48国际音标+自然拼读 PDF

thr ee [θr i:]三 tr ee [tr i:]树 ea t [i:t] 吃 t ea [t i:]茶h e [h i:] 他 m e [m i:]我 p ie ce[p i:s]片rec ei ve[rɪ's i:v]收到字母组合:①ee ②ea ③e ④ie/ei[i:]48个国际音标一s i t [s ɪt] 坐 p i cture ['p ɪktʃər]图画 an y ['en i ]一些 man y ['men i ]许多el e phant ['el ɪfənt]大象 w o m e n ['w ɪm ɪn]女人m i n u te['m ɪn ɪt]分钟b u s y['b ɪz i ]忙的48个国际音标二[ɪ]发音字母:①i ②y ③e ④o ⑤ub a g [b æɡ] 包 h a nd [h ænd] 手 a nd [ænd]和 h a t [h æt]帽子m a p [m æp]地图 gl a d[gl æd]高兴的48个国际音标三[æ]发音字母: a48个国际音标四[e]字母组合:①ea②e③ah ea d [h e d]头部br ea d[br e d]面包d e sk [d e sk]书桌b e d [b e d]床a ny ['e ni]一些m a ny ['m e ni]许多48个国际音标五[ɜː]字母组合:①ir②ur③ear④er⑤org ir l [ɡɜːl] 女孩sh ir t [ʃɜːt]衬衫t ur n [tɜːn]翻转n ur se [nɜːs]护士l ear n[lɜːn]学习ear ly ['ɜːli]早的t er m [tɜːm]学期h er[hɜː]她的w or k [wɜːk]工作w or d[wɜːd]单词48个国际音标六[ə]字母组合:①a②e③i④o⑤u ⑥ar⑦er⑧or⑨ou⑩ura round[ə'raʊnd]周围eleph a nt['elɪfənt] 大象ag e nt['eɪdʒən] 代理list e n['lɪsən]倾听fam i ly['fæməli] 家庭terr i ble['terəbl]可怕的t o gether[tə'ɡeðər]一起less o n ['lesən]功课famul u s['fæmjʊləs]助手foc u s ['fəʊkəs] 焦点famili ar[fə'mɪliə]熟悉的doll ar['dɒlər]美元teach er['ti:tʃər]教师riv er['rɪvər]江河doct or['dɒktər]医生act or['æktər]男演员delici ou s[dɪ'lɪʃəs]美味的Sat ur day['sætədeɪ]周六48个国际音标七[ɑ:]字母组合:①ar②ac ar[kɑ:r]汽车f ar m [fɑ:m]农场f a st [fɑ:st] 快的cl a ss [klɑ:s]班级48个国际音标八[ʌ]发音字母: ①u②o③ou④oos u pper['sʌpər]晚餐l u nch [ lʌntʃ]午餐c o me [kʌm] 来m o ther['mʌðər]母亲en ou gh[ɪ'nʌf]充足的y ou ng[jʌŋ]年轻的bl oo d [blʌd]血fl oo d [flʌd]洪水48个国际音标九[ɔ:]字母组合: ①al②or③au④our⑤arsm al l [smɔ:l]小的w al l [wɔ:l]墙h or se [hɔ:s]马d oor[dɔ:r]门au thor['ɔ:θə] 作者au tumn['ɔ:təm]秋天f our[fɔ:r]四c our t [kɔ:t] 庭院w ar m [wɔ:m]暖和的qu ar ter['kwɔ:tər]1/448个国际音标十[ɒ]发音字母: ①o②ah o t [hɒt] 热的l o t [lɒt] 许多w a nt [wɒnt] 想要w a sh [ wɒʃ]洗48个国际音标十一[u:]字母组合: ①oo②o③u④ouf oo d [f u:d]食物m oo n [m u:n]月亮sh o e [ʃu:]鞋d o[d u:]做tr u e [tr u:]真实的bl u e [bl u:]蓝色y ou[j u:]你,你们gr ou p [ɡr u:p]组48个国际音标十二[ʊ]字母组合:①oo②ou③u④ol oo k [lʊk]看g oo d [ɡʊd]好的w ou ld [wʊd]将c ou ld[kʊd]表请求p u t [pʊt] 放f u ll [fʊl]满的w o man['wʊmən]女子 w o lf [wʊlf]狼48个国际音标十三[eɪ]发音字母: ①a②ay③ea④ai⑤eyn a me [n eɪm]名字c a ke [k eɪk]蛋糕pl ay[pl eɪ] 玩s ay[s eɪ]说gr ea t [ɡr eɪt] 大的br ea k [br eɪk]打破r ai n [r eɪn] 雨p ai nt [p eɪnt]涂料th ey[ðeɪ]Ta们gr ey[ɡr eɪ]灰色48个国际音标十四[aɪ]发音字母: ①i②yb i ke [b aɪk]自行车f i ne [f aɪn]美好的m y[m aɪ]我的tr y[tr aɪ]试图48个国际音标十五[aʊ]字母组合: ①ou②owh ou se [h aʊs]房子ou t [aʊt]向外fl ow er ['fl aʊə] 花朵d ow n [d aʊn]向下48个国际音标十六[əʊ]发音字母: ①o②ow③oa h o me [həʊm] 家g o[ɡəʊ]走kn ow[nəʊ] 知道sh ow[ʃəʊ]显示b oa t [bəʊt]小船c oa t [kəʊt] 外套48个国际音标十七[ɔɪ]字母组合:①oy②oib oy [bɔɪ] 男孩t oy [tɔɪ]玩具oi l [ɔɪl] 油s oi l [sɔɪl] 土壤48个国际音标十八[ɪə]字母组合: ①eer②ea③ear④ereb eer[bɪər]啤酒 id ea[aɪ'dɪə]主意 n ear[nɪər]附近 h ere[hɪər]这里48个国际音标十九[eə]字母组合:①ear ②air③ere④areb ear[b eər]熊p air[p eər] 一对th ere[ðeər] 那里c are[k eər]关心48个国际音标二十[ʊə]字母组合:①our②oor③uret our[tʊər]旅行p oor[pʊər]贫穷的s ure[ʃʊər]确信的48个国际音标二一[p]字母组合:①p②pp③pep et [p et] 宠物shi p[ʃɪp] 轮船a pp le ['æp l] 苹果ha pp y ['hæp i] 高兴的co pe[kəʊp] 对付ri pe[raɪp]成熟的48个国际音标二二[b]字母组合:①b②bb③beb ook [bʊk] 书b all [bɔːl] 球ru bb er ['rʌbər] 橡皮ra bb it ['ræbɪt] 兔子ro be[rəʊb] 长袍tu be[tjuːb] 管道[t]字母组合:①t②tt③te ④ed t ea [t iː] 茶ca t[kæt]猫bu tt er ['bʌtər] 黄油bi te[baɪt] 咬cu te[kjuːt] 可爱的ask ed[ɑːsk t] 问[d]字母组合:①d②dd③de ④ed d uck [dʌk] 鸭子see d[siːd] 种子smil ed[smaɪl d] 微笑play ed[pleɪd] 玩bu dd y ['bʌd i] 伙伴ri de[raɪd] 骑48个国际音标二五[k]字母组合:①c②k③ck ④ch ⑤que⑥kec ap [kæp] 帽子des k[des k] 书桌clo ck[klɒk] 钟ch ristmas ['k rɪsməs]圣诞节che que[tʃe k] 支票la ke[leɪk] 湖48个国际音标二六[ɡ]字母组合:①g②gg③gh ④gu ⑤gueg lass [ɡlɑːs] 玻璃e gg[eɡ] 蛋gh ost [ɡəʊst] 鬼gu ide [ɡaɪd] 引导dialo gue['daɪəlɒɡ] 对话48个国际音标二七[s]字母组合:①s②c③ss ④ce ⑤sc⑥se s ee [s iː] 看见c ity ['sɪti] 城市cla ss[klɑːs]班级fa ce[feɪs]脸sc ene [s iːn]场面sen se[sen s]感觉48个国际音标二八[z]字母组合:①z②s③se ④ze ⑤es z oo [z uː] 动物园photo s['fəʊtəʊz]图片no se[nəʊz]鼻子si ze[saɪz]尺寸kniv es[naɪv z]刀48个国际音标二九[∫]字母组合:①s②sh③ch ④ci ⑤si⑥ti s ure [ʃʊər]确定的sh eep[ʃiːp]绵羊ch ef[ʃef]首领spe ci al['speʃəl]特别的pas si on['pæʃən]激情pa ti ent ['peɪʃənt]耐心的48个国际音标三十[ʒ]字母组合:①s②ge③g ④si ⑤z plea s ure['pleʒər]快乐massa ge[mə'sɑːʒ]按摩re g ime[reɪ'ʒiːm]政权deci si on[dɪ'sɪʒən]决定sei z ure['siːʒər]没收48个国际音标三一[tʃ]字母组合:①ch②tch③ttea ch er['tiːtʃər] 老师pea ch[piːtʃ] 桃子wa tch[wɒtʃ] 手表ma tch[mætʃ] 火柴vir t ual ['vɜːtʃuəl] 事实上ques t ion['kwes tʃən] 问题48个国际音标三二[dʒ]字母组合:①g②ge③dge ④j ⑤di g in g er ['dʒɪn dʒər]姜oran ge['ɒrɪn dʒ]橙子ca ge[keɪdʒ]笼子bri dge[brɪdʒ]桥j u dge[dʒʌdʒ] 法官j ump[dʒʌmp]跳sol di er ['səʊl dʒər] 军人48个国际音标三三[tr]字母组合:①tr ②ter③tar ④taurtr ee [tr iː] 树tr uck [trʌk] 卡车tr ick [trɪk] 诡计in ter est['ɪn trəst] 兴趣secre tar y ['sekrətr i] 秘书res taur ant ['res trɒnt] 餐馆48个国际音标三四[dr]字母组合:①drdr aw[drɔː] 画画dr ink[drɪŋk] 饮料dr iver['dr aɪvər] 司机dr agon ['dræɡən] 龙dr y [dr aɪ] 干燥48个国际音标三五[ts]字母组合:①ts ②tes sea ts[siːts] 座位goa ts[ɡəʊts] 山羊pe ts[pe ts] 宠物ga tes[ɡeɪts] 大门ki tes[kaɪts] 风筝da tes[deɪts] 日期48个国际音标三六[dz]字母组合:①ds ②des see ds[siːdz]种子woo ds [wʊdz] 木头frien ds [fren dz] 朋友bir ds [bɜːdz] 小鸟be ds [be dz] 床ri des[raɪdz] 骑48个国际音标三七[f]字母组合:①f②ff③ph ④gh f ace [f eɪs] 脸co ff ee ['kɒf i] 咖啡ph one [fəʊn]电话ph oto ['fəʊtəʊ]照片cou gh[kɒf]咳嗽lau gh[lɑːf]大笑48个国际音标三八[v]字母组合:①v②fse v en ['se v n]七di v e [daɪv]潜水v est[v est]背心ri v er ['rɪvər]江河sa v e [seɪv]节省o f[əv; ɒv]…的48个国际音标三九[θ]字母组合:①thba th[bɑːθ]洗澡bo th [bəʊθ]双方brea th[breθ]呼吸mou th[maʊθ]嘴巴th ird [θɜːd]第三th ree [θriː]三48个国际音标四十[ð]字母组合:①thfa th er ['fɑːðər]父亲th is [ðɪs]这个mo th er ['mʌðər]母亲th ey [ðeɪ]他们th ere [ðeər]在哪wi th[wɪð]和、用、有48个国际音标四一[m]字母组合:①m②mmar m[ɑːm]手臂a m azing [ə'm eɪzɪŋ]惊讶drea m[driːm]梦想fil m[fɪl m]电影m u mm y ['mʌm i]妈咪su mm er ['sʌmər]夏天48个国际音标四二[n]字母组合:①n②nnn ice [n aɪs]好的Chi n a ['tʃaɪnə]中国he n[he n]母鸡di nn er ['dɪnər]正餐ru nn ing['rʌnɪŋ]跑su nn y['sʌn i]晴朗的48个国际音标四三[l]字母组合:①l②lll eaf [l iːf]叶子c l ock [k lɒk]时钟mi l k [mɪl k]牛奶anima l['ænɪm l]动物te ll[te l]告诉ye ll ow ['je ləʊ]黄色48个国际音标四四[ŋ]字母组合:①n②ngdri n k [drɪŋk]饮料u n cle ['ʌŋkl]叔叔hu n gry ['hʌŋɡri]饥饿bori ng['bɔːrɪŋ]无聊so ng[sɒŋ]歌曲48个国际音标四五[h]字母组合:①h ②whh alf [hɑːf]一半h ide [h aɪd]隐藏h ead [h ed]头wh o [h uː]谁wh ose [h uːz]谁的wh ole [həʊl]全部48个国际音标四六[j]字母组合:①y+元②iy ard [jɑːd]院子y ou [j uː]你y oung [jʌŋ]年轻y esterday ['j estədeɪ]昨天on i on ['ʌn jən]洋葱48个国际音标四七[w]字母组合:①w②whw eek [w iːk]星期s w eet[s w iːt]糖果a w ay[ə'w eɪ]离开wh en[w en]何时wh ite[w aɪt]白色wh ich[wɪtʃ]哪个48个国际音标四八[r]字母组合:①r②rr③wr r ead[r iːd]阅读p r ize[p r aɪz]获奖sto r y['stɔːr i]故事a rr ive[ə'r aɪv]到达co rr ect[kə'r ekt]改正wr ite[r aɪt]书写。

