比特币蚂蚁矿机跌价:造价5000元 售价15000元
据拆解报告,S9控制板采用了Xilinx最新的基于28nm工艺流程的Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC平台,选取Zynq-7010为处理器将ARM处理器和FPGA架构紧密集成,该单元拥有双核ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore(667M)的高性能,低功耗特性,很好的满足了该机器的需要。
挖矿成本主要包括以下几个方面:1. 硬件成本:挖矿需要使用专门的硬件设备,称为矿机。
2. 电力成本:挖矿需要大量的电力来运行矿机的计算过程。
3. 维护成本:挖矿设备需要定期维护和保养,以确保其正常运行。
4. 网络带宽成本:挖矿需要稳定的网络连接,以便及时接收和发送数据。
要计算挖矿的成本,我们可以按照以下步骤进行:1. 确定矿机的价格:根据市场行情,选择适合自己挖矿需求的矿机,并记录其价格。
2. 计算电力成本:查看矿机的功耗,通常以瓦特(W)为单位。
3. 估算维护成本:根据矿机型号和厂商提供的数据,估算出维护成本。
4. 估算网络带宽成本:根据自己的网络使用情况和当地的网络价格,估算出每小时的网络带宽成本。
5. 计算总成本:将矿机的价格、电力成本、维护成本和网络带宽成本相加,得到挖矿的总成本。
算力是指矿机每秒钟能够进行的哈希计算数量,通常以哈希每秒(hashes per second,简称hashrate)来衡量。
矿机的配置计算公式可以用以下公式表示:收益 = 算力 / 总网络算力区块奖励汇率电费。
性价比可以用以下公式来表示:性价比 = 算力 / 价格。
玄铁 E907 R1S1 用户手册说明书
Copyright©2021T-HEAD Semiconductor Co.,Ltd.All rights reserved.This document is the property of T-HEAD Semiconductor Co.,Ltd.This document may only be distributed to: (i)a T-HEAD party having a legitimate business need for the information contained herein,or(ii)a non-T-HEAD party having a legitimate business need for the information contained herein.No license,expressed or implied,under any patent,copyright or trade secret right is granted or implied by the conveyance of this document.No part of this document may be reproduced,transmitted,transcribed,stored in a retrieval system,translated into any language or computer language,in any form or by any means,electronic,mechanical,magnetic,optical,chemical,manual,or otherwise without the prior written permission of T-HEAD Semiconductor Co.,Ltd.Trademarks and PermissionsThe T-HEAD Logo and all other trademarks indicated as such herein are trademarks of Hangzhou T-HEAD Semiconductor Co.,Ltd.All other products or service names are the property of their respective owners.NoticeThe purchased products,services and features are stipulated by the contract made between T-HEAD and the customer.All or part of the products,services and features described in this document may not be within the purchase scope or the usage scope.Unless otherwise specified in the contract,all statements,information,and recommendations in this document are provided”AS IS”without warranties,guarantees or representations of any kind,either express or implied.The information in this document is subject to change without notice.Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents,but all statements,information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute a warranty of any kind,express or implied.平头哥半导体有限公司T-HEAD Semiconductor Co.,LTD地址:杭州市余杭区向往街1122号欧美金融城(EFC)英国中心西楼T6邮编:311121网址:版本历史版本描述日期Draft01第一版临时版发布。
矿机的应用原理1. 什么是矿机?矿机,也被称为挖矿机,是用于进行加密货币的挖矿操作的专用硬件设备。
2. 矿机应用原理矿机的应用原理可以概括为以下几个步骤:•验证交易:矿机会从交易池中选择一部分待处理的交易,并验证这些交易的合法性和有效性。
3. 矿机的工作原理矿机之所以能够进行挖矿操作,主要基于以下两个原理:•工作量证明(Proof of Work):矿机需要通过执行大量的计算操作,使用大量的计算资源和电力,来解决一个难题,从而获得挖矿的奖励。
4. 矿机的应用领域矿机不仅仅用于挖掘比特币,还可以应用于其他加密货币的挖矿,例如以太坊、莱特币等。
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Oracle Flash Accelerator F160 PCIe 卡用户指南说明书
使用本文档 ........................................................................................................... 7 产品文档库 ................................................................................................... 7 反馈 ............................................................................................................. 8 更改历史记录 ................................................................................................ 8
本软件或硬件以及文档可能提供了访问第三方内容、产品和服务的方式或有关这些内容、产品和服务的信息。除非您与 Oracle 签订的相应协议另行规定,否则对于第 三方内容、产品和服务,Oracle Corporation 及其附属公司明确表示不承担任何种类的保证,亦不对其承担任何责任。除非您和 Oracle 签订的相应协议另行规定,否 则对于因访问或使用第三方内容、产品或服务所造成的任何损失、成本或损害,Oracle Corporation 及其附属公司概不负责。
准备 Oracle F160 闪存卡进行安装 ....................................................................... 19 ▼ 为安装做准备 ........................................................................................ 19 所需工具 ..................................................................................................... 20 产品套件物品 .............................................................................................. 20 遵循安全防范措施 ....................................................................................... 21 常规安全信息 ...................................................................................... 22 安全符号 ............................................................................................. 22 ESD 安全措施 ..................................................................................... 22 ▼ 执行 ESD 预防措施 ....................................................................... 23 Oracle Flash Accelerator F160 PCIe 卡优化准则 .......................................... 23 驱动器卷管理 .............................................................................................. 24 ▼ 将系统更新到最新软件发行版 ................................................................. 24
蚂蚁矿机S17 Pro的基本结构及参数介绍
蚂蚁矿机S17 Pro的基本结构及参数介绍
搭载比特大陆第二代7nm芯片BM1397的蚂蚁矿机S17 Pro已于2019年4月9日正式登陆官网现货开售。
为了能够帮助矿工们更好地了解S17 Pro,今天将通过一篇文章,为大家全面介绍第十代S 系列产品S17 Pro的革新之处!
