我喜欢夏天英语作文带翻译 Summer

英语作文我最喜欢的季节夏天范文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Favorite Season is SummerSummer is the best season of the whole year! I love summer more than any other season. During the summer, the weather is nice and warm and the sun stays out for a very long time. School is out, so I don't have to wake up early or do any homework. Summer is the most fun time of the year!The best part about summer is that I don't have to go to school. Don't get me wrong, I like learning new things, but school can be kind of boring sometimes. In the summer, I never have to sit at a desk for hours and hours. I can stay up late and sleep in without my mom yelling at me. No teachers assigning homework or tests or projects. For three wonderful months, I am completely free!Instead of being stuck in a classroom, I get to spend my summer days outside playing with my friends. We have fun riding our bikes up and down the sidewalk. We'll take our skateboards and scooters to the park and practice doing tricksand jumps. Sometimes we just run around chasing each other or playing tag or hide-and-seek. The neighborhood pool is open in the summer, so we swim and splash around cooling off on hot days. It's so much better than being trapped inside at school!My family always goes on a vacation trip during the summer. Last year, we went camping up in the mountains. We hiked on trails, made s'mores over the campfire, and slept outside in our tent under the stars. This summer, we're planning to go to the beach! I can't wait to swim in the ocean and build sandcastles. Maybe we'll see some dolphins or whales! We might even go on a deep sea fishing trip and try to catch some big fish. No matter where we go, it's always an adventure.Another thing I love about summer is the warm sunny weather. During the summer, it's nice and hot outside. That means I can finally wear t-shirts, shorts, and sandals instead of having to bundle up in sweaters and jackets. When it's hot out, it's the perfect weather for fun summer activities like running through sprinklers, having water balloon fights, or going to the water park. And the sunny days seem to last forever! The sun doesn't go down until late at night, so I have plenty of time after dinner to keep playing outside.Summer just has so many fun things that the other seasons don't have. There are no summer holidays during the rest of the year, but in summer we get to celebrate the 4th of July with cookouts and fireworks and parades. The ice cream truck comes through the neighborhood, ringing its familiar song that always makes me crave a sweet frozen treat. The community pool has a snack bar where I can get popcorn, candy, or cotton candy. Every weekend it seems like there are fairs or festivals with rides, games, and food trucks. It's like a big never-ending party!Of course, summer isn't all just fun and games. There are some downsides too. Like when it gets so hot that I'm sweating all day. Or when my friends go on vacation for a few weeks and I don't have anyone to play with. The worst is when my parents make me do chores like yard work or cleaning my room on a nice sunny day when I want to be outside. But even with those minor bad things, summer is still way better than the other seasons.Fall is okay I guess, but it starts getting cooler and all the leaves start falling off the trees making a mess. I don't like winter at all - it's just too cold and snowy and I hate having to wear a big heavy coat everywhere I go. And spring is better than winter, but it's still kind of chilly. There's nothing as magical as those first few weeks of summer when school lets out and you realize youhave months and months of freedom and fun ahead of you. The summer days are long, the weather is beautiful, and the opportunities for adventure are endless. That's why summer will always be my favorite season. I can't wait until next summer gets here!篇2My Favorite Season is SummerSummer is the best season of the whole year! There are so many fun things to do and it's the time when school is out. I love summer more than anything!One of the top reasons why summer is so awesome is because of summer vacation. For three whole months, I don't have to go to school at all! No waking up really early, no homework, no tests or quizzes. Just free time all day and night to play and have fun. During the summer, I get to sleep in as late as I want without my mom yelling at me to get ready for school. I can stay in my pajamas all day if I feel like it. No more following a schedule or routine. Life is just easy breezy!With all that free time, I get to do whatever activities I want. Swimming is my absolute favorite summer activity. My family has a swimming pool in our backyard and I'm in it every single daywhen it's hot out. I can splash around for hours and hours. Sometimes my friends come over and we have pool parties and water balloon fights. It's so much fun! Other times, my parents take me to the community pool or the beach. Getting an ice cream cone at the beach is the best treat ever.Another thing I love about summer is going on vacation! Every year my family takes a big trip somewhere exciting. Two years ago we went to Disney World in Florida, which was a dream come true. Last year we drove up to Northern California to see the redwood trees. This summer we're going to Hawaii to swim with the dolphins! Vacations are a blast - no school, new places to explore, fun activities, and getting to make lots of fun memories as a family.Summer is also just a very happy, joyful time in general. With the warm temperatures and sunny skies, everyone seems to be in a better mood. People are outside more, being active and soaking up the Vitamin D. The fireflies come out at night and you can chase them around the backyard. Folks are grilling out and having backyard barbecues. Kids are riding their bikes, playing sports, having lemonade stands. The ice cream truck comes around with all those yummy frozen treats. It makes me smile just thinking about it!And then there are the summer foods - they are unbeatable! My favorite meals are hamburgers, hot dogs, watermelon, corn on the cob, and popsicles. Mmmm my mouth is just watering thinking about those delicious summer staples. My mom always buys tons of fresh fruits that are in season like cherries, strawberries, peaches, and plums. We have so many picnics and cookouts. I also really love going to the county fair in the summer to get turkey legs, lemonade, candy apples, and deep fried everything! It's impossible to go hungry on a summer day, that's for sure.Summer is also the perfect time to be outside from morning until night. In the spring and fall it can get kind of chilly, and in the winter it's just straight up freezing. But in the summer it stays warm enough to go outdoors all day if you want. That means lots of time for my favorite outdoor activities like riding bikes, going on walks, having water balloon fights, playing frisbee, blowing bubbles, or just soaking up some sun. After being cooped up inside all winter, it feels so good to get that fresh air!Along with the great weather comes the freedom to wear whatever you want - no need for big heavy coats, boots, hats, or gloves. It's light, breezy, and comfortable with just shorts, t-shirts, tank tops, and sandals. No socks required! Getting dressed in thesummer is a total breeze compared to putting on all those layers in the winter. Plus, you can buy fun new summer clothes like bathing suits, sundresses, and bright colored tops. So fun and fashionable!Summer is also a time of little responsibilities compared to the school year. No homework, tests, quizzes, or projects to stress about. Just long, carefree days. I can be a total kid and not worry about anything. No schedules, no routines, no places to be.I can make up games as I go, explore the outdoors, be spontaneous, and not have a care in the world. To me, that is true freedom.The only downsides of summer are that eventually it has to end, and mosquito bites are really annoying. But other than that, what's not to love? The sunny days, warmth, swimming, vacation, activities, foods, fashions, and lack of responsibilities make it hands down the most fun time of the year. Summer is what childhood is all about - simply having fun and making memories that will last forever. So even though it's starting to get close to the end of summer now, I'm soaking up every last bit that I can! Bring on the ice cream trucks, barbecues, and endless playtime. That's why summer is my favorite season and always will be.篇3My Favorite Season is Summer!Summer is the best season of the year in my opinion! I love summer more than any other season. There are so many fun things to do and it's the most exciting time. Let me tell you why summer is my absolute favorite.First of all, summer means no more school! Don't get me wrong, I actually like going to school most of the time. But it's really nice to have a long break from homework, tests, and getting up super early every morning. In the summer, I get to sleep in late and stay up past my bedtime watching movies or playing video games. There's so much free time to do whatever I want!Another awesome thing about summer is going swimming! My family has a pool in our backyard and I'm in it every single day when it's hot out. I love cannon-balling into the cool water and swimming underwater with my eyes open. My friends and I have contests to see who can hold their breath the longest. We also play fun pool games like Marco Polo or just goof around shooting each other with the water guns our parents bought us. If we get bored of our pool, we go to the community waterpark which has huge twisting waterslides that are so much fun!Speaking of being outdoors, that's one of the best parts of summer vacation. It's nice and warm out, so we don't have to bundle up in heavy jackets and boots. We can go to the park and run around playing tag or soccer or whatever we feel like. Sometimes we organize neighborhood games like kickball or capture the flag when everyone is outside. Our neighborhood has a ton of kids my age, so there's always people around to play with instead of being cooped up inside. We stay out until way after dark, catching fireflies in jars.My birthday is in July, which is another reason I love summer. For my birthday, we always have a big party in our backyard with a bounce house, water balloons, popsicles, and lots of cake and ice cream! All my friends come over and we swim in the pool and run around having Nerf gun wars. It's seriously the best day of the year. I get to be the complete center of attention and my parents go all out with decorations and fun activities. I seriously look forward to my summer birthday more than anything.Finally, summer means lots of family vacations and traveling! My parents both have tons of time off from work, so we go on at least a couple big trips each summer. Two years ago, we went to Hawaii and I got to learn how to surf and go snorkeling with tropical fish. That was an amazing experience that I'll neverforget. Last summer, we visited my aunt and uncle's ranch in Montana and I got to go horseback riding and fishing for the first time ever. This year, we're thinking about going on a Mediterranean cruise and seeing places like Italy, Greece, and Spain. Can you imagine how cool that will be? I'll get to eat all kinds of delicious foreign foods.Some of my friends think summer is boring since we don't have school and they get frustrated having nothing to do. I could never relate! To me, having nothing scheduled is the best - it means I get to choose my own adventure every single day. Whether it's plastering on sunscreen and spending the morning at the pool, or grabbing my bike and riding around the neighborhood with my friends in search of ripe blackberry bushes to pick, or even just vegging out reading comics and playing video games, every summer day is packed with freedom and possibility. Those three months of summer break are the highlight of my year, every year.So as you can probably tell by now, summer is 100% my favorite season ever. From sleep-away camp and family road trips to backyard BBQs and 4th of July fireworks, there's just so much fun to be had. Summer is the ultimate time to be a kid - carefree, unscheduled, and filled with nonstop adventures andmaking memories. I wish it could last forever instead of having to go back to school in the fall. But you'd better believe I'll be squeezing every little bit of fun out of this summer while I can!篇4My Favorite Season is SummerSummer is the best season of the year! I love everything about it - the warm sunny days, the fun activities, and the long break from school. Let me tell you why summer is so awesome.First of all, the weather in summer is just perfect. The sun shines brightly in the sky almost every day. The temperatures are nice and hot, usually around 80°F or 90°F. That's warm enough to go swimming or have fun playing outside without getting too sweaty. Sometimes it gets really hot, like over 100°F, but that's okay because you can cool off by running through the sprinklers or sipping an ice-cold lemonade or popsicle. The summer nights are really pleasant too - warm enough that you don't need a heavy jacket, but cool enough to sleep comfortably with the windows open. Ahhh, nothing beats those lovely summer nights.Another great thing about summer is that you're off from school! No more waking up super early and rushing to get ready. No more homework or tests to worry about. Summer means twofull months of freedom to do whatever you want. You can sleep in late, stay up past your bedtime, and just spend your days relaxing and having fun.Speaking of fun, there are so many awesome summer activities to enjoy. Probably my favorite is going swimming at the community pool or beach. Splashing around in the cool water is so refreshing on those hot summer days. I love doing cannonballs and racing my friends underwater. We have contests to see who can hold their breath the longest. My record is 45 seconds! The pool always has a snack bar too with delicious treats like ice cream sandwiches, snowcones, and frozen lemonades. Pure bliss!Going to the park is another awesome summertime activity. You can play on the swings and seesaws, have picnics on the grass, or just lay out and work on your tan. Sometimes I'll bring my frisbee or soccer ball and run around kicking it or tossing it back and forth with my friends. The fresh air and sunshine feels amazing.Summer is also prime-time for fun outdoor adventures like camping, hiking, boating, and fishing. I went camping with my family a few weeks ago at a lake, and we had an absolute blast! We swam and fished during the days, then built a campfire atnight to roast marshmallows for s'mores. We stayed up late telling spooky stories and looking at the stars too. On our hike, we saw deer, squirrels, chipmunks, and all kinds of cool birds. I love being out in nature and exploring the woods.Other stellar summertime activities include going to amusement parks, outdoor concerts and movie nights, baseball games, fairs and carnivals. Everything is just more fun when it's warm out. You can have water balloon fights, sidewalk chalk competitions, backyard campouts, you name it! There's no shortage of awesome things to do.Two of my personal favorite parts of summer are fireworks shows and trips. Every 4th of July, my town has a big fireworks celebration at the high school. I love watching the brilliant colors burst across the night sky while snacking on kettle corn and cotton candy. So magical! My family also likes to go on vacations during the summer when we have time off from school and work.A couple years ago, we went to Florida and visited Disney World - that was a dream come true! This year we're thinking of going camping out west in the national parks. I can't wait for whatever adventures await.Of course, no kid's summer is complete without camps and sleepovers too! I go to day camp every summer and it's anabsolute blast - we do arts & crafts, play games and sports, and go on field trips. Then after camp, my friends and I like to have sleepovers almost every weekend. We'll binge-watch movies while eating tons of junk food like pizza, popcorn, and candy. Or sometimes we'll have backyard campouts, telling ghost stories and roasting s'mores over the fire pit. Sleepovers are the best way to end those fun-filled summer nights before hibernating inside once school starts again.As you can probably tell, I absolute LOVE summer! From the beautiful weather to the endless activities and freedom, it's hard not to. Wintertime with its cold, snowy days is okay I guess. And spring and fall have their merits too. But summer will always reign supreme as my favorite season. Those warm, sunny, carefree days are just impossible to beat!Spending my summers this way - swimming, adventuring, staying up late with friends, vacationing with my family - will always be some of my most cherished childhood memories. I can't wait for school to let out every year so the summer fun can begin! Summer, summertime, sum-sum-summertime... sing it with me!篇5My Favorite Season is SummerSummer is the best season of the whole year! I love summer more than any other season. There are so many fun things to do and it's the best time for kids like me. We get to be out of school, play outside all day, and go on awesome vacations. Summer is just the greatest!The very best part about summer is that there's no school! For three whole months, I don't have to wake up super early, do homework, take tests, or anything like that. I get to sleep in late every morning and my days are wide open to do whatever I want. No more teachers nagging me about assignments or having to follow all kinds of rules at school. In the summer, I'm free!With all that free time, I get to spend my summer days however I please. I love being able to play outside from morning until night. My neighborhood friends and I have awesome adventures building forts, climbing trees, riding our bikes all around, and playing games like kickball, capture the flag, and ghost in the graveyard in the park or empty lots by our houses. We run around getting sweaty and dirty and no one can tell us to stop. It's the best!And I'm not even talking about the awesomeness of summer vacation! My family always goes on a big trip during the summer.We've gone to the beach, amusement parks, camping in the mountains, and visited family across the country. No matter where we go, it's always an epic adventure full of fun and making amazing memories. I get so excited counting down the days until our summer vacation!Another thing I absolutely love about summer is swimming! Whether it's the community pool, a friend's backyard pool, the lake, or the ocean at the beach, I'm always in the water as much as possible when it's hot out. I'll spend entire days swimming around, jumping off the diving board, having cannonball contests, going underwater, and playingPoolPoolMonsters or other games. I'm practically a mermaid in the summer! It's the only time of year I can be in the water that much and not freeze to death.Summer is also primo time for fun summer activities that you can only do when it's warm enough. Stuff like having water balloon fights, running through the sprinkler, setting up aslip-n-slide on the lawn, making s'mores over the fire pit, catching fireflies at night, and slurping up ice cold popsicles. These are the kinds of things kids dream about all year!And can we talk about the amazing summer foods? There are so many delicious treats that just taste better when it's hotoutside. Classics like ice cream, freezer pops, snow cones, lemonade, hot dogs and hamburgers fresh off the grill, juicy watermelon, corn on the cob, and more. Yummy! My mouth waters just thinking about it. You can have picnics, backyard barbecues, take treats to the pool or beach - summer food is the best food.Speaking of the beach, that's another highlight of summer for me. Going to the beach is an amazing experience. Playing in the waves of the warm ocean, making sandy castles, burying my brother in the sand, finding little critters in the tide pools, and working on my tan. The beach is like a magical place that you can only go to in the summer. No wonder it's a favorite summer destination!While summer days can get pretty hot and sticky, that's all part of the fun! I love feeling the warm sunshine beaming down on me. It's impossible to be cold or need a jacket in the summer - you can wear lightweight shirts, shorts, and sandals every day without being chilly. Kids can play hard outside and get hot and sweaty and then cool off by running through the sprinkler or guzzling ice water or Popsicles. That's what summer is all about!Summer nights are incredible too. The warm evening air, incredible sunsets, earlyeveningthunderstorms,catching fireflies,and eatings'mores around the firepit. Myneighborshaveepic waterballoonfightsthatIcan joinafter itstartstocooloff.Plusnobedtimebecausethere'snoschwlinthenorning!Itsst ayupas leteaswant,watchingmoviesorplayingoutsideuttillthe street laps turn on.Summernightsaremadeforfu and adventues!Ifee llikemywholelifeisjustbetterintdesummer.Iamsucha happykidbecauseIgettosoendthreegloriousmontshavingnonient adventures,nothavingtowoorryaboutschoolorrolesorchedules.It' stheseasonofbeing"ffree"and"achiiekid"Ihaveallthetiemintheworl dt9justplayandexloreandstaymessyadsweaty.Notneedingtosittlllstridy,orbeperefect-justlivihmybestl kifelaughingandrubningaropund.Ihthegreastetlifeasakid.suNbeT er!As you can see, I absolutely LOVE summer and look forward to it all year long! Those three months of no school, nonstop playing, beach vacations, and sunny carefree days are what every kid lives for. Summer is simply the best season because you can truly experience your childhood to the fullest. I super happy get to be a kid in the summer! I'll hold onto these joyous summer memories forever. Bring on the next summer please!篇6My Favorite Season is SummerSummer is the best season of the year! I love everything about summer - the warm sunny days, the fun activities, and the cool treats. Summer is when school is out and I get to spend all day playing outside with my friends. We go to the park, have water balloon fights, and run through the sprinklers to stay cool. It's the best!My favorite part of summer is going to the beach with my family. I love swimming in the ocean and playing in the waves. The salty water tastes kind of gross, but I don't mind because I'm having so much fun. I like burying my dad in the sand and making him look like a mermaid. He pretends not to like it, but I can tell he's having fun too.After swimming, we have picnics on the beach. My mom packs a huge cooler filled with sandwiches, fruits, veggies, juice boxes, and other yummy snacks. For dessert, we always have popsicles or ice cream sandwiches. I get ice cream all over my face, but I don't care because it tastes so good!Another great thing about summer is the ice cream truck that comes around our neighborhood. When I hear that iconic music playing, I jump up and run outside. I love all the frozen treats, but my favorite is a Bomb Pop - it has three flavors in onepopsicle! Sometimes I beg my parents for a Bomb Pop in the morning and they say it's too early for ice cream. Silly parents, it's never too early for ice cream in the summer!Summer also means no school, and that's the best feeling ever. No waking up super early, no homework, no tests. Just day after day of fun and playing. My friends and I have turned our neighborhood into our own little kingdom for the summer. We have forts, obstacle courses, and places to explore scattered all over. We run around from yard to yard having adventures and getting exercise without even realizing it.When we do get tired from running around, we set up lemonade stands to make money and take a break. We use that classic recipe of lemon juice, sugar, and water. Neighbors come from all around to buy our lemonade because it's so hot outside. One time, my friend's puppy knocked over our whole pitcher, but we didn't get too mad because it was just part of the fun.In the evenings, we go to backyard barbecues and have picnics under the stars. We eat hamburgers, hot dogs, corn on the cob, and other cookout foods. For dessert, there's s'mores! We roast marshmallows over the fire pit and smoosh them between graham crackers and chocolate bars. My favorite part iswhen the marshmallow gets all melty and gooey. I always end up with sticky hands, a messy face, and a huge smile.After stuffing ourselves, we wait for it to get dark so we can do sparklers and。