关于语音的几个概念:音素:音的最小单位,英语中有48个音素.音节:由元音和辅音构成的发音单位元音:发音响亮,是乐音,口腔中气流不受阻碍,是音节的主要组成部分.英语中有20个元音.辅音:发音不响亮,是噪音,口腔中气流受到阻碍,不是音节的重要组成部分,英语中有28个辅音.开音节:1)辅音+元音+辅音+不发音e如:kite cake name bike make take home plane shine2)辅音+元音如:he hi go no do be tree three hello闭音节:1)辅音+元音+辅音:sit bed bad bag hot hop let mad map head2)元音+辅音如: it is in on up out antA chicken is in the kitchen. / A horse is in the house.A mouse is in the cat’s mouth.A sheep eats some beef and drinks some green tea1 元音:1) [i:]字母组合: ee ea e iethr ee tree green sheep meet beef see seekea t tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak cleanp ie ce rec ei ve ceiling2) [І]发音字母i y es i t picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build missman y twenty happy dictionary d e fect decide delicious3) [æ]发音字母ab a g hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man4) [e] 字母组合ea、e、ahead bread pleasureelephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yes many any5) [З:] 字母组合ir ur ear er org ir l shirt skirt thirty thirteen third birdt ur n burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burgerl ear n earn earth heard t er m her nerd serve w or k worm work world 6) [ə] 字母组合er or ou e ar o a uteach er leader remember player speaker farmer powderdoct or actor mayor author tractordelici ou s familiar collar dollar m e n listent o gether tomorrow today lesson Washington controla round account ago elephant manta banana Canada Japan china7) [a:] 字母组合ar ac ar farm card arm garden f a st class last glass plant aunt calm8) [ʌ]发音字母u oo o ouu p supper lunch fun gun hunt cup bus bl oo d floodc o me mother dose brother love above tr ou ble rough flourish9) [ɔ:]字母组合al au or our arsm al l w al l t al k tall hall ball call walk au thor c au ght au tumnsh or t more lord horse for forty sport door floor storef our mourn court bought w ar m quarrel quarter10) [ɒ]发音字母o ah o t lost lot fox box mop hop loss not w a nt wash watch11) [u:]字母组合oo o uf oo d moon room gloom broom doom goose toothsh o e do two tr u e truth blue full prude12) [ʊ] 字母组合oo ou u ol oo k good foot book wood sh ou ld couldp u t full bull pull push w o man wolf13) [eI]发音字母a ay ea ai eyn a me cake late gate plane April pl ay say may waygr ea t break r ai n paint plain th ey grey14) [aI] 发音字母i yb i ke fine find die nine light night high m y try fly eye15) [aʊ]字母组合ou owh ou se out flour ground account count sound loud around mousefl ow er down now cow how town16) [əʊ]发音字母o ow oah o me cold go no phone host ghostkn ow low below grow blow show flow b oa t coat goal17) [ɔI]字母组合oy oib oy toy joy oil s oi l voice choice18) [iə] 字母组合eer earb eer deer ear near h ere f ier ce id ea19) [eə]字母组合ear air erep ear bear ch air air fair th ere where c are20) [ʊə]字母组合our owerh our tour fl ower shower3 辅音1) [p]p en pear play pig pour pull push2) [b]b ook big boot bike bread break3) [t]t wo ten ton town twenty city4) [d]d oor dull desk dose do dog dictionary5) [k]k ing kite key look cook book kitchen sky (发音字母k)c ard cat cream correct climb come account accept (发音字母c)fo x box oxygen x-ray (发音字母x) s ch ool schema (字母组合ch)6) [g]g irl good goal goat grade long language7) [m] m an make moon morning move come comb8) [n] pe n ten nine fine night noon moon clean9) [ŋ] u n cle bank English think thank junk si ng king morning evening10) [l]l ong land lend lord fly flag black wor l d cold goal soul11) [r]r ead red right run room write12) [f]f ive fly fine flag frog fog roof knife life wifecou gh laugh rough physic photo phone13) [v] v ery evening even every voice vest o f14) [s]s ix sit student same seat kiss miss case scarf (发音字母s) li c ense city cease cedar ceiling celebrate (发音字母c)pie ce juice science lance space ace (字母组合ce)15) [z]z oo zebra[ˈzi:brə]zero zapclose nose hose suppose pause those whose16) [θ] th ink thank three thirty tooth mouth17) [ð]th at this those these though18) [ʃ]sh eep shoulder ship shoe she brush washna t ion attention station so c ial special s ure19) [ʒ]plea s ure20) [h]h ot hop home house horse how who21) [w] w hen what where window wind wood22) [j]y es year yell you your yolk yellow23) [tʃ]ch ild chicken china chair lunch ouch catch teach24) [dʒ] a g e language cabbage vegetable stage bridgej oy enjoy join July June junk25) [tr]tr ee country try treat track trunk26) [dr]dr y dream drop drive drink27) [ts]studen ts boots boats goats nuts28) [dz] goo ds woods moods hoods5字母,组合音节发音规律1)a[eI] late private grade bake grape nation station page[æ] active hand bank fan parent family glad flag[ə] accept about above formative machine cinema[ɑ:] fast last glass class past father[ɒ] wash what watch want2)e[i:] appr e ciate extr e mely secret she me he[e] l e tter left message generate pebble[І]decide pretty previous result restore[ə]problem prosperous student confident不发音active table late wife store lecture3)I[aI] high price library ice wife size line[I] fist pick chicken piano fiancécity unit4)o[əʊ]lode host cold note okay old home[u:] lose do who whose prove[ʌ] love some other mother honey company[ə] today tomorrow together control collect[ɒ] lost hot mock office soft honest5)u[ju] university refuse unique universe huge[ʊ]put push pull full bull[ʌ] but brush bucket duck bubble[ə] support suggest6)c[k] country camp camera courage cable[s] city ceiling celebrate cell cease7)g[g] girl grade glass glade bag flag[dʒ] village vegetable bridge gentleman gym [ŋ]long song sing morning evening8) l [l] 读音不同listen learn language collect English gorilla world cold soil tall sell cool animal9) n[n]moon night noodle number[ŋ]uncle hungry angry young10) r[r] right read write grade progress[r] (美语发音)card board door floor form north 11)y[j] yellow year yell young yolk[І]university country pretty happy[aІ]dyke dying fly buy by my12)ar[ɑ:] farm card garden mark[ə] dollar [ɔ:] warm quarrel quarter13) ea[i:]cease season breathe feature meat please [e] bread breast breath meadow weather [eІ]great break [iə]idea realize14) ear[ə:] learn earth earn heard[Іə] hear near clear ear fear15) er[ə:] deserve serve her person[ə] teacher driver anger singer[Іə] serious experience mysterious fierce16)ere[Іə] here mere fere sere[eə] there17) ir[ə:] shirt girl skirt[aI] admire desire18) oo[u:] room tool cool moon noon goof food[ʊ] good foot stood wood wool cook wood book [ʌ] blood flood [ɔ:] door floor19) or[ɔ:] short form corn born for[З:] work world worm word worst[ə] tractor doctor actor sector senior senator 20) oor[ɔ:] door floor [ʊə] moor poor boor 21) our[aʊə]hour tour flour bourn lour[ɔ:] pour court four mourn22) ou[aʊ] house mouth mouse sound ound[ʌ] enough trouble touch[ə] delicious gracious prosperous23) ow[əʊ] window meadow know show low[aʊ] now town how down cow24) se[z] nose suppose gose lose pose rose[s] mouse house25) th[θ]thank think thought cloth[ð] clothes that this then than26) sion[ʃən] propulsion tension progression passion [ʒən]protrusion provision conclusion television 27) tion[ʃən] station nation translation attention[tʃən] (不常见) question。

