduce the load on the environment architecture, which save energy and resources; provide a safe, healthy, comfortable living space with good; affinity with the natural environment, so that people and building a harmonious coexistence with the environment and sustainable development.3 Development of the significance of green building rating systemEstablish green building rating system is a revolution in the field of architecture and the Enlightenment, its far more than energy savings. It is innovative in many ways and organic synthesis, thereby building in harmony with nature, full utilization of resources and energy, create healthy, comfortable and beautiful living space. It's revolutionary for the field of architecture from the technical, social and economic angles.3.1 Technical SignificanceGreen building study of early technical problems of individual-based, technology is isolated and one-sided, not formed an organic whole, the integration of design and economic study of consciousness is far from the only strategy of economic analysis phase of the subsidiary's knowledge . However, individual technical research results of early modern green building techniques for the multi-dimensional development and systems integration will lay a solid foundation. Since the nineties of the 20th century, with the understanding of green building gradually deepen and mature, people give up way too utopian thinking He alone environmental consciousness and moral constraints and spontaneous green behavior, turned to explore more workable environmental philosophy, environmental and capital combined into the future world the new direction of development of environmental protection, green building has entered a result of ecological ethics from the practice of promoting ecological research to deepen the new stage. Green Building Technology takes on the natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, computer science, information science and other subjects the trend of integration of research results, making green building design into the multi-dimensional stage of development strategy study. The deepening of green building technology strategy and development in materials, equipment, morphology, etc various advanced fields, in technology development, technology and other design elements of the integration is also starting from the past the simple addition, more attention to the periphery of the retaining structure itself design technology and architecture to combine the overall system change, gradually becoming green building systems. Green building rating system was established green building technologies gradually improve and systematize the inevitable result, it is the organic integration of green building technology, a platform built to green building technology, information technology, computer technology and many other subjects can be a unified platform in their respective roles, the establishment of a comprehensive evaluation system for designers, planners, engineers and managers a more than ever, a more simple, Guizhangmingque green building assessment tools and design guidelines.3.2 The social significance.Green building rating system reflects the social significance of the main advocates of the newway of life, heightened awareness and public participation in the continuation of local culture are two aspects.To promote a healthy lifestyle. Green building rating system, the social significance of the primary advocate a healthy lifestyle, which is based on the design and construction of green buildings as a community education process. The principles of green building rating system is the effective use of resources and ecological rules to follow, based on the health of building space to create and maintain sustainable development. The concept of the past to correct people's misconceptions about consumer lifestyles, that can not blindly pursue material luxury, but should keep the environment under the premise of sustainable use of modest comfort to pursue life. From the fundamental terms, construction is to meet human needs built up of material goods as people's Wenhuayishi Name and lifestyle is not sustainable when, the value of green building itself will be reduced, but only had a real social need When the requirements of sustainable development and way of life that matches the green building to achieve the best results.Enhanced awareness of public participation. Green Building Rating system is not a monopoly for the design staff of professional tools, but for planners, designers, engineers, managers, developers, property owners, jointly owned by the public and other assessment tools. It broke the previous professional development of the monopoly to encourage the participation of the public and other public officers. Through public participation, the introduction of architects and other building users, the construction of dialogue participants, making the original design process dominated by the architect becomes more open. Proved the involvement of various views and a good help to create a dynamic culture, embody social justice community.3.3 The economic significance.Green building rating system, the economic significance can be divided into macro and micro levels. At the macro level, the green building rating system from the system life-cycle perspective, the green building design integrated into the economic issues involved in the production from the building materials, design, construction, operation, resource use, waste disposal, recycling of demolition until the natural resources the whole process. Economic considerations of green building is no longer limited to the design process itself, while the policy extended to the design of the narrow role to play to support the policy level, including the establishment of "green labeling" system, improving the construction environmental audit and management system, increase and construction-related energy consumption, pollutant emissions and other acts of tax efforts, improve the legal system of environmental protection, from the increase in government construction projects on the sustainability of economic support and raise the cost to the construction of polluting the environment acts as the costs for green buildings design and construction to create a favorable external environment. This goal is not entirely the responsibility of government agencies, as the architects involved in design work as a sound system of responsibility for recommendations obligations, because only the most from the practice of the need is real and urgent. The related policy issues in green building design strategies, building a system to solve the economic problems facing the important aspects. At the micro level, the current from the economic point of Design Strategy is more fully consider the economic operation of the project, and specific technical strategies accordingly adjusted.3.4 Ethical Significance.Green building rating system, the theoretical basis of the concept of sustainable development, therefore, whether the evaluation system of each country how much difference in structure, they all have one thing in common: reduce the burden of ecological environment, improve construction quality of the environment for future generations to remain the development of there is room. This radically change the long-sought human blindly to the natural attitude, reflecting people's understanding of the relationship between man and nature by the opposition to the uniform change. According to the current global energy reserves and resources distribution, the Earth's natural environment is also far from the edge of exhaustion, enough people enjoy the luxury of contemporary material life. But now we have to consume a resource, it means that future generations will be less of a living space. More importantly, if we consume the natural environment more than it can limit self-renewal, then the future of the younger generation is facing the planet's ecosystems can not recover the risk into a real crisis. Therefore we can say, the development of green buildings and their corresponding evaluation system, for more contemporary people is the responsibility and obligations. For more the interests of future generations and advantages. 4 green building designGreen building design include the following:Saving energy: full use of solar energy, using energy-efficient building envelope and heating and air conditioning, reducing heating and air conditioning use. Set according to the principle of natural ventilation cooling system that allows efficient use of building to the dominant wind direction in summer. Adapted to local climatic conditions, building use form and general layout of the plane.Resource conservation: in the building design, construction and selection of construction materials, are considered fair use and disposal of resources. To reduce the use of resources, strive to make the use of renewable resources. Conserve water resources, including water conservation and greening.Return to Nature: Green Building exterior to emphasize integration with the surrounding environment, harmony, movement complement each other so that the protection of natural ecological environment.5 Effect of green building5.1 Effect of the composition of green buildingEffect of green building, including internal effects and external effects, direct benefits and direct costs as the internal effect, known as the indirect benefits and indirect costs of external effects, according to engineering economics point of view: the internal effects can be financial evaluation, external effects should be economic evaluation, economic evaluation is based on the so-called rational allocation of scarce resources and socio-economic principles of sustainable development, from the perspective of the overall national economy, study projects spending of social resources and contributions to the community to evaluate the project's economic and reasonable and external effects generally include Industry Effects, environmental and ecological effects, technology diffusion effect, the external effect will cause the private costs (internal costs or indirect costs) and social costs inconsistent, leading to the actual price is different from the best price. From the perspective of sustainable development,green building assessment effects of the main indicators of external effects.Since beginning the development of green building, unity of quantitative indicators system is still not established, I believe that the following aspects should be analyzed: (1) strictly control the construction industry, size, limit the number of employees. Extensive growth model epitomized by the struggle over the construction project, the construction process using human wave tactics, once the state limit the scale of construction, will form the "adequate", which will not reduce the degree of mechanization, labor, the low level. (2) more investments in technology, upgrade technology, establish and perfect the mechanism for scientific and technical equipment. Focus on the development and application of building technology, combined with the project, the characteristics of future construction, a planned way scientific and technological research and development of new machinery, new processes, new materials, and actively introduce, absorb and assimilate the advanced scientific and technological achievements of science and technology to improve the level of mechanization.(3) in urban planning, survey and design through the "green building" ideas. Family housing and urban construction or alteration must remain in the room, from lighting, ventilation, drainage and so control the damage to the environment. (4) construction work, reduced resource consumption, the production process in construction, energy saving measures should be adopted to prevent the excessive consumption of land resources, water resources, power resources.5.2 External effects of the challenges to building the economyUnder the control of the government's intervention, to a certain extent on the efficient allocation of resources to strengthen the implementation of energy conservation mandatory standards for construction supervision. To further improve the building energy monitoring system, and strengthen the mandatory building energy efficiency standards in order to carry out the implementation of the project as the main content of the whole process of monitoring, particularly for large public buildings to enhance the building energy regulation, reflected in the project cost on the part of the Waibu costs into internal costs, making the "non-green building" project's internal costs, internal efficiency and reduce the external costs of green building, the external efficiency increase, so that effective economic resources to the rational flow of green building.6 to improve the external effects of green building measuresEnterprise architecture in the new economy to obtain a competitive advantage, improve the external effects only continually tap the ways and means to improve the external efficiency, reduce external costs, the basic ideas and principles: (1) Construction of natural resources in the life cycle and minimize energy consumption; (2) reducing building life cycle emissions; (3) protect the ecological (natural) environment; (4) to form a healthy, comfortable and safe indoor space; (5) the quality of construction, functionality, performance and environmental unity.Summarydescribed above, the meaning of green building design and analysis of its effectiveness and improve the external effects of green building measures. But how does the future design of green buildings need a degree in practice we try to figure out, I believe that green buildingwill become the future construction of a trend.译文:博士生论坛国家期刊出版和指导博士生研究第7卷,第1号,2010绿色建筑Priscilla D. Johnson博士生教育领导Whitlowe R.绿色教育学院普雷里维尤A&M大学普雷里维尤,德州William Allan Kritsonis博士——教授和教师导师博士课程教育领导Whitlowe R.绿色教育学院普雷里维尤A&M大学会员德克萨斯州A&M大学普雷里维尤,德州荣誉殿堂(2008)威廉H. Parker的领导学院,研究生院普雷里维尤A&M大学会员德克萨斯州A&M大学普雷里维尤,德州客座讲师(2005年)牛津圆桌会议牛津大学英国牛津杰出校友(2004)教育学院及专业课程中央华盛顿大学埃伦斯堡,华盛顿摘要:绿色建筑是指尽力最大限度地节约资源(能源、土地、水、木)、保护环境,减少污染在它的生命周期。