夏天英语作文50句带翻译Summer is my favorite season of the year. It is a time for relaxation, fun, and outdoor activities. 。
During the summer, I love to go to the beach and soak up the sun. There's nothing better than feeling the warm sand between my toes and listening to the sound of the waves crashing against the shore.在夏天,我喜欢去海滩晒太阳。
I also enjoy going for a swim in the ocean and playing beach volleyball with my friends. It's a great way to stay active and have some fun in the sun.我也喜欢在海洋中游泳,和朋友们打沙滩排球。
In addition to beach activities, I love to go hiking and camping in the mountains. There's something so peaceful and serene about being surrounded by nature.除了海滩活动,我还喜欢在山上徒步旅行和露营。
One of my favorite things to do in the summer is to have a barbecue with my family and friends. There's nothing better than grilling up some burgers and hot dogs and enjoying a meal outside.夏天我最喜欢做的事情之一就是和家人朋友一起烧烤。

写一个我最喜欢夏天英语作文20词全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Favorite Season is SummerSummer is my favorite time of year! There are so many fun things to do when it's warm outside. I love not having to go to school and being able to spend my days however I want. Summer means freedom and fun!One of the best parts of summer is going swimming. My family has a pool in our backyard and I spend hours splashing around and trying to see how long I can hold my breath underwater. I'm getting pretty good at swimming now. My parents say maybe I can take swimming lessons next summer and learn all the proper strokes. That would be so cool to be a great swimmer!I also really enjoy going to the beach in the summer. We usually go a few times each year with our cousins and make a whole day of it. I love feeling the warm sand between my toes and playing in the salty ocean water. My brother and I have competitions to see who can jump over the biggest waveswithout getting knocked over. The loser has to buy the winner ice cream from the snack bar!My dad loves to barbecue in the summer, so we get to eat outside a lot. He grills up burgers, hot dogs, chicken, and steak. Sometimes we have corn on the cob or baked potatoes too. It's fun to eat our dinner on the patio while the sun is going down. Mom always makes refreshing lemonade or iced tea to drink. For dessert, we often have popsicles or ice cream cones.Another awesome summer activity is going camping. We pack up our tent and sleeping bags and drive to the nearest state park. We roast marshmallows over the fire pit and tell spooky stories after the sun sets. I love sleeping under the stars and listening to the sounds of nature all around us. My favorite part is waking up to the chirping birds in the morning. Somehow the fresh outdoor air makes me feel so energized!Summer also brings lots of fun holidays and celebrations. There's Father's Day in June where I get to make my dad breakfast in bed. Then in early July we have the Fourth of July, which is my favorite holiday! We watch fireworks, have a big backyard barbecue, and I get to stay up really late. At the end of summer is Labor Day, which means one last hoorah before school starts back up.My birthday is in July, so I'm always having a big summer birthday party too! Whether it's at a water park, going to a baseball game, or just having friends over to our house, summer birthdays are the best. I get so many fun presents like new swimming gear, outdoor toys, books to read, and clothes for the warm weather.There are so many little things I love about summer too –running through the sprinkler, drinking ice cold lemonade, blowing bubbles outside, chasing fireflies at night, and going on bike rides. Everything is just better when it's warm and sunny out!I definitely like summer more than any other season. Winter is too cold and you're stuck inside a lot. Plus there's no break from school except for Christmas. Fall is okay with Halloween and pretty leaves, but then everything starts to get gloomy. Spring can be nice, but there's still lots of rain and chilly days.Summer is all about freedom, fun in the sun, no school, and making lots of happy memories. I wish it could be summer all year round! Those three months go by way too fast. As soon as summer starts, I'm counting down the days until it's over because I dread having to go back to school. But I try not to think about that too much. Instead, I soak up every minute of summerwhile I can. After all, a kid only gets so many summers before they're all grown up. I'm going to enjoy every second!篇2My Favorite Thing About SummerSummer is the best season ever! I love everything about it - the warm sunny days, getting to play outside all day long, swimming at the pool or beach, no school, and eating lots of ice cream and popsicles. But you know what I love most of all about summer? Summer camp!Going to summer camp is seriously the highlight of my whole year. I get so excited counting down the days until camp starts. As soon as school lets out in June, I start bugging my parents about when we're leaving for camp. I can hardly wait!Camp is held at this huge park about an hour away from our house. There are woods with hiking trails, a massive open field for playing sports and games, a swimming pool, a lake for canoeing and fishing, and lots of cool activities like archery, arts and crafts, and outdoor cooking. But the best part is the overnight camping!On the first day of camp, all the campers arrive and get sorted into their bunks in the big log cabin dorms. I love exploring the dorm and claiming the coolest bunk for me and my friends. We put up all our sweet camp posters and photos on the walls to make it feel like home. The counselors are really fun too - they're kind of like the camp moms and dads, but way cooler because they get to do awesome activities with us all day instead of boring grown-up jobs.After getting settled in the dorms, it's time for the camp kickoff party! We all gather in the massive dining hall and do crazy chants and dances to get pumped up for camp. The counselors lead us in goofy songs and games to help everyone get to know each other. By the end of the kickoff, I already have a bunch of new friends from different schools and towns. Camp is the best for making new friends!Then the amazing camp activities begin! There's always a ton of choices for what to do each period. I usually start my day at the climbing wall or ropes course to get my adrenaline pumping. Then I'll do some sports like basketball, soccer, or tennis. Archery is my absolute favorite camp activity - there's something so satisfying about landing a bullseye with my bow and arrow. I'm a pretty great archer if I do say so myself!After working up a huge appetite from all the morning activities, it's time for lunch in the dining hall. Camp food is surprisingly good for cafeteria chow. They always haveall-you-can-eat options like pizza, chicken nuggets, taco bar, and salad bar. And of course, my favorite part of every camp meal is the dessert! Gooey brownies, fresh-baked cookies, rice crispy treats - I demolish multiple desserts like a hungry bear coming out of hibernation.With a full belly, I'll spend the afternoon cooling off at the pool or lake. I'm a fish at heart, so I pretty much live in the water all summer. At the pool, we play awesome games like pool basketball, underwater hockey, and see who can make the biggest cannonball splash. Down at the lake, I love canoeing across the calm waters and exploring little coves and islands. I've gotten pretty skilled at casting a fishing line too - I've caught tons of bluegill, bass, and catfish over the years. Some campers even cook and eat their catches for dinner, but that's a little too adventurous for me!After the water activities, there's always time for some creative fun like arts and crafts, woodworking, or outdoor cooking. I've made so many silly camp masterpieces over the years: colorful tie-dye shirts, wacky pinch pots, burnt campfirefried pies (whoops!). I take pride in being the dorm Popsicle stick sculptor extraordinaire.Once evening rolls around, it's time for the best part of camp: night activities! We'll start with a cookout dinner like juicy burgers and hot dogs roasted over an open campfire. Mmm, nothing beats food cooked over a real wood fire! With full bellies, we'll do zany all-camp games and competitions before the big event: the camping overnight!Camping out under the stars is simply magical. We pitch our tents out in the woods, build a safe campfire ring, and tell silly ghost stories and sing campfire songs while roasting s'mores and staring up at the bright constellations. Sometimes we even see shooting stars! Sleeping in a cozy tent surrounded by close friends is the coziest feeling ever.篇3My Favorite SummerSummer is my favorite season of the year! The long days, warm weather, and school being out makes summer so much fun. Last summer was the best summer ever and I'll never forget all the amazing times I had.The summer started out with my family going on a big trip. We drove all the way from our home in Ohio to Florida to visit my cousins. It took forever to get there, but I didn't mind too much because I got to watch movies in the car. When we finally made it to Florida, I was so excited! My cousins live right near the beach and we got to go swimming in the ocean every single day. The water was so warm and salty. I loved jumping over the waves and playing in the sand. We built the most amazing sandcastles and had competitions to see whose could be the biggest and most detailed. I always lost because my cousins are a little older than me, but it was still a blast.After a week of fun at the beach, we headed back home. We stopped at lots of fun places along the way like zoos, museums, and parks to break up the long drive. By the time we got home, I didn't want the summer to end! Luckily, I still had two whole months left before school started again.My best friend lives right down the street from me, so we spent almost every day together that summer. We loved having lemonade stands and trying to make money to buy ice cream and popsicles from the truck that came around. We'd take our profits and run after the truck, screaming for it to stop so we could buy a treat. Some days we'd make a whole dollar andcould get a big ice cream sandwich! Other days we only had enough for those cheap ice pops, but they were still really good on a hot day.In the afternoons, my friend and I would run through the sprinkler in my backyard or have epic water balloon fights. Her older brother would help us fill up a million balloons and then we'd hide behind trees and bushes, trying to soak each other. We'd be absolutely drenched by the end and our moms would yell at us for getting so muddy. It was worth it though for that summer fun!One night, my dad surprised us by taking us to an amusement park a few hours away. We stayed at a hotel with an indoor water park, which was awesome! We went on so many roller coasters and other rides. My favorite was this one roller coaster that went upside down three times. I was terrified at first, but then I loved the thrill of it! The water park had huge twisting slides and a lazy river too. I could have spent days just floating along without a care in the world.As the summer came to an end, I was really sad to have to start getting ready to go back to school. Summer break had been absolutely perfect and full of so many fun adventures and activities. I'll never forget the beach trip, setting up lemonadestands, water balloon fights, or the amusement park. Those summer memories will stay with me forever as some of the happiest, most carefree times. I can't wait for next summer so I can make a whole new set of incredible memories!篇4My Favorite Season: Summer!Summer is definitely my favorite season of the year! There are so many fun things to do and it's the best time to be a kid. Let me tell you why I love summer so much.First of all, summer means no more school! Don't get me wrong, I actually like learning new things, but sitting in a classroom all day can get pretty boring after a while. In the summer, I get to sleep in late, play outside, and basically do whatever I want. No more homework or tests to study for. It's bliss!My favorite part of summer is going to the beach or the pool.I love swimming and splashing around in the cool water. It's the perfect way to beat the heat. Last summer, my parents took me to the ocean for the first time. Playing in the waves was so much fun! I also like building sandcastles and burying my little brother in the sand (he doesn't like that as much though!).Summer is also the best time for fun activities and trips. Every year, my family goes camping in the mountains. We spend a few days hiking, fishing, toasting marshmallows over the campfire, and sleeping under the stars. I feel so free and happy when we're camping. This summer, we're even going to Disneyland! I'm so excited to go on all the rides and meet Mickey Mouse.Another great thing about summer is that all the good food comes out. My mouth waters just thinking about biting into a huge slice of cold, fresh watermelon. Or a big scoop of ice cream dripping down the sides of the cone on a sweltering day. Mmm, so good! Summer also means backyard barbecues, roasting hot dogs and making s'mores. My dad is the grill master.My mom also signs me up for summer camps and activities to keep me active and learning. A few weeks ago, I went to basketball camp and improved my dribbling and shooting. Next month, I'm going to drama camp to put on a play. I'm a little nervous, but it'll be fun.Sometimes though, it's just too hot to do anything active outside. That's when I love lounging inside with a good book or watching movies and TV shows. My favorite is having naptimewith my dog sprawled out next to me. Rainy summer days are perfect for crafting, baking, or playing video games too.As you can probably tell, I have a hard time picking my favorite summer activity or tradition! I love it all - the freedom, the adventures, the yummy food. The only bad thing about summer is that it has to end eventually. Those last few weeks before school starts again are always a little sad.But that just means I have to soak up every last bit of summer fun while I can. Playing outside until the streetlights come on, catching fireflies in a jar, going on an epic bike ride adventure with my friends in search of a fun swimming hole. Those are the moments I'll never forget.Summer is simply the best time of year for a kid. Having no responsibilities, staying up late, and playing all day long. Those long, warm, carefree days are what childhood memories are made of. So even though I dread going back to school, at least I know another summer will roll around before too long. And I'll be ready - ready to soak up the sun, go on adventures, and make more magical summer memories.篇5My Awesome Summer VacationSummer vacation is the best time of the year! No more waking up early, no more homework, and no more boring classes. Just sun, fun, and freedom!This summer was extra special because my family went on an amazing trip. We visited my aunt and uncle who live near the beach in California. I was so excited for the plane ride. I had only been on a plane one other time when I was really little, so I didn't remember much about it.The airport was huge and pretty crowded. There were so many people rushing around with their suitcases. My little brother got cranky because we had to wait in some long lines, but I didn't mind. I was just eager to get on the plane and go!When we finally boarded, I got a window seat. I watched out the little window as the plane taxied down the runway, going faster and faster until finally it lifted off into the sky. Looking down, all the cars and buildings looked like tiny toys from up so high. The clouds looked so puffy and close, almost like you could reach out and touch them. I pressed my face against the window, not wanting to miss a thing.A few hours later, we landed in sunny California. It was so warm and beautiful there! The second we stepped outside, youcould smell the salty ocean air. My aunt and uncle's house was just a few blocks from the beach, so we went there right away.The beach was amazing - huge, wide, and sandy with rollers crashing against the shore. I had been to beaches in our state before, but they were nothing like this! I ran straight toward the water, feeling the warm sand squish between my toes. The waves were pretty big, so my dad cautioned me not to go out too far.I spent hours playing in the surf, riding the waves, and getting knocked over by the whitewater. My brother was too scared to go too far out, but I loved the power of the ocean. Once, a huge wave came and completely drenched me. My bathing suit and hair were soaked! I just laughed and kept on playing.When I finally got tired, I laid on the beach to catch some rays. The hot sun felt so good on my skin and warmed me right up after being in the cold Pacific Ocean. I could have fallen asleep right there, if my stomach hadn't started growling for food.After the beach, we usually went back to my aunt and uncle's place. They had a great backyard with a pool, which was perfect for cooling off in the afternoon heat. I practiced holding mybreath underwater to see how long I could stay under. My brother and I had swimming races from one end to the other.In the evenings, we often had a backyard barbecue cookout. My uncle grilled up burgers or steak, while my aunt prepared corn on the cob, baked potatoes, and a fresh salad from the vegetables in their garden. The food always tasted so good, especially when eaten outside in the open air. For dessert, we had sweet watermelon wedges or popsicles to beat the heat.On the 4th of July, we attended a huge fireworks celebration down on the beach. We packed up beach chairs, blankets, snacks, and arrived early to get a nice spot in the sand to watch the show.I had seen fireworks before, but never as many as they had at this event!As the sun went down, the fireworks began. Brilliant flashes of red, white, blue, purple, and green exploded in the night sky, showering down sparkling streams of light. Each new blast was more incredible than the last. I sat there, mouth agape, utterly awestruck by the spectacle. It went on for a long time, leaving swirling clouds of colored smoke. When it was finally over, everybody clapped and cheered loudly.Another day, we went to an amusement park right on the beach. They had some totally crazy, looping, upside-down roller coasters there that I was篇6My Favorite Season - Summer!Summer is the best season ever! There are so many fun things to do when it's warm outside. Let me tell you all about why I love summer so much.First of all, summer means no school! That's right, two whole months off from having to wake up early, do homework, take tests, and listen to teachers drone on all day. In the summer, I get to sleep in as late as I want. My parents don't make me set an alarm or anything. I can stay up late watching movies or playing video games too since I don't have school the next day. Ahh, complete freedom!With all that free time, summer is packed with fun activities. My friends and I have lemonade stands, have water balloon fights, go to the pool or beach, have sleepovers, go camping, and so much more. We run around the neighborhood playing games like tag, hide and seek, and kickball. Sometimes we even get ice cream trucks to come by!Speaking of ice cream, that's another great part of summer - all the delicious cold treats! Ice cream cones, popsicles, slushies, milkshakes, you name it. There are so many tasty ways to beat the heat. My favorite is probably a big banana split sundae loaded with chocolate sauce, sprinkles, whipped cream, and a cherry on top. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water!Summer is also prime time for traveling and going on vacations. Every year my family takes a big trip somewhere fun. We've gone to Disneyland, the beach, national parks, you name it. Vacations are a blast - no routine or chores, just relaxing and doing fun activities all day long. I love exploring new places and making awesome summer memories.Another awesome part about summer is all the celebrations and parties that happen. There's Memorial Day to kick things off, the 4th of July with barbecues, fireworks and parades, tons of people's summer birthdays, Labor Day at the end, and so much more. It's just one big party after another! I love the laid-back vibes, staying up late, wearing fun summer clothes, and getting to eat all kinds of great food.Don't even get me started on summer foods like hot dogs, hamburgers, watermelon, corn on the cob, and s'mores. Is there anything better than a juicy hamburger right off the grill with allyour favorite toppings? Or a plump, ripe watermelon, perfectly chilled and so refreshing? Summer has all the best treats and snacks.As you can probably tell by now, I'm completely obsessed with summer. From the second I wake up on that final day of school, I just can't wait for those long, hot, sunny, fun-filled days. Sure, sometimes it gets a little too hot and humid. And yeah, by the end of August I may start to get a little bored and ready to go back to school. But those first several weeks of summer freedom are pure bliss for a kid!I try to soak up every second of that summer feeling - the warmth of the sun on my face, the taste of popsicles and lemonade, the sound of the ice cream truck jingle, staying up late with my friends, day after day with nothing to do but hang out and play. Those couple months of summer go by so fast, but they're absolutely packed with great memories that I'll never forget.When I'm an adult with a job and responsibilities, I'll look back so fondly on these carefree summer days of my childhood. Summer is just the ultimate vibe for a kid - laid-back, fun, warm, no schedule or commitments. Just pure bliss and freedom. So yeah, that's why summer is 100% my absolute favorite seasonever! I'm already counting down the days until next summer. Bring on the fun in the sun!。