Let’s read:
after ['ɑ:ftә ] 之后 large [lɑ:dʒ] 大的 last [lɑ:st ] 最后
hard [hɑ:d] 硬的
class [klɑ:s ] 班级 fast [fɑ:st ] 快速的 arm [ɑ:m] 胳膊
[ ɔ: ] [ ɔ ]
后元音 [ɑ:] [u:] [ʊ] [ɔ:] [ɒ]
合口双元 音
[a ʊ]
集中双元 音
[ʊə] [eə]
爆破 清辅音 [p] [t] [k] 音 浊辅音 [b] [d] [ɡ]
前元音 学习要点:发音比[ i: ]短 促有力 。 发音要领: 1.舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬 高,比/i:/要低。 2.嘴型扁平,牙床开得比 /i:/宽。 3.可从/i:/出发,下颚稍稍 下垂,舌前部也随之稍 稍下降。
eat 吃 [i:]
[bi:] Bee 蜜蜂
摩擦 清辅音 [f] [s] [ʃ] [θ] [h] 音 浊辅音 [v] [z] [ʒ] [ð] [r]
破擦 清辅音 [tʃ] [tr] [ts]
辅 音
浊辅音 [dʒ] [dr] [dz]
鼻辅 音
舌侧 音

1. 辅音音标(1) 清辅音/p/:[p],如英文单词"pin"/t/:[t],如英文单词"top"/k/:[k],如英文单词"cat"/f/:[f],如英文单词"fish"/θ/:[θ],如英文单词"think"/s/:[s],如英文单词"sun"/ʃ/:[ʃ],如英文单词"she"/h/:[h],如英文单词"hat"(2) 浊辅音/b/:[b],如英文单词"boy"/d/:[d],如英文单词"dog"/v/:[v],如英文单词"voice"/ð/:[ð],如英文单词"this"/z/:[z],如英文单词"zoo"/ʒ/:[ʒ],如英文单词"treasure" /m/:[m],如英文单词"man"/n/:[n],如英文单词"no"/ŋ/:[ŋ],如英文单词"long"/l/:[l],如英文单词"like"/r/:[r],如英文单词"red"/j/:[j],如英文单词"yes" (3) 爆破音/tʃ/:[tʃ],如英文单词"church" /dʒ/:[dʒ],如英文单词"job"/kw/:[kw],如英文单词"quick"(4) 破擦音/pf/:[pf],如德文单词"Pfanne"2. 元音音标(1) 单元音/i:/:[i:],如英文单词"see"/ɪ/:[ɪ],如英文单词"sit"/e/:[e],如英文单词"bed"/æ/:[æ],如英文单词"cat"/ɑ:/:[ɑ:],如英文单词"car" /ɔ:/:[ɔ:],如英文单词"four" /ʊ/:[ʊ],如英文单词"put"/u:/:[u:],如英文单词"boot"(2) 双元音/eɪ/:[eɪ],如英文单词"day" /aɪ/:[aɪ],如英文单词"sky" /ɔɪ/:[ɔɪ],如英文单词"boy" /aʊ/:[aʊ],如英文单词"now" /ɪə/:[ɪə],如英文单词"here"/ʊə/:[ʊə],如英文单词"tour"(3) 三元音/iəʊ/:[iəʊ],如英文单词"goat"/eɪə/:[eɪə],如英文单词"layer"/ɔɪə/:[ɔɪə],如英文单词"employer"通过以上介绍,我们了解了国际音标中的48个发音及其对应的读法。

我们把音标放在括号“﹝﹞”或“/ /”中。
英语单词:pear 汉字:梨国际音标:/p eə/汉语拼音:li字母的读音规律。
一般说来,英语字母中的元音字母(a,e,i,o,u)及元音字母组合读元音,如bag中的字母a读元音/æ/,bee中的元音字母组合ee读元音/ i:/,半元音字母y有时读元音,如fly/flaɪ/,有时读半元音/j/,如year/jɪə/;辅音字母和辅音字母组合读辅音,如pea/pi:/中的辅音字母p读辅音/p/,phone/fəʊn/中的辅音字母组合ph读辅音/f/,双写的辅音字母一般读一个辅音,如cabbage中只读1个b.发音的器官。
第2课时 学习元音/ i: / / ɪ /学习10个辅音/ p / / b / / t / / d / / k / / g / / f / / v / / s / / z / Let ’s learn 学习元音 / i: /发音要领: 嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿,嘴角向两边张开,露出微笑的样子,然后振动声带。

史上最全的音标与自然拼读结合教学方法元音分为:1)单元音:[i:]、[i]、[ɔ:]、[ɔ]、[u:]、[u][ə:]、[ə]、[ɑ:]、[ʌ]、[e]、[æ]2)双元音:[ei]、[ai]、[ɔi]、[iə][ɛə]、[uə]、[au] 、[əu]准确的掌握音标和音节会使我们的发音更加标准,而且对于记忆单词也有事半功倍的效果哦!正确的发音和记忆单词,从学会48个国际音标和掌握基本的音节拼读规则开始,一起开始高效学习吧!一、英语音标:48 个国际音标图二、有关英语语音的名词解释01音节以元音为主体构成的发音单位,一般说来元音发音响亮,可以构成音节,辅音发音不响亮,不能单独构成音节([m] [n] [ŋ] [l]例外)。
例如:长音pa-per,stu-dent,fa-ther,ze-ro,mo-tor,far-ther,短音sev-en,stud-y,moth-er,ver-y,mod-le ,weath-er03重读音节单词中读音特别响亮的音节。
例如:name,these,bike,home,excuse05闭音节单个元音字母后面有辅音字母(r、w、y 除外)且以辅音字母结尾的重读音节。