蚂蚁矿机S17 Pro基本参数
相信大家最关注的就是S17 Pro的基本参数。
S17 Pro延续了一体机设计,并持续优化整机结构。
此外,S17 Pro采用全新大功率电源,可有效保障矿机运行的稳定性。
2.下载后解压出来,双击“”运行,并输入IP地址,如,点击“打开”,如下图所示:3.在打开的界面,“login as”处输入账号“root”后按回车,然后在下面输入密码“root”后按回车,出现下图内容:4.复制或输入命令“vi /etc/config/asic-freq”后按回车,注意不含引号,注意下图中带#号的均为已经注释的,不会执行,所以无需理会,我们只需要改不带#号的内容,如下图:5.按i 键,进入编辑状态,然后把绿色的光标移动到需要修改的地方,把原来的数值删除改成下面数值:把①option 'freq_value' '4d81' #350M②option 'chip_freq' '350'③option 'timeout' '40'改:①option 'freq_value' '5f05' #350M②option 'chip_freq' ''③option 'timeout' '36'如下图所示:6.按ESC键退出编辑状态,然后输入冒号“:”,接着输入“wq”再按回车,再输入“reboot”按回车,等待约1分钟后断电重启矿机,直接拔掉电源,再插上就可以重启,完成超频。
BTCs 挖得更多的最佳方法,需要把矿场经营的好,让矿场里的优质矿工变多。
CAT3125 CAT3125G 超级强力3 4英寸组合挖掘槌说明书
Operating Instructions • Warning Information• Parts BreakdownCAT3125CAT3125GSuper Duty 3/4" posite Impact WrenchWARNINGSome dust created by power sanding, sawing, grinding, drilling, and other construction activities contains chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. Some crystalline silica from bricks and cement and other masonry arsenic and chromium from chemically-treated lumber.Your risk from these exposures varies, depending on how often you do this type of work. To reduce your exposure to these chemicals: work in a well-ventilated area, and work with approved safety equipment, such as those dust masks that are specially designed SPECIFICATIONSCopyright © Professional Tool Products, 2018All rights reservedFAILURE TO OBSERVE THESE WARNINGS COULD RE S ULT IN IN J U R Y.THIS INSTRUCTION MAN U A L CON T AINS IM P OR T ANT SAFE T Y INFORMATION.READ THIS IN S TRUC T ION MANUAL CARE F UL L Y AND UN D ER S TAND ALL IN F OR M A T ION BE F ORE OP E R A T I NG THIS TOOL.• It is the responsibility of the owner to make sure all personnel read this manual prior to using this air tool. It is also the responsibility of the air tool owner to keep this manual intact and in a convenient location for all to see and read. If the manual or product labels are lost or not legible, contact Cornwell for replacements. If the operator is not fluent in English, the product and safety instructions shall be read to and discussed with the operator in the operator's native language by the purchaser/owner or his designee, making sure that the operator comprehends its contents.• Al w ays op e r a te, in s pect and main t ain this tool in ac c or d ance with Amer i c an N a t ion a l Stan d ardsIn s ti t ute Safe t y Code of Por t a b le Air Tools (ANSI B186.1) and any oth e r ap p li c a b le safe t y codes and reg u l a t ions.• For safety, top per f or m ance and max i m um du r a b il i t y of parts, op e r a te this tool at 90 psig: 6.2 bar max air pres s ure with 3/8" di a m e t er air sup p ly hose.• Always wear im p act-re s is t ant eye pro t ec t ion when op e r a t i ng or per f orm i ng main t e n ance on this tool (users and bystanders). • Al w ays wear hear i ng pro t ec t ion when us i ng this tool (users and bystanders). High sound levels can cause per m a n ent hear i ng loss. Use hear i ng pro t ec t ion as rec o m m end e d by your em p loy e r or OSHA reg u l a t ion.• Keep the tool in ef f i c ient op e r a t i ng con d i t ion.• Operators and main t e n ance per s on n el must be phys i c al l y able to han d le the bulk, weight and pow e r of this tool.Air un d er pres s ure can cause se v ere in j u r y. Nev e r di r ect air at your s elf or oth e rs. Al w ays turn off the air sup p ly, drain hose of air pres s ure and de t ach toolfrom air supp ly be f ore in s tall i ng, re m ov i ng or ad j ust i ng any ac c es s o r y on this tool, or be f ore per f orm i ng any main t e n ance on this tool. Fail u re to do so could re s ult in in j u r y. Whip hos e s can cause se r i o us in j u r y. Al w ays check for dam a ged, frayed or loose hos e s and fit t ings, and re p lace im m e d i a te l y. Do not use quick de t ach cou p lings at tool. See in s truc t ions for cor r ect set-up on page 4.Air powered tools can vi b rate during use. Vi b ra t ion, re p et i t ive mo t ions or un c om f ort a ble po s i t ions over ex t end e d pe r i o ds of time may be harm f ul to yourhands and arms. Dis c on t in u e use of tool if dis c om f ort, tin g ling feel i ng or pain oc c urs. Seek med i c al ad v ice be f ore re s um i ng use.• Slip p ing, tripping and/or falling while op e r a t i ng air tools can be a ma j or cause of se r i o us in j u r y or death. Be aware of ex c ess hose left on the walk i ng or work sur f ace.• Keep body work i ng stance bal a nced and firm. Do not over r each when op e r a t i ng the tool.• Anticipate and be alert for sud d en chang e s in mo t ion dur i ng start up and op e r a t ion of any pow e r tool.• Do not carry tool by the hose. Pro t ect the hose from sharp ob j ects and heat.• Tool shaft may continue to rotate briefly after throttle is released. Avoid direct contact with accessories during and after use. Gloves will reduce the risk of cuts or burns.• Keep away from rotating end of tool. Do not wear jewelry or loose clothing. Secure long hair. Scalping can occur if hair is not kept away from tool and accessories. Choking can occur if neckwear is not kept away from tool and accessories.