园林学landscape architecture,garden architecture 园林garden and park绿化greening,planting城市绿化urban greening,urban planting城市绿地urban green space公园绿地public park公园park儿童公园children park动物园zoo植物园botanical garden墓园cemetery garden盆景园penjng garden,miniature landscape盲人公园park for the blind花园garden历史名园historical garden and park风景名胜公园famous scenic park纪念公园memorial park街旁绿地roadside green space带状公园linear park专类公园theme park岩石园rock garden社区公园community park生产绿地productive plantation area防护绿地green buffer,green area for environmental protection 附属绿地attached green space居住绿地green space attached to housing estate,residential green space道路绿地green space attached to urban road and square屋顶花园roof garden立体绿化vertical planting风景林地scenic forest land城市绿地系统urban green space system城市绿地系统规划urban green space system planning 绿化覆盖面积green coverage绿化覆盖率percentage of greenery coverage绿地率greening rate,ratio of green space绿带green belt楔形绿地green wedge城市绿线boundary line of urban green space园林史landscape history,garden history古典园林classical garden囿hunting park苑imperial park皇家园林royal garden私家园林private garden寺庙园林monastery garden园林艺术garden art相地site investigation造景landscaping借景borrowed scencry,view borrowing园林意境poetic imagcry of garden透景线perspective line盆景miniature landscape,penjing插花flower arrangement季相seasonal appearance of plant园林规划garden planning,landscaping planning园林布局garden layout园林设计garden design公园最大游人量maximum visitors capacity in park 地形设计topographical design园路设计garden path design种植设计planting design孤植specimen planting,isolated planting对植Opposite planting,coupled planting列植linear planting群植group planting,mass planting园林植物landscape plant观赏植物ornamental plant古树名木historical tree and famous wood species 地被植物ground cover plant攀缘植物climbing plant,climber温室植物greenhouse plant花卉flowering plant行道树avenue tree,street tree草坪lawn绿篱hedge花篱flower hedge花境flower border人工植物群落man-made planting habitat园林建筑garden building园林小品small garden ornaments园廊veranda,gallery,colonnade水榭waterside pavilion舫boat house园亭garden pavilion,pavilion园台platform月洞门moon gate花架pergola,trellis园林楹联couplet written on scroll,couplet on pillar 园林匾额bian'e in garden园林工程garden engineering绿化工程plant engineering大树移植big tree transplanting假植heeling in,temporary planting基础种植foundation planting种植成活率ratio of living tree适地适树planting according to the environment 造型修剪topiary园艺horticulture假山rockwork,artificial hill置石stone arrangement,stone layout掇山piled stone hill,hill making塑山man-made rock work园林理水water system layout in garden驳岸revetment in garden喷泉fountain风景名胜区landscape and famous scenery国家重点风景名胜区national park of China风景名胜区规划landscape and famous scenery planning 风景名胜famous scenery,famous scenic site风景资源scenery resource景物view,feature景点feature spot,view spot景区scenic zone景观landscape,scenery游览线touring route环境容量environmental capacity国家公园national park。

外文翻译 园林设计

外文翻译   园林设计

外文资料翻译Shady Attia.The role of landscape design in improving the microclimate in traditional courtyard-buildings in hot arid climates[C].PLEA2006 - The 23rd Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Geneva, Switzerland,2006,6-8.英文原文(节选)AbstractArab Islamic landscape design forms a unique source of inspiration for landscapearchitecture in barren open spaces in the Middle East. Arab Islamic gardens adopted a systemmarked by perfect responsiveness to the environment. The design of urban landscapes and gardens in Arab Islamic culture was similarly guided by the dictation of aridity. The need to provide shade, to prevent dust and to conserve water meant that urban open spaces and gardens were sheltered and enclosed. Alhambra in Moorish Spain and the Al-Suhaymi House in Islamic Cairo are two useful historical references for vernacular Islamic landscape designs. This paper presents an overview of landscape design considerations for the composition of vegetation and water and initial observations of their influence in controlling and improving the microclimate in courtyard buildings as a way of passive cooling in the Middle East region. This paper is a part of a Master’s thesis in the field of passive landscape strategies at Wageningen University. The objective is to identify the comfort improvements potential of successfully-planned and integrated landscape design in traditional courtyard buildings. The layout and plant material of Alhambra, Generalife courts and Al-Suhaymi court in Islamic Cairo are examined and evaluated. This study demonstrates that in arid environments, the landscape planning, the composition of vegetation and water and choice of planting material all have important consequences in creating thermally-pleasant environments.1. INTRODUCTIONIn most Islamic designs, the role of landscape design is highly appreciated. In examining traditional courtyard gardens, it is clear that the role of urban landscape design was not only restricted to a purely ornamental or theological function. It was additionally used to control and improve the microclimate around and inside the building. This paper attempts to present the role of landscape in traditional Islamic garden courtyards by analysing the design characteristics of Al Suhaymi house courtyards in Cairo and the layout of three courtyard gardens in Alhambra and Generalife palaces in Granada, Spain. Some physical parametermeasurements regarding temperature and humidity were made, in addition to a shade study. In fact, shades in courtyard-buildings were insufficient in improving the microclimate during hot summers. Therefore, vegetation and water were used to compensate for the lack of improvement provided by the shade.2. AL SUHAYMI HOUSE:Bayt al Suhaymi is one of the most important examples of a Cairene traditional courtyard house representing the Islamic landscape design around the 16th and 17th centuries. This house stands in El Darb EL Asfar alley and is directly located off the famous Fatimid street called El Moez street. The house witnessed several building phases before reaching its final layout, which covers 2000 square meters and includes 115 spaces distributed on five levels. The house is marked by perfect responsiveness to the environment and contains architectural elements of the traditional Cairean house. The bent entrance, which assures privacy to the house, leads to an inner courtyard surrounded by rooms and is overlooked by a maqaad (a roofed balcony facing the cool northern breeze) and a takhtaboosh (a space annexed by the court for receiving male visitors during the summer).2.1 The House layoutBy analysing the Al Suhaimy house layout, we find that this house layout was based on creating a passive ventilation system in order to ameliorate the microclimate. The passive ventilation system was created by locating two inner courtyards with two different pressures within the house. The north courtyard (Fig. 1c), called the rear garden, was a large open space and was meant to have low surrounding walls in order to keep the space sunny and relatively hot. The rear garden was designed to occupy 28 percent of the total plot area of the house with a 2.6:1.3:0.5 ratio (l:w:h). On the other hand, the south courtyard (Fig. 1b), simply called the courtyard, was a rectangular courtyard covering only 200 square meters and was designed to occupy only 10 percent of the total house area with a 1.8:1:1.3 ratio (l:w:h).This passive ventilation design solution is confirmed by comparing the shade in the rear garden to the courtyard. During winter (21 December, 2:00 p.m.) I found that the amount of shade in the rear garden was more than 53% compared to 100% in the courtyard space. During summer (21 June, 2:00 pm), the amount of shade in the rear garden is more than 12% compared to 40% in the courtyard space . Moreover, measurements have proved that when temperatures rise in the rear garden of the Al Suhaymi house, the air flows against the north prevailing wind directions during most daily hours. The wind flows from the south entrance, passing the courtyard and then into the takhtaboosh, with wind speeds of 1.3 m/s, and finally reaching the rear garden . On the other hand, during the stillness of the previously mentionedwind movement, the prevailing wind flows from the rear garden when the sun drops down after noon through the takhtaboosh to the courtyard with wind speeds reaching 0.7 m/s.2.2 Landscape design in Al Suhaymi house:Based on the previous design theory, we find that the role of landscape architecture in this design was essential. By analysing the plan, we find that the landscape design aimed to emphasize the passive ventilation in the Al Suhaymi house. The Islamic landscape design considerations for the composition of vegetation and water included the following environmental-responsive design principals:Quadripartite layoutReferences to the quadripartite design occurred more than once in the Koran; therefore, Islamic gardens adopted the geometrical and often symmetrical layout. Planning the layout was based on creating two axes perpendicularly crossing each other in the middle. The quadripartite layout was also considered as an environmental landscape design principle because the axes were planned as narrow water canals or walkways while the left rectangles were planted or used as water ponds. The quadripartite layout assured a combination between plant materials, water and pavement in courtyards, all of which improved the microclimate in the buildings.In the Al Suhaymi house, the courtyard had a quadripartite layout with slightly raised narrow walkways leading to the focal fountain at the centre of the courtyard. The walkways created four relatively large planted rectangular shapes , while the rear garden had two different planned layouts. The left part of the garden followed a quadripartite layout, while the right part of the garden had circular planning with a well in the centre. The quadripartite design helped the designer to manipulate the site and create a variety for the water, vegetation and pavement composition.Use of waterThe Al Suhaymi house had a focal fountain in the courtyard and some other fountains in the halls. The focal fountain was located at the centre of the courtyard. Next, a water wheel in the north-east corner of the house supported the fountains and house dweller with water. Using the fountain inside the courtyards helped to create a cold air reservoir, in addition to humidifying Cairo’s dry air. Using the fountains in the halls also helped in soothing the internal climate of the halls, reflecting the importance of having elements from the natural environment, such as water inside the house.Vegetation and shadeThe courtyard and rear garden were both planted, but to serve the passive ventilationconcept and create a relatively hot open area, the rear garden was mainly paved and planted with some flowers, medicinal herbs and palms. On the other hand, the courtyard was mainly planted with ground covers, evergreen trees and fruitful trees to provide maximum shade for the ground within the inner courtyard walls . Moreover, greenery inside the courtyard and rear garden absorbed dust and dirt in the atmosphere in addition to reducing the amount of glare. This study measured the differences in temperature between the planted courtyard and the house roof and it was found that the temperature was between 4oC to 7oC lower in the planted courtyard. Furthermore, by comparing the relative humidity in the house inner courtyard with El Darb EL Asfar alley, the humidity in the house inner courtyard ranged between 11 to 19 percent lower than in the alley.Walls and pavilionsIn the Koran, paradise is described as an enclosed garden, surrounded by “walls” and accessible through “gates”. In Al Suhaymi House, the courtyard was surrounded with thick high walls to achieve protection from the hot, dusty, and noisy environment, and to provide a refreshing shade and cool air, all of which are essential for human comfort. Moreover, the rear garden was surrounded by low walls in order to minimize shade and to create a hot open space. The surrounding walls of Al Suhaymi gardens are considered as part of an environmental landscape design element of the Islamic garden.译文摘要阿拉伯伊斯兰园林设计的独特灵感源于中东地区的贫瘠而又开放的景观空间。



美术系毕业论文外文文献翻译译文题目:The City And View Space Environment Design学生姓名:专业:指导教师:20 年 5 月 10 日The city and view space environment design[Abstract]:Need not to doubt, the view design is an art, it has inevitable contact with of other art forms.The modern view designs from the first, absorbing abundant formlanguage from the modern art.For look for the designer of the form glossary whocan express current science,technique and mankind to realize an activity to say, theart lifts doubtless。

