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你这You're a..

可怜的人...Poor man.

跳过我的Look past me.


I don't want your suffering! I don't want your future!

跳过我的未来Look pass my future.

找到你的未来Look for your future.

就是这样That's it.

就是这样That's it.

就是这样That's it.

Charles Charles.

Charles Charles.

这就是我们的结局So this is what become of us?

Erik是对的Erik was right.

人类使我们沦落到这种境地Humanity does this to us.

除非我们能展现更好的未来Not if we show them a better path.你仍然坚信You still believe?


Just because someone stumbles loses their way

并不意味着他们会永远迷失it doesn't mean they're lost forever. 有时候我们只需要一点帮助Sometimes we all need a little help. 我已不是曾经的我I'm not the man I was.

我使用能力I opened my mind

就会把我彻底压垮it almost overwhelms me.

你很恐惧You're afraid.

主脑能感觉到And cerebro knows it.

所有那些声音All those voices..

如此痛苦So... Much... pain.

你害怕的并不是别人的痛苦It's not their pain you're afraid of. 而是你的Charles It's yours Charles.

尽管这可能很恐怖And as frightening as it may be

他们的痛苦能让你更强大that pain will make you stronger.

如果你能去感受它If you allow yourself to feel it

拥抱它embrace it.


It will make you more powerful than you ever imagined.

这是我们最大的天赋It's the greatest gift we have

去坚强地承受他人的痛苦to bear their pain without breaking. 它来自于人类最伟大的力量

And it's born from the most human power



Charles 我们需要你重拾希望Charles we need to hope again. 找到你想要的了吗Find what you were looking for?