• Note direction of rotation BEFORE operating tool. • Do not use (or modify) the tool for any other purpose than that for which it was designed without consulting the manufacturer's authorized representative.• Do not lu b ri c ate tools with flam m a b le or vol a t ile liq u ids such as ker o s ene, die s el or jet fuel. • This tool is not insulated against electric shock.• This tool must not be used in explosive atmospheres. • Servicing and repairs should only be made by anauthorized service center.• Do not force tool be y ond its rat e d capacity.• Use accessories recommended by Cornwell Tools.• Use only impact sockets and accessories on this tool. Do not use hand sockets and accessories.• Impact Wrenches are not torque control devices. Fasteners with specific torque requirements must be checked with suitable torque measuring devicesafter installation with an impact wrench.• Keep tool out of reach of children.• Do not remove any labels. Re p lace any damaged la b els.• Failure to heed these warnings may result in serious or fatal personal injury and/or property damage.WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including nickel, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to .Tools operate on a wide range of air pressures. It is recommended that air pressure measures 90 psig at the tool with the trigger fully depressed and no load applied to the tool. Higher pressure (over 90 psig; 6.2 bar) raises performance beyond the rated capacity of the tool, which will shorten tool life and could cause injury.Always u se c lean, d ry a ir. D ust, c orrosive f umes a nd/or w ater i n t he a ir l ine will c ause d amage t o t he t ool. D rain w ater f rom a ir l ines a nd c ompressor prior to running tool. Clean the air inlet filter screen weekly. The recommended hookup procedure can be viewed in the above figure. The air inlet used for connecting air supply has standard 3/8" NPT. Line pressure should be increased to compensate for unusually long air hoses (over 25 feet). Minimum hose diameter should be 1/2" I.D. and fittings should have the same inside dimensions and be tightly secured.Ensure an accessible emergency shut off valve has been installed in the air supply line and make others aware of its location. LUBRICATIONLubricate the air motor daily with high quality air tool oil. If no air line oiler is used, run 1/2 oz. of oil through the tool. The oil canbe squirted into the tool air inlet or into the hose at the nearest connection to the air supply, then run the tool. A rust inhibitive oil is acceptable for air tools. The amount of oil to be used is 1 ounce. Overfilling will cause a reduction in the power of the tool. WARNING: After an air tool has been lubricated, oil will discharge through the exhaust port during the first few seconds of operation. The exhaust port must be covered with a towel before applying air pressure to prevent serious injury.OPERATIONThe air regulator knob can be used to adjust torque to the approximate tightness of a known fastener. To set the tool to desired torque, select a nut or screw of known tightness of the same size, thread pitch and thread condition as those on the job. Turn air regulator knob to low position, apply wrench to nut and gradually increase power (turn air regulator knob to admit more air) until nut moves slightly in the direction it was originally set. The tool is now set to duplicate that tightness - note air regulator knob setting for future use. When tightening nuts not requiring critical torque values, run nut up flush and then tighten an additional one-quarter to one-half turn (slight additional turning is necessary if gaskets are being clamped). For additional power needed on disassembly work, turn air regulator knob to its fully open position. This impact wrench is rated at 1" SAE bolt size. Rating must be down graded for spring U bolts, tie bolts, long cap screws, double depth nuts, badly rusted conditions and spring fasteners as they absorb much of the impact power. When possible, clamp or wedge the bolt to prevent springback.Soak rusted nuts in penetrating oil and break rust seal before removing with impact wrench. If nut does not start to move in three to five seconds use a larger size impact wrench. Do not use impact wrench beyond rated capacity as this will drastically reduce tool life. The air regulator knob is also used to change the direction of the tool. When the air regulator knob is turned to the right, the tool is in a forward or right hand direction. When the air regulator knob is turned to the left, the direction is reversed or left hand direction. N OTE: Actual torque on a fastener is directly related to joint hardness, tool speed, condition of socket and the time the tool is allowed to impact.Use the simplest possible tool-to-socket hook up. Every connection absorbs energy and reduces power.WARRANTYCornwell Quality Tools Company (“Cornwell”) warrants this product against defects in material and workmanship for a period of TWO (2) YEARS from the date of original retail purchase. Subject to the conditions and limitations set forth below, Cornwell will, at its option, either repair or replace any part of the product(s) that proves defective by reason