Provide the most directly the most abundant source. [Keywords]:The ecosystem building / the view constructThe view design and artNeed not to doubt, the view design is an art, it has inevitable contact with of other art forms.The modern view designs from the first, absorbing abundant form language from the modern art.For look for the designer of the form glossary who can express currentscience,technique and mankind to realize an activity to say, the art provided the most directly the most abundant source doubtless. From the stereoscopic doctrine,surrealism,the style parties,the composing doctrine of modern art earlier period, to later pole Chien's art,wave art, each kind of art current of thought and the art forms all provide and can draw lessons from for the view designer of the art thought and the form language. Today, the concept of[with] art has already taken place very big variety, "beautiful" no longer is the purpose of[with] art and adjudicate an art of standard.The art form pile up one after another, the pure art is gradually misty with the boundary of of the other art door, the artists absorbed the creations skill ofmovie,television,drama,music,building,view...etc., creating such as the media arts,behaviorart,radiation in response to a series of new art form, such as, art, and the earth art etc., but these turn over and give other art professions of from the operator with inspire very greatly.The painting is because of lines,piece the noodles and color of the oneself seem to be is converted into very easily to design some main factors in the plane chart, as a result has been influence the development of[with] the view design, pursue a creative view the designers already to acquire the inspiration of the sub- everlasting from the modern painting.The twenty At the beginning of century, the the stereoscopic parties painter added (the the Pablo Picasso 1881~1973) fully with cloth to the pull to the appear to the change much the in the the appearance of the the gram(the the Georges Braque l 882-1963 yearses) the of several bodies, the appeared what the several standpoints the in the the space see the to fold the to add, Be expressing in two even the result of the fore basic virtues.Their idea has deep but direct influence to the art field.Ex-The from two wars a the down to date, the stereoscopic send the the work the that sends the with super the reality to the the influence the that the the designer has the to keep the on. The set up in 1998 of the the Holland the Amsterdam card the pulls the the sectionsquare(Carraseoplein, the the Adriaan Geuze design), the with lawn, the the asphalt the road noodles the and the the road noodles the top the the dot array the of the the white was the a chemical element, the designing on the the ground the a two the the surrealism the appearance ofthe the ,the plus the the oddity in the a view the of light, voice and the train of the ambulation, make this space had surrealism of mysterious atmosphere.The design thought of the style parties has ever influenced to numerous design realms, its form language has already arrived an important function to the modern building sport.The building imitates the ancients the gram, Anne(the GaBriel Guevrekan l 900-1970 years) completed in 1927 of locate design in the villa courtyard of the French south Hyeres, break the restriction of the narrow and small base to spread the base of the square piece of a ground of brick and the tulip flower terrace demarcation triangle, absorbed the style parties to receive the spirit of Anne in Delhi's painting especially in the design, is made use of a ground well and enter a 3D composition design.Carve to have a close relation with park on the western history, carve to have been the adornment thing in the park but exist, even arrived a modern a society, this tradition reserves still.But the modern carve the substance influence to the view, is along with its oneself some developments just produce.Because a part carve steadily alignment abstraction, the alignment outdoors, extend dimensions and use various natural material, add to near to with the view work more, these two kinds of fusions of arts also naturally the real estate born.The pole Chien's doctrine(Minimalism) is a kind of art that takes simple and direct and several bodies as basic art language to exercise.Most pole Chien's art works make use of several of or organic form, use new comprehensive material, have a strong industrial color.The thought and work of[with] the pole Chien's doctrine not only promoted the earth art produce, but also influenced the two post-war views design.20Half after century leaf, to the variety and the development influence of the view form the biggest art form BE"the earth art" perhaps.The earth art inheritted the abstract simple shape form of[with] the pole Chien's art, and then blended the thought of[with] process art,the concept art, becoming a bridge that the artist sets foot in the view design.The earth art because of it the natural environment is to create place, as a result become the form language that many view designers draw lessons from, in the meantime, the artist also sets foot in the realm of[with] the view design in succession, many works usually are what the views teacher and artist cooperate complete, this also promoted more view with carve two kinds of fusion and the development of artses. An important influence of the earth art to the view design is the idea that brought an art to turn the geography design. The building critic ZHAN KE4 SI(the Charles Jencks i 939~) whom the year construct locates a Scotch southwest department a Dumfriesshire private garden, being turn with the abstruse and exquisite design thought and the art of the geography processing but call.The thought and manifestation of the modern art have profound influence to the view design, making the view design of the thought and means is more abundant.Different from pure art BE, the view design faces the challenge of[with] more complicated social problem and usage problem, view the designer can't take no cognizance these but sink to immerse in own art world.But since we can comprehend"beautiful" Be not the standard that adjudicates an art any more, we should can also comprehend a view no longer is mean"such as painting", the view can become a certain art to thought of carry a body, it can express a diverse form, so we can also have another a to tolerate for some views works that we don't comprehend very.The view design and ecosystemThe ecosystem of the view isn't a fresh concept.Have no 沦to construct in how of the environment, the views are all and abiogenesis close contact, this relation problem that involves to the view and the mankind and the nature by all means, just the environment problem of today is more outstanding, being subjected to a concern more, so the ecosystem becomes one of the most fashionable topics apparently.The ecosystem doctrine the wave tide that rolls up a world urges the top of the angle of view that people stand on science to re- examine the view profession, view the designers also start getting up own mission and the whole Earth ecosystem system contact.Now, at the view profession a little bit flourishing nations, the design of[with] the ecosystem doctrine already is not stay around the 沦text and the diagram paper up of empty talk also Be not the experiment of a handful of designers any more, the ecosystem doctrine has already become a view a designer internality of with hypostatic consideration.Respect the nature development process, initiate energy and material of circulating make use of and place of the ego maintain, developping the processing technique that can keep on etc. the thought pierce through to design and construct in the view with management of always.In the design pursue ecosystem already with pursue the function and the form the equal importance, after sometimes even surmounting both, occupied initial position.The ecology thought of lead to go into, make the view design of the thought and method took place a graveness a change, also influencing to even change the image of the view consumedly.The view design no longer stays around the narrow and small world of[with] the garden design, it starts get involved the more extensive environment design realm.Maintain by one's own to the respect of the place ecosystem development process,to the circulating exploitation of the material energy and to the place with can keep on a processing to initiate technically, the body is now strong ecosystem principle.Though see from the outside idea, most views or many or littlely body now green, green of not necessarily is an ecosystem of, cost a great deal of manpower material resources and financial power then can become and keep the view of[with] result, isn't a "green" of the ecosystem meaning. Design medium should make use of the plant of the hometown more, the natural rebirth that respects a place plants a quilt.The nature has it to turn into with the more recent regulation, seeing from the angle of the ecosystem, the natural cluster falls to fall to have vitality more healthily and more than the artificials. Some designers know this, they make use of the address a top original nature to plant a quilt well perhaps in the design, or build up a frame, providing a condition for the natural reborn process, this is also a kind of body that the exertive natural system can move sex now.Society,art,ecosystem balanceThe art,function and science are three targets that the modern view design pursue.After pass by the baptism of the modernism, the function doctrine has become the widespread standardof[with] the view design.However lay particular emphasis on function excessively, the feature of the view sinks unavoidably in mild.The view wants to develop continuously, the art and science became the direction of the breakthrough.The thought and skill of the modern art for promotes the art that the modern view design to have very your work to use, also make the view design is more abundant.The ecosystem doctrine thought and principle that represent science seep through the view design medium, and become the instruction thought of[with] design, expressing a view adesigner to have already been aware of an own technique should bring into the whole Earth ecosystem system.The development of the view is and develop of society close contact.The progressthat the society development,social culture of the economy realize, promote the development of the view business and design realm to expand continuously.The view of today involves to people the square aspect noodles of the life, modern view is for the sake of the person's usage.Turn over, the view has already exceeded historical and any period perhaps tothe positive effect of the society.城市与景观空间环境设计勒·可布西埃著摘要毋庸置疑,景观设计是一门艺术,它与其他艺术形式之间有着必然的联系。