自然拼读法的基本规则48个国际音标长元音/ɑ:/ /ɔ:/ /ɜ:/ /i:/ /u:/短元音/ʌ/ /ɒ/ /ə/ /ɪ/ /ʊ/ /e/ /æ/双元音/eɪ/ /aɪ/ /ɔɪ/ /ɪə/ /eə/ /ʊə/ /əʊ/ /aʊ/轻辅音/p/ /t/ /k/ /f/ /θ/ /s/浊辅音/b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /ð/ /z/轻辅音/ʃ//h/ /ts/ /tʃ/ /tr/浊辅音/ʒ/ /r/ /dz/ /dʒ/ /dr/鼻音/m/ /n/ /ŋ/半元音/j/ / w/边音/ǀ/48个英语音标犹如60个汉语拼音,只要熟练地掌握了它们,对学习英语的作用是相当大的。
元音字母只有a,e,i(y),o,u2) 音素:音的最小的单位。
英语中有48个音素,即20个元音音素和28个辅音音素.3) 元音音素:发音响亮,是乐音;口腔中气流不收阻碍;是构成音节的主要音。
4) 辅音音素:发音不响亮,是噪音;口腔中气流受到阻碍;不是构成音节的主要音。
5) 音节:由元音音素和辅音音素构成的发音单位。
6) 开音节:①辅音+元音+辅音+e name bike home due;②辅音+元音he,go,hi。
7) 闭音节:①辅音+元音+辅音bad,bed,sit,hot,cup;②元音+辅音it。
8) 重读音节:单词中发音特别响亮的音节。
字母或字母组合与音素之间的对应规则大揭秘(1)辅音字母的读音:①音形一致的字母和字母组合:b[b] ,p [p], m[ m], f [ f], d [d], t[t], n[n], l [ l ],g [g], k [k], h [h], r [r], v [v], w [w], z [z], dr [ dr] dress, tr [tr]tree, ts [ts] cats②音形不一致的字母: c [k] [s] call,city,g[g] [dʒ]get,geography , j [dʒ]jacket,enjoy, x [ks] [gz]box,exam, y [j]yellow, s [s] [z] some,always③最常见的辅音字母组合的拼读:sh [ʃ] shoe,finish, ch [tʃ]chair,teacher th[θ][ð] think,brother, ph[f]photo, ck[k]black , kn[n]know,knife, ng[ŋ]long, qu[ kw]question,queen, tch [tʃ]watch,catch, wh [w][h]what,who, wr [r]write,wrong, ds [dz]beds④常见辅音词头:bl-[bl]blue, br-[br]bread, gl-[gl]glass ,gr-[gr]great,kl- [kl-]clean ,kr-[kr]cross ,fl-,fr-,pl-,pr-,sk-,sl-,sm-,sn-,sp-,st-,str-,sw-⑤常见辅音词尾:-ple[-pl]apple ,-ble[-bl]table , -tle/ttle[-tl]little, -dle/ddle [-dl]middle,-cle[-kl]uncle, -ften[-fn]often, -son/sson[-sn] [-zn]lesson,season-ven[-vn]seven⑥另外,单词中有些时候辅音字母会不发音。

英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)长元音/ɑ://ɔ:/ /ɜ:/ /i:/ /u:/短元音/ʌ/ /ɒ/ /ə/ /ɪ/ /ʊ/ /e/ /æ/双元音/eɪ/ /aɪ/ /ɔɪ/ /ɪə/ /eə/ /ʊə/ /əʊ/ /aʊ/ 辅音(28个)轻辅音/p/ /t/ /k/ /f/ /θ//s/浊辅音/b/ /d/ /ɡ/ /v/ /ð/ /z/轻辅音/ʃ/ /h/ /ts/ /tʃ/ /tr/浊辅音/ʒ/ /r/ /dz/ /dʒ/ /dr/鼻音/m/ /n/ /ŋ/半元音/j/ /w/边音/l/自然拼读练习表一、a e i o u a_e e_e i_e o_e u_eAa /æ/: mat map bag cat hat fan bat appleEe /e/: egg well red pen net hen bed bellIi /ɪ/: lick six bib pig pin kiss ink hillOo /ɒ/: ox on octopus box sock operate ostrich Uu /ʌ/: sun umbrella cup bus nut gun uncle under a_e /eɪ/: cape name tapee_e /i:/: thesei_e /aɪ/: bite five kiteo_e /əʊ/: rose nose ropeu_e /ju:/: cube cute二、ai ay ee ea ey ie igh oa ow ui ue yai /eɪ/: tail rain paint pain jail rail nail maiday /eɪ/: bay ray way say hay pay May layee /i:/: reeds eel bee peel jeep feet see teethea /i:/: sea meat peanut eagle peach tea leaf pea ey /ɪ/: donkey monkey jockey turkey hockey trolley ie /aɪ/: tie pie lie dieigh /aɪ/: right sight night fight high sighoa /əʊ/: road toast toad coal goat boat coat soap ow /əʊ/: rainbow pillow yellow window bowl row low hollowui /ʊ/: suit juice fruitue /u:/: Sue blue glueYy /aɪ/: sky fly dry spy type shy cry myYy /ɪ/: sunny puppy dizzy dirty pony happy baby 三、or ar ur er iror /ɔ:/: porch pork horse horn fort morning corn fork ar /ɑ:/: arm car armchair card cart farm park garden ur /ɜ:/: turtle surfing turkey fur hurt purse nurse er /ə/: sister brother under rooster winter mermaid marker motherir /ɜ:/: birthday circus dirty bird circle dirt girl 四、ou ow oi oy au aw oo oo eaou /aʊ/: house out mouth count fountain mountain shout mouseow /aʊ/: cow towel clown owl crown brown flower tower oi /ɔɪ/: coin oil point noise boil soil poison coil oy /ɔɪ/: oyster boy cowboy soy toyau /ɔ:/: August sauce sausage naughty autumn applause aw /ɔ:/: paw draw saw straw strawberry lawnoo /u:/: moon zoo roof rooster boots food spoon roomoo /ʊ/: book woods cookie wool cook foot look hookea /e/: head sweater sweat lead leather feather 五、ch sh wh ph th th kn wr mbch /tʃ/: beach lunch cheese bench church chicken chair cherrysh /ʃ/: sheep shirt ship fish dish push shoes shovel wh /w/: whale white wheel wheat whip whistle wheelchair whisperph /f/: photo elephant telephone trophy pharmacy alphabetth /ð/: brother feather leather father motherth /θ/: thumb three bathmat thirsty thief bath mouth teethkn /n/: knob knee knife knock knitwr /r/: wrist wrinkle wrap wreath writemb /m/: thumb lamb bomb comb crumb numb六、bl fl pl cl cr gl gr pr br fr tr drbl /bl/: blue black blouse bloom bleach blanket blonde fl /fl/: flat flu fly flame flute floor flag flowerpl /pl/: plane play plus planet platform plum plate plant cl /kl/: clock cloud clean clay climb close clap clown cr /kr/: crown crab cream crow crayon crocodile cry croissantgl / l/: glove globe glass glue glasses glidergr / r/: gray green grass grapes ground grow grandma pr /pr/: prize price prawn press prince princess pray br /br/: bright brook brim bride brown bread brick brotherfr /fr/: frog frost Friday French fries fruit front friend frametr /tr/: tractor truck train tray tree triangle trunk trolleydr /dr/: dream drum dry drop draw drive dress drink 七、sm sn sl sw sp st sc sk all ewsm /sm/: smile small smell smoke smoothsn /sn/: snowman snow snore snake snail sneakers snack sl /sl/: slow slap sleep slide slope sledsw /sw/: switch swallow swan swim sweet swing sweater sweatsp /sp/: spider spaceship spinach spoon spellst /st/: stockings store star stamp storm stick student standsc /sk/: scarf scooter scanner scarecrow scale scorpion scoopsk /sk/: skunk skis skirt skatesall /ɔ:/: call tall fall ball wallew /ju:/: dew few view hew new nephew newspaper 八、air ere ere ear ear eerair /eə/: hair air pair fair unfair chairere /ɪə/: hereere /eə/: there whereear /ɪə/: hear tear near dear fear ear year clear ear /eə/: pear bear weareer /ɪə/: cheer deer engineer beer。