写我最喜欢的季节是夏季的英语作文精选英文写我最喜欢的季节是夏季的英语作文:My Favorite Season: SummerIn the tapestry of seasons, each weaving its unique charm and beauty, there is one that holds a special place in my heart –Summer. It's not just a season; it's a vibrant symphony of colors, warmth, and endless possibilities that awaken every sense within me. As the days grow longer and the sun shines brighter, I find myself embraced by a world full of life and adventure.Firstly, what draws me to summer like a magnet are the long, golden hours of daylight. These extended days allow me to indulge in activities that would otherwise be impossible under the shorter days of other seasons. Whether it's exploring the great outdoors, hiking through lush green forests, or simply lounging by the poolside with a good book, the abundance of sunlight fills me with a sense of freedom and rejuvenation. The evenings, too, are magical, with the sun setting in a breathtaking display of oranges, pinks, and purples, painting the sky with a canvas of warmth and tranquility.Secondly, summer is synonymous with the joy of being outdoors. The warmth of the sun invites us to shed our layers of clothing and embrace the world with bare skin. It's a time for beach trips, where the sand between my toes and the cool waters lapping at my feet create a sensation of pure bliss. Building sandcastles, flying kites, and engaging in water sports are just a few of the many activities that bring laughter and excitement to my days. Moreover, the smell of freshly cut grass and blooming flowers fills the air, adding a delightful fragrance toevery breath I take.Furthermore, summer is a season of festivals and gatherings. From backyard barbecues to large-scale concerts and fireworks displays, there's always something to celebrate. These events bring people together, fostering connections and creating memories that last a lifetime. The festive atmosphere and the joy of being around loved ones make summer even more special. Eating ice cream cones, indulging in delicious fruits like watermelons and strawberries, and sipping on cool beverages under the stars –these simple pleasures elevate the season to a whole new level of enjoyment.Lastly, summer is a time for personal growth and self-discovery. With the longer days and warmer weather, I find myself with more energy and motivation to pursue my passions and hobbies. It's a season of learning new skills, be it swimming, surfing, or gardening. Each accomplishment brings a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment, nurturing my confidence and pushing me to explore even further.In conclusion, summer is my favorite season because it embodies everything that is vibrant, joyful, and full of life. From its golden hours of daylight to its countless outdoor adventures, from its festive gatherings to its opportunities for personal growth, summer captivates me in ways that no other season can. It's a time to embrace the warmth of the sun, savor the sweetness of life, and let our spirits soar free.中文对照翻译:我最喜欢的季节:夏天在四季的织锦中,每一个都编织着它独特的魅力和美丽,有一个在我心中占有特殊的位置——夏天。
I Like Summer英语带翻译(8篇)

I Like Summer英语带翻译(8篇)I Like Summer英语作文带翻译篇1I love summer very much. In summer, its hot, and sometimes its rainy. People wear T-shirts, shorts and sunglasses. Girls love to wear dresses and skirts.I love swimming in summer. So I always go swimming with my parents in the sea. Sometimes, I like to play basketball on the playground with my friends if its not very hot.My favourite food in summer is ice-cream. Its very cold and sweet. Its delicious for me in summer.Wow, summer is really my favourite season!I Like Summer英语作文带翻译篇2It is true that summer is hot, very hot. But the wicked summer sun is nothing to me, for I dont usually go out. What I like to do best during the long summer vacation is to stay in my own little room and read. I love to read, but during the school year I could hardly find a free moment for reading. Endless assignments press down upon me like a mountain. I feel confined and imprisoned. Once the summer vacation comes, however, I have all the time in the world to read and read and read. I read everything I want to read. I read to my hearts content. My room maybe small, and the sun maybe hot, but Im free,Im happy, Im really living! Oh, how I love summer!夏天确实很热,很热。

我最喜欢的季节优秀英语作文(精彩10篇)我最喜爱的季节英语作文篇一summer is the second season in a year. It is between spring and autumn. The sun of summer is the hottest;the Water of summer is the warmest; the places of interests in summer are the most crowded throughout the world.Firstly, summer is studentsthe most favourite season because their longest vacations of the year are in of them try to enrich their social and healthy life by participating in a number of interesting outdoor activities,include of camping with friends and family members, going to the beach or swimming at public pools,traveling and sightseeing locally and nationally. However,some of them try to make good use of their vacations in gaining their working experiences in r students may try to improve their academic performance by going to their summer schools.Secondly,summer is a pleasant season for all kinds of cold foods and juicy cream is our all time favourite ,I love ice cream so much.I have to eat some ice cream almost everyday in e are a lot of fresh fruits selling everywhere. Watermelon is proudly rated to be the most demanding fruit in the season. All kinds of iced drinks are greatly demanded in summer.Thirdly, summer is a hot season for trendy fashion. You will see many sexy and curvy babes in your neighbourhood, on the beach,shopping malls, everywhere in your of my girlfriends and I like to wear as less as we wish in the summer.I like to wear shorts and t-shirts all the forget to carrry your sunglasses and put on sun tan lotions before going outdoor.All in all, I love summer very much! You should start practicing your English from now a 15 years old boy, I am more than willing to practice my English with every opportunity which I have come across. Last and certainly not least,I am very happy to help you with this work.I have learnt a lot!我最喜爱的季节英语作文篇二spring is very beauitiflu. the weather is windy and warm. i canfly a kite.i can plant flowers and trees.in summer, the weather is usually very hot and the days are long. i can swim in the sea. i can wear my skirt. i can eat ice cream.i love autumn. because i can pick apples. theyare very tatsy. the weather is windy and cool. the sky is very blue, the leaves are colourful.the farmers are busy.in winter, the weather is windy and cold. we go up north. we play in the snow. i can wear my winter coat.i love all the seasons. they are all beauiful!我最喜爱的季节英语作文篇三My favorite season is spring.Spring is the beginning of a year.It lasts from March to May.The weather gets warmer and warmer.Many things come back to life.The trees are green.The flowers come out.Lots of birds fly back.They often sing songs in the trees.The farmers begin to grow crops.It is a hopeful season.It is a good season for hiking.I like spring best.春,我最喜欢的季节是春季。

我最喜爱的季节夏天英语作文5句话English: Summer is my favorite season because I love the warm weather, long days, and endless opportunities for outdoor activities. I enjoy going to the beach, having picnics in the park, and swimming in the pool. The bright sunshine and blue skies always put me in a good mood, and I love the feeling of freedom and relaxation that comes with summer vacation. Summer also brings delicious seasonal fruits like watermelon and strawberries, which I can't get enough of. Overall, summer is a time of joy, fun, and making lasting memories with friends and family.
Translated content: 夏天是我最喜欢的季节,因为我喜欢温暖的天气、漫长的白昼以及无穷无尽的户外活动机会。

I Like Summer英语作文带翻译夏天具有非常多的果实,又有美丽的景色。
I Like Summer英语作文1I most like the season is summer,summer can be in the beach,do not wear thick cotton padded clother,nor in the evening to go home……I can go to the beach to play in the summer, it taste good.The sea was blue, cool,there someprecious rare thing, always makes me very excited.the sea shells,conch,lucky enough to pick up starfish!I like walking on the beach , soft,warm. I also like build castles on the beach ,sand bury my self to go inside the game.In short ,everything I loved the sea in all.I love that feeling!In the summer,I can wear a simple T-shirt, shorts,No longer as in the winter ,wearing a thick coat ,sweater,etc. So the summer is very com for .In the summer, I can play in the everning, until the play so far enough. Don't worry about what time to go home!In the summer, benefits more than the stars in the sky also, count the numbei of never_ending.In a word,I like summer very much !译文:我最喜欢的季节是夏天,夏天可以在大海边玩,也不用穿着厚厚的棉衣,也不用在晚上赶紧回家……在夏天我可以去大海边玩耍,那滋味很爽。