园林景观专业英语词汇园林景观专业英语词汇规划planning草图sketch;rough map平面plan剖面section立面elevation透视perspective示意图diagram容积率coverage城市设计urban design; civic design区域规划regional planning步行轴ped axis总体规划general planning; master planning 分区规划district planning近期建设规划immediate plan城市详细规划detailed planning控制性详细规划control detailed planning 修建性详细规划site plan居住区规划residential district planning城市化urbanization城市生态urban ecology可持续发展sustainable development历史文化名城保护规划Plan of Preservation of Historic Cities旧城改建urban redevelopment开发区development area城市化水平urbanization level城市群agglomeration城镇体系urban system卫星城satellite town城市基础设施urban infrastructure居民点settlement市municipality; city生态基础设施ecological infrastructure牧场pasture市域administrative region of a city商业区commercial district行政中心administration center商业街commercial street科技园technological region校园规划campus planning城市中心区urban center district居住单元flat历史地段history district民政区域civil district水警区waters guard district居住区规划residential district planning护林区ranger district工业区industrial district林木种子公园tree seed orchard快速公路thruway城市美学urban esthetics游憩空间esplanade系统工程systems engineering城市更新理论urban renewal theory绿地/绿化带greenbelt 绿化覆盖率percentage of greenery coverage绿地率ratio of green space工厂绿化landscaping within factory广场绿化landscaping of square居住区绿化landscaping of residential area谷底植栽场improved vegetation & wild life公共建筑绿化landscaping around public building室内绿化indoor garden城市绿化urban virescence城市绿化系统urban green space system公共绿地public green space专用绿地specified green space防护绿地green buffer建筑空间architecture 剧院show place; theater茶楼(馆)caff;tea shop专卖店monopolistic shop博物馆museum电影院cinema;movie house商场emporium; shopping mall体育馆palaestra青少年宫callan house; children’s palace图书馆library棋牌室relaxation room健身房gymnasium书店book store客厅parlor阳台balcony浴室bathroom橱柜cabinet合院式建筑courtyard building餐厅dining-room; dining hall入口entrance厨房kitchen屋顶roof小孩房kid room儿童游乐室/玩具室dollhouse起居室living room门廊porch更衣室change room休息室pavilion私家花园private garden居民resident共享地带shared zone工人房servants hall比例scale元素element会议中心conference center园林景观view of the garden 乔木arbor灌木shrub铺石band stone地下车库car park bellow曲线形铺地curved paving bands庭园cartilage; Garth标志牌(sign) courtyard identification sign 庭院courtyard瀑布fall步道footpath园桥garden bridge园林garden and park草本植物herbage藤本植物liane蔓本植物liana砌石natural cut stone铺地pave亭,阁pavilion榭pavilion on terrace植被planting花坛planting beds大广场plaza台platform栈道deck promenade灯柱pole lights小水池pool雕塑sculpture小广场small square小水景small water feature 林荫树shade trees楼storied building小溪流stream行道树street trees踏石stepping stone踏步terrace steps木制平台timber deck草坪turf;grass园廊veranda空地void水景waterscape园墙wall in garden滨水地区waterfront茶亭tea house木亭log cabin遮阳亭shade structure水岸edge湾bay渡口ferry挡土墙retaining wall人行道pavement卵石pebble半岛peninsula常用的景观英文1.主入口大门/岗亭(车行& 人行) MAIN ENTRANCE GATE/GUARD HOUSE (FOR VEHICLE& PEDESTRIAN )2.次入口/岗亭(车行& 人行) 2ND ENTRANCEGATE/GUARD HOUSE (FOR VEHICLE& PEDESTRIAN )3.商业中心入口ENTRANCE TO SHOPPING CTR.4.水景WATER FEATURE5.小型露天剧场MINI AMPHI-THEATRE6.迎宾景观-1 WELCOMING FEATURE-17.观景木台TIMBER DECK (VIEWING)8.竹园BAMBOO GARDEN9.漫步广场WALKWAY PLAZA10.露天咖啡廊OUT DOOR CAFE11.巨大迎宾水景-2 GRAND WELCOMING FEATURE-212.木桥TIMBER BRIDGE13.石景、水瀑、洞穴、观景台ROCK'SCAPE WATERFALL'S GROTTO/ VIEWING TERRACE14.吊桥HANGING BRIDGE15.休憩台地(低处) LOUNGING TERRACE (LOWER )16.休憩台地(高处) LOUNGING TERRACE (UPPER )17.特色踏步FEATURE STEPPING STONE18.野趣小溪RIVER WILD19.儿童乐园CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND20.旱冰道SLIDE21.羽毛球场BADMINTON COURT22.旱景DRY LANDSCAPE23.日艺园JAPANESE GARDEN24.旱喷泉DRY FOUNTAIN25.观景台VIEWING DECK26.游泳池SWIMMING POOL27.极可意JACUZZI28.嬉水池WADING POOL29.儿童泳池CHILDREN'S POOL30.蜿蜒水墙WINDING WALL31.石景雕塑ROCK SCULPTURE32.中心广场CENTRAL PLAZA33.健身广场EXERCISE PLAZA34.桥BRIDGE35.交流广场MEDITATING PLAZA36.趣味树阵TREE BATTLE FORMATION37.停车场PARING AREA38.特色花架TRELLIS39.雕塑小道SCULPTURE TRAIL40.(高尔夫)轻击区PUTTING GREEN41.高尔夫球会所GOLF CLUBHOUSE42.每栋建筑入口ENTRANCE PAVING TO UNIT43.篮球场BASKETBALL COURT44.网球场TENNIS COURT45.阶梯***/种植槽TERRACING SEATWALL/PLANTER46.广场MAIN PLAZA47.森林、瀑布FOREST GARDEN WATERFALL48.石景园ROCKERY GARDEN49.旱溪DRY STREAM50.凉亭PAVILION51.户外淋浴OUTDOOR SHOWER52.拉膜结构TENSILE STRUCTURE53.台阶STAIR54.高尔夫球车停车场PARKING ( GOLF CAR )55.健身站EXERCISE STATION56.晨跑小路JOGGING FOOTPATH57.车道/人行道DRIVEWAY /SIDEWALK58.人行漫步道PROMENADE59.瀑布及跳舞喷泉(入口广场) WATER FALL AND DANCING FOUNTAIN ( ENTRY PLAZA )60.特色入口ENTRY FEATURE 61.石景广场ROCKERY PLAZA常用造价英语词汇估算/费用估算:estimate/cost estimate;估算类型:types of estimate;详细估算:是偏差幅度最小的估算,defined estimate;设备估算:equipment estimate;分析估算:analysis estimate;报价估算:roposal estimate;控制估算:control estimate;初期控制估算:interim control estimate/initial control estimate批准的控制估算:initial approved cost核定估算:check estimate首次核定估算:first check estimate二次核定估算:production check estimate人工时估算:man hour estimate材料费用/直接材料费用:material cost/direct material cost 设备费用/设备购买费用:equipment cost/purchased cost of equipment散装材料费用/散装材料购买费用:bulk materialcost/purchased cost of bulk material施工费用:construction cost施工人工费用:labor cost/construction force cost设备安装人工费用:labor cost associated with equipment 散装材料施工安装人工费用:labor cost associated with bulk materials人工时估算定额:standard manhours施工人工时估算定额:standard labor manhours标准工时定额:standard hours劳动生产率:labor productivity/productivityfactor/productivity ratio修正的人工时估算值:adjusted manhours人工时单价:manhours rate施工监督费用:cost of construction supervision施工间接费用:cost of contruction indirects分包合同费用/现场施工分包合同费用:subcontractcost/field subcontract cost公司本部费用:home office cost公司管理费用:overhead非工资费用:non payroll开车服务费用:cost of start-up services其他费用:other cost利润/预期利润:profit/expected profit服务酬金:service gains风险:risk风险分析:risk analysis风险备忘录:risk memorandum未可预见费:contingency基本未可预见费:average contingency最大风险未可预见费:maximum risk contingency用户变更/合同变更:cilent change/contract change认可的用户变更:approved client change待定的用户变更:pending client change项目变更:project change内部变更:internalchange批准的变更:authoried change强制性变更:mandatory change选择性变更:optional change内部费用转换:internal transfer认可的预计费用:anticipated approved cost涨价值:escalation项目费用汇总报告:project cost summary report项目实施费用状态报告:project operation cost status report 总价合同:lump sum contract偿付合同:reimbursible contract预算:budget02.1 总论2.0001 园林学landscape architecture, garden architecture 2.0002 造园学garden making, landscape gardening2.0003 环境园艺学environmental horticulture2.0004 观赏园艺学ornamental horticulture2.0005 园林艺术garden art2.0006 园林美学garden aesthetics2.0007 园林建筑学garden architecture2.0008 园林建筑garden building2.0009 园林工程garden engineering2.0010 园林植物landscape plant2.0011 观赏植物ornamental plant2.0012 盆景miniature landscape, penjing2.0013 园林garden and park2.0014 园林学史history of garden architecture2.0015 园林规划garden planning, landscaping planning 2.0016 园林设计garden design2.0017 园林机具设备gardening machine2.0018 园林管理garden management2.0019 园林生态landscape ecology2.0020 绿化greening, planting2.0021 环境绿化environmental greening2.0022 绿地面积green area2.0023 绿地率ratio of green space2.0024 城市绿化覆盖率urban green coverage2.0025 工厂绿化factory greening, factory garden-ing 2.0026 街道绿化street greening, street planting2.0027 车行道绿化driveway greening2.0028 分车带绿化dividing stripe greening2.0029 人行道绿化sidewalk greening2.0030 群众绿化mass planting movement2.0031 郊区绿化suburban greening2.0032 公路绿化highway greening2.0033 铁路绿化railway greening, railway planting 2.0034 堤岸种植bank planting2.0035 阳台绿化balcony greening2.0036 窗台绿化window-sill greening2.0037 屋顶绿化roof greening2.0038 垂直绿化vertical greening2.0039 攀缘绿化climber greening2.0040 桥头绿化bridgehead greening2.0041 花园garden2.0042 专类花园specified flower garden2.0043 