of improper workmanship or materials.This warranty does not cover any damage to this product that results from accident, abuse, misuse, natural or personal disaster, or any unauthorized disassembly, repair, or modification. Repairs, disassembly and modification are only authorized to be made by Cornwell or a Cornwell Authorized Warranty Center.WARRANTY SERVICEIn order to have your tool repaired, return the tool to any Cornwell Au t ho r ized Warranty Center, freight pre p aid. Please include a copy of your proof of pur c hase and a brief de s crip t ion of the prob l em. The tool will be inspected and if any part or parts are found to be de f ec t ive in ma t e r i a l or work m an s hip, they will be re p aired free of charge, and the re p aired tool will be re t urned to you freight pre p aid.EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONSTHIS WARRANTY AND THE REMEDIES SET FORTH ABOVE ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, REMEDIES AND CONDITIONS, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. CORNWELL SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IF CORNWELL CANNOT LAWFULLY DISCLAIM IMPLIED WARRANTIES UNDER THIS LIMITED WARRANTY, ALL SUCH IMPLIED WARRANTIES ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE DURATION OF THIS WARRANTY.IN NO EVENT SHALL CORNWELL BE LIABLE TO THE PURCHASER OR TO THE USER OF A CORNWELL PRODUCT FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES BASED UPON BREACH OF WARRAN TY, BREACH OF CON TRACT, N EGLIGEN CE, TORT, OR AN Y OTHER LEGAL THEORY. SUCH DAMAGES IN CLUDE, WITHOUT LIMITATION, EXPEN SES, LOST REVENUES, LOST SAVINGS, LOST PROFITS, OR ANY OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING FROM THE PURCHASE, USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE CORNWELL PRODUCT.Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages or exclusions or limitation on the duration of implied warranties or conditions, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights that vary by state.Repair kits and replacement parts are available for many Cornwell products, regardless of whether or not the product is still covered by a warranty plan.Cornwell Quality Tools Company667 Seville Road • Wadsworth, OH 44281-1094ITEM PARTS NO PARTS NAME QTY 101 RS3125101 HAMMER CASE 1 102 RS1074103 HAMMER CASE BUSHING 1 103 RS76806 SOCKET RETAINER 1 104 RS76807 O - RING 1 105 RS3125105 ANVIL 1 106 RS3125106 HAMMER FRAME 1 107 RS3125107 HAMMER 2 108 RS3125108 HAMMER PIN 2 109 RS3125109 PACKING-HAMMER CASE 1 110 RS1837220 HAMMER CASE GREASE FITTING 1 111 RS4135112 SPRING PIN 1 201 RS3125201 HOUSING - BLUE 1 201 RS3125201G HOUSING - GREEN 1 202 RS3125202 HANDLE GRIP 1 203 RS3125203 HALF ROUND HD. STAR HEAD BOLT 4 204 RS3125204 HEX SOC.HD BOLT 1 301 RS1074301 BEARING (6003ZZ) 1 302 RS3125302 FRONT END PLATE 1 303 RS1074314 HEX SOC.HD BOLT 3 305 RS3125305 ROTOR BLADE 6 306 RS3125306 ROTOR 1 307 RS3125307 CYLINDER UNIT 1 308 RS3125308 REAR BEARING PLATE 1 309 RS227B25 BEARING (6001ZZ) 1 310 RS2215204 O - RING 1 311 RS3125311 WASHER 1 312 RS3125312 PACKING-CYLINDER ITEM PARTS NO PARTS NAME QTY 401 RS3125401 TRIGGER A 1402 RS3125402 SPRING PIN 1403 RS3125403 TRIGGER BUSHING 1404 RS3125404 SPRING 1405 RS3125405 REGULATOR A 1406 RS4135407 LEVER 1407 RS3125407 REVERSE VALVE 1408 RS1734416 STEEL BALL (3mm) 2409 RS76721 SPRING 1410 RS3125410 O - RING 1411 RS3125411 REGULATOR B 1412 RS1734414 O - RING 1413 RS3125413 SPRING 1414 RS3125414 TRIGGER TIP 1415 RS1077413 SPRING PIN 1418 RS76831 SEAL 1419 RS76839 BUSHING 1 420 RS2234420 TIP VALVE 1421 RS3125421 SPRING 1422 RS1074410 O - RING 2423 RS3125423 AIR INLET 1424 RS3125424 SPRING PIN 1426 RS1074408 DEFLECTOR 1427 RS1735411 TAP BOLT 1428 RS3125428 TRIGGER B 1 RSCAT3125PLK PRODUCT LABEL KIT FOR CAT3125 1RSCAT3125GPLK PRODUCT LABEL KIT FOR CAT3125G 1CAT3125 / CAT3125G PARTS BREAKDOWN。
prru7221 参数
prru7221 参数PRRU7221参数是指比特大陆(Bitmain)推出的一款挖矿机型号的名称,下面将以简体中文的形式详细介绍该机型的参数。
10700 Medallion Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45241-4807 USADigital Super King FryerModel No. 8088ESAFETY PRECAUTIONSSAFETY PRECAUTIONS (continued)Note:Improvements are always being made to Gold Medal’s equipment. This information may not be the latest available for your purposes. It is critical that you call Gold Medal’s Technical Service Department at 1-800-543-0862 for any questions about yourmachine operations, replacement parts, or any service questions. (Gold MedalProducts Co. does not assume any liability for injury due to careless handling and/orreckless operation of this equipment.) General images may be used in manual for reference only.