音标发音48个正确发音表及单词一、元音(20个)1. 长元音(5个)- /ɑ:/ car [kɑː(r)] n. 汽车。
- /ɔ:/ dog [dɔːg] n. 狗。
- /ɜ:/ bird [bɜːd] n. 鸟。
- /u:/ blue [bluː] adj. 蓝色的。
- /əʊ/ go [gəʊ] v. 去。
2. 短元音(7个)- /ʌ/ bus [bʌs] n. 公共汽车。
- /ɒ/ box [bɒks] n. 盒子。
- /əʊ/ cow [kaʊ] n. 奶牛。
- /u/ book [bʊk] n. 书。
- /e/ pen [pen] n. 钢笔。
- /æ/ cat [kæt] n. 猫。
- /əʊ/ how [haʊ] adv. 如何。
3. 双元音(8个)- /eɪ/ cake [keɪk] n. 蛋糕。
- /aɪ/ bike [baɪk] n. 自行车。
- /ɔɪ/ boy [bɔɪ] n. 男孩。
- /əʊ/ nose [nəʊz] n. 鼻子。
- /aʊ/ mouse [maʊs] n. 老鼠。
- /əʊ/ house [haʊs] n. 房子。
- /ʊə/ sure [ʃʊə(r)] adj. 确信的。
- /eə/ chair [tʃeə(r)] n. 椅子。
二、辅音(28个)1. 清辅音(11个)- /p/ pen [pen] n. 钢笔。
- /t/ tea [tiː] n. 茶。
- /k/ cat [kæt] n. 猫。
- /f/ fish [fɪʃ] n. 鱼。
- θ/ think [θɪŋk] v. 思考。
- /h/ hat [hæt] n. 帽子。
- /tʃ/ chair [tʃeə(r)] n. 椅子。
- /tr/ tree [triː] n. 树。
- /ʃ/ ship [ʃɪp] n. 船。
- /r/ red [red] adj. 红色的。

英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)辅音(28个)26个英文字母书写以及发音英语字母分为元音字母与辅音字母Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu 位元音字母,剩余所有字母均为辅音字母。
四十八个音素发音以及自然拼读规律(一)元音部分1. //美式读音符号//英式读音符号//传统的国际音标的读音符号该音是个后元音,是字母组合ar的读音,也是字母a在ss,st,th等字母前面的读音。
大嘴感叹音e.g. ar car farm arm a class last fast plant2. //美式读音符号//英式读音符号//传统的国际音标的读音符号该音是个后元音,是字母o,u,oo,ou在单词中的读音。
e.g. o come love u fun hunt cup busoo blood flood ou trouble rough3. //美式读音符号//英式读音符号//传统的国际音标的读音符号该音是个后元音,是字母or,al,oar,au, our或oor在单词中的发音。
eg. or for forty al small halloar oar roar au caught autumnour four court oor floor door4. //美式读音符号//英式读音符号//传统的国际音标的读音符号该音是个短元音,是字母o, a, ou在重读闭音节单词中的读音。
e.g. o hot lost mop a want wash watchou cough5. //美式读音符号//英式读音符号//传统的国际音标的读音符号读音是个中元音,是字母组合er,ir,ear,or和ur在单词中的发音。
e.g. er term nerd ir girl shirt thirtyear heard or work wormur nurse burger murder6. //美式读音符号//英式读音符号//传统的国际音标的读音符号该音是个中元音,是字母a,e,o,u,er,or, ar 和ou 在单词中的读音。

英语自然拼读校本教材一、48个英语国际音标二、26个字母在单词中的发音规则韵律诗A is for apple [æ] [æ] [æ]B is for bat [b] [b] [b]C is for cat [k] [k] [k]D is for dog [d] [d] [d]E is for elephant [e] [e] [e]F is for frog [f] [f] [f]G is for girl [g] [g] [g] H is for head [h] [h] [h]I is for it [i] [i] [i] J is for jug [dʒ] [dʒ] [dʒ] K is for kite [k] [k] [k] L is for lion [l] [l] [l]M is for monkey [m] [m] [m] N is for nose [n] [n] [n]O is for orange [ɔ][ɔ][ɔ] P is for prince [p] [p] [p]Q is for queen [kw] [kw] [kw] R is for rain [r] [r] [r]S is for sweets [s] [s] [s] T is for teddy [t] [t] [t]U is for up [ʌ] [ʌ] [ʌ] V is for vase [v] [v] [v] W is for way [w] [w] [w] X is for x-ray [ks] [ks] [ks] Y is for yellow [ j ] [ j ] [ j ] Z is for zoo [ z ] [ z ] [ z ] 三、26个字母在单词中的发音规则例词●字母音标音素拼读●Aa [æ] am at act●Bb [b] bat bag bad●Cc [k] cat cap cad●Dd [d] dog dad duck●Ee [e] egg bed red● F f [f] fat fish fit●Gg [g] girl gate get●Hh [h] ham hat have●I i [i] it is this●J j [dʒ] jug jam jeep●Kk [k] kid kip kick●L l [l] let leg left●Mm [m]mum mad mess●Nn [n]nag not neck●Oo [ɔ] log hot dot●Pp [p] pig pen put●Qq [kw]queen quick quack ●Rr [r]red ram rap●Ss [s] sit sad see●Tt [t] ted tip tick●Uu [ʌ] bus cut cup ●Vv [v]vet vex vase ●Ww [w]wed wet way ●Xx [ks]box six tax ●Yy [ j ] yes yet yep ●Zz [ z ] zap zoo zoom 四、26个字母发音例词小故事Story about AFrank the Rat •Frank is a rat.•Frank is in a bag.•Frank is in a hat.•Frank is in a pan.•Frank is on an apple.•Frank is on a bat.•“Oh , no!” Frank is on a cat.Story about BThe biscuitsA biscuit can be a bus.A biscuit can be a bike.A biscuit can be a boat.A biscuit can be a banana.A biscuit can be a bear.A biscuit can be a butterfly.A biscuit can be bird.Story about CCool Cat Cary is cool cat.Cary can cut carrots like this.Cary can climb a coconut tree like this. Cary can clean a crocodile like this. Cary can catch flies like this.Yes, Cary is cool cat.Story about DDancing Dad Dad loves dancing.Dad is dancing with the desk.Dad is dancing with the duck.Dad is dancing with the door.Dad is dancing with the dog.Dad is dancing with the deer.Where is Dad?Wow! What a dancing dad.Story about ERed BenBen likes red.Ben paints the egg red.Ben paints the eggplant red.Ben paints the lemon red.Ben paints the hen red.Ben paints the elephant red.Oh, we like red.Story about FThe Frog’s Love Story A frog falls in love with a fox.Fresh fruit for you, dear fox.A fish for you, dear fox.Flowers for you, dear fox.On day, the fox’s house is on fire.Help! Help!The fox is frightened.The frog saves the fox.You are my hero.The fox falls in love with the frog.Wow ! A Goat! Wow! A goat!Gaby gives the goat some grass.The goat doesn’t like grass.Gaby gives the goat some grapes.The goat doesn’t like grapes.Gaby gives the goat her glasses.The goat doesn’t like the glasses.Gaby gives the goat her guitar.The goat loves the guitar.Story about HHungry Hat The hungry hat is hungry.Hi, Ham! I’m hungry.Hi, Hot dog! I’m hungry.Hi, Hamburger! I’m hungry.Hi, Hen! I’m hungry.Hi, Horse! I’m hungry.Hi, Hippo! I’m hungry.HI, House! I’m hungry.I’m hungry, too.A Big, Big Day Today is a big, big day.Bill brings a big ship.Rita brings a big lollipop.Jill brings a big dish.Tina brings a big fish.Lily brings a big, big kiss.Happy birthday, Tim.Story about JJack and Jim This is Jack.This is Jim.Jack is wearing jeans.Jim is wearing jacket.Jack is playing with jigsaw.Jim is playing with jeep.Jack is having jam.Jim is having juice.Jack is listening to jazz.Jim is listening to jazz, too.Story about KThe King is…The king is…AHCHOO!A kangaroo flies away.A koala flies away.A kid flies away.A kite flies away.The kite is in the tree.The kid is in the tree.The koala is in the tree.The kangaroo is in the tree.Story about LLook! Look! Look!Look! A ladybug!Look! Look! Look!The ladybug is looking at a lizard.Look! Look! Look!The lizard is looking at a lamb.Look! Look! Look!The lamb is looking at a lion.Look out!The lion is looking at you!Story about MIf You Give a Mouse a Mooncake.A monkey gives a mouse a mooncake.May I have some milk?The monkey gives the mouse some milk. May I have some music?The monkey gives the mouse a CD.May I send a message?The monkey gives the mouse a mobile phone. What a mistake to give a mouse a mooncake!Story about NMr. No-Nose Mr. No-Nose wants a nose.I need a nice nose.I need a new nose.Wow! I love this nose.But……Mr. No-Nose doesn’t need a nose.Story about OWhat’s going on? The dog is on the clock.The fox is on the dog.The peacock is on the fox.The doll is on the peacock.The frog is on the doll.“ Shhhh!”“Good night!”“Good night!”Story about PThe Pig’s Backpack. The pig.The pink pig.The pink pig in pants.The pig is going for a picnic.The pig puts a pear in the backpack.The pig puts a peach in the backpack.Story about QA Quiet Duck The queen has a quiet duck.“Quack, please.”The duck keeps quiet.“Quack, please.”The duck keeps quiet.The queen brings a quacking duck.Quack! Quack! Quack!Can you be quiet?Quack! Quack! Quack!Story about RRabbits Run, Run , Run The rabbits are running.The rabbits are running down the road.The rabbits are running along the river.The rabbits are running by a rat.The rabbits are running for carrots.Story about SSam is a snake.In spring, Sam runs in the sun.In summer, Sam swims in the sea.In autumn, Sam sweep the leaves.In winter, Sam is sleepy.Story about TTick tock what’s the time? Tick tock what’s the time?It’s ten o’clock.It’s tomato time!Tick tock what’s the tim e?It’s twelve o’clock!It’s T-shirt time!Tick tock what’s the time?It’s two o’clock.It’s tea time!Story about UJump,jump, jump.•It’s fun to jump, jump,jump,jump.•Jump over the duck.•Jump over the drum.•Jump over the bus.•Jump over the sun.•Up! Up! Up! It’s fun to jumpStory about VVicVic visits a village.Vic sits in a van.Vic brings a violin.Vic brings a vest.Vic meets a vet.Story about W •I am a witch.•I want to be a wolf.•I want to be a waiter.•I want to be the wind.•I want to be the winner.Story about XThere is a box. There is a box.The fox wants the box.The ox wants the box.The fox kicks the ox.The ox kicks the fox.They break the box.Story about YMaya has a yellow yo-yo. Maya has a yellow yo-yo.She plays with the yo-yo.The yo-yo goes up.The yo-yo goes down.The yo-yo is here.The yo-yo is there.Maya likes the yo-yo.Story about ZZack is a zebra. Zack is a zebra.He lives in a zoo.Zack is crazy.He can make you dizzy.But everyone likes Zack.五、字母及字母组合发音规则韵律诗Aa is for apple [æ][æ][æ]a is for cake [ei][ei][ei]a is for class [a:][a:][a:]a is for watch [ɔ][ɔ][ɔ]a is for about [ə][ə][ə]ay is for day [ei][ei][ei]ai is for train [ei][ei][ei]ar is for park [a:][a:][a:]ar is for warm [ɔ:][ɔ:][ɔ:]al is for ball [ɔ:][ɔ:][ɔ:]au is for autumn [ɔ:][ɔ:][ɔ:]aw is for law [ɔ:][ɔ:][ɔ:]air is for chair[εə][εə][εə]are is for hare [εə][εə][εə]Bb is for bat [b][b][b]Cc is for cat [k][k][k]ck is for duck [k][k][k]ch is for lunch [tʃ][tʃ][tʃ]d is for dog [d][d][d]ds is for birds [dz][dz][dz]dr is for dress [dr][dr][dr]Ee is for elephant [e][e][e]e is for these [i:][i:][i:]e is for decide [i][i][i]e is for the [ə][ə][ə]ea is for bread [e][e][e]ea is for meat [i:][i:][i:]ea is for great [ei][ei][ei]ee is for sheep [i:][i:][i:]er is for term [ə:][ə:][ə:]er is for father [ə][ə][ə]ey is for they [ei][ei][ei]ei is for eight [ei][ei][ei]ew is for news [ju:][ju:][ju:] ear is for tear [iə][iə][iə]ear is for bear [εə][εə][εə] ere is for here [iə][iə][iə]ere is for there [εə][εə][εə] eir is for their [εə][εə][εə]Ff is for frog [f][f][f]Gg is for girl [g][g][g]ge is for age [dʒ][dʒ][dʒ] gh is for cough [f][f][f] Hh is for head [h][h][h] Ii is for chick [i][i][i]i is for ice [ai][ai][ai]ir is for shirt [ə:][ə:][ə:] Jj is for jug [dʒ][dʒ][dʒ] Kk is for kite [k][k][k]kn is for knee [n][n][n] Ll is for lion [l] [l] [l]l is for doll [l] [l] [l]Mm is for monkey [m][m][m] Nn is for nose [n][n][n]ng is for song [ŋ][ŋ][ŋ]Oo is for orange [ɔ][ɔ][ɔ]o is for home [əu][əu][əu] o is for mother [ʌ][ʌ][ʌ]o is for move [u:][u:][u:]o is for today[ə][ə][ə]or is for horse [ɔ:][ɔ:][ɔ:]or is for work [ə][ə][ə]oor is for door [ɔ:][ɔ:][ɔ:] our is for four [ɔ:][ɔ:][ɔ:] our is for our [au][au][au] oo is for zoo [u:][u:][u:]oo is for book [u][u][u]oa is for coat [əu][əu][əu]oe is for toe [əu][əu][əu]ow is for snow [əu][əu][əu] ow is for cow [au][au][au] ou is for mouse [au][au][au] ou is for young [ʌ][ʌ][ʌ]oy is for boy [ɔi][ɔi][ɔi]oi is for coin [ɔi][ɔi][ɔi]Pp is for prince [p][p][p]ph is for photo[f][f][f]Qqu is for queen [kw][kw][kw]Rr is for rain [r][r][r]Ss is for sweet [s][s][s]s is for his [z][z][z]s is for sure [ʃ][ʃ][ʃ]s is for treasure[3][3][3]sh is for shop [ʃ][ʃ][ʃ]Tt is for teddy [t][t][t]tr is for tree [tr][tr][tr]ts is for cats [ts][ts][ts]tch is for match [tʃ][tʃ][tʃ]th is for Math [θ][θ][θ]th is for this [ð][ð][ð]tion is for station [ʃən] [ʃən] [ʃən]ture is for picture [tʃə]Uu is for up [ʌ][ʌ][ʌ]u is for music [ju:][ju:][ju:] u is for ruler [u:][u:][u:]u is for bush [u][u][u]u is for busy [i][i][i]ur is for purple [ə:][ə:][ə:] ui is for fruit [u:][u:][u:] ure is for sure [uə] [uə] [uə] Vv is for vase [v][v][v]Ww is for way [w][w][w]wh is for wheel [w][w][w] wh is for who [h][h][h]wr is for wrap [r][r][r]Xx is for box [ks][ks][ks]x is for exam [gz] [gz] [gz]Yy is for yellow [j][j][j]y is for city [i][i][i]y is for fly [ai][ai][ai] Zz is for zebra [z][z][z]。