花园村garden village2.0044 园林城市landscape garden city2.0045 蔷薇园rose garden2.0046 松柏园conifer garden2.0047 球根园bulb garden2.0048 宿根园perennial garden2.0049 假山园rock garden, Chinese rockery2.0050 狩猎场hunting ground2.0051 街心花园street crossing center garden2.0052 小游园petty street garden2.0053 水景园water garden2.0054 铺地园paved garden2.0055 野趣园wild plants botanical garden2.0056 野生植物园wild plants garden2.0057 乡趣园rustic garden2.0058 盆景园penjing garden, miniature landscape2.0059 动物园zoo, zoological garden2.0060 墓园cemetery garden2.0061 沼泽园bog and marsh garden2.0062 水生植物园aquatic plants garden2.0063 学校园school garden2.0064 室内花园indoor garden2.0065 芳香花园fragrant garden2.0066 盲人花园garden for the blind2.0067 公园park, public park2.0068 城市公园city park, urban park2.0069 区公园regional park2.0070 儿童公园children park2.0071 体育公园sports park2.0072 森林公园forest park2.0073 纪念公园memorial park2.0074 烈士纪念公园martyr memorial park2.0075 综合公园comprehensive park2.0076 文化公园cultural park2.0077 文化休憩公园cultural and recreation park 2.0078 中央公园central park2.0079 天然公园natural park2.0080 海滨公园seaside park, seabeach park2.0081 古迹公园historic site park2.0082 河滨公园riverside park2.0083 湖滨公园lakeside park2.0084 路边公园roadside park, street park2.0085 娱乐公园amusement park2.0086 雕塑公园sculpture park2.0087 休憩公园recreation park2.0088 疗养公园sanatorium park2.0089 国家公园national park2.0090 邻里公园neighborhood park2.0091 特种公园special park2.0092 植物园botanical garden2.0093 植物公园abeled plants park2.0094 高山植物园alpine garden2.0095 热带植物园tropical plants garden2.0096 药用植物园medical plants garden, herb garden 2.0097 绿地green space2.0098 公共绿地public green space2.0099 单位绿地unit green area2.0100 城市绿地urban green space2.0101 街道广场绿地street and square green area2.0102 居住区绿地residential quarter green area2.0103 防护绿地green area for environmental protection 2.0104 郊区绿地suburban green space2.0105 街坊绿地residential block green belt2.0106 附属绿地attached green space2.0107 生产绿地productive plantation area2.0108 苗圃nursery2.0109 风景landscape, scenery2.0110 自然景观natural landscape2.0111 人文景观human landscape, scenery of humanities 2.0112 草原景观prairie landscape2.0113 山岳景观mountain landscape, alpine landscape 2.0114 地理景观geographical landscape2.0115 湖泊景观lake view2.0116 郊区景观suburban landscape2.0117 地质景观geological landscape2.0118 喀斯特景观karst landscape2.0119 植物景观plants landscape, flora landscape02.2.1 中国园林史2.0120 中国古典园林classical Chinese garden2.0121 中国传统园林traditional Chinese garden2.0122 中国古代园林ancient Chinese garden2.0123 中国山水园Chinese mountain and water garden 2.0124 帝王宫苑imperial palace garden2.0125 皇家园林royal garden2.0126 私家园林private garden2.0127 江南园林garden on the Yangtze Delta02.2.2 西方园林史2.0128 西方古典园林western classical garden2.0129 英国式园林English style garden2.0130 中英混合式园林Anglo-Chinese style garden2.0131 意大利式园林Italian style garden2.0132 西班牙式园林Spanish style garden2.0133 法兰西式园林French style garden2.0134 勒诺特尔式园林Le Notre’s style garden 2.0135 文艺复兴庄园Renaissance style villa2.0136 洛可可式园林Rococo style garden2.0137 巴洛克式园林Baroque style garden2.0138 庄园manor, villa garden2.0139 廊柱园peristyle garden, patio2.0140 绿廊xystus2.0141 迷阵maze, labyrinth02.2.3 典型中西园林2.0142 灵囿Ling You Hunting Garden2.0143 灵沼Ling Zhao Water Garden2.0144 灵台Ling Tai Platform Garden2.0145 阿房宫E-Pang Palace2.0146 上林苑Shang-Lin Yuan2.0147 未央宫Wei-Yang Palace2.0148 洛阳宫Luoyang Palace2.0149 华清官Hua-Qing Palace2.0150 艮岳Gen Yue Imperial Garden2.0151 圆明园Yuan-Ming Yuan Imperial Garden2.0152 颐和园Yi-He Yuan Imperial Garden,Summer Palace 2.0153 承德避暑山庄Chengde Imperial Summer Resort2.0154 苏州园林Suzhou traditional garden2.0155 悬园Hanging Garden2.0156 英国皇家植物园Royal Botanical Garden, Kew garden 2.0157 凡尔赛宫苑Versailles Palace Park2.0158 枫丹白露宫园Fontainebleau Palace Garden02.3 园林艺术2.0159 景view, scenery, feature2.0160 远景distant view2.0161 近景nearby view2.0162 障景obstructive scenery, blocking view2.0163 借景borrowed scenery, view borrowing2.0164 对景opposite scenery, view in opposite place2.0165 缩景miniature scenery, abbreviated scenery2.0166 漏景leaking through scenery2.0167 框景enframed scenery2.0168 尾景terminal feature2.0169 主景main feature2.0170 副景secondary feature2.0171 配景objective view2.0172 夹景vista line, vista2.0173 前景front view2.0174 背景background2.0175 景序order of sceneries2.0176 景点feature spot, view spot2.0177 仰视景观upward landscape2.0178 俯视景观downward landscape2.0179 季相景观seasonal phenomena2.0180 气象景观meteorological diversity scenery 2.0181 视野visual field2.0182 秋色fall color, autumn color2.0183 园林空间garden space2.0184 开敞空间wide open space, wide space 2.0185 封闭空间enclosure space2.0186 意境artistic conception, poetic imagery 2.0187 苍古antiquity2.0188 空灵spaciousness, airiness2.0189 动观in-motion viewing2.0190 静观in-position viewing2.0191 视错觉visual illusion2.0192 园林艺术布局artistic layout of garden 2.0193 对称平衡symmetrical balance2.0194 不对称平衡asymmetrical balance2.0195 左右对称bilateral symmetry2.0196 辐射对称radial symmetry2.0197 透景线perspective line2.0198 轴线axis, axial line2.0199 主轴main axis 2.0200 副轴auxiliary axis2.0201 暗轴hidden axis, invisible axis2.0202 树冠线skyline2.0203 园林色彩艺术art of garden colors2.0204 单色谐调monochromatic harmony2.0205 复色谐调compound chromatic harmony2.0206 对比色突出contrast colors accent2.0207 近似色谐调approximate colors harmony2.0208 暖色warm color2.0209 冷色cool color2.0210 色感color sense2.0211 城市绿地系统规划urban green space system planning2.0212 绿地系统green space system2.0213 公共绿地定额public green space quota2.0214 公共绿地指标public green space norm2.0215 绿地布局green space layout2.0216 吸引圈attractive circle2.0217 吸引距离attractive distance2.0218 有效半径effective radius2.0219 绿地资源green space resource2.0220 绿地效果green space effect2.0221 绿地规划程序planning procedure of the green space2.0222 空间规划space planning2.0223 形象规划image plan2.0224 实施规划implementary plan2.0225 必要生活空间necessary living space2.0226 余暇生活空间leisure time living space2.0227 利用频度usage frequency2.0228 树种规划planning of trees and shrubs2.0229 绿地类型type of green space2.0230 环状绿型annular green space2.0231 块状绿地green plot2.0232 点状绿地green spot2.0233 放射状绿地radiate green space2.0234 楔状绿地wedge-shaped green space2.0235 缓冲绿地buffer green space2.0236 防音绿地noise proof green space2.0237 科学景观论scientific landscape theory2.0238 园林保留地reserve garden2.0239 公园规划park planning2.0240 园林总体规划garden master planning2.0241 总平面规划site planning2.0242 园林分区garden zoning2.0243 安静休息区tranquil rest area2.0244 儿童活动区children playing space2.0245 儿童游戏场children playground, playlot2.0246 体育运动区sports activities area2.0247 野餐区picnic place2.0248 散步区pedestrian space2.0249 群众集会区mass meeting square2.0250 观赏植物区ornamental plants area2.0251 观赏温室区display greenhouse area, display conservatory area2.0252 草坪区lawn space2.0253 绿荫区shade tree section2.0254 历史古迹区historical relics area2.0255 青少年活动区youngsters activities area2.0256 诱鸟区bird sanctuary area2.0257 钓鱼区fishing center2.0258 野营区camp site2.0259 游人中心visitors center2.0260 服务中心service center2.0261 探险游乐场adventure ground2.0262 文化活动区cultural activities area2.0263 道路系统approach system, road system 2.0264 环形道路系统circular road system2.0265 方格形道路系统latticed road system2.0266 放射形道路系统radiate road system2.0267 自然式道路系统informal road system2.0268 规整式道路系统formal road system2.0269 混合式道路系统mixed style road system 2.0270 园林规划图garden planning map2.0271 园林规划说明书garden planning direction 2.0272 城市公园系统urban park system2.0273 公园分布distribution of parks2.0274 公园类型park type, park category2.0275 公园间距distance between parks2.0276 公园形式park styles2.0277 游览区excursion area, open-to-public area 2.0278 非游览区no-admittance area2.0279 办公区administrative ar。