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSInspection of ShipmentAfter unpacking, check thoroughly for any damage which may have occurred in transit. Claims should be filed immediately with the transportation company. The warranty does not cover damage that occurs in transit, or damage caused by abuse, or consequential damage due to the operation of this machine, since it is beyond our control (reference warranty in back of manual).ManualRead and understand the operator’s manual and all other safety instructions before using this equipment. To order copies of the operator’s manual go to or write to Gold Medal Products Co., 10700 Medallion Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45241 USA 1-(800)-543-0862.Model DescriptionThe Gold Medal Power Head is intended to be used with the appropriate Gold Medal Tank.Reference the Electrical Requirements section for the specific requirements. A Drip Pan/Lid Kit (Item No. 102191) is available for purchase separately for use as a tank cover and drain tray forthis fryer.Model 8088E:FC-8 Digital Super King Fryer with Item No. 8087E Power Headand 101072 Tank.Items Included with this UnitDial Thermometer Fine Mesh SkimmerReceptacle Cover50 AMP Receptacle Thermometer BracketSetupThis unit is fully assembled and has been tested at the factory.1. Remove all packaging and tape prior to operation.2. Place the fryer in a protected location on a level, sufficiently stable base or table, where it cannot be knocked off. The base or table must be strong enough to support the fryer when full of oil.3. Remove accessories from the unit.4. For shipping purposes, the Power Head is oriented on the drain side of the tank. To set up for use, orient the power head to sit centered of the back rim of the tank (side opposite of the drain) reference image below. Ensure the head is correctly seated on the rim to engage the Power Head Safety Switch. The unit will not operate if the Safety Switch is not depressed.5. Once the power head is positioned, attach the Emergency Stop (E-Stop) Button to the operator side of the tank (reference image above). Place E-Stop Bracket over the thumb screws provided, slide the bracket to rest on the screws, then tighten thumb screws to secure. Feed the E-Stop cord into the clips provided to hold cord in place.6. For units using a Drip Pan/Lid Kit (purchased separately) – The Drip Pan/Lid may be turned upside down and slid onto the side of the oil tank as a convenient work surface/drip tray (place the other lid on the opposite side, if desired). The kit also includes a Drain Grate for each drip tray, see instructions on next page for assembly.7. Set the thermometer bracket on the rim of the tank in a convenient location, where the dial thermometer can be inserted and monitored without reaching over the tank, reference image on next page.8. After setup, the unit should be cleaned prior to use (see Care and Cleaning section ofthis manual).Power HeadCenter on the back rim of tank (side opposite the operator).Drain Valve (located on operator side of tank)E-Stop Button - place on operator side of tank; fasten with thumb screws provided.Feed E-Stop power cordinto clips provided. Power Head Safety Switch(located on underside ofpower head)Drip Pan/Lids(may be placed on one/both sides of oil tank as a convenient work surface/drip pan)Dial Thermometerand Bracket(2) Drip Pan/Lids12Drip Pan/Lid Kit Assembly (Kit is sold separately; includes a LH and RH Lid, and 2 Drain Grates)Lid Assembly - Tank CoversDrip Pan Installed on FryerDrip Pan AssemblyDrip Pan/Lids (one or both may be used, as needed)Electrical RequirementsThe following power supply must be provided:8088E: 208/240 V~, 7000/9000 W, 60 HzA certified electrician must furnish sufficient power for proper machine operation and install any supplied receptacle. We recommend this equipment be on a dedicated and protected circuit. Failure to wire properly will void the warranty and may result in damage to the machine. It is Gold Medal Products Co.’s recommendation that this machine be plugged directly into a wall outlet. The use of extension cords is not recommended due to safety concerns, and may cause sacrificed and/or reduced performance. Make sure cord is located to prevent a trip hazard or unit upset. Before You Plug In Machine1.Make sure all machine switches are OFF before plugging equipment into receptacle.2.Make sure wall outlet can accept the grounded plugs (where applicable) on the powersupply cord.3.The wall outlet must have the proper polarity. If in doubt, have a competentelectrician inspect the outlet and correct if necessary.4.DO NOT use a grounded to un-grounded receptacle adapter (where applicable).5.Install unit in a level position.Important Fire Safety NoticeThe building code, in virtually all cities in North America, requires that any fryer with more than a 7 pound oil capacity be operated under a vent hood with “Automatic Fire Extinguisher System”. This system is typically referred to as an “Ansul” or “Kiddie” system.If this fryer or any fryer outdoors, is operated in a concession trailer, booth, or portable concession stand, building code requirements may apply.Consult your local fire protection agency for your area’s requirements. Check local fire protection requirements regularly to ensure compliance with local codes and proper operation. Install an automatic fire extinguisher over the fryer and exhaust duct. (Use only fire extinguishers approved for grease, oil, and electrical fire.)All Gold Medal fryers have a Heat Control and a High Limit Control. The Heat Control sets the working temperature of the oil. The High Limit Control powers down the heat element and protects the operator should the Heat Control fail. The highest quality controls available are used in this product. However, in time, all controls wear out. It is therefore recommended an independent thermometer (capable of 500°F or higher) be immersed in the oil to monitor the oil temperature and make sure the unit is operating properly.Advanced Safety MeasuresKEEP FRYER AREA CLEAN AND MAINTAINED•Keep your floors clean and free of grease to prevent slips, accidents, and contact with a hot fryer.