英语作文我最喜欢的季节范文夏天全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Favorite Season - SummerSummer is my absolute favorite time of the year! I look forward to it all year long because it means no more school, sleeping in late, going on fun vacations, and playing outside from morning till night. Summer is just the best!The thing I love most about summer is not having to go to school. Don't get me wrong, I like learning and all, but sitting in a classroom all day gets really boring after a while. In the summer, I get to sleep as late as I want without my mom nagging me to get up for school. I can stay up late watching movies or playing video games too without worrying about being tired for class the next day. Glorious!Instead of being cooped up inside, summer means I can spend all my time outdoors having fun. Me and my friends have epic water balloon and squirt gun battles in the backyard. We run through the sprinklers and slip-and-slide until we're soaked to the bone. When it gets really hot, we grab our swim trunksand head to the community pool or lake to go swimming and splash around for hours. Cannon ball!Summer also means lots of awesome vacations and trips. My family always plans a huge road trip to go camping, hiking, and exploring in national parks out west. We pack up the car with ALL our gear – tents, sleeping bags, camp stove, you name it. I love roasting marshmallows over the campfire and sleeping under the stars. We see so much cool wildlife too like deer, elk, bears, and bald eagles. One time we even saw a massive herd of bison!Other summers we'll go to the beach for a week or two. I could spend literally all day building mega sandcastles, riding waves, and hunting for cool seashells. We also go on day trips to amusement parks, outdoor concerts, and baseball games which is a blast. Anything is better than being trapped inside at a desk all day if you ask me!The weather in summer is perfect too. Sunny and hot, just how I like it. No more bundling up in heavy coats, boots, hats and mittens like in the freezing winter. In summer, it's light clothes like shorts, t-shirts, and sandals all day every day. The sun seems to make everyone happier and have more energy too. We can finally go outside and play without being constantly cold and cooped up.One of my favorite summer traditions is the 4th of July celebrations for Independence Day. My neighborhood really goes all out with crazy fireworks shows, cookouts, parades, and decorations in red, white, and blue everywhere. I love the smell of charcoal grills and fresh-cut grass. We always have a massive family barbecue with hamburgers, hot dogs, corn on the cob, watermelon, and more food than you can imagine. The fireworks at night are absolutely epic too, lighting up the whole sky with bright colors and loud booms. What a party!Another thing I go nuts for in the summer are all the fairs and festivals that come to town. My favorite is the annual county fair. I go crazy for the carnival rides like the tilt-a-whirl, ferris wheel, and bumper cars. Not to mention the games where you can win giant stuffed animals if you can knock down all the milk bottles or pop balloons with darts. And oh man, the food...fried dough, snow cones, cotton candy, caramel apples...my mouth waters just thinking about it! I also love checking out theprize-winning farm animals, shows, and exhibits on display. So much to see and do!Even just hanging out at home in summer is way more fun than being cooped up inside all winter long. I can run around the yard playing grab-the-flag, kick-the-can, or freeze tag with myfriends for hours. We build clubhouses out of scrap wood and boxes to have secret meetings. We'll also set up lemonade stands to make money or just hang out on the porch eating popsicles and flipping baseball cards. Those long summer days just seem to last forever!Now you know why I go completely stir crazy every spring counting down the days until summer arrives. Three wonderful months of freedom, fun, adventures, and making awesome memories that I'll never forget. Summer is packed with all my favorite activities, vacations, holidays, and sunny weather. From the moment I wake up until I put my head on the pillow at night, there's just no better time of year than summer. It's the ultimate!I wish it could last forever and ever. Bring on the sun, fun and no school! Woohoo!篇2My Favorite Season: SummerSummer is definitely my favorite season of the year! There are so many things I love about it. School is out, the weather is warm and sunny, and there's always something fun to do. Let me tell you all about why summer is the best!First of all, no more school! Don't get me wrong, I like learning new things and seeing my friends, but after a long school year, it's really nice to have a break. During the summer, I get to sleep in late instead of having to wake up super early. I don't have any homework or tests to worry about. It's like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders! I can just relax and have fun.The warm summer weather is another reason why this season is the greatest. When it's hot and sunny outside, you can do so many cool activities that you can't do the rest of the year. Swimming is one of my favorite things about summer. I love splashing around in the pool or at the beach. The water feels so refreshing when it's scorching hot out. Building sandcastles and burying my little brother in the sand at the beach is hilarious too!Speaking of the beach, that's one of the best parts of summer vacation. My family usually goes on at least one beach trip every year. I love the sound of the crashing waves and the salty smell of the ocean air. We spend hours boogie boarding, making drip castles, and searching for seashells. At night, we roast marshmallows around the campfire and try to spot sharks from our beach chairs (just kidding about the sharks!). Thosebeach memories are some of my most cherished summer experiences.When we're not at the beach, there are loads of other fun activities to do in the summer. Picnics and barbecues are a classic - the smell of burgers and hot dogs sizzling on the grill is mouth-watering. Fireflies twinkling at night, catching them in a jar and watching them glow. Biking around the neighborhood with my friends, racing each other to the park. Freshly squeezed lemonade at a lemonade stand. Viewing the fireworks shows on the Fourth of July. The possibilities for summer fun are endless!My absolute favorite part of summer, though, has to be summer camp. Every year, my parents send me to a sleepaway camp in the mountains for a few weeks. It's basically amini-paradise for kids! We go hiking, canoeing, swimming in the lake, making tie-dye shirts and friendship bracelets, and performing silly skits around the campfire at night. I've made so many great friends at camp over the years. We stay up late every night, whispering and giggling, never wanting the fun to end. I get homesick for camp as soon as I leave!Winter is too cold and icy, fall is too rainy and short, and spring is still a bit chilly for my taste. Summer, with its warm weather, exciting vacations, and endless opportunities foradventure, will always reign supreme as my favorite time of year. Someday, maybe I'll be a kid forever, and I can have an endless summer! Or maybe I'll move somewhere tropical where it's summer all year round. Either way, I'll never get tired of this wonderful, magical season. Bring on the sun, swimming pools, and campfires - it's summertime!篇3My Favorite Season: SummerSummer is without a doubt my favorite season of the year! There are so many wonderful things about summer that make it the best time of the year. Let me tell you all about the great things summer has to offer.First off, summer means no more school! That's right, for a whole couple of months, there are no classes, no homework, and no waking up early. Instead of having to sit at a desk all day, I get to sleep in late, stay in my pajamas, and just relax. Summer means freedom from all the rules and boring stuff at school. No more having to raise my hand to go to the bathroom or get yelled at for talking too much. In the summer, I make my own rules!With all that free time in the summer, I get to spend more time doing the things I love most - playing outside! The summer sunshine and warm weather are perfect for outdoor activities. I love riding my bike around the neighborhood with my friends. We'll spend hours seeing who can go the fastest or do the coolest tricks. Sometimes we'll have races to see who is the fastest rider. Other times, we'll grab our scooters and head to the skate park to try crazy stunts and grind on the rails. As long as we wear our helmets and pads, my parents let me play outside for as long as I want in the nice summer weather.My friends and I also love having epic water fights in the summer. We'll arm ourselves with water balloons, super soakers, and anything else we can find to get each other soaked. It's an all-out battle to see who can get the most drenched! Afterwards, we'll cool off by running through the sprinklers or setting up some slip 'n' slides on the lawn. Is there anything better than a cold popsicle on a sizzling summer day?Summer also means lots of fun outdoor activities with my family. We'll pack up the car and go on camping trips to spend a few nights in the woods. I love roasting marshmallows over the campfire, telling spooky stories, and sleeping in our cozy tent. When we come home, we're always extra thankful for things likeflushing toilets and not having to dig a hole to go to the bathroom! My dad is in charge of camping though after that one time I got a little too into character and scared my mom half to death pretending to be a bear.Another summer family tradition is our annual trip to the water park. I'll spend all day going down the tallest, wildest slides over and over, splashing around the wave pool, and bouncing off the cannonball falls into the water. By the end of the day, I'm always completely tuckered out from all the fun. That's why it's great to stop for ice cream on the way home to re-energize.When I'm not outside in the summer, I love going to the pool. I'll spend all afternoon cannonballing into the deep end and seeing how long I can hold my breath underwater. My friends and I will play intense games of swimming pool basketball, seeing who can sink the most baskets. Sometimes we'll bring along some inflatable pool toys and goof around riding them across the water. Nothing beats working up an appetite from hours of swimming only to come inside for a delicious summer barbeque!Summer to me also means lots of travel and fun adventures. My family always tries to plan some sort of vacation or trip during the summer months. One year, we went to California andsaw all the famous beaches and movie stars' houses. Another summer, we took a road trip in an RV and stopped at different national parks hiking in the mountains and seeing incredible landscapes. My favorite trip though was the summer we went to Hawaii - I had never seen such beautiful blue water and white sandy beaches! We went snorkeling, visited a volcano, and I even got to take a surfing lesson. No matter where we go, there's always something exciting to see and explore.When we're not traveling, I still find ways to go on adventures close to home in the summer. I'll grab my friends and we'll have a lemonade stand business trying to make as much money as we can in a day. Other times, we'll put on篇4My Favorite Season is SummerSummer is my absolute favorite season of the year! I look forward to it from the moment the last bit of snow melts away. As soon as school lets out for summer break, the fun really begins. That's when the warm sunny days arrive and I get to spend my time playing outside with my friends instead of being stuck inside a classroom. Summer is just the best!One of the things I love most about summer is going swimming. My family has a pool in our backyard and I spend so much time splashing around and cooling off in it. I'm like a little fish! I can spend hours and hours swimming underwater and perfecting my cannonball jumps off the diving board. My dog Rufus loves the pool too and will eagerly jump in after any tennis ball I toss his way. When we get too hot, we head inside for popsicles and lemonade. That's one of my favorite summer treats!In the evenings during summer, my family loves to have backyard barbecues. We'll grill up hamburgers and hot dogs, along with veggie kabobs and sweet corn on the cob. The smell of the grill is just so delicious! While my dad tends to the grilling, my mom makes her fantastic potato salad and coleslaw. We'll set up our patio table outside and eat our dinner while watching the fireflies blink in the warm night air. After we're done eating, we'll sometimes roast marshmallows over the fire pit for s'mores. Is there anything better than a gooey, melty s'more on a summer night? I think not!My friends and I have so much fun in the summer going on adventures around the neighborhood. We'll grab our bikes and go exploring in the woods near my house in search of cool bugs,colored rocks, or fallen bird nests. We pretend we're brave explorers forging through the wild jungle. Our imaginations can really run wild when we're out in nature during the summer months! Other times, we'll set up a lemonade stand on my street corner and try to earn some spending money by selling ice cold lemonade and homemade brownies to neighbors out on walks. We've actually gotten pretty good at it over the years!Summer also means lots of fun trips with my family. Sometimes we'll go camping up in the mountains and sleep in tents under a canopy of bright stars. We'll hike during the day, tell ghost stories around the campfire at night, and make s'mores for dessert. I love falling asleep in my sleeping bag listening to the hoots of owls. Other times, we'll take a trip to the beach and splash in the salty ocean waves. I'll collect all kinds of pretty seashells and we'll have picnics on the sandy shore. Once we even saw a pod of dolphins swim by! No matter where we go, it's always an adventure in the summer.As you can probably tell, I absolutely live for the summer months! From swimming and biking to camping and fireworks, summer is just jam-packed with fun activities and awesome memories. To me, nothing beats a warm summer night catching lightning bugs in a mason jar or sleeping out under the twinklingstars. Summer is freedom, adventure, and pure bliss all rolled into one! I wish it could last all year because I'm always so sad to see it go once September rolls around. But you can bet I'll be counting down the days until next summer as soon as that fall chill arrives in the air. Bring on the sun, fun, and no school!篇5My Favorite Season: SummerSummer is definitely my favorite season of the year! I look forward to it for months when the cold winds of winter are blowing. As soon as the last day of school arrives, the fun can finally begin. That's the best feeling in the world - knowing you have weeks and weeks of freedom ahead with no schoolwork or early wake-up calls.The first few days of summer are always the most exciting. My friends and I have huge ambitions for all the things we want to do. We make long lists of activities like going to the lake, having lemonade stands, going on camping trips, catching fireflies at night, and having tons of sleepovers. Those first few weeks are packed with so much fun that by the time July rolls around, we're already worn out! But don't worry, we always find our second wind.My absolute favorite thing about summer is getting to spend all day outside in the warm sunshine. I feel happier and have more energy when I can be outdoors instead of cooped up inside. My mom has to pratically beg me to come inside for meals because I want to soak up every second of that bright sunlight. After a winter stuck indoors so much, it feels incredible to finally be able to run around freely without being bundled up in a heavy coat.If you ask me, summer is pretty much made for kids. We get to stay up late since we don't have school the next morning. We can sleep in as late as we want too! Sometimes I let myself sleep until 10 or even 11am. Try doing that during the school year and you'd be in big trouble! Staying up late watching movies with my friends and making camping tent forts in the living room is one of the best summer traditions.My family always makes huge plans for summer vacation too. We'll go on trips to fun places like water parks, zoos, aquariums, and baseball games. My parents love taking us camping in the forests or spending weekends at the lake. Camping is loads of fun but I have to admit, I'm pretty happy to come home to air conditioning and video games after a few days of being outdoors! Swimming is definitely my favorite summer activity.We spend as much time as possible in the pool, lake, river, or ocean whenever we can.Another thing I look forward to every summer is the intense humidity. I know a lot of people complain about it, but I actually really enjoy those hot, sticky days. It feels so cozy and warm, kind of like being wrapped in a hot blanket outside. It's perfect weather for running through sprinklers or having an epic water balloon fight! The nights can be pretty humid too, which is perfect for catching lightning bugs in a jar.Summer is also my favorite season for food. So many amazing treats are in season during the summertime. Fresh strawberries, watermelon, corn on the cob, popsicles, and ice cream - does it get any better than that? My friends and I have big ambitions every year to run a lemonade stand business, but we never quite get it off the ground. We tend to get distracted and end up drinking all the lemonade ourselves. Oh well, maybe next summer!The 4th of July is definitely one of the biggest highlights of summer. What kid doesn't love fireworks? The build-up and anticipation for the big fireworks show is half the fun. We spend weeks in advance collecting all our broken pieces of chalk to make bright designs all over the driveway and sidewalks. By thetime the 4th arrives, our whole neighborhood looks like an explosion of color from all the chalk drawings. Watching the professional fireworks show is amazing, but I'll admit I probably have just as much fun with the littleinka-blink fireworks we get to light off ourselves.As summer draws to a close, I always start feeling a little sadder. Having unlimited free time really is the best! Those last few weeks I try to pack in as much fun as humanly possible before school starts again. Water balloon fights in the backyard, human pyramids in the pool, camping out under the stars, marathon video game sessions, and way too many sleepovers to count. Summer is the best because you never have to worry about schedules or responsibilities. You can just fully enjoy being a kid without a care in the world.When that fateful first day of school looms, I definitely start dragging my feet. The return of early morning routines, homework, tests, and lots of rules is a hard adjustment after the grand freedom of summer. But at least I know those long months of summer fun will eventually roll around again once the winter season passes. I'll be counting down the days until I can once more experience the joys of swimming, camping, fireworks,sleepovers, and no schedules. Three months of pure bliss! Yep, summer will forever be my favorite time of year.篇6My Favorite Season: SummerSummer is definitely my favorite season of the year! There are so many fun things to do and it's the best time to be a kid. No more waking up super early for school or having to sit at a desk all day. Summer means freedom!The very best part about summer is that there's no school. Don't get me wrong, I actually like school okay. It's fun to see my friends every day and I enjoy a lot of my classes, especially art and P.E. But sitting still and listening to teachers talk for hour after hour can be really boring. In the summer, my brain gets a break from all that.Instead of being stuck inside a classroom, in the summer I get to spend my days outside playing under the warm sun. My friends and I have awesome games of chase or kickball or swimming contests going on from morning until night. We're loud and crazy and no teachers can tell us to be quiet! We stay up late, way past our bedtimes, because there's no school the next day. Summer is the time to be as rambunctious as we want.My mom says I have way too much energy cooped up during the school year. I tend to get antsy sitting at my desk for too long. That's probably true. In the summer, I can run around outside from sunrise to sunset. I can climb trees, dig holes, and roll around in the grass. No one makes me stay still. I return home each evening feeling gloriously exhausted after a day of nonstop activity.Sleeping in late is one of the ultimate summer privileges. During the school year, I have to wake up at 6 AM whether I'm tired or not. But in summer, I can snooze until 10 or 11 o'clock if I want to! My parents are a lot more relaxed about bedtimes too. As long as I don't disturb them too much, they let me stay up way later than usual. Sometimes I sleep over at a friend's house and we whisper and giggle half the night.The warm summer air smells so alive and delicious. Flowers are in bloom, trees are lush and green, and our neighborhood pool has that awesome chlorine scent. My brother and I spend as many hours as possible swimming, perfecting our cannon balls and practicing holding our breaths underwater. On really hot days, we run through the sprinklers or have epic water balloon fights with the neighbors. No matter how sweaty or soaked weget, it doesn't matter because we're just going to get wet again five minutes later.Summer holds so many little treasures and traditions. It's the season of family vacations, weddings, baseball games, and fireworks on the Fourth of July. Every June, my family goes strawberry picking and we feast on fresh berries for weeks. In August, we always go to the county fair to gorge ourselves on carnival food like funnel cakes, cotton candy, and lemonade. Then we ride the wildest roller coasters until we're dizzy. At home, we roast marshmallows over the backyard fire pit and do a lot of stargazing since the nights are warm.Another awesome aspect of summer is that my birthday falls during this season. When I was younger, my birthdays were backyard barbecues with a jumpy house and all my friends came. Nowwe tend to do things like go-karts or mini golf instead. Either way, a summer birthday is the greatest! I can celebrate outside without freezing and have watermelon and popsicles at my party. Receiving presents in shorts and a t-shirt just feels right.While my friends and I love the freedom of summer, I don't think our poor parents enjoy this season quite as much. All that energy we have gets a little out of control sometimes. We makehuge messes, we smart off more, we whine about being bored even when we have millions of toys. When we get hot and cranky, our moods can be terrible. After a few months of nonstop noise and chaos, I'm sure our parents are ready for us to go back to school!But from my elementary student perspective, summer is paradise. Having absolutely no responsibilities except to play hard and stay hydrated is the dream. I cherish those glorious weeks of lounging by the pool, exploring the woods, running through sprinklers, and not having a single workbook to worry about. The a/c bills can be sky high for all I care - just keep the Popsicles and watermelon coming! I'll spend as many waking hours as possible outdoors, bare feet in the grass or pool, until I hear summer's tragic finale: the ringing of back-to-school bells. Then I'll be forced to switch gears into student mode again until next June rolls around.Summer, I love you! You are much too short but so incredibly sweet while you last. Thanks for sunshine, snowcones, sleeping in, and utter freedom. See you again in nine months, old friend!。

During summer I like to go to the beach. Because it is very close to my home in the village. I usually go there during the summer vacation to relax after many months in school in the city. I feel very comfortable with the familiar villagers.
2024年我Βιβλιοθήκη 欢夏天英语作文ILikeSummer
我喜欢夏天英语作文I Like Summer 1
In the summer,the days are longer and the nights are shouter.Its very hot.People like to go swimming.I like swimming very much.So I often go to the swimming poll in the summer .And I can swim very well.
我喜欢夏天英语作文I Like Summer 4
I love summer, because I can play on the beach during the summer vacation. I go to the beach collecting shells, colourful shells under the sunshine become colorful, let me see more overwhelmed. I play with sand on the beach, with sand heaped up hills and castle, I also put a small in the fort of the five-star red flag! I can stand on the beach listening to the sound of the waves, the sea breeze is blowing, makes me feel relaxed and happy.