可编辑修改精选全文完整版48个国际音标表、最新英语国际音标表音标认读:一、元音前元音:[ i: ] [ i ] [ e ] [ æ ][ i: ]发音组合: e ee ea ie ei 代表单词: m e h e w e e venb ee f ee l br ee ze(微风,简单的事)d ee p fr eeS ea t(座位) b ea t(打,击,敲;冲击)l ea d(引领,最前端) t ea ea tr ea sonGr ie f(悲痛,伤痛) bel ie veach ie veRec ei ve(收到,接收) conc ei ve(构想,想象)[ i ]发音组合: i代表单词: s i t b i t k i ck p i ck w i sh[ e ]发音组合: e ea a代表单词:p e n t e n b e st b e g e gg n e tbr ea d h ea ven(天堂,天国)m a rry a ny m a ny[æ]发音组合: a代表单词: c a p m a p b a d m a d(发疯的,发狂的) b a nk th a nk l a mp(灯,油灯,灯火)中元音:[ə:] [ə][ə: ]发音组合:or ir er ur ear代表单词:w or k w or ker w or m(蠕虫, 使缓慢前进)b ir d d ir t(污物;)aff ir m(断言,申明)t er mB ur n(烧毁) s ur f(碎浪,海浪;浪花)P ear l(珍珠) l ear n[ə ]发音组合:a er or代表单词:a ppear a rise a gain a like a man a penteach er moth er broth erdriv er ang erdoct or act or tut or(家庭教师,私人教师)fam ou s jeal ou s(妒忌的,吃醋的)后元音: [a:] [ʌ] [u:] [u] [ɔ:] [ɔ] [a:]发音组合:ar ear al代表单词:f ar d ar k h ar t f ar m g ar den b ar st arh ear th al f[ʌ]发音组合:u o代表单词:u p c u t b u t b u s l u ckb u tter(奶油)M o nk(和尚) o nion(洋葱) [u:]发音组合:oo o ou u代表单词:f oo d f oo l(蠢人) b oo m( (雷,大炮等的)隆隆声) c oo l h oo p(铁圈,戒指,耳环) p oo l(水塘,水池) sh oo t (发射,放射)t o mbgr ou pbl ue cl ue(提示,线索) r u le tr u th concl u de(推断出,结束)[u]发音组合:oo u ou代表单词:f oo t g oo d c oo k(煮,烧) h oo k (钩,挂钩) t oo kP u ll(拉,拖,牵,拽;搬走) f u ll b u ll(公牛,壮汉,)sh ou ld[ɔ:]发音组合:a oo aw ou ore au or ar代表单词:t a lk b a ll h a ll( 会堂;大厅)c a lld oo r fl oo rL aw(法律) s awb ou ght f ou ght(fight的过去式和过去分词,打仗;搏斗;打架;奋斗)th ou ght bef ore ign ore c au ghtn au ghty( 顽皮的,淘气的;撒野的)n au tical(海上的;船员的;船舶的;航海的) f or ce b or n s o rt( 种类,品种,类型 )w ar n[ɔ]发音组合:o代表单词: n o t c o p(抓,捕) r o t(腐烂,腐坏;腐朽,破损) h o t l o t d o g n o d sh o p合口双元音为: [ei] [ai] [ɔɪ] [au] [əu][ei]发音组合:ei a ai ay代表单词:ei ghtc a ke f a te n a ked sn a ke l a ke m a ken a mep ai d m ai nd ay m ay[ai]发音组合:y i uy代表单词:cr y dr y m yk i te h i gh b i ke t i ght f i ne t i meb uy g uy[ɔɪ]发音组合:oy oi代表单词:t oy b oy l oy aln oi se v oi ce p oi nt s oi lc oi n oi l[au]发音组合:ou ow代表单词:h ou se s ou nd ou t n ou nb ow t ow n n ow t ow er[əu]发音组合:o ow oa代表单词:h o st n o se t o ne h o le n o te c o ke c o peb ow l kn ow l ow ow nb oa tc oa t集中双元音为:[iə] [ɛə][uə][iə]发音组合:eer ear ere代表单词:b eer d eerh ear n ear f earh ere[ɛə]发音组合:air ear are ere 代表单词:h air f air air ch airb ear sw eard are h areth ere[uə]发音组合:oor ure our代表单词:p oorl ure s ureto ur二、辅音爆破音: [ p ] [ b ] [ t ] [ d ] [ k ] [ g ][ p ]发音组合:p代表单词:p ay p i p e p ut p ie p each s p ort s p eed s p end[ b ]发音组合:b代表单词:b ird b ed b ag b ig b uy b ake b ill b ear b ook[ t ]发音组合:t代表单词:t ea t eacher t eam t are t ank t aught t ipi t mee t ca t though t fa t et ent boa ts t udent s t and s t ick[ d ]发音组合:d代表单词:d o d i d d oes d eer d ate d ig d oomnee d be d climbe d[ k ]发音组合:c k ck代表单词:c ake c ar c an c at c omek ite s k y k eeppic k bac k[ g ]发音组合:g代表单词:g eese g o g ap g etbi g ba g be g爆破音小结:1) [ p ] [ t ] [ k ] 是清辅音,发音时声带不震动,送气要强。