•Keep filters and areas above the fryer clean. Oil-soaked lint or dust can ignite easily and flames spread quickly in an oily environment.EDUCATE PERSONNEL•Ensure all personnel understand the hazards of hot oil. Instruct them on proper actions to take if they suspect any part of the fryer is malfunctioning.If your fryer malfunctions, have it serviced by Qualified Service Personnel.IMPORTANT: If the fryer starts to smoke or boil abnormally, cut off power supply and determine the reason why the fryer is overheating before attempting touse it. There is an Emergency Stop (E-Stop) Switch readily available on thefryer for shutting off the power to the unit. (See Emergency Stop Switchdescription in the Controls and Their Functions section of this manual.) •Ensure all personnel understand procedures to follow if the High Limit Control is tripped. (See High Limit Control description in the Controls and Their Functionssection of this manual.)•Educate all personnel on proper procedures to follow if a grease fire should occur.DO NOT USE WATER ON A GREASE FIRE! Never direct the extinguisher in a mannerthat would blow grease out of the tank.Ensure a fire extinguisher is readily available to extinguish a grease, oil, andelectric fire. Make sure all personnel are properly trained in the use of the fireextinguisher.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSControls and Their FunctionsMAIN POWER SWITCH (Emergency Stop Switch/E-Stop Button)“Red” knob, ON/OFF power switch mounted on front of the tank.Push the E-Stop Button IN to turn OFF all power to the unit.To turn unit ON, rotate the E-Stop Button CLOCKWISE and it will release into theoperating position, (the button will be in the OUT position). This provides power to theheat element and turns the Digital Heat Control Display ON.DIGITAL HEAT CONTROL (Digital Display)This device controls (and displays) the temperature of the cooking oil. The control willdisplay the temperature as long as the main power to the head is on. To adjust the settemperature (program the Digital Heat Control), see Adjusting the Set Temperaturesection.HEAT ELEMENT POWER SWITCHThree position toggle switch with OFF, PRE-HEAT, and OPERATE positions to controlpower to the heat element. In the OFF position, no power is provided to the heat element. PRE-HEAT (Position) PILOT LIGHTWhen the Pre-Heat Pilot Light is ON, it indicates that the Heat Element Power Switch isin the PRE-HEAT position, and the element is heating at 1/3 of the rated wattage. ThePRE-HEAT position is used for melting solid shortening.OPERATE (Position) PILOT LIGHTWhen the Operate Pilot Light is ON, it indicates that the Heat Element Power Switch is in the OPERATE position, and the unit is heating at full wattage. When the green heating indicator light goes OFF, the oil has reached the set temperature and the fryer is ready for use. HIGH LIMIT CONTROL (High Limit Control Switch)The High Limit Control will power-off the unit if the Digital Heat Control malfunctions.The High Limit Control can only be reset after the fryer has cooled to normal operatingtemperatures. For issues with the High Limit Control tripping, reference theTroubleshooting section of this manual.POWER HEAD SAFETY SWITCHThe Safety Switch is pressed IN when the Power Head is correctly seated on the tank. The unit will not operate if the Safety Switch is not depressed.DRAIN VALVE/DRAIN PLUGThe Drain Valve and Drain Plug open to allow efficient draining of the cooking oil from the tank. Always allow hot cooking oil to cool below 140°F before attempting drain the unit.Note: The Drain Valve has a Safety Collar on the handle. Slide the collar up to allow the drain valve handle to be rotated.Tank PreparationBefore operating for the first time, the inside of the fryer tank should be rinsed and thoroughly dried before adding oil. See the Cleaning and Care section of this manual for cleaning instructions. Prior to each use, check the drain valve to make sure it is securely closed and the drain plug is fully tightened into place. Remove tank cover before turning the power on. DO NOT operate this unit with the tank cover in place.Filling the Tank with OilTank Capacity: Model 8088E holds approximately 85 lbs. of cooking oil.Initially fill the tank to the minimum oil fill line (fill lines are located on the interior side and rear walls of the tank). DO NOT operate this unit with the cooking oil below the minimum oil level. Operate Pilot LightControl LocationsDigital Heat ControlHeat Element Power SwitchPre-Heat Pilot LightMain Power Switch (E-Stop Button)High Limit ResetDrain PlugDrain Valve Power Head Safety Switch (located on underside of power head)Safety Collar(Slide the Safety Collar up to allow drain valve handle to be rotated.)IMPORTANT: Cooking oil expands