我最喜爱的季节夏天英语作文5句话全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Favorite Season, SummerSummer is the best season of the year! I love everything about it. The warm sunny days, the fun activities, the sweet treats, and best of all - no school! Summer means freedom for three whole months.As soon as that final bell rings on the last day of school, I feel like I can finally breathe again. No more teachers nagging me about homework or tests. No more having to sit still for hours and hours every day listening to boring lectures. In the summer, I get to spend my days exactly how I want. I can play outside from sunup to sundown if I feel like it!My favorite summer activity is going to the pool or the beach. I love swimming and splashing around in the cool water, having crazy pool games and contests with my friends to see who can make the biggest cannon ball splash or do the craziest dive bombs. Sometimes we have pool parties and my mom buysus all popsicles or ice cream sandwiches. Those sweet, sticky treats are the best on a hot summer day.Other times, we play outdoor games in the neighborhood like freeze tag, kick the can, or even just running around having squirt gun or water balloon fights. We get soaked but we don't care - it feels great to get cooled off when it's blazing hot outside. On really steamy days, we run through the sprinklers in our swimsuits or set up slipnslides with the hose on the lawn. No matter what, we find ways to beat the heat.My dad likes to take us on summer camping trips too. We go hiking, build campfires, roast marshmallows, and sleep out under the stars. I love seeing all the greenery and flowers that are in bloom. Everything seems so lively and vibrant in the summer months. The birds are always singing and critters like squirrels, rabbits, and deer are scampering around. Summer just has a feeling of fun and freedom that the other seasons can't match.At night, I get to stay up way later than my school year bedtime. We make bonfires and look for shooting stars. We catch fireflies in jars and watch them glow. My neighborhood has amazing fireworks shows for the 4th of July that light up the whole sky. My dad lets me have sparklers and we do all kinds of fun festive things for the holiday.Some of my other favorite summer traditions are hitting up the county fair for rides, games, and greasy carnival food; having family picnics and barbecues in the park; and going to the drive-in movie theater to watch movies from the backseat of the car in our pajamas. Simple pleasures, but the best memories.I love summer because I get to be a total kid. No worries, no schedule, no responsibilities. Just nonstop play, fun, and freedom. The warm, casual, relaxed feeling of summer is impossible to beat. Everyone is happier, the whole world seems brighter and full of possibility. That's why summer will always be my number one, hands-down, absolute favorite season ever. Nothing else comes close!The only bad thing about summer is that it has to end. Those final days are torture, knowing that I'll have to go back to the grind of school, waking up early, homework, tests, and having my time scheduled down to the last minute again. But I always milk those last few weeks for all they're worth, playing harder than ever to cram in as much fun as humanly possible before fall rolls around.I wish summer could last forever and ever. A perpetual blissful dream of ice cream trucks, waterparks, sleeping in late, and pure unscheduled joy. Maybe when I'm a grownup I canmove somewhere summer lasts all year round! But for now, I have to cherish those few precious months because they're my favorite time of the year. Summer holds a special magic that makes me happier than any other season. Bring on the sun, fun, and total freedom - it'ssummertime!篇2My Favorite Season Is SummerSummer is the best season of the year! I love everything about it - the warm sunny days, the fun activities, and the break from school. Summer means freedom and adventure for kids like me.One of the best things about summer is the beautiful weather. The days are long, bright, and toasty warm. It's perfect weather for playing outside all day. My friends and I spend hours running around the park, playing tag and hide-and-seek. We also love going swimming at the pool or lake to cool off. Splashing around in the cool water is so refreshing on a hot summer day. Sometimes we even run through the sprinklers in our backyards, laughing and getting soaked.When it's summertime, there are so many fun activities to do and places to go. I always look forward to the county fair that comes to town. Riding the roller coasters, playing games to win prizes, and eating cotton candy, caramel apples, and funnel cakes is the best! My family also likes to go camping in the great outdoors during the summer. We hike, build campfires, roast marshmallows, and sleep underneath the stars. Another highlight is the 4th of July fireworks show that lights up the night sky. I'll never forget the brilliant colors exploding overhead!Since we don't have school during the summer, my friends and I have so much free time. We can stay up late, sleep in, and do whatever we want all day. No teachers, no homework, no schedules - it's amazing! We have time for sleepovers, lemonade stands, water balloon fights, and simply hanging out. Our days are filled with fun, relaxation, and no responsibilities. It's like one long vacation where we can just be kids.Summer is a time of total freedom and nonstop excitement for kids. We can play from sunrise to sunset, staying out as late as we want. We don't have any schoolwork to worry about. We can attend all the fun summer events and activities. What's not to love? Summer is the most amazing few months of the year. I cherish every moment of this care-free, adventure-filled season. Ihappily count down the days until summer begins again next year!篇3My Favorite Season is SummerSummer is my favorite season of the whole year! It's the most fun, exciting and adventurous time. I love summer so much because of all the awesome activities I get to do. Summer is the best season ever, and I'm going to tell you why.First of all, summer means no more school! That's right, no more waking up super early and sitting in a classroom all day. During summer, I get to sleep in as late as I want. My mom doesn't have to nag me to get out of bed. I can stay in my pajamas until lunchtime if I feel like it. No more teachers assigning homework or tests to study for. Summer is a total break from all of that. It's freedom!Another reason I love summer is because of the warm, sunny weather. The sun feels so nice and warm on my skin. I can finally go outside without having to bundle up in a heavy coat, hat, scarf and mittens. No more being stuck inside because it's too cold, snowy or icy out. In summer, it's perfect weather for swimming, having water balloon fights, playing sports outsideand just running around. My friends and I have so much fun being active and playing outside from morning until night.Speaking of swimming, that's one of my most favorite summer activities! My family has a pool in our backyard and I'm in it constantly. I love cannon-balling into the water and seeing how big of a splash I can make. I'll spend hours and hours swimming underwater and having contests with my friends to see who can hold their breath the longest. We play awesome pool games like Marco Polo too. When I get tired of swimming, I can dry off and work on my tan. Having a golden brown tan makes me feel like a cool, older kid. Swimming is the ultimate summer activity.Going on summer vacation is another highlight of this season. Every summer, my family goes on an epic road trip! We pack up a bunch of snacks, download playlists, and drive for hours and hours to amazing destinations. One summer we went to the Grand Canyon - it was unreal seeing that massive canyon in real life. Another year we drove all the way to Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming to see the geysers and wildlife. My favorite summer trip was when we went to Florida and I got to swim with dolphins! Those vacations create such wonderfulmemories that I'll never forget. I cherish those quality family times.The fourth of July holiday is the pinnacle event of summer. It's the most patriotic day of the year, celebrating America's birthday in the best ways. My town has a massive parade down Main Street with colorful floats, marching bands, fire trucks and more. Attendees wave American flags and wear red, white and blue outfits. In the evening, my family has a huge barbeque and pool party. We grill up juicy hamburgers and hot dogs, make refreshing lemonade and eat drippy popsicles until our bellies are full. When it gets dark, we sit outside on blankets and watch the most epic fireworks show light up the night sky. It's spectacular! Every fourth of July is one big exciting party, and I look forward to it every year.Those are just some of the countless reasons why summer is my absolute favorite season. From the break from school, to the sunny days, swimming, vacations and fourth of July fun - summer can't be beat! I make the most of every single day to the fullest during those few months off. I pack in as many activities and adventures as I can before it's back to school again. To me, the summer months are the ultimate kid's paradise. I wish summer could last forever! But I guess that's what makes it sospecial - it's only here for a short, glorious time before autumn arrives again. So while summer is here, I soak up every ounce of fun in the sun that I can. It's simply my favorite time of year!篇4My Favorite Season is SummerSummer is the best season of the year! I love everything about summer - the warm sunny days, going swimming, playing outside until it gets dark, and not having to go to school. Summer means three months of total freedom and fun.One of the main reasons I love summer so much is because of the beautiful weather. As soon as the last few weeks of school are over in June, the temperatures start heating up. The flowers bloom, trees are full of green leaves, and the air feels fresh and warm. It's perfect weather for being outdoors all day long. No more bundling up in jackets, hats, and mittens - in summer I can wear t-shirts, shorts, and sandals. On really hot days, I love running through the sprinklers in the backyard or having epic water balloon fights with my friends. We get soaked but it feels so refreshing and cools us down.With no school in the summer, I have tons of free time to do my favorite activities. I can sleep in late instead of having to wakeup early for the bus. My neighborhood friends and I set up lemonade stands to make some spending money. We have big campouts in the backyard, telling spooky stories around the campfire and sleeping in tents. On sunny days, we head to the community pool or lake to swim for hours. The water feels so nice and it's fun to splash around carefree. I love swinging on the rope swing at the lake and doing cannonballs off the diving board at the pool.One of my family's favorite summer traditions is going camping in the great outdoors. We load up the car and drive deep into the forest to our favorite campground. We hike along the nature trails, looking for deer, squirrels, chipmunks, and birds.I try to identify all the different kinds of trees and plants. At night, we roast marshmallows over the fire and sleep under a sky full of bright stars. Waking up to the sounds of nature is my favorite - I hear birds chirping, leaves rustling, and critters scampering around. Camping allows me to really appreciate the beauty of summer.Besides camping, we take lots of fun day trips in the summer too. We'll go strawberry picking at the local farm, getting our buckets overflowing with sweet, juicy berries. Or maybe we'll visit an amusement park for the day to ride the biggest, fastest rollercoasters. A special treat is going to the baseball stadium to watch our favorite team play. I love snacking on hot dogs, popcorn, and ice cream while watching an exciting game. Summer is also the perfect time to go see the latest movies at the cool, air-conditioned theater on very hot days.As you can probably tell, I could go on and on about why summer is my absolute favorite time of the year. From splashing in the pool to camping outdoors to eating all my favorite snacks, summer is just pure fun from start to finish. I try to soak up every minute of those three glorious months because before I know it, the leaves will start changing color and it will be time to go back to school. So bring on the sunshine, warm breezes, and freedom of summer - it's what I spend the whole school year dreaming about!篇5My Favorite Season is SummerSummer is the best season of the whole year! It's the time when school is out, the weather is warm and sunny, and there are so many fun activities to do. I love everything about summer and look forward to it all year long.One of the things I love most about summer is not having to go to school. Don't get me wrong, I like learning new things, but sitting in a classroom all day can be really boring. In the summer, I get to sleep in as late as I want and stay up past my bedtime. My parents are a little more relaxed about rules too since we're on vacation. I get extra treats like ice cream and popsicles to help stay cool on hot days.Speaking of hot days, that's another great thing about summer - the warm weather! I love being able to go outside without having to put on a heavy coat, hat, gloves, and boots. I can just throw on a t-shirt, shorts, and sandals and head right out to play. The sunny skies and bright colors of summer make everything look so vibrant and cheerful. My neighborhood comes alive with the sounds of kids riding bikes, playing basketball, and running through the sprinklers.With no school and beautiful weather, summer is the perfect time for fun! My friends and I have entire days to fill with activities and adventures. We go to the local pool or beach and spend hours swimming and splashing around. We have water balloon fights in the backyard that leave everyone soaked but laughing. We take trips to amusement parks, museums, andkid-friendly restaurants. Some days we just lay around and watch movies or play video games for hours on end. Pure bliss!Another highlight of summer is the special celebrations and events. There are town fairs and carnivals with rides, games, and endless snacks and treats. Fireworks light up the night sky to celebrate holidays like the 4th of July. My family loves to fire up the grill and have backyard barbecues. We make s'mores around the fire pit and stargaze late into the evening. Picnics, parades, outdoor concerts - summer is jam-packed with exciting happenings.To me, summer is happiness, freedom, and nonstop fun. The warm sunshine, lack of school, and endless activities give me so much energy and put me in the best mood. My cheeks get rosy from running around outside, my hair gets a little bit lighter from the sun, and I become a better version of myself. Those couple of months fly by way too quickly though. By the time August rolls around, I'm clinging to the last bits of summer and dreading the return to school and schedules. But that cycle of anticipating and relishing summer is part of what makes the season so special. I'll keep making the most of every summer as long as I can!篇6My Favorite Season is SummerSummer is my absolute favorite time of the year! I love everything about those long, sunny, and warm days. From the moment school lets out until I have to go back, summer is one big awesome adventure.First off, not having any school or homework is the best feeling ever. I get so tired of waking up early, sitting at my desk all day, and then coming home to even more work. In the summer, I can sleep in as late as I want. My parents don't rush me out of bed or nag me about assignments. I'm free as a bird!Instead of being cooped up inside, I get to spend my summer days running around outside from sunup to sundown. Our neighborhood park is my second home. I go there almost every day to play on the swings, climb on the jungle gym, or have epic battles with my friends on the playground. We also like to play catch, kick around a soccer ball, or just run around chasing each other until we're completely exhausted.When I get hot from playing, I cool off by going swimming. My favorite place is my friend Alex's house because they have this awesome pool in their backyard. We spend hourscannon-balling into the water, having swimming races, or justfloating around on inflatable rafts. Sometimes Alex's mom even makes us popsicles or lemonade to help us stay hydrated.On really scorching days, my family heads to the local water park which has the sickest water slides I've ever seen. My heart races with excitement as I climb to the top of the tower and prepare to plunge down the spiral slides or shoot through the dark tunnel ones. I scream with delight the whole way down until I splash into the clear blue pool at the bottom. We'll spend all day going on rides like the lazy river, the wave pool, and the body slides.Even though it stays light really late in the summer, some of my other favorite summer activities happen once the sun goes down. My hometown has outdoor movies in the park where they set up a huge screen and everyone brings blankets and snacks to watch a film under the stars. It's so much fun to hang out with my friends, laugh at the funny parts, and makeS-MORES over the fire pits.Another nighttime tradition is going to the county fair where they have all the classic circus acts, farm animal exhibits, and of course, rides galore! The Ferris wheel is probably my favorite because I love the feeling of soaring high into the night sky to get a birds-eye view of the twinkling fair lights below. Nothingbeats the summertime smell of funnel cakes, hot dogs, and cotton candy wafting through the air.On holidays like the 4th of July, we have massive fireworks shows that I stayed up late to watch. I'll never forget the first time I saw those brilliant bursts of red, white, and blue exploding overheard. It looked like the whole sky was on fire in the most amazing way. The crackles and bangs still give me goosebumps.Summer also means lots of fun family vacations and trips. Sometimes we go to the beach for a week where I can boogie board in the ocean waves, build enormoussanddcastles, and hunt for seashells. Other times we take a road trip to cool places like museums, national parks, or big cities I've never been before. No matter where we go, we always have a blast making memories together.When summer starts winding down, I get a little sad knowing that my freedom and fun in the sun is coming to an end. However, stocking up on new school supplies, hanging out at back-to-school nights, and reuniting with my classmates gives me something to look forward to. Pretty soon it will be fall which means crisp air, changing leaves, Halloween costumes, and Thanksgiving feasts.As much as I love fall and the other seasons, they could never top the pure bliss of summer for me. Those few months are the highlight of my year when I feel happiest and most carefree. Summer is a never-ending parade of adventure, excitemfent, and making wonderful memories with my family and friends. I wish it could last forever, but at least I know another summer will roll around before I know it. I can't wait!。