48个国际音标自然拼读正确读法篇一:哎呀呀,同学们,你们知道吗?48 个国际音标就像是我们学英语的神奇钥匙!咱先来说说元音,就像一个个小歌唱家,声音响亮又好听。
比如说/ɑː/ 这个音,你想想,就像你张大嘴巴大声喊“啊”一样,是不是特别简单?再比如/iː/ ,是不是感觉像一只细细的小蚊子在轻轻叫“咿”?还有双元音,那可有趣啦!/eɪ/ 就好像你看到了超级喜欢的东西,惊喜地喊“诶”!/əʊ/ 呢,就像你在很悠闲地哼着“哦”。
/p/ 这个音,就像放鞭炮“砰”的一声,嘴巴一闭,气就冲出来啦。
/b/ 呢,和/p/ 是好兄弟,不过声音更重一点,就像敲大鼓“嘣”。
”经过好几天的努力,我终于读得很标准啦!你们说,学习国际音标是不是就像一场有趣的冒险?有时候会遇到困难,但是只要我们不放弃,就能战胜它!我觉得呀,掌握48 个国际音标自然拼读的正确读法太重要啦,这能让我们的英语学习变得更轻松、更有趣!同学们,咱们一起加油,把这些音标都读得棒棒的!篇二:哎呀呀,亲爱的小伙伴们,你们知道吗?48 个国际音标就像是英语世界里的神奇密码!咱们先来说说那20 个元音音标吧。
比如说[i:] 这个音,就像是一只小蜜蜂在快乐地嗡嗡叫“依——”,是不是很有趣?还有[ə:] ,读起来就好像是一只小鹅在悠闲地叫着“饿——”。
你想想看,小蜜蜂和小鹅的声音,是不是差别很大呀?再看看8 个双元音,[ei] 就像是有人在大声喊“诶——”,充满了活力。
[ai] 呢,像不像我们开心时喊出的“爱——”?接下来是28 个辅音音标。
[p] 这个音,就像是气球被突然戳破“噗”的一声。

个音标发音要领讲义元音(20个,分为单元音和双元音)单元音:/ i: / / ə: / / a: / / ɔ: / / u: // i / / ə/ / ʌ/ / ɔ/ / u / / e / / æ // i: / 长元音嘴唇微微张开,嘴巴成扁平状,舌尖抵下齿,口腔肌肉紧张,声音尖锐有力,面部表情呈微笑状。
eat / i:t / 吃bee / bi: / 蜜蜂see /si:/ 看见meet / mi:t / 遇见/ i / 短元音嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿,口形偏平,舌前部稍放低,发音短处有力,开口度比[i:] 大。
big / big / 大的is / iz / 是/ e /发音时舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,嘴形扁平,上下齿之间距离为小指的宽度,口型自然放松,双唇稍扁。
(这个音容易忘记,忘记时想想字母F, L ,M ,N )Bed / bed / 床get / get / 到达desk / desk / 桌子/ æ /梅花音,舌尖抵下齿,嘴要故意张很大,上下齿之间可容纳食指和中指的宽度,双唇向两旁平伸,成扁平型。
apple /’æpl/苹果bad /bæd/ 坏的sad /sæd/ 伤心的hand /hænd/手注意:开口度[]﹥[e] ﹥[i] ﹥[i:]/ ʒ: /嘴唇微张,放松,嘴形扁平,上下齿分开,舌头平放,中部微微抬高。
(忘记了怎么发,可借助“饿”)bird / bʒ:d /鸟sir / sʒ: /先生girl / gʒ:l / 女孩/ ə/发音时舌中部稍抬起,双唇扁平,口腔自然放松,发音干脆利索。
pleasure/ ’pleʒə/ 快乐sister / ‘sistə/ 姐妹/ ʌ/发音时舌尖和舌端两侧轻触下齿,舌根微微抬起。

邦妮英语工作室邦妮英语工作室英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)28个)辅音(邦妮英语工作室26个英文字母书写以及发音英语字母分为元音字母与辅音字母Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu 位元音字母,剩余所有字母均为辅音字母。
四十八个音素发音以及自然拼读规律(一)元音部分1. //美式读音符号//英式读音符号//传统的国际音标的读音符号该音是个后元音,是字母组合ar的读音,也是字母a在ss,st,th等字母前面的读音。
大嘴感叹音//邦妮英语工作室e.g. ar car farm arm a class last fast plant2. //美式读音符号//英式读音符号//传统的国际音标的读音符号该音是个后元音,是字母o,u,oo,ou在单词中的读音。
e.g. o come love u fun hunt cup busoo blood flood ou trouble rough3. //美式读音符号//英式读音符号//传统的国际音标的读音符号该音是个后元音,是字母or,al,oar,au, our或oor在单词中的发音。
eg. or for forty al small halloar oar roar au caught autumndoor floor oor our four court4. //美式读音符号//英式读音符号//传统的国际音标的读音符号该音是个短元音,是字母o, a, ou在重读闭音节单词中的读音。
e.g. o hot lost mop a want wash watchou cough5. //美式读音符号//英式读音符号//传统的国际音标的读音符号在单词中的发音。
ur和ear,or,ir,er 读音是个中元音,是字母组合.邦妮英语工作室//是长元音。
e.g. er term nerd ir girl shirt thirtyear heard or work wormur nurse burger murder6. //美式读音符号//英式读音符号//传统的国际音标的读音符号该音是个中元音,是字母a,e,o,u,er,or, ar 和ou 在单词中的读音。

英语音标48个发音表读法以及对应字母一、元音(20个)1. 长元音(5个)- /ɑ:/- 读法:口张大,舌身压低并后缩,舌尖不抵下齿,双唇稍收圆。
- 对应字母或字母组合:a(如car /kɑ:r/)、ar(如far /fɑ:r/)。
- /ɔ:/- 读法:双唇收得又圆又小,并向前突出,舌尖不抵下齿。
- 对应字母或字母组合:al(如wall /wɔ:l/)、or(如horse /hɔ:rs/)、au (如aunt /ɑ:nt/,在英式英语中有时发/ɔ:nt/)、aw(如draw /drɔ:/)。
- /ɜ:/- 读法:舌身尽量降低并向后缩,舌尖不抵下齿,舌身稍凹。
- 对应字母或字母组合:er(如her /hɜ:r/)、ir(如bird /bɜ:rd/)、ur(如nurse /nɜ:rs/)。
- /u:/- 读法:双唇收圆,突出,舌尖尽量远离下齿,舌身后缩,舌尖不触下齿,舌位尽量高。
- 对应字母或字母组合:u(如blue /blu:/)、oo(如ruler /ˈru:lə(r)/)、ou(如soup /su:p/)、ui(如juice /dʒu:s/)。
- /əʊ:/- 读法:由/əʊ/滑向/ʊ/,双唇由扁平到收圆。
- 对应字母或字母组合:o(如go /gəʊ/)、oa(如boat /bəʊt/)、ow (如low /ləʊ/)。
2. 短元音(7个)- /ʌ/- 读法:舌尖和舌端两侧轻触下齿,舌身向硬腭尽量抬起,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形。
- 对应字母或字母组合:u(如bus /bʌs/)、o(如come /kʌm/)。
- /ɒ/- 读法:双唇收圆,稍突出,舌尖不抵下齿,舌身尽量降低并后缩。
- 对应字母或字母组合:o(如box /bɒks/)。
- /əʊ//əʊ/(实际音标为[əu],这里按题目要求拆分表述)- /əʊ/中的/ə/部分:由/ə/滑向/ʊ/,舌尖抵住下齿,舌身向硬腭尽量抬起,嘴唇向两旁伸开。