upon heating. To safely bring the oil level up to the maximum fill level, carefully add additional increments of oil as it heats until itreaches the maximum fill line. DO NOT over fill the tank, as overfilling could resultin a dangerous situation.Hot oil is dangerous - be sure you have thoroughly read the Safety Precautions ofthis manual.DO NOT allow water to contact oil. Only cook product intended for thisappliance. Do not attempt to cook products with high water content or withsurface moisture present. Do not operate in the rain or near any source of water.Failure to keep water away from oil may result in explosion and severe burns.Make sure appliance is completely dry after cleaning, including inside any drainvalves.Important Operating Information and Quality Control Tips •Don't overheat. Don't fry if the oil temperature exceeds 400°F.•Don't waste money. Use only high quality heavy duty frying shortening.•Don't fry food in broken-down frying shortening. Broken down oil is thinned, darkened.•Don't overload the frying tank.•Don't fill the basket more than half full.•Don't shake breaded items over fryer.•Don't salt items over fryer.•Don't introduce water to fryer.•Don't thaw frozen foods before frying.Operating the Fryer1.Fill tank to minimum oil level with cooking oil, then turn Main Power Switch ON. TheDigital Heat Control will display the oil temperature.2. a. For solid cooking oil: flip the Heat Element Power Switch to PRE-HEAT (pre-heatindicator light will turn ON). Once oil is liquefied, flip the Heat Element PowerSwitch to OPERATE (heating indicator light will turn ON).b. For liquid cooking oil: flip the Heat Element Power Switch to OPERATE (heatingindicator light will turn ON).As the cooking oil heats and expands, carefully add additional increments of oil until itreaches the maximum fill line. DO NOT overfill the tank, as overfilling could resultin a dangerous situation.3.Once the green heating indicator light goes OFF, the oil has reached the settemperature and fryer is ready for use. (To adjust set temperature, see Adjusting theSet Temperature section.)4.To help maintain oil quality, periodically skim off excess batter (food) particles.Shutdown Procedure and Draining the Tank1. Once frying is complete, flip the Heat Element Power Switch OFF (the digital display remains on to view temperature).2. Remove any forms, the thermometer, and allow the unit to cool completely; then press the Main Power Switch IN to turn the unit OFF (the digital display will turn off).3. a. If storing the oil for reuse, cover the oil tank with a clean, dry tank cover (GoldMedal Item No. 89818C , cover is sold separately). Be sure the oil has cooled before applying tank cover. b. If moving the unit from its current location, the oil must be drained. DO NOT move this unit when filled with oil! Allow hot cooking oil to cool below 140°F before attempting drain the unit. 4. To drain the unit, have an appropriate container in place to receive the oil. 5. With the drain valve CLOSED, remove the drain plug.6. Slide the safety collar up on the drain valve handle, then OPEN the drain valve to empty the cooking oil from the fryer tank.7. For unit cleaning instructions, see Care and Cleaning section.Adjusting the Set TemperatureThe fryer comes from the factory with the Digital Heat Control preset to 375°F (maximum setting is 400°F). Follow the steps below to adjust this preset temperature. (DO NOT operate this fryer with an oil temperature that exceeds 400°F.)1. Press “SET” button on the Digital Heat Control, and “SP” will appear. Press “SET” again to display current set temperature.2. Press the “UP/DOWN” arrows to adjust to the desired temperature. Press “SET” to save.3. Press “SET” and the “DOWN” arrow at the same time to return to operating mode.Digital Heat ControlSET ButtonUP ArrowDOWN ArrowDigital DisplayCare and CleaningGood sanitation practice demands that all food preparation equipment be cleaned regularly (only use non-toxic, food grade cleaners). A clean looking, well-kept machine is one of the best ways of advertising your product.Follow the directions below to clean and sanitize the unit each day after use.1.With the machine OFF, unplug the unit and allow it to cool before attempting to cleanit after use.DO NOT move this unit when filled with oil! Allow hot cooking oil to cool below140°F before attempting drain the unit.2.Make sure to clean all pans/accessories in order to sanitize them before each use.3.Make sure the drain valve is securely closed and the drain plug is fully tightened intoplace, then fill the tank with water to the MINIMUM oil level. DO NOT FILL above theminimum oil level or equipment damage may occur.4.Add appropriate amount of dish soap. [To deep clean a tank which has a build-up ofcooking oil, instead of soap, add appropriate amount of Gold Medal’s Heat’n Kleen(Item No. 2095) per amount of water used (see Heat’n Kleen product instructions)].5.Bring solution to a boil (DO NOT heat above 250°F), then turn the machine OFF,unplug the unit and allow solution to cool to below 100°F.6.Once cooled, drain and remove all solution.7.Clean the outside of the unit with a soft cloth, dampened with soap and hot