译文题目:Ecological planning in the urban landscapedesignAbstract: This article discusses the urban landscape from the relation of the following three concepts: the landscape, the city and the ecology. This paper mainly discusses how the landscape influences the city's living environment.The landscape is a stigma in the land, which is of the relationship between human and human, between man and nature. There exists some subtle relationship among landscape, city and humanized design.摘要:本文从景观、城市、生态三个概念之间的相互联系来论诉城市景观。




I. City and The Landscape(1) Overview of Landscape DesignLandscape design, first, is a people's thinking activity, performed as an art activity.Diversified thoughts formed complex diverse landscape art style. Contemporary landscape design apparently see is the diversity of the landscape forms,in fact its essence is to keep the closing up to the natural order system, reflected the more respect for human beings, more in-depth perspective of the nature of human's reality and need, not to try to conquer the nature.it is not even imitating natural, but produce a sense of belonging. Landscape is not only a phenomenon but the human visual scene. So the earliest landscape implications is actually city scene. Landscape design and creation is actually to build the city.(2) The Relationship Between Landscape and UrbanCity is a product of human social, economic and cultural development, and the most complex type. It is vulnerable to the artificial and natural environmental conditions of interference. In recent decades, with worldwide the acceleration of urbanization, the urban population intensive, heavy traffic, resource shortage, environment pollution and ecology deterioration has become the focus of attention of the human society. In the current environment condition in our country, the problem is very serious. and in some urban areas, the pollution has quite serious, and greatly influenced and restricts the sustainable development of the city.Landscape is the relationship between man and man, man and nature. This is, in fact, a kind of human living process. Living process is actually with the powers of nature and the interaction process, in order to obtain harmonious process. The landscape is the result of human life in order to survive and to adapt the natural. At the same time, the living process is also a process of establishning harmonious coexistence. Therefore, as a colony landscape, it is a stigma of the relationship between man and nature.II the city landscape planning and design(1) city landscape elementsThe urban landscape elements include natural landscape and artificial landscape . Among them, the natural landscape is mainly refers to the natural scenery, such as size hills, ancient and famous trees, stone, rivers, lakes, oceans, etc. Artificial landscape are the main cultural relics, cultural site, the botanical garden afforestation, art sketch, trade fairs, build structure, square, etc. These landscape elements must offer a lot of examples for creating high quality of the urban space environment. But for a unique urban landscape, you must put all sorts of landscape elements in the system organization,and create an orderly space form.(2)the urban landscape in the planningThe city is an organic whole, which is composed with material, economy, culture, and society.To improve the urban environment is a common voice.The key of the urban landscape design is to strengthen urban design ideas, strengthen urban design work. and blend urban design thought into the stages of urban planning. The overall urban planning in the city landscape planning is not to abandon the traditional garden, green space planning, but the extension and development of it.Both are no conflict, but also cannot be equal.In landscape planningof city planning, we should first analysis the urban landscape resources structure, fully exploit landscape elements which can reflect the characteristics of urban.Consider carefully for the formation of the system of urban landscape.III ecological planning and urban landscape (1) the relationship of urban landscape and ecological planning Landscape ecology is a newly emerged cross discipline, the main research space pattern and ecological processes of interaction, its theme is the fork the geography and ecology. It's with the whole landscape as the object, through the material flow, energy flow and information flowing the surface of the earth and value in transmission and exchange, through the biological and the biological and the interaction between human and transformation, the ecological system principle and system research methods of landscape structure and function.the dynamic change of landscape has interaction mechanism, the research of the landscape pattern, optimizing the structure, beautify the reasonable use and the protection, have very strong practicability. Urban ecological system is a natural, economic and social composite artificial ecosystem, it including life system, environment system, with a complex multi-level structure, can be in different approaches of human activity and the mutual relationship between the city and influence. Urban environment planning guidance and coordination as a macro department interests, optimizing the allocation of land resources city, reasonable urban space environment organization the important strategic deployment, must have ecological concept. Only to have the ecological view, to guide the construction of the city in the future to ecological city goal, to establish the harmonious living environment. In recent years, landscape planning in urban landscape features protection and urban environment design is wide used.(2) landscape in the living environment of ecological effectLandscape as a unit of land by different inlaid with obvious visual characteristics ofthe geographic entities, with the economic, ecological and aesthetic value, the multiple value judgment is landscape planning and management foundation. Landscape planning and design always is to create a pleasant landscape as the center. The appropriate human nature can understand the landscape for more suitable for human survival, reflect ecological civilization living environment, including landscape, building economy, prudent sex ecological stability, environmental cleanliness, space crowded index, landscape beautiful degree of content, the current many places for residential area of green, static, beauty, Ann's requirement is the popular expression. Landscape also paid special attention to the spatial relationship landscape elements, such as shape and size,density and capacity, links, and partition, location and of sequence, as their content of material and natural resources as important as quality. As the urban landscape planning should pay attention to arrange the city space pattern, the relative concentration of the open space, the construction space to density alternate with; In artificial environment appeared to nature; Increase the visual landscape diversity; Protect the environment MinGanOu and to promote green space system construction.(3) the urban landscape and ecological planning and design of the fusion of each other.The city landscape and ecological planning design reflects human a new dream, it is accompanied by industrialization and after the arrival of the era of industrial and increasingly clear. Natural and cultural, design of the environment and life environment, beautiful form and ecological functions of real comprehensive fusion, the landscape is no longer a single city of specific land, but let the ablation, to thousands; It will let nature participate in design; Let the natural process with every one according to daily life; Let people to perception, experience and care the natural process and natural design.(4) the city landscape ecological planning the humanized design1. "it is with the person this" design thought Contemporary landscape in meet purpose at the same time, more in-depth perspective on human of the nature of reality and needs. First performance for civilian design direction, application of natural organic materials and elastic curve form rich human life space. Next is the barrier-free design, namely no obstacle, not dangerous thing, no manipulation of the barrier design. Now there have been the elderly, the disabled, from the perspective of the social tendency, barrier-free design ideas began to gain popularity, at the same time for disadvantaged people to carry on the design also is human nature design to overall depth direction development trend. "It is with the person this" the service thoughts still behave in special attention to plant of bright color, smell good plant, pay attention to ZuoJu texture and the intensity of the light. The detail processing of considerate more expression of the concern, such as the only step to shop often caused visual ignored and cause staggered, in order to avoid this kind of circumstance happening, contemporary landscape sites do not be allowed under 3 steps; And as some residential area and square in the bush set mop pool, convenient the district's hygiene and wastewater recycling water. "It is with the person this" the service thoughts in many ways showed, the measure of the standard is human love.1. 1 human landscape design concept is human landscape design is to point to inlandscape design activity, pay attention to human needs, in view of the user to the environment of the landscape of a need to spread design, which satisfied the user "physiological and psychological, physical and mental" multi-level needs, embodies the "people-oriented" design thought. Urban public space human landscape design, from the following four aspects to understand:1. 1.1 physical level of care. Human landscape design with functional and the rationality of design into premise condition, pay attention to the physical space reasonable layout and effective use of the function. Public space design should not only make people's psychology and physiology feel comfortable, still should configuration of facilities to meet people's complex activities demand1. The level of caring heart 1.2 Daniel. In construction material form of the space at the same time, the positive psychology advocate for users with the attention that emotion, and then make the person place to form the security, field feeling and belonging.1. 1.3 club will level of care. Emphasizes the concern of human survival environment, the design in the area under the background of urban ecological overall planning and design, to make the resources, energy rationally and effectively using, to achieve the natural, social and economic benefits of the unity of the three.1. 1.4 to a crowd of segmentation close care. Advocate barrier-free design, and try to meet the needs of different people use, and to ensure that the group of mutual influence between activities, let children, old people, disabled people can enjoy outdoor public the fun of life.1. 2 and human landscape design related environmental behavior knowledge the environment behavior is human landscape design, the main research field, pay attention to the environment and people's explicit behavior and the relationship between the interaction, tried to use the psychology of the some basic theory, methods researchers in the city and architecture in activities and to the environment of the response, and the feedback the information can be used to guide the environment construction and renovation. Western psychologist dirk DE Joan to put forward the boundary effect theory. He points out that the edge of space is people like to stay area, also is the space of the growth of the activity area [3]. Like the urban space, the margin of the wood, down the street, and the rain at the awning, awnings, corridor construction sunken place, is people like the place to stay. At the edge of space, and other people or organizations to distance themselves are is better able to observe the space of the eyes and not to be disturbed. "Man seeth" is the person's nature. A large public space are existing "the man seeth" phenomenon: the viewer consciously or unconsciously observation, in the space in front of the all activities. At the same time, some of the people with strong performance desire, in public space in various activities to attract the attention of others, so as to achieve self-fulfillment cheerful. The seemingly simple "man seeth" phenomenon, but can promote space more activities production. For example, for a walk of pedestrians may be busy street performance and to join the ranks of the show attracts, with the strange because the audience is the sight of the activities of the wonderful and short conversation, art lovers of the infection by environmental atmosphere began to sketch activities.Environmental design, according to environmental behavior related knowledge, actively create boundary space provide people stay, rest, the place of talking to facilitate more spaceActivities of generation, the rich visitors sensory experiences2. The design of the sustainable developmentSustainable development principle, it is the ecology point of view, to the city system analysis, and with the minimum the minimal resource consumption to satisfy the requirements of the human, and maintain the harmony of human and the natural environment, guarantee the city several composition system-to protect natural evolution process of open space system and the urban development system balance. People are to landscape 'understanding of the contemporary landscape design and the function to reflect, have been completely out of the traditional gardening activities, the concept of landscape art value unconsciously and ecological value, the function value, cultural value happened relationship, landscape art category than before more pointed to the human is closely linked with the various aspects, become more profound and science. Contemporary landscape also actively use new technology to improve the ecological value. Such as the use of solar energy for square garden, lighting and sound box equipment supply electricity; The surface water "cycle" design concept, collecting rainwater for irrigation and waterscape provides the main resources; Using the principle of the construction of the footway, buoys that environmental protection level a kiss and interesting. And by using water scene drought, landscape water do ecology (ecological wetland), ecological XiGou "half natural change" landscape humanized waterscape design, avoid the manual water scene is the difficulty of the later-period management, but in the water since the net, purifying environment and promote biodiversity play a huge role. Therefore, to experience the landscape will surely is contained to nature and the tradition, to human compatibility.The urban landscape the principles of sustainable development and implementation details:2.1 the efficiency of land use principle for land to the survival of humans is one of the most effective resources, especially in China's large population, land resources are extremely deficient, urbanization rapidly increase background, the reasonable efficient use of land, is that we should consider an important issue. For the city landscape is concerned, how to productive use of the land? Three-dimensional is efficient land use is the most effective means. The urban landscape "three-dimensional to take" ideas contains the following six aspects of meaning. (1) in the limited on land, as much as possible to provide activity places, form the three-dimensional multi-layer activities platform landscape environment. (2) improve afforestation land use efficiency, in the same land, adopt appropriate to niche by, shrubs and trees of co-existence and co-prosperity between three-dimensional planting layout. (3) to solve the good man, for the contradiction in green, the green space and human activity space layout of the interchanges. (4) the up and down or so, all sides three-dimensional view observation, increased the landscape environment the visual image of the visual rate. (5) from the static landscape to dynamic landscape. 6not only from the traditional technology of modern technology to introduce more (such as crossing bridge, light rail, electric rail, etc), show a colorful three-dimensional space.2.2 energy efficiency principle along with the rapid development of urbanization, China's energy demand is more and more big, the energy gap also more and more big. In recent years, China's major cities have put forward the "light" project, the public area lighting consumption in the great power. For energy efficiency in the understanding, first from the consideration on the energy saving should be not only, and should stand in the higher of the environmental protection high to know, meaning that more extensive, and more far-reaching. (for more than 70% of generating capacity in China at present still by coal, exist for SO2, CO2 and nitric oxide and other harmful gas emissions and coal dust emissions and a series of environmental problems)2.3 plant with an ecological principle city system, the green space system is perfect or not of the city's environmental quality plays a vital role. Perfect green space system, to improve the city microclimate plays an important role, it can rise to improve small regional temperature, air humidity, windbreak and sand-fixation, purify air, provide oxygen and so on a series of ecological change the role of environmental factors. Urban green space system as a city human important activities of the external space, planning and design should not only from the plant itself on system, should the broader perspective, considering a person to nature to be close to, rely on the requirements, on the one hand, satisfying the people's physical needs, such as the right temperature, humidity, clean air and so on need, on the other hand to meet people of the nature of the attachment psychological need. One the one hand, to meet the city function requirements, on the other hand, will play natural systems potential extremely. At present, the city of plants with existing in the implant the following problems: put too much emphasis on green technology and engineering technology of gardening, loving fast for Jane, formed only simple so-called "Joe, flooding, grass" structure, ecological process is ignored, fierce competition among plants, normal growth form was suppressed, the diversity of the community and stability suffocate suffocate, plant diseases and insect pests rampant, maintenance cost is high, the waste of human, material and financial resources. So in the urban design of plants with plant should achieve what kind of effect? It should be a satisfying the people's psychological and physiological activities, meet the natural plant of the self-improvement circulation system, and meet the microbe, plants, birds, and all kinds of close to human beings, animals of the ecological system, and meet the soil and water protection, air purification, water purification up maximum adjustment function of the system. To provide more of a harmonious and orderly biological and stable habitats and more living space, establishment compound level and beautiful season of color in plant community, city landscape has offered only low-grade manual administration, the landscape resources sustainable maintain and develop, that is the goal of our pursuit. Under the guidance of the principle, city with plant should consider the following plants detailed rules. (1) each city green plants with plant to and urban green space system match, and city and the surrounding landscape plantform the whole dynamic stability of the green ecological system. (2) the zonal simulation of the community structure characteristics, abide by "niche" principle and to establish a suitable after layer community structure, use different species differentiation of niche, the corrosion resistance of individual size, the shadow of leaf type, root depth, nutrient requirement and content of hou aspects of the difference in the plant, avoid the kind of direct competition between, form mutualist to trees skeletons Joe, flooding, grass composite community structure and function of the unification of benign ecological system. (3) the introduction of new varieties in the process, must choose and local climate, soil adaptation of the species, for stability of the system is provided. In plants and localization of reciprocity and raw, under the premise of forming a biological diversity. (4) from plants on the system itself not only should also be considered, the animals can be close to human survival and reproduction, such as birds. (5) with plants in the plant, to meet other elements such as human nature to the needs of the sunshine, the air,etc. 6 plants in meet its "niche" principle, and on the basis of the landscape, the plant should aesthetic feeling, meaning, rhythm, etc to the ecological science, to consider the height of aesthetics, harmonious, and urban landscape and form, combines aesthetics.2.4 to the protection of the natural communities and use principle in the urban landscape design process often encountered in one of the most important question, and that is planning on land have very good natural communities or heaven the tree. These natural communities and heaven the tree, and after a time of baptism and long growth process, thus forming the beautiful landscape effect. Landscape design should be in the protection and utilization of the guiding ideology, not to destroy these time to human gift, wasted natural elegance. Therefore, in the urban landscape design, the natural communities to meet or heaven trees, our guiding ideology is: in the protection and utilization of the basis, from a series of function, aesthetic Angle, design can reflect the influence of time, history beautiful landscape. 2.5 effective utilization of water resources and ecological environment protection principle is a big system, including land, air, water and sunlight, plant and the related unintended consequences. Water resources as the important component of the system, as the origin of human beings and the survival of important resources, if not effective utilization and protection will seriously restricted the economic and social development, and endanger the future of the human being. Our country as a large population, a water extremely poor countries, in the effective utilization of water resources is wanton waste, pollution and destructive to development of water resources, increased tension in the water, and cause the ground subsidence, the water flow backward and so on a series of secondary disasters. Our country at present the city landscape of water, the main or traditional artificial ground water. Garden workers, open water car, with fire water cannons, of landscape plants to carry out extremely rough water, and planning and design, to groundwater, surface water storage were not the design of the system and the water surface water quickly from loss, serious waste water to the. In the square of other appreciation water, often in tap water from municipal direct access to, not very good for water level division and use. With the green coverage rate increasein the maintenance of water resources in the process of LiYongLiang is more and more big, with people all over the world to water resources utilization and protection attention, and after a long time study and analysis, generates a lot of effective method. We in the urban design should good to use. At home and abroad and theuse of urban water resources on the main methods and protection for:(1) the use of water. (2) of rain to the planning and design of the collection system. (3) the use of water-saving irrigation system. Basically has the following kinds: a. sprinkler irrigation technology;B. microspray irrigation technology;C. root irrigation technology. (4) the interaction of the surface water and ground water use. Through the above all kinds of water saving method summary, design the system method, believe to be able to play well water-saving effect.epilogueThe urban landscape design and the ecological planning tightly linked is mutual influence, mutual penetration. From a small landmark of the city to the whole city planning and design, the need for the connect the relevant knowledge, and from ecology, humanities, local, psychology, sociology, philosophy, aesthetics, and other disciplines continuously research and exploration. Science, reasonable construction of urban landscape design.Landscape design service object, it is the society. People in the design experience and feeling in the same performance on things, be reasonable planning must be from understanding the person's psychology, respect the person's behavior to, this is the foundation of landscape design, also be the important details of city planning.The landscape design of another service object is natural, must the climate, water, terrain, plants and animals, and buildings, roads, such factors to consider in man and nature of the interaction of the premise. Symonds says: "the ecological design only is effectively respond to natural process and and the unity of." This is for our landscape design how to treat correctly natural is pointed out.At present about the sustainable development of the city, from resources, environment, economy and social point of view, using the method of system, analysis and research in the development of the urban sustainable development. The urban landscape design to the ecological analysis, is in the general principle of urban development. This article through to in the field of urban landscape analysis and research, make with the principle of sustainable development and people-oriented principle as the basic ecological planning in the urban landscape design in specific, technology, be operable. Only in this way can we truly achieve the sustainable development of urban landscape and people-oriented purpose, to establish ecological city provide the guarantee. reference[1] (English) Robert holden, the environmental space "[M] belden group anhui science and technology press China architecture &building press 1999[2] PengYiGang "Chinese classical garden analysis" [M] China architecture &building press 1986[3] Charles Moore, waiting. Reese translation of the landscape poetry strands of gardening-" [M] guangming daily press 2000[4] Kevin lynch, wait and HuangFu compartments, etc in the translation of "overall didn't plan" [M] China architecture &building press 1999[5] Roger, put the crewe. LiuXianJiao "architectural aesthetics of translation [M] China architecture &building press 1992[6] the time case. RuiJingWei translation of the design with nature[M] China architecture &building press 19921 城市与景观1.1 景观设计概述景观设计首先是一种人的思想活动,表现为艺术活动。