我最喜欢的季节英语作文(10篇) 篇1My favorite season is summer. It’s hot in summer. There is a summer vacation in summer. I don’t go to school. I think many children like this season, because they can eat ice-cream and go swimming. I can go swimming. Sometimes I go to the beach with my parents. Sometimes I go to the swimming pool with my friends. I usually visit many places in summer vacation.我最喜爱的季节是夏季。
篇2If you ask me, what is your favorite season? I am sure I’ll choose summer. Why? Let me tell you.In summer, we are on holiday then so we can travel to lots of cities and go back our hometown. When we go back our hometown, I can see my bothers and sisters, we can play together. It always has lots of fun.In summer, the weather is hot, so we can go swimming. I like swimming; we can play a lot of games in the water. That isn’t the most important reason; the most important reason is my birthday is in thesummer, too. At that time, all my friends are on holiday, so I can have a birthday party.篇3Among all the four seasons,I like autumn best.Compared with summer,it's very cool in autumn.People can go travel or just have a walk in the day.Leaves begins to turn yellow,if you walk on a road with trees on its both sides,you will see all kinds of yellow leaves on the road,and some leaves are falling and dancing with wind.What a beautiful view.Autumn is a harvest season.Wheats ,vegetables and fruits all get ripe.Farmers are busy with harvesting.And we children also help our parents at time. Though it's very tired,we are very happy.篇4There are four seasons in China,spring,summer,autumn and winter.My favorite season is winter.when it is very cold,sometimes it will snow heavily and the scenery is very beautiful.Then I can play with the snow,such as making a snowman,fight with my friends with snow.I can also skate and ski.My parents always take me to go skating and skiing in winter.What's more,my favorite festival-the Spring Festival is in winter and I have a long winter holiday,too.So I like winter best.中国有四季,春夏秋冬.我最喜欢冬天.当天气非常冷时,有时会下大雪.景色非常地美.然后我就可以玩雪,例如:堆雪人,和朋友打雪仗.我还可以滑雪,滑冰.冬季时我父母总是带我去滑雪和滑冰.而且我喜欢的春节也在冬天,冬季还有个很长的寒假,所以我最喜欢冬季篇5There are four seasons in a year.Spring is warm and wet. Sometimes it’s sunny, but often it’s rainy.Autumn is cool, dry and orange. Because the leaves in autumn are orange.Winter is white. The snow is white. I feel very cold , but I can make a snowman.Summer is my favorite season. It’s hot. I can eat some ice-creams.I can swim very well. I like summer.Winter is a beautiful and cold season.Heavy snow in winter,so I like go out with my friends to play snow Winter,although very cold,but it has inparable warmth and hope.I like white,I love white snow,so I like winter.What a lovely winter!冬天是一个美丽,寒冷的'季节.冬天的雪很大,所以我喜欢出去和朋友们出去玩雪.冬天虽然十分寒冷,但它具有无比的温暖和希望.我喜欢白色,我爱冬天的雪,所以我爱冬天.可爱的冬天.篇6There are four seasons in a year.Spring is warm and wet. Sometimes it’s sunny, but often it’s rainy.Autumn is cool, dry and orange. Because the leaves in autumn are orange.Winter is white. The snow is white. I feel very cold , but I can make a snowman.Summer is my favorite season. It’s hot. I can eat some ice-creams.I can swim very well. I like summer.篇7There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. Spring is warm and rainy. Many trees have new leaves. Summer is hot. I put on my shorts, T-shirt . In Summer, I like to swim in the river. In autumn, the weather is cool. I take off my shorts and T-shirt.I put on my pants and sweater. I like to fly kites in the park. In winter, it is cold. There is ice. Snow is white. I put on my winter clothes. I like to make snowmen, with my friends .篇8Winter grandpa in a hurry to pick up the autumn of class girl, came to our side. Bring despite the dead branches of the cold and of the picture, let us feel winter!Rose up in the morning, swarming the fog. Look from the thick fog, in front of the building, trees can only faintly visible. In the fog heard car but did not see figure sound, only light like the eyes, at the blinking.The cold breath of winter in every corner of the world and is fine when there is no wind, the day is cold. Bare trees wretchedness ba ba di4 made in on both sides of the road, the original vibrant grass also finally support not withered and yellow. Floret also off to sleep.In such cold weather, also can see not the strong of cold wind. By flashing a green form, that is the rows of graceful saplings. In a cold winter, the rich green, vitality. The white in winter to add to the green points.The morning of the winter is very lively. The park, exercise people everywhere. In the boundless fog, figure kept shaking. Young people like athletes, all of spirit. They run and jump, full of vigor and vitality, energized. Old people and out of the door, on the grass hand out playing, legs, jump jump from time to time. Although they are old people, the movement than poor young man. Again to see see over there, the children also YouMoYouYang to exercise, they ran breathless, head straight sweating. How dynamic winter!篇9summer is the second season in a year. It is between spring and autumn. The sun of summer is the hottest;the Water of summer is the warmest; the places of interests in summer are the most crowded throughout the world.Firstly, summer is studentsthe most favourite season because their longest vacations of the year are in of them try to enrich their social and healthy life by participating in a number of interesting outdoor activities,include of camping with friends and family members, going to the beach or swimming at public pools,traveling and sightseeing locally and nationally. However,some of them try to make good use of their vacations in gaining their working experiences in r students may try to improve their academic performance by going to their summer schools.Secondly,summer is a pleasant season for all kinds of cold foods and juicy cream is our all time favourite ,I love ice cream so much.I have to eat some ice cream almost everyday in e are a lot of fresh fruits selling everywhere. Watermelon is proudly rated to be the most demanding fruit in the season. All kinds of iced drinks are greatly demanded in summer.Thirdly, summer is a hot season for trendy fashion. You will see many sexy and curvy babes in your neighbourhood, on thebeach,shopping malls, everywhere in your of my girlfriends and I like towear as less as we wish in the summer.I like to wear shorts and t-shirts all the forget to carrry your sunglasses and put on sun tan lotions before going outdoor.All in all, I love summer very much! You should start practicing your English from now a 15 years old boy, I am more than willing to practice my English with every opportunity which I have come across. Last and certainly not least,I am very happy to help you with this work.I have learnt a lot!篇10In China, there are four seasons in a year, spring, summer, autumn and winter.Summer is hot and winter is cold. Spring and autumn are comfortable. Spring lasts from March to May. Summers goes from June to August. From September to November is autumn.At last is winter, from December to February. Among the four seasons in a year, I like winter most.。

夏天英语作文带翻译Summer is my favorite season. It's a time when the sun shines brightly, the days are long, and the air is filled with the laughter of children playing outside. The warm weatherinvites everyone to enjoy a variety of activities, from swimming in the cool ocean to having a picnic in the park.During summer, I love to visit the beach. The feeling of the soft sand under my feet and the gentle touch of the ocean waves is incredibly soothing. I often spend hours swimming, building sandcastles, and sunbathing. It's also a great time for barbecues with family and friends, enjoying the delicious smell of food cooking on an open fire.Summer nights are also special. The sky is dotted with stars that twinkle like diamonds, and the moon casts a peaceful glow over everything. It's the perfect time for a late-night walk or to gather around a campfire, sharing stories and roasting marshmallows.However, summer also reminds us of the importance of staying hydrated and protecting our skin from the sun's harsh rays. I always make sure to drink plenty of water and apply sunscreen before heading out to play.In conclusion, summer is a season of fun, adventure, and relaxation. It's a time to enjoy the great outdoors and make lasting memories with loved ones. I can't wait for the nextsummer season to begin!翻译:夏天是我最喜欢的季节。

英语作文5句话带翻译Title: My Favorite Season。
My favorite season is summer because I love the warm weather and the long days. It's the perfect time to go to the beach, have barbecues, and spend time with friends and family.我最喜欢的季节是夏天,因为我喜欢温暖的天气和长长的白天。
During the summer, I enjoy going on hikes and exploring nature. The lush green trees, blooming flowers, andchirping birds make me feel alive and rejuvenated.在夏天,我喜欢去远足和探索大自然。
One of my favorite summer activities is swimming.There's nothing better than taking a refreshing dip in acool pool or a crystal-clear lake on a hot day.我最喜欢的夏天活动之一就是游泳。
Overall, summer brings me so much joy and happiness. It's a time for relaxation, fun, and creating cherished memories that will last a lifetime.总的来说,夏天给我带来了很多快乐和幸福。

夏天英语作文带翻译Summer is my favorite season. It is a time for relaxation, fun, and making memories with friends and family. The warm weather, longer days, and endlessactivities make it the perfect time of year.夏天是我最喜欢的季节。
One of the best things about summer is the opportunity to spend time outdoors. Whether it's going for a hike, having a picnic in the park, or lounging by the pool, there are so many ways to enjoy the sunshine. I love going to the beach and feeling the sand between my toes, listening to the waves crash against the shore, and soaking up the sun's rays. There's nothing quite like the feeling of warm sand and cool water on a hot summer day.夏天最棒的事情之一就是有机会在户外度过时间。