water.8.Wipe the stainless steel parts with a clean cloth and cleaner designed for stainlesssteel, such as Gold Medal Watchdog Stainless Cleaner (Item No. 2088).DO NOT use oven cleaners or abrasive materials as they will damage parts of themachine.9.Thoroughly dry the unit after cleaning, including inside any drain valves.TROUBLESHOOTING Issue Possible Cause SolutionDigital Heat Control Display is not ON A.No power to unit A.Check that the unit is plugged into the walloutlet. See Electrical Requirements Section forelectrical specifications.B.Power Head placement B.Check placement of Power Head on the tank. Ifthe power head is not securely seated on thetank the head will not power on.C.E-Stop Button C.Ensure the E-Stop Button is in the operateposition (the switch must be in the OUTposition to operate the unit).D.High Limit Reset D.Check to see if the High Limit Reset is tripped.The High Limit Control can only be reset afterthe fryer has cooled to normal operatingtemperatures. If reset, then it trips again,contact Qualified Service Personnel to servicethe unit.Slow or Uneven Oil Heating A.Heating Element A.Low supply voltage, contact Qualified ServicePersonnel.B.Center Head on Tank B.For maximum heating capabilities, center thepower head on the tank.C.Product Cooking Issues C.Reference the Important OperatingInformation and Quality Control Tips sectionlocated in the Operating Instructions.High Limit Control Tripping (powers down machine) A.Oil level too low A.Check that the oil level has not fallen belowthe minimum oil level. DO NOT operate thisunit with the oil below the minimum oil level(see Filling the Tank with Oil section).B.Malfunction in Digital HeatControlB.Insert a thermometer in the tank of oil andcheck the temperature of the oil in the tankagainst the temperature of the digital display.A difference in the temperatures will indicatepossible control malfunction. The High LimitControl will trip above 440°F. ContactQualified Service Personnel to service the unit.C.A heating relay stuckclosed or Digital HeatControl failureC.If the relay is stuck closed the unit will notregulate temperature and the High Limit willtrip to prevent overheating. Contact QualifiedService Personnel to service the unit.MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSORDERING SPARE PARTS1.Identify the needed part by checking it against the photos, illustrations, and/orparts list. (General images may be used in manual for reference only.)e only approved replacement parts when servicing this unit.3.When ordering, please include part number, part name, and quantity needed.4.Please include your model number, serial number, and date of manufacture (locatedon the machine nameplate/data plate) with your order.5.Address all parts orders to:Parts DepartmentGold Medal Products Co.10700 Medallion DriveCincinnati, Ohio 45241-4807Or, place orders by phone or online:Phone: (800) 543-0862(513) 769-7676Fax: (800) 542-1496(513) 769-8500E-mail: ******************Web Page: Cabinet Exterior – Parts Breakdown5 6, 7 8 910 11General images shown for parts reference only.See Power Head Componentsfor Parts Breakdown12, 3412Drain Pan/Lid Kit(includes items shown above; kit NOT included with fryer unit, see parts list on next page)16 1314 15181917 19Cabinet Exterior - Parts ListPower Head Components – Front View – Parts Breakdown16 15 13, 14 1214, 18 17 73 4 5, 612 118, 9 107Power Head Components – Front View – Parts ListPower Head Components – Back View3, 4217568 9Data Plate*CAUTION: If supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by Gold Medal Products Co., its service agent, or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard.Power Head Components – Interior View – Parts Breakdown2425, 4 2310, 1112, 1391415202122161719 185Wire Cover for Digital Control(included with control)6 7 8, 4 1 2 3 4Power Head Components – Interior View – Parts ListAccessories35421Wiring Diagram Model No. 8088E© 2017 – The text, descriptions, graphics, layout, and other material in this publication are the exclusive property of Gold Medal Products Co. and shall not be used, copied, reproduced, or published in any fashion, including website display, without its express written consent.。
比特大陆矿机特点-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述比特大陆(Bitmain)是全球知名的比特币矿机制造商,成立于2013年,总部位于中国北京。
1.2 文章结构本文主要包括三个部分:引言、正文和结论。
- 引言部分会对比特大陆矿机进行概述,介绍文章的结构和目的,为读者提供整体的认识和导向。
- 正文部分将主要分为三个小节:比特大陆矿机简介、比特大陆矿机特点和比特大陆矿机在市场上的地位。
- 结论部分将总结比特大陆矿机的特点,展望其未来的发展趋势,并得出结论。
1.3 目的文章的目的是通过对比特大陆矿机特点的深入分析,帮助读者了解这些矿机在市场上的地位和影响力。
2.正文2.1 比特大陆矿机简介比特大陆(Bitmain)是一家成立于2013年的比特币矿机生产公司,总部位于中国北京。
其中Antminer系列是比特大陆最知名的产品线,包括Antminer S9、Antminer T9、Antminer S17等多个型号,可用于挖掘比特币、以太坊等多种加密货币。
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蚂蚁S1矿机AntMiner S1 180G BTC 比特币矿机
1.下载putty中文版,如果是linux系统,则直接在终端中ssh root@19进行登录。
3.在打开的界面,“login as”处输入账号“root”后按回车,然后在下面输入密码“root”后按回车,出现下图内容:
4.复制或输入命令“vi /etc/config/asic-freq”后按回车,注意不含引号,注意下图中带#号的均为已经注释的,不会执行,所以无需理会,我们只需要改不带#号的内容,如下图:
5.按i 键,进入编辑状态,然后把绿色的光标移动到需要修改的地方,把原来的数值删除改成下面数值:
把①option 'freq_value' '4d81' #350M
②option 'chip_freq' '350'
③option 'timeout' '40'
改:①option 'freq_value' '5f05' #350M
②option 'chip_freq' '393.75'
③option 'timeout' '36'