文献信息文献标题:Digital Tools in Landscape Architecture(景观设计中的数字工具)文献作者:N Ņitavska,A Mengots文献出处:《Scientific Journal of Latvia University of Agriculture Landscape Architecture and Art》,2017,11(11):42-50字数统计:英文2507单词,13798字符;中文4104汉字外文文献Digital Tools in Landscape Architecture Abstract Nowadays professional tools in landscape architecture are more related to digital tools. Landscape architects’ hand powered tools have been replaced by computers and digital tools where the traditional techniques are supplemented with 3D modelling and animation for landscape planning in different scales and for different projects levels. The main aim of this paper is to understand and analyse the use of digital tools in landscape architecture and planning in Latvia. For the collection of data for this study a questionnaire was designed and sent to Latvian landscape architects and planners. The questions it included were on how landscape architects and planners use digital tools for the representation of their sketches and ideas and on what kind of digital tools they use in different landscape types and scales. Results showed that all the surveyed landscape architects use digital tools in their everyday professional practice – for landscape design or assessment. Most of them also still use the traditional drawings by hand for draft sketches and ideas, but for communication with public, projects and designs elaborated by digital tools are used. Landscape architects have emphasized the great potential of digital tools for enhancing communication between the landscape architect and the potential user. Digital tools (visualizations, animations, 3D models, etc.) allow the potential user to participate in the landscape planning process and easily imagine the landscape before it is created.Today landscape architects use digital tools to produce the final project presentation images (visualizations) in the landscape planning processes for selling of the project. However, we believe that in future there is a potential for using digital tools more as a communication tool, which can help in contacting clients at various levels of the project implementation, especially in the early stages of the design.Keywords: digital tools, visual communication, landscape architectureIntroductionThe landscape architect’s daily work is associated with landscaping projects of varying scales, specifics and levels, landscape research or landscape management planning. The landscape architect's profession is comparatively new – dating back a little over a hundred years ago, when in 1863 the Board of Central Park Commission in New York City approved a landscape architect's position. Since then, this new profession had officially gained more stability and recognition in its development. In landscape architecture arts and professional knowledge in the field of landscape planning as well as social, ecological and mental aspects are closely intertwined. The results of day-to-day landscape architect’s work are often subject to public criticism and perception, thus influencing the ivolvement of the residents in the issues of landscape conservation, planning, design and installation.How do information transfer and communication take place? What tools can a landscape architect use to more effectively prepare quality information, simultaneously making it easier for the residents and clients to perceive the ideas. Nowadays more and more digital tools are being used in the field of landscape architecture, which, on the one hand facilitates the presentation of the results of the remote landscape architect's work, but on the other hand reduces the possibility of using traditional drawing methods without additional processing and also leaves no room for direct communication.Digital tools allow the landscape architects to use new approaches and methods in planning and communicating about landscape planning, conservation, renovation, or installing issues. In several studies the use of digital tools has been particularlyemphasized in landscape architecture and planning in order to improve the project perception and communication among landscape architects and professionals, residents, clients as well as colleagues. The use of these digital tools is diverse, and it is adjustable to the projects of different scales and complexity in different stages of development: illustrative, immersive, interactive, intuitive and intensive.So, one of the aspects is the communication with clients and residents. A part of this communication is the emotional design which does not depict the real function of landscape or real proportions, but influence the clients and residents through artistic tools at the emotional level. The authors in their study call that kind of emotional design a “wow effect” which works not only in landscape architecture but also in all the design fields throughout the world and it is more oriented towards selling of the product. Overall, the result of the landscape architect’s work – a project or an installed object – includes the emotional aspect of art, therefore it always involves a subjective evaluation.Exactly what landscape elements or project parts must the clients and residents most often evaluate or read from the designs made by landscape architects? Does the use of versatile digital tools make it easier and with higher qualitaty to perceive the landscape elements? Communication has always been acknowledged to be one of the most significant aspects in the process of landscape design. The communication process mainly takes place between the landscape architect and the clients, as well as between two professionals. It is essential when a project is being prepared for real construction.Most often in landscape characterisation such elements as terrain, building or architectural objects, vegetation, roads, surfacing, water elements are used, which overall characterise the versatile essence of the landscape in its elements. But also, such factors as the accessibility of the landscape, its scale, colour, texture and the materials found in the landscape, the emotional factor of the total image, versatility of landscape, its uniqueness and rarity are important. Many of these factors and elements are influenced by subjective perception, thus making it difficult to objectively evaluate the results of the landscape projects.In our study we have chosen those landscape evaluation criteria which most vividly characterise the project idea, the main parameters and also the essence of the design:•the placement of elements in the landscape;•the perception of the design on the whole and the idea of the project;•vegetation – the existing and planned woody plants;•inclusion of the objects in the environment, connection with the adjoining territories;•perception of the proportions of space and elements;•terrain.The study deals with the digital tools in landscape architecture. In the current study digital tools have been analysed and compared, information about the most popular digital tools, their choice and use in the field of landscape architecture in Latvia has been obtained and the perception aspects for the types of visualization in the projects of landscape architecture have been evaluated.MethodsThe study consists of two parts:•the first part presents information about the most popular digital tools, their choice and habits of use in the field of landscape architecture – the evaluation method of the use of digital tools has been used. This information was obtained from the results of the survey on the habits of the use of digital tools in the field of landscape architecture in Latvia where the representatives involved in the field of landscape architecture participated;•in the second part of the study the perception aspects of landscape architecture visualization materials have been evaluated by means of the photography method – the evaluation method of perception aspects of visualization types has been used.The evaluation method of the use of digital toolsWithin the framework of the research, a survey was conducted to find out themost popular digital tools, their choice and use in the field of landscape architecture in Latvia. In Latvia actively working Latvian Association of Landscape Architecture. In the 2017 association had approximately 100 members, who are specialists in the field, of which 23 are certified landscape architects. In the field of landscape architecture in Latvia there is approximately 10 companies. 20 professionals from different education levels in the field of landscape architecture: the secondary professional – 1; Bachelor – 12; master's degree – 4; PhD –3 was participated in survey. The online survey from March to April of 2017 was carried out using systematic gathering of data from the target audience (professionals of the landscape architecture) characterized by the invitation (e-mail) of the respondents and the completion of the questionnaire over the World Wide Web, using software www.visidati.lv. All twenty individuals who filled in the questionnaire forms were included in the data processing.The questionnaire consisted of eleven questions. At the beginning of the questionnaire the data about the respondents’ education level and working experience in the field of landscape architecture were obtained. Further on the questions were associated with the digital tools the respondents use and the habits of their use, preconditions and goals. At the end of the questionnaire, the survey participant's opinion on digital tools in the field of landscape architecture was collected. MS Excel software was used to compile the collected data and to interpret the results.Evaluation method of the perception aspects of visualisation materials types In the current study the photography comparative method was used in determining the perception aspects of visualization materials types of landscape architecture design. The evaluation of the perception aspects of visualization materials types consisted of four stages.In the first stage, the materials for designing visual materials were obtained. In the second stage, within the framework of one project, using different digital tools, visual materials were created, which in the third stage were evaluated by the present and future professionals of landscape architecture as well as representatives of other professions. The last stage was planned for summarizing the results obtained from therespondents.The visual materials were prepared for Tradition Square of the town of Plavinas, in Latvia during the development of the technical project in January/February of 2017. The territory is located in Plavinas among Tirgus, Rainis and Daugava streets. The project has been developed with an aim to regain the lost identity of Tradition Square and connect it with the bank of the Daugava river. According to the project Tradition Square will be developed as a modern public outdoor space, incorporating both -a place for people to gather and fulfil the function of a green zone and recreation, thus radically changing the spatial planning of the existing territory – the network of pathways and layout of a green zone, at the same time showing respect to the existing valuable plantings to be preserved.In total, four visual materials were prepared – a technical plan, an animation, a poster and an interactive 3600panorama using CAD, 3D modelling and Image processing tools. During the process of designing visual materials, several computer software programmes were used – AutoCad, Sketchup, Adobe Photoshop, V-Ray for SketchUp and Lumion3D.To have the opinion of Latvia’s landscape architects and the professionals of the respective field on the designed visual materials, a queationnaire was created. The online survey was carried out using systematic gathering of data from the target audience (professionals and students of the landscape architecture, Latvian citizens) characterized by the invitation (e-mail) of the respondents and the completion of the questionnaire over the World Wide Web, using software Google forms from March – April of 2017. In total, 81 respondents were involved. The questionnaire included eight questions. The respondents were asked to evaluate the following parameters: the layout of the elements in the planned landscape, perception of the design as a whole and the project idea, vegetation – the existing and planned woody plants, the inclusion of the object in and harmonizing it with the existing environment, linkage with the adjoining territories, perception of the proportions of the space and elements and terrain. At the beginning of the questionnaire the data about the respondents’ profession and age were obtained, whereas in the middle part the respondents’opinions about the perceiving capacity of the visualization types were analysed. At the end of the questionnaire the respondents were requested to express their opinion about the visualization types they saw. MS Excel software programme was used for summarizing the data and interpreting the results.ConclusionsIn recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the use of digital tools and project visual representing in Latvia. The standards for visual representing materials of the project have been developed, as well as tasks for the digitalization of the construction documents circulation, facilitating a gradual transition to electronic data circulation and storage, using the latest technologies and world best practices.Summing up information about digital tools, their disadvantages are clear: the lack of qualitative specially designed tools for landscape architects when working in 3D modelling – lack of plant assortment or it is not sufficiently realistic and for the modelling of the landscaping elements in the terrain and the integration of objects in it is complicated and requires additional work; the lack of specific BIM software to provide better quality collaboration with professionals of other sectors during the design process and efficient file sharing.Although digital design possibilities, project development time, qualitative exchange of information with the client and data exchange opportunities are acknowledged to be the main prerequisites for the use/ non-use of a digital tool in the design process, the software price and skills to operate the tool have also been mentioned. The prices of software, compared to market prices in Latvia in this respective field, in respondent’s opinion are very often too high, which limits the use of these tools. There is also a lack of skills in handling the digital tools available, but there is also a desire to acquire and expand knowledge about these tools.Landscape architecture professionals in Latvia mainly use CAD, image processing and 3D modelling tools during project development. GIS, Virtual reality and BIM tools are not widely used in the design process among landscape architects in this country. An almost 100 percent use of computer-aided design tools is explainedby the development of plans that are required for each project. For the developing of the visual material, while presenting the idea, the image processing and 3D modelling tools have gained great popularity. According to the results of the survey these tools tend to be used in combination with each other.The results of the survey of determining the perception aspects of visual types showed that the technical project does not fully allow the residents to get an idea of the project, but the 3D visualization types – animation and the interactive 360° panorama perfectly complement the 2D visualization types. Among the residents there were also respondents who emphasized that the interactive 360° panorama is better than animation because it is less intense. The professionals acknowledged that it is best to perceive a project when it is viewable both two-dimensionally and three-dimensionally, as in each type of visualization it is possible to appreciate some other aspect of the project. The perception of information from CAD technical drawings for professionals is facilitated by the fact that they work with them on a daily basis.Complex use of digital tools in landscape design process are more helpful for understanding of landscape projects parts: placement of landscape elements; design; vegetation; connection of the planned object with the surrounding environment; proportion of space and elements; terrain.中文译文景观设计中的数字工具摘要如今,景观设计中的专业工具更多的是与数字工具相关联的。





