英语作文:我最喜欢的季节是夏天 1How glad I am that summer has come!I like summer best because I can have a very happy time then.Every summer I stay at my uncles house in the country for some time and enjoy the life there.I can also catch worms that are not found in cities.In addition,we can see many kinds of birds.I think the country is certainly a better place than the city for vacation.Summer is my favourite season.英语作文:我最喜欢的季节是夏天 2I love summer very much.In summer, its hot, and sometimes its rainy.People wear T-shirts, shorts and sunglasses.Girls love to wear dresses and skirts.I love smimming in summer.So I always go swimming with my parents in the sea.Sometimes, I like to play basketball on theplayground with my friends if its not very hot.My favourite food in summer is ice-cream.Its very cold and sweet.Its delicious for me in summer.Wow, summer is really my favourite season!英语作文:我最喜欢的季节是夏天 3In summer,all kinds offruits areripe,have been listed,colorful,have everything that one eXpects to findthe rainy season,wecan taste thesour,sweetYang Mei;slippery,deliciousmango;not only refreshing,and thirst-quenchingwatermelon;andsparklinggrape;known as the"Queen of fruit"strawberry.Whatitis!Summer is so beautiful,is soattractive,seductive,let us have tolove it.In summer,Ilikeyou,only one a year summer 英语作文:我最喜欢的季节是夏天 4I like to spring vibrant, I like fruit of their labor to fall, I also like the land of ice and snow in winter, but my favorite was vigorously summer.He came to earth with a warm center of the earth, to show a scene of prosperity.You vigorous walking, walking down the street, people are buying clothes and shoes,booming,bustling,festive eXtraordinary to see the girls walking on the street, their clothes are fashionable, bright colors, almost no re-sampleI think summer is the girls of the world, is to show the beauty of the season.You vigorous walking, into the garden, garden flower disappointing fight Yan open, whether it is the Queen of peony flowers, small flowers or no name, are happily greet summer girl, willow by winds, fluttering shook, like summer girl that flowing hair, how beautiful ah! This is a unique scenery summer because summer is beautiful.You vigorous walking, walking in the market, cries,bargaining sound, together into one, very lively, look purple eggplant, Pie Zhaozui, which is red you smile! That sparkling grape purple, glistening apricot, peach red bite tastes,crisp raw, sour, summer fruit described as paradise.You vigorous walking, into the fields, sunflowers are facing the open summer girl, put her beautiful smiling face dedicated to summer girl.Four underground struggle.Cicada not miss this great opportunity also for five years, stripped of her clothes that one gold, into the tree, "cicada, cicada" to call, to show it was beautiful summer girl singing, frog hiding grass, quack barking, positive girl summer a summer ensemble hymn it!Xia, a lively summer; summer, a beautiful summer; I praiseyou, a charming summer.英语作文:我最喜欢的季节是夏天 5I like summer I like summer, ask me why? That I wait for me to tell you slowly Summer is hot, but I like to eat ice cream,popsicles; summer can go swimming, play in the water; summer I also want fruit watermelon, pear, peaches.In the morning,I opened the window, and the bright sun shone the earth,shining on the buildings and shining on the people.How beautiful a painting ah! At noon, the sky suddenly dark clouds,it seems to rain thunder, and not long before the downpour,heavy thunder.I can not stay out at home when I see this phenomenon.But it can not stop I like the summer, because the sky after the rain there is a very refreshing feeling,cool and comfortable.Night, our family can sit together on the balcony to cool, chat, see the stars.Very happy.Now, do you understand why I like the summer?英语作文:我最喜欢的季节是夏天 6Some people like the spring full of vigour, some people like the scorching summer, some people like melons and fruits of the autumn, and I was like pure white in winter.Morning, the weather suddenly turned cold, dark cloudsin a piece of land in the sky, at noon, a vast eXpanse of snow will fall from the sky come first.There were numerous snow underground, it was like jade,like fog, like light, the wind in the sky.They are free to roam the earth, slowly put on the white snow.After a period of time, the snow stopped, the earth seems to be wrapped in gauze, and seems to be a layer of silver mist covered.The sun came out, immediately into the Crystal City in Anyang.Walking in the street, like walking in the fairy tales of Asgard as magical anomaly.Roadside trees are covered with snow, sparkling.Thousands of miles away white.Snow in the sunlight, emitting a bright light.The snow on the streets is not thick, step up issued a creak sound, form a beautiful music.The children went out to play, they just like a caged bird, very happy.Ah! Winter, your mind is so white, we cant forget your beauty, you better not forget to make contribution to the wheat.英语作文:我最喜欢的季节是夏天 7Summer is my favorite season.I was born in summer.In summer, I won’t wear thick coats any more.I’ll dress more casually.I’ll wear a T-shirt.I’ll go swimming every day, and I will have ice cream.It’s verydelicious.In summer, I will have summer vacation.I’ll visit lots of beautiful places and take a lot of photos.But I have to finish my homework first.I’ll play with my best friends every day.I can’t wait for summer to come! Hurry, summer!英语作文:我最喜欢的季节是夏天 8Every time when summer comes, I am so looking forward to summer vacation, because I can make many plans in the long st summer, I spent a month to stay with my uncle and his family.They live in the north.When I got there, I found the weather there was not that hot and I liked the coolness.In the daytime,my cousin and I played on the beach, because we lived near the beach.I would paint pictures and wait for the water to wash they away.Sometimes my uncle would take his boat with us.We floated on the sea and appreciated the beautiful nature.This is the best summer for me.I wish I could have chances to spend some time with them again.I will never forget those happy days.英语作文:我最喜欢的季节是夏天 9I like summer I like summer, ask me why? That I wait for me to tell you slowly Summer is hot, but I like to eat ice cream,popsicles; summer can go swimming, play in the water; summer I also want fruit watermelon, pear, peaches.In the morning,I opened the window, and the bright sun shone the earth,shining on the buildings and shining on the people.How beautiful a painting ah! At noon, the sky suddenly dark clouds,it seems to rain thunder, and not long before the downpour,heavy thunder.I can not stay out at home when I see this phenomenon.But it can not stop I like the summer, because the sky after the rain there is a very refreshing feeling,cool and comfortable.Night, our family can sit together on the balcony to cool, chat, see the stars.Very happy.Now, do you understand why I like the summer?我喜欢夏天我喜欢夏天,要问我为什么?那我等我慢慢就告诉你吧.夏天虽然热,但有我喜欢吃的冰淇淋,冰棍;夏天可以去游泳,在水里玩耍;夏天也有我想要的水果西瓜,梨,桃子.早晨,我打开窗户,灿烂的阳光照射这大地,照耀在一幢幢大楼上,照耀在人们身上.多美丽的一幅画啊!中午,天空突然乌云密布,似乎要下雨打雷了,没过多久就下起倾盆大雨,雷声轰轰.看到这现象我就呆在家里不敢出去.但这也阻止不了我喜欢夏天,因为雨后的天空有一种很清爽的感觉,凉凉的舒服极了.晚上,我们全家可以一起坐在阳台上乘凉,聊天,看星星.幸福极了.现在,你们明白我为什么喜欢夏天了吧.英语作文:我最喜欢的季节是夏天 10I love all the year round, but I love the summer, although the summer is not so colorful in spring, there is no fruit so autumn, but no snow so winter, but it is more lively and more like.In the summer pond, the water on the side of the crowded lotus leaves into a small dragonfly apron, is also a small frog big stage.A beautiful white lotus from the lotus leaves, and some hiding under the lotus leaf, like a shy little girl, and some of the waist stretched straight, like and who is taller than it! Or some flowers bones, they are together, talking whispering.I like the sea of summer, where there are cool sea breezes,soft sandy beaches and endless faint blue waters, distant skies flying from time to time a few seagulls, flying in the sea at low altitude.When your feet into the soft sandy beach, feel like being overwhelmed by the beach world; when you come to the beach in the morning, the distant sun rising from the sea level,golden light, Huang Chengcheng beach twinkling of an eye Between the golden, feel like being surrounded by gold.Beach on the bizarre shells panoramic view, the seaside reef on the crane seems to have this cool sea breeze, the wind flew away.Summer is hot, but also cheerful, or pleasing.You use the hot sunshine, according to the earth, so that all things thrive,is that you describe the span of the summer scene.what! I like summer!英语作文:我最喜欢的季节是夏天 11Summer, sunny, ice cream, flower skirt, I want every girls loyalty.I am a happy girl who has just ascended to middle school,reminiscent of the last summer of childhood,wearing a beautiful skirt; eating ice and sweet ice cream, fantasy full of magical high school: the playground has a handsome boy playing basketball, Classroom class after classmates have said laugh.Everything is so beautiful and beautiful.Middle school means growing, meaning that I am no longer a carefree little girl, means that I entered the first crossroads of my life.This crossroads is very important to me, of course, I also go very difficult, really is a step by step, every footprints are recorded in my countless sweat and hardships, but I still successfully came to this make me Longing for the crossroads,I was very lucky, admitted to a provincial key middle school,which also makes the father, my mother was pleased.Today is the National Day, the rain has been the neXtnon-stop, the family travel plan had to cancel, my father,my mother and I went to grandma family festivals,okay grandmother home with two little sister with me, so I will not lonely The sky kept crying in a daze.After lunch, I can not stay at home, playing a red umbrella, out of the house, the two little sister tightly nestled around me, walking in the wet road a few steps, they suddenly ran home Go, when I wonder,the two little guys and carrying a basin ran out: "sister, lets give her grandmother home water!" She said happily."Do you take the water?" Looking at the two naive smile, I smiled and looked at two little fool, could not help but think of a child when I was not so naive?Now I am a middle school student, will not be a little thing to the father, my mother tantrums, know how to eat on the table to the elders first folder to eat, take care of small sister; ,Give home a phone call to the parents of sound peace; understand the parents for my share of love that is how selfless, I only have to work hard to learn to return them ......A cold wind hit, I can not help but hit a chill.what! Fall come, farewell to the summer, I grew up!英语作文:我最喜欢的季节是夏天 12I spent this summer vacation in quite a different way.I usedto run about every day in previous summer vacations,this summer vacation I simply could not afford to do so.I would soon be in the last year of my high-school education would after graduation be up against the college entrance eXaminations.Though those eXaminations were still a year away, I had to start early to make myself well prepared by reviewing all those things I had learned at school this summer vacation was the ideal time for me to do this.At first I was rather dismayed at the thought of thislater I thought it was better this way because by working hard this summer I could count on endless happy summers to come.With this in mind I then set to work like anything and occasionally went out for a change or did some physical.I was not at all bored by this kind of life, for I was sustained by a hope.英语作文:我最喜欢的季节是夏天 13There are four season in a are all I favourite season is summer.It is summer weather is very hot and s sun is illuminate on our need eat a lot of ice the rainy day,the weather can be cool.But the summer is trees are green and leaves are flowers are colourful and are red,yellow,blue,pink and butterflies are flying above the are many birds singing on the branch.People can do a lot of things in can ride can can have a are interesting like like summer activities.In summer,there are many watermelons,apples are very summer eat watremelons is nice and cool.This is like you like it?英语作文:我最喜欢的季节是夏天 14It is true that summer is hot,very the wicked summer sun is nothing to me,for I dont usually go out.What I like to do best during the long summer vacation is to stay in my own little room and love to read,but during the school year I could hardly find a free moment for assignments press down upon me like a feel confined and imprisoned.Once the summer vacation comes,however,I have all the time in the world to read and read and read everything I want to read to my hearts room maybe small,and the sun maybe hot,but Im free,Im happy,Im really living!Oh,how I love summer!英语作文:我最喜欢的季节是夏天 15Previous two days suddenly blew the gale, the weather assoon asdropped 7, 8, morning lay down on the bed, look at outside the windowthe crazy undulation tree, a summer such has passed by, this was mylast summer vacation.This summer vacation was I in the home dull timelongest summer vacation, occasionally went to grandfather the family,eXited eXcept the good friend plays is staying in the home,because began school late.Finally two week also nobody accompanied meto eXit plays,I uneXpectedly one continually stayed in the home 5day, Lian Mendu had not left, Last the summer vacation harvests alsomany,I learned to prepare food,watched several Han play,althoughthe plot was approXimately same,or liked.Although all is therepetition similar life daily,two months or on the past, hoped inan instant last the year can complete mark the period in my last bythe student status study!英语作文:我最喜欢的季节是夏天 16There are four season in a year.They are all beautiful.But I favourite season is summer.It is summer now.The weather is very hot and dry.Summers sun is illuminate on our skin.We need eat a lot of ice cream.In the rainy day,the weather can be cool.But the summer is vivifying.The trees are green andflourish.The leaves are bigger.The flowers are colourful and beautiful.There are red,yellow,blue,pink and purple.The butterflies are flying above the flowers.There are many birds singing on the branch.People can do a lot of things in summer.We can ride bike.We can swim.We can have a picnic.Those are interesting activities.I like swim.I like summer activities.In summer,there are many fruit.The watermelons,apples are very delicious.In summer eat watremelons is nice and cool.This is summer.I like summer.Do you like it?英语作文:我最喜欢的季节是夏天 17In the summer,the days are longer and the nights are shouter.Its very hot.People like to go swimming.I like swimming very much.So I often go to the swimming poll in the summer .And I can swim very well.In the summer the trees and leaves are green.Flowers are open too.People dont like to go outside.They want to stay at home.Because in the room.Its very cool.In the summer.People like to eat ice-cream.So there are many kinds of ice-cream.I like swimming and I like eat ice-cream.So I like summertoo.英语作文:我最喜欢的季节是夏天 18It is true that summer is hot,very the wicked summer sun is nothing to me,for I dont usuAlly go out.What I like to do best during the long summer vacation is to stay in my own little room and read.I love to read,but during the school year I could hardly find a free moment for es assignments press down upon me like a mountain.I feel confined and imprisoned.Once the summer vacation comes,however,I have all the time in the world to read and read and read.I read everything I want to read.I read to my hearts room maybe small,and the sun maybe hot,but Im free,Im happy,Im really living!Oh,how I love summer!英语作文:我最喜欢的季节是夏天 19Summer arrived, a lot of people played to the outside.Summer is very hot, everybody wears very few dress,besides fool ability can wear a lot of dresses.Summer can swim,eat ice-lolly and bathe cold water to wait.For instance, a few days ago very hot, I ate a few ice-lolly and a few ice to stimulate drench.Eat so that my mouth resembles iced mouth.For instance, very hot yesterday, and I went cinema.after coming home, I bathed, after be being washed, I feel very cool.NeXt I slept.I love summer!英语作文:我最喜欢的季节是夏天 20Summer is hot and beautiful.Morning, flowers and trees in the dew of moisture, it is refreshed, emitting bursts of fragrance.Birds in the branches on the bustling, twitter called a non-stop, the sun to the earth covered with a golden dress.If you walk in the mountains at this time, you will feel refreshing, refreshing.At noon, the red sun is like a fireball, high hanging in the sky, the earth roasted hot and hot.Flowers and trees are listless, hanging his head."Big yellow dog under the shade of the tree, Zhang mouth, kept spit tongue, but also in the mouth of the tree, Panting.People are hiding in the air-conditioned place, do not want to come out.In the evening, the sunset, such as Dan, the horizon of the clouds suddenly become red glowing, like the sky with the fire, the frog secretly jumped out of the water, pulled high voice "quack" to cried,as if the sun father said: "Goodbye !Goodbye!"At night, after dinner, thirty-two two people came to the embankment, while the cool, while chatting, while watching the beautiful night.The streets of the light and the stars of the little stars embraced each other, people can not tell where is the day, where is the ground.Oh, summer, I love you.英语作文:我最喜欢的季节是夏天 21There are always many beautiful flowers in summer.And also,I can wear short clothes.In my school, during summer, girls always wear beautiful skirts and boys always wear shirts and shorts.Girls are beautiful and cute.Boys are handsome.White clouds float on the blue sky.Hot wind comes one by one.I swear.I sit under the electronic fan, get the wind from the fan.Thats convinient, I almost cannot control my loving on this season.英语作文:我最喜欢的季节是夏天 22summer is my favorite season.i think i have every reason in the world to like summer as i do.one thing i like the most about summer is we dont have to wear layers of clothes.you would feel lighter and happier, even the whole world seems to be lighter and happier than it in gloomy winter .people also seem to be more outgoing and easygoing in summer.the second reason is the temperature is good enough for a lot of outdoor activities.being outdoorsy,i would feel annoyed if i was cooped up by bad weather in winter.on the contrary, summer weather ususally wont stop you from going out for days.英语作文:我最喜欢的季节是夏天 23Everyone has their own favorite season, then what do you like the season? Perhaps the flowers of the spring, perhaps the harvest of autumn harvest, perhaps the ice and snow in the winter.But if it was me, I would choose summer.Summer, with a passionate hot,soybeans,large rain,ladder-shaped lightning.The gods of nature to describe the summer so beautiful, I can not like it?I prefer the summer of the past, it was the summer that was not destroyed by people, that was the summer that was not controlled by the greenhouse effect.At that time, not so now hot, rain is now more abundant than now, rarely drought.However, I prefer the beautiful lightning in the summer! If you look at the observation, you will find the lightning has purple! These lightning shapes are also different, but are so spectacular!Once, lightning at night pierced the sky, all of a sudden,all this reflection in the wall, like a branch of the same lightning, but also sub-twist! This lightning, like the devils claws, in vain to catch all the things.Of course, during the day can see the spectacular lightning, it is a heavy rain,rain crashed underground more than one.Dark clouds, in the building over a black pressure.Suddenly, a lightning bolt is like a thunderbolt, a line to a "yo-yo" slipped over the house,followed by a harsh roar! That round of lightning is so close to me, looks so bright, is it illusion TheI also like summer night.That cool wind blowing on the body,so that the heat of the day disappeared, you can also looked up at the stars of the stars staring.How happy it is!So beautiful summer, you are not in love?。

ILikeSummer我喜欢夏天英语作文通用五篇I Like Summer我喜欢夏天英语作文1Spring is spent along with assured source, summer is wrapping around a suit greenery skipping to go in warm wind. Summer arrived, bare day sorching, xia Yizheng is thick, if Xia Shan greens jade. Summer is very hot, but very beautiful also. I e to field, heat month cicada cries, day heat must connect dragonfly to dare stick shade only part is small fly, seem to be afraid that sunshine hurt his wing. The branch of the tree, often transmit /“ cicada cicada /" cry, that sound is ringing and pleasant, let y ou feel cheesed from time to time again, and sometimes, old people is taking fan at the same time fan is worn, saying at the same time, listening to the singing with pleasant cicada at the same time, really carefree and content. On broad open country, appear blue sky, like dangerous bolide the sun, cloud is like by sun cremate, also disappear into thin air, there is one cloudlet in sky , without a bit wind, on the top of head one round of burning sun, all tree are hanging down slouchingly first. In weed clump, green grass,bulrush and red, white, violet wild flower, round of when be hanged high in the sky fervent sun evaporate is being basked in, was full of in air sweet drunk breath, really attractive. I like summer, like her beautiful prospect.I Like Summer我喜欢夏天英语作文2Everyone has their own favorite season, then what do you like the season? Perhaps the flowers of the spring, perhaps the harvest of autumn harvest, perhaps the ice and snow in the winter. But if it was me, I would choose summer. Summer, with a passionate hot, soybeans, large rain, ladder-shaped lightning. The gods of nature to describe the summer so beautiful, I can not like it?I prefer the summer of the past, it was the summer that was not destroyed by people, that was the summer that was not controlled by the greenhouse effect. At that time, not so now hot, rain is now more abundant than now, rarely drought.However, I prefer the beautiful lightning in the summer! If you look at the observation, you will find the lightning has purple! These lightning shapes are also different, but are so spectacular!Once, lightning at night pierced the sky, all of a sudden, all this reflection in the wall, like a branch of the same lightning, butalso sub-twist! This lightning, like the devil's claws, in vain to catch all the things. Of course, during the day can see the spectacular lightning, it is a heavy rain, rain crashed underground more than one. Dark clouds, in the building over a black pressure. Suddenly, a lightning bolt is like a thunderbolt, a line to a "yo-yo" slipped over the house, followed by a harsh roar! That round of lightning is so close to me, looks so bright, is it illusion TheI also like summer night. That cool wind blowing on the body, so that the heat of the day disappeared, you can also looked up at the stars of the stars staring. How happy it is!So beautiful summer, you are not in love?I Like Summer我喜欢夏天英语作文3I like to spring vibrant, I like fruit of their labor to fall, I also like the land of ice and snow in winter, but my favorite was vigorously summer. He came to earth with a warm center of the earth, to show a scene of prosperity.You vigorous walking, walking down the street, people are buying clothes and shoes, booming, bustling, festive extraordinary to see the girls walking on the street, their clothes are fashionable, bright colors, almost no re-sample I think summer is the girls of the world, is to show the beauty of theseason.You vigorous walking, into the garden, garden flower disappointing fight Yan open, whether it is the Queen of peony flowers, small flowers or no name, are happily greet summer girl, willow by winds, fluttering shook, like summer girl that flowing hair, how beautiful ah! This is a unique scenery summer because summer is beautiful.You vigorous walking, walking in the market, cries, bargaining sound, together into one, very lively, look purple eggplant, Pie Zhaozui, which is red you smile! That sparkling grape purple, glistening apricot, peach red bite tastes, crisp raw, sour, summer fruit described as paradise.You vigorous walking, into the fields, sunflowers are facing the open summer girl, put her beautiful smiling face dedicated to summer girl. Four underground struggle. Cicada not miss this great opportunity also for five years, stripped of her clothes that one gold, into the tree, "cicada, cicada" to call, to show it was beautiful summer girl singing, frog hiding grass, quack barking, positive girl summer a summer ensemble hymn it!Xia, a lively summer; summer, a beautiful summer; I praise you, a charming summer.I Like Summer我喜欢夏天英语作文4Summer is hot and beautiful.Morning, flowers and trees in the dew of moisture, it is refreshed, emitting bursts of fragrance. Birds in the branches on the bustling, twitter called a non-stop, the sun to the earth covered with a golden dress. If you walk in the mountains at this time, you will feel refreshing, refreshing.At noon, the red sun is like a fireball, high hanging in the sky, the earth roasted hot and hot. Flowers and trees are listless, hanging his head. "Big yellow dog under the shade of the tree, Zhang mouth, kept spit tongue, but also in the mouth of the tree, Panting. People are hiding in the air-conditioned place, do not want to e out.In the evening, the sunset, such as Dan, the horizon of the clouds suddenly e red glowing, like the sky with the fire, the frog secretly jumped out of the water, pulled high voice "quack" to cried, as if the sun father said: "Goodbye !Goodbye!"At night, after dinner, thirty-two two people came to the embankment, while the cool, while chatting, while watching the beautiful night. The streets of the light and the stars of the little stars embraced each other, people can not tell where is the day,where is the ground.Oh, summer, I love you.I Like Summer我喜欢夏天英语作文5I like summer I like summer, ask me why? That I wait for me to tell you slowly Summer is hot, but I like to eat ice cream, popsicles; summer can go swimming, play in the water; summer I also want fruit watermelon, pear, peaches. In the morning, I opened the window, and the bright sun shone the earth, shining on the buildings and shining on the people. How beautiful a painting ah! At noon, the sky suddenly dark clouds, it seems to rain thunder, and not long before the downpour, heavy thunder.I can not stay out at home when I see this phenomenon. But it can not stop I like the summer, because the sky after the rain there is a very refreshing feeling, cool and fortable. Night, our family can sit together on the balcony to cool, chat, see the stars. Very happy. Now, do you understand why I like the summer?。