/ə/额/ i /一嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,嘴形扁平/U/屋嘴唇张开略向前突出,嘴形稍圆并放松些,舌后缩。
双元音/eɪ/ 和拼音的“ei”一样由[e][i]两个单音组成。
辅音清辅音/p/ 双唇紧闭,然后快速张开,让气流冲出口腔,发出爆破音,但声带不振动。
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英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)辅音(28个)26个英文字母书写以及发音英语字母分为元音字母与辅音字母Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu 位元音字母,剩余所有字母均为辅音字母。
大嘴感叹音e、g、ar car farm arm a class last fast plant2、//美式读音符号//英式读音符号//传统得国际音标得读音符号该音就是个后元音,就是字母o,u,oo,ou在单词中得读音。
e、g、o e love u fun hunt cup busoo blood flood ou trouble rough3、//美式读音符号//英式读音符号//传统得国际音标得读音符号该音就是个后元音,就是字母or,al,oar,au, our或oor在单词中得发音。
eg、or for forty al small halloar oar roar au caught autumnour four court oor floor door4、//美式读音符号//英式读音符号//传统得国际音标得读音符号该音就是个短元音,就是字母o, a, ou在重读闭音节单词中得读音。
e、g、o hot lost mop a want wash watchou cough5、//美式读音符号//英式读音符号//传统得国际音标得读音符号读音就是个中元音,就是字母组合er,ir,ear,or与ur在单词中得发音。
e、g、er term nerd ir girl shirt thirtyear heard or work wormur nurse burger murder6、//美式读音符号//英式读音符号//传统得国际音标得读音符号该音就是个中元音,就是字母a,e,o,u,er,or, ar 与ou 在单词中得读音。
e、g、 a banana Canada Japan e men listeno control lesson u famuluser teacher leader farmer or actor doctorar dollar ou delicious7、/i/美式读音符号/i:/英式读音符号/i:/传统式得国际音标读音符号前元音,就是字母ea,ee,ie或ei在单词中得发音。
e、g、ea meat leave lead ee three sheep seekie piece ei ceiling receive8、//美式读音符号//英式读音符号/i/传统式得国际音标读音符号该音就是个前元音,就是字母i,e,ui或y在单词中得读音。
e、g、i sit mix fit e defect decideui build y many myth9、//美式读音符号//英式读音符号//传统式得国际音标式得读音符号该音就是个后元音,就是字母oo, u或o在单词中得发音。
它就是长元音,火车鸣笛e、g、oo doom broom gloom u trutho do shoe10、//美式读音符号//英式读音符号/u/传统得国际音标得读音符号该音就是个后元素,就是英语字母u,oo ,o 或ou等在单词中得发音。
e、g、u push put oo look good woodo wolf woman ou could should11、//美式发音符号/e/英式发音符号/e/传统得国际音标得读音符号该音就是个前元音,就是字母e, a, ea在单词中得发音。
例:egge、g、 e bed desk better a many anyea bread head12、//美式读音符号//英式读音符号//传统得国际音标得读音符号该音就是个前元素,就是字母a在重读闭音节中得发音。
//就是短元音,嘴张到最大,后口腔发音,大嘴呕吐音,大嘴苹果音e、g、 a bag flag black mad13、//美式读音符号//英式读音符号/ei/传统得国际音标得读音符号该音就是个双元音,就是字母a, ay, ea, ai, ey 在单词中得读音。
e、g、 a cake gate plane ay play say mayea great break ai rain paint plainey they grey14、//美式读音符号//英式读音符号/ai/传统得国际音标读音符号该音就是个双元音,就是字母i或y在单词中得发音。
e、g、i bike fine find y my try fly15、//美式读音符号//英式读音符号/i/传统得国际音标得读音符号该音就是个双元音,就是字母oy与oi在单词中得发音。
e、g、oy boy toy joy oi soil voice choice16、//美式读音符号//英式读音/i/传统得国际音标得读音该音就是个双元音,就是字母ear,ere,eer, ea在单词中得读音。
例:eare、g、ear ear near ere hereeer beer deer ea idea17、//美式读音符号//英式读音符号// //传统得国际音标得读音符号该音就是个双元音,就是字母are,air,ear,ere在单词中得读音。
例:aire、g、are care air chair air fairear pear bear ere there where18、//美式读音符号//英式读音符号/u/传统得国际音标得读音符号该音就是个双元音,就是字母our,oor,ure在单词中得读音。
e、g、our tour pour oor poorure sure19、//美式读音符号//英式读音符号//传统得国际音标得读音符号该音就是个双元音,就是字母o,oa, oe ow 在单词中得读音。
e、g、o home go host oa boat coat goaloe toe ow blow below20、//美式读音符号//英式读音符号/au/传统得国际音标得读音符号该音就是个双元音,就是字母ou与ow在单词中得读音。
鬼哭狼嚎音,痛叫音e、g、ou house out loud ow cow flower(二)辅音部分21-22/p/ /b/美式读音符号/p/ /b/英式读音符号/p/ /b/传统得国际音标得读音符号/p/就是p得发音,/b/就是b得发音。
23-24/t/ /d/美式读音符号/t/ /d/英式读音符号/t/ /d/传统得国际音标得读音符号/t/就是t得发音,/d/就是d得发音。
25-26/k/ /g/美式读音符号/k/ //英式读音符号/k/ //传统得国际音标得读音符号/k/就是字母k与字母c得发音,//就是字母g得读音。
27-28/f/ /v/美式读音符号/f/ /v/英式读音符号/f/ /v/传统得国际音标得读音符号/f/就是f与ph得发音,/v/就是v得发音。
29-30// //美式读音符号// //英式读音符号// //传统得国际音标得读音符号////就是th得发音。
31-32/s/ /z/美式读音符号/s/ /z/英式读音符号/s/ /z/传统得国际音标得读音符号/s//z/就是s得发音,/z/又就是z得发音。
33-34/∫/ //美式读音符号/∫/ //英式读音符号/∫/ //传统得国际音标得读音符号/∫/就是sh得发音,//就是s得发音。
35-36// //美式读音符号// //英式读音符号// //传统得国际音标得读音符号//就是ch得发音, //就是ge dge得发音。
39-40/tr/ /dr/传统得国际音标读音符号。
音节前:发中文l 音音节后:发类似于“o”得音,但要发得更轻47/r/美式读音符号/r/英式读音符号/r/传统得国际音标得符号/r/就是r得发音。
48/y/美式读音符号/j/英式读音符号/j/传统得国际音标得读音符号该音就是国音字母y在词首得读音(三)单词拼读一、音节划分:1:英语单词分为单音节词,双音节词,多音节词2:划分规则一般一元一节算一辅归后二平摊3:重读规则:重音符号在最后一个音节上,重读向下压重音符号在其她音节,重读需要向上挑4:元音字母得发音:开音节:a) 辅音+元音+辅音+e(magic E) : name, bike, home, due, plane, shineb) 元音+辅音+e: icec) 辅音+元音: he, go, hi, do, be, tree, three, hellod) 元音:I闭音节:a) 辅音+元音+辅音: bad, bed, sit, hot, cup, let, mad, mapb)元音+辅音: it, is, of, in, on, up, out, ant4:英语自然拼读规则表——元音字母在重读音节中得读音a 在开音节中读音为[eɪ],如:name, plane, Jane, baby, cake;在闭音节中读音为[æ],如:bag, dad, hat, map, black, back;e 在开音节中读音为[i:],如:he, these, me, Chinese;在闭音节中读音为[e],如:bed, let pen, desk, yes, egg;i 在开音节中读音为[aɪ],如:bike, fly, drive, time, nice, kite;在闭音节中读音为[I],如:fish, big, drink, sit, milk, swim;o 在开音节中读音为[əʊ],如:those, close, go, hoe, home, no;在闭音节中读音为[ɒ],如:clock, not, box, shop, sock;u 在开音节中读音为[ju:],如:student, excuse, duty, Tuesday;在闭音节中读音为[ʌ],如:bus, cup, jump, much, lunch、此外,在开音节中,元音字母u在辅音字母j,l,r,s后面时读[u:]音,例如:June,blue,ruler,super 、5:特殊音拼读•清音浊化:清辅音读成浊辅音。