毕业设计(论文)外文参考资料及译文译文题目:Ecological planning in the urban landscapedesign学生姓名: xxx 学号: xxxxxxxxxx 专业:园林所在学院:园艺学院指导教师: xx 职称:讲师2013年 3 月 15 日Abstract:This article discusses the urban landscape from the relation of the following three concepts: the landscape,the city and the ecology。

This paper mainly discusses how th e landscape influences the city’s living environment.The landscape is a stigma in the land,which is of the relationship between human and human,between man and nature. There exists some subtle relationship among landscape,city and humanized design.摘要:本文从景观、城市、生态三个概念之间的相互联系来论诉城市景观。



City and The Landscape(1)Overview of Landscape DesignLandscape design,first,is a people's thinking activity, performed as an art activity.Diversified thoughts formed complex diverse landscape art style。



毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:保护罕见的自然原始景观文献、资料英文题目:文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:园林景观班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14外文翻译颠覆了复杂规范的东汉普顿景观——保护罕见的自然原始景观。















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景观设计风格和园林价值保护之间的关系:德国魏玛历史公园的案例研究Martin Kümmerling, Norbert Müller景观管理与生态恢复部门以及URBIO总公司,德国埃尔福特应用技术大学关键词:生物多样性;历史公园;园艺;城市公园;植被;摘要:城市公园可以通过被引入植物的种植成为入侵源。






我们的研究问题是:1. 哪些设计原则、植物原料和技术实施被使用在创建和管理公园的过程中?2. 对于公园的生物保护尤其是濒危植物物种和栖息地的保护来说,当前什么才是具有价值的?3. 设计原则和现代公园的价值之间是什么关系?我们将我们的结果与类似的公园景观做一对比,并对未来可持续的公园设计和公园恢复管理给出建议。

1.引言园艺是植物物种入侵的一个主要来源(Dehnen-Schmutz, Touza,Perrings, & Williamson, 2007; Mack & Erneberg, 2002; Reichard & White, 2001)。

城市公园可以被入侵源通过种植引入分类单元而入侵(Saumel Kowarik,& Butenschon,2010)。

另一方面,在城市地区公园可以作为生物多样性的热点地区(Cornelis & Hermy,2004),可以支持保护濒临灭绝的稀有类群(Kowarik, 1998; Kunick, 1978; Li, Ouyang, Meng, & Wang, 2006; Reidl, 1989)。

尽管历史悠久的城市公园作为文物古迹是它最重要的价值,但它们在生态系统服务和积极的审美以及社会价值方面的作用也是被肯定的(e.g. Bolund & Hunhammar, 1999; Chiesura,2004)。

虽然在欧洲有许多关于设计的研究,公园的哲学和历史背景(e.g. Gothein,1928; Turner, 2005)以及生物多样性(e.g. Cornelis & Hermy, 2004; Ignatieva & Konechnaya, 2004; Nath, 1990)的研究几乎没有提出景观设计原则的问题如何影响了公园的生物保护价值。



我们选择它来研究是因为:1. 这是那个时期一个“典型”的公园;2. 拥有几个世纪以来没有更改的设计风格;3. 在公园设计上有丰富的历史资料并且使用了有质疑的植物。









图1 “伊尔姆河畔公园”栖息地地图3.方法3.1.设计的历史、植物引种和公园管理通过历史文献研究来获得重要的设计原则信息,植物材料(包括引进外来观赏物种的起源和时间)和被用于“伊尔姆河畔公园”的创建和发展过程之中的管理技术。


另外魏玛经典基金会(特别是Beyer & Seifert, 1995)中的地方文献被用来将历史性文件中的发现与它们所处的时代联系起来。


3.2.生物保护的评价3.2.1 植物区系和植被的实地测绘目前对植被和植物区系进行的实地测绘是在2006年五月—十月,用来对公园的植物多样性进行评估。






魏玛经典基金会登记(1996 —2007年出版)的公园的树被用来计算成年树木的分布频率。

植物的命名通常遵循Jager和Werner(2005)原则,但在公园里发现的分类群不列在这里,Erhardt、Gotz、Bodeker and Seybold (2002)被使用。

3.2.2 在区域和欧洲级别上评价生物保护状态评估生物保护公园的贡献方面,我们编制了在公园发现的濒危植物和栖息地,用于当地的图林根的红色数据列表(Korsch & Westhus,2001;Westhus & van Hengel,2001)中。


评价公园作为植物入侵的潜在来源(生物入侵的定义遵循Richardson et al.,2000),我们将我们的数据与图林根州环境杂草的地区列表(Müller,Westhus, & Armft,2005)做了比较。

4.结果4.1.设计的历史,引进的植物和管理4.1.1 有关生物多样性的设计原则随着欧洲景观设计的流行,Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach的Carl August公爵(1757 至1828)决定建设一个公园作为一个理想的田园景观,包括不同类型的景观:大小不同的开放和密闭空间、视觉上和周围的景观连接的形状和结构。








4.1.2 引进的植物因为大面积的公园是由现有的泛滥平原森林发展而来,并且草地原生植物多样性得到了保护。







4.1.3 管理技术在历史时期,草地和树林是由当地的农民和牧民管理的,他们放牧绵羊、山羊和牛以及生产干草,观赏植物床周围的建筑物是由园丁和短工管理。









与图林根州的地区植物区系相比(Korsch et al.,2002)公园含有18%(355分类群)。