我最喜欢的季节夏天英语作文20个单词全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Summer! Summer! Summer is my favorite time! I love summer so much! Summer is hot and sunny and fun! Summer means no more school for months! No more waking up so early! No more teachers and homework and tests! Just playing and fun all day long!In summer, I can sleep in late. I love sleeping in! I can stay up late too! I don't have to go to bed early for school. I can watch TV and play video games as late as I want! My parents don't make me do chores either. They say I'm on summer break!My favorite thing about summer is swimming! I love swimming so much! We have a pool in our backyard. I swim in it every single day when it's hot out. I can splash and play around for hours and hours. Swimming is the best way to cool off and have fun! I hate being hot and sweaty and sticky. The water feels so nice and refreshing.Sometimes, my friends come over and we all swim together. We have swimming races and competitions. We see who canmake the biggest splash! We squirt each other with water guns too. Water fights are so fun in the summer heat! Everything is always wet and soaked but who cares? It's just more fun that way!Another awesome summer thing is ice cream! Yum, I love ice cream so much. It's the perfect summer treat. My favorite is chocolate ice cream. But I like all flavors - vanilla, strawberry, mint chocolate chip! I eat ice cream cones and sundaes and milkshakes. I never get tired of cold, sweet, delicious ice cream.I go to the park a lot in summer too. I ride my bike on the trails and climb on the playgrounds. I play catch and frisbee with my friends. We have picnics and barbeques at the park. Grilling hamburgers and hot dogs outside is the best! I love the smell of the smoke and charcoal. And eating outdoors is way more fun than at home.Summer means freedom and relaxation! I can stay up late, sleep in, swim, play outside, and eat ice cream all day if I want. There's no schedule or responsibilities. I get to be a total kid and do whatever makes me happy. I never want summer to end! School starting again is my biggest dread.But until then, I'm going to soak up every second of summer fun! Playing in the sprinklers, going on vacation, catching firefliesat night, sleepovers with friends, baseball games, amusement parks, campouts...the possibilities are endless! This is the life! Kids just don't get to be kids enough nowadays. That's why I cherish summer so very much. These precious months of freedom and youthful joy!So that's why summer is by far my favorite season. Sure, the other seasons are okay I guess. Fall is pretty with the changing leaves. Winter has Christmas and snow days. Spring has nice warm weather too. But they all pale in comparison to the epic amazingness that is summer! Nothing beats those long, glorious, sunny days of pure fun and childhood bliss. Summer, I love you! Never leave!篇2Summer is my favorite season ever! It's the best time of year. Summer means no more school for months. I get to sleep in late. No more waking up super early. Yay! I don't have any homework.In summer, the weather is hot. The sun shines bright and strong. I can wear shorts and t-shirts. No more heavy coats and boots! I love going to the beach. Playing in the sand is fun. The ocean water feels so nice. I boogie board the small waves. Sometimes I go swimming in pools too.There are so many fun activities. I go to summer camps sometimes. Art camp is my favorite camp. I get to do crafts and painting. I love drawing and being creative. At camp we play outside lots. We have water balloon fights too!Summer means lots of tasty treats. I eat so many popsicles and slushies. Ice cream is the ultimate summer snack. My favorite is chocolate chip! Sometimes we have backyard barbecues too. Grilled burgers and hot dogs yum! We make s'mores over the fire pit. Roasting marshmallows is my favorite part.The best part of summer is...NO SCHOOL! I get to stay up late. I watch movies and play video games. I hang out with my friends. We have sleepovers and stay up all night. We prank each other telling stories. It's so much fun being kids!Summer days seem to last forever. The sun stays out for so long. I can play outside all day. I never want it to end! My neighborhood has a pool so I swim a lot. We have epic pool parties and barbecues. Squirt gun fights are the best!Summer means family vacations too. We go on road trips and travels. Seeing new places is exciting. Last year we went to Disneyland! The rides were a blast. I loved all the shows too. We stayed in a big fancy hotel. With a massive pool and arcade!At home I run through the sprinklers. When it gets too hot at night, we camp in the backyard. Pitching a tent and stargazing is awesome! Catching fireflies in jars is fun. I also like having lemonade stands. Selling drinks and snacks is cool. I make a little money to spend.On the 4th of July we watch fireworks. The bright colors exploding are dazzling. Red, blue, purple sparkles fill the sky. It's stunning and the grand finale is epic! I get sparklers to wave around too. The summer night air smells like fireworks.Summer just can't be beat by other seasons. Spring has nice days but school ruins it. Fall means school again too. Winter is just too cold and everything dies. Summer is all about warm sunshine and good vibes. Long days full of freedom to play! That's why summer is unquestionably the best season.篇3Summer is fun! Summer is hot. I like summer best.In summer, I can play outside lots. I play with my friends all day. We run and jump and yell. We are loud but happy!My mom takes me to the pool too. The pool is cold but fun. I swim and splash a lot. My friends come to the pool too. We have pool games and races. I love swimming in summer!We also go to the beach in summer. The beach has sand and the big ocean! I build sandcastles and dig holes. The ocean is salty but nice. I put my toes in the waves. Sometimes I go swimming in the ocean if it's warm.Summer has lots of sun too. The sun is hot and bright yellow.I wear shorts and t-shirts in summer. No more coats or sweaters! My mom puts sunscreen on me so I don't burn. I run around in just my bathing suit after swimming.My birthday is in summer vacation too! For my birthday, we have a pool party. All my friends come over to swim. My mom makes a big cake too. We eat cake and ice cream because it's hot. Then we open presents! Summer birthdays are so much fun.In summer, I also go to summer camp some weeks. At camp, I do crafts and play games all day. We have campfires at night and sing songs. I meet new friends at camp. We do fun summer activities like canoeing and hiking too. Camp is an awesome summer treat.The best part of summer is no school! I don't have to wake up early in summer. I can stay up late too. I watch movies and read books all I want. No homework or tests in summer! Just fun in the sun all day.I'm sad when summer ends. School starts again and it gets colder. I can't swim or play outside as much. But I know summer will come again next year! I will have fun in the sun once more. Summer is without a doubt my favoritest season ever! I dream of summer all year long.篇4Summer Is Awesome!Summer is the best season ever! It's so much fun. I love summer vacations. No more school for months! I get to sleep late. And play all day long. And have picnics and barbecues. Summer has amazing warm weather. I love swimming at the pool or beach. The water feels so refreshing. Building sandcastles is really fun too.In summer, I can run around outside without a jacket. Playing games like tag or hide-and-seek is a blast! My friends and I have lemonade stands sometimes. We sell drinks to people walking by. And use the money for ice cream after! Yum, icecream tastes incredible when it's hot out. I could eat it every single day. My favorite is chocolate with sprinkles.Summer nights are magical too. I catch fireflies that twinkle like stars. And look for shooting stars while roasting marshmallows. The sunsets are gorgeous shades of pink and orange. After dark, we tell spooky stories around the campfire. One time, my friend's story made me jump! But I wasn't really scared, I'm too brave for that. Summer evenings are balmy and peaceful. Great for playing night games like flashlight tag or ghost in the graveyard.Another awesome part of summer is summer camp! I go to sleepaway camp for a few weeks. We do so many cool activities there. Like canoeing, archery, hiking, and arts and crafts. I always come home with a ton of awesome crafts I made. The camp has a petting zoo too with adorable baby goats! Cuddling them is the cutest. We sing classic camp songs while roasting s'mores. I've made so many friends from all over at camp.Of course, no summer is complete without a family vacation! We always go somewhere exciting and new. My favorite was the beach vacation in Florida. Building sandcastles, riding waves, finding seashells, everything was perfection! The hotel had a massive pool and lazy river too. I spent hours just floatingaround. Last year, we went to an amusement park in California. The roller coasters were a huge thrill! This year, I'm really hoping we can go to Hawaii. How cool would that be?Summer gives me so many happy memories every year. Days spent outdoors from sunup to sundown. Carefree playing and adventures. Delicious summer treats like watermelon and popsicles. Catching bugs and having creepy-crawly competitions. Sleepovers under the stars. Late nights of nonstop giggles with friends. I cherish every moment of summer before school starts again. Because when that first crisp fall day arrives, I already can't wait for next summer!篇5Summer is fun time! Hot and sunny. I love summer! Swimming at pool. Playing outside all day. No school, yay! Eating ice cream. Running through sprinklers. Catching fireflies at night. Summer is the best!Summer is my favorite season because there is so much fun to be had! The weather is hot and sunny, which is perfect for spending all day outside. I don't have to go to school, so I can play from morning until night. Yay!One of the best things about summer is going swimming at the pool. I love diving into the cool, refreshing water on a scorching hot day. My friends and I spend hours swimming underwater, having underwater tea parties. We practice holding our breath and seeing who can stay underwater the longest. When we get tired of swimming laps, we play fun pool games like Marco Polo or pool basketball. Occasionally, we have swimming races to see who is the fastest swimmer. Swimming at the pool is one of my favorite summer activities.Playing outside all day is another great part of summer. My neighborhood friends and I have so much energy, and we love running around enjoying the warm sunshine. We play endless games of tag, basking in the bright summer rays. Sometimes we get a little sweaty, so we run through the sprinklers orslip'n'slides to cool off. Shrieks of laughter fill the air as the cold water sprays us. After we're soaked, we plop down on the grass and make grass angels or crowns. The sweet smell of freshly cut grass is one of the signature scents of summer.When evening falls, the fun continues. We chase lightning bugs across yards, delighted by their glowing abdomens lighting up the dusky sky. We catch the fireflies carefully in our hands, admiring their beauty up close before letting them go again.Summertime fibally means freedom and living life to the fullest without school responsibilities. Every day is packed with excitement and playing from dawn until bedtime. Truly, summer is the most wonderful season!Another highlight of summer is all the delicious fresh foods. Juicy watermelons are at their peak, and I love their sticky-sweet taste dripping down my chin. Ripe strawberries are my favorite fruit, so flavorful and bright red. Corn on the cob, freshly picked, is hard to beat. We have backyard barbecues almost every weekend, with hotdogs, hamburgers, and other cookout foods sizzling on the grill. The smoky charcoal aroma makes my mouth water. For dessert, we enjoy popsicles, ice cream sandwiches, or a cold bowl of ice cream to combat the summer heat. YUM!Summer also means summer vacation! No school for months is like a dream come true for kids. We get to stay up late, sleep in even later, and spend our days however we wish without schoolwork demands. Some summers, my family takes an awesome trip, but other years we stick closer to home. Either way, summer is my treasured break from educational responsibilities. The freedom of summer gives me time to recharge and prepare for another year of hard work in the classroom.Overall, summer is simply the most fun time of year. The sunny weather and warm temperatures are perfect for nonstop playing outside with friends. We make so many joyful memories running through sprinklers, chasing lightning bugs at twilight, swimming all day at the pool, devouring summer's fresh bounty, and just being kids at our freest. I anxiously await summer's arrival every year and soak up every second of its magic before it slips away too quickly. Summertime is the best time in the life of a kid!篇6Here's a 2000-word English essay about my favorite season, summer, written in a way that a primary school student might write:My Favorite Season is SummerSummer is the best season ever! It's so much fun. I love playing outside in summer. The sun is bright and warm. I can wear shorts and t-shirts.In summer, school is out. No more teachers or homework! I can sleep late and stay up past bedtime. Mom takes us to the pool or beach. We splash in the cool water. It feels so nice on a hot day.Summer means no more jackets or sweaters. I hate bundling up. It's too hot for that in summer. I can finally wear my favorite flip flops again. They're so comfy and casual.One of my favorite parts of summer is camp. I go to day camp for a few weeks. We do so many fun activities outdoors. We have campfires and make s'mores. Yum! We play games like capture the flag and kickball. I make new friends at camp each year.Another amazing thing about summer is family vacations! We pack our suitcases and go somewhere new and exciting. Last year, we went to the beach for a week. We built sandcastles, collected seashells, and boogie boarded in the ocean waves. This year, we're going camping in the mountains. I can't wait to go hiking, fishing, and sleep in a tent!At home, we spend tons of time in our backyard in summer. Dad grills hamburgers and hot dogs. We run through the sprinkler to cool off. Sometimes, we have a lemonade stand and sell drinks to neighbors. We stay outside playing until after dark when the fireflies come out.There are so many fun summer holidays too! On the 4th of July, we watch fireworks light up the night sky. Such pretty colors exploding in the air! For Memorial Day, we have a big familypicnic. Aunts, uncles, and cousins come over. We play games in the yard and eat way too much food. Yummy!My birthday is in August, at the end of summer. That's always an exciting day full of cake, ice cream, and presents. I can't wait to see what gifts I get this year. Hopefully a new bike or video games! For my party, we'll probably have a waterballoon toss in the backyard. Such a blast!I love summer nights too. The weather stays warm, even after dark. We open the windows instead of using air conditioning. Crickets chirp and fireflies blink all around. Sometimes, we make a bonfire in our fire pit. We roast marshmallows and stargaze as constellations appear.The only bad parts of summer are thunderstorms and sunburns. Loud thunder and bright lightning can be scary. But at least we don't have to go to school in storms. Sunburns are no fun either. They hurt and peel. That's why I always put on sunscreen before going outside.Overall, summer is my absolute favorite time of year! From playing at the pool or beach to camping and vacation adventures, there's so much fun to be had. I cherish the warm, sunny days and all the exciting activities. Summer break goes by way too fast.I wish it could last forever!。

夏天英语作文带翻译Summer is my favorite season of the year. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the flowers are blooming. It is a time for relaxation and fun, and I always look forward to it.During the summer, I love to spend time outdoors. I enjoy going to the beach and swimming in the ocean. The water is cool and refreshing, and the waves are so much fun to play in. I also like to go hiking in the mountains, where I can enjoy the beautiful scenery and get some exercise at the same time.Another thing I love about summer is the food. There are so many delicious fruits and vegetables that are in season, like watermelon, strawberries, and corn on the cob.I also love to grill out with my family and friends, and we often have barbecues on the weekends.One of my favorite summer memories is going to summercamp. I went to a camp in the mountains, where we did all sorts of fun activities like hiking, swimming, and arts and crafts. I made so many new friends and had so much fun that I still think about it to this day.Overall, summer is a wonderful time of year. It is a time for relaxation, fun, and making memories with family and friends. I can't wait for the next summer to comearound!夏天是我最喜欢的季节。
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我喜欢夏天英语作文带翻译 Summer
The summer is coming. I like summer very much. In summer days, I can do a lot of things, such asswimming, eating ice cream, drinking cold water. Besides, the summer holiday ismy favorite time. I don't have to go to school in holidays, so I can play withmy friends.
I can travel with my parents, too. I want to go many places, suchas Beijing, Shanghai, Xiamen and so on. This is why I love summer.
It is true that summer is hot, very hot. But the wicked summer sun is nothing to me, for I don't usually go out. What I like to do best during the long summer vacation is to stay in my own little room and read. I love to read, but during the school year I could hardly
find a free moment for reading. Endless assignments press down upon me like a mountain. I feel confined and imprisoned. Once the summer vacation comes, however, I have all the time in the world to read and read and read. I read everything I want to read. I read to my heart's content. My room maybe small, and the sun maybe hot, but I'm free, I'm happy, I'm really living! Oh, how I love summer!